#Best Women Casual Shoes In Pakistan
jaanlondon · 1 year
Rising in East and Setting in West: Pakistani Suits
Due to their comfort and adaptability, Pakistani suits are popular in Pakistan and other parts of the world. Because of the variety of materials, designs, and styles available, they may be worn for informal and formal situations and are ideal for all seasons and tastes.
Are they Popular?
People’s Say
Pakistani suits are not only popular among the South Asian community but have also gained popularity among non-South Asian customers who appreciate the comfort and elegance of the traditional outfit. Pakistani suits are sold in numerous stores across the UK, including specialist boutiques and online retailers. Demand for these suits increases during festive seasons such as Eid, Diwali, and weddings.
What do the numbers tell us?
A report by Euromonitor International stated the value of the UK's South Asian clothing market was estimated at £750 million in 2018, and it is projected to grow to £1 billion by 2023. The UK's South Asian clothing market is highly competitive, with new brands and designers entering the market regularly to cater to the growing demand. Many British-Pakistani designers and brands have emerged in the UK, offering a mix of traditional and contemporary Pakistani suits to cater to the ever-increasing need. 
Why are they so special?
Pakistani suits, also known as Pakistani salwar kameez or shalwar kameez, are traditional outfits women in Pakistan and other parts of South Asia wear. It consists of three pieces: a long tunic-style shirt known as the kameez, loose-fitting pants known as the salwar or shalwar, and a scarf or dupatta.
The kameez is usually made of light fabric like cotton or silk and can be plain or adorned with intricate embroidery, sequins, or other decorative work. It may have a straight cut or a flared silhouette, and the length may vary from knee-length to ankle-length. The salwar is a loose-fitting pant usually tapered at the ankle and can be plain or adorned with a simple design. The dupatta is a long scarf draped over the head and shoulders or worn around the neck.
How to style yourself casually with a Traditional Twist?
Pakistani casual suits can be worn in the UK in various ways, depending on the occasion and personal preference. Here are some tips for styling casually in Pakistani suits in the UK:
Choose the suitable fabric: Pakistani suits come in various materials, such as cotton, silk, and chiffon. In the UK, cotton suits are ideal for everyday wear, while silk and chiffon suits are more suitable for formal occasions.
Accessorize: Add jewelry, bags, and shoes to complete your look. These suits look great with traditional jewelry such as jhumkas, bangles, and necklaces.
Experiment with layering: Layering is a great way to make your suit more versatile. Depending on the weather and occasion, you can pair it with a denim jacket, blazer, or cardigan.
Choose the proper footwear: These suits look great with traditional footwear such as sandals, mojris, and khussas. However, pair them with Western-style shoes such as pumps, flats, or sneakers.
Overall, the key to wearing Pakistani casual suits in the UK is experimenting with different styles and finding what works best for you. Feel free to mix, match, and add your touch to create a unique and stylish look. 
Get the perfect Traditional Look that you have wanted for yourself by visiting our website : 
http://jaanlondon.com/ The decision to adopt Pakistani suits as daily casual wear in the UK ultimately depends on personal preference and cultural influences. However, Pakistani suits can provide a comfortable, versatile, and stylish option for those looking to diversify their wardrobe and appreciate the beauty of traditional clothing. Additionally, it can promote cultural exchange and understanding between communities.
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colorfullfalls · 4 years
Blast to the past
Sodapop Curtis x Reader
Summary: Soulmates are very tricky because sometimes two people who are meant to be are born in two different generations. Your soulmate can be born three days after you die. Luckily the mystical universe transports you there to meet yours. That’s how you find yourself back in the 1960’s instead of the present.
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Warnings: hinting at sexual assault
Friday night is ladies night. It has been since you were twelve and it will be until you die. The core group gets together and does whatever seems interesting for the evening. The three of you ranged in activities of going to the movies, getting something to eat, thrifting, people watching, getting coffe and sitting at an empty park- you name it and it’s been done.
Tonight the gang decided to get smoothies and sit in an empty parking lot. The small town didn’t allow much entertainment for freshly graduated adults. Especially for adults that wanted more to life than such a simple place could provide.
Claire laid on the pavement, dark hair swirling around her shoulders as she turned to gaze at the moon. She was beautiful in the moonlight, soft skin glowing. You were always jealous of her unique good looks, but never aimed bitter thoughts at her. She was a warm and loving friend who was literally a ride or die.
Claire turned her head to look at Margo who was sitting upright with her keys in hand, twirling them around her hands. Margo was the wild one of the trio. The jokester who was basically a meme lord. You three fit like puzzle pieces, best friends for ever.
Claire and you shared a look of amusement as Margo dropped her keys, mumbling a quiet shit before laughing and picking them back up to repeat her actions.
“This is supposed to be a quiet, soul searching moment you know.” You deadpanned, lips curling into a smile as Margo rolled her eyes and flipped you off.
“If you wanted quiet then you picked the wrong bitch to bring along.”
Claire shook her head, “Okay, let’s post on snap about a replacement bitch. Preferably one that can be silent at times.”
You shifted so that your legs were pulled up in front of you instead of rested against the cold ground of the parking lot. A funny thing to add popped into your mind and you knew it would make them laugh, “There’s one more requirement though. It’s vital.” You added, swirling the contents in your cup to break up the remaining blotches of ice.
“They have to be willing to sacrifice their own life for Pakistan”
Claire busted out laughing hitting her cup off her leg and Margo snorted, causing everyone to laugh even harder. That fucking tik tok would never not be funny to you guys. Especially when their soulmates thought it was hilarious and would say it when you guys failed to.
Claire found her soulmate a year ago at a football game. Her soul mark burned when the cute player from the other team bumped into her after the game. Gage was the coolest dude you knew. He treated you guys like best friend and he treated her like she was the sky, the moon, and the stars. Not long after Claire found him, Margo found Naomi. A badass chick that was a tattoo artist in town. Margo now has little tattoos decorating her body from the designs her soulmate came up with. Naomi and Margo just fit, and you were happy for her. Happy for both of them.
Day after day with no luck of finding your other half, you were starting to despair for yourself. Soulmates usually found each other close to adulthood if they were in the right life time. It was disappointing to go to bed every night knowing that you were still alone. Your best friends loved you more than anything and always included you, but the soulmate connection was different- special above everything else. And here you lacked that.
Margo dropped her keys again but left them there. She picked up on your solemn mood after you didn’t talk for a few moments.
“I wanted to go camping this weekend, maybe you’ll find your lover there?” She softly spoke, giving you a hopeful smile.
You sadly smiled back, “I dunno, probably not. Sorta giving up over here.”
You looked down at the simple soul mark. An old pop bottle was the initials S.P in the middle with the letters DX very small on the bottom left underneath it. Marks were supposed to signify something important about your other half, describe something about them to you. Ever since you were old enough to remember you would buy old fashioned pop in order to collect the bottles. It meant the world to you.
“Don’t say something like that, of course you will meet them dude. We found ours early but that didn’t mean you won’t ever find them. I’m sure your other half is right around the corner.” Claire supported, patting your thigh for comfort.
“Yeah, it could be Harry Styles for all we know. And honestly it would make sense because how the hell do you meet someone famous like that?” Margo trailed off.
You scoffed, “Harry Styles- my ass. His indicator would so not be an old pop bottle. It would be a guitar or something like that.”
“I guess so. Point is, don’t fret. You have time. The world may fuck with people, but not good ones like you.” Margo grinned childishly.
“Yeah, you’re right. I am good. I sacrifice my own life for Pakistan.”
“God dammit, I hate you.” Claire stood up and offered a hand, pulling you both upright, “We better get going. The same cop has been driving by and I don’t like it.”
“ACAB.” Margo chanted as she crawled into the backseat of the car. You laughed and pushed her the rest of the way in with your foot before shuffling in yourself.
‘Best friend’ by Rex Orange County blared through the speakers as the car moved on the damp roads in the dark night. You guys sang loudly, hands out the window to feel the wind ripple against fingertips. Your heart filled with adoration of the girls in the vehicle with you. Getting sad about the soulmate thing sucked but dealing with it was easier when you had two people to assure you and take your mind off of it.
You waved bye as you walked up the steps of your house. You quickly noticed that no one else was home. Your siblings were off with their friends for the night and your parents went out for their anniversary. You sighed, taking your shoes off lazily. A warm bath would feel so nice to finish out the day. You stretched before taking a step forward toward the bathroom but your foot caught underneath the rug and you fell face first onto the hard surface of the tile.
Your body felt like it was on fire while rolling over to rest on your back. Forcing your eyes open, you gasped at the sight before you. Instead of laying on the bathroom floor, you were in an empty parking lot. Your heart thud roughly in your chest as you scrambled to stand.
Your mind began to panic as you didn’t recognize your surroundings. An old diner sat across from the lot and it wasn’t the one you, Claire, and Margo sometimes went to. You brushed yourself off and looked around, confused as to what was going on. Had you gotten drunk and imagined you were home and somehow managed to get lost? Did you fall so hard that you passed out and got kidnapped? Sharp pains alerted your mind to put a finger to your face. There was a scratch from where you fell, you must’ve hit it. You were just glad that your wallet was still in your hand but your phone wasn’t. You searched for it but no luck.
You meekly opened the diner door and shuffled inside. It was themed to be an old authentic diner. The usual black and white checkered floor tile, the twisty barstools, and the car sign decorations on the wall. Diners like this were adorable in your eyes.
You went to sit at a both and grabbed the young pretty waitress. She gazed at your clothes in confusion which made you internally frown. Your outfit wasn’t inappropriate or anything. Blue khaki shorts that came above mid thigh and a white and blue tie dye shirt.
“Excuse me, where am I?” You asked, embarrassment creeped up your spine as she gave you an old look.
“Tulsa. Are you lost?” She asked, shifting the tray to rest on her hip.
You quickly shook your head no, “Thank you, I’m not lost. Just uh, traveling. I’ll just have a water please.”
She gave you a funny look but nodded, going to get you the cup of water. Everyone in the diner glanced at you in curiously which made you paranoid. Alone without a phone and no escape plan. Not an ideal set up. You tried to rack your brain for what the hell was going on but you were outta luck.
Water was set down on the table and she stood there, observing you. You felt her eyes staring at your piercings, especially the hoop in your nose. You awkwardly looked up at her and smiled, hoping she would go away.
“That’s an odd looking necklace, Miss.” Her hand casually pointed towards the crystal gem necklace hanging between your breasts over your shirt.
You shrugged, “You’ve never seen them before? They sell them at Walmart or any hippy store really.”
She wrinkled her nose in judgement, “Huh, never heard of Walmart. Must be from wherever you’re from.”
You choked on air, coughing loudly to force oxygen back into your lungs. How could someone now know Walmart? Was she fucking with you right now? Waitresses usually weren’t rude unless you were rude to them first.
“They’re like nation wide? One in every town? Seriously, every town.”
No emotion appeared on her face as she shook her head no, “I still don’t know what you’re talking about... do your parents buy you those shorts? Do they care about your nose ring?”
You squirmed in your seat at her question, her voice carried a shrill tone that let you know that she didn’t approve. Jesus, did this girl think you should be in a full body suit without showing skin? You pulled them down subconsciously to try to hide some of your upper thigh. As for your nose ring, you were baffled as to why your that was an issue. So many women had them.
“I bought the shorts, but they don’t have an issue with them if that’s what you’re trying to get at? They think the nose ring is cute too. My parents are very cool with me choosing to do what I wish with my body.”
Her eyes widened in a holy-cow-you’re-crazy sorta way, “My parents would kill me if I looked like you.”
A dry laugh escaped your lips at her harsh words. And they were harsh, whether she met them to be or not. Putting women down wasn’t what you stood for and you really thought that the world was passed shaming people for what they look like.
“It’s twenty-twenty , they shouldn’t care about what you look like. Acceptance is key to a happy family.”
“What’s that mean?” She cocked her head to the side in confusion.
“Twenty-twenty what is that?”
You glanced at the table to your left that was intently listening in on the conversation. You felt uncomfortable in the booth. Two guys stared shamelessly at your legs and you wanted to crawl under the table and hide.
“The year? It’s two thousand and twenty?”
She threw her head back, blonde hair following to fall down her back, “You really are an odd ball.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It’s nineteen sixty nine, dear. Your cheek is bleeding and I’m assuming you fell because you’re acting crazy.” She quietly said, bending down to your eye level. A part of you wanted to hit her so hard that she fell down. Condescending attitudes rubbed you the wrong way to say the least.
You were fuming as you took two dollars out and put them on the counter, “Have a good evening.” You gritted out.
The cold night air pinched your skin as you walked aimlessly around the small town. You came to the conclusion that it was 1969 and you realized why the waitress was so taken back by your appearance. Girls in the sixties probably didn’t have shorts this short or nose piercings. It all made sense as you took in the town. The old styled cars, how people dressed, hell- how they talked. Old ass terms that people only used as a joke now.
So yes, you were in the past, but how and why. Watching Shameless in your bed right now seemed like heaven on earth. Your mom and dad’s faces haunted your mind when you thought about never getting to see them again. Tomorrow they would get back only to see that you have disappeared without a trace. Your dad will be so worried and heartbroken and your mom will be calling everyone to ask if they saw you.
And what would Claire and Margo think? You just knew they would feel so guilty for not knowing when they were the last ones you saw. Hurting them only hurt you more.
You found an old tree and sat down against it, letting the tears splash down your face. It was cold out from the brisk air and you had nothing to layer up with. This sucks, mega sucks, you noted.
An old red Ford Mustang parked on the road and two men got out of the car and headed your way. You clutched your wallet close to your chest in predetermined fear. Two men walking towards any woman would make that woman scared. It was a built in instinct that still wasn’t gone in the twentieth century. Especially with the men from this time. You knew women weren’t truly equal yet and they especially weren’t in this time.
They had on khaki pants and different colored polyester sweaters. Same guys from the diner that were watching you. Horrible look in their eyes as they stood in front of you.
“What’s a pretty lady like you sitting out here alone for? It’s late.” The one wearing a yellow sweater asked. His hair was brown and smoothed back, you were unable to see his eyes in the dark. He bent down to look at you in a way you didn’t appreciate. You were not having it.
“Really? Is it late? Couldn’t tell, not like the moon’s out or anything.” You retorted, shifting further back into the tree.
“Woah, no need to get lippy with me, hun.” He said, looking back at the other guy with the red sweater. Red shook his head to agree with yellow.
“Let’s not get comfortable with the nicknames. I’d say I’d call the cops but hah, ACAB... not that you would know about that.” You trailed off. You rambled when you got nervous and it was not a good feature.
“ACAB? You’re a weird one, aren’t you?” Red said, leaning down too.
“Weird, but an absolute doll. Not many girls ‘round here show skin like you.” Yellow said, hand grabbing your thigh.
Your hand slapped his away lightening fast before jumping up and backing away. You took your shoe off and held it up in defense, “Go fuck yourself! Get away from me.”
The men looked at each other in shock, assumingly at the vulgar words that escaped your pretty lips. You backed further away until you felt safe enough that you put your shoe back on and ran. You heard their feet shuffle in the grass as they ran after you.
You turned down an alley way and tripped again on a stick in the middle of the road, the boys were suddenly visible meaning you would not have time to get up and run. Instead of trying to escape, you grabbed said large stick and grasped it tightly between your hands. You wish Margo and Claire were by your side right now. You could do anything with them.
“A stick? Really? We just wanna spend some time with you.” Red said, walking closer.
“Fuck this! Fuck this so hard! Fuck toxic masculinity that makes pricks like you think it’s okay to do shit like this! Systematically you were probably raised to think chasing a woman is okay- judging from the car that you have money. Kids with money, especially in these days, are spoiled and never told no, but I don’t want you. Leave.” You shouted, twirling the stick like you saw so many times in Starwars movies. You saw the two men slowly step back and you were proud of yourself for fending them off until you heard another masculine voice behind you.
“You soc scum need to bounce.”
You moved to the side to be equally separated from whoever was behind you. A man about your age stood firmly beside two others that looked a few years off, one younger and one older.
The one that spoke was standing in the front and boy, he was beautiful. Dark hair slicked black to rest comfortably against his neck. He wore a blue and white flannel with blue jeans. His body was slim but you just knew he had some lean muscle on him. Red and yellow turned and walked away but not without making some derogatory claims about greasers.
You panted, finally breathing again as you doubled over, stick still firmly grasped in between your palms and fingers.
“Are you okay?” You heard the same voice quietly ask. You noticed they were standing right in front of you now. You meekly looked up to gaze into his pretty blue eyes. He hissed out in pain as he looked at his arm at the same exact moment that your mark started to burn so bad that you couldn’t take it. A searing pain ripped through every single one of your cells. You did it! You finally found your fucking soulmate! Without being able to stand the pain and excitement, your body tumbled forward for the second time that evening.
You heard rustling going on around you, but you clenched your eyes in fear that you wake up still stuck in the past.
“If I open my eyes and I’m not home, I’m gonna throw hands with whatever God there is.” You mumbled, slowly opening your eyes. The handsome man sat on the floor by your face, causing you to yelp and quickly move to a sitting position, hand clinging to your necklace.
“Hey, calm it, I won’t hurt you.” His gentle voice spoke. You laughed nervously as it hit you that he was your soulmate. Your life was fucked, oh so fucked. Sure, you found the one, but in a different decade!
“The world is a cruel place.” You muttered, hands removing from your necklace to rub down your face in irritation, “My life is a joke.”
He sat up on his knees, cautiously moving closer towards you as if you were a scared stray cat that he was attempting to take home to keep and take care of. You internally gagged at the idea of being kept inside as a house wife now that you were living in this time. You could not survive like that.
“It’s not. Usually people are happier to find their soulmate, yanno? I’m happy... I thought you would be.” His voice seeped with disappointment and pain.
You sighed as you felt his sadness creep up your bones and invade your sanity, “I would be thrilled if I wasn’t transported back in time. I’m not kidding, I’m from year twenty twenty. I can show you.”
You grabbed your wallet and ripped your lisence out, showing him. His eyes squinted as he read your birthday and the date you got it. His eyes enlarged as he looked back at you.
“That- that’s just impossible.”
You snorted, “S’what I thought too. Guess the universe really shoved us together on this one... and uh, thanks for saving me earlier, my inner jedi isn’t strong enough yet- I’m no obiwan.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t know what that means.”
You blushed, “Big movie franchise that eventually comes out. I’ll try to avoid pop culture references... my bad.”
He smiled, pearly white teeth showing, “you’re really pretty, y/n.”
Your heart raced in your chest at how attractive he was. Claire and Margo would hardgirl swoon with you over him but they’re not here to join you, so you had to soak up his beauty all on your own. And him saying your name like that? God, that would make any girl bust a nut.
“How do you know my name?”
He shrugged, “Saw it when you showed me the date. The name surely suits you. I’m Sodapop, Sodapop Curtis.”
He held his hand out and you hesitantly met his half way as if to give him a handshake, but instead he intertwined your fingers together before moving closer. His skin was so warm against yours and all you wanted to do was pull him closer and bury yourself in his chest. Finally finding him was overwhelming after convincing yourself that you were doomed to be alone.
“Those guys that chased you, we ain’t letting them get away with it. We’ll find them and give ‘em a good what for.” A new voice spoke.
A kid, you guessed to be about 16, stood in the living room doorway, hands shoved deep into his jean pockets. He had longer brown hair like Sodapop, but his eyes were more hazel instead of the pretty blue. You awkwardly smiled, attempting to pull your hand away but Soda tugged it back, stubborn to lose contact so soon. He gave you a sweet smile to reassure you that he wasn’t going to try anything like the two men last night.
“Y/n, this is my brother ponyboy, and that’s my brother Darryl.” Soda said, pointing to the younger kid and the full on man that walked through the front door. You nervously waved with the hand that Soda didn’t claim.
“Hi, thank you guys for saving me... although I think my stick was pretty promising...” You awkwardly spoke making all three of them chuckle softly.
“Better safe than sorry.” Darry said, offering a smile, “Come on, Ponyboy. We will be back.”
Darry signaled Pony to go with him outside, you and Soda sat in silence as you heard the truck doors and the rumbling of an engine pulling away. His thumb grazed over the back of your hand. Your insides felt like they were melting. Sodapop was extremely attractive and you could not believe that you found him. Harry Styles has some competition for sure. Well, maybe that was going far. It’s Harry Styles, no one could really beat him.
“So what’s it like here? What do you do for fun?” You asked, looking around the house. You imagined the houses around to be very similar. Old couches, ancient TVs with the antennae’s, framed photos on the mantles, and the cool old wallpaper. Very similar to the sorta place your grandparents grew up in.
“Play cards every couple nights. Go to the drive in movies when I’m not working. Diner is open late at night so that’s where young folk hangout. We find good times.” He smiled softly, getting lost in his own thoughts, “What’s there to do for you?”
You couldn’t even begin to explain that you lay in your bed watching tik toks off your phone while Netflix plays softly in the background. Or that you quote memes in a parking lot with your friends. Soda would not understand memes at all and that would be a huge struggle because half the shit that came out of your mouth were memes.
“I have fires a lot at my house, we usually sorta just sit there and bullshit for hours but uh then there’s the usual- getting coffee and sitting in a parking lot. Not much to do in my town but eat and go somewhere to hangout...”
“That sounds nice.”
You shrugged, “More people than not get drunk or smoke weed everyday because what the hell else is there to do?”
He quirked an eyebrow, “you do that?”
You shook your head no, “My friends and I drink from time to time but not heavily. And we especially don’t go to parties because those are cesspools waiting to be caught by cops. Well, fuck cops anyway, but..”
You froze when you realized that cops in this time weren’t critized by the public as much. Political climate ranged from your time to now. Soda probably wouldn’t support the LGBTQ community, or if he did he didn’t know much about it. And racism surely lingered in the 1960’s air. You felt sick thinking about fighting barriers that you usually didn’t have to.
“Do girls swear a lot in the future?” He asked timidly, not wanting to upset you but also he was just very curious. He never heard ladies swear and especially not that word.
You snorted at how cute he was, “All the time. It’s normal for us. Trust me, if you are shocked by that you don’t want to imagine the crude things that are said daily..”
His thumb stopped rubbing circles on your hand and your heart faltered. He was probably used to obideint women who were dainty and didn’t outspeak too much. Women in this era were subservient and you could not be further from that. You had quite the mouth on you and your idea would not be oppressed. You graduated pretty high in your class. You were intelligent and political and that was mind blowing to men of this time. What if you were too much for him? You wouldn’t dare change but it would be heart breaking to know that your other half couldn’t take who you are as a person. As a woman.
“What you said about the cops.. what did they do wrong? I mean here they can be annoying but they try to be fair.” He asked, thumb rubbing your skin again. His eyes glanced down at your thighs and you blushed a bit, wishing you would’ve put on your sweatpants instead before leaving to go with the girls.
“If I explained it all, we would be sitting here for days. Long story short; African Americans still aren’t equal and they are murdered by cops at an unequal rate compared to the population size. Protests turned violent and the whole country is a mess. Half the country trusts cops and the other half wants the systematic corruption to be dismantled. Personally, I’m with the latter. So cops aren’t really my heroes. I try to avoid them. Of course my dad disagrees because he’s old fashioned and doesn’t get it, but what’s so hard to get about treating people equally. America’s supposed to be a melting pot so what’s with the racism and harsh divide? Guess the founding fathers only meant equality when it came to every white man- and that’s bullshit.”
You stopped rambling to see that soda was grinning from ear to ear at you. You gave him a questioning look. “Did I miss something?”
“You are wicked smart with politics. Wiser than anyone I know, prettier than anyone I know.”
Three weeks later you found yourself walking through the library with ponyboy, fingers grazing over every book you walked past. Books were little keys to jump inside different worlds. You wished you could find a book from 2020 that would magically transport you back. You found Soda, but at what price? You wanted to go home where you had control over your life. You were lost here.
“Any book recommendations? I’m sure you had to read a lot of these.” The youngest Curtis asked as you rounded the corner.
“Hmm, ever read any Tolkien books? Like The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings Trilogy?”
“Awh, goodie, I get to be your mentor for this. Basically these are the best damn books that you will ever read. Bit lengthy but the detail is beautiful.”
He gently took the Hobbit in his hands, one gripping the back while the other flipped through the pages, examining how many there were before he tucked it under his arm, affirming that he would take a stab at it.
“What’s it about? Is it girly stuff- not that I mind really.”
Ponyboy was unlike the rest of the gang. He was a little softy that you wanted to hide from the world in order to protect him. The gang protected him physically but his feelings were usually punched, as much as Soda tried. Ponyboy felt things differently and deeply. He was in touch with literature and his life revolves around movies and books. You imagined how much he would adore the twentieth century with how much content there would be for him.
You crossed your arms and shifted your weight to one foot, “It’s a fantasy set up. So like elves, dwarves, hobbits, trolls, orcs, shapeshifters, magic, and I’m sure there’s more but my mind is blanking here. I promise it’s worth it. And I can explain as you read.”
“You’re a nerd?”
His innocent question made you laugh, “I guess you could say that, bud. Give it a shot and if you don’t like it, so be it,” you muttered this part to him, “although no one can resist middle earth’s charm.”
“What’s middle earth?”
“Where it takes place, it’s like another version of earth basically. But hey! You’re already so interested. Soon enough you’ll be wishing you were an elf slaying orcs too.” You joked, jabbing him in the side, “and if you say you wanna be a dwarf instead, you’re dead to me.”
He smiled, “what if I like the humans more? What then?”
“Then, I would consider you an absolute freak. Humans in this are like mediocre. Well, in the hobbit at least. Lord of the Rings they are more of a key part, but they’re so boring compared to the other cultures. Unless you like boring?” You raised an eyebrows at him.
“No, I ain’t boring. And I don’t like boring either.” He stubbornly said, walking side by side with you to go check your books out.
You grabbed a few random books that you wanted to check out. Soda worked and he refused to let you go anywhere alone, so you and Ponyboy just read a lot. It was summer vacation so he was outta school and had all the time in the world. You liked hanging out with the kid.
The two soc boys were standing by the counter when you guys got there. You huffed as the one winked at you. In that moment you wished you were legolas with a dagger and could gut him.
“Surprise seeing you here, considering I doubt you guys are literate.” You spoke, smiling at the librarian as you handed her the books.
“Surprise seeing you here with only the kid, we’ve heard you’re shaking up with Sodapop now. Looks like the greaser found his soulmate.”
The derogatory term aimed at Soda fueled your veins with rage. Blood rushed into your head at the idea that these guys thought they were above Soda, who was the kindest man you knew. Your heart told you to call them motherfucking cunts but your brain warmed you that it wasn’t a good choice. You glanced over and noticed that Pony looked as mad as you. If you retaliated, you wouldn’t get beat up but if he did, he would go home bloody while you trail behind him with a guilty face. You would give them a little talk.
You blew air out of your mouth before turning around to them, “Boys, I don’t know if you keep up with the news or not, but Vietnam is an ugly war filled with horrible people. Do you know what soldiers see? People being burned alive, dogs getting shot down, bombs obliterating people, women in villages getting raped, and most importantly you watch the men you grew to love die right before you.”
The two men stared at you wide eyed as you paused to grab the books from the librarian who was also now listeninf to you.
“Drafts are inevitable, and you know what? War doesn’t care who you are; greaser or soc. The enemy won’t stop to ask your financial stability before ending your life. The boys who you deem greasers could be the ones to save you from dying. Maybe try being nice because you never know who you will end up with on that field.”
Ponyboy’s mouth opened in shock when the two socs slowly back away and left without a single word. You hummed in victory before ushering the younger boy out of the building with you.
“Where did you hear those things? Darry keeps up with that stuff and I never heard nuthin like that.” Ponyboy asked after a few minutes.
You guys walked through the gate of the house but you halted before the steps, “A lot about the war is exposed after it ends. We learned about it in school. I used it against them as a wake up call. Try not to worry too much about it.”
Pony slowly nodded, “okay.”
The door opened and two-bit shuffled out the door with a beer can in his left hand, right hand wedged in his pocket.
“You guys are in trouble.” He sang as pony pushed him out of the way and walked into the house. Two-bit walked off the porch and turned to head home. He didn’t wanna be present for the yelling.
Soda and Darry’s heads snapped to the door and you held the books tighter to your chest to hide yourself. You two forgot to leave a note where you were going and now you were going to get scolded.
“Where the hell have you two been? It’s past 8:00.” Darry scolded, throwing down the newspaper that been in his hands.
You looked to Soda for help but even he shook his head to signal that he was just as upset. You handed the books to Pony before holding your hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, you caught us. We were at the library.” You joked, quickly knocking the smile off your face when the two older Curtis boys glared at you.
“Not funny. Anything could’ve happened to you.” Soda reprimanded. Your soulmate was always worried for you when he wasn’t around. He knew how horrible soc could be and they clearly had an interest in you. It was bad enough being away from you, but getting home to you and his kid brother not there made his nerves fly through the roof.
“Socs aren’t a worry when she’s around, trust me.” Pony mumbled, setting the books down on the table.
“Whats that mean? Did those socs bother you again, Y/N?” Soda suddenly was in front of you, checking your body for any cuts or bruises. You smacked his hands away.
“No, simmer down, I’m fine.” You said, offering him a reassuring smile.
“Then what happened!”
“She shut them down with her wit before they could even start. Those soc didn’t know how to respond so they turned around and walked right away.” Pony explained.
“What did you say?” Darry asked, slightly amused. He liked you very much and was glad that such an extraordinary woman was meant for his little brother.
You shared a look with pony to silently tell him to shut up about what you really said, “Nothing that’s important. What does matter is that Ponyboy got a bunch of books that he should be reading.”
He playfully rolled his eyes, “You want me to read so you can talk to me about elves.”
You nodded, “Well yeah, they’re the best part so get to it! Once you start you will love it.”
Ponyboy nodded before picking up the books and heading towards his shared room with Soda to begin reading. You smiled as you watch him go. You knew deep down that he was excited to read but didn’t want to make it seem like he was. He liked to taunt you with your taste in movies and books but you knew he really did agree.
“You baby him more than Soda does.” Darry stated, giving you a teasing glance.
“I don’t baby him.” Soda argued, glaring at his older brother.
“You do, Soda. Darry’s right though, I baby him a lot but I can’t help it. Pony’s a good kid that’s curious about the world. Reminds me of my best friend back home... I am sorry that we didn’t leave a note, we didn’t even think about it.” You admitted, grabbing Soda’s hand and intertwining it with his. He melted into your touch and you could tell that he wasn’t mad anymore. He couldn’t stay mad at you even if he tried.
“I know, I know. Just try to be more careful.” Darry softly spoke, “I’m headed to get a shower and go to bed. Don’t let Pony stay up too late.”
Soda muttered a yes and goodnight as you saluted Darry in a joking way, making the oldest Curtis smile and roll his eyes before going about his way.
As soon as the door was shut you were pulled into Soda’s arms, both wrapped tightly around your midsection as he nosed against your neck. You blushed as you wrapped your arms around him too, smelling the oil and dirt that came with working at the DX. It was an oddly comforting smell. Distinctly him. Your soul mark tingled as he left a soft kiss against the skin of your throat.
“You gave me a real fright, doll.” He softly spoke. Your eyes fluttered shut as he pulled you closer, his lips grazing your skin with his words, “ just worried when you’re not around, ‘m always thinking about you.”
“I didn’t know you thought about anything other than cars all day,” you poked.
He snorted, “yeah right. As if.”
“I’m so used to my independence that I forgot that here I need to let people know where I’m going.”
He pulled away slightly, “Did your parents not care about your safety?”
You snorted, “They did. Of course they did, but it was so easy to get ahold of them that I could just let them know while I was away. Plus once I turned 17 they stopped really caring what I did as long as I wasn’t doing anything sketchy. And I was always with my best friends.”
“Makes sense. Darry doesn’t care what I do if I’m with Steve...”
You pullled away and picked up one of the books to start reading it, “He should be the most concerned when you’re around that boy.”
You sat on the couch and held the book in your lap as you gave him a pointed look. He rolled his eyes. You and Steve sorta got along. He was nice and all to you, but he was a dick to ponyboy and that wasn’t appreciated. He walked to the kitchen to get a pop.
Minutes later he sat beside you on the couch, glancing down at the words splashed across the pages. He skim read but the book didn’t seem that great to him.
“Hmmm, soda?” When he didn’t reply you half way shut the book and turned to him, “what’s up?”
“Does it ever bother you that you’re so much smarter than me?”
Your heart burned at his question. Soda had a complex that he was stupid because he dropped out of high school. Everyone knew he did it because of his situation in which he tragically lived. Darry couldn’t do everything on his own and soda knew that. He sacrificed his future for the better of his small family. He wasn’t dumb.
“Education changes through years, so a lot of new material has been taught to me that you wouldn’t have known.”
He crossed his arms against his chest and slunk down in the cushion, “Come on, for real. Doesn’t it bother you that I’m a drop out?”
You set the book down and shifted so that your hands wrapped around his right bicep. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He didn’t look at you, instead he was staring holes into his bedroom door.
“Sometimes I feel like you should’ve been Ponyboy’s soulmate instead of mine.” He softly spoke, “He’s brilliant.”
“Oh my god, Soda. Can it. The universe wouldn’t send me decades back to find you if we weren’t meant to be. Not one part of me cares that you didn’t finish high school. You’re Soda. The smart man who takes care of his family. Does it bother you that I’m brainless when it comes to cars?”
Soda gave you a look like you were insane, “I don’t mind at all.”
“See, it doesn’t matter. I don’t see you as dumb and I wish you would stop seeing yourself that way too.”
Ponyboy walked into the living room, blonde hair messy as if he was playing with it. His cheeks were flushed from sitting under blankets and he looked a bit sleepy. Reading always made him a bit tired from how at peace he was, which was rare in his current life.
“Y/N, I don’t know how to feel about Bilbo. He seems good but he also seems a little selfish.” He said, eyes skimming along some of the words.
You smiled, “He’s a really pure character. You’ll grow to enjoy him. What part did you get to?”
Just like that Soda was in a better mood. Watching you speak so happily and effortlessly to his little brother about a book made his heart soar. Sometimes he felt like he couldn’t connect with Pony like he wanted to. And where he was lacking you were there to make up for it.
A few hours later Soda sweetly kissed you goodnight before retiring to his shared room with Pony. You snuggled into the couch with blankets wrapped around you.
Opening your eyes you saw that you were laying in your bed instead of the Curtis’ couch. Panic flood through your veins at the idea of returning home without the boys. Your heart was racing out of your chest as you looked at the decorations on your wall. A place that felt like your safest place was now a personal hell.
You wanted to return home but not without Soda, Pony, Darry, Two-bit and even Steve. God, you had to have been especially emo if you wished to see Steve more.
The idea of seeing Claire and Margo was beyond relieving but the pain of never seeing Soda again almost cancelled it out. Once again you would be the friend without a soulmate- without a better half. You sighed as angry tears slipped from your eyes. Why did the world have to fuck with you so much? You didn’t have a soulmate, found them in another decade, and then when you grew adapted to the times and people, Mother Earth ripped you back to your old life.
“Hun, why are you crying?” You heard Soda say. You tried to sit up to look for him but a firm arm was wrapped around your middle. Somehow you completely didn’t register that when you woke up.
You struggled to turn around and there he was. Beautiful Sodapop Curtis laying right beside you in your bed. In 2020. His hair was slightly shorter but his kind blue eyes were still the same. He was still the same handsome boy from the 1960’s.
A choked sob escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling yourself as close as you could. Warm skin against yours assured yourself that he was real. This was real. Not some dream that your brain cruelly conjured you in attempt to calm you down.
“Did you have a nightmare?” He softly asked, a hand coming to rub up and down your back. His gesture only made more tears leak out of your eyes. You were so confused. Why wasn’t he freaking out too?
“I don’t know. Where’s Ponyboy and the guys?”
His hand faltered for a moment before he went back to comforting you, his lips pecked your forehead a few times, “They’re at home, probably asleep. Did you have a nightmare about them?”
Your mind was spiraling. Somehow the boys made it here too and soda seemed to not find this weird at all. He was acting like everything was normal.
“What year were you born?” You asked, clutching onto him, trying to remember what his skin felt like against yours.
“1999. Babe, tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to scare me here.” He lightly chuckled, adoring that you were clutching onto him as if he would disappear.
You didn’t know how to explain so you disguised it as a dream, “I had a weird dream, a really realistic one, that I was transported back to the 1960’s and I found you and the guys there. I can’t remember how we met now.”
You felt him shift slightly to get his arm free. He picked up his phone and the screen lit up. His lock screen was a picture of you two in front of a well taken care of old blue camaro.
“We met five months ago at a car show. You were with your grandpa, Claire, and Margo and I was with the boys. My mark burned when I accidently brushed your arm when I passed. We realized what was going on and we got this picture. We’ve been together since.” He recalled easily.
As he spoke, you could faintly see all of this happening in your point of view. How happy you felt when you saw him, the tingling of your mark, gushing internally at how attractive he was, you could even hear Margo cat calling in your head when you two got that picture.
Suddenly memories were dancing around in your brain. Getting Taco Bell together at midnight. Him joining your friend group to sit around the usual fire pit, him making you a s’more when you beg him even though you knew you didn’t have to ask more than once. Him building you the nice wooden shelf in your room that you put your weird Knick knacks on. Him laughing along when you scream “I will sacrifice my own life for Pakistan.” Going over for dinner and watching Lord of the Rings with pony boy.
“It’s all real.” You breathed out, “I’m sorry, that dream just really messed me up..”
He grinned down at you, his lips slowly drifting right above yours until they softly brushed together. Your soul mark tingled in utter delight. His arms slithered around your back as he moved on top of you, “I should be offended that you forgot about all of that, you know.”
You laughed, “Yeah... I’ll make it up to you by being nice to Steve for a whole day.”
He snorted, “wow, a whole day... that might kill you.”
You exaggeratedly nodded, “Honestly. He’s seriously the worst, soda.”
He boyishly smiled as he rolled off of you and stood up, grabbing his jeans and pulling them over his legs. He shoved his hands in each pocket to make them go in. He grabbed his plain black shirt and slid it over his shoulders and then head.
“I have to get home, Pony’s drivers test is in an hour and I’m the one to take him. He’ll for sure pass. I made sure of that. But tonight we will probably get cake to celebrate, the boys are all coming over. You’ll come, right?” He asked grabbing his hat and sliding it on his head.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
He winked at you once and leaned over the bed to give you a quick peck, “see you soon, pretty lady.”
You blushed, “see ya soon, handsome.”
He smiled softly before walking out the door. You laid there in the bed in disbelief. Your dream was too real to not be true but at the same time you recalled meeting him in 2020 too.
Either way you were thankful that soda was in the present with you because it was honestly the best of both worlds.
A strong breeze hit the house and your window popped open. A small scrap of paper floated in and landed on your dresser. Your hands smoothed they paper before reading it.
“Sometimes reality changes for people who deserve it.”
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stylofashiontrend · 3 years
5 Best Shoe Brands in Pakistan
Over the past few years, shoes have become much more than a necessity. Today, shoes are a symbol of status and represent your fashion sense and the class of society you belong to. For instance, when you see someone's shoes by Gucci or Manolo Blahnik, you automatically assume that they must’ve cost them thousands of dollars. However, this doesn’t imply that you can’t get high-quality shoes at an affordable price. There are many Pakistani shoe brands that are manufacturing premium quality shoes at reasonable prices. 
In today’s article, we are going to talk about the 5 best shoe brands in Pakistan that are not only high-quality but also very budget-friendly. Let’s get right into it.
Top 5 Shoe Brands in Pakistan that are worth your Money
Read down below to find it all about it.
1. Stylo Shoes
When you think about the best ladies shoes brand in Pakistan, Stylo is the first name that comes to mind. Founded back in 1974 under the name of Bano Chapal, Stylo has gradually transformed itself into one of the leading shoe brands of Pakistan. The brand manufactures almost every type of shoe that you can think of. Whether you’re looking for traditional chappals, khussas, kolhapuris, fancy sandals, long boots, or any other type of shoe, you can certainly find it at Stylo.
Currently, the brand has more than 140 brand outlets in more than 50 cities in Pakistan. It is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company that never fails to satisfy the consumer demands. With consumer trust being its main priority, Stylo manufactures countless shoes every year without compromising on the quality. As for now, the brand also deals in ladies handbags, perfumes, apparel, and more. 
2. Bata Shoes
Bata is another very popular shoe brand in Pakistan. Founded back in 1894 in Czceh, it wasn’t until a few years ago that the brand was launched in Pakistan, and it has gained a lot of popularity since. As for now, Bata shoes has more than 500 retail outlets in Pakistan and their outlets are increasing every year.Bata manufactures both comfort and luxury shoes for women and men. However, their focus is more towards sophisticated and casual shoes rather than stylish and fancy ones, which makes Bata a good choice for the working class of Pakistan. Other than this, as far as the pricing is concerned, Bata shoes are affordable and target the middle-class population of Pakistan. Moreover, the brand doesn’t fail in terms of durability and quality. 
3. Unze London
Unze London was founded back in 1989 in the United Kingdom. Like Bata, Unze London too is an international brand that opened its flagship store in Pakistan in 2015. Though the brand has existed locally only for 5 years, it has gained a lot of popularity in a short period of time. Unlike most of the international shoe brands in Pakistan that cost you an arm and leg for shopping at, Unze London’s product prices are rather affordable.Moreover, the brand deals in different types of shoes including casual and formal, with slippers, boots, and trainers being the brands speciality. As for now, the brand has a total of 9 flagship stores in Pakistan, and aims to expand their services more in the future.
 4. Metro Shoes
Founded back in 1986, Metro shoes is an ISO certified brand that has successfully established its footmark in the industry as one of the most popular shoe brands of Pakistan. Their consumer base is not only limited to Pakistan, but also across the borders. Metro shoes manufactures different types of shoes including sandals, heels, slip-ons, wedges, pumps, and more.
Stressing on innovation, Metro is known for manufacturing high-quality shoes with unique and sophisticated designs. Since the brand offers world-wide delivery, you can easily get your favorite pair of shoes delivered anywhere in the world. 
5. Mochari Shoes
Mochari shoes is another popular name in the world of footwear. Founded back in 2014, Mochari shoes is known for their high-quality hand-made shoes. The material used to make their shoes is entirely local and does not compromise on the quality. Since the craftsmen are also locals, the brand is praised for helping the economy as well, providing means of earning to hundreds of villagers all across the country.
Shoe designs by Mochari shoes are not only 100% unique but also represent the rich heritage and culture of Pakistan. Other than this, the shoes brand has also set foot on international turfs including India, America, UK, and Dubai.
When it comes to manufacturing shoes that are stylish, comfortable, and durable, Pakistan is making more progress than ever before. In the coming years, we can expect brands such as Stylo, Mochari, and Metro expanding their services internationally. As for now, the brands mentioned above are the top-performers in the industry.
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theboutiqueasia · 4 years
Online Italian Designer Shoes for Women’s in Pakistan - 100% Made in Italy
We all know the role Italy plays in the global fashion industry. They are famous for style, cutting-edge fashion and the high quality of its leather goods. They holds an indisputable position among the world’s number one Men’s Women’s Luxury fashion contributors. And that’s true in terms of both outfits and shoes. In fact, Italian shoes are one of the most popular ones in all of high fashion.
Now First Time in Pakistan The Boutique Asia Online Luxury Men’s Women’s Shoe Store Discover All Top Luxury Italian Designer Shoes for Men’s Women’s in Pakistan at Their Online Store.
TheBoutiqueAsia.com is Online Top Italian shoe sellers in Pakistan. They that have made it possible for fashion enthusiast’s world over to have access to Italian fashion.
The Boutique Asia is a one stop destination for anyone who is looking for the latest trends in Italian designer shoes in the best quality. With a wide range of styles to choose. The Boutique Asia is Only Major Source in Pakistan for Online Men’s Women’s Luxury Shoes in Pakistan.
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Top International Brands for Luxury Women’s Shoes in Pakistan at The Boutique Asia. Here Is The List Below:
·         Aquazzura
·         Christian Louboutin
·         Dolce & Gabbana
·         Diesel
·         Gina
·         Gianvito Rossi
·         Nicholas Kirkwood
·         Jimmy Choo
·         Tory Burch
Top International Brands for Luxury Men’s Shoes in Pakistan at The Boutique Asia. Here Is The List Below:
·         Hugo Boss:
·         Church's
·         Christian Louboutin
·         Corneliani
·         Diesel
·         Ermenegildo Zegna
·         Hackett
·         Magnanni
·         Fratelli Rosetti
·         Dolce & Gabbana
·         Santoni
·         Tods
·         Versace
·         Billionaire
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In Luxury Men’s Collection They Have Luxury Shoes, Boots, Trainers, Sandals, and Loafers.
In Women’s Collection They Have Heels, Mules, Red Sole, Sandals, Flats, and Loafers.
The Boutique Asia Collections Include All Kinds of Men’s Women’s Foot Wear from Casual to Formal. They Have Luxurious Shoes For Festivals Like Weddings, Eid, And Cocktail Parties. For More Visit The Boutique Asia Online Store Now.
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usmant1212 · 4 years
Be simple and unique at same time:
Be simple and stylish at same time:
It is no secret that “fashion trends" perhaps is not the menswear community's preferred phrase. In a universe where investing cash in classic, quality pieces will always trump keeping pace with fashion, jumping onto each passing ministry tends to be viewed upon with a certain level of disrespect. However, not all fashion trends are made equal. The real key to retaining your self-respect that is sartorial can be found in the ability to successfully distinguish between the fleeting fads and also the classics.
Fashion trends for guys are currently changing at a rocket speed. It's changing at the exact same pace as it is currently changing for women. As we've ramp walks for women's style, the way walks for fresh and latest men's fashion. Guys are now decked out , well dressed and civilized. It has become exceedingly vital to change their wardrobe; using innovative, fresh and latest fashion trends.
Significance of fashion:
Together with the time that is shifting, fashion is gaining an increasing number of importances in the lives of men. Fashion has become as equal to men just as it's to girls. Fashion today does not imply only to girls. There are men's fashion designers, fashion accessories for men, fashion shows for men's clothing and special fashion stylist for guys. In reality the fashion designers for men are growing and they have earned huge name.
You want to create a much better first impression on people you meet in everyday life. Without appearing too flashy you need to look good on your clothes. And that version of you likes to keep it. You want to look like a better-dressed version of you. So what you're really searching for is a few casual style tips for men who wish to look sharp outside of a suit and tie.
Fashion for men:
 We all know, working our way, beginning with the casual and knowing each the design nuances may appear overwhelming which is precisely why we decoded some of the dress codes for men. The dress code's freedom and flexibility might be a modest irresistible. Men will thus tend to escape along with a trendy pair of shoes in the default foolproof outfit: jeans. Casual dress code for men is the Greatest Opportunity to Express a true sense of style of men. Rather than focusing on formalities, dressing softly is all about finding the ideal contrasts between relaxation, fashion, and individuality -- think trendy yet practical outfits.
It’s all about your choice:
Whether you choose to keep it simple or are feeling a little daring, routine can be interpreted dependent on the circumstance along with location. This leaves you with all the task of figuring out exactly what to use to detect the sweet spot between underdressed and overdressed. This is one of the dress code for men.
Be best version of you:
Casual wear is comfortable and laid back and appropriate for everyday use. Casual garments combine individuality and relaxation -- because you want to mix and match clothing to make your overall look.
In Case you mix a high pair of jeans with a tee shirt when You can't fail. You do not have to spend a Fantastic deal of Money. We can Select POLO SHIRTS as example of dress code: Among the top Men Wear brand in Pakistan Monark is offering a variety of casual wears such as polo-shirts at reasonable rate.
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The Best Women Tops Online In Pakistan
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Pick the best quality, tough and breathable ladies tops' material, for example, cotton, weaved cotton, silk, gooey or manufactured mix of various textures.
Pick the in vogue structure which goes incredibly well with base, for example, your pants, tight, pant or jeans.
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la-leto · 6 years
Alex Honnold, star of the Oscar-contending doc Free Solo, is perched precariously halfway up an 85-foot wall. The seemingly superhuman climber who scaled a 3,000-foot sheer vertical wall in Yosemite National Park without any safety equipment is wearing a harness and tied into one end of a rope. In the unlikely event that he falls, the man on the other end, Jared Leto, will catch him. The wall arcs up and out at a steep angle — what rock climbers call overhanging — so a climber's body is nearly horizontal to the ground. When it's his turn to ascend the wall, Leto, breathing hard, is undeterred. "Nice, Jared, c'mon dude," Honnold, 33, shouts, doling out lengths of slack in the rope. "Stay with it, I'm with you."
Unlike the many people in Hollywood who have reached out to Honnold since the release of Free Solo, Leto, who fronts the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars and won a best supporting actor Oscar for 2013's Dallas Buyers Club, has been climbing with him since 2015. Leto was working on The Great Wide Open, a series of five short films about national parks and the men and women exploring them, including Honnold. Shortly after they met, the pro climber took Leto up a classic mountain route called Matthes Crest northeast of Yosemite Valley. It was one of Leto's first climbs, and they stayed out into the night. "We were just so psyched," says Honnold. Leto, 47, remembers scrambling along a thin blade of granite toward the summit and nearly falling off. "There was one part where I grabbed on the end of a rope during one really slabby section," he says. Leto continued to climb, and his friendship with Honnold grew. "I'm getting my ass kicked," the actor says, "which is great."
Leto makes a stealth appearance in Free Solo. Early on, filmmaker Jimmy Chin's camera lingers on an unidentified man's back as a disembodied voice (both belonging to Leto) asks Honnold if he would ever consider free-soloing the 3,000-foot granite monolith that is El Capitan, the mecca of the rock-climbing world. Honnold, of course, goes on to do just that, his ascent of El Capitan's Freerider route without ropes or harnesses ranking as a nearly unparalleled feat of physical achievement. On Feb. 24, the National Geographic-sponsored team that captured the epic journey on film, including Chin and his co-director and wife, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, might be going home with an Oscar statuette.
Free Solo has brought a slew of opportunities to Honnold. "It's like a snowball going downhill," he says. "And the film hasn't even hit streaming yet." In November, Honnold struck a multiyear brand ambassador partnership with car company Rivian, which considers Honnold a "superuser" because he lived in a van for so long. Rivian, which markets itself as the manufacturer of the "world's first Electric Adventure Vehicles," consults with Honnold on design. On Oscar night, Honnold is expected to show up in a Rivian R1T All-Electric pickup truck — and sport a custom-made tuxedo that The North Face is having made just for the occasion. (Honnold still uses the van that appeared in Free Solo for overnight climbing trips with his girlfriend, Sanni McCandless.) He has another ambassadorship deal with Beyond Meat, a company that makes plant-based products that resemble meat. He also has shares in the company, which could yield dividends when it stages its IPO soon. His nonprofit, The Honnold Foundation, which works on solar energy and aid projects for impoverished communities in the U.S. and abroad, has seen an uptick in attention and partnerships as well.
Black Diamond and Maxim sponsor his climbing gear. A company called Stride provides him with health insurance. Italian climbing company La Sportiva offers shoes, and Utah-based Goal Zero works with him to market solar chargers for phones. He gets paid handsomely to speak to investors and corporations, often repurposing a Ted Talk he gave last year about "mastery." He'll soon become part-owner of a national chain of climbing gyms, a speculative bid on an expected uptick of interest in rock climbing. Though he's avoided the big-time exposure that comes with big-time sports brands, Honnold will almost certainly make seven figures this year and next. Says his manager at RXR Sports, Jonathan Retseck, "For rock climbing, that's pretty good."
One recent morning, before Leto arrived at the Sender One climbing gym in South L.A., Honnold reflected on this new phase as a half-dozen people snuck by to snap pictures of him. Hollywood, too, has shown intense interest: Honnold was game when Edward Norton's agent got in touch about the two going climbing. (They haven't yet.) He met Brie Larson, who also has climbed and was training for Captain Marvel, at an Antonio Banderas screening. "I loved Zorro as a kid, and [Banderas] was talking about one of the scenes where he was climbing on a beam and forgot to clip in, and he was like, 'It's like free soloing,' " recalls Honnold. "It was pretty classic!"
It may come as no surprise that the man who scaled El Cap without ropes is unfazed by the pressures of Hollywood. At the climbing gym, as Honnold completes a difficult boulder problem — just slightly harder than the famous karate-kick move shown in Free Solo— he says, "I don't think any of it is that surprising if you think about it rationally. The scheduled time, the interviews, the publicists, being handled and stuff — it doesn't feel like a healthy lifestyle, but that's fine."
Of the awards-season rush, "It's obviously not how I would choose to spend my life," he says, "and the idea that freakin' actors do this for their whole careers blows my mind because it's not that fun, you know? It's really cool to meet these people that you've been inspired by, but you don't actually hang out. It's not quality time." Leto, who walks into the gym wearing a Grateful Dead shirt and black pants, adds that he lent him a tux for the Producers Guild Awards. "He could barely move in the thing, and the shoes I think were probably too small as well," notes Leto.
Since their first meeting in Yosemite, Honnold and Leto have climbed in Colorado, Nevada and in other places in California. "For the amount of time he's been doing it, he's actually phenomenal," Chin says, bestowing on the Oscar winner an even greater honor: "He's a climber."
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Later, Leto, who has put on 10 pounds since playing Dallas Buyers Club's transgender drug addict, shares that the physical change is part of preparation for his role as the archvillain in Morbius, the Marvel spinoff about the vampiric character. "The world's most fearsome predator," Leto quips. Warming up on a few moderately easy routes that snake up alongside Sender One's imposing overhang, Leto adds that he hopes to pack on 10 more pounds: "It's great because I go from being very sick and very infirm to being strong and monstrous" in the movie. The friends have climbed at indoor gyms whenever the Las Vegas-based pro climber has been in town to promote Free Solo, and Honnold has been careful not to push Leto too far out of respect for his actorly obligations. "Jared's climbing is not the most important thing for him, obviously," he says, adding: "I think it would be cool to do stunts — I want to wind up as Tom Cruise's stunt double, to do climbing in a movie. Don't you think that'd be fun?" One of his early climbing heroes, a well-known Yosemite legend named Ron Kauk, climbed for Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger and for Cruise in Mission: Impossible II.
Understandably, most people still want to talk about Honnold's ascent of Freerider, even though his climbing career has moved on in some ways, including a record speed ascent of another route on El Cap and an expedition to Antarctica. "But then I spend all day, every day, talking about the Freerider climb, so in some ways I haven't moved past it at all," he says. "It's the first time in my life I've had that kind of weird disconnect between what I'm working on versus what I'm talking about."
He hadn't climbed outside in more than a month, and yet now, as he moves from bouldering to a few rounds on the hang bar to the overhanging wall, he seems content. "I feel surprisingly strong for the fact that I live in hotels now," he says. Honnold and a friend have been toying with the idea of attempting a route somewhere on the Trango Towers, a massif of 20,000-feet-high granite peaks in northern Pakistan that has attracted top climbers for years. "I just want to get to the top of some of the most striking towers in the world," he says. "Honestly though, we'll see if it even happens because of scheduling."
In other ways, Honnold's life post-Free Solohas mellowed. He's happily ensconced with McCandless at the Vegas home they purchased during filming of the movie. They climb together often. Co-director Vasarhelyi points out that Honnold has successfully managed to scale this emotional challenge. "They found love," she says. "It's a Shakespearean story, the little engine that could." Honnold says the emotional drama of the documentary belies a more serene domesticity that he thoroughly enjoys. "You only see a few minutes onscreen, so it doesn't show that you're living together in harmony," he says. "It only shows the moments of tension around this big challenge." Still, it seems evident that conquering the solo climb has freed up something deeper in Honnold. Whereas in the movie Honnold was demonstrably uncomfortable when hugging his friend Tommy Caldwell's kids, now he struts around the gym proudly holding Chin and Chai Vasarhelyi's daughter, Marina, in his arms. They call him "Uncle Alex."
Later, as he belays Leto, who scrambles up another route, a friend stops by to chat. Honnold asks about the friend's romantic relationship. "It's casual," the friend says. "Is it consistent?" Honnold asks, and the friend nods. Honnold thinks on this for half a second. "Consistently casual is still consistent," Honnold says, smiling. "After three great years with Sanni, I feel qualified to give relationship advice." He says he wants a family and kids of his own one day. "Are you going to let them climb?" the friend asks. Honnold doesn't hesitate. "I'm sure my kids will grow up underneath the moonboard in my home." For someone who has explored the most extreme corners of what's physically and psychologically possible, Honnold seems keen to resume a life of normal pleasures. "As soon as the Oscars are over, he's going to be itching to get in a van with Sanni and go on a climbing trip and life as usual," says Retseck. Leto reaches the top of the wall. Honnold brings him down, they laugh, and move on to the next route.
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 The best online shopping site for women, AND pakistan has something for everyone, regardless of age, shape, size, and style. AND pakistan does not only offer every single fashion-related article under one roof, the brand’s products are distinguished by good quality and delicious appearance. ThereforeModern girls' fashion is all about combining the right amount of panache and luxury to create a stylish symphony. It is a medley of colors, patterns, cuts, and fabrics combined to lend the look of the wearer. At AND, we focus on providing the most stylish range of western dress for women, in line with international standards. The AND product brand is focused on providing a modern pakistan woman with a stylish and comfortable outfit that suits her personality. AND the collection of women's clothing includes all kinds of western clothing - women's tops, women's clothing, and women's clothing. Clothes are a mix of fashion and sophistication, guaranteed to make you look and feel like a diva. Offer them at a luncheon or at an official event, and make sure you are an eye-catcher. Choose from our wide range of tops, designed to give beauty to your everyday look. Whether it is a casual everyday outfit or a party dress you want, you will find it all in our online store. At a dinner party, choose one of our flowing coats to bring out the art, without appearing too obvious. You can choose from a large collection of underwear at AND and to complete your look; match your favorite tops with fashionable pants, skirts, and denim. Available in different prints, hues, and sizes, AND clothing has a universal appeal and gives it all the taste. But women’s fashion is not limited to clothing in AND pakistan. There are a variety of accessories to choose from at AND, including ladies shoes, bags, and jewelry - all designed to add the ultimate touch to the look of your dream. With the wide range of modern footwear AND pakistan, you find incomparable comfort, as well as unique style. There is no complete collection of accessories other than bags, a very important article for today's women. AND pakistan women's handbags are available in a variety of designs and are therefore ideal for casual wear from casual to formal. The longest ring on traditional cosmetic jewelry, AND the pakistan jewelry collection includes earrings, necklaces, and bracelets with unique, modern designs that will complement your western wardrobe. Ultra-style sunglasses and, again, definitely capture the desire of the discerning fashionista. The best online shopping site for women, AND pakistan has something for everyone, regardless of age, shape, size, and style. AND pakistan does not only offer every single fashion-related article under one roof, the brand’s products are distinguished by good quality and delicious appearance. Therefore
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marketingyourbrand · 3 years
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It is said that shoe shopping would make a woman happy and satisfied. The footwear industry in Pakistan has grown to be quite successful and there are hundreds of brands in frequent competition with each other and all of these brands are striving to meet the growing demands.
Here are some of the brands that make astonishing quality, ladies shoes in Pakistan:
·         Insole,
·         Cater Pillar,
·         Hushpuppies,
·         Insignia
These brands have gained a lot of success and achieved a lot since their establishment.
At Insole you get flattering quality footwear for both men & women in Pakistan. Along with that Insole offers accessories like bags and clutches. If you are considering to buy rubber sole womens slippers in Pakistan or other shoes online shopping in Pakistan for women’s,  Insole will be the right choice as they have a lot to offer. You can either go for physical store shopping or purchase online.
Summers stay for long in Pakistan and everyone is searching for lightweight footwear and comfortable shoes a lot of people buy best ladies shoes in Pakistan as wearing shoes all day long is not favorable especially during the hot weather. Putting your feet to ease sounds like a perfect plan and simply feel relaxed. Slippers are the most comfortable shoes from all the shoe types like ladies casual shoes, formal shoes & etc. You can easily wear it around the whole day and carry on your daily routine work easily.
Cater Pillar (CAT) footwear is the brand that makes extremely high quality and durable shoes in Pakistan. They are in the footwear industry since quite a long time now and have well met the needs of people looking to buy casual shoes in Pakistan. You can even buy men footwear Pakistan at amazing affordable prices from CAT.
Hushpuppies is another name on this list and is a leading ladies/gents footwear brand in Pakistan. Hushpuppies was originated in 1985 and since this time it has been providing breathable, soft and comfortable online shoes in Pakistan or both men and women & you can also buy kids shoes online in Pakistan.
Insignia Shoes is a brand that is committed to keep up with the fashion trends. Every season insignia offers extravagant shoes as it has a sumptuous collection of men-women shoes.
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
How to dress for a wedding? We explain it to you according to the label
Formal, gala, cocktail, casual. Don't you think sometimes they are speaking to you in Pakistan? One of those sufferings that we usually face when you are invited (0) to a wedding, is what we should wear. And also, of course, if at this moment you are organizing your wedding and you want to define the style that you want your guests to wear, the data that the advisor we consult gives us will help you make the decision.
Cristina Rojas, Wedding Planner & Event Designer, is a specialist in personalized weddings "because no two emotions are the same ", as they say; for their weddings always find the style that the bride and groom are looking for. It was she who advised us for the realization of this article, explaining each label and giving us some indications regarding the choice of it.
Style, time and place
The choice of the label depends on these three variables, according to the organizer: “the dress code is related to the time of the wedding, the place and the weather. If the bride and groom want to do a themed wedding, they can mark the colors they should wear or a specific clothing or accessory”, he explains.
The data that cannot be missing in a wedding invitation are the dress code, the time and place of the wedding. Cristina Rojas
Find out before anyone else about the latest in wedding trends
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That advice is vital for the bride and groom who are planning their wedding. These are the tags they can use:
1.   Informal
2.   Casual
3.   Formal by day
4.   Formal guayabera
5.   Formal evening
6.   Day cocktail
7.   Evening cocktail
8.   Rigorous etiquette
9.   Gala
1. Informal
With this code, the bride and groom give the guests the freedom to attend as they feel most comfortable, but it must be taken into account that jeans do not apply ; As for tennis shoes, now they have been incorporated and are worn even by the bride and groom, but as a guest it is better to avoid them.
2. Casual
This code is used for outdoor or country weddings, which handle an average time of 4 to 5 hours.
Men: suit without a tie or even pants and shirt. Don't miss the fashion trends for them.
Women: dresses below the knee, this length should not be worn. They can also wear a skirt with a blouse or a tailored suit.
3. Formal by day
This code is ideal for daytime weddings (here you will find some simple dresses that can be used for you) and that are made in farms or gardens.
Men: suit with tie avoiding very light colors, you can wear the combined suit, something avant-garde such as pinstripe, pictures. If wearing a tie, preferably thin.
Women: dresses in light colors (avoid black), the length must be below the knee or 3/4 length, and must not have glitter or rhinestones.
4. Formal
This code is for weddings on the beach or hot weather locations
Men: use light colored linen for trousers, accompanied by the or also a linen suit to match the shirt (if it is dark at night - if it is light colored during the day) Avoid wearing the sandal.
Women: short or long light fabric dress in bright colors (strong or light) Avoid dark colors. Learn the 5 keys to choosing the most suitable guest dress for a beach wedding.
5. Formal evening
This code is for weddings in the evening.
Men: full dark suit such as black, gray, blue (in this code the couple can mark the color of the tie if they wish). In some cases the tuxedo is used but it is not rigorously.
Women: wear long or 3/4 dresses in sober colors, with details of glitter or very subtle rhinestones. As a rule of etiquette, colors that attract a lot of attention or “beachy” dresses should be avoided.
6. Day cocktail
Men: suit with or without a tie in light tones.
Women: simple and short dress, avoid rhinestones or glitter (be careful that it is not VERY short). High footwear (heels or sandals).
7. Evening cocktail
Men: suit with or without a tie but must be in dark color.
Women: short dark dress, the use of rhinestones or subtle appliques works very well. Beware of making these 10 mistakes when choosing your accessories.
8. Rigorous etiquette
Code for very elegant weddings at night and indoors, never outdoors.
Men: Tuxedo rigorously.
Women: Long and elegant dress in sober colors; the use of rhinestones or embroidery is important and flashy colors used to be avoided, but with current trends, the doors to color are opened.
9. Gala
Men: Tailcoat, waistcoat, bowtie or tie
Women: Long dress in more sumptuous fabrics and elaborate designs; and formal footwear such as stilettos (cold weather) or 'jewel' sandals or peep toes (warm weather). Fine accessories are a must.
We are sure that with this list you can have complete peace of mind to choose the clothes that you are going to wear on the wedding day.
Courtesy: best wedding halls in Lahore
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