#Best Scatter Cushions in Cape Town
babybelle04 · 9 months
Toddler or children's beds in Cape Town
Looking for the perfect Toddler or Children's Beds in Cape Town? Look no further! Discover a wide range of comfortable, safe, and stylish beds designed specifically for your little one. Browse our collection now and create the perfect sleep environment for your child. Shop today and enjoy free delivery in Cape Town.
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kat0v01 · 4 years
What you do for Halloween
(Just wanted to share what I wrote for Halloween. There’s one more part)
Asra enjoys the festivities around Halloween. He often laughs about the kinds of things that scare people around this time of year. Understandably, as a magician, he's seen and experienced a lot more paranormal events than anyone so he knows very well. You have no excuse either, having met with apparitions and the Arcana themselves, however, you are still a bit spooked by some things. Asra thinks it's cute you get a little afraid and to make things more fun, he suggests the both of you decorate the shop for the holiday. You both hang lanterns with a special herb that, when burned, give off a reddish glow, providing an eerie effect to the shop. You both also place some decidedly spooky jars filled with magical ingredients sure to give the average person a fright. As daylight wanes, little patters of feet and giddy voices grow behind the front door. Asra opens it to find some of the local kids wishing them a happy Halloween. Faust pops out of his shirt earning a scream of delight from the children and giggles. You present a dish of candies for them to take as Asra entertains by doing little magical tricks for this group and many others the rest of the evening.
Julian loves the dramatics associated with Halloween. He spends the better part of the morning dramatically throwing his cape in front of his face whenever you both spoke, replying in an overly theatrical manner. This is always accompanied by waggling eyebrows. You roll your eyes at his silliness with a smile. When you ask him later what he wants to do that evening, he smiles nervously and presents two tickets for the theater. He explains that there's a special Halloween performance and that he is going to be in it. At that moment, you understand where the theatrics is coming from and hug him, excitedly saying you'd love to go. He smiles in relief and tells you when it is starting. In the evening, you both get dressed and head to the theater. Taking a seat in the front row, you eagerly wait for it to begin so you can watch Julian perform. The play starts a few minutes later and you watch enraptured as Julian commands the stage and performs his lines perfectly. Every now and then, you both make eye contact and when you smile in encouragement, he smiles back and returns his focus to the audience, beaming and energized. When it's over, you plant a kiss on his cheek and tell him it was a wonderful performance. He stares at you, googly-eyed and grinning and you practically drag him to the Rowdy Raven to celebrate.
Nadia spends most of the day busy with palace duties. She knows of a lot of Halloween parties that are slated to occur this evening and have the potential to cause some damage to the city. That morning and afternoon are spent organizing cleaning detail for the next day, and guards to keep the peace during the night. When she's done, she retires to her room to rest. There's a knock at the door and a servant enters the room once they have been called. They announce that you are here to see them and Nadia tells them to send you in. Walking in, Nadia is sat on one of her plush cushions, sipping tea. You sit across from her and ask how everything is going. She replies tiredly that she spent the better part of the day organizing for the Halloween festivities. You ask if she's planning on attending anything and she shakes her head. You say she should go out and do something tonight, but she says she's not sure if she has the time. You respond that if she's been working all day, she should unwind, but she also hasn't been among the people in a while and it would be good to interact with them, especially on such an exciting day. She thinks for a moment and agrees, but wonders what she should do. You think on it and come up with an idea. Half an hour later, you're both cruising the streets of Vesuvia in a carriage. It is still early so people are congregating outside, chatting excitedly about the night's events as the carriage approaches. You both wish everyone a safe and fun holiday while handing out treats. The people are stunned to see Nadia and eagerly wish her a happy Halloween in return. Leaving the group, Nadia beams and thanks you for the suggestion, happy to do something for her people. You spend the rest of the evening wishing people an enjoyable night and handing out more treats.
Portia loves Halloween and the fact that milady gives her time off. Since she has a whole day free, you both think about what you want to do for the holiday. She perks up suddenly and asks if you want to go trick or treating. You're not sure about it but she begs until you agree. Happily, Portia walks to her closet and begins tossing clothes out and onto her bed. You ask what she's doing and she replies that if you're both going trick or treating, you need to look the part. Jokingly, you say you can always go as a magician. She turns around to give you a flabbergasted look and exclaims that won't do at all. She throws some clothes at you and asks you to try them on. She turns back to the closet to figure out something for herself. An hour later, Portia has decided on a pirate costume. She gives yours a onceover and smiles, satisfied. Arm in arm, you head into the city to stop by friends' homes and locals for treats.
Muriel is not very interested in Halloween because he's not very interested in going into town despite your request. He thinks he is scary enough and doesn't need people to remind him. You tell him that you'll be there with him, so he shouldn't feel worried about what others think. He thinks on it for a little longer before heaving a deep sigh and agreeing to go with you. You ask him if he wants to wear a costume and he refuses, preferring the comfort of his own cloak. Hand in hand, you make your way into the city. Most people pass you by. Some stop and stare at Muriel, purely because of his striking height, but no one says anything. A child with their parent stops walking to look at Muriel and ask who he is supposed to be. He replies that he's not wearing a costume. The child ponders over the answer before responding that he looks cool anyway. You both wave good-bye to the child as they were dragged off by their parent. Muriel looked on stunned after the child and their response. Reaching for his other hand, you turn towards him. Offering a smile, you ask him how he's feeling. He gives a small smile back and replies that he's doing alright.
Valerius is not a fan of going out in general. He prefers the comforts of the palace with a glass of wine and a good book. Well, since you're here, he can't exactly read right now as you keep asking him to come out Halloween night. He refuses every time and despite your best efforts, you give up. You walk over to his window and lean against the sill, pouting. Valerius briefly returns to his book before sighing and looking over at you. He places his book down and walks over to you, glass in hand. He rolls his eyes and says you're being dramatic, but you continue to sulk. Eyeing the city below, little lights from wandering Halloween groups flicker on and move through the streets. He watches them for a moment before glancing at you, transfixed on the lights. He turns back to his chair and pours out another glass of wine that was sitting at a small table. He hands you a glass and leans against the sill next to you. He mutters an apology for denying your request and admits that he's not the best when it comes to interacting with people outside of his job. This is the first you're hearing this and you apologize for pushing the subject. He nods and then places a kiss against your temple, thanking you. You both share a quiet evening, sipping wine, chatting and watching the little twinkling lantern lights dance like fireflies through the streets of Vesuvia.
Lucio likes Halloween because it's a chance for him to party. He bursts into the room and announces that he is throwing a spooky Halloween party. You ask when he decided this and he replies grandly that he thought of it just now. Grabbing your hand, he hoists you out of the chair and into the hall, shouting for servants to assist him. Around five descend on your position in the hallway, all asking what the count wishes. Lucio begins rattling off decorations and local shops that can make spooky features in all the rooms. Servants nod after each of his requests and scatter once he's finished his list. He looks over at you and winks, asking if you are prepared to have the time of your life. You smirk back at him and tell him to dazzle you. Lucio grins in return and says it's a promise.
Surprisingly, the Devil enjoys Halloween. He gets a kick out of the things that scare people at this time of year. Hearing some of the things that spook you, he laughs boisterously, amused that you are scared of anything while also involved with the Devil. The Devil. You roll your eyes at his teasing and ask if he would like to accompany you through the city streets. He agrees and you both set off. You chat with a few party-goers at one point in the evening before noticing the pallor of their skin and an aghast expression across their faces. You look at them confused before noticing an elongating shadow with horns stretching in front of you. The group picks up and runs before you can say anything and you whisk around, scolding the tall shadow with glowing red eyes. The Devil chuckles as you walk on in a huff. He continues to do similar acts, frightening people so much that they run off screaming. Towards the end of the night, you snap at him, asking what he did that for. He innocently shrugs and grins, responding that it's Halloween; this is the one night where he gets to be as scary as he wants.
The Magician is very interested in Halloween. He finds mortal customs unusual and intriguing. He ruffles your hair affectionately when you ask him if he wants to go out with you that evening and replies that he'd love to go. You fasten a mask over his face seeing as he wants to take part in the festivities and head out. On the city streets, the Magician gets a lot of looks. Eventually, people start coming around him and complimenting him on his costume. You can't really hide his tail too well, so people spot it easily. The Magician likes the attention he's getting and before he's about to explain who he is, you drag him off to a more deserted street. He laughs at your distress and thanks you for worrying about him. He promises to be more careful and then asks what you'd like to do next.
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libraryofrewrita · 6 years
Chapter 13: Questions and A Request
After a few minutes of awkwardly staring at each other, Kenny was the first one to break the silence, much to the relief of everyone there.
"Umm...hi. Do you mind if I study the Yo-kai near you?"
Not really knowing what else they could do, Nate and Katie nodded and with a huge smile on his face, Kenny knelt down to Jibanyan's level and started to carefully examine him as Nathaniel closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed.
"Okay, Hovernyan. What did you do this time?"
He said that in a tone that suggested Hovernyan did this sort of thing often, which honestly wouldn't have surprised anyone in the group at this point.
"Well...you were complaining about needing more time to either get rid of the Wicked Yo-kai or actually getting around to making that certain thingy you and Kenny were discussing."
Nathaniel blinked in surprise before glancing at the group, studying them for a few more minutes before finally answering,
"We'll talk at the secret base. Come on, Kenny."
Kenny looked up from studying Jibanyan and muttered,
Nathaniel pointed at the group.
"You three. Come with us and bring your Yo-kai with you. I have a feeling that some questions will be answered."
Kenny covered his mouth in what was clearly an attempt to hide his excitement at being able to study both Jibanyan and Whisper further, but the spark in his eyes gave away his true thoughts on the matter.
If anyone had asked Nate and Katie how they had imagined today going, they would tell you that they hadn't planned on going back in time, having their butler be threatened by a Yo-kai they couldn't even see or sense, and being led to a secret base by their own grandfathers who were right around the same age as them, but in all fairness, it was a strange day for everyone here.
"Alright, we're here. Don't touch anything. A lot of the stuff in here took forever to make."
The group went into a clubhouse-like structure that was also connected to a treehouse, a combination that would make any kid jealous. Nathaniel pointed to a small section that was lined with cushions and said,
"Sit over there. You're going to be here for a while."
Not really having a better suggestion, they did what he said and went over to the cushions. Nathaniel leaned on his wooden bat and said,
"First question, who are you?"
We didn't think this far! What do we do?!
Trying his best to not look suspicious while he tried to think of something, he looked towards the wrist where his Yo-kai Watch usually rested and an idea suddenly appeared in his head.
Got it!
"Nathan Amano."
Thankfully, Katie seemed to have the same idea as she said,
"Katie Kodama."
"Lucas Hikage."
Nate and Katie weren't quite sure why Lucas gave Nathaniel a false last name as well or where Hikage even came from, but they couldn't really question him about it at the moment. Nathaniel slowly nodded, seeming to accept that, but the look in his eyes implied that he knew that they were keeping something from him.
"Okay, second question. How do you know Hovernyan?"
"He just showed up and asked for our help."
"Actually, that sounds about right. That is something he would do."
"Wait...where's our Yo-kai?"
Nathaniel kept one hand on his pepper bat as he pointed upwards.
"They're with Kenny. My friend just loves any chance to study any new Yo-kai he comes across, especially since..."
Nathaniel trailed off and cleared his throat, trying to act like he didn't forget that he didn't really know these random kids in his secret base that well and that he shouldn't be discussing something very sensitive to both him and Kenny...at least, not yet.
"Well, nevermind about that. Since Hovernyan most likely dragged you all the way out here to the country, the least I could do is give you three something to do for me and Kenny."
While Nathaniel was questioning the kids, Kenny took the Yo-kai to the upper level of the clubhouse. Kenny went over to a planter that was filled with different herbs and had some small pouches in front of them. Kenny picked up one of the pouches and after examining the contents, he dumped out some Bitter Medicine onto a piece of paper and opened the canteen he had been carrying.
"This should help speed up the healing for your scratches."
Whisper just took the Bitter Medicine out of Kenny's hand, quickly swallowed it, and took the canteen being offered to him as he washed down the bitterness of the medicine.
Definitely better than asking one of my companions if I could drain some of their energy to heal, or worse, having disinfectant spray being used on my scratches.
As his scratches healed up, Whisper watched Kenny grabbed one of the many sketchbooks scattered around, opening it to a blank page, and a pencil off of a small desk and started a small sketch of Whisper and Jibanyan.
"Will you answer some questions for me?"
Kenny pointed his pencil at Whisper, who nodded, not really sure what else to do.
"What's your name and what Rank are you?"
"I'm Whisper and I'm a Rank C, Jibanyan is a Rank D, and the-"
"Oh, no. I just need information about you and...Jibanyan, right? I've seen Komasan and Komajiro before."
Whisper and Jibanyan looked at the Koma Brothers, who just looked back at them with a confused expression as Kenny scribbled the information down.
"Tribe and Attribute?"
Whisper pointed to himself and said,
"Slippery and Drain,"
He then jabbed his thumb in Jibanyan's direction and continued,
"And he's Charming and Fire."
Kenny made a few content hums as he scribbled down the information, but before he could ask about anything else, he heard the kids downstairs calling the other Yo-kai down for something.
"Sorry. Our friends need us."
The four Yo-kai scrambled down the ladder and rushed to join the three kids they were traveling with and all seven of them walked off into the distance.
"Maybe they're bounded to them or something...?"
As he pondered this question, Kenny closed his sketchbook and climbed back down to Nathaniel and was surprised to see that Hovernyan was nowhere to be found.
"Wait...where's Hovernyan?"
"Oh, he just left. He said something about wanting to make sure that they knew where they were going or something."
"So, what do you think of them?"
Nathaniel crossed his arms and said,
"Well, they seem nice, but I'm pretty sure they're hiding something."
Kenny hummed in agreement.
"Yeah. They all had a strange aura, but for some reason, two of those auras are similar to ours..."
Nathaniel looked at his friend in surprise, but he knew better than to question him.
"Maybe it's just because they can see Yo-kai like us."
Meanwhile, with the main group...
"So, we have to pick up a few things in Springdale?"
"Not the Springdale you're familiar with, but yes."
Hovernyan floated along with them as the three kids told the Yo-kai what they were doing.
"And all of this is so that the Yo-kai Watch can come into existance?"
They came to the area where the bus stop was back in their own time, only for Hovernyan to say,
"I hate to break it to you guys, but the bus doesn't come down here in this time. We have to walk to the train station."
Even though Nate and Katie were used to walking all over town back in their own time, they still couldn't believe what they just heard.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Wait, we have bikes. We can just bike down there."
Lucas raised a finger and said in a sheepish tone,
"Actually, I don't have one...on me, at least."
As much as riding a bike would be easier for them, they really didn't want to make Lucas feel left out, so they all agreed to just deal with it and walk down to the train station. As they walked, Nate asked Lucas the question that was burning in his mind,
"Hey, Lucas? Why did you call yourself Hikage?"
Lucas shoved his hands into his pockets and said,
"Well, if you want the honest truth, I panicked. Even though my powers haven't surfaced yet, my aura isn't exactly very subtle. If I get identified as a member of the Enma bloodline and if anyone finds out that you guys are friends with me, especially in this time period, it's not going to be pretty. You saw the results of what happened when my grandfather passed away and it was because of your intervention that it didn't become a total disaster."
"Yeah, that's true, not to mention the fact that your grandfather is alive in this time period...at least I think so..."
Lucas nodded and hummed in response, confirming their thoughts.
"But why did you choose Hikage?"
"I saw the name in a book once and it was the first name that popped into my head that couldn't be used to decipher the anagram that is my human identity. Where did you two get Amano and Kodama from?"
"Those are the model names of our Yo-kai Watches. Speaking of which, I think we're far enough away to put them back on now."
They stopped to dig out their Yo-kai Watches and slipped them back on.
"Much better."
Soon, they found themselves in front of the train station, amazed with how different things looked in this time period.
"Wait...how much is this going to cost?"
The issue of money had never been brought up until now and that was when the boring lectures about the value of money throughout history they had to sit through in class suddenly came into their heads.
Oh, great...this is going to be more difficult than we expected.
"Oh, don't worry about that. With a little Yo-kai magic, your financial worries will be a thing of the past, no pun intended."
They wanted to question Whisper about what he meant about the financial thing, but they didn't want to sit through another money lecture, especially since they needed to get a few things done.
"Hey, Hovernyan? When we're done with this, how are we going to get back home? Do you have another Time Stone we can use?"
"No, I only had the one Time Stone and that was only because I lost something that would've made this whole thing a lot simpler."
Hovernyan pulled out a Yo-kai Medal out of his cape and flipped it like a coin. When the Yo-kai Medal hit the ground, a large, purple, three-parted mirror appeared in it's place.
"Hello, Hovernyan. It's great to see you again! I see you have some new friends with you as well!"
Hovernyan gave a hearty chuckle and turned to the group.
"This is Miradox, the result of Mirapo being fused with Espy. You can travel through him like a Mirapo, but you are also able to travel to other times with him. Just say the word and you can easily travel with him back and forth through time. He's generally a friendly Yo-kai, so unless you managed to make him mad at you, he'll easily give you his Yo-kai Medal."
"It's that simple?"
Miradox nodded as well as a mirror could nod and handed Nate his Yo-kai Medal.
"Thanks, Miradox!"
"No problem! Just summon me when you wish to return to your time!"
"Wait...you know we're not from this time period?"
Miradox grinned and laughed.
"Of course! I know everything when it comes to time and space!"
While they knew better than to question the talking mirror, the kids couldn't help but wonder if Miradox was aware that his tone made him sound like he was trying to mess with them.
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Miradox, but we have stuff to do."
Miradox smiled and disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.
"Well, let's get going, everyone!"
After paying for their tickets, they boarded the train and headed to the Springdale of the past.
Previous Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/173910886514/chapter-12-the-encounter-the-kids-looked-through Next Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/177559417354/chapter-14-old-springdale
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