#Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucet 2019
Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucet – Reviews 2019
Have a look at this analysis to choose the best pull down kitchen faucet. Advantages, buying guide, product types and reviews help you to buy the best one.
Check out your answers list here: http://bit.ly/Bestfaucet
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Squares Filled: Buying Flowers for No Reason @marvelfluffbingo​ 
Warnings: Pumpkins (but human and the actual ones) - Seb’s also kind of a warning but the best kind.   
Word Count: 2000ish
A/N:  This is part of my LLL Universe. It takes place about a week before Halloween 2019 but it can also as always be read as a one-shot.
Betaed by: the amazing @blacktithe7​ - thanks for helping out on short notice hon!
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You hadn’t been overly happy about all the meetings you had today, but the tour for “This Is Us” and your solo album didn’t plan itself. Your managers and every other person involved were busy too, so today had to be the day, even if it had been one of the last days Sebastian had home before traveling back and forth between Atlanta and New York began. That was life though, and luckily it was all over and done with now. You were just looking forward to spending the night with your family. 
You drew a sigh of relief when you walked through the door, closing your eyes as the feel and smell of home hit you. You slowly opened your eyes, and a smile spread across your face as you saw the huge bucket of flowers standing on the buffet cabinet in the hallway. It wasn’t unlike Sebastian to surprise you with something, but flowers were rare for some reason. You took a few steps forward to admire and smell them, and your smile only grew as you saw the card attached in the middle. You quickly snatched it and read it, smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt.
True love is friendship set on fire. 
Yours always and forever 
Just like that, with a few simple words, the stress of the day washed off you completely, and nothing but pure happiness filled your chest. He always seemed to know exactly what you needed before you did. He was your best friend, and your heart truly was blazing with the love you felt for him now and every day. 
You lifted up the flowers gently, carrying them with you into the living room where you could really enjoy them. You smiled as you heard the laughter spreading through the house from the kitchen. You quickly set down the flowers, smelling them again and smiling before turning around to join your family in whatever they were doing to your kitchen.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw them. You were expecting a mess. Sebastian wasn’t a world-class chef, but he made do in the kitchen. When he was joined by the kids, he lost his focus fast, and that showed more in the mess around them than it affected how much fun the kids were having or the general state of the food. You were fine with the occasional mess. You know the kids loved spending time with their daddy, and Sebastian was an amazing father. Which was more important than the momentarily suffering of your poor kitchen. 
You hadn’t expected no food being prepared though, and you certainly hadn’t expected everyone and everything to be orange. You didn’t say anything, and no one saw you. You just stood there with your mouth gaping open before shaking your head and smiling. You leaned against the doorway to watch your little family a moment longer. 
The floor, counters, and table were completely covered in pumpkin goo. Sebastian had goo in his hair and on his pants as he patiently helped Isabella carve out the drawing she had painted on her pumpkin, while she was babbling in his ear about the next drawing she was making in a smaller pumpkin. Her white dress was now more orange than white, and she had black marker on her cheek and pumpkin caught in her hair just like her dad. 
Alex was sitting on the table next to Sebastian. The little boy had a very gleeful look on his face as he was digging out the goo from a third or fourth or fifth pumpkin. The longer you looked, the more you lost count. Sebastian had clearly taken the kids shopping and hadn’t been able to say no when they went overboard. He had happily gotten the kids what you, this far, counted to be ten pumpkins, keeping the smile on their faces. He was a bit of a pushover at times, but the kids loved him. They were having fun, which was the most important thing. It wasn’t like you were going bankrupt from a few extra pumpkins, and you did have three balconies to put them on; so what the hell right?  
“Not on the floor, Monkey,” Sebastian attempted to keep some order to the chaos when Alex pushed the mountain of goo out of his way and onto the floor next to Seb and the chair Isabella was standing on. 
The warmth as you watched your family grew. As much as you wanted to jump in several times you were happy just watching from the sidelines as well. The love between your favorite three people in the world was more than evident, and you couldn’t get enough of seeing them together like this, making memories that would last a lifetime. It wasn’t until Alex pushed the goo onto the floor and Sebastian’s failed attempt at control the warm grew into a bubbling fire in your chest and you couldn’t help but giggle. All three of them quickly looked up and turning their heads to look at you walking up to them. 
“I think that ship sailed about three pumpkins ago,” you teased, making Sebastian rolled his eyes, understanding your joke even if the kids didn’t.  
“Mommy look,” Alex held up his small fists filled with pumpkin goo, before letting it splatter onto the table. Sebastian and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You’re very good at that, Monkey,” you giggled, kissing his chubby cheek, tasting the pumpkin and wrinkling your nose a little before turning your attention to Isabella. 
“Mommy look. I drew the one Daddy is carving, and Alex drew that one,” she pointed before jumping off the chair and taking your hand. “Daddy’s is really good though. Look, it’s a spider.” She said sounded impressed. You could see why too, Sebastian was quite the artist when he wanted to be. 
“They are all amazing, Isa.” You knelt down next to her letting her hug you, not caring you would soon be as orange as your little family. “I can’t wait to see them out on the balcony with lights in them. It’s gonna look amazing honey.”
“I think so too,” Isabella beamed giving you a kiss before crawling back onto the chair next to her dad. 
“Did you guys save me a pumpkin?” you asked, wrapping your arms around Seb’s middle from behind and resting your head against his arm, peeking around him. 
He smiled sheepishly, looking down at you. “There are still about eight in the bag over there,” he nodded towards the kitchen counter, and you threw your head back laughing. 
“We went a little overboard,” he admitted, as you shook your head, kissing his cheek.
“Only a little?” you teased as you went to pick out your own pumpkin and joining your son in making a mess emptying it. 
The four of you stayed in the kitchen for the next two hours. Laughing, making a mess, cutting and drawing until there were no more pumpkins but the two very alive ones on your tabletop.
“Right. Who wants pizza for dinner?” Sebastian asked with a grin, looking around the kitchen. He must have realized if the two of you had to clean it before starting dinner and then eating, it would be close to midnight before the kiddos got to bed. Pizza would spare you from having to cook, and it wouldn’t matter if cleaning the kitchen was all done before or after the kids were in bed. You could start now but finish later. 
“Meeeee,” Alex and Isa both bounced off the table and were dancing around their laughing dad, while you looked on with a smile. Your eyes meet Sebastian’s and you mouthed an “I love you” to him that made him beam just as brightly as your children. 
“Okay. Pizza after bathtime,” Sebastian ordered, making Alex whine loudly, but Isabella just grabbed his hand to get his attention. 
“We can have a bath together and you can play with my fish if you want?” she suggested, and Alex stopped crying as quickly as he had begun. He loved Isabella’s fish but more than that he loved spending time with his big sister. 
Isabella sent her dad a proud smile when he ruffled her hair. 
“Good girl.”
“We’ll get ready. If you fill the tub and give us the towels when we call, I can help Alex and you and mom can clean the kitchen,” Isabella announced, causing both your and Sebastian's jaws to drop without her realizing it. The little girl just skipped ahead of her brother, with his hand still in hers, as they talked about the games they were gonna play with her fishies. 
“Okay she is growing up way too fast,” Sebastian grumbled when they were out of earshot, making you laugh and wrap your arms around him from the side. He quickly pulled you in front of him and into a proper hug as you looked up at him with a soft smile. 
“She’ll always be your little girl,” you promised, smiling when you saw the pain in his eyes, and you knew he was already picturing her going off to college and getting married. 
“Seb. She’s five,” you laughed, giving his butt a squeeze, and he groaned playfully, dipping down to kiss you. 
He stopped just before your lips met, whispering, “six in a month. She is practically already grown up.” 
He smiled, swallowing your giggles with his kiss, not breaking it before Isabella’s voice sounded through the apartment. 
“Daddy! We’re ready soon. Come turn on the water please.”
“Well little miss gown up still can’t reach the faucet honey,” you teased, squealing when Sebastian pinched your butt in retaliation. 
“Smartass,” he grinned. “Did you like the flowers?”
“Oh you mean the bribe?” you teased. 
Sebastian’s face fell instantly and he started stammering. “It wasn’t… I mean we hadn't even bought the pumpkins when I….” he tried to explain, before you stopped him, gently cupping his face in your hands. 
“I know. I was just teasing. I’m sorry. I love them. And I’m keeping the card,” you assured him, and Sebastian lit up instantly, leaning in to give you a kiss. 
“I love you,” he said softly, rubbing his nose against yours as he pulled away. 
“I’ll love you always and forever too,” you smiled up at him. Before Sebastian could reply Isabella yelled again. 
“Daddy! Water!”
You threw your head back laughing, and Sebastian rolled his eyes lovingly. “Just as bossy as her mom,” he mumbled. He grinned and ducked out of the way of the projectile pumpkin goo that you threw his way with a laugh as he headed for the door. 
“I’ll order the pizza. You better be back here to help me clean up when I am done,” you warned playfully. 
Sebastian laughed, calling back to you on his way to the kids' bathroom, “Like I said. Bossy!”
You smiled as you went to get your phone, passing the flowers and Sebastian’s card on the way. He couldn’t have been more accurate. You were friends, best friends, and you always would be. He was the one you wanted to share the good and the bad with. He was the one that could always make you laugh and feel like everything was going to be okay. He was always the most handsome man you’d ever met and the only guy to have ever earned and held your heart truly and safely. Your relationship was loving, teasing, and warm. He was the love of your life and the father of your two beautiful kids. Your version of love was most certainly friendship set on fire, and you didn’t want it any other way, nor did you want to share your life with anyone else. Sebastian was it for you, and you were living your happiest life with him. 
Reblogs spread my work and make me happy. Got a favorite part/line? Did something touch you? Do you relate in some way? Please tell me and make my day. 
Sebastian Stan Tag Team
@feelmyroarrrr​ @sleepretreat​ @roxyspearing​ @jewels2876​  @hellaqueerangelofthelord​ @danijimenezv​ @rumoured-whispers​ @becs-bunker​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @blacktithe7​ @grace-for-sale​ @averyrogers83​ @sebs-potato​ @sorenmarie87​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @erosbellarke​ @the-wayward-robot​ @super100012​ @myfanficlibrarium​ @winchesters-favorite-girl​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @igotkatiepowers​ @dottirose​ @deathofmissjackson​
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bechloeislegit · 6 years
14 Days of BeChloe Valentines
Prompt from FanFiction User Lasleonas007: Chloe Beale's Great Dane puppy gets lost (it has been like a week), and Beca Mitchell finds him.
Beca Mitchell was out on her usual morning run on the beach behind her house. She was not one to want to do any form of exercise, but her trainer suggested it to help build up her stamina for her shows. She chose the early morning because the beach was usually deserted and the paparazzi hadn't come out yet.
She had been running for a while at a medium pace when the suddenly found herself flat on her back on the sand. All she could see looming over her was a huge head and tongue hanging out with drool ready to drop on her any second.
"Dude, get off," Beca grumbled as she pushed at the dog that decided she was a comfy place to lie down on.
She pushed and pulled and struggled but finally managed to get the dog, no beast, off of her.
"What the hell, beast-dog?" Beca yelled looking at the dog. She wiped at her chest where some drool had gotten on her. "Ugh! So not cool, dude!"
Beca stood and started brushing the sand off her while the dog sat on his haunches looking at her. "Who do you belong to?"
Beca looked up and down the deserted beach trying to find whoever this beast-dog belonged to. There wasn't anyone in sight.
Beca stepped lightly toward the dog. He was black and white, like a dalmatian but Beca knew from the size that this was no dalmatian. His head came to her chest, and when he landed on her, she swears he weighs almost as much as she does. She tried to see if he had a collar, but every time she moved to look the dog moved his head.
"Dude, your head is huge! Stay still."
She slowly brought her hand up and onto the top of the dog's head. He didn't move, and Beca stroked him down his neck while looking and feeling for a collar or a dog tag of some sort.
"Hmphf," Beca hissed out. "No such luck. I'll have to think of something else." She stood looking at him with her hands on her hips. She then started making 'shooing' motions with her hand. "Um, go home, boy. Go home. Go back to your giant dog house."
The dog jumped up and put his backside in the air and lowered his head as if he was bowing down to her. He was ready to play.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Chloe Beale was beside herself. She was talking to her best friend and fellow teacher, Aubrey Posen.
"I don't know, Brey," Chloe said sadly. "I put him outside for a bit, and when I went to let him in, he was gone."
"Did he get out using the gate?" Aubrey asked.
"I checked," Chloe said. "It was still latched" She let out a small sob. "He's just a puppy, Brey."
"Calm down, Chloe," Aubrey said. "I'll be over in a bit, and we can go out looking for him. Okay?"
"Okay," Chloe said and sniffled. "Thanks, Brey."
Chloe ended the call and looked at the bright blue collar she held in her hand. She had just picked it up with his ID tag yesterday and didn't have a chance to put it on Apollo before she let him out. Chloe sighed and got dressed so she'd be ready to go searching when Aubrey got to her place.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Beca picked herself up again and brushed more sand from her.
"Dude, stop!" Beca cried as the dog jumped around her barking and clumsily running into her. "SIT!" Beca yelled out, and the dog stopped and sat. "Good beast-dog. Good boy," Beca said. "Now stay!"
The dog sat looking at her, tongue hanging out and drool present at the corners of his mouth.
Since the dog sat when she told him to, Beca decided the best course of action was to leave the dog where he was and continue on her run. She turned to head back home when the dog started running next to her. She stopped.
"Sit," Beca commanded the dog, and he sat. "You can't come home with me. Go find your own home. I'm sure your mommy or daddy or whatever they call themselves is looking for you."
The dog sat on his haunches and looked at Beca.
"I can't believe I'm practically staring eye-to-eye with a damned dog," Beca muttered. "Stay!"
She starting running again and looked over her shoulder to see the dog sitting where she'd left him.
"Finally," Beca said as she continued her run.
Beca made it back to the steps leading from the beach to her house. Just as she started up the steps a white blur streaked by her knocking her into the wooden rail; it was the beast-dog. She thought she had left him down the beach and now, here he was, running up the steps to her house.
"NO!" Beca yelled and ran up the stairs after him. She yelled "Sit!" and the dog sat down on the top step leading to her home. He sat as ordered and patiently waited for Beca to join him.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
"Apollo!" Chloe yelled as she walked down the street near her home. "Here boy!"
Chloe stopped walking and looked around. It had been almost 24 hours since Apollo went missing and she was giving up hope of finding him.
"Let's take these flyers you made and put them up," Aubrey said. "Someone is bound to have seen him."
"Okay," Chloe said.
Chloe and Aubrey spent the next hour posting the flyers around the neighborhood. One lady walking by saw the flyer and stopped.
"I think I saw your dog," the woman said.
"Oh, my gosh, where?" Chloe asked excitedly.
"It was a few hours ago," the woman said. "He was running that way." She pointed in the opposite direction. "Toward the beach."
"Oh, thank you," Chloe said.
"You're welcome," the woman said. "I'll keep an eye out for him. I hope you find him."
"Thanks again," Chloe said. "Come on, Brey. Let's head down to the beach."
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Beca was in a stare down with the dog. The dog laid down and put his head on his paws.
"What's wrong, boy?" Beca asked suddenly concerned. "Are you thirsty? Do we want some water?"
The dog lifted his head and barked. "I guess that's a yes," Beca said with a laugh. "Come on, beast-dog. We'll get you some water and then you can be on your way."
The dog stood and followed Beca to the door. He waited for Beca to open the door and Beca looked at him.
"No, no way," Beca said. "You stay out here, and I'll get a bowl for your water. Now, sit."
The dog looked at Beca and sat. "Good boy."
Beca entered her house and made sure the dog stayed where he was. She closed the door and checked her cabinets for the bowl to use for water. Everything she had was breakable, so she looked around for something else. She found a plastic bucket in her kitchen closet and decided to use that.
The bucket was too big to fit under the faucet in her sink, so she decided to use the faucet outside. She opened the door and peeked out to make sure the dog wasn't going to charge at her. The dog was gone.
Beca was a bit surprised at the disappointment she felt. She'd only been around the beast-dog for about an hour, how could she possibly be missing it?
Beca decided to fill the bucket with water and leave it out in case the dog came back.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Chloe and Aubrey got to the beach and decided to separate and go in opposite directions looking for Apollo.
Chloe called for Apollo and looked up and down the beach as she walked. She kept glancing at the water because she knew how much Apollo liked to chase the waves.
After an hour she turned to go back where she and Aubrey had started. She made her way back and found Aubrey waiting for her, but no Apollo. She sighed heavily and walked over to Aubrey.
"I'm worried about him, Brey," Chloe said. "He's just a puppy."
"We'll find him, Chlo," Aubrey said. "Let's call it a day, and we'll look for him tomorrow."
"But what about tonight?" Chloe said sadly. "He's going to be so afraid out in the dark. Alone and thinking I abandoned him or something."
"He'll be fine," Aubrey said leading Chloe away from the beach.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Beca heard what sounded like a dog barking and opened her front door to see beast-dog. He was sitting in front of her door barking at the pizza delivery guy.
"Dude! Stop barking," Beca said as she came outside. She looked at the pizza guy who was frozen in place. "I'm sorry. I'll just take that." Beca took the pizza box out of the guy's hand. "You, um, you okay?"
"I'm afraid of dogs," the guy said.
"You're fine," Beca told him. "If he was going to do anything to you he would have done it already."
"Enjoy your pizza," the guy said and ran to his car.
Beca turned to the dog. "Why are you here?"
The dog stood looking at her. Beca walked by him and patted him on the head. She opened the door to go into the house and was practically knocked down as the dog shot past her.
"Dude, you have got to stop doing that!" Beca yelled as she ran in after him. She stopped short when she saw him jump up and lay himself on the sofa. "Get down this instant."
Beca put the pizza box on the coffee table and put her arms around the dog's neck wrestling him off the sofa. "And stay down."
Beca huffed as the dog sat looking at her. Beca wondered how she was going to get this beast-dog out of her house. She decided she'd worry about it after dinner.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Chloe sat on her sofa looking at the empty space beside her. She had only had Apollo for a couple of weeks before he disappeared, but she missed him.
Chloe sighed and decided to fix a light dinner. She threw together a salad and sat watching some reality TV show while she ate.
Chloe heard a dog bark and jumped up to look outside. She was excited thinking Apollo had come back. It wasn't him. It was her neighbor from down the street walking their dog.
She gave the neighbor a friendly wave and went back inside. She dumped her salad in the trash and went to bed.
Chloe changed and brushed her teeth. When she came to her bed, she looked down at it with tears in her eyes. Apollo had slept beside her since she brought him home. It was nice to have someone, something to cuddle with.
Chloe wiped a tear as she climbed under the blankets. "Be safe wherever you are, Apollo," Chloe whispered into the darkness.
~~2019 BeChloe Valentines - Day Eight~~
Beca woke to something scratching at her bedroom door. It took her a minute to figure out what it was; it was the beast-dog. She groaned and put the pillow over her head, but the dog started whining.
Somehow, the beast-dog adopted her, and she hated to admit it, but he had grown on her. So much so that she had food for him with his very own food and water bowls. She felt bad leaving him outside at night. She worried he might get hurt or that it might rain, so she made him a bed in the kitchen.
He also had a nice new collar and a retractable leash. She knew he belonged to somebody, but until they claimed him, he was hers.
"Shit," Beca grumbled. "He probably has to go out."
Beca forced herself out of bed and opened the door to find the dog staring at her.
"Let me get dressed, and we'll go for a run on the beach," she told the dog.
The dog sat as if he understood her. Beca changed into her running clothes and shoved her phone, wallet, and keys in the pocket of her short-sleeved hoodie. As soon as she stepped out of the bedroom, the dog headed for the stairs.
Dude, as Beca called him, was waiting patiently at the back door for her. He knew the routine.
Beca checked the calendar on the refrigerator and saw that it was Valentine's Day. She grabbed the leash and hooked it to Dude's collar.
"Dude, maybe we'll get breakfast at that little diner down the beach," Beca said. "It's Valentine's Day, and I bet they have heart shaped pancakes. Would you like that boy?"
Dude barked and wagged his tail. Beca steered clear of the tail. It only took one time getting too close to realize her mistake. The bruise was almost gone.
Beca opened the back door and let Dude out; she then made sure to lock it before she walked Dude around the yard so he could take care of his bathroom needs. Once he was done, she led him down the steps to the beach.
They had been running for just a few minutes when Dude saw some birds and took off after them. The leash hit its full length, and Beca was pulled to the ground and actually dragged a foot or so before she thought to let go of the leash.
Dude had scared off the birds and came trotting back to Beca and sat staring at her. "Thanks a lot, Dude," Beca said, and she stood and brushed the sand off. "Every day. You do this every day. You're never going to catch them, Dude."
Dude tilted his head and looked at Beca brushing the sand off. "Don't judge me," Beca said. "I have high hopes that you won't do it and set myself up for failure and end up with sand in places it shouldn't be."
Beca picked up the leash and let it tighten up a bit before they started running again. Beca used Dude to set the pace, and he was running along about two feet in front of her when he suddenly stopped. Beca couldn't stop herself in time and found herself tangled in the leash and dog limbs.
Dude started to run off, and Beca yelled: "Sit!" Dude stopped and sat.
He jumped up again before she managed to disentangle herself and stand up. Afraid he was going to take off again, she yelled "Sit!" and Dude sat. Beca noticed he was looking at someone running toward them.
"Apollo!" the voice yelled out.
Beca looked around to see who this woman was yelling at. Dude got excited and pulled the leash out of Beca's hand and went running toward the woman.
"Dude, no!" Beca yelled running after him. She stopped short when the woman dropped to her knees in the sand and started hugging him.
Beca stood back and watched. She smiled at how happy Dude seemed. She must be his owner, and he knows her.
"Um, hi," Beca said. "I take it Dude belongs to you."
"Dude?" the woman asked as she took her sunglasses off and put them on top of her head. She looked at Beca, and Beca's mouth went dry as she got a good look at the woman.
"Whoa," she muttered. The woman was gorgeous. But it was her eyes that Beca couldn't stop staring at.
"Are you okay?" the woman asked.
"Um, yeah," Beca said. "Sorry. So, he's yours?"
"Yeah," the woman said. "He got out of my yard about a week ago. I've been looking all over for him."
"I'm glad you found him," Beca said. "He knocked me down while I was running one morning. Then he kept coming back and he sort of adopted me. He didn't have any tags, but I figured at some point he'd go just go home."
"He's still a puppy,' the woman said. "I haven't had a chance to start training him yet. I was worried something awful happened to him."
"He's a puppy?" Beca asked astonished at this revelation. "He's almost as big as I am and probably weighs as much as I do."
The woman giggled and stood up. "I'm Chloe Beale," she said and stuck out her hand.
"Beca Mitchell," Beca said and took Chloe's hand in hers.
Chloe's mouth dropped open, and she stood frozen, so it looked as if they two were just holding hands.
"I'm sorry," Chloe said after a few seconds. She pulled her hand back. "I know you. I mean, I know who you are. I love your music."
"Thanks," Beca said and blushed.
Beca tried to cover her blush by bending over and picking up Dude/Apollo's leash. The dog took that to mean it was time to start running again. He took off, and it caught Beca by surprise. She was jerked forward and fell into Chloe, knocking them both the to ground with Beca laying on top of the redhead.
Beca let go of the leash and looked down at Chloe. "I'm so sorry," Beca said and pushed up to get off of Chloe. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Chloe said.
Beca stood and put her hand out to help Chloe up. They both brushed the sand off their clothes. The looked at each other and started laughing.
"I'm sorry," Beca said. "I can't tell you the number of times Dude had me eating sand."
"You call him, Dude," Chloe said. "Why?"
Beca chuckled and said, "He didn't have a tag, so I didn't know if he had a name. I call everyone dude and started talking to him, so dude just stuck." Beca blushed when she saw the grin Chloe was wearing. "And I can't believe I just told you I was talking to your dog like he was a person."
"That's okay, I do it, too," Chloe said. "His real name is Apollo. I read a book about Great Danes, and it said they were the Apollo of Dogs. I liked it, so I named him Apollo."
"That's so much cooler than why I call him Dude," Beca said.
Beca and Chloe stood and watched Apollo frolicking around a bit. Beca went over to him and grabbed his leash. She led the dog back over to Chloe.
"I believe this belongs to you," Beca said handing the leash over to Chloe.
"If you, um, give me your address I'll be sure and get the lease and collar back to you," Chloe said. "And, I'll pay you back for them."
"Don't worry about it, just keep them," Beca said. "Actually, if you give me your address I'll bring the things I bought for him to your house. I have a huge-ass bag of dog food, but I don't have a dog of my own, so you'd be doing me a favor."
"Um, totes, that'd be great," Chloe said. "Well, I guess I should get going."
Chloe turned to go; Beca grabbed her arm.
"Wait. I sort of promised Dude, I mean, Apollo heart-shaped pancakes in honor of Valentine's Day. Would you like to join us? There's a little diner just down the beach."
"I love pancakes," Chloe said. "You'll have to let me invite you to my place for dinner. You know, as a thank you for taking such good care of Apollo."
"That's not-" Beca started and stopped. Instead, she said, "You know what? I'd love to have dinner with you."
"Great," Chloe said. "It's a date."
"The first of many, I hope," Beca said.
"I hope so, too," Chloe said.
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domvalentina · 5 years
                      she used to be mine → self-para
who: valentina remirez, andrea ramirez
when: october 14th 2019
what: just a regular sunday night
warnings: drugs, alcohol, alcoholism
“Mami!” Val huffed as she lugged the two large bags inside the door, dropping them both immediately inside. “I brought groceries and ignoring the fact that the cashier is still the biggest fucking creep, the empanada looked real good so I got you some.”
Once inside and with the door kicked shut behind her, Val took in the sight in front of her. It was late, she’d dropped by after work and her own errands and while the sun was setting outside, there was no light on inside. For a moment, she thought her mom might not be home, might have gone out for one reason or another. But as if on cue, a noise came from the living room that she’d vaguely recognized as her name. She reached out, found the light-switch and flicked it -- to no avail. She tried again but try as she might, the room remained dark. So she moved along carefully, ignoring the occasional rustling or crunching under her shoes as she stepped on god knew what. 
Rounding the corner, the image she found was as unsurprising as it was disappointing. Her mother, sprawled out on the couch, eyes half-lidded and unfocused. The coffee table in front of her was littered with so much stuff that Val didn’t even know where to start. It was brighter here, some of the last sunshine of the day making it at least somewhat possible to see. The place was a fucking mess. There were take-out boxes and bags strewn across the floor, clothes, food left-overs, paraphernalia.
Again, Val tried the lightswitch next to the door and got rewarded with absolutely nothing. “Why don’t the light work?”
A beat.
“I gave you the money for the bill last week.”
Another beat, her gaze falling to pill bottle on the table in front of her. Lovely. The familiar feeling of anger bubbled in her stomach and she couldn’t tell whether it was directed at her mother or herself. Years ago, she would have yelled. She would have thrown that bottle across the room and lectured and lost her mind. That money was for the fucking bills. For groceries. Not for that fucking shit, mom! But this wasn’t like that first time. Or the second. By now, she knew to just send the money directly to the company. And by now, she’d lost count of how many times she’d tried only for it to be thrown right back in her face. And god, she was so tired of it. 
"I’ll put the groceries away.”
Not for the first time, she wished for a bit of normality as she went back to gather the bags and carried them into the kitchen. Vague memories of freshly baked muffins in the afternoon and surprise trips to the theater on the weekends still haunted her. It’s what made coming here so hard. She looked at her mother and remembered the long breakfasts in bed on Sundays or the front row seats during pre-school plays. Comparing all that to the woman she’d become now -- the one slurring her words on the couch, the one who couldn’t keep her eyes open when the sun was barely setting -- it stung more than Valentina was willing to admit she was capable of feeling. 
She was fine on her own, she didn’t need anybody. Taking care of herself was what she was best at. But sometimes, she wished she could just come home to her mom being there. To a warm hug and an ear to listen. Instead, Val never knew whether she’d find her in a pool of her own vomit or not at all when she got here.
So she tried not to have expectations, she tried to leave her heart at the door -- her own one, before she went out into the world -- and didn’t get attached. One person breaking her heart on the regular was more than she could handle as it was, so why give anyone else the chance?
Expression schooled into the same icy mask she wore everywhere else, she made herself useful in the kitchen: cleaning everything out of the fridge that had started to grow mold, putting fresh food in. Tossing away all the trash littering the surfaces, wiping them down. Careful fingertips picked up syringes and dropped them into the empty detergent bottle she’d found in the mess. It took her twenty minutes to make way at all but by the time she was done, at least the surfaces were free and any hints of mold had been cleaned away. The bags of groceries had been replaced by bags of trash she’d take with her on her way out. It was getting too dark to continue, anyway.
“Hey, I cleaned the kitchen but you should rea--” Val stopped halfway through, fingers pushing hair off her slightly damp forehead as she made her way back to the living room. Her mother, for one, seemed to have fallen asleep. Valentina’s lips twitched as she stood in the doorway for a moment. After a few long seconds, she moved forward, tugged the crumpled blanket out from under her mother’s feet and instead pulled it over her. Leaning over the side of the couch, she pressed her lips to her forehead and pretended not to pause to check for breathing. She was. 
“Cuídate, mami.”
With that, she stepped back, collected the trash and took one last look at her mother -- as per usual hoping it wouldn’t be the last time.
It was late by the time she got back home, tired and sweaty and with too many thoughts she didn’t want to deal with swarming her head. Some days it was easier to stay detached than others. Sometimes, she managed to drop by and leave almost unaffected but some days, she felt fourteen all over again -- wanting to scream at her mommy to be there, to get better, to be her mother. But she was in her goddamn mid-thirties and this was pathetic at best. 
Once the door clicked behind her, she silently kicked off her heels and left them strewn across the entrance-way. Making a bee-line to the bathroom, she turned the faucet on, letting icy-cold water spill over her palms until they stung before she lowered her head and splashed handful after handful into her face. Blindly, she reached for a towel and pressed her face into it as she straightened herself again. It was fine. She was fine.
But then she lowered the towel and met her own gaze in the mirror and suddenly, it all felt far from fine. She had her mother’s eyes -- piercing, muddied with running mascara, revealing dark circles where she’d rubbed off the concealer. People who’d known him longer than she had used to tell her she had her father’s smile but all she could see while she stared at herself in the dim bathroom light was her mother. 
Tired. So much potential, but all of it wasted. So many dreams, so many hopes and big ideas -- but none of them achieved, all of them just out of reach. Once, she could have had it all. All of the world’s possibilities, its chances and magic at her fingertips but she’d let it all slip away and now here she was: well past her prime, moving aside for the new bunch. Teaching girls ten years her junior and resenting them for having their whole lives ahead of them. One misstep was all it had taken for her to become nothing but a cautionary tale stage-moms told their pretty little daughters about. A laughing stock. A has-been who was probably clinging onto the last shreds of her dream too hard. Hiding in the dark while mold grew elsewhere. 
At once, she tossed the towel into the sink and turned sharply to get our of the bathroom, away from the mirror and her mother’s eyes. She flicked on the dim light in the corner as she stalked into the kitchen and yanked open a cabinet. Shaky fingers reached for the half-empty bottle in plain sight before she dropped into a stool at the isle and all but slammed the bottle down in front of her. A distant part of her mind knew she shouldn’t. She’d emptied the rest of her flask on the way home, that should have taken the edge off. 
She closed her eyes, fingers blindly finding its way to the bottle and wrapping around it. Images of the past popped back into her mind -- the kiss her mother had given her that morning as she’d gone off to school. The warmth she’d felt, how taken care of and at home. Her mother, after school, sobbing on the couch, sobbing still a month later. No sobbing anymore now, just distant eyes and cold fingers. Those piercing eyes.
Her eyes snapped open again and she twisted the cap off the bottle in haste. There was a brief pause as she lifted it, but the moment passed and when the warm burn spread down her throat, her shoulders relaxed.
She was her mother’s daughter, after all. 
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montymcallister · 5 years
( 5 ) New Messages
W117 Main Street, Renter’s Row, Downtown Edgewood July 14, 2019, 2:28am
Monty had Known it would be a tequila kind of day long before it had actually become a tequila kind of day. He’d woken up with the certainty settled solidly in his gut the way feelings sometimes took root after a dream. What he hadn’t expected--perhaps hadn’t remembered from the Dream--was that it would be a tequila kind of day because of the absolute shitshow that had rapidly unfolded at what was supposed to be a simple family meal.
His siblings had wanted him to get to know their kids, and his parents had said--indirectly, through Donnie--that they had something they wanted to discuss with him. So they’d tried for something more relaxed than their usual weekly family dinner. Likely because he had never shown up for another, after the Ambush Dinner.
And then it had all gone to hell when Clarissa and Elias hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of trying for a deeper reading.
So. Tequila. Cheap, brand-new-bottle tequila he knew he could kill any built-up alcohol tolerance he had with. It wouldn’t be enough to actually fix anything, but it would hopefully be enough to satisfy the ache in his chest that had refused to fade since The Fuck-Up.
Of course, the closer he got to being completely smashed, the more actually going through all the messages and calls he’d ignored since leaving his parents’ house earlier that day sounded like a reasonable idea.
How much worse could his day get?
With that thought in mind, he boosted himself up to sit beside the bottle of tequila on the kitchen counter, then settled back to dive in, a glass of tequila in one hand, his phone in the other.
From: Clarissa 1:48 PM   Monty come back 1:50 PM   We didn’t mean to upset you 1:56 PM   Please call me back                  We’re worried 2:10 PM   At least tell us you’re not still driving 2:14 PM   Monty 2:21 PM   Fine.                 Call Mom when you’re feeling better
Funny, how not once in her whole series of texts had she even attempted to apologize.
Monty threw the tumbler in the direction of the sink, barely flinching as the glass shattered on impact with the sink’s interior. He braced one hand against the lip of the counter as he shifted into a more comfortable sitting position, his other hand bringing the tequila bottle to his lips.
Funny, how she claimed to be a family-oriented person, with all the shit she pulled.
Funny, that what she never saw what she did as a psychic to be in conflict with her oath as a doctor. Do no harm his ass.
From: Elias 1:49 PM   We’re really worried about you 1:58 PM   At least call someone back
Figures, for the guy most likely to have known what state Monty had left in to have been the most obtuse to what he’d done. Two measly texts in the span of an hour.
From: Actually Satan 1:52 PM   Ur freaking mom n dad out
The insults and strong strong language of the next texts from Nate nearly had him hurling his phone across the room.
Asshole. Motherfucking-
No. No. He was not letting Nate get to him. No
From: Bastard 2:03 PM   This is childish, even for you. 
If he hadn’t been planning on finishing the tequila at some point, the bottle would have found itself following in the tumbler’s wake.
He hurled a metal water bottle--swiped from the counter he was sitting on--across the room to spare the tequila from his flash of fury. It clanged loudly against the cabinets across the way, but did little to actually soothe his flaring temper.
God, did he even want to know what his parents might have had to say about the afternoon?
From: Dad 2:02 PM   Answer your phone. 2:11 PM   Chester 
From: Mom 1:54 PM   We need to know you’re okay. 1:56 PM   Come back home.
He didn’t even want to unpack whatever it was that left his stomach churning unpleasantly after reading the few brief texts from his parents. Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised. When had they ever gone out of their way to express more than a passing concern for him, unless he failed to meet their standards?
Monty exhaled heavily.
Would it even be worth listening to the voicemails? If he knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t even look at who’d called. He’d just delete them all and be done with it. Right?
How masochistic was it to just let all the new voicemails play without looking at the display? He pondered the thought even as he did just that, lightly tossing his phone across the gap between the counters so it landed out of reach.
At least if there was something terrible, his phone wouldn’t suffer the immediate consequences.
One missed call: 1:51 PM From: Clarissa One new voicemail: “Monty, please come back to the house. You shouldn’t be driving right now. We can fix this. Mom and Dad can fix it, if you want. Just call me back, okay?”
One missed call: 1:54 PM From: Clarissa One new voicemail: “Monty. Call me back.”
One missed call: 1:55 PM From: Elias One new voicemail: “Monty, it’s Elias. You’re scaring everyone. We need you to come home.”
One missed call: 4:48 PM From: Ali One new voicemail: “Hey, it’s me. You don’t have to call me back or anything. I know the others have probably been on your case for a while, now. I just want you to know I love you. So. I love you. Be safe.”
He sighed and tipped his head back to rest against the cabinets behind him. 
He’d have to call her in the morning, let her know he’d made it home safely. He didn’t like the idea of her worrying for so long, but given how late it was, she was probably asleep, by this point. It was for the best, anyway. He didn’t want her exposed to him drunk and bitter, anyway.
One missed call: 1:30 AM One new voicemail: “Hey, you.” --
He stilled, the bottle halfway to his lips. Monica.
The ache he’d been carrying in his chest--feelings he had been trying not to examine too closely, beyond determining that they made his throat feel tight, and that the worst of them seemed to be attached to memories Clarissa had dug up--twisted. Some desperate, gaping expanse of loneliness soured the taste of tequila that still lingered on his tongue.
Suddenly the decision to spend the night alone had been a horrible oversight.
-- “I didn’t think you had work today, but I’unno, maybe you do. I know it’s not late enough for you to have gone to bed. Anyway, I sent you some pictures from this morning. The surf wasn’t the best when I went, but the sunrise was gorgeous.” --
Fuck, he missed her. 
-- “My parents were asking about you again. If you’re not careful, I’m just gonna give them your number, and you can deal with them yourself. My mom keeps asking if you’re eating enough, you know. If she had it her way, she’d probably be sending you meals. Miggy’s back for the summer, too. I could probably talk him into bringing some of her cooking out to you. He’s been dying to meet Ali, you know. I sent him that demo of hers that you passed along to me, and he literally will not shut up about how in love with her music he is.” --
He should tell that to Ali when he called her. Maybe that would be enough to distract her from worrying so much about him.
-- “Okay, I’m not sure if you’re machine’s gonna kick me if I keep going like this, so I’ll wrap this up. But you better call me back when you get around to listening to this. I miss your stupid ass. Night, Monty.”
His phone idled after Monica’s message had ended, eventually disconnecting from his voicemail and falling dark when he failed to reach for it.
The shuddering exhale that left him seemed loud in the stifling silence that followed. When he reached up to rub at his face, his hand came away wet, and he tasted salt when he wet his lips.
He hadn’t even realized he’d been crying.
After a long moment--marked by a quiet filled only by a few faint hitches in his breathing, and the slow drip, drip of the kitchen sink’s leaky faucet--he left the tequila on the countertop and eased himself back down to his feet.
He was still slated for the dinner shift at the Lake House. And he had to call Ali in the morning. Maybe Monica, too. He definitely had to call them both at some point before the end of tomorrow. The end of today? He didn’t even know, anymore. Fuck, he was tired.
With another heavy sigh, he shuffled off in the direction of the couch, leaving his phone where it sat.
He’d deal with everything when he woke up. He just needed to sleep.
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bittersculs-blog · 5 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
date: June 16, 2019 - night of a full moon 
summary: In which Cait’s magic takes a turn under the light of a full Strawberry Moon, and Something dark crawls into her mind and her magic. ALSO KNOWN AS: reasons not to fuck with dark magic, kids! 
tw: injury, blood 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Strawberry Moon climbed the sky, its pink light shrouding the world in rose. And Caitlin woke in delirious pain.
She couldn’t breathe, as the burning ran up and down her body, sinking deep into every bone. She was lying on a bed of coals and the air swam in front of her, thick as water. She gasped, choked and grabbed her own throat, feeling the fire inside it. Her nails tore at her flesh. She needed to scoop the fire, hot as a dragon’s breath, out. She needed to let it bleed from her.
There was a pink moon in the sky. A Strawberry Moon. It wasn’t her father’s tribe that had named it such, but it was him that told her what the Algonquin’s called it. It was the her mother who’d told her what that meant for her magic, even when Cait was too young to understand what her magic was. ‘The moon is a door, Caitlin,’ She’d say. 
Decades later, under the light of that very moon, Cait tried to scream. She tried to move. But her room was silent, her body frozen. The runes she’d placed on her body burned. The fire would wreck her in this bed and there was nothing she could do.
The black magic was going to rip right through her.
No—she tried to fight it back, though she could feel it battering at the walls of her rib cage, could feel its thick, darkness unfurling from her flimsy heart. No—I will not be a slave to you.
She opened her mouth and tried to scream.
She heard her mouth move with Its words before she passed out again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“The moon is a door, Caitlin.” Her mother says. “There is no other moon so universally beneficial a full moon. It’s the moon which begins the fading of the veils between the three worlds, until the veils are like smoke - to be waved away with a hand. “ 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When Caitlin woke next, she found herself on the floor, covers still tangled around her legs. She’d rolled off her own bed. She was still herself, though, and that was what mattered—she could see through the haze of the pain her human hands, her human fingernails, the bits of dirt underneath them.
The pain licked up and down her spine; the magic coursed viciously through her body. The sigils burned on her and no longer felt like binding barriers.
She only had so much time.
Caitlin kicked with trembling legs at the covers still wrapped like mummy bandages around her body. She crawled to the chair at her desk and gripped at the chair leg with her sweaty hand. The wood began to glow red; she was going to set it on fire if she didn’t move it. She grabbed higher, pulled herself up, grabbed at the curved back of the chair until her feet were flat against the wood floor.
Cait took a shaky step, then another, and then she stumbled with the inertia of the pain out the door of her bedroom. The whole world spun around her.
She was going to die. She was going to die. She was going to die.
And then this thing inside her was going to kill everyone.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Miss Godfrey, what have you done?”
She stands in the corridor, only thirteen, but she doesn’t look at the older witch. 
“This is dark magic.” He says. 
“No it isn’t.”
“It’s playing with the rules of life!” 
“I built a channel with my magic—a loop—and the energy is transmuted through the loop, nothing is lost and nothing is gained—“ she begins to explain.
“Something is always lost,” he snips at her. “Destroy these at once.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
There was magic to do– magic that would help her.
Cait clung to this thought, as she stumbled her way toward her kitchen. She hit wall after wall, each impact another shock, rattling up her already-rattled insides. But if she could get to her cabinet—if she could get to her potions—her concoctions and experiments —if she could, in enough time, burn another rune on her body to keep the thing inside— maybe. She already had so many, running up and down her arms and down her back and over her ribcage — always the long sleeves - but maybe another —
Magic never failed her before. Even in the darkest of her hours, even when her magic had turned a foul green, it had only ever been to protect her. Her magic was her friend when no one else was.
She just needed her kitchen and her box of tools. She could live.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“You’re just scared of what I can do.” “And you should be too, Miss Godfrey.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Outside her kitchen window, New York’s heart kept beating as it met the first of summer. Caitlin body-slammed her counter and then threw up ash and acid into the sink.
The Strawberry moon’s ancient glow shed light through the window, just enough for her to see the pale pallor of her hand, gripping hard at the edge of the counter. Her vomit sizzled away in the sink, eating through the metal. Smoke rose and curled around Caitlin’s panting form.
But you know, she felt a little bit better.
Cait leaned her head against her arm and for a moment, she was so tired, so dizzy. All she wanted to do was collapse onto the ground and give up. But this wave of peace was temporary. She could already feel the next wave building, and it would bring a torrent of fresh fire, and another round of convulsions.  
She reached down into her stomach for her magic. “Help me,” she whispered and then let it burst out of her like a firework.
Every single drawer and door  sprang open. The kitchen faucet turned on—the stove too—utensils clattering off their hooks, silverware springing from their beds. She heard a smash, and then another smash, and then another, as her plates and cups catapulted out of their shelves. 
Rude, she thought, as her own home turned against her. She tried her best to ignore it - she needed her potion of good health.
Cait lifted her head, staring around at the mess of her kitchen. She found her potions cabinet and her face fell, seeing nearly all the bottles having rolled off their shelves and shattered, too.
She stepped toward all those bottles, feet crunching against glass and ceramic as she went. She didn’t feel that pain; it was nothing compared to the rest.
She fell to her knees and shifted through the mess. She found half the bottle of her potion of good health, running her finger on the edge of the label, and on one of the sharp edges.
Her finger bloomed with blood. Cait curled her hand around the broken bottle, glass crunching, and let out a sob.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
She’s a little girl with sparks in her hair, pulling her mother’s laughs from the air and hiding them away in her little jar. She tickles her to get more, and she laughs and laughs for her.
Cassandra takes Caitlin on her knee. “Promise me something,” she says to her. “No matter how brilliant you become, you will always keep a jar of laughs on your kitchen shelf. Joy is an essential ingredient to becoming who we are meant to be.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Another wave of spasms had put Cait on her back, writhing around on the broken glass. But it barely mattered. She couldn’t fight against the pain and had no way to stop it—not even a rune and all the black magic in the world would help— so she let the convulsions curl through her, until she vomited again onto the pile of broken potions.
And then Cait got up.
Or this time, it was the thing, rising from inside her.
The strange magic’s strength surged through her, she slapped a bloody hand on the counter and straightened up. She breathed hard: in and out, in and out, in and out. As her eyes closed, she heard—she swore—the steady beating of wings, as it reminded her swelling heart to keep beating.
She crunched her way out of the kitchen and then out onto the fire escape where the Strawberry Moon hung low. It was watching her; she felt it. Its light poured over her bloody form with every step she took. At first, she stepped slowly. She eased her toes onto the first, metal step. But then faster, steps more steady, and then even faster, until she was running away from her house, up the stairs, as though she could flee from her sickness.
But she was fleeing toward the moon.
The moon is a door.
This thing inside her, it gave her the strength and gave her the pain. It roared in her chest. She remembered the first time she’d felt this, exactly a month ago on the last full moon, how the fire had been just as painful as this then—how she had learned to enjoy it, enjoy this thing’s ferocity, this thing’s hunger, this thing’s desire.  It had always been a mirror of her own.
She’d remembered joy and why she loved her magic –
Her heart has never beat louder.
Cait climbed over the edge and onto the roof, fell to her knees under the light of the Strawberry Moon. Her hands pressed into the cement. She was probably going to die. And she should fight it, still, but this thing had been the best thing that had ever happened to her.
You’re just scared of what I can do.
‘Just you and me now,’ she whispered to her terrible magic.
Something inside her cracked and all that strangeness Cait had been feeling for the last month, spilled out. And the first time, that something spoke to her. She felt the runes straining on her body, like they were rope she was bound by. Now the the binds were threatening to snap. They didn’t, in the end. She felt the markings hold strong, the thing stayed inside.
There’s a stillness, then, for a while. She stays. 
After, who knows how long - some untold amount of time - something ripples through the silence like a pebble dropped. 
< Hello. > Cait hears.
‘Hello.’ She thinks to herself.
After a moment, the thing speaks up again. She can feel it, wandering around the space of her body, slithering around her veins like a snake.
< Strawberry Moon, huh? > 
She looks up. 
< You can smell it in the air, can’t you, Cait?>
She feels her body breathe in deep. ‘Yes’ she thinks when she feels her lungs expand at someone else’s command. She’s not in control of herself. The thing is driving.  
<The Strawberry Moon is one of the most dangerous of all. Do you know why?>
She knows. ‘Why.’ She thinks. 
<The moon is a door, Cait.> 
She’s always known. 
<And doors work both ways. When we open a door, we cannot always control what will slip out.> 
A beat. 
< So allow me to introduce myself>
It raises her hand and Caitlin’s fingers point at the round door in the sky.
< I’m the thing that slipped through the moon. >
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mythicalsecretsanta · 6 years
Cookie Crisis (T)
This gift is for: Ellie (AKA @elliefcutie)
Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy this, I really loved writing it. Hope your 2019 brings you only the best things!
A note on the rating/content. It’s rated G but they are drinking alcohol so I put it as T…idk E seemed like overkill. anyway, tw drinking. It’s platonic love with a whiff of Rhink. nothing remotely explicit or sexual though.
From your Secret Santa, Liz (AKA @mythicaliz)
Link to AO3 or read below:
As much as he loved his peace and quiet, Rhett also loved when his house was bustling with the chaos of both pairs of the Mclaughlin and Neal boys. It was two days before Christmas and both families were enjoying their dose of pre-Christmas excitement. Christy had made an emergency trip back to North Carolina to help after her father had broken his leg. She’d been there for three weeks and was due home the next evening, just in time for Christmas. Link and Lily were home, baking cookies for her church youth group’s Christmas eve party.  It was the first Christmas both families would be in Los Angeles and they were all looking forward to building new family traditions. It was nine pm, dinner was long over, the younger boys were in bed and the older pair played video games in the basement.
Rhett walked into the rec room and placed a bowl of popcorn and two cans of Mello Yello on the side table, and left unnoticed by the two teenage boys. Rhett leaned against the door jam and watched them, their figures, silhouetted by the flashing video game on the TV. Locke sat on the sofa, his gangly awkward body reminded Rhett’s of his own at his age. Some parts too tall already, other parts still somewhat boyish. Lincoln sat on the floor beside Locke. Every day he looked more and more like his father and Rhett couldn’t help but enjoy seeing his best friend grow up right before his eyes all over again.
“Get ‘em!” Lincoln shouted as he and Locke worked in tandem to take down the boss they were fighting. Victorious, they high fived and Lincoln flopped down on the couch beside Locke. The video game beaten and forgotten, the conversation turned to a girl in Lincoln’s class that he liked. Rhett wanted desperately to hear what horrible advice Locke was going to give Lincoln, but instead he decided to give the boys their privacy.
Rhett headed up stars, past Shepard’s room. Shep and Lando had gone to bed an hour ago but he still heard fits of giggles coming from the room. He cracked the door open and the pair were under Shepard’s comforter with a flashlight, telling silly stories and making eachother giggle. Rhett closed the door and couldn’t help but grin.
He felt a slim arm wrap around his waist in a sideways hug.
“You love having them here, don’t ya?” Jessie said as she gave him a squeeze.
“Yeah. It brings back a lot of good memories I have with Link. I’m glad our boys get to have them too.”
“You’re so lucky to have him,” she said as she rested her head on his arm.
“Yeah, y’know I was talking in therapy how it’s taken me so long to admit how important Link is to me. I mean.. I…uh…”
“You love him. And I love that you love him,” Jessie responded.
Rhett’s phone rang and he dug it out of his pocket. “Speak of the devil,” he said as he pulled away from Jessie, pacing up and down the hall as he took the call.
“The kids are fine, Link… oh no what’s going on… okay okay slow down brother, what do you need?”
Rhett sighed and looked up at Jessie, his hand cupped over the receiver and whispered, “You okay to handle the boys on your own? Link’s in a jam.”
Jessie rolled her eyes and nodded.
“I’ll be right over,” he said into the phone and hung up.
“Everything alright?” Jessie asked.
“Yeah, Link’s neighbour, y’know Elise? Her husband is out of town and her son’s appendix burst, she’s at the hospital with him and Lily’s emergency babysitting the two younger kids, which leaves Link to have to make a hundred gingerbread cookies for tomorrow and he’s in a state.”
“Oh gosh, don’t let that man bake!” Jessie said with a grin.
“I’d better get over there before the damn house burns down. Don’t wait up,” he said as he kissed her on the cheek and ran downstairs.
The drive to Link’s was a breeze, he could do it in his sleep. Two left turns, down to the end of the cul de sac. Easy. But it was already nine thirty. Normally he’d be watching something on Netflix with Jessie, thinking about going to bed. But he knew he had a long night ahead of him.
He pushed Link’s front door open and entered the foyer where he hung up his jacket.
“DANGIT!” Link exclaimed with a clatter of pans from the kitchen.
Rhett ran in to see Link holding his hand around his red wrist, eyes full of tears as he cursed up a storm.
Rhett grabbed Link’s hand a thrust it under the faucet which he turned as cold as it would go. He held Link’s hand there for a moment until Link nodded. Rhett got a clean tea towel from the drawer and some ice from the fridge. He balled the ice up in the towel, turned off the water, and held the ice to Link’s wrist.
“Better?” Rhett aked.
“Yeah, thanks,” Link sighed. “I was taking a pan of cookies out and hit the upper rack with my wrist.”
“Well, on the bright side, you only broke one cookie and they look pretty good!,” Rhett said as he picked up half of a broken gingerbread man. He blew on it for a few seconds and then took a large chomp out of the cookie. His eyes crossed a little as he looked around for something to spit it into.
“Oh come on! They can’t be that bad!” Link said as Rhett retched into a garbage can.
“Salty…” he whispered, “So salty!” Rhett chugged a glass of water. “Why so salty?!”
“No, that’s not right, there’s only a teaspoon of salt, lemme taste,” Link said, grabbing the cookie Rhett had taken a bite of.
“Nuh-uh,” Link said as he spit his out too.
“You must have mixed up the salt and sugar,” Rhett replied as he chugged another glass.
“Gosh this is hopeless!” Link replied.”Christy has everything in these unmarked bins, I don’t know what’s what! I’m workin’ blind here!”
“Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do,” Rhett said as he smoothed out his beard. “Where’s your recipe?”
Link pointed to a stained piece of paper on the counter.
Rhett muttered to himself as he read the recipe. “This seems straightforward enough. I’m gonna order all new ingredients, get them sent over by Postmates, so we know what everything is.” He pulled out his phone and ordered what they needed along with a few other items he deemed essential.
“Okay, while we wait, I’m gonna clean up so we can start with all clean utensils. First, lemme see your wrist.”
Link sheepishly pulled back the ice bag, and Rhett pressed his index finger on the burn.
“Ouch, Rhett,” Link said softly.
“It’s still hot, put the ice back on. You sit down. Maybe put some music on?”
“Alexa, play Merle Haggard’s Christmas Present,” Link said to the speaker on the kitchen counter.
Merle’s soothing voice began singing, “If We Make it Through December.” Rhett sang along as he filled the sink with soapy water and threw measuring cups and mixing bowls in. He took a cloth and wiped down the large marble kitchen island and swept the floor. In no time the kitchen was sparkling and the Postmates guy had arrived with their order. Link unpacked the bags. Flour, sugar, icing sugar, butter, baking powder, molasses, pasteurized egg whites, cream of tartar, spices, eggs, vanilla, milk, parchment paper, a glass jug of eggnog, and a bottle of rum.
“Really?” Link said, gesturing to the rum and eggnog.
“Look, it’s gonna be a long night, and we’re in need of some good old Christmas cheer,” Rhett said with a grin as he grabbed two glasses from the cupboard.
“I meant really? Rum? Were southern boys, we drink bourbon,” Link said as he pulled a bottle of Southern Comfort out of a high cabinet and handed it to Rhett. “Besides, I had a bad experience with rum once. Remember in college?”
“I remember, you were rough!” Rhett laughed as he poured them both a spiked eggnog and held out his glass. “Dink it,” he said.
“And sink it,” Link said, reluctantly clinked glasses and drank.
Rhett read through the recipe again, muttering to himself. “Alright, doctor, two sticks of butter,” he said, with an outstretched palm.
“Doctor?” Link said as he began to peel the wrapping off the butter.
“STAT!” Rhett said with a grin.
“Alright, doctor,” Link rolled his eyes as he handed the butter off to Rhett.
A few minutes later Rhett shut off the stand mixer and scraped the dough into a ball which he placed on a well floured counter.  He shaped it into a disk and reached for the rolling pin.
“Wait!” Link exclaimed, “Quality control!”
Rhett pinched off a small ball of dough and threw it to Link who popped it in his mouth. A bright grin broke out on his face.
“Good?” Rhett asked as he pulled off a taste for himself. Link nodded.
Rhett rolled out the dough in long strokes until it was the perfect thickness. He tentatively pressed the cookie cutter into the dough. He pulled it up, relieved to see a perfect impression of the gingerbread man in the dough. His tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth as he slid a spatula under the raw cookie and delicately placed it on the parchment lined sheet. “Phew!” he said, “One down, ninety-nine to go.”
“This is gonna take forever,” Link sighed.
“You keep cutting these out, and I’ll start the next batch of dough,” he said as he tossed the cookie cutter to Link. Before he began the next bach he topped off both of their drinks. Link was right, it was going to be a long night.
Link cut out as many men as he could from the dough then balled up the scraps to reroll it to make more. He pressed the dough into a disk and began to roll it out again with the large wooden rolling pin. “Ugh!” he said as he struggled.
Rhett turned off the stand mixer and moved over to assist Link. “Here, we need to flour your rolling pin so it doesn’t stick,” Rhett said as he reached around Link and held the handle, his hand over Link’s as he liberally applied flour to the pin. He slid his hands past Link’s waist and guided Link’s hands over the handles of the pins and showed him how much pressure to apply and how to get a smooth, even surface. His beard bristled against Link’s ear as he softly said, “Easy now.”
“Like this, Rhett?” Link almost whispered.
“Perfect,” Rhett replied. He couldn’t help but notice how naturally they fit together. How his height allowed him to see clearly over Link’s shoulder, how his arms fit around Link’s slim waist and how their fingers intertwined over the handles of the rolling pin. “You got it,” he said as he pulled his hands away and returned to the mixer.
“How do you know this stuff anyway?” Link asked as he pushed up his glasses with a floured hand. “It’s not like you bake.”
“Nah, but I do watch way too many hours of Food Network,” Rhett said with a wink as he turned out a second batch of dough.
A few minutes later the first batch of cookies were ready to come out of the oven. “Let me do it, I don’t want you to burn yerself again,” Rhett said as he grabbed the oven mitt from Link. Slowly he pulled them out of the oven and placed them on the stove top. “What d’ya think?” He asked.
“They smell great!” Link said cheerfully, “But I don’t know if they’re done?”
“Remember what Josh said? If they look browned they’ll be burnt. Let’s leave them a few minutes to firm up. In the meantime we’ve earned ourselves another drink!”
Link poured this time and quickly they’d downed another spiked eggnog. The cookies cooled and Rhett picked one up. He broke it in half with a satisfying snap and handed half to Link. They both took a bite and grinned at each other at the delicious result.
They developed a system, Rhett made the dough, Link rolled it out and cut it, Rhett pulled them out of the oven and transferred them to cooling racks and they started over again, pausing for another boozy eggnog in between each batch. Soon, all the cookies were done baking and they had over a hundred gingerbread men in front of them to be decorated.
Link poured various candies and sprinkles into small bowls while Rhett mixed up a batch of royal icing. He spooned the thick white cream into a pastry bag, picked it up, and began to pipe decorations onto the first cookie. He squeezed the bag and the icing shot out quicker than he anticipated.
“Arghhhh,” he exclaimed. Link turned around from washing dishes at the sink and grabbed Rhett’s hand, pulling it up to his mouth and licked the icing that was dripping down the side of Rhett’s hand and his wrist.
“Did you really just do that?!” Rhett said, tears forming as he doubled over in laughter.
“Whut ihs thusss?” Link tried to speak with a mouthful of thick icing.
“Mostly egg whites,” Rhett said, laughing even harder.
“Ugh,” Link said as he spat the icing into the garbage and drained his glass of eggnog.
“You licked me!”
“Well, it seemed like the most reasonable thing to do at the time,” Link replied with a toothy grin.
“Gosh you’d think after thirty five years I would have seen that coming.”
“What can I say, Rhett, I’m full of surprises!”
Rhett washed his hands and picked up the icing to try again. This time, with a more delicate touch, he was able to get better control and pipe icing onto various candies which Link affixed to the gingerbread men to dress them up. Gumdrop buttons, silver ball eyes, licorice scarves. They looked adorable. Homemade, very homemade, but adorable.
Two hours and a few more drinks later, they were almost done. Link’s hips swayed along to Merle singing, My Favourite Memory. “There’s a million good times I could dwell on, but you are my favourite memory of all,” he sang as he washed the last few dishes.
“There’s a million good day dreams to dream on, but, baby, you’re my favourite memory of all,” Rhett sang as he decorated the last two gingerbread men. Theses ones were different than the others. One had icing abs and spiky icing hair, the other glasses and cross hatched icing plaid pants. “Look Link, it’s us,” Rhett grinned as he held up the two gingerbread men.
“Well, ain’t we cute,” Link said as he shut off the tap.
“You wanna eat me, or you?” Rhett asked, holding out the cookies.
“Ha! I’m not sure how to answer that? You I guess?” Link said, taking the Rhett cookie.
“Why’d you pick me?” Rhett said as he bit the head off the Link cookie.
“I dunno, practice for the apocalypse I guess when I’ll have to cannibalize you?” Link grinned as he ate a foot. “Dang these are good. Thank you for all your help, Rhett,” he said. “Crap it’s two in the mornin’. We can leave the rest of the dishes till tomorrow. I just remembered the guest room has no clean sheets right now. You wanna sleep on the couch or with me?”
“You, I guess. Be like our sleepovers we used to have ‘round Christmas time as kids.”
Link yawned and nodded. The pair made their way upstairs. Rhett had a toothbrush in the spare room from times when he’d be there working late so he brushed his teeth and washed his face. He pulled off his jeans and sweatshirt and padded down the plush hallway carpeted in his boxers and black v-neck t-shirt. He crawled into bed and assumed the usual rigid position he took when sleeping with Link, flat on his back to minimize contact.
A few minutes later, after completing his rigorous nighttime routine, Link crawled into bed. “Night brother, thanks again, you really saved me. I just want this Christmas to be so special. Our first Christmas in Los Angeles and all.”
“Happy to help. Hey… Link… ” Rhett whispered but before he could say what he wanted to, Link began to lightly snore.
A few minutes later Link’s arm was around Rhett’s waist, as he slept with reckless abandon. Normally Rhett would gently reposition Link’s arm so they weren’t cuddling. Maybe it was all the bourbon, or the Christmas spirit, or just the fact that he’d finally admitted to himself how important to him Link was, but he left it there.
For so many years of bed sharing he’d always fought Link’s touch but there was a niceness to it. This was their first Christmas away from home, but here, with his grey haired best friend nuzzling into his chest, he knew home wasn’t North Carolina, or Los Angeles or anywhere in between. Link was his home.
He sighed and breathed in the unmistakably earthy, clean smell that defined Link,and the lingering smell of molasses and bourbon. It was almost more intoxicating than the alcohol. For the first time he let his arm wrap around Link’s back and pull him closer. He swore he could feel Link’s lips curled into a smile against his chest as Link sighed contently and snuggled deeper. Rhett smiled too as he drifted off to sleep with his best friend in his arms.
Rhett woke up with the sun streaming through the California shutters in Link’s bedroom. It took him a few to seconds to remember he was at Link’s and it was Link wrapped up in his arms, a leg casually thrown over his, Link’s grey hair a mess under Rhett’s chin. Rhett smiled and gave Link a gentle squeeze. Maybe if things had gone differently in high school or college, or maybe if they’d grown up somewhere other than rural North Carolina, this would be how he would wake up every day, with Link in his arms. But that would be another Rhett in another universe. He was just grateful for all the things he did have. To be able to spend all day with Link, to build a business and live their childhood dreams.
“Hey,” Link said softly. He looked up at Rhett, his eyes impossibly blue without his glasses. “Uh, sorry for all the cuddling… awkward,” Link said as he pulled his leg off Rhett’s.
“No worries,” Rhett said, his arms still wrapped around Link.
“Wanna go get breakfast at the diner? My treat for all your help?” Link asked.
“Sure, can… can we stay here a little while longer?” Rhett asked.
“Sure, brother,” Link said, his head rested on Rhett’s chest again. “Hey Rhett, it’s Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas, Link. Love you, brother,” he said as he gave Link a squeeze.
“Love you too, Rhett,” Link replied as his arm wrapped around his waist again, with a knowing squeeze. In a few hours the kids would come home, and Link would go to the airport to pick up Christy. There would be church and presents and Christmas excitement, but right now it was just Rhett and Link. They closed their eyes and both dozed off again, stealing one more hour together.
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Before & After Home Renovation with Pictures
  Designed by Suzanne Bolling of Restyle Design, LLC, this home was a complete renovation! The interior designer took it down to the studs and redesigned the space for this young family. They opened up the main floor to create a large kitchen with two islands and seating for a crowd and a dining nook that looks out to the beautiful front yard. They also created two seating areas, one for TV viewing and one for relaxing in front of the bar area, and added a new mudroom with lots of closed storage cabinets, a pantry with a sliding barn door and a powder room for guests.
This home went from outdated and dark to funky and young. Although the entire home mostly features a white and grey color scheme, pops of tangerine brings a sense of happiness to this home. By the way, tangerine will be the color of 2019!
Feel free to pin your favorite “Before and After” transformations. I did a few collages so you guys would see how this home used to look before the renovation. These are always fun to look at, right?
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  Before & After Home Renovation
This kitchen is not a cookie-cutter by any means! I am loving the combination of all elements found in this space. The wall paint color is Sherwin Williams Repose Grey.
This island measures 75 x 64.
Counter Stools – Mid-Century Park White Leather Barstool – similar here & here.
Kitchen Island Lighting – BESA Satin Nickel Pendant.
Before & After Kitchen Renovation
Did your jaw just dropped? Because mine did!!!
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Isn’t it an amazing “before and after” kitchen renovation?! My goodness… look at the details! This one really deserves a pin.
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Range Hood: Custom range hood in reclaimed barnwood – similar here.
Kitchen Cabinet
The perimeter cabinets are textured melamine in white zebrine flat panel.
Backsplash is ADEX Neri 6” arabesque tile – similar here – Beautiful Arabesque Tiles: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Pot Filler Faucet: Delta.
Kitchen Faucet – Delta faucet in matte black.
Kitchen Sink: Kohler.
Dishwasher: Jenn-Air.
Main Floor and Lower Level Flooring– ADS Eagle Creek syncore 7 x 48 plank in heatherstone – similar here.
Kitchen Island Cabinetry
Island cabinetry is Durapro Stone Grey, shaker style.
Kitchen Island Faucet – Delta bar faucet in matte black.
This island measures 70 x 64.
Countertop & Hardware
Countertops are Arizona linen quartz on perimeter and Arizona frost quartz on island.
Cabinet Hardware: Berenson metro pull in matte black 6 11/16”.
Range: Jenn-Air.
Open Floor Plan
This kitchen features two islands – one is opposite to the range and the other is opposite to the fridge.
Before & After Dining Room
The new kitchen and dining room are located where the former living room and dining room used to be. Notice the bay windows. The windows were changed but they were placed in the same spot.
Dining Room Decor
Dining Table – Four Hands – similar here, here & here.
Dining Chairs – West Elm Mid-Century Dining Chair in Cayenne.
Dining Rug – 8ft round sisal rug – similar here.
Lighting – Varaluz pendant.
Window Treatment – Hunter Douglas Silhouettes in white.
Wall Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams Repose Grey SW 7015.
Entry Lighting– Savoy House.
The dining room opens to a sitting area with a custom bar. The bar cabinets are Textured melamine grigio pine and backsplash in Ghost Wood horizontal planks.
Chairs – Four Hands.
Ceiling Treatment
Ceiling Reno: The ceilings were raised by 1 foot.
Sofa – West Elm Sofa.
Coffee Table – Four hands coffee table – similar here.
Rug – NuLoom.
Before & After Living Room
It’s hard to believe this is the same room. The designer kept the same brick fireplace!
The original brick fireplace had the brick “whitewashed” and a reclaimed wood beam was added.
Chair: West Elm.
Lighting is by Hinkley Lighting – Large.
Inspired by this Home:
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The old staircase was replaced with a custom metal staircase with beam treads in a clear finish. These beams are called “Parallam”, which is an engineered laminate lumber, often used as structural beams and posts.
Hallway/Stairwell Sconces – ELK.
Pendant – Hinkley – Large.
Kids Bathroom
The bathrooms also felt very outdated. New cabinetry, flooring and shower tiles create a space that feels fresh and more practical. Paint color is Benjamin Moore Super White.
Backsplash Tile – Here.
Faucet is Delta widespread faucet in chrome.
Lighting – Minka in chrome.
Hardware: Berenson Metro Pull Chrome.
Similar Floor Tile: Here, Here & Here (large).
Beautiful Bathroom Mats: Here.
Master Bathroom
Cabinetry is Durapro in Benjamin Moore Gauntlet Grey. Doors are  Shaker-style.
Faucet is Delta widespread faucets in polished nickel.
Lighting – ELK 3 light Vanity Light in Weathered Zinc/Polished Nickel.
Backsplash – Mir Cityscape Stax Grey 6” splash – Other Beautiful Mosaic Tiles: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Hardware: Berenson – Chrome.
Shower Tile – Walls: Porcelanosa Japan in Marine 12 x 35 horizontal straight set (similar here). Floor: Atelier Light Grey 24” square tile straight set (similar here).
Power Room
Paint color is Repose Grey SW 7015 by Sherwin Williams. Wainscoting is Super White by Benjamin Moore. Notice that a mosaic tile was placed just above the wainscoting.
Lighting – Savoy House.
Faucet is Pfister Kenzo faucet in matte black.
Basement Before & After
Oh, that basement!!! Well, things are looking much brighter and practical now. The designer added an under-the-counter beverage fridge and a drawer dishwasher to the wet bar.
Basement Bar
The lower bar cabinets are textured melamine grigio pine and backsplash tile is Porcelanosa Qatar Nacar 12 x 35 straight tile set horizontal – similar here.
Faucet: Delta.
Hardware: Berenson.
Before & After Mudroom
This space was completely reconfigured and it now features plenty of storage. The barn door opens to a pantry.
Mudroom Barn Door Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Cayenne SW 6881 – Similar Chalk Barn Door: here & here.
The mudroom cabinets are textured melamine in grigio pine.
Mudroom Lighting – Savoy House Flush Mount.
Hardware: Berenson – matte black.
Runner: Here.
  Many thanks to the designer for sharing all of the details above.
Interior Design: Restyle Design, LLC (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: Kathy Peden Photography.
  Home Bunch Favorites:
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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jediknightreys-blog · 6 years
The Most Effective Kitchen Sinks Styles for Your Home
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Kitchen faucet is a fixture that you absolutely need in your kitchen. It is essential that you opt for the right someone to ensure that it is durable and fits its own purpose. However, with all the numerous choices on the market nowadays, it is not hard for you to become confused with your own hunt. Selecting the most most popular kitchen sinks for the own home could be an overwhelming job so be certain you understand what things to look for by considering your needs first. Or even better, read kitchen faucet reviews to narrow down the options.
Best Kitchen Sinks Reviews:
The very first consideration when selecting a kitchen sink that meets your place may be the type that you require. You'll discover faucets that are pull-down, pull-out, double handle, single control, and the wall-mount form. After assessing these out, you can choose the type of finish you like in your kitchen faucet. You may decide on metal, nickel, metal, chrome, bronze, black, white or classic. Yet another thing to consider is the height and reach the sink. For the average sized sink, go to the standard faucets that are approximately 3 to 5 inches.
Kinds of Kitchen Sinks
• Wall Mount Kitchen Faucets - All these types are installed onto your own wall. They arrive in varied designs and finishes. Installing this sort of kitchen sink can be a tough job since not all kitchens are all designed to have a wall-mounting feature therefore you will want expert assistance when installing.
• Pull Out Kitchen Sinks- All these kinds are created to supply added feature in kitchen. It's also available with a spray so it is possible to stretch your reach and also get far better water flow. This type of best stainless steel sinks 2019 makes preparing food and washing plates easy.
• Single Handle Kitchen kitchen sink- This one uses an individual handle for mixing cold and hot water. This kind features convenience and simplicity and is perfect for those who plan to get a contemporary kitchen layout.
• Double Manage kitchen sink- These types has another handle for cold and hot water. This gives good control on the sort of water you require.
It's possible to choose among these different kitchen sink layouts. However, before you purchase anything, try to learn kitchen faucet inspections first. You're certain to find a review about kitchen faucet brands and models on the web. Simply key-in the type of sink on your favorite internet search engine, hit the search button and revel in the long collection of reviews. While you may feel that it is unnecessary to see about other people's opinion, later you will realize that they are definitely worth your interest.
Once you are prepared to purchase, you will be amazed about the several distinct brands of kitchen faucets out there. These are a few of the most trusted names in the business. However, in the event that you can find another brand that is appropriate for your preferences then you're free to go for it. Afterall, it's about choosing the kitchen faucet brand that goes well together with your specific requirement. The key issue to check at is that their durability, reliability and also just how they can serve their purpose in your own kitchen.
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The Most Ideal Kitchen Sinks Styles for Your Home
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Kitchen faucet is actually just a fixture that you really need on your kitchen. It is imperative that you choose the right choice to ensure it is lasting and fits its own purpose. But with the countless choices in the market nowadays, it's easy for one to become confused along with your search. Selecting the most best undermount kitchen sinks for your home is actually a daunting task therefore make certain that you understand the best way things to look for by considering your needs . Or better yet, read kitchen faucet reviews to restrict your choices.
Best Kitchen Sinks Reviews:
The first consideration when choosing a kitchen faucet that fits your house could be the type that you require. It is possible to come across faucets which are pull-down, pull out, double handle, single controller, and also the wall-mount style. After checking out these, you may pick the kind of finish you would like in your kitchen faucet. You may choose metal, nickel, brass, chrome, bronze, black, white or classic. Still another thing to consider is the height and reach of the sink. For the average sized sink, then go for the conventional faucets which are approximately 3-5 inches.
Forms of Kitchen Sinks
• Wall Mount Kitchen Sinks - These types are installed onto your wall. They come in varied designs and finishes. Installing this sort of kitchen faucet can be a tough job since not all kitchens are all designed to own a wall-mounting feature which means you will need professional assistance when installing.
• Pull Out Kitchen Faucets- All these kinds are produced to provide added feature from the kitchen. It is also open with a spray so that you may extend your reach and also receive far much better water flow. This type of best stainless steel sinks 2019 makes preparing food and washing dishes easy.
• Single Handle Kitchen kitchen faucet- that one uses an individual handle for mixing cold and hot water. This kind provides convenience and simplicity and is ideal for those who plan for a contemporary kitchen style.
• Double Handle kitchen sink- All these types has another handle for hot and cold water. This gives good control on the type of water you need.
It is possible to select one of these different kitchen sink designs. However, before you purchase anything, make an effort to read kitchen faucet inspections first. You are sure to locate a review of kitchen faucet brands and models on the web. Just key-in the sort of sink in your own favourite search engine, hit the search button and revel in the long collection of reviews. While you might feel it is unnecessary to learn about other people's opinion, after you may see they are absolutely worth your interest.
When you're prepared to purchase, you will be amazed concerning the several diverse brands of kitchen faucets out there. A few of the best brands in the market are Delta, Price Pfister, American Standards, and Kohler. These are some of the most trusted names in the industry. However, in the event that you're able to find another brand which works for your requirements then you are free to go for it. After all, it's about finding the kitchen sink brand that goes well together with your particular requirement. The important thing to look at is their durability, reliability and also just how they can best serve their purpose in your kitchen.
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steammopss-blog · 6 years
Best Steam Cleaners to Buy in 2019
Best Overall: McCulloch Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner Buy on Amazon The McCulloch Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner takes the top spot for a best overall steam cleaner, thanks to its versatility and deep cleaning ability.
Steam Cleaner 
This multi-purpose steam cleaner from McCulloch could truly be described as a steam cleaner for everything and anything. Freshen your grout lines, rid your bathroom fixtures of water stains, restore a sparkle to your oven, refresh your auto upholstery. Users report that receiving this steam cleaner induced a ‘cleaning frenzy’ where they steamed and sanitized everything in sight.
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One thing to consider is the longer warm-up time — it takes 8 minutes for the McCulloch Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner to produce steam. In many people’s opinions, though, this is negated by the fact that the machine will produce steam for 45 minutes. That provides a tremendous amount of cleaning power. Many smaller machines have more limited run times before needing to be refilled with water and reheated. If you want a steam cleaner that will tackle anything and delivers overall great performance, choose the McCulloch Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner.
Best Multipurpose: Shark 2-in-1 Steam Pocket Mop   Buy on Amazon Buy on Sharkclean.com For a steam cleaner that is equally useful for floors or other surfaces, the Shark 2-in-1 Steam Pocket Mop is a great choice.
Shark combined the easy use and functionality of its popular Steam Pocket Mop with a convenient lift-away design to give you a handheld steam cleaner on demand. As a single unit, the 2-in-1 Steam Pocket Mop will clean your floors using a 2-sided microfiber pad and the power of steam. But you can also detach the mop head and use the body of the unit as a handheld steam cleaner.
While it doesn’t come with as many attachments and isn’t quite as nimble as a true handheld steam cleaner, the versatility available in the Shark 2-in-1 Steam Pocket Mop makes it a great choice for a multipurpose steam cleaner.
Best Budget: Bissell Hard Surface Handheld Steam Cleaner Buy on Amazon If you want to put the power of steam cleaning in the palm of your hand for a small price, the Bissell Hard Surface Cleaner is the answer.
This small-but-mighty device will allow you to clean just about anything, thanks to the multiple attachments and ready supply of steam. It’s best used for cleaning up around the kitchen, including cabinet doors, appliance handles and knobs, or faucets. It’s also great for sanitizing sealed surfaces, including granite countertops commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. Users like this unit is compact, and easy to use for small, quick jobs or routine maintenance. While a few people complained about a lack of power from the steam produced, many users have found the price and the value of this budget steam cleaner to be excellent.
Due to its small size, though, don’t expect to get extended runtime out of this machine. You may need to refill it frequently and let it reheat to finish bigger jobs. Still, this Bissell Hard Surface Cleaner and its attachments make a great versatile choice for handheld steam cleaning.
Best Vacuum and Steam Mop: Bissell Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop   Buy on Amazon If your cleaning time is limited or it seems like a hassle to run the vacuum before steam cleaning your floors, then you need an all-in-one unit like the Bissell Symphony Vacuum and Steam Mop.
This multi-functional steam cleaner sanitizes with the power of steam, vacuums up light dirt and debris, or combines the two for a double-duty cleaning experience. The nice thing about this combination steam cleaner is the fact that the vacuum and steam function are independent of each other — so choose the cleaning capacity that is right for the job.
To employ the steam function, you will need to hold down a trigger – but it’s located in the handle in a spot that is natural to hold during operation. Many users don’t find it to be an inconvenience. The suction ability of this vacuum is not necessarily as strong as standalone vacuum cleaners, but most people find it to be sufficient for quick clean-up before steam cleaning floors. It’s a great choice for pet owners, since dog and cat hair seem to be always present and pose a challenge when steam cleaning. With the Bissell Symphony Vacuum and Steam Mop, you can clear debris and steam clean floors with one swipe — saving you time and energy!
Best for Hard Surface Floors: Sienna Luna Plus Steam Cleaning System Buy on Amazon Buy on Walmart If you have hard surface flooring and are looking for a steam cleaner that will clean and revitalize your tile, marble, laminate, or wood flooring, then the Sienna Luna Plus Steam Cleaning System is our top recommendation.
This steam cleaner has a reusable microfiber pad that fits over the mop head to clean flooring. What really sets the Sienna Luna Plus apart for cleaning hard surface floors is its vibrating motion that assists in removing grime and debris. Users report that the Sonic Micro Plus Vibration technology really does assist in getting floors cleaner with less effort and elbow grease. Other steam cleaning mops lack this scrubbing assist, with many being equipped with only a manual scrubber or no scrubber at all.
Like many steam cleaners, the Sienna Luna Plus comes with multiple attachments so you can use the unit for a variety of purposes. But the unit really shines when it comes to floor cleaning and users most often were satisfied with it for this purpose. A few people noted issues with parts breaking or melting, but these were speedily remedied by the manufacturer. All in all, the Sienna Luna Plus is a great choice for steam cleaning hard surface floors in your home.
Best for Carpet: O-Cedar Microfiber Steam Mop Buy on Amazon If you want to be able to zoom between hard surface floors and carpeting, then the O-Cedar Microfiber Steam Mop is an excellent choice.
This lightweight steam mop weighs in at only 5 pounds, making it easy to maneuver. It features a triangular cleaning surface (great for corners) with replaceable microfiber pads. Its claim to fame is ​as a budget hard surface steam cleaner, but we love the fact that it includes a snap-on plastic glider to allow the mop to refresh carpets and rugs.
This steam mop kills up to 99.9% of bacteria, and the ability to use this on both hard and soft surface flooring means that you can banish germs wherever they may be lurking — including your carpets. While users love the quick heating element, the one drawback is that it can be tough to tell when the water reservoir is full or approaching empty. Despite that, the O-Cedar Microfiber Steam Mop is a versatile choice for cleaning carpets and hard surfaces without having to switch tools or appliances in the middle of your cleaning session.
Best for Spot Cleaning: BISSELL Little Green ProHeat Portable Cleaner Buy on Amazon Though not specifically billed as a steam cleaner, the Bissell Little Green ProHeat Portable Cleaner combines the power of hot water and suction to deliver a spot cleaning performance that replaces the need for full-size steam cleaners.
The Bissell Little Green ProHeat Cleaner is a great tool to treat and remove stains on your upholstery, rugs, curtains, automotive upholstery and more. Instead of pulling out a large steam cleaner, tackle small stains and messes with the Little Green ProHeat Portable Cleaner. It has an onboard heating element that is specifically for heating the water used in cleaning. It also features two easy-to-clean tanks and a simple functional design.
A few people noted an odor coming from the machine after repeated uses, but this is easily remedied by keeping the tanks clean after each use and not allowing residue to build-up. Overall, users love this machine’s ability to make stains and messes vanish – even if after an extended period of time. If you’re looking to replace a full-size steam cleaner with a portable version for smaller tasks, the Bissell Little Green Portable Cleaner is the answer.
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original-drtea-blog · 4 years
Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucets Reviews
Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucets Reviews
Top 5 Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucets of 2020
After 51+ hours of researching, speaking with Pull Down Kitchen Faucets manufacturers and testing. Here is the quick list of the Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucets in 2020.
We keep receiving tons of questions from readers who are going to buy Pull Down Kitchen Faucets, for example:
What is the Best Pull Down Kitchen Faucets 2020, for 2019 or even…
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
These eight Success Tales From 2019 Will Depart You Impressed for the New 12 months
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  (High to backside, left to proper) Freddie Cruz, Kumiko Love, Briana Browne and Travis Sickle are a few of The Penny Hoarder’s most inspirational folks of 2019. Images offered by Kumiko Love, Briana Browne and Chris Zuppa/The Penny Penny Hoarder
First, an acknowledgement: Private finance will be form of a downer. 
There’s the $1.5 trillion collectively owed in pupil mortgage debt, the low charges of economic literacy and the excessive curiosity we’re paying on bank card balances. 
It may all really feel so discouraging. 
So what’s the antidote? How a few success story — or eight. We’re taking big-time inspiration from this 12 months’s high tales about individuals who received a enterprise off the bottom, discovered their dream job, paid off a pile of debt and extra. 
In case you have a monetary problem that’s holding you again and bringing you down, keep in mind that all these folks had been as soon as standing on the far facet of the promised land, and so they made it. You possibly can, too.
Listed below are eight tales that impressed us in 2019.
1. These Entrepreneurs Who Nailed It on ‘Shark Tank’
Dawoon Kang, CEO and cofounder of the relationship app Espresso Meets Bagel, pitched her enterprise alongside her sister-cofounders Soo and Arum. They didn’t stroll away with a deal — they turned one down. Mark Cuban, the billionaire proprietor of the Dallas Mavericks, requested the Kangs if they’d promote their firm for $30 million on the spot. 
They refused. So boss.
Sara Margulis and her husband, Josh, pitched Honeyfund, their wedding-gift and honeymoon registry web site. The Sharks liked it, and the Margulises walked out with a non-equity deal from the Canadian multimillionaire Kevin O’Leary.
Each CEOs talked to The Penny Hoarder about how they received on the present — and how they survived the expertise.
2. This Excessive Faculty Dropout Who Makes $100Okay a 12 months
Freddie Cruz discovered his dream job within the trades, that are among the many fastest-growing fields within the U.S. After dropping out of highschool and driving a truck for some time, Cruz landed a gig as a crane operator and now earns six figures. And get this: In the course of the 4 years he educated as an apprentice, he pulled down $60,000 a 12 months.
three. This Monetary Adviser Who Is Educating His Children About Cash
Travis Sickle’s Four-year-old twins have a particular chant once they depart the financial institution with their father. 
He asks, “What are we going to do with our money?”
And so they reply: “Save and invest! Save and invest!”
Sufficient mentioned.
Four. This Lady Who Paid Off $30Okay in Pupil Loans in 2 Years
Individuals collectively owe one thing like $1.5 trillion in pupil debt. That’s a staggering quantity that may take a really, very very long time to repay. However Briana Browne wasn’t going to spend a long time of her life digging out from her personal $30,000 in class loans. She received sensible, paid it off, like, actually quick, and shared with us how she did it.
5. This Blogger Who Invented Her Personal Approach of Budgeting
Kumiko Love graduated from school with a finance diploma — and greater than $100,000 in medical, pupil mortgage and bank card debt. By a variety of trial and error, she received higher at managing her cash, chipped away at her debt and developed the budget-by-paycheck technique. She additionally started running a blog about her successes (and failures) as The Price range Mother.
6. This Mother Who Survived the Pantry Problem
Our employees author, Tiffany Connors, bravely volunteered to feed her household of three for per week on solely what was of their kitchen, in an effort to point out how one can get monetary savings on groceries by making use of the meals you have already got. The worst factor that occurred was they made garlic bread out of hamburger buns. The very best factor: They saved $150.
We salute you, Tiffany, Chris and Gwen.
7. This Faculty Child Who Gained $45Okay in Video Recreation Tournaments
Like all high-level athlete, Christian Lomenzo needed to observe and hone his abilities earlier than making the massive time. Beginning at age 14, he entered online game tournaments for $1 wagers. All that work culminated with a landing play within the closing moments of the Madden Bowl Problem that gained him $35,000 and an entry within the Madden Bowl Finals — the place he gained one other $10,000.
So don’t ever let anybody let you know that video video games are a waste of time.
eight. This Dad Who Turned a Fireplace Engine Right into a Beer Truck
Kevin Mullan discovered the proper hearth truck for the proper worth and did precisely what he’d been planning on doing: flip the engine right into a rolling faucet room that’s now in demand for events and festivals throughout Toledo, Ohio. 
Oh, and the cash he’s making from his facet hustle is paying for his three youngsters’ faculty tuition.
Molly Moorhead is a senior editor at The Penny Hoarder.
Able to cease worrying about cash?
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/these-eight-success-tales-from-2019-will-depart-you-impressed-for-the-new-12-months/
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Affordable Sink Stopper Stuck
So I got my stopper stuck in the sink upside down… – Really sad, I know. Does anyone know how to remove it? 12 déc. 2017 – Sink Stopper Stuck Upside Down. Sink Stopper Stuck In Closed Position. Fix Kohler Sink Stopper. Kohler Faucet Bathroom Sink Drain Stopper. 16 déc. 2017 – Sink Stopper Stuck Kitchen. Sink Stopper Stuck Open. Sink Stopper Stuck Rubber. Sink Stopper Stuck Upside Down. Kohler Bathroom Sink . 22 févr. 2015 – As you can see in the picture, in my infinite wisdom, I managed to block the kitchen sink with the stopper by placing it upside down in the sink, . Dropping a lid in your sink can cause the lid to become jammed in the drain . Pry the lid up and away from the edge of the drain to remove it, using a butter . Turn off the water to your sink, if the lid is still stuck. . Use a chopstick, knife or other long object to push the lid down the drain, . Subscribe for weekly inspiration. Place the plunger cup over the drain. The water helps the plunger create a seal over the drain. Plunge up and down several times. If the sink drains when you . 6 oct. 2011 – Clogged or slow flowing bathroom sink? How to remove, dis-assemble, clean and re-assemble a button type pop up stopper in a bathroom sink . 26 oct. 2018 – How to fix a pop up sink plug push down not working stuck kitchen strainer . Vessel sinks rest on top of the counter, rather than being inserted into the sink. . Plunger New Bathroom Sink Stopper Stuck Inspirational Bathroom. We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in our house, and from time to time . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to . will usually come apart pretty easily, for extra grip try wearing a rubber glove. this weekend’s tasks, the plug in the our bathroom sink’s just like this. cheers. sink stopper replacement beautiful bathroom how to fix a stuck intended for broken repair sto. bathroom sink stopper repair kit assembly parts obsession plunger . pop up sink stopper not working fresh bathroom drain for photo 1 of 5 stuck down . better pop up sink stoppers how do you fix a bathroom sink stopper lovely . 1 nov. 2018 – Bathroom Sink Drain Plug Stuck Awesome Sink Pop Up Drain Stuck Awesome Bathtub Stopper Stuck Elegant. This wonderful picture . 11 nov. 2018 – Bathroom Sink Stopper Stuck Down Beautiful Three Simple Ways To Unclog A Sink Drain. This awesome photo collections about Bathroom . 3 juil. 2018 – Stupendous Sink Drain Plug Stuck Sink Stopper Stuck Bathroom Sink Plug Jammed Lovely Cool Bathroom Sink Jammed Sink Drain Plug . 22 févr. 2015 – Fill void with water and use a toilet plunger. . way, you could undo the drain pipe under the sink so that you can push the stopper up and out. Stuck Goldfish Fish Koi Bathtub Bath Tub Sink Drain Plug Stopper. . Very cute bath plug that the kids will love! Stuck Bath Plug being featured on Fab. Sink . Fix a Sink Stopper: A sink stopper with a push/pull rod control at the faucet is a . It is tempting to think something merely separated from another part and you . 17 déc. 2018 – Installing a garbage disposal, replacing the sink or simply installing a new sink drain flange requires removing the kitchen sink drain basket. 17 juin 2010 – So I was cleaning potatoes getting ready to for dinner. I put the drain plug in so I could clean them all at one time. Well, now the “drain plug”. Don’t Call The Plumber Just Yet: 9 Ways to Unclog a Kitchen Sink Drain. Boiling water. This is the easiest and least expensive solution of all, which makes it the best one to try first. Disposal. Salt and boiling water. Vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda and salt. Plunger. P-trap. Plumber’s snake. 22 févr. 2015 – As you can see in the picture, in my infinite wisdom, I managed to block the kitchen sink with the stopper by placing it upside down in the sink, . While frustrating, a slow sink drain—often caused by a mix of soap scum and . While you might be tempted to reach for commercial drain openers right off the bat, . If you’ve tried all of the above steps but are still stuck with a slow sink drain, . 5 févr. 2013 – Either way, make sure that there’s no chance of a flood while you’re taking apart your sink drain. While it’s tempting to ignore this step and get . Here are several ways of clearing a drain clog without toxic chemicals: Dish Soap and Hot Water. Boil about two liters of water and mix in a few tablespoons of liquid dish soap. Wire Coat Hanger. Straighten the hanger out but leave the hook. Baking Soda & Vinegar. Salt, Borax, and Vinegar. Baking Soda & Salt. Plunger. Sewer and Drain Cleanin in Greater Seattle Area . propane torch in order to forcibly release water that is stuck in a frozen pipe. . be tempted to dispose of all the grease by tipping it into your kitchen sink and watching it slither down the drain. 17 déc. 2018 – Place a suction cup on top of a metal sink stopper that does not have a knob, and push down on the suction cup to create a seal on the top of . 24 déc. 2014 – Within seconds to lift a pop up sink plug that is stuck. stuck cabinets depot broken sink stopper lowes faucets removal dimensions bronze . Tower Lowes Glass Ideas Doors For Wilko Suction Target Solutions Frosted . for magnet lowes shower menards sealant bathtub replacement handle licious . images single menards home tops bathroom without sink cabinets faucets . bath wheelchair menards sink stuck lowes amazi depot set nickel handle for taps . bathroom caddy s replacement home ideas corner shelf niche shower recessed chrome depot wont glass suction . Ideas Valve Low Height Design Door Curtain Types Tub Bathtub Placement Steam Doo Licious Luxury Bath Rug Runner. 9 févr. 2019 – Stopper Lowes Home Parts Moen Stuck Upside Replacement Diagram Delta Removal Drains Kit Suction Bathroom Depot Sink Kohler Plug And Fix Down Broken . To Stunning Amusing S Bathro Exciting Agreeable Fascinating Koh Low Diagra K Pi Repl. . Licious Walk In Shower Stalls For Handicapped. 6 mars 2019 – sink suction kitchen replacement ing plug stopper pivot kit stuck small upside clog and replace fix . diagram down delta plug upside sink stuck home bathroom kitchen removal . Inspiring Tab Curtains For Sliding Glass Doors . Wonderful Non Slip Closet Hangers . Licious Extra Large White Bath Rug. 6 mars 2019 – Home Delta Cup Diagram Replace Shut Amusing Down Removal Stopper Sink Assembly Kitchen Ing Stuck Rubber Lowes Broken Menards . Curtain Astounding Toilets Glass Bathroom Fabric And Gorgeous Pictures At Sink Mats . only stuck home depot ideas backsplash stay bath bronze sink faucets wooden Air Photos Non Photoshoot Seniors Slip H Vikrell Reglazed Cups Mattress Suction Cast Best Iron For . Licious Red And Gray Chevron Shower Curtain. We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in our house, and from time to time . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to rotate . If it is still a bit sticky then there is a small locating screw on the side, which may Places like Bunnings and mitre 10 tend to only stock whole units. 0. 17 déc. 2018 – If the metal sink stopper is still stuck, proceed. Remove the pivot rod nut under the sink by turning it counterclockwise with a pair of pliers to remove the pivot rod. The pivot rod is a small rod extending from the sink’s drain beneath the sink, held in place by the pivot rod nut. How to remove a stuck drain stopper in a bathroom sink to properly clean it. . With a few inexpensive tools and a little practice you can clear The bathroom may be all about cleaning, yet it’s one of the worst places in your home for hiding . 20 févr. 2019 – When a trip-lever tub drain stopper stops operating correctly, the fix . Home Tours & Staging · Small Spaces · Best Home Products · See all . The small up-and-down lever you see protruding from the overflow plate . The plunger has become stuck in the overflow tube and will not move up and down freely. 15 juil. 2018 – Removing a Trip-Lever Tub Drain Stopper. Remove the clip that holds the overflow cover plate to the plunger rod. Removing this clip will allow you to detach the cover plate from the rod, giving you more room to maneuver the rod and pull up on the plunger. Try spraying some liquid wrench or WD-40 down the overflow drain . How to repair a pop up tub drainbegins with understanding the mechanics of how the . Using a small wire brush, you should clean the linkage and plunger with . To fix a stuck tub drain switch, you will apply much the same technique as . Attached to the cover plate should be the linkage and at the bottom is a small plug. 18 déc. 2017 – Bathroom Sink Not Draining – Check and Fix Sink Stopper Assembly . A stopper is a small ball and rod assembly found just under the sink . Fix a Sink Stopper: A sink stopper with a push/pull rod control at the faucet is a great modern convenience. But, sink . Crazy Good Sleep . I ran to a store to get some silicone sealant formulated for use in the bathroom, including with plastics. 22 févr. 2015 – Just open your clippers and rap them around the rubber ridge in the . undo the drain pipe under the sink so that you can push the stopper up . But you will also believe this after watching these auspicious drain stoppers. . No one ever dreamed that these stoppers can be as such beautiful and stylish. . 6) Stuck! Goldfish Bathtub Stopper –. This silicon rubber stopper looks like a gold . What is a plastic drain snake and how does it work? If it’s a double-bowl kitchen sink, stuff a wet rag into one drain opening while you . The large, threaded coupling on PVC plastic traps can often be unscrewed by . Put screws in safe place, so they don’t fall down the drain. 2. . Loosen the locknut and rotate the plastic fitting to lengthen the linkage about 1/4 inch. 6. Tighten . Try the following tricks for fiberglass or plastic molds, especially sink molds. . Hit the top of the drain plug with a rubber mallet, being careful not to strike the sink . Fixing a “Push Button” Sink: We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in . and from time to time they stick in the closed position so you can’t drain the sink. . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to . will usually come apart pretty easily, for extra grip try wearing a rubber glove. 24 déc. 2014 – Within seconds to lift a pop up sink plug that is stuck. A pop-up stopper is definitely a convenience when it’s working properly, but all too often it isn’t. The culprit is often an accumulation of hair in the drain, but . How to remove a stuck metal sink stopper that doesn’t have a knob: A stuck sink . How to Replace a Sink Drain Pretty Handy Girl Replace Bathroom Sink, . How to remove a stuck drain stopper in a bathroom sink to properly clean it. . So, this is one of those not so pretty posts, but I promise it is Oh So Handy! 17 déc. 2018 – A stuck metal sink stopper prevents water from draining out of your sink, which stops you from using the sink until it is removed. If the stopper is . Hi, My sink stopper is stuck in the closed position, hence water is unable to . between the stopper and the sink to try to pry it up as it’s pretty flush. 22 févr. 2015 – It just happened to me with water in the sink. I spent an hour unsuccessfully trying to pry it out with a butter knife. I couldn’t find a plunger or . We have these spring loaded push button sink plugs in our house, and from time to . If the plug is jammed shut the push down on the top surface while trying to . will usually come apart pretty easily, for extra grip try wearing a rubber glove. How to remove a stuck metal sink stopper that doesn’t have a knob: A stuck sink . on top of the sink stopper and push down on the suction cup to create a seal on the . How to Replace a Sink Drain Pretty Handy Girl Replace Bathroom Sink, . How to remove a stuck drain stopper in a bathroom sink to properly clean it. Doing this tonight! . If your disposer won’t start, find the reset button, push it and . So, this is one of those not so pretty posts, but I promise it is Oh So Handy! Our push-in sink plug has been a bit sticky for a while now: this . with a sucker on the top which could work but mine was jammed pretty hard. 22 févr. 2015 – I filled the other sink and quickly let the water out. . Just open your clippers and rap them around the rubber ridge in the middle of your plug like you’re going to cut a nail. . the way, you could undo the drain pipe under the sink so that you can push the stopper up and out. . Remove stuck tailpipe from sink. A pop-up stopper is definitely a convenience when it’s working properly, but all too often it isn’t. The culprit is often an accumulation of hair in the drain, but . 17 déc. 2018 – A stuck metal sink stopper prevents water from draining out of your . to remove some parts to push the stopper up and free it from the drain. How can I get a bathroom sink plug removed when it won’t unscrew? 6,954 Views · How do you fix a . What is the best way to remove a stuck ring? 1,119 Views. 17 déc. 2018 – Lift up to remove the stopper with the suction cup. If the metal sink stopper is still stuck, proceed. Remove the pivot rod nut under the sink by turning it counterclockwise with a pair of pliers to remove the pivot rod. To make your pop-up stopper work, you may have to reconnect or adjust the . The lever connects to the lift rod by a metal plate called the clevis, which has a . 6 oct. 2011 – Clogged or slow flowing bathroom sink? How to remove, dis-assemble, clean and re-assemble a button type pop up stopper in a bathroom sink. . quick and easy is to clean and repair slow, leaking or clogged bathroom sinks . How to remove a stuck metal sink stopper that doesn’t have a knob: A stuck sink stopper prevents water from draining out of your sink. There’s a trick you can try . I have a newer sink with a drain plug that is controlled from a single post behind the water spout – like most bathroom faucets. . -Metal post is adjusted vertically by user -Post moves lever under . aka I-zheet M’drurz [ have some sympathy, and some taste. . Is the stopper stuck in the down/closed position? 1 févr. 2013 – There are blocked drains that can be quickly fixed with a plunger or some . Crowdhacker · Drains · Clogs · Plumbing · pipes · Home Improvement · Home Repair · Top . I have used foaming and non-foaming drain unblockers. . Especially if there’s a whole family in the house, and they aren’t sympathetic. . at the back of the waiting room buzzed open, and Bria stuck her head out. . Stainless-steel vaults, each one fronted with its own door, lined two of the . metal tables took up the center of the room, each positioned above a drain in the floor. . his dark hazel eyes were kind and sympathetic behind his round silver glasses. A Tribute To Judas Priest — Legends Of Metal (Century Media) mostly features . takes you there anyway. by Douglas Wolk ] THE MUFFS “I’m A Dick” Sympathy . Light Building-TVT STUCK MOJO Pigwalk Century Media DOWNSET. do we speak a . Mercury DRAIN S.T.H. Horror Wrestling The Enclave EL DOPA United In . Results 1 – 24 of 337 – Online shopping for Drain Stoppers from a great selection at Home & Kitchen Store. Shop Sink Stopper (2 Pack) Rubber Bathtub Drain Stopper & Kitchen Sink Plug The Best Universal Sink Stopper and Travel Plug by Muzitao. Free delivery on . Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy pop up sink plugs on Amazon.co.uk. Products 1 – 14 – Concept Freedom Gel Headrest for Concept Freedom bath · E1092 · E1092 . E5795 · E5795. Waste 1 1/2in combined bath pop-up and overflow. Buy Drain Strain – No-Clog Sink Stopper (Chrome): Drain Strainers . Great concept, but the drain can now only go through several small holes which become . the concept of pushing down to unseal the stopper is bad. With a sink full of soapy water, dishes and silverware, something is naturally going to push down on . 20 oct. 2018 – Protect virtually every drain in your home with the most advanced . Our design was inspired by the cork concept you find in various bottles. . in many countries such as Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Japan, and more. Ideal Standard Ceramic Basin pop up Waste Seal A911754 . Ideal Standard Ideal Standard Concept Bath Pop Up Plug Iws TT0284566 . Ideal Standard . Smart handling concept, elegant puristic design – the innovative drain system for kitchen sinks. 11 feb. 2019 – Where a new born baby is stuck down a storm water drain. Rescue workers are busy trying to get to the baby at the moment. Picture: Rescue . 12 jul. 2018 – KNYSNA NEWS – “Good morning Mark, we have a small whale stranded in the surf. Do you know who we should call?” It was 10:00 on Friday . Plettenberg Bay, or ‘Plett’, as it is commonly known, is one of the most . little of historical interest, the compact centre is attractive and the main beach beautiful. . The Portuguese had a number of names for the bay, but none stuck for very long . Travel information for Plettenberg Bay – Safety Advice. . If your card gets stuck, immediately call that ATM’S helpline number. Be alert, and never turn your back . 29 ene. 2018 – So, we think, Plett still has plenty of appeal. . We are stuck in an old paradigm which sees public and private interests moving in different . 22 de Ene de 2019 – Alquila un lugar especial en Plettenberg Bay, Sudáfrica desde $20 la noche. Encuentra alojamientos únicos y anfitriones locales en 191 . Casey Plett (Goodreads Author) these stories are so genuine and beautiful. honestly “lizzy & annie” stuck with me the most, but i think they all will, all these . 1 ene. 2019 – In December 2017, the Supreme Court of Appeal ordered the Home Affairs Department to open a new facility by the end of March 2018. Nuwe , AANTREKLIKE, VRIENDELIKE , ATTRACTIVE MATURE WHITE LADY , AWESOME MASSAGE Dana Bay , BOEREMEISIE vriendelik en , BONGI Sexy, . Located near Plettenberg Bay on the Garden Route, South Africa. . (It was stuck to the chicken’s foot!) Why did the turkey . (Because it had appeal!) What did . #StuckBauLeistungKontakt0176 #SinkStopperStuckHowToFix #MetalSinkStopperStuck #SinkStopperStuckUpsideDown #StuckInTheMiddleWithYouChords
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/affordable-sink-stopper-stuck
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: You probably use your kitchen faucet multiple times a day, but when’s the last time you actually stopped to think about it? We depend on it to be reliable and don’t really notice it until something goes wrong, but it doesn’t have to be that way
There are a lot of amazing new features and technologies available that can take this common, everyday plumbing fixture to the next level. When you install the best kitchen faucet, you’ll add a unique blend of convenience and style to your home. For this review, we looked at some of the features that are essential to a great kitchen faucet. We considered the type of faucet, like whether it’s single handle or double hand, pull-down or pull out, or pot filler style. Next, we looked at the materials of the faucet itself as well as the internal valves to determine the quality and how easy it is to operate. That’s not all, we also took flow rate, ease of installation, and warranty into account to determine the best products out there. Top 12 Kitchen Faucets Review 2019 We spent hours researching reviews from actual users and looking into advice from the pros to gather all the information we needed to put together this review. First, you’ll find a table for easy comparison and so you can see which is the best for different circumstances. That’s followed by our detailed reviews and then a helpful buying guide to help you find the best kitchen faucet for your kitchen. Name and Features Image Rating Price 1. Delta Faucet 9159-CZ-DST Trinsic (Editor’s choice) Great-looking single-handle pull-down faucet that comes with lots of high-tech features and meets any need Check Price Read Our Review 2. GAPPO Commercial 3 Way Kitchen Faucet (Best Rated Kitchen Faucet) Dual-handle pull-down faucet with a stylish commercial-like design Check Price Read Our Review 3. Kraus KPF-1610SS (Best Kitchen Faucet for Hard Water) Sleek-looking single-handle faucet with a 20-inch long sprayer Check Price Read Our Review 4. Moen 7594ESRS Arbor (Best Kitchen Faucet with Pull Out Spray) Single-handle pull-down faucet with the Power Spray technology for better clean Check Price Read Our Review 5. WEWE A1001L (Best Value for Money) Easy-to-install single-handle, pullout faucet coming at a great price Check Price Read Our Review 6. KOHLER K-10433-BN Forte (Best Kitchen Sink Faucet) Sleek pullout faucet featuring the low-flow aerator option and spray-pattern memory Check Price Read Our Review 7. KINGO HOME Single Lever Pull-Out Kitchen Faucet (Best Faucet for Small Spaces) Single-lever faucet coming with a handy sprayer with a long and easy-to-use handle Check Price Read Our Review 8. Delta Faucet 1177LF-SS (Best Pot Filler Faucet) High-quality ot filler with a flow rate of 4 GPM and an easy-to-fold design Check Price Read Our Review 9. Peerless P299305LF (Best Kitchen Faucet for Farmhouse Sinks) Two-handle wall-mounted faucet which is easy to install and has a long life Check Price Read Our Review 10. Havin HV1003 (Best Budget Pot Filler Faucet) Affordable pot filler with a compact design coming with a 30-day return guarantee Check Price Read Our Review 11. Everflow 17188 (Budget Pick) Two-handle faucet coming with a handy pull-out side spray nozzle Check Price Read Our Review 12. Delta Faucet Essa (Best Bar Kitchen Faucet) Stylish single-handle faucet great for a smaller secondary sink Check Price Read Our Review 1 Delta Faucet 9159-CZ-DST Trinsic – Best All-Around Kitchen Faucet Features Type: single-handle, pull-down Materials: brass Finish: Chrome, Arctic Stainless, and more Valve: diamond-embedded ceramic Flow rate: 1.8 GPM Installation: three-hole deck-mounted Warranty: 5-year limited More features: magnetic docking spray, TempSense LED indicator light, Diamond Seal Technology, spray or stream options, Touch On / Touch Off operation OVERALL RATING: 9.9 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The first thing you’ll notice about the Delta Faucet 9159-CZ-DST Trinsic is the modern, minimalist design. There are 4 stylish finishes to choose from, too, making it easy to match the decor of your kitchen. With this faucet, there’s no need to worry about messy hands. Just tap the spout with your wrist or forearm to start and stop the water, reducing the spread of germs. There’s a single lever handle, too, so you can use it manually. Another convenient feature is the magnetic docking sprayer that easily snaps back into place and won’t droop over time. One of the most convenient things about this faucet is the Touch-Clean spray holes. Cleaning is as easy as gently wiping away calcium and lime build-up so you never have to use any harsh chemical cleaners. Want more convenience? The TempSense LED indicator light changes color to let you know the water temperature, even from across the room. Another feature is the Diamond Seal Technology. It’s so effective at reducing leaks, it lasts for up to 5 million uses, twice as long as the industry standard. That’s not all, supply lines are actually integrated into the faucet which eliminates one less leak point. Installation is really easy, too, in part because this faucet is so versatile. It’s designed to fit both single hole or 3-hole, 6 to 8-inch configurations. Note that an additional deck plate must be purchased for 3-hole installation. PROS: 4 finishes to choose from Easy touch on/off Magnetic docking sprayer that won’t droop over time Touch-Clean spray holes require no harsh chemical cleaners Water temperature indicator light Diamond Seal Technology reduces leaks, lasts up to 5 million uses Integrated supply lines won’t leak Easy installation in single or 3-hole configurations CONS: Additional deck plate must be purchased for 3-hole installation Faucet can short out if in contact with metal sink On/off touch can be overly sensitive 2 GAPPO Commercial 3 Way Kitchen Faucet – Best Rated Kitchen Faucet Features Type: dual-handle, pull-down Materials: brass, stainless steal Finish: brushed Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 1.8 GPM Installation: single-hole sink-mounted Warranty: lifetime limited More features: commercial design, hot/cold and RO/filter options OVERALL RATING: 9.8 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The GAPPO Commercial Kitchen Faucet is next and it gets a lot of impressive reviews. For one thing, it’s made out of very high-quality materials including solid brass construction and a ceramic disc. It’s available in 4 different rust-resistant finishes and brings a dramatic and stylish look to your kitchen. This faucet has a commercial, pull-down design that makes it easy to reach any corner of your sink. The nozzle is really simple to operate because it only has a stream function so there’s nothing to adjust other than water temperature. Plus, it’s easy to wipe clean and prevents hard water buildup so you don’t have to worry about calcium or lime deposits or using any strong chemical cleaners. There are 2 handles on this design. One controls water temperature while the other can be set up to operate a reverse osmosis filter for drinking water. The ability to hook up a water purifying option is one of the best things about this faucet because it eliminates the need to drill a new hole in your countertop to add a separate. Note that it has to be hooked up to a separate RO system, there is no filter included. Installation is for single-hole configuration only. If you do want to try to use it for 3-hole installation, be warned that the company doesn’t make a matching base plate and the finishes are not easy to match. The installation itself is pretty simple in the end but the provided instructions are difficult to understand. PROS: Highly rated Available in 4 different finishes Commercial design is easy to use Can be set up with RO filtration system inline Easy to clean CONS: Single spray function Does not include filter No matching base plate for 3-hole installation Installation instructions unclear 3 Kraus KPF-1610SS – Best Kitchen Faucet for Hard Water Features Type: single-handle, pull-down Materials: brass, Finish: stainless steel, chrome, and more Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 1.8 GPM Installation: one-hole sink-mounted Warranty: limited lifetime More features: optimized commercial faucet, spray nozzle, aerated stream, and powerful spray modes OVERALL RATING: 9.3 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON If you’re looking for a commercial-style faucet that’s ideal for home use, take a look at the Kraus KPF-1610SS. It looks just like what you’d see in the kitchen of your favorite restaurant only, at 18-inches high, it fits underneath most kitchen cabinets. Plus, it’s available in 5 different finishes so you can find one that’s just right for your decor. The dual-function sprayer has a splash-free aerated setting as well as a powerful pre-rinse spray that you can toggle at the flip of a switch. Plus, there’s a 20-inch long retractable hose that gives you the reach you need to complete your chores quickly and easily. The ceramic cartridge is one of the best in the industry and provides drip-free use over the lifetime of the faucet. To make installation as smooth as possible, this faucet comes with pre-attached 22-inch waterlines as well as all the mounting hardware you need. One downside is that it doesn’t include a deck plate so you’re somewhat limited to single-hole installation. But, because the single handle operates with a 90-degree forward rotation, it is great for small spaces. Cleaning is easy, too. The soft silicone nozzles are really easy to clean, simply wipe them clean with your finger or a cloth. You don’t have to worry about mineral or limescale build-up blocking the flow making this a great choice for hard water. One word of warning is that the gooseneck angle causes the nozzle to sit really low. If not positioned correctly, it’s pretty easy for water to splash out of the sink. Still, one of the best things about this product is the limited lifetime warranty. Kraus seemingly stands behind the quality of their products. PROS: Available in 5 different finishes 20-inch long retractable hose provides generous reach Drip-free ceramic cartridge Waterlines pre-attached for easy installation Great for small spaces Silicone nozzles easily wipe clean CONS: Single-hole installation only Nozzle sits very low to sink Lots of water splash 4 Moen 7594ESRS Arbor – Best Kitchen Faucet with Pull Out Spray Features Type: single-handle, pull-down Materials: metal Finish: stainless steel Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 1.5 GPM Installation: one- or three-hole sink-mounted Warranty: limited lifetime More features: two sensors, steady aerated stream and powerful rinse modes OVERALL RATING: 9.3 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The Moen 7594ESRS Arbor has two sensors that let you turn on the water with a simple, hands-free motion. This is a great feature because it helps cut down on the spread of germs. Imagine prepping raw chicken for dinner and being able to wash your hands immediately after without having to touch anything. Plus, the Power Clean spray technology provides 50 percent more power than other Moen models for a fast and powerful clean. One of the things that stands out about this faucet is the 68-inch hose length which gives you a lot of maneuverability and versatility in the kitchen. When you let it go, the hose retracts and the spray head docks securely. Installation uses a quick connect system that lets you attach waterlines in one quick step. Everything you need for a 1 or 3-hole installation is included. In fact, you don’t even need any extra tools! One small downside is that the manual handle can only be mounted on the right which might be a bit inconvenient for left-handed users. This faucet has a simple, clean design and with a flared handle and curved spout that goes well with any decor. The spot and stain-resistant stainless steel finish is easy to clean and resists fingerprints. There are 2 other finishes available as well. though neither is spot resistant like the stainless steel. A big downside is that if the power fails, this faucet won’t work. Whether you’re using batteries that run out or the power goes out when it’s plugged into an outlet, you’ll be without a working sink until power is restored. PROS: Hands-free technology Power Spray technology for more powerful clean Long, maneuverable 68-inch hose Easy, tool-free installation CONS: Does not work without power Handle can only be mounted on the right 2 of the 3 available finishes are not spot resistant 5 WEWE A1001L – Best Value for Money Features Type: single-handle, pullout Materials: brass, stainless steel, ABS plastic, zinc alloy Finish: brushed nickel Valve: ceramic Flow rate: not specified Installation: one- or three-hole Warranty: 5-year More features: pull-down sprayer; stream, spray, and pause modes OVERALL RATING: 9.2 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The WEWE A1001L has a sleek, clean design that goes great in any kitchen and the brushed nickel finish matches most sink styles. Because the corrosion and rust-resistant finish doesn’t hold onto dirt and grime, cleaning is really easy, too. The single-handle design features integrated temperature and flow control. The spout actually has 3 different functions: stream for filling the sink, spray for rinsing, and pause for when you want to briefly stop the stream to avoid splashing. The pull-down sprayer is really convenient for watering plants or rinsing dishes. It’s weighted to help it go back into place when you’re done. Sometimes, it takes a few seconds to get the balance right but it stays in place when you do. Installation is really easy and doesn’t require a plumber. Not only are there written instructions, but there are also videos available online in case you need some clarification. The pull-down hose and waterline are preinstalled in the faucet which saves time and avoids any unnecessary frustration. It comes with a cover plate for 3-hole installation, though it may not be large enough for some sink designs. Several customers have recommended ordering a larger plate. Also, make sure you check the factory connections as some may need tightening before installation. One of the most impressive things about this faucet is what a good bargain it is. It’s a solid, heavy, and well-made product that’s much less expensive than some comparable items. Plus, users rave about WEWE’s customer service who seems eager to correct any issues. PROS: Sleek, versatile design Corrosion and rust-resistant finish Sprayer has three different functions Easy installation with online videos available for assistance Hose and waterlines pre-installed in faucet Great bargain for the price Amazing customer service CONS: Sprayer doesn’t always go back into place easily Included cover-plate for 3-hole installation often not large enough Factory connections need to be tightened before installation 6 KOHLER K-10433-BN Forte – Best Kitchen Sink Faucet Features Type: single-handle, pullout Materials: metal Finish: polished chrome Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 2.2 GPM Installation: one- or three-hole sink-mounted Warranty: lifetime limited More features: low-flow aerator option, spray-pattern memory, temperature memory OVERALL RATING: 9.0 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON For something that’s sleek, modern, and the perfect size, the KOHLER K-10433-BN Forte is a great choice. It’s made of 100% brass and features ceramic disc valves that last twice as long as the industry standard for a lifetime of reliable performance. This faucet is available in 5 different finishes, each of which is corrosion resistant and won’t tarnish. Plus, the spray face is really easy to clean and won’t get any mineral buildup that requires the use of harsh chemicals. One of the great things about this product is you can program a high-temperature limit to eliminate scalding. An ergonomically designed spray head is easy and comfortable to use whether you’re right or left handed. It has a counterweighted, braided-nylon hose that moves smoothly and quickly and can be controlled with minimal effort. In fact, some might say it’s a little too easy to move as it can cause splashing. The nozzle is positioned at an ideal height and has a long hose that can fill the largest pots and clean the biggest pans with ease. It even remembers the last spray setting and water temperature you used. Removing the nozzle from the faucet is effortless and it securely goes right back into place when you’re done. The Forte can be installed in either 1 or 3-hole configurations and is great for both single and double sinks. Plus, there’s enough clearance for large pots and tall containers. A single lever makes it really easy to operate though it can be overly sensitive. Flip it up to turn on the water then move it left to right to adjust the temperature. PROS: Leak-free ceramic valves Available in five different corrosion-resistant finishes Remembers the last used spray and temperature setting Suitable for 1 or 3-hole installations Single lever operation Ergonomically designed spray head CONS: Control lever can be too sensitive Spray head can be overly responsive and cause splashing outside of sink 7 KINGO HOME Single Lever Pull-Out Kitchen Faucet – Best Faucet for Small Spaces Features Type: single-lever pull-out Materials: brass, stainless steel Finish: brushed nickel Valve: ceramic Flow rate: not specified Installation: one- or three-hole sink-mounted Warranty: lifetime More features: stream and spray modes OVERALL RATING: 8.9 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The KINGO HOME Single Lever Pull-Out Kitchen Faucet features solid brass construction, a stainless steel handle, and ceramic disc valves that last a long time and prevent leaking. It has a simple single-lever design that provides adjustable flow and temperature control and a beautiful brushed nickel finish that’s corrosion resistant and won’t tarnish. One thing that makes this product stand out from a lot of other faucets is that it doesn’t have the popular gooseneck shape. If you’re looking for something different, you’ll love that the spout is actually a durable pull-out spout sprayer. The long handle fits snugly in the palm of your hand and gives you a lot of control over aim. Plus, the flow adjusts from stream to spray allowing for multiple applications. All of the mounting hardware is included to make installation as simple as possible, including hot and cold flexible hoses and a deck plate for 3-hole installation. Be aware that the installation instructions are difficult to understand and some find that the supply lines from the fixture are too short. This faucet itself is a little on the small side. The spout reach is only about 6.25 inches which makes it ideal for an RV or small kitchen sink. This item comes with a lifetime replacement warranty as well as a 90-day return and money-back guarantee. PROS: Unique single lever design Sprayer has long, easy to use handle Brushed nickel finish won’t corrode or tarnish Adjustable flow Mounting hardware and base plate included Small size ideal for compact spaces CONS: Instructions are difficult to understand Included supply lines can be too short Spout reach is only 6.25 inches 8 Delta Faucet 1177LF-SS – Best Pot Filler Faucet Features Type: pot filler Materials: brass Finish: Brilliance Stainless Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 4 GPM Installation: single-hole wall-mounted Warranty: lifetime limited More features: dual shut-off valves OVERALL RATING: 8.8 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The Delta Faucet 1177LF-SS is a way to add a unique, gorgeous fixture to any kitchen that’s convenient and functional for anyone who cooks a lot. This single-hole wall mounted pot-filler design is available in 6 different finishes and both the faucet and the finish are covered with a lifetime limited warranty. One of the best things about pot-filler faucets is the convenience they bring to your kitchen. The swing spout is about 24 inches long and dual jointed making it easy to position. You can use it to fill pots on your stovetop or even tall pitchers or vases on the counter then easily fold it out of the way, though sometimes the folding mechanism doesn’t adjust properly. There are handles located at the base of the faucet and at the head which makes it easy to turn off when fully extended. Plus, the 4 gallons per minute fill rate is twice as fast as most faucet so it gets the job done quickly. The single hole wall-mount installation can be a little tricky. Pot filler faucets are generally installed over the stovetop or on a nearby wall. If you have the right plumbing, installation is pretty straightforward. If not, you’ll need a plumber to run a waterline first. This faucet does have ceramic valves but there have been reports of leaking over time. This is a great addition to any kitchen if a pot-filler faucet is what you’re looking for. No more struggling to fill large pots at the sink then trying to carry them to the stove. PROS: Unique, convenient pot-filler design Available in six different finishes 24-inch long dual-jointed swing spout Two handles Fast 4 GPM flow rate CONS: Can be difficult to install without the right plumbing set up Can leak Folding mechanism doesn’t always work properly 9 Peerless P299305LF – Best Kitchen Faucet for Farmhouse Sinks Features Type: two-handle Materials: brass Finish: chrome Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 1.8 GPM Installation: wall-mounted Warranty: lifetime limited More features: meets CALGreen standards OVERALL RATING: 8.7 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON If you’re looking for something a little different but want to stick to a budget, the Peerless P299305LF is a stylish wall-mounted sink that’s very reasonably priced. A lot of older homes have this kind of mount and there usually aren’t that many options available so this is a really good find. This faucet is made of brass and has a shiny chrome finish that’s easy to wipe clean. It’s also reliable against leaks because it uses ceramic disc valves instead of plastic. That said, some of the internal parts are made of plastic which can cause some problems. For example, the handles loosen quickly and the swivel is a bit loose. Also, the valve is a little small which can cause some issues with water pressure. Both the faucet and finish are covered by a limited lifetime warranty. One of the best things about a wall mount faucet is it’s a really unique look that can really update your kitchen. This is a simple but classic looking design that compliments a variety of decors. The 2 handles feature ergonomic blades that are really easy to adjust and has a high arched, rotating spout for easy accessibility. While installation isn’t hugely difficult, it’s a bit more complicated than a sink top faucet. One of the big things to check is to make sure that the center-to-center distance between the hot and cold pipes coming out of your wall falls within 7 to 9 inches or this faucet won’t fit. PROS: Affordable wall-mount design Ceramic disc for fewer leaks Installation is easy CONS: Some parts made of plastic Handle and swivel can loosen Have to make sure pipes are right distance apart or faucet won’t fit 10 Havin HV1003 – Best Budget Pot Filler Faucet Features Type: pot filler Materials: brass Finish: brushed nickel Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 4 GPM Installation: single-hole wall-mounted Warranty: 5-year More features: extra valve included in the purchase OVERALL RATING: 8.6 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON For a great pot filler faucet on a budget, take a look at the Havin HV1003. It features a brushed nickel finish that’s both durable and easy to clean. The dual-jointed swing spout can be positioned anywhere over your stove top and has a 21-inch reach that can fill pitchers and vases on your counter, too. There are 2 quarter-turn handles located at both the spout and at the bottom of the faucet for easy shut off no matter how it’s positioned. This is a great looking design that will add both value and interest to your kitchen. Plus, it’s a bit more compact than some other pot filler styles so it’s perfect for smaller spaces. This faucet features a ceramic cartridge that’s durable and long lasting. It was factory tested for leaks with both high and low pressure. That said, it has been known to start leaking with use over time. Installation is easy if you have some experience with DIY and plumbing, though you may find you need some additional sealant or screws. If you need to install a waterline over your stove, you will most likely need to hire a plumber. Not only does this faucet come with a 5-year limited warranty, but it also has a 30-day return guarantee in case it doesn’t work out or something goes wrong right away. Plus, Havin gets great reviews for their customer service and seems to replace parts when needed. PROS: Affordable, compact pot filler design Easy to clean brushed nickel finish Two handles Factory tested for leaks 30-day return guarantee in addition to the warranty Great customer service CONS: Known to leak over time May need to have waterline installed by a plumber May need additional materials for installation 11 Everflow 17188 – Budget Pick Features Type: two-handle, pull-out side spray hose Materials: metal Finish: chrome plated Valve: ceramic Flow rate: 2.2 GPM Installation: three- or four-hole sink-mounted Warranty: lifetime limited More features: water-saving feature OVERALL RATING: 8.5 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The Everflow 17188 has a classic look that’s configured for a standard 3-hole installation with an optional 4-hole installation for the side sprayer. The sprayer features an easy-to-use trigger and can be angled to clean any area of your sink, although the water pressure is a little less than you might expect. This faucet features a high arc gooseneck design with a swivel spout that makes cleaning and filling large pieces of cookware quick and easy. Although the faucet has a good height, one big downside is that the distance from the base to the water spout is only 6 inches which can lead to significant splashing against the back of large sinks. The high-quality chrome finish is scratch and stain resistant, easy to clean, and a nice compliment to the traditional look. Because it has a simple 2-handle design, the temperature is adjusted by changing the flow of the hot and cold water separately.  It complies with ADA specifications because it’s so easy to operate. Easy-to-follow instructions are included for quick installation, even for those who have very basic DIY skills. The only extra thing you’ll need on hand for installation is a wrench. Everything else is included. Because the 48-inch sprayer hose is very stiff, soaking it in hot water can loosen up before installation. The best thing about this faucet is the quality and style you get for such a low price. If you’re looking for something inexpensive because you’re renting or need something to tide you over until a larger renovation, there aren’t many available at this price point with so many rave reviews. One negative, though, is that there are a lot of plastic parts that could leak over time. PROS: Classic 2-handle design is easy to use Optional side sprayer with a 48-inch sprayer hose Gooseneck design provides clearance for large pots ADA compliant Inexpensive CONS: Stiff sprayer hose Sprayer doesn’t have strong water pressure Plastic parts can leak over time 12 Delta Faucet Essa – Best Bar Kitchen Faucet Features Type: single-handle, pull-down Materials: brass Finish: chrome, arctic stainless, and more Valve: diamond-embedded ceramic Flow rate: 1.8 GPM Installation: one- or three-hole sink-mounted Warranty: lifetime limited More features: magnetic docking spray head, Diamond Seal Technology, spray or stream modes OVERALL RATING: 8.5 out of 10 VIEW ON AMAZON The Delta Faucet Essa has a smooth, modern design that’s available in 4 different finishes. Patented Diamond Seal Technology helps keep it leak-free for twice as long as the industry standard. Cleaning this faucet is really easy. The Touch-Clean spray holes wipe clean so there’s no need to worry about harsh cleaners to remove calcium and lime buildup. The sprayer uses magnetic docking that won’t droop over time and easily adjusts from spray to stream. It even remembers what setting you used last when you next turn it on. Plus, the high arc spout provides enough clearance for cleaning large pots and pans and easily filling tall vases and pitchers. One downside is the spout reach, which is about 9.3 inches. If you have a small sink, the water will come out very close to the front and cause a lot of splashing. This faucet was designed to fit a 1 or 3-hole configuration and comes with everything you need, including a deck plate for 3-hole installation. Plus, InnoFlex PEX supply lines are integrated right into the faucet which helps prevent leaking. That’s not all, the Diamond Seal Valve features a diamond-embedded ceramic disc, doesn’t require lubrication, and eliminates wear on seals. One negative is that a lot of the interior components are made of plastic and might leak over the life of the faucet. PROS: Available in 4 finishes Easily wipes clean to prevent any buildup Magnetic sprayer dock won’t droop over time Installation is easy Integrated supply lines for fewer leaks CONS: Some interior components made of plastic Spout reach is about 9.3 inches which could cause water to splash out of the front of the sink Buying Guide If you thought kitchen faucets were simple and maybe even a little boring, you’ll be surprised to find out just how many different options are available. Whether you’re looking for something high-tech or super convenient, there’s a faucet for you. To help you find the right one for your home, let’s take a closer look at some of the major big things to keep in mind. How to choose a kitchen faucet? If you’re renovating your kitchen or just want a simple way to update the look, a new faucet is an easy way to make big changes in your kitchen. The first thing you should do is take a look at your space and think about what you really want. What style are you going for? How high-tech do you want to get? What style do you want? Do you want it to match your other appliances? You don’t have to have all the answers but you should have some idea of what you’re looking for. Most faucets these days are pretty reliable so the features you choose will be the deciding factor. Kitchen faucet features to consider If it’s been a while since you shopped for a kitchen faucet, chances are you’re going to be pleasantly surprised by your options. Here are some of the main features to think about. Type Believe it or not, there are actually 6 different kinds of faucets to consider. First, the single-handle faucet. They usually feature a streamlined, simple design and take up less space than dual-handle faucets. They’re really easy to use and installation is pretty straightforward. One downside? Because there’s only one handle that controls both hot and cold, temperature control isn’t very precise. Dual-handle faucets have a separate handle for hot and cold which gives you good control over water temperature. Usually, this style uses a base plate but handles can also be mounted separately, depending on the style and plumbing in your kitchen. Installation is a little trickier with these and you need to use both hands to operate it. The Peerless P299305LF is a really straightforward example of a dual-handle faucet. Next is a design with a more modern look, a pull-out or pull-down faucet. Pull-out and pull-down faucets are each either single or dual-handle but what makes them unique is that a spout either pulls out of or down from the faucet head. For example, the KOHLER K-10433-BN Forte is a single handle, pull-out design. It’s attached to a hose that gives you some length to play with and retracts back into place using a counterweight. This kind of spout comes in really handy when you’re washing fruits and vegetables and even to help fill large pots, pitchers, or vases on the counter. The spout should be able to reach every corner of the sink. Hands-free faucets are next. The best thing about this style is that it helps to control the spread of germs. If your hands are covered with raw chicken or beef, all you have to wave you hand or give the faucet a quick tap and you can wash your hands without having to touch any handles. Most have a sensor that can be covered in case you want to switch over to manual mode. One downside to these is that they can be unreliable depending on where the sensor is located. Bar faucets are usually found in high-end home or professional kitchens and are meant to be used on a smaller, secondary sink that’s more for prep work or for a kitchen with more than one chef. If you have a large kitchen and are thinking about adding a secondary sink, a bar faucet is a perfect choice but it may be too small for your main sink. Lastly is the pot-filler faucet. This is a specialized fixture that’s installed over a stovetop to fill large pots. They’re common in commercial kitchens and are now available on a smaller scale for home use. If you cook a lot, a pot-filler faucet comes in really handy because you no longer have to fit large pots into your sink or worrying about carrying them across the room to the stove when they’re full. The downside is that you may need to have an additional waterline installed over your stovetop. Unless you love to cook, this might not be a very useful addition to your kitchen. Take a look at the Delta Faucet 1177LF-SS to see a great example of a pot-filler faucet. Materials and finish The most common material for faucets is brass. Solid brass is typically very heavy and ideal if you have hard water because there’s little chance of corrosion. Solid brass faucets are usually the most expensive but they last a really long time so you have to look at them as a long-term investment. If solid brass is a little too costly, there are some other options. Brass plated faucets are usually made with die-cast zinc alloy on the inside which is then coated with brass. This is usually good in the short term but one the plating wears off, the faucet will need to be replaced, not to mention the plating will start to shed into the water. Die-cast zinc alloy is not the best choice if you’re looking for something that’s going to last a long time but can be an affordable option for a rental or between big renovations. For something that’s more affordable than solid brass and more reliable than zinc alloy, the best bet is electroplated chrome on brass. The inside is made of solid brass and the outer finish if pretty durable. As for finishes, most medium to high-end faucets have finishes that will last a long time. Most of these finishes will stand up to wear and tear and basic cleaning but can be damaged by more corrosive material so be careful when using any drain cleaners or other chemicals around them. Different finishes are achieved using different chemicals to bond them to the base metal and there’s a pretty wide range available: chrome, stainless, bronze, etc. There are a lot of great brushed options available, too, which helps hide small smudges and fingerprints a little better than shiny chrome. Valve Most of the faucets in our review use ceramic disc valves. Here’s how it works. There are two discs, an upper one and a lower one. The lower one is fixed while the upper one turns against it as the water is turned off and on. The discs shear against each other to block water and prevent leaking when the faucet is turned off. They’re lubricated to prevent too much friction and wear-and-tear. Delta takes this idea a step further and uses ceramic discs with Diamond Seal technology. In their high-end faucets, like the Delta Faucet 9159-CZ-DST Trinsic, they use ceramic discs embedded with diamonds that act as a lubricant. The idea is the same but the big difference is that there’s not added lubricant so the discs last a lot longer. One thing you should always avoid when it comes to valves is plastic. Plastic valves are really unreliable. While they might work just fine for a short period of time, you will need to replace them pretty frequently. Water flow options Most pull-down or pull-out faucets give you a few different options for water flow, usually, spray and stream. The stream setting is commonly aerated and acts like a regular faucet. It’s great for tasks like rinsing dishes or washing your hands. The spray setting has a lot more force and can but used for more difficult chores, like scrubbing the bottom of pots or trying to remove stuck on food. When it comes to water flow, the WEWE A1001L is the most versatile product in our reviews because it has spray and stream settings as well as pause control. Flow rate Another thing to consider when looking for a faucet is flow rate. Flow rate is especially important in a kitchen. You don’t really want the water to be coming out at a trickle. Most of the tasks you do in the kitchen require a stronger flow. Flow rate is measured in gallons per minute or gpm. Basically, the bigger the diameter of the pipe, the faster the flow. There are a lot of things that determine water pressure, not just the faucet. It actually starts at the water heater and is affected by all the pipes and any filters along the way to your kitchen sink. The average flow rate for the kitchen is 2.2 gpm, though some are as low as 1.8 gpm. This is usually controlled by the aerator. It’s important to understand that just because a faucet is able to support a flow rate of 2.2 gpm doesn’t mean it actually will. It’s really the last part of a long chain. If you’re having trouble with water pressure with your old faucet and replacing it doesn’t fix the problem, it’s possible that there is an issue elsewhere in the system. Installation The very first thing you need to do for installation is match the faucet with the number of mounting holes. This can vary from one to four. If you have a single-hole mount in your sink or countertop, you’re somewhat limited to single-mount faucets like the GAPPO Commercial 3 Way Kitchen Faucet. Three-hole mounts are a little more versatile because you always have the option of using a baseplate to cover any unused holes. Wall-mounted faucets were once really popular and, depending on the age of your kitchen, the plumbing might already be in place for a faucet like this. If it isn’t and you decide that you really want one, installation will be a bit complicated because you’ll need to hire a plumber. The easiest thing to do it stick with a faucet that matches your existing setup. The exception to this is pot-filler faucets. Because they need to be installed above your stovetop, there’s a pretty good chance you will need a waterline installed and this will almost always require a plumber. Dimensions There are a few reasons why you need to be very careful about dimensions when choosing a new faucet. It’s important to consider the dimensions of the faucet itself as well as the sink and any cabinetry about the sink. First, you have to make sure that the faucet will fit the space. A lot of the most popular faucets available have tall goosenecks that look amazing but if you have a low-lying cabinet above your sink, there’s a chance they might not fit. Another measurement you need to watch out for is the spout reach. This is the distance from where the spout comes out of the fixture to the point where the water actually comes out. You want this distance too be roughly half the length of your sink so that the water comes out so that the stream is as close to the drain as possible. Why? If the spout reach is too short for your sink, the water will come out too close to the back which will cause a lot of splashing along the back of your sink and even up onto the backsplash. If the spout reach is too long, the water will come out too close to the front of your sink and you’ll have water splashing out onto you and all over the floor when while you’re trying to wash dishes. Warranty When you look deeper into warranties, you’ll find that the faucets with zinc-alloy construction aren’t covered as long as those made of brass. That makes perfect sense since they need replacing much sooner. Most solid brass faucets are covered with a limited lifetime warranty. This usually means that the manufacturer will replace anything that breaks or stops working over the lifetime of the faucet but is limited in the sense that there are usually some parts that are excluded from coverage. For example, they only cover genuine parts and aren’t responsible for any damage that was caused by a plumber or contractor. Generally, damage from harsh water conditions or chemical isn’t covered either. These warranties also only apply to the original owner. You should always be sure to read warranty information carefully so you’re prepared in case something goes wrong. Extra features There are some advanced features available that can really take your faucet to the next level. Magnetic docking. If you have pull-down faucet, this is one way to make sure there’s no drooping over time. Most pull-down faucets have a counterweight to help them return to the dock and hold them in place. A lot of them are pretty good and claim that they won’t droop but the truth is the longer your use the faucet, the more likely it is that there will be droop. A magnetic dock avoids this by actually holding the faucet in place instead of relying on the counterweight. LED temperature indicators. This is a particularly great feature if you have young children or for the elderly because it’s a quick way to see the water temperature before sticking your hands in the flow. Most of them change from blue to red with red being a hot temperature, say, greater than 100 degrees. These LED lights are typically battery powered. Touchless operation. Faucets like the Moen 7594ESRS Arbor that feature touchless technology are great for when your hands are covered in chicken or cookie dough and you don’t want to touch anything until you wash them. This feature comes in pretty handy but is not without its problems. They can be tricky to use because the sensor has to be positioned just so to pick up on your movements and can actually be overly sensitive to motion. These faucets also require some kind of power and changing batteries frequently can be tedious. Touch clean spray holes. One big problem with sinks is that calcium and lime can build up over time and really slow down the flow. When this happens, you usually need to soak the head of the faucet in a calcium and lime remover to get it working again. Touch clean faucets help avoid all that. They usually have some sort of rubber covering that is easy to wipe clean and prevents any buildup from occurring. Kitchen faucet installation Installation can vary from model to model, but here are some general installation instructions to follow. Turn off the water valves under the sink. Then, turn on the existing faucet to clean any pressure from the line. If you have a garbage disposal, make sure you have disconnected the power. It’s a good idea to use your cellphone to take a picture of the original setup before you start disconnecting things. This will give you a reference to use if you get stuck or confused. Place a bucket under the supply lines then disconnect them, allowing the water to flow into the bucket. Loosen the bolts holding the existing faucet in place. It’s helpful to have a helper at this point to hold the existing faucet in place while you work. Remove the old faucet and base plate as appropriate. Be prepared that it might be pretty grimy. Clean the surface of the sink and remove any sealant that’s still in place from the old faucet. Place the rubber gasket over the faucet holes and put the base plate in place if appropriate. You may need to use putty of caulk at this stage. Feed the hoses of the new faucet into the hole/s and put the faucet into place. Again, it’s useful to have a helper at this step that can hold things in place from above while you work below the sink. Attach the washers and bolts underneath to hold the faucet firmly in place. If you are installing a faucet with a pull-out or pull-down spout, you will need to place the counterweight before attaching the quick-connect hose to the main water supply. It needs plenty of clearance to hang because, if it hits the bottom of the cabinet, it won’t work. Connect the supply lines. Turn the water back on slowly and make sure there are no leaks. Check all to connections carefully. Remove the aerator from the faucet and let the water run through to make sure everything is clear. If all is well, turn off the water and replace the aerator. That’s it! Note that installation can be different for the faucet you choose. Make sure you follow the directions that come with your product and keep in mind that most faucets include everything you need for installation. Cleaning and care tips If you have a faucet with touch clean technology like the Delta Faucet Essa, wipe the head daily if possible. The more often you clean it, the more effective it will be at keeping away buildup. If your faucet does not have touch clean technology, regular maintenance will avoid buildup and a lot of frustration down the line. Remove the aerator if you can and soak it in white vinegar for at least 15 minutes. Use a toothbrush to scrub and make sure you get rid of any deposits. If you can’t remove the aerator, soak the entire sprayer head in white vinegar for about 15 minutes. Scrub the surface with a toothbrush to remove anything that remains. Then, rinse the whole sprayer head in warm water and wipe dry. Know the finish of your faucet and what kind of cleaner you can use. Check with the manufacturer. Remember, if you use the wrong one and end up damaging the surface, you’ll void the warranty. It’s always a good idea to check the manufacturer’s recommendations. Remember that some finishes show dirt more than others. Fingerprints and water spots will be more obvious on a shiny chrome finish than a brushed bronze one. Wipe the surface at least once a day to keep it looking clean and to get rid of any bacteria. FAQ What finish is sturdier? Nickel is probably the most durable finish you can find. It stands up to water spots and scratches and is not as shiny as polished chrome so it won’t show fingerprints and smudges as much. How do I clean a kitchen faucet? There are two things you need to worry about cleaning: the faucet itself and the aerator. Check with the manufacturer to see what cleaners are safe to use with the finish of your faucet because the wrong one can cause damage and void your warranty. Use a cleaner that’s safe for the finish and scrub away any food, water spots, or other stains. Sanitize using diluted bleach or a kitchen cleaner that has bleach in it. You can also use vinegar to get rid of any deposits you might notice on the surface of the faucet. You also have to make sure you keep the aerator clean to avoid any buildup. As mentioned above, touch clean technology is really easy to clean, you just have to wipe it gently with a wash rash or sponge. If your faucet doesn’t have this, you should soak the aerator in white vinegar regularly and scrub it with a toothbrush to remove any calcium or lime deposits. Can kitchen faucets save water? They can! The aerator plays a huge part in this because it slows down the flow. There are also some faucets that are designed to use less water and perform as well as one that puts out the standard 2.2 gpm. Some of our picks, like the Kraus KPF-1610SS, have a flow rate of 1.8 gpm without sacrificing performance. What is a bar faucet, and do I need one? A bar faucet is a smaller faucet meant for a secondary sink. If you have a second, smaller sink in your kitchen for food prep, a bar faucet is a perfect choice. It’s usually pretty easy to find one that matches your main faucet. Which turns out handier – one- or two-handle faucet? Part of this depends on personal preference and what you consider to be handy. If you like having more control over water temperature, two-handle faucets are necessary. If you want to be able to turn on the stream quickly and easily with a basic control of the temperature, a one-handle option is better. What is the difference between one-, two, and three-hole installation? These refer to how many installation holes there are in the sink and countertop. Single-hole installation is very straightforward but not very versatile. If you only have one hole in your sink or counter for installation, you can only use faucets designed for a single hole. Three-hole installation can be used with more of a variety as long as you’re willing to add a baseplate. With a baseplate, you can use a faucet that only needs one hole and easily cover up the other two. Or, you can obviously use any faucet that requires three holes. Two-hole faucets are very similar to one-hole except they have an accessory like a soap dispenser or sprayer. They can usually also be used with a baseplate to cover up the second hole and use a faucet that requires one-hole installation. Our Verdict Our top choice is the Delta Faucet 9159-CZ-DST Trinsic. It has a lot of high-tech features, like the touch on/off technology and a water temperature indicator light, as well as practical things like a magnetic docking sprayer and touch-clean spray holes that will keep it going for years to come. Next is the GAPPO Commercial 3 Way Kitchen Faucet, the best-rated faucet we found in our research. It features a stylish commercial-like design that’s available in four different finishes and can even be set up with a reverse-osmosis water filtration system. Finally, the Kraus KPF-1610SS is a great choice, especially if you’re dealing with hard water. It comes in five different finishes that make it easy to match to any kitchen and the 20-inch long sprayer hose helps you tackle just about any chore. The compact design is great for small spaces and the silicone nozzles easily wipe clean so you can avoid any hard-to-remove buildup over time. The post 12 Excellent Kitchen Faucets Merging Utility and Style appeared first on WisePick.org. #Faucets&Sink
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/you-probably-use-your-kitchen-faucet-multiple-times-a-day-but-when-s-the-last-time-you-actually-stopped-to-think-about-it-we-depend-on-it-to-be-reliable-and-don-t-really-notice-it-until-something-goes-wrong-but-it-doesn-t-have-to-be-that-way-1
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse Tour
  How wonderful it is to start a brand new week with you here, on Home Bunch. Thank you so very much for your presence!
I am happy to be featuring Liz Hackett of @lizhackettinteriors‘ newly-built home on our “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” series. Liz’s home feels airy and stress free and, as the years go by, I think we should make of our home a place that brings us peace. I feel that when my house is clean, uncluttered, and organized, my mind is calmer and I can think clearer. This home is exactly like that; a place anyone would feel better, not only because you’re so close to nature, but also because the house itself feels uncomplicated and that, my friends, is the approach that we should be aiming for.
Read on to know all details and make sure to pin your favorite interior ideas!
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse Tour
Hello! My name is Liz and I live with my husband and 3 kids in Asheville, NC in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We built our modern farmhouse one year ago on a quiet wooded lot. My husband is a local home builder and I work in interior design. We designed and built this house together and have created a place we are happy to call home.
Home Ideas
“Our goal for this house was to incorporate the modern farmhouse aesthetic with both classic and modern details.”
Exterior Paint Color
The exterior body and trim is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Porch flooring is Benjamin Moore Amherst Gray.
“I wanted our home to feel comfortable, liveable and inviting.”
Windows are Mira by Plygem and are black metal clad exterior and wood interior.
Front Door
What a brave guardian dog! 🙂 The front door paint color is “Benjamin Moore Black”.
Every part of this 3500 square foot house gets used daily and there are no wasted spaces. We gave a lot of thought to making sure that function and style were both foremost in the design.
Wall Paint Color
Paint on main walls of house beside shiplap are “Benjamin Moore Classic Gray”.
The front porch and the foyer features 100+ year-old barnwood shiplap from Kentucky.
The chevron barn door (similar here) is painted in “Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray”.
Built-ins in front Hall are “Benjamin Moore HC 168 Chelsea Gray”.
 The house is 4 bedroom, master down, 3 1/2 baths plus a flex space between the first and second floor.
This is one of the most beautiful kitchens I have seen in a while. Beautiful white cabinets are complemented by real beams and shiplap walls.
Kitchen Lighting: Visual Comfort in bronze and brass – Other Great Pendants: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sconces are Boston Sconce – similar here, here & here.
Kitchen stools are from RH – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Island Dimension: 9′ x 4′.
Countertops are Carrara Honed Marble and backsplash is Shiplap, made from custom milled 7 1/4″ Poplar boards.
Cabinet Hardware: Colonial Bronze – similar Pulls & Knobs.
Open Shelves: Custom – similar here.
Kitchen Cabinets are inset poplar Frosty White by Crystal Cabinets- one of their custom colors. We color matched all of our trim and shiplap to match the cabinets. I would say it is very similar to BM White Dove.
Faucet: Champagne Bronze Delta Trinsic faucet.
Sink: Kohler.
Kitchen has four 100+-year-old wood beams that were reclaimed from an old tobacco barn in Kentucky.
Hardwood Flooring
Wood floors throughout the main house are 4″ white oak with a stain of 2 parts Early American and 1 part Classic Gray custom mix. Done in a satin water-based finish.
Beautiful Hardwood Flooring: here, here, here, here, here & here.
(Somebody got a little tired of being a guardian dog… 🙂 )
Dining Table
“The kitchen table was handmade by my husband the day before we had 16 people here for our first Thanksgiving in the house!”
Dining Room chandelier is from Restoration Hardware – similar here, here & here.
Rug: here – similar.
Inspiring Dining Room Decor:
(Scroll to see more)
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Dining Chairs
Black metal sliding doors open to a spacious screened-in porch.
Dining chairs are from World Market.
Screened-in Porch
The screened-in porch is full of inspiring ideas. Take a good look at the many interesting architectural details found in this space. Flooring is painted in “Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray”.
The fireplace features vertical wood planks and concrete hearth.
Great Room
The Great Room features cathedral ceilings with white beams and floor-to-ceiling shiplap.
Interior Design
As an interior designer, I approached this project the same as I would with any of my clients: it should reflect the personalities of the people who live there and be classic, timeless yet original.
Black Windows Paint Color
The black windows are painted in “Benjamin Moore Black”.
Coastal Farmhouse Vibes
Inspired by this Room:
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We have a detached 2 car garage.
May your week be as peaceful as this home feels… 🙂
  Many thanks to Liz for sharing the details above. Please, make sure to follow her on Instagram to see more!
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Interior Design: Liz Hackett Interiors.
Builder- Longview Builders – Instagram.
Photographer- Kevin Meechan Photography.
Architect- Brickstack Architects.
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  Serena & Lily: Pillow & Throw Sale!
  Wayfair: Up to 75% OFF on Furniture and Decor!!!
  Joss & Main: Up to 70% off Sale!
  Pottery Barn: Bedroom Event Slale plus free shipping. Use code: FREESHIP.
  One Kings Lane: Buy More Save More Sale.
  West Elm: 20% Off your entire purchase + free shipping. Use code: FRIENDS
  Anthropologie: 20% off on Everything + Free Shipping!
  Nordstrom: Sale – Incredible Prices!!!
Posts of the Week:
Black & White Modern Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Charlotte, NC.
New-Construction Home Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Florida Beach Cottage.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Neutral Home.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Modern Farmhouse with Front Porch.
Lake House Interior Design Ideas.
New England Home.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Tailored Interiors.Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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