#Best IVF Fertility Hospitals in Pune
healthsexed · 9 months
Understanding the Impact of STIs on Fertility: What You Need to Know
Infertility is on the rise. Patients are lining up at the clinics of the best doctors for fertility treatment. Many factors ranging from lifestyle to diet and nutrition are affecting fertility today. But there is another reason behind increasing infertility - Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). STIs are one of the top reasons that cause infertility in both men and women. So, in the following blog, let us understand the impact of STIs on fertility. 
Common STIs and Their Impact on Fertility
STIs are sexually transmitted, and many STIs have become rampant nowadays. If left untreated, STIs can travel up the reproductive system of men and women, and cause irreparable damage. The STIs can develop into Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Here are some common STIs and their impact on fertility: 
Chlamydia - Chlamydia is caused by the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria and is one of the most common forms of STI. This disease affects many young women. It doubles the risk of infertility in them. 
Herpes (HPV) - Another extremely common STI, herpes is caused by the human papillomavirus. It is an incurable infection but is not life-threatening. It can cause infertility in men by reducing their sperm count. In females, it increases the chances of miscarriages and can even spread to the baby in the form of neonatal herpes. 
Syphilis - Though this STI used to be rampant in the past, modern medicine has almost wiped it. But the infection is now making a comeback. Syphilis mostly affects male fertility by causing epididymitis which affects the functioning of the sperm duct, preventing sperm from being released properly or in adequate amounts.
Gonorrhoea - This is also a bacterial infection. Though it affects the fertility of males and females, it affects females worse. It damages the fallopian tubes. If pregnancy does occur, it can be ectopic pregnancies and the disease can also be passed to the baby. It is quite problematic. 
Symptoms and Diagnosis of STIs
Most of the fertility-affecting STIs, when caught early, can be treated before they can affect your fertility. And the only way to catch them early is to recognize the symptoms. Here are some symptoms:
Chlamydia Symptoms
Pain in the pelvis and stomach
Painful urination. 
Weird vaginal discharge. 
Bleeding even when not on periods. 
Pain during sex and blood discharge
Chlamydia is diagnosed through medical tests and examination by a doctor. 
Herpes Symptoms 
Severe itching and pain in the genital region. 
Warts on genitals. 
Pain during urinating.
Anus, genitals, and mouth are afflicted by bumps, ulcers, and blisters.
Discharge from the vagina in females and urethra in males.
Herpes has to be diagnosed by a medical doctor through appropriate medical tests. 
Syphilis Symptoms
Open sores on the rectum, mouth, genitals, and skin. 
Sore throat and fever. 
Headaches and muscle pain. 
Swollen lymph nodes and fatigue
Hair loss. 
Since syphilis has symptoms common to other diseases, it's best diagnosed by a doctor and medical tests.
Gonorrhoea Symptoms
Weird vaginal and penile discharge. 
Burning and pain while urinating.
Swollen foreskin. 
Pain during sex and in between periods. 
Fever, sore throat, and pus.
Stomach, groin, and testicular pain.   
Doctors and medical tests are the best way for accurate diagnosis. 
Treatment and Prevention of STIs
Thanks to the advancement in modern medicine, almost all the above-given STIs can be treated. Herpes is the only one that cannot be treated, but it is a manageable disease. It can be managed by medicines. So, if you are facing fertility issues and are trying IVF fertility treatment in Pune, you should do an STI screening as well. The doctor can then start treatment if any STI is found. Safe sex and fidelity to your trusted partner is the only way to prevent STIs
Impact of STIs on Male Fertility
Many of the above-given STIs affect male fertility. Not only do they affect the quality of the sperm, but they also cause physical damage to the sperm ducts. While sperm quality can be redeemed through some treatments, physical damage needs more advanced treatments. Hence, you need to consult an excellent fertility doctor in such cases as Dr. Ramit Kamate. 
Dr. Ramit Kamate, for the past few years, has been running the best IVF clinic in Pune called Nakshatra Clinic. Here, you will find the best solutions for all male and female fertility issues and STI diagnosis and treatments at the most affordable prices. So, contact Nakshatra Clinic today for an appointment and consultation! 
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infoziviaivf · 1 year
How can I Prevent Miscarriage During IVF?
For couples going through this process, preventing miscarriage during IVF treatment in Pune is a subject of highest concern. It's crucial to take into account a number of elements that can lower the risk of miscarriage in order to ensure the greatest likelihood of a healthy pregnancy at a leading IVF facility in Pune.
1. Choosing the Best IVF Clinic: The first and most important step is to pick an IVF clinic in Pune with a proven track record and qualified medical staff. Check out the clinic's patient testimonials and success rates to make sure you're in good hands.
2. Pre-IVF Health Optimization: Prior to starting IVF therapy, both partners should concentrate on improving their general health. This entails controlling chronic diseases, maintaining a healthy weight, and leading a balanced lifestyle.
3. Customized Treatment Plan: Your fertility doctor at the Pune IVF clinic should develop a customized treatment strategy based on your unique requirements and health background. This makes sure that the treatment fits your particular set of conditions.
4. Thorough Pre-IVF Screening: This step helps find any underlying problems that can cause a miscarriage. Before beginning the IVF procedure, these problems can be resolved, greatly lowering the risk.
5. Genetic testing: Genetic anomalies can result in miscarriage. Embryos can undergo preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to determine which ones are free of genetic flaws.
6. Quality Embryo Selection: Pick the best embryos possible for IVF transfer. To choose the healthiest ones, embryologists at the clinic must conduct a comprehensive assessment.
7. Hormonal Balance: It's essential to provide proper hormonal support throughout the IVF process. To ensure a safe pregnancy, your medical team will keep an eye on hormone levels and change prescriptions as necessary.
8. Immune System Evaluation: Immune system problems can cause miscarriage. Discuss immune system evaluations and potential interventions with your IVF doctor if necessary. You can find doctors in the top ivf centre in pune
9. Emotional Support: During IVF treatment, emotional health is crucial. Obtain emotional assistance from therapists or support groups to lessen stress and anxiety, which can have an effect on the success of pregnancies.
10. Lifestyle Modifications: Adopt a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and overindulging in caffeine. Pregnancy can benefit from maintaining a balanced diet and getting some little exercise.
11. Close Monitoring: Prenatal ultrasounds and regular checkups are crucial for catching any problems early. Throughout your pregnancy, your IVF clinic in Pune need to provide attentive monitoring and care.
It's crucial to keep in mind that while taking these precautions can help lower the risk of miscarriage during IVF therapy, no procedure can ensure a pregnancy free of complications. But by collaborating closely with a premier IVF centre in Pune.
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mangeshvaidya · 1 year
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Best IVF Hospital Near Me | Trusted Fertility Specialists | Ashakiran Hospital
If you are searching for the best IVF Centres in Pune, then Ashakiran IVF is one you can rely upon. Book an appointment with Top fertility experts near your location at Ashakiran Hospital.
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pameladtan · 1 year
Small and Large Fibroids: When to Worry?
Uterine fibroids, known as leiomyomas or myomas, are noncancerous growths that develop either within the uterus or on its surface. These fibroids come in various sizes, ranging from as small as a tomato seed to as large as a grapefruit or even bigger. While the majority of fibroids are harmless and do not cause any symptoms, larger fibroids can lead to discomfort and health complications.
It is natural to wonder about the potential dangers associated with different sizes of fibroids. Continue reading to gain insight into fibroid size and the associated risks.
fibroids: small versus large How do fibroids grow? Fibroids originate from the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus and can develop in different regions of the organ. Although the exact cause of fibroid growth remains unknown, hormonal fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone are usually implicated. The growth rate of fibroids can vary, with some growing slowly while others develop rapidly. Moreover, the growth patterns can differ from woman to woman.
Fibroids: Small versus Large Fibroid Size Length Comparison Small Less than 1 cm to 5 cm Size of a pea to a cherry Medium 5 cm to 10 cm Size of a small potato to a large orange Large 10 cm or more Size of a grapefruit to a small watermelon
Why does fibroid size matter? Which size of fibroid is considered dangerous? The size of fibroids is relevant because larger ones are more likely to cause significant symptoms and complications.
Typically, fibroids larger than 5 centimeters are more prone to causing problems and may necessitate treatment, especially if they grow rapidly.
As fibroids increase in size, they exert additional pressure on the uterus and nearby organs, resulting in symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, frequent urination, and constipation.
In certain cases, large fibroids may contribute to infertility or complications during pregnancy, such as premature delivery or the need for a cesarean section. Furthermore, larger leiomyomas can be more challenging to remove, thereby affecting the available treatment options.
How are fibroids diagnosed? Fibroids are typically diagnosed through a combination of physical examinations and imaging tests. During a physical exam, a doctor may palpate the uterus to detect any abnormalities, including the presence of leiomyomas. Imaging tests such as ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans can also assist in identifying the presence, size, and location of fibroids.
Treatment options for fibroids: The treatment of uterine fibroids is determined by factors such as the size, number, and location of the myomas, as well as the associated symptoms. Small myomas that do not cause symptoms can be closely monitored without immediate treatment.
Possible treatment options include:
Medications like pain relievers, iron supplements, and birth control pills can be prescribed to manage symptoms. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists may be recommended to shrink fibroids.
Uterine fibroid embolization involves blocking the blood supply to the fibroid by targeting its supplying artery. This results in the fibroid shrinking and eventually dying. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as fibroid size, number, and location, as well as symptoms and the patient's desire for future pregnancy or preservation of the uterus.
Surgical options encompass myomectomy, a procedure that removes the fibroid without damaging the uterus. Myomectomy can be performed through hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, or laparotomy. Hysterectomy, which involves partial or full removal of the uterus, is another surgical option that can prevent future pregnancies.
Uterine fibroids are benign cell growths within the uterus that may or may not produce symptoms. While the size of a fibroid alone is not a significant concern, women experiencing discomfort or pain should seek treatment.
It is crucial to consult experienced doctors for fibroid treatment to ensure accurate diagnosis, explore suitable treatment options, and achieve optimal outcomes. Schedule an appointment at Zivia IVF to receive high-quality diagnosis and treatment.
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treshaseo · 1 year
Looking for the best blastocyst transfer for IVF in Pune? Check out our comprehensive list of top hospitals with high success rates. Book your appointment today to start your IVF journey.
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bestivfhospital · 2 years
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Causes and Risk Factors of Endometriosis - Benecare Hospital
Endometriosis happens when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. It may affect more than 12% of women between 17 and 45. The Best Gynecologist Surgeon in Pune Provides the best facilities and services to you.
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sahyadrihospitals · 1 year
Understanding Low AMH and Your Fertility Journey
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First and foremost, we understand that the journey to parenthood can be filled with uncertainty and concerns, especially when faced with challenges like low AMH levels. 
In this answer, we will help you understand the implications of low AMH on your fertility and explore the available treatment options.
What is AMH and Why Does it Matter?
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a protein produced by the ovarian follicles, which are the small sacs containing immature eggs in a woman's ovaries. 
AMH levels in the blood can provide an indication of a woman's ovarian reserve, or the number of eggs remaining in her ovaries. A low AMH level suggests a diminished ovarian reserve, which can impact fertility.
How Low AMH Affects Your Chances of Pregnancy
It's important to note that low AMH levels do not necessarily mean you cannot get pregnant. A diminished ovarian reserve may reduce the chances of conception, but it doesn't entirely rule out the possibility. 
Factors such as age, overall health, and the quality of the remaining eggs all play a role in determining your fertility potential.
Treatment Options for Low AMH
There are several treatment options available for women with low AMH levels, each with varying success rates:
Natural conception: Some women with low AMH levels may still be able to conceive naturally. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, monitoring ovulation, and timing intercourse around your fertile window can increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Oral medications: Fertility drugs, such as clomiphene citrate or letrozole, can be prescribed to stimulate ovulation and improve your chances of conception.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This procedure involves placing sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation, increasing the chances of fertilization.
In-vitro fertilization (IVF): IVF is a more advanced fertility treatment, where eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, fertilized in a laboratory, and then transferred back into the uterus.
The success rates of these treatments can vary depending on factors such as age, overall health, and the severity of the diminished ovarian reserve.
Tips for Improving Your Chances of Pregnancy with Low AMH
Here are some helpful tips for women with low AMH levels:
Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.
Consider taking supplements, such as Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which have been shown to improve egg quality in some studies.
Consult with a fertility specialist to discuss your options and develop a tailored treatment plan.
Remember, every fertility journey is unique, and the path to parenthood may look different for each individual. 
Sahyadri is a Multi-speciality hospital and the best ivf center in pune. We are committed to helping you achieve your dream of starting or expanding your family.
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storymom12 · 5 days
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ivfclinicindia · 26 days
Best IVF center in Lebanon with high success rates 2024?
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Many cities are present in India for IVF. They all are the best for providing the best IVF treatment. You will find the best IVF clinic India. It helps in your successful IVF process and approaches. The couple can have different assistances to conceive their healthy child successfully. Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad, Noida, and other Delhi NCR have the best IVF hospital in India.
You can choose the best city near your place and with the best IVF clinic India. Choosing one of the top 5 IVF centre in India can help have successful treatment. You can choose the best doctors and centres in the top locations in India:
India is the best country for many partners to have fair prices. With cutting-edge methods and techniques, it also aids in achieving excellent treatments. Partners can benefit from the best IVF clinic India. Couples can receive affordable treatment and top-notch help. For their procedure, couples have the best options among renowned clinics.
How does the best IVF centre in India perform the treatment?
The best IVF centre in India offers several advanced stages for improved results. Your best IVF facility in India can administer the following steps:
Medical examinations: Various tests can establish a couple's fertility and overall health. Knowing the likelihood of conceiving with IVF treatment aids professionals. They will check your gametes, perform an ultrasound, and conduct additional tests.
Counselor: The best centre for couples will offer the session. Reducing the couple's tension and anxiety promotes greater psychological health. Their condition can be managed by your expert, giving them more comfortable as they begin treatment.
Development: Fertility drugs will stimulate the ovaries of the female spouse. Additionally, it controls ovarian function and boosts egg production. The female is capable of producing large quantities of mature, healthy eggs. Additionally, the hormonal injection causes the female uterus to release its eggs.
Collection: From each partner's reproductive system, eggs and sperm will be retrieved. To gather the eggs, the specialist will engage in a minimally invasive procedure. Inside the female uterus, a catheter equipped with vaginal ultrasonography is inserted. A tiny needle can be used to retrieve viable oocytes from the uterus. Semen will prepare in the male partner and healthy sperm will gather.
Fertilization: On a Petri dish, the couple's sperm and eggs will mix. Your specialist will introduce them using cutting-edge observation and methodology. It aids in the formation of successfully fertilized eggs using superior techniques.
. Transferring: A professional will check your fertilized eggs for implantation. It might be useful in deciding which embryos to transfer are the best. The fertilized eggs are placed within the female uterus via a catheter. It will reveal the pregnancy's result. As with a blood test, the outcome will be known after two weeks.
How Much Will IVF cost in India?
The IVF cost in India is much fairer in India than in different nations. It helps assist couples successful in achieving their pregnancy outcome. The couple has to pay much lesser than in developed countries. It saves partners' budgets highly. The average IVF cost in the best IVF clinic India ranges from USD 3,300.
It includes different charges and helps partners achieve their best process. Also, the treatment price of every couple depends on different factors. You can need different approaches and methods in the treatment. These help in successful outcomes. Also, increase the charges.
Which IVF clinic has the highest success rate in India?
GO IVF SURROGACY is the best IVF clinic India for the highest success rate. We have advanced IVF treatment with top-notch technologies that aid couples in having successful outcomes. The best treatment for many illnesses is IVF. Additionally, the procedure shows the couple's pregnancy outcomes while they are having problems. The IVF procedure can be customized to your needs and financial situation. For excellent success rates and inexpensive in the best IVF centre in Delhi, there is just one place to go: the top centre.
Your IVF success percentages are still based on a variety of variables. Your eggs and sperm need to be in good health and of excellent quality to get affordable in the best IVF centre in India. Failure of the treatment will result in any issue with them. By using cutting-edge techniques, you can raise the success rate of the best IVF centre in India. There are many excellent techniques available to aid in IVF treatment.
Read More:- https://www.ivfsurrogacy.in/ivf-clinic-india/
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noblehospitals · 1 month
Noble Hospitals - The Best IVF Centre in Pune for Fertility Solutions
Noble Hospitals is renowned as the best IVF centre in Pune, offering comprehensive fertility solutions. With state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced doctors, we provide personalized care and advanced treatments to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Visit our website to learn more about our services and book a consultation today. Experience the highest standard of care at Noble Hospitals, the Best Ivf Centre in Pune.
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webnews-24 · 2 months
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infoziviaivf · 1 year
Are you looking for the best IVF treatment clinic in Pune?
India is a developing country with a huge population and this is why it stands second in the world’s population chart. However, the statistics from the medical industry indicate a paradox with a declining fertility rate. Two out of every ten couples, nowadays ask for medical help to get pregnant. No wonder, this is a huge problem we as humans are facing now.
Both men and women are looking for the best IVF Centre in Pune and nearby to get a reliable cure for their infertility. The IVF treatment effectively helps in treating infertility amongst infertile couples to get pregnant and have babies. According to the research, women suffering from PCOS and men having low sperm count are prominent ones facing this problem.
Who should go for fertility treatment?
Are you trying to conceive for months? You and your partner calculate your fertility dates and plan your sexual activities? Well, then surely your act of pleasure is becoming an activity which you are following just for the sake of having a baby. The harsh truth about pregnancy is that if you are not getting naturally pregnant within a year of trying then the probability of you having problems in conceiving is high. Therefore, instead of wasting any more time, you should get the fertility test done to seek medical supervision thereafter.
Amongst the list of techniques used for assisted reproduction, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most commonly used one. A major number of hospitals are now providing this service, but it is advised to find the IVF center in Pune..
Why find a good fertility Hospital in Pune?
Seeing the demand for fertility treatment in the present day, there has been a significant rise in the number of IUI Treatment in Pune in all sizes and shapes. Some of these small clinics offer low-cost IVF treatment to mint money while only a few are actually keen on offering satisfactory services at an affordable price range.
How to find a good IVF treatment clinic Pune?
Are you confused to find the right IVF treatment clinic? Here is a quick guideline that you can follow to pick the one for you amongst the top-listed.
Infrastructure: Our clinic incorporates an ultra-modern infrastructure laced with optimum security and safety equipment for the patients. We are known for comforting our patients at every level, be it about the bedding, fencing, or even tools used for treatments. Only advanced tools and techniques are used for treating patients to get the best positive results.
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Medical staff: We are backed by a team of expert medical staff who constantly remain in your vicinity to provide 24x7 medical assistance. They are adept in their skills and have years of experience in handling patients of all ages and behavior. Our team of doctors is the well-knowledge inheriting degree’s from reputed medical colleges and universities. They are the best in their field and hence provide amazing results in every case.
Services: Another important factor to be kept in mind is the services we offer. Everyone wants a positive result and to materialize it they look for a treatment clinic offering to par excellent services when the time comes. And we exactly deliver the same without charging any extra cost or time.
Budget: IVF is an expensive treatment and this is why not everyone willing to go for it actually do it. Authentic fertility treatment clinics are known for providing world-class services within an affordable price range. We have formulated a pocket-friendly range of fertility services that gives a chance to every couple to become parents within a limited budget.
Reputation: Check what people say about a particular fertility clinic? You can get an insight into the clinic and the quality of its services from what people say about it. No one can build a false reputation, it is generated by the people on their experience. And we are no exception, our expertise is visible through our reputation across the street and online.
Results: There is no better way to know the performance of an institution than by knowing its success rate. Our success rate speaks for us even when we do not want to. This strengthens the trust our clients have in us and inspires us to deliver nothing but the best to our patients.
It is very hard for a woman to learn about her infertility both emotionally and physically.
Fortunately, these fertility treatments have given hope for them to fulfill their long-lost desire. The best part about going for professional services is that they understand your problem very well and treat you and your sentiments delicately.
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mangeshvaidya · 1 year
Best IVF Centre in Pune has the best team of infertility specialists and experienced doctor who offers solutions for IVF and IUI for male/female infertility issues. For Booking Appointments, call us 91 8308306660.
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treshaseo · 1 year
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aarvimeheta · 3 months
 IVF Hospital in Pune | ONP Hospital
IVF hospital in Pune realizing the hopes of people and couples attempting to conceive in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. IVF specialists use cutting-edge treatments to overcome obstacles to fertility and generate successful pregnancies. They have a distinct combination of medical skill and technological prowess.
IVF facilities within ONP hospitals offer several distinct advantages. Firstly, they provide patients with access to state-of-the-art technology and equipment, ensuring the highest standards of care and treatment efficacy. These facilities are often staffed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, including reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, nurses, and counsellors, who collaborate to deliver personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs.
ONP hospitals is having best gynaecologist in Pune for pregnancy. They use a variety of assisted reproductive techniques, including ovulation induction, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer, these specialists collaborate closely with patients to create individualized treatment programs catered to their unique needs. IVF specialists provide comfort and hope to people starting the process of becoming parents through assisted reproductive technologies, all thanks to their exacting attention to detail and unwavering dedication to quality.
ONP Hospitals Pune
Contact us:02067196600\ 8055636600 
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