#Best Eid Mehndi Designs
shaadiwish · 1 year
Bookmark These Latest Eid Mehndi Designs For 2023 That Will Leave Everyone In Awe. Stay Tuned To ShaadiWish For Latest Trends And Ideas.
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Doing Mehndi/Henna with the 141+Los Vaqueros
In honour of the past Eid (why do I have so many undone Eid fics on my main) I will be making a set of headcannons for Eid even though it was a month ago because I want to and time is an illusion. Also, reader is South Asian-coded, and I’ll use gender-neutral pronouns but it’s kind of fem leaning due to the cultural aspect but all are welcome!!
(Also if I didn’t spell anything right please let me know I’m just writing this in a hurry I am so sorry) 
Warnings: mentions of violence and war, foreign language use. 
Doing Mehndi/Henna for the 141 + Los Vaqueros 
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There was some downtime in the base after a successful mission just a few days ago, meaning that everyone was trying to relax after the harrowing mission that took so much time and effort and caused so much pain to everyone. Finally, it was time for some rest and relaxation, and the base’s atmosphere was a little more calm than the frantic hustle just days ago. Funny how it all changes so fast, but it is what it is, and probably for the better. 
You sat at a table with a small conical tube, piping a brown paste out onto your skin, using the tube as a calligrapher uses a pen, or an artist uses a paintbrush, to draw floral and fractal designs upon your skin. The reason you were being so artistic today? The downtime was just perfect, right at the end of Ramadan, meaning that it was time to celebrate not only the mission but also the completion of a religious month of fasting. The paste would dry and leave a natural, temporary tattoo on your hands, and as you painstaking created the masterpiece, people would stop by and see what you were doing. 
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
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He sees you putting some kind of paste on your arm and is...confused. 
‘Bloody hell is that’ the first thing into his mind and out of his mouth, actually. Mans is big confuzzled 
You tell him its Mehndi or Henna, and he...doesn’t know. Wasn’t really exposed to different cultures as a kid, and difference was not seen as something to be celebrated. 
Is very curious. He appreciates the time and art, as he has tattoos that took time to make. He’s interested in what’s going on cause it’s you and he cares about what you do and how you are, shhhh
He has no idea how it works. The Hell you mean, it’s a tattoo? Doesn’t believe you. What do you mean this paste will leave a temporary tattoo? Is curious. 
Will use this as an opportunity to sit with you and learn about you
If you explain it to him, he’ll not say anything and at first you think it’s because he’s disinterested, but he is actually quite focused on what you tell him and is absorbing the information. He is learning the history behind the art and like his tattoos, he has an appreciation for wearable art. 
He likes watching you sketch out the designs on your skin. It’s nice to see flowers and leaves and birds and pretty things after all the blood in the military. 
He will ask questions about what kind of designs, the longevity of the art, and if they’re restricted to a certain aesthetic. Will ask only a few questions, but its because he mostly likes just watching you do your thing. It’s satisfying to see it. 
If you ask to do some on his arm, there is a 50/50 chance he’ll let you, because on the one hand its time consuming to do on him and wait for it to dry and he’s a busy man most of the time, but on the other its wearable art and looks relaxing. Whether or not he does let you depends on how close you guys are. 
But if you hand him the mehndi tube and allow him to draw something on you...your friendship points in his mental scoreboard just skyrocket. You’re letting him make something for you to wear on your arm? Like a tattoo? You’ll wear a design a la Riley? He is willing to do anything for you now. 
He’s not the best at drawing but he does have good control over his hand-eye coordination, so his designs are not that bad. He just needs time to decide what the hell to draw on you...give him ideas please. He will need your help with the tube as this man has sausages for fingers, and he’s trying, please be patient. Keep a few Q tips and tissues handy for wiping off the few mistakes he may make. 
He likes more of the floral designs, especially the intricate floral fractals. Flowers are pretty, and he knows how unique designs ought to be appreciated. 
He’s a bit of a perfectionist so be prepared for a numb arm afterward. But it’ll be work it when you see the joy in his eyes when he finishes it to his liking.
Will wait for it to dry with you if he’s not busy. He needs down time too, and spending time learning about something else is nice you’re also just really nice company and he feels bad that your religious holiday is being spent all alone
Will genuinely thank you if you do a design on him or let him do a design on you. It makes something in his heart warm up at the thought of knowing that he made something for someone else and its not only artistic, but you’re wearing it with pride. If you actually show it off he’ll huff about it but its a farce cause his posture improves and his chest is puffed out at the fact you’re showing it off.
If you were close enough that you did a design on him and it starts to wear away he will march up to you whatever time he can and demanding you retrace it. Or give him a new one. It’s like a friendship bracelet, GIVE!
All in all, he likes it. Anytime you do Mehndi from then on, he’ll be there, either chilling with you or getting some on himself too. 
Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish
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He spots you sitting down and squirting something on your skin. 
‘What is that?’ Genuinely intrigued and curious. Likes the designs! 
You did those yourself? That’s so cool! The patience and artistic ability is quite interesting to him. 
If you tell him the history behind Mehndi/Henna, he’ll ask questions and engage in conversations about it. He has an appreciation for the historical aspect, and he’ll likely ask multiple questions. 
He’ll watch you do it but he’ll also get fidgety after a while. You have to wait for it to dry too. But he’s not leaving! He’ll just need to move around a bit. 
If you ask him to get anything for you for nourishment he will. He’ll feed you himself but also tease you while you’re at it. 
Will blow on it to help it dry. When you tell him its cold he’ll just keep doing it because he’s a gremlin. 
Finds it satisfying to watch. Will make suggestions on what to do next. If you incorporate it, he’d be over the moon! Just know that he’ll suggest some joke stuff and will veer from the intended aesthetic, so it’s up to you at that point. 
There are some trends in mehndi where people who get their mehndi done will hide little cameos or names of people in their designs. Soap will suggest his name cheekily, believe me, but if you actually do it, he’d be forever thankful and in awe that you’d allowed him that honour. To him its like getting his name tattooed on you so its a high degree of respect given. 
If you offer to do some on him he’d be glad to! He’ll eagerly give you his arm and ask you to either go ham or will have a design in mind. If you have his name in your design somewhere he will ask for yours too, it’s only fair! Bestie’s honour! 
If you let him do a design on your skin, he’d be floored. He’d be so eager and happy! He grabs the tube and is ready! You’ll just have to limit him cause his imagination is going wild so please just tell him what to do before you sign some Ursula-esque contract and end up with some stupid-ass emoji or slogan like ‘Soap waz here’ on your skin for the next few days. 
Surprisingly, he’s very good with handling the mehndi tube. He was named Soap for a reason, and he’s very good at putting the right amount of pressure for the right design. Not the best artistically but he takes his time and is genuinely careful with the fun. He treats it like a tattoo, it’s something he’ll spend time on. 
That said, he is also an eager beaver and in his excitement he may, at any point, accidentally mess up some wet mehndi. When he does so, he will absolutely be a mess about it and apologize profusely for it. Help him please, keep some tissues nearby, please forgive him too he promises he didn’t mean it!! 
If you allow it on a visible part of you he’ll be so happy to see it. If you actively show it off and tell the others he did it he’ll enthusiastically tell them how he did it because he’s just so happy he did that! Will have his arm around you too, you’re precious now for letting him do that. Will take offense when the others may not believe that he was the one who made that part of your mehndi.
When he’s done he’ll chat and eat with you, and make sure you’re okay. If your design is on the inside of your hand he will make a point to feed you himself. It makes him happy to do so. 
He really likes the fractal designs, the ones that look like multiple layers of leaves or scales, lattice patterns are nice for him to look at. 
If the design you give him starts to fade, he will ask for another one. Will show off every one you do for him. 
Cptn. John Price
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Price is not a complete stranger to the art, but it is one that he’s never really seen up close. He is aware from his life that there are other civilians he’s seen in the city have it done, he has travelled before as well and seen it too, so not entirely unfamiliar but very clueless. Seeing you do it awakens a curiosity, and he wants to know how its done. 
He is a history nut, not that many people will know, so please tell him everything. Let him know the history of what you’re doing, its purpose, and how it relates to the holiday, etc. 
Price enjoys thinking about other perspectives, so if you ramble on he’ll listen. It’s nice to hear some chatter about creative things rather than fearmongers, warlords, cartels and such. He’s happy to listen. 
Will watch with attention as you do it, and when you talk to him he will engage in conversation as he absorbs the information. Has some questions and they’re all fairly relevant, Will periodically hum in thought or shift or gesture, showing you that he is in fact listening, and sometimes in the middle will interrupt to talk to you about something you said. The best part is when he interrupts you after you tell him the art of mehndi is thousands of years old...now he’s making mental notes and wanting to know more. 
Will absolutely talk with you for the entire time you’re waiting for it to dry. Has the patience of a saint. The only time he’ll leave is if its an emergency, or if there’s a lot of paperwork he’ll just grab it from his office to do near you while you wait. Will let you talk about whatever you want. But if you let him talk you both are going to be there a while, John’s a very charismatic person and easy to talk to, so you could find yourself sitting for 3 hours just talking to him when your mehndi dries in half that time. But it’s time well spent, he absolutely appreciates it. 
If you need him to get you any food, he is already on it, and regardless of which side of your hand the design is, he is a gentleman and will feed it to you. The best. 
Likes to watch you do the designs, it’s satisfying to watch. He really likes quiet, creative times. 
If he accidentally messes up your design by shifting and wiping it off he will not stop thinking about it for the next week. Forgive him please he didn’t mean it! He feels really bad and will offer help to fix it or clean it up. The more intricate it is the worse he feels. 
If you want to do some on him, he might let you do it, just a small one in a hidden place. It has more meaning for him that way, and he also doesn’t know if he’s even allowed to have such things peak out, so he just wants to keep it on the low. Also it feels like a piece of you, someone he cares for, so its very personal to Price and he’s keeping it discreet like a well-loved secret. He’s so proud of it though. Others might notice, cause he will try to show it off in subtle ways. He always feels a smile on his lips when he notices that you notice the design. 
When Price asks for the design he’ll also deviate from the aesthetic, maybe make it something else a little more to his interests, as the cultural rules of the aesthetic are not one he completely understands, as he thinks of it like a tattoo as well if just a little more flowery. If you do something floral or whatever he’d still appreciate it, but if you indulge in it by like, making it a collage of compiled mehndi aesthetic to make a shape similar to what he wants, he’d beam about it for months, long after that design fades. He will take numerous pictures of it but they’re all blurry cause he uses a phone like a grandpa and only a few of them turn out slightly legible.
If you let him do one on you? Price’s entire body is filled with warmth. You’re letting him design something on your body? Something that has cultural relevance to you, and in a design he wants? He feels honoured. He will have the highest reverence for that moment, it feels like you’ve given him a tremendous amount of trust. Price will actually try to back away a few times as he feels he might not have the cultural relevancy to administer it, but if you insist, he’d be so ecstatic. He is going to do his absolute best, Captain’s honour! 
That being said, his drawing skills aren’t the best, so he’d try to talk about it a little bit. You’ll need to teach him how to grip and use the cone because otherwise its either too much or too little pressure, no in between. 
Sausage fingers again, so please keep some tissues on hand. It will take time, but he is meticulous, he wants to make you proud and do you justice. 
It comes out a little more austere than the usual flowery lines of traditional mehndi, but anyone can see it is made with love. Price is proud of it at the end, but will seek your approval before he dreams of celebrating that accomplishment. When you give your approval, he is glowing and thinking about any compliment you may have given him as he waits for sleep that night. 
Once the mehndi vanishes, he’s sad to see it go, but is eager for another one should you ever do it again. So every Eid or any type of holiday you may celebrate, he will pop in to check on you and if he sees you doing mehndi, he’ll sit down and ask if you can do some on him too. You didn’t hear this from me but he discovered Pinterest mehndi/henna designs and has a...hundred saved.
He really likes the mehndi and has a reverence for it now, and makes a point to sit with you and give even one greeting any time there is a cultural or religious holiday to celebrate it in some way with you. 
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
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When he sees it he will automatically pull up a seat and sit next to you, eyes wide, staring at it. You’d think he was a scientist looking at a newly discovered microbe. 
The first thing out of his mouth is: ‘Bloody hell that’s gorgeous’. Is very intrigued. Eyeballing your design. 
Could sit and watch for hours. It feels therapeutic to him to just watch mindlessly as a cone leaves an artistic trail on your skin. Is absolutely hypnotized. 
Will be so glad if you tell him what you’re doing. Seriously, creativity is something he cannot appreciate enough. Probably the most viscerally appreciative of this art out of everyone. 
Will literally sit next to you watching for hours or talking non-stop with how happy he is to see this going on. There is no in between, don’t ask. Gaz deserves to speak. 
Please, please for the love of humanity tell him the history of it. Nerd wants to know. It. All. He will soak up the information like a sponge and will relentlessly look up designs and look at the history of it. He can’t believe this form of tattooing is that old! He can’t wait to gush about it with you, seriously. 
He would try to guess what your design is. He would watch the lines and try to predict what you’re going to draw next. It becomes a game between you both, and to humor him, sometimes, you would draw what he guessed. Hey, he gives good ideas. 
He will actually look up designs and marvel at them and give you ideas if you want. He’s very considerate of the art and wants to see how you do it. If you do the signs he suggests, he’d be over the moon! 
If you do some on him, he’d be out of orbit. He’s so pumped when you do something with mehndi on his skin, and he’ll show off the colours and designs to anyone he sees. Will gush for days and will whine when the design starts to fade. 
He really likes fictional characters so he will ask for symbols, logos, etc, but he will also try to incorporate the traditional mehndi designs as to him the traditions need to be respect regardless of his out-of-pocket requests for some mehndi designs. He will ask for memes I am so sorry.
If you let him do any mehndi designs on you...WHOOO BOI, his soul is A S C E N D E D. Out of this galaxy. He’s so thankful, he honestly is so honoured he is ready to give his life for you. 
He will ask what you’d like from him, and will do his absolute best, Soldier’s honour, he will use his steadiest hand. He’s very good with his hand-to-eye coordination, and he is very good at drawing from a reference and replicating it he’s not the best without one tbh
Will take his time and it will take a while. Perhaps a few hours, depending on how complicated or exact you want the design. He’ll try to challenge himself and also honour your hands with an intricate design so unless you have time, are able to go without food for a bit (or plan ahead and have it with you) and are okay with almost complete silence as Gaz works, choose something simpler. Please, he really wants to do good by you. When he’s done you will be floored I promise. 
Once the design fades he will ask when is the next time you do mehndi, and will respect your decision if you choose to do it only on holidays, but if you just whip out the tube and offer to do one, he’ll beam like the sun for the rest of the day. Nothing will happen to that smile no matter what. 
Has a high respect for the creative craft and can’t wait to see you the next time you do it, and is so heavily invested you’ll think he invented it. A wonderful buddy for the arts and cherishes the time and knowledge you gave him. 
Col. Alejandro Vargas
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He literally stops to look the first time he sees it. ‘What are you doing, cariño?’
He lives in Las Almas, and there is Middle-Eastern history in Latin America including Mexico, so it is probable that he has seen women have these designs on them before, or knows of their existence and use. But the intricate designs are very much a subject of interest, and to see you do it makes him ponder if there is a special reason you’d do it. 
When you tell him why, he’s surprised as to why he didn’t connect the dots but he’ll sit down and watch, with your permission. He’ll talk to you as you do it, wanting to spend time with a friend and a religious holiday is the perfect excuse, no?
He’s not truly interested in history unless its the history of those who he knows or wants to know about, both friends and foes alike, but if you tell him he’ll gladly listen! He wants to get to know each and every one of his friends better and what better way than to listen to them. 
He will be a bit shook when you tell him that it’s thousands of years old. Like on the one hand it makes sense but on the other, they knew how to do this thousands of years ago? When you tell him the history he will interrupt a few times and converse with you, you’ll have to actually tell him if you need a moment to talk, but he is always respectful and engaged when you talk to him, a proper gentleman. 
While some from 141 may try to guess what you’ll do next, Alejandro will actually ask you what you’re drawing next, wondering if there is a process to the way you’re thinking of doing your designs. He will try to guess like Gaz, but mostly he will try to understand your own artistic visions and where they stem from. Psychology of Mehndi taught by Col. Alejandro Vargas, anyone?
If you ask him to bring you some food or water he is speedwalking and grabbing you as much nourishment as possible. If you’re doing something he can see is intricate he will make a whole meal platter because ‘your creative brain needs energy, no? and will cook you something quick and easy to eat. He will feed you though, not letting you touch or halt the process, because he’s that considerate. Just be careful when he tries to give you water, ask for a straw or you might clink your teeth against the glass when he tries to get you hydrated, bless him.
He’ll ask questions about the designs and your own experience with it, expressing a vested interest in your connection to the art as he’s more used to one type of culture, so if you come from a different culture then he’ll want to know about your own cultural experiences and compare. He will also tell you stories of the few times he’s seen mehndi on people. He will also try to pronounce it as closely as possible to the way you do, he has a lot of respect for different languages and cultures. 
If you offer to let him do a design he is both very honoured and also extremely nervous, simply because he had never done it before and while he is very good at using weapons, art was not his best subject in school and he will need guidance. Please be patient with him, and have some tissues ready to use, he will need the whole box by the end. He is determined to do your trust good.
Will make designs based upon his own iterations of what would be acceptable from what he’s seen of your designs and those of the past. He knows that it is often floral patterning, so he will try to make something unique. It might not be as intricate but one can easily see it is heartfelt.
If you let him sneak his name anywhere or sign his design? You’re forever one of his favourite people like that’s such a high honour to him, you’re family now. He is protecting you so hard for allowing him a chance to do something creative, nice and sweet. And if you show it off? The man’s chest is puffed up, and he never stops smiling. The rest of Los Vaqueros actually worry that something has happened to one of his enemies. 
Now, Alejandro knows it is originally an art meant for mostly women, so if you offer to do some for him, he will assess the situation and likely say he’s not sure or a soft no. If you insist upon it though, he will allow you one design, something preferably in a small place as he is at work often and so he will likely want to have it be small and personal and somewhat hidden, like the inside of his elbow or between his fingers, a small one inside his wrist, that kind of thing. If you still make it intricate, dear God he is the happiest alive. Will subtly show it off like Price would, too, as he is so proud to wear something by you. If anyone in Los Vaqueros makes fun of him for it though they’ve fucked up. No one insults a gift from you!
He prefers designs that are less floral but definitely has a softer aesthetic, and if you do something that depicts Mexican culture, he’s over the moon and will actually show it off all the time. He’d be more towards animal-like designs.
If you did one on him and it fades, he is sad to see it go but does not demand to make it happen again. He knows the religious importance and just subtly asks you when the next holiday is, and if you’re doing mehndi for it. But if you notice and just offer to touch it up he will not stop you. The soft look in his eye and his relaxed posture show how thankful he is to be treated to this.
Other members of Los Vaqueros may actually come to you too after seeing what you did for their leader, as Alejandro repays your artistry by telling others who are interested. On some days when there is no missions and it is a more civilian time, the partners and children of the Vaqueros may come to you too for mehndi/henna. You could make a business out of it, just saying. 
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra 
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Purest angel is confused but so very into it. You’re putting paste onto your arm and its coming out in pretty designs? Wow! He needs to know more asap. 
He’s going to sit and stare at it, tilting his head and following the directions of your hand. He looks like a curious puppy as he quietly watches you. 
He is quiet curious, and will ask very quietly about what it is you are doing. If you tell him its for a religious celebration, he’ll listen intently. He will sit and listen to you without speaking or interrupting, saving any questions for last. Like Alejandro, he has some experience with differing cultures and wants to give you as much respect as he can, cause you do the same for him. 
You mean this is thousands of years old?! Is incredulous but in a good way. Genuinely cannot believe it but it makes him believe in humanity more because he thinks of it as representing innate human goodness in creation than destruction. Is genuinely impressed and will try to do more research on his own time.
When he hears its a religious celebration his heart kind of breaks and he looks like a wounded puppy cause he feels awful knowing that he’s done nothing, even if he’s not consciously at fault he does feel really bad. He’ll then spent the entire time you are doing your mehndi, and the rest of the day, doing everything your mind can come up with but first he’ll enjoy mehndi with you because that is what you’re doing right now. 
Tell him about your culture. PLEASE. He wants to hear more about the outside world and about the people he works with and would love love love to vicariously travel through you when you tell him about every experience you have had with mehndi. He needs to know so leave no detail out. 
Like Alejandro, he will not try to guess but will observe and ask what you’re making, wanting to hear the process and familiarize himself with the traditions of the art, or just your own style and creativity if you’re not going traditional. He just likes to see what others do, he likes observing people he almost got knocked out for it once by an angry misunderstanding Alejandro years ago but it never got too big and they’ve been friends since. It’s very different from traditional Mexican arts so he will be very interested to learn of it, a very visual learner. Stares at your arm the way a scientist stares into the microscope at a tardigrade of interest. Please forgive him he’s just very curious-
If you ask him to get you food or water he absolutely will because he was raised to be the most gentlemanly of gentlemen in Las Almas. He will give you water in a straw to prevent spilling and have some food that he can just scoop and make it easy for you to bite into at your own time, giving you pace to eat when you’re ready. He is an okay enough cook for simple recipes so expect something with eggs or veggies, something with little cleanup or change of breaking. He will hold the food out and let you eat when you’d like, or if its on a stick just let you munch off the skewer to prevent you from losing time. 
If you offer to do a design with him as an inspiration or part of it anywhere, he is going to whisper a thousand good wishes of health, luck, prosperity, fertility, wealth, happiness, wellness, safety, fortune, every blessing under the sun. You want to put something on your skin in remembrance of him? He is deceased. He will die and kill for you and name an operation after you, you’re the best-
He would love anything you do, even if its just his initials, and he will always always smile when he sees you in public. He would love his initials or name hidden like a signature on the fanciest cast even though there is no injury. Is so flattered. The more elaborate you do it, the closer he comes to grateful tears. 
If you offer to do some on him, his sleeves are getting rolled up faster than Snoop Dogg can roll a joint. He will excitedly hold out his hands and actually tells you to go ham. If you do take a minute or so to ask what he wants he’ll give an honest answer but it might be incoherent just cause he’s so excited. Will accept anything. He particularly likes the lattice-work, as it looks like intricate lace, and a few flowers are cool too! But you get infinite respect points if you use historical references of Mexican culture and literature or environment in the design. The man will be floored so hard he’ll come out the other side of the globe. 
Will try to show off the mehndi when he has a chance and he gives zero fucks if anyone says anything because both he and Alejandro will beat their ass. Is not going to be loud about it but the smile on his face and the consistent flexing in the sun trying to show it off is enough for people to get the obvious hint to look at it. 
If you let him to one one you, he’ll actually try to pull back, as he feels it might be disrespectful to take hold of the actual item rather than just having someone from that culture doing it onto him. It will take some time for him to give in, like a while. He actually doesn’t want to do it. If you just let him do something small though, he’ll be much easier to negotiate with. Also, he’s insecure about his hand-eye coordination, so he’ll just make small cute things and its really up to you to connect them or leave them be. He will most likely do floral patterns on you, flowers or vines or something simple and easy to do that can be easily integrated into your own style and design. 
When the design fades, it makes him slightly sad but its completely up to you if you want to do it again. He’ll never say no to another application, as he sees it as a chance to get creative, but it will be totally up to you. 
Like Alejandro, will ask when the next holiday is because he is invested in the lives of his friends, and he will forever do whatever he can to make sure that you have a chance to celebrate it with your beloved tradition. He will literally just buy you a new tube of mehndi whenever you ask, will go shopping with you for it because he believes you know best. Purest boy, protect him. 
Barraza Carlos, Arabs in Mexico. Assimilation and Cultural Heritage (link)
Bonus: Phillip ‘Shadow-1′ Graves 
Fucker thinks its weird and teases you about it
But if others around the base do it he’s like ‘oh wow that shit rocks’ 
Gets jealous and wants one 
Note: Absolutely not 💖🖕🏽
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hennadesign2 · 3 months
Timeless Elegance: Explore Exquisite Mehndi Designs Near You
Mehndi, or henna art, is not just a tradition but a form of intricate artistry that adorns hands and feet with beautiful patterns and symbols. Finding a skilled mehndi artist near you is essential for celebrating special occasions with timeless elegance. Whether it’s for a wedding, festival, or cultural event, a talented mehndi design can create stunning designs that enhance your beauty and celebrate tradition.
Artistry and Expertise
A reputable mehndi design studio near you is characterized by its skilled artists who possess a deep understanding of traditional and contemporary henna patterns. They are adept at creating intricate motifs that range from delicate floral designs to intricate geometric patterns, all crafted with precision and artistic flair.
Customization and Personalization
The best mehndi artists offer customization options to cater to your preferences and the theme of your event. Whether you prefer traditional Indian, Arabic, Moroccan, or fusion designs, they can create bespoke patterns that reflect your personality and style. They also provide consultations to understand your vision and ensure the design complements your outfit and overall look.
Quality of Materials
Using high-quality henna paste and natural ingredients is crucial for achieving vibrant and long-lasting mehndi design. Reputable studios prioritize the use of safe and organic henna that not only enhances the richness of the design but also ensures the health and safety of your skin.
Occasions and Celebrations
Mehndi design are a significant part of cultural celebrations such as weddings, Eid, Diwali, and other festive occasions. Local mehndi artists near you understand the importance of these events and strive to create designs that add a touch of elegance and tradition to your celebrations.
Booking Your Appointment
Booking a session with a skilled mehndi artist near you is simple and convenient. Many studios offer flexible scheduling options, including online booking, to accommodate your busy schedule. Some may also provide home services for added convenience, ensuring you receive personalized attention in the comfort of your own space.
In conclusion, choosing a skilled mehndi artist near you ensures that your hands and feet are adorned with exquisite designs that celebrate tradition and enhance your beauty. Whether you’re preparing for a wedding or celebrating a cultural festival, your local mehndi design studio is ready to create stunning artwork that captivates and delights.
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kajalingale · 3 months
 Embrace the Tradition with Mehndi Home Service: Convenience and Elegance at Your Doorstep
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 However, in today's busy world, finding the time and convenience to visit a mehndi artist can be challenging. That's where mehndi home service comes in, bringing the expertise of skilled mehndi artists right to your doorstep. 
click here : https://www.oppvenuz.com/
In this article, we will explore the benefits of opting for mehndi home service and how you can easily avail of these services through [Oppvenuz](https://www.oppvenuz.com/).
 The Tradition of Mehndi
Mehndi holds a significant cultural value, symbolizing joy, beauty, and spiritual awakening. It's commonly applied during weddings, where intricate designs adorn the bride’s hands and feet, often accompanied by fun and celebratory gatherings. Festivals like Karva Chauth, Diwali, Eid, and Teej also see a high demand for mehndi applications.
click here for details : https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
 Why Choose Mehndi Home Service?
1. Convenience: One of the biggest advantages of mehndi home service is the convenience it offers. Instead of traveling to a salon or artist’s place, you can enjoy the comfort of getting your mehndi done at home.
2. Personalized Attention: Home services often mean that the artist dedicates more time and attention to you, ensuring that the designs are tailored to your preferences.
3. Comfort and Safety: With the ongoing concerns about health and safety, having a mehndi artist come to your home minimizes exposure to crowded places and ensures a safer environment.
Click here : https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
4. Flexibility in Timing: Home services offer greater flexibility in scheduling, allowing you to choose a time that best fits your schedule, even if it’s late in the evening or early in the morning.
5. Customized Designs: Professional mehndi artists can create bespoke designs that reflect your style and the theme of the occasion, ensuring a unique and personalized experience.
click here :https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
 How to Book Mehndi Home Service
1. Explore Options: Start by researching different mehndi artists who offer home services. Look for artists with a strong portfolio and positive customer reviews.
2. Schedule a Consultation: Many artists offer initial consultations to discuss your design preferences, event details, and any special requests.
3. Confirm Availability: Ensure that the artist is available on your preferred date and time. Booking in advance is always a good idea, especially during peak festive seasons.
4. Discuss Pricing: Clearly understand the pricing structure, which may vary based on the complexity of the design, the area to be covered, and travel charges.
5. Book through Reliable Platforms: 
Websites like https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
provide a reliable platform to connect with professional mehndi artists offering home services. You can browse profiles, read reviews, and book your preferred artist with ease.
 Testimonials from Happy Clients
1. Convenience at Its Best
   "I opted for a mehndi home service through [Oppvenuz](https://www.oppvenuz.com/), and it was the best decision ever. The artist arrived on time, was very professional, and the designs were stunning. It saved me a lot of hassle and made the experience truly enjoyable." – Priya Sharma
2. Personalized and Unique Designs
   "Having the mehndi artist come to my home allowed for a more relaxed experience. The artist spent a lot of time creating intricate and personalized designs that matched my wedding theme perfectly. Highly recommend mehndi home service." – Anjali Verma
3. Comfort and Safety
   "With the current health situation, I was worried about visiting salons. Mehndi home service provided a safe alternative. The artist was very professional and followed all safety protocols, making me feel comfortable and secure." – Ritu Mehta
4. Flexible and Stress-Free
   "I had a very tight schedule leading up to my wedding, and mehndi home service was a lifesaver. The artist was flexible with timing and ensured everything was done to perfection without any stress." – Kavita Singh
The tradition mehndi home service brings this beautiful art form directly to your home, combining convenience with elegance. Whether you are preparing for a wedding, festival, or any special occasion, having a professional mehndi artist come to you ensures a personalized and stress-free experience.
For more information and to book a mehndi home service, visit [Oppvenuz](https://www.oppvenuz.com/). Their platform connects you with skilled mehndi artists, allowing you to enjoy stunning mehndi designs in the comfort of your home. Embrace the tradition of mehndi with ease and make your celebrations even more special.
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kkengineeringworks · 1 year
Best Henna Cones Manufacturer in India
The Beauty of Henna Cones: Unveiling the Ancient Art of Mehndi
Henna cones, often associated with intricate and beautiful temporary body art, have been an integral part of cultural traditions and self-expression for centuries. This natural dye, derived from the leaves of the henna plant, has captivated people around the world with its rich history and timeless allure. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of henna cones, exploring their origins, application techniques, and the cultural significance they hold.
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The Origins of Henna Cones
Henna, scientifically known as Lawsonia inermis, has a storied history that dates back over 5,000 years. Its origins can be traced to regions in North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. Henna was initially used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, with its cooling properties making it a popular choice for skin and hair care.
Over time, the art of applying henna, known as mehndi, evolved into intricate patterns and designs, becoming an integral part of cultural celebrations and rituals. Henna cones, small, conical applicators filled with henna paste, emerged as the preferred tool for precise and detailed mehndi designs.
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The Art of Applying Henna
Applying henna is an art form that requires skill, creativity, and patience. Here's a simplified guide to the process:
Preparing the Henna Cone: Henna paste is created by mixing finely powdered henna leaves with water, lemon juice, or tea to form a smooth, thick paste. The paste is then filled into a cone made from cellophane or plastic.
Choosing a Design: Mehndi designs vary widely, from traditional motifs to contemporary patterns. Select a design or create one that suits your preference and occasion.
Cleaning and Prepping the Skin: Ensure that the skin is clean and free of oils or lotions. You can lightly scrub the area with a gentle exfoliant to enhance henna adherence.
Applying the Henna: Hold the henna cone like a pen or pencil, applying gentle pressure to create intricate designs. Start from the center and work your way out, paying attention to symmetry and detail.
Drying and Sealing: Allow the henna paste to dry naturally on the skin. Once it dries, you can seal it with a lemon-sugar solution to enhance color development and longevity.
Wait and Scrape: Leave the henna paste on for several hours or overnight, allowing it to stain the skin. Afterward, gently scrape off the dried paste to reveal the rich, reddish-brown henna stain underneath.
Cultural Significance
Henna plays a significant role in various cultural traditions and celebrations worldwide:
Weddings: In many cultures, applying mehndi is an essential part of bridal preparations. Intricate bridal henna designs symbolize beauty, love, and the beginning of a new chapter in life.
Festivals: Henna is commonly applied during festivals and celebrations, such as Eid, Diwali, and Karva Chauth, as a symbol of joy and festivity.
Religious and Spiritual Events: Henna is used in various religious rituals and ceremonies, signifying purity and blessings.
Individual Expression: Beyond traditional contexts, henna allows individuals to express their creativity and personality through body art. It's a form of self-expression and celebration of individuality.
Henna cones are not just tools for creating stunning temporary body art; they are vessels that carry the rich history, culture, and tradition of henna. The art of applying henna continues to evolve, with modern interpretations blending with ancient customs. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, expressing your creativity, or simply indulging in self-care, henna cones offer a unique and captivating way to adorn your skin with intricate and beautiful designs. So, pick up a henna cone, let your creativity flow, and embrace the timeless beauty of mehndi.
If you are looking for a best Henna Cone Manufacturer and supplier in India then, Kokila Henna And Herbals is a leading manufacturer, supplier, exporter, and Importer of the best Hair Colour Shampoo, and Henna Mehandi in India.
For more info, please contact us!
Website – www.kokilaherbals.com
Contact No. - +91 99999 24331
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pinfortrend · 4 years
Visit our website for more mehndi designs:https://pinfortrend.com/mehndi-design-for-front-hands/
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Hello!!! Soooo I came up with a few headcanons for Muslim Bakugou, JajkjGhoA I can't wait to read your response! 😫🤲💖
Okay! So he is definitely the good husband who does house chores! He actually helps around the house, knows how to do all the chores, and all the other girls are so jealous of you lolll
He will make you the best food! He knows all your favourite dishes, and will spoil you with his cooking! Also he will make your favourite desserts as a form of apology for when he pisses you off or makes you upset
Will feed you when he's trying out new dishes, and when you're getting married during the mehndi, when you feed him laddu or gulab jamun, he will blush so hard but also holds your wrist to "guide" you, as everyone giggles and teases you two for being so flustered and blushy around each other
If you make his favorite dishes?? Like okay imagine you make his fav dish (after asking the bakusquad cuz he's hard to approach lol) and subtly give it to him or maybe get Kirishima to give it to him as you leave the mosque or arrive at some community party or something, homeboi will blush so hard and will not let anyone have even the tiniest bite of your cooking
As a thanks he will buy you churiyan! He will see you admiring them and will come up and awkwardly but gruffly ask you if you like that certain churiyan set (that is like a pretty red and gold) and when you say yes, he will proceed to buy it for you, and omg if the bakusquad see this, Denki and Sero will definitely tease him and be like you should put them on her! While you're like omg! Wait, the adults will see! And he just surprises everyone as he gently grabs your hand and puts them on you and just admires how soft your hands are, and how they fit in his hand, and thinks about how pretty they would look with a wedding ring on them, and you are just standing there blushing so hard, and when he sees you wearing those churiyan at other events he feels so proud and possessive and happy
Weak for your smile and laugh, and very protective of you, will blow someone's head off for making you upset or for disrespecting you. Your parents love him so much, will immediately say yes to the rishta! Also, his parents love you so much, you and Masaru are the calm to Bakugou and Mitsuki raging tempers lmfaoo
You're the only one who gets to see his soft side and soft while without being threatened with death loll lucky youuu~ Also! Everyone will tease him sooooo much for being soft for you, the girls and aunties always giggle when they see how soft he is with you when you guys are out in public and he won't deny it either loll
In public he's kinda reserved with pda, but likes it when you hold his hand or loosely hook your arm around his muscled arms. He will however, put an arm on your lower back to steer you away from an uncomfortable situation or will step in front of you to protect you
In private he will be cuddly, loves wrapping his arms around you, forhead kisses too! You will be a blushing, flustered mess as he leans down by your ear and teases you about it in his low gruff voice. Also just loves the feel of your soft body against his
Also! Omg say its eid or something, and you're getting your mehndi done, the bakusquad will push him to sit with you and help you since you're mehndi is still wet. He will gruffly compliment your mehndi design, will get you food and feed it to you, will softly but hesitantly brush your hair away from your face when he sees that its bugging you, and this will make your both blush, and omg he will have the softest look in this eyes at that moment, and his hand will linger by your pretty earnings, and will just gaze at your lips with a lustful gaze as you softly whisper thank you
When the mehndi dries, and Denki makes a comment about how dark and rich the color is and is like damn Bakugou you really have it bad for y/n huh? Both of you will be so flustered and while Bakugou chases Denki while yelling that hes gonna blow his head off, you just stand there will Mina and Ochako and giggle at his antics, and the girls will tease you about you have gotten Bakugou wrapped around your fingers and that you shouldn't be surprised when his parents approach your parents with a rishta
AunwQniwa anyways Muslim Bakugou will love you so much and cherish you and just RIP to your heart 😫😭💖
okay so 100% YES!! Y’all seen mitsuki? She ain’t havin none of that “I’m the only son so treat me like a king” bs. No no, our girlboss femdom Mistski Auntie has her two boys cookin and cleanin every weekend and massaging her feet, as she SHOULD!
These habits carry on to when he gets married also. His wife could be doing the dishes one day right after their wedding and he would walk by, peeking over her shoulder at her hand-to-sponge technique.
“You’re doing it wrong dumbass. Use the hard side to scrub the crumbs off and then the soft side to polish it.” He snatches the plate from your hands and starts vigorously rubbing it the way you couldn’t. You stare at him, flabbergasted that a mom in the desi community has actually succeeded in raising her son right.
“‘The fuck are you looking at?”
“Nothing,” you quickly say, stepping aside to let him work his magic. He merely grunts and picks up the next bowl.
In a moment of bravado, you lean over to kiss his cheeks. He stops scrubbing and just stares at the sponge in his hands, his face slowly going red as a beet.
When you two fight, you already know he’s gonna be yelling at the top of his lungs and stomping around the house, the explosions from his hands searing the furniture around you.
It’s enough to set you off and storm out of the house too. You need a fucking break, he can be so much to handle sometimes.
It’s around late evening that you come back in the garage from wherever you decide to cool off from. The house is silent and dark from the outside so you assume he fell asleep with the usual scowl on his face.
You sigh and drop your keys and purse on the counter, exhausted from the day’s drama. Form the corner of your eye you see a small candle on the kitchen table alight, and you walk over to put it out.
Except right in front of the candle, there’s a small plate of mithai(sweets) that has a note attached to it.
“Sorry for being an ass” is written in his chicken scratch writing. You smile and shake your head, taking a bite from the surprisingly well-made gulaab jamun.
It’s a good thing Katsuki hid Sato’s recipe in one of the cabinets before you came home.
And just like you said, the man is WHIPPED for your cooking. He’s always pulling you to the kitchen and lightly shoving you around the stove, gruffly telling you to add more spices that he knows you can recreate to a T.
Whenever the Bakusquad comes over to hang out, you try to cook the same way you know Katsuki likes (extra spicy), but for some reason on those exact days you can’t seem to find any of your special ingredients…
At other times maybe before your marriage, when he first began falling in love with you he would see you admiring a vendor’s churiyaan and earrings.
He would quietly walk up behind you maybe a foot or two away, observing how you fit the bangles on your wrist.
“I like the red ones on you,” he says lowly, making sure to dwindle down his usual aggressive tone.
You turn and gently smile at him. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because red is what brides wear.”
Your heart beats fast as he takes your wrist, oh so delicate compared to his callous large hands.
“And the silver makes me think of the ring I’ll have on you in no time soon.”
Bakugo closes his eyes in front of you and inhales, letting you know that everything about you draws him closer.
When you guys walk around a college campus or even in town, he’s always looking left and right shiftily, convinced that every man within a mile of you is trying to steal you away. He’ll stand in front of you when a guy asks you where a certain building is, he’ll glare at his friends when they get too rowdy and rough with you, but he still gets nervous for PDA. He knows how fast word travels around in desi communities so he doesn’t want to do anything in public, but fuck when he gets home he’s pinning you on the bed and resting his entire weight on you.
At eid as stated above^^ he’ll see you in your lengha or kurti and get INSANELY nervous and flustered at your beauty. The way you sit poised and laughing with Mina and ochako while your mehndi is being done makes his palms sweat and his armpits prickly. He has to wipe them on his kameez almost three times before taking one last look at you and walking away.
Well, at least he tries to walk away. He’s promptly sought out and grabbed by his three cronies, who drag him by nail and tooth towards you. No amount of swearing and growling threats to ‘blow their ass up so bad people will piecing them back together for weeks” stops them from bringing him closer to you.
“Yeah yeah, you said that already,” Denki smirks and playfully zaps his ass so that he helps and lurches forwards towards you.
The commotion makes the girls look up and wave excitedly when they spot the rowdy men.
You bite your lip and give Bakugo a meek little grin, which makes steam curl from his ears.
“Heyyy ladiesss, got room for one more?” Sero drawls and throws an arm over the simmering grenade of a man.
“Hmm,” Mina mockingly contemplates for a minute before she slowly starts to get up, uraraka following pursuit. “Not at the moment, but maybe we could make some room…” she tackles Bakugo and Kirishima also kicks the back of his knees so that he folds cleanly into the chair next to you.
You look bewildered at everybody while they snicker at Bakugo’s vermillion face.
He glared at them and after an oblivious moment or two they get the hint and wink before backing off.
“So, uh, how long have you been getting your hand done for?”
You grin at his inexperience with these kinds of things, but still indulge him.
“About 25 minutes or so.”
“25 min-“ his eyes grow wide and the whole hall turns to him as he screams at your poor designer for making you ‘sit on her cute ass for such a goddamn long time. And why the hell doesn’t she have food yet??’
At least he thought you were cute
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arakmehndiart · 3 years
My Eid henna❤️❤️🥰😍🥰😍😍❤️ . . . Design credit : @arakmehndiart Nail art credit : @arakmehndiart Cone used : @aluroosamehndi . . . . . . . . . . . . . #mehndi #henna #talent #mehndi for girls #simple mehndi #bridal mehndi #feet henna #leaves mehndi #decent #stunning #gulf henna #mehndi mandala #complex #simply the best #simplemehndidesigns #arabichennadesigns #arabichenna #indianmehndidesigns #indiantatto #pakistanibridaldesigns #pakistanipartyhenna #mehendiartist #hennaartistsupport2 #organichenna #floralhenna #hennaforall #bridalmehndiartist #arakmehndiart #create.mehndi (at Islamabad Pakistan اسلام آباد پاکستان) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRknt-zhKgU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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farooqposts · 4 years
Culture of Punjab Pakistan
Punjabi Culture is one of the most established in world history, dating from old artifact to the cutting edge time. The degree, history, intricacy and thickness of the way of life are huge. A portion of the principle regions of the Punjabi culture include: Punjabi cooking, theory, verse, imaginativeness, music, design, customs and qualities and history. A few urban areas of Punjab have more significance for Sikh people group from India. The author of Sikh religion was brought into the world in Nankana Sahib, an area of Punjab so Sikh from various pieces of world come and visits Punjab. Jahngir burial chamber and Badshahi Masjid in Lahore are the significant spots of Pakistan. Information Sahib is extremely frightened spot in Punjab and the greater part of individuals come and visit Data sahib consistently.
Punjabi individuals are kind and carefree. Punjabis are heterogeneous gathering involving various clans, factions, networks and are known to commend every single convention of their way of life. Individuals of Punjab have solid convictions on pir-faqeers, jogi, taweez, manat-ka-dhaga, holy person of notoriety, dark wizardry, and different notions, anyway as of late because of increment of proficiency, individuals have gotten to some degree judicious . Punjabis likewise trust in cast framework yet as now individuals are getting instructed, the distinctions are getting obscured. Some well known projects of Punjabi's are; Jats, Maliks, Mughals, Arains, Gujjars, Awans, Rajputs, Gakhars, Khokhars, Sheikhs, Aheers, Kambohs, Niazis, Legharis, Khosas, Dogars, Thaheem, Mirani, Qureshis, and Syeds.
In towns' kin generally live in little networks (biradaris), anyway they live in harmony and congruity with one another. They take dynamic part in the bliss/lament of one another and give a lot of regard to their way of life, standards and run their lives as per their set customs. Punjabi individuals are acclaimed for their cordial and cherishing nature.
Punjabi is the common language of Punjab. It is communicated in as the principal language by larger part individuals in Punjab, even spoken and comprehended in regions past the limits of Punjab. Statistical data points show that Punjabi language is communicated in as first language by 44% of Pakistanis. Urdu language is likewise regularly spoken in this district. Key Punjabi dialects/tongues are:
Outfits of Punjab are a sign of the brilliant and dynamic culture and way of life of individuals.
The ensembles are a blend of tones, solace and excellence and Punjab is notable for the utilization of phulkari(embroidery) in its outfits. In the greater part of the towns of Punjab men wear Pagri(turban), dhoti/lacha, kurta, khusa. Ladies wear gharara, or choridar pajama or beautiful shalwar kameez, paranda, choli/duppata, khusa, kola puri chappal or tillay wali jutti. While in metropolitan zones of Punjab people follow most recent patterns and design, by and large they wear various styles of shalwar kameez.
The broad food of Punjab can be vegan and non-veggie lover. One shared characteristic between all Punjabi dishes is the liberal use of ghee or explained margarine flavors and Punjabis are enamored with sweet-meats too. Most Punjabi food is eaten with one or the other rice or roti. There are a few dishes that are select to Punjab, for example, Mah Di Dal, Paratha, Makai ki rotti, Saron Da Saag, and in urban areas Choley, Haleem, Baryani and other fiery dishes are mainstream. In refreshments, tea is burned-through altogether seasons and as a custom the greater part of Punjabis serve tea to their visitors. Punjabis are additionally partial to Zarda, Gulab-Jamuns, Kheer, Jalaibi,Samosy, Pakorey and so forth During summers individuals drink lassi, doodh-pop, aloo bokharey ka sharbat, lemonade and so forth These cooking styles have become overall luxuries with enormous scope portrayal.
Punjabi individuals have over the top interest in games. Punjabi's are attached to kabaddi, and wrestling, which is likewise well known in different pieces of Pakistan and it's additionally played on public level. Different games being played in Punjab area incorporate Gilli-Danda, Khoo-Khoo, Yassu-Panju, Pitho-Garam, Ludo, Chuppan-Chupai, Baraf-Panni, Kanchy and some significant games incorporate cricket, boxing, horse-dashing, hockey and football. Public Horse and Cattle Show at Lahore is the greatest celebration where sports, presentations, and domesticated animals rivalries are held.
Social Festivals
There are various celebrations which are praised by Punjabi individuals including some strict celebrations, for example, Eid-Milad-Un-Nabi, Jumu'ah, Laylat-ul-Qadr and so on Urcs (reverential fairs),which are held at the shirnes of sufi holy people, Melas and Nomaish (exhibitions).The Provincial capital Lahore is broadly well known for its engaging occasions and exercises. Lahori's are popular everywhere on the country for their festivals especially for Basant celebration (kite flying) in the spring season. Different celebrations celebrated in Punjab district incorporate Baisakhi, Teej, Kanak Katai and so on
Dance and Music
Bhangra is most regularly known Punjabi music kind and dance style. Punjabis enthusiastically love society melodies/music, Qawali and Punjabi music is perceived all through the world. The Tabla, Dhol, Dholki, Chimta, Flute and Sitar are on the whole basic instruments of this great culture. Punjabi dance is based around joy, energy and enthusiasm.Different types of dance in Punjab are: Loddi, Dhamal, Sammi, Kikli, Gatka, Bhangra, Giddha and Dandiya. Punjabi moves have been embraced by the American culture and others the same and now they are perhaps the most appreciated artistic expressions.
Custums and Rituals
A portion of the traditions continued in Punjab have no establishment in Islam. Nonetheless, the Punjabi culture has embraced those functions and conventions from Hindu culture.
Birth Rituals
Punjabis praise birth of their kid with extraordinary eagerness. Granddad or grandma or some regarded senior part from the family puts nectar with their pointer in youngster's mouth called Ghutii. Desserts are conveyed among companions and family members and individuals bring presents for the kid and mother. For the most part on 7thday youngster's head is shaven and Aqiqa service is held, additionally sheep/goat is butchered.
Punjabi Weddings
Punjabi weddings depend on conventions and are directed with solid impression of the Punjabi culture followed by a few pre-wedding customs and ceremonies (dholki,mayun,ubtan etc.)Punjabi weddings are exceptionally boisterous, vigorous, brimming with music,colors, extravagant dresses, food and moving. Punjabi weddings have numerous traditions and functions that have advanced since conventional occasions. In urban communities the wedding are praised following a mix of current and customary traditions and the function for the most part goes on for 3days, Mehndi, Barat (Nikkah+Ruksati) and Walima, trailed by Chauti (taking the lady of the hour back to her folks' home the following day).
Burial service Rituals
At burial services after namaz-e-janaza it is standard to offer lunch to individuals who came for sympathy. On 3rdday of the memorial service, Qul is held and each after thursday the Quran is discussed (jumah-e-raat) trailed by petitions for perished and after 40days the chaliswaan is held. After which the memorial service is finished. A few families notice commemorations yearly (barsi).There is no proper clothing regulation for Punjabi memorial services anyway individuals generally wear shalwar kameez and easygoing attire is noticed. Memorial services of Shia families are more exceptional. The two people wear dark shalwar-kameez and thorough crying and shouting is a typical event at such memorial services.
Punjab is exceptionally rich with writing and Sufis adds more in its writing. Punjabi verse is famous for its amazingly profound importance, excellent and cheerful utilization of words. The enormous number of Punjabi verse is being made an interpretation of all through the world into numerous dialects. Some acclaimed writers of Punjabi are Sultan Bahu, Mia Mohammad Baksh, Baba Farid, Shah Hussain, Anwar Masood and so forth Waris Shah, whose commitment to Punjabi writing is most popular for his fundamental work in Heer Ranjha, known as Shakespeare of Punjabi language. Bulleh Shah was a Punjabi Sufi artist, a humanist and a logician. The stanza from Bulleh Shah basically utilized is known as the Kafi, a style of Punjabi. Some other well known classic stories of Punjab incorporate Sassi-Punnu, Sohni Mahiwal and so forth that are going through ages.
Expressions and Crafts
Punjab is the significant assembling industry in Pakistan's economy and here every workmanship appreciates a position. The fundamental specialties made in the high countries and other rustic territories of Punjab are basketry, earthenware, which are well known for their cutting edge and customary plans everywhere on the world and are remembered for the best developments of Punjabis. bone work, material, fabric woven on handlooms with staggering prints is weaved in the provincial territories and the weavers produce beautiful fabrics like cotton,silk and so forth weaving, weaving, rugs, stone art, adornments, metal work alongside truck workmanship and other wood works. The specialty of Punjab is its basic soul and its art make its substance.
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sehrish-munir · 3 years
Simple Mehndi Designs for Eid
Check the best simple mehndi designs for Eid.
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When there are going to be pens for applying Eid Mehndi. Things will be a whole lot easier for people like me.
And that day I will be trying this design. It looks easier than others.
Applying mehndi design on hands and feet has been a grand tradition that started in the ancient Indian subcontinent.
The thick paste applied in the form of gorgeous mehndi is made from the powder of a dried-up plant. When washed off, it leaves a cherry red or brown colour that makes the hands look so beautiful and decorative.
However, the colour of the henna mehndi does depend on the amount of time it is left on.
To give you some major henna design inspiration, I have curated a bunch of simple mehndi design images, which you can save for reference. This list has simple mehndi design for beginners too!
So, if you don’t have a professional mehndi artist to apply henna, all you will need is a mehndi cone and an easy mehndi design photo!
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hassankhokhar-blog · 4 years
Mehndi design 2020 offline Easy
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The application *"Mehndi plan 2020 offline"* contains every single new structure and styles of mehndi of the year 2020.It gives you most recent mehndi plans or style for the bridals and Mehndi cherishing young ladies. On the off chance that you are searching for new and most recent mehndi plans for Eid or for any more unique event download this mehndi application and appreciate best and most recent structures. It is the best application for young ladies and for the individuals who run the parlor. You get each sort of plans from this application, as tiki style, structures for just fingers, structures for right hand and furthermore for foot. Extravagant Text Generator ☆Features Following are the attributes of the application *Mehndi plan 2020 offline*: - In this application you get all plans disconnected. - If you need to locate any most recent or best structures for you and for anybody it isn't must to have a web. You get all structures without nay cost or without web. - From this application you likewise set mehndi structures as your versatile backdrop (Lock screen backdrop and home screen wallpaper).It is extremely simple to set backdrop . - You likewise set mehndi structure dp from this application. - This application is straightforward. - This application is lightweight and custom. - No issue happens while utilizing this application. It works quick with its interesting mehndi structuring highlights. - In this application, you can undoubtedly zoom in or zoom out the mehndi plan. These kinds of highlights are likewise accessible in this application. - The principle include in this application is that on the off chance that you like any structure of mehndi you can undoubtedly include this plan into most loved and in the event that you despise any plan you can without much of a stretch eliminated this plan from top choice. In the event that you include your best structure in most loved it is effectively for you to discover this plan later. - This application additionally gives you an office of sparing your most loved mehndi structure in exhibition. - In this application, we can without much of a stretch trades up coming and past structures. - This application additionally gives you an office of sharing mehndi structures with your companions or with any one through online media applications like; WhatsApp, twitter, Facebook, Bluetooth and so forth. The application "Mehndi structures 2020 disconnected" Includes all plans of mehndi, which are given underneath: ☆Mehndi structures for commitment work. ☆Mehndi structures for all occasions of Marriage function. ☆It gives you most recent structures to Mehndi/Henna Event. ☆It gives you most recent structures to Eid event. ☆It gives you most recent structures For marriage. ☆Also gives you most recent mehndi structures for easygoing and formal days. ☆It gives you Pakistani Mehndi structures. ☆It gives you Indian Mehndi Designs. ☆It gives you Arabic Mehndi styles. ☆It Provides you structures for Eids (like Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha) On the off chance that you need most recent mehndi or henna structures for your feet or foot then this application is exceptionally intended for you since it contains a lot of feet plans. This application is loaded up with all sort of mehndi plans. You get all plans for your feet, hands, and fingers. This application has additionally most recent and best structures for wedding. It has most recent 2020 plans for bridals for full hands that make your hand increasingly delightful and you likewise glances more lovely in your wedding simply because of this mehndi designs.This application additionally contains henna mehndi structures for bridals on their mehndi work. The The application component of this application is that you can utilize this application disconnected. This application can contain mehndi structures disconnected. The application "Mehndi Designs 2020 disconnected" contain mehndi plans for hands, foot, Fingers, and mehndi structures for kids and furthermore tattoo mehndi plans for body.
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kajalingale · 3 months
 Embrace the Tradition with Mehndi Home Service: Convenience and Elegance at Your Doorstep
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 However, in today's busy world, finding the time and convenience to visit a mehndi artist can be challenging. That's where mehndi home service comes in, bringing the expertise of skilled mehndi artists right to your doorstep. 
click here : https://www.oppvenuz.com/
In this article, we will explore the benefits of opting for mehndi home service and how you can easily avail of these services through [Oppvenuz](https://www.oppvenuz.com/).
 The Tradition of Mehndi
Mehndi holds a significant cultural value, symbolizing joy, beauty, and spiritual awakening. It's commonly applied during weddings, where intricate designs adorn the bride’s hands and feet, often accompanied by fun and celebratory gatherings. Festivals like Karva Chauth, Diwali, Eid, and Teej also see a high demand for mehndi applications.
click here for details : https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
 Why Choose Mehndi Home Service?
1. Convenience: One of the biggest advantages of mehndi home service is the convenience it offers. Instead of traveling to a salon or artist’s place, you can enjoy the comfort of getting your mehndi done at home.
2. Personalized Attention: Home services often mean that the artist dedicates more time and attention to you, ensuring that the designs are tailored to your preferences.
3. Comfort and Safety: With the ongoing concerns about health and safety, having a mehndi artist come to your home minimizes exposure to crowded places and ensures a safer environment.
Click here : https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
4. Flexibility in Timing: Home services offer greater flexibility in scheduling, allowing you to choose a time that best fits your schedule, even if it’s late in the evening or early in the morning.
5. Customized Designs: Professional mehndi artists can create bespoke designs that reflect your style and the theme of the occasion, ensuring a unique and personalized experience.
click here :https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
 How to Book Mehndi Home Service
1. Explore Options: Start by researching different mehndi artists who offer home services. Look for artists with a strong portfolio and positive customer reviews.
2. Schedule a Consultation: Many artists offer initial consultations to discuss your design preferences, event details, and any special requests.
3. Confirm Availability: Ensure that the artist is available on your preferred date and time. Booking in advance is always a good idea, especially during peak festive seasons.
4. Discuss Pricing: Clearly understand the pricing structure, which may vary based on the complexity of the design, the area to be covered, and travel charges.
5. Book through Reliable Platforms: 
Websites like https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=Jaipur
provide a reliable platform to connect with professional mehndi artists offering home services. You can browse profiles, read reviews, and book your preferred artist with ease.
 Testimonials from Happy Clients
1. Convenience at Its Best
  ��"I opted for a mehndi home service through [Oppvenuz](https://www.oppvenuz.com/), and it was the best decision ever. The artist arrived on time, was very professional, and the designs were stunning. It saved me a lot of hassle and made the experience truly enjoyable." – Priya Sharma
2. Personalized and Unique Designs
   "Having the mehndi artist come to my home allowed for a more relaxed experience. The artist spent a lot of time creating intricate and personalized designs that matched my wedding theme perfectly. Highly recommend mehndi home service." – Anjali Verma
3. Comfort and Safety
   "With the current health situation, I was worried about visiting salons. Mehndi home service provided a safe alternative. The artist was very professional and followed all safety protocols, making me feel comfortable and secure." – Ritu Mehta
4. Flexible and Stress-Free
   "I had a very tight schedule leading up to my wedding, and mehndi home service was a lifesaver. The artist was flexible with timing and ensured everything was done to perfection without any stress." – Kavita Singh
The tradition mehndi home service brings this beautiful art form directly to your home, combining convenience with elegance. Whether you are preparing for a wedding, festival, or any special occasion, having a professional mehndi artist come to you ensures a personalized and stress-free experience.
For more information and to book a mehndi home service, visit [Oppvenuz](https://www.oppvenuz.com/). Their platform connects you with skilled mehndi artists, allowing you to enjoy stunning mehndi designs in the comfort of your home. Embrace the tradition of mehndi with ease and make your celebrations even more special.
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Latest Eid Mehndi Designs 2020
Nowadays decorating hands and feet with mehndi designs becomes essential as dressing and makeup. Mehndi with different beautiful designs becomes a vital part of all functions and ceremonies including the Eid festival. In any party, all ladies and girls including child prepare himself with colourful dresses, shoes, makeup, and mehndi designs. Before joining the function, women and girls paste mehndi on their hands and feet with different beautiful designs and decorate their hands and feet. From wedding ceremonies to Eid festivals mehndi designs become the basic part of all functions.
When we talk about the Eid collection and festival Muslims celebrate this function with full joy. All markets are filled with new clothes, jewellery, and cone mehndi. During purchasing dresses and jewellery women and girls also buy the mehndi for their hands. Before Eid festival child including kids boys and girls eager to apply the mehndi on their hands and felt happiness. On Chand rat, ladies and girls apply mehndi with different and beautiful designs. Some women and girls go to boutiques to decorate their hands and feet. The main purpose to apply the mehndi on their hands to make herself more beautiful and attractive among others. They all decorate their hands with the latest eid mehndi designs. These days very attractive and beautiful eid mehndi designs are Arabic eid mehndi designs, Pakistani eid mehndi designs, and Indian eid mehndi designs. Each and every Eid mehndi designs have its own beauty and attraction. Some girls apply simple eid mehndi designs and just focus on fingers, backhand or hand palm and others like full handed eid mehndi designs. Each woman and girl has its own choice and designs to make herself beautiful and attractive. Some latest eid mehndi designs that make your hand and feet according to your desires are butterfly, floral designs, Tikki designs, stars and hearts designs, the love story designs, and tattoo designs. For kids floral and Tikki designs are very best and less time-consuming. Apply these Eid mehndi designs and make your festival more beautiful and attractive.
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arakmehndiart · 3 years
Video of this jagua henna has been uploaded on my YouTube channel.... This is Eid special henna design...❤️😍❤️😍❤️ . . Design credit: @arakmehndiart Cone used: @aluroosamehndi . . . . . . . . . . #mehndi #henna #talent #mehndi for girls #simple mehndi #bridal mehndi #feet henna #leaves mehndi #decent #stunning #gulf henna #mehndi mandala #complex #simply the best #simplemehndidesigns #arabichennadesigns #arabichenna #indianmehndidesigns #indiantatto #pakistanibridaldesigns #pakistanipartyhenna #mehendiartist #hennaartistsupport2 #organichenna #floralhenna #hennaforall #bridalmehndiartist #arakmehndiart #create.mehndi #jaguahenna #blackhenna https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWiE1Cho2g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rajumehandiarts · 3 years
Are You Looking For The Best Bridal Mehandi Artist in Varanasi
Mehandi Artsit is a well-known mehandi artist in Varanasi. They are famous for their traditional Hindu designs on your arms, hands, feet, back of arms, wrists etc. Along with mehendi, they are also experts of other regional or traditional Indian art like henna tattoo or Mehndi Bandhni. Apart from this they also provide services like sangeet ceremony planning and decoration, wedding planner service etc. Mehandi artist in Varanasi is the best. They offer mehandi services for weddings, festivals, and other occasions. People often prefer mehandi to henna due to the convenience.It dries faster and is easier to remove from the skin. With a variety of colors and patterns, you can have an artist customize your design just for you! The best mehndi artists in Varanasi are known for their designs that are uniquely theirs and not a copy of a design that has been done by someone else before them. They offer quality service with professional skill to every customer they have! In Muslim communities in India during Eid celebrations, Hindus also use mehndi as a traditional ritual marking the end of fasting during Ramadan or Lent. In this celebration, The people of the city of Varanasi have a tradition that they use mehndi to paint their hands and feet every festival season. Mehandi is a practice which is done by applying colored powder to hands and feet. This section will introduce the readers about the best Bridal mehndi artist in Varanasi , who is well-known for her beautiful work in this field. Many people think that Mehandi is just a way to decorate the hands and feet. But there is more than just decorations as it has become an art form.It has been practiced for centuries and women, who apply these patterns on the palms of their hands and feet, are called “Mehandi Artists”.The beauty of Mehandi is seen in its complexity. Wherever people look, they will find different patterns and designs fitting every occasion and event; say marriages or festivals or even a casual occasion like meeting friends or going to the grocery store.  The main objective behind Mehndi is to give happiness to others by decorating their hands and feet with beautiful designs which represent their culture and tradition. Mehandi Artsit creates exclusive mehndi designs which are not found in any other mehndi artists. She provides the perfect blend of traditional and contemporary mehndi designs for her customers. She is popular for her intricate patterns and beautiful kolams
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