#Best Dentist Gold Coast
fixedpricedental · 6 months
Common Dental Emergencies And What You Can Do
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Learn how to handle common dental emergencies with ease! Our most recent blog post, Common Dental Emergencies and What You Can Do, provides important advice and hints for dealing with unexpected toothache, broken teeth, and other conditions. Whether it's understanding how to control discomfort or taking immediate action to prevent additional damage, this educational book provides you with the skills you need to confidently handle dental emergencies. Check out our blog now to avoid being unprepared for dental problems! Visit Here
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meredith-harper81 · 1 year
Part Of Your World🫀
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Welcome to Hollywood
Pairing: Chris Evans x Elyse Harper
Word Count: 3k
📍April 2015
Elyse Pov
"DAMN!! Perfect, that's the one, Elyse," I hear Haley say.
I am too zoned out to even care what's going on.
"What is?" I say as she comes out of the other room walking towards me.
"Elyse the dress...It's the one, the perfect dress! I'll go tell Laura," Haley excitedly says, rushing off to go tell Laura, my stylist.
I'm standing in the fitting room, trying on dress after dress for the Oscars.
I had taken a red-eye flight from Miami to LA this morning. I have spent the past 48 hours in glam running the walkway for a Versace show, and now my body is starting to pick up on the exhaustion.
Once I wrapped the show...I headed to the airport to take part in this torture.
Two weeks ago, Haley informed me, that I would be co-presenting an Oscar, and I needed to get some fittings done. Not only are the Oscars two days away.
I also didn't listen to her earlier... I didn't want to do this, I've only been to the Oscars once and didn't enjoy myself... but without a choice, I have to do it again...
I sigh and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair is in a ponytail. My eyes are bloodshot red. All I want right now is my bed and some sleep. I've been working non-stop this month and I'm craving a good night's rest in my own bed, not some shabby hotel room.
I'm wearing a gorgeous YSL gown. It's gold, with long sleeves and a V-neck.
I for the first time feel beautiful in a dress. I smile as Laura walks in and notes down some alterations that were needed.
I thank her, and she tells me she'll see me later,  the day of the Oscars.
Soon enough after Haley helps me out of the dress she offers to drive me to the house.
As Haley is driving, I look out the window as we pass through traffic...
"Who am I presenting the award with?"
Haley's eyes pop out and she gives me this look as if I hit my head on a wall, or as if aliens appeared on the 101.
"Seriously Elyse, Chris Evans... You're Presenting with Chris Evans," she says all excited.
"Chris Evans as in Captain America?" I question as I roll my eyes.
"Yes! Elyse, Captain America, you'll be presenting the best picture movie this year," she says as she takes the exit towards my place.
"UGHHHH!!! Another hotshot," I groan loudly.
"Don't worry, it will be a quick in and out.. I promise you," Haley says, smiling.
"Yeah, right, once you spot Leo or someone, you'll forget all about me," I mumble under my breath, smiling back at her.
I am not looking forward to this weekend at all and I decided to text my best friend, Dakota Johnson.
I met Dakota through our dads... My dad was her dad's dentist and we would always have playdates, so we go far back.
I haven't seen Dakota in a while with her packed schedule.
She's flying back today from wrapping up a film.
I texted her to come over tomorrow and hang out, maybe catch up. It's been a while, and she can convenience me it won't be as bad.
I hope she is also attending and can help me with this misery.
Haley drops me off and tells me to rest.
"Yeah, yeah, Haley, I got it. Thanks," I say, rolling my eyes as I get out. Don't get me wrong but I like Haley but she can get on my nerves at times.
She smiles and waves as she pulls out of the driveway.
I grab my duffel bag and look at the house. I call my dungeon...
I hope it's not a full house and I can head to bed right away.
I open the front door and head inside and look around and it is too quiet after placing my bags on the steps of the stairs I walk around and look for Maria.
She's probably in the kitchen.
I sigh as I see a piece of paper on the entryway table. This can only mean one thing. I squeal on the inside.
Gothel and Scar are not home.
I pick up the note.
"Elyse, Tony, and I have gone on a little trip to the coast. Make sure you put your cheque in the box in our room. And we expect to see you on TV at the Oscars. DON'T MESS THIS UP!!! Don't expect us back so soon, also don't fuck this up, or you know what will happen".
I just stare at the note, expressionless at this point, but I'm glad Emily and Tony aren't here right now.
I'm used to them spending my coin, to go on trips and buy ridiculous things. I just need to get out of the stupid contract and end this.
After my parents passed, I really didn't have another choice as the word spread quickly through the news of my parents.
Elizabeth was my manager at the time and was quickly manipulated by my aunt and turned against me and the rest is history.
Emily and Tony started using me for my fame trapping me in deals and campaigns and would abuse or hurt me... I was just the puppet, and they had control of the strings.
They would place me in ads, movies, shows, or campaigns without consenting with me first, and call all the shots.
Emily and Tony seem to be really good at acting their love for me out of the house, for the most part. We seemed like a happy family on the outside but in reality, it was far from that.
I mean, the only people who work for me are Haley, my publicist and assistant, Laura, my stylist, and my manager, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth mostly stays in contact with Emily now. I rarely see her around the house or on a red carpet.
She's in charge of what job or modeling assignment... negotiating numbers more of behind-the-scenes stuff.
My team never beats an eye at Emily. In fact, they  all call her Medusa. I mean, I see it. Hell if I try to avoid Emily as much as I can through my days.
This year things have been a little different and they are not at the house as often or I am away from work.
When I do see them, it is either to scold me or ask for the next pay cheque.
The only family figure I had was probably Maria.
Maria was our housekeeper. She looked after me. Maria is a sweet lady in her late 50s.
I can't even remember how old I was when Maria came to work for us. She slowly became aware of the abuse she tried to help me.
Eventually, she stopped and would do anything to help me or avoid something bad coming.
As I walk further into the living room Maria spots me.
"Elyse, come sit I made your favorite soup, mija," Maria says pulling me deep out of thought.
I smile and nod "Thank you, Maria," I say as I walk towards her and sit at the table.
As I finish my dinner. I let Maria know maybe Dakota will visit tomorrow morning.
I moan as I scrub some shampoo into my hair and give myself a little head massage.
I continue to clean my body.
The shower is probably one of the safest places where I feel.
It's like a warm hug to me, it reminds me of my mom's hug and how I used to feel safe.
I hum as I finish showering. I put my robe on and head to brush my teeth and hair out.
As I'm running my hands up and down my body rubbing lotion.
I graze under my left rib cage area. I have a long scar from when I was 13.
Tony whipped me with his belt since I didn't want to do this one bikini shoot. I was the only thirteen-year-old on set with older men and I was not comfortable.
It resulted in me needing to get some stitches... But leave it to Uncle Tony to pay off the doctor and stop the investigations. Money can truly buy everything.
I travel a little down to my right hip, where I touch the cigarette burn.
I have one on my right hip from Aunt Emily. I was told I was a toddler at the time when our families were close and I was playing around our play structure in the backyard.
Long story short Emily was not paying attention with her hands and burned my hip as she carried me inside, which was one of the reasons for why the family split.
I cringe at the thought that these scars are the only marks of "love" I have from my so-called family.
Nobody knows about these marks. I often think about how disgusting they are and maybe they define me.
I shake my head, trying to get these negative thoughts out.
I finish up and head to bed. As I'm lying in bed, I get a message. It's from Sebastian.
Sebby: Hey Ely :) How are you? I just got back from filming! I heard from Dakota you're attending the Oscars I'm excited to see you!!!
I smile as I read his message.
I met Sebastian way back when he was modeling.
We were both shooting a perfume campaign at the time, and he walked in on a break out between me and Tony about something stupid, about my scars, not covering up correcting for the shoot.
For only Seb to walk in with my eyes bloodshot and Tony yelling at me with broken glass every wear from the broken vase that was on the floor now.
When Sebastian saw the scars, I asked him to stay out of it and to promise me he wouldn't tell a single soul. Like- take it to his grave. He promised me but told me he's worried about me... He even helped cover my scars on the screen with his hand placements. And we've been good friends since then.
He keeps in touch, checking in from time to time.
Honestly, I wish it was Sebastian presenting with me and not Chris. I've never met the man, but he is always been in the media ever since becoming Cap.
Elyse: I'm doing better. The trolls are out of town so can't complain. I'm not looking forward to presenting, but you've lifted my mood now that I will see you in attendance!
Sebby: I'm glad to hear that! Don't worry Elyse, Chris is amazing at his job, Don't listen to the Hollywood gossip. He's much better than that. Try not to stress too much!! I'll see you on the red carpet. Goodnight.
Elyse: See you soon. Goodnight Seb!
I put my phone down and stare at the ceiling daydreaming about how I crave a different life than this. I've always been a reserved person. I don't like a lot of physical contact scared it will only hurt me more. I'm scared of getting hurt. I've built a wall around me.
I often think about if this is my forever life. I'm happy when I'm not here in LA and filming, or away on a shoot. Where I can play a different character and turn this all off. Get away from this hellhole called my "home".
I wonder if I'll ever be capable of loving someone who loves me back
From a young age, I was never allowed to date or be spotted with anyone in the media...Anytime a reporter would ask a question about my love life my team would shut it down immediately so I get it... I must be a freak or people threw themselves at me for my looks. I wonder if there is someone out there to love and accept me for who I am, and not just for my looks or money. I turn the fan on and turn over and close my eyes as exhaustion starts to set in.
Chris Pov
I check the time on my watch. I should make it to Ma's home just in time for dinner. I've just landed back in Massachusetts after filming for Avengers: Age of Ultron. I'm super tired and annoyed and the only thing I'm craving more than anything right now is Ma's made homemade food.
I'm fed up with eating only takeout and salads. I need some food made with love and Ma's French food has been calling my name ever since I landed.
I sit back and refresh my phone to find it exploding with messages and articles now just realizing about my current breakup.
I roll my eyes and open Twitter after Megan texts me, notifying the outcome of everything. It's been over five weeks since the breakup and it's coming out just now.
I see my name trending in so many hashtags and questions. If I'm off the market now? If it was my fault? Or if Willow, my ex, cheated?
Before going to Atlanta to film the last few scenes of the movie ... I drove to my girlfriend Willow's house to ask her if she wanted to come with me. Only to walk in on her cheating on me, I found her in bed with some hotshot guy from her friend group under her. I cringe at the memory.
I told her it was over, and to take her shit out of my house in LA... Rumors started to spread fast as she was seen by pap's leaving the house with a suitcase.
I sigh and sit back and wait for this car ride to be over. I searched my name on Google and to my surprise, it's trending.. "Captain America newly single." "Why did he dump his girlfriend?" Click our link in the bio to find out"... I groan.
I really hope Ma is home alone tonight...
As the driver pulls into the driveway. I see the lights are on and Carly's car is outside, which means the kids are here, which leads to the whole family.
"Great.. Full house" I mumble as the driver comes to a full stop.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my family, but knowing I'm going to see them after a while, and also mentioning I broke up with my girlfriend, I'm going to get a lot of crap from them.
I walk in, leaving my luggage in the mud room.
" Hey Ma," I shout. As I walk through the living room into the kitchen, it is indeed a full house everyone is already sitting at the dining table.
"Chris," Ma says, shocked.
" Uncle Chris, Uncle Chris! " Ethan shouts, and soon enough, all three of my nephews and niece attack me.
" Oh, Uncle Chwis, I missed you so much," Miles says. " I've missed you too buddy," I say as I give them each a big hug.
They lead me to the dining room, where everyone is getting ready for dinner.
Ma makes her way to me. " Oh honey, I thought you were going straight home, well this is a sweet surprise". She says this as she hugs me tight.
" I know Ma, but I was craving your food". I said, a little ashamed. She laughs.
" Lucky for you I made lasagna your favorite". I smile and slowly make my way around, greeting everyone.
We all sit down and start to enjoy dinner. They ask about how filming went. Ryan tries to get some info about the movie but, my lips are sealed... I explained how I wouldn't be staying long as I had to go to LA for the Oscars...
Everyone is quiet and starts to look around wondering who is going to be the lucky date this year.
" AHEM," Scott says, looking my way trying to get my attention. We all stare at him.
" Who are you taking since you broke up with Willow? " He says looking my way trying to get an answer out of me.
I sighed while rolling my eyes and looked down at my plate.
"Ow," he says as Shanna kicks his leg from under the table.
"No one... I'll be going alone. In fact, I am a presenter this year so it'll be a quick in and out," I say, taking another bite of some lasagna.
" Awww, that's too bad, Uncle Chris, Mommy, and Uncle Scott bet on who you're taking this year," Ethan says, smiling.
Everyone bursts out laughing as my family always ends up taking bets on my relationships as If it's some kind of game.
"Well, that reminds me Ma, you owe me some money," Carly says while laughing. I just look unfazed and roll my eyes and go back to eating.
Soon enough, everyone finishes dinner, and I say goodnight to the kids. Soon Carly leaves, and Shanna and Ma go to sleep as they have a big day at work tomorrow.
So I'm left in the living room with Scott.
" So who's the lucky presenter you're presenting with," Scott says as he brings me a beer,
"Well," I sigh taking the beer from Scott and taking a sip.
"I think it's Elyse Harper," I say as Scott starts choking on his beer.
"Are you okay?" I ask Scott and his eyes pop out.
"WHAT!" He says shocked.
"The supermodel Elyse Harper?"
"I think so," I shrug taking a sip of my IPA.
"Chris, how could you not tell me? I could have met Elyse.. Chris," Scott whines taking another sip of his drink.
I look at him, giving him a funny confused look.
" REALLY!... You don't know who she is do you?" He exclaims.
" No, I don't Scott," I say now annoyed.
"You are missing out bro... Chris, she's a supermodel, an actress, and only what like 4 years younger than you. How do you not know about her... She's in Fast and Furious, and Transformers?" He says.
I look at him and grab my phone, and do the only thing one would do.
I decided to Google her.
As the page loads, Scott grabs my phone out of my hands.
"Hey give that back," I say now even more annoyed than before.
" Chris, look at her," He says looking through the pictures.
I grab my phone out of his hand...and holy shit, I swear, I felt my dick twitch.
"She's beautiful," I say a little too loud for my liking.
" I told you, you were missing out... I may be gay but like wow...where have you been.. Get your head out from under the rock man". Scott now states proudly.
I'm staring into her green eyes on the screen, I slowly look at other features: she's tall, has a great ass, her hair is a light brown color, she has a light skin color, and her eyes her bright green eyes. I could get lost in them.
I hear Scott clear his throat. "Chris, you're drooling," he says.
I hit his arm. I wonder if she's single, and actually, a genuine person or if she just all looks.
Scott interrupts me, as I am deep in my thoughts.
" Chris, I know that look... All the best and you better not fuck this up,"
I sighed and put my phone away. I looked at the time and saw it was getting late.
After a few more beers Scott offers to take me home since he hasn't been drinking so much as me.
After Scott dropped me off...I head inside and to my room. I decided to take a shower before sleeping. I get in the shower and can't get Elyse out of my head. I don't even know the woman yet she has this effect on me.
I get out of the shower, brush my teeth, and look over at the empty sink to my right, and empty drawers in the cabinets. I can't help but feel sad.
I walk into the closet grab a pair of shorts and go lie in bed. I turn the lights off and get under the covers.
I'm staring at the ceiling thinking about how I need to get my life together and how lonely I feel. I can feel the anxiety creeping on me slowly.
I mean, I'm only 34, but I want all the things that life has to offer. I want to come to a house that feels like a home, and not barge in on Ma every time.
I want someone who loves me and waits for me. I want the bathroom sink to linger with her products and the closet to get out of control, someone hogging the whole bed... stealing the comforter from me at night, wanting to cuddle.
This is getting really getting old coming home to an empty house. This house doesn't feel like a home. It is missing something... maybe I should get a dog for now. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my phone pings.
It's Megan, my publicist.
Megan: Chris, hope you had a safe flight home. I hate to break it to you, but we need to be in LA tomorrow afternoon for some fittings. I'm sorry... I'll call you in the morning. Have a good night.
I groan as I read the message, Great. I look at the time as it's 1:00 in the morning now. I roll over, trying to get some sleep.
I just end up tossing and turning. I can't sleep. She's still on my mind. I open up Google again and look her up  again. I see she has a few interviews on YouTube, so I decided to watch a few. She's funny and has a natural charm, doesn't try to stand out too much, but her smile doesn't always reach her eyes in most photos, or press junkets.
I sigh, as she doesn't seem to be an attention seeker. Damn, she's too pretty. She's got to have a boyfriend right?
I groan as I shut my alarm. I don't remember what time I went to sleep last night. I check the clock on the wall and it reads 6:35...I get out of bed, brush my teeth, and head to the basement to work out.
Soon after I had a quick shower and breakfast. I'm getting ready to head out the door when my phone starts ringing, and it's Megan.
"Morning Chris, how are you doing? She asks.
"I'm good, a little tired," I laugh
"Yeah, Well I'm sorry to hear that. I've booked the ticket for LAX. You leave in an hour. I'm sorry Chris but I tried to get a later flight...,"
"It is okay thank you Megan I'll see you real soon, Take care," I say as I hang up the phone.
I head back inside and pack a little carry-on bag for a few days. I only bring the necessities, since I have most things there.
I walk into Ma's home. I smile, as it smells like home.
I enter the kitchen and I see Shanna and Ma finishing their breakfast.
"Hey Shanna, Morning Ma," I say as I grab myself water.
I explain to Ma what's happening as she and Shanna are both running a little late to the theater.
They both wish me a safe flight, to enjoy myself and not overthink and that they'll see me on TV. I smile and hug them both.
I call an Uber and head to the airport. The driver parks on the airstrip, and as I head inside, I'm greeted by the pilot and the flight attendant.
They tell me the flight is on time, and I should get ready for take off.
I lie back in my seat and try to read a book, but I just think about her. I can't wait to meet her in person, and soon the plane takes off.
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Everything You Need to Know About Paediatric Dental Practice on the Gold Coast
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Choosing the right paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast is crucial for ensuring your child’s oral health. This blog post provides an in-depth look at what paediatric dental practices offer, common topics of interest, challenges, a step-by-step guide for parents, a case study, and a conclusion to wrap up everything you need to know.
Common Topics with Unique Titles
The First Visit: What to Expect
The first visit to a paediatric dental practice can be a daunting experience for both the child and the parents. Knowing what to expect can alleviate some of the stress and make the visit more pleasant.
Importance of Early Dental Care
Early dental care is vital for preventing tooth decay and instilling good oral hygiene habits. Learn why starting dental visits early can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
Understanding Paediatric Dental Treatments
From fluoride treatments to dental sealants, paediatric dental practices offer a variety of treatments designed specifically for children. Discover the common treatments and their benefits.
The Role of Nutrition in Oral Health
Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. Find out how diet affects your child’s teeth and what foods to avoid.
Dental Emergencies: What Parents Need to Know
Accidents happen, and knowing how to handle a dental emergency can make a big difference. Learn the steps to take in case of a dental emergency.
Tips for Making Dental Visits Fun
Challenges in Paediatric Dental Care
Fear and Anxiety
Many children experience fear and anxiety about visiting the dentist. This can make appointments challenging for both the child and the dental team.
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene at Home
Ensuring that your child maintains good oral hygiene at home can be difficult. Children may resist brushing and flossing, leading to dental problems.
Finding the Right Paediatric Dental Practice
Choosing the right paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast can be overwhelming with so many options available. Knowing what to look for can help narrow down the choices.
Managing Dental Health with Special Needs
Children with special needs may require additional care and attention when it comes to their dental health. Finding a dental practice equipped to handle these needs is essential.
Coping with Dental Procedures
Dental procedures can be intimidating for children, and helping them cope with treatments requires patience and understanding from both parents and dental professionals.
Step-by-Step Guide for Parents
Step 1: Research and Choose a Paediatric Dental Practice
Start by researching paediatric dental practices on the Gold Coast. Look for practices with positive reviews, a welcoming environment, and experienced dentists who specialize in paediatric care.
Step 2: Schedule the First Appointment
Once you’ve chosen a dental practice, schedule the first appointment. It’s best to choose a time when your child is well-rested and not hungry to ensure a smoother experience.
Step 3: Prepare Your Child for the Visit
Talk to your child about what to expect during the visit. Use positive language and explain that the dentist is there to help keep their teeth healthy.
Step 4: Attend the Appointment
Arrive early to complete any necessary paperwork and allow your child to get comfortable with the surroundings. Stay calm and supportive during the visit to help ease any anxiety.
Step 5: Follow Up on Recommendations
After the appointment, follow any recommendations made by the dentist. This may include scheduling follow-up visits, implementing new oral hygiene practices, or making dietary changes.
Step 6: Maintain Regular Dental Visits
Regular dental visits are crucial for maintaining your child’s oral health. Schedule check-ups every six months or as recommended by your dentist.
Case Study: A Successful Paediatric Dental Experience
Emma, a six-year-old girl, had her first dental visit at a paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast. Her parents were concerned about her fear of the dentist and potential cavities.
Emma’s parents chose a highly recommended paediatric dental practice. They prepared Emma by reading books about dental visits and role-playing at home.
The First Visit
During the visit, the dental team made Emma feel comfortable by explaining each step in a fun and engaging way. The dentist used child-friendly language and showed Emma the tools before using them.
Emma’s visit was a success. She left the dental office with a smile and a new toothbrush. The dentist identified a small cavity and scheduled a follow-up appointment for treatment.
Emma’s parents followed the dentist’s recommendations for improving her oral hygiene at home. At the follow-up appointment, the cavity was treated, and Emma’s fear of the dentist was significantly reduced.
Choosing the right paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast is essential for your child’s oral health. By understanding common topics, facing challenges head-on, and following a step-by-step guide, you can ensure a positive dental experience for your child. Remember, early dental care and regular visits can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
For those seeking a reliable paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast, doing thorough research and preparing your child for their visit can make all the difference. A successful dental visit, as demonstrated in our case study, can lead to improved oral health and a more confident smile for your child.
Taking the time to find the right dental practice and making dental care a priority will benefit your child’s overall health and well-being.
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hinterlanddental · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Dental Implants on the Sunshine Coast
Dental implants have emerged as the gold standard in tooth replacement, offering a permanent and natural-looking solution for those with missing teeth. As residents of the Sunshine Coast, we are fortunate to have access to a wealth of dental specialists and clinics that provide top-notch implant treatments. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of dental implants, covering everything from the benefits and the procedure to the costs and what to expect during the journey.
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Understanding Dental Implants
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. They are made of titanium, a biocompatible material that fuses with the bone, creating a strong and stable foundation for the new tooth.
The Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants offer a range of benefits that make them a superior choice compared to traditional tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges. These benefits include:
Improved Appearance: Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, restoring your smile and boosting your confidence.
Improved Functionality: Implants allow you to eat and speak with ease, without the hassle of removable dentures.
Preserved Jawbone: By stimulating the jawbone, implants help prevent bone loss that can occur with missing teeth.
Longevity: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a cost-effective investment in your oral health.
The Dental Implant Procedure
The Initial Consultation
Your journey with dental implants Sunshine Coast begins with a consultation at a reputable dental practice, such as Sunshine Coast Dental Implants. During this appointment, your dentist will thoroughly examine your oral health, discuss your goals and concerns, and recommend the best course of action.
The Surgical Placement
The surgical placement of the dental implant is a multi-step process that typically involves the following:
Extraction (if necessary): If you have a tooth that needs to be removed, this will be done during the first step of the procedure.
Bone Grafting (if necessary): If you have insufficient bone density, a bone graft may be required to create a stable foundation for the implant.
Implant Placement: Your dentist will surgically place the titanium implant into your jawbone, where it will fuse with the bone over several months.
Healing Period: During this time, known as osseointegration, the implant and bone will bond together, creating a strong and stable foundation for the replacement tooth.
The Restoration Process
Once the implant has fully integrated with the bone, your dentist will attach the abutment (connector piece) and the custom-made crown, bridge, or denture, completing the restoration process.
Caring for Your Dental Implants
Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial for the long-term success of your dental implants. This includes:
Brushing and flossing regularly
Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings
Avoiding behaviors that can damage the implant, such as tooth grinding or clenching
The Cost of Dental Implants on the Sunshine Coast
The cost of dental implants on the Sunshine Coast can vary depending on several factors, including:
The number of implants required
The complexity of the procedure
The materials used
The experience and expertise of the dental team
On average, the cost of a single dental implant, including the implant, abutment, and crown, can range from $4,000 to $7,000 on the Sunshine Coast. For multiple implants, the cost per implant may be slightly lower, and for implant-supported dentures, the overall cost can range from $15,000 to $25,000.
It's important to note that many dental practices on the Sunshine Coast offer financing options, such as payment plans or dental insurance coverage, to make dental implants more accessible and affordable for patients.
What to Expect During the Dental Implant Journey
The dental implant process can take several months to complete, but your Sunshine Coast dentist will guide you every step of the way. Here's a general timeline of what to expect:
Initial Consultation: 1-2 hours
Implant Placement: 1-2 hours (per implant)
Healing Period: 3-6 months
Restoration: 2-4 hours
During this journey, your dentist will closely monitor your progress and provide you with personalized care and support to ensure the success of your dental implants.
Dental implants on the Sunshine Coast offer a transformative solution for those with missing teeth, restoring both the function and aesthetics of your smile. By understanding the process, the benefits, and the costs associated with dental implants, you can make an informed decision and take the first step towards achieving the smile of your dreams. Remember, the team at Sunshine Coast Dental Implants is always here to guide you through the journey and provide the highest quality of care.
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singletoothimplant · 4 months
Discover the Best Dental Implants on the Gold Coast: Your Guide to a Brighter Smile
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Are you considering dental implants Gold Coast? Whether you're dealing with a missing tooth or looking for a more permanent solution to dentures, dental implants offer a reliable and aesthetic way to enhance your smile. This blog will guide you through everything you need to know about dental implants, from the benefits and procedure to selecting the best dental implant clinic on the Gold Coast.
Why Choose Dental Implants?
Dental implants are a popular choice for many reasons. Here’s why you should consider them:
Natural Look and Feel: Implants are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. They provide a stable and secure fit that enhances both your appearance and oral health.
Durability: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. They are made from durable materials like titanium, which is biocompatible and integrates well with your jawbone.
Improved Oral Health: Unlike bridges, implants do not require the reduction of adjacent teeth. This preserves more of your natural teeth and improves long-term oral health.
Convenience and Comfort: Implants eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience of removable dentures. They also make eating and speaking easier, boosting your confidence in social situations.
The Dental Implant Procedure
The process of getting dental implants involves several steps:
Initial Consultation: Your dentist will evaluate your oral health, take X-rays, and discuss your options. This is the time to ask questions and understand the process.
Implant Placement: During this surgical procedure, the dentist places the implant into your jawbone. This serves as a root for the artificial tooth. The healing process, called osseointegration, can take several months as the bone grows around the implant.
Abutment Placement: Once the implant has bonded with the jawbone, an abutment is placed on top of the implant. This is a connector that holds the replacement tooth or crown.
Crown Placement: Finally, a custom-made crown is attached to the abutment, completing the restoration and giving you a natural-looking tooth.
Choosing the Best Dental Implant Clinic on the Gold Coast
When selecting a dental implant clinic, consider the following:
Experience and Expertise: Look for a clinic with experienced dental surgeons who specialize in implantology. Check their qualifications and the number of successful implant procedures they have performed.
Technology and Facilities: A clinic equipped with the latest dental technology can offer more accurate diagnostics and treatment. Modern facilities also ensure a more comfortable experience.
Patient Reviews: Read testimonials and reviews from previous patients. Positive feedback can indicate a clinic’s reliability and the quality of care they provide.
Personalized Care: Choose a clinic that offers personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. The team should be approachable, willing to answer your questions, and provide comprehensive post-operative care.
Cost and Financing Options: Dental implants can be a significant investment. Ensure the clinic offers clear pricing, and inquire about payment plans or financing options to make the treatment more affordable.
Top Dental Implant Clinics on the Gold Coast
Here are some renowned dental implant clinics on the Gold Coast:
Gold Coast Dental Implants: Known for their state-of-the-art facilities and highly experienced team, this clinic offers comprehensive implant services, including advanced imaging and personalized treatment plans.
Pacific Smiles Dental: With multiple locations and a reputation for patient-centered care, Pacific Smiles Dental provides high-quality implant treatments with a focus on long-term oral health.
The Dental Lounge: Offering a luxurious and relaxing environment, The Dental Lounge combines advanced dental technology with skilled practitioners to deliver top-notch implant services.
Coastal Dental Care: This network of dental clinics is known for its professional and friendly service. They offer a range of implant options to suit different budgets and needs.
Maintaining Your Dental Implants
After getting your dental implants, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to ensure their longevity:
Regular Brushing and Flossing: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to keep your gums and implants clean.
Routine Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings. This helps in monitoring the health of your implants and addressing any issues promptly.
Healthy Lifestyle: Avoid smoking and limit foods that can damage your implants, such as hard candies or ice. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall oral health.
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toothgemsgoldcoast · 5 months
Shine Bright: Your Ultimate Guide to Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast
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Tooth gems are a growing trend in cosmetic dentistry, offering a fun and stylish way to add sparkle to your smile. If you're considering tooth gems Gold Coast, you're not alone! In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about tooth gems, from the challenges they present to a step-by-step guide on getting them, a captivating case study, and a conclusion to help you make an informed decision about enhancing your smile.
Understanding Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast
Tooth gems are small jewels or crystals that are bonded to the surface of teeth, adding a touch of glamour to your smile. Whether you're looking to add a subtle sparkle or make a bold statement, tooth gems offer endless possibilities for customization and creativity. On the Gold Coast, this trend has gained popularity among individuals seeking to express their unique style and personality through their smiles.
Challenges of Tooth Gems
While tooth gems can enhance your smile, they also come with some challenges. One of the main concerns is ensuring that the gems are applied safely and securely to avoid damage to the tooth enamel or surrounding tissues. Additionally, maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial to prevent plaque buildup and reduce the risk of dental issues. Finding a reputable and experienced dentist or dental technician who specializes in tooth gems is essential to overcome these challenges and achieve the desired results.
Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Tooth Gems
Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist or dental technician who offers tooth gem services. During the consultation, discuss your goals, preferences, and any concerns you may have.
Selection: Choose the type, size, and color of tooth gems that best suit your style and smile. Consider factors such as the shape of your teeth and your overall aesthetic preferences.
Preparation: The dentist will clean and prepare the surface of your tooth before applying the gem. This may involve roughening the tooth slightly to create a secure bonding surface.
Application: Using dental adhesive, the dentist will carefully bond the tooth gem to the surface of your tooth. Precision and attention to detail are essential to ensure a secure and aesthetically pleasing result.
Final Touches: Once the gem is in place, the dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure comfort and stability. They may also provide aftercare instructions to help you maintain your tooth gem properly.
Meet Emily, a Gold Coast resident who decided to enhance her smile with tooth gems for an upcoming special occasion. Initially apprehensive about the process, Emily consulted with a reputable dentist who guided her through each step with care and expertise. After the gems were applied, Emily was thrilled with the results and received numerous compliments on her dazzling smile. Today, she continues to enjoy the confidence boost that her tooth gems provide, thanks to the skillful work of her dentist.
In conclusion, tooth gems offer a fun and stylish way to enhance your smile and express your individuality. While they come with challenges, such as proper application and maintenance, finding a qualified dentist or dental technician on the Gold Coast can help you overcome these obstacles and achieve stunning results. Whether you're looking to add a subtle sparkle or make a bold statement, tooth gems can help you shine bright and show off your unique style with confidence.
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mintdentalgc · 5 months
Cosmetic Dentistry: Transforming Smiles with the Latest Teeth Enhancements
Cosmetic procedures have revolutionised how we improve and enhance smiles. At Mint Dental GC, located on the Gold Coast, we specialise in the latest advancements in cosmetic dentistry that not only improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth but also boost overall dental health and confidence. From subtle changes to major repairs, our team can perform a variety of procedures to improve your smile. Here’s how the latest innovations in cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile.
 The Power of a Great Smile
A beautiful smile can significantly impact personal and professional relationships, and it's often the first thing people notice. Understanding this, our team at Mint Dental GC provides tailored cosmetic dental treatments designed to address various concerns. Whether it’s discolouration, misalignment, or gaps between teeth, we have the expertise to enhance your smile, ensuring you leave our clinic with renewed self-esteem and a vibrant smile.
 Leading Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments
 Teeth Whitening
One of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments at Mint Dental GC is professional teeth whitening. Unlike over-the-counter options, professional whitening provides safer and more effective results, dramatically enhancing the brightness of your teeth. This quick and painless procedure can combat stains caused by foods, drinks, smoking, or ageing, giving you a noticeably brighter smile in just one visit.
 Porcelain Veneers
For those looking for more than just a whiter smile, porcelain veneers offer a versatile solution. These thin shells of ceramic are bonded directly to the front surfaces of the teeth, providing a natural look that can alter the shape, size, colour, and length of your teeth. Veneers are a popular choice for the Gold Coast clientele seeking an impeccable and durable smile enhancement.
 Dental Implants
Dental implants are a fantastic long-term solution for missing teeth. They not only improve the appearance of your smile but also preserve facial structure and improve oral health. An implant provides a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.
Invisalign offers an alternative to traditional braces with a clear, virtually invisible way to adjust teeth alignment and improve oral health. It’s an ideal option for both adults and teens on the Gold Coast looking to enhance their smile without the appearance of metal braces.
 The Importance of Skilled Dentists
Cosmetic dentistry combines art and science, requiring skilled practitioners who understand the dynamics of facial appearance and dental function. The dentists at Mint Dental GC are highly trained in modern cosmetic dental techniques, ensuring each treatment is performed with precision and care. Choosing a skilled dentist on the Gold Coast like those at Mint Dental ensures that your cosmetic dentistry results are not only beautiful but also sustainable.
 Personalised Treatment Plans
At Mint Dental GC, we believe that every patient’s needs are unique. We take the time to discuss individual goals and options, providing personalised treatment plans that meet each patient's expectations and budget. This bespoke approach ensures that every patient achieves the best possible results.
Cosmetic dentistry has the power to completely transform your smile and boost your confidence. At Mint Dental GC, we use the latest technologies and techniques to provide our patients with high-quality, durable cosmetic dental solutions. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry, contact us to discover how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Remember, when you smile confidently, the whole world notices.
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broadbeachdentist · 5 months
Dive into Dental Excellence: Exploring Mermaid Beach Dentistry
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Nestled along the stunning coastline of the Gold Coast in Australia lies the vibrant suburb of Mermaid Beach. Known for its pristine beaches and vibrant lifestyle, Mermaid Beach is also home to a gem of dental care: Dentist Mermaid Beach. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into what makes Dentist Mermaid Beach stand out in the realm of dental health and wellness.
A Coastal Haven for Dental Care
Dentist Mermaid Beach isn't just any ordinary dental clinic; it's a beacon of excellence in oral health care. Located conveniently in the heart of Mermaid Beach, this dental practice offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its patients. Whether you're due for a routine check-up, seeking cosmetic enhancements, or require restorative treatments, Dentist Mermaid Beach has you covered.
Expertise and Experience
At Dentist Mermaid Beach, you'll find a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to delivering top-notch dental care. Led by experienced dentists with a passion for excellence, the team is committed to staying abreast of the latest advancements in dentistry to ensure that patients receive the best possible treatment outcomes. From preventive care to complex procedures, each member of the team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, ensuring that patients receive personalized care tailored to their unique needs.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology, Dentist Mermaid Beach offers patients a modern and comfortable environment in which to receive dental care. Whether you're undergoing a routine cleaning or a more involved procedure, you can rest assured that you're in good hands at Dentist Mermaid Beach. The clinic's commitment to utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology not only ensures greater precision and efficiency in treatments but also enhances the overall patient experience.
Comprehensive Services
One of the hallmarks of Dentist Mermaid Beach is its comprehensive range of dental services designed to address a wide spectrum of oral health needs. From general dentistry services such as cleanings, fillings, and extractions to more specialized treatments including dental implants, veneers, and orthodontics, Dentist Mermaid Beach offers everything you need to achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. The clinic also prides itself on its patient-centered approach, taking the time to educate patients about their oral health and empower them to make informed decisions about their dental care.
Commitment to Excellence
What truly sets Dentist Mermaid Beach apart is its unwavering commitment to excellence in all aspects of dental care. From the moment you step through the door, you'll be greeted with warmth and professionalism by the clinic's friendly staff. Whether you're visiting for a routine check-up or undergoing a more complex procedure, you can expect to receive the highest standard of care from start to finish. Dentist Mermaid Beach isn't just a dental clinic; it's a trusted partner in your journey to optimal oral health and wellness.
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Protecting Your Smile: The Importance of Mouthguards on the Gold Coast
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The Gold Coast is renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and outdoor recreational activities. Whether you're catching the waves, playing a game of footy, or hitting the boxing gym, one thing remains constant – the importance of protecting your smile. That's where mouthguards come into play. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of Mouthguards Gold Coast and why they should be an essential part of your active lifestyle.
Dental Injuries Are Common
The active lifestyle that the Gold Coast offers also exposes individuals to a higher risk of dental injuries. From accidental falls while skateboarding at the local park to an unexpected clash on the footy field, dental injuries can happen when you least expect them. These accidents can result in chipped, cracked, or even knocked-out teeth, leading to painful and costly dental treatments.
Mouthguards: Your First Line of Defense
Mouthguards are an effective solution to prevent dental injuries during physical activities. These custom-made dental appliances provide a cushioning barrier between your teeth and any potential impact, reducing the risk of damage. They are designed to absorb and distribute the force of a blow, protecting your teeth, gums, and jaw.
Tailored Protection
One of the key advantages of mouthguards is their customization. A dentist can create a mouthguard tailored to your unique dental structure and needs. This ensures a snug and comfortable fit, allowing you to speak and breathe without any hindrance while providing the best protection for your teeth.
Types of Mouthguards
There are different types of mouthguards available, including:
Stock Mouthguards: These are pre-made, one-size-fits-all mouthguards that can be found at sporting goods stores. While they are affordable, they often offer limited protection and may not fit properly.
Boil-and-Bite Mouthguards: These are partially customizable mouthguards that can be molded to your teeth after being softened in hot water. They provide a better fit than stock mouthguards but may still lack precision.
Custom-Made Mouthguards: These mouthguards are crafted by a dentist to fit your teeth perfectly. They offer the highest level of protection and comfort.
Maintaining Your Mouthguard
Proper care and maintenance of your mouthguard are essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Rinse it with cold water after each use and store it in a protective case. Regularly clean it with a toothbrush and toothpaste to prevent bacterial growth.
When Should You Wear a Mouthguard?
Mouthguards should be worn during any physical activity or sport that carries a risk of dental injury. This includes but is not limited to:
Contact sports like rugby, football, and boxing.
Non-contact sports such as skateboarding and gymnastics.
Activities like biking and skateboarding.
Teeth grinding and clenching at night (nightguards).
Protecting your smile on the Gold Coast goes beyond regular dental check-ups and oral hygiene routines. Mouthguards are an indispensable accessory for anyone leading an active lifestyle in this beautiful region. They not only safeguard your teeth but also provide peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your favorite activities to the fullest. Don't wait until an accident happens – consult with a dentist on the Gold Coast to get a custom-made mouthguard that fits your needs and lifestyle. Your smile is worth it!
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porthuenemedentist · 1 year
Channel Islands Family Dental Office - Port Hueneme
Channel Islands Family Dental is a full service family dentistry in port hueneme. If you're looking for a dentist in port hueneme check us out . We accept all PPO insurance and Medi-cal, Dentical, Guardian, Gold Coast, and Tricare.
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Discover the top-rated dentists on the stunning Gold Coast at Australia cite. Our comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into the best dental professionals in the Gold Coast region. Whether you're seeking routine check-ups, cosmetic dentistry, or specialized treatments, our curated list of dentists ensures you receive the highest quality dental care. Explore trusted recommendations and make informed decisions about your oral health with Australia cites Best Dentists Gold Coast directory.
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Discover the finest dental care on the Gold Coast with our curated list of the best dentists. At Australia cite, we've compiled a selection of top-tier dental professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional oral health services. Whether you're seeking routine check-ups, advanced treatments, or cosmetic enhancements, our list highlights skilled dentists known for their expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centered approach. Trust in our recommendations to help you find the perfect dentist to cater to your individual needs, ensuring a healthy and confident smile for years to come.
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thedentalboutique0 · 1 year
Dentist Gold Coast | Thedentalboutique.com.au
Welcome to Thedentalboutique.com.au - the premier Gold Coast dentist. Our commitment to providing the highest quality dental care with a personal touch ensures that you receive the best possible care. Experience the difference today!
Dentist gold coast
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Everything You Need to Know About Paediatric Dental Practice on the Gold Coast
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Choosing the right paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast is crucial for ensuring your child’s oral health. This blog post provides an in-depth look at what paediatric dental practices offer, common topics of interest, challenges, a step-by-step guide for parents, a case study, and a conclusion to wrap up everything you need to know.
Common Topics with Unique Titles
The First Visit: What to Expect
The first visit to a paediatric dental practice can be a daunting experience for both the child and the parents. Knowing what to expect can alleviate some of the stress and make the visit more pleasant.
Importance of Early Dental Care
Early dental care is vital for preventing tooth decay and instilling good oral hygiene habits. Learn why starting dental visits early can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
Understanding Paediatric Dental Treatments
From fluoride treatments to dental sealants, paediatric dental practices offer a variety of treatments designed specifically for children. Discover the common treatments and their benefits.
The Role of Nutrition in Oral Health
Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. Find out how diet affects your child’s teeth and what foods to avoid.
Dental Emergencies: What Parents Need to Know
Accidents happen, and knowing how to handle a dental emergency can make a big difference. Learn the steps to take in case of a dental emergency.
Tips for Making Dental Visits Fun
Making dental visits enjoyable can help reduce anxiety and make your child look forward to their appointments. Explore creative ways to make dental visits a positive experience.
Challenges in Paediatric Dental Care
Fear and Anxiety
Many children experience fear and anxiety about visiting the dentist. This can make appointments challenging for both the child and the dental team.
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene at Home
Ensuring that your child maintains good oral hygiene at home can be difficult. Children may resist brushing and flossing, leading to dental problems.
Finding the Right Paediatric Dental Practice
Choosing the right paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast can be overwhelming with so many options available. Knowing what to look for can help narrow down the choices.
Managing Dental Health with Special Needs
Children with special needs may require additional care and attention when it comes to their dental health. Finding a dental practice equipped to handle these needs is essential.
Coping with Dental Procedures
Dental procedures can be intimidating for children, and helping them cope with treatments requires patience and understanding from both parents and dental professionals.
Step-by-Step Guide for Parents
Step 1: Research and Choose a Paediatric Dental Practice
Start by researching paediatric dental practices on the Gold Coast. Look for practices with positive reviews, a welcoming environment, and experienced dentists who specialize in paediatric care.
Step 2: Schedule the First Appointment
Once you’ve chosen a dental practice, schedule the first appointment. It’s best to choose a time when your child is well-rested and not hungry to ensure a smoother experience.
Step 3: Prepare Your Child for the Visit
Talk to your child about what to expect during the visit. Use positive language and explain that the dentist is there to help keep their teeth healthy.
Step 4: Attend the Appointment
Arrive early to complete any necessary paperwork and allow your child to get comfortable with the surroundings. Stay calm and supportive during the visit to help ease any anxiety.
Step 5: Follow Up on Recommendations
After the appointment, follow any recommendations made by the dentist. This may include scheduling follow-up visits, implementing new oral hygiene practices, or making dietary changes.
Step 6: Maintain Regular Dental Visits
Regular dental visits are crucial for maintaining your child’s oral health. Schedule check-ups every six months or as recommended by your dentist.
Case Study: A Successful Paediatric Dental Experience
Emma, a six-year-old girl, had her first dental visit at a paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast. Her parents were concerned about her fear of the dentist and potential cavities.
Emma’s parents chose a highly recommended paediatric dental practice. They prepared Emma by reading books about dental visits and role-playing at home.
The First Visit
During the visit, the dental team made Emma feel comfortable by explaining each step in a fun and engaging way. The dentist used child-friendly language and showed Emma the tools before using them.
Emma’s visit was a success. She left the dental office with a smile and a new toothbrush. The dentist identified a small cavity and scheduled a follow-up appointment for treatment.
Emma’s parents followed the dentist’s recommendations for improving her oral hygiene at home. At the follow-up appointment, the cavity was treated, and Emma’s fear of the dentist was significantly reduced.
Choosing the right paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast is essential for your child’s oral health. By understanding common topics, facing challenges head-on, and following a step-by-step guide, you can ensure a positive dental experience for your child. Remember, early dental care and regular visits can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
For those seeking a reliable paediatric dental practice on the Gold Coast, doing thorough research and preparing your child for their visit can make all the difference. A successful dental visit, as demonstrated in our case study, can lead to improved oral health and a more confident smile for your child.
Taking the time to find the right dental practice and making dental care a priority will benefit your child’s overall health and well-being.
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integradentalblog · 1 year
How To Prepare For Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom teeth are the third molars located at the back of the mouth. They usually appear in your late teens or early twenties but can cause discomfort or pain if impacted or crowded. Your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal to prevent further complications in such cases. However, undergoing any dental procedure can be a daunting experience, especially if you're unsure what to expect. To help you prepare for wisdom tooth removal, we've compiled some tips and advice from dental experts in Australia.
Consult With Your Dentist Or Oral Surgeon
Before scheduling your wisdom tooth removal procedure, it's essential to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon. They will examine your teeth and gums and take X-rays to determine the best action. Depending on the position and condition of your wisdom teeth, you may need to undergo a simple or surgical extraction. Your dentist will explain the differences between the two procedures and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Follow Pre-Operative Instructions
Once your dentist has recommended wisdom tooth removal, they will provide pre-operative instructions to ensure a successful procedure. These may include fasting for a certain period before the surgery, avoiding certain foods and drinks, and taking antibiotics or pain relievers as prescribed. It's crucial to follow these instructions carefully to avoid complications or delays.
Plan For Aftercare
After wisdom tooth removal, you'll need to take extra care of your mouth to promote healing and prevent infection. Your dentist or oral surgeon will provide post-operative instructions, such as avoiding smoking, drinking through a straw, or consuming hot or spicy foods for a few days after the surgery. You may also need to use ice packs, rinse your mouth with salt water, and take pain medications as prescribed. It's essential to plan for these aftercare measures before the surgery to have everything you need at home.
Arrange For Transportation
Since wisdom tooth removal is typically performed under local or general anaesthesia, you must arrange transportation to and from the dental clinic. You may feel drowsy or dizzy after the surgery, and driving or operating machinery can be dangerous. Having a friend or family member accompany you to the clinic and take you home afterwards is best. You should also avoid strenuous activity or exercise for a few days after the surgery.
Prepare For Recovery Time
The recovery time after wisdom tooth removal varies depending on the individual and the complexity of the procedure. It can range from a few days to a week or more, and you may experience some discomfort or swelling during this time. It's crucial to take some time off work or school and rest at home to allow your body to heal. You can use this time to catch up on your favourite movies or books, but avoid any activities that may disturb the healing process.
In conclusion, wisdom tooth removal is a standard dental procedure that can help prevent further complications and promote oral health. However, it's essential to prepare for the surgery by consulting with your dentist or oral surgeon, following pre-operative and post-operative instructions, arranging for transportation, and planning for recovery time. 
Integra Dental is the perfect choice if you're looking for the best dental healthcare clinic in Australia. They offer a wide range of dental services, including wisdom tooth removal, and have oral health Gold Coast experts to ensure you receive the best care.
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thehousefmouth · 1 year
The House of Mouth™ | Best Teeth Whitening and Oral Care Products
The House of Mouth™ is Australia's leading Professional Whitening & Oral Care supplier. We provide consumers with the same products recommended and sold by your dentist. Choose from over 600+ products, from 30+ of the world’s most trusted oral care and teeth whitening brands. Easy online ordering with shipping to your door or Click n Collect from our Gold Coast Studio. You trust your dentist and that’s why you can trust The House of Mouth! Visit:
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