#Bespoke Database
geeconglobal · 3 months
Streamlining Application Development and Maintenance in London: Best Practices for Success
In the heart of London's bustling tech scene, businesses are continually seeking efficient and effective methods to develop and maintain their applications. With the rapid pace of technological advancement and the high expectations of consumers, it's crucial for companies to adopt best practices that ensure success. Here are some strategies to streamline application development and maintenance in London:
1. Adopt Agile Methodologies
Agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban, promote iterative development, collaboration, and flexibility. By adopting Agile, development teams in London can respond quickly to changes, ensure continuous improvement, and deliver high-quality applications that meet user needs.
2. Leverage DevOps Practices
DevOps combines development and operations to create a culture of collaboration and efficiency. Implementing DevOps practices such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) can significantly reduce the time to market, improve product quality, and enhance the reliability of applications.
3. Embrace Cloud Computing
Cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, making it an essential component for modern application development and maintenance. By utilizing cloud services from providers like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, companies can easily scale their applications based on demand and ensure robust performance and security.
4. Invest in Automation
Automation tools can greatly enhance productivity and reduce the risk of human error. Automated testing, deployment, and monitoring can help ensure that applications are thoroughly tested, reliably deployed, and continuously monitored for issues, allowing for quick resolution and minimal downtime.
5. Focus on User Experience (UX)
A great user experience is critical for the success of any application. Conducting user research, usability testing, and continuous feedback loops can help ensure that applications are intuitive, efficient, and meet the needs of their users. In London’s competitive market, a superior UX can be a significant differentiator.
6. Ensure Robust Security
With increasing cyber threats, security must be a top priority. Implementing best practices for application security, such as regular security assessments, penetration testing, and adherence to security standards like ISO/IEC 27001, can help protect sensitive data and maintain user trust.
7. Continuous Learning and Improvement
The tech landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement, providing ongoing training for development teams, and staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies can help maintain a competitive edge.
By adopting these best practices, companies in London can streamline their application development and maintenance London processes, delivering high-quality, reliable, and secure applications that meet the demands of today's fast-paced market. Embracing these strategies not only enhances operational efficiency but also drives innovation and growth in one of the world's leading tech hubs. Visit more information for your website
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gothhabiba · 1 year
A few months ago, an article by Just Like Us about a survey of young UK adults regarding LGBT topics (and other articles on The Pink News and Gay Times UK that reported on that article) did the rounds on here.
The headline of the Gay Times article, written by Amy Ashenden (a cisgender butch lesbian and the interim CEO of Just Like Us, who hired the consultancy that conducted the survey) was "Lesbians being anti-trans is a lesbophobic trope"; of the results of the survey, she writes "I’m so glad that we finally have the research to demonstrate what most lesbians already knew: this narrative is completely false."
A lot of this initial reporting focused on the claims that "most anti-trans adults don’t know a trans person in real life" and "lesbians are the most supportive of trans people of any identity group, and it's a lesbophobic trope that they are anti-trans." These articles were written before the full report of the survey's data had been released.
The full report that these claims are based on is now out, for anyone who wants to take a closer look at the results for themselves. The pdf appears to be OCR readable but not image-described. The survey deals with many topics including being "out" and "feeling supported" at school and at work, but I'll just try to break down the evidence for the above-mentioned two claims.
How respondents were selected:
Just Like Us's report says that "Participants were drawn in partnership between Just Like Us and from Cibyl’s independent database of UK students and young adults" (p. 69). Cibyl offers "bespoke studies and focus groups," and says that "Using our Cibyl-ings student panel, we can source specific students to look at themes and topics important to you and ask the unique questions you want the answers to." This is rather vague.
Sample group and size:
3,695 young adults aged between 18 and 25. 86% cisgender and 12% transgender; 47% LGBT and 53% non-LGBT (used as a control group to compare LGBT responses to); 72% white; 79% students; 54% "female" (self-declared), 36% "male", 8% non-binary (pp. 69-70).
Support for the articles' central claims:
There is no full breakdown of the data resulting from the survey that would allow anyone else to do their own statistical analysis. Here's (what Just Like Us gives of) the data that the "most anti-trans people don't know a trans person in real life" claim is based on:
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[ID: Headline reading "Attitudes towards transgender people. Question reading "How supportive are you of transgender people? Of people who "know a transgender person," 64% said "very supportive"; "supportive" 23%; "slightly supportive" 10%; "not supportive" 3%. Of those who "don't know a transgender person," 33% said "very supportive"; "supportive" 28%; "slightly supportive" 20%; "not supportive" 18%. Second question "Do you know any transgender people?" Result: 28% "Yes, someone I'm close to"; 38% "Yes, someone I'm not close to"; 34% "I don't know any transgender people." Further breakdown of the question "Do you know a transgender person?": 49% of "non-LGBT+" people said "yes"; 84% of LGBT+ people; 94% of non-binary people; 93% of transgender people; 82% of asexual people; 85% of bi/pan people; 80% of gay men; 92% of lesbians; 75% of questioning people. End ID]
The "do you know any transgender people" question is worded slightly differently each time—plus, the Just Like Us article and the report (p. 8) adduce the phrase "in real life" to "know a trans person," but this page doesn't—so I don't think we're getting the exact wording for that question that the survey respondents saw. The data for "how supportive are you of transgender people" isn't broken down according to whether the respondent said they were "close" or "not close" to the transgender person or people they knew; it also doesn't seem to be broken down into trans or nonbinary versus cisgender respondents.
"How supportive are you of transgender people?" was the only question dealing with this issue, and the responses "very supportive," "supportive," "slightly supportive," and "not supportive" were the only options available; there's nothing breaking down what "support" means in terms of policy (e.g. support versus non-support for consent-based clinics, national funding for transition care, non-discrimination laws, bathroom laws, &c. &c.). There is also no distinction made between "support" for trans women and trans men.
The claim "UK adults between the ages of 18 and 25 who answer 'not supportive' to the question 'How supportive are you of transgender people?' are several times more likely to also answer 'no' to the question 'do you know a transgender person' (or maybe 'do you know a transgender person in real life')" is supported, in my opinion. The sample size is large enough for that 3% to not be random noise.
The analysis in the Just Like Us article groups together "very supportive" and "supportive" when providing percentages of respondents of given identities who support trans people:
Of all LGBT+ identities, other than trans and non-binary people themselves, lesbian young adults were most likely to say they know a trans person (92%), and most likely to say they are “supportive” or “very supportive” of trans people (96%). In comparison, 89% of LGBT+ people overall said they were  “supportive” or “very supportive” of trans people, and just 69% of non-LGBT+ people said the same.
There is no full breakdown of how many people are "very supportive," "supportive," "slightly supportive" or "not supportive" of trans people by identity label. The relevant data is on p. 63 of the report:
"Looking at who was the most supportive of transgender people:
non-binary respondents were 97% supportive or very supportive with 1% of respondents indicating they were not supportive;
lesbian respondents were 95% supportive or very supportive [everywhere else in the report and in the reporting says 96%, so perhaps this is a typo] (3% were not supportive);
bi/pansexual respondents were 92% supportive or very supportive (2% were not supportive).
Of respondents who were gay men, 82% were supportive or very supportive of transgender people, with 7% indicating they were not supportive.
Among non-LGBT+ respondents 69% were supportive of transgender people, with 12% indicating they were not supportive."
It's not clear to me how they dealt with e.g. lesbians who were also transgender. Pages 69-70 of the report go into the questions that people were asked to identify their identity label for the purposes of statistical analysis ("Is your gender identity the same as the one you were originally assigned at birth?"; and "What is your sexual orientation?"). The fact that these are separate questions (as they should be) tells me that there's overlap between groups throughout the study; any data that says e.g. "83% of lesbian respondents" is combining cis and trans lesbians, and any result that says "67% of trans people" is combining heterosexual and LGB trans people.
So, while narrowing the respondents down to just cisgender LGB people to compare their support for trans people would have been one way to analyse the data, I'm guessing they didn't do that (plus, there's the article's wording of "LGBT+ people overall"; it wouldn't make statistics-analytical sense to compare cis lesbians with all LGBT+ people, plus it would presumably make the higher support % of lesbians less stark, which seems like the opposite of what Ashenden wanted to do).
When the article says "other than trans and non-binary people themselves," they don't mean that they excluded trans and non-binary people from the percentages given; they mean "other than the number you get if you measure support for transgender people just from trans and non-binary people." We're not given the number that would result from doing this. The number we're given in the report for non-binary people is 97% supportive (this number is not included in the article); we are not given a number for just trans people, but we can probably assume it also approaches 100%.
This means that the 96% support presumably measures support from cis and trans lesbians; the 82% of "supportive" and "very supportive" gay men includes cis and trans men; &c.
There is a major statistics-analytical problem with acknowledging that trans and non-binary respondents have the highest rates of support for trans people, but then not controlling the results of this question for whether the respondent was cis or trans. If a higher percentage of lesbian respondents were trans than the percentage of gay men respondents that were trans, this would itself skew the numbers for lesbian support higher. There's no reason to suppose that this did happen, but there is not enough information given about the data that Just Like Us collected to rule it out. Again, at no point are we given information about overlap between LGB and trans groups or a breakdown of what that overlap looked like (how many trans respondents were heterosexual versus LGB, &c.).
As I mentioned above, some of the survey focused on whether respondents "felt supported" at home and at school. Some snippets on the results of these questions can be found on pages 45-49 of the report. "[M]ore than 1 in 4" LGBT+ respondents "felt unsupported" in school compared to "1 in 10" non-LGBT+ respondents; 37% of transgender respondents and 39% of nonbinary respondents said they felt unsupported in school. Despite the survey's focus on the outcomes of felt support, and despite all respondents being asked if they were "supportive" of transgender people, no question asked transgender respondents if they "felt supported" by cisgender LGB people.
Generalisability of claims:
The sampling of the data (which is drawn entirely from people in the UK aged 18-25, mostly students) also means that the claims are not generalisable to the entire UK population; you can't say the "majority of anti-trans adults don’t know a trans person in real life" (the headline of the Just Like Us article) or "Most anti-trans adults don’t actually know a trans person in real life" (the headline of the Pink News article), since the survey did not take a representative sample of all adults. You can't say "lesbians are not anti-trans" (the url of the Gay Times article), since the survey is not representative of all lesbians.
Funding sources:
The report was sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a firm offering professional services (accounting, auditing, consulting, financial advisory, litigation consulting, and other services offered to businesses).
Cibyl, an independent research firm in the UK, "led on research design and delivery, then worked in partnership with Just Like Us to produce the report." They include the report ("Positive Futures") as an example of their work on their website. Their summary of the study focuses on the claim that "support in LGBT+ young adults’ teenage years" is necessary to the future development of their careers, and on what "employers and careers professionals can do to help LGBT+ young people feel safe and supported." This is the same kind of thing that Deloitte talks about when it comes to LGBT+ issues (namely, inclusion versus exclusion and support versus non-support in the workplace).
A video that Asheden produced with Mags Scott (partner at Deloitte) also focuses on how "support" for LGBT+ people "at home, in school, and in the workplace" leads to confidence in "career prospects" and ability to be onself "at work," and is necessary for LGBT+ people's mental wellbeing.
Just Like Us has an interest in promoting research that suggests that support for LGBT+ people in school will benefit them in their careers, since they sell training resources on forming LGBT+ groups, and talks with LGBT+ speakers, to schools. Just Like Us is a non-profit organisation.
Declaration of conflicts of interest and peer review:
This is an industry-sponsored study and not an academic one. There is no declaration of conflicts of interest required, and the study was not peer-reviewed.
Some breakdown of data was revealed in the report. The exact questions that respondents saw were not given. The data is not given with enough granularity to allow for anyone else to conduct statistical analysis based on it.
There is not enough evidence to say whether the study supports the claim that (cis?) lesbians are more supportive of trans people than any other identity group, since the survey was not clear what "support" means (someone may claim to support trans people as individuals while not supporting transition care, for example, due to some kind of "love the sinner, hate the sin" logic).
There is also a statistical problem with the support for this claim, since overlap between "transgender" and "cisgender" respondents is not controlled for. There is not enough data given in the report to allow anyone else to control for this factor. The results would hold if we assumed that similar percentages of e.g. lesbian, bisexual, and gay male respondents were transgender.
The results apply only to people in the UK aged 18-25 and cannot be generalised to all adults in the UK.
Summaries of this report given by the firms that funded and conducted it centre on the idea that "support" of LGBT+ people at home, at school, and in the workplace is necessary to allow them to thrive in the workplace. Just Like Us, who put out the report, sell LGBT+ talks and training to schools.
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schraubd · 1 year
How To Hack The Law
Do you ever idly puzzle through various ideas for a "perfect crime"? It's awkward to talk about -- you don't actually want to do them, you don't actually want to give anyone a bright idea, but they're still so interesting to think through.
The legal community is abuzz with the story of a lawyer who relied on ChatGPT to do his research and submitted a brief filled with entirely invented cases. ChatGPT just made them up out of air -- complete with names, citations and quotes -- and the lawyer dutifully added them to the brief. When opposing counsel tried to read the cases for themselves, they were baffled because they couldn't find any trace of them. The presiding judge went so far as to contact the clerk of the courts where the cases were allegedly filed, confirming their non-existence. Now the lawyer is facing sanctions; he is begging for mercy on the grounds that he had no idea ChatGPT would lie to him like that.
I know of very few lawyers who have sympathy for this lawyer. But imagine a slightly different case. Let's say that LexisNexis developed a glitch where it invented a case. If you typed in the (invented) citation to the case, it would pop up on Lexis the same as any other case -- name, judge panel, court, reasoning, everything. But the case isn't real; it was a complete invention. If a lawyer came across such a "hallucinated" decision on Lexis, I think we'd be very forgiving if she ended up being deceived and relied on the case in her briefs. Indeed, I actually wonder, in a situation, like this, how long it would take the legal community to figure out that the case wasn't real.
For example: the last case contained in volume 500 of the Federal Reporter (3d) is Jacobsen v. DOJ, 500 F.3d 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2007). That case ends on page 1381. Suppose an enterprising criminal hacks the Westlaw and Lexis database* and adds another case, call it Smith v. Jones, cited to 500 F.3d 1382. To further cover her tracks, the criminal "assigns" the case to a panel of judges who are no longer active on the court, to make it less likely one of them will see it and be like "I don't remember that decision." Smith v. Jones, of course, can be about and say whatever the criminal (or the unscrupulous lawyer who hired her) wants it to. Need a precedent that appears to decisively resolve a contested point of law in your favor? Voila -- the new case of Smith v. Jones is there to meet your needs. Indeed, the diligent criminal could add one or two new precedents per volume on a range of topics, providing bespoke "new" precedent to shift the legal terrain on an array of different issues.
If this happened, again I ask: how long would it take for the legal community to figure it out? If the initial hack was undetected, could one get away with doing this? Certainly, there would still be ways to confirm the cases are not real. If one back-checked the cases back to the clerk's office, one would discover they're vapor -- but realistically, that almost never happens. We take Lexis and Westlaw as proof enough; I'm not sure I can imagine a circumstance where I would try to confirm the veracity of a case I saw on Westlaw or Lexis by contacting the clerk's office. There probably would be some other hints that the cases were suspect -- the lack of citations from other cases would be a significant hint that something is shady -- but I can imagine a crime like this slipping by us for some time. And the longer it goes unnoticed, the more these cases have the opportunity to subtly adjust the overall trajectory of law in a new direction.
It's a scary thought, no? We're very reliant on the robustness and reliability of online databases. If they start to falter, we run into seriously trouble very quickly.
* Note: I assume -- and desperately hope -- that this is difficult-to-impossible to do.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/hLkYFA1
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sims4t2bb · 1 year
some missing conv i found
Clawfoot Fanciful Planter - https://autumn-rosesims.tumblr.com/post/614739140604526592/in-this-episode-of-random-things-autumn-wants-in
base game:
simplicit-ease chair - https://linacheries.tumblr.com/post/184827695509/ts2-misc-4t2-conversions-pt-2-4t2-bespoke
simplicit-ease chair + hipster hugger sofa (& loveseat add-on)
fix by rudhira (https://gardenofshadows.org.uk/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=37580.msg753881#msg753881)
Hi, hello! The database has been updated to include these conversions. Thank you so much, @swishbishbosch! ♥ 
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corusview-it-services · 2 months
Transforming Digital Landscapes: The Excellence of Corusview IT Services.
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In today's fast-paced digital world, having a reliable and innovative technology partner is crucial for businesses aiming to stay ahead. Corusview IT Services, a leading web development company, stands out by offering top-tier software, web and mobile application development services. With a commitment to quality, reliability, and global reach, Corusview IT Services ensures that clients receive exceptional value for their investments.
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses often face a myriad of challenges when it comes to web, mobile, and software development. Navigating these hurdles can be daunting, but the right technology partner can turn these challenges into opportunities.
Common challenges in Digital development:
Complexity and integration challenges
Web Development: Building dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites that effortlessly integrate with existing systems can be quite intricate.
Mobile Development: Creating mobile applications that function seamlessly across various devices and platforms while delivering an excellent user experience poses a significant challenge.
Software Development: Developing custom software solutions that need to integrate with multiple other applications and databases often results in compatibility issues.
Staying current with technology
The fast-paced nature of technological advancements makes it challenging for businesses to remain up-to-date with the latest trends and tools.
Ensuring digital solutions are scalable and future-proof demands continuous investment and specialized expertise.
User experience and design
Developing an intuitive and engaging user experience is essential for the success of any digital product.
Subpar design and usability can result in low user engagement and satisfaction.
Security and compliance
Maintaining the security of digital solutions and adhering to regulatory requirements is a critical concern. Data breaches and security vulnerabilities can have significant consequences for businesses.
How Corusview IT Services can assist:
Corusview IT Services provides a broad range of solutions specifically crafted to tackle these challenges and support businesses in thriving within the digital landscape.
Expert web development
Custom web development: Tailored solutions crafted to fit your unique business requirements.
Content Management Systems (CMS): User-friendly systems that simplify website updates and maintenance.
Cutting-Edge Mobile App Development
Mobile App Creation: Bespoke apps designed to meet the needs of diverse industries.
Cross-Platform Solutions: Strategies that extend your app’s reach and boost its effectiveness across different platforms.
Ongoing Updates and Support: Regular enhancements and maintenance to keep your app fresh, secure, and up-to-date.
User-centric designs
UX and UI Innovation: Creating immersive and visually appealing designs tailored to enhance user interaction.
Prototyping and Usability Testing: Developing and refining prototypes to ensure optimal functionality and user satisfaction.
Ongoing Enhancement: Continuously evolving designs based on user feedback to maintain relevance and effectiveness.
Pioneering Technology and Innovation
Forefront of technological advancements, embracing the latest innovations to deliver state-of-the-art solutions.
Cutting-edge technology ensures your digital products are not only scalable and future-ready but also perfectly in tune with the latest market trends.
Rigorous Quality Assurance:
Implementing comprehensive quality assurance processes to ensure that every solution meets the highest standards of performance and reliability.
At Corusview IT Services, we’re dedicated to helping businesses tackle digital development challenges and achieve their ambitions. Whether you need a cutting-edge website, a bespoke software solution, or a trailblazing mobile app, our skilled team is here to provide top-notch results.
Elevate your digital game with us and witness the transformative power of our solutions. Learn more about how we can boost your company’s digital presence by visiting www.corusview.com.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
*click link to watch video*
The Women’s World Cup is just over three weeks away and there’s been plenty of media coverage about the bespoke items that players will be wearing in Australia and New Zealand – including the Phantom Luna, Nike’s first boot designed for female players.
Unfortunately, there has also been much written about the players who will be missing this tournament because of ACL injuries, such as England’s Leah Williamson and Beth Mead.
The worry for many players I know is that a connection exists between the boots they’ve been wearing – which are designed for a male foot – and the greater risk of serious knee injuries faced by women footballers.
For this reason, I sat down in a cafe in Kingston with Dr Katrine Okholm Kryger, an associate professor in sports rehabilitation at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, who I first met when she came to Chelsea for a study into women footballers’ feet.
She sits on the Uefa Women’s Health Panel and the findings of her study, commissioned by the European Club Association (ECA), involved nearly 350 players.
Here she tells me about the scale and findings of a study never before done on footballers, male or female – and explains why boot manufacturers now have no excuse when it comes to producing better boots for women players at all levels.
Magda Eriksson [ME]: Kat, can you tell me about the research you were doing and your findings?
Katrine Kryger [KK]: We scanned players from top clubs from Europe, travelling around with a scanner and speaking to some of the best players in the world.
We know men and women have different foot shapes so we scanned these to quantify exactly what a woman’s foot shape is like, so we can pass that on to the manufacturers so they have a model to base a women’s boot design on.
I’ve done groupings of different ethnicities, different playing positions, different foot types and all of that is going to be in a database that manufacturers will be offered access to.
ME: What are the potential problems for women from wearing boots designed for a man’s foot?
KK: There are three main areas of concern. The first is the fit. Football boots are really tightly fitted – or should be because you need to be able to move and change direction without sliding inside the shoe – but that means you’re wearing something that’s fitted around a man’s foot, and a white man’s foot to be more specific. And with a female foot being differently shaped, that’s going to cause squeezing and aching and blisters.
When I asked if they had pain or discomfort with football boots, just 18 per cent left it blank. So 82 per cent had an issue somewhere with boots and one in three women highlighted the heel. They’re so stiff and if the shape isn’t perfect, they’re going to rub on the heel.
ME: I had a team-mate who had to cut a hole in her boot just so her heel can stick out. I’ve also had that problem when the bone starts to grow because of constant rubbing and had to have my Nike Tiempo boots custom-made. My heel cap is really soft and they’ve had to stretch it bigger as well just to get more space.
KK: The second big concern is that a football boot will only bend in between the stud lines. It cannot just bend anywhere and if it bends over bone, bones don’t like to be bent and you are going to end up irritating both the bones and the tissues. We’ve been measuring exactly where that is for women and we’ll offer that to the manufacturers.
ME: On studs, before games I always hear players asking: ‘Should we wear the studs or the moulds?’ I know certain girls who’ve done ACL injuries when wearing studs and are afraid to wear them again. On a slippery pitch they’ll sacrifice playing well and risk slipping because they’re afraid of getting injured. They might slip but at least they’ll stay injury-free.
KK: This is tied in with the third thing we want to highlight – that the outsoles to the studs should be designed for women.
We see women have three times the risk of ACL injuries and the common feature for getting injured is planting the foot, getting stuck, and not being able to rotate the foot but instead rotating the knee.
Currently for men and women the length of studs and number of studs is the same yet when you go into the physics of it, the traction – the grip on the surface and how much you get stuck – is much higher in a women’s football boot.
Women need less than men because they weigh less and don’t have the same muscle mass so don’t generate the same power. When pushing off, they need less and so there’s an increased risk of ACL injury.
The survey we did showed that while women often change studs depending on the surface and the weather conditions, a large group actually don’t, which is quite interesting.
ME: As well as men and women, you mentioned ethnicities before. What variations have you found there?
KK: We tried to select clubs with a high level of diversity, especially in France, and we saw there’s a tendency for African or African-descended players to have a wider foot.
To give you an example from men’s football, one Premier League player signed a sponsorship agreement with a boot company and when they asked him what size he was, he said a size 14. Yet they measured his foot and he was a size 8.
So basically, there was a big gap between the end of the toe and the end of the boot. I went to one club where three black players told me the same. It’s players wearing one or two sizes too big.
Women tend to have two types of feet: a wide foot with quite flat arches and a wide Achilles tendon, and also a narrower foot with a high arch and slimmer Achilles tendon.
The big conclusion is we should be able to cover people from different ethnicities, whatever playing position, within these two types of footwear. That’s going to be our suggestion to the manufacturers – that you don’t just have one football boot but you have two that align with those two options.
ME: This is my biggest take – that you are actually doing research on women that’s not yet been done in men’s football because it’s so conservative. It’s what I love about women’s football, that maybe we can start different conversations. What good do you hope will come from this?
KK: Having an optimal football boot designed for women from a holistic perspective is the dream.
We’re going to pass on the information that we have to the manufacturers and then it’s their job to design football boots for women.
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mitchipedia · 8 days
The Godmother of AI Wants Everyone to Be a World Builder
Stanford computer scientist Fei-Fei Li is unveiling a startup that aims to teach AI systems deep knowledge of physical reality. Investors are throwing money at it.
[Li is] on a part-time leave from Stanford University to cofound a company called World Labs. While current generative AI is language-based, she sees a frontier where systems construct complete worlds with the physics, logic, and rich detail of our physical reality.
… [About ten years ago, Li created] ImageNet, a bespoke database of digital images that allowed neural nets to get significantly smarter. She feels that today’s deep-learning models need a similar boost if AI is to create actual worlds, whether they’re realistic simulations or totally imagined universes. Future George R.R. Martins might compose their dreamed-up worlds as prompts instead of prose, which you might then render and wander around in…. World Labs calls itself a spatial intelligence company, and its fate will help determine whether that term becomes a revolution or a punch line.
— Steven Levy at Wired
Investors are pitching this as an entertainment play but the real value here seems to be in business, governmeng and research, including city planning, training and industrial applications.
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fluffy-critter · 9 months
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kayleigh-83 · 2 years
Hi Kayleigh!!
Im super inspired by your builds!! I've always avoided it in ts2 bc the roofing system seemed like a nightmare lol but im slowly learning and it's been so fun! I wanted to ask for which custom CC build items you use in most of your videos! I want to revamp a lot of the houses because the walls/floors/etc looks so outdated. I just downloaded the bespoke set! Thank you so much!!
Hey, thank you so much! The roofing system IS a nightmare tbh, but I get by lol. I try not to look too closely at real roofs or TS4 roofs I'm inspired by or else I weep at what I can't reproduce in TS2.
I use a lot of build sets (windows/doors etc) by @veranka-downloads, and probably generally 3t2 and 4t2 sets (probably some overlap with those databases and Veranka in some cases).
I also use Raynuss Paneled Doors and Windows a fair bit (get the animated spiral stairs too), and this Metro Window set. I know I have some nice stuff @shastakiss has done so browse through their blog too! Lastly more on the recolour vein but not to be missed, iCad has lots of goodies.
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geeconglobal · 5 months
Super Useful Tips To Improve Process Analysis
Improving process analysis is essential for enhancing efficiency, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing workflows. Here are some super useful tips to help you improve process analysis:
Define Clear Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives of the process analysis. What specific outcomes are you looking to achieve? Having clear objectives will guide your analysis and ensure that it remains focused on the most critical aspects of the process.
Map Out the Process: Create visual process maps or flowcharts to document the current process from start to finish. Mapping out the process visually helps to identify the sequence of activities, decision points, and dependencies involved.
Identify Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by the process. Their insights and perspectives can provide valuable input during the analysis phase and help ensure that all relevant factors are considered.
Gather Data: Collect quantitative and qualitative data related to the process, including performance metrics, cycle times, error rates, and feedback from stakeholders. Use a variety of methods such as surveys, interviews, observation, and data analysis tools to gather comprehensive data.
Identify Pain Points and Bottlenecks: Analyze the process data to identify pain points, bottlenecks, and areas of inefficiency. Look for recurring issues, delays, redundancies, and unnecessary steps that may be hindering productivity or quality.
Benchmark Against Best Practices: Compare your current process against industry best practices and standards. Identify opportunities to adopt proven methodologies, tools, or techniques that can help streamline operations and improve outcomes.
Brainstorm Solutions: Once you've identified areas for improvement, facilitate brainstorming sessions with relevant stakeholders to generate ideas for optimization. Encourage creativity and innovation in exploring alternative approaches or solutions.
Prioritize Improvements: Prioritize improvement opportunities based on their potential impact, feasibility, and resource requirements. Focus on addressing high-priority issues that offer the greatest return on investment in terms of efficiency gains or cost savings.
Implement Changes Incrementally: Implement changes incrementally rather than attempting to overhaul the entire process at once. Break down larger initiatives into smaller, manageable steps and monitor the effects of each change before proceeding to the next.
Measure and Monitor Performance: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of process improvements over time. Continuously monitor performance metrics and solicit feedback from stakeholders to ensure that the process remains optimized and aligned with organizational goals.
By following these tips, you can enhance your process analysis efforts and drive continuous improvement within your organization. Visit more information for your website
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govindhtech · 1 year
Intel Arc A580 GPU Crushes the AMD RX 7600 in OpenCL!
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Intel Arc A580 GPU OpenCL Benchmark The most up-to-date benchmarks for Intel’s Arc A580 graphics card have been found, and the launch of this card is currently scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2023. There is a possibility that this graphics processing unit (GPU) will be the sole exciting option accessible at that moment.
The most current benchmarks for the Intel Arc A580 GPU demonstrate that it outperforms the RX 7600 while providing pricing that are much cheaper.
We were given the chance to observe the very first benchmarks of the Intel Arc A580 graphics card that were saved in the Geekbench database during the month of August. These benchmarks were published by Geekbench. The graphics processing unit (GPU) has finally been released again after a delay of two months. This time, it has an even better performance score, which places it in top place among the AMD Radeon RX 7600 and GeForce RTX 3050 GPU series.
The Intel Arc A580 includes 24 cores, 384 EUs, and 3072 ALUs, all of which are clocked at an official graphics rate of 1700 MHz. Getting started with the specifications, the Intel Arc A580 also contains 3072 ALUs. On the other hand, the test reveals clock rates of up to 2.4 GHz, which places it on level with the other two Arc A770 and Arc A750 graphics cards. The graphics card will have a total power budget of 185 watts, 8 gigabytes of GDDR6 visual memory (VRAM), 256 bits of bus interface, and up to 512 gigabytes per second (GB/s) of bandwidth. In addition, the power budget will allow for 256 bits of bus interface.
Intel Arc A580 vs. AMD RX 7600 Comparison
The graphics card was able to get a score of 88,019 points while operating at the same clock speeds of 2.4 GHz inside the OpenCL test. This outcome is a reflection of how well the card performed. This is a 6% performance uplift over the previous score, and it is probable that several driver upgrades that the company has done during the course of the last two months are directly responsible for this gain in score.
This uplift in performance was achieved. The result also provides the Intel Arc A580 a 6% performance edge over the AMD Radeon RX 7600 and takes it almost up to par with the performance of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 graphics card. Both of these results can be found in the table below.
On the other hand, the cost of the Intel Arc A580 8 GB graphics card may be regarded the product’s most important advantage. At the Japanese retailer Bic Camera, the graphics card with the ASRock Challenger OC variant was only recently listed for a price of 38,880 Yen. This price point is equivalent to a savings of thirty percent in comparison to the Intel Arc A750 Challenger OC version that is made available by ASRock.
Aside from that, the price of the card is 15% less expensive than the price of the ASRock Radeon RX 7600 Challenger OC GPU and is almost equivalent to the price of the RTX 3060. Intel may have a highly competitive product in its hands that costs between $179 and $199 in the United States if the same pricing gaps are maintained throughout the rest of the global markets. This is the case if Intel has a highly competitive product in its hands.
The performance of Intel’s Arc A580 GPU is compared to that of AMD Radeon RX 6600 and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 graphics cards, as stated by Intel itself in a PowerPoint presentation that Momomo_US obtained. In addition, by going to this location, you will have the opportunity to have an in-depth look at some upcoming bespoke models.
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Master Class Tailoring
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A style consultation typically commences your first appointment unless you are completely certain of what you want. We will talk about your fashion tastes, the occasion your outfit is for, your lifestyle, your job, other clothes in your wardrobe, and more when you visit Giri Custom Tailor. All of this information will improve our comprehension of your requirements and enable us to provide accurate and up-to-date style guidance. After taking your measurements, we will skillfully guide you through the two most crucial steps of the bespoke process: choosing from our extensive collection of fabrics and individually tailoring each element of your clothing. Your information and choices will be securely saved in our database for future ordering. We also take a retainer at this time for
To learn more, schedule a consultation online or at one of our Bangkok showrooms.
or email us at: [email protected]  or visit website: http://giricustomtailor.com/
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First Visit at New Moda Custom Tailors
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Unless you know exactly what you want, your first visit usually starts with a style consultation. Together at New Moda Custom Tailor, we will discuss your style preferences, the occasion your outfit will be for, your lifestyle, work, other garments in your wardrobe and more. All of this information will help us better understand your needs and be able to offer accurate & contemporary advice on style. Next, we will take your measurements and expertly walk you through the two most important steps of the bespoke process – selecting from our large collection of fabrics and customizing every detail of your garments. Your details and preferences will be safely stored in our database for seamless reordering in the future. This is also when we collect a deposit for your order.
New Moda Custom Tailor
Website: https://newmodacustomtailors.com/
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lodeemmanuelpalle · 2 years
Software Developers Services : What are They? – Lode Palle
Software engineers or developers can give businesses a whole host of applications and services over the internet, making the operations much more personal and successful. Bespoke software solution providers can develop specific systems aimed at particular business areas and develop good business relationships – Lode Emmanuelle Palle. These software services allow businesses to process and utilize the information they have collected in their databases. For a reliable and efficient software development service, call Lode Palle. He has been in the service for many years and is an expert software engineer. Lode Emmanuelle Palle has already created valuable programs to help a business become successful.
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juealhossain · 5 days
Entity Ranker SEO Software: Elevate Your Search Rankings
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Are you ready to take your SEO game to the next level? Entity Ranker SEO Software is here to transform how you achieve top Google rankings with unparalleled precision and efficiency.
Revolutionize Your SEO Strategy with EntityRanker AI
EntityRanker AI is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to help you rank better on Google. This software is trained on leaked Google API Docs, ensuring your content stays relevant and ranks high.
What Makes Entityranker Ai Stand Out?
AI-Driven Content Optimization: The AI uses insights from leaked Google API documents to create content that aligns perfectly with Google’s ranking algorithms.
Unmatched Google Entity Integration: EntityRanker AI leverages the inherent ranking power of Google properties, making your sites rank even better.
Comprehensive Business Data Customization: Input your specific business data and watch as the AI crafts bespoke content tailored to your niche.
Powerful Link Juice Generation: EntityRanker AI builds a network of inbound links that boost your site’s visibility and authority.
Why Entityranker Ai?
Entity-Based Search Optimization: The software ensures that your content is rich with relevant entities and semantic words, making it more discoverable.
Enhanced User Engagement Metrics: EntityRanker AI improves your rankings and enhances user engagement by creating content that attracts and retains visitors.
Advanced Analytics and Insights: Gain deep insights into your SEO performance with detailed analytics to continuously refine your strategy.
Entity Ranker Seo Software Architecture
User Interface
8 Keywords, Google Account, Business Description, Niche Utility, Business URL, 8 YouTube Videos, 8 Logo Images, Google Business Profile URL, Custom HTML, Start Button
AI Engine
Create Google Site, Create 5 Pages, Generate SEO Content, Add Images & Videos, Embed Google Business Profile, Add Internal & External Links, Record Page URLs, Distribute Member Links
Interacts with the system
Stores user data and member links
External platform for site creation
PDF Document
Final output with created URLs
Software Features And Benefits
Leaked Google API insights: Use exclusive insights from leaked Google API documents for superior SEO optimization.
Contextually rich content: The AI creates articles using a precise blend of keywords, entities, and semantic words.
Continuous updates: The software is continuously updated to match Google’s algorithm changes.
Automated solution: EntityRanker AI saves you time and effort by providing a powerful, automated solution for consistently top-ranking content.
How To Get Started With Entityranker Ai
Visit the official website: Entity Ranker SEO Software.
Sign up for an account and log in.
Input your business data, including keywords, Google account details, and niche information.
Customize your content with images, videos, and custom HTML.
Click the start button to generate optimized content.
Entity Ranker SEO Software is a game-changer in the world of SEO. With its AI-driven content optimization, Google entity integration, and powerful link juice generation, it offers a comprehensive solution for achieving top Google rankings. Whether you're a small business owner or a large enterprise, EntityRanker AI can help you enhance your brand's authority and relevance.
Ready to revolutionize your SEO strategy? Visit Entity Ranker SEO Software today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Entityranker Seo Software?
EntityRanker SEO Software is an AI-driven tool designed to optimize content for high Google rankings using insights from leaked Google API documents.
How Does Entityranker Ai Improve Seo?
EntityRanker AI improves SEO by leveraging advanced AI to create contextually rich, keyword-optimized articles that align with Google’s ranking algorithms.
Can Entityranker Ai Customize Content?
Yes, EntityRanker AI can customize content by using your specific business data, enhancing your brand's authority and relevance in your niche.
Does Entityranker Ai Help With Link Building?
EntityRanker AI helps with link building by generating a network of inbound links that boost your site's visibility and authority.
How Does Entityranker Ai Integrate With Google?
EntityRanker AI integrates with Google properties, leveraging their inherent ranking power to ensure your sites perform better and rank higher.
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1256986 · 12 days
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Understanding Data Entry: A Clear and Concise Definition for Beginners
Data entry is the process of transcribing information into another medium through input into a computer program. People can transcribe data, including handwritten documents, spreadsheet information, sequences of numbers, computer codes, and even names and addresses.
Departments using Data Entry:
Data entry is used in multiple sectors, such as banking, IT businesses, and others. To enter the data entry job, you need to be proficient with your typing speed and be able to type 50-80 words per minute. Some data entry positions also require a typing speed of over 80 words per minute.
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Why is data entry important?
Data entry is valuable from a business point of view because it’s a unique skill set that helps you keep records on everything from invoices to contracts. There is also an ease of transposing numbers. Your company needs to make the information accurate, secure, and of effective quality. So, you need to measure the data regularly for accurate and high-quality data entry.
Types of data entry used in industry:
The commercial market is divided into many industries. Each with its own significance and set of operations. Although data entry services are useful in all of these industries, they vary depending on the industry and business. All successful business owners want their firms to run smoothly and clearly. For these, the outsourcing industry provides different types of data entry services that provide bespoke solutions tailored to your business.
Manual Data Entry
Online Data Entry
Product Data Entry
Accounting Data Entry
Insurance Claims Data Entry
Logistics Data Entry
Database Data Entry
Remote Data Entry
Numeric and Text Data Entry
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The future of data entry is largely based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies would help the data entry industry to obtain detailed information instantly to make quick decisions. Big companies handle a very high volume of information, so centralizing all this data not only allows the optimization and streamlining of processes but also to understand in detail the tastes and needs of their customers. visit Eloiacs to find more about Data Entry services.
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