#Besides when do you ever meet your Goddess and she's just a person
charulein · 3 months
Stubborn is so funny,,,,, the moment she finally falls in love again it's doomed from the start,,,,,,,,, yes this is about Venat, no she won't take criticism, yes I tried asking her
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bones4thecats · 7 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do Poseidon X Goddess of music!Reader and the reader rarely come out of her house and if she does for example: when she goes to any meeting she always has this mask on:
and she always sits next to Poseidon for some reason she feels safe with him...?
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Thanks if you do this request!
God of Music! S/O Feeling Protected
Type of Writing: Request Character: Poseidon Name: God of Music! S/O Feeling Protected Requester: @imperfectbloodmoon
A/N: These may not be the best thing I've ever written, but I'm trying my best to keep up with stuff from my classes and with these requests. But, I do hope you guys enjoy this!
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🔱 Alright, let's get one thing clear; Poseidon is a fairly oblivious man when it comes to emotions, which should be obvious
🔱 Poseidon was fairly wary when you first started to get close to him. He just isn't used to anyone trying to bond with him in any way, because many see him as a dangerous being
🔱 Which he technically is
🔱 Now, if you were a mortal or nymph, this guy would just push you aside and claim you to be a worthless being, not worthy of his time and patience
🔱 But, once he asked you who you were and you introduced yourself as the Deity of Music within the Greek Pantheon, working alongside that of Hermes and Apollo, he began to see you with more worth
🔱 Poseidon enjoys listening to your songs that you either sing or play on an instrument. He personally enjoys more slow and calming songs while he looks over his underwater kingdom
🔱 And he does enjoy your more reclusive nature, since he's not a very large people-person himself
🔱 He understands a lot more about you than anyone could realize, even yourself for that matter
🔱 But one thing he never fully understood was your need to wear that beautifully decorated mask that covered your entire face whenever you were to leave your shared home
🔱 Poseidon has claimed his love for both your personality and your looks often, though he's fairly monotone sounding, you can hear the amount of pulsing emotion underneath
🔱 Whenever he gets notice that one of his brothers is coming over, he tries to get you to keep the mask off; these are your family members, after all. They know how you look because they attended your wedding all those centuries ago
🔱 If you were to give him a good reason (such as; you didn't want Zeus to try protruding into your backside) then he would understand a bit better. But if you claimed you believed you didn't look good enough, he'd be beyond shocked
🔱 Like I mentioned earlier, Poseidon has claimed his love for both your personality and physical appearance. So the fact that you would still be insecure would make him feel the need to prove you were beyond good enough for a God like him
🔱 Okay, beyond the topic of the role and mask. He, like I also mentioned, doesn't understand emotions fully
🔱 Because of this, Poseidon is quite confused whenever you wanted to sit by him (before your relationship) at meetings, since normally everyone, deities included, were scared of him
🔱 Yet, every time you sat beside him, he never tried pushing you away, much to both of yours and everyone else's surprise
🔱 Despite his inability to understand why you personally wanted to be beside him, he does have quite a few hunches that many believe is true
🔱 One is that you wanted to be by someone who you knew wouldn't be to loud, the second is that you wanted to be closer to him, as he is in your pantheon, and his third one is that you wanted to be with somebody because you wanted to feel safer and protected from other Gods who may have bad intentions
🔱 Poseidon always mainly leans to the third one
🔱 After you guys started your relationship and got married, he started to have you sit right next to him. And by that, I mean by he'd have you sit either on his lap or right beside him
🔱 If I haven't mentioned it, he's possessive of what he deems to be his. Yes, he does allow you to be your own person, but he doesn't want anyone to get any ideas; specifically Zeus
🔱 He cannot keep his hands to himself, and that is coming from his own older brother!
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Hi I saw your Astarion x Tav HC recs are open and personally my Tav is a half elf Selûnite cleric.
I just think its a really sweet matchup- a vampire, a creature of the night, and a cleric that always preferred the night to the day. I’m forever mad that we don’t get to tell him that we prefer the moon to the sun when he apologizes for the fact that he’ll never be able to spend time in the sun with Tav.
Just my two cents I needed to share with someone haha
(can't stop thinking about Astarion praying to Selune. I don't think he will become a devoted selunite but he can find some faith within him)
The text of the prayer comes from Selûnite Prayer Book
Astarion x Cleric of Selûne! Tav
Astarion is beaten and tortured.
His flesh wounds bleed and his bones are broken.
It's a neverneding hell he can't escape, because he is already dead.
Silently, Astarion prays.
His split lips whisper the words of prayer he once heard in a temple.
Dearest Selûne, our fair maiden, weave our hearts with threads of silver, guide us with the light of the moon, and quench us with the purest of tears.
Astarion doesn't have much hope.
Besides Selûne a human goddess, and Elven gods have long abandoned him.
His prayers are heard this time.
A human woman suddenly feels the urge to go outside. There she meets a young elf - and spends a night with him.
She never asks his name and, in the morning, they part ways forever.
But the woman doesn't leave alone.
She carries a half-elf child in her belly.
Probably, the woman never wanted to have a child, maybe she doesn't want to have a mixed baby or she simply can't care about the newborn.
Or maybe she dies at childbirth like many women do.
Anyway, a little half-elf finds their family among the Clerics of Selûne.
You grow up, knowing no other family but your brothers and sisters in Selune.
With a very firm belief, you are born to serve Our Lady of Silver.
Eventually, you are sent to Baldur's Gate - to join the fight against the Shar adepts.
But you never manage to get to the city as the Mindflayers kidnap you.
Astarion lost all his faith years ago and he doesn't remember ever praying to Selûne, though seeing someone so devoted rubs him the wrong way.
Gods never heard him when he was tortured and abused. Why bother?
But you catch his attention. Maybe it's your willpower, your leadership skills. Maybe your looks. You kind nature.
At first, you are scared of Astarion. Selûne condemns the undead and necromancy - vampires are considered the pure evil who desecrate the world.
No one objects that Cazador is a monster. But Astarion?
He is a thinking feeling creature! He didn't choose this "pure shit". What are you supposed to do him?
No. You know the answer, though some of your sisters would consider it heresy.
Astarion has a choice. If he chooses the path of evil, you will be his enemy. You are a Cleric. You know what is right.
But should he choose a good path, you will be on his side.
And you will do anything in your power to help him.
You give Astarion you blood. You give him your body. Your compassion, your kindness.
You mention him in your prayers.
Astarion doesn't say anything to you about your faith but you know he isn't fond of it.
"I prayed to all the gods, including the Moonmaiden. No one saved me."
You made a deal, as people of different religious views do. He respects your faith, you respect his right not to have one.
Post-game you keep being a Cleric planning on rising through the ranks in the church.
You are a half-elf - you inherited ambitions from your human ancestors.
Astarion is still hesitant - he doesn't want you to spend your life in shadows with him.
"Astarion, I am a Cleric of Selûne, not of Latander. I love night more than day and the Moon more than the Sun. I will be fine"
You will forever remember the shock on his face as he realizes Moon shines for the undead, too.
You travel, helping the Selûnites to restore their organization.
One day during your prayer you notice Astarion standing on his knees with his hands in a gesture of adoration repeating the words after you.
Shadows taunt us. Hear our prayer! Shadows stalk us. Hear our prayer! Shadows wound us. Hear our prayer!
He mostly does it because he knows you like it.
You like when he joins you in your rituals and prayers, when he visits temples with you.
It makes you happy seeing him praying and he does it more and more often.
But one day a weird idea comes to his mind.
He prayed to Selûne once. Many years ago. After one especially brutal torture.
What if-
What if she heard him?
What if she sent him his savior? Her servant, her cleric, her devoted Selûnite?
What if is this half-elf he loves so much, whose body he worships, whose blood is so divine - is the answer?
You wake up to him kissing you. His face is red with tears and he mutters the words of gratitude.
From that day, he changes a bit. It's not like he is a man of god - he is still too rebellious to be a part of the church.
But every cleric of Selûne knows that Astarion the Undead is the man any Selûnite can rely on.
There are many rituals he can't partake in but as they say - Moon shines for everyone.
Astarion starts wearing the Selûnite light armour which looks very beautiful on him. Together you go into the most dangerous places - because you have your own undead to save you.
And every time you go to sleep (even if before that you've had the wildest sex possible). You pray while holding each other in your arms.
Selûne, thou with radiam loom, mend our hearts with threads of silver, heal us with drops of morning dew, and sooth our souls with softest starglow.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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yourmomxx · 11 months
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❧ summary - you are in love with jj, but he only has eyes for someone else
❧warnings - signs of depression, disassociation and withdrawal, all the angst, unrequited feelings, this is written kind of abstract, I think?
❧word count - 4.7k
❧based on this request
songs ❧girl crush - harry styles ❧she - dodie ❧astronomy - conan gray
❧main masterlist
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“Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?” ― James Patterson, The Angel Experiment
Kiara Carrera was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
It was a fact almost as certain as the continous circling of the earth around the sun.
She was captivating, really, and it was such a strong pull toward her it almost confused you.
Her hair was dark, curls silky and defined, in a way that yours could never be. You wished, sometimes, you had her tan skin, smooth and soft, the object of all desires. The way she walked was enchanting, floating just the right amount in her step and never too harsh. You could drown in the deep brown of her dark eyes, expression of empathy and compassion, sincere in a way you only wished you could be.
You were in love with Kiara Carrera, because who couldn’t be, with her angel voice, and her confident attitude, and the way she smelled of flowers, and beach, and the rising sun on the first summer day.
Kiara Carrera had once in your presence been compared to a descendant of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, which, in all honesty, you couldn’t do anything else than agree to. You would know, you were one of her best friends, you spent almost every waking minute with her and the rest of the pogues, and yet you never grew tired of the spark she had that made her glowing golden.
The amount of guys you’d had walking up to you, to ask for her or about her, and how could you blame them, you understood. But you turned them away.
You would like to say it was merely for Kiara’s gain, because you didn’t want one of those not-serious screwboys in her near, but it wasn’t, you weren’t considerate like that, another trait that she had you forward in.
But Kiara Carrera, beauty incarnate, the princess of pogues, living evidence of relations between the rich and the poor side of the island, had only eyes for one specific person herself. A boy that made her smile in a way that made her forget the entire world around her, and also shake her head in exasperation when he talked sometimes.
The lucky guy’s name was JJ Maybank, and he was her best friend, and, in a way, also yours.
JJ admired Kiara. In that way, he was no different to the other guys that kissed the blessed ground she walked on. He loved the way she paced around the room when she was contemplating hard, or the way the wind from over the sea blew a stray curl in her face.
JJ Maybank was more than his love for Kiara Carrera, though. JJ was kindness, and consideration, and he was the overcome of a terrible childhood, and he was the love he held for his friends.
In that way, you couldn’t blame Kiara for being infatuated him. Because who wouldn’t be? Thinking about it like that, they fit for each other perfectly, like two pieces of the same puzzle.
There was no space for you in-between. There never had been.
It had become a tradition for you and JJ to meet up in-between lessons to talk about the most mundane things, gossiping about annoying teachers and getting at least one intelligent conversation for the hour.
It was mostly JJ doing the talking, though, oftentimes. You didn’t mind. Letting JJ’s voice wash over you like the silent lullaby of the waves on a windy day had turned into a necessary comfort you couldn’t imagine to miss.
You hadn’t enjoyed school for a while now. There were too many people cramped up on too little space for your liking, and everyone wanted to talk about everything, and it demanded your concentration on things you found yourself not caring about or interested in.
But you met deadlines, and you delivered the grades, so that meant you were alright.
If the breaks you spent in-between classes leaning on your locker, talking to JJ - or mostly listening to him - were what made things worse or better, you didn’t know. And even if you had caught yourself glancing at his quickly moving lips for far too long than a friend should every once in a while, then you didn’t allow yourself to think about it.
The cheaply painted, red metal was cold against your cheek, as you did your best to not bend over and throw up that sickening feeling that’s been sitting heavy on your chest the entire day.
It was Thursday. Maybe. Might be Friday. You didn’t really remember it all that much anymore, it all was blurred. JJ was talking about a party he went to, where he met someone who told him something, that’s what your mind managed to register.
JJ didn’t enjoy spending time with you anymore. It was clear to you, clearer than freshly polished glass windows.
He hasn’t said it like that, of course.
JJ would never, he was too nice.
But you weren’t Kiara, and JJ would much rather spend time with her than with you. You knew that, it was not hard to tell.
All at once, JJ suddenly stopped his rambling mid-sentence.
You didn’t need to see the way he glanced over your shoulder as he suddenly stood taller, or hear the silk voice travel down the hallway, calling out his name, to realize who had shown up.
You recognized it in the change of his eyes when he looked at her.
Kiara swerved a younger student as she headed straight up to JJ, hugging him, and greeting you with the most blinding and sincere smile you’d ever seen someone wear.
She made it so easy to love her that you felt terrible about wanting to hate her.
Those thoughts were changed when she looped her arm around JJ’s and fixed his hair.
JJ’s hair didn’t need fixing, that’s what you thought. He was beautiful when his blond strands were tousled, boyish, and it added up with the mischievous glint that swam in his eyes.
You were being unfair now, you knew that, Kiara wasn’t the bad guy here, she’d merely pushed a strand of JJ’s hair aside as she talked to him.
JJ’s skin was surely burning at the spot where her skin had touched his.
You knew yours was.
JJ’s voice would be different as well, when he spoke to Kiara.
It was light, in a way that you knew you could never make him sound, because you had no way to make him feel free, and careless, and cared for, not in a way you used to, when he was still only friends with her and you were allowed to be selfish enough to keep him to yourself.
The sickening feeling spread again. From your chest, down to your stomach and in your throat, quite like the exact opposite of the warmth that seeing JJ once had given you, and you almost laughed at the irony if you weren’t in so much pain.
JJ waved his hand at you. “Hey man, see you later, I told Kie I’d walk her to class.” You blinked.
Kie. He liked to call her that. A nickname. He’d never given a nickname to you.
You nodded. “Yeah no, sure. See ya.”
JJ disappeared into the crowd, Kiara somewhere next to him.
All of a sudden, you didn’t know if the world had been this blurry the entire time.
The next time it happened, was at the beach.
You were walking next to JJ on your right side, Kiara was occupying your left. You were on your way together to John B’s cabin to meet him and Pope there, and had decided to take the long route next to the raging sea.
Wind was carrying the smell of salt in your direction, and JJ’s tanktop was tugged around all over his body.
In hindsight, you should have known. In hindsight, if you had spun the thought only a bit further, you would have known that there would not be a way for this to work.
JJ and Kiara were two forces pulling each other near, nothing that only possessed human strength could put itself between them, it was no use, not even to try.
“And I mean, the Carsons got this huge boat-”
JJ gestured around with his hands when he talked. You leaned slightly away as to not get in the way of his movements.
Kiara was focused on him when JJ spoke. Her body subconsciously drifted nearer.
You leaned slightly away so she wouldn’t bump into you.
JJ made a joke.
Kiara laughed.
She doubled over and leaned into JJ. Her hand found his arm as she slapped him playfully. JJ tucked his head down. Blushing, probably.
This time, the sickening feeling started in your stomach and chest already.
They were walking together now, right next to each other. Their joy-bounced steps carried them further than yours, weighed down by longing, and caring, and guilt, and you fell back.
The only thing you could do was follow their already vanishing footsteps in the sand.
When you arrived at the cabin, and Kiara and JJ greeted your friends a whole lot of feet before you did, John B raised his eyebrows at you, questioning.
You ignored his suspicious look.
Pope seemed to hold you just the tiniest bit closer when he hugged you.
The feeling spread out to your head.
The last time it happened was at a party.
One, that, in your defense, you did not even intend to show up to. It was a house party, which was unusual enough as it was, which pogue was there you could meet that had enough space in their house to throw a party and enough determination to clean it all up afterwards?
But, apparently, John Laren had moved new on the island, and wanted to make his presence known as of that event. Where middle-aged people brought casseroles, cupcakes or batches of brownies, eighteen year-olds threw massive parties with drugs and alcohol for everyone that was underage and younger.
As mentioned, you hadn't planned to go. In your current condition, a party was really the last thing on your mind.
Unfortunately for you, though, you had not calculated Pope Heyward into that idea.
That prick.
"Yes, I'm coming!"
You rushed to your front door, almost tumbling over that goddamn couch leg that you had wanted to rip off for years now, and quickly swung open the thick hardwood, before the person on the other side could get a chance to pound against it as if their life depended on it again.
Before you were even able to realize who stood before you, Pope had already shoved you by the chest, and into the house again.
The door slammed close again.
“You are going to that party.”
Your mind wasn’t working right now.
“What are you- Hey, come back!”
But Pope had already made his way up the stairs. You turned and ran after him.
By the time you arrived on the upper floor, Pope was already standing in your room, ready to open the closet doors. You jumped forward and slammed then closed, guarding them with your arms spread like something sacred.
“Slow down,” you said. Pope rewarded you with an impatient look.
“What are you doing here?”
“You know what i’m doing here,” Pope shot back, no hesitation.
You withstood the urge to roll your eyes.
“I’m not going to John Stewart’s,” you clarified.
Pope did roll his eyes.
“His name is John Laren,” he corrected you. “John Stewart is on reality tv.”
He grabbed you by the shoulders, and easily maneuvered your non-resisting body to the edge of your bed.
“And you are going,” He stated. He pressed you into the mattress.
“Now sit down and be quiet, and let me pick out something for you to wear.”
Pope whirled around and ripped the closet doors open. He began rummaging though the different shirts and pants that were hung up inside.
“I don’t understand why you so desperately want me to go,” You said, swerving right to ditch an orange shirt that came flying at you just in time.
“Because,” Pope drew out the word slowly, as he concentrated on a black tank top in his hands, “you’re sulking.”
He walked over and thrusted the top into your grip.
“And when you’re sulking, I’m sulking,” he continued. “We’re twinning.”
“But we’re not-“ Pope raised a warning eyebrow. You raised your hands in defeat.
“Alright, alright.”
Pope patted your cheek.
“That’s my boy.”
A second of hesitation, but Pope sighed and the mattress dipped as he sat down next to you.
"Look, man," He started, hesitantly. "I like to think that you don't think I'm stupid."
You raised your eyebrows. Pope continued.
"And, considering I don't need glasses, unlike - some of us-" He took a deep breath.
"Man, I see the way you look at Kiara."
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline.
The way you looked at- "What?" You stuttered out, not even trying to hide how baffled you were.
Pope shook his head. "My bad, I should have worded that differently. I mean the way you look at Kiara, when she is around JJ."
Your body felt slow. This made way more sense.
You didn't even notice how you were slowly turning away to not have to look Pope in the eye.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't-" Pope scoffed. More at himself than you, really.
"I know we have that rule. No pogue on pogue macking? But seriously, man, I should be the first person who knows what it feels like to be in love with their best friend. And honestly? I can't blame you."
You felt a comforting pressure on your shoulder when Pope placed his hand there.
"I want you to know I'm not judging you. Don't feel bad about ... what you're feeling. You know?"
You loudly breathed in, not even knowing what to say. What could there be to say?
Pope stood up again. His hand slid off your shoulder slowly. He didn't hold your silence against you. You silently thanked him for it.
"Look, that's the whole reason I want you to go to this party. You need to loosen up a little, drink away your thoughts, get some groove in."
Pope demonstrated his words by shaking his whole body from one side to another like a dancing snake.
The corners of your mouth cracked into a smile at that. Pope saw it as a win, turned back to your closet again, grinning.
You sighed, suddenly reminded of why he was here in the first place.
"What would I even be doing there?"
Pope shrugged, still rummaging through all your clothes, not caring about any mess. "Go out. Have fun. Have some drinks. Have some boys, have some girls, whatever you're feeling tonight."
You ignored him. "Are JJ and Kiara going to be there?"
"No," Pope answered shortly and pulled out cargo pants from the closet. "They both have plans."
Pope threw the pants at you. "Here you go. Put it on, fifteen minutes, downstairs." He waved himself off. "Actually ten, you're not a teenage girl. Let's go!"
And just like that, he was out the door. You regarded the clothes in your hands skeptically, the black tank top and dark green cargo pants, and couldn't help but notice, how Pope had not answered your question.
Jason Lawrence was a Pogue, whose lifestyle drifted more toward the direction of Kook. There had been a few of them over time, the line between too poor and too rich wavering, and they were trapezing on it.
Whether John Lance invited all entirety of the cut to show off, or to really just throw himself a good old welcome party, remained unclear.
In all honesty, you didn't really care that much. The only reason you were here was because of Pope, and the second he dared to take his eyes off you for more than five minutes, you would be gone like the wind.
Multicolored lights flashed over the ceiling like the spotlights in a club. Most people that were running around with red solo cups in their hands, you recognized - from bonfires or other house parties.
In a way, the entire cut was just like a really big neighbourhood.
Your eyes searched over the crowd of people, desperately looking for a quiet space next to a wall, hopefully, and you politely denied a blond girl with just the necessary amount of covering-up clothing, when she offered you a drink.
"Come on, man, at least pretend like you're having fun!"
Pope appeared next to you out of the blue, and if the loud music hadn't swallowed his equally yelled words, you would have flinched.
You shot your friend a grim look.
"That would be lying, and I don't like lying."
A sharp pain erupted in your chest when Pope stabbed his finger right above your sternum.
"See, I know that's a lie," He said. "Because I know you like lying, I saw you lying often, so what you just said -" He raised his poking finger, "-'t was a lie."
You leaned closer to him and furrowed your eyebrows.
"Dude, are you drunk already?" You asked loudly.
"We've barely been here for half an hour!"
Pope shrugged, shoulders and hips moving to the rhythm in a way that was definitely not correct by beat.
"Chester from the mini bar did a mix for me!" He explained, hand shooting out to point you in the direction where he had come from.
You raised your eyebrows. Chester from the mini bar might have mixed Pope's stuff a bit too well. That lightweight couldn't hold his own on a normal day with a beer.
You smelled the cup in his hand and couldn't fight off the way your face twisted in disgust.
"Dude, what is in there?" You took the cup out of Pope's hand, which was relatively easy, he wasn't all there with his hand anyways.
Pope drew his eyebrows together and pulled his lips into a pout.
"I was drinking that," He complained. You shook your finger in front of his face.
"I think you've had enough, honestly."
"Give that-" Pope burst forward and grabbed for your hand holding the drink, but you pulled it out of his reach just at the right time and raised your hand in the air the highest you could.
Additionally, you raised yourself on the tips of your toes.
Pope tried to stretch himself, but it didn't budge, so he shorthandedly pressed his thumb into the crook of your elbow hard, forcing you to bend your arm down.
Your friend let out a victorious laugh as he reached for the cup that was now almost on eye-level with him, when you made a not thought-through decision on the spot, raised the cup to your lips and downed its contents in one sip.
The liquid went down your throat like cold fire.
Your entire inside squirmed, and your face twisted into a grimace of pure disgust.
"Hey!" Pope threw his hands in the air.
"You're drinking, man! You're having funnnn!"
You wouldn't have put it like that, maybe. But when Pope grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you with him, through the crowds of people and to the shining neon letters that said MINI BAR, you just followed him.
You were having fun. It was almost an hour later, or maybe two, might have just been a half, you didn't really know. Or care.
The solo cup you were sipping held your fourth drink tonight, or your sixth, or your third, you had absolutely no idea.
All you knew was that it burned in your throat like any good liquor should, and that it made you feel good in a way you hadn't felt for weeks now.
The way you weren't quite in full control of your limbs was a side effect you chose to ignore.
The air was vibrating. All colors were more saturated than the first time you came in, they flickered behind your eyelids even when you weren't looking.
Hot bodies of multiple people crowded together, somewhere a table was playing beer pong, while the music roared through your blood stream and pushed arenaline with it.
It felt good. You felt good.
Why hadn't you done this much sooner, Pope was right. And alcohol was great. Like, actually.
The tunes drew you in. Masses of people, it felt, were moving in the same way, all together.
You closed your eyes, and just let it go.
No thinking about the right way to move your lips, the sweat slowly dripping down the back of your neck, or how the alcohol in the cup wasn't quenching your thirst, just worsening it.
It didn't matter. It was as if the music had manifested itself physically, and was moving all of your senses totally on its own.
You felt light, a feeling you had missed over the last few months.
Your chest was free, you could breathe.
The air was full of euphoria, it tasted of glee.
Suddenly, there was a sound that stood out, something that didn't fit the atmosphere.
You blinked your eyes open just the slightest bit.
There, just a few feet away from you, you made out a familiar arrangement of blond strands - some dark, others lightened by the burning sun out on the waves of the sea.
It was a magnetic pull, you couldn't do anything against it if you wanted to. You hadn't really been in posession of your own body since you had taken that drink from Pope.
"JJ!" You heard yourself call out.
Your friend turned around to you, and God, his eyes were beautiful. The string of colorful lights was perfectly illuminating the small streak of skin that was laid free beneath the unbuttoned top of his shirt, a brown one, lazily tucked into casual jeans.
He looked good.
And would you love to blame that thought on your currently dosed state.
So you did.
Your hand slapped on the place of his shoulder, just where his neck met his chest.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, loudly to overcome the sound of the music. "Thought you had plans."
JJ grinned. You mimicked it. Pope had once told you about the mirroring statistic with people one liked. You thought it was bullshit.
"Made a last minute change!" JJ yelled back, and even in your current condition you noticed how his gaze flickered, searching for something that wasn't you in the crowd of people.
"Me and Kie made a stop here before ending our date!"
You blinked.
You were quite sure JJ repeated his same answer to you. But you didn’t really know, because your ears felt stuffed.
Me and Kie made a stop before ending our date.
Me and Kie. Our date.
You stumbled back.
John B had dunked your head in cold water once to sober you up. This was worse.
Your chest felt heavy, pressed together in a camp handle.
Your hand dropped from JJ's shoulder. He didn't notice. His eyes kept scanning the crowd.
You backed away. You needed space, just some way for your chest to expand and let air into your lungs.
Your back hit another wall of bodies. Everything was so tight around you.
The air didn't feel euphoric anymore, it felt stuffed, and thin, and heavy.
You needed to get out of here.
Stumbling, tumbling and tripping, eyes always focused downwards, you pushed past one person after the other.
You didn't know where you exactly were going, but when you reached a wall, there had to be a door somewhere too, right?
You got lucky. A tall boy was pushed into you and made you almost fall over, but the way you leaned into a different direction drew your attention to a large gate not too far away.
You gathered your last bit of lasting strength in your legs and pushed yourself out of the house, out of the stuffed room, into the cold air of the night, and the smell of sea salt rather than the salt of sweat.
You left the lights behind you. You just kept going. You needed to get some distance between you and that house.
You ran until you reached the shore; quite literally.
The hard wood of the dock creaked under every step you took further out, until you reached the ending.
Tied down ships were softly tuckering on the wooden stakes.
Rather laboriously, you leaned down to sit on the edge of the not fenced trail. You brushed some dirt off your palms, and hugged your knees to your chest.
Almost every last drop of drunkness you had felt just a few minutes earlier, had vanished.
There were no chattering voices around you, nor the hard bass of a remixed 2000's pop song. Just the small, almost not there, rush of the rustling waves.
An occasional drop signified fish swimming to the surface and diving down again.
Some frogs were quacking in the tall blades of grass.
You pressed your knees closer to your body.
Through your lungs, you inhaled the warm summer air. It would soon be morning.
Something directed your thoughts to the song 'Memory' from Cats.
"And soon it will be morning".
The background noise around you didn't change.
You hated how weary you felt, how heavy your heart. From one sentence, how your night was taken in one's hand, and crushed right in-between his fingers, without him even realizing the splinters digging into his palms.
You hated how much power you had given him over you, a man, a boy, who had no interest in you besides the one of a good friend, which was fine, you should be fine with that.
But for some reason, you weren't, in the same way that you weren't altruistic, and not a girl with dark hair and curls and tan skin, the way that you just weren't Kiara Carrera.
Who were you to blame JJ for the way you couldn't grow up and grow out of your feelings.
"Touch me, it's so easy to leave me".
A soft creak behind you caught your attention.
You didn't turn around.
There was no danger to be expected from the people on the Cut. Not that you knew of.
You told yourself that was the reason you stayed.
Not the fact that you didn't care, if the approaching footsteps were danger or not.
A body, clad in a dark brown shirt and jeans plopped down a few feet to your right.
You almost retched when the smell of distinct perfume reached your nose.
"What happened, man?" JJ asked loudly. "You just ... left, back there. We didn't know where you were." He chuckled. You could hear it in his voice, the way he was still rest-drunk. "Thought you found yourself a nice lady and decided we weren't enough fun, if you know what I mean."
You stayed silent.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw JJ looking at your side.
You heard him sigh.
"Man, I'm serious. If something's wrong, you can talk to me. I'm always there for you, you know that."
You bit the inside of your cheek.
Was it fair to let him fidget, like a fish on a rod? As far as you knew, JJ hadn't done anything wrong, not actively.
You stared out the sea.
"I don't like you with Kiara." Your voice was raw and rough. You slightly cleared your throat.
The light breeze made the reeds rustle in a whisper.
JJ sighed and rubbed a hand over his face frantically.
"I know, man," He murmured. "No pogue on pogue macking, I get it. I broke the rule."
You hummed. Behind the horizon, the sky colored brighter.
"Maybe it's that, yeah." You still didn't turn your head.
The night ended and greeted the day, the blood rushing through your ears drowning out any other noise around you.
You pushed down the shiver that threatened to shake your body when the wind picked up.
“But maybe it’s just because I am so terrifyingly in love with you.”
Behind the reeds and over the smooth water, the sun rose slowly above the Banks, a burning orange flare of light.
“I believe in love and lust and sex and romance. I don't want everything to add up to some perfect equation. I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion and heat and sweat and madness. I want valenties and cupids and all of that crap. I WANT IT ALL” ― Barbra Streisand
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
You Like... Who?!
summary : you tell your sister that you're in love with Octavian.
word count : 1.02k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Sibling! Annabeth Chase / Piper McLean / Hazel Levesque / Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano x Reader, Octavian x Reader
warning/s : is Octavian considered a warning?
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I find him hot... sometimes. I know, I have a problem. Octavian likes you back, by the way. For those who have no idea what Amokinesis means, it's the ability to control emotions of love and desire.
Annabeth Chase
You are a child of Athena but she will look at you like you're the dumbest idiot she knows.
Just kidding, Annabeth is intelligent and will analyze this situation logically.
Best believe this Wise Girl will interview you. However, instead of an employer to an employee, it's more like a lawyer questioning a witness.
What qualities of Octavian do you like the most? When did you start liking him?...Do you love him? DO. YOU. LOVE. OCTAVIAN? Gods, answer (Y/N)!
After her interrogation, she will want to know what are you going to do about it.
Annabeth will give you the pros and cons of dating Octavian if you want to ask him out. She has long list of cons; he's arrogant, condescending, cruel— and many more.
"And the pros, Annabeth?"
Her face morphs into this 'zoned-out' look as she tries to think of any desirable qualities Octavian has, making you laugh.
"Wow, I can't think of anything."
Whether you like it or not, Annabeth will be there when you tell Octavian about your feelings. She'll be hiding (with the help of her invisibility cap), carefully watching his reaction.
She is flabbergasted when a sweet smile slowly forms on Octavian's lips before takes you in his arms, whispering into your ear promises of love.
She is happy for you but she will not hesitate to put Octavian in an onager catapult and throw him across Camp Jupiter if he screws this up.
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Piper McLean
To be honest, Piper will genuinely think that Venus cursed you.
Her initial reaction is this; "What in Jupiter's name is mom planning now? Is she insane?"
Will she call out to your godly parent? Hell yes.
Venus appears right before the two of you with an intrigued look on her face. Being the goddess of love, of course she knows of your feelings towards Camp Jupiter's augur!
"Cure her of whatever curse this is."
"Our darling (Y/N) is not under any enchantment."
"It's Octavian, what is there to like?"
"Even the most dreadful of creatures deserve love, my dear. Besides, apart from me, no one else can control where love grows or where it falters."
This reminds her of Jason, silencing her.
Venus, realizing this, gingerly kisses Piper's forehead before placing a hand on your shoulder, telling you how Octavian feels the same.
"He does?"
"Of course, you're my child! Now, go and get him."
You look at Piper for support, you look unsure.
While she doesn't look as enthusiastic as your mother, she nods in encouragement.
You hug both of them before exiting the cabin. By the window, Piper and Venus sees you approach Octavian.
A few minutes later, you kiss him (something that still makes Piper want to barf) and he eagerly kisses you back.
"I will make his life a living hell if he hurts her." Piper whispers to Venus before your mother disappears into the thin air.
This made Venus proud. No matter how beautiful her children are, they are capable of terrifying things.
She just hopes that day will never come or else Octavian will surely meet his end.
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Hazel Levesque
We all know Hazel is a very calm, sweet girl who will do no wrong unless she really has to.
But once you tell her about your feelings, she may act on impulse and confront Octavian immediately.
Why, you ask? Because like Piper, she'll think your under some spell. Except it's his doing.
Octavian has an evident malicious nature, a person who's willing to do catastrophic deeds to get what he wants.
So there's no way that someone like you could ever feel something for that oaf other than hatred and disgust...right?
You try to reason with her but she was determined.
She finds Octavian having a conversation with Reyna at the Garden of Bacchus.
Hazel promptly aims her spatha at his chest, demanding what he had done with you and how she will kill him if he doesn't solve it.
"What is going on?"
"(Y/N) likes him, it must be Amokinesis."
Both Reyna and Octavian's eyes widen as they look at you for further explanation.
Hazel didn't miss the blush on Octavian's cheeks and how the way the corners of his lips quirk into a small grin as he looks down, flustered.
"It's not Amokinesis, Hazel!"
"And I wouldn't do anything like that to (Y/N)."
Octavian replied, looking at you with such sincerity Hazel hasn't seen before.
Reyna looks back and forth between the three of you, delicately thinking of what to do. She settles the issue by getting you checked.
If there were no signs of Amokinesis then your feelings for Octavian are true.
After it was confirmed that it is, he didn't waste time and told you he shares your affections.
As much as Hazel loves you, she can never accept Octavian.
The two of them will remain in a bitter feud, only tolerating each other's presence for you.
And if Octavian hurts you? Let's just say Hazel (+ Nico) will make sure he spends eternity in Tartarus.
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Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano
Reyna will say she's happy for you and urge you to speak more about your feelings.
As you ramble about; from when you realized you like Octavian to your daily interactions with him, Reyna will look for anything suspicious.
Octavian may be obnoxious, though no one can doubt he is a brilliant orator that can manipulate and charm people in his favor.
What if he used the same tactic on you?
Once your done, Reyna will just observe. She will take note anything; how Octavian acts, speaks, or talks about you.
After some time, she concludes that Octavian appears softer with you. Despite his reputation, you bring out another side of him; clement, calmer, more humane, and less evil.
I don't think any of them will particularly approve of him, especially Reyna.
Dating you will not completely change him. In fact, this makes her even more wary than ever.
What will she do if Octavian hurts you? Well, nothing really.
She would just smile, sit back, and enjoy the sight as you destroy him. You're a child of Bellona, after all.
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luvreyn · 2 years
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MINOR GOD! Reader x Gojo Satoru
(part 2 here)
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You’re so thankful you’re invisible to mortals, and the Gods and Goddesses have many things to do than to watch a minor god like you because you would’ve been such an embarrassment.
But you know Cupid is watching you, so you frowned to prove your displeasure at having been denied once again of watching over any man apart from this mortal.
And wasn’t the conversation so one-sided?
Cupid smiles when she hears your plea, glides over to you, and places her hand on your cheek. "Satoru is a special man..."
"And you’re the only one I can trust, do you understand?" Her voice is sweet, smooth, and dangerous.
And you’re just too mesmerized to say no.
So here you are again in the mortal world. Your quiver is filled with love arrows. Again. Which you’re sure would be useless seeing as your target would’ve dodged the arrows in the nick of time, and even if your arrows do land, they seem to be defective.
Satoru is wearing tailored clothing fit for a king as he speaks to a few of his apprentices.
He’s not bad to look at. In fact, he’s even more ethereal than some gods you’ve seen ever since you were bestowed godhood.
Not that you’ve seen all the gods yet since you’ve spent every second of every day for years watching over this man. Satoru, as Cupid has affectionately called him. You were given this special task to ensure he meets the person he’s going to love in this lifetime.
"It’s been so long!"
You almost jumped when you saw him beside you, and for a second, you thought he was speaking to you.
Impossible. He can’t see you. No mortal can.
"Gojo!" the man he greeted said. "I didn’t think you’d remember me, considering you don’t know who I was yesterday."
Satoru laughed, and you sidestepped them to observe the crowd and find your prospect.
Sure, you’re a minor god destined to serve Cupid, the Goddess of Love herself, but isn’t this too much?
You’ve already exhausted all your resources and run out of options! Your goddess knows that!
You bit your lip when the red string of fate you tied to his hand—which connects him to a princess—was cut. You’re not sure why you’re surprised, considering this has happened before. It just meant that the princess and he would not be compatible.
See?! See what I mean! You hoped Cupid would see the wide-eyed look you’re giving her. Because why, why does she want you to waste your time running around the mortal world just to ensure this man falls in love? And why doesn’t he just fall in love?
Your goddess knows how many love arrows you have fired and how many red strings you’ve tried to attach just to ensure this man’s happiness.
"Shoko loves me more than she loves you!" you heard Satoru tease.
"Jerk!"  Utahime, a ‘friend’ of his, watches him with a dark look.
You mirror her look, but for a different reason. He’s making your job harder than it is! You know it’s not his fault, but just blaming your goddess is not enough because she’s not here, so you’re going to blame the root of your distress too.
"Yeah, jerk," you murmured.
He flinched. Hmm. Really, despite Utahime’s one-sided disgust with him, he seems to still care about her opinion. Maybe you should try setting them up again?
He has been reborn for three lifetimes now. Three of which he has never met his soulmate. You consider this your personal failure. Your mistake, as you’re the one assigned to give him his happily ever after.
So in this lifetime, you vow to give him just that, but it’s just so hard.
But you will, on your honor. Because the gods favor this man.
You have no idea why, but they do. You'd be damned before you let yourself lose face like the last time ever again.
You watched as he entertained a few guests. And you made sure to keep an eye out for a few special mortals that would be a good match for him.
This party is huge, filled with hundreds of people who lined up just to greet and catch a glimpse of the birthday boy. And you even wonder why you’re here in the first place because, in truth, you know Satoru wouldn’t even need your guidance or help to find true love. The world is already in love with him, and you can’t blame the mortals (or some minor gods, really) that fancy him.
His looks make everyone else's pale in comparison. He has power, wealth, and status that anyone would kill or die for. And most especially, he has a heart that anyone would beg to have.
Although his personality could use some work (his arrogant nature just gives you a headache sometimes), you figured it was part of his charm. After all, you’ve watched over him in silence for decades.
It’s not like he’s made of stone. He has a special bond with his friends and the people he finds worthy of his attention, so you hope he just fell in love with someone already!
Hit the mark! You sighed in disappointment when he accidentally dodged the arrow you fired. You looked over at the beautiful lady you had hit earlier (his supposed match), who fell in love at first sight with him. You shook your head when she strided toward him with a purpose.
Why can’t he just fall in love and end your suffering?
Satoru hides his smile by drinking his wine, eyes filled with mirth and affection when he sees your adorable face filled with disappointment and exasperation.
He has no idea how many arrows you have to lose and red strings he has to cut before you fall in love with him yourself, just as he’s in love with you.
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monstrous-fusion · 6 months
Can you share your favorite fun facts about the blorbos?
Oh man, it's really hard to choose! I've got quite a few little niche facts about the Links!! So I'll just list one for each Link 🫶🏽 Hopefully I'll do it in alphabetical order </3
Artisan still lives with the Tailor's family! They work under her apprenticeship, rather than her husband, and they're much happier as a tailor than they were as a blacksmith. (actually also adding that Artisan keeps in contact with the other heroes from Triforce Heroes :D they're Crimson and Sapphire!
Engie is really big into herpatology on the side. His first love is definitely trains (and Zelda, I guess) but he loves picking up injured reptiles that he sees and nursing them back to health! His favourite type of reptile is a snake and he loves rainbow boas :D
Eras actually really enjoys cooking. Before being enlisted into the Hyrulean army, he wanted to be a chef. Being a hero swept him up and he's been too ensnared by court theatre to ever even think about his dreams a chef. He can still cook up a mean pumpkin soup though.
Faye has far more tattoos than meets the eye--and yes, those...tend to bleed too. Their blood has a strange blue tint to it that translates through their scars too. (side bar but I do actually have a diagram with the tattoos so I'm adding that too)
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Feathers has a loftwing named Azul. He thinks he's very smart and funny for naming the Red Loftwing a shade of blue.
Green, in Minish's system, is incredibly paranoid. He's a huge motherhen and very protective of his system, and they constantly keep a moon pearl attached to their necklace. Just in case! They also keep a mysterious shell on their necklace as well...for luck.
Due to excessive magic use as a kid, Mirror suffers through severe chronic pain. He has a cane in his bag for days when flare ups are so bad he could barely walk. That doesn't stop him from continuing to use magic, he just has to use it very sparingly.
Tune lives full time in Tetra's crew. He values her expertise and knowledge and respects her more than anyone--besides his grandmother, of course. He's adamant that she's the strongest (and coolest) person he knows. (also, since I couldn't pick which fact I wanted to write, I'm adding that he is OBSESSED with cats. The Ship cats practically own him
Kind of a random detail in my AU, but Agitha is the one who helped Rancher realise she's a girl and helped her be confident in her body! They collect bugs together and Rancher definitely doesn't know a lot about them, but she LOVES hearing Agitha infodump about them.
Wild is a lone wolf by design. It's not like he intends to be that way, but he just. Always feels like a passive observer of his own life and accidentally drifts away from groups without realising it. Because of it, he can blend into the background very well.
Zonau has not talked to someone in literal decades. He isolated himself to do the goddesses know what, and kind of sucks at socialising as a result. It's just super out of practise. It's a little bit of a hermit crab.
Oh!! and I also have. playlists that I'm making for my Links too :D but I'll add those when I'm actually finished them </3
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admrlthundrbolt · 1 year
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Okuyasu x Chubby Reader)
Okuyasu meets Josuke's neighbor and can't believe his eyes.
Hi guys. I'm here with another fluffy piece. I'm not sure what might inspire me next. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
“What are we waiting for Josuke? If I’m late and my pops finds out he'll be pissed!” Okuyasu complained.
Josuke rolled his eyes at how dramatic he was being. “Relax man. She’ll be here soon. “ If he was going to act this way, he would have told him to go ahead.
“Her! Have you had a secret girlfriend?” He exclaimed.
“ What, no way. She's more like a sister to me. “ Josuke couldn't believe they had only met a week ago, it felt more like a year.
Okuyasu pouted at the statement. “Well if she's that important, why hasn't she been walking with us until now?” Curiosity had gotten the better of him. Just who was this mystery girl? What made her so important?
Hearing a door shut they both turned. “There she is now.” Josuke glanced at his watch. “ and with plenty of time to spare too. “
“Hey, sorry it took a bit. I couldn't find my English book.” You let out a huff and tucked some hair behind your ear. Coming closer you noticed someone standing beside Josuke. “Oh, who is this? You’re not replacing me are you?” You punched his arm at the tease, then stuck out your hand. “I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
Okuyasu just stared. How could Josuke keep something like this from him! You were the softest goddess that he had ever laid eyes on. He had never felt more blessed in his entire life.
You have him a confused smile. Then faced Josuke. “Um, is he okay ?”
He could feel his eye twitch in irritation. He always hated when a talk had to be had with random guys. Now he had to add his new friend to the list of your admirers. “Yeah, he's just not the brightest crayon in the box.” Then he turn and slapped Okuyasu on the back. “ She’s introducing herself idiot. “
He finally shook himself free of the enchanted thoughts. “Sorry you're just…wow.”
Confusion morphed to bewilderment on your face. Then you laughed loudly and gave a wide grin. “ Well, thank you. I don’t think i’ve ever had this sort of reaction. Do you think I could have my new fan’s name? “
“It's Okuyasu!” This time he extended his hand and you finally shook.
As you all walked to school Okuyasu decided to ask as many questions as he could manage. Much to his friend's annoyance.
How long has you known Josuke? All of his life.
Why hadn’t you already been walking with them? You had some honor student duties.
If you were that smart could you tutor him? Of course, you were happy to help.
What was your favorite food? It depended on the region, but ramen was amazing.
Where you in a relationship?
Josuke then wrapped his arm around his shoulders and dragged him away. “Ok buddy, give them some space.” Then he turned towards you and waved. “See you later, we have to get to class. “
As the bell chimed, Okuyasu stretched in his chair. Then he hopped up with a large grin on his face and exclaimed. “Let’s go grab (Y/N) and get some grub!” As he headed towards the door, he glanced back and noticed Josuke wasn’t following him. “ Uh, are you coming? “
Josuke, still seated, let out a heavy sigh. “Actually, I think we need to have a chat before we see her again.” He then nodded to seat in front of him.
With a shrug he headed over and sat. “Ok, what about.”
Josuke almost wanted to strangle him for just how oblivious he could be. Instead he crossed his arms and said. “About how your drooling all over yourself over (Y/N). You just met her. Why are you already acting as if you're in love with her? “
Okuyasu had a concentrated look cross his face. “To be honest, I don’t know.”
He slammed his hands on the desk between them. “What do you mean! One second you’re angry at a person you’ve never met, then the next you’re following them like a lost puppy. “
“That's just it. I know we haven't know each other for long, but this is something new for me. I mean, sure i’ve had a crush on a cute girl. But that was just skin deep. The more I learn about (Y/N), the deeper I fall for her.” Okuyasu became increasingly passionate as his monologue went .
It was like he was between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand Okuyasu seemed genuine, but in the other Josuke had to protect those who were precious to him. “Ok, I get it. You have these feeling, but let’s get one thing straight. If you hurt her, we’re going to have a serious problem. You understand?”
With multiple nods and Josuke apparent blessing. He was out of his seat and jogging to the door. “Come on, at this rate she could be anywhere.”
Within a week of meeting Okuyasu was already getting tutoring from you. He was excited to have help to ensure he would graduate, he wanted to make his father and Keicho's spirit proud.
It also helped that his tutor was an angel in disguise. After only a couple of lessons he had already seen an improvement in his test scores. It didn't hurt that you were in a grade above him. Not to mention how your encouragement and smiles for him to try harder. At this rate he may stay in the above average bracket consistently.
Now he just needed to find a way into your heart.
Sitting together at Okuyasu's kitchen table had become a regular occurrence. He had originally been hesitant about you coming to his house, because of how you may react to his dad. But you were as perfect as ever. Just smiled and introduced yourself, even shake his hand without hesitation. You were honestly more than he could ever ask for. So he put a plan in place.
“Let me cook you something this weekend.” The words hadn’t come out like he had practice, but at least they came out.
You gave him a sweet smile. “Okuyasu, you already do to much for me. Between the compliments and carrying my things for me, you already make me feel like a princess.”
“ I’m only doing what you deserve. “ Ok that came out smoothly, maybe he could pull this off. “Come on, just you and me. I’ll make sure it’s perfect!”
“ Ok, but knowing you it would have been perfect either way. “ You always knew just what to say to make his heart jackhammer.
So Okuyasu set out to make the perfect dinner, that would lead to an even more perfect confession.
Step one was finding out your favorite food, which he went to Josuke about.
“So if you had to make a guess, what is (Y/N)’s favorite food?” He said as casually as he could manage.
It didn't work. Josuke was immediately suspicious and voice it. “Why exactly do you need to know?”
With a heavy sigh he laid his cards on the table, hoping Josuke would take it well. “Want to impress her with a special dinner and let her know how I feel.”
With a groan he tossed his head back. “Finally, i’m so tired of all your pinning that I could be sick.”
That definitely wasn't the reaction that he expected. After that whole speech he gave him on first meeting you he though there would be some resistance from Josuke. But with this development, Okuyasu didn’t think he could be more relieved. “So you’ll help me out?”
“ Yeah, I think I can manage that. “ He had accepted that Okuyasu didn't have a passing crush on you. Not to mention you seemed to have some positive reciprocating feelings, but if they were romantic, he wasn't 100 percent sure. Either way, he wasn't going to get in the way of the two of your happiness.
So Josuke let him know that he and you had went to Tonio's recently. Where you fell in love with pizza.
With step one completed Okuyasu was prepared to move into step two.
Occupying his father. He loves his dad, but he didn't want to have anything ruin the big moment. But it was an easy solve. He moved the tv set into his father's room and explained the situation.
“Ok dad, you remember (Y/N), right? “
His father nodded vigorously.
“Well, I want to have some alone time with them. Ya know, to tell them how I feel. “ Okuyasu was annoyed at how nervous he was telling his father about his feelings.
But with a firm pat on his shoulder, he could tell his dad approved.
Step three came on Friday, he gathered the supplies for pizza. Which Tonio himself was gracious enough to provide.
“Ah, I remember my first love, she was wonderful. I will admit if you pull it off you'll be very lucky, amico. Although i’ve only recently made senora (Y/N)’s acquaintance, she seems to be manifico.” Tonio was happy to help young love blossom. So letting Okuyasu in on the Italian art of pizza was a pleasure.
“She really is amazing. I just want this to go perfect. That way she’ll have no doubt how much I care about her.” Okuyasu was sure that his smile couldn't get any wider. His friends really did care and their help really made him believe that this would be easy.
This was a disaster.
He had spent way to long on the crust, because he couldn't remember everything Tonio had told him. How was he supposed to though, all he could focus on was the reaction you would have when presenting them. So he may have only recalled like half of the instructions. But he did know that Tonio said that the crust was the most important part. Now he was panicking and cleaning. Thus causing the pizza to burn.
He was scrambling to make anything with his leftover ingredients. When there was a knock at the door. His panic spiralled into dread. No, she couldn't be here yet! He swept away as much of the chaos as possible with The Hand and rushed to the door. Opening it just as she had swung her hand forward, causing her to knock on his chest.
With a surprised laugh she said. “Sorry, didn’t mean to assault you Okuyasu.” She gave him a once over and raise her eyebrows in concern. “Are you ok, you seem upset? “
With a shaky sigh, he released a few frustrated tears. “Not really. I ruined everything.”
She immediately took his hand and guided him inside. “Hey now, everything is ok. Why don’t we have a seat and you can tell me what happened.”
And so they did. He explained talking to Josuke and Tonio's help. But he of course screwed it all up. It was just like Keicho always said, Okuyasu the idiot.
“I just wanted it to be perfect, like you deserve.” His tears had dried, but his tone had taken on a depressed manner.
“ Okuyasu, that you even went out of your way to do this was already special. You went above and beyond. “ She put her hand on top of his and have a reassuring squeeze. “So what if it went sideways. Don’t you know, it's the thought that counts. It seems like a plenty of thought went into this.”
“ Yeah, it did” He perked up a bit. Turning his hand over holding her's. “Honestly, confessing to you had been in my thoughts since we met. “ His eyes widened at his slip up.
“Do you really feel that way?” She implored.
He spoke quickly. “Of course I do. The only reason I messed up this badly, is ‘cause I couldn't wait to see your reaction.”
She smiled widely and kissed his cheek. “How about we have some instant ramen and watch a movie with your dad to celebrate.”
He was almost in to much of a daze to understand her. Putting a hand on his cheek and looking at her with a love stuck face he agreed. “Sounds good to me, but what are we celebrating?”
“ Us being together. Unless you have a problem with that? “
“No! Um , I mean yeah. That would be great.”
It couldn't have gone any better.
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the-raging-tempest · 1 month
eros #5 + agape #5 for lariel, storge #5 + philautia #4 for zrise, and storge #3 + eros #3 for anton !!! :]
Ferne! Once again I must apologize for being late. I got sick like right after posted that ask game. Also oh god this is so long. Sorry to anyone who reads this hahah Hopefully y'all can forgive some spelling mistakes I still have the sick brain a bit Agape number five for Lariel here!
How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Lariel doesn’t really have experience with the outside world until she leaves her family. And all the comparisons they made towards her and her brother were unsavory. They are the equivalent of elven conservatives. Which is to say. They don’t really care about races with a short live span.
Elves in pathfinder also just look very alien and different than humans in a lot of ways. So when Lariel was compared to elves she was found very lacking.
The only outsider she really knew was Venan and he was the type to tell her whatever he thought would make her more dependent on him. Which was usually negging.
This… is hard to describe but Lariel doesn’t really see her appearance as being what makes her unworthy. She believes she will probably not experience love, but not because of her looks. Especially once she leaves her family and realizes half-elves are actually extremely common. She isn’t one to see value in herself. But also she doesn’t really put much stake in others ‘attractiveness’ either. She is much more drawn in by personality. Sounds silly but, she basically can find anyone beautiful. (Besides herself) And she is the type to associate love and sex completely. So she doesn’t even really consider having sex (outside of the abstract notion) until she meets someone she starts falling for.
Is your OC able to love without necessarily needing or expecting reciprocation or reward? Or are all their relationships to some extent transactional? Have they ever loved another person unconditionally, whether a child or another adult?
This is such an… interesting question for Zrise. Damn. How to put into words. Loving without expecting anything in return is the only way he knows how to love.
He does not open himself up to love. Falling in love usually happens to him against his will. Fighting tooth and nail for it to not be true. Or in the case of familial love it's been there for so long he isn't sure when it began. It seems like a contradiction. But this is WHY he doesn't want to love. It's hard to keep yourself safe if you can't help but throw yourself at the feet of whoever you love, especially when it's never been returned and only used against you.
That being said, his current relationship philosophy is completely transactional. He does his mother's bidding, in hopes he will be worthy of her love. Believing on some level he never will.
His causal relationships, hook ups, alliances, etc. Those are always transitional. That's how Calistria likes it. You must always get something out of it. Money, information, power, a favor, etc. It's how he was taught to view himself and others. You don’t risk your heart in relationships, sex, etc.
He has loved unconditionally. I will say, this is where the line blurs. Love is… not a static thing. So yes, at one point Zrise loved his mother and Oria unconditionally. Though that love eroded away. That love by it's very function became conditional. Slowly. After repeated reminders that THEIR love for HIM was conditional. As long as he did as they desired, he was 'loved'. As long as he does as the Goddess commands, he has divine magic.
When he loves, he is willing to carve out so much of himself. Make so much room. Leave himself hollow. Destroy most of himself. Believing that he MUST in order to be loved in return. That no one could see him and love whoever he is deep down.
Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
Damn. Another one that… hits one of the core contractions that rules Zrise. He doesn't have TRUE pride. Most things Zrise feels or shows 'pride' for… is a type of cynicism. Zrise is… the kind of guy that the more he feels he has to prove something the more he… projects. The more he pushes out the energy he WISHES were true. What he wants others to believe about him.
He talks a big game about how he's 'honest' because he is dishonest. That he doesn't 'pretend', that relationships aren't just about using others and tossing them aside. Even though deep down he says this because he resents it. He hates it. Because he feels used and tossed aside. And thus hates himself. Seeing himself as a fool. A fool who deep down wants things that are not 'true' about the world. That HE'S the idiot who believed in love and kindness and joy. But now he 'knows better'. NOW he acts very 'proud' that he knows the world is a cruel and terrible place. That kindness is manipulation. That love is a farce.
He's a strange guy. He deeply hates himself… He hates looking at anyone that reminds him of a younger, lighter, happier, more hopeful version of himself. He hates anyone that reminds him of himself now. Cynical and cruel. The only people he admires and thinks have it 'figured out' are the people who don't seem bothered or are 'winning'. Because man… he'd love to be both winning and unburdened. (Thus why in my mind his trickster ending is his worst…)
He does not think he is rare in being jaded. And strangely he sees trying to tear others down in some ways as a… lesser evil. He tries his best to come across as indifferent to the world. Because being hurt… even if you now know better… means you lost something. Being invested means risking something…
How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Anton is so different from the twins. I hope I can explain him haha.
He is at most wary of his mother's disapproval. If he were to do something that he suspected she would disapprove of, he would still do it, but keep it hidden. From everyone. Not out of shame or fear of judgment. Mostly because he doesn't want to bother others. What she thinks of him is important to him, but to him it's more guidance than anything else. There really isn't much he would sacrifice to get her approval. He never really felt he did or did not have her approval. Her suggestions are vague and hard to know if he's followed or not. The internal version of his mother's voice in his head is less judgement and more advice.
Anton never deeply cared about his father's approval. He thought of his father's opinion like the color of the wall. It could be observed and that is all. He doesn't think about him now that he's dead.
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
He is mostly private in expressing his own emotions, but he does not have complex thoughts on public displays of affection. His low key attitude works to his benefit there. He would enjoy receiving it, but it would not occur to him. He won't shy away or turn it down, but it is not where his mind is at. His sense of what is public is very lax. Basically public is 'I should wear clothes' but other than that his boundaries between public and private are thin.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Watching and Listening - 2k words
Oli is a listener, but doesn't really know yet. Pix however, does 
A03 Link
For the first few months of this new world, Pixl thought he was one of a kind. He didn’t think anyone else Watched like he did, they hadn’t last time.
That was until someone popped in. Literally popped in. He wasn’t a natural inhabitant of this world, server, whatever you wanted to call it. He'd been put here forcibly, and Pix had to assume Pearl had done it. She was the only one Them that really bothered with this type of world, well besides him of course. He was more about living in the world than messing with it though.
The newcomer's name was Oli, and he was quite the strange one. Pix hadn’t seen him in person much, but he'd felt his arrival. He'd watch the newest member of their little world occasionally, more than watched their other server mates and never for more than a minute or two. It usually brought a much needed sense of joy to his days, since it seemed Oil was determined to be comedic relief even when no one was watching normally. Or maybe he was just like that. And a bard, he'd apparently just accepted that he was a bard now, and had committed since then. Pix didn't mind that though, he was a bard with a pretty nice voice. The archaeologist had been tempted to stay around and watch a bit more whenever he caught Oli singing, though he sadly couldn't hear it that well with just his eyes.
Oli was also a traveling bard apparently. He had a habit of showing up at the Ancient City randomly, usually begging for fireworks. Not that he needed to beg much, Pix had made sure to have more fireworks than he'd ever need himself and was far too kind to hoard them. The brunette wondered why he didn’t bother Jimmy instead; the one who actually sold fireworks; but Oli was weird. And he really hoped the bard was bothering other empires as well, mostly because they needed to experience this guy.
Oli had also made a habit of showing up in his empire without a need for fireworks, presumably just there to pester the archeologist he seemed so drawn to. Pixl could guess why he was drawn to him, he'd figured that one out a month ago. But it took the bard a little longer, but that's okay, he was new. You get better at this thing with time.
"Do you hear things?" Oli asked one day, and if Pix was anyone else he would've rolled his eyes and laughed at the ridiculousness of the question. But he was not anyone else. Here he was Pixlriffs, the unusual archaeologist who always had an ear to lend. So he did just that, he listened to Oli continue his question while maintaining his normal sense of mild curiosity.
"Do you hear weird sounds? Sounds no one else hears, whispering in your ears when you're completely alone and you've checked five bloody times that you're by yourself?" So he Hears instead. Not quite the same, but close enough for me. If Pix used any of his eyes he would see that Oli hadn't moved much. The so-called bard was still sitting on his half restored wall, looking downtrodden and giving the brunette a curious side eye.
Ah, he was new to this, wasn't he? The archeologist thought, holding back a small chuckle. Might as well be cryptic with his answers while he still could.
"No," Pix responded, pausing just long enough for Oli's hope to falter. "But I do See things."
“Oh?” Oli muttered quietly, a small invitation for Pixl to elaborate, which he did. He had nothing else better to do really, no one else to talk to at the moment either. It also felt a little cruel to leave Oli hanging as well, because he certainly wasn’t getting answers from Pearl anytime soon; if the way he talked about her said anything. (Disdain, he talked about the goddess with a lot of disdain. Pix would hate to see what their next meeting would be like, though it might be quite funny to spectate)
“I see things no one else sees,” The archaeologist began slowly, continuing to build the wall as he did. He wouldn’t move Oli from his seat just yet. “I could see what Scott’s doing right now if I wanted to, even if he’s halfway across the map.” He practically heard Oli’s jaw hit the floor behind him. “I guess you do something similar? But with hearing?” Pixl smirked. Being cryptic like would never, ever get old to him.
"You got extra eyes or something?" Oli probably meant it as a joke, since he seemed so lost for words. But little did he know that Pix did indeed have a few extra eyes, ones that were itching to be used just a little. They'd been restless since the server started, despite Pix’s reluctant use of them every once and a while, so might as well use them once more. A little longer than normal couldn't hurt.
"Maybe I do," He smirked, closing his two normal eyes and pausing his building. It was always a bit overwhelming using his sight, especially after months of barely doing so. He still heard Oli’s yell of surprise though, and allowed himself to snicker. After making sure no one else was near Pixlriffs opened his real eyes again, if only to not freak out the bard. It'd be enjoyably creepy to have someone looking at you without really looking at you.
Oli was investigating the purple eyes now floating around his head, trying to poke them. It didn't really work, because Pix moved them away every time he got too close to actually touching one.
"Getting poked there is still poking me in the eye." He huffed, feigning annoyance.
"Sorry," Oli's tone was a little sheepish. "Just curious." The archaeologist hummed his reassurance.
"You should have something like this as well," He began his explanation, a little surprised at how quiet the bard was. "It's more of an ear thing though, and you can't see when using them."
"That's…weird," Oli blinked, his gaze still on Pix's eyes. He was quite fascinated by them, wasn’t he?
"You get used to it," Pix simply shrugged. There wasn’t much else to say, being able to Hear and See like this was just one of those things you had to learn to live with.
"So do you just like, open your eyes? Or?" The bard inquired further, now focusing on Pix’s face again. He was awfully curious, and the brunette wasn’t opposed to playing teacher for a few minutes; someone had too after all.
"It's kinda like…" The archaeologist paused. It was challenging, but important for him to describe this properly. "Like using a weird kind of sixth sense, I guess. I have to close my two human eyes and focus on seeing to be able to do it."
Oli nodded, seemingly considering his words carefully. "Can I….. try it now?" He muttered, failing to hide the nerves slowly creeping into his voice.
"Sure" Pix hummed. "Though I'm not sure how Listeners work, not fully anyways. We don’t have many run-ins with your kind." He shifted closer, helping Oli down from the half built wall. He was sitting on quite the high perch, and Pix had no idea how he climbed four feet of smooth stone. But, again, Oli was weird. The archeologist noticed how the bard twitched at his words and let out a small smirk.
"Listener, eh?" Oli said. "That what I am?"
"Yep," he hummed in confirmation.
"Well what about you?" The bard asked, leaning forward like a curious cat. Oli really liked getting in people’s personal space, Pix had noticed, but maybe he was just a physical touch kinda person; like Sausage was. The two did seem like they’d get along well.
"A Watcher." No use in being all cryptic now, so Pix made his answer straight to the point.
"Figures." The blonde huffed, seemingly a little disappointed. "They don't have a very creative naming system, do they?"
"No, they don't." Pix laughed. "Now focus," He flicked the bard's forehead lightly, getting a startled squeak in response.
"Alright, alright! You're so mean to me Pix!" Oli gave him a light shove in return, causing the archeologist to smile. There he was, there was that weird little bard Pixl knew, instead of the unusually somber one that had been present until now.
"Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you," Pixl laid a calming, steady hand on the bard's shoulder as he spoke his instructions, noticing how the latter began to fidget with some kind of energy; the brunette couldn't tell if it was anxiety or excitement. Probably anxiety, Oli struck him as someone with a lot of internal, bottled up and unspoken worries.
Oli hummed quietly to himself as he followed Pix’s instructions, taking deep breaths every so often. It took a few minutes, but Oli made a small gasping noise and turned his head in the other’s general direction.
"This is weird , Pix," The bard stated, head darting wildly around. It was getting harder and harder to not make another feline comparison to Oli if he was being honest.
"You'll get used to it," Pix soothed. "It just takes time." He removed his hand from Oli's shoulder, letting the other experience his new power for a few minutes without further distraction. It was kinda funny actually, to watch the bard whip his head around in surprise everytime a new noise reached his ears.
"How'd this happen?" The archaeologist asked when his friend had settled down again. He was curious, you didn't just become a listener or watcher randomly.
"I'm not sure," Oli shrugged, leaning against the wall dramatically, and Pix didn't even think you could do that dramatically until now. "It started after I got here though, after my ender dragon fight." The bard blinked his eyes open, apparently a minute was more than enough Hearing for him.
His interest piqued further. "You said you were stuck in a void, right? Listening to two people talk?" The archaeologist remembered how the other man had mentioned offhandedly, as it was the moment he realized someone else in this world was at least a little similar to him.
"Yeah," Oli answered cautiously, sliding down the unfinished wall until he reached the ground below.
Pix’s voice turned gentle with his next words. "That's when they took you."
" Oh. " Came the bard's eloquent reply. "That's a little…" He was rendered speechless for the second time that day.
"Messed up?" Pix offered.
"Yeah, like really messed up. They kept me there for decades ." Oli paused. "Well, I think it was decades. It might’ve been longer,"
"I think it was a hundred years, at least." He felt bad when the blonde flinched at his words. The brunette sat down beside the bard, offering a sympathetic pat on the back.
“Well how’d you become a Seer or whatever they're called, since we’re sharing traumas now,” Oli muttered, and Pix was sure the conversation was just to fill the somber silence. But Pix was happy to fill any silence, especially if it made someone feel better.
“I’m, ah, not really sure,” He sighed, pushing his glasses up on his face. “I don’t remember much before this. I don’t know if I was born one or if they…made me forget.” Pix’s gaze grew distant, and he felt arms wrap him into a small side hug. He allowed himself to lean into the touch until Oli moved away, a luxury he often didn’t give himself. The bard didn’t need to say he was sorry for it to be felt.
“How long has it been?” Oli whispered.
“Centuries, probably,” Was Pix’s almost broken reply. He wasn’t a big fan of this topic, if he was being honest. It made him feel a little broken, incomplete, and like a chunk of his soul was missing. He saw the second hug coming before he felt it, and remembered to put his eyes away again.
The two ended up sitting like that for a while, not talking, just sitting in the presence of another person. Sitting with the only person in the world like them, and thinking over what they had both learned and remembered. Pix decided it was nice, doing this, he decided having Oli around was nice and inwardly thanked Pearl for sending him the little scamp.
He could get used to this.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
Hey, I was wondering if you could use your writing skills on a scenario with Apollo, Hades, and Buddha, where they meet the reader (a goddess of the cosmos), who hasn't interacted with other deities(and humans)?I hope you will consider it.
A/N: Hello there, Anon!! I always consider the requests that are sent into my inbox! I really did like your request, as the Goddess of Cosmos thing is really cute. Uranus is used as the Reader's father here! I do hope you enjoy this!!
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☀️ He had heard about you from both his nymphs and fellow Gods
☀️ You were known as the Greek Goddess of the Cosmos, and the daughter of Uranus, the previous God of Cosmos
☀️ Unlike many Greek Gods, you were very introverted, straying far away from Gods, only seen speaking to the sky, supposedly to your father, who personified the sky
☀️ All Gods were pretty much required to go to Gods’ Council meetings, but nobody had ever seen you join the meetings, with the excuse from Hades that you were resting in one of your father’s temples
☀️ And it surprised everyone when stars started falling from the ceiling and you popped up, sitting on a cloud, bundled up by a cute comet blanket
☀️ He stared at you with hearts in his eyes, you were the most beautiful Goddess he had ever seen before, and in his opinion, you surpassed Aphrodite
☀️ Your eyes shimmered with stars and your cheeks were littered with small sparkles
“ Ah, Y/N! It’s a pleasure to see you decided to join us for once! “
☀️ Apollo ignored Zeus’ comment and watched as you waved lightly to other Gods before Aphrodite sat beside you and began to caress your hair, with permission of course!
☀️ The God of the Sun then decided, you were going to be the one he would marry and have children with, after all, opposites attract, he just hopes maybe you’d return the feelings
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💀 Hades knew of you because he had seen you around as he grew up
💀 As the God of the Dead, he knew of your history, as your mother was mortal and your father was the original God of the Cosmos, how that worked? No clue
💀 You were known around the Greek Pantheon as a kind and quiet individual, never really showing up to meet anyone, including Zeus when he beat Cronos and took over the head
💀 The only person you had ever really spoken to that he knew of was Aphrodite, and that was because she had come across you inside of one of Uranus’ temples one night while she walked around
💀 Hades was just taking a stroll throughout Helheim when he heard a small voice singing by the river STYX
💀 He cocked an eyebrow and immediately turned and walked towards the noise, expecting to find a possible nymph of a visiting God or Goddess, but, he found you
💀 You had a blackhole-themed outfit on, it fanning out by your feet as the cloud of stars underneath you slowly were sucked in and exported out of the middle of it over and over again
💀 He froze in place and caught your attention with how he stood by you after finally gaining the confidence to move towards you
💀 After speaking for a while, you both realized you liked one another, and you swore to visit him more often. And during one of those visits, he discovered his feelings, now, all he hopes is that you like him back
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🍭 Buddha knew of you, but he didn’t actually know you
🍭 He had heard about you mainly through Gods’ Council meetings, as some Gods would complain about having to be there while you weren’t obligated like them
🍭 He had decided to head out for a walk before the 4th round of Ragnarok ensued, and that was when he had met you
🍭 You were sitting on a star-formed cloud that was letting stars fall into the ground, leaving slight burn marks, then flowers grew
🍭 To say he was curious was an understatement, he was getting nosy
🍭 Buddha looked at you from behind and tapped your shoulder before swiftly moving to the front saying ‘boo’
🍭 The way you jumped and looked behind you in surprise amused him, and seeing you then turn around once again in shock before getting flustered and backing away
🍭 The way your cheeks flushed and the sparkles that littered your cheeks began to brighten made him chuckle
🍭 Ever since that day, he had a habit of meeting up to speak with you, and you seemed to enjoy his presence
🍭 He loved to mess with your hair which was littered with many different kinds of things, from clips symbolizing planets to small stars
🍭 During his match of Ragnarok, he smirked, looked at you and laughed as stars enveloped Zerofuku’s head as you leapt in front of him, declaring your alliance with Humanity, and ever since then, you guys have been inseparable
🍭 It was that form of honor and determination that made him realize his feelings for you ran deeper than friendship, so, now, he plans to ask, if you felt the same. Oh how he hopes you do!
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
This person put the ass in Asgard, she is my soul sister, and person I’m closest to. I’m talking about you, @lokisgoodgirl
I love you so much, I don’t have the words to describe it. I remember when CF started showing up on my feed. I was hooked. I thought I really have to meet this girl. I messaged you and we have been thick as thieves ever since.
You have been there for me through so much and I’m so thankful for you. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you these past few months.
I wouldn’t send pics of myself in lingerie to anyone else on the internet and I think it’s a testament to our friendship that I expect some back too.
I love your mind. You are such a brilliant writer and your filthy ideas take me out every time. I know we talked about being platonic soulmates before, and I believe it. Like you said all the “Invisble Strings” thing us together are proof of that.
I loved getting to do your birth chart and explaining it to you. And when you have an astrology question you come to me.
It’s probably a good thing we aren’t geographically close, I can only imagine all the chaos we would cause.
You are such a kind soul and so supportive of everyone. I’m so fortunate to have you in my life.
You are the reason I started writing in the first place. I had written the first part of Across the Multiverse and sent it to you and you loved it. But I was still unsure about posting it. A few weeks later, you tagged me in Winter Warmers and I was so inspired the words wouldn’t stop flowing on the paper. I thought what the hell. If this goddess of a woman believes in me, so do I. And the rest is history.
Hostile Fucks is my favorite series. Wetsuit Loki will always live on in my heart and my head when I use my vibrator. That sexy little shit.
Being an absolute whore after reading Hail Commander and giving you all the sexy mental images you needed for writing The Feast was one of my favorite conversations with you. We just kept stacking on the filth.
Size Queen is probably my favorite fic. The best birthday gift I could receive.
Besides knowing I’m going to be slicker than a slip n slide after reading your fics, something I look forward to when you post is my unhinged reblogs. I only do them for you because I know you love them. I always imagine you waking up and doubling over in laughter. I love writing every crazy thought I have while reading and sharing it with you. Finding gifs to match is so fun too.
I love how I’m sync we are with our thoughts. There have been so many times where I’ve messaged you about something, only for you to post the same situation at the same time. Like you said we are kindred sluts.
I’m so thankful to have you in this life.
I love you. ❤️❤️❤️
Girl literally I don't even know what to say😭🤣♥️♥️
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Your energy and love and enthusiasm was a total gamechanger for me. Thank you for opening your heart (and your metaphorical legs) for my Loki...but also for me. (well...🤣)
I adore you to the moon and back my sexy, badass cornbread minx❤️💖 You make me a stronger version of myself👏👑😊
Thank you for being my friend. And you bet your sweet country ass I've saved this for when I need a boost. You're incredible 💕
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writeblrfantasy · 2 years
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today is my dear friend @magic-is-something-we-create 's birthday, and i wanted do something extra special to celebrate it!! so, a couple months ago i got together a bunch of our mutuals so we could each create something special for #pax's birthday bash!
my creation is a piece of fanfiction from pax's legendary, incredible, showstopping series the millennium saga!! i highly, highly recommend you check it out if you don't know it, as pax is one of the greatest writers i've ever had the pleasure of reading (not even saying that cuz he's my friend, it's genuinely true!) and one of the greatest artists i've ever had the pleasure of seeing!
his worldbuilding is unique, detailed like nothing ive ever read before, and his creativity is inspirational. so many times has he helped me and others with our work, jogged our brains, been the best rubber duck imaginable.
besides what he creates, pax is one of my favorite humans, always so kind and supportive and positive and encouraging. go show him some love today, and pax, thank u for all you have done for writeblr and your friends <3 love ya buddy
the moodboard is both a tribute to the wonderful city of aree and a gathering of vibes from my fanfiction piece, which takes place in aree. it features an air mage oc i made for this named mouse, a starry eyed young teenager who has perhaps been sheltered from much of the international violence that takes place in the ms.
i would like to imagine this takes place during a certain time in echoseers when the main cast return to aree.
without further adieu, please enjoy <3
Mouse rests atop a wall overlooking a dim Aree street, squatting on their heels like a perched cat. They sit as still as the night air, as silent as a forbidden lover’s whisper in the dark. They wait, as they do every night. Tonight, the activity on the street has been quiet, but that’s okay. Many professions have their slow nights, but many professions do not rely so fiercely on their day to day clientele to get by.
The sound of voices makes them tense up and ready themself. Below in the street, a parade of people walk by, all of them ehlves but one, from what Mouse can tell. They stare curiously at the human, wondering why he looks vaguely familiar, blond hair and a tired look in his eye. Tired yet hopeful, with some life in him yet, by the way he looks at the blue haired ehlf walking beside him.
The party is chattering with a mix of excitement and exhaustion about the evening they’ve just left behind—an eclectic mix of food out at a fine eatery, a relaxing day surrounding the birthday of one of the people in the crowd. That person stands at the front of the group, smothered in hugs wherever they go, their violet-indigo hair catching the dim city streetlights.
Mouse’s eyes drift toward the middle of the group, where a woman with green hair leans on her cane, smiling with an ease that gives hints of how friendly she must be in everyday life. Mouse’s cheeks heat at the sight of her pretty smile, her shining eyes. By the goddesses, she’s pretty, almost as pretty as the girl working in a knife shop right now who Mouse will meet at their apartment tonight…
Absently, with their Air powers, Mouse dampens the sound of their breathing, the shuffling of their feet as they adjust their position on the wall. Silent as a mouse, as it were, this is a familiar motion to them as they prepare for this grim duty every night. It’s not like Mouse wishes they had to steal to get by, to gather money for their overseas move.
But even with the free housing in Aree and the minimum wage, the money from their job at the book shop is not enough for their savings. They shudder to remember the days beforehand of struggling to make rent each month, glad that they hadn’t met their beloved yet, hadn’t gotten lofty dreams of moving somewhere easier. A new life, a new start, away from the bad memories and the difficulty and the trauma that lies for Mouse in these dark alleys, the visions of what they’ve had to do to survive. The blood and darkness of Aree at night haunts them, and their love is certainly not free of demons, either.
They and their beloved both want somewhere brighter, fresher. They haven’t quite worked out where yet, but until they pool their savings together, they won’t be going anywhere at all.
As the party approaches, Mouse braces themself, readying to hop down from the wall and slip into the shadows below in the street. They’ll sneak up behind the back of the party and slip their hand into the easiest pocket, and then pray.
Mouse feels a tap on their shoulder, and the culprit should fiercely thank their patron goddess that Mouse doesn’t have a knife on them right now. They whirl around, breathing heavily, heart hammering as they take in the one so bold as to tap the shoulder of a night thief.
They’re faced with a green haired ehlf standing on the wall beside them. Not the pretty lady from down below, this is a different one with a heavier energy, who’s—who’s smiling, of all things, with a distinct amusement and hint of mocking. What kind of creature would smile at a night thief who’s been doing a poor job hiding their profession? Mouse stares at them a moment, wondering what to do. This has never happened, ever.
Are they an Air Mage, too? Is that how they masked their footsteps, however the hell they managed to sneak up on Mouse so quietly? No, they conjure a bit of Flame to light up the night air, allowing Mouse to see their face. So how—
Doesn’t matter. Mouse braces for a fight, holding their fists in front of their face, calling forth their Air powers should they need them.
The green haired stranger smiles and waves that off, saying, “I mean you no harm. At ease.”
Slowly, Mouse lowers their fists, though not their guard.
The stranger, who Mouse now recognizes as one of the ones from the party down below, is holding out a few marks in their hand. Mouse’s eyes widen—it’s more money than they’ve ever held at one time in their life, more than enough to cover this month’s expenses and a general addition to the savings jar. They look up at the stranger, wide eyed and a bit fearful.
The mysterious individual smiles and holds out their hand farther. “Take it. No questions asked. I was like you, once. I know what it’s like, and I know how difficult it can be.”
Mouse glances down over the wall and notices the entire traveling party standing silent and still, watching them. None of them look angry either. Some look amused, some tired, and the one in the front, the blue haired ehlf that looks so vaguely familiar, wears an expression of utter confliction. Remorse, is that? Sorrow? Sympathy? Whatever it is, it pulls on the expression of the man beside him, the human, returning the pain and regret in kind. Mouse has never even seen a human up close. They wish they had time to study him more. There’s something familiar about him too, like seeing a book character brought to life.
The ehlf is still holding out their hand insistently. Slowly, Mouse complies and takes the money. They breathe out when the ehlf doesn’t snatch their hand back.
Mouse looks at their hand, the marks in it, and when they look up again the individual is gone. All of the party is moving on down the street, all but one—a tall one with silver hair and a soft, twinkling smile. That one waves toward Mouse with long artist’s fingers like they’re sharing a secret, enchanting. They mouth good luck, and slip off into the night with but a shadow.
Mouse stares down the road until the party departs and the silence goes with them, until they are alone again in the night. As if the strange ehlf and their party were never there at all.
Mouse shakes their head and pockets the marks, watching their back as they hop down the wall and dart away from the light. They blend seamlessly into the night, but even as they crawl and clamber back to their heart, the kind stranger’s face sticks in their mind.
if you made it this far, thank you for reading! go wish pax a happy birthday!! pax, i hope you enjoyed this!
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 7 months
A First Chance At Love - Chapter 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Avery Chandler
My teeth were gritted painfully together as I stood outside for some peace and quiet but like always that was never going to happen.
Slowly I turned my head to glare daggers at the boy who as consistently bugged me to no end.
Growling I hopped he got the picture I didn't want him here.
"Oh, I love it when you growl. It is so sexy," Caleb husked stepping up to me and placing a hand on my chest.
I snatched his wrist in my hands and narrowed my handing warning.
"Will you just leave me be," I hissed.
But all he did was smile as he licked his lips suggestively.
"Oh come on Ave. I love it when you get aggressive," he smirked.
There were snickers and a few murmurs around us as I darted my eyes around so see a few older and younger wolves looking at us in disgust.
I really didn't care about what they thought.
I was more disappointed that they would look at this blatant display Caleb was showing in dislike when their Alpha's were two gay males.
I shook my head, shutting my eyes.
"Just give me a kiss," he whined and I snapped my eyes open to glare at him again.
He was pouting as he looked up at me.
"Please one kiss but I can't promise you that I'll leave you alone after that," he snickered.
I pushed him away and he staggered back but still caught his balance.
"I've told you time and time again Caleb that I'm not gay nor do I want to be involved with you," I growled at him as I stepped around him and walked off the back porch.
His footsteps were right behind me causing me to groaning in annoyance.
"Come on Avery. I know that you have to have some heart in that robot chest of yours," he said.
I stopped to turn to him and frowned.
"Excuse me?"
He skidded to a stop since he was jogging to keep up with me.
"Well it's true. It's like you can do nothing but kiss-up to Aiden's ass. You're always there. You only ever talk to him or give him the time of day," he shrugged and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm his protector Caleb. It's my soul purpose to be there for him at all times," I told him.
"I thought that was Liam's job. You can't let your life revolve around Aiden. What about... you know alone time with a special person," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Sighing, I really didn't want to go through this right now.
Or ever in fact.
"Look. It is none of your business what I do with others and secondly, you have a mate somewhere out there Caleb and I'm not going to let you ruin something so special between your mate and yourself. It's something that should never be tainted with, so keep yourself pure Caleb and you'll thank me in the long run," I said, turning back around to leave.
"Yeah right," he said, following me again.
'Oh my goddess this kid.'
"I don't want a mate," he said as he came up to walk beside me.
I just frowned at him.
"You won't be saying that when you see them."
He shook his head stubbornly.
"No. I don't want to be tied down to some girl. I would feel like I've been shackled to someone that I never wanted to be with in the first place," he argued.
"No Caleb. Oonce you meet them all the doubt and scared feelings you have will go away," I assured him.
He didn't know how lucky he was to know that his mate was somewhere out there waiting for him.
We made it to the side door of the kitchen to find it empty.
I trudged to the fridge and looked around.
I heard the metal chain that was attached to Caleb's wallet clank as he hopped on the counter but I just ignored him.
Spaghetti, that sounds promising.
I grabbed the container and stuck it in the microwave.
The only sound was the hum of the microwave as it rotated.
"Don't you find me attractive at all?" finally Caleb had to interrupt my sweet quiet and I closed my eyes exhausted.
"I have no feeling in that department."
"Well? Do you thing Sandra is hot?" he said, referring to one of the pack women who has a modeling contract.
She was remarkably beautiful and almost every unmated wolf wants her but I felt nothing when I looked at her.
I turned to him and looked him in the eyes.
"No, Caleb. How many time to I have to tell you that I am not attracted to anyone in this pack-house or out of it."
I walked over to the microwave and pulled out my hot food grabbed a fork and sat at the table.
I stabbed at the noodles twisting them with my fork and bringing them up to my mouth to blow.
I didn't even jump when arms slid slowly over my shoulders, down my chest to wrap around my neck.
His chin rest on my shoulder and his mouth touched my ear.
"Aren't you going to offer me any?" he whispered, his breath caressing my ear but all I felt from it was annoyance.
"Caleb," I warned him.
Chuckling, he licked at the shell of my ear and bit it, making me jump.
"I'm not giving up Avery," was all he said before he walked out.
I just stared down at my food as I listen to his footsteps retreat.
Breathing a sigh of relief I finally bit down on my noodles.
That kid hasn't left me alone since he's got here.
Every time he would find me by myself he would try his hardest to get into my pants even though I always tell him there is no chance of that to ever happen in life.
I have one reason for being in this life and that was Aiden.
Caleb would only complicate my job.
Finishing off my spaghetti I washed to dish and walked up to my room.
There were kids running up and down the stairs as I stepped out of their way.
Sometimes I missed the alone time I use to have, when I would travel by myself.
Now I was surrounded by annoying people and a kid who won't get the picture that I wanted nothing to do with him.
I reached my door and laid back on my bed staring up at my ceiling.
The room was dark and bland like always.
I closed my eyes and focused on Aiden's life force.
He was happy as I watched the swirling pink mist behind my eyes.
His content energy seeped into as I opened myself to him.
I know it's not right but this was how I could go through my day.
I feed off his happiness to make the emptiness in my body fill to a certain extent.
Sighing I felt the pull of a small smile come on my face.
*knock, knock*
I frowned at the door as no one ever came to my room.
"Yeah?" I said.
Slowly he door cracked open and I saw Dom pock his head in.
"Hey man. It's time for patrols," he said.
I nodded as I slide from my bed.
Dominic... I've noticed a miraculous difference in his behavior.
When I met him he was always moping around the house or he was training his ass off.
When he had always showed signs of a rejected wolf.
The way his skin never tanned even though he was out in the sun for hours at a time during training and he never laughed.
I'm not a talkative person myself but he never interacted with anyone and if he did it would be just a one worded answer.
While at the mall with Aiden and Sadie... I met Jeanine, hearing that she had the gal, to reject her mate, even if she was human, it pissed me off and I had to admit... I did get carried away when I saw her grab Aiden and that nasty growl slipped out.
But the day Aiden came up with a way for them to get back together or at least talk I was glad to help.
And I will admit that I was all too excited to be the one to tie her up and lock her in the room.
A faint of a smile graced my lips... It worked though, Dominic was happy as ever with Jay.
He had his natural glow back and they had a pup on the way.
I guess their time in the old Alpha's prison resulted in that.
The sky was dark as we stepped out for patrol.
A few war wolves were gathered waiting for us to lead the way.
Liam had made it official that I was to be one of them and Aiden completely agreed.
Since Aiden thought I should I accepted.
"Team A... You're taking the right. Team B... You have the left. As for the rest of you, you are with Avery and I. Alright lets go."
Discarding of our clothes we all shifted and rushed in the woods.
The night cleared as my eyes sharpened and my senses heightened.
We had all spread out as I was alone for the moment.
I walked slowly, my eyes scanning over the trees never missing a thing.
I saw small animals running out of my way as I trotted... squirrels racing up to their cozy little holes in the trees with their families... birds sleeping in their nest... the soft whistling of the wind... the breeze ruffling my sandy brown coat.
My muzzle lifted in the breeze trying to pick up any unknown scents but it clear besides the soft relaxing smell of wild flowers and the earthy scent of the grass.
I trotted up to the border but still all was clear so I turned to go back halfway there I stopped.
My ears began to twitched in the direction of a twig snapping, moments latter the scent hit my nose and I growled in annoyance.
'Dammit,' I whined.
A brown wolf came out from behind the trees, his tail high as he strolled up to me confidently.
Growling, I lowered myself a bit in a defensive stance.
He gave me a wolfish grin, as he came up to me and rubbed his smaller body under my chin arching his back like a cat.
'Avery,' he purred repeating the process as he turned back around.
'What are you doing out here Caleb?' I snapped in impatience.
'Can he just leave me alone.'
'I saw you patrolling and I wanted to help,' he said now brushing his body down my side.
'Well... I don't need any... So leave.'
He snickered and pressed his muzzle against mine.
'I rather not,' he said, licking at my face.
I was a little worried why I wasn't pushing him off.
I usually always grab him before he touched me in warning but here I was letting him rub against me.... letting him rub his sent all over me.
I lifted my lip up and bared my canines at him as I pulled myself out of whatever that was.
Backing up I pinned my ears back.
'Leave me the hell alone Caleb,' I yelled in the mind link, he didn't of course. Why does he test me so?
I may be a really relaxed person, nothing really bugged me but there was about him that just irked me.
'Come now Avery play with me,' he teased and jumped at me playfully but I was having none of it.
He pawed at my face gently and I growled but stayed in my spot glaring at him.
'Caleb,' I said in warning.
He kept at it jumping around like a puppy.
I took a deep breath but it did nothing as he swiped at my face again but this time his claw nipped me in the muzzle.
The sting made me growl and pounce on him, pinning him on the forest floor.
I stood over him snarling in his face dangerously his eyes wide with sock.
'Stop,' I growled my teeth barred at him using too much power in my command.
He pinned his ears back and whined in fright... his bluish brown eyes were staring up at me in disbelief.
I couldn't move, as the aura of something I pushed back a long time ago, began to surge through my veins, for the second time in years.
'I'm sorry,' he apologized softly as his gaze searched my face curiously.
I watched him raise his head from the ground and I froze as his tongue licked slowly at the wound that was bleeding, none too badly, on the side of my nose.
I felt a light sir in my wolf as Caleb's warm tongue healed the small wound affectionately.
Our eyes met as he pulled away and I realized I couldn't look away.
Noticing I wasn't going to do anything he took advantage of the moment and licked at my cheek causing me to close my eyes.
What was this? My wolf began stirring again like he was curious as to where this was going but... no, NO.
I won't have that... I can't... I jumped away from him like he had burnt me and back up slowly shaking my head.
'Avery?' he got to his feet and I shook my head, still.
'Go,' I told him and his head tilted in confusion.
'What's wrong?' he asked me stepping closer to me.
'GO,' I screamed and he flinched at my tone, as he froze in his advances towards me.
'Damn it why doesn't he ever listen?' I whined.
Huffing I turned from him and raced off, leaving Caleb and whatever that was back there.
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officialraylynn · 1 year
In every life, in all times
(Original, oc / oc)
Written as a surprise for a friend to cheer her up <3 First-meet human AU of her God of Death and my Goddess of Chaos, who've been shipped together for gosh... 11 years now I think?
Also posted on AO3!
Warnings: References to depression, anxiety, mostly just a bunch of cute wholesome content
Summary: Even Death can be smitten by beauty.
They met on a train.
He had noticed her first. Animated and lively as she chatted to the person beside her, quiet and expressive with her tongue sticking out while she typed away at her phone. She was bubbly and bright, he was quiet and dull. He’d never felt confident enough to approach her even to say ‘hi’, so he admired her from afar and simply hoped she was happy.
Until she stopped smiling.
Not just smiling, but talking to others and animatedly typing on her phone. She became lifeless, her light darkened.
He didn’t have the confidence before to approach her, but now he found that he had the compassion.
“H-Hey.” He cleared his throat and nervously tightened his grip on the strap of his bag. “Is um, th-that seat taken?”
Even though they were dull, her eyes still made his heart skip a beat when they met his. “No.” Halfheartedly she moved her bag closer to herself and gestured to the empty seat. “Fill your boots.”
Hoping he didn’t appear too eager, he sat with his bag settled on his lap, drumming his fingers against it as he looked everywhere but her as he worked up his courage. He’d come this far, part of him wanted to say that it was enough progress for today, but another part of him said that he’d waited too long as it was.
“S-So.” He cleared his throat again and glanced in her direction before nervously staring straight ahead. From the corner of his eye he saw her tilt her head in this direction, and by gods had his face ever felt this warm before? “I um. My name is Dean, and I’ve um, seen you around before.”
“... Venus.” Was he imagining things or did she sound amused? “I’ve seen you around before too.”
“Y-You have?” He didn’t know what to think of that, aside from maybe wanting to flee now that he knew he’d been noticed. “That. That’s cool.” He coughed, then breathed in deeply to steady himself. ‘Come on Dean, you can do this! Just let her know that someone cares!’ “I uh, I’ve noticed that, you’ve seemed k-kind of…”
He trailed off, fingers drumming faster against his bag as if that could settle his nerves. Was this out of line? He just wanted to express concern, but maybe she wouldn’t want that? He’d already started though, would it be weirder if he just stopped now?
“I’ve seemed…?” He glanced over to her and gulped; she had her chin resting in one hand while with the other she gestured for him to ‘go on’. He couldn’t tell what kind of expression she had on her face, but he felt like she was either bored or unimpressed.
“K-Kind of… Sad?” He whispered the last word, and was glad he was still looking at her because otherwise he would have missed the way her eyes widened and the wry smile on her lips, as if to say ‘That obvious huh?’. “A-And I just um, w-wanted to say that…” Here he lost his nerve again and he glanced down at his lap, shoulders scrunching as he huddled in on himself. “I know we d-don’t know each other, b-but… If you w-want anyone to talk to, I wanted to o-offer.”
To his surprise, a hand settled over his and gently wrapped their fingers around his. He jumped and shot his gaze to hers, heart tripping over itself at the small smile on her face, the gentleness of her gaze. “You know…” Her voice was soft, and her hand felt so warm against his. “I think I’d like that.”
Something amazing happened then.
She laughed.
Just a small laugh, but it was a laugh and he felt like he was floating through the clouds with how happy it made him feel.
“I’ve been waiting forever for you to talk to me, by the way~” Wait, what? “I know I don’t look like much right now-” and how wrong she was, because she never stopped being beautiful, “-but I could go for a coffee right now, and I’d love if you came with me.”
Later, neither could remember if the coffee was any good or not, but they made sure to visit the cafe on the day of their first anniversary all the same.
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dyns33 · 3 years
Little Star
I used some of my imagines from yesterday, so not really original...
I did a Female Reader, sorry, even if Jotun Loki is still bi !
And the smut is not thaaaaaat smutty... But it's here. So be warned ! 
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Frat bros.
It was the first thing Y/N had thought of when she met Thor and Loki.
Besides the fact that : Oh my God aliens exist, some look a lot like us, they are almost immortal, they are strong, have magical powers, we have no chance against them and if one day they go to war, we are so  dead.
Especially if the battle was against the Jotuns.
Fortunately, there was little chance that this would happen.
There had already been a war between the Frost Giants and the other realms, especially Asgard. After long fights, and much bloodshed, Odin, the Allfather, had defeated Laufey, the king of the Jotuns.
A resentment could have lasted between them, but something had happened.
After the departure of his enemy, Laufey had returned to his palace, to his temple, sure to find his beloved son, Loki, there. But the baby was missing.
The king then thought he had been killed, and he mourned him for days, swearing revenge.
Odin learned of his torment. The child was not dead. The kind of Asgard had found him, he had thought that the little one had been abandoned, left to die, and so he had picked him up.
It was only a misunderstanding.
As a father himself, who would have destroyed everything if anything had happened to Thor, Odin immediately returned to Jotunheim with the child, to explain his mistake, and returned the baby to Laufey, who was overjoyed, accepting the apologies of the old fool who thought he was doing the right thing.
After all, Odin could have said nothing, kept Loki, hid him, used him against his people. He had done much worse before.
It was then decided that their kingdom would henceforth be friends. Their sons grew up together, like two brothers, and like Odin's son, Loki was showered with love and care, free to do absolutely whatever he wanted, sometimes behaving like a spoiled brat.
But, unlike his friend, his brother of another mother as he liked to say, the prince of the Jotuns was smarter, more polite, more cultured, more calm, when he decided to be, which made him more lovable, at least for Y/N.
And on top of that, his size ! Damn !
Her crush for him was almost as big as the Jotun prince. It was a little embarrassing.
Because Y/N was tiny next to him. She was already small compared to Thor, who was making fun of the height of the Midgardians.
And she was mortal.
And not blue with red eyes.
And not beautiful like a Goddess... Anyway, this crush was stupid, and no one should ever know that she liked Loki. No one, especially not him.
The best solution would have been to avoid him, but Jane had insisted that she come with her. As a scientist, it was a unique opportunity to learn more about other worlds ! Her friend wanted her to be there every time.
Seeing her, Thor had simply smiled, saying that she was as short as Jane, which was not entirely true.
Loki had smiled too, but differently.
           "Is that the friend I asked for, Earth girl ?" he purred, leaning towards Y/N. "So pretty. I am won over. A pleasure to meet you, little human."
           "Asked for ?" she wondered, looking at Jane.
           "Yes. For our double date."
           "... What ?!"
           "Don't listen to him." sighed Jane, who had obviously forgotten this story. "And Loki, leave her alone. Y/N is here to study."
           "Y/N ? What a lovely name. As your friend just said, I am Loki, Prince of Jotunheim. You can study me as much as you want, my Lady. Then we can sing our names while our bodies will"
           "Come on Y/N, let's go get a drink. Thor, calm your tall brother."
Thor didn't calm Loki, who continued to flirt with her throughout the evening. He must have found it very funny, because it turned into a running gag, which started over every time they saw each other.
He still agreed to answer all her questions about his kingdom, and the nine others, if in return she answered his, which were more personal. Never too embarrassing, but intimate enough that she wanted to go and hide under a table. Loki said she was adorable, and yet didn't insist if she didn't want to answer him.
Y/N would have liked to ask him personal questions too. She loved it when he talked about himself, what he liked. When he laughed. But Loki was smart, he would have understood that she was interested if she dared to ask him something about him.
So she asked the others. Especially Thor, although the moron was not very discreet. At least he knew everything about Loki.
           "Why do you want to know all this ?" he asked her one day, when he was a little drunk. "Do you want to hurt my brother ?!"
           "What ? No ! I just… want to know him. And it's always safer to ask others."
           "Hmm. Well, Loki is the best ! He's my brother !"
           "I already know that. You can tell me if he has any hobbies. How is he with people. If he's... single ?"
           "Ah !" Thor laughed loudly. "Loki ! Single ! That big seducer ? Our Silvertongue ? I mean, yes I think he is. Relationships are not his thing, you see. He has partners, tons ! But nothing really serious."
           "... I see."
It was true that even though he was very considerate of her, Loki would go to see other people, men, women, humans, aliens, tall, small... Everybody.
It hurt as soon as she saw him touching someone else, whispering tender words into their ears.
But it was just a crush, they weren't together, it was nothing. No one seemed to notice her unhappiness.
And it wasn't like Loki had a real relationship. Not only serious, but also intimate. None of his conquests were the right size to... make it... fit.
Y/N sometimes tried to picture how they could do it. Then she had to go and put some water on her face, because her imagination was certainly going too far.
Loki wasn't even able to kiss or shake someone's hand. His own hand was as big as a person !
As she returned to sit next to Jane, Thor began to jump all over the place, pointing to the sky.
           "A shooting star ! Loki, make a wish !"
           "A wish ? Okay ! I want... I want... Ah, I know !"
           "Tell me !"
           "No dear brother, otherwise it will not happen."
           "Loki !"
Thor insisted but Loki refused to speak, smiling proudly as he came to take the seat next to Y/N.
           "How's my little human tonight ? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself. Did you miss me that much ?"
           "I'm just tired."
           "I can give you a massage if you want ? Thor says I'm very good with my finger. Or you can sleep on my shoulder. Come on."
           "Ah ! Loki !"
Not listening to her protests, the Jotun took her to rest her on his shoulder, from where she could not jump without risking injury. A little scared, she held on to what she could, his hair and head, then being very close to his face. With his red eyes, Loki looked at her, amused.
           "You are even more beautiful up close."
           "I want to get off !"
           "Nonsense. Rest away from noise and people. Don't worry, you won't fall, I'm watching over you."
It was really strange to find herself in this position. She could even better see the size difference between them, and Y/N had dirty, shameful ideas, so much that she stuck herself against the giant's neck in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
           "It's exciting to be upstairs, isn't it ?" Loki purred.
           "... What ?"
           "I can tell you are excited, my little darling."
           "Not at all !"
           "No, you don't understand. I can smell it." he repeated, touching his nose.
This time she wanted to die. Normally she was too short, and in the crowd, so Loki had never felt her desire for him. But, now that she was so close to him, it was obvious.
           "Oh ! You... You !" He chuckled happily, putting his hand on her, touching her whole body, but not trying to force her to look at him. "You like me !"
           "Shut up..."
           "Since when ?! I want to know !"
           "... The first time."
           "Really ? Attracted by greatness ? It's understandable."
           "No. I mean, yeah, you're incredibly handsome and breathtaking but... I like it when you talk to me. You're funny and smart. Well, not all the time, you're stupid when you party with the others and when you flirt with everyone, but I love... to be with you."
If they had been alone, silence would have settled, but the party continued around them, as if they weren't there. Y/N suddenly wanted to jump off that shoulder to run away, but with his long legs, Loki would have caught up with her. He certainly would have even grabbed her as she jumped.
           "So... you really like me."
           "Do not laugh." she mumbled.
           "Never. My wish just came true. I didn't think it would work. After all, asking for the most beautiful and best person in the world to fall in love with me was cheeky."
           "... I am small and human."
           "So what? I asked for the best. I got the best ! I knew we should have done this double date a long time ago. But you didn't seem ready, so I waited. I couldn't tell if you were shy or scared, if you didn't like me, or just weren't interested in a big blue monster."
           "You are not a monster !" Y/N exclaimed, finally raising her head to look at him. "You are... different, that's all."
           "Oh, my sweet little wonder." he whispered, putting his lips to her head.
           "... Yes, little. Tiny, and mortal. That's not a good idea."
           "Don't think about it. I know a lot of witches and wizards. We'll find something. Only now matters. Let's go to my room !"
           "What ? What ?!"
Still on Loki's shoulder, Y/N couldn't do anything, allowing him to led her into the large room that served as the prince's bedroom during his stay on Midgard. A special bed had been prepared for him. When he put her down in the middle, she felt minuscule.
It was worse when he started to take off his clothes.
           "Wait ! We can't ! We... you are so... so..."
           "Hmm, flattering. Don't panic, darling, I know what I'm doing. You don't risk anything. I'm not going to crush you, there will only be... pleasure. Trust me, I will take care of everything."
It wasn't like she had a choice anyway. Not because Loki wouldn't have let her go if she had said no. He would have accepted her refusal.
But because underneath him, Y/N couldn't really do much except let him lead the way. And as promised, Loki knew very well what he was doing.
He was everywhere at the same time. There was only him.
His tongue, his fingers, his lips. He could have swallowed her raw if he wanted to, in one bite.
And then there was his voice, between two growls. Loki really loved to talk, even in bed.
           "Oh Y/N, sweetie, look at you. You are beautiful. I love the little noises you make. You are so precious, so adorable, with your tremors when I touch you. And you smell so good ! Divine. As divine as the nectar flowing between your thighs. What a delight. You are so good for me. I wish I could come inside you and feel all your warmth."
           "St... stop..." she pleaded with a moan as he lifted her legs to admire her.
           "Someday we'll find a way. For now, one finger should be enough. Do you mind if I rub against you ? Oh no, your pretty noises tell me it's okay with you. I'll rub the tip of my cock against your entrance when I feel like I can't hold on anymore. Ah, you'll be totally filled with me."
           "Loki ! Oh !"
           "I see, wrong finger, a little too big, sorry. I'm going to use the smaller one, for my little darling. Oh Y/N, you're perfect, you know that?  As soon as I saw you, I knew you were made for me. I've waited for you all my life."
           "Silvertongue." she growled, remembering Thor's words.
           "Not with you, my love. Never with you. Or just a little, to tease you. I love your reactions so much. But I won't do it again if you ask me. I'm yours, all yours."
Maybe it was just a lie, or the passion that spoke, but Y/N wasn't really listening, focused on that giant, slightly cold finger penetrating her, as Loki sucked her breasts at the same time, while masturbating against her belly.
If she had woken up then to find it was a dream, she wouldn't have been surprised, if a little frustrated.
But Loki was really there, again placed on top of her to appreciate the view, as she was about to come.
           "You're all tight around my finger. I love it. Get ready my little darling."
As her whole body froze, overwhelmed with orgasm, Loki did his best to release his seed inside her, even though it also covered her chest and the sheets.
           "It was… amazing…" he sighed as he lay down next to her, stroking her skin and licking the cum that had reached her face. He took a clean sheet to wipe the rest. "I was a bit pissed off that we didn't do it sooner, but it was worth the wait."
           "Have you been thinking about it from the start ? About sex ?"
           "That, and more. Thanks to the star, you are finally mine. My little human."
           "Stop saying I'm little. Even if it's true."
           "Oh my little star is sulking ? I have to fix this." Loki joked, tickling her.
           "No ! Be serious !"
           "I am very serious."
           "Thor says you're never serious." Y/N sighed.
           "You asked that fool ? I love Thor, we're brothers, but he doesn't get it sometimes. It's true that so far I haven't really had a lasting relationship, but it's just because I didn't find the right person. Much like him. Maybe Jane will help him settle down. That would be a good thing."
           "Until we die."
           "You really haven't been listening, have you ? Stubborn little star." He kissed her on the head. "I'll find something. To keep you with me as long as possible. You thought I was saying this to seduce you and only have you for one night ? I might be a smooth talker, but not a liar. Okay, sometimes I'm a liar, but not with these things. If it's just for fun, I say it. Same with Thor, if that worries you. He's an idiot, but he's a nice idiot. He really loves his Earth girl, it's just that he doesn't think about the next step. I think about it. There has to be a spell for that. Or I'll do another wish. It might work, what do you think ? Honey ? Y/N ?.. Are you sleeping ?"
           "Oh my little wonder is exhausted. Rest, I'm here."
Snuggled up to him, totally surrounded by his huge body, Y/N obeyed, letting herself be rocked by her blue lover, who sang a lullaby in a language she did not understand.
The next day they would talk. They would think about the future. They would start looking for a solution, if there was one, to make things work. But not now.
They were just enjoying this peaceful moment, together, blessed by the stars.
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