#Beryl (shes gonna make Crimson talk about it) Braith
greenbeany · 4 years
Crimson in Atlas... Again.
And this time she brought a bird
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Nobody's really written a group fic for jtblk yet and I refuse to be outdone by a team with four members so Crimson gets a ficlet. And the others get lines too I guess.
(this is first person because I ramble and also first fic and also Crimson is a self insert this is totally fine)
Atlas is cold. Colder than I remember leaving it.
In hindsight, maybe I should have listened to Ruli when she said to wear tights.
The city is busy and I like it. Makes it easier to avoid people who might have remembered me otherwise.
Or not. Sometimes I forget other people can't do that.
I turn away from the flooded streets and back to the dock. Jynx looks like she's going to freeze to death, and Beryl and Eden are trying to stop her from dramatically falling over or something like that. I'm not really paying attention but that sounds like something they'd do, I think. And Key is- where the fuck is Key?
Someone tackle glomps me from behind and I fall backwards on the landing pad. Key hiccups and jumps back as a cloud of ice dust floats above my head. Of course it's ice dust, as if the temperature wasn't enough. I look up at them expectantly.
"I noticed, thanks"
Key stares at me for a few seconds, tilts her head to the side, and runs to whoever behind me has caught her attention now. Probably Eden.
I hear a disgruntled yelp behind me.
Definitely Eden.
I groan, and stand myself back up. Great, already have a physical bruise here. Can't wait for the mental ones. Maybe I should start a timer to see how long it takes for a memory to surface. Oh yeah, and I'll make Beryl buy me a croissant if it's in the next five minutes.
The owl faunus looks over at me with a concerned look on her face. Wait did I say that out loud shit shit shit shit. She smiles at me gently and walks over. Fuck that girl and her need to constantly be nice it's not fair :(
"wow, I didn't know the floor in Atlas was so compelling,"
"shush, you bird brain."
She laughs, but then a concerned look crosses her face.
"Crimson, are you okay?"
"Yeah, you're not as... Glittery as usual," Jynx walks over.
"Uh-" I pull my bow out of my hair. A pile of sequins falls onto the floor. "Am I not??"
"That's not what I mean-"
Beryl cuts her off. I haven't told Jynx yet. Or Eden. Or Key, although I doubt she'd listen anyway. I didn't even intend to tell Beryl, I guess the screaming in the middle of the night was just a giveaway. "Well, since you're here, did you want to show me around?"
She knows I don't. I seriously hate that bird.
I stare at her for a second. Beryl continues, "you can show me around the city and Key can get Jynx and Eden lost, then we can regroup in an hour! Sound fair??"
Nevermind, she's a lifesaver.
"Wait," Jynx starts, "why am I being guided by the drago-"
"Welp that settles it, I'll lead Beryl around and Key can show Eden and Jynx the area!"
"I will never forgive you for this Beryl-"
Key squeals from behind us. I look back over to Jynx. She seems to be accepting her fate.
"Oh oh oh I can show you the shops I used to window shop in! And the road where I nearly got caught in an anti faunus mob! And then we can go to Mantle and I'll introduce you to the manager of the local supermarket and-" Key drags Eden and Jynx off by the ears. They both send me and Beryl death glares as Key bounces forward.
I glance at Beryl. She's looking back at me again. Sigh.
"I'll talk about it if you buy me hot chocolate."
I'm sorry for the slander that I have done to Key and Jynx while writing this story. And I'm sorry for once again not caring about Eden at all I love her really I just know nothing about her so for now she's the punching bag.
Like I said, this is short. And nothing really happens in it at all it's totally exposition. I kinda just wanted a fancy way to show off the outfits.
Beryl belongs to @ozpins-coffeemug
Jynx belongs to @judgemental-frog
Key belongs to @insulationsun
Eden belongs to @mynameisactuallyten
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