#Berry‘s Writings
Very secret anon here! Would you write
“it’s not much, but i got you this.”
for dayasco? I deserve a gift this valentines day😌
I know I’m late with these but to be fair I was already late when I posted the prompts so I guess that checks out huh. But yeah, it’s midnight and I’m listening to Lana deal rey and it’s got me y e a r n i n g so let’s get at these Valentine’s blurbs, shall we? Thank you, super secret anon, for this little ask! I als slightly altered the wording of the prompt, but it’s still the same theme!
College was hard. Classes started early in the morning, ended way too late and still left so much to work up and study for, it kind of felt illegal. Once Daya finally got ahead of her assignments, or at least didn’t completely drown in them, bills and fees crept up on her, forcing her to spend what little time of her day wasn’t occupied by studies and formulas to be spent in the stinky little Starbucks just off campus, working her ass off for a minimum wage. More often than not, the moment she got home, Daya simply collapsed in bed. And often, Bosco wasn’t even home yet. Her server job kept her occupied far into the night, so usually she’d sneak in on her tiptoes as the clock switched from pm to am, crawling into bed and snuggling up to Daya, whose sleeping form rarely stirred before dawn.
To say they didn’t get to spend as much time together as they wish they could was an understatement. And even though Daya made sure to keep Bosco entertained at work, sending stupid memes or salty commentary on her co workers idiocy her way, it just wasn’t the type of romance they’d pictured for themselves when they had moved off campus and into their tiny studio apartment together.
And sadly, Valentine’s Day was no different. Daya came home around nine, dropped a bag of Bagels and muffins into the fridge for tomorrow, took out whatever leftovers she could find and threw them into the microwave. Dinner in bed, an episode of Game of Thrones (the good seasons, duh) on her Laptop, a quick shower, checking on the laundry and her schedule for tomorrow, lights off, right to bed. Her back hurt bad today, and her legs were sore from standing behind a counter for hours, fake smiling at every stupid student coming in.
Four hours later, the door creaked open again. Bosco tiptoed inside, dropping her shoes and bag at the entrance, creeping over to the bathroom to quickly change into one of Daya’s shirts, wipe their face, and then tiptoe over to the bed.
But as she settled down beside her girlfriends body tonight, she felt Daya’s body shift behind her. Long, warm arms wrapped around her from behind, pressing Bosco‘s back up against Daya‘s front, the taller girl nose buried in her dark hair, taking in her scent. Bosco chuckled in surprise, a little giggle following when she felt Daya’s lips against her neck, featherlight kisses all over her skin.
„Hi“, her voice was husky, still full of sleep. Bosco was surprised she was awake at allem usually nothing could interrupt Daya’s slumber. Her next words however gave an explanation. „Happy Valentines Day.“
Again, Bosco couldn’t help the giggle that escaped their throat, turning around in Daya’s embrace. There were dark circles under her girlfriend’s eyes, lids heavy with sleep. They couldn’t help but smile at the sight, connecting their lips in a gentle kiss.
„That was yesterday, Daya. It’s 1 am.“ Bosco’s tone was playful, but Daya’s brows still knit together in offense.
„Fuck off“, she grumbled, pushing herself away from Bosco and onto her elbows. One hand disappeared behind her, the sound of nails scratching wood as she scrambled through her bedside table. „Got you something.“ Finally, her hand came to a halt and she turned back around to face Bosco, some small object hidden in her closed fist. „I know its not much, but it made me think of you. I’m sorry I didnt have time to wrap it…“
Before Daya got to say anything else, Bosco grabber her hand, their head slightly shaking. „Just shut up and show me!“
So Daya opened her fist. Her fingers revealed a small, silver shining ring, made to resemble a set of vampire teeth, with a set of long, sharp fangs. Bosco’s fingers found the little object, holding it up for closer inspection. It was heavier than it looked, but the feeling of the slight weight in her hand was nice.
„It’s real gunmetal“, Daya explained, watching Bosco smile at the little object. „I know a ring might be a little much, don’t read into it too much, I just really couldn’t help myself.“
Once again, Bosco shook her head, silencing Daya in the process. She slipped the ring onto her right middle finger, holding the hand up to marvel at the perfectly fitting ring. „Daya“, she whispered, turning to face the blonde girl. „It’s perfect.“
Their newly accessorised hand found Daya’s cheek, pulling her in for another kiss. „And don’t worry, maybe I’ll marry you once you’re a loaded biologist. For now, this is perfect. Absolutely perfect.“
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gothier-green · 6 years
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The End.
I want to thank you all for sticking with me on this journey, whether you just found my blog or you’ve been here from the beginning.
It started out as a casual gameplay...
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Turned into a story of exploration,
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and, eventually, turned into something I’ll always be proud of.
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A story to call my own.
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As sappy as it sounds, this is only the beginning. My Tarot will soon take a turn for the better, exploring lore I’ve only been able to hint at before. I have big plans for Em and Ash, too. The next time you see them, they’ll be my founders to @a-kind-berry‘s amazing Seven Songs challenge.
Before I go, I’d like to thank a few people who helped me get here.
@malignantvirtues, @bugblogs, @gayberrysims, @asinglewallflower, @pixiegarden, @captainsilversims, and @theworstsimblr, who encouraged me as I was just starting out, and motivated me to start my simblr.
@cellblocksimmer, @smallcowplant, @prism-pop, @mdebunny, @socialbunnies, @trembling-hands, @wilderbees, @magnoliidae, @rachirdsims​, @just-a-sarcastic-simmer and @berrybloomsims​, who gave me the inspiration to turn my writing into what it is.
Honestly, this past year and a half has been so much better with you guys around. To my followers, my mutuals, my friends: I can’t thank you enough. You’ve given me something to look forward to, something to work towards, and a love for this game I couldn’t have had otherwise.
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hewwo gimme some ship answers with ummm 4 7 18 21
Alright, we’re on shuffle mode with this one.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyways?
Kerri always worries about Willows ungodly sleeping schedule, telling her to stop working so much and give her body some much needed rest, but when Willow has inspiration for a project, they need to do it, and they need to do it now. No rest until her vision is realised, or the whole thing went south and they won’t enter their art room for at least a week in frustration. Kerri tries her best to still make sure Willow gets at least some rest, brewing her some lavender tea or sometimes sneaking up on her in the middle of the night, arms wrapping around her tiny waist and mumbling into her eat to please, just come to bed.
7: Which one constantly wears the others clothes?
Lemon loves Priyanka‘s closet. All her clothes smell of her and her signature perfume, and they’re so comfortable and warm … And despite constantly complaining that Lemon is the reason she has nothing to wear, Priyanka adores seeing Lemon wear something of hers.
18: Who‘s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
To everyone‘s surprise, it’s Jaida! The two of them pine hopelessly after the other for almost two years, Nicky swearing to Jan that the next time she sees her, she’ll definitely ask Jaida out, but always chickening out last minute out of fear of rejection or loosing her friendship with Jaida. It takes a night out with their friends, lots of alcohol, and a very tall , attractive blonde stranger flirting with Nicky for Jaida to finally snap, pulling Nicky away from the stranger and out back into the smoker area, where they finally kiss for the first time, Nicky pressed against the brick wall and Jaida pushing up against her, whispering her true feelings against the French woman’s red lips.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
One time when they were out at the bar just to relax, some guy crept up to Sasha, clearly pushing into her private space and disregarding any form of politeness. However, before she even realises what’s happening, Anetra is already by her side, his arm sneaking around her waist and pulling her into his side, giving the stranger a sharp look over her head. As long as Netra is around, no one gets to mess with Sasha, and he makes sure everyone knows that.
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Bosco batting their tail all over the keyboard when Jasmine's trying to write an essay, while Daya is standing behind her and judging her writing
„You misspelled teleological“, Daya murmurs into her ear, breath hot against Jasmine’s skin.
„Ugh“, the girl mutters, pushing the black tail swiping over her keyboard aside. It belongs to Bosco, innocently sitting on the already crammed up desk, legs crossed and leaning forward into Jasmine’s space, letting out a little giggle as Jasmine deletes the last sentence she had tried to type.
„You know, it’s pretty stupid to study this late anyways. You’re not focussed at all“, the black haired demon chuckles, the arrow shaped tip of their tail brushing over Jasmines cheek, the snake like skin cold and smooth.
„I wonder why that is!“, Jasmine bits back, lower lip stuck between her teeth in frustration. „Guys“, she sighs then, trying to reason with the devils spawns that had decided to roam her dorm out of all places. „I really need to finish this, the deadline is tomorrow!“
„Oh babygirl“, Daya chuckles lowly, her long, red nails dragging over Jasmines neck. Goosebumps immediately rise on her skin at the touch, her hands falling away from the keyboard almost immediately.
The crimson demon takes her dear time, fingers slowly dragging up Jasmines neck, over her throat, feeling her breath quicken. She hovers over her pulse point for a moment, indulging in the feeling of Jasmine’s entire body already reacting to a simple touch. Finally, her fingers find the girls jaw, pulling it up to make her look her in the eyes from her seat, Daya standing behind her, fiery red eyes burning down at her, tongue peaking out through her crimson lips. She could feel Jasmine swallow in her grip.
A little giggle from Bosco turned Jasmine’s attention back to the other demon, now sliding off the desk and right into the redheads lap as if it was her given birthright. Ever since Jasmine accidentally summoned them, it technically was.
Bosco straddles her lap, the already incredibly short skirt she wore tonight riding up even further, thighs on full display as she pushes herself up against Jasmine, crowding her right between herself and Daya. Bosco’s black lips find Jasmines neck, her hot, split tongue running over the pale skin.
A moan escapes the girl, louder than intended. She could only hope Jorgeous stayed true to her word and would spend the night with whatever frat boy she was currently dating.
„There there“, Bosco’s voice vibrates against Jasmines pulse point. The black haired mistress of hell glances up at Daya, hunger in her eyes. Her companion grins back, cocking her head to the side before addressing Jasmine directly.
„I think we all know you’re not going to write another word tonight, so why don’t you quit the fuss and behave like a good girl now?“
All Jasmine can do is not in the tall demons grip, eyes falling shut and mouth agape the moment she feels a pair of hot lips against hers at the same time Bosco ground down in her lap. She was in for one hell of a night.
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1, 10, & 22 for any OTP you want❤️
Doing Branjie for these cause you had me go back to their ao3 tag with your May Trope Mayhem.
1: Who spends all their money on the other?
Let’s just say Vanessa is very impulsive with things she wants, and Brooke is really really bad at saying no to her. Brooke is lucky she makes so much money honestly, her need to spoil Vanjie would probably run her into some real trouble otherwise.
10: Which one does the posing while the other draws?
They’ve tried it either way around actually, and both were gigantic fails. Vanessa‘s ADHD ass just couldn’t sit still long enough, and when she set out to draw Brooke instead, Brooke kept giving her well intended yet unasked for advice, until Vanessa got so frustrated that she dropped the pencil to the ground, breaking the tip of it in the process. They decided to call it a day and just order take out instead.
22: Who makes the bad pun and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a bad pun?
Do I even have to answer that one? Let’s just say Brooke takes psychic damage every time Vanessa makes a joke.
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HEY BABE! for the kissie kiss prompts,
7 with Coxdoll because they’re also great
Omggg that is sooo Coxdoll i love it! Thank you so much for the request bébé, i had a blast with grumpy Nicky!!
7: I know we're fighting but come here (swoons)
A studio apartment was wonderful most of the time. Their bed was large, framed by hanging plants and flooded with sunlight in the mornings. Jackie could get up and walk over to the kitchen island, preparing the first two cups of mocca of the day. As she waited for the dark liquid to boil in her little copper kettle, she could still glance over at the bed where Nicky was usually still buried under a pile of pillows and blankets, muffled grumbling mixing with the low whistling of the kettle. The many pillows could be assorted in many ways, making the bed serve as a sofa to watch TV as well. And thanks to the high ceilings and white walls, it never felt too caged in. No, usually they really couldn’t complain about their little piece of heaven in the heart of Manhattan.
Usually. Because right now, the little shared space turned out to be a curse. The air was tense with the echoes of previous yells and anger, a crisp breeze ruffling the leaves of Jackies beloved houseplants. The window was opened wide, Nicky‘s frame leaned halfway outside, a cigarette dangling between her lips and her short, bleached hair pulled into a disheveled knot resting on the back of her neck. She knew Jackie disapproved of the smoking, especially in the house. This was purely to spite her for having the audacity to give her the silent treatment.
The whole argument had been stupid, really. Nicky knew she worked too much she knew her all nighters were not going to do her body and mind any favours in the long run. But a fashion magazine didn’t establish itself, and she was running behind on all the material she’d gathered at Fashion week. And anyways, it wasn’t like Jackie had the perfect work-life balance either! Why was she allowed to leave late at night for spontaneous recording sessions with Jan and her band but if Nicky so much as looked at her drafts after nine pm, all hell broke loose?
Nicky huffed, taking another drag of her almost burned out cigarette. She wasn’t ready to turn around and face Jackie again just yet. If it hadn’t been so late at night, lights speeding past on the road far, far below her, she would’ve grabbed her coat and rushed outside. But getting killed on the nightly streets seemed a little extreme, even for her.
Something rustled and bustled behind her again, the fan over the stove happily blowing away. Nicky had to force herself not to turn around to see what Jackie was doing, no, she was not going to give her that satisfaction. Not until Jackie realised that she was wrong and not one bit better than Nicky.
A heavy sigh.
Nicky‘s lips curled around the damp end of her cigarette, biting her tongue. She didn’t like this either. It wasn’t like she wanted to fight, or upset Jackie in general. But she was too stubborn to give in, no matter how sorrowful Jackie’s little sounds of frustration got. That’s what she got for treating her like a kid that could just be put into time out when it threw a tantrum! Although the goosebumps on her arms did start to make her shiver, the breeze of cold night sucking all the warmth out of her frame, only dressed in her favourite sleep shirt. One of Jackie‘s Star Trek ones, of course…
Steps, right behind her. Nicky pressed her lips together, blowing the last huff of smoke out of her nose. A steaming cup of tea was placed on the window sill beside her. It took every ounce of self control to not glance at Jackie, but Nicky managed to keep her gaze focussed on the building across the street, focussing on the dark windows there. She pressed her burned out cigarette onto the ash tray in front of her, wordlessly reaching for the cup. Pale, cold fingers grazed over tan, warm ones, long and slender, like everything about Jackie.
„You’re freezing.“
The touch lingered on for just a moment, before Nicky pulled away to bring the cup to her lips. She didn’t answer, simply let the hot steam warm her face, cheeks red from the cold.
As always, Jackie was not going to let her go that easily. Her hand found Nicky’s shoulders, neither pulling or pushing her, simply resting her palm on the other girls body, the warmth of her touch spreading faster than Nicky would admit.
„Come back inside“, Jackie pleaded, „It’s getting real cold inside too.“
„No“, the word slipped out before Nicky even realised it herself, lips curled into a slight pout. She quickly tried to hide her face behind the steaming cup, cursing when the liquid burned the tip of her tongue.
That drew a chuckle from Jackie. She shook her head, just slightly, dark waves bouncing. „Baby please“, she said, trying and failing to hold back her laughter. „I can sit in the bathroom if you want.“
At that, not even Nicky could hold back her smile anymore. She chuckled, forcing her mouth to stay in a frown.
Jackie’s other hand found Nicky’s cheek, and this time she let her gently pull her towards her. Face to face, they both leaned against the window sill, the moon and street lights illuminating their faces. Jackie’s fingertips were warm against Nicky’s cheek, and she couldn’t help but lean into the touch. The gesture pulled Jackie’s lips into a smile.
She gently tugged on Nicky’s shirt, pulling the smaller girls frame closer to her. Her lips were plump, remains of chapstick on the bottom one and Nicky knew it was Jackie’s favourite, the one that tasted like mint. Before she could help herself, the smaller blonde had already leaned in, pressing Jackie’s lips against her own, tongue running over them to taste the freshness. Mint, just like she thought.
Jackie’s hand wandered from Nicky’s cheek into her hair, cupping her head and pulling her in, a warming fire against the cold night. Nicky sighed, lips vibrating against Jackie, before pulling away.
Relief glimmered in the taller girls eyes. And love. Nicky bit her own lip, hand finding the hem of Jackie‘s shirt, pulling her hips up against her own. „I’m still mad at you“, she growled, even though her smile tells a different story.
„Of course“, Jackie purred, holding Nicky’s frame flush against her own. „Can you come be mad at me inside though?“
Their lips found each other again, this time Nicky let it linger just a little. „Hmm“, she pretended to think about it, lips curling into a smirk as her hand found the curve of Jackie’s ass. „Only if i get make up sex.“
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Do you have any rosenali HC’s?? I’ll take any au !!
Hm, why not a classic Highschool AU for this one!
They are that one Lesbian couple that is so hopelessly in love, everyone can see it.
Rosé holds Denali’s hand wherever they go, down the hall, during lunch, on the way to the car… whenever she can, she will be physically attached to her girlfriend somehow.
At parties, her hand is basically glued to the small of Denali‘s back, and her other hand has a drink that they usually both sip from throughout the night.
Denali is pretty short throughout most of Highschool, creating a height difference that Rosé loves to take advantage of. There’s just something about caging Denali in against the lockers or leaning down to kiss her that makes her stomach do backflips. And judging by the way Denali will get on her tiptoes to reciprocate, she thinks the same.
Denali is very physically active, a part of the cheerleading team as well as multiple sports clubs outside of school. She constantly wins awards or medals for the school and is pretty well known and admired in the student body. Rosé of course rules the drama club, always snatching exactly the role she wants and doesn’t shy away from musicals and live singing either.
They are always in the first row whenever the other is doing something. Denali brings flowers to give her girlfriend after every performance and Rosé will travel to other towns on weekends with her to watch Denali compete in taekwondo competitions. She even has a reserved seat for her schools football game just to watch Denali cheer before the game.
They have a secret spot behind the gym where they will sneak away to make out throughout the day. Rosé especially likes to take Denali there after her cheer practice, still in her short skirt and sports bra.
Denali is a very good straight A student. Always hands essays in on time, listens attentively in class and takes notes on everything, never skips school.
Rosé is very clever too, but lacks the discipline to sit through a class she’s not interested in. If she doesn’t care, she won’t attend. Why sit in a classroom when she could be driving her girlfriend to the lookout on the hill.
Denali doesn’t like the idea at first but she can’t help her curiosity and go with her one time.
Rosé drives her to the lookout, a beautiful spot on a hill from where you can see the entire town. They smoke a blunt and end up making out again, Denali’s back against the grassy earth, one of Rosé‘s knee hiked up between her legs as her skirt slips further and further upwards.
On days where they barely see each other, Rosé likes to leave notes in Denali‘s locker. Some are jokes, some are sweet, some simply say „I love you“
Denali loves to braid Rosé‘s fluffy hair, especially when they’re quietly sitting in the library, leaning into each other as Rosé pretends to focus on her homework.
Denali helps Rosé improve her Spanish (not without making fun of her lousy accent though) and ends up making her top of her class, surprising not just Rosé but also her teacher.
Rosé in return pulls Denali away from her studies every now and then, making sure she also spends time relaxing (something Rosé is always happy to assist with)
Not matter how much Mik and Kandy tease them for being That Obnoxious Couple™️, they are just a great match and everyone can see how happy and in love they are.
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It hath been posted! Thank you so much @thecollectionsof for making this a lot easier to finish!!!
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crygi + strip tease i’m begging
This was so unexpectedly fun to write, I‘m living for this! Thank you so much for requesting xx
„This movie is boring“, Gigi exclaimed, very matter of factly, her hand aimlessly picking at the bowl of popcorn in her lap.
„It’s a classic slasher movie!“, Crystal sounded almost personally offended, her mouth agape, eyes never leaving the screen.
„Exactly!“, there was an odd tone to Gigi‘s voice. Most people probably wouldn’t even realise it. Her drawl was just a little longer than it usually was, her undertone more of a whine than her typical snarl, her movement a little too theatrical as she threw her arms up to underline her point. „I bet I can tell you exactly what’s going to happen in the end!“, she stretched her arms over her head, the small of her back ever so slightly arching off the cushions. To most people, those telltale signs were invisible. But not to Crystal. Not to the only person who knew what they meant. Struggling to keep her calm demeanour, Crystal reached for the remote to turn down the volume. After taking a deep breath, she turned around to face her girlfriend on the other end of the couch. „And what do you propose we do instead, if this movie is boring you this much?“
A twinkle gleamed in Gigi’s eyes, barely noticeable in the dim light of their living room. Slowly, almost casually she grabbed the bowl on her lap and set it aside on the coffee table, her shirt riding up at her lower waist at the slight stretch. The corner of her mouth turned upwards into a sly smile when she caught Crystal staring. „Don’t worry“, she hummed, „I can think of something.“
Gigi didn’t await an answer as she rose from the couch, taking a large step around the coffee table. She now stood right in front of the TV, the still running movie illuminating her silhouette in the oversaturated midnight blue of some gloomy forest scene. Gigi faced the TV, watching the panicked teen girl in her cheerleading uniform on the screen stumbling over a root and dramatically tumbling to the ground. She shook her head, auburn locks bouncing at the movement. „Ridiculous. I’m telling you, she’s dead“, she said, almost casually, „Hey, do you think it’s hot in here? I think its hot in here.“ And without another word, she leaned down the swell of her ass right on eye level with Crystal, who audibly gulped, the tragically dying cheerleader long forgotten. Her hazel eyes widened as Gigi let her fingers run over the waistband of her sweatpants, hooking her index fingers underneath it. She threw a short look over her shoulder, a satisfied smirk growing on her face at Crystals eyes fixed on her butt, pupils dilated and mouth forming a silent „oh“.
With an almost devilish smile, Gigi turned back towards the TV. „That outfit is so impractical, she’s gonna get stuck somewhere. Don’t you think that outfit is stupid, Crys?“ The inaudible sound that left Crystals throat almost made Gigi laugh out loud. Instead, she settled for a slight chuckle as she finally began pulling down the thick fabric of her sweats, making sure she was leaning down with her movement and arching her back just enough to hear Crystal let out a little whimper. It didn’t take a genius to know she completely had the brunette wrapped around her finger. Stepping out of her pants, Gigi slowly turned around, the cold light of the TV illuminating the skin of her legs, barely covered by her black lace thong. Swinging one leg over Crystal‘s, she sat down in her lap in one swift motion. The latter‘s eyes were so round and wide it wouldn’t surprise Gigi if they popped out of her head entirely. The thought made her giggle and she made sure to delicately clasp her fingers over her mouth.
Crystal stared up at her as if she was everything that mattered, the only person in the universe. Her hands found the hem of Gigi’s (Crystal’s) shirt. Gigi tutted, swatting them away with one hand, without force but firm enough to let Crystal know not to attempt anything again. Her other hand pushed Crystal backwards at her chest, pressing her back into the cushion behind her. The look in her eyes was stern enough to let her know to stay still. Crystal could barely muster up a nod, gulping as she kept her hands to herself.
Gigi‘s eyes softened at that, the smirk returning to her face as she let her hand run upwards over Crystals chest, collarbone, neck. She grabbed her chin for just a split second, before her hands went to the hem of her shirt. After leaving her fingers to hover over her own clothed core for a few seconds, Gigi pulled the shirt over her head at last. Crystal gasped out loudly, incapable of deciding whether she should close her eyes shut to soak in the heat building up in her body or keep them wide open to not miss a single thing. Obviously, the latter won.
Other than with her bottoms, Gigi didn’t wear anything under her shirt, her perky chest sprinkled with goosebumps against the fresh air. Crystal shivered. It took everything in her to not reach out, grab her girlfriend by the shoulders to pull her in for a heated kiss. But she didn’t dare move.
Gigi stretched her arms over her head, back arching, her hips gently pressing down further against Crystals lap. It was almost unbearably much, yet so far from enough at the same time. The shirt was tossed somewhere out of sight, not that it mattered. Bucking her hips once more, Gigi leaned closer to Crystal, their noses now inches apart. Crystal barely registered her lips parting almost on instinct, ready to finally be connected to Gigi’s, when the latter leaned further forward, until her lips ghosted over the shell of her ear. The touch was slight, not much more than a gentle brush, but it sent rapid shivers down Crystals spine. „There there,“, Gigi chuckled, voice not more than a whisper, „what has you so worked up, huh?“
The throaty, airy groan that escaped Crystal’s lips was absolutely filthy. She could feel Gigi grin against her ear. „Now will you help me out of this thong or do I have to do everything myself here?“ She didn’t need to be told twice.
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Jackie x Nicky for the ships :))
This is ship is so fucking good.
Nicky loooves to cook, she constantly whips something new out for Jackie to try. Jackie loves getting to try whatever Nicky makes, though she could do without the absolute state of chaos Nicky leaves the kitchen in afterwards. Lucky for Nicky, Jackie is basically incapable of getting mad at her.
Due to both of them being rather closed off, it took quite a while for them to find out that they both can sing. Now, when the sky is clear during summer nights, they will take Jackie‘s ukulele and climb on the fire escape of their apartment building, jamming and singing together with canned beer and a joint.
Thanks to Nicky’s fangirl nature for video games, Jackie managed to get her into Star Trek. Now they have binge watch nights, make fresh popcorn (Cheesy for Jackie, Sweet and Salty for Nicky) and Nicky is genuinely engaged in all the extra information Jackie gives at the most random moments.
In return to that, Jackie will lounge on the couch next to Nicky while she’s gaming, snuggled up to her side and watching the screen, genuinely asking questions about what is happening or trying to engage with the story or choices Nicky makes. When Jackie eventually drifts off to sleep, Nicky turns off the console and just runs her hands through Jackie’s curls, her head in her lap, glasses halfway off her nose. God, she loved this woman.
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hehehehehe because I’m here to be a menace can we have headcanons for hytesdoll or jankie?
love you spomf <3<3
You know what, why not both!
They are such opulent romantics it’s honestly disgusting. Candlelight dinners, wine tastings, boat rides, brunch, they do all the fancy things you would usually only see on TV shows, they do it. However, their unspoken favourite part of their dates is coming home, Nicky holding her heels in her hand, arm hooked with Brooke’s, cheeks red from alcohol and the cool night air. They kiss underneath a street light until their lipsticks smeared into a wild mess, and Nicky giggles at the sight of the usually so perfect Brooke with Nicky’s signature red all over her face.
If they cuddle, Brooke is a big spoon. Always. Unless work has been especially draining, she’s on her period and her latest project is not going well. Then she will just curl up in their bed, and when Nicky lays down behind her, draping her arms around her and just holding her close, Brooke will shuffle closer, rest her hands over Nicky’s and just let her girlfriend hold her for a while.
Jackie is an absolute workaholic, and it’s even worse when she works from home. Jan will literally be in her pyjamas already, blanket around her shoulders, tiptoeing into the office to find Jackie still on her computer, the only light burning is the small desk lamp next to her. Jan comes up behind her, chin resting on her shoulder and wrapping the blanket around the two of them in an embrace. „Jacks“, she’ll mumble, lips grazing her neck, „Time for bed.“
Jan is a cuddler, she just loves having Jackie close to her. Sleepy hugs in the morning as they brush their teeth, sitting close enough to have their legs pressed together on the subway, curling up into Jackie’s chest in front of the TV as Jackie strokes her hair.
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