#Bernadette de Lourdes
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27 de novembro: Nossa Senhora das Graças ou da Medalha Milagrosa
No dia 27 de novembro de 1830, na véspera do primeiro domingo do Advento, a Santíssima Virgem apareceu à Irmã Catarina Labouré, uma religiosa vicentina. A Virgem, vestida de branco com um véu que caía até os pés, estava de pé sobre um globo branco, pisando uma serpente verde com manchas amarelas. Em suas mãos, ela segurava um pequeno globo dourado, coroado por uma cruz, e de seus dedos saíam raios de luz que iluminavam toda a sua volta.
A Virgem explicou a Irmã Catarina que o globo representava o mundo inteiro, especialmente a França e cada alma em particular, e que os raios simbolizavam as graças que Ela derramava sobre aqueles que as pediam. As pedras preciosas dos anéis nos dedos de Maria também enviavam raios, mas as pérolas que não emitiam luz representavam as graças das almas que não pedem por elas.
A Virgem pediu que fosse cunhada uma medalha com essa imagem, afirmando que todas as pessoas que a usassem sentiriam Sua proteção. O Arcebispo de Paris permitiu a fabricação da medalha, e logo começaram a acontecer milagres. A medalha foi rapidamente difundida, com curas, conversões e proteções, sendo chamada pelo povo de "medalha milagrosa". Em poucos anos, milhões de medalhas foram distribuídas ao redor do mundo, confirmando a eficácia das graças derramadas por Maria, a mediadora das graças que nos vêm de Jesus Cristo.
A identidade de Maria, que já era tema de controvérsia entre teólogos desde os primeiros tempos da Igreja, foi oficialmente proclamada no Concílio de Éfeso, em 431, quando foi declarado que Maria é "Mãe de Deus". Essa definição foi essencial para afirmar o papel de Maria como mãe do próprio Deus e não apenas como mãe de Jesus humano.
Séculos depois, em 1854, o Papa Pio IX proclamou o dogma da Imaculada Conceição, confirmando que Maria foi concebida sem pecado, por uma graça especial de Deus. Além disso, as aparições de Lourdes, em 1858, reforçaram ainda mais o papel de Maria como mediadora das graças, quando a jovem Bernadette Soubirous viu a Virgem se apresentar com a mesma mensagem da Imaculada Conceição.
Até a morte de Santa Catarina, em 1876, mais de um bilhão de medalhas haviam sido distribuídas.
#santa catarina labouré#santacatarinalabouré#santa bernadette#santabernadette#nossa senhora da medalha milagrosa#nossasenhoradamedalhamilagrosa#nossa senhora das graças#nossasenhoradasgraças#nossa senhora de lourdes#nossasenhoradelourdes#igrejacatólica#igreja católica#católicos#nosso senhor jesus cristo#nossosenhorjesuscristo#toda de maria#todademaria#toda de jesus#todadejesus#totus tuus#totustuus#totus tuus mariae#totustuusmariae
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Le crime d’Academia ? Avoir rapproché foi et identité.
#Academia Christiana#Victor Aubert#catholique#catholic church#catholic#france#tradition#E&R#Egaliteetreconciliation.fr
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The Miraculous Medal
In November of 1830, Mary again appeared to St. Catherine at the Rue de Bac Chapel. This time, our Blessed Mother was standing on a globe, with dazzling rays of light streaming from her outstretched hands. Framing the apparition was an inscription: “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” When Mary spoke to St. Catherine, she said “Have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around the neck. Those who repeat this prayer with devotion will be, in a special manner, under the protection of the Mother of God. Graces will be abundantly bestowed upon those who have confidence.”
The Miraculous Medal was originally called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, but, because of the numerous accounts of miracles by those who wore it, people began to call it the Miraculous Medal, and the name stuck. The Medal is a visual reminder of our salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Front Side
The front side of the Miraculous Medal depicts Mary Immaculate, her hands open, full of light. St. Catherine Labouré saw Our Lady appear like this and heard her say, “Have a medal made according to this model. Everyone who wears it around their neck will receive great graces.” Mary stands upon the globe as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her feet crush the serpent to proclaim that Satan and all his followers are helpless before her (Gn. 3:15). The year 1830 on the Miraculous Medal is the year the Blessed Mother gave the design of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine. The reference to “Mary conceived without sin” supports the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary — referring to Mary being sinless, “full of grace,” and “blessed among women” (Lk. 1:28). The dogma of the Immaculate Conception was proclaimed 24 years later in 1854, and then confirmed when Mary appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France, in 1858.
Mary stands on a globe, crushing a serpent beneath her feet. Describing the original vision, Catherine said the Blessed Mother appeared radiant as a sunrise, "in all her perfect beauty."
Rays shoot out from Mary's hands, which she told Catherine, "... symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them."
Words from the vision form an oval frame around Mary: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
Seen as a matrix, the elements of the front design encapsulate major Marian tenets:
Quality of Our Lady As Illustrated by the Medal
Mother - Her open arms, the "recourse" we have in her.
Immaculate - The words, "conceived without sin."
Assumed into Heaven - She stands on the globe.
Mediatrix - Rays from her hands symbolizing "graces."
Our Protection - Crushes the serpent (Gn 3:15).
The Reverse Side
On the reverse side, the Cross and the letter M symbolize the close relationship of Mary to the suffering, passion, and death of her Son. The cross can symbolize Christ and our redemption, with the bar under the cross a sign of the earth and the Altar, for it is on the Altar at Mass that the Sacrifice of Calvary continues to be present in the world today. The M signifies “Mary” and “Mother.” The interweaving of Mary’s initial and the cross shows Mary’s close involvement with Jesus and our world. In this, we see Mary’s part in our salvation and her role as Mother of the Church.
Beneath the Cross, bar, and the M are two hearts side‐by‐side: the Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thorns and the Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced by a sword. The two hearts represent the love of Jesus and Mary for us.
The twelve stars signify the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles, who represent the entire Church as it surrounds Mary. They also recall the vision of Saint John, writer of the Book of Revelation (12:1), in which “a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars.”
A cross-and-bar surmounts a large, bold "M."
12 stars disperse around the perimeter.
Two hearts are depicted underneath the "M," the left lapped with a crown of thorns, the right skewed by a sword. From each, a flame emanates from the top. Again, employing a grid analysis, we can see how the reverse-side design contains great symbolism reflecting major tenets of the Catholic faith.
Design Element and its Catholic Meaning
The large letter "M" - Mary as Mother, Mediatrix.
Cross and bar - Jesus' Cross of Redemption.
12 stars - 12 Apostles, who formed the first Church.
Left Heart - The Sacred Heart, who died for our sins.
Right Heart - The Immaculate Heart, who intercedes for us.
Flames - The burning love Jesus and Mary have for us.
(Sources: 1 + 2)
#Catholic#Christian#St. Catherine Laboure#Our Lady of Miraculous Medal#Miraculous Medal#Sacramental#Immaculate Conception#Go get one
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Notre-Dames de Betharam / Our Lady of Betharam, France (1503), St Pope Soter, St Pope Vaius - Martyrs and the Saints for 22 April
Notre-Dames de Betharam / Our Lady of Betharam, France (1503) – 22 April:Saint Bernadette Soubirous frequently visited the Shrine of Betharram. In fact, the rosary beads that Bernadette used when praying with the Blessed Virgin during the first apparition at Lourdes had come from the Betharram Shrine and the priest to whom she was sent after the apparitions, was Saint Michel Garicoïts (1797-1863)…
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"Célébrons aujourd'hui Notre-Dame de Guadalupe, sainte patronne de l'Amérique Latine 🙏
Prions ensemble celle qui dans une lumière éblouissante apparut à Juan Diego, comme Notre-Dame de #Lourdes apparut à Bernadette.
📷 ©Photo SNDL / Pierre Vincent"
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Sanctuaire Notre Dame de Lourdes - 2. Au Moyen-Âge, la cité médiévale de “Lorda” est protégée par des remparts, sa forteresse et son donjon. Depuis 1022, les comtes de Bigorre siègent dans le château. Sa position est stratégique entre plaine et vallées, elle permet de contrôler les échanges économiques ou guerriers entre la Bigorre et le Béarn, ainsi qu’entre l’Espagne et la France.
1216, Simon de Montfort et son fils Guy de Montfort tentent sans succès d'assiéger le château. L’Eglise catholique combat l’hérésie cathare, c’est la croisade contre les “Albigeois”.
1360, la guerre de cent ans, au travers du traité de Brétigny, place la Bigorre et le château de Lourdes entre les mains des Anglais. Le château abrite alors les “Compagnons de Lourdes”, mercenaires et rançonneurs sans merci.
1374, la ville de Lourdes est incendiée dans la lutte entre Français et Anglais.
1407, les Français, après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses, reprennent possession du château.
Pendant les guerres de religions, les habitants majoritairement catholiques se défendent contre les attaques protestantes.
De 1569 à 1573, la ville est détruite, les habitants qui n’ont pas trouvé refuge au château sont massacrés.
L'époque moderne
A partir de 1599, la ville tente de renaître et se reconstruit, crée de nouvelles routes.
Fin du XVIIème siècle, le château devient forteresse royale. Il reçoit la visite de l’ingénieur du roi Louis XIV, Vauban, qui fait réaliser le pont-levis à corne. Durant cette période, de royaux, le château n'accueille que les prisonniers.
En 1750 un séisme détruit une partie de la ville et endommage le château.
L'époque contemporaine
En 1856, Bernadette Soubirous se rétablit d’une tuberculose et du choléra, sa santé est fragile.
Son père fait faillite, il est obligé de vendre le moulin qui faisait vivre la famille. Sans un sou, ils trouvent refuge dans un ancien cachot et vivent dans la misère.
En 1858, elle a 14 ans mais ne sait ni lire ni écrire. Pourtant Bernadette s'apprête à vivre une rencontre rare et précieuse. La Vierge Marie lui apparaît 18 fois entre le 11 février et le 16 juillet de la même année, à la grotte Massabielle, située le long du Gave.
Le 18 janvier 1862, l’Eglise catholique reconnaît sept guérisons miraculeuses obtenues par l'intercession de Notre Dame de Lourdes. C’est aussi l’année de reconnaissance officielle des apparitions de “La dame blanche” à Bernadette.
En 1874, la “Chapelle de Lourdes” est proclamée basilique.
En 1883, la première pierre de l’église Notre-Dame du Rosaire est posée. L’édifice est achevé six ans plus tard et sera consacré en 1901.
En 1889, le château perd le statut de prison et sera racheté par la ville de Lourdes en 1894.
1921, le Musée Pyrénéen est créé. Il est inauguré deux ans plus tard et figure parmi les musées de France depuis 2002.
Le 8 décembre 1933, Bernadette Soubirous décédée le 16 avril 1879, est canonisée par le pape Pie XI.
Le 25 mars 1958, consécration de la basilique souterraine Saint-Pie X.
En 1983, le pape Jean-Paul II vient à Lourdes et reviendra en 2004 à l'occasion des 150 ans du dogme de l’Immaculée Conception.
En 1995, le château est classé monument historique.
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A conhecida aparição de Nossa Senhora em Lourdes se deu no início de 1858. Neste ano, muitas coisas estavam acontecendo na França e no mundo, durante o assim chamado segundo Império Francês: reinava Napoleão III e muitas ideologias e perigos estavam aproximando-se da vida de fé dos católicos. Como nada escapa aos olhos divinos, Deus envia Sua amadíssima Mãe a uma pequena camponesa de 14 anos, chamada Bernadette Soubirous, durante uma inocente busca de lenha no campo. Mas o que Bernadette encontrou foi a visão de “uma menina, tão pequena como ela, vestida de branco, com uma faixa-azul presa na cintura, com um rosário em suas mãos em oração e rosas de ouro amarelo, uma em cada pé”. Isto aconteceu no dia 11 de fevereiro de 1858. ● No dia 14 de fevereiro, novamente Ela lhe apareceu e rezaram o Rosário juntas; ● Em 18 de fevereiro, Bernadette foi informada pela Senhora para retornar à gruta durante 15 dias; ● No dia 19 começa o hábito de levar velas acesas; ● No dia 20, Maria lhe ensina uma oração pessoal; ● No dia 21, Nossa Senhora, muito triste, pediu-lhe que rezasse pelos pecadores; ● No dia 23, Ela pediu para Bernadette falar aos os sacerdotes que construíssem um santuário; ● No dia 24 de fevereiro, a Senhora pediu orações e penitência pela conversão dos pecadores; ● No dia 25 de fevereiro, novamente lhe apareceu e pediu para cavar o chão e beber a água da nascente que encontrou; ● No dia 25 de março, Nossa Senhora lhe diz que é “A Imaculada Conceição”; ● No dia 7 de abril, um médico examinou Bernadette e observou que sua mãos seguravam uma vela acesa e, mesmo assim, não possuíam qualquer queimadura; ● No dia 16 de julho, Bernadette viu pela última vez Nossa Senhora; ● Em 17 de novembro, a Igreja decidiu abrir uma comissão de inquérito; ● Em 18 de janeiro de 1860, o bispo local declarou que “a Virgem Maria apareceu de fato à jovem Bernadette". Então, afinal de contas, com tantas datas, qual é o dia de nossa Senhora de Lourdes? A festa de Nossa Senhora de Lourdes é celebrada no dia 11 de fevereiro. https://www.instagram.com/p/CohhFEvAyFw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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AVANT/APRES. Inondations meurtrières en Espagne : dans la région de Valence, l'urbanisation galopante a aggravé les dégâts
See on Scoop.it - Les Colocs du jardin
En empêchant l'eau de s'infiltrer dans les sols, la bétonnisation a rendu la métropole plus vulnérable aux phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, eux-mêmes intensifiés par le réchauffement climatique.
Robin Prudent
France Télévisions
Publié le 31/10/2024 16:40
Mis à jour il y a 53 minutes
"Moins de champs et plus de béton. Au fil des décennies, la région de Valence, en Espagne, a changé de visage. Cette artificialisation galopante a eu de lourdes conséquences dans la nuit du mardi 29 au mercredi 30 octobre, alors que des pluies torrentielles se sont abattues sur l'est du pays. "L'urbanisation a clairement créé un toboggan géant entre la ville de Valence et son amont, là où l'orage a stationné", explique l'agroclimatologue Serge Zaka, sur X(Nouvelle fenêtre). Le bilan est catastrophique : plus de 150 morts et des dégâts considérables."
Bernadette Cassel's insight:
'artificialisation des sols / étalement urbain' in Les Colocs du jardin https://www.scoop.it/topic/les-colocs-du-jardin/?&tag=artificialisation+des+sols+%2F+%C3%A9talement+urbain
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Lourdes : histoire d’un sanctuaire où se pressent les foules
Avec l’Assomption, de grandes célébrations ont lieu dans les nombreux sanctuaires consacrés à la Vierge Marie en France, et notamment dans le plus célèbre de tous : Lourdes. S’étendant aujourd’hui sur 52 hectares de terrain, ce dernier se limitait, en 1858, à une simple grotte au pied de laquelle coulait tranquillement le Gave, jusqu’au moment où le destin de Bernadette Soubirous, mû par quelques…
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🌿🕊🌿“Vós sois o sorriso de Deus”🌷
Em 2008, Bento XVI foi à França no contexto do jubileu pelo 150º aniversário da aparição de Nossa Senhora. Numa Missa para os doentes, ele apresentou suas intenções a ela através desta oração:
“Porque vós sois o sorriso de Deus, o reflexo da luz de Cristo, a morada do Espírito Santo,
Porque vós escolhestes Bernadette em sua humildade,
Porque vós sois a estrela da manhã, o portão do céu e a primeira criatura a experimentar a ressurreição,
Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, com nossos irmãos e irmãs cujos corações e corpos estão sofrendo, rogamos a vós!
🙏 Amém.🙏
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Events 7.16 (before 1900)
622 – The Hijrah of Muhammad begins, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar. 997 – Battle of Spercheios: Bulgarian forces of Tsar Samuel are defeated by a Byzantine army under general Nikephoros Ouranos at the Spercheios River in Greece. 1054 – Three Roman legates break relations between Western and Eastern Christian Churches through the act of placing a Papal bull (of doubtful validity) of Excommunication on the altar of Hagia Sophia during Saturday afternoon divine liturgy. Historians frequently describe the event as the formal start of the East–West Schism. 1212 – Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa: After Pope Innocent III calls European knights to a crusade, forces of Kings Alfonso VIII of Castile, Sancho VII of Navarre, Peter II of Aragon and Afonso II of Portugal defeat those of the Berber Muslim leader Almohad, thus marking a significant turning point in the Reconquista and in the medieval history of Spain. 1228 – The canonization of Saint Francis of Assisi 1232 – The Spanish town of Arjona declares independence and names its native Muhammad ibn Yusuf as ruler. This marks the Muhammad's first rise to prominence; he would later establish the Nasrid Emirate of Granada, the last independent Muslim state in Spain. 1251 – Celebrated by the Carmelite Order–but doubted by modern historians–as the day when Saint Simon Stock had a vision of the Virgin Mary. 1377 – King Richard II of England is crowned. 1536 – Jacques Cartier, navigator and explorer, returns home to St. Malo after claiming Stadacona (Quebec), Hochelaga (Montereal) and the River of Canada (St. Lawrence River) region for France. 1661 – The first banknotes in Europe are issued by the Swedish bank Stockholms Banco. 1683 – Manchu Qing dynasty naval forces under traitorous commander Shi Lang defeat the Kingdom of Tungning in the Battle of Penghu near the Pescadores Islands. 1769 – Father Junípero Serra founds California's first mission, Mission San Diego de Alcalá. Over the following decades, it evolves into the city of San Diego, California. 1779 – American Revolutionary War: Light infantry of the Continental Army seize a fortified British Army position in a midnight bayonet attack at the Battle of Stony Point. 1790 – The District of Columbia is established as the capital of the United States after signature of the Residence Act. 1809 – The city of La Paz, in what is today Bolivia, declares its independence from the Spanish Crown during the La Paz revolution and forms the Junta Tuitiva, the first independent government in Spanish America, led by Pedro Domingo Murillo. 1849 – Antonio María Claret y Clará founds the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, popularly known as the Claretians in Vic, in the province of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. 1858 – The last apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France. 1861 – American Civil War: At the order of President Abraham Lincoln, Union troops begin a 25-mile march into Virginia for what will become the First Battle of Bull Run, the first major land battle of the war. 1862 – American Civil War: David Farragut is promoted to rear admiral, becoming the first officer in United States Navy to hold an admiral rank.
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BERNADETTE DE LOURDES - Montpellier, France | 8 Jun, 2024.
Find out more / Get Tickets.
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Notre-Dames de Betharam / Our Lady of Betharam, France (1503) and Memorials of the Saints - 22 April
Saturday in the Second Week after Easter Notre-Dames de Betharam / Our Lady of Betharam, France (1503) – 22 April:Saint Bernadette Soubirous frequently visited the Shrine of Betharram. In fact, the rosary beads that Bernadette used when praying with the Blessed Virgin during the first apparition at Lourdes had come from the Betharram Shrine and the priest to whom she was sent after the…
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Sanctuaire de Notre Dame de Lourdes. Lourdes attire chaque année plus de 6 millions de visiteurs venant de plus de 140 pays dans le monde.
La ville de Lourdes est mondialement connue par son paysage d’exception et son histoire extraordinaire.
Lourdes doit sa renommée à la célèbre histoire de Bernadette Soubirous. En 1858 la vierge Marie apparaît à la jeune Bernadette Soubirous, alors âgée de 14 ans, dans la grotte de Massabielle.
Le sanctuaire de notre Dame de Lourdes est aussi connu pour sa source « miraculeuse ».
L’eau aux vertus guérisseuses aurait ainsi permis 68 guérisons à Lourdes reconnues par l’église catholique.
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Holidays 4.16
Anemone Day (French Republic)
Battle of Culloden Day (UK)
Charlie Chaplin Day
Day of the Badger (Wisconsin)
Dronningens Fodelsdag (Denmark)
Emancipation Day (DC)
Flat Stomach Appreciation Day
Foursquare Day
Frühjahrsbierfest begins (modern festival) [thru 5.8]
Good Deeds Day
International 4p-/Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome Awareness Day
Jimmy Buffet Day (Florida)
Jim Thorpe Day
Jose de Diego Day (Puerto Rico)
Lawyers’ Day (Bulgaria)
Liberating the Rainbow Lost in White Light Festival
Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust (Hungary)
Militiamen Day (Cuba)
National Advance Care Planning Day (Canada)
National Angel Day
National Auctioneers Day
National Bean Counters’ Day
National Cash Day
National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day
National CPA's Goof-Off Day [Day after Tax Day]
National Healthcare Decisions Day
National Horny Day
National Joseph Day
National Librarian Day
National OK Day
National Orchid Day
National Reveal the Genius Within Day
National Selena Day
National Slip-On Shoes Day
National Stress Awareness Day
National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day
Orkney Day
Police Day (Armenia)
Queen Margrethe II Day (Denmark)
Remembrance of the Chemical Attack on Balisan and Sheikh Was (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Royalty Day
Save the Elephant Day
Teach Your Daughter to Volunteer Day
Totoro Day
Vadai Day (India)
World Day of Entrepreneurship
World Entrepreneurship Day
World Semicolon Day
World Shoes by Flora Day (Nigeria)
World Voice Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brown Sugar Day
Dagwood Sandwich Day
Day of Mushroom Encouragement (a.k.a. Day of the Mushroom)
Eggs Benedict Day
Mushroom Day
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day
National Eggs Benedict Day
Raw-Milk Cheese Appreciation Day
3rd Tuesday in April
Transportation Tuesday [3rd Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 16 (3rd Week)
National Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week [thru 4.22]
Independence & Related Days
Cyrillic Federal Republic (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning April 16, 2024
Cartagena Film Festival (Cartagena, Colombia) [thru 4.21]
Charlotte Wine and Food Week (Charlotte, North Carolina) [thru 4.21]
Cheese Expo (Madison, Wisconsin) [thru 4.18]
Food + Beverage Environmental Conference (Miramar, Florida) [thru 4.19]
Grifton Shad Festival (Grafton, North Carolina) [thru 4.20]
South Bohemian International Beer Festival (Zlatá Pivni Pečet; České Budějovice, Czech Republic) [thru 4.20]
Feast Days
All Hookers’ Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Anatole France (Writerism)
Baby Natasha (Muppetism)
Benedict Joseph Labre (Christian; Saint)
Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes (Christian; Saint)
Bundling Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Contardo (Christian; Saint)
Days of Mushroom Encouragement (Shamanism)
Dimon (Christian; Saint)
Drogo (Christian; Saint)
Élisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun (Artology)
Encratis (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Feast of the Divine Mercy
Ford Madox Brown (Artology)
Fructuosus of Braga (Christian; Saint)
Hiketeria (Festival to Apollo; Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
Holiday of Ra (Ancient Egypt)
Iduna’s Blot (Pagan)
Isabella Gilmore (Church of England)
Joachim of Sienna (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Labre (Christian; Saint)
Kingsley Amis (Writerism)
Magnus of Orkney (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Zaragoza (a.k.a. 18 Martyrs of Saragossa; Christian)
Messalina Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Miss Corner (Muppetism)
Molly Brant (Konwatsijayenni) (Anglican Church of Canada, Episcopal Church)
Offering to Demeter Khloe (Goddess of Green Shoots; Ancient Greece)
Optatos and Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Padarn (Christian; Saint)
Paternus (Christian; Saint)
Ridvan begins (Baha’i)
Sapho, by Charles Gounod (Opera; 1851)
Sea Monkey Soup Day (Pastafarian)
Spring Cleaning Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Turibius of Astorga (Christian; Saint)
Varro (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [15 of 53]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [16 of 37]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [21 of 60]
Antboy (Film; 2014)
Benny & Joon (Film; 1993)
The Best and the Brightest, by David Halberstam (Book; 1973)
Book of the Month Club (Bookselling Subscription; 1926)
Brown Sugar, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1971)
Bug Carnival (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Bulletproof Monk (Film; 2003)
Daddy Duck (Disney Cartoon; 1948)
Death at a Funeral (Film; 2010)
Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet (Anime Film; 2021)
Everybody Loves Somebody, recorded by Dean Martin (Song; 1964)
Everything Is Illuminated, by Jonathan Safron Foer (Novel; 2002)
Fibber McGee and Molly (Radio Series; 1935)
The Foolish Bunny (Color Rhapsody; 1938)
The Ginger Bread Boy (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Goopy Geer (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Hole Idea (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Horrible Histories (TV Series; 2009)
Hospitaliky (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
The House That Jack Built (Color Rhapsody; 1939)
It Don’t Come Easy, by Ringo Starr (Song; 1971)
James Paul McCartney, by Paul McCartney (TV Special; 1973)
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (Film; 2004)
Kiss-Ass (Film; 2010)
Le Prophète, by Giacomo Meyerbeer (Opera; 1849)
Life During Wartime (Film; 1998)
Love & Basketball (Film; 2000)
A Mighty Wind (Film; 2003)
Mother Goose Melodies (Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1931)
The Music Box (Short Film; 1932)
My Neighbor Totoro (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1988)
The Organization Man, by William H. Whyte Jr. (Book; 1957)
Porky’s Five & Ten (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Poultry Pirates (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
The Punisher (Film; 2004)
The Rolling Stones, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1964)
Romeo and Juliet (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
The Sound of the Mountain, by Yasunari Kawabata (Novel; 1954)
The Spy Who Loved Me, by Ian Fleming (Novel; 1959) [James Bond #10]
Spy x Family (Anime TV Series; 2022)
The Sunlight Dialogues, by John Gardner (Novel; 1973)
Temple of the Dog, by Temple of the Dog (Album; 1991)
This Land is Your Land, recorded by Woody Guthrie (Song; 1944)
The White Princess (TV Series; 2017)
Wide Sargasso Sea (Film; 1993)
Zooey, by J.D. Salinger (Novella; 1957) [Collected in Franny & Zooey in 1961]
Today’s Name Days
Bernadette, Magnus (Austria)
Velichka, Velichko, Velin, Velina (Bulgaria)
Bernardica, Leonida (Croatia)
Irena (Czech Republic)
Mariane (Denmark)
Olivia, Olve, Olvi (Estonia)
Jalo, Patrik (Finland)
Benoît-Joseph, Rameaux (France)
Bernadette, Joachim, Magnus (Germany)
Anastasios, Calis, Galini, Galinos, Hionia, Lambros, Niki, Paschalis (Greece)
Csongor (Hungary)
Bernadette, Giuditta, Grazia, Lamberto, Maria (Italy)
Alfs, Mindaugs, Mintauts (Latvia)
Algedė, Gražvydas, Kalikstas (Lithuania)
Magnus, Mons (Norway)
Benedykt, Bernadetta, Cecyl, Cecylian, Charyzjusz, Erwin, Erwina, Julia, Ksenia, Lambert, Lamberta, Nikita, Nosisław, Patrycy, Urban (Poland)
Agapi, Hionia, Irina (Romania)
Dana, Danica (Slovakia)
Engracia, Fructuoso, Toribio (Spain)
Patricia, Patrik (Sweden)
Irene, Oryna, Orysia (Ukraine)
Kareem, Magnus, Malvin, Malvina, Melva, Melvin, Melvina (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 107 of 2024; 259 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 8 (Getg-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 7 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 17 Cyan; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 3 April 2024
Moon: 58%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 23 Archimedes (4th Month) [Columella]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 29 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 27 of 31)
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