juli0-j0k3r · 2 months
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Notseriou's (2024)
Vidéo cachée sur YouTube.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 month
Hello ! How do you think a ship between Kusanagi and Benzai would work ?
Take care !
Benzai’s one of the more mature S4 members so I could see him getting along with Kusanagi, like the two of them chatting over drinks and such. Imagine post-ROK since Homra and S4 are working together multiple members of the alphabet squad are often sent to Bar Homra to exchange messages or information — Awashima’s busy and can’t always be the one to bring news, and Fushimi doesn’t care to go to Homra unless he’s meeting Yata. Kusanagi gets used to seeing the different members and gets to know their personalities some, like he knows Doumyouji gets along with the other Homra guys and Hidaka’s friendly to everyone, Kamo is good to ask for cooking tips, and that Akiyama and Benzai are usually all business. 
One day though day Anna happens to find a stray kitten wandering around outside of the bar. She brings it in and gives Kusanagi the sad puppy eyes, Kusanagi sighs and says they can keep it for now but if it starts knocking things over in the bar it will be a problem. Normally he would go to Fujishima for something like this but he happens to be away so Kusanagi has to handle the kitten by himself once Anna leaves for school. As it happens though Benzai comes by to deliver a message and imagine he immediately looks at the kitten when he comes in. He tries to play it cool of course, telling Kusanagi what he was sent to relay and then sitting down for a drink. Kusanagi notices that he keeps looking at the cat though and wonders if Benzai is good with cats. Benzai says he ‘doesn’t mind them’ and Kusanagi is like see I’m not used to dealing with them, so I could use a hand. Benzai is immediately like oh well in that case and soon the two of them are having a whole conversation about the cat. 
Kusanagi is amused seeing this new side of Benzai and the two of them actually have a good rapport going on, to the point Benzai doesn’t even realize how long he’s been gone until Akiyama shows up to find him. Benzai sheepishly apologizes and Kusanagi tells him if he wants to stop by the bar later off shift to see the kitten he’s always welcome. Benzai says he might take Kusanagi up on that offer and like a day later he’s back in the bar in casual clothes. Kusanagi figures if Benzai is going to hang around he may as well have a drink on the house and they can chat, and Benzai realizes that he’s actually looking forward to that too.
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bellewood222 · 10 months
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K Days of Blue manga volume 1 omake. I don't know Japanese whatsoever. I used various translator programs to make this English translation.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Hiii ! How are you ?
What kind of person do you think Benzai from Kproject is ?
If you still take asks, what would he look for in a partner ?
Have a good day !
Well hello there, my lovely anon! I definitely did still take asks at the time this was sent in, though my ask box is currently temporarily closed while I write the existing requests (or at least enough of them to feel okay about opening up my ask box again)! Thanks so much for sending in a request, especially for such an underloved character, and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
I think the thing to tackle first out of this request is really just who Benzai is, as a person. We don’t get to see a lot of him in canon, and what we do see of him is someone who is quite capable but also very quiet.
And I do think that both of those things are definitely key parts of who he is. Benzai was a quiet child, who grew into a quiet teenager and then a quiet adult. He’s not shy, contrary to what others might assume. He’s got very little against socializing, as a rule, and he’s not retiring and unsure about speaking to others. He’s just naturally a very quiet person.
Benzai isn’t someone who is afraid of peace and quiet. He rather enjoys it, in fact. To him, a lot of the silence that others consider as being awkward isn’t at all. He doesn’t get the point of chattering just to fill the air with noise, even when the conversations have no point. When he does tend to talk, it’s normally because he does have something to say, something he wants to discuss, or because he’s among friends or people he wants to get to know better.
I do also think that Benzai does tend to be a little reserved, leading even more to the assumption that he’s shy or even that he’s quite cold. Neither of those things are true in any way. It’s just that he doesn’t believe that most people need to know the private details of his life, especially before he gets to know them well. On top of that, because Benzai is someone who does value politeness, he’s always thinking very carefully about what is proper to talk about and the things he would rather keep to himself instead of talking about them and possibly coming across as rude or offensive.
When he is with friends and people he trusts well, Benzai can have periods where he is more talkative than normal and he’s definitely more open, though he’s never what you would call a chatterbox by any means.
Another part of Benzai I’d like to focus on is that the man is both very responsible and very reliable. He feels like he has a duty – it’s why he went into the military and I do believe his upbringing was a bit of a strict one, where responsibility for things and other people was drilled into him. We know he has a niece, so he does have siblings, and I see him as the oldest of his siblings, where taking care of the younger ones and providing a good example was carefully trained in him.
Because he is someone who is so dutiful and responsible, I don’t think dating and romance is a priority for him, not at that point. Is it something he would like? Yes, but not necessarily a priority, especially as he doesn’t feel like he has the time for it. When he has the time and extra energy to devote to properly dating, he is someone that I feel would be rather selective about the people he chooses to date. He doesn’t have super-high standards and he isn’t a high maintenance partner, but there are definitely things he will not compromise on.
He does want a partner who is more on the calm side. Because of who he is, someone who is super high-energy, who yaps his ear off all the time, who is talkative and chattery would wear him out. He wants someone to match his energy and expand on it a bit. He has a lot of respect for people who don’t rush into relationships, who spend their time getting to know him for who he is before wanting to move things forward, because to him, it’s a sign that they, like himself, are really putting in the effort to figure out if there’s even anything there besides initial attraction and chemistry.
He insists on shared morals and values, and at least one shared interest.
He’s dating for the long-term, after all. He’s not a short fling kind of guy.
Benzai is a very respectful man. He’s going to give his partner their space, he wouldn’t dream of flirting with others while with them, he encourages their interests, supports them, and makes time for them while understanding they have a life, friends, family, and things outside of him. He puts effort into romancing them and into being a good partner and he insists on his partner matching his energy in that way too. He doesn’t want a taker, who never gives him attention and love and effort or does it super rarely, but he also doesn’t want a co-dependent partner who makes him their entire life.
I will say that the one thing I think Benzai hates the most is unnecessary drama and gossip. The first signs of this in a partner would make him cut the relationship short, knowing that it’s very much an incompatibility that he would not be able to compromise over.
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tracing-rivers · 2 years
Does anyone actually like Olaf a quarter as much as Disney is trying to convince me they do
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 6 months
This guy was a Scepter 4 squad captain before. Let that sink in.
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lisaas2418 · 1 year
The overblot boys showing their unique magic to the great seven.
Alright so I can imagine that the overblot boys were explaining their unique magic and the great seven were interested and wanted to see a demonstaration.
Riddle 🌹
So for this to work and 'cuz it's my headcanon, Riddle can only do his spell on those who have magic, since on people without magic like Yuu it wouldn't work 'cuz there is no magic that can be sealed.
So a person with magic steps forward to be spelled on (whoever that is you can decide on your own) and Riddle says and points his magic pen at them "Off with his head".
And at that second the person has a collar aroumd their neck and they can't cast their magic anymore. After the demonstration Riddle let the collar disappear.
The Queen of Hearts was ofcourse very proud of Riddle for having such a useful spell
Queen of Hearts: I know I don't have magic but if I were to have would wanted to have a spell that can actually behead people? 😁
Riddle: With all due respect your majesty......no.
Leona 🦁
Leona just grabbed a nearby plate said "King's Roar" the plate turned into sand and called it a day.
Scar likes that it's called King's Roar but he hides his happyness very well.
Although Ruggie stepped a few steps away as Leona grabbed the plate due to what happened to him in Book 2
Shenzai: Hey what happened there tell us!
Benzai: Yeah yeah come on it can't be that bad
Ed: .......
Ruggie: Leona grabbed my arm used his spell on it and almost turned my arm into sand 🙂
The hyeanas:...........
Benzai: Are you ok?
Ruggie: Well still a little grumpy at him for doing it but yeah I am fine 😁.
(He is not fine, boy is traumatized)
Azul 🐙
Sucks to be him 'cuz no one wanted to make a contract with him, especially not Ariel.
Ursula was sad that she couldn't see it herself buut is still happy that here deal and his spell are kinda the same
Azul: Come on it isn't bad at all 😁
Yuu: Yes it is 😒
Azul: What did you said?
Yuu: You heard me you shady octopus.
Azul: Hey!
Jamil 🐍
Yeah no one exactly wanted to be hypnotized, especially those who have been before......that was until Kalim voluntered so he could give Jami a chance to impress the Sorcerer of sands. Jamil was a little perplexed but he agreed nontheless.
And with the words "Snake Whisper", Kalim was under the spell....again.
Yeah it did impressed Jafar and also a tiny little jealous since he has to use his staff to hypnotize someone and Jamil just can do it with his eyes, but is still impressed.
Yuu: Alright you did now free him.
Jamil: You know he didn't had to. I mean I wouldn't mind using it on you agai since-
Yuu: Try it ever again and I will punsh you much worse then I did then and even more 🙂
(And no Yuu doesn't hate him but they really hate that stunt he pulled)
Vil 💄
Well since he didn't exactly wanted anyone to actually hurt, he just touched an apple, decided that the curse shall be slowely rottening in 10 seconds, said "Fairest One Of All" amd it happned as he wanted it to happen.
The evil queen found that as a valuableand usefull spell, especially in terms for against people.
Ace: I still a little stiff due to that stupid spell
Vil: If you wouldn't have eaten the food in the fridge over nightime it wouldn't have happened.
Ace: We were hungry for crying out loud!
Vil: You ate dinner and decided to have an useless "midnight snack".
Ace: That dinner wasn't enough!
Yuu: Can we move on already?
Idia 🎮
For obvious reasons he can't do the spell at all
But Hades found that cool that he can literally open the gate like that without needing extherna things
Yuu: I really hope you will never use that spell again.
Idia: I am not an idiot.
Yuu: Yet you-
Idia: I was under the blots influence!
Yuu: So were the others!
Malleus 🐉
Yeah he ain't gonna put people into sleep again he learned his lesson.
Well Malefizent did knew about his spell since she is his great-great-grandmother.
Yuu: Tsunotaro.
Malleus: Yeah?
Yuu: I forgave you alright. It's just.....I don't like to remember it.
Malleus: I...can understand that
A little angst on the last part but screw it
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itsuki-minamy · 3 months
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Saruhiko Fushimi sometimes referred to himself, somewhat self-deprecatingly, as a middle manager.
He regards Reisi Munakata and Seri Awashima as his superiors, coordinates the special forces members on the scene, and sometimes acts as a supporter of both parties.
Both Munakata and Awashima had some quirks, but they were basically competent and understanding superiors, and the members of "Scepter 4" diligently and faithfully followed young Fushimi's orders.
It is inevitable that he will work in that position.
Fushimi knew each member of "Scepter 4" well, including their characteristics, temperament, and current health status, to the point of being able to laugh bitterly.
During the "Homura" era and before, he did not like to be in groups, but now, although he still clicks his tongue and has an apathetic demeanor, he has become an excellent facilitator.
From Fushimi's perspective, human resource management was similar to a card game. Choosing which people to assign which jobs is very similar to choosing which cards to play in a card game.
Fushimi was able to keep track of each employee's employment status using a highly confidential application that he had developed independently and which was now officially adopted throughout "Scepter 4" with Munakata's approval.
Of course, the application can be opened on PDA, etc., but Fushimi, who wanted to check multiple windows, often checked various documents on his PC when he returned to his base.
He also today ably read the reports presented by each member of the special working group.
A certain person has posted information about Strain sightings during the search, along with an accompanying photo. The person who came to court to obtain an order had submitted a report on the current situation.
Although they all differ in degree, their points are clear and their sentences easy to read.
Basically, although he rarely said it, Fushimi highly valued each member of "Scepter 4". He did not mention Akiyama, Benzai and Kamo, but Enomoto, Fuse, Goto and Hidaka were considered to have enough strength as they had unique skills and perspectives, and were patient and dedicated to their work.
In the game, there is only one person, Andy Domyoji, besides Joker or Wild Card. That day he also received a call from Domyoji.
[There's a weird guy, so I'm going to chase him.]
Fushimi let out a groan.
When he looked at the time, it was midnight. That was about half a day ago. For some reason, the message had been uploaded to the expense request folder, so it took Fushimi a while to review it.
Since then, a series of short messages have continued.
[It's really dangerous, so I'm going on a business trip to the north.]
He had no idea what he was talking about.
Fushimi made a tsukkomi that is uncharacteristic of him.
"Public servants should not act on his intuition!"
He slammed his fist on the desk.
"At least write down where you're going! No, first of all, don't go on a business trip without asking your boss for permission! That's too free! Also, don't use emojis in report emails!"
Domyoji always put a bright spot at the end of his sentences. He tried to contact him, but was dissuaded by the following text message:
[Oh, no. If I ever meet the culprit, I'm afraid I'll break my tongue. I will send you a separate report.]
At that moment, Awashima appeared, patted Fushimi on the shoulder as if to show her respect, and placed a postcard on the table in front of him.
"It just arrived via express delivery."
After saying that, she left.
It shows a man tied with a rope in the snow and Andy Domyoji next to him with a dazzling smile on his face and making a peace sign.
On the back of the postcard, the details of what happened are spelled out in small print.
Fushimi couldn't contain himself and screamed.
"Don't send me a postcard with the report about the arrest of the criminal!"
By the way, the captured man was Strain, who had committed a serious crime that "Scepter 4" had been chasing for the past six months. That's why Andy Domyoji is a wild card.
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gabelesimp · 6 months
Family AU! Zerofuku is the youngest here! They're in Aunty Amihan's house!!
I just know Bisha lost his shit, and Benzai is recording everything-
Honorary Mention! @palesublimeduck and @praisethesuuun !! ❤️
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smokedandelions · 6 months
J'avais complètement oublié de poster ça mais enjoy mdrr
On est toujours en train de bingewatcher les bonus du vdf. Là j'en suis à la saison deux, donc je fais ✨une nouvelle petite liste✨ des trucs pépites :
Ludovic qui fait semblant d'avoir la giga chiasse pendant que Raphaël est en train de mourir de rire derrière la caméra
François qui sait pas faire un nœud de cravate 👔
Florent : "J'ai so much envie de faire caca"
Raphaël qui crie en tournant sur lui-même
Matthieu Poggi : "En tout cas c'est cool d'avoir des nouvelles têtes sur le tournage parceque j'en peux plus d'écouter la vie de Slimane. J'en ai marre, ça fait vingt ans que je l'entends."
Slimane-Baptiste qui fait moulte blagues homo-hérotiques 👀
La team qui joue au Jungle Speed
Florent : "Raph avale 👀👀"
Saison trois :
Bertrand qui s'assoit sur les genoux de Slimane-Baptiste et qui peuvent pas tourner la scène sans mourir de rire
Bertrand qui est juste venu pour cette scène du coup, genre en vingt minutes c'était bouclé et on l'a juste appelé pour ça
Les gamelles du Docteur Castafolte (best blague ever)
J'avais pas capté que Benzaie jouait un des persos révolutionnaires,,
Baptiste-Slimane qui décrit Henry comme "gay-friendly"
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maybetheyregiants · 11 months
l - linkara
g - guy with the glasses
b - benzaie
t - todd in the shadows
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ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
Darker Than Black au for K?
Imagine AU where the clans are instead groups of Contractors who all have different goals, like S4 believes Contractors gained their abilities in order to keep the peace for normal humans, Homra believes their powers should be used to live freely and protect those who slip through the cracks of society, Timeless Palace tries to hide the existence of Contractors and superpowers, while jungle wants to create a world where everyone becomes a Contractor and there are no more normal humans. The Sword of Damocles is like a manifestation of power that certain very strong Contractors have, the payment for using their powers is that the Sword will become more damaged each time. As such the Kings have to be careful in their use, like imagine Kokujouji despite being the strongest King almost never uses his actual full power while Mikoto just continues to recklessly use his to protect the people he cares about even though he knows that each time his Sword becomes closer and closer to falling. 
I like the idea that the members of their organizations all have similar powers too, like a lot of the Homra guys have fire-based powers. Imagine Kusanagi’s remuneration is to make cocktails, he even has like a little portable kit he brings along on missions so he can whip something up as needed after a fight. Totsuka’s only ability is to calm others, like a touch by him helps regulate the mood of the person he touches. He’s the only one who can help Mikoto stabilize his mood and abilities, but the price is that Totsuka loses years off his theoretical lifespan every time he uses it — the ‘theoretical’ part though is what makes it hard to track, what he loses is that basically if he was fated to die when he’s’x’ years old every time he uses the power it’s ‘x-1,’ so it’s not like he’s just starting at assuming he’d live to 90 and subtracting from there, he has no way to know when he’ll die. When he finally gets killed by rogue contractor Colorless Totsuka just smiles bitterly as he calls Kusanagi, knowing there’s nothing he can do because he’s used his contract too many times. Anna is a Doll who they rescue from a research facility where Contactor Mizuchi was trying to find new ways to create like the ‘ultimate’ powerful Doll, and due to being experimental Anna shows more emotions than normal Dolls do.
Yata and Fushimi are Contractors who awakened in middle school, Yata has fire powers and Fushimi can like turn anything he touches into a deadly projectile. Imagine Fushimi’s remuneration being something like ‘must eat a vegetable,’ so even though he likes having powers he hates using them and Yata’s always teasing him about it. Yata’s remuneration is to loudly and sincerely praise someone, so when they first awaken and are working together Yata of course is always yelling that Saruhiko is amazing. Once they join Homra though Yata is always praising Mikoto instead, which is one of the things that leads Fushimi to join S4 instead. While at S4 there are rumors that Fushimi’s become a Doll, because he’s even more emotionless than a normal Contractor, but anyone who’s seen him fight Yata Misaki knows that can’t be true because that’s the only time Fushimi will show emotions (and then imagine there’s something similar to what happens in canon with Fushimi having to infiltrate jungle at some point, and when Yata comes to save him Yata uses his powers and then confidently yells ‘Fushimi Saruhiko is amazing,’). 
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shoheiakagi · 7 months
For the warehouse AU, please tell us about Scepter 4 as the managers! How they interact with the homra boys, how they interact and what kind of relationships they have with the reader, all and any headcanons you have for this would be great! Is there any manager/homra worker boy duos that really can’t ever get along and cause ruckuses at work? Do any of the boys ever go to HR about the managers or vice versa?
Let me just tell you that they’re 100% done with everything.
like I mentioned on the post, munakata is the senior station manager aka the big boss. he spends most of this days in meetings, but when he does have some free time, he comes down to bother check in with his team. seri is the operations manager who runs the entire shift, while fushimi, the alphabet squad, and y/n are the area managers who report to her. Fushimi, akiyama, benzai, kamo, and fuse are the more strict managers, whereas doumyouji, goto, and hidaka are the more laidback managers (doesn’t stop doumyouji and hidaka from arguing with some of the homra guys though). Enomoto is the most timid, having a tough time to confront the homra guys on his own. Doumyouji has been in trouble a couple of times for showing favoritism toward some associates while hidaka had a stern coaching bc he was caught flirting with some of the female associates.
The s4 abc squad is already overworked and underpaid, having to deal with the homra boys just makes the job even more dreadful. everyday, these delinquents come in late, walking as they own the place. it takes a 15 minute back and forth conversation just to tell these guys to do their jobs aka what they’re being paid to do. they sometimes come in smelling like some questionable substances but theyre able to get away with it since they’re not acting any different from usual, and are not considered as a risk to themselves or the operations. Its pretty obvious that fushimi and yata are that one duo that should be kept separate at all times. despite the loud music blaring in the background, the entire warehouse can hear yata yelling and cursing as fushimi taunts and provokes him. after these two, i think doumyouji and bandou would clash the most. theyre both the designated jackass of their respective group, theyre super opinionated, and they’re both easy to anger. i think their similarities is what make them clash the most. there was one time where doumyouji was successfully able to write bandou up, without landing in trouble himself! he was all cocky and in high spirits until the next day he comes across his face plastered in “wanted” posters for being the most disrespectful and authoritative manager in the warehouse (yes, bandou was petty enough to take the time out of his day and make posters on photoshop). *and yes, this happened in real life*
as for the s4 team with y/n. munakata has the least interaction with her since he’s a busy station manager, except for their introductory 1:1 during her first day. but despite their lack of interaction, munakata knows everything that is going on thanks to the human resouces team, aka the silver clan. seri was ready to coach and mentor her, genuinely happy to have another woman on the team after yoshino resigned. but she was disappointed to find out that unlike yoshino, y/n did not have the same drive and passion for the job, and certainly did not mind hanging around those homra boys. y/n is the most distant from fushimi and fuse, since both are pretty cold and not interested in being friendly with her. they both arent shy about making it known that they think she’s an idiot, especially after they get a whiff of her dating one of the homra guys). while theyre not exactly cold, akiyama, benzai, and kamo are also not very close with y/n. at most, theyre polite and cordial (and theyre not impressed with her work ethic). Goto is just there and tries to make some convo with y/n which ends up failing bc he ends up creeping her out. Hidaka and y/n get along pretty well and he did flirt with her pretty hard at first, but y/n learns about how perverted he can be when it comes to women with big boobs, and soon keeps some distance from him. Enomoto is truly the only one that y/n feels comfortable with, which explains why they were able to get so close during their onboarding. Enomoto is a little smarter than he looks, purposely concealing his love for h*ntai and p*rn so that y/n doesn’t get creeped out. He picks up a good chunk of y/n’s workload so that she can go home early, just so he can earn more of her trust. he may or may not have known about y/n’s budding relationship with the homra guy, but was he going to snitch? hell no! even though it sucks he’s not the one y/n is dating, at least he can still be her friend. look, he never really spoke to a pretty girl before, let alone become friends with one. so don’t blame him for not wanting to lose out on this rare opportunity, ok?
and yes i just had to put the silver clan as the hr team lmaoo. idk why but it feels fitting. but lets be real, both the s4 managers and the hmr associates think the silver clan suck at their job as hr. while they do think kuroh is the more competent one, shiro ends making most of the calls since he’s the head hr, and shiro is not the best decision maker out there. most of shiro’s decisions end with hmr getting away with disrespecting the managers and not following their job, which got him to lose respect from the s4 team. shiro later finds himself to be on hmr’s shitlist when he finally does his job and writes them all up for cursing at a manager, not falling for their excuses this time. everyone wonders how neko is part of the hr team, cause she barely does her job. all she does is eat, sleep on the desk, and run around the warehouse. neko is more of the engagement coordinator, but kuroh ends up picking up a lot of her slack, especially when she fails to schedule a meal event which ended up with a lot of angry and hungry warehouse associates
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Day 16, prompt 6 for Totsuka, Benzai and Akiyama please ? ^^
Thank you !
Take care !
Of course, my lovely! Thank you so much for sending in such a fun ask and I hope you’ll enjoy 😊
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Never have I Ever - SFW edition
Put an [x] next to all the things your muse HAS done.
[] Fallen for a character in a movie
[x] Lied about their age
[x] Went through a “Twilight phase”
[] Finished an entire jaw breaker
[x] Been kayaking or canoeing 
[x] Bungee-Jumped
[] Skydived
[x] Experimented their sexual orientation
[x] Stolen something
[] Done a successful handstand
[x] Skipped class
[x] Flown on an plane
[x] Gotten drunk
[x] Gotten high
[] Taken nudes
[] Sent nudes
[x] Kissed someone of the same sex
[] Kissed a stranger
[x] Been in a fist fight
[] Been in handcuffs (for any reason)
[] Fallen asleep at the movies
[] Taken part in a talent show
[] Cut their own hair
[] Experienced sleep paralysis
[x] Tried lucid dreaming
[] Thrown up on a roller coaster
[] Chipped a tooth
[] Gone hunting
[x] Had a bad allergic reaction
[] Worked at a fast food restaurant
[] Looked through someone else’s phone without permission
[x] Changed a diaper
[] Eaten an entire pizza by themselves
[] Been pulled over
[] Eaten out of a trash can
[x] Played Candy Crush
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Never have I Ever - SFW edition
Put an [x] next to all the things your muse HAS done.
[x] Fallen for a character in a movie
[] Lied about their age
[] Went through a “Twilight phase”
[] Finished an entire jaw breaker
[x] Been kayaking or canoeing 
[] Bungee-Jumped
[] Skydived
[] Experimented their sexual orientation
[] Stolen something
[] Done a successful handstand
[] Skipped class
[x] Flown on an plane
[x] Gotten drunk
[] Gotten high
[] Taken nudes
[] Sent nudes
[] Kissed someone of the same sex
[x] Kissed a stranger
[x] Been in a fist fight
[x] Been in handcuffs (for any reason)
[] Fallen asleep at the movies
[] Taken part in a talent show
[x] Cut their own hair
[] Experienced sleep paralysis
[] Tried lucid dreaming
[x] Thrown up on a roller coaster
[] Chipped a tooth
[] Gone hunting
[] Had a bad allergic reaction
[x] Worked at a fast food restaurant
[] Looked through someone else’s phone without permission
[] Changed a diaper
[x] Eaten an entire pizza by themselves
[] Been pulled over
[] Eaten out of a trash can
[] Played Candy Crush
Tumblr media
Never have I Ever - SFW edition
Put an [x] next to all the things your muse HAS done.
[x] Fallen for a character in a movie
[] Lied about their age
[x] Went through a “Twilight phase”
[x] Finished an entire jaw breaker
[] Been kayaking or canoeing 
[] Bungee-Jumped
[] Skydived
[] Experimented their sexual orientation
[] Stolen something
[x] Done a successful handstand
[] Skipped class
[] Flown on an plane
[x] Gotten drunk
[] Gotten high
[x] Taken nudes
[] Sent nudes
[] Kissed someone of the same sex
[] Kissed a stranger
[x] Been in a fist fight
[x] Been in handcuffs (for any reason)
[x] Fallen asleep at the movies
[] Taken part in a talent show
[] Cut their own hair
[x] Experienced sleep paralysis
[] Tried lucid dreaming
[] Thrown up on a roller coaster
[] Chipped a tooth
[] Gone hunting
[x] Had a bad allergic reaction
[] Worked at a fast food restaurant
[x] Looked through someone else’s phone without permission
[] Changed a diaper
[] Eaten an entire pizza by themselves
[x] Been pulled over
[] Eaten out of a trash can
[] Played Candy Crush
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lotusmybelovednsfw · 2 years
Okay I couldn't stop my urges-
So!!! I'm doing it
Record of Ragnarok!
Bishamonten x Mortal! Reader (ft. Benzaiten)
Warning: Spanking, taking of virginity and degrading
You came back to pray, but it's a fortunate day for you. As you entered, the Lucky Gods were having a chat. "What's a mere mortal doing here?" Benzaiten looked at the door, the same one who prayed to them everyday. Ebisu was yelling, as the adult Gods ignored. You kneeled, but Benzaiten told the others that she has plans with the mortal, Bishamonten agreed.
In her music room, a romantic tune was played by her. You yelped as Bishamonten slapped your ass, the sensation was amazing. "What a whore." His deep voice gave you chills down your spine. Benzai giggled, seeing you nude was art. You were told to sit on his cock, you moaned loudly when you did and the music became faint. "Aww, She's cute like this~" Bishamonten grunts, while she plays with your breasts. Sucking on them, pinching them. You are so Lucky, his cock buried deep inside you and she handles your cries. "It's your first time, I can tell~ Mm, Let's share this slut Bisha~" He glared, but didn't say anything. Your neck, shoulders and thighs were covered in hickeys and love bites. You were so close, but was told to hold it in. Benzai pushed her fingers in your mouth, muffling your moans. "You're the first to be fucked by us fortune Gods~ How fortunate!~" She said with glee, kissing your chest. Your butt was red from Bishamonten's spanking, and He came inside you. You were panting heavily, but be prepared for another round as Benzai took out a strap on. "Let's make your lucky night more fun, you cock loving bitch~" Oh, dear~
Honorary mention: @seijuuns-fantasy!! Another Bishamonten for you!
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Guess I'm making this account into a mish-mash of OCs and Canon characters.
Still probably gonna be mostly an OC blog though since I don't tend to pick up any Canons that much.
Blame @akiyama-himori and me recently wanting to re-watch K Project for wanting to move at least my Benzai muse here lol
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