ryanyflags · 10 months
Aemotional / anemotional / nonemotional (aemo for short) flags part 1 :3 (This set uses the colors from my aemo flag.) (Due to the image limit, this is split into 2 posts.)
This is a bit of a continuation of my other a-spec flag sets. I originally held off on making sets for other attractions because I couldn't figure out the designs/colors. I ended up making my own aphysical, aemotional, and atertiary flags though, so here they are :)
The flags' designs are based off the ace-spec/aro-spec/etc. versions of these flags. The additional colors were chosen by me though.
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greyemotional | demiemotional (1) | demiemotional (2)
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aegoemotional (1) | aegoemotional (2) | non sam aemo (1)
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non sam aemo (2) | neu aemo | aemovoid
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aemoflux | aemospike (1) | aemospike (2)
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aemojump | dark greyemotional | light greyemotional
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atomoemotional | delloemotional (1) | delloemotional (2)
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fictoemotional | cupioemotional | bellusemotional
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reciproemotional | lithoemotional | frayemotional (1)
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frayemotional (2) | apothiemotional | orchidemotional
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myremotional | aemoflexible | schrodiemotional
A schro(di)emotional flag already exists (link), but I wanted to make an alt one based off of my flags' colors.
I'll also note that some of these terms can have multiple names, with the "emotional", "aemotional", "anemotional", "nonemotional", & "aemo" part being interchangeable. This isn't applicable to every term though. I also chose not to list everything to try to keep it brief. So for example, greyemotional can also be called greyaemotional, greyanemotional, greynonemotional, and greyaemo.
[A-spec flag sets masterpost]
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jamiieeez · 1 month
Alternative Aemotional Flags pt.1
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Aemotional | Aemotionalspec | Greyemotional
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Aegoemotional | Demiemotional | Delloemotional
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Black Stripe Aemotional | Apithiemotional | Aemotionalvoid
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Aemotionalflux | Aemotionalfluid | Aemotionalflexible
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Aemotionaljump | Aemotionalspike v.1 | Aemotionalspike v.2
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Lightgreyemotional | Darkgreyemotional | Atomoemotional
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Cupioemotional | Bellusemotional | Myremotional
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Reciproemotional | Frayemotional | Fictioemotional
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Lithoemotional | Orchidemotional | Aemotionalvague
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Heartless Aemotional | Loveless Aemotional | Lovequeer Aemotional
Here is my Part 2 [link]
Flags I haven't seen any versions of and I have created are Aemotionalfluid and Black Stripe Aemotional.
Original aemotional and aemotionalspec flag[link]
Most other original flags were made by @ryanyflags in two posts: post 1[link] and post 2[link]
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Encyclopaedia | work in progress 
Extremely complex and in-depth unbiased education resource
I’ve so far only managed sexualities, If you any questions/suggestions/additions I implore you to comment them/gen
Alphabetical order
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Aspec
Identity name: Asexual
Definition: Asexual is defined by a lack of sexual attraction.
Similar terms: Aspec, Aromantic, Aplatonic, Anaesthetic, Asensual, Analterous, Anemotional
Opposite term: Allosexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Abrospec
Identity name: Abrosexual
Definition: Abrosexual is defined as a sexuality which is fluid.
Similar terms: Mspec, Aceflux, aroflux, Abroromantic, Abroplatonic, Abroaesthetic, Abrosensual, Abroalterous, Abroemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Aspec, Abrospec
Identity name: Aceflux
Definition: Aceflux is defined as identity which is fluid between aspec identities.
Similar terms: Aspec, Aroflux, Aromantic, Aplatonic, Aplflux, Anaesthetic,Anaflux, Asensual, Asenflux, Analterous, Analtflux, Anemotional, Anemoflux,
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Aegospec
Identity name: Adexsexual
Definition: Adexsexual is defined by a lack of sexual attraction however this individual still feels sexual desire forwards non real and or partially specific people but not towards and or around other people
Similar terms: Aspec, aegospec, Adexromantic, Adexplatonic, Adexaesthetic, Adexsensual, Adexalterous, Adexemotional, fictosexual, Aegosexual, cupiosexual
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Aspec
Identity name: Aegosexual
Definition: Aegosexual is defined as the experience of sexual attraction is fantasies however not in real life
Similar terms: Aspec, Aegoromantic, Aegoplatonic, Aegoaesthetic, Aegosensual, Aegoalterous, Aegoemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Allospec
Identity name: Allosexual
Definition: Allisexual is defined as the experience of sexual attraction
Similar terms: Allospec, Alloromantic, Alloplatonic, Alloaesthetic, Allosensual, Alloalterous, Alloemotional
Opposite term: Apothisexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Aspec
Identity name: Apothisexual
Definition: Apothisexual is defined as an individual whom is both Asexual and sex-repulsed.
Similar terms: Aspec,Apothispec, Apothiromantic, Apothiplatonic, Apothiaesthetic, Apothisensual, Apothialterous, Apothiemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Belluspec
Identity name: Bellusexual
Definition: Bellussexual is defined as an individual who does not experience sexual attraction however enjoys the aesthetic of sex/sexual relations however this individual may not desire to engage in real life sexual activities.
Similar terms: Aspec, Bellusromantic, Bellusplatonic, Bellusaesthetic, Bellussensual, Bellusalterous, bellusemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: bispec
Identity name: Bisexual
Definition: Bisexual is defined as sexual attraction to two or more genders.
Similar terms: Mspec, Biromantic, Biplatonic, Biaesthetic, Bisensual, Bialterous, Bispec, biemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Cetrospec
Identity name: Cetrosexual
Definition: Cetrosexual is defined as sexual attraction to non binary and genderqueer individuals.
Similar terms: cetrospec, Cetroromantic, Cetroplatonic, Cetroaesthetic, Cetrosensual, Cetroalterous, cetroemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Cupiospec
Identity name: Cupiosexual
Definition: Cupiosexual is defined as an individual whom does not experience sexual attraction however still feels sexual desire
Similar terms: Aspec, cupioromantic, Cupioplatonic, Cupioaesthetic, Cupiosensual, Cupioalterous, Cupioemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Demispec
Identity name: Demisexual
Definition: Demisexual is defined as the inability to feel sexual attraction without a strong, deep and or emotional bond beforehand.
Similar terms: Aspec,Demispec, Demiromantic, Demiplatonic, Demiaesthetic, Demisensual, Demialterous, Demiemotional
Opposite term: Freysexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Fictospec
Identity name: Fictosexual
Definition: Fictosexual is defined as the experience of sexual attraction towards fictional and or nonexistent individuals however not towards individuals in real life.
Similar terms: Aspec, aegospec, Fictoromantic, Fictoplatonic, Fictoaesthetic, Fictosensual, Fictoalterous, Fictoemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Freyspec
Identity name: Freysexual
Definition: Freysexual is defined as the experience of sexual attraction however as this individual get to know the other the attraction fades
Similar terms: Aspec, Freyromantic, Freyplatonic, Freyaesthetic, Freysensual, Freyalterous, Freyemotional
Opposite term: Demisexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Greyspec
Identity name: Greysexual
Definition: Greysexual is defined as the experience of sexual attraction but not as frequently and or strong as allosexual individuals do.
Similar terms: Aspec, greyromantic, Greyplatonic, Greyaesthetic, Greysensual, Greyalterous, Greyemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: hetrospec
Identity name: hetrosexual
Definition: hetrosexual is defined as sexual attraction to genders different and or opposite to this individual’s own gender.
Similar terms:Romeric, Julietian, hetroromantic, hetroplatonic, hetroaesthetic, hetrosensual, hetroalterous, hetroemotional
Opposite term: Homosexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: homospec
Identity name: homosexual
Definition: homosexual is defined as sexual attraction to genders similar and or the same to this individual’s own gender.
Similar terms: sapphic, Achillian,enbian, Gay, homoromantic, homoplatonic, homoaesthetic, homosensual, homoalterous, homoemotional
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: mspec, Lesbispec, Monospec
Identity name: Lesbian
Definition: Lesbian is defined as the experience of sexual attraction from non men towards non men
Similar terms: Sapphic, Lesbiromantic, Lesbiplatonic, Lesbiaesthetic, Lesbisensual, Lesbialterous, Lesbiemotional
Opposite term: Hetrosexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Lilyspec, Quoispec
Identity name: Lilysexual
Definition: lilysexual is defined as the inability to know if this individual is asexual or allosexual due to hypersexuality or other sexual disorders
Similar terms: hypersexuality, Aspec, Quoisexual
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Minspec
Identity name: Minsexual
Definition: Minsexual is defined as sexual attraction towards masculinity
Similar terms: Finsexual, Ninsexual, Minromantic, Lesbiplatonic, Minaesthetic, Minsensual, Minalterous, Minemotional
Opposite term: nonminsexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: monospec
Identity name: Monsexual
Definition: monosexual is defined as exclusively sexual attraction Similar terms: monospec, monoromantic, monoplatonic, monoaesthetic, monosensual, monoalterous, monoemotional
Opposite term: multisexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Mspec
Identity name: Multisexual
Definition: Multisexual is defined as the experience of sexual attraction towards multiple genders.
Similar terms: pearlian, multiromantic, multiplatonic, multiaesthetic, multisensual, multialterous, multiemotional
Opposite term: monosexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: myrspec, Aspec,
Identity name: Myrsexual
Definition: Myrsexual is defined as an individual whom identities as multiple Aspec identities, fluid or simultaneously.
Similar terms: Sapphic, Lesbiromantic, Lesbiplatonic, Lesbiaesthetic, Lesbisensual, Lesbialterous, Lesbiemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: myrspec, Aspec,
Identity name: Myrsexual
Definition: Myrsexual is defined as an individual whom identities as multiple Aspec identities, fluid or simultaneously.
Similar terms: Aceflux, Myrromantic, Myrplatonic, Myraesthetic, Myrsensual, Myralterous, Myremotional
Opposite term: Hetrosexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: hetrospec, GNC,
Identity name: Metrosexual
Definition: metrosexual is defined as an heterosexual individual whom bahaves, dresses etc. in a gender non-conforming way
Similar terms: Gender non-conforming/ GNC, GenderQueer, Free dresser
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Nebulaspec
Identity name: nebulasexual
Definition: nonminsexual is defined by as an individual whose is unable know if they feel sexual attraction due to neurodivergency.
Similar terms: spec, nebulaminromantic, nebulaplatonic, nebulanaesthetic, nebulasensual, Nebulanalterous, nebulaemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Nonfinspec
Identity name: nonfinsexual
Definition: nonfinsexual is defined by as an individual whose sexual attraction doesn’t include femininity.
Similar terms: spec, Nonfinromantic, Nonfinplatonic, nonfinaesthetic, Nonfinsensual, Nonfinalterous, Nonfinemotional
Opposite term: Finsexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Nonminspec
Identity name: nonminsexual
Definition: nonminsexual is defined by as an individual whose sexual attraction doesn’t include masculinity.
Similar terms: spec, Nonminromantic, Nonminplatonic, nonminaesthetic, Nonminsensual, Nonminalterous, Nonminemotional
Opposite term: Minsexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Nonninspec
Identity name: nonninsexual
Definition: nonninsexual is defined by as an individual whose sexual attraction doesn’t include neutrality.
Similar terms: spec, Nonninromantic, Nonninplatonic, nonninaesthetic, Nonninsensual, Nonninalterous, Nonninemotional
Opposite term: Ninsexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Nonxinspec
Identity name: nonxinsexual
Definition: nonxinsexual is defined by as an individual whose sexual attraction doesn’t include Xeninity.
Similar terms: Nonxinspec, Nonxinromantic, Nonxinplatonic, nonxinaesthetic, Nonxinsensual, Nonxinalterous, Nonxinemotional
Opposite term: Xinsexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: omnispec
Identity name: omnisexual
Definition: omnisexual is defined by as sexual attraction to to all genders but for regardless of gender and this individual may have a preference.
Similar terms: Omnispec, Omniromantic, Omniplatonic, omniaesthetic, omnisensual, omniminalterous, omniemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: panspec
Identity name: pansexual
Definition: pansexual is defined by as sexual attraction regardless of gender.
Similar terms: spec, Nonminromantic, Nonminplatonic, nonminaesthetic, Nonminsensual, Nonminalterous, Nonminemotional
Opposite term: Minsexual
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Polyspec
Identity name: polysexual
Definition: polysexual is defined by as sexual attraction to many but not all genders.
Similar terms: mspec, Polyromantic, polyplatonic, polyaesthetic, polysensual, Polyalterous, Polyemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Quoispec
Identity name: Quoisexual
Definition: Quoisexual is defined by as an individual ca not tell if they experience sexual attraction and or someone is unable to refuses to label their sexuality.
Similar terms: spec, Quoiromantic, Quoiplatonic, Quoiaesthetic, Quoisensual, Quoialterous, Quoiemotional
Opposite term: NA
Category: sexual orientation
Sub-category: Xinspec
Identity name: Xinsexual
Definition: Xinsexual is defined by as an sexual attraction to xeninity.
Similar terms: spec, Xinromantic, Xinplatonic, Xinaesthetic, Xinsensual, Xinalterous, Xinemotional
Opposite term: NA
Thanks for reading!
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