#Bellarke fan fiction
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togetherkru · 2 years ago
Thank you thank you thank you !!! I love the moodboard so much 😍 😍  !
I’m gonna read it as soon as possible !!
Oh my this is so cool, my heart is beating so fast right now ! Thank you again, MWAH 😘 😘 and HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO YOU TOO !!!!!!!!
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you'd better believe it's right
With Valentine's Day coming, Madi decides that it's time for Clarke to get a boyfriend--and who could possibly be better than the nice and helpful teacher she'd just met? [read the story on ao3]
@bellarke-valentines gift for @togetherkru
Happy Valentine's Day, Stef!
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alannacouture · 2 years ago
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Aaaand my Bellarke fanfic holiday problem has now rolled over into my real life. Sigh. So please enjoy my Bellarke Birthday fanfic, since today’s my irl birthday 🎂 🥳!
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dreamsandconstellations · 1 year ago
Hey guys,
I’m looking for a Bellarke fic that I read a few years ago but forgot to bookmark. Basically the plot is that Clarke is a mythical being of some sort who can tell when people are going to die/ helps them to the afterlife. She has a cat called Bastet. I realise it’s not much to go on but if anyone knows the name of this, would really appreciate it! Thanks!
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saintclarkegriffin · 8 months ago
The 100 ended four years ago so I think I can confidently say that i'm forever going to be stuck between the denial phase and the anger phase. No accepting or moving on for me.
I mean for the most part I just pretend that season 7 never happened, like I block it out of my mind. But when I do remember it happened, I just get incredibly angry. And I know it's not healthy to still be this upset over a fictional show that ended in 2020, but I can't help it.
I think about how Bellamy was character assassinated and then killed off in the most brutal and stupid way possible, shot by CLARKE of all people, over a damn BOOK, that she didn't even take!!! I think about how he died all alone, without a chance of saying goodbye to any of his friends or his SISTER!!! I mean think about how crazy that is, Finn died but got to say goodbye to Clarke, Lexa died but got to say goodbye to Clarke not once but twice, Lincoln died but got to say goodbye to Octavia, Jasper died but got to say goodbye to Monty, Kane died but got to say goodbye to Abby and Indra, and Bellamy??? The male lead of the show Bellamy??? He dies and he doesn't even get to say goodbye to OCTAVIA??? The Blakes don't even get a proper final scene together??? And I get angry.
I think about how Clarke, the main lead of the show, was cast aside for half the season and then also character assassinated, turned into a selfish vindictive cold-blooded person who never learns from her mistakes and suddenly doesn't care about being the good guy or doing the right thing... even though the entire point of her character arc was that she was fundamentally a good person, selfless, altruistic and empathetic, who was forced into impossible moral dilemmas. But she never stopped caring!!! Making these impossible choices never got easier for her!!! Because she was good!!! But suddenly in season 7 she was turned into everything that Clarke antis accused her of being. And what's Jason's excuse for this? "Oh, well, if you think about it she was never the hero... she was doing awful things early on in the show, just against people we didn't care about like Mount Weather... In season 7 we put the audience in Mount Weather's shoes"... excuse me???? As if Clarke didn't try literally everything in her power to get her people back, without having to harm/kill the people in Mount Weather??? As if Clarke didn't decide to pull the lever only when she saw her own mother and her friends being strapped to a table to be tortured and killed for their bone marrow??? As if Clarke didn't feel distraught over what she had to do, to the point that she felt like she had to leave her people and be on her own in the woods for months??? As if she didn't have nightmares??? As if she didn't feel guilt and regret over Mount Weather and Maya up to freaking season 6??? And I get angry.
I think about how Bellarke, whether romantic, platonic or something in between, was the MAIN relationship of the show, with the most development and screen time. And that relationship was absolutely destroyed in the most contrived, spiteful way possible!!!! Jason had to character assassinate both Bellamy and Clarke to make it happen. That's how resentful of Bellarke and Bellarke shippers he was. Even though he was the freaking show runner!!! He had the power of writing Bellarke platonically from day one!!! But Bob and Eliza confirmed that they were told that Bellarke was romantic in nature, and that's how they performed it!!! Jason was the one who wrote 2x16 and 4x13, arguably two of the most important episodes for Bellarke... he came up with together!!! He took the head and the heart from the fans and put it in the show!!! He wrote Clarke calling Bellamy every day for 2,199 days!!! No one forced him to do that!!! But he did, and for what??? For Clarke to shoot Bellamy in the end and kill him??? Even if he didn't want to make them canon for whatever reason, he could've still written an ending that was respectful of their friendship and history in the show. But no!!! He had to destroy everything that made Bellarke what it was. And I get angry.
I think about how Octavia spent YEARS trying to get back to Bellamy, to see him again and tell him how much she loves him... And then in the second half of season 7, she just gives up on him??? She doesn't even TRY to understand what happened to him on Etherea, she doesn't talk to him, when Bellamy visits her and Clarke she just stands there with a disappointed face and doesn't say a word. And then when Clarke tells her that she killed Bellamy, she just hugs her and tells her that she understands??? And so would the old Bellamy???? The 'old Bellamy' she didn't even TRY to get back, the 'old Bellamy' she simply gave up on??? Literally every character from Octavia to Clarke to Raven to Murphy to Miller to Echo, had to be character assassinated so that Bellamy could die the way he did. Because none of them would've given up on him!!! They all loved Bellamy!!! He was the 'dad' of the deliquents and then the leader of Skaikru on the ring. But suddenly nobody cares about him, nobody tries to understand what happened to him or tries to change his mind, not even his SISTER!!! AND I GET ANGRY.
I think about how the message of season 3 was that 'pain means that you're alive' and 'you don't ease pain, you overcome it', and how it is better to live in an imperfect world than a perfect simulation. And then in season 7 there's Transcendence which is basically the City of Light 2.0, an immortal hive mind where there's no pain and no death. Just "peace" for eternity. But suddenly THIS hive mind is okay... because? Because the Judge and the other aliens (putting aside how ridiculous it is to introduce ALIENS in your show in the very last episode) are fair while A.L.I.E wasn't? There's nothing 'fair' about deciding which species is worthy of Transcendence and which isn't. Especially since the punishment for not passing the test is MASS GENOCIDE. And yet the Judge is portrayed as 'good' and 'fair' while A.L.I.E. was the one actually trying to ensure the survival of the human race!!! And don't get me wrong, A.L.I.E. was evil but in her methods, her motivs were actually morally sound compared to the Judge and the rest of the aliens. They only did what they did because they believed that they were morally superior to all other species, and if one species wasn't 'good' enough according to their moral standards, that meant that they deserved extinction!!!! "But at least with Transcendence you can choose whether you want to transcend or not, A.L.I.E. didn't give you a choice" bullshit!!! If you "choose" not to transcend, the aliens still take away your chance to procreate and have kids from you!!! They make you infirtile against your will!!! Your species still dies with you and your friends!!!! Why? Because some aliens said so!!! And that's supposed to be an happy ending??? Just because all the characters are smiling and hugging, it doesn't make this ending any less horrific once you think about it for like two seconds. And I get angry.
And finally I think about how the entire message of the show was NOT survival like Jason claims, but how 'life should be more than just surviving'. How 'life can be more than impossible choices and a tragic end'. How humans can 'be the good guys' and break the cycle of war and violence and tribalism. And in the end none of that mattered. Humans kept fighting each other up until the last episode and only stopped because they were being 'tested'. They got absorbed into a hive mind and they're going to be stuck there for all eternity, no lesson learned, no real peace gained. Our main characters, that we've followed for seven seasons, are going to eventually die, leaving nothing or no one behind. All the sacrifices, all the impossible choices they've made... completely meaningless, since the 'survival' of the human race was never up to them building a better world and society after all, it was always up to the morally superior aliens. I think about how they got to survive, but they didn't get to live. And I get angry... because I really loved this show and these characters so much... and they just... they deserved better. They really did.
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ishallgivehimupforever · 4 months ago
Here We go again Bellarke warriors, if you can hear me, it's been about 1680 days since I stopped caring (or so I thought)
I hadn't been to tumblr in years, before I decided to give the 100 a rewatch in June of this year, as I had given up somewhere around the start of season 5 (I remember hating the LONG ass timeskip teased at the end of S4, I guess some other media must have swallowed me during hiatus, and when I tried to give that season a chance I vividly remember 1) I couldn't see shit on my screen 2) I hated what the timeskip did to the established relationships) and so I dropped it for good, looking back I almost can't believe I could just...not finish it like that because let me tell you I did NOT fuck about Clarke and Bellamy, and Raven, and Monty, and probably some other characters back in 2015-2016. I think I maybe did not appreciate season 4 enough at the time it was airing (because I think binge-watching is very flattering for that season, watching it live I remember it was frustrating to watch the characters go on side quests in 4A) but now knowing what the character arcs are and where it was going makes it my second-favorite season. BUT, I digress, wow. This is meant to be a rambling, incohisive love letter to the compelling relationship between Bellamy and Clarke. I warn you, they truly do not fucking leave you as it turns out. I would go to the trenches for them back in my fandom days in 2015-17, and I realised, after binge-waching the show over 4 sleepless nights (seasons 1-6, which are the only seasons in existence, obviously)that I STILL just FUCKING CARE SO MUCH. I NEVER CARED ABOUT FICTIONAL CHARACTERS SO MUCH AS CARE FOR THESE TWO SEPARATELY, AND AS SOULMATES. Because let me tell you, Clarke and Bellamy, they fucking love each. Like actual, happens-only-in-romances LOVE. It is frankly INSANE how JRoth, K*m Shum and other managed to gaslight me over some of the bellarke scenes in S2-S3 as to make me think it's in my (and thousand's of fans') head WHEN IT IS SO FUCKING OBVIOUS FROM SCORE, EDITING CHOICES, LONGING LOOK SHOTS, HANDS SHOTS, LINES, AND FINALLY, ACTING AND DIRECTION THAT THESE TWO ARE LOVERS.
I have never, ever, before or since, followed two characters who were so compatible, so equal, so trusting in each other, so open with one another, so mindful of the other's emotions and needs, so so so made for each other, that it is no surprise to me that they are top 10 F/M pairing on AO3. Because Bellamy and Clarke would fall in love in every imaginable scenario, in every universe, across time. I am not usually that cheesy or cringy, but it is true. I could not put my finger on why they are my absolute favorite to read fanfic for and then it occurred to me. That as long as the hands of fate put these two in proximity of each other, it;s a done deal. That chemistry transcends the limits of a single tv show. The depth with how Clarke and Bellamy love each other honestly makes me pause for breath sometimes. It is not just the iconic, famous bellarke scenes, but also the quiet moments.
Like in 6x05 or 6x06 (cant remember) when Clarke's body was stolen by Josephine after her one-night stand with Cillian. (stay with me) Bellamy, unaware that Clarke isn't herself at that point, comes over to chat, he's clearly at least a bit jealous over her sleeping with Cillian, and yet he says "happiness looks good on you" with that wide, earnest smile. And just wow. How must he love her, to be so utterly happy for her own happiness that has in that instance nothing to do with him. so selfless. well, selfless is basically Bellamy's middle name.
Or how in season 4, after a lot of the characters and at times the narrative wanted to push this idea on Clarke that she is the sole leader of her people, gets right back on track to her co-leader dynamic with Bellamy, constantly checking with him, considering his input, and respecting choices that she herself would maybe not make (releasing the ensalved arkadians and grounders vs ensuring they get a machine necessary to generate water) but always understanding that these choices agree with his core values, and she loves him for it.
This post is way too long. I love Bellamy. I love Clarke. People often use the 'MY PARENTS" about ships on twitter, and you know what, in my case that's kinda true with bellarke. I met these characters when I was 15. I am 25 now, and with an adult perspective to my surprise I found their relationship even more profound then I remembered, and I was insanse about them already. They are truly THE power couple of all time. I miss the 100, If you wanna ramble about it together, feel welcome to send me ask, I'd love to have an excuse to share some of my (sometimes unpopular) opinions lol.
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lumenalumia · 7 months ago
"They tell the hundred to avoid the pink hornet mosquitos. Bellamy drills that it’s a near death experience so he’s not asked too many questions about it, and Clarke parrots how critical it is to remove the stinger as soon as possible after being stung."
My Prof said: Write a piece of fan fiction in response to one of your favourite science fiction narratives (literary or otherwise). For example, you can create • an alternative ending, • a new narrative perspective to retell a section of the original text, • a new segment that you think would enhance the original narrative, • some other creative variation.
So I happily delivered and wrote some fanfic after being out of the groove since 2017! Also, so happy to write Bellarke like this fandom needs the most therapy after all of that man... no words.
love y'all and hope you enjoy!
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april-showers86 · 2 years ago
Another bs article on Bellarke. I'm starting to wonder if JRoth sponsors these...
"Bellamy and Clarke ('The 100')
Since The 100 premiered on The CW in 2014, viewers were rooting for a romance between best friends Bellamy and Clarke. Eliza Taylor, however, had other thoughts about the fan-favorite couple's future. "Do I love Bellarke? You know what, it's complicated. I love our platonic relationship on the show. I think it's great," the Australia native said during a livestream in 2016. "But the whole shipping thing I am not accustomed to and I don't get." The fictional couple ultimately did not get together before The 100 aired its final season in 2020."
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sometimesrosy · 1 year ago
Do you ever experience an unfulfilled desire to see your tv couple (from The 100) consummate their relationship onscreen? And if so how do you get over it?
Yeah I do. I think it's one of the reasons I fell off of doing the rewatch (although not the only reason by far.) Because it felt hollow. You know? TBH I could have handled the way it ended better if they didn't completely invalidate the head and the heart story, and the story of trying to make sure we deserve to survive. And if they had even just ADDRESSED the tie between them. It was a mistake to take the love scene out of the episode after the resuscitation scene. But oh well.
There it is. You can't trust hollywood because they have their own agenda and they often put the story last.
What do I do to get over it? Well, I had to let go of the obsession, which I was ready for, tbh. I just moved on. Maybe because for me The 100 was a coping strategy, and my mental health improved so I didn't need them as a coping strategy anymore.
But it's hard to just be like, well, be over it, if you still need it as an emotional support ship.
In that case, I'd probably switch to fanfiction. There's some fantastic fanfic in the fandom and they can fix where it went wrong.
The tv show is fiction. It's not real life. It didn't really happen. There's no "truth" to it. Yes, there's canon. And the canon tells 'A' story. I personally think JR ruined the story out of spite, so I chose not to give a shit what happened in season 7, although I'd be okay taking it as inspiration.
If I were still obsessed, I would be WRITING fanfiction, to fix it frankly. BUT
I'm not, for some actual reasons that might have helped me move past the show and the ship.
Mainly because I started ghostwriting romances. Especially when I started, I was inspired by fan fiction and would definitely put Bellarke into the books. Sometimes I'd put Olicity. or like some other random ship. Writing my own story and giving them happy endings helped me not need them as emotional support.
And then also perhaps I switched my emotional support to reading historical romances. I read a lot of them. I started because my first ghostbook had a trope I didn't understand and my google search led to a historical romance, so I read it and remembered that I used to like bodice rippers when I was teen, so I started reading them. And the thing is, it's a lot like fanfiction. This character and that character fall in love in the fictional world of Regency or Victorian England. And because it's this kinda Jane Austen universe, it stays familiar. And because it's a fantasy version of the real times, well, it's not too near the real world and all the stress we go through now.
So how did I get over Bellarke's crash and burn? I wrote other stuff. I read other stuff. I might also suggest finding a different ship to fall in love with. You know that old saying "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else?" I think that fits with a broken ship, too. Find someone else to obsess over.
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gaylortruther · 6 months ago
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hey we saw you from across the club🤩
(New pinned post ⬇️)
i’m Xander I made this blog as a writeblr in 2019(??I think) and at some point after that I deleted my original blog which I had made in like 2011, which obv took all my sideblogs with it. Anyway Fast forward to now i am an adult and i live with my partner who I met on Percy Jackson tumblr 🤯 and have re-emerged into the tumblr cave system.
This is going to function as a writeblr , multi fandom and also whatever else I want blog. Most of my time on tumblr has been spent organizing tags and themes and pages and networks and working my ass off to edit for my WIPs instead of actually writing. Anyway. I return with the intent to use it for GOOD 🩷 while touching grass. ask me about my blorbos or make me write using any means necessary
old urls
Percy Jackson pjo riordanverse : @herojason @deathbydiangelo @nicodianjealousofannabeth (there were more but i do not remember them)
All for the game aftg tfc the foxhole court : @andrewsnothing @jostenminyards
once upon a time ouat : @swanm1lls @storybrooxe
Misc : @typeswriters @feralfolklore @queersreadthis @halohidings @nostalges @succulester
what I write 🤓
Gay people. Weird unreality. Unreliable narration meets low fantasy in fact VS fiction
Strained family / sibling dynamics
Dystopian fantasy
Toxic two side same coin dark edgy enemies to lovers dynamics
Im interested in what it means to be human and what it means to humans to be human
A lot of fairy/folk/old wives tale reworks because I literally can’t help it
Also historically a good amount of poetry but I don’t really think about her rn
greatest hits💔
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dni (up to you whether you take it seriously)
captain swan shippers / Killian jones fans// apologists // basically I want him dead in a ditch
Anyone who will morally dislike me for multi shipping bellarke and clexa (which fair I get)
Anti gaylors in a way that matters
Harry Potter fans
Soup haters except Phil Lester
Pro Palestine Free Gaza
I am an undefined trans person on hormones don’t be terfy at me
✅verified drug addict don’t say crackhead weirdly
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vivitalks · 1 year ago
omg i didn't see that you did a writer's ask game! hopefully it's not too late to send asks? if not, may i ask 1, 7, 12, 15, & 5 about "blow a kiss to concern"? thank youuu 💙
i reblog a writer's game and then don't answer this ask for several days SORRY! love you here i am now let's go
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) this is a tough question because i write in a lot of different fandoms. however, i am going to give two answers. one is the stydia fic blow a kiss to concern (which will be discussed later) because it has a lot of tropes i enjoy - driving, flirting, canon compliance, fluff with some angst, all the good stuff. the second is my kate bishop & peter parker series young & not too wise which has two fics - one of kate and peter meeting before the events of the hawkeye show, and one of them meeting right after. one thing i really enjoy doing is taking two characters who haven't really met or interacted but have the grounds for a fascinating interaction to meet and talk. so like, post-nwh peter has all this trauma from being a superhero, and pre-hawkeye kate is all starry-eyed wanting to be a superhero, and i loved the idea of those two perspectives meeting, two young new yorkers with such different life experiences. i do this kind of pseudo-crossover a lot and it's always so much fun.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? i don't worldbuild that often. i am a big big fan of writing things that are canon compliant or very slightly canon divergent (one character lives instead of dies, a relationship is broken up instead of still together, that kind of thing) where the broader universe is still intact, because i feel like in fictional media, part of what's so fun and interesting about writing the characters is dealing with the shit they've gone through and experiences they've had as a result of the universe they exist in.
that being said, i did a smidge of worldbuilding (really more like world-expanding) for my bellarke fic taking the world off your shoulders, particularly the couple of grounder villages they wind up in, and that was fun. the 100 established this bit of canon where only the warrior grounders speak english but then we didn't get a lot of opportunities to see the communities of non-warrior grounders who didn't speak english at all, so i especially liked dipping my toes into sonia's village and exploring a community of people who aren't involved at all in the grounder violence/war and are just peaceful and self-sustaining
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? mmmm i'm thinking about it but can't come up with any. i think i've probably gotten to like more rarepairs, but that's not a trope (maybe just an influence of hanging out with you lol).
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? like i said before i don't write a lot of AUs outside of your garden-variety canon divergence, so my options for answers here are limited. i guess my favorite AU is the whole post-age of ultron series i wrote where everything is the same except that pietro lives (bc seriously wtf was that). the series is called pietro lives 'verse but it wound up becoming an entirely clint-barton-centric series and i apologize for nothing.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about blow a kiss to concern? Answer it now! "hey raviv, what's so special about driving stick shift?" look. you'll never know. you'll never understand until you're driving a bunch of foreigners from literally any other country other than america and they suddenly go, "wait is this a manual?" and you get to very nonchalantly say "yeah it is." you just can't know the level of smug pride you get to experience when people are impressed with you for something as simple as that.
also, driving stick is an even more involved way to do the already-hella-romanticizeable act of driving, and in my experience, it is frustrating as SHIT to learn. and like, stiles loves his fucking car so fucking much. the only other person we ever see drive that car is scott (i think?), most likely because it's not something most people can do, but also because scott is like a brother to him, one of the people he loves the most in the entire world. it's a huge act of trust for stiles to let someone else drive his car. so the idea that there's a skill lydia doesn't have but wants, and only stiles can realistically teach her because he's the only one with both the know-how and the actual car to teach her with is just. very charming in its potential. plus, learning stick at ALL is really hard and it's a testament to the relationship between stiles and lydia that she isn't constantly in tears, because like. he completely believes she can do it, and she completely trusts him to teach her. I JUST THINK THEY'RE NEAT
ask me a question for fic writers!
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wellsjahasghost · 2 years ago
Do you happen to remember the jaegermighty fan fiction - talk nerdy to me? I really can’t forget that one fic and I love bellarke… do you have a copy or have any old saved links of it?
this is how i found out that fic was deleted from the archive
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bishopsbelova · 2 years ago
I'm more in the CM fandom ‐ but I'm sure it happens elsewhere - why are fanon ships so offended when their fanon isn't happening? Many act like the show is against them. You mentioned one of the ships in your other ask response that I constantly see in the tags mad because their ship isn't canon.
Oh, it happens almost everywhere I’m sure - I’ve been through so much of it in differently fandoms and it’s just not necessary? Especially to shippers of canon ships because liek what did we do to you? It’s really not that hard to just be a kind person. 
I will say that the most disgusting and vile fandom I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with were b@risi’s. Like I’m sorry Dominick Carisi is straight ??? and in love with Amanda Rollins but there’s no reason to be so ugly. Not to mention how they constantly twisted canon just to hate on Amanda for their own sexist reasons. 
A lot of superc*rp shippers also weren’t the greatest either.... And I say that as a shipper of them. There were so many that were actually chill and really nice; but those bad eggs kind of ruined it for everyone. 
I’d say that a fandom that gets a little bit of a pass for how were Bellarkes because Jason Rothenburg is honestly one of the most vile human beings with how he treated not only fans of the show, but the actual cast (to the point that he bullied an actor off the show the show and then executed his character - like gun to the back of the head while on his knees type of bullshit. And another actor took time off for his mental health and JR completely ruined his character in the process). 
But really, there is absolutely no reason for how some of these shippers act. It’s not that serious. It’s never that serious. It’s a tv show and they’re fictional characters. And there are real people behind these blogs/account, really people with feelings - so can we just think before we send hate and death threats over fictional characters and ship. 
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alannacouture · 2 years ago
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Oh, hey, Happy American Mother’s Day! Here’s the Bellarke Mother’s Day fanfic literally nobody asked for but I’m still shameless enough to beg for readers:
Plus, there’s adorable Blake sibling arguing & a Bellarke Baby!
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kizo2703 · 1 year ago
The problem that the idiot showrunner created by deleting the Bellarke love story didn't stop there - by "killing off" both the original Clarke and Bellamy, the leading characters, he completely changed the narrative.
It wasn't the same show anymore. We had the same actors and characters, but it was a completely different show.
And no, not all shippers are female viewers, and they are "real fans", whatever the fuck is that supposed to mean to jroth or anyone else!
One thing is certain - T100 S7 IS NOT “a real story”, it's not canon - it's just jroth's crack fiction!
As a bellarke veteran, I would like to remind everyone that show runners will say shit, actors will say shit, other fans will say shit and the media will say shit about the pairings you love all the time that you disagree with and honestly you should ignore all of it and just believe what you see on the screen. Fuck the rest. Art is subjective and shows do this all the time to keep the audience guessing. They probably don't even know what's going to happen.
It was only after the 100 ended that we all found out that bellarke was supposed to happen but didn't because the showrunner decided that he would ruin the show out of spite towards one of the leading actors and their fans.
Always believe what you see on the screen, not even subtext. Literally what's been intentionally written, shot and edited by the show. That's all you can go off.
It's true that it may not end the way you want it to or whoever you ship might not get together but that's not what matters. The truth is that what's already been shown is there for all to see and they can't take it back.
Honestly the whole 'shippers aren't as intelligent as other viewers and this is more than about ships, go find another show' thing gets on my nerves because people can do what they want for one and its completely normal to see chemistry and potential in two characters. It also doesn't mean that we don't see all the other amazing things this show has to offer. It just means we see chemistry. That's literally it. It's not that deep.
They don't even have to get together but anyone saying that shipping as a whole is bad is a bit ridiculous, it's never that serious.
It all jumps back to the whole idea that anything that's enjoyed by mostly women (shipping) is seen as less important.
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sparklyfairymira · 3 years ago
City of Clouds
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title: city of clouds rating: m relationship(s): Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin additional tags: POV Clarke Griffin, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fae & Fairies, Non-Explicit Sex, Falling In Love, Feelings, Light Angst, Pining, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy summary: Clarke storms off into the woods following yet another fight with her mom and finds herself in a whole new world.
Prompted by mkguptill on Twitter for @t100fic-for-blm
Read it on AO3
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togetherkru · 3 years ago
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#TheBestOfBellarke : Recommend or Shoutout fics/vids/edits/meta/creators that you love, or works that have stuck with you
“This mess we’ve made is ours” by @secondfromtheright
He takes a breath. “Please come back with me.” He tries to keep his voice steady but he can hear himself practically pleading.
“Bellamy.” She sighs.
“Clarke,” he exhales, trying to control how much he wants to lash out at her. “You can’t just…” he cuts himself off. Can’t what? Can’t just turn up and leave again? Can’t just sleep with him with barely a word? ...
The weeks Clarke is gone between Seasons 2 and 3 go a little differently.
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