#Belgian waffles > pancakes > regular waffles
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secretly-of-course · 9 months ago
This is too hard 😫
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hunterthecharmer · 5 months ago
Unexpected - Part 6
Thank you for being patient with me on this :) please give me any feedback or ideas/suggestions!
Since the convention has come to an end with this chapter, we will be moving on to focus on GP x reader's relationship (I am so excited!) these will feel more like fics/one shots going forward since a lot of the context has been built.
Summary: You work for an events company and end up being assigned as a talent handler for a 2 week long convention. Your co-worker ends up assigned to Glen Powell, but you catch his eye. Can you remain professional and keep him from knowing you're actually a pretty big fan of his?
Need to catch up? Here is my Masterlist
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“Can you believe it’s the last day? It’s been an incredible experience but I really miss my bed.” Savannah whines as she assists you in smoothing out the tablecloths. You and the rest of the staff were in the middle of setting up the large event space for the special brunch for the talent’s final day. The grounds had been freshly mowed the night before and the weather was crisp outside. 
The chefs had been working since 5am on the spread; homemade biscuits, jams, eggs of all kinds, bacon and other bacon substitutes, pancakes, belgian waffles…the list was a page and a half long. All of the guests were also attending a final acting class together, a group dinner with a special screening of some sort, with a campfire to end the day. The campfire was also for the staff as well, and there would be an open bar. 
“Do you think Glen will sit next to you tonight?” Savannah’s question brings a smile to your face. “I hope so. It’ll be my last chance to see him before the shuttles take them to the airport tomorrow.” 
You frown at the realization, you had no way to get in contact with Glen outside of here other than a direct message on instagram. He probably had a hundred messages a day, no doubt. You had his number for the brief time you were in charge of him, but that was on Savannah’s work phone, which had to be turned in by midnight tonight. Same with yours. Otherwise, you had no way to contact any of the guests after today, and the contract all of you signed before coming here was very clear on their ‘do not write down any of the talent’s personal information rule.
The brunch goes off without a hitch, the talent enjoying their lesson whole scarfing down the large layout of food. You and the rest of the handlers enjoyed your own breakfasts in one of the trailers, thankful that instead of your regular options of boiled eggs or yogurt parfaits it was catered from Starbucks.
The rest of the afternoon is packed with breaking down the other event spaces that aren't being used, folding up all the chairs and packing up the event signs you had brought. Lugging all the heavy items across the lawn all day had tired you out, so the second everything was packed up you took yourself directly back to your cabin to take a nap before the bonfire.
You all but slam the door behind you, slipping out of your Ugg boots while simultaneously shrugging off your Ignite crew neck and scarf. After slipping under the comforter, you plug your phone into the charger and set an alarm, giving yourself an hour to rest. You didn’t mind arriving at the event a little late if it meant you’d have some energy back.
Savannah’s POV
“She’s not answering my calls, are you sure she said she was coming tonight?” Dylan asks, shaking his head as he locks his phone after dialing a third time. 
“I swear she did! She’s been excited for the bonfire all day. We worked our butts off, maybe she took a nap? I know she disappeared earlier..” her voice trails off, wondering if you were okay. She stirs her drink, lowering her gaze to the flames in front of her. Glen’s eyes catch hers, the expression on his face unreadable.
 “Did you need me to grab you another smore?” Savannah asks, starting to stand from her chair. He chuckles, throwing his head back, “I’ve already had 3, are you trying to make my trainer hate me?”
She laughs along with him as she settles back into her seat. She notices his gaze sweeping around the lawn again, just as he had done too many times to count in the last hour.
Pulling her phone out of her jeans pocket she dials you again, muttering to herself that she hopes you pick up.
“Thank you.” is all you hear on the other end of the line, your friend’s voice extremely raspy. 
“Hurry up and get yourself down here! You’re missing the fire and it’s our last night.” She playfully yells into the phone before hanging up on you.
“She’ll be here soon.”
You rub the ball of your palm into your eyelid, squinting at the time. Apparently you had snoozed your alarm multiple times, missing the first hour or so of the event. 
You hurriedly throw the blankets off of you and flatten your hair in the mirror, deciding to throw it into a messy ponytail to conceal the frizz. Grabbing an oversized cardigan from your suitcase on the floor, you take your perfume lying in the compartment next to it and spritz some around your neck and down your arms to your wrists. 
You then step into your uggs for the second time that day and sprint out the door to your golf cart.
“She decided to grace us with her presence at last.” Dylan teases you, standing from his seat to give you a hug as you stroll up to him and Savannah. You take note of the others seated with them, Glen being one of them. You feel your heart flutter, hoping there was an empty chair available next to him.
“Sorry guys, I totally snoozed my alarm. I was exhausted after tearing everything down today! Sav, how are you still going?” you bend down in front of her to shake her shoulders and she giggles, but you can see how heavy her eyes are. 
“I definitely circled back to the Starbucks after everyone got their drinks and grabbed an extra iced coffee when no one was watching. I knew it’d be a long day.”
The group commends her, playfully clapping as she bows her head proudly. 
You turn around toward Glen and shoot him a shy smile over the fire, his green eyes shining at you. He hooks a finger and gestures for you to come over to him, so you do.
“Well hello.” He says lowly once you’re within earshot, his hands tapping his lap as you realize there isn’t an empty chair left for you. Your eyes widen and you step back from him slightly, nervously looking around at the group. Out of your peripheral you notice his expression falter slightly, but he recovers quickly. “Here, take my seat! I’ll go find another one.”
Glen jumps up, pointing at the chair before heading off towards other groups on the line.
You feel your heart sink as you sit down, eyes following after him. He didn’t really think you’d sit on his lap did he? You were technically still working, and all the staff was around. It was the last night though, so maybe it would have been fine. You were so embarrassed, you hoped it wouldn't come up again.
He returns quickly, wedging his chair between you and another guest. You feel your shoulders relax as he leans back in his seat, falling into conversation with the others. You can’t rip your gaze from his face, watching as the flames illuminate his features. You love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, his hand gestures as he talks bringing you in even more. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Savannah whispers into your ear, her sudden presence from behind startling you. She hands you a smore wrapped in a paper towel before rounding the group back to her seat.
You take a bite of the gooey treat, wiping the crumbs from the graham crackers off your lips. When you notice Glen’s eyes on you, you freeze. 
“Hi.” He silently mouths, lips turning up into a smile. You feel your expression soften at him as you mouth back to him, “Missed you.”
To this he feigns surprise, pointing to his chest before leaning toward you over the armchair.
“Ditto, pretty girl.”
Your heart melts as you lean toward him, chin propped on your hand as you both lock eyes. You felt like you were 17 again, giddily smiling at your school crush. “Did you enjoy your last day of the convention?”
Glen nods, flashing his journal at you from beneath his chair, thumbing quickly through the pages to show pages upon pages full of his handwriting. You hum proudly at him, impressed.
“Which film did they have you guys analyze at dinner?”
He fills you in on the event, what they watched and everyone’s feedback and interpretations. Apparently everyone passed the surprise quiz at the end, and he raved about the menu.
The two of you continue to talk for the next while, unaware that some of the members of your circle, including Dylan, had gotten up and moved around the lawn to switch places with other guests. The seat next to Glen was now occupied by a heavy set male, not anyone you recognized. You could smell the alcohol on him from where you sat, but you only noticed it - you were fully focused on the sandy blonde haired guy next to you. 
His southern accent rises above the multiple conversations happening around the fire in an aggravated tone. “Anyone else get cut off from the bartender tonight?”
Everyone’s attention falls on him, shaking their heads no. He huffs, “Just me, huh? I’ve only had three beers, I don’t get it. I’m fine! I’m just trying to enjoy the last night here for crying out loud. Hey, you work here right? Can’t you get me another?”
His eyes are now on you in anticipation. You peer past Glen to meet his bloodshot eyes, “Um, if he cut you off there’s nothing I can do. Sorry friend!’ You give him a sympathetic smile, glancing around for someone with a lanyard with his face on it. “What’s your name? Maybe your handler can talk to-”
“The name’s Johnny Curtis. And I’d really appreciate that, darlin’.” He drawls before downing the last of his drink from the can. 
“Be right back, gang!” you jump up from your chair and meander through the grass to the registration building. You flip through the binder behind the desk, finding the name and number of Johnny’s handler. She answers after a few rings, “Hi, this is Megan?”
“Hi! Don’t worry, I’m working this event too. I’m sitting with Johnny and it looks like the bartender cut him off, so he’s a little upset. Can you meet me at the bar?” She agrees and you head back outside.
The two of you try to reason with the bartender, but he won’t budge. “You ladies don’t understand, this guy was a little rowdy at the event a few nights ago. He’s getting real close to his limit, just take him a spiked seltzer. That’s the best I can do.” He throws his hands up before sliding a can across the tabletop to you. 
“I’m sorry, he wanted to chat with the other guests before leaving tomorrow, I didn’t think he’d try to cause a problem. He’s really sweet!” the other girl says, and you grab her arm in reassurance. “Don’t even worry about it, he’s fine. I’ll show you where we’re at!”
She follows close behind you through the lawn, Johnny’s face lighting up as soon as he sees her. “Thanks Meg! I knew you’d make it happen for me.” She grins, handing him the beverage. She chats quietly with him as you take your seat again, Glen’s warm hand squeezing yours as you do. “All good?” 
You nod at him, waving to Megan as she leaves the group.
“Now what in the world is this sorry excuse for alcohol? Did y’all really bring me back a girly drink?”
Johnny’s voice is a mix of irritability and playfulness as he runs a hand through his dark head of hair. Glen turns to face him this time, reading the label on the can. 
“Ah, Ranch Water. They are pretty good man! You oughta give it a try.” He offers, and Johnny gives him a look, eyebrow raised as he takes another long sip.
It’s silent for a moment around the fire before everyone returns to their sidebar conversations.
A few moments pass before Johnny spits his drink out near his feet, Savannah’s lip turning up in disgust. “I’m not finishing this.” he mumbles, before tossing the half full can into the flames.
Others in the circle gasp, “Dude, you aren’t supposed to do that. It’ll explode!”
In an instant, the can pops and tiny pieces of aluminum come flying out of the fire. 
A burning sensation causes a hand to fly up to your cheek, fingers landing on a hot scrap of aluminum near your cornea. You let out a shriek as pain begins to spread down to your under eye area, and you instinctively jump up out of your chair, almost tripping over your feet. 
Holding a hand over your right eye you make a beeline for the bathroom, a pair of silent footsteps following close behind you. 
Once you burst through the door, you lower your hand as you stare into the mirror. You let out a sigh of relief at your eye still being intact with no bleeding or anything. Your tear duct and cornea were extremely red and puffy, but that was about it. A dark greyish black sludge had dried onto your cheek.
Your eyes meet Savannah who is standing right next to you, her face ashen. “Are you alright? I’m gonna get him in so much trouble for that. He really could have injured you or someone else!”
You try to mask your disappointment that Glen hadn’t been the one to follow you as you take a paper towel from Savannah, drenching it in cold water before wiping at your cheek to remove the stinging mess from your face. “It could have been a lot worse.” your voice is small.
After a few moments, your face is clean again and the burning sensation has subsided even though the irritation to your cornea hasn’t. 
You turn around to face your friend, exhaling deeply. “Let’s get back out there, I want to say goodbye to everyone before turning in for the night.”
Savannah nods before pulling you in for a hug. She follows you out the door, but runs into you as you stop short - Glen is standing outside the building. 
“Are you okay?” His expression is pained as he reaches to hold your face, inspecting your eyes.
Savannah excuses herself to head back to the bonfire.
“I’m lucky it wasn’t worse.” you say, shoulders sagging a bit. You wrap an arm around his bicep, moving closer to him. He places his index finger and thumb above and below your right eye as he gives it a final look before peppering your face with kisses, careful to avoid the area. You scrunch your nose at the affection, giggling as you now grip both of his arms. He plants a final feather-like kiss to the spot just below the corner of your eye and it makes you swoon. He was being so gentle and sweet.
“All better.” You beam up at him before tugging him toward your golf cart. 
“For what it’s worth, I definitely told that guy off. What a jackass, throwing a half empty can of alcohol into the fire like that. He could’ve taken you or anyone else’s eye out!”
You laugh. “Yeah, what an idiot.”
Glen convinces you to let him drive you back to your cabin, insisting on walking back to his cabin afterward since you had to turn in the cart first thing the next morning. Always the gentleman!
As you take off, a twinge of sadness in your chest as you realize this is the last golf cart ride you’ll take together. You focus hard to take in every detail of his face, the scent of his cologne, the way his green eyes look at you. The sound of your laughs mixing together as he swerves all over the path without a care in the world. 
As soon as the cart is in park you muster up the last of your bravery where he is concerned and wrap your arms around his neck to press a kiss to his cheek. He smiles as he turns his head and kisses you softly. He runs a hand through your hair while the other rests on your collarbone. 
You lose yourself in the kiss, his lips tasting like a mixture of chocolate and alcohol. You hear multiple carts fly past but you can’t bring yourself to care - you had done your job these last two weeks and had a can explode on you tonight. Plus, this was your last moment with Glen freaking Powell. No way were you about to pull away from him right now. 
He finally pulls away, both of you breathless. “By the way,” he looks out at the others walking to their cabins in the dark, making sure you both aren’t being watched, “are you going to add me back or not?” 
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Add you back? What are you talking about?”
He grabs his phone out of his back pocket and holds it in front of your face. 
“Check it.” He grins. 
You slide your phone out of your pocket and unlock it, opening up Instagram to find a follow request from the man sitting next to you.
You tilt your head to the side, deciding to tease him. “Hmm I don’t know, do I really want to allow you access to my amazing photos?” You wink at him before pressing the blue confirm button.
“You were already following me, sorry it took me this long to add you back.” He jokes, but your breath hitches. Oh no - hopefully he doesn’t think much of it.
You let out a nervous laugh and slide off the cart, grabbing the key. 
“Can I borrow that for a sec?” He asks, pointing to your iPhone. “Sure?”
You hand it over to him, watching as he types his number into your phone.
He places it into your palm as he meets your gaze, searching your face as he steps closer to you. “Well…”
“Well..” you copy him, not wanting to say goodbye. He leans forward to press his forehead to yours, swallowing hard.
“Guess I’ll see ya around?” His tone is hopeful.
You frown slightly, “Will you?”
He hangs his head with a soft laugh. “Probably not. That’s why I gave you my number - you know, so I can?”
Lifting his chin with your finger, you smile at him. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Glen Powell. I hope you get home safely tomorrow!”
He kisses your nose before slowly backing away from you down the path. “The pleasure was all mine!” He shouts, arms outstretched on either side of him. You giggle, waving to him as you watch him disappear down the path to his cabin. You shake your head in disbelief as you walk up the stairs to your front door and begin your nighttime routine. The last interaction with Glen replays like a movie in your mind as you brush your teeth, slip into your pajamas and lay your head on the pillow. You can’t wipe the smile off your face as you lie restless in the dark, setting your alarm for the next morning to take Dylan to the shuttles.
These last two weeks have been unexpected in more ways than one, but ending them with Glen Powell’s number in your phone? Now that is a plot twist you would never have seen coming.
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castielmydarling · 1 year ago
Suptober 2023- Day 6: Full Spread
Breakfast Time-589 words on AO3 or below Summary: Cas wakes up to find Dean made (more than enough) breakfast
Cas slowly opened his eyes. Another night sleeping, he thinks. With his inconsistent grace levels things like sleeping and eating are becoming a regular occurrence. While there’s a few side effects he dislikes about his waning grace, primarily not being able to help out much on hunts, sleeping isn’t one of them. He especially likes it now that he gets to sleep with Dean. He only wishes he could wake up with him more. 
Falling asleep in general is relatively easy. It’s the waking up part that’s the problem. While he thinks of Dean as an angry sleeper, like a bear, Dean insists that he’s worse. Dean says he tries to wake him up when he gets up but he’s always met with grumbling and ‘go away or I’ll smite you’ so he’s given up trying. He of course has no memory of this and still believes Dean to be lying. 
One good thing about Dean waking up before him is there’s always a hot pot of coffee ready. And judging by the different scents in the air there is more than just coffee waiting today. 
Cas steps into the kitchen to find an array of food spread out on the table. 
Dean looks back from the stove. “Morning, sunshine.” He says, way too chipper for the time of day. “Sit, sit.” he instructs, “I’ll bring you a cup.”
Cas sits, attempting to clear a space on the crowded table. Dean hands him his coffee, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead before moving some of the platters to the counter. 
“Sorry about that.” He laughs. 
“Dean, you know Sam and Jack are gone right?” he asks, “There’s quite a bit of food here. Much more than you and I need.”
“I know,” he says, brightly. “You’ve been eating more and I thought it’s high time I made you all the best breakfast foods so you can try them, figure out what you like. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know.” He walks through the kitchen pointing out the different items. “You’ve got pancakes-plain, chocolate chips, different kinds of fruit. Waffles-belgian and regular. French toast!” He says, excited. “A couple different muffin options over here.” He points to the little muffin pile on the counter. “Then of course we got a couple different flavors of bacon and sausage. I did not make Sam’s turkey bacon because that's not bacon. If you want that you’re on your own.” He says laughing. “And last but not least, I’m going to make scrambled eggs, over easy, poached and an omelet. Lots of eggs I know but they’re all so different.”
Cas tries to take it all in. Dean woke up early and did all this, for him. He chose a day when Sam and Jack were gone so he could make this and do all this just for him. He gets up and wraps his arms around Dean, not caring if he gets his clothes dirty. 
“Thank you. For this, for everything. I love you.” He says, overcome with emotion. 
Dean tries to laugh it off. “It was nothing, Cas. We need to eat, right.” He stays in the embrace a second longer before quickly turning back to the stove. 
Cas knows he’s trying to hide the tears in his eyes so he doesn’t comment on it. 
“Ok, first up is the omelet.” He says, trying to keep his voice steady. He turns around, smiling. “You ready?”
“I am.” He’s ready for this and so much more.
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shades4dogs · 2 years ago
I made this recipe i found online for belgian waffles. And I don't know why, because I followed the recipe to a T, but the waffles wouldnt rise at all, and therefore couldnt take on a waffle shape . I was very discouraged , Didnt know if i could go on, was about to give up ,ETC but Then my dad suggested i fry some in a pan and see if it rises becauswe it might be an issue with our waffle press thing. So ifried it into a pancake. And it was actually really nice as a regular pancake , so Ive just been having rlly yummy pancakes tody. Thanks for reading
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atplblog · 3 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The waffle combinations are endless. This waffle maker cannot only make single-serving waffles, paninis, burgers pancakes, cookie, etc but also be a make pizza, sandwich's, Cinnamon Rolls, Grilled Cheese, Frittata etc. kitchen products are thought fully designed to make your life easier . we use consumer insights, in-depth research and rigorous testing to deliver the best solution to your everyday needs Ready: Innovative award-winning sloped design seals batter while cooking. Enjoy: Non-stick coated plates for easy waffle removal and stress-free clean-up. Unique ergonomic design allows you to Say goodbye to spills and hello to superior waffles with the anti-overflow moat. Enjoy a clutter less counter compact, storage And bright colours to refresh your kitchen. Trying to think of a great gift for a friend or family member for a housewarming party, birthday, or holiday Look no further. This mini waffle maker has a exquisite packaging and is a widely used household item, You can use it in any occasion such as: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, family gathering, party etc. in top them with fruit or pair them with bacon and eggs to make a regular meal feel a little more luxurious. Simply plug it in and preheat the waffle iron machine. When the indicator light shuts off, you can start cooking. It has a dual-sided nonstick surface for cooking that heats quickly and is easy to clean.(waffles maker machine pan cake makers chilla maker wafer maker waffle cone maker machine waffle machine for home mini waffle maker for home waffles maker machine wafers machine)Worried about storing your waffle maker? The Belgian waffle maker has a 4-inch cute body size that can be stored easily. It won't take up a lot of space and it's a perfect fit for any kitchen cabinet, apartment, drawer, dorm and camper/RV.(wafer maker machine for home waffle maker and sandwich maker waffel waffle maker machine for home death star waffle maker skyline dosa and grill maker waffle maker machine in waffle pan waffle and sandwich maker machine. The Small Mini Waffle Maker has a stylish and ergonomic design suitable for any kitchen decoration. It is the perfect gift for weddings, birthdays, holidays and more.(waffle machine in one stovetop waffle maker belgian waffle makers cartoon waffle maker wafels maker waffels making machine cuisinart vertical belgian waffle maker wafflemaker) 【EASY TO CLEAN】The Deluxe plates simply wipe clean with a damp cloth when cooled. No oil or butter needed, makes for healthier eating, and provides for hassle free, 1-2-3 cleanup.(modern kitchen apliances snacks maker machine without oil breakfast maker machine waffle iron stove top star wars waffle maker mini waffle maker for kids waffle maker mini dash waffle maker waffele maker waffles making machine borosil waffle maker machine sokany waffle maker electric waffle maker snakes maker for 【Simple and Fast Heating】CROWNFUL mini waffle maker is designed in Italy. You can enjoy making classic waffles and a variety of delicious breakfast in a few minutes. Mix it with your favorite egg, grilled cheese, hash browns, biscuit pizzas, paninis, cookies and etc. This is great for families and busy people.(kitchen appliances for home kitchen items waffle machine pancake maker wafflemaker waffles maker waffle maker gas) 【Great Gift】The Small Mini Waffle Maker has a stylish and ergonomic design suitable for any kitchen decoration. It is the perfect gift for weddings, birthdays, holidays and more.(waffle machine in one stovetop waffle maker belgian waffle makers cartoon waffle maker wafels maker waffels making machine cuisinart vertical belgian waffle maker wafflemaker) 【Easy To Use】Simply plug it in and preheat the waffle iron machine. When the indicator light shuts off, you can start cooking. It has a dual-sided nonstick surface for cooking that heats quickly and is easy to clean.(waffles maker machine pan cake makers chilla maker
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 9 months ago
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 22 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
"I was thinking we can hit up this breakfast place before we open the clinic," Sam smiled.
"It's one of my favorite spots."
We had about two hours before the clinic opened but Sam insisted even if we were late, the girls could manage on their own.
I wasn't sure how he had this much energy, despite only getting about five hours of sleep.
I was still exhausted but the sound of food was really tempting.
Both of us had skipped dinner, staying next to Belle's side while Sam and I opened up to each other last night.
I wasn't one to share my past or my feelings like that but with Sam, it was different. I could talk freely, openly and he did the same.
As we walked towards his truck, I couldn't help but feel bad about seeing the dent in his front bumper.
He didn't seem to mind, starting up the truck.
"You're going to love this place, they have the best waffles in town. Don't tell Clara but her pancakes got nothing on their waffles and their milkshakes are to die for."
He drove out onto the main road.
"And the best part, they serve breakfast all day."
I chuckled as he went on about all the types of flavors of milkshakes and types of toppings for waffles.
I was surprised I've never heard of the place but then again Aspen and I hardly ventured away from the motel and nearby shops.
We hardly even went to diners because they tend to get pricey, we usually settled for fast food or cooked our own food.
Sam slowed as he turned off the main road into a strip mall parking lot.
On the corner was a small almost out of place diner, like it had been transported from the eighties.
The neon sign read Cindy's Diner.
"How'd you find this place?" I asked as he put the car in park.
He grinned.
"I used to come here when I was in med school. It was one of the only places that were open where I could eat after studying and working all day. Cindy's was like my second home."
He seemed way too giddy for someone who nearly pulled a fifteen-hour shift and only got five hours of sleep,or the food and drinks here were just that good.
He grabbed my hand as we walked in, as I gaped at the eighties decor still in pristine condition.
Knick knacks lined the walls, some even hanging from the ceiling.
A whole bunch of old and new photographs displayed on the back wall on cork boards.
Even the black and white tiles seemed to be in decent shape.
"Well, if it isn't Sam?"
An older lady, wearing the outfit proclaimed.
"It's been awhile young man."
Sam waved, as we approached the front desk.
"It's been too long, Cindy."
She walked over, with her arms extended and gave Sam a big hug, before giving me a curious glance.
"And who might this lovely fella be?"
Sam chuckled, as she leaned closer whispering still loud enough for me to hear.
"It's been a while since you've brought someone special."
"This is Simon. He's been helping out with the clinic," he smiled.
"Oh," she drew out.
"Well, I'll have your regular out and what would you like, darling?"
I glanced at the menu but all the options were so overwhelming.
"I'll just have what he's having."
"Alrighty, two strawberry shakes and Belgian waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. It'll be right out dear. Sam, your booth is open in the back."
We gave our thanks as I followed Sam to the booth in the back.
As we got closer I could see the picture wall clearer.
Polaroids and digital photos lined up, some senior portraits and wedding photos were there as well.
It seemed a lot of people had enjoyed this place.
One photo, taken a while back had a man that looked just like Sam.
Maybe his father?
Before I could sit down and ask Sam about them, I heard someone stand up abruptly next to us.
"Simon?" a female voice called out, one I hadn't heard in a long time.
One that sent shivers down my spine, a voice I knew to avoid when I heard it but now there was no escape, not while we were in a diner.
"Is that you?"
Sam was curious but didn't say anything as I turned to face Sarah.
My heart was racing, my thoughts running around like crazy.
Despite knowing how nice she was when I had been there, she just reminded me of who she was: Vince's Luna.
Sam's 'he chose her' taunting me over and over as it replayed in my mind.
The fear and anxiety making it harder to focus on what was happening but Sam seemed to notice my discomfort, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder, as if to steady the slight tremors that were starting to form.
"Oh my Goddess, it's you. It really is you," Sarah grasped my hands in her own, looking at me with a gleam in her eye.
I felt her wedding ring graze my knuckles.
I quickly avoided looking at her directly, afraid that maybe it was still not considered appropriate to stare at a Luna directly.
"We've been looking everywhere for you."
'We?' I didn't like the sound of that.
Did that mean he was here as well?
Why would he be here anyway?
I don't think I could survive facing him.
Last time I had a run-in with them together, a few Betas had chased me into the dense and unfamiliar portions of the forest surrounding the pack and it had taken me almost three days to find my way back but then again, I didn't smell his scent when we entered.
Sarah gasped, looking past my shoulder before waving her hand frantically.
"Honey. Look who I found."
My feet were cemented to the ground.
I didn't dare move a muscle, I don't think I could even breathe as I could hear the footsteps approaching.
I waited for the sweet scent of the bond to hit me but it never came.
It wasn't sweet but I knew this scent.
Before I could even process it, I heard the drop of someone's cell-phone.
I turned to see Aspen standing there, his under eyes a dark gruesome color, his hair disheveled.
He looked like a wreck, which I guess was partly my fault.
"Aspen," I whispered, as a flood of emotions of seeing him there washed over me. 
1 note · View note
happyhourtimes · 11 months ago
IHop Happy Hour Menu
IHOP's Happy Hour Menu offers a variety of popular items at discounted prices. Here are some typical menu items and their prices during IHOP's Happy Hour:
Pancake Stack: $3.99
Belgian Waffle: $3.99
Breakfast Sampler: $6.99
Classic Steakburger: $5.99
Chicken and Pancakes: $6.99
Appetizer Sampler: $5.99
Ham and Cheese Omelette: $5.99
IHOP Happy Hour offers
IHOP Happy Hour menu offers a variety of $6 entrées to satisfy your cravings. Here's a rundown of these mouthwatering options:
Chicken & Pancakes: Indulge in four all-natural crispy chicken breast strips paired with three fluffy pancakes. You can choose from three delicious dipping sauces: buttermilk ranch, honey mustard, or IHOP Sauce.
Classic Steakburger: Sink your teeth into an all-natural Black Angus steak patty topped with melted American cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles, and IHOP Sauce, all nestled between a brioche bun. Enjoy it with a side of French fries, onion rings, or two buttermilk pancakes.
Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Sandwich: Treat yourself to a crispy chicken breast coated in buttermilk batter, complemented by melted American cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles, and IHOP Sauce, served on a brioche bun. It comes with your choice of French fries, onion rings, or two buttermilk pancakes.
BLT Sandwich: Savor the classic combination of hickory-smoked bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo sandwiched between toasted white bread. Pair it with a side of French fries, onion rings, or two buttermilk pancakes.
Ham & Cheese Omelette: Delight in a fluffy omelette filled with diced ham and melted jack and cheddar cheeses, topped with white cheese sauce, and served with three buttermilk pancakes.
Quick 2-Egg Breakfast: Enjoy a hearty breakfast consisting of two eggs cooked to your liking, hash browns, toast, and your choice of two bacon strips or two pork sausage links.
Classic Breakfast Burrito or Bowl: Dive into scrambled eggs, your choice of bacon pieces or diced sausage, shredded jack and cheddar cheeses, and hash browns, served with a side of salsa.
In addition to these tempting entrées, IHOP also offers Happy Hour Snacks & Sides, including Mozza Sticks, Jalapeño Cheese Bites, Crispy Chicken Strips, and the decadent Pancake Sundae. Keep in mind that availability and prices may vary depending on location, so it's a good idea to check with your local IHOP for the latest IHOPPY Hour offerings.
What is Happy Hour Special Menu at IHOP?
The IHOP Happy Hour menu has a lot of popular food items that you can choose from. Some of the items on the menu cost $4, and some cost $6.
IHOP $4 items
A short stack of 3 buttermilk pancakes
1 Belgian waffle
IHOP Menu $6 items
Chicken and Pancakes - This comes with 4 crispy chicken breast strips and 3 fluffy buttermilk pancakes.
Classic Steakburger - This is a regular burger that comes with french fries.
Ham and Cheese Omelette - This is a 3-egg omelette with pieces of ham and melted cheese. It comes with hash browns and toast.
The menu also has some smaller snack and side items that cost even less than $6. These include:
Mozza Sticks - These are 6 crispy sticks made with melted mozzarella cheese, served with a marinara sauce for dipping.
Jalapeño Cheese Bites - These are 6 golden, crispy bites made with jalapeño and cheddar cheese. They come with a buttermilk ranch sauce for dipping.
Crispy Chicken Strips - You get 3 crispy chicken strips, and you can choose to have them plain or with Frank's RedHot Buffalo sauce. They come with a dipping sauce.
Pancake Sundae - This is 2 buttermilk pancakes topped with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, rainbow sprinkles, and whipped topping.
The IHOP Happy Hour menu really has a lot of variety, from classic breakfast items to burgers and snacks. There are both sweet and savory options, so there is something for everyone to enjoy a quick, tasty meal.
0 notes
invisible-goats · 3 years ago
Please rank waffles, pancakes, and french toast.
Never had sweet french toast, just eggy bread, so will be leaving it out of the ranking
For waffles and pancakes it goes
Belgian waffles
Those tiny dutch pancakes you get at christmas markets
American-style pancakes
Regular waffles
3 notes · View notes
gotobeat · 3 years ago
The Ultimate Guide To Vegan food
Vegan restaurants have expanded in New York City in recent years, and many more are on the way. Here are a few places to try this fall. Vodega, a pop-up in Dumbo, specializes in southern soul food. The menu features plant-based deli sandwiches like the Philly cheesesteak, agnolotti, and tagliatelle with smoked vegan ranch. You can also order dishes like pine-nut-covered carta di musica and curry hummus and grilled vegetables.Original Soul Vegetarian, in the heart of SoHo, offers 100% vegan dishes. The menu includes classic comfort foods, but with no meat, refined sugar, or flour. You'll find everything from black-eyed pea burgers to fresh juices. While this restaurant specializes in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine, it is also open to the public. There's a vegan option for nearly any meal here. For the ultimate comfort food experience, try one of the restaurants in SoHo.Champs Diner in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is a popular vegan hotspot. This casual, laid-back restaurant features a soy-free Belgian waffle, a variety of pancakes, and a breakfast burrito with tofu scramble. You can also order takeout or delivery. They are open Monday through Friday from noon to 3:30pm and from 11:30 am to 9 pm. To find more of these places in SoHo, visit the official website.vegan near me is an excellent resource for this.  
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Wild Ginger, in Brooklyn, has a casual, hip atmosphere that's great for casual dining. The vegan menu features vegetable-centric dishes like Yam and Pumpkin Tempura. The restaurant also offers a smoothie and juice bar, curbside pickup, and even delivery. A menu can also be ordered online. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call and ask about the vegan options at a restaurant near you. You'll be glad you did!The Original Soul Vegetarian is a black-owned, family-owned restaurant in Brooklyn that serves all vegan dishes. This restaurant is the oldest black-owned vegan restaurant in the country. It serves 100% plant-based meals, including vegetarian fare and comfort foods. For example, you'll find dishes on the menu that contain no meat at all. Similarly, if you're looking for a pizza joint in Manhattan, you might want to consider a vegan establishment in Crown Heights.
Beyond Sushi is a plant-based eatery with five locations in Manhattan. It offers vegan sushi, and the owner also owns bistro Willow in Chelsea. Go Zen, meanwhile, offers a huge menu that includes many of the same choices as its regular counterpart. The menu has everything you can imagine on a traditional menu and is available daily for lunch and dinner. If you're in the mood for an all-vegan restaurant, you should definitely check out these places in the area.
Seasoned Vegan is a plant-based soul food restaurant located in a neighborhood near Central Park. It's considered the first full-service vegan restaurant in the area. Mother-and-son team Aaron Beener runs the front-of-house portion, while Brenda Beener manages the kitchen and oversees all operations. For a full-service, plant-based restaurant in New York City, it's important to try different dishes and find the right fit for you.If you're in search of vegan restaurants in New York, be sure to talk with the owners and managers of the establishments. You can ask for vegan dishes at any restaurant, but be polite and don't make demands. Don't be rude to the staff. The owner of a vegan restaurant can't understand what you're trying to eat. It's a good idea to be polite and have a good attitude while asking for vegan dishes.In the New York area, vegan restaurants have become increasingly popular. According to statistics, Americans spent $1.9 billion on plant-based foods and milks in 2018. The number of vegans in the U.S. grew from one percent in 2014 to 6 percent in 2017, and the number of vegans has steadily grown. There are also many vegan specialty shops in the area. These shops can help you start a vegan restaurant that's both affordable and popular.If you're looking for a vegan restaurant in New York City, there are many options. There are vegan restaurants in New York that offer upscale meals, and there are also many fast-food chains. If you're looking for a vegan diner in Brooklyn, you can try Champs Diner. The vegan menu includes tofu scramble, vegan breakfast sausage, vegan hash browns, and classic diner sandwiches. Despite the lack of space in the restaurant, the line is often long. But you can always stop by for the desserts.
0 notes
the-expert-zone · 4 years ago
Keto cream cheese waffles with almond flour
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This is the best keto waffle recipe ever! Fluffy keto waffles with cream cheese and almond flour, perfect for breakfast or a quick dessert with only 1.9 grams of net carbs per serving. Bonus, these low-carb waffles with almond flour are also gluten-free and diabetes-friendly!
These are the best fluffy keto pancake waffle recipe I have ever made. I call them pancake waffles because it is inspired by my keto cream cheese blueberry pancake recipe.
I recently bought a dash mini waffle maker, and I was looking for a great keto waffle recipe, easy enough to whip mini waffle in less than 5 minutes in the morning.
This recipe comes to be the most fluffy, soft, and sweet keto mini waffle recipe. So
let me share my tips to recreate this easy recipe for keto waffles in your kitchen.
How to make keto waffles?
There are many ways to make keto waffles.
You can make keto cheese waffles with eggs and cheese like my keto chocolate chaffle recipe. But if you are craving a classic sweet Belgian waffle that is fluffy on the inside and slightly crispy on the border, I recommend this keto cream cheese waffle recipe instead.
I personally prefer cream cheese waffles over keto chaffle recipes. They are ultra-fluffy, soft, and taste like regular Belgian waffles you can eat in Europe, but sugar-free!
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To watch this recipe a different way, check out my web story: making the keto cream cheese waffles!
Choice of ingredients
You only need a few basics ingredients to make keto waffles with almond flour and cream cheese.
Ultra-fine almond flour – almond meal works as well, but I don’t like the gritty texture or dark spots it creates into keto baking recipes. Instead, I recommend an ultra-fine golden-white almond flour. It creates the most delicious light and fluffy keto cakes and keto pancakes. For more on keto-friendly flours, read my Keto Flours Guide.
Large eggs – the size of eggs does matter. If they are too small, the batter will be too thick and dry.
Cream cheese – I like to chop cream cheese into cubes. It blends easily. Also, I recommend placing the cream cheese at room temperature for 20 minutes before making any keto recipes calling for cream cheese. It gives time for the cream cheese to soften, and it blends much better as well. In case you are wondering, Cream Cheese is a perfectly keto-friendly ingredient!
Vanilla extract
Erythritol – Learn more about keto-friendly sweeteners.
Baking powder
A high-speed blender
This almond flour waffle batter must be prepared in a high-speed blender to cream a smooth low carb pancake waffle batter with no gritty flavor. The blender is not optional, don’t try to make this recipe without, or the waffles won’t be fluffy and gritty.
Blend on high speed
These are the easiest keto waffles with almond flour! All you have to do is blend all the ingredients. The order doesn’t matter, into a high-speed blender until smooth.
If some almond flour doesn’t blend and sticks to the sides of the blender jug, stop the blender. Then, using a silicone spatula, scrape down the almond flour into the center of the jug.
Close the lid and blend again until all the ingredients are perfectly blended. You want to form a smooth, slightly thick golden yellow batter that resembles pancake batter.
Let the batter rest
To make the best almond flour keto waffles that are fluffy, light, and slightly crispy on the edges, give your batter a 10-minute rest at room temperature. This gives you time to clean dishes and preheat your waffle iron.
A mini dash waffle iron maker
I highly recommend a mini iron maker (affiliate link) to make keto waffle recipes. It is perfect for making single-serve waffles, control carbs, and quickly bake a delicious waffle for breakfast.
How to bake keto waffles in a mini waffle maker?
This is a keto recipe for mini waffle makers. It means that you can bake this keto waffle batter in a single-serve mini waffle iron. That said, these keto waffles with cream cheese bake perfectly in regular waffle makers as well.
However, keep in mind when using a mini waffle iron that your keto waffles will:
Bake slightly slower – mini waffle makers tend to lose more heat on the sides, and you usually need 1 extra minute of baking to reach the same texture as you will have in a regular waffle maker. The average baking time for keto diet waffle recipes is 3-4 minutes in a mini waffle iron maker.
Need only a tiny bit of oil on the iron – use a cooking spray or pastry brush to brush coconut oil or avocado oil on the irons. I noticed that you don’t need to oil the mini waffle iron between each waffle you bake! Only re-oil the irons when they look dry after baking 3 or 4 waffles.
Overflow easily – always measure the batter carefully following the recipe recommendation.
Be soft just after baking – mini waffles are baked at a slightly lower temperature, and they need to cool down for a few minutes to get crispy.
How many mini waffles does this recipe make?
This keto cream cheese waffle recipe makes 13 mini waffles. Each waffle is made of 2 and a half tablespoons of waffle batter. It means that each waffle contains :
Net carbs: 1.9 grams
Proteins: 5.3 grams
Calories: 121 kcal
Fat: 10.2 grams
How does it compare to chaffles?
Keto cream cheese waffles don’t use mozzarella cheese. As a result, they are lighter, fluffier, less crispy, and not as dry as sweet chaffle recipes.
In fact, chaffle recipes can get very dry and hard if overbaked, even just for 1 minute. This is because they use lots of cheese that hardens as the waffle cools down.
You won’t get that weird texture with this keto cream cheese waffle with almond flour. Even if you are a beginner and slightly over bake these waffles, they will stay light and fluffy.
How to serve keto waffles?
You can use this keto waffle recipe to make a sweet or savory waffle.
Sweet keto waffles
Stack 2 or 3 mini waffles on a plate and top them with some of the keto toppings below:
Keto syrup – maple-flavored, vanilla, or chocolate flavors.
Keto fruits – raspberries, boysenberries.
Unsweetened whipped cream
Keto ice cream 
Savory keto waffles
You can also use this mini waffle maker keto recipe to make savory waffles. If so, make sure you remove from the recipe the following ingredients:
Erythritol – this is a sweetener, don’t add this if you intend to make savory keto waffles with this recipe.
Vanilla – swap for 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder or onion powder.
Then, use your savory cream cheese keto waffles to make a:
Keto breakfast sandwich – use 2 mini keto cream cheese waffle as sandwich bread slices and fill them with bacon, fried eggs, and avocado and cheese.
Keto taco waffle – fold the waffle in half and fill with your favorite keto taco filling.
Keto pizza waffle – use one cooked waffle as a pizza base, top with tomato passata, ham, cheese, and pepperoni, and bake until cheese is melted.
How to store keto waffles?
Any keto waffle recipe can be frozen on a ziplock bag or airtight container. They also store very well in the fridge for up to 3 days in a sealed container.
Rewarm your keto waffles in a bread toaster or mini iron maker for few seconds.
I don’t recommend oven or air fryers to rewarm waffles. Even on low heat, these methods always dries out waffles. They lose all their fluffy soft texture.
Can I use coconut flour?
I haven’t tried this recipe with coconut flour. Keep in mind that you can never swap almond flour and coconut flour with a 1:1 ratio.
Coconut flour contains four times more fiber than almond flour. Consequently, it is way more liquid absorbent, and it dries out baked goods very quickly.
If you want to use coconut flour, always use a fourth of the amount of almond flour suggested in the recipe.
Can I make this recipe egg-free?
No, this keto waffle recipe won’t work with egg replacer like flax eggs.
More keto recipes using a waffle maker
Below I listed my other favorite keto waffles recipe, sweet or savory zucchini waffles with parmesan shredded cheese, both delicious for a quick keto breakfast.
Related Recipe
Related Recipe
Have you made this keto waffle recipe with almond flour and cream cheese? Share a review or comment below. I love to hear your feedback on my recipes and the delicious toppings you used on your waffles.
XOXO Carine
Recipe Card
Keto Cream Cheese Waffles
Keto cream cheese waffles are easy fluffy almond flour waffles perfect for breakfast.
Prep Time: 2 mins
Cook Time: 3 mins
Total Time: 5 mins
Author: Carine Claudepierre
13 mini waffles (2 tbsp batter each)
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Add all the ingredients into a blender.
Blend on high speed until creamy and smooth. If some batter sticks to the bottom or sides of the jug, stop the blender, and use a spatula to unstick the batter on the sides/bottom. Blend again for a few more seconds.
Pour the batter into a mixing bowl and let the batter rest for 3-5 minutes.
Preheat a mini waffle iron (or regular waffle iron) for at least 5 minutes or until the green light of your waffle iron tells you it is ready to be used.
Slightly oil the surface of the irons with a pastry brush and coconut oil or avocado oil. Don’t overoil the iron!
Pour 2 1/2 tablespoons of batter per waffle – I use a mini waffle iron maker for this recipe.
Bake for about 3-4 minutes in a mini waffle iron. They cook 1 minute faster in my large waffle iron so play with time from 2 minutes 30 to 4 minutes to reach your favorite texture. Release the waffle from the waffle iron maker using a fork, transfer on a cooling rack and cool down for 2-3 minutes before serving.
Serve with sugar-free maple-flavored syrup and butter.
Store in the fridge for up to 3 days in an airtight container. Rewarm in an iron waffle maker or bread toaster.
You can freeze the cooked waffles in zip bags and defrost the day before. Rewarm either in an iron waffle maker or bread toaster.
The nutrition panel is for a mini waffle of 2 tablespoons of batter. Double the net carbs if you are making large waffles using 1/4 cup batter each.
Nutrition Facts
Keto Cream Cheese Waffles
Amount Per Serving (1 mini waffle (2 tbsp each))
Calories 121.4 Calories from Fat 92
% Daily Value*
Fat 10.2g16%
Saturated Fat 2.6g16%
Trans Fat 0.1g
Cholesterol 67.4mg22%
Sodium 100.6mg4%
Potassium 38.3mg1%
Carbohydrates 3.1g1%
Fiber 1.2g5%
Sugar 0.8g1%
Protein 5.3g11%
Vitamin A 202.2IU4%
Calcium 59.7mg6%
Iron 0.8mg4%
Net Carbs 1.9g
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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You can click the LINK to start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet.
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from Your Keto Plan https://ift.tt/3jshSSA
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atplblog · 3 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The waffle combinations are endless. This waffle maker cannot only make single-serving waffles, paninis, burgers pancakes, cookie, etc but also be a make pizza, sandwich's, Cinnamon Rolls, Grilled Cheese, Frittata etc. kitchen products are thought fully designed to make your life easier . we use consumer insights, in-depth research and rigorous testing to deliver the best solution to your everyday needs Ready: Innovative award-winning sloped design seals batter while cooking. Enjoy: Non-stick coated plates for easy waffle removal and stress-free clean-up. Unique ergonomic design allows you to Say goodbye to spills and hello to superior waffles with the anti-overflow moat. Enjoy a clutter less counter compact, storage And bright colours to refresh your kitchen. Trying to think of a great gift for a friend or family member for a housewarming party, birthday, or holiday Look no further. This mini waffle maker has a exquisite packaging and is a widely used household item, You can use it in any occasion such as: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, family gathering, party etc. in top them with fruit or pair them with bacon and eggs to make a regular meal feel a little more luxurious. Simply plug it in and preheat the waffle iron machine. When the indicator light shuts off, you can start cooking. It has a dual-sided nonstick surface for cooking that heats quickly and is easy to clean.(waffles maker machine pan cake makers chilla maker wafer maker waffle cone maker machine waffle machine for home mini waffle maker for home waffles maker machine wafers machine)Worried about storing your waffle maker? The Belgian waffle maker has a 4-inch cute body size that can be stored easily. It won't take up a lot of space and it's a perfect fit for any kitchen cabinet, apartment, drawer, dorm and camper/RV.(wafer maker machine for home waffle maker and sandwich maker waffel waffle maker machine for home death star waffle maker skyline dosa and grill maker waffle maker machine in waffle pan waffle and sandwich maker machine. The Small Mini Waffle Maker has a stylish and ergonomic design suitable for any kitchen decoration. It is the perfect gift for weddings, birthdays, holidays and more.(waffle machine in one stovetop waffle maker belgian waffle makers cartoon waffle maker wafels maker waffels making machine cuisinart vertical belgian waffle maker wafflemaker) 【EASY TO CLEAN】The Deluxe plates simply wipe clean with a damp cloth when cooled. No oil or butter needed, makes for healthier eating, and provides for hassle free, 1-2-3 cleanup.(modern kitchen apliances snacks maker machine without oil breakfast maker machine waffle iron stove top star wars waffle maker mini waffle maker for kids waffle maker mini dash waffle maker waffele maker waffles making machine borosil waffle maker machine sokany waffle maker electric waffle maker snakes maker for 【Simple and Fast Heating】CROWNFUL mini waffle maker is designed in Italy. You can enjoy making classic waffles and a variety of delicious breakfast in a few minutes. Mix it with your favorite egg, grilled cheese, hash browns, biscuit pizzas, paninis, cookies and etc. This is great for families and busy people.(kitchen appliances for home kitchen items waffle machine pancake maker wafflemaker waffles maker waffle maker gas) 【Great Gift】The Small Mini Waffle Maker has a stylish and ergonomic design suitable for any kitchen decoration. It is the perfect gift for weddings, birthdays, holidays and more.(waffle machine in one stovetop waffle maker belgian waffle makers cartoon waffle maker wafels maker waffels making machine cuisinart vertical belgian waffle maker wafflemaker 【Easy To Use】Simply plug it in and preheat the waffle iron machine. When the indicator light shuts off, you can start cooking. It has a dual-sided nonstick surface for cooking that heats quickly and is easy to clean.(waffles maker machine pan cake makers chilla maker wafer
maker waffle cone maker machine waffle machine for home mini waffle maker for home wafflesmakermachine wafers machine) 【Portable & Compact】Worried about storing your waffle maker? The CROWNFUL belgian waffle maker has a 4-inch cute body size that can be stored easily. It won't take up a lot of space and it's a perfect fit for any kitchen cabinet, apartment, drawer, dorm and camper/RV.(wafer maker machine for home waffle maker and sandwich maker waffel waffle maker machine for home death star waffle maker skyline dosa and grill maker waffle maker machine in philips waffle pan waffle and sandwich maker machin [ad_2]
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moosefrog · 7 years ago
100 Questions
@pkoceres tagged me, tagging @medusinestories, @tea-blitz, @pangur-pangur , and anyone else who wants to (if you already did this just ignore me lol)
1. Coffee or tea? Tea (so much tea. I prefer loose black teas.)
2. Black and white or color? Color
3. Drawings or paintings? Both! I’ve actually sold more paintings than illustrations
4. Dresses or skirts? Neither? I suppose dresses. They’re easier to put on.
5. Books or movies? Books (And movies when I go to a theatre! I have a hard time sitting through a movie at home.)
6. Pepsi or Coke? Neither. They bloody well discontinued Coke Zero so no more cola preferences for me. It all tastes terrible.
7. Chinese or Italian? Food? Are we talking food? Cuz.. both? XD Uhh... Italian, I suppose. I probably eat more Italian than Chinese. 
8. Early bird or night owl? Is there a bird who sleeps in until nine or ten then is in bed again by eleven? Because that would be me. The reasonable duck.
9. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla (Chocolate triggers migraines so it’s been a couple of years since I last had it.)
10. Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted introvert. People drain me but that doesn’t mean I can’t perform when expected.
11. Hugs or kisses? If I can only have one, it’d be hugs.
12. Hunting or fishing? Fishing. I rarely catch anything but it’s nice to spend time outdoors.
13. Winter or summer? Ugh.I suppose winter because I'd rather be too cold than too hot.
14. Spring or fall? Spring. The winters are long here and it spring means the end of seasonal depression!
15. Rural or urban? Urban but in my heart of hearts there’s a wee cabin in the woods waiting for me.
16. PC or Mac? Mac. I used to be PC but omg. I’m never going back.
17. Tan or pale? Pale.
18. Cake or pie? Cake
19. Ice cream or yogurt? You can’t compare! Unless we’re talking frozen yogurt... then probably ice cream. Specifically Natrel or Island Farms ice cream. 
20. Ketchup or mustard? They both have their uses.
21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? Sweet pickles!!!
22. Comedy or mystery? Comedy
23. Boots or sandals? Sneakers! But I suppose sandals. I only wear boots when it gets to -40C here.
24. Silver or gold? Silver
25. Pop or Rock? Both! XD I guess I’ve been listening to more pop lately. I go through phases.
26. Dancing or singing? Singing and awkward dancing at the same time
27. Checkers or chess? Either is good with me but I used to belong to a chess club. =p
28. Board games or video games? Video games because I don’t get together much with friends but when I do, I like board games well enough.
29. Wine or beer? I can’t drink alcohol. (I mean, I could? But it’s a huge IBS trigger so unless I want to run to the bathroom and get stuck there...)
30. Freckles or dimples? Freckles
31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? Honey mustard!
32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? I do both on a regular basis. I hate using machines and prefer free-weights!
33. Baseball or basketball? I’ll play either but I also hate watching either. So boring.
34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? Crossword!
35. Facial hair or clean shaven? It depends on the person in question. My partner is clean shaven.
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? Crushed
37. Skiing or snowboarding? Cross country skiing
38. Smile or game face? Smile :D
39. Bracelet or necklace? Necklace. I don’t even wear a watch because I hate things on my wrists when I’m coding. And I’m coding every day.
40. Fruit or vegetables? Fruit
41. Sausage or bacon? Sausage
42. Scrambled or fried? What? Eggs? Over easy so... fried?
43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? Neither.
44. Tattoos or piercings? Neither
45. Antique or brand new? Both! Depending on the item.
46. Dress up or dress down? Down, down, doobie do down, 
47. Cowboys or aliens? That was a not bad movie. =p Aliens.
48. Cats or dogs? Neither. I love both but I’m allergic. (But cats are inherently superior.)
49. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles. Big old Belgians.
50. Bond or Bourne? Bond
51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? Both. Definitely both.
52. Numbers or letters? Letters
53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Both but LOTR/Hobbit is what I’m interested in atm.
54. Fair or theme park? Mehhhh... crowds. Disney at Christmas was pretty magical.
55. Money or fame? Money
56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? Laundry
57. Snakes or sharks? Snakes
58. Orange juice or apple juice? Apple (But I don’t drink juice very often)
59. Sunrise or sunset? (They’re kinda the same!) Sunset.
60. Slacker or over-achiever? Over-achieving slacker. 
61. Pen or pencil? FOR WHAT? Sheesh. Context. Uh... pencil.
62. Peanut butter or jelly? Peanut butter.
63. Grammys or Oscars? Not interesting to me.
64. Detailed or abstract? Both! Which is why I’m a good coder.
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? Meh. I don’t care. 
66. Adventurous or cautious? I would say I used to be more adventurous. Now I’m a bit more cautious. SHE CAN LEARN! XD 
67. Saver or spender? Auto-saver likes to spend. (i.e. I have my finances arranged so the bank automatically saves money for me. I get to spend what is left.)
68. Glasses or contacts? Glasses
69. Laptop or desktop? Laptop! I haven’t used a desktop in at least a year.
70. Classic or modern? Context? I like a mix, generally speaking.
71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? I already have a personal fitness trainer. I would loooove a personal chef but seeing as I did go to school for culinary arts... I should just not be so lazy and cook for myself.
72. Internet or cell phone? Internet
73. Call or text? Text
74. Curly hair or straight hair? Curly
75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? Evening. I hate going to bed when I don’t feel scrubbed clean.
76. Spicy or mild? Mild.
77. Marvel or DC? Marvel all the time
78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? Neither! Paid off the mortgage this year!
79. Sky dive or bungee jump? Bungee.
80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Golden Oreos
81. Jello or pudding? Pudding! (mmm butterscotch...)
82. Truth or dare? Truth. I have no truths too shameful to reveal. Mostly because my shame-tolerance is so high.
83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? Ferris wheel
84. Leather or denim? Denim
85. Stripes or solids? Stripes
86. Bagels or muffins? Bagel
87. Whole wheat or white? White
88. Beads or pearls? Beads
89. Hardwood or carpet? Carpet
90. Bright colors or neutral tones? Bright colours!
91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? I’ve ben thirty years old since I was twelve. So I’m both. =p
92. Raisins or nuts? Raisins
93. Picnic or nice restaurant? Restaurant
94. Black leather or brown leather? Brown
95. Long hair or short hair? Short
96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? Pfft. Aim twice shoot once.
97. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction (Although I enjoy reading sciencey non-fiction)
98. Smoking or non-smoking? Non-smoking
99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? Constantly talking before I can slap a filter on what I’m saying.
100. Asking questions or answering questions? Answering.
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screenbrick4-blog · 6 years ago
Mom’s Overnight Waffles
Mom’s overnight waffles are an inexpensive breakfast that is dairy free and easy to make gluten free. 
My mom is a pro at cooking easy inexpensive food. She has been cooking for years and for many of those years she was on a very limited budget. 
There were four kids in my family. We had a limited budget and lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere. My mom often had to make due with what we had on hand when it came to meals. 
Her overnight waffles are an example of how she made easy inexpensive meals for us everyday. 
I don’t remember eating a lot of waffles growing up. We ate pancakes far more than we did waffles. But when we had waffles my mom made this recipe. 
She called them sourdough waffles. I call them overnight waffles because they are not a traditional sourdough waffle.
Instead of using a sourdough starter you make part of the batter the night before and finish it off in the morning. The overnight rise does give them a sourdough taste, which is probably why my mom always called them sourdough waffles. 
The one thing I love about these waffles is that they are naturally dairy free. My daughter that eats dairy free loves it when I make these because she can have them without having to change up the recipe. 
My mom didn’t make these dairy free because she had to. My sisters and I all grew up eating dairy. My mom made them dairy free because it was less expensive to make. When you are feeding a family on a limited budget that is a good thing. 
The fact that these are dairy free and delicious makes them even better for those that need to eat dairy free. 
I have been making this recipe for years. Sometimes I make it in a regular waffle iron and sometimes I make it in my Belgian waffle maker. It works both ways.
I now make it gluten free by using Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 gluten free flour blend. They are turn out delicious gluten free. And yes that means they can be made as a gluten free dairy free waffle. 
Need more waffle recipes? 
Yield: 8 Servings
Easy inexpensive breakfast that is dairy free and can be made gluten free.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Make Ahead
2 cups flour (for gluten free waffles use Bob's Red Mill 1 to 1 GF blend)
2 cups water
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
When Ready to Cook
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup oil
The night before, or 6- 8 hours ahead of time:
In a glass, plastic, or stoneware bowl, (Use anything but metal because it rises better in a nonmetal bowl) mix together the flour, water, and yeast. Stir to combine well. ( You can use Bob's Red Mill 1 to 1 Gluten Free Flour blend in place of regular flour.)
Cover and let sit overnight on the counter. You do not need to refrigerate the batter just leave out on the counter to rise.
In the morning:
Add eggs, salt, baking soda, sugar, and oil to the batter and stir to combine well.
Cook using a waffle iron as directed.
This can be made using a gluten free flour blend. I have used Bob's Red Mill 1 to 1 Gluten Free Flour blend and it turns out great. I am sure other gluten free blends would work, but I have not tried them.
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size:
1 Amount Per Serving: Calories: 225 Total Fat: 9g Saturated Fat: 1g Trans Fat: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 8g Cholesterol: 47mg Sodium: 339mg Carbohydrates: 30g Fiber: 1g Sugar: 3g Protein: 6g
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Source: https://www.lynnskitchenadventures.com/moms-overnight-waffles/
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zomatocommunity · 8 years ago
Cool off with ice creams in Mumbai
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Winters, as we know, in Mumbai are short lived. Now that the cardigans are back in the '2017 December' pile, let's cool off with some ice cream, shall we? There is a vast number of ice cream spots in the city. Some have been for generations and some new ones that have gained immediate approval of dessert lovers. From old fashioned ice cream to Italian gelato, from sundaes to cold stone ice creams - this dessert has sure come a long way and it's still going places. It's a weekday, but what the heck? Try some delicious ice cream right away! Icekraft
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You what's the coolest (pun intended) thing about cold stone ice creams? You not only get the ice cream sundae but a you get to watch how it's being made and it sure is quite fun. Ever see those videos on Instagram of ice cream like cigar rolls, they do that here too at Icekraft. And they have an amazing range of flavour combinations like Oreo biscuits, Nutella, brownie, choco chips and hot fudge, then there's the Nutella, Oreo biscuits, butterscotch and caramel. For the ultimate fruit sundae experience try the banana bread waffle. It's got waffles made with banana bread, Nutella and banoffee pie ice cream. Icekraft is located in Oshiwara and is open all days between 11 AM to 11:30 PM. Papacream
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Another cool place for you desert loving folks is Papacream. Remember how in Masterchef Australia they'd make ice creams with liquid nitrogen and you'd sit there watching it in awe? Head to Papacream for the same experience. They serve ice made with liquid nitrogen right in front of you. They also have a very unique menu with flavour combinations that are unheard of. Pani puri sorbet, hummus ice cream, bubble wrap waffles, Horlicks Nutella pancakes, cookie sushi roll and so many more. Their premium ones include Bournvita, salted caramel popcorn and chocolate ginger cream brulee among others. They're at Oshiwara and Churchgate, and are open from 11 AM to 11:30 PM. The Ice Cream Bakery
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Want something more than a couple of flavours of ice cream together? Then try The Ice Cream Bakery's mash ups. They've got cheesecake, red velvet cake and butter crunch mash ups. That's your favourite dessert mashed in with the ice cream to give you a new dessert. They have other sundaes too like mocha mocha, nutty cafe, chocolate asteroid and more. All of them have various elements that go into making them amazing sundaes. The Ice Cream Bakery is located in Vashi and is open from 1 PM to 1 AM. It's perfect for that late night drive for an ice cream with your family or friends. Where's My Cone
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Interesting name, isn't it? Where's My Cone is basically a delivery only ice cream place. Why leave home when your ice cream can come to you? Order in some of their popular flavours and you'll be a regular. Their menu includes flavours like banana caramel walnut, salted caramel, blueberry cheesecake and blue toffee among others. They've also got ice cream sandwiches using cookies like chocolate chip and vanilla bean, snickerdoodle and salted caramel, malted milk and Belgian chocolate. They also have classics like filter coffee, cookies and cream and paan. They're located in Andheri West and are open between 2 PM to 11:30 PM. Taj Icecream
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All these new flavours and kinds of ice creams are great. But sometimes you want something simple, straightforward and utterly delicious without the frills attached to it. That's when Taj Icecream comes to rescue. One of the older ice cream parlours in the city (open since 1887!), Taj has been churning out some delicious ones for years. Their no fuss menu includes fresh fruit ice creams like sitaphal, alphonso mango, strawberry, guava, tender coconut and many more. At 60 bucks a cup, you can never have enough of this stuff. Located on Mohammed Ali Road they're open from 10 AM to 11:30 PM. Apsara Ice Cream
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Speaking of old ice cream joints in the city, how can we not mention Apsara. If you've lived all your life in Mumbai you probably have dropped by here for an ice cream or two growing up. If you are new to the city, we suggest you do drop by to try some of their deliciously creamy and fresh fruit ice creams. From strawberry to guava, raspberry to peach, they have them all. Not just these, they also have some awesome sundaes with all kinds of fruit flavour combinations. Beyond the fruity kinds the have dried fruis, paan, rose, chikki and others. They're located at Powai and are open between 11 AM to 11:30 PM. Baba Falooda
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If you don't have the time to sit down for a big ice cream sundae or want to cool off with some milkshake or falooda late at night, go to Baba Falooda if you haven't already. Their milkshakes and falooda are legendary. Besides these two kinds of desserts they also have kulfi on their menu and people have been flocking there for years. Try their royal falooda or malai falooda. And don't miss out on their Roohafza milkshake or their kesar pista milkshake. Located in Mahim's Khao Gali, they're open between 12 Noon to 1 AM. Minus 301 Degrees F
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Another place to get your liquid nitrogen drama fix is Minus 301 F. They have a range of flavours that include chocolate peanut butter, French vanilla, cinnamon toast, bubble gum, saffron coconut and more. They have sundaes too with Oreos, chocolates, fruits and others. For something more adventurous try their guava chilli special. Sounds nostalgic, doesn't it? They're located in Thane West and are open from 3 PM to 12:30 AM.
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arcisfoodblog · 5 years ago
The last part of our road trip through beautiful Vancouver Island: from Salt Spring Island, via a very scenic route, to Victoria.
We could have chosen to leave Salt Spring Island on the east side via Fulford Harbour, but we would then have arrived in Victoria way too early for the check-in into our hotel (only at 4 pm). Furthermore, it would have been the same stretch of road as we would have to take on our way back to mainland BC.
We woke up early to prevent waiting in long lines for the ferry back to Vancouver Island. Therefore, we took the 9.35 am ferry in Vesuvius instead of the 10.50 am one and had plenty of time for an impromptu scenic route. But first, brunch at Tim Hortons. Timmy’s is an institution in Canada, which we had been sort of avoiding in the previous weeks, but we gave in to the kids. To us, it was a mash-up of a McDonalds, Starbucks, and Dunkin’ Donuts (which may explain the kid’s enthusiasm and overall popularity), and it wasn’t all that bad. Furthermore, they have to be commended for already serving Beyond Meat “Burgers” and “Sausage Patties” as part of their regular menu.
Our 220km/135 mile scenic route took us through the southeastern interior of Vancouver Island, via Lake Cowichan to Port Renfrew. Then we headed east on the Juan de Fuca highway along the coast, and after a lunch stop in Sooke, we arrived in Victoria.
There were three signs at the exit for Port Renfrew at Mesachie Lake:
Next gas station 82km
No cell reception for next 53km
Watch out for Wildlife for next 60km
The road was indeed precisely between these two places; no other villages on this road, just a few turns to remote farms. You don’t want your car to break down there, but there was much more traffic than we had expected, so a helping hand would soon be available if you did. It was a beautiful route through unspoiled nature that we cruised through at around 60 km per hour.
Lake Fairy (Pacific Marine Rd, just north of Port Renfrew), is worth a quick stop as a bonsai tree grows on a rock in the middle of the lake.
The sign of the cell reception was incorrect; it was only about 10 kilometers before Sooke (thus a total of 110km) that the bars on our phones filled up again. Unfortunately, we had connected to a telecom provider from the US, which is 20 kilometers away on the other side of the Salish Sea… Also, only in the suburbs of Sooke, the “promised” wildlife showed itself, although I was responsible for one roadkill.
“Lunch” was in Sooke at one of the local breweries, Sooke Brewing Company (2057 Otter Point Rd). Great beer and view of the brewing room, but no real food options here. The bag of Crystal Meth, err… Malt, made me understand why that Canadian beer is so damn addictive!
We also visited nearby Sheringham Distillery (252 – 6731 W Coast Rd). Their Vodka, Aquavit, and White Spirits are excellent, but we were mainly there to check out their Seaside Gin, which took the 2019 World’s Best Contemporary Gin Award. This category means that the gin is not predominantly favored with the classic botanicals like juniper. Other flavors such as citrus, spice, and floral notes are more prominent here than in a Classic Gin. This Seaside gin is indeed relatively citrussy, but due to the added local winged kelp, it also has a slight saline flavor. Amazing stuff! Their Kazuki Gin is infused with cherry blossoms petals, yuzu peel, and green tea Flowers from Westholme Tea Farm in Cowichan Valley was delicious too and therefore also found its way into our suitcases back home.
When we arrived at our hotel on the outskirts of Victoria’s Chinatown, we took a short exploratory walk in the neighborhood.
Because we were quite hungry and the kids were in the mood for pasta, we attempted to get into one of Victoria’s busiest and highest rated restaurants, II Terrazzo (555 Johnson St). It opened at 5 pm, and even 15 minutes prior, we were already waiting in line outside. Fortunately, they still had a table free for those without reservations, but when we finished eating, the large restaurant was entirely packed.
We had the Fungi Arrosto (Portabella mushroom in a focaccia crumb and herb crust, baked with garlic butter, sun-dried tomatoes, pine nuts, and Parmigiano. Sliced and tossed with baby spinach, crispy capers, and balsamic vinaigrette) and Aglio Arrosto e Cambozola (Fire roasted garlic bulb served with freshly baked rosemary flatbread and a wedge of cambozola cheese). The kids had Zuppa di Pomodoro (Vine-ripened tomato soup with basil pesto and Bocconcini cheese) as starters. We were also happy to find the Blue Mountain Sauvignon Blanc in their wine “book” which had more than 1000 entries.
We had 3 different mains. The Melanzane al Forno (Fresh pasta folded over breaded eggplant, roasted mushrooms, garlic confit, asiago, and gruyere cheeses, baked in a tomato basil cream sauce, topped with spinach). A Fusilli con Sugo di Manzo (Fusilli pasta in a slow-cooked Bolognese meat sauce, baked with mozzarella, spinach, and fresh basil) as well a the Canneloni di Maiale (Fresh pasta filled with pulled pork and mozzarella, baked with savoy cabbage and smoked bacon cream, topped with a balsamic granny smith apple compote). We obviously had leftovers (approximately half of all the main courses), but for dessert, the kids still managed to gobble up a Crème Brûlée and a Panna Cotta… Delicious food, rustic plating, and as you can see, the use of garlic was not shunned. The leftovers were wafting every time we opened the fridge in our hotel room…
Our amiable waiter pointed out that in the evening, the 30th Symphony Splash would take place. The Victoria Symphony Orchestra gave an open-air concert on a pontoon in the harbor between the Empress Hotel and the British Columbia Parliament Building. Very well attended, and the final 1812 Overture of Tchaikovsky was accompanied by a festive firework display (instead of with real artillery guns).
It is clear that the end of the holiday is approaching as the call of the kids for more sleep and fewer activities is getting louder by the day ;-). Yesterday, we partly met their demands and let them sleep in. Consequently, they did have to stand in line for brunch at Jam Café (542 Herald St), which already had phenomenal lines in Vancouver earlier this holiday due to their no reservation policy.
It was a public holiday, British Columbia Day, so that didn’t help, but when we entered the line, people told us that the waiting time was about 30 minutes for a 2-person table: “not bad at all for Jam Café…”. Fifty-five minutes later, we were seated in the restaurant and had worked up quite the appetite.
The kids went for The Waffle Board (1 Belgian waffle topped with cinnamon caramelized apples and fruit salad) and Maggie’s S’Mores Pancakes, which was a massive triple stack with the expected layers of chocolate, graham crackers, and roasted marshmallows. Chantal had The Veggie Bowl (Crumbled biscuit, hash browns, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, corn salsa, spinach, mushroom gravy, cheddar and two sunnyside up eggs). I had the Jam Blackstone Benny’s (two poached eggs on an English muffin with hollandaise, hashbrowns, house sugar-cured bacon, roasted Roma tomatoes topped with Parmesan cheese) together with a side of Avocado Toast. Their reputation is understandable; the quality of the food is top-notch, and the portions are large enough to eat all day (which we did – together with the doggy bag from Il Terrazzo the day before). The Pimm’s Cup (Pimm’s #1, Ginger Beer, Lemon Juice, Chai, and Cucumber) is also a lovely summer cocktail!
Then, we strolled to the Royal BC Museum (675 Belleville St), where there was an exhibition about the Mayans that the kids wanted to see. Incredible to see how advanced they were in the times of our Middle Ages and how their culture was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors in no time (their glyph language was again deciphered only 30 years ago!).
All in all, a must-visit museum as their regular natural history collection is outstanding as well. Outside the museum, you will find the Dutch Carillon. We saw it mentioned on the map, and it evoked unintended associations with a Dutch barrel organ (oh, the horror!). It turned out to be a beautifully designed bell tower that The Netherlands gifted to the citizens of British Columbia because of Canada’s Confederation Centennial in 1967.
That night we went whale watching. The choice of the boat was leading for Chantal as open zodiacs speedboats and having to wear full-body protective gear are not her thing. Therefore, we booked with Eagle Wing Whale & Wildlife Tours as they also have a sturdy catamaran specifically designed from whale watching. We had selected the sunset tour, and departure was from the Fisherman’s wharf at Erie St. The houseboats there are nice and colorful!
As there was thick fog south of Victoria earlier that day, none of the whale watching operators had spotted orcas. The weather had cleared up, but without previous sighting data, it would make no sense to go sailing around a stretch of sea of 100 km2 sea on the off-chance of spotting some orcas. Consequently, the plan was to head north to see if there were any humpback whales around. If people still had to go to Vancouver, they could be dropped off immediately, the crew joked …
Then full speed ahead and sailing at 30 kilometers per hour and choppy waves, the first stretch from the Victoria harbor to Oak Bay was a bumpy ride. Otherwise – also in combination with the Dramamine taken as a precaution – the remainder of the trip via the Haro Strait could even be called very comfortable.
Because of the whaling, the humpbacks were decimated almost entirely in the waters around Vancouver and Seattle 20 years ago. The first whale that came back then to feed there was Big Momma, and the population has since returned to around 400 specimens. Instead of a “facebook”, they have a “tailbook” to be able to identify all the whales. Big Momma showed herself, along with her regular travel buddy Heather, after returning to this area after month and a half of absence. Lucky us! With the sun dropping in the Salish sea, amidst Ferries and various Southern Gulf and San Juan Islands, it was again an unforgettable experience.
Our last morning in Victoria consisted of sleeping in again, and we had early lunch at one of the five outlets of The Village Restaurant. Brunch restaurants and breweries are the two things to bring you riches here in British Columbia! Their Chinatown outlet (1609 Store St) was, of course, the most convenient location as it was just around the corner from our hotel. And we didn’t have to stand in a line for a table. 🙌
Chantal had the Bagel & Lox (smoked salmon, cream cheese, red onion and capers on multigrain toasted mount royal bagel. I had the Drop 3 (Montreal smoked meat, back bacon, turkey sausages, roasted tomatoes, three poached eggs, roasted potatoes, toast & preserves. The kids had Hood Cakes (mixed berry Pancakes), and a Healthy Start (fresh fruit & toast with strip bacon and preserves).
We did some shopping and sightseeing. As our oldest needed a new backpack for school, we went to the MEC, the outdoor store of Canada. From the shop window, you can already see that Canadians are very outdoorsy types, but the range of gear they have in their store is astonishing! I also picked up a funny shirt with “Eh is for Adventure” on it. We had luck with the weather, so the kids wanted ice cream at Perverted Ice Cream (604 Humboldt St). The concept is rather gimmicky with “risque” slogans and names of their cones ice creams and black cones that seemingly were created for Instagram alone. Consequently,  long lines and many ice creams already melting before the perfect shot was taken… The product itself nothing special and, therefore, overpriced. Needless to say, we have left the “Perverted in Victoria” t-shirt on the racks…
In the afternoon, we took the car to drive to Beacon Hill Park, in the south of Victoria for the Mile Zero Monument (18 Douglas St), marking the start of Highway 1, the 7821 km long Trans-Canada highway. I suspect they smuggled a little bit by marking the ferry line between Nanaimo and Vancouver as a highway so they could add the extra kilometers of Vancouver Island…
The park also has the World’s Tallest Free-Standing Totem Pole in the world; 60m high and therefore good for a stiff neck from looking up…
If you are in Victoria, the 30-minute drive to The Butchart Gardens in Brentwood Bay (800 Benvenuto Ave) is a must-see attraction. I will let the pictures do the talking.
We were back from The Butchart Gardens around 4.30 pm, and the kids were more excited about gaming than visiting a brewery for a small snack and drink. Therefore, we dumped them in the hotel, so Chantal and I could have a “romantic” pub crawl… Victoria’s brewery density is absurd. Within a 500m radius of our hotel/brewery/brewpub Swans, there are eight other breweries: Spinnakers Brewpub, Vancouver Island Brewing, Phillips Brewing & Malting, Hoyne Brewing Company, Driftwood Brewery, Moon Under Water Brewery & Pub, Île Sauvage Brewing Co. and Whistle Buoy Brewing Company. The selection was the most practical one: the two nearest breweries. The tasting at Whistle Buoy was nice, and they have a beautiful venue on Market Square’s lower courtyard, but some of their beers lacked a bit of a punch and were flat. We understood that they had opened just a couple of weeks prior, so we’d chalked that one up to start-up issues.
We had been done our best at trying to get our hands on as many different local beers as possible, but with a total of 42 craft beers on tap. Our bartender of Swans managed to surprise us. Their “arrivals board” is brilliant!
First of all, he was a fellow-Dutchman (“I am from Noordwijk, so in that case, we can continue in Dutch.”). Secondly, he had been in Victoria for just eight months but unknowingly had already managed to build up a strong Canadian accent when speaking Dutch 🤪. Lastly, we each ordered a flight of 4 tasters with mainly those of Swans (very nice!) but along the way got to sample several other local beers that we hadn’t come across yet. We also got a taster of their own Negroni, which they pre-mix and then age on oak barrels that previously had Porter beer in it. A delightfully rich and smoky combination!
It was a good practice of that evening because we had already reserved for a late dinner at Cafe Mexico (1425 Store St). Hello, more cocktails !!! 😂 Chantal had the ineffable Rosa Barbujeante (Altos Plata Tequila, Montenegro Amaro, Watermelon Mint Syrup, Lime Juice, and Prosecco) and I had a Rodilla de las Abejas (Bergamot Infused Papalote Blanco Tequila, Honey Syrup, Lemon Juice, Lavender Foam). The latter looks a bit creepy in the photo but was very tasty and invoked memories of The Buchart Gardens. The kids had some Agua Fresca mocktails.
Foodwise, we had Queso Fundido (A creamy cheese dip with chorizo, refried beans, poblano peppers, and caramelized onions) and Street Corn (Charred corn off the cob with mixed peppers, cotija cheese, caramelized onions and garlic serrano, topped with Cricket salt) as a side dish. The kids ordered Quesadillas; one Carne Asada (Skirt steak, onions, poblano, and red pepper, served with guacamole and salsa morita), and one Chicken Asada (Chargrilled chicken, roasted corn, black bean, red pepper, and onion, served with chipotle crema and guacamole).
We had chosen Chimichangas as our mains, a vegetarian one for Chantal (A crispy flour tortilla filled with nopales, oyster mushrooms, poblano peppers, roasted corn and red onion, pico de gallo and Mexican rice, topped with salsa Morita, guacamole, and Jack cheese.) I had a Barbacoa one, which had braised beef short ribs as the basis. It became clear immediately that we’d be having leftovers for breakfast. Great hangover food though…
Around the World – British Columbia Roadtrip (2019) – Victoria The last part of our road trip through beautiful Vancouver Island: from Salt Spring Island, via a very scenic route, to Victoria.
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