#Because while I like the TYL uniforms
zoroara · 10 months
Okay I'm curious, mostly after having to draw these uniforms so much.
I'm curious what people prefer more, the TYL Uniforms of the Varia or the Present ones. JUST the uniforms. I am NOT asking about the characters wearing them, only the clothes. If you can also explain in the tags that would be interesting!
If you need a visual refresher have some manga images of the best I could find to show off their outfits.(I apologize to Xanxus for the pose he's in)
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ignore the numbers these were from my redraw collections
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(apologies to Levi i really couldn't find a better TYL image to show off the whole thing)
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I'll put Fran and mammon beside each other just to save on space
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I feel the need to note the over use of wrinkles and shine was just amano's art style at the time of varia arc and the present designs when in rainbow arc don't have that as you can see with mammon. I just could not find good full body images from rainbow arc which is why they're all from Varia arc. so if that is your deciding factor I'm sorry, that is not part of the actual design of them as the exact same uniforms in rainbow arc do not have this situation to them.
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belacedia-a · 3 years
A TYL!Haru gift to Belphegor
(Hello! You’ve requested a gift from Haru and I’m here to deliver. Thank you for indulging me in my MoodTM. Feel free to do as you like with this drabble thing. Ie you can treat it as a standalone, post it as is, keep it in the inbox, etc )
The woman’s eyes couldn’t help but roam the chaotic halls as she was being led to where a specific Prince resided. Somehow, the base looked a lot like what she imagined it would look like. She wasn’t sure if that meant it was a good or a bad thing.
Anyways, what was she doing at Varia HQ? To deliver a gift. No no, that isn’t some codeword for something crazy. She truly was here to deliver a gift. She travelled all the way here from Japan just to deliver a gift. She had the ability to, so she was going to deliver it in person rather than tasking it to someone else. That’s why she’s here. How she managed such a feat?
She had done something called the, “Hey, I want to deliver a gift to someone in the Varia, can I do that? You’ll deliver it for me? Absolutely not, that ruins the heartfelt notion of the gesture! Do you have no sense for the romance of gift-giving? Who doesn’t want to see the expression of the recipient when they open the gift? That’s like opening a present your child gives you without them being around! Uncouth. No delicacy. Certainly you understand what I mean? You’ll let me deliver it myself, right?”- plan.
A long name, for a plan, but it was quite fitting, she’d say. Anyways, long story short, she’d stubbornly badgered Tsuna and Gokudera until they gave into her whims and arranged for her to be at Varia HQ so she could then find Prince Belphegor and give him a small gift.
Unless there was no other way around it, Haru preferred to deliver gifts herself rather than giving the task to someone else. It wasn’t as fun finding out the reactions of the recipients by a phone call or a letter.
Sure, her gift may not be much compared to what gifts a Prince could get or be entitled to, but she was a firm believer in giving gifts with a lot of thought put into them. If there was one thing that she was good at, it was crafting.
What was the reason behind her gift, you ask? Hm… yeah, she did have a reason. A pretty good reason, actually.
She felt like it.
Plain and simple, no? You don’t always need a reason to give a gift to someone. As long as the will is there, that’s all you need. In reality, it’s because she found a little crown while perusing a crafting store one day and an idea came to mind.
Absolutely nothing can stop Haru when her creativity starts roaring. She instantly bought the small crown along with fabric and other materials. She made a little mink plush with a crown atop its head. Did she make a plush version of his box animal, or did she just make a Prince Minkegor? That’s a secret she won’t tell anyone.
Though, considering she had the mink plush wearing a Varia uniform, maybe the answer was too obvious? Well, should he feel offended, she’ll use the tried and true: “Hahi! Are you saying that your mink is not a part of the Varia? Look at how cute it looks wearing a uniform. How could you reject such cuteness? Illegal-desu.”
She was led to a door which opened to reveal the Prince they all had the fortune (debatable to some) of knowing. Behind him was a… well… never mind. Haru was going to erase that from her memory. She’d never seen such a… hectic room before. A nudge at her side reminded her of where she was.
That chaotic room was almost hypnotic in a way. She had the urge to barge in there to clean it, but she felt that she’d start… and never come back out alive. She’d get buried alive. A brief shiver ran down her spine, but she quickly shook her head free of silly thoughts. If she were to get crushed under an avalanche of stuff, surely someone would save her! Yeah!
There’s no way she’d die! Probably.
“Bel~ It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I came to visit because I have something for you.”
She reached into her bag and pulled out a decorated box. One that looked like a box animal could come out of. Yes, the mink doesn’t come out from a box, but she can’t perform miracles. This was the best that she could do. “Look, I decorated the gift box to look like a storm box, pretty good, isn’t it?”
She’s quite clever, she won’t deny this fact. She held out the box for him to accept. Once he opened it, he’d find a mink plush wearing a Varia uniform and a crown atop its head placed inside the box.
“Get it? Inside of a storm box is a mink! It may be a humble gift, but I did my best to make it myself.”
It did come to mind that gifting someone from the Varia a plush of all things might be a bad idea, but Haru thought that he might find the gift amusing at the very least.
“Haru did try to think of a gift that would be useful, but if the Prince were to need anything, couldn’t he simply get it? As such, I opted for a gift that is special. The only one in the world. If you don’t like the Varia uniform, you can take it off, same with the crown.”
While she isn’t the strongest fighter or the most useful operative, she had confidence in her crafting skills. Plush making? Easy. Making clothes and costumes? Also easy.
“I found the crown while I was out shopping one day and thought of you. I was grateful towards you for being kind to me before, so here’s a gift.”
It would’ve been easy as breathing for him to tell her to go back home, but he allowed her to come along for a mission in the past and it always stuck with her.
“So—Thank you, Bel. I hope you like the gift, though humble it may be.”
That’s all she came here to do, to deliver a gift. She promised she wouldn’t stick around for too long so she had to go. The one who lead her here was waiting off to the side to escort her back.
“Maybe I’ll see you again, bye bye~ See you again-desu!”
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makeste · 6 years
KHR 256: Mukuro Saves the World
So yesterday when I was requesting random KHR chapter numbers, @attwnone picked 256! So let’s dive into it.
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Fun fact: This chapter takes place right during the most confusing part of the entire Future Arc, which itself is easily the most confusing of all the arcs, what with its 17,000 plot twists and its attempts to actually be three separate arcs. So here’s some context for anyone who hasn’t perused this series for a while:
This takes place right after the end of Choice (which FYI the Vongola fucking lost after 25 chapters of build-up. but no big).
The Vongola are still on the Choice battlefield along with Byakuran’s team
Irie just explained to everyone how Byakuran can see into parallel worlds and shit and that’s how he became an unstoppable supervillain
Uni just showed up two chapters prior and now Byakuran wants to kidnap her (also she has all the Arco pacifiers)
The Vongola are trying to escape from him because he’s fucking nuts
One chapter ago, this happened. Never forget.
And then this guy made a quiet, dignified entrance.
Okay, off to the races!
 First of all, everyone’s still wearing their Vongola uniforms from Choice, which are super fucking adorable on these little tykes. Tsuna looks like he’s attending his bar mitzvah.
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Anyway so TYL!Mukuro just appeared to fight Byakuran, and Tsuna is freaking out, while Chrome is just blushing and (pretty sure) also having impure thoughts about her ten-years-older crush.
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I can’t blame her; he is a good-looking man.
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Has anyone ever noticed how Byakuran does this a lot with his hand, and the art makes it look really cool, but in reality it would probably be super cheesy? He’s just holding his hand up dramatically in front of his face, making a fist, aiming it in the wrong direction, and then diving at people.
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How does Mukuro address people when he doesn’t actually know their full name? I have to assume he goes out of his way to avoid talking to them at all so as not to look like some sort of one-name-using knave.
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Did he only just notice this?? I mean, it’s the same idiot who thought Adult!Reborn was SOME SWASHBUCKLING ROGUE IN A FEDORA, but still, come on.
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I really love how Byakuran is all smiles like always, but you can tell he’s not-so-secretly REALLY PISSED that Mukuro is actually still alive. “I’m sure that I erased your soul”—how was this guy ever actually redeemed, again??
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It’s not your fault, Byakuran, there was really no way you could have known about Fran ahead of time. I’m pretty sure that guy just aggressively retconned himself into existence and then pretended like he had been there the whole time, and everyone just went along with it and suddenly he was the most popular character in Japan.
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MUKURO: [executes overdramatic attack]
MUKURO: [rinse and repeat!!]
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what the fuck is a vengeche
Amano really likes drawing this, doesn’t she? [eyebrow raise]
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Yeah, that’s pretty fucked up. I mean, he only murdered… [counts on fingers] …well okay
Haha but in all seriousness, we know that he does get out by the time the Arco Arc rolls around, and he seems pretty damn rehabilitated. So I stand by my statement of “that’s pretty fucked up”, plus also look at this handsome face.
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You’re really gonna keep this locked up in a vat in the back room for ten whole years??
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The way Tsuna’s name is all scrunched up in that speech bubble, combined with Dino’s expression, gives me the impression that he’s sneezing this line, and now I can’t stop laughing.
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Sometimes I think that ever since Tsuna topped him in the Kokuyou Arc, Mukuro has lowkey been the most heroic, virtuous, lawful-good-aligned motherfucker in the entire series. I’m trying to remember if he ever did something other than sacrifice himself to save everyone else’s asses, and I’m coming up short. (The Arco Arc doesn’t count because everyone was fighting anyway, he was trying to help out the cursed babies, and also he was fighting with Chrome only because he wanted to keep protecting her. Actually, the Arco Arc really supports this whole “good and pure” theory, come to think.)
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So yeah, we’re all agreed on this, right? Guy’s basically ready to lift Thor’s hammer at this point.
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yeah mmm, no
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Actually that’s just the way he fucking talks lmao. “Talking as if you know something” is Mukuro’s fucking MO and he will do it whether he actually has a fucking clue or not.
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How? Was? He? Redeemed? Again??
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they don’t even know fdaslkdj I kinda feel a lot of sympathy for the Real Six on the second go-around.
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“Did you ever see that movie Avengers: Infinity War? Basically it’s like that.”
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So he’s gonna take her to an alien planet and throw her off a cliff. Got it.
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Hot take: Byakuran maybe shouldn’t have been redeemed.
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I can’t stay mad at this guy. :|
Anyway, the chapter basically ends right about here, since we were getting a lot of abrupt cliffhangers around this point. I have to say, Byakuran’s energy is pretty damn fucking hard to understand. Do I like it? Maybe I do, okay? Maybe. I. Do.
I don’t. I love it
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zoroara · 2 years
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So I decided it was about time I made a complete bio and timeline of Vittorio into a post, and of course this included drawing refs for all of their outfits/weapons/and box weapons. Their TYL design is positioned first because of them first appearing in that arc. Here’s some basic information before we get into the timeline:
Name: Vittorio Ardizzone Residence: Italy Age: 27 Birthday: January 18th Gender: Demiboy he/they Height: 190cm/6′3 Weight: 92kg/205lbs Blood type: AB+ Aligned with: Avvoltoi di Scarto / Varia Flame: Flame of Stagnation(Rain+Sky hybrid details here)
Now for the timeline that’ll be under read more cause boy there’s a lot:
Okay, when I made them I wanted them to affect the least amount of the plot we actually have. So what I did was slightly change what the hold up for the Varia was in italy. Which is originally them having to continue to hold down the base they had taken from Millefiore members. Also I’ll go over Weapon abilities at the very end. Other Ocs will be referenced here, there’s a short overview that can be found (here)
Here however, Vittorio, the leader of a group(Avvoltoi di Scarto or the Scrap Vultures) who attacks people already in combat in order to steal weapons, equipment and supplies from them to either use for their own group, sell them or for Vittorio specifically to use to make new weapons all together. With Vittorio picking off both sides only doing so confidently due to the chaos knowing the Millefiore and Varia are weak enough from the fight to essentially get away scott free. They get what they want and abandon the fight halfway through getting their men out with minimal losses.
In the present(second image is present design) while the Avvoltoi di Scarto are not well known, currently too afraid to do operations against such big mafia groups, this encounter sticks in the Varia’s minds. After healing from the Representative battles, they seek Vittorio out. For several reasons, one mainly being a grudge, the potential of getting them to engineer something for them, but also the threat Vittorio poses if left alone. It should also be noted, Vittorio has no knowledge of the future as they were not considered important to how the future turned out. But course, they aren’t going to just talk it out, and a fight ensues, the threat they find that Vittorio held is still very much the same almost taking them down before being captured instead. (I have drawn a comic of this)
Upon being captured Vittorio is forced to work for the Varia, under their watch they are tasked to design and create combat gear for them.(x) Vittorio does so, making them durable and protective against both flames and physical weapons more so than the regular varia uniforms are(Designs found here). While he is working on the Varia uniforms, Vittorio makes an offer, that if they can get them readings and information on how the actual vongola rings work, he can attempt to upgrade their Varia rings and Box weapons. (His attempt at bargaining)
Squalo is sent out to give these readings and while he is Vittorio works on his own version of the combat uniform that he made for the Varia in secret(it looks like the blue and orange combat uniform minus colour, and instead pure black), at this point gaining enough trust to not be constantly under watch. When Squalo comes back he does as he promised though not without great difficulty struggling for a while to upgrade Talbot’s work. However eventually he succeeds giving the varia improved cambio formas that can keep the box weapon out in addition albeit in a weakened state.(I have designs and abilities for these but I’ve not fully coloured them. When I have this will be edited.)
Of course, as he worked and figured out how to upgrade the ring, he made his own copy, and made the vulture box weapon, Avo. (Whose Cambio forma is the orange combat suit). But once Vittorio finished he struck a deal with Xanxus, who begrudgingly agreed to let him go free, for the ability to call on them(and vice versa), and for the ability to ask them for upgrades, to fix equipment, or build something for the Varia.
Vittorio then disappeared without a trace leaving Xanxus as the only person who knew how to contact him despite getting along with the other Varia members. (perhaps a little too well in some cases.) At least he did until one night he sent an emergency alert to Xanxus who only had time to grab Lussuria.
They then found Vittorio in the midst of being attacked by a mercenary known as Kira. She is a Flame of Deceit user and has made real monstrosities that have to be fought. It’s a struggle but once Lussuria heals Vittorio up through team work the Trio take her down. Only to find it was a fake and she is still out there. For his safety Xanxus forces Vittorio to return with them, and Vittorio promptly shuts down. (Also art of these events 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13)
You see, Vittorio has no ability to handle any form of care, especially care that is forced upon them. Growing up in a house that they could not leave for the fact the world was “too dangerous”, he eventually had no choice but to run away if they ever wanted to see anything outside of what they could see from a window. Left scarred from the first attempt, only escaping because their flame awakened, they soon went back home, the only place that he could think of for safety. Only to be met with even more of their freedom taken, with that and their second attempt, only cemented further a twisted idea that if anyone ever cared for them their freedom would be stripped away. (little bits of their past + how they got the idea to form the scrap vultures 1 - 2 - 3 - 4)
However, after two days, Squalo aggressively comes into his room and says that he needs to leave if he’s just going to completely shut down. Vittorio is given his freedom back, provided he at least eats something first cause it was two days. Though he does dip out for a few hours to clear his head, realizing they were right and it is too dangerous to stay alone and goes back. In order to help fight his anxiousness about it he asks to temporarily join the Varia so that he can at least tell himself it’s just for work.(9th picture is his uniform for present day Varia). During this he does admit that the reason he was alone when Kira attacked was because he ended up dismantling the Avvoltoi di Scarto after a recent betrayal as a last straw. Leaving himself as the one and only Scrap Vulture.
From there he works as a trainee, as despite his strength and usefulness.... Vittorio doesn’t meet the requirements of the varia in one aspect. He only know Italian and cannot be a full Varia member in any capacity until he learns. So while they’re trying to track down Kira for their proper fight Vittorio is also trying to learn enough languages to count as a member in some form. It takes several years for them to track down Kira, and in that time they grow comfortable being in the Varia. and in their good relation, the Varia give Vittorio an Axolotl Box weapon which they then name Alba. Which they then make the blue combat gear cambio forma with. Now Vittorio has both box weapons he had in the future, even if they don’t know it.
Upon tracking down Kira, the Varia and Vittorio attack her head on, but of course this being her domain, she is able to easily gain the upper hand practically warping reality to her will. Only Vittorio, Xanxus, Belphegor and Squalo can put up a fight against her flame with easier ability to neutralize it but, unfortunately due to her power they end up overwhelmed. on the brink of defeat and about to die. The horrific living ghost tale that is Presagio appears, making a deal with Vittorio, who is healed and powered up to kill Kira. Only to be stolen away by it as part of the deal.
While Vittorio is trapped with Presagio they find it is a person, an incredibly powerful one but a person nonetheless. They have no choice but to toil away as whatever Presagio needs them to be until after a couple more years, eventually the Varia come to rescue them. Explaining that the reason they made no plans to escape was because Presagio would simply re-capture them there’s a quick plan made. Soon Presagio enters the room that had been broken into, and is challenged to a game. The Varia also offering themselves if it wins, but that they get Vittorio back if it loses.
The game they play is 3 nights, capture the flag. The flag being Vittorio who is tied up in the same building but you can knock out other players(non-lethally only, more to the Varia’s benefit than presagio’s) and if you do so they can't act in the next rounds.
Round one: Team of Levi Mammon and Squalo take vittorio as objective. Xanxus tries to take down Presagio alone. Lussuria and Belphegor act as back up but arrive after Xanxus has already been taken down and get sweeped. However Squalo's team captures the flag before further damage can be done.
Round two: Now with the strongest player out of the way, Presagio focuses the objective, with their swift movements and sturdiness they can't be budged from it. making an easy win for them.
Right after round two: Mammon decides to use Presagio's greed against them, and offers that if it can awaken their full power as it did with Vittorio, they will have a better asset if they can succeed in beating the Varia. Presagio agrees on the one condition that if they do this, and Vittorio cannot create Gear more suited for Mammon's new form in time for the next match. Only Squalo and Levi will be participating. knowing this is their only shot the Varia agrees.
Round three: Fully powered up and newly equipped Mammon aids the remaining two members after them. Though Mammon cannot take down Presagio due to their strength they simply need to cause problems with their illusions and while Presagio is good at seeing through illusions, a fully powered up Mammon is too much. Presagio stays distracted too long, as Squalo and Levi capture the objective and thus they finally get to bring Vittorio home.
After some time to recover both physically and mentally from all that happened. Vittorio asks to permanently join the Varia. Later on getting a tattoo on their back that though they had in the future with wings and the scrap vulture emblem, has the varia emblem added to it as well. They continue their work for the Varia, eventually asking to make a division similar to the Avvoltoi di Scarto, but loaned varia members so that they can easier get the materials they need. They are given a small group to command and continue well into the future.
The first thing they make once they form this group is the Cambio Fusione, the first of it’s kind using both Avo and Alba’s cambio formas to create something that’s an extremely powerful combination of the two previous weapons. However it has heavy physical drawbacks on the user so it is only ever used when Vittorio is desperate to protect someone, but also knows after they can be trusted to take care of him. The trust required originally, they never would have dreamed of.
Now that I have explained their whole story, it’s time for the weapons!
Gun Blade: The gun blade is pretty simple in concept but has a lot of moving pieces. First the blades on both sides of the gun with a press of a button near the trigger of the weapon will be unleashed from a lock mechanism and shoot forward from their position. The only downside is they do have to be physically reset but it doesn’t take much, even quickly slamming the weapon onto the ground will get the locks back in place for it’s next use. Next is the extra part of the handle that the end that can be adjusted so Vittorio can hold the weapon like a bat or like a proper gun. Due to the weight of the weapon it takes a lot of strength to use. Finally the gun part, fun fact, Vittorio has stolen many documents and recordings from mafia groups, they actually learned how to make a gun like this by using Xanxus’ as inspiration. much like Xanxus’ gun it can fire fairly fast but is more often used in charged blasts.
Pioggia Avvoltoio di Cieli, Avo: Avo is a large box weapon, based on the Cinereous Vulture however is a bit larger to allow Avo to pick up Vittorio. Vittorio only uses Avo to handle crowds, as it’s flames are weak in their effects but the Vulture itself is incredibly powerful. However prolonged exposure to it’s flames however weak will eventually cause sluggishness. In the alternate future, Avo was a stolen Sky box he modified to suit his flame.
Cambio Forma, Pistole del Mietitore(Gun of the Reaper): Avo’s Cambio forma much like the box weapon, is focused on power. Vittorio carries a Shotgun and pistol, one for long range and the other for up close. While both can be switched between a normal charge shot, they both have different option settings. The pistol can be switched to a seeking shot which while much weaker will follow the enemy, while the Shotgun can be switched to an explosive spread shot that will petrify anything caught in it. Though they both have blades on them, they’re static unlike the gun blade’s, and are typically only used when someone gets too close and vittorio needs them to back off quickly. This is typically used when there’s plenty of room for the opponent and Vittorio to run.
Pioggia Axolotl di Cieli, Alba:  A small box weapon based on an axolotl, that isn’t very strong physically but makes up in it’s strength of flame.  Alba is typically used in stealth, the small axolotl is hard to feel as it quickly numbs your body. by the time it’s noticed the target is too sluggish and will soon be picked off by vittorio. Thankfully for them Vittorio prefers non-lethal. In the alternate future, Alba was a stolen Rain box he modified to suit his flame.
Cambio Forma, Spada dello Scorticatore(Sword of the flayer): These are two Identical swords with a hook at the end of them. The holes on either side of them will emit a fog version of the flame as long as vittorio squeezes the black triggers on the hilt. This fog will fill the air and slowly overwhelm anyone who enters it. The fog lingers for a long time so Vittorio does not have to constantly refresh it unless they are forced to move out of their area. Vittorio prefers to use this weapon in close combat situations.
Cambio Fusione, Arma dello Scavenger(Weapon of the Scavenger): The final combination of the two previous forms. Through appearing to mainly be the sword, hidden inside of the weapon is a gun which triggers are what used to be for only the sword’s fog. Additionally, only the first 3 sections of the weapon can cut and slice. The fourth is entirely a bludgeoning weapon and is completely flat aside from the hook. Both swords are only colour coded so that Vittorio can keep track of what setting he has them on in case they switch hands. As before, the guns can be switched between a charged shot, a seeking shot, and a the explosive shot. However the blade can also be set to only produce the fog.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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