#Because honestly Hiroto will sometimes use flriting as a mask and stuff too
oathofpromises · 11 months
a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand. (from a'atahni because he would, surprise me with any of your boys ajksdfhlaj)
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How long of a voyage had it been from Tural to Limsa Lominsa, Hiroto wondered to himself as he held his head. Shortly after turning twenty-eight, the elder Caelum left his home in an attempt to locate his younger sister, Stella. He had only heard murmurs of her escapades from passing merchants that she had become a Warrior of Light.
As the Viper settled into his seat at the local bar, a wave of queasiness washed over him, leaving him feeling slightly sea-sick. It was one of the reasons Hiroto couldn't stay out at sea for too long. It would leave him feeling very light headed. He gripped a glass of amber liquid in his hand, its contents offering a temporary respite from the unease that plagued him. As he sat there, nursing his drink, he couldn't help but dwell on the thought of seeing Stella once more. Although he was not one to indulge in excessive drinking, the mere mention of her name stirred a flicker of anger within him, coursing through his veins like a tiny flame. He loved her, there was no denying that. She was, after all his younger sister yet, in the depths of his heart, a storm brewed, threatening to consume him.
Could anyone truly blame him for feeling this way? The weight of his emotions pressed upon him like a heavy burden that he carried alone. From the moment his sister came into existence, he found himself in a world that was unfamiliar and devoid of companionship. His parents had remained with Stella and, for reasons unknown to him, had sent Hiroto away to Tural. Which ultimately meant there was little time to spare for him. Thus, he spent countless years in solitude, yearning for connection and understanding. In his soul, a profound sense of loneliness had settled, casting a shadow over his entire world. With each passing year, his heart had grown colder, its once tender and compassionate nature slowly hardening. At least to everyone around him. It was just how life had molded him, and a part of Hiroto hated that.
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Hiroto couldn't help but notice that someone had been lavishing him with their undivided attention. The way their gaze would caress his figure was just a tad more lingering than any casual observer would consider appropriate. Out of the corner of red eyes, the older Caelum caught sight of a man, his intense gaze fixated upon him, as he leaned against the pillar nearby. From the moment their eyes met, it was impossible to deny his breathtaking beauty. Yet, deep within the Vipers heart, a whisper of caution warned him that behind such captivating looks, there were almost always a hidden agenda. Maybe Hiroto would see how things played out. To gauge the desires of this individual, for the intensity with which their gaze caressed his physique, left no room for doubt. However, there was a part of Hiroto that felt there was so much more to this stranger than meets the eye. He could see that hint of loss behind those eyes.
Years spent immersed in the treacherous world of the Viper had imparted upon him a singular lesson. Leave them in a state of reflection, enticing them to return for further engagement; and in the event that they did not, it served as undisputed evidence that their motives were solely driven by a fleeting desire, devoid of any deeper connection. Nevertheless, this enigmatic individual proved to be quite indecipherable on occasion, his eyes engaging in a silent dance . Hiroto found himself pondering the question as to why he had been singled out amidst a sea of other individuals in the pub. Surely, there were plenty of other pretty people that this stranger could be flirting with yet, perhaps it was his way of disavowing the truth that he possessed an undeniable allure, at least from what so many had told him in the past.
Hiroto possessed an appearance that matched his ability to ensnare unsuspecting souls with a mere fleeting gaze. Such was the way of life he had been introduced into as a member of the Viper society. Void of his father's presence during his formative years, the young Caelum had no choice but to seek counsel from unsavory characters within the Viper ranks. The experience had bestowed upon Hiroto an invaluable wealth of knowledge, despite its arduous nature.
Hiroto's reverie was abruptly halted when he sensed a soft touch enveloping his hand, as if a delicate butterfly had landed upon it, followed by the tender caress of warm lips upon the back of his palm. It was a moment that often sparked the Viper's desire to flirt right back to tease them too, yet he unexpectedly found himself drawn into the depths of the other's captivating gaze.
"So…you've finally made the choice to grace me with your presence,you've been staring at me for quite a while since the moment I stepped into this bar. Don't think i didn't notice. Care to tell me your name or are we jumping right into flirting..." whispered Hiroto, as he raised his glass and took another drink. A faint blush spread across his cheeks, rather it was from the amount he had been drinking or that he was slightly touched deep down. There was an undeniable part of the Viper that felt curious about whom this person was and why did it feel like flirting was a wall they used to, forgot that pain that he could clearly see beyond those eyes. The same that was reflected in his own too.
"Order whatever you would like, it's on me. Now..care to tell me why you find me so interesting? Most people usually tend to ignore me unless I engage with them first. But where are my manners..my name is Hiroto Caelum.”
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