#Because Younger Johnny x Older Bobby is like this
zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Need to do more virginity/and or purity kink stuff
I mean, Billy called himself a good boy that never slept with anyone and had that cross swinging on his neck for years—imagine how that could apply to some of his characters
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orangedodge · 10 months
Okay, another few questions:
1, how old were the original five X-Men at their introduction? 2, how old were they (OG team) when Banshee and the other "new X-Men" joined Cyclops in stopping Krakoa? And 3, how old were the original five when M-Day happened?
Sorry, these are details I just want to know for myself. Hope you don't mind the questioning, and keep up the good work!
According to [Uncanny] X-Men #1, Bobby Drake was sixteen when the team made its public debut. Furthermore he describes himself as a "couple" of years younger than his friends. We also know that Hank is somewhat older than Scott, Warren, and Jean. So, the short answer to your first question is: Bobby is 16, Warren, Scott, and Jean are 18, and Hank is probably 18 or 19.
It's not specifically clear whether Bobby is literally two years younger, or if "couple" is being used in a more figurative sense. I think it's safe to take at face value though, given that he is clearly presented as a member of their age cohort (along with Lorna and Alex); is meant to be reasonably close to the same age as Peter Parker and Johnny Storm (who should also be in the same general range as the original X-Men, as they were all teenagers at the same time); and lastly when Claremont revived the X-Men publication years later, Bobby was depicted as now comfortably a young adult, finishing up his accounting degree, at the same time that Jean was dealing with her first job drama, and Warren was off with the family business.
I also think it's safe to guess Hank is no more than a year older than the others. He's treated as a peer of his teammates rather than as a helper to the Professor, and seems comfortable as a member of the group even outside of X-Men training. Hank's more advanced academic pursuits with respect to his teammates are also shown to be a product of his intelligence and not simply him being in a more senior class, which I think furthermore point to him being loosely their age.
Later authors have occasionally given different ages to the first team, or at least to Scott. Bendis, who wrote them for the longest, identifies the younger Scott as sixteen when he first comes face to face with his modern counterpart (Uncanny X-Men volume 3 no. 12). In Matt Fraction's inexplicably titled Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus, Scott gives a televised speech in which he claims to have joined the X-Men at age 15. And in Stuart Moore's X-Men Origins Cyclops, Scott is shown to have first met Charles when he was 17 (which works), but he also dates X-Men #1 as taking place when Scott was 21 (which contradicts every other version of the story).
I think it makes the most sense to just go with the original story, and take 18 as the team's median age. I think you could also just as well argue that the 15-17 number isn't in contradiction per se, but only reflects Scott's age when Charles started training him, or even when he first became Cyclops, and not his age in X-Men #1 when Jean joined the team and they confronted Magneto for the first time.
I know some fans also feel that the Bendis' run discounts the possibility that they're in their late teens, because he writes them so young, but I think that's kind of ridiculous. Bendis writes everyone like that, and in any case people are basically the same at 14 as they are at 34, so how much more mature does anyone get from 16 to 18, really?
I think having them remain (mostly) at 18+ is the most plausible reading of the original run, and the most consistent with their general dislike of Charles recruiting actual child soldiers in later classes, and as well with Marvel's editorial policy that the X-Men have existed for ten years in-universe in perpetuity and are now just shy of 30.
Second question: Their ages later on, when the All-New, All-Different team first formed aren't given directly, but they're easy to work out.
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So, at time of first death, Jean was 24ish depending on when her birthday falls in the year. Scott and Warren are the same age, Bobby is two years younger, and Hank is probably around 1 year older.
How much time passes between Jean's introduction to Storm, Thunderbird, Wolverine, Banshee, etc and her death isn't specified, and during his first run, Claremont tried to maintain a pretense of everything occurring in real time, but already it had started to become untenable and can't be trusted.
At the time of Jean's death, the core Claremont trio of Storm, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler are still very early in getting to know each other as people, despite spending a lot of time together on page. So I think it's very likely that only a few months have passed between the new recruits joining the team and when Jean died and the remaining original X-Men make their departure. So I would just treat the Dark Phoenix Saga as taking place in the same year as the first mission to Krakoa, with Jean/Scott/Warren remaining 24 throughout.
Third question: To get to their ages at M-Day, I need to do something cataclysmically stupid. Something that I always tell everyone to never do when talking about the X-Men: I have to talk about how old Kitty Pryde was. She who has had three separate, non consecutive, fifteenth birthdays; and she who, famously, began the 1990s three years older than Jubilee, but still managed to end the decade two years younger than her. But, for once, bringing her into things is going to make everything else make more sense.
In X-Treme X-Men we're told directly that Kitty joined the X-Men five years ago. This is useful to know, because she joined the team on the exact same day that Jean died, so it has also been 5 years since that happened. X-Treme X-Men takes place at the same time as New Mutants volume 2, later to be relaunched as New X-Men: Academy X, which documents the first academic year of the Xavier School post its outing as a mutant boarding school. The two books ran parallel to one another and reference the same events in the lives of the original New Mutants.
Academy X concludes during the House of M crossover itself, and with the depiction of the typical US/Canadian school dances, and the inclusion of a year book issue, I think it's reasonable to conclude that the entire Academy X era takes place over about one full school year. So adding that together, M-Day should fall around 6 years after Jean's first death, making her, Scott, and Warren around 29-30, Hank 30-31, and Bobby 27-28.
If you want corroboration while also having the chance to experience a desperate urge to kick something, here's a cropped out section of the House of X/Powers of X timeline.
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My version has a type mistake, where years 49 and 50 were incorrectly reversed. Genosha should be year 50, and Moira's "death" at 49. (IIRC later print editions fixed this) M-Day and Decimation would happen in year 51. The Year 47 event references the storyline beginning in Jim Lee's X-Men #1, and so the formation of the Claremont X-Men would likely be in Year 45 or 46. Scott and co being 30ish at Year 52, and working backwards...It actually all kind of lines up?
Which I hate! I hate that it works. It forces you to accept that everything after M-Day occurs over the course of just one single year. And it's so annoying that it's actually kind of possible, when you remember how much everyone loved decompressed storytelling in those days, and subsequently how almost nothing actually happened for a decade and a half of comics. But still! That's so ridiculous! Why do they do this!
Hope that helps! Thanks for the ask.
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67impalaandwhisky · 4 years
Destiny Is Heaven Sent
Summary: Knowing Dean Winchester since you were fifteen, you’ve always been pulled in his direction. Always wanting to open up the rattled and broken cage your heart lives in. But when the child you’ve been raising together dies, you find yourself closing up the cage of your heart again. And if destiny has one thing for you, it’s to break you down before bringing you back up.
Characters: Dean x You, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, OFC’s, OMC’s, (Ongoing)
This Series Is Set Through Seasons 1-6 With Knowledge That The Bunker Exists
Rating: 18+
Warnings (Ongoing and Will Be Updated): Grieving, Mentions of Rape and Defilement (As Per A Case), Show Level Violence, Swearing, Smut, Impreg Kink, Blood, Fighting, Drinking, Dean Being Dean, Fluff, Angst, Dom!Dean, Sub!Reader
Warnings For This Chapter: Sexual Dreams, Mentions of Pregnancy Kink, 
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Chapter 4.
"I'll take the couch." You grumble as all of you step into the motel room.
Dean takes off his shirt, his eyelids drooping with sleepy intentions as he throws himself onto his bed.
"Come lay down beside me." He mutters as he lays his head down on the pillow. He pats the spot beside him as he pulls back the covers.
Sam makes it a point to scurry off into the bathroom and you sigh gently.
Laying in bed with Dean last night was kind of amazing. You didn't have a single nightmare, which is rare these days after Marsh's death. And, you didn't wake up a single time during the night. Even when you drink heavily, you still find yourself waking up every so often during the late hours of the evening.
"Fine. Just don't touch me." You reply as you take off your combat boots.
"No promises, Candy girl." He mumbles as he closes his eyes.
Laying down beside you, he cages you against his chest throwing his arm over you as well as his leg. He lets out a tired chuckle but the comfort you feel is too great to tell him to get off. 
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In your lifetime with your two best friends by your side, you have gone on countless Djinn hunts together. 
Comes with the territory of monster hunting.
Both you and Dean have been poisoned by a Djinn once or twice and even with the antidote around, those dreams can stick with you until you die.
Waking up from that dream-like state when you were twenty was disorienting and frightening. You didn't know what was real, what was fake. You cried for days on end when your life was dramatically different then what was pictured. 
Now, when you do see those dreams again you adore them. You welcome them in your sleeping trance. Because in that dream, everything is perfect and so real enough that you don't look at the oddities.
Dean's Djinn dream was just as real, just as frightening at first and just as welcome in his sleep quite like yours.
"Marshall Maverick Winchester. Get that gun away from your brother at the dinner table please." You chide your oldest adopted son.
Turning his head toward you, Dean finds himself smiling. Placing a gentle kiss at your temple, he waltzes around you grabbing the dinner you've both prepared in the presence of your two sons. 
"I wanna play!" Dean hears the youngest whine and he glances over at you as you flinch at the sharpness of his voice.
"Johnny Boy. Come on. Mommy doesn't feel good, stop yelling." Dean says as he places his hand on your growing stomach.
"But...But…" John whines as he holds his small hands up.
"No buts." Your husband cuts him off as he puts the burgers down on the table.
With a smile, you turn to your children with pie in hand. You were not as astonished as you should have been that they take after your husband with their favorite dessert choice. 
"Is it lemon blueberry mommy?" John asks as he pulls his plate closer to his four year old body.
"Yes it is." You whisper playfully earning a warm smile from Dean. 
As Dean begins to serve the food, Sam and Cas walk in with black sludge all over them.
"Oh good. Dinner." Sam cheers as he steps closer to the table.
"Nuh-uh. You better go wash up before you sit down at this table." You admonish your best friend as he frowns.
"But I don't eat." Cas counters as he takes off his mucky trenchcoat. 
"Go shower before my pregnant wife smites you." Dean's voice booms through the dining room.
John and Marsh laugh with each other as Cas hangs his head before retreating to his room.
With a groan, you finally sit down at the table. 
"Let me guess, your feet are swollen." Dean guesses as he sits down beside you at the head of the table. 
"Bingo." You mumble as he puts a burger on your plate.
"I'll rub your feet later when we get ready for bed." He whispers in your ear, pulling back he sends you a devastating wink.
The smile you return is equally as heart shaking to him. His breath stutters and his heart rate picks up as he smiles back at you.
"Ma. He's going for pie." Marsh tells you as John leans across the table.
You fold your arms, eyebrow quipped upward as he gives a nervous giggle. 
"Tattletale." He mumbles to his older brother before pulling at the pendant around his neck. 
As John has been getting older, the necklace he's had on since birth has been getting tighter and tighter by the month.
His small hands go to take it off and his father is stopping him within a second.
"Don't you dare take this off, son. We've talked about this." Dean admonishes as John looks down at his plate.
"But it's tight and I feel stuffy." He mumbles as he picks up a french fry.
Marsh takes his larger necklace off before swapping and wrapping John's around his wrist twice before clasping it in place.
"We need to keep these on until we're old enough to get tattoos like mom, dad and Uncle Sammy." Marsh tells his younger brother as he grabs the ketchup.
It was heartwarming to watch, knowing that Marsh was just like Dean with John as he is with Sammy. He would always protect his younger brother no matter what. 
It almost brings a tear to his father's eye as he picks up his bottle of beer.
"Why do you wear it?" Marsh inquires to his brother as he puts ketchup on his burger.
"So demons can't get me." John whispers. 
The youngest only whispers about monsters in the night, as if speaking loudly will summon them to him.
"That's right. But when we're home, you don't have to be scared. Nothing is going to get you." Dean says before sipping his beer.
John nods before looking down at the pendant in his hand as he munches on his french fry.
"Leila in school says she has a crush on me." John says happily, forgetting the whole necklace debacle within seconds.
Dean's eyebrows flick upwards as he leans his elbows on the table.
"Oh yeah? Isn't it a little early to be dating in preschool?" Your husband jeers at your youngest as you giggle.
Your hand lands on your stomach, rubbing comforting circles which catches his attention immediately.
He looks over, a sweet smirk spreading on his face as he rubs your seven months and growing stomach.
"I'm four, dad. Practically grown up." You hum to him before grabbing your iced tea.
"You look just like your father so it's hard not to get all the girls, huh?" You tease as he smiles down to his burger.
John did look like the spitting image of your husband. From freckles to wildy enchanting green eyes, he was so alike.
"Will you tell us how you met again?" Marsh asks as he takes out his phone.
"No phones at dinner." Sam says as he enters the room.
Marsh looks up before rolling his eyes and putting his phone back in the front pocket of his jeans.
"What monster did you kill today?" John asks excitedly as Sam sits down.
Shaking his long hair out of his face, he looks over at both of his parents who refuse to meet his eyes.
"No monster talk at dinner." Sam says and your almost unrecognizable nod lets him know he's right.
John and Marsh frown as Cas comes in to join you all.
"It was a ghoul." Sam whispers as he leans over his plate towards the kids.
You look at Dean, a laugh shared between you both as you both roll your eyes.
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Laying down in bed, you let out a gentle sigh as the bed comforts and molds to your body.
"Well now. Look what I have here all to myself. My two favorite girls." Dean says as he closes the bedroom door behind him.
You give a gentle laugh pushing yourself up the pillows as he stalks over.
"Not like you to forget Baby." You say, tilting your head as he pulls his t-shirt off.
"Just don't tell her. She'll get jealous." He teases as he takes off his pants.
Your eyes roam over his body before smiling wider. 
When it comes to your husband, exhaustion was not a word that seemed to fit into your vocabulary. He was like a freshly brewed pot of coffee, deep, rich and awakening. 
"My lips are sealed." You reply as he kneels on the bed. 
With a chuckle, he parts your legs. Running his warm, calloused hands over your bare skin, his lips graze over your bare belly. 
You can feel the stubble on his face, the short hairs tickling you as he gives languid kisses to the distended skin.
"De." You whisper in the dim lighting of the room.
He gives a gentle groan at your voice, hearing how you're becoming aroused and sluggish with lust.
"That's it, sweetheart. Focus on how I'm making you feel. How you want daddy's big cock to split you right open." His breath fans over your stomach as he talks to you, producing goosebumps on your now feverish skin.
"I want you so badly." You whine as he pulls down your bra. Your breasts heaving up at the action.
"God, you're so fucking sexy. So fucking mine." He growls out as he kisses over your chest.
"Pretty tits filling up with milk for my baby. Mine." His lips encircle your hard nipple, tongue flicking over the pointed bud earning a sweet moan from you.
His hand reaches for your clothed pussy, dying to feel how wet you already a-
"Hey! Dean!" Shooting up in bed, he looks to the owner of the voice as his eyes widen.
"Hey man…" Sam whispers as he stands above his older brother.
"Dammit Sammy. Couldn't you have given me five more minutes? I was experiencing something great." He mumbles as he grabs the cup of coffee from the younger man's hand.
"Busty girl dreams again? You were moaning." Sam says with a laugh as he walks over to the small table.
Dean clicks his teeth as he looks over the room. He notices how the sun is already rising high in the sky before looking down at you. Your hair is splayed over your face as you take deep shallow breaths.
Was there anything more perfect than his dream? Anything more wonderful than that? You, his wife, his life partner. Pregnant and barefoot in his bunker with other little ones running around. Marsh would still be alive.
Running a rough hand over his face, he sips his coffee before sighing.
As you turn onto your back, he takes in your form. 
With your tank top rolled up to your breasts, he sucks in a deep breath before tugging down the shirt. God, you were too skinny now that he's looking at you. Why couldn't you just be pregnant like in his dream? Why did destiny have to fuck him like this?
"God fucking dammit." He mumbles as he wakes up.
"You okay?" Sam asks curiously. 
"Peachy." Dean grunts out as he walks to the bathroom.
The slam of the door makes his younger brother jump and you stir from your sleep at the noise. The thin walls shake and tremor with the force of Dean's action and you sit up with squinted eyes.
"Morning." You whisper as you begin to stretch.
"Mornin'." Sam says as his eyes flicker to the bathroom.
"He okay?" You ask as you pull the covers closer to your body.
Sam gives the typical shrug as he sips his coffee before running his hands through his hair.
"Is Dean ever really okay?" He quips as you lay back down.
Now that is a question for the ages.
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The morning had gone off without an ounce of weirdness which was odd to you considering how upset Dean was earlier.
He's so good at shoving things down inside of him until he explodes. It's scary sometimes.
"Come on out, Candy girl." Dean calls through the velvet curtain as you try to pull at any piece of fabric that's on your body. 
You feel absolutely helpless. The tube dress you're wearing is so infinitely small, you're afraid one cough from yourself will send the fabric into a revealing position.
"It barely covers my ass!" You whine as you fix your hair in the mirror.
"You have a nice ass." Dean comments calmly.
There it is again. The short and somehow completely honest answer from your best friend. He doesn't flirt with you like he does with others because maybe he doesn't have to. He's so himself with you.
Tugging the dress up, the bottom reveals your black thong and you groan gently before pulling it back down.
"No laughing!" You cry out before taking a deep breath. 
Just the thought of your older best friend seeing you like this sends your mind reeling. 
Pushing back the velvet curtain, Sam looks up from his phone before snorting and covering his mouth with his hand.
"Yes. Ha. Ha. Very funny." You grumble as you put your hands protectively over your body as if that would help.
Glancing at Dean, he doesn't show an ounce of hilarity in the situation. He swallows thickly as his eyes trail over your body.
"You look like a sausage in a casing." Sam says before throwing his head back and laughing.
You snort before turning around to the mirror again.
The black fabric hugs your body tightly, showing your flat stomach and your ample breasts.
It's uncomfortable to be in but your thighs press together as you watch Dean through the mirror.
Licking his lips slowly, his eyes stare at your ass. Your stomach coils and flips as his evergreen eyes begin to harden over.
"Dean. What do you think?" Sam asks through his laughs.
Dean doesn't dignify him with an answer. Your eyes trail over his body, taking in the flannel beneath his jacket before looking to his pants.
His pants are strained and tented and you avert your eyes quickly in the mirror as you think about yesterday morning.
Is it hot in here?
"Dean?" Sam asks as he calms his laughter.
Pressing your thighs tighter together, the muscles of your ass become taut and flex. The oldest brother does everything in his power to rip his eyes away before turning to Sam.
"You look fine. Buy it and let's go." He mumbles as he sits down.
It's when you bend over to grab your stuff that he lolls his head back.
Do you know how fucking sexy you are? Do you have any idea just how goddamn attractive you can be?
Upon bending over he sees your thong and the outline of your pussy lips. His hand flies over Sam's eyes as you gather your stuff.
"Dude." His younger brother mumbles.
"Close the curtain, you idiot." Dean chides you and you gasp gently realizing what you've done.
Fiercely pulling the curtain closed, you can feel your ears and neck heating up to a healthy shade of red.
"I'm going to wait in the car." Dean calls out before storming off.
Sam tilts his head before rolling his eyes.
"Just fuck already." He mumbles under his breath before pulling his phone back out.
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Dean stands beneath the shower head, letting the hot water soothe his taut muscles. His forehead presses to the chilly aqua tiles of the motel bathroom
God, you're probably out there in the room putting on that small dress right now. 
It's astounding how hard he actually has to try to keep his hands off of you. Would you even want him to touch you?
Yesterday morning, he saw you checking him out. Peeking an eye open, he saw how breathless you were as your eyes roamed his body.
It's been drilled in his head ever since he was younger-- his father always wanted you both to be together. It's always been Dean's 'destiny' to have you as his own. And, that's exactly why he can't do it.
He's always listened to John. Always done as told and for once, he didn't want to abide. 
Dean always thought that if he denied himself the pleasure of your company, he could stop a lot of heartache and pain on his end. But, now the heartache is starting to come from having you so far away from him.
He loved you from the minute he saw you. From the minute you met each other in that dingy motel on Christmas Eve. 
He loved you when you were dating Michael Bracken during a random highschool stint in Wisconsin. 
He always loved you. And, he always denied you.
Smacking his forehead into the wall, he sighs gently. 
Maybe destiny is something you just can't run from. God knows that every path him and Sam have ever taken somehow and in some way lead back to the same spot they were standing years ago.
"De?" Your voice breaks him out of his deep thoughts.
"Yeah." He calls back as he shuts off the shower.
"We have to get going soon." You tell him as he grabs his towel.
"Yeah. I'm coming, Princess." The pet name tumbles out of his mouth and he closes his eyes as he wraps the towel around his waist.
You rip the door open and peek your head in before narrowing your eyes at him.
"You know I hate that." You mumble to him as the steam wafts through the open door.
You've hated it since high school. He used to call you Princess when he warded off boys in the cramped hallways. You always found it embarrassing. 
Dean gives you a smile as he steps out of the shower, "Come on. You used to love the way I protected you." 
Rolling your eyes, you stand up straighter as you lean against the door jamb, "No. You used to love the way you protected me. I didn't need protecting." 
He chuckles as he wipes off the bathroom mirror. 
"I'll always protect you, whether you need it or not." He says and you hum in agreement before leaving him alone.
"Always." He mumbles before looking through the mirror as you walk away.
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Forever Dean Tags: @akshi8278​
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toogayforthistoday · 4 years
My F/O list
Finally getting around to making this thing, so here we go. I don’t have ship names for most of them (yet), so in the mean time, I’m using emoji’s that fit closest. I don’t have an issue with sharing, but if you do, feel free to block the appropriate tag! I’m doing my best to try and tag everything.
Names in Bold I am not comfortable sharing romantically
Main F/O’s:
My mains fluctuate all the time, but currently the Main ones are:
Porter Gage (Fallout)  🏴‍☠️🖤 #OTP: Underestimated to a Fault
Husk (Hazbin Hotel) 😼❤️ #OTP: Watch Your Cards
Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe) 🐍💚 #OTP: Green is our Colour
Touya ‘Dabi’ Todoroki (My Hero Academia) #OTP: Lighters in the Dark #gdi Dabi #jfc Touya
Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders) #OTP: Bow to the Bakers
Allison / Texas (Red vs Blue) #OTP: Houston We Are the Problem
Hiei Jaganshi (Yu Yu Hakusho) 🐉💜 #OTP: Hiebe
My Kids:
“Child” Familial F/O’s, and Fankids. I love them very much
Angel (Borderlands) Step-Daughter #Angel [Calls me Gabe]
Nero (Devil May Cry) Step-Son #Nero [Calls me Gabe]
Hitoshi Shinso (My Hero Academia) Son  #Rocker Bee Kittens [Calls me 'Mom’] #HK-57 the Malfunctioning Protocol Assassin Droid [Because of course I brought my son into Star Wars]
Eri (My Hero Academia) Adopted Daughter #Everything in Flux [Calls me ‘Mom’]
Cailean Elijah Solomons (Peaky Blinders) Son #Cailean Elijah Solomons [Calls me ‘Mom’]
Romantic F/O’s: 
I still love them very much, but my current attention is on the mains <3
Wolf (10th Kingdom) 🐺🌕❤️
Shaun Hastings (Assassin’s Creed) 📚❤️
Handsome Jack (Borderlands)  💪💔  #OTP: Are We the Heroes
Dr. Nigel Townsend (Crossing Jordan) #OTP: Cryptid Crypts
Skulker (Danny Phantom) 👻💚 #OTP: Compatible Hardware
Vergil (Devil May Cry)  🔵💙 #OTP: The Power to Protect You
Alistair Theirin (Dragon Age) 🌹💙
The Iron Bull (Dragon Age) 🐂💝
Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age) 💰❤️ #OTP: The Ones Who Remain
Fenris (Dragon Age) ⚡💙
Anders (Dragon Age) 🚑💙
John Hancock (Fallout) ☀️💖
Robert Joseph MacCready (Fallout) 💸💕
Charon (Fallout) 🔫🖤  
Vincent / Angel (nikkzships OC from Halo/RvB) No Tags Yet
Arackniss (Hazbin Hotel) 🕷️🖤
Poly!Husk + Arackniss #OT3: Running the Speakeasys
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) 🐕💜 #OTP: The Dog The Witch and The Broken Well
Dean McCoppin  (The Iron Giant) #OTP: Scrapyard Shindigs
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) 🌌💙
Vetra Nyx (Mass Effect) 🌌💁💜
Shouta ‘Eraserhead’ Aizawa (My Hero Academia) 💤🖤 #OTP: No Rest For The Wicked
Hizashi ‘Present Mic’ Yamada (My Hero Academia)   🎤💛 #OTP: Loud Blondes Club
Poly!Shouta + Hizashi 💤💜🎤 #OT3: How to Speedrun a Family
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto) 🦈💙 #OTP: Fish Out of Water
Hanzo Shimada (Overwatch) 🐉💙🐉 #OTP: So Much for Stealth
Jesse McCree (Overwatch) 🐎❤️ 
Mako ‘Roadhog’ Rutledge (Overwatch) 🐷💗
Aleksandra ‘Zarya’ Zaryanova (Overwatch) 🏋️💗
  Carasynthia 'Cara' Dune (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) ⭐💚 #OTP: Looking in Alderaan Places
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)  🥃🖤 #OTP: The Other We Deserve
Diego Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) 🗡🖤 #OTP: Yyou’re Jusst Like Me
Eddie Brock + Venom (Venom) ☣️🖤
Lambert (Witcher) 🐺💚 #OTP: Prickly Pair
Gambit / Remy LeBeau (X-Men/Marvel) 🎴💜
Queer Platonic F/O’s:
Not quite Romantic™, but Platonic™ isn’t enough to describe it.
Gaige (Borderlands)  ⛧❤️
Nisha (Borderlands) No Tag Yet
V (Devil May Cry) #OTP: A Facade of Memories
Merril (Dragon Age)  🌼💚
Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age)  🐍🖤  
Butch DeLoria (Fallout)  🕳️🐍💙
Cait (Fallout) No Tag Yet
Atsuhiro ‘Mr. Compress’ Sako (My Hero Academia) #TheShowmen🎭  
Jamison ‘Junkrat’ Fawkes (Overwatch)  💥💖
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy  (Witcher)  🐦🖤
Addison ‘Addy’ Carver (Z Nation) #OTP: Blended Bats
Platonic F/O’s:
I will probably be constantly adding to this list as I forget all the time. These guys don’t have tags, if you want me to tag them, let me know!
Maya (Borderlands)
Krieg (Borderlands)
Axton (Borderlands)
Mordecai (Borderlands)
Brick (Borderlands)
Timothy Lawrence (Borderlands)
Wilhelm (Borderlands)
Nicoli Technus (Danny Phantom) #TechDeck9000🤖
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Lady (Devil May Cry)
Niko (Devil May Cry)
Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Oghren (Dragon Age)
Sten/Arishock (Dragon Age)
Isabella (Dragon Age)
Aveline Vallen (Dragon Age)
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age)
Cole (Dragon Age)
Cremisius 'Krem’ Aclassi (Dragon Age)
Sera (Dragon Age)
Blackwall/Thom Rainier (Dragon Age)
Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age)
Deacon (Fallout)
Piper (Fallout)
Curie (Fallout)
Preston Garvey (Fallout)
Dogmeat (Fallout)
Amata (Fallout)
Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
Charlie (Hazbin Hotel)
Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Liara T’Soni (Mass Effect)
Ashley Williams (Mass Effect)
Tali’Zorah Vas Normandy (Mass Effect)
Cora Harper (Mass Effect)
Jaal Ama Darav (Mass Effect)
Liam Kosta (Mass Effect)
Pelessaria ‘Peebee’ B’Sayle (Mass Effect)
Nemuri ‘Midnight’ Kayama (My Hero Academia)
Hidan (Naruto)
Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Din Djarin (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) #TheDadalorian🦏
Fennec Shand (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) #TheStoicShitstarters😈
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Eskel (Witcher)
Triss (Witcher)
Ciri (Witcher)
Keira Metz (Witcher)
Yennefer (Witcher)
Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Shuichi Minamino/Kurama/Yoko Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Yukina (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Keiko Yukimura (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Shizuru Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Familial F/O’s:
I keep getting adopted by people 👀👀👀
Kai Hiwatari (Beyblade) Twin
Dr. Zed (Borderlands) Weird Uncle
Moxxi (Borderlands) Motherly
Marcus (Borderlands) Fatherly
Tina (Borderlands) Twinsies
Jack Napier ‘Joker’ (Batman 1989) Father Figure
Vlad Masters 'Vlad Plasmius' (Danny Phantom) Father #Vlad Dadsters
Trish (Devil May Cry)  Sister
Wynne (Dragon Age) Grandmotherly
Leandra Amell (Dragon Age) Motherly
Vivienne de Fer (Dragon Age) Elder Sister
Nick Valentine (Fallout) Uncle
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) Fatherly... Patron... Thing 🦌♡
Lilith (Hazbin Hotel) Motherly
Todd ‘Squee’ Castle (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) Younger Brother
Frank Castle (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Older Brother Figure #CastleGuard
Dr. Karin Chakwas (Mass Effect) Motherly/Grandmotherly
Admiral David Anderson (Mass Effect) Fatherly
Nakmor Drack (Mass Effect) Grandfatherly
Just the Entirety of the LOV (My Hero Academia) Siblings, the whole lot of ‘em #Leaguenanigans
Jin ‘Twice’ Bubaigawara (My Hero Academia) #TwiceTheFun
Kurogiri/Oboro Shirakumo (My Hero Academia) #TheOtherParent
Shuichi ‘Spinner’ Iguchi (My Hero Academia) No Tag Yet
Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) No Tag Yet
Magne (My Hero Academia) #Miss you Mags
Inko Midoriya (My Hero Academia) Sisterly/Motherly (Dabi Ship Only) #MamaMido #NewtonsFirstLaw🔄
Izuku ‘Deku’ Midoriya (My Hero Academia) Nephew (Dabi Ship Only) #Curveball
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Younger Brother (Dabi Ship Only) #GlareOfTheLimelight
Natsuo Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Younger Brother (Dabi Ship Only) #BrothersForACause
Fuyumi Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Younger Sister (Dabi Ship Only) #TeachingGrace
Rei Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Mother-In-Law (Dabi Ship Only) #MamaRei
Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) It’s Complicated (Dabi Ship Only) #NotInKansas
All For One (My Hero Academia) Father Figure...ish? (Dabi Ship Only) #Dad For One
Kakuzu (Naruto) Fatherly
Ana Amari (Overwatch) Grandmotherly
Reinhardt Wilhelm (Overwatch) Grandfatherly
Aberama Gold (Peaky Blinders) Uncle, Mum’s Brother
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) Motherly Mentor
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Father #Ben Dadnobi
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) The Fun Uncle Mentor
Mace Windu (Star Wars) The Bullshit Filter Mentor
Grogu (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) Nephew
Donna Hanscum (Supernatural) Motherly
Jody Mills (Supernatural) Motherly
Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Uncle
Vesemir (Witcher) Grandfatherly
Logan / James Howlett / Wolverine (X-Men/Marvel) Father #SupBub
Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho) Grandmotherly
Tommy ‘10K’ (Z Nation) Brother
This got really long, really quickly. I have been doing this for a while, so that makes sense. Don’t really know how to end this, so... Don’t be afraid to self ship, no matter how old you are!!! Your F/O’s love you!
~ Gabe
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Saw your post on Older Paster Bobby x Younger Johnny and it gave me this idea of Bobby introducing Johnny to his closest friends Dutch, Jimmy, and Tommy and as soon as the three of them sees Johnny for the first time there thought is : “yea I’m going fuck this blonde twink”
They can tell as plain as day that he has at the very least a crush on Bobby, and they suspect it isn’t unrequited.
Though it doesn’t look like they’ve done much together yet, Johnny still has raging virgin written all over him, and they think Bobby is insane for not doing something about that already. They can tell Johnny is aching for it, and not just from Bobby. He’s almost demure when speaking to them, looking perky and pretty, all "yes, sir." And "no, sir" when they ask questions, listening earnestly when any of them tell a story, and laughing at all their unfunny jokes.
Dutch especially likes the hint of an attitude that peeks through from time to time. He wants to make him even worse—to bring him to the dark side, so to speak. He can get Johnny past the whole staying pure till marriage thing. Though, the way Johnny looked at him when he talked about his time in jail tells Dutch that maybe that won’t be so hard. He would like nothing more than to pop Johnny's cherry, and he knows at least Tommy feels the same way because he’s being well-behaved, the way he used to act when girls were around way back when, small smiles much different from his usual bright grin and only quick glances at Johnny's cute little tits, but he’s becoming much less behaved the more he drinks. Jimmy is polite, as always, but makes an effort to talk to Johnny—asking questions and charming Johnny with his shy demeanor, not a single thing giving away his thoughts about breeding the boy over the very table they're sitting at, reaming that hole that he’s sure is just as sweet and tempting as everything else about him.
Bobby holdsJohnny’s thigh under the table, hand gripping tight and possessive. He knows his friends, and he knows what they want to do. Not that he’s completely opposed to the thought.
He feels extremely annoyed when Johnny sits up to use the bathroom and insists that Bobby stay and "talk to his friends; he doesn’t need a babysitter." Dutch following after him shortly after, and the other guys (Tommy) talking his ear off, preventing him from going after them.
And boy, does Dutch take advantage.
Johnny is already washing his hands when Dutch enters the bathroom, meeting Dutch’s eyes in the mirror when he walks closer, a coy smile on his face. "Hi."
Dutch smirks, stepping up to Johnny’s side and putting a hand on the counter.
"Hey, pretty boy."
Johnny raises a brow. "You need something or?…."
Dutch lets his eyes wander to Johnny’s behind, his hand itching to grab. "You could say that. Has he fucked you yet?"
Johnny’s eyes widen, and his cheeks turn pink. "Excuse me?"
Dutch presses himself up against Johnny’s back, his other hand going to Johnny’s hip. "You heard me. Has he even made you cum yet?"
"I…I can’t talk about that."
Oh. The answer is yes.
"Okay, go Bobby. Didn’t know he had it in him."
Johnny's hands clench into fists. "What’s that supposed to mean?"
There’s that attitude.
"Don’t worry, doll. Nothing against Bobby—that’s my guy—I just know he doesn’t tend to make the first move with that kinda stuff; he likes to make us work for it. And if I’m being honest...." He looks Johnny over in the mirror, "I liked the idea of being the first to ruin you."
Johnny spins around, grabbing Dutch’s shoulders roughly and kneeing him in the crotch. "Don’t fucking touch me." He snaps, leaving with an angry huff.
Okay, he deserved that—maybe even worse, Dutch thinks as he lays on the floor with his hands clutching at crotch.
He walks back out a few minutes later, determined not to have his tail between his legs despite the rejection—even if Bobby raises his brows at him like he’s saying, "You’re a dipshit."
Johnny is practically curled against Bobby, unable to look in Dutch’s direction, but he is looking at Jimmy—seeming very interested in everything he’s saying, and from Dutch’s perspective, he seems more focused on Jimmy’s arms and hands; Dutch can’t blame him.
"So, uh…" Jimmy makes eye contact with Dutch, his brows pinching at the look he’s given. "I, uh…"
Jimmy then makes eye contact with Johnny and gulp. "I have to go."
Tommy pouts, reeking of liquor. "But you said you’d do shots with me," he drawls out.
"You know he has a low social battery, Tommy; just let him leave." Bobby buts in firmly, and Dutch smiles at the way Johnny squirms.
"I’ll walk you to your car!" Tommy slurs, standing up and immediately tipping to the side, falling against Jimmy.
"Woah. "I think I should take you home too, bud."
Tommy says something incoherent in protest, but lets Jimmy pull him towards the door. "Bye, guys! Bye, Johnny!" He yells cheerily, and Jimmy keeps his head down so as not to see the annoyed faces of everyone in the bar. He’ll have a lot to think about when he gets home.
Dutch clears his throat. "So, where are you guys headed after this?"
Johnny looks at Bobby, and Bobby blinks at Dutch. "Probably my house?"
Johnny leans in, whispering something in Bobby’s ear, before pulling away with a small smile when Bobby whispers something back. "We’re gonna go too. Need a ride home?"
Dutch bites the inside of his cheek. "I’d like a ride alright," he murmurs, picturing a lithe blonde in his lap. "No, I’m fine, man. I have my motorcycle."
Bobby’s nostrils flare a little. "I don’t like when you ride that thing after drinking, what if—"
Dutch puts a hand up. "I only had, like, two drinks. I’m not a lightweight."
"Just go, Bobby. I want to look for a hook up anyways."
Bobby narrows his eyes, but there’s worry in them. "Hook up as in?…"
Dutch grits his teeth. "Hook up, as in, I’m gonna find someone and fuck their brains out."
He takes great satisfaction in the way Johnny freezes up.
"Real nice language, Dutch." Bobby says blankly. "Just…be safe, okay? I don’t want you back in jail, or worse. We all care about you."
Dutch says nothing, just nods, then rests his chin on his hand and looks around the bar for a decent lay, ignoring the sound of Bobby walking out.
A hand touches his shoulder, and Dutch flinches a little.
It’s Johnny with something clenched in his fist. "I don’t want any issues with Pastor Brown’s friends, okay? Even if they’re a creep like you. So, here—" He drops the crumpled tissue on Dutch’s lap. "Bye."
Johnny doesn’t hesitate to walk away, giving Dutch zero chance to speak.
He cautiously picks the napkin up with his pointer and thumb, wondering if he pissed the boy off enough to drop a dirty tissue in his lap, but he drops the caution the second he straightens it out a little and sees numbers scribbled in clumsy ink.
Oh. Isn’t that a nice little gift?
He takes a sip of his beer, pulling his phone out of his pocket and typing in the digits.
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