#Because I suddenly decided to go back to my project of resubbing The Devil Judge
amethystina Β· 1 year
How are you doing? How is life going? How's the writing going?
Hi! πŸ’œ
I'm currently sick x'D So things could be better? But it's just a regular cold, I think, so it'll hopefully pass relatively soon.
But, before getting sick, I was restoring and painting more windows at our old family house. We've almost done half of them now! JFC it takes a lot of time and effort. Like, there are four of those panes to each window and there are nine windows in total that we need to get done β€” and that's without counting the HUGE one in the stairwell that's four meters up in the air because, well, stairwell. I have no idea how we're supposed to do that window. And I also have to paint the actual window frames.
I mean, it's worth it in the end because I love this house and it's a part of my family history etc. etc. but goddamn if it isn't incredibly tedious work x'D
As for writing, I, uh, haven't done much. I got A LOT of writing done last month but, as is my habit, I write very intently for a short period, then take a break. So the only writing I've done is the words I've added while editing. Which, then again, came up to a total of 4k this month, I think? But editing has been going pretty slow, too, especially right now since this is what happens whenever I try and my dad's dogs are in the same room:
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At least it's the smallest of the three. She's still not quite aware of how big she is and thinks it's fully reasonable for her to climb into my lap like she used to when she was a puppy (it's not).
But at least she's smaller than the other two, fully grown monsters. I mean, try writing with this in your lap:
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He's my cuddly little baby and I love him to bits but he's also VERY big.
... and yes, you can bet I shove my entire face into his neck fluff as often as I possibly can.
(And no, they're not wolves β€” they just look like they could be x'D)
But yeah. Very little actual writing is happening. If I'm less feverish I might give it a try this weekend, though? We'll see! I haven't decided on what story, though. I have so many I want to work on and so little time!
Anyhow. Thank you so much for asking, nonnie! I hope you're doing well! Or at least aren't as sick as I am xD
Take care! πŸ’œ
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