#Beauty salon in Monterey Park CA
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mseyelashbeauty · 2 years ago
MS Eyelash Beauty | Beauty salon in Monterey Park CA
Ours is a well-reputed Beauty Salon in Monterey Park CA, offering a wide range of services to help you look and feel your best. Our skilled estheticians provide personalized care to enhance your natural beauty. Come in for a relaxing day of self-care, or prepare for a special occasion with our expert beauty services. Moreover, we are also renowned for providing top-quality Eyelash Services in Monterey Park CA. From us, you can have a variety of eyelash extensions, including classic, volume, hybrid, and more. Our professionals ensure the seamless application of lash extensions to give you fuller, longer, and more defined lashes. We have also kept our service charges low to meet the client’s budget. So, if you want to book an appointment, call or visit us today.
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davetada · 5 years ago
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Artist Beauty Salon
Monterey Park, CA
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cristinad61 · 5 years ago
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Huell manages to pack quite a lot into this 30-minute episode of California’s Gold from 2007. I especially enjoyed his visit to the Foresthill Bridge, not too far down the road from where I live. The nonexistent Auburn Dam is still a hot topic of debate, even decades after construction was stopped. Around the time that this episode first aired, California’s Bureau of Reclamation began restoration of the river along the stretch that they had once planned to flood — thus preserving a small bit of paradise for hikers, kayakers, not to mention wildlife, that was nearly lost forever.
View from the top, February 2001
Huell visits the Monterey Customs House State Historic Park, discovers the tallest bridge in California, and checks out the town of Cool — all unplanned adventures.
At one time, the Custom House presided over Mexico’s primary port of entry on the Alta, CA coast. It was here that Commodore Jon Drake Sloat raised the American flag in July of 1846, claiming over 600,000 square miles of territory for the US. This territory later was included in all or portions of the states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, California and New Mexico. This building is recognized as the oldest government building in California and it is State Historic landmark #1. Wander through this adobe building and find it as it looked in the 1840’s. Try guessing to what purpose the items on display were used for. Is Sebastian the parrot real? Gaze out from the upper room where custom agents and soldiers once stayed. Watch for ships arriving from sea, much as the custom’s officials did over 150 years ago.
Next, Huell stumbles upon the tallest bridge in California. Located on Foresthill Road in Placer County near historic Hwy 49, The Foresthill Bridge was built to span a lake that never arrived from the damming of the American River in Auburn, CA. And then Huell wanders right into Cool, California, and enjoys a visit to the local beauty salon and meets the mayor!
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Foresthill Bridge in February 2001
(Click on the linked image below to see the video.)
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The Adventure Continues… Spontaneous Adventures Huell manages to pack quite a lot into this 30-minute episode of California's Gold from 2007. I especially enjoyed his visit to the Foresthill Bridge, not too far down the road from where I live.
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sofunsd · 6 years ago
周末去哪 Fun?SOFUN 帶您漫遊OC & LA~
Art lessons in the wild contest(1/26-4/27)(OC)
若您家裡有個喜歡畫畫、又喜歡海洋生物的小朋友的話,可別錯過這週六開始在橙縣Dana Wharf 的野外藝術課程! 一位知名海洋環境保護專家暨藝術家Robert Wyland 特別針對3到12歲兒童設計了此項結合藝術和戶外賞鯨的課程。藝術課程每週六於上午9點在Dana Pride的寬敞的沙龍內進行,每週僅限20名兒童;然後從10點到12點會進行2小時的賞鯨之旅,不只講解生態也教孩子們如何用眼觀察、用畫筆畫下來。最後��些畫還會進入比賽,優勝作品除了有機會獲得Wyland 提名、表框外,還有機會獲得價值2000美元的獎品喔。整個活動希望鼓勵人們以全新的方式看待奧蘭治縣沿岸的海洋生物,並將下一代引入這個美麗的生態系統。
時間  Jan 26 Sat to Apr 27 Sat,  every Sat at 9 a.m. to noon
地點:  Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching, 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA
網站: https://danawharf.com/wyland-art-in-the-wild/
票價:   成人$45 ; 小孩免費但建議捐贈5元給art program
LA Art Show(1/23-1/27)(LA)
一年一度的洛杉磯藝術特展又來囉! 在洛杉磯這個全球藝術文化中心、擁有多種族多元化、跨國界的藝術交流,每一年在Convention Center的特展總是讓人目不暇給,可以說美西規模最大、質量最高的藝術博覽會。不論是大膽前衛的當代藝術、還是唯美復古的傳統藝術,不同時期、派別的作品在此匯聚,讓人盡收眼底、一飽眼福。同時,展覽會場還會提供一些藝術講座、專人導覽,當然,記得準備好荷包把喜歡的藝術作品買回家收藏喔!
時間:  Jan 23 Wed to Jan 27 Sat, 11:00 am-7:00 pm,
地點:1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA (Los Angeles Convention Center)
網站: laartshow.com
由洛杉磯世界日報、蒙特利公園市政府、蒙市商業發展委員會(BIDAC)聯合舉辦的「2019農曆新春年節展」,即將在1/26、27再次與南加州的民眾見面啦!! 每年由世界日報與蒙特利公園市府攜手舉辦的迎春年節展,已成為南加州華人歡度農曆年的一大盛會,主辦單位規劃超過200個獨具特色的攤位,於Monterey Park的Garvey Ave (嘉偉街)封街舉行,現場還有嘉年華遊樂園、民俗技藝專區、人模狗樣大PK、財神爺送紅包袋,以及精彩豐富的舞台表演和舞龍舞獅助陣炒熱氣氛��要讓大家開開心心鬧新春喔!! 活動免費入場, 免費停車,接駁車也免費喔!
時間: Jan 26 Sat  10:00am-9:00 pm,  Jan 27 Sun, 10:00 am-7:00 pm
地點: 153 E Garvey Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91755
網站: https://lunarnewyears.com/
KKLA & AM870 The Answer Health Fair 2019(1/26)(LA)
不少人的新年祈願裡的第一項就是身體健康,而這周六就有一個由99.5 KKLA 電台和 AM870 Tne Answer電台舉辦的Health Fair可以幫助你更了解你的身體狀況喔!參加者可獲健康教育材料、長者健康生活小撇布、居家護理、藥品保險計畫、藥房服務、耐用醫療設備、健身技巧等各種健康、保健資訊,還可接受血壓、骨密度等免費健康篩檢。現場還提供免費早餐、遊戲區、拍照區,也會提供許多贈品喔!活動完全免費,歡迎各界參加!
時間: Jan 26 Sat, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
地點:  First Church of the Nazarene/ 3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91107
網站: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kkla-am870-the-answer-health-fair-2018-tickets-39737846970?aff=es2
Disneyland Luna New Year Celebration(1/25-2/17)(LA)
孩子們最愛的迪士尼樂園即將要開始舉辦為期三周的中國農曆年慶祝活動啦! 許多卡通人物會穿上唐裝跟大家拜年,木蘭也會準備特別演出給大家欣賞, 園內還有中國雜技表演、中式美食、亞裔音樂表演、書法揮毫、燈籠製作、農曆新年風情水舞等,相當精采喔! 門票105元起。
時間:  Jan 25 Fri to Feb 17 Sun,
地點: 1313 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim, CA 92802, USA
網站:  https://disneyland.disney.go.com/events-tours/lunar-new-year/
Griffith Park Run (1/27)(LA)
洛杉磯大家都熟悉的Griffith公園將在這周末舉辦馬拉松賽事喔! 賽程將繞著 Wilson Harding 高爾夫球場、洛杉磯動物園、Autry Museum、繞過馬道和洛杉磯河進行; 5K賽程則是沿著Crystal Springs Drive是相對平坦的跑道。 跟其他賽事一樣,都會設有許多攤位供相關運動產品供應商展出、也會有兒童遊樂區和live band,讓到場加油的小啦啦隊員們不會無聊。所有的收益還將捐贈給洛杉磯公園處,是個助人又利己的活動喔~趕快趁農曆年大吃大喝前先去消耗一些陳年脂肪吧!
時間: Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 6 AM – 12 PM
地點: 4730 Crystal Springs Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90027
網站: https://www.laparksfoundation.org/laparks_events/griffith-park-half-marathon-5k/
費用: 半馬每人80美元、5k每人 40美元
Festival of Human Abilities(1/26-27)(LA)
在洛杉磯長灘市的太平洋水族館,每年都會有專門為殘疾人士舉辦的嘉年華會,鼓勵殘疾人士的創造力和才能,是個非常有意義的公益活動。您可以看到殘疾人士表演輪椅舞、現場音樂、還有手語合唱團等等的創造才能和能力,包括藝術展示,音樂,輪椅舞等,甚至還有殘疾人是當老師開的各種免費課程喔! 所有課程還將出現手語翻譯,並為盲人提供音頻導覽,除了讓這些生命勇士也可以享有各種與一般人一樣的生活體驗外,您更可以在她們身上學習到如何積極樂觀的面對人生。
時間:  Jan. 26-27, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
地點: Aquarium of the Pacific, 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach
網站: www.aquariumofpacific.org
Movie of the week 週末電影推薦!
驚濤佈局 Serenity
一個漁船船長(馬修麥康納 飾)低調藏身在加勒比海上的無名小島,他的身分與過去是個謎團,也沒人可以解釋他在小島上的目的與經歷…。 直到他的前妻(安海瑟薇 飾)循線找來,帶著一個謀殺現任多金丈夫的密謀提議,船長的真實身分和灰暗過去也逐步揭曉…。然而事件的真相似乎不如表象單純,他開始懷疑自己是否又跳進了一個深不可測的陷阱,殺人、情慾、欺騙、忌妒…等人性黑暗元素交疊於這暗潮洶湧的海島上,他是否能逃脫暗黑宿命的糾結,解開這一切謎團背後的真相?
ONgoing! OC /LA Fun不停
Beauty Con Pop (Now~1/31)(LA)
不知SD美眉們有沒注意到洛城有一個彩妝主題快閃展BeautyCon Pop呢?這個由 BeautyCon 班底策劃的彩妝主題互動體驗展 BeautyCon Pop 在去年 11 月 16 日就已經舉辦啦,相當受到歡迎,原定於12月旬就要結束展出的又延長到今年1月底。現場有 8 家以彩妝為主題的房間,並與不同的彩妝品牌聯辦,像是 Laneige 的 Dream State、Lime Crime 的 Inner Goddess 與 Mamonde 的 Super Bloom...等等,讓許多美眉們趨之若鶩,打卡拍照忙不完。除此之外,現場亦設有彩妝店 BeautyCon Shop 出售本季度新推出的限量彩妝,而每週四至六在 Beautycon x Macy’s Salon 還會有彩妝達人的現場示範喔!
時間: Jan 11 Fri~Jan 12 Sat,  12:00 pm to 8:00 pm;Jan 13 Sun, 12:00 pm~ 6:00 pm
地點: 333 La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048
網站: https://beautyconpop.com/
Art of the Jewel: Crevoshay Collection (now~5/12)
洛城的自然歷史博物館開始有長達半年的新展出囉!這是由號稱為「色彩女王 (Queen of Color)」Paula Crevoshay大師的傑作,讓民眾可以看到從平凡無奇的石頭變成奢華的寶石的過程。 這次將展出超過50件奢華的珠寶 ,包括耳環、手鐲、胸針等,包括從加州碧璽(California tourmaline)、蒙大拿藍寶石、月長石、珍珠和黑鑽等製成。而也因為Crevoshay對藝術、科學和自然世界的熱愛,珠寶採用植物、動物和昆蟲的形式,包括蘭花、蝴蝶、蜘蛛等。有興趣的民眾不妨帶著孩子們,一起去探索礦物的美妙、了解寶石的特徵,以及如何將它們轉化為優雅珠寶的藝術喔!
時間: now to May 12 Sun;9:30 am to 5:00 pm
地點: 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007
網站: https://nhm.org/site/explore-exhibits/special-exhibits/crevosha
週末去哪FUN?帶你漫遊Orange County & LA(1/25-1/27) 時間過的好快,感覺好像才更慶祝2019年沒多久、沒想到一眨眼一月份就已經接近尾聲了。本週末洛杉磯和橙縣的活動相當熱鬧,特別是因為農曆年快到了,許多慶典熱鬧舉辦,喜歡吃吃喝喝的朋友們別錯過世界日報年節大展、迪士尼的中國農曆年慶祝活動,喜歡運動的朋友們可以去格里斐斯公園參加路跑、文青朋友們可以去看看一年一度的洛杉磯特展、想要溜小孩的朋友們搭乘賞鯨船兼上畫畫課......,總之,選個感興趣的活動參加,可別浪費了這週末爽朗舒服的好天氣喔!
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