#Beast scenarios
suiana · 3 months
imagine yandere beauty and the beast but you're the beast and the yandere is the beauty.
you're just trying to be isolated from the rest of the world, having first hand experienced how humans can be to species that aren't human. it hurts whenever they scream at your appearance, run away in fear as they pray for your death. it really did. especially when you were once human too.
so when a random pretty boy appeared on the doorstep of your manor, you instantly tried to chase him away. you didn't want to hear him screaming, nor did you want him to try killing you simply because you had the form of a beast. you had one too many experiences already.
what you didn't expect was for him to fall at your feet, begging for your hand in marriage. you were appalled, staring down at his smaller figure as he whines and begs for you to accept him as your husband.
there was no way, you thought.
how could he ever fall for someone like you? you were a monster who dwelled in your manor all alone for so many years!
you never expected him to cling to you incessantly. to do everything in his power to stay by your side, even if it meant being overwhelming with his declarations of love. he wanted you, all of you, even if you looked different from him. he didn't care, he really could care less.
and you couldn't do anything to stop him.
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stuffeddeer · 4 months
okay but..... pathetic yearning beast!stalkerzai... he's so quiet abt his obsession with u making up any excuse to have u around for subordinate purposes and when ur not around him he makes sure he can still keep tabs on u AHHH hes so sad and so smitten
"pathetic" i dont need to hear any more. im on board.
The continuous knocking on your apartment door leaves you anxious, quickly pulling on a comfy sweatshirt before answering the door. A breeze flies into the room, causing you to shiver, before you make eye contact with,
"Why aren't you at work today?" Dazai crosses his arms, an angry expression on his face. Though, the pout he wears causes it to be less intimidating than he'd normally be.
You glance into your apartment briefly, still feeling chilly while exposed to the outside air. "Um... I don't work?"
"You always work."
"Right. Which is why I have today off." Awkwardly, you itch your arm. "Am I… needed, Boss?"
Dazai sighs before walking into your apartment (with no invitation) and closes your own door behind him. "You're freezing."
"I'm slightly chilled," you shrug, brushing off the notion. Any other subordinate wouldn't dare correct the boss of the Port Mafia, but he'd always been more lenient with you - supposedly because you ‘aren’t as dumb’ as the rest. "But that's what the hoodie is for."
Without another word, Dazai plops down onto your couch, making a show of looking around your apartment. It’s tiny - the whole thing barely the size of his office at HQ — and Dazai wonders if you’d rather move in with him. For more space, of course. And he guesses you’d be saving on rent that way, too.
“How do you know where I live?” You ask curiously. Sure, it’s probably somewhere in your files, but your boss never seemed like the type to care.
Shrugging, he murmurs, “It’s my job.”
You want to make this visit quick, but kicking out your boss didn’t seem like a smart idea. “Are you thirsty? Would you like a cup of tea?..”
Yes, Dazai wants to try your tea. Just because you’re his subordinate, and he needs to make sure it’s up to par. What if he needs you to serve tea to some associates in the future? “I’d love one.”
Biting back a sigh, you fill your kettle before placing it on the stove, watching as your old gas stove flickers on. Silence hangs between you two - you had no intention of carrying the conversation when he just barged in uninvited.
Dazai seems to have a similar idea, sitting laxly on your couch and waiting for his tea. You pour one cup, uninterested in making one yourself, before placing it on the coffee table in front of him. “Sugar? Milk?”
“This is fine, thanks.” He takes a sip. Heavenly, he’s sure. Well, all tea tastes the same, but something about it coming from your hands… delectable. It’s as though he can taste the love you must pour into every cup.
Mouth shut, you take a seat on the chair across from him. “May I ask, sir, why are you here? Am I needed?” The question is posed once again as you hope for a quick resolution. Kicking out your boss is wrong, but hopefully he’ll read between the lines and show himself out - the same way he showed himself in.
A long sip of tea permeates the otherwise silent room. He’s doing this on purpose, you’re sure of it.
“…I was worried,” he mumbles into the mug, sound muffled and quiet.
“You should be,” he replies, uninterested in repeating himself. “I needed you today, only to find out you vanished into thin air.”
“I didn’t run, if that’s what you’re implying,” your eyes narrow. You would not be mistaken for a traitor.
“No, no,” he grins. You were at your most entertaining when you became combative. Dazai much prefers you like this rather than subservient. “You took today off.”
Correcting the boss of the Port Mafia was risky, but, “You gave me today off. A month ago, after that mission, you told me to pick a day to relax.”
That’s… true. It was a strenuous mission, and while Dazai made sure to keep you out of the fray, he thought a gift like that would make you feel touched and indebted to him. Annoyingly, he’d nearly forgotten, since Dazai had planned on reneging at the last minute to trap you with him. For your work ethtic, of course.
A pout graces his lips, unhappy at your disappearance from his side. And that he had no rebuttal to it. “Well, I still need you. I made dinner reservations for two accidentally, and the restaurant is rather strict. You need to come with. The meal will be comped, of course."
“Sir, I don’t— “
“Don’t want your job?” His eyes narrow, pout vanishing immediately. You had to go along with it. “I’m sure you don’t mean that, over something as silly as a nice dinner.”
“...Of course, sir.” You tug on the strings of your hoodie, wanting to emphasize that you aren't exactly dressed for something 'nice.' "What time am I expected?"
Dazai has to stop himself from swooning. How adorable. Well, it’s not you that’s adorable, of course. It’s the juxtaposition of such n oversized hoodie on you that he finds adorable, not you yourself. Definitely. “We can leave now, actually. Get changed, please. I wouldn't say there's a dress code, but it's not a 'hoodie' establishment."
Rather than lashing out at him for the snide comment, you choose to bite your tongue and head into your bedroom.
Exhausted was too light a word to describe how you felt. Donned in a 'nice' outfit that was rather uncomfortable, you stood outside in the cold air and harsh breeze as Dazai suggested to the host to let him in. This bastard didn't have reservations for one, much less two.
After the manager is called over and recognizes Dazai, you're quickly ushered in beside him. Dazai pulls out a seat at a secluded table in the back, gesturing for you to sit. "Come."
Without a second thought, you sit in the very seat he'd pulled out, stifling a yawn as he pushes you in. You’re Dazai's best employee - he must keep you close at all times. Which is why he takes advantage of your position as his subordinate to orders you waste your day off in a fancy restaurant across from him. If you want time off of work, you’ll have to spend it with him - just so he can keep an eye on you, of course.
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Imagine Kaido sees potential in you and drafting you into his crew
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You and your comrades: [defending your home by successfully holding off the Tobiroppo]
Kaido: hmm [evaluating your fighting techniques from a distance]
King: They're taking too long to get this over with. [Draws his sword and advances on your homes]
You: [watches King taking down your friends one by one using his fire, ] I need to do something, [looks around to see only a small fishpond in a neighbor's yard]
King: [sends a blast of flames in the direction of someone's home, only to stumble back in surprise when you leap through his flames, landing on his chest, with your weapons poised to gouge out his eyes.]
Kaido: King, stop, I want that one alive.
King: [grabs you, and holds you at arm's length, stunned you're alive,] Why the hell would you want this one alive!?
Kaido: Think about it. How many people can you say, with certainty, have been brave enough to charge your fire attacks, let alone come out unscathed?
King: [eyes you with irritation] Not a single person.
You: Fuck both of you, put me down! [narrowly miss clipping King's mask with your weapon]
Kaido: I think we've found the most valuable thing in this village, there is no need to waste any more time here.
King: [huffs in frustration before turning to the crew] Alright, it's time to pull back, Kaido has what he's looking for.
Sasaki: Ehh! But there is still so much we could take! We found a whole cellar of booze.
Kaido: [looks at you out of the corner of his eye before making up his mind] Leave it.
Black Maria: This isn't like you at all, leaving booze behind, I hope you'll share with me what's happening.
Kaido: What's going on is I want this one to join our crew [tossing his thumb over his shoulder, in your direction]
You and the Beast Pirate crew: WHAT!
You: Why would I join your crew?
Kaido: Not would, will. You will join my crew. Also, if you do, I will not only leave your village alone, it will fall under my protection, and I won't tax them.
King: You're not gonna even tax them a little bit?
Kaido: Not if they accept my deal.
You: [grits your teeth] Fine.
Kaido: Okay then, let's move out.
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On Kaido's Ship
King: how did you make it through my fire?
You: I used Leidenfrosts effect in a two-part defense. I grabbed a quilt my neighbor had hanging out to dry on their laundry line, then dowsed it and myself in a nearby fishpond. I climbed up on the roof and used the quilt to make it through the brunt of your attack, to jump off the roof. When the water evaporated, I then tossed the quilt to the side and attacked you.
King: Leidenfrost effect?
You: When your fire hit me, it rapidly evaporated the water, creating a protective layer of steam around me. I wasn't sure it'd even work, I figured, fuck it, it was worth a shot. [shrugs]
Kaido: [cackles] I knew there was more to you than meets the eye.
King: so you damn near beheaded me with science?... I think I'm starting to see what Kaido sees in you.
You: please don't
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fanon-canon-idfk · 2 months
Beast Dazai Who is Aware of the “Man Behind the Smile” Universe
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Mafia boss Dazai waking up in a room he doesn’t recognize
He wakes up in these average, mundane sheets. Nothing like the rich silk draped over his own mattress.
He sits up, head pounding, still in his clothing from the night prior. Minus his coat; draped over the chair in the corner of the room.
Speaking of the room, it most certainly wasn’t his.
His thoughts were racing by now. Was he kidnapped? By whom? When? Where was his gun? How would he get out?
He quietly got up from the bed, quickly moving to his jacket. He slid his hand into the pocket, eye still on the door.
In his hand he felt the familiar metal of his gun, relief rushing over him- but not before being drowned out by more confusion.
Why would his captor leave him his gun? By the weight of it alone he knew the chamber was still full. Where was this captor? Why would they put him in their bed?
Just then, Dazai could hear footsteps growing closer. He pulled his gun out of his jacket pocket, aiming it to the door as he held it strongly in both hands.
The door began to gently creak open, the light from the hall bleeding in.
Once the door was fully open and a silhouette was clear, Dazai made a warning shot right next to his captor’s head.
“Hands up. Where I can see them.” He ordered, glaring daggers into the silhouette in the doorframe.
“I’ll need to put this down first.” The silhouette spoke, gesturing to a tray they held in their hands.
Dazai looked down as the tray came into vision. Food. A wholesome breakfast only seen in movies.
Dazai’s brows furrowed. He was even more confused now.
The silhouette then stepped into the room, revealing it to be a familiar face.
You were just another subordinate. A body guard of his in fact. What the hell was he doing in your bed?
He didn’t put down his weapon, not yet at least. He needed to know your intentions first. He was the leader of the Port Mafia after all, many wanted him dead.
“You must not remember last night.” You started, setting the tray of food down on the bed. You held both your hands up peacefully as you approached him.
“Clearly not.” He chuckled, a fake smirk on his face.
“I accompanied you to that bar you like. The small one.” You began explaining, doing your best not to talking with your hands.
“You seemed troubled. You drank nearly a whole bottle before the bartender cut you off.” You softly chuckled at the memory.
“I attempted to drive you home, but frankly I don’t know your address. You wouldn’t tell me so..” I gestured to the whole bedroom. “Here we are.”
The room was quiet for a moment, he was clearly thinking whether or not he should believe you.
“Don’t worry, you had the bed to yourself. I was on my couch.” I finished, leaving him to process my words.
After a few moments, he finally lowered his gun, mindlessly tossing it onto the chair with his coat.
He rummaged through the pockets of his coat again, pulling out his phone. “There.” He said as your own phone buzzed in your pocket.
A text showed on your screen, an address sent by the man in front of you.
“You can drive me home now.” He stated as he slipped his coat on, preparing to leave.
He walked past you, stealing a piece of toast from the plate you made him as he walked out of the room.
You sighed, following after him.
The story you told was technically correct.
Well, if you’re not counting the details that were left out..
Here’s how it really went:
You accompanied your boss to what he labeled as his “favorite bar.”
The night was quiet, he didn’t care much to speak with you as he drank. He only slipped a few words to the bartender, clearly more familiar with the man.
He didn’t utter a word to you until he was fairly drunk, telling you to sitting down. You followed suit.
He spent the night drunkenly chuckling as he told stories to nobody in particular, yourself simply listening.
The more drinks he had the more he slumped over. He was still clearly guarded, no matter how drunk. But he was noticeably leaning on you.
As the night got darker, more and more people left, leaving you and your boss to be the only customers.
He kept drinking until he was cut off, uncharacteristically pouty once he was.
His head was pressed against your chest, yourself sitting stiffly, unsure of how to handle your boss’s behavior.
He began murmuring insane things and a name you couldn’t quite make out. He kept speaking of different worlds?
Your boss was surely strange but you’d never heard a man talk about different universes and worlds when drunk.
He was also oddly clinging onto you. Your boss was never someone to be vulnerable with anyone especially not a mere employee like you. So why was he acting like you were close.
He began muttering things about you in another world. He talked like you were his friend- no, more than that- he talked like you were more than friends. He held onto you that way too.
You decided enough was enough, thanked the bartender for serving your boss, and started guiding Dazai out of the building.
You kept trying to ask him where he lived- since no average employees have it -but he refused. He kept telling you to “take him to your place” and “take care of him.” The man kept telling you to get him water and even bathe him!
What had gotten into your boss’s head?
But unfortunately since you didn’t have his address, you did have to bring him to your home.
You walked him to your bedroom (him trying to drag you to take care of him with what little strength he has left) and finally got him to lay down (after getting him his demanded glass of water) which led to where you were in present time.
As you closed the car door behind your now cold and quiet boss you knew your decision was best. You were right to keep that night’s happenings to yourself.
As you drive your boss home you wonder to yourself:
What got into him last night?
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Hellu here with the idea of creator!melusine able to work with the hydro element and childe/foul legacy (and neuvi) showing them all the neat tricks?
*eats your idea in one bite* mmmm delicious and tasty :)
perhaps you're not even given a Hydro Vision- instead you have innate control over the waters of the Primordial Sea. in a way it makes sense, the waters being the oldest and most connected to the Creator, but you're still understandably a little spooked when parts of Fontaine's ocean begins bending to your will. Foul Legacy is absolutely ecstatic, however, chittering happily and gently cupping your mittens in his claws. your siblings curiously peek over your shoulders, oohing and aahing as they watch sparkling water form tiny shapes in your hands before dissolving again- you're just like their sister Sigewinne! except, you don't have a Hydro Vision, but you can control the water all the same!
Legacy admittedly wants to teach you how to fight as soon as he can, but Neuvillette lightly flicks him on the forehead with a frown, met with reluctant grumbles. they can both teach you, but first and foremost Neuvillette wants you to know basic control. he makes sure you never get overwhelmed, helping you learn and tempering the waves with his own power as the Hydro Sovereign if anything begins to get out of hand. when he's not here, Foul Legacy secretly teaches you how to make more complex shapes with the droplets, starting from a perfect sphere and moving your way up to eventual weapons- he WILL teach you how to fight with Hydro eventually, it's best to get an early start! although, his favorite thing to do is helping you make a tiny narwhal out of water, the miniature beast swimming around your antennae and Legacy's horns as he trills in delight
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
chimera loop.. saw ur chimera sif itwas epic
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DAY 88: (Well, uh, you found something alright.)
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
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The way in which these two would love you would be so different and yet so similar. It's like a coin, different sides but at the end of the day it's all the same.
Atsushi is sweet, kind, attentive. He stalks behind you like a little puppy, constantly waiting on you and craving for your approval. He holds the door open for you, pays for your meals - despite him being very much broke - carries your groceries and even walks you home! He's such a good friend, isn't he? Lord forbid you actually work in the same building as him because that would be a mess. The first few floors don't even belong to the agency so it's become a daily occurrence for Kunikida to drop by and drag the young man back upstairs by the ear, a string of apologies coming from both of them.
Atsushi is smothering to the point of being a nuisance. But he makes it impossible to tell him off because he's just that pathetic. You're terrified of breaking his heart and deep down you know he's a good person. His insecurities just eat him up so much, it's almost impossible to stay in his company. The constant whines of "I'm so pathetic and useless" are like nails on a chalkboard. All you want to do is rip his tongue out.
That is a sentiment which Akutagawa shares with you.
Unlike Atsushi though, he hardly ever speaks to you. If he even manages to let out a grunt that's considered a good day. Because he does lead a somewhat private civil life, you could have met him when you were out in the town. His sister likes you, it was so good to see her act like a normal girl for once. He keeps you around for her sake even if he personally finds you beyond grating.
Why are you so nice to him? Stop trying to butter him up, he's this close to shredding you up. He daydreams about the ways he could kill you but the thought is banished the moment he sees you smiling.
Not even a thousand suns could compare with the sheer radiance he was hit with.
All you did was give him a genuine smile and he was head over heels. He just didn't know it or refused to admit it.
Akutagawa is uncomfortable with the fact of just how similar he becomes to Atsushi as time passes. Much like the weretiger he starts to tail you, becoming your second shadow. Unlike the in your face Atsushi, Akutagawa watches closely from the darkness, doing all the little things you can't or are too tired to do. He even breaks into your apartment sometimes, cleaning it from top to bottom.
In his eyes he is doing you a favor while not realizing that you are absolutely mortified.
In their own special way, they love you. Being kind to them is a double edged sword. Give them a finger and they'll take an arm. That is just the way they are.
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🔪 TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @misdollface, @sxy0ung, @rosemary108233, @c4xcocoa, @gettinshiggywithit, @ophticcus, @lakxcpsta, @ranposgirlboss, @robinaxolotl, @acornwinter, @enomane, @ishqani, @hannzai, @bluepeanutharmony, @ficsreblogs, @kaithegremlin
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writingsbymo-mo · 10 months
Random thoughts........buuuuut.....
Don't Wake the Beast
What if Rindou was hosting a party and you got dared to wake Ran up?
When someone dared you to wake Ran up, Rindou gave you a worried look. He didn't want to relive the last party he held. You weren't ready for another penalty shot just yet, and honestly, you've wanted to see what would happen if you woke up the beast in the other room.
You tiptoed over to Ran's bedroom, closing the door behind you, not even uttering a sound. Quietly, you snuck over to his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful. The way his lashes contrasted against his skin in the moonlight, the way his soft snores filled the silent space, the way you couldn't help but notice his plush lips with every breath. You leaned closer to him, almost a mere inch from his face when you paused. "I...shouldn't do this...maybe another way," you mouthed a whisper.
As soon as you were about to move away, a set of hands caressed your cheeks and pulled you against his warm, soft lips, devouring you with the hunger of a starving man. You squeaked and moaned into him, pulling him closer to you by the collar of his shirt as you fought for dominance. You melted into his touches, shifting onto his bed to sit in his lap, grinding into him. Ran slid his hands along your sides, gasping when you hit the right spot. A string of saliva connecting your lips as it snapped when you moved your head, gazing at the man you woke up with half lidded eyes.
"Hah, did the prince come give the princess a kiss?" He purred, sneaking some kisses along your jaw.
"More like the dragon stole it...you were already awake, weren't you?"
He chuckled into your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "You know Rin's parties are never quiet..."
"Just know if it weren't for you coming when you did, their sorry asses wouldn't dare step foot in here."
You laughed, "looks like I saved this party."
He rolls you onto your back, chuckling as you squeak in surprise. "Oh, but our night is just getting started, love."
"Should we go check on them?"
Rindou shook his head. "I wouldn't if I were you. With how long it's been...they'll be in there for the rest of the night..."
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canisalbus · 5 months
When I think of feral Machete I've always pictured the sound of tapping/scraping nails slipping around on hardwood bc of his paw pad fluff, peppered with the occasional nervous sneeze pointed directly at the ground between his front paws. The type of no-traction dog to slide into the screen door before frantic TAP TAP TAP TAP SNNZZT (perhaps even a short wet Smeagol cough depending on how loud he bonked the door) TAP SNNZT TAP TAP THUMP TAP TAP back to his dog bed to tremble for 30 - 45 minutes
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How I think Miroah would start dating
Mirage: Makes extremely gay joke
Noah: Dude are you gay?
Mirage: ....
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hello! How are you? Was wondering if I could request some fluffy hcs for Kaido and King (separately) with their gn s/o giving them a massage plz?? You're so awesome! Keep up the good work! xx
✩༄  headcanons ,  giving them a massage !
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☆ — characters! . . . kaido. king.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . n/a. gn!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . them <33 it’s been awhile since i got to write about king, so i was so excited to write these. thank you so much for requesting !! <33333
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kaido loves massages, only yours. there’s no one else who works out the knots in his neck and pain in his lower back quite like you do
it’s how he met you in the first place. your hands are like magic on top of his rough skin, he had to keep you all for himself
so when he returns to your shared room, complaining about his aching back, you know exactly what to do to make your hunk of a man feel at ease
kaido loves the ambience of it all. the dim lighting, the candles, the drinks, the warm towels that you somehow have on standby
other than when he’s partying, this is when he’s the most talkative
he becomes extra flirty. just when you thought you heard every line in the book, he somehow always manages to surprise you
it reminds you of before you began dating, how often he flirted with you. it was so nice to know that no matter how long has passed he was still so in love with you and only you
when your hands get close enough, he’ll take one of them into his own and bring it up to his lips to kiss over your knuckles
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getting king to even agree to let you give him a massage is a process. you’ll have to wear him down to get him to say yes
when he lays on his stomach on your shared bed and tells you he’s never had a massage before…you've got your work cut out for you
when you touch his bare shoulders and back, you immediately feel how TENSE his muscles are
no wonder he’s so irritable all the time. there’s no way he’s comfortable walking around like that
it warms your heart seeing that he fully trusts you, relaxing underneath your fingertips coated in massage oil that you gently spread all over his skin
he’s done such a long way since you first met him
as you actually start to massage his back and work out on those awful knots in his neck and shoulders, you swear you can hear him hum in delight
never have you seen your stern boyfriend look so peaceful. he didn’t even have a snarky comment to make on you giggling at his comfortable state
before you could call his name gently, you heard a light snore. he fell asleep
maybe he did deserve a little nap
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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stuffeddeer · 2 months
Hello! Are requests open?
If not, ignore this ask.
I wanted to ask you a beast dazai x neglected reader. Like, a reader who has been ignored and neglected from her entire family since she grow up. She no longer gets goodbyes, she has to cook for herself, her parents don't even acknowledge her when she's sick.
She's been recently accepted as a member of the port, more specifically a secretary of the one and only Dazai Osamu in flesh and bones. Just her luck, this so "scary demon prodigy" is also the sweetest most loyal and pretty boyfriend of her.
When Dazai finds out how she gets (or rather not get) treated at home, he gets genuinely pissed off!! And wanting her to just be good, he asks her if she want to spend sometime in his penthouse, far from that family, somewhere where all the attention she needs is on her, at least there Dazai can actually show her how much she's worth all the love in the world! Come on, she gave him a reason to live, how could he even accept she is living a shitty life in such an house?
Also, PLEASE, PLEASE. An au where beast dazai doesn't kill himself. Also, I love the concept that in every universe the reader and him are soulmates. Like, it's just so perfect I'm so in love with that idea!!
ALSO AGAIN OPS, i wanted to say that I LOVE LOVE your dazai SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!! I've recently stumbled into your blog and I MUST SAY THAT THIS IS JUST.. PERFECT???? I love YOU, deer, for all your wonderful ideas, I love THE ASKS, because damn all your asks give just as wonderful ideas as the one you write out, and I love YOUR WORKS especially the y!dazai like yes???? Just yes????
(My favorite character is Chuuya, but my soft spot for Beast dazai is actually insane, you don't even imagine how much I love that man. Also, because my heart just hurt and break each time people talk about Dazai being a cheater, THANK YOU??? THE ASK, AND YOUR REPLY, THANK YOU SO MUCH??? COULDN'T LIVE WITH THE FEELING DAZAI THAT CHEATS ANYMORE! THANK YOU THANK YOU)
Woah, this got long, I swear I'm not crazy..
Can I be ⏳️ anon if no one else is??
HIII ⏳️ ANON!!! im so glad you enjoy my works and my dazai!!! (as opposed to . asagiris dazai lmaooo)
im sorry this is so late 😭 but im back on the writing grind 😼
The lights were on in your boyfriend’s penthouse, a bolt of worry shooting down your spine at the sight. With his spare key haphazardly shoved into your pocket and door left wide open, you tiptoe into what should've been his apartment, trying to find out if someone broke in.
Dazai had asked you to stop by and drop off something at his place — not exactly standard work for a secretary but you were happy to assist your boyfriend. In your arms now were the groceries a different lackey had picked up and left on your desk. Normally Dazai would take them back himself, he said, but he would need to stay at work late and finish up some things. You were to take his place and make sure the refrigerated goods didn’t go bad. That’s what he said to you, anyway, which you found a bit confounding; Couldn't he have a lackey bring it up in your stead? Sure, Dazai liked to bring his own food to his home to alleviate the threat of poison, but it wouldn't be the first time he let it happen anyway.
While you had been a bit skeptical, pushing the topic seemed unnecessary since you were more than willing to do it either way. Any time spent far from your home and your family was time you cherished, so you didn’t think twice before accepting his stupid and unusual request and taking his spare penthouse key.
But now, you were regretting it. Anyone capable of breaking into the Port Mafia boss’s penthouse was not someone to be underestimated: you were in serious trouble. Cautiously, you hold the paper bags tightly to keep the food from moving around noisily before peeking into the kitchen: the room with the lights on. What could they be doing here..?
Plating dinner, apparently.
“Love! You’ve finally arrived - good. Take a seat!”
Your boyfriend was donned in a frilly pink apron you’re sure he bought just for this occasion, since you've never seen him in it before. With an amused chuckle, you stepped back. "Let me close the door then I'll join you."
After putting away all of the groceries he'd asked you to bring home for him - and realizing he already had all of these items in his cupboards and refrigerator already - you tug on the ribbon keeping the apron fixed against his neck.
The top half falls down from his chest, curling over the second tie around his hips and dangling loosely. "Undressing me already?" Dazai hums playfully.
"You're obnoxious." Next comes the tie around his waist, the bunched up apron fabric quickly pulled against your chest. You gently push Dazai to the side as you unfold it. "C'mon, I'll take over now."
Dazai huffs childishly, pouting dramatically for the full effect. "Hey!" He reaches out, snagging the apron from you and quickly tying it back on himself. Hands securely gripping your waist, Dazai lifts you from the ground and carries you - feet hovering just over the wooden floor - to the dining room, where an empty basket sits between variously sized candles on a decorated table.
On either side of the table are empty plates and fancy napkins, ones you hadn't known Dazai even owned, with cutlery resting on top. Two glasses sit on the table, one scotch and one wine glass, both filled with their respective drinks. Dazai sets you down next to the table, feet finally touching the floor once again while his arms snake out from your waist, making sure to pat your tummy once as his hand slides around it.
"Hope you're hungry - I made your favorite. It's all plated and ready to go, I just... burnt the bread you like. That garlicky kind from that restaurant we went to a few weeks ago? I gently requested the chef to give me the recipe and she happily handed it over! Of course, it must've been my handsome good looks that finally made her acquiesce rather than the gun in my coat pocket— "
Your wonderful boyfriend continues to prattle on and yet you barely register any of it, just thinking about how he knew you liked that bread and wanted to go to extreme lengths to recreate it for you. A bit timidly, you hold his hands in yours, giving them a mild squeeze. "I can't believe you went to the trouble."
The sound of your whisper makes Dazai grin, puffing out his chest in pride. "Of course! I'd do anything for my love," he says, voice leaning more on the side of egotistical than genuine, a light joke hoping to make you laugh. Like always, he succeeds.
The kiss you press to his cheek makes his smile turn more sincere, a hand moving to flatten the frilly pink fabric around his waist. "Guess you read my apron."
You look down, noticing the tacky KISS THE CHEF embroidered onto the front. A playful scoff passes your lips, rolling your eyes while trying to bite back a smile. "You're annoying. How long have you had this?"
"Umm~," he hums for a moment. "7 hours? And I thought you said I was obnoxious." A high pitched ding! sounds from the kitchen, Dazai quickly rushing back and leaving you alone. You gaze back at the dinner table he set up, smiling excitedly at the thought of him putting all this together just for you.
Spending time with Dazai always lifts a weight off of your shoulders, laughing at his dumb jokes and complaining about your day - it’s a wonderful feeling the both of you lacked prior. Him from his upbringing in the mafia, following in Mori’s footsteps and cursed to take his position, and you - not allowed to rely on anyone except yourself from the moment you could walk. Both you and Dazai were accustomed to loneliness and isolation, knowing the only people you could trust were yourselves.
Coming together after forced alienation all your life made you bit hesitant to depend on him, especially at first. Asking for attention and affection is much scarier than just wanting it. However, Dazai had seemed to warm up to the idea relatively quickly, as though he already knew you could be trusted and had already been used to your presence.
It was a bit jarring, knowing the scary mafia boss was so enamored with you he'd practically jump onto you if you got too close. All things considered, he should've been as cautious as you were, but Dazai so easily slid into his role as your partner. Sometimes you feel bad knowing that you haven't been as forthcoming as he has.
"Stay with me tonight."
The sudden turn in conversation makes you freeze, hand pausing with your glass of wine lingering just in front of your lips. Conversation had been flowing easily just moments prior — chatting about each other's day and various similar small talk, before turning to the dinner at hand. You'd thanked Dazai for the meal before asking him why he decided to do this for you so randomly. Instead of answering, he'd simply replied with the above: stay with me tonight.
"Stay here? Overnight? It's a bit last minute..."
Dazai smiles as you set your wine glass down, staring at him as though expecting an elaboration. Which, of course, he's willing to supply. "And tomorrow night, if you'd like. The one after and every night after that."
Is he asking me to move in? you think, breath hitching. It's all so sudden; you'd never even discussed this possibility with him. Sure, you've spent a night or two over here and there - but very sporadically. It wasn't something often and definitely not frequent enough to lead into moving in so soon.
"Stop overthinking," he cuts into your thoughts. "Take what I'm saying at face value." Gently, Dazai's hand reaches out to grab yours, arm resting on the table as his thumb traces your knuckles. "Stay with me tonight. And we can reassess tomorrow."
Of course he knows how to calm you down, causing you to breathe as you focus on his thumb's ministrations on your hand. Well, it would be nice, knowing the options are to stay with your loving boyfriend or go home to your neglectful family. They wouldn't even notice you're gone, much less care where you ended up, but...
"I have pajamas and clothes for you to use, spare toothbrush and the like." Dazai had answered your question before you even asked, something that always made you smile. No one had ever taken the time to know you, much less well enough to read your mind like that. "If they're not to your liking, I'll have a subordinate get you something else."
You shake your head, wanting nothing more than to spend a night away from your home once again. Or away from your house, rather - since Dazai has quickly proven himself to be your home. "I bet they're perfect. And if not, I— " you hesitate, not wanting to impose. The last thing you wanted was to be—
"You aren't a burden. If not, we can just get something else," Dazai cuts off your train of thought. "I want to, okay? I want to take care of you. I want you to know what it's like to be looked after and taken care of."
"I was going to say if not, maybe I can move some of my clothes here... for the times I stay over." Anxiously, you pick up your fork to poke and prod at your meal, the lovely dinner Dazai had crafted just for you consisting of only your favorite foods.
Dazai nods quickly, eyes glimmering at the idea. He knows this is your metaphorical olive branch, letting him know that you're working up to one day moving in with him. All he wants and all he's ever wanted for as long as he's known you, spanning across multiple lives, is to keep you safe and happy.
The topic changes as dinner continues, and before you know it you're donned in the most expensive pajamas curled up against Dazai fast asleep. Watching you snore beside him, all he can think about is making sure you're surrounded solely by people who cherish you.
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Imagine becoming the beast pirate's espionage chief
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Kaido: I know you don't trust him, but I can't and won't act against him while he's still useful to me.
You: I'm glad you said that, I've used most of my free time in the last month to gather proof. [hands Kaido an appropriate-sized folder] I found that Mister Bennington of Foodvalten did not exist until six years ago.
Kaido: [pulls out a pair of delicate reading glasses, puts them on, and thumbs through the folder]
You: His real name is Frank Jenkins, and he's sixty-eight. He was born in the Appaloosa archipelago, where he started his life of crime at six, swindling tourists. By age fourteen, he moved on to robbery, arson, and petty theft. However, by age twenty, Frank found his lifelong modiis operandi, scam, fraud, and grand theft. Frank posed as a rich entrepreneur and stole large amounts of money from a mining operation before disappearing. He did similar scams on Alabasta, Cactus Island, Jaya, Water 7, and Applenine Island.
Kaido: [closes the folder and hands it off to King] ... you are quite thorough, you even included Marine and local police reports from over forty years ago. How did you get a hold of these without leaving the island?
You: CP-0 and Dofflamingo
Kaido: I figured, but how did you get them to give these to you?
You: I called in favors with Dofflamingo, and performed a few sexual favors with CP-0.
King: Is that why I walked in on you jerking off one of those masked freaks?
You: yeah, and you calling them masked freaks is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Also, you don't have any room to judge me, Maria has told me all about your little trysts with her.
King: She's too much of a gossip, as are you, and I don't care about gossip.
You: so you don't want to know which of the tobiroppo brought pubic lice into the crew, and where they got it?
Kaido: Tell me who is the culprit, right this minute.
You: hmm, I dunno, what's in it for me?
Kaido: I won't kill you where you stand.
You: That threat only works on people who like living.
King: How about a promotion to espionage chief, your own quarters and bathroom here and on any of the ships, and a raise?
You: deal, it was Who's-Who, he got it fucking one of Big Mom's kids.
Kaido: I'll kill him! Those little bastards have been gnawing on my balls for weeks. [vigorously scratches his crotch]
You: And that's why I don't fuck my crewmates unless I benefit from it because y'all are nasty.
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kagoutiss · 1 year
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divine intoxication
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
Imagine operating a monster man ranch where you milk monster men for their semen to sell it and eventually they all come together and decide they no longer can tolerate you leaving the farm because they cannot watch over you when you go to market so they all agree to keep you home permanently while they run the business side of things.
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unforgivenn · 5 months
CW: abduction, captivity, slight whump, coercion, power dynamics, pet whump, drugging, defiant whumpee, swearing, dominant whumper, slavery
Noah woke to the jolt of the wagon hitting a rut in the road. Darkness surrounded him and he could only think he was blindfolded. The cloying scent of sweat and fear clinging to the air like a suffocating shroud. Disorient and groggy, he blinked away the remnants of his sleep, his senses gradually coming alive to the harsh reality. He suddenly sat up frantically shaking his head as if the tightened blindfold would somehow magically fall off.
"H-Hey!! Let me out of here!!" His body ached from the unforgiving jostle of the wagon, every bone protesting against the place he was in right now. Chains rattled with each bone-jarring bump in the road, a chilling reminder of the shackles that bound his wrists and ankles, tethering him to a fate he dared not contemplate.
"Where are you taking me?!!" Noah's screams only grew louder when no response was given. His heart beating so fast as if it would jump out of his chest. "ANSWER ME! SOMEONE!" He quietened when he heard a "tch" near him.
A deep, South American accent cut through the darkness like a blade, sending a shiver down Noah's spine. "Didn't expect him to wake up this early. And he's awfully loud," the voice mused, its casual cruelty sending a chill through the air.
Noah's heart pounded in his chest as he felt a rough hand grab his arm, the sting of a needle piercing his skin sending shockwaves of numbness coursing through his veins. Just then he heard whines around him. There were people. More people like him. Gradually, the numbness from the injection site started to spread.
Noah tried his best to speak something. Something that could catch the attention of other people there. He felt confused.
Who were these people? And where the hell were they taking him?
Abruptly, the cart lurched to a halt, the sudden cessation of movement sending Noah sprawling against the unforgiving floor. He woke with a small cry of pain, his heart hammering in his chest as he listened, breath held in fearful anticipation.
Footsteps approached, heavy and purposeful, accompanied by the jingle of chains and the murmured voices of unseen captors. Noah's pulse quickened, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach like icy tendrils of dread.
Two muscular arms went under each of Noah's underarms holding him up.
"Where are you taking me?!" he cried out, his voice raw with fear, but his captors remained silent, their faces hidden in the shadows.
One of the guys patted Noah's head leaving him more enraged.
All of a sudden, he was thrown to the ground before he was being manhandled to be in a kneeling position with multiple chains on his neck, ankles and wrists holding him in place allowing his captors to have full control over him.
As the blindfold was ripped away, Noah blinked against the harsh light, his eyes adjusting to the sight of his surroundings. It seemed like some sort of a court room? His mind was still clouded up from the drug that was given to him.
"W-What the fu-" A harsh slap shut him up.
"Shush. The young prince will be here any second" Prince? What the fuck was happening?? He wanted to question more but knew better than that. It felt like a scene right out of Hollywood.
Suddenly, he saw the men around him which he thought were most probably the guards bowed down to a young man. Noah raised his head up as to see who it was before a rough hand in his hair forced his head back down only allowing him to see the man's piercing green eyes. The man whom they called the "young prince" stayed quiet. The tension in the room visibly increased before a deep voice spoke.
"Leave us." The guards were quick to retreat from their position and going out of the court room. Noah was about to get up from his kneeling position before flinching at the harsh voice. "Stay still slave!"
"Slave?!" Noah's voice wavered with disbelief, but the harsh slap that followed left him reeling, his cheek stinging with the sting of humiliation. He heard the man tutting.
"Oh dear" He sighed. "It's going to take a lot of time to break that swearing and defiance from you.. But.."
The man grinned, the smile no other than a vicious beast's. He leaned closer, his teeth barely just grazing the other's ears before he whispered. "Oh how I'll enjoy seeing you squirm and beg me to spare you" Noah's body practically froze, terror filling his eyes.
Desperation clawed at Noah's chest as he dared to question his captor's authority. "W-Who are you...?"
But the prince's response sent a chill through his bones—a predatory grin twisting his lips as he whispered promises of torment and submission.
"I'm Andrey. Son of Viktor Kozlov," the prince declared, his name a whispered curse that echoed in Noah's ears. "You will address me as 'sir'."
Noah's blood ran cold as the weight of his situation settled upon him. This was no mere kidnapping—it was a descent into a nightmare from which there would be no waking.
As the reality of his situation sank in, Noah's world spun on its axis, his mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears. With each passing moment, the weight of his captivity grew heavier, a suffocating shadow looming over him, threatening to consume him whole.
Noah only knew this was going to be one hellish of a ride. And only god knew when it was going to end.
Taglist: @anutz1234 @ash-reh @miireux134 (Let me know if you want to be added <3)
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