#Beast of Talwar
normalmonsterfight · 1 year
could you add Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon? i don't know if it counts for the ace monster clause or not since it's an odd-eyes dragon and all.
other than that, i'd like to see Queen's Knight, Serpent Night Dragon, or Beast of Talwar
and twin long rods #2 of course
Anime archetypes are fine as long as its not the ace itself; I don't believe Yuya ever played that particular card in the anime so it's clear for the ace monster clause. All added!
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ADBK: Beast of Talwar
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Epithet: The Champion of the Talwar
Voice Actor: Clancy Brown
Tribe: The Undead Oligarchy
Biography: The Talwar is a type of Japanese blade, and only a select few monsters can use one effectively. One such creature is Dominic the Brave, otherwise known as the Beast of Talwar. Trainer of the notorious general Garma Sword, Beast of Talwar is considered one of Zorc's best bladesmen due to his graceful and direct attacks on enemies.
However, much like the Arthropod Empire's own Kwagar Hercules, Beast of Talwar is an honorable sort, refusing to fight an unarmed opponent. Because of this, he's usually tasked to challenge the Arcane Knights in the hopes of killing them and weakening the Kindred's hold of their own land. Recently, after fighting with both Flame Swordsman and Celtic Guardian, he's begun to question his true morality, as he only really fought for his Tribe without much regard for whoever was in charge…
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hornetstabber · 2 years
gaia the fierce knight, beast of talwar, fissure, wingweaver, shift
thank you so much
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So I’ll be continuing on posting each Alignment from Sacred Cards. Some of these are large, some of these are small, but this is purely for completion, since Konami might retread these in some new manner in future. Here’s the Fiend (Demon Magic) alignment:
Fiend Beast-Warrior:
Hitotsu-Me Giant
Battle Steer
One Who Hunts Souls
Ogre of the Black Shadow
Vorse Raider
Fiend Fiend:
Feral Imp
Summoned Skull
Horn Imp
Reaper of the Cards
King of Yamimakai
Metal Guardian
Trial of Nightmare
Mystery Hand
Tainted Wisdom
Terra the Terrible
Midnight Fiend
Madjinn Gunn
The DrDek
Meda Bat
Embyronic Beast
Gorgon Egg
Ryu-Kishin Powered
Soul Hunter
Air Eater
Needle Ball
Dragon Seeker
The Bistro Butcher
Neck Hunter
Hiro’s Shadow Scout
Whiptail Crow
Toon Summoned Skull
Three-Headed Geedo
Bite Shoes
Beast of Talwar
Spear Cretin
The Masked Beast
Melchid the Four-Face Beast
Fiend Zombie:
Shadow Specter
Skull Servant
Zombie Warrior
The Snake Hair
Armored Zombie
Dragon Zombie
Clown Zombie
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation
The 13th Grave
Fiend’s Hand
Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie
Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper
Mech Mole Zombie
Phantom Ghost
Dark Assailant
Three-Legged Zombies
Shadow Ghoul
Monster Eye
Magical Ghost
Corroding Shark
Bone Mouse
The Wandering Doomed
Great Mammoth of Goldfine
Ghoul with an Appetite
Fiend Dragon:
Koumori Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Black Skull Dragon
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head
Lesser Dragon
Manga Ryu-Ran
Fiend Dinosaur:
Crawling Dragon #2
Two-Mouth Darkruler
Fiend Warrior:
Fiend Sword
Skull Stalker
Stuffed Animal
Wall Shadow
The Fiend Megacyber
Gate Sword (Video game-only card)
The Last Warrior from Another Planet
Fiend Plant:
Dark Plant
Darkworld Thorns
Rose Spectre of Dunn
Fiend Machine:
Ancient Tool
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Megasonic Eye
Labyrinth Tank
Saber Slasher
Yaiba Robo
Giant Mech-Soldier
Cyber Soldier
Cyber Commander
Jinzo #7
Cannon Soldier
Brave Scizzar
Dharma Cannon
Steel Ogre Grotto #1
Patrol Robo
Disk Magician
Machine Attacker
Slot Machine
Space Megatron (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Fiend Insect:
Spiked Snail
Skull-Mark Ladybug
Fiend Aqua:
The Melting Red Shadow
Twin Long Rods #1
Fiend Beast:
Gate Deeg
Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness (listed as Air Marmot of Nefariousness)
Dark Rabbit
Obese Marmot of Nefariousness
Fiend Rock:
Pot the Trick
Fiend Magician:
Legion the Fiend Jester
Reflect Bounder
Yes, Reflect Bounder was originally Spellcaster-Type. Weird, I know.
In the modern OCG, Demon Magic, alongside Black Magic, and Illusionist Alignments, make up the modern DARK Attribute
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bodyweightworkout · 2 years
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16 Minute Strength Circuit
Circuit 1
·        Long Jump Shuffle
·        Side-Step Squat
Circuit 2
·        Jumping Jack Squat
·        Beast Crawl
Circuit 3
·        Butt Kicks
·        Pulsing Squats
Circuit 4
·        Lunge Tap Back
·        Glute Bridge Dip
45 Sec On, 15 Sec Rest per Exercise
Complete Two Round per Circuit
To start your bodyweight workout call Dhruv Talwar +91-9212950819
#workout #motivation #fitnessgoals #fitnessworkout #HomeWorkouts #FullBodyWorkouts #bodyweightworkout #BodyweightWorkout #bodyweightexercises #pushups #bodyweightfitness
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yugiohcardsdaily · 7 years
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Beast of Talwar
“Only the master of the sword among Fiend-Type monsters is permitted to hold the Talwar.
(This card is always treated as an ‘Archfiend’ card.)”
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thewittyphantom · 7 years
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Duel Links is updating to 1.5.0! There’s “new Dueling features” and stuff, plus the Yami Bakura event. Kaiba ran into three enemies at once XD
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T-Rex The Unstoppable
Hello everyone , my name is Kulseerat Kaur Talwar and I am 10 years old ,my topic for today is Dinosaurs but before I go any further let me tell you more about myself . I LOVE DINOSAURS , I am crazy about them and when I grow up I want to be a Paleontologist , that's why I am here telling you all some interesting facts about them . But let me tell you one last thing , here we don't just learn more about dinosaurs but we also get to know some mind blowing facts about the movies made up on them like Jurassic Park and more . Today we will discuss on The Tyrannosaurus ( which most people call a T-Rex ) . Did you know that a t rex has a life span of 30 years , And it's height can go up to 3.7 - 6.1 m (Isn't that amazing) Now let's talk about what this beast eats , I am sure you all know that he does not eat meals like ours but the beast is a Carnivore and does eat meat , but the meat this beast eats is very different then ours let me tell you what he eats . He eats a Triceratops , Edmontosaurus, Corythosaurus , And other T-Rex's . And now let me tell you what is special about this beast . Did you know that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the most ferocious Predators to ever walk on planet earth . It had a inourmous body , very sharp teeth , jaws so powerful that it could crush a car . Wow isn't that mind blowing , But I hope you enjoyed today's facts that's all the reaserch I have done . Next week I will bring up some more mind blowing facts about the movies . So , see you all next week Bye Thank you for reading my blog . ( And if you want to ask any question please send your questions on this e mail id- [email protected] and I will try my level best to answer it )
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Follow me on instagram by Blogsbyseerat
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and the ADVENTURE of the X'IBIAN VASE! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 20 of 21
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Daring Do
and the Adventure of the X'ibian Vase!
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover Art by
Doctor Dimension
52630 words
© 2015 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/26/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
The party began to descend the causeway, Daring Do in the lead.  She carefully sifted chalk powder on trap trigger stones in both causeway and the wall.  Tyranny, seeing that Robber had out a large knife, did not even try to touch any of them.
They reached the stone platform at the bottom of the causeway without further incident.  If you do not count the three small trickles of blood on Tyranny’s coat where Robber poked him with the knife as incidents, that is.
Unappologetic, Robber just said, ���I thought that he was starting to put a hoof where he should not.
“It looks like an easy walk to the place where we can begin uncovering the tomb door.  That makes me suspect that it is not safe at all.”
Sang He nodded agreement.  “You alone of your compatriots, Mister Robber, appear to have learned some wisdom.  You are correct.  That easy appearing patch of sand between here and the tomb of Im Farst is quite dangerous.
“Doctor Do is preparing to take to the air to scout whether the sand lions that we know are here can be coped with.”
As Daring Do was stripping away her pack, saddle bags and anything else that might slow or interfere with her flight, Tyranny snorted, “Sand lions!  Those are a myth!  They have never been documented by any reputable scientific authority.”
Sang He and the rest of her herd ignored him, while efficiently readying their rifles.  They began to aim them out over the seemingly empty sand.  Daring Do lifted off to the flutter of strong wings.
Moderately high up, she circled, scrutinizing the sand below.  She stooped into a dive, like a striking hawk!  She hit the sand, bunched and leaped high, wings driving for all that they were worth!
Only a few meters from her striking point, the sand erupted in a fury of raking claws, snapping fangs and a leaping blotched tan and white monster.  Daring Do was up, out of its reach ~ barely!
As Daring Do swept up and about, the now revealed sand lion kept pace beneath her.  Robber commented sarcastically, “That looks like a real myth to me!  At least as real as the Heart of Discord.”
Gaining on the pursuing beast, Daring Do dived again!  Her thump as she hit this time drew, not one, but three of the hidden monsters!  Soon she was leading a ravening pack away from the causeway and the expedition.
Tyranny tried to self-importantly bustle out onto the now “safe” sands.
Bullets blasted past him!  The sand lion that did not follow Daring Do was ripped by flying lead!  It emitted an unearthly roaring scream as it collapsed in a pool of its own gore.  The thirsty sand soaked up its gore as the beast died, half out of the sand that hid it from sight.
Jeremy, a smoking rifle of his own in hoof, was hugging a dromedary.  “That was wonderful shooting, Shu!  You took out its spine right through its open mouth!”
Shu was returning the hug, delighting in his praise.
Tyranny saw the hug and curled a lip.  “Can’t you stop disgusting us by your perversion?”
Soree and the entire herd all froze.  As one, they turned their backs on him.  Shocked, Tyranny saw that Robber had joined them and Ovethrow was refusing to meet his eye.
Shu, still holding Jeremy, observed, “I must offer my apologies to the dung beetles.  That unworthy creature has not earned their august company.”
Sang He, turned to Tyranny, rifle lowered to aim directly at him.  All of the others followed suit. Jeremy, standing beside Sehang Shu, had his rifle aimed too. Soree pulled her talwar and even Robber had his knife aimed at him.
Sang He demanded, “Precede us across the sands or die here and now.”
Quaking with fear, Tyranny asked, “What if there is another one like that?”
Sang He half lidded her eyes and replied, “Then we will kill it.  If it kills you first or not is of no importance at all.  GO!”
The rest followed Tyranny at a small distance as they made their way across the sands.  The passage was made without any further problem beyond maintaining footing in the slippery sands.
They were climbing onto the outcrops of sandstone that shielded the ruins of the ancient complex.  Jeremy’s rifle barked once.  The sand lion that was up in the rocks a bit above them tumbled down to flop in a blotched heap of tan and whitish fur at their hooves.
There was a flurry of wings as Daring Do landed among the party.  She paused to examine the kill at close range.  She shifted the massive head and examined the structure of the jaws and fangs.  “Soree, dear.  I need good sketches of this.  See how these fangs are set in the jaws?  See how these ears work to keep the sand out while it is below the surface?  We need this documented very carefully.”
Soree began to make many sketches of the dead beast.
Daring Do turned her attention to the stones ahead of them and smiled.  Taking Jeremy by the hoof, she pointed.  “See that, Jeremy?  It was made to look natural but it is not at all!  We are at the outskirts of the tomb complex!”
The others fell back and let their acknowledged expert check out the way ahead.  Daring Do led the way, her wings slightly raised.  A short ways into a defile, they were faced with fallen rubble partly covering an ancient lintel over what appeared to be a door.
Standing in the small defile, Daring Do took out a paper and compared the time worn characters carved on the lintel piece to what she had.  Nodding in deep thought, she began to back out with the greatest care.
Tyranny demanded, “What is the hold up?  All that we have to do is pry and dig out those fallen rocks and force the door!”
Kanya Ama put a hoof over her eyes in frustration as she suggested, “Eater of dung beetle leavings, please go and jump about on the sand.  We would like to see if those mythical sand lions have returned.”
Sehang Shu condescendingly offered, “If Doctor Do is getting away from there, one may presume an excellent reason.  This could be trapped, a false entrance, or both.  Please tell us where your brain was buried when it died.  We need a latrine.”
Robber joined in the general chuckle.  Tyranny fumed.
Daring Do, out of the slot, commented, “Note this place well, Soree.  I want your best sketches.  We will return here later.  This is where the tomb’s workforce was interred.  The stones here are not trapped.  They were merely meant to be sure that any who survived the drug could not escape.”  
Sang He and the rest of the herd bowed their heads in respect.
After the moment of silence, Sang He suggested, “So, shall we search around on this bluff to find the true Auspicious South where the entrance most likely is?”
Daring Do nodded.  “Yes, my friend.  That is what we must do.”
As the party worked their way through a maze of broken and fallen stone, it was the sharp eyes of Kanya Ama who spotted it.  “Look!  Up there! They must have had some sort of bridge that was removed after the doors were sealed.”
She was pointing up.  There was a ledge with barely visible stone works to its back.  Daring Do spread her wings and flew up near to it, verifying that it was indeed the place that they were searching for.
She landed in a jubilant mood.  “That is it!  We have the true entrance to the tomb!  Thanks, Kanya Ama!”  Daring Do hugged the big dromedary.
Using Jeremy’s grapnels and ropes, it did not take long to rig a rope ladder up to the ledge.  Tyranny watched, mouth agape, as the clumsy seeming dromedaries swarmed up the ladder without effort.  Jeremy and Soree followed, showing an agility that he had never imagined.  Robber and Overthrow worked their way up without undue problems, though they were clearly not comfortable with the task.
Tyranny began his climb.  He struggled to find his footing on the loose, dangling ropes of the ladder.  Several times he missed with a hoof and had to feel about to get secure.  Looking down, he froze.  
His terrified screams caused the others to put their heads over the ledge to watch.  Sang He observed, “It is obstructing our ladder!  Perhaps if we shake the ladder, the bug will come loose so that we can use it.”
Sehang Shu pointed out, “The splatter of its fluids could contaminate the site.  Since we are being paid a share of the value estimate, that could lower our income!”
There was a flurry of other, similar commentary, punctuated by laughter.  It was the laughter that reached Tyranny.  Gritting his teeth against his fear, he struggled and fought his way to the top.
Now he could see what the others already had.  The tomb entrance was carved with a female Draconequis as one pillar of the doorway and a dromedary was the other. The Dromedary’s  bearing was so noble that even Tyranny could feel it. Together, they upheld what could only be a representation of the sky itself.
Soree, ignoring all of the byplay, was working on careful sketches both of the whole and detail copies of various portions.
Seeing the unguarded doors of the tomb proper, Tyranny began to stride confidently forward to push them open.  The realization that ALL of the others were silently taking cover stopped him!
As he turned to say, “What are you afraid of?” a missile shot past him, just barely scratching the skin of his neck!  The missile did not clatter on the stone below.  It silently vanished when it failed of its target.  That, more than the trap itself caused Tyranny to stop in wide eyed shock.
Sehang Shu called derisively, “I told you, OUR MAGIC WORKS!  Please go toward the doors again!  We have a betting pool on how many traps you will trigger before you are killed!”
Shaken, he backed away from the deadly doors.
The others emerged from their cover.  Sehang Shu set up the portable stove and began to fix rice and dried vegetables for Jeremy, Soree and Daring Do.  She called quietly, “Mister Robber, would you care for a portion too?  You have earned my respect and may share our camp if you wish.”
Robber paused, bowed deeply and asked, “What of the rest of your herd?  What do they say?”
Sang He spoke for the rest, giving him a bow of equals, “The affront was to Sehang Shu.  If she has forgiven you so far as to share with you, then so shall we.”
Robber then returned her bow, replying, “It would be my honor to share food with you.  I have little to offer in return, only a single ration of cheese that dried out and has crumbled to small lumps.  The dried bread crusts that we had, Tyranny abandoned somewhere along the way.”
Sehang Shu invited, “Share what you may.  The cheese will rehydrate along with the rice and vegetables.  It will add an excellent flavor for my dear and his friends.”
Without further comment, Robber handed over the small packet of crumbled cheese.
Robber was surprised when Daring Do and Jeremy moved aside to make room for him.
Jeremy, studying the doors, asked Daring Do, “How many traps have you spotted so far?  I count six.”
Robber stared at the innocent seeming doors and shook his head.  “I am glad that your group is here.  Tyranny would have got us all killed before we ever got this far.  I can’t even see the one that shot the missile at Tyranny and I know that it is there.”
Sehang Shu nodded, “They are difficult to detect.  Doctor Do’s class, Temple and Tomb Guardians 406, is a great help.  We took it by Magic Net after assisting her with the Darkling’s Tomb and the area survey.  Our ancestors were very ingenious.”
Daring Do nodded acknowledgment.  “They were indeed, Sehang Shu.  Jeremy, there are in fact six.  You spotted them all. There is one for each of the cardinal points of the ancient X'ibian compass.
“At least these are not as dangerous as the ancient Rune Work of Baratted the Goat during the Nightmare Wars.  Those are deadly.”
Jeremy shuddered.  “I know.  Circle Lake and Crescent Lake in central Equestria were his work.  They are each just over thirty kilometers across.”
Sehang Shu interrupted.  Smiling, she announced, “The meal is ready!  Mister Robber, your cheese addition smells good!  Thank you!”  She began to serve out four bowls, one for each of the ponies and the horse before her.  Smiling happily, she served Jeremy his bowl first.
Daring Do smiled as she watched Jeremy get his bowl from Sehang Shu.  She and Soree were next.  Robber waited to last and took his bowl with a bow of thanks.
As Robber sat to eat, Tyranny stomped over and demanded, “You have to share that with …”  His demand was silenced by a meaty thud!  Sehang Shu pulled her leg back calmly from the hard strike that took Tyranny off his hooves and sent him tumbling to a wall.  Robber, eyes wide, bowed to her, “I thank you, Sehang Shu.  He was carrying our dried crusts and other rations.  He left them somewhere on the way.  He has no right to any of your food.  I have no right either but that of your invitation.”
Sehang Shu nodded.  “That is so, Mister Robber.  We have a saying that goes, he who casts away what he has, has no right to what others may have.”
Daring Do was looking at the whole problem of the door traps.  Suddenly she smiled.  Taking out a piece of paper, she sketched a few things and made quick notes.  Jeremy realized that her quick notes were in ancient X'ibian!
She showed her notes to Sang He.  The dromedary’s eyes flew open in surprise.  “Of course!  There are six cardinal points to the ancient compass.  They all meet at the center!”
As swiftly as their luncheon was done, Kanya Ama began to creep forward on her belly. It was amazing how close to the ground so large a being as she could get.  
Sang He and Daring Do were coaching her, “A bit to the left!  Not quite so much!  There!  Perfect!  Now raise the target!”
Kanya Ama hesitated before raising a cut out on a stick. Robber giggled.  The cut out was a quite good likeness of Tyranny’s silhouette.  It was suddenly shredded as a stabbing blade trap, a missile trap, a falling stone, a swinging weight, a slashing blade and a pit opening all triggered at once!
Kanya Ama was laying in the only spot not struck, slashed, smashed or dropped!  All of the ancient traps slammed into each other and fell into the pit.  Seconds later, the pit closed.
With a groan like the weight of millennia was holding them back, the tomb doors yawned wide.  There, exposed to the light of day for the first time in three thousand years, was a long corridor leading downward into the depths of the burial complex.
Tyranny started for the opening.  The multiple clacks of rifles behind him being cocked and safeties released stopped him.
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ofthepuzzle · 2 years
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@mgicians​ said: [ SHIELD ]: sender uses their own body to shield the receiver from an attack. // very merit here. 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒.  
       On the opposite end the Beast of Talwar overwhelms with its tremendous 2400 ATK points. Glowing eyes have a smouldering effect to intimidate. In both of its hands it carries the Talwar, sharp enough to cut through a weaker monster. The aura around it is strong black, representing a dark monster. Eerie is in the eye of the beholder, verdurous hands unsheathe the deadly weapons. And the monster prepares for an attack.
       On Atem’s side there’s Lemon Magician Girl, but her ATK is not enough to endure against the archfiend’s. But even then, the magician doesn’t hesitate to stand between him and the beast, risking her life in the process. The Pharaoh’s eyes shoot open and he exclaims a ‘ No! ‘. Adrenaline fills his system as fear engulfs him, knowing full well what is going to happen if he doesn’t do anything about this. He needs a monster that can overtake the Beast of Talkwar.
       Wait… that’s it! Lemon Magician Girl is targeted for an attack. So this means—
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       “I activate Lemon Magician Girl’s special ability! I can summon one spell-caster type monster from my hand. And I choose— Dark Magician !”
      There is magic in the eerie field, dark magic. The archfiend is no longer the only dark monster to prevail in attack points. Dark Magician’s form manifests, rising before Merit and the Pharaoh in his glorious armor in curved plates with sharp edges. The skirts of the robe swaying from the wind. Piercing cerulean eyes have their sight on the archfiend, brows scrunching them into a frown. He readies his staff for action.
     “I change the attack target to Dark Magician, which slashes Beast Talwar’s attack in half!” As the attacking monster’s strength becomes half it releases a scream of anger. The dark mage performs a swift spin to his staff, pointing the very end to his opponent. A beam of powerful magic fires mercilessly and promptly destroys the attacking monster as it diminishes into particles.
     Atem exhales in relief, “Good work!” Dark Magician crosses his arms into an idle position and remains observant.
     “I cannot allow anything happening to you,” he turns to Merit. “I appreciate you standing between me and the attacking monster.” He’s seen that happen before and would never want this to go to waste. However, in this case, he’d remembered Merit’s ability and made use of it. After all, that is why he’d added her to his deck.
     “If it wasn’t for your special effect, I wouldn’t have been able to summon Dark Magician. I must say, that was quite the thrill.”
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jhansikevidrohi · 2 years
First impressions meme. @noircisaint​ said: “Is this what you’re really like, or was that an act?”
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     Lakshmibai regarded Avenger with a small frown, stashing her talwar sword into its holster and resting her long rifle against her shoulder. 
     Whether Avenger meant the question as a barb or if it were a simple request of curiosity, Lakshmibai would have answered the same. She also didn’t know Avenger well enough to tell if it was poisonous or not. Nevertheless, she did not appreciate someone questioning her character, and did not know where whence such suspicion come, but she sought to put an end to it. If Avenger did not trust her integrity, she would have to prove herself.
     Saber answered her in earnest. “I am not one to step back from a just and righteous fight, whether the odds are stacked against me or not. You can expect such conduct from me from here on out. Though... I will admit... I was out of my league. We are lucky you are with us, Avenger. I could not have survived those beasts without you,” she finished, adding a smile. A small white flag of truce. It would be inefficient to be at odds with one’s comrades. Lakshmibai simply would not have it.
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dust-medium · 3 years
He doesn't even own beast of talwar 🙄
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ADBK: Juragedo
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Epithet: The Abstract Terror
Voice Actor: Richard Horvitz
Tribe: The Undead Oligarchy
Biography: This is perhaps one of the weirdest demons to come from the Mountain of Madness; Juragedo, whose name means "Hammerhead Geedo", is a more psychedelic being in terms of his attacks. He can boost his allies health and power at the cost of his own, though he can still be a contender for a rough opponent due to his sharp claws, impaling needle and lightning speed.
He, like Beast of Talwar, is bound by loyalty rather than morality, and in fact serves as the lieutenant of general Gil Garth. However, unlike Beast of Talwar, he's less interested in being proven wrong about his stance in the Oligarchy, though he has been recently monitored by Beautiful Beast Trainer in the hopes of making a spy out of him.
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arkadraws-moved · 7 years
Welcome Home
Pairing: Zaggar (Zarkon/Haggar) Rating: G Verse: Canon
Warning: N/A
pinch hit gift part 1 for @aulra​ who wants zaggar domestic fluff! i hope you like this!
part 2 will be posted soon :3
[read on AO3]  ⭐ [ko-fi] ⭐ [commission info]
The Black Lion entered the atmosphere of Daibazaal in supersonic speed, his eagerness to reach the surface matched with his Paladin.
Today, Zarkon finally returned from his Paladin’s training on Talwar Six after nearly one month navigating the tricky wombeast tunnels. He was exhausted—the kind that settled deep in his cores like laden and made him yearn to burrow in warm, soft nest for ten thousand years.
A growl echoed through the bond. Zarkon laughed almost apologetically at the sheer indignation coming from the Black Lion at the mere thought of his Paladin leaving him to sleep for such a long time.
“Do not worry, my friend. I promise you that I will do no such thing.”
Another growl and the Black Lion calmed, seemingly appeased. Clingy beast, Zarkon thought fondly, before guiding him to land on the tall platform in the middle of the Capitol Square. The platform was built to accommodate and display the Black Lion, the pride and joy of the Galra people, for everyone to see.
Zarkon was not too concerned with leaving him there, as the platform was heavily guarded and his Lion was sentient (and prideful) enough not to let anyone come close, unless it was his Paladin.
And Honerva too, as of late.
On the steps, the Lady-Consort of the Galra Empire stood in waiting, with Kova sleeping in her arms and excitement on her face. Her sun-streaked hair was styled in her usual tight bun, but her fringes flew in the wind. A couple of sentries were flanking her.
Zarkon walked out of the Black Lion, his helmet in his side. Immediately, he pulled her into a long, passionate kiss.
“How nice of you to welcome your husband”, Zarkon teased her once they broke away. His hand was still resting at the small of her back.
“I don’t want to deal with your pouting if I don’t”, Honerva grinned cheekily.
“That was one time!” Zarkon protested, already pouting. “You’ll never let me live that down, will you?”
“Never!” she laughed.
They walked down the steps together, silence settling comfortably between them. Zarkon couldn’t help but occasionally stole glances to her direction. There was something different about her that he couldn’t quite put his fingers on.
“Are you wearing a new dress?” he asked, once he figured it out. He never saw the dress before and the style was quite unlike her day-to-day ensemble. Gone was the simple tunic she normally wore to work, replaced by a soft, silken-like material that billowed behind her as she walked. The shoulders were decorated with intricate geometrical pattern that Zarkon recognized as Oradian Sun-Eye, an ancient weaving pattern that could only be worn by royalties.
Faint blush crept up her face, before she shyly looked up to him through her fringes. “Do you like it?”
Of course he did—what kind of question was that? He always loved seeing her wearing the clothes of his people, his colors. She embraced his culture and his traditions without hesitation, without caring about what old Galran traditionalists thought.
“I love it”, Zarkon smiled at her. “You look beautiful in it.”
Her smile grew wider and the corner of her eyes crinkled in pure happiness. Just like that, Zarkon had forgotten about his exhaustion.
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itsmeprinceraj · 3 years
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Sacrificing yourselves for someone is good but breaking someone heart is biggest crime. Prince Raj . . BOOK:- Star- Crossed Lovers in the Blue AUTHOR:- Rajesh Talwar GENRE:- Fantasy fiction PAGES:-156 RATING:- 4 stars . . Review This book is for kids and for beginners who will love the new Transition of story which is based on ocean the water world's and the book helped me to overcome my reading slump And revived me with a new energy which I am grateful for but what I expected from book i didn't get that. The story was adorable with touch of ocean world and unbelievable things which made me read this book and the cover of the book made me choose the book and I savoured it with a friend, we had a good laughs on the unique names of the characters and about us how the mer folks would see us like beast that was astonishing to read. I found a loopholes in the story which can be ignored if read very lightly but if you will read with concentration you will catch it too, the language of the book was easy to read and narration was also good but sometimes the politics of story seemed little cliche to me. For me the book was sweet and simple with a love story of a mermaid and mermen but if in the place of mermaid and mermen there would be humans then it's bitter to say that this story will said to be cliche. Glimpse in a blink Arj and utir met when they came to see the outer world beyond the bed of waters, both were busy in seeing the beauty but when they saw each othér they were astonished but they didn't talked to each other as they were afraid if they will speak something utterly nonsense then it will not good so kept there silence. Arj seeing her first time saw his whole life in her embrace and he daily started to visit that place where they saw each other, she didn't come there for weeks but when she came and saw him, she also was mesmerized in his aura and he is in her and from there, their little things started to become a new beginning but who knew something terrible is gonna happen when she had to go far away to attend a marriage of her brother. Utir had to agree for marry to a two headed mermen and both of them life took separate way. ... https://www.instagram.com/p/CRrSLYXrtQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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typingtess · 7 years
Tiptoeing through the “This Is What We Do” guest cast
John M. Jackson as Admiral A.J. Chegwidden A.J. was last seen sharing some Pappy Van Winkle with his two, fellow grumpy old men and Hetty in "Golden Days".
Pamela Reed as Roberta Deeks Tony Curtis Blondell as Guy "Bertie" and Guy were in the season nine premiere.  
Jeff Kober as Harris Keane Long Nguyen as Dang Both back from "Can I Get a Witness" to start November.
Sammy Sheik as Tobias Thoma / Ahmed Han Asakeem Last seen in "Queen Pin" where he was not credited with his pre-terrorist name.  Tobias Thoma was mentioned in the season eight opener but he's been called Asakeem ever since.
Zeeko Zaki as Aimon Shah Was the money launderer in "Unleashed" who Sam questioned with Sabatino in the club.
Ashley Spillers as Homeland Security Specialist Sydney Jones As an older sister, I'm a tad disturbed by the term bossy for Nell’s sister – we're just more experienced than the younger sibs and impart our wisdom gained by experience.  Plays Janice Swift in Vice Principals and appeared in episodes of Driving Arizona, Maron and The Middle and well as number of short films.
Karan Oberoi as Fazan Kamsour Was the half-year long wanted terrorist, Parsa, in season 11 of NCIS.  Played Raj in Overruled!, PJ Talwar Mehra in Combat Hospital and Alan Wells in Notorious.  
Had guest roles in episodes of The Border, The Listener, Covert Affairs, The Blacklist, Castle, Containment, Conviction (2016) and Training Day.  
Alex Gonzalez as Enrique There are several working actors with this name.
Ricardo J. Chacon as Customs and Border Patrol Officer Guest starred in episodes of ER, The Closer, Threshold, Night Stalker (2005), Just Legal, Standoff, Girlfriends, Las Vegas, Women's Murder Club, The Oaks, Weeds, Dexter, Criminal Minds, Southland, The Secret Life of An American Teenager, Twisted, Mad Men, Bosch, House of Lies, The Last Ship, The Fosters, New Girl, American Crime and Fear the Walking Dead.  Plays a lot of law enforcement characters.
Hugo Garcia as Driver Appeared in a number of Spanish language series for Univision and Telemundo.  Had guest roles in a number of series including Cold Case, Blackout, Unusual Suspects, The Fosters, Graceland, Mixology, Inbetween, Notorious and Teachers.
Ricardo Walker as CHP Officer Plays Agent Prince in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD.  Appeared in episodes of CSI: Miami, Conviction (2006), New Amsterdam, Life of Riley, Ray Donovan, Hit the Floor, The Catch and How To Get Away With Murder. -
Written by:  R. Scott Gemmill wrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  “Talion” (season seven finale), “High Value Target"/"Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), "The Queen's Gambit", "Under Siege", "Unleashed" (season eight finale) and "Party Crashers" (season nine's premiere).  
Directed by:  John P. Kousakis directed “Imposters”, “Sacrifice”, “San Voir” part one, “The Fifth Man”, “Parley”, “Inelegant Heart” (written by Gemmill), “Chernoff, K.”, “Active Measures” (written by Gemmill), “The Long Goodbye", "Talion" (written by Gemmill), "Glasnost", "Unleashed" (written by Gemmill), "Party Crashers" (written by Gemmill), all of the Afghanistan scenes from “Iron Curtain Rising” to “Zero Days” in season five and all of Kensi's injury/recovery storyline scenes from "The Queen's Gambit" to "Sirens" in season eight.  
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