#Be fucking wary of these people and don't fucking buy everything they say because they're gonna invent whatever lie gets them attention
ask-artsy-oncie · 1 year
Yeah I really have no patience for self-important people who desperately want to inject themselves into creative industries just because they consider "enjoying media" their defining trait that somehow other people don't have. Being a dedicated fan is a great thing for sure, but you become self-absorbed when you think that, alone, is why you deserve to cut out a hole for yourself in the industry and not maybe the fact that you've put in the work to hone industry-specific skills.
Creative fields are not easy money or easy clout or whatever. Believing so is such a disrespect to those skills and everyone who's worked so hard to get where they are.
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teaboot · 1 year
Yo I haven't done it in forever so I forgot that working at a sex shop gives you superpowers
1. The We-Vibe Tango is a low frequency and fully waterproof rechargeable bullet vibrator that we used to sell for about $150. A new model came out about a year ago so it's on sale now online for $47. Can confirm that shipping is discreet and they have a really good warranty, just keep the packaging.
*(I'm not sponsored to say that and nobody is paying me rn, it's just a legit good deal.)
2. There are essentially three bases used for lube: Water, Oil, and Silicone. Oil breaks down any materials other than glass or metal, and Silicone breaks down Silicone toys and sometimes condoms. Water is safe for everything but tends to dry out, so people don't like it- but if you add water or spit, drying water-based lube will slick right back up.
3. If your water-based lube has given you any itching, tightening, or burning sensations, you probably have a chemical sensitivity. Obviously everyone has different preferences, but my number one recommendation is Water Slide- it's a super reasonable price compared to other lubes, it feels natural, it's incredibly gentle on the skin, and it doesn't stain sheets.
**(Again, I'm not being paid for this. By anyone. At all. I'm just sick of hearing people come in and tell me they don't use lube cause it hurts, or that they're using fucking coconut oil in their vagina. Please, God, don't put coconut oil in your vagina.)
4. A lot of massage oils use almond oil to suspend other ingredients, and warming products sometimes use cinnamon. Always, always, always check people's allergies.
5. You can buy toys off cheap sites if you want, just be wary of quality and ALWAYS read the product description. I personally wouldn't buy anything that isn't Silicone, stainless steel, or glass, because unlike jelly, plastic, "fantaflesh", and Silicon, (which is NOT Silicone!!!) They are non-porous, sterile, and don't melt in contact with each other. This means that as long as you clean them properly and don't use the wrong lubes, they will not hold bacteria or break down, which makes them safe for both you to reuse and your partner/s to share. (And to switch between front door/back door, so long as you wash before going back to front.)
6. Cotton and polyester bondage rope are cheap and great to practice with. Silk sounds fancy and is very strong but be advised that a lot of silk rope is "Silk(TM)", not actual silk. Read the product description. (I personally am reluctant to spend more than about $2 per foot for mass-produced synthetic rope, but could be persuaded to pay more for ACTUAL silk, nylon, handmade ropes, or especially attractive colors/patterns/textures.) You want your rope to be at least as thick as your thumb and layered to avoid lacerations, and taut (not stretchy) to be sure you're in control of how much pressure you're putting on.
7. Choking someone by pressing on the windpipe is painful and inefficient. If you want to, stay very, very light, as it's a very delicate area. If you want a head rush, press down on the sides of the windpipe, just below the corners of their lower jaw. You will feel a pulse there. That's the carotid artery. It carries oxygen to the brain. Pressing there will allow them to breathe, but will still "choke" the air going to their head. It's faster and painless. Only hold this for 3-4 seconds if you lack experience. It takes just under 15 seconds to make someone pass out from a blood choke, and after that you risk causing *permanent brain damage*. If your partner passes out, release pressure immediately and keep their airways clear. If you're the one being choked, know that your only warning will be spotty vision and a dizzy sensation. Communicate with your partner/s and for the love of God, do your research first. I'm not a doctor. Please God, please do your research.
8. Don't reduce blood flow to any part of the body for more than 20 minutes. This includes cock rings. Take a break for an hour between uses.
9. Most 'dick pills' are just a stimulant, a mild vasodilator, and a placebo. Usually mostly caffeine. They are not worth $20 apiece. Take a minute to meditate, have a hot shower, drink some black tea, have a coffee, go for a run, whatever- you'll get the same effect. And no, there is not a single ethical and legal sex shop in the country that can sell you viagra. You would have better luck on Facebook. Do not buy viagra on Facebook.
10. There are no "male toys" and "female toys". Your only limitations are safety and creativity. If youre sticking something into something else, just make sure everything is clean, not too big, not sharp or abrasive, and can be taken back out.
11. If something "goes missing" in your vagina and you panic, you muscles will tense up and it'll it'll harder to get back. Relax and stand up. Wait a minute. Chill. Calm down. Jump a couple times. There's nowhere for it to go and worst case scenario, I promise the emergency walk-in has seen something weirder or worse in the past hour or so.
12. You cannot return toys that you buy and don't like and I swear to God if you come into my store with an opened product and try to give it back I will lose my shit
13. Actually while I'm at it, people who work at sex shops are more often than not not sex workers and even if they were, it would still not be appropriate to flash or grope them or ask them "what they use", I will run you over in the fucking parking lot
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
A FOURTH SHIP JOINS THE FLEET FOR THE SHIP ASK: Fionn/Diarmud (in whatever way you choose to interpret this)
oh look the one I'm most anxious to do in fear that I'll have bad takes and get a bad grade in shipping asZDfxcgvh
who’s the cuddler: 
Anyway on that note I'm not sure if either of them come off as conventionally cuddly; Fionn I think is all about casual touches and being in Diarmuid's space and Diarmuid is 100% okay with that. But I do think he's a little more reticent in public? But in private he is absolutely cuddling up to Fionn.
Like these two love each other, okay? I don't care what typemoon says, I don't care what the pursuit says, I care about what all the other mythos says and everything Tea has ever said about them ever. So just....little kisses on hands/anywhere on the face/top of head/etc, holding onto each other [tho Fionn may be the one who initiates in public]
Note that the not as into PDA thing that Diarmuid has goes out the window if it's another Fey, any one from that realm comes up and Diarmuid has his arm around Fionn Immediately because Territorial.
But I just....want them to be soft with each other and hug and hold hands and braid each other's hair SO THAT'S WHAT THEY DO OKAY
who makes the bed:
I can't really see Diarmuid caring about it so I'm gonna say Fionn.
who wakes up first:
Uhhh I think like. When anything is going on [mythos, demon pillars, lostbelts] they are both very light sleepers who are up with the dawn and ready and prepared, but if it's a lighter event or just...if they somehow get peace After all of this, I feel like Diarmuid might wake up normally but just refuse to get up and cling to Fionn who's like "alright spending the day in bed"
who has the weird taste in music:
Again I don't see it as weird taste but while Diarmuid has been summoned more, I feel like Fionn would try and explore more types of music either because he genuinely enjoys them or because he told Medb over breakfast that some random genre she was hating on was his most beloved, actually, yes he can name five albums-
who is more protective:
My god these two go. Nuclear. Like there are a few base kinda things [also taken from Tea's HCs and fics no one is surprised]:
Diarmuid tends to be more cautious/wary or outright afraid around female casters, so anytime they're dealing with one of those Fionn is absolutely glued to his side. Because I do operate on The Pursuit having happened bcus I'm addicted to angst, just that it happened Differently. He's also uncomfortable around women in general [at least at first and it doesn't go away if they are a caster] so Fionn is Always with him unless he can't be.
Similarly, given Diarmuid's death via boar or other accident [though originally he survives all that and goes into mountain sleep too], Fionn is NOOOOOOT okay if he finds out Diarmuid is fighting those. Has 110% gotten between one and Diarmuid before, has absolutely been the cause of an argument before.
And for Fionn, once again everything Tea has ever said aka Diarmuid is really protective around people who are trying to take advantage over the fact that Fionn is a bleeding heart. Whenever someone comes up with their sob story Diarmuid is There and not buying it.
AND THEN ALSO GENERALLY just...just don't fuck with them. Because as soon as you fuck with one of them you've fucked with both, RIP you.
who sings in the shower:
I'm gonna say Fionn here because Diarmuid in life had to be really careful about things like singing, emotion, etc. because of the effect Fey can have on humans [like making them die of loneliness after hearing their song etc.] and even though he's a servant now that baked in caution isn't going away. Fionn would probably try and get him to sing with him though.
who cries during movies:
Both of them for animal movies, specifically any movie with dogs.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Diarmuid 110% -slaps his head- this boy can fit SO MUCH EXPENSIVE TASTE INSIDE Fionn will look at receipts of thousands and thousands and be like 'oh you didn't spend as much as usual' he just ENJOYS THE FINER THINGS and GOOD FOR HIM.
who kisses more roughly:
I feel like they're the type to make a game out of it, so both.
who is more domineering:
Again I feel like they both can be at times. Sometimes things call for gentleness, sometimes roughness. Just depends.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 
11/10 I will never forgive you for making me brainrot so hard about them TEA [this is a joke thank you for having such good fionndiar posts and platonic ones too and just for being super cool]
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babbelswoofominides · 4 months
I can't be the only one who's tired of the "Everything is Problematic™" culture that we're currently experiencing, right? I'm talking about the "call out" posts where people say shit like "if you still like Harry Potter you're a transphobic asshole and worse than JKR!". This over simplifications dilute the meaning of "transphobe", and the actual transphobes benefit from the loss of importance that this accusation carries.
People think they're being so intelligent when creating these ever-changing, pointless rules: "don't buy from Zara, or you support genocide!", "don't listen to Taylor Swift, or you endorse climate change!". I've heard it all. If it takes so little to be labeled as such a horrible person, people will dismiss the whole problem. How can they take you seriously if you say these things un-ironically? Also, it's uncanny how these radicalized """activists""" sometimes overlap beautifully with the far-right wing politics. Take anti-shippers who want to police fanfictions: their idea of "regulation" (censorship) aligns perfectly with the far-right bigots.
And if a problem is just mildly severe, to show you care about it you don't need to get Big Mad. There is a whole sea of annoyance in between silent acceptance and full blown rage (which is rarely productive if not directed wisely). I'm wary of performative rage over trivial matters, because it rings hollow, like the person is more interested in virtue signaling to their peers than actually doing something concrete about it. Even if it's a Big Problem, raging left and right can be powerful but short lived.
I think this is the problem with today's activism: short lived bursts of rage don't cover it. You need to work, work, work. Even silently, even with no social recognition. Activism shouldn't be a stage where you perform an angry speech, everyone claps and you're now Morally Sound. That's how far right wing nutters operate: get Big Mad about every thing (whether big or trivial), Perform your Anger, rinse and repeat. The difference is they probably know what they're doing, creating a climate of perennial anger. They know how to direct that anger to the vote. They make a mountain out of a mole hill so that it's easier to solve the made up problem, thus creating cohesiveness. Meanwhile, left wing "activists" making up new rules and moving the goal posts are just creating problems whose solution just furthers the divide. Finding enemies everywhere, inside and outside of our circles, is not useful*.
That's why this left-wing "activism" often morphs into a witch hunt: people feel powerless, so making up new rules to follow and hunting down the "infidels" gives them the illusion they're doing enough. Take the campaign against JKR: boycotting anything HP is not enough, the goal posts are moved every time. Now you're promoting transphobia if you partake in HP's fandom (almost no one talks about why JKR is fucking problematic anymore, so the "normies" will hear this kind of outlandish shit and dismiss the whole matter as internet pishposh).
Instead of keeping up the battle against the actual transphobes, which can feel frustrating because they seem untouchable, you settle on hounding anyone who doesn't adhere to the made up rules that become more and more strict. Or even worse: you don't accept someone's help against the terfs unless they adhere strictly to the made up rules.
Eerie how on one side they're ready to accept actual human violation rights, meanwhile the other side can't even accept that some people are against terfs but may still like HP, and so schism after schism happens. That's why left wing activists lack cohesiveness. They can't accept you're not a bad person or a terf if you think slightly different from them. No one collaborates with the other anymore.
HP is just one of the many examples that describe this mechanism. Apply this to all modern politics and you've got the root of the matter. ---
*Ironically, far-right wing nutters are more cohesive because they tolerate anyone in their group, they act like One Big Solid Unity against the rest of the world. That's why you'll see terfs shack up with nazis and misogynists, if it means they will get rid of trans people. Chilling to the bone, but their strategy is effective in keeping their ranks united, because at the moment they're only lashing outside, not inside. It'll of course be a harsh wake up call when the leopards eat their face lmao. Also, what I'm saying is not "tolerate Actual Bad People to win a battle", but: "get angry at the Actual Bad People, don't invent new enemies!" ---
I don't know how to end this, and it's not lost on me how complaining about complainers makes me a complainer too lmao, but sometimes a rant is just a rant and you need to vent.
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sweet-sirin · 3 years
Emotionally, I'm pretty wrecked. I'm not a huge optimist by nature but I always had a firm belief everything will somehow be fine in the end, and that's why I was absolutely sure a war with Ukraine is impossible.
My worldview shattered thoroughly, my heart broke. My family's friends are russian soldiers, my relatives are ukranian soldiers. I want both of them to come back home alive. But it's hard to say out loud "I want russian soldiers back home safely" because they aren't people anymore, they're the agressors and so they deserve to die. I'm fucking sick of hearing this. I'm sick of the double standard. I'm sick of people who have no idea for how long this situation had been brewing for jump in to show off their moral high ground by wishing people death and pain.
For russians I'm a western brainwashed traitor, and for the west I'm a russian apologist. I'm sorry I don't fucking buy in every news headline I see, no matter who's side it flatters more.
Whatever was left from nation brotherhood between Ukraine and Russia is dead. That's not what I want to believe but that's gonna be the reality. I feel isolated and cut from my own culture and history, one more severed connection. And now we're getting isolated from the west too. It feels like walls are closing in and a new iron curtain is falling. Possibilities are dwindling. Getting out of the country for good was hard before, but now I'm not sure it's even all that possible. Not for me, for sure. I can't legally leave.
I'm stuck.
I fucking hate Putin. And I really don't care to hear how horrible he is from people, that did not learn to fear for their safety directly because of his reign. I had to suffer this motherfucker all my life, I have to be wary of police coming for me for some random shit I might have said online 8 years ago, just to now hear half the globe chant that I should suffer more. I will. Because the sanctions that were "meant to hurt the oligarchy", that was already sucking our blood dry, hurting the poorest. We're fucked. Everything is already at least twice as expensive. My kind of ruined health is gonna cost me beyond a fortune now, but I'm lucky because at least my dad didn't lose his job like thousands of others.
Fuck every fucking company that's leaving Russia. Fuck even harder those companies that say they do but stay and operate just like before. I'm sick of PR stunts. I'm sure our oligarchs with yachts worth more than my entire district are super sad they can't buy a Sims 4 or an Ikea chair. I don't have any illusions about the economy and inner production. The future looks grim for many years ahead, all because Putin decided he's a military genius that can take on NATO. This bastard is 69 years old, bitch is gonna sneeze and die like a hamster, and leave us to drown in a mess that might turn out worse than what 90s were.
And I'm sick of guilt for being worried over my own future and safety in a ruinous dictatorship when people are literally murdered and ripped from their homes. I'm furious that showing even littlest of support for them can get me a jail time. Human decency is fucking illegal now. Why is it fucking illegal to say I do not want this war. I just want it over with. I don't care what happens to Russia, we're fucked no matter what. Nothing is worth this.
I don't have the energy to talk to anyone, I see nightmares constantly, I feel depressed again despite overcoming my SAD this year and I'm rapidly losing weight that I just managed to finally gain. I'm tired.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
hot take: the dwt2 subreddit was extremely overhyped and is pretty much a circlejerk of dream stans who think they’re better than other dream stans because they use reddit. i thought it’d be a cool place of discourse and instead it just feels like a different a set of edgy teenagers who don’t know what they’re talking about. also yeah it’s actually kinda anti-black. ppl weren’t lying about that bit it just took a while for it to really come out.
SPICY. Especially on this blog because I think I've got some lurking Redditors on here (unless they fled at some point LOL).
Hot take: I actually very much agree (though I would've worded it a bit differently... stan circlejerk... /lh)
There was a period of time where I would stop by the Reddit every so often out of a mix of curiosity (what's up) self-interest (do they talk about me) and genuine engagement (tea). I fell off these past couple of months (? maybe month singular, idk) as I've been busy - and when I went back and checked the other day the vibes were so... off. Everything about it, from the posts to the comments to the kinds of conversations there were having, felt very strange to me. Rougher, almost - especially with all the posts lamenting r/dwt2's glory days.
I admire everything that the subreddit is meant to be and I commend them in many ways for sticking to their convictions. They do as they will do and they don't often let shit get in the way of what they think is right or correct (it seems). Not to mention the knowledge that Dream lurks sometimes - while I do my best to stick to my "don't change for anybody" policy, I don't know what this blog would be if I knew Dream checked up on it (not that that would happen, but yk).
That being said, I think they've fallen into the anti-mcyttwt-trap (a la Jawsh) where instead of just being wary of the more aggressive critics on Twitter, they are largely dismissive and seek to always have the "unpopular" opinion. I saw a lot of posts talking about how everyone's a Dream stan on the Reddit now and how frustrating that is, but I think that isn't the problem so much as their mindset itself - why is it a problem that people like Dream if it's still just a place for open discussion? You can like Dream and be validly critical of his actions or opinions. It felt, to me, more like a frustration toward the way some people don't constantly go against the grain anymore. It reminds me of the days when I was sucked into exclusionary circles and we thrived off of disagreeing just to disagree - it's not that we didn't buy it, I think r/dwt2 is honest about their opinions - but I think their long-standing (and very justified) animosity toward people outside of their circles has led them in what's essentially the opposite direction. And I really think they could stand to take into consideration what people on Twitter are saying/why/what they mean/etc (for example - there's loads of little things like that and it's not always Twitter); sometimes the popular opinion is popular for a reason, and sometimes creators fuck up and should acknowledge it.
I am an outsider, so I want to make it clear that it's possible they're thriving and I'm just not getting it. I'm sure there's mcytblr jokes/culture/etc that would make people in the other parts of the fandom go ???? But - as someone who really tries to curate a variety of viewpoints and discuss the goings-on in the fandom (and who admired the r/dwt2 community for that shared interest) - I see them doing exactly what I worried a lot of these people turning on the "rabid twt stans" would do - and not even recognizing that they're doing it.
(I won't speak on the anti-blackness specifically because I haven't seen any of it and don't feel fit for that, but I'm sorry you've had to deal with that if so.)
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
I need any headcanons for Asa and/or Jesse, you can also add others if you want. Like stuff like their scent they're usual mood, how you can tell if they like you, stuff that people usually don't care about ya know?
I have to admit I wrote more than I intended too, but I think it came out pretty good. Some headcanons I debated from watching their movies I think over 20 times? Feeling like a detective. 
Random Headcanons
The Collector/Asa Emory
If I have to picture his scent I think he would have a combination of citrus, disinfectant, and dust; do you know how an old book smells, that rich smell of knowledge that is rather calming? That's how I picture him like. Why citrus/lemon/disinfectant? I headcanon Asa as a neat-freak so I think that would be a common scent for him, plus I don't think the flowery scents are his favorite when it comes to room air freshener.
Surprisingly, Asa knows how to dress, but doesn't care. He dresses according to where he goes; working at the university, working on his human collection. He is a more practical type. He never finds the need to dress to impress.
Asa is an introvert. His usual mood when he is his civilian self is one of pure calmness, maintaining a stoic facade, mostly so that people won't bother him. Now, he isn't a shy guy, more like socially awkward, and doesn't have the abilities of a social butterfly. He can learn to be but chooses not to. If someone tries to get under his skin, he will use his intellect to make said people feel like they're the dumbest and make them walk away in shame. As his Collector persona, he lets his inner demons free; the rage, the blood-thirst, he doesn't feel like he needs to maintain a facade anymore, because as the Collector, he is the master, the one who calls the shots.
If Asa likes someone he will never flat-out tell them or try to impress the said person. If you're a very observant person, you can catch him observing you from the distance, but as soon as you look at him, his gaze will move away from you. Asa likes to observe from the distance and there are many ways his liking to you can go; taking an interest in someone means the person will most likely end up being part of his collection like he sees a beautiful specimen and he knows they need to own them.
I picture Asa as having some sort of PTSD; nightmares, flashbacks can come when you trigger his past. That's probably one of the reasons he isn't so opened up to having someone care for him and trust them. The person who was supposed to love him unconditionally and be the guide in his life took everything away from him; his father we are talking about here. How can he trust someone who they admit that they love him when his father created him the monster that he is today?
He has some sleep problems, mostly because of how big of a workaholic he is. Working from morning to afternoon at the university then working all night on his collection can suck the life out of him. God bless the dark liquid called coffee.
The biggest characteristic of Asa is probably his intelligence and by all means, this man is a walking encyclopedia, not only on Entomology but also on other topics like history, art, and geography. Despite him being strong and intimidating with his stature, his intellect is the biggest weapon; a very good strategist and a master trap. You have to get the brains to make such things.
When it comes to relationships and you managed to somehow get into one with Asa, you need to understand that you have to take this man how he is, he will never change for the sake of someone. Don't question him, especially about his gruesome hobby. I picture a traditional housewife type would be the perfect shot for him, considering he isn't that much at home, someone has to clean the house and cook. I think everything in Asa's life is cold, metaphorically speaking, so coming home to finding his house immaculate and a warm home-cooked meal is a big treat, makes him feel loved and without you being a too push-over and annoy him. Give him his space and be there when he needs it.
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans
When it comes to Jesse's scent, I think it would go two ways or a combo of the two. The scent of metal, medical solutions plus adding some expensive male cologne, tobacco, and rich alcohol fragrance is what this man smells like. It's quite intoxicating and makes you feel a little dizzy, but that's Jesse's intentions, like a drug you're getting addicted to.
Looks are everything for this man, despite his face being turned into the horrors today, he makes a very good impression with designer clothing, perfectly polished Oxford shoes, and perhaps a Rolex? Cars are like accessories, the flashier the better. Why not a Chrysler, maybe a Jaguar? Perhaps a Rolls Royce? Cars exhume power and by Gods, Jesse loves the power. If you have the money why not buy the finest things life has to offer?
Jesse is an extrovert and when he enters a room is like a panther is stalking the room, looking for the next victim. He is no shy guy and likes to make his thoughts known by all means; signing, electronic reader? He has many ways. His moods wary, depending on the situation at hand and they come in all kinds of forms. Jesse can go from playful and sassy to downright vicious and brutish. He is a big tease and loves to make people flustered; men or women, doesn't matter.
He has a dark sense of humor and that can be shown by just body language; the way that he teased Princess Gemstone with poking her head with his knife 'This piggy went to the market. This one stayed home.' Or when Princess Gemstone tried to save a bounded girl, but she runs away and Jesse waved his hand in a mocking 'bye-bye'.
He has a God-like complex, always the need to be in charge and that is shown when he killed Preston for trying to take the title as Chromeskull. Now, that's his style and Jesse doesn't like cheap copycats. Greedy, Jesse won't accept other people trying to steal his kills and get credit for his work. Just no.
A theory of mine is that Jesse is running a multi-million chroming company. The reasons? Chroming is very expensive and you can get a load of money from it. How do I know? One friend chromed the wheels of his car and the cheapest he found was 400 EURO. The process of chroming is not only expensive but also very dangerous and complicated. So, therefore, CASH! But also when you came tons of money from snuff films you got to have a business facade so people won't brown-nose into your shit. That's what people with illegal businesses do, a facade business to clean your dirty work.
A prime characteristic of Jesse is his ego, his PRIDE. His ego and misunderstanding other made him lose his face and also WIFE. He saw himself as invincible and he didn't even think about his wife when he started all this mafia-like organization. Just shows how selfish he can be in my opinion and like his wife said at the ending of Laid to rest 2 that she hadn't seen him for months and she was pregnant; Jesse thinks only for himself.
Talking about being in a relationship with Jesse? Here goes a nasty truthful headcanon; you will be his trophy wife, just an accessory for him, and having loyal pussy at his beck and call seems like a sweet treat. You will be spoiled rotten, but that will come with the price of being owned and feel like that. Say goodbye to freedom and the option of speaking your opinions. Now, Jesse wouldn't mind you play a feisty spitfire, all the more fun to see you crumble down in obedience into his arms. The only option you have is to be diplomatic and try to best yourself at playing mind games because if you don't at some point you will end up like his ex-wife.
How you can tell if Jesse likes you? Pretty hard considering he has a habit of being a huge flirt and womanizer, buuuuut...You might have a chance to be something more than a piggy or quick-fuck, if you show that you're more than the common-looking piggies. Be smart, be independent, show him that you won't drop on your knees and choke on his cock; don't be an easy catch, if you want to have him want you as his prime trophy.
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blueprint-han · 3 years
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I'm keeping my word. I won't take their url out to the public.
And I've said it countless times again a) I don't read smut, nor do I write it and by assuming so I know that u haven't bothered to read one word of my posts. and b) I have not one ounce of problem against this person spreading information on voting/streaming. I encourage it! Voting can be confusing, and stays can help other stays. Their resources would be very good if not for what I'm mentioning below.
It's the things they do when people can't under any circumstance, vote. It is the GUILT TRIPPING that they use in their words, the malicious intent, the way they try to induce anxiety and guilt into a genuine person who can't vote, or doesn't want to. Just like how one doesn't have the resources for albums and hence doesn't buy them and it doesn't make them less of a stay, not voting, not being able to stream due to personal reasons, is what makes me angry, combined with their very bad behaviour towards people who are nothing but kind to them.
They threaten to spam the tags out of spite.
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They openly say “if you have time to read smut fanfic, you have time to vote”. If that doesn't seem like spiteful intention to you, I don't know what will.
You know why I'm mad? Because the way they tries to manipulate people into thinking their inability to vote gets me. I wasn't the way I am right now. My seizure, and my (borderline) photosensitive epilepsy, prevents me from being able to stream or vote, let alone stare at a screen for more than ten minutes in a row. It's my MEDICAL CONDITION that doesn't let me "support skz in the only way possible" in their words. Yet when I go to the tags to put myself away from this stress that builds up in me, what do I see? Something pointing out my inability to do something just because of this condition. Why shouldn't I be angry? Why should I always shut my mouth and take in everything people throw at me?
Again: I am repeating this. I HAVE NO PROBLEM !! WITH PPL ENCOURAGING US TO VOTE !! I THINK ITS A GOOD SPORT !! I am super encouraging of people teaching us how to vote becahse it's confusing.
I'm only wary of the method they're using. That's it. I've said it countless times, I'd really have NO problem with their posts in the tags if their guilt tripping element was gone. That's the only thing I'm not happy about, along with how they twist people's words when they're pointed out. I am all for voting: infact, if I get one of those anons that show ppl how to vote, I would infact post it, because someone would want to vote and it could help someone.
They also said that stays who didn't vote couldn't celebrate skz winning kingdom, and then they twist their words to say that they were only encouraging people to do it in their free time. Like srsly, now I can't even be happy for my group just cuz I didn't make 1000 accounts and emails? Just because I didn't have free time? Just because I have a medical condition and didn't induce myself into a seizure that fucks me up? I'm sorry, but this is not what you call spreading love. This is spreading mis/disinformation, the deliberate fabrication of information in a way that's not noticeable at first. It's called invalidation.
I understand where you're coming from, you might've just seen their posts in their tags and then not have realised why I'm talking about this issue. But pls look through their blog more, scroll down and see it. And if you already have and are still sending this ask.... I'm sorry, but you need to relearn what love is.
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