#Bc all of you sound real fucking tone deaf rn
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The Encanto fandom took one look at the complex character that is Alma Madrigal and locked her in the box of one dimensional wicked stepmothers. You guys are so fucking boring istg
#really said ‘This Colombian woman that’s been violently displaced from her home is equal to my homophobic grandmother#I’ve been trying to be cordial but if I see one more hot take about how Alma is abusive I’m going to flip#I keep seeing the same thing over and over please come up with something new#I’m not even complaining about y’all writing her as a villain#I disagree but I can see how a backstory like hers can make for an intriguing villain#but you guys??? don’t even do that??? you just immediately jump to Alma verbally abusing her children with no explanation#like damn if you’re gonna demonize her you can at least do better than minimizing her into a Karen with a superiority complex#my main issue is that Tumblr in general just has a bad time interacting with fictional stories highlighting trauma in communities of color#y’all completely ignored the theme about the trauma of displacement and jumped to turn Alma into a caricature of your aunt/mother whatever#im gonna stop here before I right an entire essay in the notes but#I’m gonna need y’all to step back and review how you watch stories like Encanto#Bc all of you sound real fucking tone deaf rn#encanto disney#encanto#alma madrigal#displacement#mini rant#madrigal family
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> Pheres is teased by Kit, Hadean and Cennef into giving quadrant dating advice. This segues into a minor spat between Pheres and Hadean.
AA: 'kay, so, who's online rn??
AA: bc i got q's. I M P O RN T A N T q's.
AA: the sornt of q's that can only be answerned by, like, internet strnangerns.
ID: well i'm not an internet stranger anymore really. so i guess i'm fucking useless.
AA: yeah, no, soz, dude, yrn totally fucking useless.
AA: one hundrned perncent about as helpful as playing fournsquarnes w/ cullbait. >:}
AA: abt as helpful as eating mind honey to chill the fuck out.
ID: wow aren't you just in a mood this evening. =:P is it because we're all going to die? or so the newsfeeds are saying.
SS: (Shxt, pal, am X dxsqualxfxed?)
SS: (On accounta X'm only the regular kxnda stranger danger that you, lxke, happened to xnternet stalk?)
SS: (And oh em gee, pal, who says we're gonna dxe?
SS: (What, dxd some old calendar end agaxn?)
SS: (Protxp: Xf X can't up and set up coffee to brew xn the evenxn, folks what lxved, lxke, three bxllxon sweeps ago, they probs dxdn't GAF about makxn sure thexr sweep cycles were set up for, lxke, eternxty.)
LC: [ I heard strangers are needed and I am not YYet well-acquinted with everYYone here so... ] LC: [ Also "everYYone going to die"? Did I miss something? ]
ID: i'm assuming you haven't been outside and seen the giant fuck-everything meteor. you losers.
ID: look outside. notice how light it is?
SS: (Nope. (\eue/) )
SS: (But that axn't news to me.)
ID: well congrats, you're a hivebound loser. take a bow.
AA: oops, soz, someone was shrnieking outside. >:P AA: and stfu, hads, i am so not in a mood. i'm, like, in the O P P O S I T E of a mood. >:} AA: i am fucking E X C I T E D.
LC: [ Hold on. ] LC: [ Let me put on mYY safetYY goggles... I see it... Oh. That's reallYY bad. ]
SS: (What, for cereals?) SS: (Do X gotta go and run through my bucket lxst now?)
ID: i mean. go for i guess sip. gonna go in to space and punch the meteor to death?
ID: i mean i'm just spending my last apparent night alive soaking in this bathtub until i either turn in to a giant prune or i grow gills.
AA: and yrn totes dq'd, lal, but w/e, w/e, i ain't just getting ops frnom a blue. >:} AA: grnoup vote!!
LC: [ YYou don't need to run a bucket list but -- even I have a hard time estimating how bad it is. ] LC: [ YYou might WANT to find an underground safe spot and hope it breaks up into small enough parts that it doesn't wipe out entire neighbourhoods. ]
SS: (Shxt, pal, what're you gonna do xf you up and grow gxlls?) SS: (Bxt late for that kxnda groundbreakxn scxentxfxc dxscovery, axn't xt? (\eue/) )
AA: should i orn should i not, like, go to the doomsday parnty?? AA: bc ppl arne thrnowing one.
ID: i mean yeah, but i get to die an abomination.
ID: that seems like fun.
AA: to celebrnate ourn I M P E N D I N G DE -- omggg. AA: if you grnow gills, gimme deets!! AA: also, pics. AA: also, yrn bod.
ID: and idk sip.
AA: forn science.
SS: (You're probs gonna get shanked, but X'm, lxke, puttxn that on the 'pros' column.)
SS: (Buxlds character!)
ID: hour 1 of soaking- no gills so far. =:'(
SS: (Well, exther that, or peeps're gonna be fxllxn thexr bucket lxst, xf you get what X mean, xn whxch case, lxke, you should probs dxtch.) SS: (Or maybe throw fxrecrackers at 'em.)
LC: [ I didn't talk about gill growing. Even if YYou got a basement or a room underneath YYour hive should suffice. ] LC: [ I enjoYY celestial objects and observing asteroids but it's so close and so bright even I have a hard time giving YYou an estimation on how bad it is. ]
VC: I can't believe the Empirrre is being so irrresponsible about this asteroid.
VC: Don't they carre if theirrr cannon fodderr gets destrrroyed.
ID: the fleet defense really dropped the ball. i hope heads roll for this.
SS: (Nah, dude, they've always wanted that pesky Mother Grub gone!) SS: (Xt's the perfect opportunxty! (\unu/) )
ID: y'know. other than our meteor smashed in ones.
AA: lmfao. get yrn mind out of a pail forn once, lal. not evernyone's as mad thirnsty as you.
AA: except tc, i guess. >:}
VC: Don't insult poorrr TC like that.
SS: (Dude, X'm the one tellxn you not to go to that xsh!)
LC: [ Well, hopefullYY this asteroid lands at a barren land and doesn't cause major damage to anYYone. ]
VC: What did they everr do to you.
ID: c'mon vc tc is sooo thirsty.
SS: (Sweeps of modern medxa have taught me that that's totes what peeps do at partxes lxke that.)
VC: I can't say I've met them morrre than once.
ID: she said she wants to hear me scream in horror and shit.
VC: ...wow
VC: That's cerrrtainly something.
SS: (And obvx that's a relxable source.)
LC: [ That's the most I can contribute to this discussion. And... oh. That doesn't sound good, ID. ]
SS: (What'd you even do to get on her shxtlxst, pal?)
ID: i told her that she needed to fight me to fight gliese.
VC: Yes, do tell.
VC: If It must die, let it be listening to gossip.
VC: ...why this
ID: and also denied her a lobster date.
LC: [ Lobster date? ]
VC: Why arre some people in this chat rrroom mystifyingly dedicated
VC: To defending the worrrst of bluebloods
SS: (X'm sure there axn't no reason for her to up and be eggxn to take a go at you, after that kxnda dedxcatxon to warnxn her off!)
ID: i like gliese, she fed me and like. in the scope of blues she's decent.
ID: no offense to you lc, you seem like you might be okay?
ID: the jury is still out.
VC: Ughhhh
VC: Well, whateverrr, trrying to arrgue with that jade boy got me nowherre
VC: So I guess I ought to turrn my mind to cheerrrier topics, like impending annihiliation
LC: [ None taken. I personallYY prefer to get along with most others - even if it's a task that I can't alwaYYs achieve. ]
ID: oh hush ss. platonic fighting is a thing.
SS: (X for one, am totes cowerxn xn my boots.) SS: (And shxt, pal, X axn't saxd nothxn 'bout nonplatonxc, here! You're the one up and callxn her thxrsty on accounta just wantxn some good ol' fashxoned screams of paxn and xsh. (\qnq/) )
SS: (What xf she's just, uh. Hard of hearxn??)
SS: (Gotta be real sure she's stabbxn you proper-lxke!)
ID: she told me she wants to shove my head in horse piss so.
ID: that was definitely a thing i had to read.
VC: Haha _wow_
SS: (That's the wrong kxnda thxrsty, pal.)
LC: [ Impending annihilation is not the cheeriest of the topics. ] LC: [ However, if anYYone plans to watch the asteroid I'd suggest using sunglasses, or anYY glasses that got a darkened lense. ] LC: [ If others have them, that is. ]
VC: Why would I want to watch the asterroid. Will seeing it and telling it it's pretty make it sparre me.
SS: (Yeah, dude, but only xf you say xt real nxce-lxke!)
ID: i mean i'm just content to chill in this warm water. fuck looking at our doom.
SS: (None of that passxve aggressxve xsh, thxs asteroxd axn't no floozy!)
VC: Once again you manage to be the tone of nonsense, L - SS.
LC: [ I know there are some who are into that, VC, and it won't reallYY spare anYYone until it lands. ] LC: [ Which, given how far it is from the ground, could be prettYY soon. ]
VC: Joyous
SS: (Whaaat?) SS: (And here X am, offerxn you my advxce and wxdom!)
SS: (Pal! Lxke, hashtag rude.)
VC: Only a blind and deaf pupa would think you had eitherr
AA: ghdfghdfghdfgh AA: oh my gooood, why do you ppl talk so much?
AA: i look away forn, like, five mins and therne's like fifty million msgs.
VC: Well
AA: fuck you, i'm not backrneading.
VC: This is a serrrverr for it
SS: (Gotta entertaxn the crowds you up and left waxtxn, duh!)
ID: we're enjoying our final nights sip, rude.
VC: Last I checked
SS: (Axn't my fault you're up and xnconsxderate!)
LC: [ HopefullYY not the final-final ones. ]
VC: Perrhaps it has been forr emoji-communication only
VC: And I have been misled
AA: T O T A L L Y ourn final nights.
SS: ( (\ouo/) )
SS: ( (\ouo/) )
SS: ( (\ouo/) )
SS: ( (\ouo/) )
AA: emoji only??
LC: [ YYou are all sure a cheerYY crowd. ]
VC: oh god I rrregrrret everrrything
SS: ( (\^u^/) )
ID: i tried ordering room service and apparently like all the hotel staff just ollied out on working.
AA: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SS: ( (\?^?/) )
LC: [ Uh... ]
SS: ( (\unu/) )
AA: that's bc yrn on the lame continent, hads. AA: this is what happens when you leave the desernt, dude. ppl fucking suck.
SS: ( (\eue/) )
SS: (Hey, waxt!)
LC: [ To be fair, all continents got their advantages. ]
SS: (Fuck you, X'm on shxft rxght now.)
LC: [ And disadvantages. ]
ID: also who here is a nerd scientist. i have questions that i should have asked last night but only figured out after i signed out.
VC: Not I
SS: (Hello, X have my nerd lxcense pendxng!)
LC: [ I am not a nerd scientist, but if it's related to cartographYY or... astrologYY, I might be able to help. ]
SS: (But better'n Sxpa, on accounta her's got revoked when she went jock.)
AA: wow, rnude.
VC: I do courrrierr worrk
VC: And knit things
SS: (X'm under xnvestxgatxon for emo, unfort.)
AA: that's okay, dude, i'm gonna rnough you up and take yrns.
ID: well gee you four seem like you'll be hella useful.
VC: Forr what
AA: stfuuuu, i'm always S U P E RN useful.
VC: Planning a band?
AA: dd on your qqs!!
SS: (Fxrst my horns, now my nerd lxcense!)
VC: Sorrry, neverr learrned an instrrrument
SS: (A real frxend, you are, Sxpa!)
LC: [ Well gee. We _might_ be useful. ]
ID: so if you're a troll who never sleeps in sopor is it safe to just dive right back in to it. because there's a coon here but i slept on the floor.
SS: (Only xf you chug xt.)
AA: sharning is carning, dude.
VC: It might knock you out forr a bit long, but otherrr than that, no.
AA: and - idk, idk, how much you wanna wake up the next evening?
VC: When I firrst came back to it I slept much morre heavily than I was used to
VC: But I got used to it quickly.
VC: Orr well. I guess came back is wrrrong
SS: (You gotta get used to xt real quxck, pal! Acclxmate your bod and xsh!) SS: (By chuggxn some afore you go coon. (\unu/) )
VC: But neverr mind
AA: phern doesn't do soporn and if you put him in a coon, he is out forn, like, H O U RN S. AA: dumped an entirne kettle of watern on his headfluff and he didn't fucking blink.
VC: Ignorrre SS
VC: They don't know anything
AA: ... but then again, he totally didn't chug it.
LC: [ Depends on how long YYou haven't slept in sopor. ] LC: [ I went 1-2 weeks of period without sleeping in sopor at times. ] LC: [ But it got different effects on everYYone. It tends to knock me out for longer. ] LC: [ Also I disagree on chugging it. Don't do it. ]
AA: listen to lal, man, he's the wornd of wisdom herne. >:}
ID: i mean it's been.
SS: (Fuck you, VC, Sxpa and X are totes the certxfxed scxenterrorxsts here.)
ID: we'll just say it's been a long while.
VC: If Laledy is wisdom than the asterrroid should end me now
SS: (Shxt, pal, X bet X've got you beat!)
ID: so good on me for not climbing in.
ID: i mean probably not but sure ss, you get the crown.
SS: (And go stand outsxde and stare at the lxght, Cennef, xt'll do xt's work quxcker that way!)
LC: [ Then hopefullYY other than sleeping for longer than YYou should it shouldn't have anYY side effects. ] LC: [ But if the sopor is gross on the top, clean that off. ]
AA: wait wtf why don't I get a crnown??
VC: I trrreassurre my rremaining moments, spent in the company of idiots they might be.
VC: ...with the exception of ID and LC
AA: lal, soz, i'm also beatin' you forn yrn crnown.
SS: (Dude, xf you're gonna be borxng about the one-up game, at least dd on your ~totes vxctory~.)
LC: [ Cause that's not healthYY to mix with the still decent bits. ]
AA: this is just like a full scale fucking shakedown, apparnently. >:}
ID: sorry lal, no deets, you're too busy fighting for your crown.
SS: (Why are you up and beatxn me up for everythxn??) SS: (You want my wallet, too?) SS: (X got some lxnt, a pxce of gum, and two caegars.)
AA: shit, you gonna give me yrn wallet?
ID: also fuck yeah, i'm not an idiot.
SS: (Thxs just xn: XD tryxn to be edgy, can't be botherxn to be entertaxnxn whxle he's at xt.)
AA: bc, y, then i totes want it.
VC: Unforrrunately he's prrrobably rright.
VC: Given I once took his sorrry carrrcass forr food.
SS: (You're gonna hafta buy me a wallet fxrst, Sxpa, X axn't actually got one.)
SS: (But X'll totes gxve xt to you after!)
AA: uuuuuuuugh.
ID: man sip do you just collect us poor little beggars.
AA: 'kay, so, like, step O N E of the fairn is buying you a wallet. AA: step two is rnoughing you up forn it.
LC: [ FranklYY, sopor is gross and I never can fathom how some trolls out there can turn it into a sopor pie and eat it. ]
VC: What a time-honorrred trrradition
SS: (Dude, VC, that was a date.)
VC: It baffles me too, LC
VC: That was the exact opposite of a date
VC: Emprrress forrrbid
LC: [ It's... toxic. It's known to be toxic to be consumed in such manner. ]
ID: i mean alcohol is toxic too but trolls love glugging it down.
SS: (But xf xt makes you feel better to say you totes meant to get your charxty cred xn afore the asteroxd kxlled us all, X'm down, X'm down.) SS: (See, X'm a nxce guy! (\unu/) )
VC: Alcohol at least doesn't look entirrrely unappetizing
ID: i say it depends on the alcohol.
VC: Warrn me when you'rrre about to actually be funny, Laledy, I nearly hurrrt my own thrroat laughing.
VC: If you'rrre nice then I fearrr forr trollkind
LC: [ That's true - I am not a fan of alcohol to be honest with YYou ID. ] LC: [ There are well. Alot of such things. ]
SS: (Sure, pal, axn't nothxn up and even tolerant 'bout puttxn up wxth some rando rustxe monologuxng 'bout her you totes suck whxle you server her a drxnk.) SS: (TFW workxng customer servxce, tbh.)
ID: some trolls are gonna destroy their thinkpans one way or another! some choose alcohol, or drugs, or sopor pies. or getting hit in it a lot i guess.
AA: y, exactly.
VC: Some spend time with Laledy
VC: He's rright about one thing, if I had any sense, I would have just left
LC: [ Well all those options are unpleasant. Save for the last one, VC. I don't know LaledYY well enough to draw anYY judgements YYet. ]
SS: (Shxt, u rxte!) SS: (X axn't never met Sxpa xn my lxfe!)
VC: Prrray you neverr know him well enough to tell
AA: nah, getting hit in the pan lots is W A Y fun.
ID: all i know about ss is that he seems like a yappy little ankle-biting woofbeast. only his yapping is dirty jokes.
SS: (For me.)
AA: go take a few rnounds, lc. >:}
AA: don't frnont, lal, if someone hit you in the head, it'd, like, pop off. >:P
SS: (Dude, don't put me on front street lxke that!) SS: (X'm sensxtxve 'bout the fact that xt's prosthetxc, axght??)
VC: That's not too farr off, ID
ID: of course not, i'm a good judge of character. =:P
LC: [ ... Well. ] LC: [ I have a feeling that was a quick summarYY YYou just gave there, ID. ] LC: [ And uh, AA, does YYour job involve such incidents happening, or... ]
VC: It does, arrren't you some rrring fighterr orr something, AA
AA: i get paid to pop ppl in the face. it's harnd wornk, but somebody's gotta do it.
AA: >:P
SS: (VC's the best judge a'character, XD, don't even flxp!) SS: (She's exp good at judgxn folks that she's up and throwxn xsh xn the faces off whxle they're tryxn to fxgure out how she lxkes her drxnk.) SS: (#Tfw actually salty abt thxs shxt.)
ID: sip isn't dedicated enough to the cause to pop people in the face for free.
VC: oh wow, did I actually pierrce yourr veneerr of indifferrrence and flippancy
VC: Colorrr me surrprrised
SS: (X'd lxke my asshole cred to be dedxcated to my actual awful qualxtxes, pal!) SS: (X axn't no sellout. (\qnq/) )
SS: (You're ruxnxn my xmage!)
AA: wait, wait, arne we rneffing me orn
VC: I think you've well supplied those.
AA: omfggg, stop using handles, use rneal names. i can't keep up w/ this shit and yrn quirnks. >:{
VC: In my case.
ID: i forget names.
ID: uh. sip. lal? uh.
VC: I admittedly stayed away forrr a while after causing some disputes
ID: i don't even know lc's name.
AA: tattoo them on yrn knuckles!!
SS: (Eyyy, X made the lxst! (\ouo/) )
LC: [ Ah, I see AA. ] LC: [ And just call me YYerman. So YYou don't need to refer to me bYY handle. ]
AA: look, 'kay, if you don't rnemebern names, i'll totes G I V E folks names.
ID: yer it is.
AA: lc, yrn now yern.
VC: So I don't expect people to know mine, and I'm a bit unfamiliarrr with most otherrs
AA: vc, yrn now... foxy.
SS: (Omfg, Cennef, dxd you for cereals get run outta town??)
ID: look at sip. bitching about quirks when hers messes up people's names.
VC: No
SS: (How salty do you gotta be tho.)
CC: my quirnk ain't nevern messed up anybody's name, losern.
SS: (Also, shxt, mb, soz for callxn you by the wrong name, Foxy.)
ID: i mean okay, sorry yern this is your name now.
CC: unlike lals'. >:} is it id or xd?? we just don't know.
SS: (Xt's obvx ecks dee, dude.)
AA: yern is his name, y. totes just established that. AA: trny to keep up!
LC: [ Uh, YYern? That. Well. ]
SS: (Xt's always ecks dee.)
LC: [ Alright, I guess. ]
VC: Oh look, now you've made the poorr cerrulean uncomforrrtable
VC: and if I'm sympathizing, up is down, left is rrright
ID: oh also i'm hadean yern.
AA: uncomfy, orn grnateful that i all went up and imprnoved his shit?
AA: y, yern, i'm siparna.
ID: since no one was nice enough to say my name. =>:I
LC: [ I am not uncomfortable, VC. I just got surprised cause I looked awaYY for a moment. ]
LC: [ I am alright. ]
VC: Oh, you _are_ some sorrrt of prrizefighterr arren't you?
AA: lmfao, soz, frnom now on, i'll totes starnt intrnoducing you F I RN ST.
VC: I know I've hearrd that name somewherre
LC: [ ID, sorrYY, how maYY I call YYou? ]
AA: hadean. >:}
ID: ^^^^
AA: no nicknames, that shit's lame.
VC: ...ugh, wait, I know wherre now
ID: how many times have you nicknamed me sip. =:I
VC: Damn you, Matarrri
VC: Oh well
AA: and y, foxy, i am totes famous. wicked mad famous. so famous you've prnobs got a coonpillow w/ my face on it.
VC: Ha
AA: if you do, btw, take pics, that's fucking weirnd.
VC: No
AA: arne you surne.
AA: and haaaads. AA: yrn nickname is like, a show of ourn special cornpse buddy bond, duh.
VC: I can't knit one, so it holds no interrrest forr me
ID: oh well in that fucking case i suppose i can accept it.
LC: [ Ah, alright. Thanks. ] LC: [ And I am afraid mYY coon pillows don't meet that rating AA. TheYY all got map prints on them. ]
VC: ...so you can find wherrre to go to sleep everry day?
VC: I'd think you wouldn't get lost doing _that_
AA: lmfao, well, _good_. AA: and mb they'rne blind, foxy.
ID: you fancy trolls and your coon pillows.
AA: yrn trnying to grnow gills in a bathtub, dude, don't starnt shit abt coon pillows.
AA: S O M E O F U S use coonpillows to cope. AA: with not having giant ass ablution trnaps. >:'{
LC: [ VC. ] LC: [ I wouldn't want to go into that, thank YYou. ] LC: [ And uhm, definitelYY not blind. Well. ]
VC: Maybe I'm a deep-dwelling fuchsia, Siparra
VC: Somehow I doubt it
VC: See?
ID: man i gotta admit this ablution trap is the fucking best.
ID: it's been like five perigees since i got hot water sip let me enjoy this. =>:I
LC: [ I am onlYY blind if I don't find mYY glasses. Because mYY vision gets blurrYY. ] LC: [ Other than that, I am fine. ]
VC: _Five perrigees_ ?
VC: What on Alterrrnia have you been doing, ID.
LC: [ And YYou should totallYY enjoYY YYour hot water, Hadean. ]
ID: traveling. using the rain. or barrels.
VC: Maybe the asterrroid will cull some unforrrtunate sap and you can take theirrr hive, if it doesn't get the lot of us
AA: hot watern's pointless unless you add B U B B L E S.
AA: did you add bubbles??
ID: i got fucking water jets in this thing.
ID: which is superior to bubbles.
LC: [ That's indeed, superior. ] LC: [ And five sweeps is a long time. YYou definitelYY deserve that. ] LC: [ ... Is the asteroid still in the air? It should have landed bYY now, or so I think. ]
ID: i dunno. i'm busy in the bath so some other loser look.
VC: LC, he said _perigees_
VC: ...not to be pedantic
VC: Except I am
VC: Oh well
VC: Hang me laterr orr wait forr the asterroid forr my impudence, orr something
ID: no i have now never been in hot water for five sweeps.
LC: [ Perigees or not, anYYone deserves a good hot water time. ] LC: [ ... Given the troll in question is not the scum of Alternia, that is. ]
SS: (Wow, pal, that's some srs shade you're throwxn, there!)
VC: ...what standarrrds do you have forr scum
LC: [ I should have clarified that last bit, but seriouslYY, there are trolls who go out of their waYY to just mutilate and harm others* who didn't offend them for no good reason. ]
LC: [ Or caused them no harm. Or no issues. ]
ID: hahah mmm just gonna enjoy this hot water.
SA: define offend.
VC: Prrobably hit them overr the head
VC: That generrrally classifies offense on Alterrnia
VC: That orr stealing my god damned yarrn, which is unforrrgivable
VC: also hello SA, I don't think I've seen you beforrre
LC: [ Offend as in, didn't hurt their emotions or them phYYsicallYY. ]
LC: [ This is a complex subject I brought mYYself into, isn't it. ]
SA: hello. You haven't.
VC: Congrrrats forr noticing, LC.
VC: Morrralls arren't always clearr-cut, who knew.
ID: welcome to the chatroom then sa. it's kinda busy right now.
SA: many trolls have a fragile ego, anything could be a would to their emotions. I admire your ability to continue digging this hole, LC.
VC: That it is.
VC: Okay, I like this one
LC: [ Thanks, but no need for the sass. ] LC: [ Well, exactlYY. So I feel like I should stop digging this hole now. ]
ID: i'm offended by yern's definition of offense.
VC: Oh my
VC: Shall you duel him overr it
LC: [ WhYY exactlYY? ]
ID: no because that would make me scum apparently. =:'(
VC: Just like with that jade boy?
VC: Oh yes, we can't have that
VC: Is your ego frrragile as well, as SA mentioned
ID: well lc is seeing everything from a blueblood lens.
LC: [ Well I can't think about everYY possible exceptions that exist on Alternia. ]
VC: Mm, trrue
ID: it's different.
LC: [ I trYY to see the world not just through cerulean and blueblooded lenses, but alas I am aware that task is not easYY to achieve. ]
VC: Well, crredit forr being awarrre, I suppose
LC: [ There are things I might overlook unintentionallYY, so forgive me for that. ]
SA: I've already decided i'm going to nitpick everything you say and we've just met.
SA: I'm very sorry.
ID: well at least you apologized for being privileged.
VC: This sounds verry enterrtaining
LC: [ Well I am positive that decision is not exactlYY... A good one, SA. ]
AA: oh my god.
AA: sa, i've decided yrn my new fave.
AA: what arne we nitpicking??
VC: LC's errrorrs
SA: their many errors.
SA: It may not be a good one but it has yet to yield a majority unpopular result.
LC: [ I am onlYY a troll, just like everYYone else. ]
ID: uh not like everyone else, you're blue. duh.
LC: [ No one is perfect, and I'd be a fool to claim that I am. ]
VC: SA is cleverr and plays the crrowd
LC: [ Well I can't help about the blood colour I was born with, and no one else can. ]
VC: Clearly we have an experienced crritic herre
ID: you'll see when soaking in this tub turns me violet.
SA: perhaps you should use a tinted bathbomb, it may yield faster results, ID.
LC: [ ... Well I feel like I should bid mYY farewell for now and keep an eYYe out for this meteor. ]
VC: If you grrow gills I support Siparra dissecting you
VC: Forr science
ID: fucking rude vc.
VC: what
VC: I just want to ~add to ourr pool of knowledge~
VC: Orr whateverr scientists say
ID: hahah bye lc i think we overwhelmed they guy.
SA: goodbye, LC. Next time I would like your name.
VC: Yerrrman
VC: ...Yerman
ID: i want my soft squishy body in one piece.
VC: That's his name
AA: n, foxy, yrn getting it wrnong.
AA: jfc, drnag a guy A N D fuck up his name, why don't you?
AA: his name's yern.
AA: sa. jsyk. >:}
VC: Oh of courrrse
VC: My bad
VC: Yes, SA, his name is clearrly Yer, ignore everrrything else.
AA: yern!!!
VC: Yernman.
VC: Ha
SA: ...Yern...
SA: I am sorry.
VC: Forr what
VC: You didn't brrring the asterroid did you
VC: In that case you should be sorrrry
VC: For strrressing us all out
SA: yes, i used astronomically scaled telekinesis and a number of steroids to rip something in space into our orbit to terrorize strangers.
SA: I haven't heard of any asteroid. did something happen?
VC: what
VC: have you not looked out yourrr window
ID: or read any newsfeed.
SA: i've spent the last few days in relative isolation, actually. Playing my handheld.
ID: oh great we got another nerd in here didn't we.
ID: what flavor nerd are you?
SA: the completionist kind.
SA: what kind of nerd are you?
VC: Completing what, though
TC: !s Hadea~ be!~g a~ ass aga!~
ID: i'm the not a nerd kind.
VC: Hadean's a wanderring nerrd, I'd say
ID: oh god she's back.
VC: oh, is this yourr violently amorrrous pitch suitorrr
RS: | Hahaha | I think He Is | Judging from What I Just Read | RS: | Or | Well | RS: | Not Moreso than Anyone Else | ? |
RS: | | Violently Amorous Pitch Suitor | ? |
TC: Excuse me?
SA: games. I complete games a hundred percent. A wandering nerd would be useful, knowing all sorts of jeopardy facts about travel.
SA: is this gossip?
TC: !D what have you bee~ tell!~g people about me?
ID: i mean i travel but i'm not good at remembering shit about where i've been.
ID: oh i just shared some of your comments.
ID: y'know. the horror screams and horse piss ones.
RS: | The | What | Piss Ones |
RS: |- What -|
ID: tc just wants to drown me in horse urine, nbd.
SA: that's. disgusting.
VC: It is, isn't it
RS: | That's not Pitch | That's Simply Alarming |
VC: I was joking, Pheres
RS: | TC | I am Disappointed | =:( |
VC: Honest pitch is rrarrely founded by disgusting thrreats, haha
VC: And oh, you like games, SA?
VC: What kind?
RS: | Oh | I don't Know | You would Be Surprised | Cennef | RS: | Especially | at Some of the Residents of This Server |
ID: all because i told tc she had to fight me if she wanted to fight gliese. =:'(
SA: most pitch relationships are violent pranks and misaligned intentions. it is about being pointlessly mean, as children are.
SA: VC, I play pokemon.
VC: !!!!
VC: so do I!
VC: Though I usually call it Fiduspawn, haha
RS: | | Is It | ? | RS: | I don't Think It Is | SA | If You will Pardon My Interruption |
VC: And pfft, SA
VC: How old arre you, then
SA: how old are you?
VC: 9 sweeps
SA: older.
VC: Well goodness
SA: by one sweep.
RS: | It's more About Rivalry | Isn't It | ? |
SA: 😃
VC: I didn't rrealize we werre - ha
RS: | Hahaha |
VC: Not THAT much olderr then
SA: no, but enough i could be nitpicky about it. Also, I don't think that is the intention of blackrom, no. But I think that's wha ti becomes. my roommate experienced something like that in his blackrom.
SA: what are you experiences?
VC: Mm, technically I've neverr had a pitch
ID: a good rivalry is hard to find and a lot of trolls just settle for whoever is a jerk to them.
VC: But my ideal one would be a strrrong rivalrrry wherre we both encourrage each other to become betterrr
TC: ! sta~d by my words to Hadea~
VC: Otherrwise it would be borrring
TC: Horse p!ss a~d all
SA: horse piss has nothing to do with becoming better.
VC: Oh, I'm so glad you felt the need to rrreiterrate that
VC: It really doesn't
SA: unless it doubles as a radioactive spiderbite and gives you superpowers.
VC: Perrhaps you want to look up some pitchrrrom tips, TC
SA: which I doubt.
VC: Ha
VC: Even if it did
VC: Is that RRREALLY worrrth it
TC: You're ~ot fu~~y VC, !'m ~ot p!tchfl!rt!~g
RS: | Oh | I don't Think | RS: | My Blackroms have been Dreadful | Haha | But | It's a Relationship | ! | There has to be Something More Appealing about Someone | RS: | Than Merely Their Ability to Infuriate You | Otherwise | Why would You ever Stick Around | ? |
SA: I asked my roommate tha tsame thing.
VC: Gosh, you don't mind my charrmingly light-pumperred barrbs amusing? Woe.
SA: anyone can infuriate someone. It is not hard.
SA: clearly i am pitch for
SA: yern.
SA: ?
VC: I don't think much of yourrr taste, SA
VC: what does a mild cerrulean have to offerrr you in way of rrrivalrry
VC: See how easily he backed off?
RS: | Haha | RS: | I don't Know | I could Ship It | =:P |
VC: _Rreally_, Pherrres
VC: You arre such a dorrrk
SA: Nothing, but they are an example of how easy it is to say anything remotely negative is a black flirtation. like RS said.
SA: please do not ship it.
RS: | Yes | ! | Look at That | Ah | RS: | Mildly Contentious Ire | that was On-Going | RS: | Clearly Romcom Material |
VC: Ha
SA: also what ID said, I apologize. This is the busiest thing i've seen in a long time.
SA: It is cozy
ID: ahahah might have fallen asleep in the bath.
ID: nearly rip me.
SA: remove yourself.
TC: stay !~ the bath
TC: Fall asleep some more
ID: and there's tc being tc again.
SA: that was a not very subtle wish for their demise.
TC: Fuck off
SA: i ship this.
TC: That was - what, ~o
ID: eww.
SA: 😂
ID: no one is allowed to ship me. =:I
TC: That's d!sgust!~g a~d you should feel bad, SA
VC: Not even in a charrming pale orrr ashen quad? Darrn
VC: Therre go my plans
ID: wait what.
RS: | Oh My |
SA: I'm only teasing.
ID: vc better be kidding too.
VC: clearrrly I'm _100%_ serrrious
VC: so serrrious
VC: you don't even know
RS: | Your Ashen Aspirations are as Clear as the Murdercomet Soaring Through Our Skies |
VC: Maybe I have an entirrre shipping wall
RS: | It is Too Late | They have been Unveiled |
ID: pff ashen what.
VC: Gasp
ID: hard pass.
VC: Pherres has caught me out
SA: who are you shipped with, VC?
VC: Haha
VC: No one!
SA: liar.
VC: No, rreally
RS: | She Said | Her Plans have been Dashed | of a Charming Pale or Ashen Quad |
VC: I have somehow escaped that - hahaha
RS: | I am Making No Assumptions Here | RS: | Only Taking Her at Her Word | =:B |
VC: except forrr my clearrrly entirely serrious inclinations towarrrd Hadean.
ID: oh pelase schoolfeed us pheres. master of quads.
RS: | Only if You Say Please |
ID: i just fucking did.
RS: | I am Not Certain | what Pelase Is |
VC: Oh please, grrreat Pherrres, masterrr of quads
ID: smartmouth. =:I
VC: do tell us yourrr wisdom.
RS: | =:B |
RS: | | Wait | What Wisdom | ? |
RS: | I have Lost Track of This Joke |
VC: I'm surrre we will all benefit.
ID: your wisdom of alll the quads.
VC: About quads, you absurrrd dweeb.
ID: you're more successful than us poor pupas.
VC: Werre you not paying attention.
VC: Clearrly we all need your guidance.
ID: with our bleak empty quads.
SA: a negligent teacher.
ID: =:'(
VC: Except perrhaps SA, who seems to be a harrdened veterran
SA: yes, with my many quadrants. All filled. all flawless.
ID: sa is the idol we must all aspire to.
SA: hell no.
SA: i am not allowed to have quadrants. simple.
VC: SA, why won't you accept ourrr - what
SA: it leaves plenty of room for judgement
VC: Why
RS: | Haha | Oh My | RS: | SA has to Share Their Wisdom | ! | I could Give You Advice | But
RS: | Wait | Why | ? |
SA: i'm more interested in RS's advice.
ID: ahahah no romance because judgement. that's new.
SA: I mean because i can make no relationship faux pas i can judge you all i'd like.
VC: Hah
RS: | I am More Interested in Your Advice | ! | So I am Afraid | We are at an Impasse |
ID: sa has no advice so cough up yours pheres.
ID: no backing out now.
ID: we said please.
RS: | Oh | Heavens |
IA: Is every-one sharing relati-onship advice?
ID: not everyone, just pheres.
RS: | | I've Only Got One Quadrant | You Two are Exceptionally Silly | RS: | I don't Think My Advice will prove Exceptionally Sage | in Light of That |
RS: | Yes | We are Absolutely |- ALL -| Sharing Relationship Advice |
RS: | Please Start | IA |
ID: you've never had any other quads ever? =:/
IA: --Oh dear
ID: share the one quad knowledge then! plenty of sageness to ingest.
RS: | I mean | Of Course I've had Past Quadrants | RS: | But | So have You | ! |
IA: Always kn-ow where y-our quadrants live in case -of emergencies?
ID: ahahah guess again.
ID: my quads are salted withered husks.
RS: | Oh | Come On | RS: | You've never Had a Quadrant At All | ? | Ever | ? | RS: | You're Older than I | Aren't You | ? |
RS: | And | IA | Haha | RS: | That is Sage Advice | I will Second | =:) |
ID: nah. i'm just not a good catch clearly!
SA: what salt did you use for that? himalayan pink or sea?
RS: | Oh | RS: | | I'm sure It's Not That | Haha | You are Perfectly Lovely | and Will Find Someone Eventually |
CC: I mean, I haven't ever had a pro=per quadrant! CC: But I think I'm also= yo=under than yo=u, Pheres. /(=⌒x⌒=)\ CC: So= it pro=bably do=esn't co=unt fo=r much.
RS: | For Each Square |
ID: the salt that burns your feet if you step on it bare.
SA: delicious.
RS: | ! | ! | ! | How have You |- NOT -| had a Quadrant | Kit | ? | RS: | That seems Implausible |
CC: !!
RS: | Or | Like Everyone You Know has Exceptionally Dreadful Taste |
CC: I mean, I've dated peo=ple before!
VC: What have you all been doing, I've had a matesprit and a moirail and I spent six sweeps of my life almost entirely isolated
ID: man look at pheres so much more baffled by cc. it's almost like they don't think i'm a good catch.
CC: It just never really wo=rked o=ut?
ID: =:'( =:'( =:'(
SA: VC Show us the way.
IA: Perhaps it just never has happened?
VC: hah
VC: They did not worrk out
IA: I haven't held a quadrant in sweeps.
VC: Though both did last for sweeps
VC: So they werrre good rrrelationships
VC: But unforrtunately even good things end
ID: ...this better not be a joke where your quads were actually your fronds all along.
IA: It's n-ot a particularly bad thing if -one d-oes n-ot have a quadrant.
VC: Wow, and I thought nobody could be morrre tasteless than Laledy
VC: Good job
SA: your life is neither jeopardized or enriched by not having one, as a child.
VC: You outdid him
RS: | Haha | Oh | Dear |
ID: what, you've never heard a quad-frond joke vc.
ID: or seen the memes.
RS: | Please Do Not Show These Memes |
SA: "the real quads were the friends we made a long the way"
CC: Pheres, I'm pretty sure that saying that's ho=w yo=u get peo=ple to sho=w them.
ID: oh please pheres it's just a picture of a hand with a caption that they just broke up with their mate usually.
CC: /(=´x`=)\
ID: followed by a picture of the opposite frond saying their black relationship is still healthy as ever.
VC: Lorrd
RS: | Good Heavens |
IA: S-o, why were we sharing relati-onship advice?
ID: pheres still hasn't really.
RS: | Oh | Hmph | RS: | Fine | My Relationship Advice | is | RS: | | Um |
RS: | Hm |
IT: Have MANY of little ConsequenCe?
RS: | | A Little Less Talking | goes a Long Way | ? | Haha |
VC: oh no
RS: | That | and Having a Great Many of Little Consequence |
VC: You don't get to give relationship advice at all, Orrrpheo
IA: That's c-onfusing advice.
VC: though I'm not sure you could do worrse than Pherres
VC: I'm disappointed, Pherrres
ID: even i know that the key to a good relationship is communication.
IT: I was not! I was refering to Dysseu's relationships!
RS: | Haha | RS: | Excuse Me | ? |
IT: I have not HAD a serendipitous relationship, VC >:O
IA: --Oh dear
RS: | I haven't Had a Great Deal | I have Had Two Moirails | And One Matesprit | and Two Pitch Suitors | RS: | That is the Opposite of a Great Deal |
RS: | So | Please Do not Cast False Aspersions |
IT: I wouldst ne'er Cast Fals Aspersions
IT: Thou knowst this
VC: Wow, I am so shocked by this inforrmation, Orrrpheo
RS: | Also | My Advice is Perfectly Fine | Hadean | RS: | There is No Point in Talking Too Much | And Over-Complicating Things | RS: | As Sir Orpheo Enjoys Doing |
VC: Shocked and rrelieved
ID: woowww pheres. woowwww.
IT: Thou dost seem familiar, VC
ID: you think not talking to your moirails a lot is good?
IT: I assure thee, I meant no harm to thy quadrantmate or thyself
VC: What, me? Neverr - what
IA: I'm afraid I agree with ID -on this.
RS: | Talking to Them Too Much is an Entirely Separate Problem |
IA: Talking t-o y-our quads and feeling c-omf-ortable talking t-o them is imp-ortant.
ID: hahah woowww.
RS: | I did Not Say | You should Avoid Speaking to Them Entirely | RS: | Refuse to Ever Lay Your Eyes Upon Them | RS: | There is Just Something to be Said | For Avoiding Co-Dependence | With Your Quadrants |
RS: | That is All | =:| |
ID: uh-uh. =:/
IA: I d- n-ot think it's a particularly bad thing, if the tw-o inv-olved are receptive en-ough t-o -one an-other and it d-oes n-ot upset -one -of them.
RS: | Oh | Make Your Line-Faces | Hadean | RS: | You'll see What I Mean When You Get One | =:) |
IA: Alth-ough I d-o fully rec-ognize that I d-on't have much experience. I've -only ever had -one m-oirail.
ID: ohh i could throw some harsh shade right now.
ID: but i'm nice! so i won't!
IT: Prithee, do so!
RS: | Yes | Please |
VC: go forrr it
RS: | I am Sure We are All Riveted to Hear Your Fascinating Insights | RS: | on Quadrants that You have Never Had |
ID: you sure about that pheres.
RS| =:P |
VC: I'm surre I'll be enterrtained
ID: i mean. you had two moirails.
IT: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
ID: haaaddd.
IT: 😮 😮 😮
IA: --Oh dear
RS: | Haha | RS: | Yes | And One is Deceased | And | Well | RS: | Sipara is Sipara |
RS: | I am Afraid You will Have to Try Harder than That |
RS: | If You Want to Give Shade | =:B |
ID: i mean how do you lose sip?
ID: she seems the type to put up with a lot of shit!
IT: I also feel out of synC! Thou and Sipara have separated? Didst ask a surgeon to do the deed?
ID: i guess by not talking to her because you fear getting close to her.
RS: | Heavens | You Know Her So Well | Hadean | Clearly |
IA: IT, I d-on't believe they mean medically seperated, but have br-oken up as quadrant mates.
RS: | | Hahaha | RS: | Yes | I Meant That | =:B |
RS: | We have been Separated Since Her Delightful Little Romp with Muireach | RS: | So | Ah | A Perigee or Three |
IT: Nay, I didst mean it as a joke as well! But ahhh, hm.
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i think deflecting blame on to anyone but yourself is an issue everyone has with you so i won't take it personally pheres.
VC: Oh my
VC: Quite the statement to thrrrow arround, Hadean
VC: What's yourr rrebuttal, Pherres
ID: aww man i probably super upset him. it's just words!
RS: / as always / I am a bit busy / dealing with / oh / Work / ? / RS: / But my rebuttal is / LOL / RS: / Go bicker with Cennef / Hadean /
RS: / instead of repeating Lucina's tripe / =:) /
ID: someone who knows him confirm if his changed quirk means he's upset.
VC: Well, you heard the man, he said LOL
VC: The greatest trump of all
RS: / why in the world / would it mean I'm upset / ? / RS: / That is silly / Haha /
RS: / and / yes / precisely / =:P /
ID: you're still quirking weird so. =:/ so i feel like. upset.
ID: you do know it's okay to tell someone to, y'know. back off and shit.
VC: ...in all serriousness I concurr with Hadean
RS: / oh / heavens / does changing my quirk for convenience bother you that much / ? / RS: | Here | Then |
ID: most trolls don't just up and change their quirks! it makes the rest of us. uh.
ID: uneasy.
RS: | Well | Heaven Forbid that You Feel Uneasy | RS: | We can't Have That |
VC: How _darre_ you do such a thing, Pherres
VC: Inconsiderrate
VC: How could you inflict this sufferrring on a poorrr unforrtunate trroll.
ID: ugh. =:/ i'm sorry if i got too harsh on you.
RS: | No | That's Fine | That is Merely Your Personality | RS: | Perhaps You should Apologise for Your Insistence on Prying into My Romantic Life | Instead | ? | RS: | Or | Mm | Explain | ? | =:\ |
ID: first off the shit with emerel was kinda. trying to figure out if there was a way to get him to stop without telling him flat out to stop?
ID: because with usual trolls flinging another quad in to things will end shit right down.
RS has attached ACTUALLYWORKING.PNG to the chat! RS: / mm / might I remind you that you and Lucina contacted Emerel /- PRIOR -/ to any of your ill advised shenanigans with him / ? /
RS: / the picture is to save comments on my supposed state of upset / just so you know / =:1 /
ID: oh well that was because you called me a liar.
RS: / oh / heavens / because you are a paragon of honesty / and your honour felt besmirched / ? /
ID: damn straight.
ID: also why are you working when the world is gonna end.
RS: | =:1 |
ID: well pheres, tell me when i have lied! if i am such a liar.
RS: | We're not going to Die to An Asteroid | That would be Silly | RS: / And / Mm / I don't Think I Need To /
RS: / especially / Since You just Did / =:1 /
ID: uh-huh, we'll see when we're all dead.
ID: i did?
LL: Dude, speak for YOURSELF. If that thing gets any CLOSER, I'm BOOKING it.
LL: Fuck THIS joint, I got other places I can be.
ID: well now you have to take us all with you ll!
LL: SORRY, dude, there's only ONE ID I'm dragging up with me, and it's not YOU.
LL: Find your OWN ride! Mine's all FULL.
RS: / yes / ! / RS: / and / well / make sure you stop by before you flee for your life / LL / ! / you wouldn't want to miss the fair /
ID: aww fuck it. guess we all have to die sometime.
ID: when did i lie?
LL: Of COURSE! LL: Faire first, THEN abandoning the planet.
LL: I promised you a SWORD, didn't I? >:D
RS: | Haha | Finally | She Made a Selection and I am Free to Type Properly | RS: | It Took Her Long Enough |
RS: | And You Did | ! | =:B |
ID: still wanna know where i lied. =:I
RS: | You are Awfully Het Up about That | Aren't You | ? |
ID: can't just call a troll a liar without proof!
LL: PRETTY sure he was talking about the end of the world thing, dude.
RS: | Absolutely |
ID: uh-huh. =:/
0 notes