#Bavaria Motors
amitsingh223 · 2 years
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With the BAVARIA SR36, Bavaria Yachts is taking another step in the development of the SR-LINE and convinces with clever optimized solutions. An intelligent space concept and a sporty, elegant design, in combination with extremely safe handling characteristics make the BAVARIA SR36 unique, made for perfect days on the ocean with family and friends.
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey support. Quick question. Lately this group of guys on campus has been gravitating toward me in a kinda weird way. They’re super preppy guys: polo shirts, cologne, pressed khakis, conservative haircuts, that whole sort of thing. They’re really nice and honestly very handsome—prettyboy faces with some nicely toned muscle—but, frankly, the way they all talk the same, always hang out together, and have the same (properly preppy) interests kind of freaks me out. They’re like pod people. Idk why they’ve taken such a curiosity in me: I’ve never been very preppy or stylish at all. Anyway, they invited me over to their dorm tomorrow, but I saw one of them carrying a chronoviac…any idea what I should expect if I go? Should I go?
Well… In my opinion, you should definitely go there. From what I see in my files, these guys are virtuosos in the use of the Chronivac. You can look forward to the results.
You put on your clothes that are most likely to pass for "preppy". You comb your hair. And go on your way. Another student is waiting in front of the house. Similar appearance as you. Pretty average. Quite preppy. But could just as easily pass for a member of the chess team. The door opens and an immaculately dressed frat guy invites you in and leads you into a library. There are two tables, each with an iPad on it. You may sit down. There would now be a small entrance test for the fraternity. If you pass, you will become probationary preppies. Otherwise you will leave the dorm and will not get a chance to repeat the test.
Hey, you think to yourself, that's great. So, worst case scenario, nothing happens. Let's do it.
The test only takes a few minutes. You are to enter for four abbreviations what they stand for. Please use the iPads for this. You and the other candidate look at each other, shake hands and take your seats. The first abbreviation is BMW. Fuck! "Bavaria" and " Motors" is what you guess. But W? Ways? Your tutor congratulates your competitor. Yes, it stands for "Bayerische Motoren Werke". You look enviously at your opponent's iPad. Did he already have manicured fingers? You look at your hands. Okay, the nails aren't exactly clean. And you have quite a few horny calluses.
The next question is what "bt" means on an invitation. You have no idea… You've never read it. You write beer time. Fits BMW somehow. The tutor congratulates the other guy again. The solution was "black tie". Who should know something like that? The idiot grins over his clean-shaven face. You're itching your three-day beard. Shit, now you have to try harder!.
Now they ask for LVMH. What the hell? LVMH? Might have something to do with the British king. Long Vita Majesty Highness? Shit, time's up. Of course the other guy knew it stood for Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy. You don't even know what that means. You scratch your tousled hair. Your opponent, grinning, corrects a less-than-perfect strand of his slicked hair.
We come to the last question. Your last chance not to make a total fool of yourself. But you're getting tired of these stuffy wimps. What does Snob stand for? Hehehe! That's a trick question. Snob is not an abbreviation at all. You write that down. To learn that it stands for sine nobilitas. Fuck!
A few other preppies enter the room and ask your opponent to come along. He puts on his expensive looking jacket, nods at you once more and turns around.
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Your tutor says he's sorry, but unfortunately you have no chance of being accepted into the frat. You scratch your hairy six-pack and are relieved. You'd rather be throwing some balls with the other guys anyway.
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"Nah worries, bruh. It's been fun. See you on campus" you reply, grabbing your glove and ball and you head out of this boring house.
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Hi, how are you. I like your stories very much, may I ask you for a little story. Reader is an old friend of songoku and bulma and recently became close to cupsel corp. Drawn. Raditz was pardoned and was allowed to join the Z group more or less voluntarily. He is alone at vegeta's home and trained, when a reader surprises, rings the doorbell in a bit of panic and asks if bulma is there.... (reader has caught his eye a few times and somehow she interests him more and more. Because otherwise she also is more fearless) but now she is in a panic after a stalker has destroyed her apartment..... Well, how does raditz react now.
Greetings from Bavaria Germany
Hi there! Thanks so much for liking my work! I’m so sorry for such a long wait, and I hope you like this fic! (TW for emotional and verbally abusive ex, some curse words) 
752 days. 752 days ago, Raditz was in the depths of Hell. It was sweltering and barren, and he had sworn to himself that if he ever got out, he would do anything in his power to make sure he would not return. However, as he held his head in his hand, Raditz was sure that he was probably in Hell on earth.
"C’mon Uncle Raditz, let's go! You promised dad you'd warm us up for training today!" Goten whined. Raditz grumbled under his breath, trying in vain to shake Goten and his friend, Trunks, off his legs.
"Get lost, you brats," Raditz said.
Goten and Trunks continued to whine, pouting as Raditz scowled and glared down at them. They grinned, eyes glinting with unspoken mischief. The two boys looked at each other before snickering. Goten charged a weak blast before firing it off at Raditz. 
“Damn brat!” Raditz snarled. He watched as Trunks and Goten sped off, content with causing the man trouble. Raditz dusted himself off as he watched them before shaking his head and rolling his eyes. Turning on his heel, Raditz stalked deeper into the backyard, content to train on his own for the rest of the evening.  
Sweat dripped down Raditz’s brow. His chest heaved as the sun set behind him. Glancing at a rock, Raditz made his way to it to rest as the dust settled around him. Closing his eyes, Raditz took a deep breath as his breathing and heart slowed.
Suddenly, the sound of a motor roused Raditz from his rest. Raditz looked up to see a light blue car speeding down the road. It careened to the front of the Capsule Corp home, just out of Raditz’s view. Raditz stood, stretched, and stalked his way to the back of the Capsule House.
“Bulma! Bulma!” A voice cried. Raditz frowned, looking around the corner. The doorbell rung again and again, and whoever was behind the door was in a huff as they pounded on the floor. Raditz growled to himself as he wrenched the door open. He was just about to reprimand the intruder when he paused.
A woman stood there; her hand posed to knock again. She pursed her lips for a second before dropping her arm and fidgeting under Raditz’s gaze.
“Ah, hi. Sorry to bother you. Is Bulma home?”
Raditz’s mouth opened and closed, before he growled to himself and glared at the woman.
“Depends,” he said. “Why?”
Raditz blanched as the woman smiled.
“Y/N,” she said. “I’m Y/N. I’m sorry for the weird introduction, I really wouldn’t have come if I knew Bulma had company, but I really don’t have any other choice right now. Can I come in?”
Raditz said nothing, opting instead to move to the side. Y/N came through the door and looked around. She walked to the kitchen and sat herself down at the table with a huff.
Raditz stared at the woman as she fixed her hair and smoothed out her clothes. She wrung her hands and looked up at Raditz before speaking.
“Do you know when Bulma will be back? It’s really important,” she said.
Raditz shook his head.
“What do you need her for anyway? You two friends or something? If you are, you should know her schedule by now,” he hissed. Raditz’s eyes widened as Y/N let out a huff before laughing all together.
“That’s right! Now I know where I know you from. You’re Goku’s brother, right? I mean, you’re right, I’m always around Bulma and the gang, but I can never really get her schedule down.”
Raditz rolled his eyes, fidgeting under the woman’s gaze.
“She and her husband left this morning. She left her brat kid and his friend here,” Raditz said.
Y/N scoffed, slumping down in her seat.
“Well, shit,” she said. She looked up at Raditz, biting her lip for a moment.
“Do you think you could do something for me?” Y/N asked. Raditz frowned. Y/N continued.
“There’s this guy. I used to, well, we used to be together. He won’t leave me alone. He’s always at my house, outside my job, shit, he showed up at my place last night. I don’t know where else to go, and I was hoping Bulma was here but since she isn’t…” Y/N trailed off. Raditz’s eye twitched as she continued.
“I’m not asking for you to do anything that would get you in trouble. Could you just maybe, go with me while he’s still there? He’s supposed to be moving his stuff out, and he has until sundown until I call the cops. I just need the moral support,” Y/N said. She wrung her hands together, watching Raditz intently.
“Fine,” Raditz said.
Y/N let out a squeal. She jumped from her seat at the table to launch herself at Raditz; Raditz stood bewildered as Y/N hugged his neck and jumped up and down.
“Thank you so much!” Y/N said. “You don’t know how much this means to me! I’ll drive us!”
Raditz waved his hand, his face pink and his eyes trained to the floor.
“No need, I don’t like those things. You just go and I’ll follow,” he said. Y/N said nothing; she instead skittered to the door and flung it open, all but throwing herself outside and into her car.
Once he arrived, Raditz could see why Y/N needed help. Clothes scattered the lawn, with a windowpane broken and glimmering on the grass as well. Raditz could hear a car door slamming shut, and he look to Y/N as she marched next to him.
“Are you kidding? Asshole ruined my stuff!” she yelled. Y/N went to work, gather her scattered clothes from the grass, and she had an arm full when her house’s door slammed open.
“Look who decided to drag their sorry ass back here! You come running back?” the man screamed from the doorway. Raditz crossed his arms, watching the other male intently. Raditz stepped forward as the other man spoke again.
“And who the fuck is this?”
“My name is Raditz,” Raditz said. “Get out of the house and we can make this quick.”
The angry man swore and spat, marching from the house to Raditz’s face. Raditz looked down at the man. He could feel his mouth twitch as the angry man tried his best to puff himself up to look taller compared to Raditz.
“C’mon,” Raditz said. “Get outta here. I don’t have all day, and neither does she,” Raditz said, motioning toward Y/N.
“Shut the hell up!” Y/N’s ex cried. Y/N looked up just in time to see him swing at Raditz’s jaw. His fist connected, and Y/N’s jaw dropped as Raditz didn’t move an inch. The man drew his hand back, howling and groaning. Raditz laughed and stepped forward.
“That all you got tough guy? C’mon, lay another one on me.”
Another fist connected with Raditz, and once again, the man cursed and spat at the pain blooming in his fingers.
“Freak! Dammit! My hands!”
Raditz rolled his eyes. Gingerly, he picked Y/N’s ex up by his collar.
“Scram,” Raditz said. He dropped the man, who scrambled away on his behind.
“Fine! I’m outta here, you crazy bitch and crazier fucker. I don’t want any part of this shit,” the man said. Y/N watched with glee as he got up and hurriedly fished his keys out of his pockets before retreating to a parked car in the driveway.
“Raditz!” Y/N cried. Raditz turned around just in time to see Y/N with her arms stretched out wide. He cleared his throat as Y/N hugged him tight.
“Thank you so much! You don’t know how much it means to me!” Y/N said. Raditz blinked and cleared his throat again, noticing how close his face was to Y/N’s. Y/N realized as well, stepping back and smiling.
“Heh, sorry. Anyway… wanna help me pick all this shit up?”
Raditz snorted.
“You got it, I’m just here for moral support.” 
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pettirosso1959 · 5 days
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Pubblichiamo foto ed impressioni dell'Alfista Florian Pfeifer sulla Junior 2024 elettrica dopo averla provata:
Buongiorno, allora chi pensa che l'elettrico sia il futuro e che sia un'ottima invenzione legga qui le vere impressioni vissute ieri da un test drive con la Alfa Romeo Junior Speciale elettrica. Percorso fatto solo autostrada e centro città:
Ma prima di lasciare le impressioni vissute di guida ecco qualcosa sulla vettura, essendo alfista appassionatissimo, avendo posseduto più modelli, sia recenti che vecchi, tra l'altro come ultima il Tonale 1.5 130 CC.
Le mie impressioni della Junior sono in generali buone su linea ed interni. Anche il colore rosso come nel test drive la rende molto bella. E' una SUV piccola e quindi a livello di spazio molto limitata con un allestimento interno della versione Speciale molto accurato, cruscotto ordinato, il tablet multimedia angolato vs. lato guida bello, ma solo un po' complicato da gestire rispetto ad esempio Tonale.
La guida (versione elettrica): la mia prima esperienza con una vettura elettrica è comunque negativa e conferma ciò che sempre saputo e confermato da veri ingegneri nel settore automobilistico e quindi pochi sono gli aspetti positivi:
1) girando nei centri urbani pare abbia avere consumi bassissimi però solo se non si accelera molto, quindi viaggiando a velocità costante.
2) una buona ripresa anche perché il motore elettrico non ha un vero cambio (si va solo o avanti senza marce o indietro oltre alla modalità di parcheggio e neutro.
3) in discesa la batteria si ricarica anche se di poco (ca. 2 km ovvero l'1% su ca. 2 km), ma che vai a perdere già in pianura all'istante, in parole povere un inganno, inoltre la rete di fornimento elettrico in Germania è scarsissima.
A destinazione raggiunta una gran parte delle postazioni erano fuori uso e non solo da ieri, e quindi immaginate chi arriva con 2% di autonomia in un posto tra l'altro mai stato e devi andare in giro a trovare postazioni funzionanti di ricarica elettrica... buona notte a chi poi rimane a piedi. Siamo stati fortunati e molto anche perché stavamo già giocando col pensiero del carroattrezzi.
In autostrada però il motore elettrico è un disastro su tutto ed è assolutamente sconsigliato.
Avevamo (eravamo in due quindi c'è pure la conferma e parere dell'altra persona in questo caso identico) ricevuto la vettura dal concessionario con 106 km, ovvero 36%, di autonomia che sembrerebbe poter bastare a sufficienza per fare un bel giretto e quindi abbiamo scelto una città molto bella da visitare (confluenza del Danubio con l'Inn) a circa 50 km dal concessionario: la città di Passau in Bavaria (Germania), facendo solo autostrada e sapendo che il motore elettrico comunque non si può tirare molto per l'autonomia limitata e per il pericolo che non si possa raggiungere la prossima colonnina di ricarica, abbiamo viaggiato (che poi x un'autostrada senza limiti di velocità in generale ti fa piangere lacrime di dolore x non dover sfruttate l'occasione di viaggiare velocemente) a 110 km orari e siamo rimasti scioccati a dir poco. Con clima e radio accesa abbiamo raggiunto la meta con autonomia residua pari a 0 km e 2% di batteria disponibile che ci ha permesso di raggiungere ancora una postazione di ricarica tra l'altro veloce. Quando la batteria raggiunge il 3% la il motore va in sistema di emergenza ciò ne limita il funzionamento.
Queste stazioni non forniscono ricariche come da pubblicità in 15 minuti raggiungendo l'80% di batteria ma in più di 40 minuti ad un costo spaventoso: 41 Euro x 87% e 352 km di autonomia che come già menzionato prima non sono km di autonomia veri perché al ritorno stessa cosa: per 50 km in autostrada, sempre con autoradio e clima accessi, e visto di autonomia ricaricata superiore che avuto in partenza abbiamo provato con una media superiore ovvero 120 km orari. Risultato: a destinazione arrivati con 63% e 228 km di autonomia (non è uno scherzo) quindi quasi 130 km di autonomia persi su 50 km di strada con media di 120 km orari in autostrada, quindi fatevi un bel calcolo sull'ecologia e tutela dell'ambiente con vetture dotate di motore elettrico nel confronto a vetture con motore endotermico.
Giudizio finale: un disastro ed inganno totale da parte delle case automobilistiche, con l'unico obbiettivo della politica che si possa riconosce è di rallentare il traffico, altro non si riesce a dire anche a livello ambientale dove l'elettrico è in gran lunga più inquinante del motore a combustione, inoltre ammesso già da vari governi, avendo già dovuto ammettere che la corrente elettrica solamente da fonti rinnovabili e pulite praticamente non è possibile, questi sono i fatti reali!
Le auto elettriche sono auto da città e per chi possiede:
A) un box per il ricovero dell'auto così spazioso da poter installare in sicurezza una colonnina da ricarica da almeno 6 kW e separata dal sistema elettrico domestico,
B) una seconda auto a combustione interna per i gli spostamenti extra urbani. A questo devi aggiungere la pazienza di tenere la vettura ferma per ore ed ore, perché il rendimento di ricarica scema al "riempimento di elettroni" del "serbatoio elettrico", la media è tra l'82% e l'87%, quindi 6*0.87, necessiti di una notte per ricaricare la miseria di 30 kWh, e la bolletta la paga il vicino di casa...
Il consumo autostradale testato di tutte le auto elettriche è spaventoso, ma è normale per una tecnologia nota da sempre; se giri a basso carico puoi consumare anche 18/20 kWh per percorrere 100 km, ma in autostrada devi chiedere di "girare in alto" e non è il terreno per nessun motore elettrico, e lì superi i 30 kWh per 100 chilometri (e deve andarti bene). All'incrementare dello stato di usura della batteria (in cicli continui di carica/scarica normalissimi nell'uso misto) questi numeri vanno a pallino, persone che hanno possesso di ultra costose Tesla dopo 12 mesi iniziano ad avere problemi per riduzione di 1/3 dell'autonomia reale. Se vogliamo dire che sono silenziose, poi, diciamo una balla, perché non lo sono affatto; magari a velocità bassissime, ma appena pigi sull'acceleratore poi ne riparliamo, e non si parli di colonnine, perché ne dovremmo avere centinaia per ogni città e senza discutere di quelle necessarie ogni 100 km in autostrada, e non meno di un centinaio per stazione (in estate ci divertiamo con milioni di auto per le vacanze a far coda ). Negli Stati Uniti, esattamente California, hanno realizzato una stazione di ricarica per la miseria di 80 Tir Tesla Truck, e consumano l'energia di una città di 200 mila abitanti per un solo ciclo di ricarica di Tir... una sola stazione, che funziona a mezzo servizio per mancanza di potenza elettrica necessaria, ma il deserto verso la successiva stazione di ricarica (che ancora non esiste) non verrebbe che attraversato a 1/4 della distanza... buon elettrico.
Ah, a proposito, domandate alle popolazioni che hanno perso acqua potabile (Cile), libertà individuali (Congo), terreni agricoli (Batou e limitrofi in Cina), quanto siano ecologiche le auto elettriche, e domandate agli olandesi (centrali a carbone) quanto siano pulite da ricaricare...
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“During Saturday afternoon's fathers and mentors visit to Pike Place Market and nearby Old Stove Brewery, Peter Grubauer was happy to chat, covering his own beer league hockey days in southern Bavaria ("I played a bit but purely for fun"), wines of northern Italy ("three and a half hours from where we live"), his job with a car dealership ("44 years" specializing in motor homes), checking his son's successes when home games typically start 2 a.m. German time ("I wake up and watched the condensed games") and how young Philipp left his native land at 16 to play in the Ontario Hockey League major juniors league followed by ECHL and American Hockey League competition before sticking in the NHL.”
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jarry · 3 days
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harlalkatyre · 3 months
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One of the most frustrating things to see in life is a flattened tyre right in the middle of the road. The best way to deal with it is to use the spare tyre hidden under the belly of your vehicle. It can at least help you drive your car safely to the closest repair shop.
Full-sized spare tyres
Traditionally, passenger cars were built to accommodate full-sized spare tyres with them. These days, you find a lot of MPVs (multi-purpose vehicles) and SUVs (sports utility vehicles) that carry these tyres. They are, however, heavier and need more storage space. However, when it comes to performance they are a lot more durable and thus can deal with similar driving as you would do with your normal tyre. Still, their capacity is not equal to those tyres. Having said that, you can use them to drive hundreds of kilometres if the need be before you get the injured tyre repaired or get a brand new one.
However, if the tyre has been lying under the trunk for a few years you should inspect it before you start driving on it. You also must be cautious when you are driving on it. You should also remember that many car-makers do not provide you with the same stock tyre for use as a spare. They may also get it made by a different brand of tyre-makers just so that they can cut costs. If that is indeed the case you would surely face issues with handling and traction.
Donut or space-saver spare tyres
Their name should indicate to you clearly that they are not as heavy as the full-sized spare tyres. They are also produced in such a way that they can be accommodated easily in small cars thus saving space. It also helps that these tyres do not cost much. With these tyres, the car manufacturers pass the benefits onto you — the customers. Usually, you should not drive these tyres for over 110 km and the speed should never exceed 80 km per hour. If you use them any longer than that you would risk the failure of the lubricating grease.
This means that the clutch and gear plates would be worn out excessively. The main reason for such slow speed and short distance is that these tyres do not have a substantial amount of tread which makes them vulnerable to various hazards that you may face on the road. It must also be noted over here that since these tyres are comparatively smaller in size they have to spin quicker so that they can keep pace with the movement of the car.
Run-flat tyres
Apart from these you also have run-flat tyres but the thing is that you would not normally find them in every car because they do not have them. Such tyres are usually provided as stock with luxury brands such as BMW (Bavaria Motor Works), Mini, and Audi. The special thing about these tyres is that they can maintain the right kind of pressure even when they have been punctured. However, they are also costlier than your standard tyres, and in case they are punctured you have to replace them. As far as performance goes, they remain inflated for around 80–150 km.
You can also drive them at reduced speeds, between 70 and 90 km depending on the brand of car that you normally drive. The pressure monitor in this case will also notify you regarding the time when you need to stop the car closer to a safer space.
The bottom line is that no matter what type of spare tyre you are using it is a spare tyre and it is meant to be used as such. This means that you should not be using them for a long time. Ideally, if you experience any issue with your tyres while driving you should visit a repair shop as soon as you can.
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carlistmalaysia · 4 months
Prepare to embark on a journey into the realm of automotive innovation with AUTO BAVARIA's latest marvel, the I7 Electric Sedan. Pioneering the shift towards sustainable mobility, this avant-garde vehicle seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with luxurious design, redefining the driving experience. Let's delve deeper into what makes the I7 a game-changer in the world of electric vehicles. The I7 boasts a captivating exterior, characterized by its elegant lines and dynamic curves, exuding sophistication and modernity on the road. Equipped with a dual permanent magnet synchronous motor and a lithium-ion battery boasting a capacity of 101.7 kWh, the I7 delivers an electrifying performance, generating 536 horsepower and 795 Nm of torque. With a driving range of 615 kilometers on a single charge, the I7 ensures worry-free long-distance travel, making it the ideal companion for both urban commutes and adventurous road trips. Experience unparalleled convenience with DC fast charging capabilities, allowing you to charge from 10% to 80% in just 34 minutes, enabling you to get back on the road swiftly. Step into the spacious interior of the I7, where comfort meets elegance. With seating for five passengers and advanced features, every journey is a delight. The I7 is equipped with adaptive air suspension, ensuring a smooth and responsive ride, while the rack and pinion electric power steering enhance maneuverability and precision on every turn.
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adaammarks · 4 months
Small Boats Market is Set To Fly High in Years to Come
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Latest added Small Boats Market research study by Market Research Forecast offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2032. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are Group Beneteau (France), Marine Products Corporation (Georgia, United States), Brunswick Corporation (Illinois, United States), Mastercraft Boat Company (Tennessee, United States), Sunseeker (United Kingdom), Malibu Boats Inc. (Tennessee, United States), Yamaha Motor Corporation (Shizuoka, Japan), Ferretti (Italy), Bavaria Yachtbau (Germany), Azimut Benetti (Italy), Crestliner Inc. (United States) etc. GET FREE SAMPLE PDF ON Small Boats MARKET The Small Boats Marketsize was valued at USD 25.09 USD Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 65.65 USD Billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 14.73 % during the forecast period. Influencing Trend: Rising Adoption of Automation in Manufacturing to Drive Market Growth Market Growth Drivers: Increasing Demand for Forged Products in Power, Agriculture, Aerospace, and Defense to Drive Industry Expansion Know your current market situation! Not just new products but ongoing products are also essential to analyze due to ever-changing market dynamics. The study allows marketers to understand Small Boats Market consumer trends and segment analysis where they can face a rapid market share drop. Figure out who really the competition is in the marketplace, get to know market share analysis, market position, % Market Share, and segmented revenue. The Global Small Boats segments and Market Data Break Down Product Type: Powered Boat, Sail Boat, Personal Watercraft and Others","Application Type: Pleasure, Fishing, Defense and Others
Table of Content Chapter One: Industry Overview Chapter Two: Major Segmentation (Classification, Application and etc.) Analysis Chapter Three: Production Market Analysis Chapter Four: Sales Market Analysis Chapter Five: Consumption Market Analysis Chapter Six: Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis Chapter Seven: Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis Chapter Eight: Competition Analysis by Players Chapter Nine: Marketing Channel Analysis Chapter Ten: New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis Chapter Eleven: Manufacturing Cost Analysis Chapter Twelve: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia. More Reports:
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amitsingh223 · 2 years
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juanmecanico · 5 months
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"¡No Podrás Creerlo! Este Rarísimo BMW M3 Sport Evolution de 1990 es Nuestro Elegido del Día ¡No Te Lo Puedes Perder!" ¡Increíble! El BMW M3 Sport Evolution de 1990 se vendió en una subasta por nada más y nada menos que $250,000 en Bring a Trailer. Realmente, no hay nada en este mundo que no deje de sorprenderme. Para los que no lo sepan, esta edición limitada de 600 unidades es uno de esos modelos míticos que despiertan pasiones. El M3 Sport Evolution, o "Evo III", es la última y más avanzada versión del M3 E30. Con un motor de 2.5 litros que produce 235 caballos de fuerza, este coche es una joya que los adoradores de la marca Bavaria añoran tener. Solo imagina, el rugir de ese cuatro cilindros, las curvas tomadas con esa destreza inigualable de los coches alemanes. ¡Qué belleza! Pero no todo es el motor, el exterior es una obra maestra del diseño automotriz. Los paragolpes con ajuste eléctrico, el spoiler ajustable, y claro... ese imponente alerón trasero que parece sacado de una obra futurista. Incluso la tapicería de cuero negro con detalles rojos en contraste roba el aliento. En otras palabras, es un artículo de colección que se aprecia cada vez más con el tiempo. Estoy seguro que muchos de ustedes están pensando, "¿$250,000 por un BMW M3 de 1990? 🤔 ¡Eso es una locura!" Y en parte, sería lógico pensarlo. Pero ojo, esto no es un M3 E30 cualquiera, es el "Sport Evolution". Es decir, uno de los coches más raros y buscados en la historia de BMW. Cada detalles esconde una historia, cada rasguño en el volante es testigo de la velocidad. Mas allá del costo, la verdadera pregunta aquí sería: ¿Vale la pena pagar ese precio por tener esta joya en tu garage? ¿Vale la pena remortizar tu casa para sentarte tras ese volante? Para los coleccionistas y amantes del automovilismo, la respuesta es un resonante "¡si!". Y no, no estoy loco, cada quien tiene sus gustos y prioridades. Llegando a un punto más controvertido, a pesar del alucinante precio pagado, argumentaría en forma un poco agresiva que los compradores de este tipo de vehículos subestiman y minimizan los costos de mantenimiento que los coches de alta gama historicos requieren. Hay un sinfín de problemas asociados a un coche que tiene más de 30 años de antigüedad. Los coleccionistas a menudo pasan por alto esto, enamorados de la estética y la historia asociada al vehículo. Así que la próxima vez que veas un anuncio de un auto clásico a la venta por una suma exorbitante, recuerda, no es solo el costo inicial, es el propio costo del viaje. Y unas últimas palabras para los fanáticos de la BMW... ¡Seguir soñando no cuesta nada, y a veces, hasta es gratis! Hasta el próximo auto... P.D. Por cierto, ¿alguien quiere predecir cuánto se pagará por el próximo M3 Sport Evolution? ¡Atrévanse, nada pierden! #AmoLosAutos #BMWlovers 🚗
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priyablog26 · 9 months
Global Diving Compressor Market Size, Industry Analysis, Cost Structures and Opportunities to 2030
Global Diving Compressor Market Size, Share, Trend, Growth and Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023-2030.
The Global Diving Compressor Market  is likely to exhibit steady growth over the forecast period, according to the latest report on Qualiket Research.
Diving compressors are machines that can either fill tanks with breathing gas or supply divers directly via an umbilical. These devices, which can be portable or permanently installed, are powered by electric or gas motors. A diving compressor's main component is typically an air compressor, though it may also include a variety of filters. This is because breathing gas must be exceptionally pure, with no major pollution from carbon monoxide, lubricating oil, or water. A mixing board, which is commonly found in diving compressors, is used to introduce various gasses such as nitrogen or helium to make the diving compressor work.
Key Players:
 Brownie's Marine Group Inc
 Sea Breathe
Lauderdale Divers
Ingersoll Rand
Bauer Comp Holding GmbH
Aerotecnica Coltri S.p.A
Shanghai Davey Machinery
Bavaria Kompressoren
Request A Free Sample: https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Global-Diving-Compressor-Market/request-sample
Market Segmentation
The global diving compressor market is segmented by product types, such as stationary and portable. Based on application, the market is further segmented into sports, rescue, fishing, and others.
Regional Analysis
The Asia Pacific market for diving compressors is expected to record significant growth during the forecast period. This is due to the increased interest in water sports among the people as well as the booming tourism sector attracting domestic and international tourists to Asia Pacific countries. The heavy consumption of seafood in these regions also supports the growth of the diving compressor market.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
The world’s first four-seater hypercar! 🤯🔥
This car is electric and she figured it out there's no room for a motor in a hypercar they have to be big so we're going to copy this car and electric and we're going to put in doodads that make it work better and EMP resistant and she said no way I'm going to have her review it and it is a four-door and it's unique because of that electric and we might put a small system in to recharge while you're going it can run the motors for a certain amount of time before it overheats and people don't want that but that's kind of what we're going to do because it's not a supercar it's a kind of crappy car if you don't even have battery and it's all there is to it I'm going to take over this company because they're crap their electric is s*** and it's just meant to deliver bomb material in the form of the battery and we don't want them doing it
We have a team captain it is from a Germanic country it is from Bavaria and it is very nice and they're going to start making them today an exact replica and it will be electric you won't tell the difference it's going to be out of metal and the battery will be car battery not the dangerous one it's not lithium it's alkaline and it will last a lot longer go a lot farther and have a special recharge system with a solar as redundancy that's how you can tell the difference and they'll probably try and do that even the alkaline cuz people might not buy it because everybody beats people up to take the lithium and now it's in high demand this might be a opener for the electric cars and it's coming from the right place and they did help design the lightning plasma ark with our son and daughter and they didn't know it it's going to happen that Bavaria will become massively famous very rapidly and this will help them
Thor Freya
We do appreciate it and we are helping our son and he is a paternal son and our son and we will help her our daughter-in-law and she's our daughter and we're moving on it now this is a wonderful idea they're assigning it but we wanted them to and we told them and it's gone it's gone and it's an assigned item and we like his idea and since we're Germanic he says we can get away with putting in real design components and it will remind people of the quandary and a lot of people think it's a ride that helps them
God and goddess of Bavaria and we are Zeus side are counterparts have a different vehicle and they're going to bring it up later
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gadgets3 · 1 year
AUDI automobile producerF
The headquarters of the German luxury vehicle manufacturer AG are located in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. In nine manufacturing plants across the world, they produces automobiles as a division of its parent business, the Volkswagen Group.
90,783 employees as of 12/2019
2019 net income of 394.3 billion euros
€5,568 billion in revenue (2019)
Assets totaling 6,687.8 EUR crores (as of 2019).
Volkswagen Group, the organization's parent
Bentley Motors Limited, Ducati, Lamborghini, and MORE.
Origins of the business and its name The Wanderer automobile company was founded in 1885 and eventually changed its name to Audi AG. During this period, another business, NSU, was founded. NSU later merged with Audi and provided the four-wheeler's chassis for Gottlieb Daimler.In the Cologne neighborhood of Ehrenfeld, August Horch (1868–1951) founded the business A. Horch & Cie. on November 14, 1899. He relocated to Reichenbach im Vogtland in 1902 along with his business. He established the joint-stock business August Horch & Cie. Motorwagenwerke AG on May 10, 1904 in Zwickau, State of Saxony.
After having issues with his chief financial officer, August Horch left Motorwagenwerke and established his second business, the August Horch Automobilwerke GmbH, in Zwickau on July 16, 1909. Audi AG, with its headquarters in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany, is a maker of luxury automobiles. German pronunciation: adi aeOW-dee. In nine manufacturing plants across the world,they produces automobiles as a division of its parent business, the Volkswagen Group.
The merger of the four companies under the logo of four rings
The majority of shares in Audiwerke AG were purchased by Jrgen Rasmussen, the owner of Dampf-Kraft-Wagen (DKW), in August 1928.[21] In the same year, Rasmussen acquired the leftovers of the American automaker Rickenbacker, including the machinery for making 8-cylinder engines. The 1929 Zwickau and Dresden models both featured these engines. Both 6-cylinder and 4-cylinder (the "four" having a Peugeot engine) variants were created at the same time. At the time, there vehicles were expensive automobiles with unique bodywork.
Horch, DKW, and Wanderer joined forces with Audi to form Auto Union AG, Chemnitz, in 1932. During this time, the business offered the its Front, which made history as the first front-wheel drive, six-cylinder vehicle in Europe.The convoluted history of the business may be traced to the founding of August Horch's (1868–1951) primary businesses, Horch and the auwerke, in the early 20th century. DKW and Wanderer were two additional automakers which helped launch Auto Union in 1932. In the 1960s, Volkswagen purchased Auto Union from Daimler-Benz, ushering in the contemporary Audi era.[9] Volkswagen united Auto Union with NSU Motorenwerke in 1969, revitalizing the Audi brand with the debut of the Audi F103 series in 1965. This resulted in the current-day Volkswagen.
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blogynews · 1 year
"The Hidden Secrets Unveiled: Shocking Details of Tragic Vehicle Crash in Bavaria, Leaving Seven Migrants Dead"
The law enforcement authorities have reported that the driver operating a motor vehicle suspected of being involved in smuggling activities made a deliberate effort to avoid being apprehended by the police, ultimately resulting in a loss of control over the said vehicle. ————————————————————————————————————— The content on Blogynews.com is not copyrighted, except for some images sourced from the…
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