#Bath & Body Works Inc
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elleven-news · 1 day ago
From Ireland's Primark to Spain's Mango, foreign retailers are planting their flags in more U.S. malls and cities
ELMHURST, NY — One of the newest additions to Queens Center is a store that many local mallgoers may not recognize. Along with well-known mall staples like Macy’s, American Eagle and Bath & Body Works, the shopping center is now home to a Primark. The Ireland-based discount retailer, which sells clothing, shoes, purses and more, opened its doors there in December — and it has more U.S. stores on…
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reportwire · 3 years ago
These were the week's top performers, and Wall Street sees two of them rallying another 30%
These were the week’s top performers, and Wall Street sees two of them rallying another 30%
2022-09-02 11:32:00 This week’s top performers managed to find gains amid the market downturn. All three major averages are on course to end the week lower , in what would be their third negative week in a row. Among the week’s bright spots were two names that Wall Street believes has a lot more room to run. DXC Technology , was up 9.7% for the week through Thursday’s close. The stock has 32.4%…
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alphst · 6 years ago
Investor asks L Brands to consider Victoria’s Secret spin-off or Bath & Body Works IPO
Investor asks L Brands to consider Victoria’s Secret spin-off or Bath & Body Works IPO
L Brands Inc. (LB) is facing pressure from one of its investors to overhaul its business and make changes to its board of directors. The hedge fund Barington Capital, in a letter to L Brands Chairman and CEO Leslie Wexner, pointed out that the company’s stock had underperformed its peer group and the market substantially over the past couple of years.
Barington attributed the share price decline…
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jollyviscreal666 · 5 years ago
Doped up
Jaki Anderson was the most independent woman you could count on. She was always preparing for the alternative in her own particular fashion. She always got things done on time, and rarely fell behind.
She may have passed some crisis phases, but she put it all behind her. Now she’s making good money. She has a steady business, a rich husband, and a year old infant. Jaki and her husband, Paul Berg, are frequently over occupied with work. Often receiving exhausting workloads sometimes lasting until 2:00 in the evening the next day. So, unfortunately, they don’t have much time to raise their child as much as they’d like. They keep trying to promise to make time, but it’s not so simple. Their baby boy, Jenson, is frequently cared for by a health agency operated by Paul’s company.
The goals and desires of Paul and Jaki are what made them so attached to running their Corporations. However, things don’t always run so smoothly. The truthful reality of the fact due to Jakis stress is under exaggerated. She can’t even sleep 4 days of the week. Most of the time, anyway. Jakis Corporation, Pharmaceuticals Crew INC, is usually involved in over due workloads due to CDC national suits and business negotiation pending procedures. Not only that, but her company firms were so counted on and relied upon, that she usually had to extend her lawyers work hours. With additional pay, of course. Some complained;some bit the bullet.
Jakis mistake was signing an agreement with the PSA(Pharmaceuticals Science Association)In attempt to increase her quota income entirely in the benefit of her whole corporation. The agreement consisted of quota share holdings and stock transfer and management. Getting better supplies and medicine that would rise up quantities of pill selling and more customers-seems like a good step up. However, the agreement is quite specifically, strict. Once. Once did Jaki not live up to company deadline sale standards. It literally tore her company in half.
Jaki became a mess. She began to suffer from frequently potent anxiety and depression. She was so ashamed of her failures that she decided to bluntly go against her morals and the greater good by cheating. This also can be interpreted as a substitute for loss and self pride. She immorally, slowly, and carefully, began to descend into a drug system of her own, and secretly made her own sales. She got so caught up in it, she even felt like she had to try to make popular illegal drugs legal: more potent in favor of the user. So she experimented with such.
She eventually lost herself. The worst part was, she knew it, too. She just did nothing about it. She experimented with the chemical compounds of potassium chloride in a potent manner. She mixed this new drug element with the chemical compounds that make up improved properties of ‘Bromo-DragonFly’. She then added a good touch of mesomorphine to the mix. Then even amped it up with a cut throat finisher: nuclear radiation. It’s a formula she’s been developing. The premises is built upon cancer treatment rays. She amped it up by intensifying the main element compound used in the cancer treatment rays. Powerful enough as it is; this is a whole new level.
Once the drug was completed, Jaki decided to test it out on a druggie friend patient of hers. Both of them couldn’t wait to experience this new drug. Of course both of them were cautious and agreed for her to take a low dose. In Jakis opinion, the dose was almost too low. It consisted of not even 100 ML. However, the affect seemed to be positive. According to her, it was worth the intake: Less amounts of stress. Only she soon lost her limb and appendix movement within a span of 3 months. She was in bed with a fever that grew into a heat wave infection. She died a month later, prior. Thankfully, she was a single individual, as oppose to married. So Jaki didn’t have to worry about charges being pressed.
Jaki was growing desperate. She needed a drug to keep her in check. She figured if she used a high level of a potent Pavulon, she would be able to almost, completely omit the lethal effect of the drug. She calculated the components of the chemical compounds of the two drugs. She needed a solution. She took 38 ML, just in case. She found the sensation was wonderful. It wasn’t until two days later, the dose took high affect. The drug rendered her delirious. So when she heard the news about her friend developing pulsing oozing craters on and in her body, all she could do was laugh. She ended up taking 100ML of the stuff, and 800ML of Pavulon. Strangely, even though it rendered her stiff, she somehow became addicted. She was able to induce more into her system. She does in fact have a history of drug crisis, episodes.
The Pavulon she took was greatly modified and potent. In fact, she was able to inject more. She became addicted. The first 2 weeks were relaxing. Her body did develop a mild sort of radiation sickness, but it was worth it; The Pavulon would take care of it. She had a lot to fall back on. She was prepared. At night after the buzz fest, due to her daily dose, her blood began to boil. It was relaxing. It relieved stress. It was wild. Wild, but worth it. In fact, it got so hot, she needed to take a literal, ice bath. This did bring her comfort, but it didn’t stop her skin from becoming irritated. By the 3rd week, it became unbearable. She continued her intake, nevertheless;Even though her skin was irritated, and itched like crazy. Both on the outside and inside. It got so bad, she actually pierced her skin with her nails; Digging into her skin. She began to get mini craters all over her body; Almost her face. She dug deeper into them the more time went by. Blood and orange puss oozed out of them. Nevertheless, she felt like she needed it more than ever.
By the 5th week, she had absorbed a total of 1200ML of the drug. Her drug. She tried her best to patch the oozing craters, but they were a great nuisance. She tried thinking of her baby when she came to realize how wrong all of this was. It made her more stressed and desired her to inject more into her body. The craters on her body were huge by the 6th week. It started to become difficult to move. They pulsed in an alien manner. She developed a sedative for them awhile back. Soon, they overrode the sedative. Soon, she bleed an orange, blue, puss. One, the biggest on her forearm, was pulsing like crazy. When she went to sleep, she woke up in agony to find a huge, bloody puddle of puss. Then removed the patch. As soon as the air hit it, an unearthly itch became present. She couldn’t help it: She clawed at her forearm with intense ferocity. She then, unable to bite the bullet, dug into her forearm crater with a knife. She moaned in agony and pleasure as the eyes rolled to the back of her head. She swiveled the sharp knife around her deep, gory, forearm crater. She let out squeals of agony, as well. Her heart pounded with ferocity. She fought with all she had, to not bite into the crater. She couldn’t try, because she knew more skin would be removed: that means a whole lot of blood loss. All it took was 8 seconds more to realize it wasn’t going to go away. After she removed the knife prior to her comfort, the unearthly itch returned. The other craters around her body pulsed and bled, creating a puddle forming under Jaki, little by little.
Her original plan was to patch up the giant crater, once controlled with the knife. It was way more powerful than she anticipated. She jabbed the knife about 3 inches above the wrist. Blood spilled out in a big flow. She cut into it deeply. She was surprised to find out how easy it was to skin her forearm from her natural flesh. Soon her forearm was skinless, oozing. Blue veins stuck out her knuckles of her skinlesss hand from forearm. More blood and puss spilled into the sink. She still felt the hellish itch burns as powerful as ever, now. The only thing she could think of doing, was dipping and singeing her skinned forearm into super hot water. She filled a huge crock pot with boiling hot water. She dipped her forearm into it. It only gave her a minutes comfort. However, that was it. All her other craters oozed as well. She finally fainted. When she woke up, her painful agony was greatly deduced. Although her forearm was still bloody and skinned. However, she found she still needed more of the drug.
As hellishly agonizing the experience was, Jaki still thought the doses were worth it. She took five more. Just on the 3rd day, her hair began to fall out. Her craters surprisingly spread and pulsed, constantly. Some times more than others. Her skin layers were getting weak, little by little. They also began to developed their own, gruesome, type Oder. She spit out 5 teeth two days later. Soon, she realized one of the reasons she was subject to such agony, is because she hasn’t eaten in so long, probably. She tried to cover the craters on her face with a skin cover gel she developed awhile back for patients with acne. However, the craters just pulsed and bled harder. She actually used a shaving razor to spread the gel. She accidentally, peeled a huge layer of weak flesh from her cheek and pierced the crater. She let out a painful grunt as nasty, gory, steaming, puss oozed out into the sink. She stretched the split open crater on her face on the skinless area. Blood and puss flowed down from the side of her nearly exposed cheekbone. She realized how she’s deteriorating due to how her wound is very close to her shriveling gum-jaw bone. She bit down, hard. She apparently popped another smaller crater there somewhere. Only this one burned worse. She got the knife, and split open her jaw from the side of her face. Now, her jaw was visible from the side of her face. Huge puddles of blood and puss all over the bathroom floor.
She then decided to attempt her shopping trip completely covered. She didn’t realize how much worse it got prior and during. She had to flee because someone caught a glimpse of her deteriorating face. When she got home, she went to the bathroom mirror. All her air was gone and her head was oozing craters at the top. The other infected side of her jaw, somehow, was infected from the first and ate away at her flesh there the same. Jaki’s eyes began to bleed puss. Still, only mildly so. She ripped the last of her lower face flesh off. Blood spilled and splattered. Jakis jaw was now hanging ajar with no flesh ports on either side to support it. Jaki then began to vomit some nasty, dark,blood colored creamy liquid from her mouth. It lasted about 30 minutes. She took two more doses by the time she got back from the store. This all happened soon after. She also, somehow, vomited out her left ear into the sink. Her nose spat puss blood liquid as she dug it off until nothing was visible, but the bone Port. More still spilled and drueled down her visible nose cavity. She spread tears. The tears mixed with the puss. Her vision was really bad now. It was only a matter of time before they deteriorate. She tried to eat. It didn’t work. She somehow managed to look up addiction to such substances online, and make a conclusion. She went out with her husbands heavy detective style jacket to buy adrenaline. She pumped herself full of it, along with a heavy dose of the culprit drug. When she returned home, the top of her skull was almost visible, covered in blue veins. When she opened the jacket, she saw her appendix was very skinny due to the deterioration. Blood and puss. A ton. Her ribcage barely stuck out as a rock from the ground would. Her eyes, literally, were now pulsing beads. She coughed up more blood and cut into her vulnerable deteriorating meat layer of her appendix. She removed her heart as it still pumped connected to the vascular cord. She cut the heart in half. She collapsed. She crawled to the drug counter. She removed her liver and stomach as well. She injected the rest of the drug into her brain. She passed out.
The next day, Paul forced himself in to find Jaki a pile of gory slob, near in the form of a skeleton. It made gruesome, gargling, noises. Somehow, Paul could tell she; Or it, was trying to say, ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’. Paul attended her funeral along with all their families and friends. Paul, secretly kept a piece of heart from the sticky, puddy, dense pile that used to be his wife. The piece grew an eye.
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itsworn · 7 years ago
This Nebraska Garage is Packed with Cool Cars and an In-Floor Heating System
Howard Toelle lives in Omaha, Nebraska. The house he and his wife, Dottie, previously owned was equipped with a basic 2-car garage, and Howard added on to it, increasing its capacity to store more than six cars. “The ceiling wasn’t high enough to install a lift so I added a pit in the floor instead,” he said. “After a while we found that we needed more garage space, so in 2001 we decided to move.”
The Toelles designed their own custom-built home and construction began shortly after. Howard knew this was his chance to build the garage he’d always wanted. Not only did he plan for an attached garage measuring 1,100 sq-ft, he also added a freestanding building that measured 1,800 sq-ft. “I wanted to extra space for my hobbies and went as large as the neighborhood covenants would allow for a detached garage,” he added.
Howard quickly filled his new garage with cars and equipment, but the 30 x 60-foot structure also includes several amenities of a well-equipped home. It’s practically ready to be lived in, and he and Dottie did exactly that for three months in 2002 while their new home was being finished just a few feet away. Today, Howard’s detached garage serves as his office, includes a couch and recliners for lounging and recreating, boasts plenty of capacity for his vehicles and other projects, and hosts friends.
1 In 1989, Howard purchased his dream car—a 1966 Pontiac GTO. Its frame-off restoration was completed in 1992. The Burgundy beauty is equipped with a 389-ci V8, Tri-Power induction, and a four-speed manual transmission. It’s capable of turning quarter mile elapsed times in the low-14 second range on street tires.
2 The 1932 Chevy 2-door sedan was purchased in 1976. The former hay sweep vehicle remained in storage for 26 years before it became Howard’s newest project in 2002. Al and Glen Boege of Auto Craft Inc. in Omaha, Nebraska created a custom-built frame and added suicide doors to the all-steel body. The drivetrain consists of a 350-ci Ram Jet V8 with fuel injection from GM Performance, a 700R-4 automatic transmission, and a 9-inch Ford rear axle.
3 New technology appeals to Howard as much as vintage iron. He purchased this 2016 Corvette Z06 new that model year. It’s equipped with the supercharged 6.2L LT4 V8 that’s rated at 650 hp and 650 lb-ft. The 8-speed automatic transmission delivers consistent on-track performance and makes the Corvette Racing Yellow Tintcoat coupe ideal for cruising.
4 Howard’s first vehicle was a 1962 Chevy Impala. This recently-acquired example was purchased in 2017 as a throwback to his youth. It’s powered by a 300 hp 327-ci small block and backed by a four-speed manual transmission.
5 The lone Mopar is Howard’s stable is this 1970 Plymouth GTX. He purchased it in 2001 and started its restoration shortly after. Other projects took precedence, which ultimately delayed its completion until 2014. It’s equipped with a 440-ci Six Barrel,, four-speed manual transmission with pistol-grip shifter, and Dana 60 rear axle with 4.10:1 gearing.
6 While one might assume that Howard fancies four-wheel vehicles only, this 2000 Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide motorcycle that he purchased new proves otherwise.
7 The garage walls are constructed of insulated concrete forms. The Reward Wall System consists of poured concrete that measures 6-inch thick that’s surrounded on either side by 2-inch thick foam panels. In addition to its very high strength, the air-tight design is also extremely thermal-efficient. That combination keeps Howard’s collectibles safe from natural disasters and effectively maintains a climate-controlled environment.
8 A Carrier central air conditioning unit is located in the attic. It also includes a natural gas furnace that serves as a backup to the in-floor heating system. A whole-house fan is used to exhaust the structure while welding and a radon mitigation system improves air quality. The HVAC system, in-floor heating, and complete security system are maintained by a DDC controller from Control Systems International. Howard is able to review statuses and make adjustments from a PC or mobile device.
9 The poured-concrete sidewalls produce a garage structure that’s very sturdy and requires no floor-to-ceiling supports. The large I-beam on the ceiling serves as a lifting point for a sliding electric winch that Howard uses for moving heavy equipment or pulling engines.
10 The garage area is well illuminated by a total of 16 florescent light fixtures that each house two 110-watt bulbs in 8-foot length.
11 Howard applied the Maxtech polyamide epoxy floor coating by hand using a roller. It has held up quite well over the years.
12 The Coleman Powermate air compressor features a 6.5 hp motor and 60-gallon tank. An 80-gallon auxiliary tank serves as added capacity. Copper tubing delivers compressed air throughout the shop. It’s even plumbed to the attached garage on Howard’s house.
13 On the far wall is Howard’s desk for his garage-based office. In the corner is a half-bath complete with full size shower.
14 Whenever Howard needs to unwind after a long day or chooses to entertain friends, a full-size refrigerator holds a keg of beer, and the tap peering through delivers ice-cold beverages to thirsty adults.
15 A 2-post Rotary lift with 9,000-pound capacity makes easy work of under-vehicle repairs. Howard has another 2-post lift as well as a 4-post lift in his attached garage.
16 Howard’s hand tools are safely stored in a Waterloo Traxx tool cabinet.
17 A Victor oxy-acetylene torch, Hypertherm Plasma Cutter, Miller 110-volt MIG welder, and HTP Invertig 200-amp AC/DC welder makes metal fabrication a chinch.
18 An Excel 2-ton engine hoist is handy for plucking engines and a CATIC half-ton transmission jack allows Howard to remove gearboxes whenever the need arises.
19 A large HO-scale road course built from slot car track keeps Howard and his grandchildren busy. It folds against the wall for compact storage when not in use.
20 Howard is presently building an HO-scale quarter-mile drag strip that uses slot car track. Trap speeds are expected to exceed a true speed of 100 mph. The setup is suspended from the ceiling and is easily raised and lowered as needed.
21 A vintage Atari Centipede upright arcade game entertains garage guests of all ages.
22 On the walls hangs Howard’s life memories and flags from the countries that he and Dottie have visited over the years.
Being a steamfitter by trade gave Howard the knowledge and ability to install an in-floor radiant heating system in his detached garage. The Heatway Systems product consists of rubber tubing encased within the insulated concrete floor. Soft water is heated in a domestic hot water heater that includes an internal heat exchanger. It’s then circulated throughout the in-floor tubing by a thermostatically-controlled electric pump. Despite the outside air temperature, the system efficiently maintains comfortable conditions within the garage, which Howards keeps around 68 degrees during the winter. A similar setup heats his entire home and attached garage, too.
The post This Nebraska Garage is Packed with Cool Cars and an In-Floor Heating System appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/nebraska-garage-packed-cool-cars-floor-heating-system/ via IFTTT
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youthchronical · 10 months ago
Estee Lauder is punished for its light guidance. Here's why we are not joining the sellers
Estee Lauder tumbled Wednesday as investors focused on the company’s weak fiscal fourth-quarter outlook instead of its strong third-quarter numbers. We’re looking deeper and believe that business fundamentals and profit are set to improve into the next fiscal year. Revenue in the three months ended March 31 advanced 5% year over year to $3.94 billion, edging out the Wall Street consensus of $3.91…
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youthchronical · 1 year ago
Nike reigns supreme among teen shoppers — here are the other brands they love the most
A customer shops at the Nike store on December 21, 2021 in Miami Beach, Florida. Joe Raedle | Getty Images Teens are a notoriously fickle bunch — but the group is also often on the leading edge of many trends the rest of us eventually adopt. In many ways, the cohort’s spending habits reflect those seen in the U.S. at large. Teens’ self-reported annual spending is down 1% to $2,316 compared to…
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youthchronical · 2 years ago
Student loan relief is gone for millions of Americans — here's what it means for retailers
A shopper goes through shirts in the kids section at Old Navy in Denver, Colorado. Brent Lewis | Denver Post | Getty Images By striking down student debt forgiveness Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court not only added a hefty expense back into millions of Americans’ budgets. It also created the latest challenge for retailers already struggling to predict how consumers may spend in the coming…
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