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veiligplekje · 9 months ago
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Batenburg, the Netherlands
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pieterserrien · 2 years ago
Moeder der geuzen op OVT (NPO1)
Luister hier naar de podcast over de moeder der geuzen Petronella van Praet, die in 1594 op haar 93 jaar terugkeek naar een woelig geschiedenis. #inopstand #geuzen
Als er één geus is die door bijna alle lezers van In opstand! wordt bewonderd is het wel Petronella van Praet. Zij was de moeder der geuzen en offerde alles op. Toen ze op haar 93 jaar in 1594 overleed had ze de wereld zien veranderen. Ze had zich verzet tegen de katholieke almacht en de centraliserende regering, maar de offers waren te groot. De geschiedenis vergat haar, tot vandaag… Aan Mathijs…
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searchfactory · 1 year ago
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J. Batenburg / MI / Brutalist Sideboard / Furniture / 1969
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productionsbyfaith · 2 years ago
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rammingthestein · 7 months ago
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Favourite Rammstein Outfits [part 1] 🎩 Paul's shiny red snakeskin suit he wore during Rammstein's 2019 European Stadium Tour 🐍 ❣️© Tonnie Westerbeke for MetalFan.nl & Charles Batenburg
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dromik · 1 year ago
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notwiselybuttoowell · 1 year ago
In Europe, Pringles has 34 active flavours in seven can sizes (one of which is called “David” for reasons no one can explain). Not all of these flavours are available in every European country – prawn cocktail only really sells in the UK and Ireland, while bacon is found in most places except Belgium, the Netherlands and strongholds of vegetarianism Austria, Denmark and Sweden. Salt and vinegar has spread everywhere except Norway and Italy. “They don’t have the habit of doing vinegar on their crisps; they just eat them plain with salt,” says Julie Merzougui, lead food designer at Kellanova. If an employee in Italy wanted to explore bringing salt and vinegar to the market, they could – they’d simply have to ask. As of yet, they haven’t.
Multiple times a year, Pringles releases limited-edition flavours known internally as “insanely accurate analogues” – Merzougui and Peremans come up with these for Europe. “People think we have the dream job,” Merzougui says (she has dark hair, round glasses and an easy laugh, a personality akin to an experimental flavour – perhaps a chorizo Pringle). Peremans, who has worked at the company for 26 years, has a salt and pepper beard and a Salt & Shake personality. He speaks quietly and pragmatically, but has a subtle playful streak: “My young son, he wants to become my successor.”
Like Lay’s, Pringles starts with data – in Asia, the company uses a Tinder-like tool with 200 consumers at a time, asking them to swipe left or right on potential flavours. Lucia Sudjalim, a senior Pringles developer in Asia, says she does a lot of “social media listening”, observing trends among influencers and bloggers. Kellanova also uses AI, which Merzougui says can predict trends up to 10 years in advance. Things aren’t always this sophisticated though – both Lay’s and Pringles also look at what’s on the shelves in countries they want to break into, copying flavours and identifying gaps to fill.
Yet just because the world wants a flavour doesn’t mean it’s made. In December 2020, scotch egg sales soared in the UK after Conservative ministers ruled the snack a “substantial meal” (providing punters with an excuse to be in the pub under Covid-19 lockdown rules). Peremans was challenged to make scotch egg Pringles and pulled it off; Merzougui says they tasted “really authentic”. Ultimately, however, the potential order volume was not high enough to justify a production run. (This, incidentally, is why it’s hard to get Salt & Pepper Pringles in the UK, even though they’re delicious.)
Another unreleased flavour was part of a collaboration with Nando’s that petered out for reasons Peremans is unsure about. Sometimes, logistics get in the way: the perfectly blended seasoning might clog the machines or create too much dust, causing sneezing fits in the factory. Belgian legislation mandates that every seasoning has to be put through a dust explosion test – it is set alight in controlled conditions to ensure it won’t blow up.
Inside the plant, manager Van Batenburg shows me giant cube-shaped bags of seasonings that arrive ready to be cascaded on to the crisps. At the end of his video presentation, he made a passing comment that rocked my world. We were talking about other crisp companies, big name competitors. “In essence,” he said, “they’re using the same seasoning houses we do.”
I leave Belgium with the names of three seasoning houses Pringles work with. At home, I discover that their websites are obscure – they speak of flavours and trends, but don’t even mention Pringles. I haven’t so much stumbled upon a conspiracy as been invited into it, but I am still shocked. After two months’ cajoling by the Pringles team, two representatives from a seasoning house agree to speak – but only on the condition of total anonymity, in line with their contractual obligations.
“It’s quite secretive,” food scientist Reuben admits via Zoom, wearing a pink shirt and a thoughtful expression (the only crisp I can compare him to is a Quaver). “Everyone has their own crown jewels that they protect.”
As a marketer, Peggy has always found the company’s secrecy “strange”. She speaks clearly, in a way that is reminiscent of a teacher or a steadfast multigrain snack. “It’s always been a bit of a puzzle to me … I was like, ‘Why aren’t we shouting about this?’ But I was told, ‘Oh, no, we have to keep it very quiet.’”
This is because – just as Van Batenburg hinted in Belgium – the seasoning house Reuben and Peggy work for provides flavours for Pringles and Lay’s, as well as other brands. When asked whether their clients know, Reuben says, “They do and they don’t.” “It’s just not really talked about,” Peggy adds. However, this doesn’t mean that a Salt & Vinegar Pringle is flavoured with the same seasoning as a Salt & Vinegar Lay’s. In fact, the seasoning house is strictly siloed to guarantee exclusivity. Reuben’s team work on the Pringles account; the team making flavours for PepsiCo is in an entirely different country. “So the recipe, if you will, of the Pringles salt and vinegar can’t be seen by the other team,” Reuben says.
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hautecultural · 1 year ago
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m1autorepair · 11 months ago
In our world of service repair, over the past decade alone, ICE-powered vehicles are no longer the sole option for drivers. In a tech's lifetime, that change was fast! From this recent Motor Age article, with Hybrids and now pure EVs roaming the streets, our diagnostic approach must adapt alongside the advancements.
Read how Craig Van Batenburg, CEO of ACDC, helps his automotive students switch their brains into EV mode and learn the three-way partnership approach to successful repairs.
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Missouri company at center of cannabis recall used hemp instead of marijuana in products
Other business owners say they had no idea they were paying marijuana prices for a ‘synthetic’ THC that had been converted from hemp Richard Batenburg Jr. feels deceived and cheated. His cannabis brand, Colorado-based The Clear, has been partnering with a licensed Missouri manufacturer to produce pre-rolled joints. Some were infused with a THC concentrate, or distillate, purchased from…
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dikkebrommer · 2 years ago
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Koffiepauze @ Standerdmolen Batenburg
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veiligplekje · 11 months ago
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Batenburg, the Netherlands
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rambolineramboloft · 2 years ago
Batenburg v.d. Merwe pigeons Special
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dezedus · 3 years ago
B&W... (535)
B&W… (535)
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jannekebooister · 4 years ago
Kasteelruïne - Conté tekening / Castle ruins - Conté drawing by Janneke Booister Via Flickr: Mixed media on Arches Grain Fin 300 g/m2. 
Colours used are Raw Sienna; Winsor&Newton Professional Watercolour and Bistre; Conté Sketching Crayons. 
My own reference. 
Paper size 28 x 38 cm, available (Contact me) 
Het verhaal van deze tekening is beschreven in mijn blog / The story of this drawing is written in my blog www.jannekesatelier.blogspot.com
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rammingthestein · 7 months ago
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Richard Kruspe performing with Rammstein in Rotterdam, Netherlands, as part of their 2019 European Stadium Tour © Charles Batenburg
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