#Bassoon in Cultural Context
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theloniousbach · 4 months ago
Friends Bob Chamberlin and Jan Chamberlin are organizers of this fine chamber music series and Bob opened the program and the season with Debussy’s Clair de Lune. Also before intermission was Kenji Bunch’s Summer Sounds performed by the Xylem Collective, a wind ensemble. The showpiece though was the Mendelssohn Piano Trio #1 featuring Daniel Schene/Wanda Becker/Andrew Ruben.
Clair de Lune suffers from familiarity, so, in a variation on Yogi Berra, nobody listens to it any more. Bob let me listen to it and that’s a gift. In this setting, of course, he’d play it straight through. But too often in popular culture, a relatively few seconds of the theme fills in for the work as a whole. Hearing it as a whole and with much more experience with Debussy’s piano music made it more than the appealing theme. The full five minutes allows the song, the tune to breathe. Putting it with the rest of the Suite Bergamasque might have provided even more context. But Bob’s unrushed reading was an opportunity to let go of preconceptions.
The Xylem Collective finds underperformed, often contemporary, compositions for wind quintet (and sometimes, this time, piano) Bunch’s suite was lively and appealing both in its own right and for this appealing instrumentation to explore. There were pairings that introduced themes and movements—bassoon/clarinet, piano/oboe, bassoon/horn, piano, then bassoon (my favorite), and piccolo/piano. They all got to explore each mostly American theme. That favorite bassoon section began with an extended note before giving way to an oh so familiar theme. While I thought it was a hymn, but, as they told me, it was a heart wrenching song I know from Bruce Molsky, Peg and Awl, about the displacement of crafts people by industrialization. The bassoon is properly plaintive. Check out about the 30 minute mark of the video below. But I just like bassoons and the harmonies with clarinet and horn in those sections were evocative..
After intermission, Daniel Schene offered crisp comments about the Mendelssohn Trio. The crispest comment was that “it’s a helluva piece.” Indeed it is. I prepped for this by watching versions featuring, in turn, Martha Argerich, Joshua Bell, and Stefan Hofmeyer of the ATOS trio. I was drawn sequentially to the piano, violin, and cello. But Thomas Hoppe from ATOS was impressive too, so as fine as the trio and chamber music elements of the work, today and generally, the piano work is compelling. Movements one and four roar, three is brisk and reminiscent of Midsummer’s Night Music. Schene did roar, but like Argerich and Hoppe, he was an attentive ensemble player. Becker and Ruben were unassuming but right there and Mendelssohn gave all three (and us) lots to work with. My first piano trio was #2 and that is immediately familiar—and now this one is too.
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/live/3Dm-BTO96pY?si=If2wT-5H8wlaEjrz
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47crayons · 4 years ago
so, you want to write a musician?
about me: i play viola and have experience in symphony orchestras, string orchestras, string quartets (+ a few other small ensembles), and solo performances. i've done some light composition, and have friends/family who play other instruments. while my musical history is extensive, by no means do i know everything or speak for everyone.
this guide will focus on classical music/how to portray classical musicians and things that aren't as easily researched.
quick overview of instruments in a typical symphony orchestra
upper strings (violin, viola), lower strings (cello, (double) bass; i've seen viola included here too, but it's more commonly classified as upper strings)
strings also technically includes harp and piano
woodwinds (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon)
depending on instrumentation, they may also have piccolo, english horn, bass clarinet, contrabassoon
saxophones are not traditionally in symphony orchestras due to it being a relative newer instrument! but this is changing because more contemporary composes are including sax parts
brass (trumpet, trombone, bass trombone, tuba, euphonium)
percussion (depends heavily on instrumentation, but common instruments are bass drum, timpani, snare, crash cymbal, xylophone, marimba)
some things you should research
where the hands are supposed to go!! i'd recommend you look at pictures of professionals in orchestra settings (ny phil, cso, berlin phil are all top tier). some musicians *coughs at yoyo ma* have less than perfect posture when they're performing solos (for the same reasons famous authors can break "rules")
necessary equipment including reeds, rockstops, different kinds of sticks/mallets, rosin, mouth pieces for whatever instrument you're writing
common misconceptions
loose/photocopied sheet music is not aesthetic—it's annoying and impossible to keep organized. folders and binders are fairly common especially when managing multiple ensembles.
original copies are often expensive and required to perform a piece (legally) for profit or otherwise (though i know a few people who have bent this rule)
not all performers are good composers (i myself have very little formal music theory training), but many composers have performance histories.
not all musicians can sing.
perfect pitch is both a blessing and a curse. notes can be slightly lower/higher but in tune with the context of the piece, which drives people with perfect pitch insane.
having perfect pitch does not guarantee someone will be a prodigy, and people don't need perfect pitch to be a talented musician.
drama in ensembles does exist, but it rarely gets in the way of rehearsal. same thing goes for good friends: if your characters have even a shred of common sense, they aren't going to be talking/messing around during rehearsal.
instruments (especially good ones) are extremely expensive. people very rarely store instruments on the wall or other displays for fear of falling.
instruments are very picky and require tuning every time. every time! it doesn't take long anyway. temperature and humidity can and will make instruments go out of tune or damage your instrument if not properly stored.
some people listen exclusively to classical music, but in my experience, that's definitely not the majority
like with anything, most musicians struggle with self doubt at one point or another.
musician culture
getting excited when we hear a piece we recognize
getting frustrated because we can't remember the name of the piece (after all, no lyrics to search)
being horrified when a non-musician actor is playing a musician. yes, we notice. yes, it's obvious.
if people are joking, it's likely to be about: violas (a quick search for "viola jokes" will tell you all you need to know) or trumpets (a reputation for being overly loud, playing and not)
putting stickers (places they toured, their orchestra, or just purely decorative) on cases is common, but not for everyone. same goes for pictures (of family, past concerts, or anything) on the inside.
scrambling for a pencil when the conductor says to mark something. pencils are a musicians best friend :D
asking (and forgetting) how to split double stops/two parts at the same time. sometimes one stand partner will play the top while the other plays the bottom, and sometimes this is split stand by stand.
this has NEVER resulted in a sexual top/bottom joke. please just. don't. also no g string jokes. it's just unrealistic.
awaiting the obligatory "it's one week before our concert, and you sound like this?!" lecture
not talking about music 100% of the time!!! they have lives outside of music (most of them, at least /j). especially to close friends, music is probably not going to be a conversation topic unless something is out of the ordinary (high stress, something funny from rehearsal, etc.)
bragging/talking about how often they practice is generally not welcomed. great, but other people don't need to hear it!
stages are hot and bright. there's no way a performer can see someone in the audience with the possible exception of the first row.
three words for you: love. hate. relationship.
slow practice (like really slow lots of people recommend half speed; good for focusing on the right notes, tone, phrasing, smooth transitions)
metronome practice (while playing, it's not annoying at all! it's helpful and requires a lot of focus; when NOT playing, it's annoying and loud because it needs to be heard over the playing)
drone practice (having a machine/website/another person play one note in the background; good for tuning and scales)
and too many more for me to detail
ensembles may have entrance auditions to determine who gets in and seating auditions to determine placement within the section.
adrenaline does not make us play better; it just makes us make mistakes. and then thinking about those mistakes causes more mistakes.
some instruments, especially those with less repertoire, have common excerpts that come up frequently (i can think of one in particular that i've played for three separate auditions this year).
stopping/starting over is not recommended ever, but if you do, it has to be 10x better. most audition judges aren't looking for perfection!! they want to see how your character can keep going after messing up.
sight reading (being given new music, having ~30 seconds to look at it, being asked to play) is never perfect. i don't care how talented your character is; if they think they nailed it, they aren't experienced enough to see all the phrasing/dynamics that they didn't incorporate. no one gets sight reading perfect!!!
perhaps most importantly, musicians are not all the same! they enjoy it for a number of different reasons and have diverse and interesting lives outside of music!!! more information about specific instrument groups under the cut :)
callouses. with the exception of pianists, most string players (and especially professional ones) have callouses where they press down/pluck the strings. i also have one on my right thumb where i hold my bow. cellists and bassists might have them on their left thumb from playing higher notes in thumb position.
hickeys are also fairly common, though only some people get them. upper strings will get these by under their left jaw. cellists may have one from the wooden body resting on their sternum. some people (including hilary hahn and many many others) use a cloth for comfort and to prevent hickeys.
few people want a hickey, but it might suit a character who is constantly trying to prove themselves.
our fingers do not "glide" anywhere. you can get cuts/"string-burns" from pressing down too hard when shifting. cuts like those are the only reason someone's fingers will bleed, and it's rarer than you think.
upper strings are more prone to back/neck problems from the way they hold their instruments on one side. see also: shoulder pain.
finger cramps happen. they aren't too common, but most if not all strings have experienced at least one.
pianos require tuning every few years or else the chords will be out of tune. few pianists can tune their own instrument because of how complicated it is.
piano parts/accompaniments will have so. many. pages. a page turner may sit on the right of the pianist to turn the page.
woodwinds & brass
spit. so much spit. some instruments clean afterwards with a cloth; others have a spit valve which is as gross as it sounds.
proper embouchure, or how a musician uses the muscles in their face/lips, is tiring, and people actually get strong cheek muscles. they can also easily turn red, but it varies based on a person's facial complexion. see also: good lung capacity.
flute and piccolo are not dainty. piccolo requires as much air as a tuba. an old teacher of mine almost passed out playing piccolo when she was in college.
flutes and piccolos are high, but often not shrill depending on the level of the ensemble.
reeds last a few weeks (less if your character plays for hours a day) and can be expensive to buy.
keys and valves can get sticky especially on older instruments which can result in the wrong note or bad tone.
saxes, clarinets, flutes are more likely to "honk" on low notes.
oboes are more likely to feel "wispy" on high notes.
articulation comes from the tongue, especially for brass instruments, and conductors may ask for "tah" "pah" or "wah" sounds depending on the style of the piece.
callouses from the friction between hands and sticks/mallets.
there are so many types of sticks and mallets!!! make sure to take a look at what materials are good for what instruments/sounds.
cymbals, triangle, and bass drum are not easy to play, even though they look simple.
percussionists with the exception of timpani may play more than one instrument during a piece, and they're constantly moving around in the back during their rests.
percussion instruments are too expensive for most people to have everything they ever play. practice pads are very common in place of these instruments.
ability to play one instrument doesn't translate to different instruments. for example, many percussionists don't have experience playing set/drum set.
some of the things detailed here are heavily glossed over, so if you have any questions, i'd always be happy to talk about it with you; i may not have answers, but i will try to help as best i can!!!
since you read this far, have my favorite viola joke.
what's the difference between a violist and a large pizza?
a large pizza can feed a family of four :)
tagging some people who showed interest: @writing-is-a-martial-art @ashen-crest @kg-willie @owilder
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jackhkeynes · 4 years ago
Glossary of Terms: from A to Z in the Boralverse
aphlox | carbon dioxide billrod | cochineal connit | disguise dackin | indigo ersteigung | apex, crest, sforzando fecundation | fertilisation guild | corporation heredian acid | DNA indreck | nonprofit, charity jalick | tuxedo kenonaut | spaceship lencorve | line of credit, tab mitigor | ethene, ethylene narjill | coconut ostracon | lottery, sortition parachthon tales | speculative fiction quanga | butler, secretary rath | bike shadome | tomato threshold mill | nuclear power plant ubiquity | cultural supremacy, totalist ideology viker | steward well-mint | well-off xanthal | neon yacht | cult, secret society zetter | note, memo
The full list of Boralverse jargon may be found under the cut.
adamant | titanium
aeronaut | airship
air-steeple | telegraphy post on a balloon
alchemick | chemical, relating to chemistry
alchemist | chemist
alchemy | chemistry
aldreman | mayor, municipal leader
alluning | moon landing
aphlox | carbon dioxide, also carbonic acid as a liquid
aquifex | hydrogen
arithmat | computing
astrapic | electric, electromagnetic
aumond | almond
autonome | autonomous, unauthorised
autune | sparkling wine, esp. from the Autun region
bdella | virus
billrod | cochineal, a crimson dye produced from the shell of an insect and imported from Lower Mendeva
bit-sheet | tabloid, cheap newspaper
blacklair | horror, media intent to scare
blankpine | white pine, Weymouth pine
bookhouse | library
brimstone | sulfur
caddar | to distil, purify, extract
calamine | zinc oxide
case | cell
casting | publishing
chain substance | polymer
chimer | chimera, hybrid
christmas pie | savoury pie eating on Revillon across Northern Europe but especially in Borland
circular function | trigonometric function
clavier | keyboard, piano
cmm disk | vinyl record
cmm | "chain muriac mitigor", polyvinyl chloride, PVC
codnere | kidney
collocker | interviewer, investigator
collock | chat, dialogue, interview, conversation
collusion | collaboration, confederation
concord | treaty, agreement
concrescence | instantiation, model, prototype
concurrence history | history of a particular time period
conjure | to conspire, to collude
connit | disguise, inconspicuousness, secretiveness; hiding place
connock | ice skating
console | leader of merchant republic, esp. Genoa
convoker | representive, PR person
convoy | troop, division, band of soldier
copperplate | right-wing
coppers | cheap seats, nose-bleeds, lowest-quality product
copysheet | study notes
coronal | helium
corporal quillsam | periodic table, set of chemical elements
coshow | rubber, esp. natural rubber, latex
costumery | clothing catalogue
coswer | cousin
counter-zoic | antimicrobial
covring | (maths) surjection, surjective map
dackin | indigo
daily gyre | circadian rhythm, body clock
daplight | LED
davarn | grand hotel, resort
deficient | positively charged
deixism | approach to research focused on collecting primary sources and references
deixist | researcher, archivist
detaxion | synthesis, combining, esp. in chemistry
dominium | region of control, domain, demesne
druckdue | the silver screen, cinema
drypepper | peppercorns, black peppercorns
edition | publishing, publication
ersteigung | apex, crest, sforzando, peak, climax
excourse | competition, tournament, quiz, game
extent | field (physics)
fecundation | fertilisation
fendle | fennel
filmic | cinematic
geoscopic | exploratory, cartographic, intending to see the world
giftale | media set in or taking aesthetic inspiration from Italy
grade | separate, sort in categories
green snowfall | first snowfall of the new year (after the first of March)
guild | corporation, company
gum | rubber, esp. synthetic rubber
gyre | orbit, cycle; to orbit, to ring around-
herdtale | agricultural stories and songs of mid-19C Gulf Mendeva
heredian acid | DNA (also shortened to heredian)
hereditarian | genetic
hereditature | genome, DNA
heredity | genetics
heverrath | bicycle, velocipede
hever | lever, pedal, also the verb
hourchain | rosary, armilla
hydromotor light | microwave radiation
iamb 5' | iambic pentameter
icon | photo, photgraph
igniac | oxide
ignifex | oxygen
indreck | nonprofit, charity
in peripatetico | abroad, on an exchange, on a sabbatical
in tesquo | in the wild, in practice, in real life
Iscovalian variation | evolution by natural selection
jalick | tuxedo, high formalwear
jast | zinc
kenonaut | spaceship
kernel | cell nucleus
kester | beggar, panhandle
lacker | veneer, false surface
laic | secular, irreligious, oecumenical
lampfire | naked flame used as a light source
leavingstore | gift shop, shop for trinkets
lencorve | line of credit, tab
limmon | lemon
lineball | team ballgame, resembling (soccer) football or rugby
lithing | account, list, enumeration
lodginghouse | waystop, inn, traveller's rest
longform light | radio waves
lorrer leaf | bay leaf
lovetale | romance writing
luetic pox | syphilis
lux | radiation, elementary particle
machinal | automatic, by rote
machovine | strontium
manner | property, nature
mapbook | atlas
masquira | genre of stories typically featuring vigilante characters and plots driven by hidden identities, high society and complicated schemes. It has some overlap with the later spycraft genre, especially in modern works.
matching | (maths) bijection, bijective map
mechanics | dynamics, physics of motion and collision
mecon | metre (length of pendulum with halfperiod 1 second
melee | high society, the gentry (old-fashioned), the ton, the activities of the gentry
meshforum | online community
mesh | network
methodics | computer science, programming
ministry | department, ministry, bureau
mitigor | ethene, ethylene, C2H4
modest | socially conservative, with respect to family, children and gender relations
moneypurse | wallet, purse
mozardisto | member of a populist faction involved in the Second German War primarily made up of Andalusian Christians but expanding in scope, especially towards the end of the war.
mozard | populist, antiestablishment
muriac | chloride
muria | chlorine
myton | type of merchant ship in wide use during the late fifteenth century
namecard | ID, nametag
narjill | coconut
natron | sodium
normal nawat | Classical Nahuatl
normal speed | lightspeed, œ
nucalic acid | DNA (see heredian acid)
odyssey | cinema, movie theatre
oeculux | electromagnetic radiation
oecumen | landscape, outlook, overview, universe
one-case | single-celled
one-zeffre | binary, one-bit, digital
onyx lace | shell pasta, conchiglie
ostracon | lottery, sortition
parachthon | speculative, science fiction and fantasy (of stories)
penetrating light | X-ray radiation
petersly | parsley
plenty | electric charge
poise | currency of Britain as of 1950 N
prase | administrative head of ancient and modern Borlish government
propagant | wave-like
prosequent | descendant, progeny, something proceeding from a source, accompaniment
pseudogum | synthetic rubber
quanga | butler, esp in East Asian context; secretary, PA
quasipolitic guild | multinational megacorporation
quasipolitic | resembling a nation or polity
quaterno | textbook, handbook, primer
quill | source, spring, basis, foundation, (maths) domain
quire | reference book, textbook
quister | phone, telephone
quist | to call, to phone
raincatcher | gazebo, free-standing roofed structure without walls
rath | bike
reckoning | arithmetic, counting
redirection bank | switchboard
refettorio | refectory, cafeteria, mess hall
replacement code | substitution cipher
revillon | christmas eve
romance | story, tale, fiction
sam | set, group of things, (maths) set
sandrine | vitamin C, ascorbic acid
scattering light | ionising radiation
scattering | ionising
scitation | examination, test, exam
scole | school, college
scratcher | (colloq.) journalist, reporter, writer
sevring | (maths) injection, injective map
shadome | tomato
shortform light | gamma radiation
signum | macron, long diacritic
sithing | (in mathematics) function, assignment
slate | display, screen
sodality | group, club, association
sodal | member, element
solarium | sunroom, seaside resort
songcraft | music, composition, music theory
sorty | party, get-together, do
spycraft | espionage, spywork; also a genre of fiction
staddomain | trade colony, colony for the purposes of resource production, esp. those colonies of the Stadbund in Cappatia and Africa
starce | coin used in mediæval Borland
stauron retainer | intra-uterine device
steeplecard | telegram
steeplemesh | telegraph network
steeplepost | telegraphy
steeplescript | analogous to Morse Code, with four symbols
steward | deputy, second-in-command
sticket | label, tag
subcase construct | organelle
subrussic light | infrared light
sufficient | negatively charged
surblavic light | UV light
switcher | one working at a redirection bank
tachslate | touchscreen device
tachygraph | typewriter
tallath | province, region (esp. of Britain)
tapestry | big screen, billboard, film screen
tapper | telegraph operator
tartoffer | potato
technic | technical, scientific
Tellard book | atlas (archaic)
tender | barman, bartender
tenyear | decade
the hex hours | the small hours, the middle of the night
threepoint method | triangulation
threshold force | nuclear fission power
threshold mill | nuclear power plant
timehold | marine chronometer
tinplate | left-wing
Tiong loom | Jacquard loom
toriot | large wind instrument with roughly the range of the bassoon
totalism | absolute monarchy
totalist | absolute, authoritarian
tovarick | homosexual
tovarism | homosexuality
trevold | novel, story
trone | currency of Provence as of 1950 N
ubiquity | cultural supremacy, totalist ideology
veck | bus
vectory | bus, omnibus
veldsvindung | global economic recession, depression
viker | steward, affairs manager, right-hand man
vittles | diet, food intake
voidtale | story set in space
void | outer spaceship
walkway | pedestrian footpath, esp in urban context
wares | ingredients, apparatus
wayport | supply point along the coast for long naval voyages
weekly | a weekly newspaper
well-mint | well-off, prosperous, wealthy
whitefish | white fish
workshop manufacture | industrial production
xanthal | neon
xenic | alien, extraterrestrial
xenozone | alien, extraterrestrial being
yacht | cult, secret society
yatherpot | casserole, one-pot dish
yearturning | the New Year
zest | vibe, morsel, speculation, suspicion
zetter | note, memo
zoia | microorganism
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thesunlounge · 6 years ago
Reviews 259: Robert ÆOLUS Myers
In 2017, Hawaiian archivists Aloha Got Soul released A Retrospective, introducing me and many others to ambient starmaster and spiritual healer Robert ÆOLUS Myers. Existing within the broader new age tradition though also standing apart from it, ÆOLUS’ music is borne of deep communion with nature and the exploratory possibilities of electronic synthesis, with fluttering arpeggiations, dreamwave sequences, and ethnological rhythms supporting cloudform symphonies and mystical flute improvisations. And though those descriptors could apply to any number of indistinct massage parlor soundtracks, ÆOLUS has always maintained that he makes “new age music to wake up to,” with an intense focus on helping the listener realize their inner sense of truth. Going beyond this, his music exudes a sense of magical adventure, and the sonic universes that unfold across A Retrospective work as well for soundtracking fantasy kingdom explorations, starscape space journeys, twilight jungle dances, underwater forest treks, and psychedelic vision quests as they do for therapeutic purposes. So even though new age is a fair description for the work of ÆOLUS, I sense a closer sonic kinship with the Hearts of Space sound centered around artists such Michael Stearns, Kevin Braheny, and Steve Roach as well as Klaus Schulze’s Innovative Communication, especially Software’s work with flautist Toni Schneider.
To better understand ÆOLUS’ sonic world, it helps to trace his artistic path, which began with playing clarinet as a teenager in Ohio and bassoon during his studies at San Diego State. Like many California-based surf rats of the time, Myers was lured to the sparkling waves and paradise beaches of Hawaii, where he also played drums and completed a degree in ethnomusicology. Following this, he abandoned the world of percussion to join the Honolulu Symphony as a bassoonist, a setting which proved important to a developing experimental, new age, and space music scene in Hawaii driven by Jai Ma Music and Global Pacific Records. Indeed, the Honolulu Symphony also provided work for violinist Steve Kindler and his brother Bob, a cellist and audio engineer who would go on to produce and collaborate on many of Jai Ma’s and Global Pacific’s early records, including ÆOLUS’ Aeolian Melodies and Rays. And for while, it must have seemed like Hawaii was on the verge of establishing a fertile creative community, one that also included avant-garde sound artist Nelson Hiu and guitarist Paul Greaver. But it was not to be, for when Global Pacific uprooted and moved to California, many of the musicians followed, and once Hiu departed for Hong Kong in 1985, ÆOLUS was left on the islands to chart his own artistic path through the cosmos. 
The years since that dizzying period of collaborative creativity have seen Myers furthering his studies of devotional music and indigenous cultures while also continuing to release albums and perform live through a variety of contexts, including dance pieces and theater performances. And his talents in sonic healing have never stopped developing and now find broader expression through the practice of depth psychotherapy in the “alchemical tradition of Jung.” Which brings us to Talisman, a new and lovingly curated retrospective and re-interpretation project released by Origin Peoples. In keeping with the label’s tendency towards the left-hand path, this 2xLP set is unlike most archival compilations and augments its collection of previously released tracks from The Magician and High Priestess with an unreleased dreamscape, a breathtaking live performances from New York City in 1987, and most striking of all, contemporary interpretations of ÆOLUS’ music by K. Leimer, Pharaohs, Dreems, and Lieven Martens Moana. Thus Talisman both compliments A Retrospective and shows the ways in which Myers’ art has reverberated out through time, providing seeds for everything from fractal foam kosmische to jazz folk balearica to mutating deep house to fourth-world sonic collage.
Robert ÆOLUS Myers - Talisman (Origin Peoples, 2019) “Oracle,” coming from 1993’s High Priestess, sees universal bass currents pulsating with ominous intent while being swirled around by cosmic breaths. Kalimbas and bell-chimes decay across spacious expanses before blooming into mermaid choirs and a fourth world rhythm ritual fades into being, built around rimshot cascades, tom tom ceremonials, white noise shakers, and ethnological hand drums transformed into exo-planetary fluids. Overheard, alien pan-pipes slide in ways that defy logic and feedback vapors arc across the sky...all while synthesized orchestrations glow with ethereal shadow energy. “High Priestess” follows with wisps of spectral feedback swimming through the void as string synthesizers fade in, with Schulze-ian viol reveries flowing above swelling cellos and contrabass drones. As threads of cosmic melancholia wrap around the body, a simple and obscured drum rhythm emerges, generated by tribal tom tom pulsations and danced over by synthesized idiophones and exotic music box lullabies. Atmospheres of psychotropic minimalism and exotica are repurposes for space age exploration, with flashes of cold blue light moving within the miasma of galactic sound. At some point the mood changes drastically and the air grows humid and tropical as propulsive hand drums pan across the mix. Afro idiophonics are joined by pinging Berlin school arpeggiations and knocking percussive tones while electro-claps crack through reverb caverns and all throughout the mix, bending woodwinds weave rainforest incantations and majestic string hazes obscure the dances of mysterious jungle fauna. 
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As far as I can tell, Talisman is the first place “Dreamscape from the Night Kitchen” has appeared and the piece starts with crystalline strands of new age liquid floating within a haze of angel synthesis. Arpeggiations dance through exotic lullaby patterns and hand drums are heard through soft liquid layers while ominous currents of bass energy swell in and out of the mix. Hypnagogic hallucinations and moonlight forest rituals are evoked by ÆOLU’S flute performance as longform breaths of melodic mysticism evolve into sprightly elven dances. Colorful prism formations refract unseen light sources throughout the background, generating chiming decays that flutter through reverb oceans. And there’s a distinct sense of sitting within some spiritual sci-fi cavern where liquids made of glass drop into glowing pools of ether. As the track progresses, it sometimes floats in a relaxing state of hypnosis, while at other times, things move with a mysterious sense of purpose as subsonic pulsations hint at a dark ambient ceremony. Then in “Sunset,” taken from 1989’s The Magician, wisps of white light swim through cricket chirps while a zheng weaves dreamy rainbow incantations encompassing bending plucks and harp-like waterfalls. Spectral vapors move across the stereo field and sometimes blend seamlessly into the continuous insect orchestrations while up above, flutey synths lock into a sequential fantasy bounce. The vibe is transportive, otherworldly, and aligns with the recent work of Meitei in the sense that futuristic atmospheres are transformed into ancient sonic environments. 
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Another track exclusive to Talisman is “Embrace,” presented as live version from 1987 in New York City that perfectly exemplifies what a powerful performer ÆOLUS was. Aqueous synth waves splash across the spectrum while a universal hum of drone modulation flows through the stereo field. Bleary piano chords decay over the watery ambiance and their freeform fantasias, atonal note clusters, and gentle jazz adventures drift eternally throughout the track. Heavenly atmosphere flow in, though distorted and threatening to spill over into white light feedback and bass textures grow increasingly present and unsettled…their fast motion vibrato wobbles disturbing the hallucinatory float. Feedback melodies scream across the sky as everything momentarily swells together while elsewhere, mermaid pan-pipes dance through future ocean kingdoms and childlike sea-spirits join the new age sound bath with wordless choral ecstasies that float upwards on unseen sea currents. Eventually, intimately blown flutes journey across the mix with overlapping dream enchantments and fragile melodies that hover in place before dispersing like a mirage. And for the rest of the track’s length, ÆOLUS executes a breathtaking trade off between mystical woodwind magic and shrieking blasts of feedback euphoria…all proceeding through an underwater paradise of pianos, choral arias, and subsuming synth fogs. 
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The first reinterpretation of ÆOLUS’ work comes from K. Leimer, who presents his “Temporary & Indefinite” edit of “Environment.” Sequential synth bubbles float through space foam fuzz and Cluster-leaning lullabies are smothered in a fourth world heatwave haze. Controlled clicks, static pops, and unidentifiable scrapes float through that air while industrial hums, factory drones, and machine breaths set the stage for blissed out tapestries of smeared brass and vocals…these wisps of symphonic magic emerging from nothingness and growing into shimmering baths of sonic transcendence, with melodic movements paying tribute to the sunrise. Everything is blurry and indistinct…as if seen through a polychrome fog...while bell tones decay and trace behind them harmonious trails of light. Scraping strings are beamed in from a faraway galaxy and layered cellos sweep the heart to lands of fantasy romance before pulling away into silence, leaving the body afloat in a void of burning ambiance and vibrating metal. Spare shaker rattles hit and percussive detritus floats while orchestral swells grow increasingly distorted, eventually giving over completely to bowed string tonalities. Deep in the ether, tamburas are manipulated into droning insect psychedelia and FM crystals melt into liquid lightforms before everything morphs into a methodical fade out of Indian drone mysticism…like Pandit Pran Nath playing from within a black hole.
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It’s mostly been silence from the Pharaohs camp since the release of 2017’s In Oeland, but they make a welcome return here with their “Sadhana Environment (Mana Mix)”. Crashing cymbals introduce sun-soaked folk guitar energetics while tropical bass synths wiggle through water waves and acidic bubbles blow in a warm breeze. Electric guitars loop hypnotically high in the sky before giving way to solar synthesis and layers of hand percussion dance through sea-spray…all while sampled waves crash to shore. Synthetic tones of plucked crystal weave equatorial dream melodies, jazzy acoustic guitar solos move in counterpoint to the jaunty riffs, and heatwave swells cycle all around as feedback tracers drop globs of rainbow glass. At some point, otherworldly vocalisms enter…that characteristic and wholly unique way that Pharaohs uses the human voice…mystical, tribal, joyous…with wordless scats and LSD babbles floating within a cloud of balearic exotica. Electric guitar mantras slide towards the sky over prog fusion basslines and kick drums and crashing static cymbals enter at some point, giving the groove a more defined shape. It’s a swaying jam through aquamarine tide pools, wherein smoldering six-string blues solos are repurposed into island paradise magic while vibrant cymbal splashes and pulsating drum fills join together for a narcotizing ocean jazz groove out.
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Dreems’ “Natürliche Liebe” remix of “Sadhana Environment” sees a four-four beat underlying glowing glass windchimes and robotic house basslines, all thick tubular tones jacking upwards. Strange sonic vapors and bodies of incandescent gas flow alongside jungle frog squelches, hand drums bounce off of neon palm fronds, marbles made of electricity oscillate out of control, and glowing hypo-sequences join together with skittering noise textures to generate a double-time pulse while a feverish theme plays out on drunken pad modulations. New age mermaid choirs are transmuted into deep house hypnosis as martial snare rolls portend some dark club explosion, but Dreems subverts this expectation by cutting away all rhythms, instead leaving the body to float amongst silvery chime strands, aqueous bass euphorias, galactic lasers, and deep space spirit communications. Eventually, we flash into a minimal expanse of drug dance magic, wherein kick drums and flubby basslines are accented by rolling hand percussion, pinging echo fx, and fractal smears. Claps and snares give the militant stomp a swinging sense of groove while post-modernist dub panoramas rattle around the mix…a sort of Chain Reaction-style weirdness abstracted even further into extra-terrestrial sorcery. Heatwave pads introduce another rhythmic drop, wherein cave liquids, disjointed snaps, universal bass pulsations, and industrial chants waver through dream mutations. And as a crazed starlight sequence fades in from nothingness, the kicks resume their march beneath post-house cymbal fire and mutant acid stabs.
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The final version of “Sadhana Environment” comes in the form of Lieven Martens Moana’s “Oahu Suite,” which proceeds like a hallucinatory collage tied together by birdsong and insect chatter. Contrabass drones fade in from the center of existence and generate waves of La Monte Young-style minimalism, which fade into arcs of bowed metal and space sirens evoking the piercing communications of 2001’s monolith. Scraping textures and feedback noises swim through bodies of water while radiophonic explorations devolve into burning waves of laser light. Sickly waverings and mosquito buzzes flow through tremolo transformations as bulbous bass clouds waver into the void. Shadow visions of hand percussion develop into rainforest drum rituals and Shepard-Risset glissando fx scream across the sky, with everything fading out as soon as it begin. Back in the world of primitive electro-experimentation, caterwauling static blends into dark liquids lapping against an alien shore and vibratory metal abstractions are smothered in ringing reverb as they swell into a towering noise assault, which then gives way to a dreamwaltz through deep sea forests. Machine spirits laugh and sing, pianos are mimicked by ring modulators, and “High Priestess” is evoked through a cloud of smoke while elsewhere, timpani drums, horror string cascades, and marimba exotics are destroyed by blasts of searing noise. Towards the end, we return to the bowed string fantasias…the deep and methodical double bass energies now joined by melodious cellos weaving glorious dawn incantations. And as it all comes to a close, waves crash to shore and birds sing in the sky. 
(images from my personal copy)
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