#Basic Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course
thecluecourses · 9 days
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Mechanical Ventilation Course is a critical skill in managing patients with respiratory failure or distress, and it’s a core competency for many healthcare professionals working in emergency departments, ICUs, or anesthesia. For those looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in this area, the  Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course by Clue Courses is an excellent opportunity to build confidence and competency in handling ventilators and ensuring patient safety.
In the fast-paced world of critical care, understanding mechanical ventilation is an essential skill for healthcare professionals. Whether you're new to the field or looking to enhance your skills, mastering ventilation techniques can be challenging yet incredibly rewarding. Enter the Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course by Clue Courses—a well-structured, hands-on program designed to simplify this complex topic and provide you with the tools needed to manage ventilated patients with confidence.
Clue Courses is known for its high-quality medical education tailored to healthcare professionals. Their commitment to practical, hands-on learning and easy-to-understand content sets them apart in the field of medical training. With a focus on accessible education, Clue Courses ensures that learners leave with skills they can immediately apply in real-life clinical settings. Clue Courses is the perfect opportunity to sharpen your mechanical ventilation skills.
With a focus on real-world applications and a clue-based learning model, the course offers an immersive experience that will significantly enhance your competence in managing ventilated patients. Clue Courses is always trying to simplify the complex concepts of easy vent mechanical ventilation and Engage with real-life scenarios to sharpen your decision-making skills.
The main key feature of clue course is interactive workshops and hands on trainings .
Clue courses is also providing certificates. Enroll Now
Upon completion, participants receive a certification that enhances their credentials in critical care and emergency medicine with the credit hours affiliated by state medical council .
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gt-ridel · 4 years
i’d LOVE to hear more about your borrower au!
Oh, okay then! Thanks for the interest! :D (Putting it under a cut because it ended up being WAY longer than I thought...)
There isn’t a whole lot to it. I just have a very basic idea of what could happen. Partly because I’ve only played through the beginning of Half-Life one (I attempted to stream it, but my internet connection isn’t strong enough). Everything I know about the series comes from cultural osmosis.  When I finally play the games all the way through I’ll have a better idea of things that could happen in the AU. For now what I have is... Barney is a third or fourth generation Borrower who lives inside of Black Mesa.  A long time ago some Borrowers were kidnapped and experimented on by the company, but some escaped and managed to hide long enough to start families and such.  Barney has never seen anything outside of the facility. As far as he knows, the whole world is concrete and steel and hiding from giant creatures that WILL cut you up or torture you if you are caught.  As far as most of the humans in Black Mesa know, Borrowers are just this funny little story people tell to freak out the new guys. “Yeah there’s totally tiny rat people running around in the vents. It’s true! My friend Dave’s friend Tom saw one once! Some kind of messed up experiment that got loose.” New guys tend not to believe it. People who have been around long enough to know what kind of shady stuff Black Mesa is into are a bit less skeptical. Very few people have ever actually SEEN one though. These Borrowers are next level paranoid. (Totally justified) Barney is living on his own. It’s safer to live alone or in very small groups. Less chance of taking other Borrowers down with you if you are caught.  He’s claimed a few offices as his territory and scavenges for scraps in them. Mostly I think he eats those gross cockroaches that are always running around (safer to hunt than to steal) but when he needs something non food related, the offices are where he goes.  Gordon is fairly new to the company. He recently graduated from MIT, and is currently working on a big project (you know the one).  He’s temporarily staying in the level three dormitories just so he can basically run off to have a shower and a snooze before getting right back to work every day. Once the project is over, he’ll return to commuting from home. He’s heard the stories about Borrowers, but Dr. Kleiner assures him it’s just a prank people like to pull, so Gordon puts it out of his mind pretty immediately.  One day Barney sneaks into one of the offices to snag some rubber bands (INVALUABLE stuff). This scientist seems to work very long hours, but he’s pretty sure they’ve left for the night. While he’s climbing up his rope to get back into the vent, he gets spooked by the sound of a giant human opening the door.  Barney has never in his life been seen by a scientist, and in his panic, accidentally slips and gets his leg tangled in his own rope. He’s trapped right out in the open at the mercy of some mad scientist! Gordon isn’t a mad scientist, but he sure is a surprised one when he returns to his office with a fresh coffee in hand and finds a tiny man on his desk.  Is he seeing this because he’s been working to hard? Had to much coffee? Hasn’t seen the sun in weeks? But no mater how long he stands in the doorway blinking stupidly, the tiny man is still there.  Barney feels like he’s going to drop dead at any moment, but he tries his best to at least LOOK calm in the face of death.  He gingerly lifts a hand a waves. “Uh, h-hey Doc.” He says with a wobbly smile. “Uh... Hi... tiny... man on my desk?” (Yeah Gordon talks in my AU) Gordon approaches, still in shock, and when Barney flinches back violently, he flinches too. Gordon gently untangles Barney from the rope and introduces himself. With no immediate means of egress, Barney feels like the only thing he can do is chat with the giant, trying to keep things light and friendly. No need to get the scalpels and the cages.    Gordon is of course curious as heck, and whatever he was supposed to be working on is completely shoved to the side in favor of talking with Barney all night.  Much to both of their surprise (Barney’s more than Gordon’s) they actually end up really enjoying each others company. They share a granola bar from Gordon’s desk (one of the best things Barney has every eaten) and a bit of coffee (Not good at all, but not the worst thing he’s been forced to drink). Over time, Barney finds himself coming back to visit the weird human whenever he’s alone in the office.  Gordon is very concerned about Barney’s diet. He eats cockroaches and scraps from the garbage? When was the last time this man had a vegetable? (Barney: What the hell’s a vegetable? What’s a fruit? Are you swearing at me?)  These discussions leads to other troubling revelations. Barney is in constant danger. He’s never been outside of the facility. He doesn’t even know there IS an outside! Gordon’s heart is thoroughly broken on the borrowers behalf, and he offers to take Barney with him when he goes home at the end of the month. Barney doesn’t exactly understand, because he thought humans just lived in the dorms. But the more Gordon talks about the outside, the more Barney is captivated by the idea.  It is absolutely 100% insane, but... But maybe he could live in a house with Gordon? Not have to worry about hiding. Not have to worry about starving. Get some of that fresh air he’s been hearing about.  It takes a little while, but eventually Barney caves, and the two start excitedly planning for the big move.  First Gordon has to finish his project, and Barney has to pack up everything he owns (which isn’t too much, but still a job).  On the day of the big test, Barney is waiting in Gordon’s office, filled with anxiety and excitement.  He waits... And waits... And waits... The lights flicker. Is something wrong with the power? Is... was that a scream he just heard out in the hall? Was that a gunshot?! What’s happening out there? Is Gordon okay? Barney decides maybe it would be safer if he waited for Gordon back in the vent. But just as he’s about to climb in, he hears something huge scuttling through the metal tunnel.  Suddenly a... THING bursts out of the vent and lands clumsily on the desk in front of him, scattering giant pieces of paper filled with Gordon’s writing, and shattering the desk lamp.  He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s staring at a headcrab that has been following his scent all through the ventilation system. (Do headcrabs have noses? I don’t know. But it tracked him somehow)  Barney runs and the creature goes crashing after him. Barney is forced to dive for the floor (not a deadly fall for a borrower, considering their incredibly light bodyweight. But still scary!) He’s backed into a corner while this unnatural thing closes in on him. He’s going to die. He’s going to die and he’ll never see Gordon again and they’ll never escape this place and- A figure bursts through the door, covered head to toe in some kind of armor. It races forward, crowbar in hand, and swings at the creature, smacking it away from the cowering borrower. The figure slam it’s weapon into it again and again, long after it’s stopped moving. All that is left is a pile of twisted flesh and yellow viscera.     The towering figure then turns to Barney, and his heart is suddenly trying to claw it’s way up his throat.  He stands to run, but it’s too late. Swiftly, roughly, a giant gloved hand reaches down and snatches the Borrower up. The glove is covered in alien gore, but that is the least of his worries. He can’t tell who the human is behind the heavy helmet, and even if he could, he can barely breath for fear, let alone speak.  The figure examines him, then walks over to the desk and sets him down carefully.  The figure falls heavily into the seat, and with arms that suddenly look too heavy for it, lifts the helmet off its head.  There in front of the borrower sits Gordon Freeman. Pail, sweaty, shaking, and so, so relieved that Barney is alive. He’s seen a lot of people die today, and was nearly sick with the idea that Barney might be among them.  Their plan has been complicated. Leaving Black Mesa isn’t going to be as easy as just hiding in Gordons pocket and walking out the door. Now they are going to have to fight their way out.  In game mechanics don’t translate very well to real life, and I don’t think the HEV suit actually has pockets and holsters that let you carry tons of weapons and stuff. I think they settle on having Barney ride along with him inside the helmet. It’s not super safe (and I imagine it would be pretty gross what with the sweat and everything) but it’s the best option they have.  That’s all the story I’ve got. I’m not sure how it ends, or if/how we get to HL2 from this, but still. Maybe at the end they just get to go home and live a peaceful life together away from Black Mesa. That would be nice. =p   So, uh... Yeah! That’s the idea so far. ^__^;;   
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robertkstone · 6 years
2019 Genesis G70 First Drive: Image is Everything
Rumor has it that the traditional four-door sedan is in the throes of a prolonged death spiral, squeezed into irrelevance by crossovers on one end and EVs on the other. But apparently Genesis hasn’t gotten the memo. Although its own SUVs are right around the corner, the 2019 G70 comes ready to stake a claim in the still-breathing entry sport luxury sedan market on its own terms.
It’s a risky yet necessary gamble on the part of Genesis, which launched about three years ago as a standalone luxury brand above parent company Hyundai. With the G70, Genesis is aiming straight for the middle of a crowded pool filled with German and Japanese competition.
The G70 looks to stand out by straddling a line between athleticism, refinement, and elegance. As if that weren’t enough, the Genesis also tries to deliver an authentic character, as well. So in reality, it’s less of a straight line and more the challenge of a classic Venn diagram. It is possible to achieve all four qualities without compromise?
Visually, the G70 certainly looks the part, especially out back. The sedan neatly sidesteps the ongoing trend of a horizontal taillight treatment that seems interchangeable at a glance from one car to the next. Instead, the G70 sports shapely clusters reminiscent of the Rock of Gibraltar, enhanced by horseshoe-shaped LED bars at the edges. From the rear and sides, the G70 exudes a confident, muscular stance. More like this, please.
The front end is less successful, bowing to the very themes it studiously avoids elsewhere. Despite the angry angles and sporty stance, I can’t help but think I’ve seen all of these design cues before. All that seems to vary is the shape and size of the grille from one make to the next.
At least the interior follows through on the promise of purposeful simplicity. Three large, round knobs provide dedicated control over the dual-zone climate control, with seat heating and ventilation buttons nestled between each one in logical formation. Just above that are eight buttons tied to the infotainment system, bracketed by volume and tuning dials on either side. Clean, simple, easy. But although the 8.0-inch screen is responsive to touch (even while wearing gloves), it could benefit from some kind of redundant input. My hand tends to fall to the circular Drive Mode controller where I instinctively twist it to select a menu, only to adjust throttle and steering programs instead.
But despite the presence of Drive Mode, Genesis is opting for an overall less-is-more approach with the G70. Albert Biermann, head of vehicle performance at Genesis, avoided the temptation to pile on a litany of tech to achieve basic handling and performance goals. Instead, his team’s focus was to nail the fundamentals. Biermann insists that all the “fancy options” competitors offer tend to go largely unused and unnoticed by most customers, even if having those features implies an enhanced level of performance. “Maybe it is a bit more of a challenging route,” Biermann concedes, “[but] we have a different strategy.”
That strategy pays off. The G70 has impeccable road manners and no tactile sign of a tradeoff, even on the base model. On some of Maine’s more neglected roads outside of Portland, I find myself pointing the G70 toward visible imperfections just to see if I can unsettle the suspension. Bumps are absorbed and dispatched with little drama. There’s just the right amount of feedback through the wheel, neither too jittery nor too isolating. Refinement and elegance: achieved.
Athleticism arrives in the form of a 365-hp 3.3-liter twin-turbo V-6, with 376 lb-ft of torque coming online as early as 1,300 rpm and sticking around until 4,500 rpm, generating robust midrange punch. Even a slight prod of the throttle summons a suitable swell of power on demand, generating more than enough speed. Genesis estimates a 0–60 time of 4.5 seconds. Standard 13.8-inch Brembo discs up front and 13.4-inch vented rears feel firm and confident, even after repeated stabs to the pedal at high speeds.
Stepping down to the 2.0-liter turbo-four is a bit of a compromise, but not in terms of refinement or character. Its numbers are noticeably lower, with 252 hp achieved at a lofty 6,200 rpm and 260 lb-ft found from 1,400 to 4,000 rpm, but keep the revs up and it’s a willing partner. Have some patience from a start, however, as it doesn’t have the same off-the-line punch as, say, the 2.0-liter fours found in Audi’s A4 or the Mercedes-Benz C-Class. There’s a pronounced, agonizing lag before the turbo finds its spin and breathes life into the cylinders.
Both engines are mated to an 8-speed automatic which delivers shifts without drama, and there’s even a mechanical limited-slip differential (standard on 3.3T and 2.0T manual, optional on 2.0T RWD). All-wheel drive can be had on either engine. Feeling a bit rebellious? Engage Drift Mode on either drive system and light up the rear wheels in a cloud of rubber vapor.
Of course, the true ace-in-the hole can be found in the 2.0-liter G70 Sport model, which comes standard with the aforementioned Brembos (but at all four corners) with upgraded pads, and an enhanced exhaust system. Oh, and—get this—a stubby lever in the middle of the console, connected to an honest-to-goodness six-speed manual transmission. Throws are light and direct, and the transmission helps to make the most of the 255 horsepower under the hood—3 hp more than you get with the automatic.
As welcome as this powertrain combo is, it also begs the question: why devote a significant chunk of development dollars to an option with so few takers? If the four-door sedan is truly on its way out, it’s the manual-equipped one that is certainly leading the charge toward an inevitable demise.
In a word: authenticity. The decision to develop a stick wasn’t solely based on sales numbers, but attracting bona fide enthusiasts to the brand. Genesis identifies true enthusiasts as the ones most likely to own and modify their cars, which makes things like the standard suspension and turbo four ripe for factory and aftermarket upgrades. One can only hope that Genesis carries this spirit of authenticity down to the dealer level, where its support will be needed most.
Despite Biermann’s shade, there are fancy options to play around with. Get the adaptive suspension option if you must on automatic-equipped models, but it’s really not necessary to hustle the G70 with potent alacrity around corners. On models without the adaptive suspension, Drive Mode adjusts parameters such as throttle and steering response as well as adjusting the sound enhancement profile. And here’s the great thing: sound enhancement can be turned totally off. I’m going to file that glorious choice under authenticity as well.
As good as the G70 is right out of the gate, it doesn’t live in a vacuum. The Audi A4 continues to be one of the best cars in its class, and BMW is readying a new 3 Series for next year. There’s also the Alfa Romeo Giulia, our 2018 Car of the Year. But Genesis is also coming loaded for bear with service perks that includes complimentary maintenance and annual map updates for the first three years of ownership.
Is there room for improvement? Sure. The manual version has a weird dip in power at the end of clutch engagement during first-gear starts. Genesis claims it’s a feature, not a bug, promoting smooth starts. This goes against the enthusiast philosophy and hopefully it can be switched off in future versions. The nice quilted seats could benefit from extendable upper thigh supports, and a true manual mode on automatic-equipped versions would be welcomed without having to turn off the traction control completely.
A few variables still hang in the balance, such as when the G70 is going on sale here and how much it will cost. Expect to pay around $35,000 for a base 2.0T, and more than $50,000 for a fully loaded 3.3T AWD model.
Given the importance of the segment (and the fierce competition), Genesis has one chance to make its impact felt. And we’re happy to say that for the most part, it’s succeeded. If Hyundai’s luxury arm can nail this whole image thing—and given the talent involved, there’s a good chance it will—the G70 will be instrumental in establishing Genesis as a luxury brand with a distinct identity.
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nibteducation-blog · 7 years
Everything You Need To Know About What is Revit
If you are an architecture student, then surely you must have heard of Autodesk Revit, haven’t you?  Well, the Indian education system is far behind in teaching various updated innovative construction technologies as compared to the U.S. standards. Agree? Being an engineering student, you must have heard Autodesk Revit but do you know the actual implementation of it? What is Revit? What are its benefits in construction?
Merely learning Revit won’t make you an Architect. During the engineering course, Revit often taught as an optional subject, but nowadays there is a huge demand of Revit in the construction sector. While various job listings and internships are asking for Revit. NIBT truly understands the need for an hour and has launched eLearning portal that teaches every single construction management technologies. And therefore Learning Revit with NIBT is no longer optional for the Engineering students. Let’s start with What is Revit? Check out our detailed article.
What is Revit?
Let us start with Basics of Revit.
Revit is a computer software mainly used to design buildings mechanical parts and also many other designs based on Civil, Mechanical and Electrical engineering. Autodesk Revit Architecture is a comprehensive architectural design and also documentation software application created by Autodesk for architects and building experts.
In a very simple language, Revit is a tool used for 3D modeling visualization. Using the Revit software, you can create a virtual building design with all its properties. Just like a real building but in the virtual world!
Why Learn Revit?
By far, you must have understood what Revit is? Now let’s see the benefits of learning Revit.
With the advent of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the modern construction sector, the construction industry has benefitted a lot regarding delivering quality and clash-free projects. Also, the projects are more productive and cost-efficient. Learning Revit and other new software certainly boost the project performance qualitatively and quantitatively.
Check out what Revit is?
Revit is not BIM, but its built for BIM. It is a software for BIM which helps designers design, simulate, visualize, coordinate and collaborate to capitalize on the benefits of the interconnected data within a BIM Model.
Advantages of Learning RevitIt is a software for BIM which helps designers design, simulate, visualize, coordinate and collaborate to capitalize on the benefits of the interconnected data within a BIM Model.
Gain exposure to BIM
Revit built for BIM; it is a software used in the entire BIM process. Learn Revit now, and you will gain confidence in manipulating the data with a BIM model and learn how the changes you make to one object in a model reflects automatically throughout the design. Learn Revit to boost your confidence.
Learn Revit Design skills that make you more valuable
Learning implementation of Revit with project-based Revit tutorials will not only give you real-world experiences but also creates digital drawings, 3D models, and other details. You will also learn the various design skills like floor design, walls, windows & doors plan, quantity take-off, scheduling, project cost-estimation and finally a 3D view of the project. Hence, These new design skills will allow you to apply your knowledge skills and set you apart from fellow interns.
Enhance your presentation skills
Once you gain confidence in learning designs and implementing it on the project, you will undoubtedly enhance your presentation skills with professional looking elevations, renders, and visualizations. Also, you will able to showcase your work confidently.
Who can learn Revit?
Architectures, Engineering students or the construction professionals in architecture, consulting and also construction firms who want to think of better careers and willing to upgrade their skill sets can also learn Revit.
Learning Objectives
Understanding basics of Revit.
Creation of the primary parametric family by using Revit
Learning the Basic Editing Tools.
How to start and set up new Project in Revit.
Learning the Basic Revit MEP and architectural commands.
Categories of Revit
Revit is vast and varied in its scope. Fundamentally Revit can categorize into six division based on various trades:
1. Revit for Architecture
Learn many design skills like designing of walls, floor plans, door plans, cost-estimation and quantity takeoff can learned in Revit Architecture.
2. Revit for Structure
Everything related to the designing of columns & beams of a building can be learned in Revit Structure.
3. Revit for HVAC (Mechanical)
The overall Heating, ventilation and Air Conditioning of a building, have various tools, Duct types, spooling drawing can also learned in this category.
4. Revit for Electrical
The use and implementation of conduits, cable tray, electrical panels & circuiting are learned in Electrical
5. Revit for Fire-Protection
Fixing of various fire alarms, sprinklers in building security etc. can determined in Revit for Fire Protection (FP)
6. Revit for Plumbing
The different types of pipes used in building, materials, fitting & fixtures, Domestic pipes, venting systems and DWV pipe system can also learned in this category.
Revit Training with NIBT eLearning
National Institute of Building Technology’s eLearning platform not only brings eLearning courses but also covers entire Revit categories from basics to advance in construction management. We are also introducing Revit training that will make online training interactive and entertaining. We have taken care that the learner with us is always in a flow to learn and never gets stuck-up/or feels boring anywhere and certainly gain detailed knowledge of what is Revit.
Let’s get to know what is Revit, its uses, benefits, and its working in a very simplified way only at NIBT!
The Revit tutorials introduce here is crisp and presented impressively, easy to understand and implement.
Sounds Interesting?
Click here to know more and JOIN us in an innovative revolution!
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Full House Ventilation: Using Fatigue Ventilation Systems
The selection to ventilate the entire house is normally motivated by health insurance and convenience worries. The reason being sufficient air quality cannot be given by normal ventilation or even by area ventilation. Ventilation programs providing the entire house provide homogeneous and handled ventilation throughout the whole household. These types of ventilation devices use one or many lovers and a program of ductwork in tedious stagnant air as well as in giving oxygen into your property or developing. Getting the overall property well ventilated is core to presenting an energy-efficient program along with for preserving enough interior ease and air-quality. The machine you decide on for ventilating your house is likely to be based on your budget, your neighborhood climate and of course the availability of ventilation devices specialists in your geographical area. Different Types Of Ventilation Systems Basically, you'll find FOUR technical ventilation programs that could function your entire property: • Energy recovery. • Supply. • Well-Balanced. • Exhaust. In this essay, we look into the performing of the fatigue whole-house ventilation systems Why Ventilate Anyhow? The ASHRAE Record has established that it is necessary to include adequate mechanical ventilation if we are to achieve the globally accepted levels or prices of interior ventilation. ASHRAE sustains the worldwide implementation of the ASHRAE Standards that are within the ASHRAE Guide. 1. Superior ventilation is very essential for your house to become energy efficient. Once your house is air closed, damaging pollutants like chemicals, radon and several different volatile organic materials could get stuck inside your residence. Ventilation rids your house of these reasons for ill-health within your family. TWO. Ventilation not just helps in tiring these damaging impurities but additionally aids inside the handle of extreme indoor water. This is known to market progress of form growth and trigger residence architectural harm. How It Operates: • Home exhaust ventilation methods run through obtaining your home depressurized. The wet and utilized air gets fatigued while make up fresh air infiltrates into your home through passive vents along with other leaking inside your building cover. • They are fairly affordable and an easy task to deploy. Usually, MouldBuster.com.au includes one fan that's connected to single exhaust place that's centrally-located in your own home. A more efficient increased layout is always to link the one fanto a number of channels via different suites that are prone to more wetness like the toilet or the kitchen. • Additionally, you might get the body company to incorporate passive, flexible vents through walls or windows inside the other locations in place of only depend on the elegant leakages to bring in outdoors. One part of matter is the fact that together with attracting fresh-air, the fatigue system may also take in some pollution including particles from your own basement, radon and mold from your subfloor, flue gases and gases from the nearby garage. As you reflect on the most suitable ventilation program, you might want to consult Phase FOUR of the International Signal Authority which includes tabulated the minimum ventilation costs for that best home. The Building Signal of Questionnaire likewise provides useful hints towards mitigating any unwanted effects brought about by inside ventilation. mould specialists of Mould Buster is very skilled in all aspects of home ventilation. He will assist you in selecting the best system for your house according to your budget and home ventilation requirements. Mould Buster is known for quality.
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thecluecourses · 14 days
Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course
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The Clue Courses Critical Care Training: Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with a foundational understanding of mechanical ventilation. This course aims to demystify the principles and practice of mechanical ventilation, making it accessible and easy to understand for clinicians who may not have specialized training in respiratory care.
To provide healthcare professionals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in mechanical ventilation to improve patient outcomes in critical care settings.
Understand the principles and modes of mechanical ventilation.
Learn to set up and operate ventilators.
Identify and manage complications associated with mechanical ventilation.
Interpret ventilator waveforms and adjust settings accordingly.
Develop strategies for weaning patients off mechanical ventilation.
Key Learning Points:
Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation
Ventilator Settings and Modes
Ventilator Waveforms and Monitoring
Patient Management on Mechanical Ventilation
Safety and Complications
To Know Full Details Visit us: https://www.cluecourses.com/contact
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thecluecourses · 14 days
Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course
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The Clue Courses Critical Care Training: Easy Vent Mechanical Ventilation Course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with a foundational understanding of mechanical ventilation. This course aims to demystify the principles and practice of mechanical ventilation, making it accessible and easy to understand for clinicians who may not have specialized training in respiratory care.
To provide healthcare professionals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in mechanical ventilation to improve patient outcomes in critical care settings.
Understand the principles and modes of mechanical ventilation.
Learn to set up and operate ventilators.
Identify and manage complications associated with mechanical ventilation.
Interpret ventilator waveforms and adjust settings accordingly.
Develop strategies for weaning patients off mechanical ventilation.
Key Learning Points:
Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation
Ventilator Settings and Modes
Ventilator Waveforms and Monitoring
Patient Management on Mechanical Ventilation
Safety and Complications
To Know Full Details Visit us: https://www.cluecourses.com/contact
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nibteducation-blog · 7 years
Everything You Need To Know About What is Revit
If you are an architecture student, then surely you must have heard of Autodesk Revit, haven’t you?  Well, the Indian education system is far behind in teaching various updated innovative construction technologies as compared to the U.S. standards. Agree? Being an engineering student, you must have heard Autodesk Revit but do you know the actual implementation of it? What is Revit?
What are its benefits in construction? Merely learning Revit won’t make you an Architect. During the engineering course, Revit is often taught as an optional subject, but nowadays there is a huge demand of Revit in the construction sector. Various job listings and internships are asking for Revit. NIBT truly understands the need for an hour and has launched eLearning portal that teaches every single construction management technologies. Learning Revit with NIBT is no longer optional for the Engineering students. Let’s get started with What is Revit? Check out our detailed article.
What is Revit?
Let’s get started with Basics of Revit.
Revit is a computer software mainly used to design buildings mechanical parts and many other designs based on Civil, Mechanical and Electrical engineering. Autodesk Revit Architecture is a comprehensive architectural design and documentation software application created by Autodesk for architects and building experts.
In a very simple language, Revit is a tool used for 3D modeling visualization. Using the Revit software, you can create a virtual building design with all its properties. Just like a real building but in the virtual world!
Why Learn Revit?
By far, you must have understood what Revit is? Now let’s see the benefits of learning Revit.
With the advent of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the modern construction sector, the construction industry has benefitted a lot regarding delivering quality and clash-free projects. Also, the projects are more productive and cost-efficient. Learning Revit and other new software certainly boost the project performance qualitatively and quantitatively.
Check out what Revit is?
Revit is not BIM, but it is built for BIM. It is a software for BIM which helps designers design, simulate, visualize, coordinate and collaborate to capitalize on the benefits of the interconnected data within a BIM Model.
Advantages of Learning Revit
Gain exposure to BIM
Revit is built for BIM; it is a software used in the entire BIM process. Learn Revit now, and you will gain confidence in manipulating the data with a BIM model and learn how the changes you make to one object in a model reflects automatically throughout the design. Learn Revit to boost your confidence.
Learn Revit Design skills that make you more valuable
Learning implementation of Revit with project-based Revit tutorials will give you real-world experience creating digital drawings, 3D models, and other details. You will learn the various design skills like floor design, walls, windows & doors plan, quantity take-off, scheduling, project cost-estimation and finally a 3D view of the project. These new design skills will allow you to apply your knowledge skills and set you apart from fellow interns.
Enhance your presentation skills
Once you gain confidence in learning designs and implementing it on the project, you will undoubtedly enhance your presentation skills with professional looking elevations, renders, and visualizations. Also, you will able to showcase your work confidently.
Who can learn Revit?
Architectures, Engineering students or the construction professionals in architecture, consulting and construction firms who want to think of better careers and willing to upgrade their skill sets can learn Revit.
Learning Objectives
Understanding basics of Revit.
Creation of the primary parametric family by using Revit
Learning the Basic Editing Tools.
How to start and set up new Project in Revit.
Learning the Basic Revit MEP and architectural commands.
Categories of Revit
Revit is vast and varied in its scope. Fundamentally Revit is categorized into six division based on various trades:
1. Revit for Architecture
Learn many design skills like designing of walls, floor plans, door plans, cost-estimation and quantity takeoff can be learned in Revit Architecture.
2. Revit for Structure
Everything related to the designing of columns & beams of a building can be learned in Revit Structure.
3. Revit for HVAC (Mechanical)
The overall Heating, ventilation and Air Conditioning of a building, various tools, Duct types, spooling drawing can be learned in this category.
4. Revit for Electrical
The use and implementation of conduits, cable tray, electrical panels & circuiting are learned in Electrical
5. Revit for Fire-Protection
Fixing of various fire alarms, sprinklers in building security etc. can be determined in Revit for Fire Protection (FP)
6. Revit for Plumbing
The different types of pipes used in building, materials, fitting & fixtures, Domestic pipes, venting systems and DWV pipe system can be learned in this category.
Revit Training with NIBT eLearning
National Institute of Building Technology’s eLearning platform brings eLearning courses covering entire Revit categories from basics to advance in construction management. We are introducing Revit training that will make online training interactive and entertaining. We have taken care that the learner with us is always in a flow to learn and never gets stuck-up/or feels boring anywhere and certainly gain detailed knowledge of what is Revit.
Let’s get to know what is Revit, its uses, benefits, and its working in a very simplified way only at NIBT!
The Revit tutorials taught here are crisp and are presented impressively, easy to understand and implement.
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