#Bashar al-Ja'afari
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politicoscope · 8 years
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SYRIA POLITICS: Syrian Government Says Agenda Agreed
Syria's ambassador to UN Bashar al-Ja'afari said the agenda agreed through U.N. mediator Staffan de Mistura gave equal weight to four subjects, including the government's own priority of fighting terrorism.
Visit Politicoscope for "SYRIA POLITICS: Syrian Government Says Agenda Agreed": http://politicoscope.com/2017/03/04/syria-politics-syrian-government-says-agenda-agreed/
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tdshay · 5 years
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PressTV-‘US, Turkey must end illegal military presence on Syria soil’ Syria's UN Ambassador Bashar al-Ja'afari calls on the US and Turkey to end their illegal military presence in the Arab country. Source: PressTV-‘US, Turkey must end illegal military presence on Syria soil’
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casorasi · 8 years
Talks held ahead of Syrian government, rebel negotiations
ASTANA, Kazakhstan - Delegates from Russia, Turkey and Iran held hours-long talks in Kazakhstan Sunday on the eve of negotiations between Syrian rebels and President Bashar Assad's government, trying to forge common ground that would nudge forward a political settlement for the country's civil war. The talks between the two warring sides are the first in a year, and are meant as a first step to consolidate a cease-fire reached last month. Whether Russia and Turkey will manage to bolster the cease-fire they brokered on Dec. 30 will be a key measure of success for the Astana meetings, Syrian opposition spokesman Yahya al-Aridi told reporters in the Kazakh capital Sunday. The opposition delegation, which arrived in Astana earlier in the day, is made up of about a dozen rebel figures led by Mohammad Alloush, of the powerful Army of Islam rebel group. The Syrian government is sending its U.N. ambassador, Bashar Ja'afari, and military delegates. The U.N.'s Syria envoy, Staffan de Mistura, is participating in the talks, which are to be followed by more political talks in February in Geneva. Talks held ahead of Syrian government, rebel negotiations
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reseau-actu · 6 years
Les dirigeants des trois pays, réunis ce vendredi à Téhéran, ne sont pas parvenus à se mettre d'accord sur le sort du dernier bastion rebelle et djihadiste en Syrie, alors qu'une offensive du régime de Damas semble imminente. De son cÎté, l'émissaire de l'ONU a réclamé un «ultimatum» et des «routes d'évacuation».
Le sort d'Idlib, ultime bastion rebelle et djihadiste en Syrie, est dĂ©battu, ce vendredi, lors de deux rĂ©unions distinctes alors qu'une offensive du rĂ©gime sur cette province du nord-ouest du pays semble imminente. D'un cĂŽtĂ©, les prĂ©sidents iranien, russe et turc se sont retrouvĂ©s Ă  TĂ©hĂ©ran pour Ă©voquer la situation de cette province, sans arriver Ă  une position commune. De l'autre, une rĂ©union convoquĂ©e par les États-Unis sur le sujet a eu lieu quelques heures plus tard au Conseil de sĂ©curitĂ© des Nations unies, Ă  New York. L'Ă©missaire de l'ONU pour la Syrie a rĂ©clamĂ© un «ultimatum» et des «routes d'Ă©vacuation».
» LIRE AUSSI - Syrie: Idlib, le dernier acte de la reconquĂȘte pour Bachar el-Assad
Moscou, TĂ©hĂ©ran et Ankara parrainent les belligĂ©rants en Syrie, soutenant les autoritĂ©s de Damas pour TĂ©hĂ©ran et Moscou, et les rebelles pour Ankara. Ces trois puissances, qui ont acquis un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans ce conflit qui a fait plus de 350.000 morts depuis 2011, ont discutĂ©, Ă  l'issue d'un sommet tripartite, d'une «stabilisation par Ă©tapes» Ă  Idlib. Cette option prĂ©voit notamment la possibilitĂ© «pour ceux qui sont prĂȘts au dialogue de passer un accord», a dĂ©clarĂ© Vladimir Poutine Ă  l'issue de cette rĂ©union. Avant ce sommet, la Russie et l'Iran ont rĂ©affirmĂ© leur soutien sans faille au rĂ©gime de Damas. «Nous avons tuĂ©, nous tuons et nous tuerons les terroristes. Et peu importe qu'ils se trouvent Ă  Alep, Ă  Idlib ou en d'autres points de la Syrie», a dĂ©clarĂ©, jeudi, la porte-parole de la diplomatie russe.
«Le gouvernement syrien a le droit de prendre sous son contrÎle la totalité de son territoire national, et doit le faire»
Un peu plus tÎt ce vendredi, alors que des raids russes ont visé des positions djihadistes et rebelles à Idlib - faisant au moins deux morts -, Vladimir Poutine a réaffirmé depuis Téhéran la position du Kremlin, indiquant que le gouvernement syrien a non seulement «le droit», mais «doit» reprendre le contrÎle de la totalité du territoire national. De son cÎté, le président iranien, Hassan Rohani, a souligné la nécessité de venir à bout des «terroristes» à Idlib, tout en disant vouloir épargner la vie des civils.
Se faisant écho des craintes de nombreux pays occidentaux et d'ONG, le dirigeant turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui craint un afflux massif de réfugiés sur son territoire, a quant à lui tenté de gagner du temps et a mis en garde, ce vendredi, contre un «bain de sang» en cas d'offensive du régime, et a appelé à mettre en place un cessez-le-feu. Une offensive sur Idlib «résulterait en une catastrophe, un massacre et un drame humanitaire», a-t-il ajouté.
Craintes d'un usage d'armes chimiques
L'Ă©missaire de l'ONU pour la Syrie, Staffan de Mistura, a plaidĂ© ce vendredi devant le Conseil de sĂ©curitĂ© pour imposer un «ultimatum» aux combattants Ă  quitter les zones peuplĂ©es Ă  Idleb oĂč des «routes d'Ă©vacuation volontaire» pourraient aussi ĂȘtre crĂ©Ă©es pour les civils. «Tous les combattants militaires devraient avoir un ultimatum pour quitter les zones peuplĂ©es» dans la province d'Idleb, sous la menace d'une vaste opĂ©ration militaire du rĂ©gime syrien, a dĂ©clarĂ© le responsable lors d'une rĂ©union convoquĂ©e Ă  l'initiative de la prĂ©sidence amĂ©ricaine du Conseil de sĂ©curitĂ© en septembre.
» LIRE AUSSI - Les enjeux de la bataille d'Idlib, ultime bastion rebelle de Syrie
Cette idĂ©e vient de la «sociĂ©tĂ© civile» Ă  Idleb, a prĂ©cisĂ© Staffan de Mistura. AprĂšs la rencontre, plusieurs diplomates occidentaux ont cependant exprimĂ© leurs doutes sur la possibilitĂ© de la concrĂ©tiser, le rĂ©gime syrien ne faisant pas de distinction entre les groupes terroristes et l'opposition armĂ©e Ă  Bachar al-Assad. Pour leur imposer de quitter Idleb, une «campagne majeure» pourrait ĂȘtre organisĂ©e par «trois millions de personnes civiles qui veulent faire entendre leurs voix», a prĂ©cisĂ© Staffan de Mistura. L'«ultimatum» serait lancĂ© parallĂšlement Ă  «un engagement de la Russie et de la Syrie Ă  ne pas procĂ©der Ă  des attaques militaires». «La Russie et la Turquie devraient ĂȘtre les garants d'un tel plan qui serait aussi soutenu par l'ONU», a-t-il estimĂ©.
Staffan de Mistura a aussi plaidĂ© pour la crĂ©ation de «routes d'Ă©vacuation volontaire dans toutes les directions, est, nord, sud». «L'ONU est prĂȘte» Ă  y contribuer, a-t-il prĂ©cisĂ©. Fin aoĂ»t, Staffan de Mistura s'Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ  dit prĂȘt Ă  aller Ă  Idleb pour garantir un «couloir humanitaire». Selon lui, pour contrer l'offensive attendue du rĂ©gime, des groupes armĂ©s crĂ©ent actuellement des souterrains, font exploser des ponts et rĂ©alisent des tranchĂ©es. John Ging, du dĂ©partement des Affaires humanitaires de l'ONU, a rĂ©clamĂ© au Conseil de sĂ©curitĂ© d'intervenir pour faire «cesser les hostilitĂ©s», «garantir la protection des civils» et leur «libertĂ© de mouvement», «faciliter un accĂšs humanitaire partout» et «renforcer les fonds» pour l'aide qui «manque de moyens».
«Une bombe à retardement humanitaire et migratoire»
Selon l'ambassadeur russe Ă  l'ONU, Vassily Nebenzia, Idleb compte «40 Ă  45 bandes armĂ©es, reprĂ©sentant 50.000 personnes». Le groupe Al-Nosra, affiliĂ© Ă  Al-QaĂŻda, comprend «16.000 personnes» et ceux qui sont «prĂȘts Ă  une rĂ©conciliation ou une trĂšve reprĂ©sentent «13.000 individus», a-t-il prĂ©cisĂ©, sans que ces donnĂ©es puissent ĂȘtre confirmĂ©es de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante. Parmi les intervenants, l'ambassadeur français François Delattre a soulignĂ© qu'Idleb reprĂ©sentait une «bombe Ă  retardement humanitaire et migratoire». Il s'est notamment prononcĂ© contre des Ă©vacuations «forcĂ©es» contraires au droit international. L'ambassadeur syrien Ă  l'ONU, Bashar Ja'Afari, a indiquĂ© Ă  ce sujet que son gouvernement prĂ©voyait d'Ă©vacuer des civils des zones de combat comme cela s'est dĂ©jĂ  produit dans le passĂ© Ă  Alep ou dans la Ghouta orientale.
Fuite de civils
Conquis en 2015 par les insurgés, Idlib est leur dernier grand bastion dans le pays. C'est là qu'ont été envoyés des dizaines de milliers de rebelles et de civils évacués d'autres bastions de l'opposition repris par les forces loyalistes à travers le pays. Jeudi, des centaines de civils ont commencé à fuir la zone par crainte d'un assaut imminent des troupes gouvernementales. Déterminé à reprendre l'ensemble du territoire, le pouvoir de Damas a massé des renforts aux abords de la province, frontaliÚre de la Turquie et dominée par les djihadistes de Hayat Tahrir al-Cham (HTS), mais qui accueille aussi d'importantes factions rebelles.
» LIRE AUSSI - Syrie: Ă  Idlib, les rĂȘves de la rĂ©volution sont enterrĂ©s au pied d'un mur de bĂ©ton
Quelque trois millions d'habitants vivent dans la province d'Idlib et les quelques poches insurgées dans les provinces voisines de Hama, Alep ou encore Lattaquié, selon l'ONU. PrÚs de la moitié sont des déplacés. Mercredi, les Nations unies ont mis en garde contre un «bain de sang» à Idlib, craignant qu'une offensive ne provoque une catastrophe humanitaire d'une ampleur inédite depuis le début du conflit syrien.
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uwebset · 7 years
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrian government negotiator Bashar al-Ja'afari accused Western countries and Saudi Arabia of sabotage and blackmail at the end of a round of U.N.-led peace talks in Geneva on Thursday, and said Damascus did not want to see the political process fail.
from Reuters: World News http://ift.tt/2o3XnTg
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GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrian government negotiator Bashar al-Ja'afari accused Western countries and Saudi Arabia of sabotage and blackmail at the end of a round of U.N.-led peace talks in Geneva on Thursday, and said Damascus did not want to see the political process fail.
from Reuters: World News http://ift.tt/2o3XnTg
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tdshay · 5 years
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PressTV-Terrorists in Idlib using civilians as human shields: Syria Syria's UN Ambassador Bashar al-Ja'afari says foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists based in the country's northwestern Idlib Province are using civilians as 'human shields.' Source: PressTV-Terrorists in Idlib using civilians as human shields: Syria
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vennomax · 7 years
Syria's Ja'afari quits Geneva talks over Assad's future
New Post has been published on http://www.vennomax.com/global/syrias-jaafari-quits-geneva-talks-over-assads-future/
Syria's Ja'afari quits Geneva talks over Assad's future
Syria’s government delegation quit U.N.-led peace talks in Geneva on Friday and said it would not return next week unless the opposition withdrew a statement demanding President Bashar al-Assad play no role in any interim post-war government.
“For us (this) round is over, as a government delegation. He as mediator can announce his own opinion,” government chief negotiator Bashar al-Ja‘afari said after a morning of talks, referring to U.N. mediator Staffan de Mistura.
“As long as the other side sticks to the language of Riyadh 2 
 there will be no progress,” Ja‘afari said.
He was referring to a position adopted by Syrian opposition delegates at a meeting in Riyadh last week, in which they stuck to their demand that Assad be excluded from any transitional government.
Ja‘afari went further in a televised interview with al-Mayadeen TV: “We cannot engage in serious discussion in Geneva while the Riyadh statement is not withdrawn.”
De Mistura put a brave face on the impasse, saying in a statement that he had asked the delegations to engage in “talks next week” and give their reactions to 12 political principles.
Previously there had been some speculation the opposition could soften its stance ahead of this week’s Geneva negotiations, in response to government advances on the battlefield.
The Syrian civil war, now in its seventh year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and driven 11 million from their homes. So far all previous rounds of peace talks have failed to make progress, faltering over the opposition’s demand Assad leave power and his refusal to go.
Pressed whether the government delegation would return to Geneva next week, Ja‘afari replied: “Damascus will decide.”
Ja‘afari said the statement insisting Assad leave power that was adopted by the opposition in Riyadh ahead of this week’s peace talks was a “mine” on the road to Geneva, and the opposition had purposefully undermined the negotiations.
“The language with which the statement was drafted was seen by us, the Syrian government, as well as by too many capitals, as a step back rather than progress forward, because it imposed a kind of precondition,” he said.
“The language is provocative, irresponsible,” he said.
The opposition, which held brief talks later with U.N. officials, rejected the charge that it was seeking to undermine the talks, and said it sought a “political solution”.
“We have come to this round with no preconditions,” opposition spokesman Yahya al-Aridi told reporters.
“Now, not coming back is a precondition in itself. It’s an expression or a reflection of a responsibility towards people who have been suffering for seven years now,” Aridi said.
After quitting talks, Syrian government envoy blames Saudis
Nasr Hariri, the opposition delegation chief, said earlier on Friday that his side had come to Geneva for serious, direct negotiations with Assad’s government. So far, government and opposition delegations have not negotiated face-to-face in any Syrian peace talks but have been kept in separate rooms.
“We call on the international community to put pressure on the regime to engage with this process,” Hariri said in a statement.
De Mistura said on Thursday the talks would run until Dec. 15, but the government delegation might return to Damascus to “refresh and consult” before a resumption probably on Tuesday.
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Syria says US airstrike killed several soldiers near Jordan
Syria says US airstrike killed several soldiers near Jordan
A Syrian military official said Friday that an aerial "aggression" by the U.S.-led coalition on a government military position near the border with Jordan the day before killed several soldiers and caused material damage.The strike was the first such close confrontation between U.S. forces and fighters backing President Bashar Assad and the development is likely to increase tensions in the war-torn country.The unnamed official's comments were carried by Syrian state TV a day after the strike.The U.S.-led coalition said Thursday that a U.S. airstrike hit pro-Syrian government forces it said posed a threat to American troops and allied rebels operating near the border with Jordan.The attack comes at a time when the U.S. presence in Syria is becoming more visible, mostly in the northern parts of the country where American troops are backing Kurdish-led forces fighting the Islamic State group.This "flagrant aggression launched by the International coalition exposes the falsity of its allegation about fighting terrorism and undoubtedly demonstrates the reality of the Zionist-American project in the region," the Syrian official said.In Geneva meanwhile, Bashar al-Ja'afari, the head of the Syrian delegation to the peace talks underway in the Swiss city, told reports there that he discussed the airstrike during a meeting Friday with the U.N. Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura, describing the attack as "state terrorism."
In every meeting we remind the attendees that there is terrorism by terrorists and also terrorism by states committed against our country.
airstrike during a meeting Friday with the U.N. Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura
"We are deeply worried about the erosion of the emerging understanding of the need to combine efforts of all those who confront terrorists" such as the IS and al-Qaida's branch in Syria, Lavrov said.But Syria's opposition delegation to Geneva lauded the airstrike, saying it helps curb Iran's influence in his country. He railed against Iran, for its support of the Syrian government."
the Americans have no right to specify in which direction the Syrian army moves since it owns the land and has the right to spread the country's sovereignty on all the land.
Associated Press writer Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria, Vladimir Isachenkov
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aniekanekah · 8 years
Syria's Ja'afari says U.S. action on Raqqa would be illegitimate
Syria's Ja'afari says U.S. action on Raqqa would be illegitimate
GENEVA (Reuters) – A U.S.- or Turkish-backed attack on Islamic State in the Syrian city of Raqqa would be illegitimate unless coordinated with President Bashar al-Assad’s government, the Syrian chief negotiator at peace talks in Geneva said on Friday.
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endtimewatchman · 8 years
http://ift.tt/HDXIyB GENEVA (Reuters) - A U.S.- or Turkish-backed attack on Islamic State in the Syrian city of Raqqa would be illegitimate unless coordinated with President Bashar al-Assad's government, the Syrian chief negotiator at peace talks in Geneva said on Friday.
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foxy-woods · 8 years
Syria's Ja'afari says US action on Raqqa would be illegitimate
Any U.S.- or Turkish-backed attack on Islamic State in the Syrian city of Raqqa would be illegitimate unless coordinated with President Bashar al-Assad's government, the Syrian chief negotiator at peace talks in Geneva said on Friday. from Channel NewsAsia World News http://ift.tt/2nLH4Jp via IFTTT
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porchenclose10019 · 8 years
Syria's Ja'afari says U.S. action on Raqqa would be illegitimate
GENEVA (Reuters) - Any U.S.- or Turkish-backed attack on Islamic State in the Syrian city of Raqqa would be illegitimate unless coordinated with President Bashar al-Assad's government, the Syrian chief negotiator at peace talks in Geneva said on Friday. from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mz9Ixn
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windsuppl4m0a1 · 8 years
Syria's Ja'afari says U.S. action on Raqqa would be illegitimate
Syria’s Ja’afari says U.S. action on Raqqa would be illegitimate
GENEVA (Reuters) – Any U.S.- or Turkish-backed attack on Islamic State in the Syrian city of Raqqa would be illegitimate unless coordinated with President Bashar al-Assad’s government, the Syrian chief negotiator at peace talks in Geneva said on Friday.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mz9Ixn
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