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Simple animation made for SuperNet, featuring their new feature BarterDex. - #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #crypto #animation #artist #animate #animated #design #motion #mograph #motiongraphics #graphics #fun #love #aftereffects #effects #smooth #flat #icons #barterdex #barter #money #online #internet
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BITBUY KOREA-Highly stable Bitcoin exchange
Bitcoin exchanges are platforms that facilitate the trading of cryptocurrencies for other assets, including digital and fiat currencies. In effect, 비트코인 거래소 act as an intermediary between a buyer and a seller and make money through commissions and transaction fees.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
On common cryptocurrency exchanges, $100 can be exchanged for bitcoin of equivalent value, and vice-versa. Similarly, bitcoin worth $100 can be exchanged for Ethereum of equivalent value. The same concept can be applied to different assets based on what is offered by the exchange.
Centralized vs. Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges act as a third party between a buyer and a seller. Since they are operated and controlled by a company, centralized 코인 거래소 offer more reliability. Approximately 99% of all crypto transactions go through centralized exchanges. Examples of centralized cryptocurrency exchanges include:
· Coinbase
· Kraken
· Gemini
Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges (DEX) allow users to execute peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a third party or an intermediary. Due to some of the issues associated with centralized exchanges, decentralized exchanges are preferred by some users.
However, decentralized exchanges do not facilitate the trading of fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies. Examples of decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges include:
· AirSwap
· io
· Barterdex
· Blocknet
Advantages of Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges
1. User-friendly
Centralized exchanges offer beginner investors a familiar, friendly way of trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. As opposed to using crypto wallets and peer-to-peer transactions, which can be complex, users of centralized exchanges can log into their accounts, view their account balances, and make transactions through applications and websites.
2. Reliable
Centralized exchanges offer an extra layer of security and reliability when it comes to transactions and trading. By facilitating the transaction through a developed, centralized platform, centralized exchanges offer higher levels of comfort.
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Testing Cryptocurrency Atomic Swaps With Barterdex
Reviews The means of atomic switch buying and selling inside the cryptocurrency house has transform a sizzling matter, and a couple of instrument building groups were operating on this kind of cross-chain generation. One staff is Komodo, the creators of the decentralized change ‘Barterdex.’ The buying and selling platform finds a complete…
Testing Cryptocurrency Atomic Swaps With Barterdex was originally published on Daily Cryptocurrency News
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Блокчейн платформа Komodo запускает децентрализованные ICO
Komodo, являющаяся полностью функциональной платформой для криптовалют и имеющая собственные токены KMD, объявила о пяти главных нововведениях, которые должны вывести её на лидирующие позиции. Данные разработки тесно связаны со стандартом безопасности и анонимностью шифрования.
Монеты Komodo, являясь последователями монет BitcoinDark, обладают защитой конфиденциальности по технологии Zcash и новой концепцией подтверждения транзакций delayed-proof-of-work (dPoW), работающей совместно с технологией Биткоин-сети для обеспечения безопасности монет.
Основные нововведения, озвученные представителями Komodo:
1. Децентрализованные ICO (dICO) – это гибрид децентрализованной монеты. Платформа использует технологии BarterDex и Jumblr для обеспечения конфиденциальности на основе одноранговой сети peer-to-peer с разработками zk-snark. Используя цепочки активов Komodo, разработчики могут создавать собственные независимые блок-цепи и распространять токены через BarterDEX.
2. Организация Monaize запустит первый dICO, основанный на технологиях платформы Komodo. Их идея состоит в предоставлении услуг электронного банка на основе технологии MasterCard. Партнёрство с Komodo означает, что Monaize станет одной из первых организаций, предоставляющих банковские услуги на основе блокчейна.
3. Atomic Swaps представляет сервис обмена blockchain-to-blockchain на основе платформы BarterDEX. Данная площадка полностью децентрализована и не требует от пользователей использование приватных паролей. Bitcoin Tumbler – платформа Komodo известная, как Jumblr. Она позволяет достичь анонимности монет с помощью технологии KMD’s zero knowledge proof. Использование Jumblr совместно с BarterDEX позволяет обеспечить анонимность для любых монет.
4. Масштабируемость. Одна ��динственная блок-цепь позволяет проводить небольшое количество транзакций. К примеру, если у нас имеется блок-цепь, которая обладает пропускной способностью в 2000 транзакций в минуту, то максимальная её скорость составит 33 транзакции в секунду. Чтобы получить пропускную способность 1000 транзакций в секунду, команда просто создаст 30 параллельных блок-цепей, которые будут работать по принципу магистралей над основной блок-цепью. Это и есть основное решение по масштабируемости сети Komodo. Нагрузка легко может быть увеличена в 100 раз.
Подробнее на сайте https://my.cryptosignals.io/news/view?id=318 и в telegram-боте t.me/CryptoSignalsIoBot
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Types of Crypto Exchanges Explained- Blockchain Development Company
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are two terms that numerous people are still strange with. Bitcoin was the first-ever cryptocurrency that was introduced in January 2009. thus, we can say that this assiduity is still in its budding stage. One of the major businesses that came out as largely promising is starting a Crypto exchange Development Company with its own Cryptocurrency Exchange to make significant gains daily.
New generalities like Decentralized Exchange( DEX) and its counterparts crop nearly every day. thus in this composition, we at LBM Blockchain results will bandy the Types of Crypto Exchanges and will compare them with each other to help you understand the concept more.
Types of Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Centralized Exchange( CEX)
Centralized Exchange or CEX is the most traditional and extensively- honored type of exchange in the crypto assiduity. They're managed by a company that permits you to change your digital asset for another cryptocurrency or traditional plutocrat for cryptocurrency.
Decentralized Exchange( DEX)
Decentralized Exchange or DEX works on decentralized operations and smart contracts to make automated trades and deals. DEX doesn’t have any intermediate, unlike CEX. thus, there's no need for a third party or a conciliator. This is a more secure system because a security breach is less likely to be if you have a well-written smart contract.
Hybrid Exchange( HEX)
mongrel Exchanges are a new type of business for cryptocurrency trading but are still in their immaturity stage. It's principally taking advantage of both CEX and DEX and the combination of speedy deals that you get in CEX and security assurance by keeping hold of the private keys.
CEX vs. DEX vs. HEX Comparision Chart
UI & UX Easy to use
Matching Speed veritably fast
guardianship druggies trust CEX
Trading Volume High
Liquidity High
Features Unlimited
Fiat Gateway Yes
UI & UX Hard to use
Matching Speed Slow
Guardianship druggies enjoy their finances
Trading Volume Low
Liquidity Low
Features Limited
Fiat Gateway No
UI & UX Easy to use
Matching Speed Fast
guardianship druggies enjoy their finances
Trading Volume Low
Liquidity Low
Features Limited
Fiat Gateway Yes
Launch your crypto exchange with the help of a reputable crypto exchange development Company with largely- professed programmers who are creating cryptocurrency exchanges with leading-edge technology, decoration features, and rich functionality that are customizable to meet your business requirements. We can reply to all of your queries. We're then to support you as you do your business. Please feel free to communicate with us if you have any further inquiries that are specialized in nature.
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The Komodo Platform provides full-scale, end-to-end blockchain solutions for developers of different industries and levels. It offers customized, configurable blockchain solutions that are easy to deploy. The blockchain emerged as a ZCash blockchain fork, which was a Bitcoin fork. The Komodo ecosystem integrates zk-snark technology (zero knowledge) based on Zcash. It adds a relatively rare consensus algorithm known as delayed proof of work (dPoW). Komodo’s goal is to build a complete ecosystem consisting of various partnerships. How it works Komodo has a blockchain with autonomous infrastructure, achieved by means of parallel chains. These chains create a separate Komodo blockchain copy. The dPoW consensus mechanism secures new parallel chains. Developers on Komodo don’t build on the blockchain itself. Rather, they create their own autonomous blockchains. It’s neither a sidechain nor a fork. The Komodo platform doesn’t serve as a legacy platform to the new blockchain. Each development project on Komodo is an independent blockchain that is linked to the network. This way, Komodo can never limit any future development. The core of the network is BarterDEX, Komodo’s decentralized exchange. The DEX is the intersection between all the blockchains. It’s powered by atomic swaps, unlike other DEXs, which use proxy tokens. Key features Komodo’s most important features are related to security, privacy, scalability, adaptability, and interoperability. Security Komodo’s security stands out through the use of the dPoW consensus mechanism and the Zcash zk-snark protocols for anonymity. The mechanism offers Bitcoin-level security to all projects and blockchains associated with Komodo. The dPoW consensus mechanism creates a backup of blockchain data. Privacy The zero-knowledge proof technology used by the Zcash blockchain allows full anonymity of each transaction on the blockchain. Many users appreciate anonymous transactions as they don’t have to share information about the sender, recipient, and amount of the transaction. At the same time, the transaction is transparent, and miners can verify its validity. Data appears just like it would for a standard Bitcoin transaction. Another important advantage of anonymous transactions is preserving fungibility, a basic currency requirement. Adaptability As one of the best-known open-source projects, Komodo is well-recognized for its features and innovations. Komodo-based projects are equipped with the ability to create custom solutions depending on the different situations and needs. Scalability Komodo lets each project have a dedicated blockchain and infrastructure, unlike other enterprise solutions. Komodo network projects can scale at any time, and blockchains can be added to improve performance as needed. Interoperability Komodo’s so-called blockchain federation technology enables frictionless interoperability with federation blockchains. Atomic swaps can be used to link to non-federation blockchains. Extensive development activity Komodo has been very active in pushing code to its base repository. It has tens of repositories, all of which are quite dynamic. The ecosystem ranked 12th on Coincodecap in terms of overall coding activity. Pros · Scores well on scalability, adaptability, and interoperability · Extensive development activity · High security and reliable privacy Cons · The coin is still under development · Some issues with ledger synchronization Why should you sign up with Komodo? One reason is that security is top-notch. At the time of writing, Komodo was preparing for an external security review. They will be creating an architecture diagram and an SRS document, updating and refactoring dependencies, and doing an internal security code review so auditors can access the code. Recently, Komodo optimized the blockchain node call amounts and added an infrastructure enhancement microservice. They are in the process of integrating QuickNode blockchain nodes into their interfaces.
They created a microservice layer to be able to complete the integration. Komodo offers convenience to its users by providing the option to collect fiat price information in the API database. This way, traders can calculate fiat prices retroactively, if needed. Another advantage is the Komodo cryptocurrency (KMD) itself, which can be used to mediate transactions with tokens that don’t have a direct pair on BarterDEX and to enable instant zero-confirmation exchanges on Komodo DEX. The Komodo coin pays for Komodo’s security protocol service, is used for dICO crowdfunding on the platform, and powers UTXO-based smart contracts. If you have 10 KMD or more, you can earn 5% rewards as an active user. What makes it stand out? Komodo’s dPoW consensus algorithm increases network security by using Bitcoin’s hash power. Bitcoin has the highest hash power of all blockchain networks, rendering it practically impervious to hijacking. The bottom line Komodo has a vast and extensive library and a reliable, solid team and community. They publish updates in real-time and provide transparent yearly and quarterly reviews. They are an excellent choice of a blockchain solution for experienced developers. Read More
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Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Crypto Exchange
A Crypto Exchange is a platform where investors can trade, buy or sell cryptocurrency. A crypto exchange serves many purposes- investors can trade one cryptocurrency for another, for example converting Bitcoin to Ethereum, buying cryptocurrency using fiat currency, and even converting your cryptocurrency back to fiat currency. In simpler terms, a cryptocurrency exchange acts as an intermediary between a crypto buyer and seller.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges can be broadly classified into two types-
1. Centralized Crypto Exchange
2. Decentralized Crypto Exchange
Both centralized and decentralized exchanges have their advantages and disadvantages. This article will point out the major differences between the two, so that you can make an informed decision as to which type of exchange suits you best.
Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (CEXs)
Centralized cryptocurrency exchange is a platform where cryptocurrencycan be bought, sold, or traded, with the help of a third party acting as an intermediary. Here, you need to put your trust in a third party who constantly monitors every transaction and secure the assets on behalf of the buyer and seller. This is common in a bank setup, where a customer trusts the bank to hold his or her money. Some examples of centralized crypto exchanges are Coinbase, GDAX, Kraken and Gemini.
Now let us have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized crypto exchange.
· User friendly - Beginner investors will find centralized exchanges to be a familiar and comfortable method to trade and invest in cryptocurrency. Users using centralized exchanges can easily log into their accounts, see their account balances, and conduct transactions through applications and websites, as opposed to utilising crypto wallets and peer-to-peer transfers, which can be complicated.
· Trustworthy - When it comes to transactions and trading, centralized exchanges provide an added degree of security and dependability. Centralized exchanges provide more comfort by allowing transactions through a well-developed, centralised platform.
· Risk of getting hacked - Since the companies operating centralized crypto exchange are entirely responsible for the accounts of their customers, they become highly susceptible to cybersecurity attacks and hacking risks. Large exchange platforms generally have billions of dollars’ worth of crypto assets in their holding, which becomes a target for hackers.
· Transaction fees - Centralized crypto exchanges usually charge a high transaction fee for the services they provide. This transaction fee imposed by centralized platforms can become a burden on the investor when trading in large amounts.
Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges (DEXs)
A decentralized crypto exchange provides a platform to users where they can execute peer-to-peer transactions without involving any third party. Here, a user remains in control of their private keys and other account related information. DEXs use smart contracts to self-execute under predetermined conditions and record each transaction on the blockchain, since a central authority is absent here. Some common decentralized crypto exchange platforms are AirSwap, Barterdex, Tokenlon and Venus.
Let us now have a look at the pros and cons of a decentralized crypto exchange.
· Privacy - Since wallets are held externally and the DEX is not accountable for the money, traders utilising decentralised exchanges do not need to disclose their private keys. Customers on decentralised exchanges are not required to fill out know-your-customer (KYC) forms, giving them privacy and anonymity.
· No hacking risk - Decentralized exchange users are not required to transfer their assets to a third party. As a result, there is no chance of a firm or organisation being hacked, and users are protected from theft and hacking.
· Lower fees - Decentralized exchanges make use of self-executing smart contracts. DEXs charge a minimal cost in the absence of a middleman. These prices change in relation to network use, but they are still far less than the expenses of centralised alternatives.
· Complex interface - DEXs are still in the early phases of development, and for individuals unfamiliar with decentralised blockchain technology, they can be difficult to utilise. The user must be first familiarized with the platform and the procedure of trade.
· Lack of fiat currency - Another significant disadvantage of DEX is that they do not allow users to trade fiat currency for digital ones. Users who do not already own cryptocurrencies will find decentralised exchanges less convenient because of this reason.
· Liquidity - Just about 1% of users employ decentralized crypto exchanges for their transactions, because of which DEXs often lack liquidity. Due to lack of volume, they may provide liquidity constraints, leaving the user unable to transact seamlessly.
Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Crypto Exchange
The crucial difference between centralized and decentralized exchanges is whether or not a middle man is present. Centralized Crypto exchanges involve a third party for the execution of transactions between the buyer and seller of cryptocurrency. Whereas decentralized crypto exchanges cut out the middleman, generating what is often thought of as a "trustless" environment. These types of exchanges function as peer-to-peer exchanges.
In a centralized crypto exchange, most of the control over your account remains in the hands of the third party which runs the exchange. On the other hand, with a decentralized exchange, all the control of the account remains with you.
Moreover, compared to centralised exchanges, decentralised exchanges provide better security. Trading on centralised crypto exchanges carries a significant danger of being hacked. They could hack a third party that utilises private keys to gain access to all of the users' cash, and you may lose your whole deposit.
Although cryptocurrencies are still a part of a largely unexplored territory, they are gradually maturing and developing into a featured ecosystem. As a crypto investor, you need to be mindful of the various advantages and disadvantages of both centralized as well as decentralized crypto exchanges, before putting your money in. There are additional factors that come to play as well, like user-friendliness of the interface, customer support services provided by the platform, etc. But like we hear from expert’s time and again when it comes to crypto, taking the time to learn as much as you can before you put money into crypto is one of the most useful things you can do!
If you are looking for a Merchant Account to accept Cryptocurrency Payments, it’s well worth opening an account with a crypto payment gateway website. It will make the process much easier if you want to add that option to your transactions. Book your demo today on Kryptova
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cryptocurrency exchange,secured cryptocurrency,cryptocurrency bussiness.Cryptocurrency Token Listing Services
To know more about our services please visit:
Phone : 9840566115
Since the emergence of cryptocurrency, we are seeing many solutions that have the potential to deliver effective results.Crypto token exchange can be referred to as the inventive technology of the 21st century and we have so much power with it. We saw a constant rush of cryptos in this sphere. Today, it is possible to work with a cryptocurrency exchange development company and to develop your own exchange.When you hear the word ‘exchange’ the first thing that comes to your mind is stock trading. This is because this name has long been associated with the trading practice and it still is. However, things are changing very fast after the advent of blockchain technology and we are now getting familiar with decentralized exchanges.
But before you do it, it is a must that you consider all the possible solutions and chooses the one with the best chances of success. Other than the trading business, this technology can also revolutionize any other domain with its efficacy. When you deal with crypto structure, you get things pulled up at the bottom and find the apt solution for every problem. Once you get familiar with the development programs, you get things going at a good pace.
How can a crypto token exchange help in launch one’s own trading platform?
With this technology, it is actually possible for you to have a steady flow of data and also to get a protocol-based execution. Whether you are familiar with decentralization or not, you always have the power to create a large number of tokens. Before you plan the launch of your crypto exchange, you should have the right technology for development, payment, other tasks as well.
By using the right program, you get the right method and a steadfast beginning for your project. Also, you prepare your venture for a large number of challenges. When you start working on the token as well as the platform, you get to operate things with a flow of digital currencies. Whether you receive funds in person or get them working on an execution level, you always prepare yourself for the challenges.
As soon as you embrace the blockchain mechanism, you get the power to handle big issues in a permanent manner. Today, there are millions of people who have joined the crypto revolution to materialize their dreams. The working of P2P protocols along with the third-party tools helps you get a lead with proper measures. Even with a large number of tokens, you have the power to decentralize the operations.
What is the importance of starting a business with a cryptocurrency token exchange?
With this particular platform, you get to work with a large number of digital assets. While doing that, you get to involve dynamics that impact various traders. While working on this technology, you get to develop a powerful solution side by side. The aspects of this specific framework give you scalability and it helps you put a clear picture around. The perfect way to introduce market dynamics always works in the favor of your business. It also helps you come up with something very revolutionary at the same time when you are spending time on cryptos.
The allocation of assets can happen in a unique manner so have no confusion in paving ways for changes. The advantages of Bitcoin and Ethereum give you proper insight into the remains of the transactions. The total number of uncertain scenarios helps you rule out any sort of irregularity, it gives you more transparency in every process. It does not matter how certain you are about the future, you always have a certain plan and execute it in an effortless fashion. With that, you get standards like Bitcoin and Ethereum to work with.
When you do that, you get a transparent cycle of buyers and sellers who help you get more certain about the veracity of this process. Even the most prominent coins help you get the basics tested before the full-scale implementation. You get to make your company a better recipient of all the benefits that this technology provides. At the time of doing it, you make things more versatile and prepare your company to build an expansive network. All these benefits take you to the heights of perfection and they enable you to introduce changes that you need.
Different platforms
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Services, kindly Visit our Website:
MLM Software Tamilnadu
26, 49th Avenue, Ashok Nagar,
Chennai – 600083,
Phone - +91 9840566115.
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Cryptocurrency Token Listing Services
To know more about our services please visit:
Phone : +91 7397224461.
Since the emergence of cryptocurrency, we are seeing many solutions that have the potential to deliver effective results.Crypto token exchange can be referred to as the inventive technology of the 21st century and we have so much power with it. We saw a constant rush of cryptos in this sphere. Today, it is possible to work with a cryptocurrency exchange development company and to develop your own exchange.When you hear the word ‘exchange’ the first thing that comes to your mind is stock trading. This is because this name has long been associated with the trading practice and it still is. However, things are changing very fast after the advent of blockchain technology and we are now getting familiar with decentralized exchanges.
But before you do it, it is a must that you consider all the possible solutions and chooses the one with the best chances of success. Other than the trading business, this technology can also revolutionize any other domain with its efficacy. When you deal with crypto structure, you get things pulled up at the bottom and find the apt solution for every problem. Once you get familiar with the development programs, you get things going at a good pace.
How can a crypto token exchange help in launch one’s own trading platform?
With this technology, it is actually possible for you to have a steady flow of data and also to get a protocol-based execution. Whether you are familiar with decentralization or not, you always have the power to create a large number of tokens. Before you plan the launch of your crypto exchange, you should have the right technology for development, payment, other tasks as well.
By using the right program, you get the right method and a steadfast beginning for your project. Also, you prepare your venture for a large number of challenges. When you start working on the token as well as the platform, you get to operate things with a flow of digital currencies. Whether you receive funds in person or get them working on an execution level, you always prepare yourself for the challenges.
As soon as you embrace the blockchain mechanism, you get the power to handle big issues in a permanent manner. Today, there are millions of people who have joined the crypto revolution to materialize their dreams. The working of P2P protocols along with the third-party tools helps you get a lead with proper measures. Even with a large number of tokens, you have the power to decentralize the operations.
What is the importance of starting a business with a cryptocurrency token exchange?
With this particular platform, you get to work with a large number of digital assets. While doing that, you get to involve dynamics that impact various traders. While working on this technology, you get to develop a powerful solution side by side. The aspects of this specific framework give you scalability and it helps you put a clear picture around. The perfect way to introduce market dynamics always works in the favor of your business. It also helps you come up with something very revolutionary at the same time when you are spending time on cryptos.
The allocation of assets can happen in a unique manner so have no confusion in paving ways for changes. The advantages of Bitcoin and Ethereum give you proper insight into the remains of the transactions. The total number of uncertain scenarios helps you rule out any sort of irregularity, it gives you more transparency in every process. It does not matter how certain you are about the future, you always have a certain plan and execute it in an effortless fashion. With that, you get standards like Bitcoin and Ethereum to work with.
When you do that, you get a transparent cycle of buyers and sellers who help you get more certain about the veracity of this process. Even the most prominent coins help you get the basics tested before the full-scale implementation. You get to make your company a better recipient of all the benefits that this technology provides. At the time of doing it, you make things more versatile and prepare your company to build an expansive network. All these benefits take you to the heights of perfection and they enable you to introduce changes that you need.
Different platforms
Thanks for reading our content.To know more about our
Services, kindly Visit our Website:
101,Kumaran Colony,Vadapalani,
Phone - +91 7397224461.
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Cryptocurrency Token Listing Services – Crypto App factory
Since the emergence of cryptocurrency, we are seeing many solutions that have the potential to deliver effective results.Crypto token exchange can be referred to as the inventive technology of the 21st century and we have so much power with it. We saw a constant rush of cryptos in this sphere. Today, it is possible to work with a cryptocurrency exchange development company and to develop your own exchange.When you hear the word ‘exchange’ the first thing that comes to your mind is stock trading. This is because this name has long been associated with the trading practice and it still is. However, things are changing very fast after the advent of blockchain technology and we are now getting familiar with decentralized exchanges.
But before you do it, it is a must that you consider all the possible solutions and chooses the one with the best chances of success. Other than the trading business, this technology can also revolutionize any other domain with its efficacy. When you deal with crypto structure, you get things pulled up at the bottom and find the apt solution for every problem. Once you get familiar with the development programs, you get things going at a good pace.
How can a crypto token exchange help in launch one’s own trading platform?
With this technology, it is actually possible for you to have a steady flow of data and also to get a protocol-based execution. Whether you are familiar with decentralization or not, you always have the power to create a large number of tokens. Before you plan the launch of your crypto exchange, you should have the right technology for development, payment, other tasks as well.
By using the right program, you get the right method and a steadfast beginning for your project. Also, you prepare your venture for a large number of challenges. When you start working on the token as well as the platform, you get to operate things with a flow of digital currencies. Whether you receive funds in person or get them working on an execution level, you always prepare yourself for the challenges.
As soon as you embrace the blockchain mechanism, you get the power to handle big issues in a permanent manner. Today, there are millions of people who have joined the crypto revolution to materialize their dreams. The working of P2P protocols along with the third-party tools helps you get a lead with proper measures. Even with a large number of tokens, you have the power to decentralize the operations.
What is the importance of starting a business with a cryptocurrency token exchange?
With this particular platform, you get to work with a large number of digital assets. While doing that, you get to involve dynamics that impact various traders. While working on this technology, you get to develop a powerful solution side by side. The aspects of this specific framework give you scalability and it helps you put a clear picture around. The perfect way to introduce market dynamics always works in the favor of your business. It also helps you come up with something very revolutionary at the same time when you are spending time on cryptos.
The allocation of assets can happen in a unique manner so have no confusion in paving ways for changes. The advantages of Bitcoin and Ethereum give you proper insight into the remains of the transactions. The total number of uncertain scenarios helps you rule out any sort of irregularity, it gives you more transparency in every process. It does not matter how certain you are about the future, you always have a certain plan and execute it in an effortless fashion. With that, you get standards like Bitcoin and Ethereum to work with.
When you do that, you get a transparent cycle of buyers and sellers who help you get more certain about the veracity of this process. Even the most prominent coins help you get the basics tested before the full-scale implementation. You get to make your company a better recipient of all the benefits that this technology provides. At the time of doing it, you make things more versatile and prepare your company to build an expansive network. All these benefits take you to the heights of perfection and they enable you to introduce changes that you need.
Different platforms
Thanks for reading our content.To know more about our
Services, kindly Visit our Website:
Crypto App Factory
101, Kumaran Colony, Vadapalani, Chennai
Call us : +91 7397 2244 61
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El ocaso de los Exchanges centralizados
Las criptomonedas, en general, son mucho más seguras que el dinero fiat. Esto es porque su principal característica, la descentralización, hace que sean virtualmente no hackeables salvo que hayas sido notoriamente imprudente con las reglas de seguridad elementales.
Personalmente, he perdido más billetes de banco que criptomonedas pero aún hay mucha gente que prefiere acariciar su dinero en el bolsillo. Y todavía hay quien se refugia en el argumento de que los hackers pueden quedarse fácilmente con tu dinero lo cual es un punto de vista demasiado corto.
Me sorprende que no pocos bancos online usen el documento de identidad como usuario y un triste pin de 4 cifras como contraseña para permitirte entrar y manejar tu dinero. Es incomparablemente más complicado hackear tu monedero de criptos.
Pero toda seguridad se diluye si metes tus criptomonedas en un Exchange centralizado. Ahí es dónde se han producido los hackeos y los fraudes más sonados. Precisamente porque se pierde la característica principal que es la descentralización.
Una vez que envías tu dinero a un Exchange pierdes el control sobre él al no estar en posesión de las claves privadas. Esto quiere decir que tienes que confiar plenamente en ese servicio lo cual casi siempre será un dogma de fe.
Por otra parte, los Exchanges operan bajo la jurisdicción legal de un país. Esto significa que en muchos de ellos te verás obligado a identificarte y, por tanto, estar bajo el escrutinio de dicho país.
Las reglas del juego de un Exchange pueden cambiar sorpresivamente al estar sometidos a presiones por parte de los gobiernos. Y tu cuenta puede ser bloqueada por diversos motivos sin previo aviso.
Es evidente que todo lo anterior va en contra del espíritu de las criptomonedas: la descentralización, la privacidad y la seguridad.
Para sobrevivir, el mundo altamente competitivo de los Exchanges centralizados tendrá que ofrecer ciertas ventajas como repartir parte de los beneficios obtenidos por las comisiones, realizar competiciones con premios, ubicarse en países con legislaciones más laxas para no exigir identificación, promover airdrops de nuevas criptomonedas entre sus usuarios y mil cosas más. Esto es lo que hacen, por ejemplo Kucoin y Binance, dos Exchanges chinos emergentes que están resultando mucho más interesantes que Poloniex o Bittrex, radicados en USA.
Aún así, los Exchanges centralizados siguen siendo potencialmente muy problemáticos por lo que no es aconsejable depositar en ellos una confianza ilimitada. Están surgiendo nuevas posibilidades que los sitúan en un claro ocaso. La tecnología es así y las cosas, afortunadamente, cambian y nos ofrecen nuevas e interesantes posibilidades.
Como una respuesta lógica a los antinaturales servicios de cambio centralizados surgen muchas otras opciones que permiten cambiar unas criptomonedas por otras al vuelo. No precisan identificación y los cambios suelen ser rápidos. Se trata de servicios no totalmente descentralizados ya que los dadores de tal servicio son los que poseen, durante el lapso que dura el intercambio, las criptomonedas a cambiar. Dependen de la liquidez que tengan en cada momento y hay un intervalo en el que son dueños de tus monedas. Quiero decir con esto último que podrían producirse fallos y no llevarse a efecto la operación. Dicho de otra manera, hay posibilidades de que sucedan errores o fraudes; quizá en mucha menor proporción que en un Exchange centralizado en el que tienes en todo momento tu dinero ahí, hasta que solicitas el reembolso. Por otra parte, los cambios no suceden entre usuarios sino entre usuario-servicio. Y, una cosa más, suelen jugar bastante con cambios ventajosos; es decir, te ofrecen un valor de cambio que puede ser aceptable pero muchas veces menos interesante que el que puedes conseguir tradeando en un Exchange centralizado.
Ejemplos de este tipo de servicios son Shapeshift, Changelly o Flyp.me.
Atomic Swaps o Intercambios Atómicos permiten comerciar, intercambiar o tradear diferentes criptomonedas sin necesidad de confiar en un servicio proporcionado por un tercero. Los cambios se producen de forma segura y totalmente confiable entre usuarios y distintas cadenas de bloques. Y todo desde una sola plataforma o un monedero, conservando el control de tus claves privadas y de forma totalmente anónima.
Ambos usuarios que desean cambiar una criptomoneda por otra las lanzan a sus propias cadenas de bloques. Un contrato inteligente en forma de hash bloqueada en el tiempo (hash time-locked contract) asegura que ambas personas reciban las monedas. Este tipo de contratos inteligentes requieren que cada destinatario confirme haber recibido el pago antes de una fecha límite generándose un recibo criptográfico. Ambos usuarios deben ingresar la contraseña única que ha producido el hash y que solo ellos conocen. Si se produce un error en alguna parte las monedas vertidas a las cadenas de bloques vuelven a su origen.
El tema de los Atomic Swaps está prácticamente arrancando y, en estos momentos, aún no es una cuestión amigable para una mayoría de usuarias. Komodo es el proyecto con más trabajo desarrollado al respecto y su plataforma de intercambio descentralizado Barterdex se encuentra en una fase operativa en estado de pruebas. Ya se han realizado miles de intercambios atómicos aunque precisa de bastante trabajo para que su interfaz de usuario sea sencilla e intuitiva y, por tanto, pueda ser adoptada de un modo generalizado.
Hay muchos otros proyectos en marcha. Sin duda, Atomic Swaps representa la respuesta lógica, sofisticada y segura a los Exchanges centralizados.
El último candidato en salir a la palestra es Bitcoin Atom (BCA). Un (próximo) Hard Fork de Bitcoin que está creando muchas expectativas. No es posible decir ahora si estas expectativas se corresponderán con la realidad pero su hoja de ruta está llena de interesantes promesas. Si finalmente se convierten en hechos Bitcoin Atom puede cambiar radicalmente las reglas del juego. BCA pretende implementar Atomic Swaps mediante hash time-locked contracts y también mediante Lightning Network off-chain.
Mientras los Atomic Swaps se realizan en las respectivas cadenas de bloques, la tecnología Lightning Network permite minimizar las comisiones al realizarse fuera de la cadena de bloques. La implementación de esta tecnología está en su hoja de ruta tras los Atomic Swaps.
El popular monedero multimoneda Coinomi es uno de sus socios y, probablemente, servirá también para realizar Atomic Swaps desde el propio monedero ya que el intercambio de unas criptomonedas por otras es una de sus características actualmente, a través de los servicios de Shapeshift y Changelly.
Mientras los Exchanges centralizados no son capaces de resolver sus problemas potenciales y la mano reguladora de los Estados, temerosa de perder definitivamente su poder, va endureciendo sus requisitos y leyes... un nuevo amanecer nos deparan las nuevas tecnologías. Por una parte el ocaso de la centralización. Por otra, el amanecer de una imparable tecnología descentralizada. Las perspectivas son excitantes.
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Почему крипто-биржи ненавидят американских пользователей?
Почему крипто-биржи ненавидят амери��анских пользователей?
Строгие правила в Соединенных Штатах сделали страну сложным местом для криптообменников и криптобирж.
Но почему некоторые биржи ненавидят работать в США? Почему они блокируют пользователей из США?
Почему крипто-биржи отвергают американских клиентов?
С точки зрения биржи криптографические правила США являются минным полем. Отдельные штаты разработали свои собственные законы, процесс подачи заявки на крипто-лицензию неодинаков по всей стране, и для бизнеса крипто-и блокчейнов совершенно отсутствует операционная структура.
По крайней мере, биржа, работающая в США, должна:
Зарегистрироваться в Комиссии США по ценным бумагам и биржам.
Зарегистрироваться в Сети по борьбе с финансовыми преступлениями.
Подать заявку на получение отдельных крипто-лицензий во всех штатах, где они требуются.
Подать заявку на получение лицензии на передачу денег для работы с банками.
Создать систему борьбы с отмыванием денег.
KYC для каждого пользователя.
Конечно, многие из этих требований противоречат анонимным децентрализованным идеалам криптозащиты. Это отталкивает как пользователей, так и бизнес-блокчейн.
Многие проблемы также окружают определенные монеты. Например, Poloniex больше не предлагает ARDR, BCN, DCR, GAME, GAS, LSK, NXT, OMNI или REP в США из-за «неопределенной нормативной среды». В объявлении от мая 2019 года компания заявила, что «невозможно быть уверенным, будут ли регуляторы США рассматривать эти активы в качестве ценных бумаг ».
Вот что сказал тогда директор по правовым вопросам Poloniex:
«Нет сомнений в том, что нынешний регуляторный подход к криптовалютам в США порождает неопределенность и может нанести ущерб инновациям. Мы выступаем за создание четкой, перспективной нормативно-правовой базы, чтобы США могли в полной мере реализовать потенциал крипто- и блокчейн-технологий. Эта пропаганда будет продолжаться и будет нарастать, особенно сейчас, когда Libra от Facebook заставляет многих в п��рвый раз считаться с крипто ».
Многие критики возлагают вину прямо на законодателей США. Сторонники криптовалют утверждают, что отсутствие реакции на быстро растущий криптосектор привело к недостаточной прозрачности и неясности. В результате отечественный криптосектор сильно пострадал.
История Бинанса — знакомая история
Хотя эти проблемы существовали в течение нескольких лет, в июне 2019 года ситуация стала особенно очевидной. Именно тогда крупнейший в мире крипто-биржа Binance объявила, что все его клиенты в США будут заблокированы от использования его основной платформы. Запрет вступил в силу 12 сентября.
Таким образом, Binance присоединяется к длинному списку крипто-бирж высшего уровня, которые решили не работать в США. Более половины из 30 лучших стран имеют ограничения в той или иной форме для всех, кто живет в стране. В список входят Bitfinex, Poloniex, Bittrex, Bancor, OKEx, Huobi, HitBTC, Kraken, CoinBene и LBank.
Bancor повторил слова Poloniex и Binance в своем собственном заявлении в начале 2019 года:
«В свете возросшей нормативной неопределенности мы считаем, что ограничение пользователей из США от выполнения преобразований через наш веб-интерфейс является наиболее разумным решением для всех членов экосистемы Bancor в настоящее время».
Интересно, что во время объявления о запрете Binance одновременно объявила о создании новой платформы: Binance.US. Она должна начать набирать клиентов на этой неделе.
На момент запуска это будет бледная имитация своего старшего брата. Пользователи смогут вносить депозиты только в BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC и USDT. Возможно, еще хуже, ожидается, что для торговли будет доступно всего 30 токенов. По слухам, это ADA, ATOM, BAT, BCHABC, BNB, BTC, DASH, EOS, ETC, ETH, HOT, IOTA, LINK, LOOM, LTC, MANA, NANO, NEO, PAX, REP, RVN, TUSD, USDC , USDT, VET, WAVES, XLM, XRP, ZIL и ZRX, хотя окончательный список еще не был официально подтвержден. В отличие от глобальной платформы Binance предлагает более 150 монет. Некоторые биржи поддерживают несколько сотен.
Несмотря на то, что большая часть бизнеса компании идет ��з США, генеральный директор Binance Чанпен Чжао считает, что решение было необходимым:
«Некоторые краткосрочные боли могут быть необходимы для долгосрочной выгоды. И мы всегда усердно работаем, чтобы превратить каждую краткосрочную боль в долгосрочную выгоду ».
Как американцы могут купить крипто?
Для людей, которые хотят купить только основные монеты, есть еще много вариантов.
Coinbase, которая доминирует в крипто-ландшафте США, предлагает Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin и Ripple. Несколько других изменений, в том числе новый Binance.US, предоставляют доступ к столь же ограниченному количеству активов.
Но где американцы могут купить альткойны? Лучшими решениями являются все более децентрализованные обмены. Мы рассмотрели некоторые из лучших децентрализованных крипто-бирж. Мы нашли Changelly , Shapeshift, IDEX, Waves DEX, Komodo BarterDEX, Relay Radar и Block DX, чтобы предложить лучшее сочетание цены и доступности монет.
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Finland’s Regulatory Watchdog Plans to Supervise Localbitcoins Operations
On Monday, the Helsinki-based peer-to-peer crypto exchange Localbitcoins announced it is adding several different identification processes in order to improve AML and KYC requirements. The move to bolster the new customer verification procedure follows Finland’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) mandating supervision over exchange operations.
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Localbitcoins Adds a New Verification Process Due to Regulatory Guidelines
The BTC trading platform Localbitcoins specializes in peer-to-peer and over-the-counter bitcoin exchange throughout nearly every major city in the world. Years ago, the Helsinki operation was well known for providing a platform that allowed people to trade in a private fashion. In those days, traders could swap fiat for bitcoins or vice versa without the KYC processes involved with other exchanges. However, over the last two years, Finland’s regulations and newly introduced policies have made it harder for many crypto businesses to allow trading without verification. In February, Localbitcoins notified customers that changes were coming due to the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD) that was enforced by the European Union. Now, this week, the company based in Southern Finland says the FSA’s new exchange supervision mandate has made it impose even stricter AML/KYC guidelines.
The company’s blog post on March 25 details that Localbitcoins will soon be “supervised” by the country’s FSA. The blog post adds that the Virtual Currency Service Providers (VCSP) Act will provide legal status for cryptocurrencies. “[The VCSP Act] should improve significantly Bitcoin’s standing as a viable and legit financial network,” Localbitcoins announcement notes. The trading platform’s post also explains that the team has launched a new registration process and users will still be able to begin trading the day they sign up. The new system administered will inhibit the creation of phony accounts as well.
Other Finland Cryptocurrency Operators Are Also Experiencing Regulatory Pressures
The news follows the harsh regulations and banking issues Finland cryptocurrency operators have been facing in recent times. The exchange and crypto wallet provider Prasos Oy told the media that Finnish banks will not cooperate with cryptocurrency providers. Henry Brade, Prasos CEO, explained at the time that the company’s operations could be frozen on a whim. “The risk is that we’ll see our last bank account closed before we can get the next one opened — That would freeze our business,” Brade revealed. Moreover, due to the strict regulations, even Finnish law enforcement officials were uneasy about storing 2,000 BTC seized in a criminal forfeiture case. The country’s new treasury guidelines detailed that officials cannot store the seized coins on an exchange and must use cold storage.
Localbitcoins statements this Monday explained that the robust identity verification process was actually “requested by many users.” According to the Localbitcoins founders, there will be four individual tiers for trading certain amounts of BTC volume. Corporate accounts will have to submit a more specialized verification method. Besides the latest requirements, the company has also revealed that “more details on each account level and verification requirements will be announced soon.”
The strict KYC guidelines enforced by Localbitcoins leaves BTC traders very few options for private and verification-free trading besides decentralized trading platforms like Bisq, Barterdex, and Openbazaar. However, liquidity on these particular decentralized applications is still extremely slim in comparison to their centralized counterparts.
What do you think about Localbitcoins being supervised by Finland’s FSA? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Image credits: Localbitcoins, Shutterstock, and Pixabay.
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The post Finland’s Regulatory Watchdog Plans to Supervise Localbitcoins Operations appeared first on Bitcoin News.
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Utrum – The Crypto Playbook completes DICO and got listed on Exchanges.
On July 4, 2018 the Utrum Foundation DICO concluded, having successfully reached soft-cap mark of 1 million USD. This unique form of crowdfunding, in which decentralization is paramount, enabled the Utrum OOT Coin to break some crypto-records through the short span of 2 months.
Most impressive is the listing of OOT on CoinMarketCap within the first 24 hours of kicking off the pre-sale on May 10. What made this possible is the DICO model vs traditional ICO models. In a traditional ICO there is an element of centralization. Whether through a smart contract or a controlling organization, some part is centralized and there’s a lot of (usually blind) trust required on the part of investors.
In a DICO, which stands for Decentralized Initial Coin Offering, there is no central organization, no smart contract, no controlling party. In fact, it’s more akin to an Over-the-Counter (OTC) trade, as it utilizes Atomic Swap technology, powered by Komodo Platform. This is wallet-to-wallet trading, using a decentralized exchange.
Because Utrum used BarterDex to make their ICO available, it not only kept the entire process decentralized and trusted, it also triggered CMC’s API when volume hit the exchange.
Shortly after commencing the Utrum DICO many coin tracker apps began adding the OOT coin. Crypto Pro, BlockFolio, BitSnapp, Cheddur and GetDelta all added the OOT coin during the DICO. Before the DICO was finished CoinExchange listed OOT and opened trading in late June, making this coin one of the fastest listed, widely embraced new cryptocurrencies this year.
One of the reasons OOT is so widely accepted has to do with the project behind the coin. The Utrum project is about building a trusted platform for the crypto-community, implementing a unique format that leverages crowd wisdom and Ai to identify trusted projects, ICOs, teams, assets and products or services within the crypto industry. The Utrum Platform will be a hub for crypto reviews, analyses, predictions, and eventually a marketplace for crypto services and products similar to Fiverr.
The platform is designed to reward accuracy and trusted reputation, learning from the downsides of projects such as Steemit where manipulation is rampant, Utrum is developing a combination of tech and member participation to solve this and many related trust problems in crypto. Using complex algorithms and reward mechanisms, community governance and curation, combined with crowd wisdom techniques Utrum aims to have a community hub where anyone from investors to developers can go and find trusted and clear information.
On July 1st, days before our DICO ended, Utrum hired CTO. Andrew Dubinsky, a developer with over 20 years working on cutting edge technology, digital assets, and developing solutions for financial institutions in the way of digital authentication, joins Utrum as CTO and Tech Lead. Andrew’s work in architecting software projects, designing digital asset solutions, and his passion and personal work in blockchain are essential to Utrum’s next steps.
We at Utrum are very excited to have Andrew on board, making the dream possible. With the success of our DICO and addition of CTO, we have already hit the ground running with first steps of architect and software development commencing the first week of July.
Looking forward, the Utrum OOT coin is being listed on RightBTC July 10 and other exchanges are already in the process of implementing OOT into their system. This is one of the fastest coins to go to market in crypto history and we’re really grateful and proud of our project.
Utrum would like to especially extend our gratitude to our supportive community who made this project possible. Thank you to all our investors and supporters who believe in what we are doing and are claiming a stake in our future, and we believe in the future of the crypto community.
A special thank you to our private investors as well, an investor from Korea “Goldenman” and the SuperNet fund, thanks to JL777 Komodo’s lead developer. These two private investors stepped in, making a huge difference in helping us cross the threshold of soft cap.
JL777 is also Advisor to Utrum and has been a believer and supporter from day 1. When founder Sridhar Panasa came up with the idea of Utrum, in a Komodo Slack channel, JL777 not only encouraged Sri to pursue this strongly, he helped with implementation of technology for the OOT blockchain and stepped in as advisor, empowering the project right from the start. Again, the project could not have made it without JL777’s support and guidance, so a huge thank you to James Lee of Komodo.
If you’d like to learn more about the Utrum project or get involved in the community, please visit https://utrum.io.
This is a sponsored press release and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views held by any employees of NullTX. This is not investment, trading, or gambling advice. Always conduct your own independent research.
Utrum – The Crypto Playbook completes DICO and got listed on Exchanges. published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar: Price Analysis May 18, 2018
Besides EOS that have subtle hints of higher highs following May 16 bullish pin bar or spring, other coins including Tron are printing negative gains in the last 24 hours. Of note is how Stellar Lumens prices are behaving despite good news. Despite everything, it is engaging the sell gear and slowly aiming for 30 cents, a key and important support line in our analysis. Overly, we remain bullish on EOS and Tron and all we should be doing is waiting for timely entrants with minimum risks to ramp up longs with targets at $22 at EOS.
Let’s have a look at these charts:
EOS Price Analysis
EOS Daily Chart by Trading View
There is nothing much going on in the fundamental front of this coin. All we do know is that Dan and Vitalik would work together to make the blockchain community better for everyone. After all and unless Quantum computing becomes a reality, blockchain shall remain dominant in the coming years. Now, EOS blockchain launch is what investors are talking about and this is a good thing. Will the positive vibe seep through, prep buyers and help pump EOS prices? Well, that’s what I’m angling for now that EOS is up six percent in the last 24 hours.
Price wise, there are hints of price reversal especially if we pull May 16 candlestick. Then we saw EOS buyers rejecting lower prices because while the trend is negative, prices don’t follow suit. Instead it moved within a tight price range and yesterday’s candlestick was but a mere confirmation of those buyers. Yes, we have a long upper wick signaling sell pressure but if today’s close end up above $14, there is a valid reason to go long.
Litecoin (LTC) Analysis
Litecoin Daily Chart by Trading View
Now everybody, Doge/Litecoin atomic swap is now possible! Thanks to Komodo’s HyperDEX, traders would in the future transact seamlessly using the two coins without fear of extra fees or going through an exchange. HyperDEX runs on Barterdex core and promises to bring those cross chain atomic swaps experiences to common merchants or traders. On the retail adoption drive that’s in line with their social media campaign, there is conversion.
PetBay shall integrate and accept Litecoin as payment going forward.
Literally speaking, Litecoin prices are slow if not completely negligible. Zero movements in the last 24 hours and we remain bearish in line with our previous projection. Now, as long as Litecoin is trending within this May 11 high low, chances of a break below $130 is high. So, we remain neutral for now until after our sell triggers are hit.
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Price Analysis
Stellar Lumens Daily Chart by Trading View
Successful coins often chart up the liquidity list if it finds utility. In the case of Stellar, IBM is their main supporter and already, they are using their network for cheap and secure cross border payment. Even though we had that announcement between IBM and Veridium Labs aimed at fighting global warming as they save Indonesian rain forests, there is nothing much to talk about in the last 24 hours.
Like most coins, Stellar is down and inching closer towards 30 cents towing with our previous price trajectory. For now, all we have to do is wait. Should prices recover and close above 40 cents then we shall see the level of demand before drawing conclusions.
Tron (TRX) Price Analysis
Tron Daily Chart by Trading View
Following December 2017 successful campaign in collaboration with Binance, the Tron Foundation now plans on gifting new homes to Tron’s holders. When the campaign will begin remains sketchy but chances are it is designed to coincide with May 31 mainnet launch.
Last year it was a Maserati and a Mercedes-Benz. This year we’re taking our giveaway to a whole new level — your dream home! Stay tuned. #TRON $TRX #TRX
— Justin Sun (@justinsuntron) May 16, 2018
This means it shall take place in roughly two weeks and if last year’s market behavior is anything but guidance, expect Tron’s trading volumes to rise as demand increase.
So, Tron is down five percent in the last 24 hours and still prices are moving within an accumulation. Well, we cannot initiate inconclusive set ups and reiterating, we shall only go long and expect Tron prices to recover if and only if there is a break above 7.5 cents. For buyers to cement that then it must be accompanied by above average volumes and a wide daily range exceeding range bound candlesticks.
IOTA (IOT) Price Analysis
IOTA Daily Chart by Trading View
It’s without a doubt that IOTA remains one of the fastest growing and interesting Internet of Things solutions around. There are speculations that prices are in the process of bottoming up and while this may be true by all accounts, its market participants or supply-demand dynamics that shall give us a clearer market direction.
In line with our projections, IOTA prices are trickling and syncing with May 11 directions. Because that candlestick was bearish we expect nothing more than lower lows maybe until there is a retest of May 12 lows at around $1.6. Before then, conservatives should be patient while aggressive traders can short and target that support line at $1.5 or better still $1 assuming there is further depreciation.
The post Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar: Price Analysis May 18, 2018 appeared first on NewsBTC.
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