theangrypomeranian · 2 months
Darryl and Becky are driving to Florida for a vacation with her family when Sabrina Carpenter's newest single comes on the radio, and Becky is...not a fan. Darryl is offended. A silly conversation ensues. Part of @bobsrarepairweek.
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drawthething · 1 year
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Becky and Darryl (BARRYL!!!) commissioned by @theangrypomeranian ♥️♥️♥️ They're just chilling and hanging out after the prom (PROM 😭😭😭)
Not to be dramatic but after this I've discovered what my hands and mind and soul were made for, and that is to draw pretty pretty prom dresses all day everyday for forever
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sailoreuterpe · 6 months
Becky Krespe - Dance
(Here's one for Becky as a character alone.)
Becky knows her worth; she's not easily hurt.
She shrugs off Jimmy Junior's rejection and makes friends with Tina and--in time--with Jimmy Junior.
Becky is too nice to hold a grudge.
It's a good thing for Jimmy Junior and others to follow.
Nat is generous with her stink-bombs.
Here's one for bekina for @choerrypies.)
Becky is Tina's mirror: light to dark, social butterfly to social butterfingers.
Becky makes Tina try harder and Tina makes Becky smile.
They share horses and braces (eventually) and Boyz 4 Now.
Becky is Tina's foil and opposite and yet--
complementary colors never looked so good.
(Here's one for barryl for @theangrypomeranian.)
Becky twirls like one of those flying toys from years ago.
Darryl wonders if she's as easily wound.
She's certainly twisted him all in knots.
Becky smiles back at him in her orbit and Darryl gulps.
Dancing is a serious sport.
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Don't you love it when a friend reaches out and asks for an absolutely adorable Commission request??
@theangrypomeranian asked me to draw the lovely ship of her creation, Barryl!! She wanted them to *gasps* hold hands! How scandalous 😱
For real, though, this idea was too cute. I was beyond excited to draw this up for them! They even paid me more than they had to by giving me a tip! You are way too good to me, Pom. First giving me asks and then an adorable request??
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Thank you so much again, Pom❣️ My Commissions are still open for anyone who's interested!!
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babystepsofficial · 1 year
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dianadeadwing · 10 months
Becky Krespe fans!! What color do I make her eyes?
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 1 year
Barryl pls 💖
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truly the definition of “only the version of them that lives inside my head” 💖
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ltwharfy · 1 year
I'm gonna ask about my itty bitty ship because I'm super curious about what you think:
Becky Krespe and Darryl!
So, I actually rewatched "V for Valentine-detta" in order to remind myself of Becky's character in canon before answering. And thanks for that, since that is a wonderful episode (woof meow woof meow)!
As for Becky and Darryl, I can definitely see it. She seems pretty nice and deserves a better boyfriend experience than she got from JJ in that episode. And I think "Can't Buy Me Math" shows that Darryl could be a sweet and thoughtful boyfriend.
So, I'm not obsessed with it (unlike with Hemita or Roudise) but I can see the appeal. I'll have to check out your fics about it!
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nonbinary-hatter · 8 months
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Day 8 of 14 of my bob Burgers Valentina cards
This one is for @theangrypomeranian
Hope you like it
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Hi Ive come to pester you ehehe
Looking back at the BoomTown Boys´ refs, whos Carls mom ??? :0
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I'm glad you noticed and asked! Here she is, Carl's mom, Carol Cannon! She's a big 'n strong mother with a caring n' gentle heart, she loves the ocean and big blue whales, and she's protective of her two children who she holds dear. Carol's married to a pirate captain, Captain Barryl, who she met one day during one of their many separate trips to the beach. And after taking the time get to know one another and eventually grew a close bond with each other, Carol and Barryl formed an relationship together as a result. Carl's little sister, Carley "Cannonball" Cannon, takes after their father and wishes to go on pirate adventures alongside her big brother. And while Carol isn't much of an adventure herself, she still loves to spend time with her children, even if it's the littlest things like carrying Carley around and playing pretend pirates together.
And speaking of Carl...
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Carol heard on the radio news about some "Giant Cannon Pirate Crew Member Sinking An Entire Ship with a Princess and Passengers Onboard!" And she Immediately went to the jail where her son was sent off to. After hearing Carl's story about the accident he had with his nose sneezing, the heartbreak he had and crack he got from his crush, and the punishment he was sentenced for his crime, Carol felt devastated about what her son has been through. Even if Carl's considered a criminal by some people for his actions....
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Carol still loves her son, no matter what...
Sorry for answering so late, I've been slacking and very busy with some other stuff, but I hope you like the reveal of Carl's mom, as well as his dad and sister as a bonus! ^^"
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golden--doodler · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Ahhh, thank you so much 🥺❣️
I wish I had anything Zekina or Barryl premade just for you, but I don't, so I'll settle for giving you headcanons for Barryl, because the more I think about them, the cuter I think they would be (shipping them does involve getting rid of Rosa, but she only appears in one episode, so it's probably not that difficult):
They have a shared playlist, and Darryl actually gets so passionate and emotional about it. Becky thinks it's adorable. They're definitely both Swifties to varying degrees, and ever since @drawthethingdoppelganger drew that sketch of Darryl talking about Frozen, I'm convinced he loves the Frozen soundtrack too, and cries every time he listens to it. To be fair, though, Becky gets emotional right there with him. Their favorite part is belting Love is an Open Door together.
They also enjoy leaving little things for each other throughout the day, like sticky notes on each other's lockers with cute messages on them. It definitely gets them through the school day, especially if it's long or if they've had a hard one. Sometimes, if they know the other had a particularly bad day, they'll add something extra like a bar of chocolate.
Also, Darryl is definitely the little spoon. Just had to say it 🤣
Finally, this isn't Zekina, because it's a sketch of Gene and Tina, but it does have Tina which is still one-half (and also this is just one of my favorite Gene lines and I'm biased). Let's just say that Tina told Zeke about the joke Gene made later, and he enjoyed it just as much as she did (fair warning, this sketch is kind of old, so I think I've gotten better at drawing these two):
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theangrypomeranian · 8 months
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Pom's 2024 Valentine's Day Collection
A series of fics set during Valentine's Day for the ships of Trickey, Barryl, Hemita, and Zekina! read on ao3 here. summary of each fic:
runnin' home to you (Trickey): “You’ve never had a date on Valentine’s Day??”
“Nope. No one's ever asked.”
“Guess I get to be the first, then.” . . . or: Mickey is determined to make this Valentine's Day the best for his boyfriend Trev. title from the musical episode of The Flash.
it's the first kiss, it's flawless (it's fearless) (Barryl): Then Becky tensed and her eyes went wide with panic, making Darryl sit up as trepidation made his throat go dry. “Becks, what–”
She pointed at the screen and he turned his head to see what it was that had her so distressed.
And nearly fainted.
Because they were on the kiss cam. . . . or: Darryl goes with Becky to a basketball game on Valentine's Day and ends up in a bit of a predicament. Title from the song Fearless by Taylor Swift.
if it makes you happy (Hemita): The first time they ever spoke was on Valentine’s Day. . . . or: A series of looks at various Valentine's Days and moments between childhood friends Henry and Susmita, leading to an unexpected wedding. Title from If It Makes You Happy by Sheryl Crow. if you see her out tonight, tell her she's mine (Zekina): The look he gave her made her knees feel weak and for a moment Tina thought he might kiss her again, then he just stepped back towards the doors of the gym. “I’ll see ya later, T-Bird.”
“See you,” she parroted back, watching him pull the door open and step inside before turning and heading for the entrance of the school. Every part of her ached and screamed at her to go after him, to tell him exactly how she felt and that she was tired of keeping this thing between them a secret from everyone else.
Whatever it was. . . . or: Zeke and Tina have been sneaking around behind everyone's backs for a month, but when he doesn't ask her out on Valentine's Day she goes to a singles party with Jimmy Jr. and shenanigans ensue. Title from She's Mine by Kip Moore.
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drawthething · 1 year
Imma be a lil gremlin and ask for 001 for Barryl :3
Of course ♥️
when I started shipping it if I did
When I started working on your commission :D Finished the rough sketch of them and be like "Dang, they're cute 👀"
my thoughts
I might need to get into your fics soon to be more specific with my thoughts but I'm interested 👀👀👀
what makes me happy about them
Height difference with Darryl being a short king 😌 And rarepairs let us explore more about them underrated side characters too so cheers to these muppets for finally having their bibles written ✨✨✨ Would love to read about your version of Becky 😭
what makes me sad about them
Does- does these two have angst? Like, would there be sad tear jerking moments 👀? (genuinely asking though I'm curious)
things done in fanfic that annoys me
I'm pretty sure there haven't been enough fics of them to have anything to complain about so imma skip this 😭
things I look for in fanfic
I wanna see Darryl being an absolute disaster with romance cuz nerrrrrrd but Becky'd probably find it endearing?
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
Rosa for Darryl. Can't think of anyone for Becky but I'm up for any option
my happily ever after for them
Be cute nerdy muppets together forever
who is the big spoon/little spoon
I'm imagining Darryl being a little spoon and it's the only correct answer to me now
what is their favorite non-sexual activity
Gushing constantly about musicals :D Becky is 100% a theater kid and Darryl would try soooo hard to impress her with his vocals
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
rare pair request (you had to know this was coming from me lmao): Barryl (Becky Krespe x Darryl)!
The lovely thing about Becky is that we know so little about her canonically. She had braces, she's nice, and she's pretty. You can extrapolate that's she quiet, but otherwise she's a blank slate. Darryl, on the other hand, is very much his own character. Darryl appreciates kindness and support, which we see Becky also appreciates. Becky being quieter will work well with Darryl's louder personality. Plus, they're both friends of the Belchers. They'll be cute and I'd love to see Becky again in the show proper.
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What's your favorite obscure ship for Bob’s?
Ahhhhh!! Pom! Thank you so much for giving me another ask 🥺❣️
I actually haven't thought about this as much as I would like to, so I only have a few, but here we go:
--I heard on Discord about someone shipping Gene and Sasha?? And that's such a rare pair that it really, really intrigues me. The potential is actually insanely good the more I think about it. The enemies-to-lovers dynamic they would have, and Sasha probably becoming a better person because of Gene is actually immaculate 🤌🏼
--@dianadeadwing also made art about Tina and Susmita together, and while I haven't really thought about them together, I think the potential is honestly pretty cute. Just a wholesome lil' side ship. I don't necessarily ship it too much, though, because I actually really enjoy Henry and Susmita.
--I don't know if this can be counted as obscure because now it's more popular (I think) but Mr. Frond and Mr. Ambrose together actually make me insane. I ship them so flipping hard now. Their dynamic is everything to me--god, their banter is hilarious. We already got a tiny bit of groundwork in canon in episodes such as A Few 'Gurt Men, but these two haven't really interacted much, so the dynamic that talented fans have given them has been such a joy to discover.
--@dianadeadwing has also made the most adorable art of Gene and Peter Pescadero, and they have potential as just a wholesome lil' side ship like Tina and Susmita. I like Alex, but I think we should get more of Gene and Peter because they have a lot of potential even as just friends. I think Gene having another music-loving person to hang out with would be really cute :3
--Some people have also shipped Louise with Jessica before, and I also think that ship has some potential to be really wholesome, especially because I really enjoyed their blossoming friendship in the slumber party episode. I don't really ship it that much, only because I haven't thought about it that much, but I'll always love a good friends-to-lovers ship.
--This ship isn't exactly obscure, but I just wanted to say Gene and my OC, Alexis, because now that I've fleshed out Alexis as a character and been drawing them and Gene more, I'm becoming way too obsessed with this ship I created and am really annoying about mentioning these two at any given moment 😭 This probably sounds super narcissistic, but if there was a ship on this list that's my favorite and a Gene ship I want to make canon the most, it would be Gene and Alexis. It's still kind of crazy to me that the only canon Gene ship we've gotten is Gene and Courtney. Don't get me wrong, they were cute, but that's just really funny to me.
--Bonus: I have to mention Barryl because you asked me this!! I literally never thought of them ever being a couple until you started making content about them, and now, all of a sudden, I'm just 🥺 for these two
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babystepsofficial · 1 year
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