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Francesco Queirolo. Marble sculpture "Liberation from Deception" 🤥
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Color pencil drawing study of a baroque statue on black paper
April 10 2020
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Im Schatten der Frauenkirche befindet sich ein wenig versteckt ein herrschaftlicher Barockbau. Das Coselpalais mit den von Johann Gottfried Knöffler für das Eingangsportal geschaffenen zwölf Kinderplastiken gilt als eines der Hauptwerke des Dresdner Barock. Das Gebäude blickt auf eine höchst bewegte Geschichte zurück. Einst befand sich auf dem Gelände ein Pulverturm, welcher ab 1744 mit dem „Cäsar- und Knöffelschen Haus“ überbaut wurde. Die barocken Wohnhäuser wurden beim Bombardement der Stadt während des Siebenjährigen Kriegs stark beschädigt; so verlor etwa der berühmte Maler Bernardo Bellotto dadurch sein Zuhause. Endlich kaufte Friedrich August von Cosel, ein Sohn Augusts des Starken und seiner Mätresse Gräfin Constantia von Cosel, die Häuser und ließ sie durch Julius Heinrich Schwarze zu einem Palais umgestalten, welches durch zwei Seitenflügel erweitert wurde. 1848 wurde im Festsaal des Anwesens ein kleines Stück Musikgeschichte geschrieben, als Robert Schumann hier vor ausgewähltem Publikum erstmalig die Schlussszene seiner Szenen aus Goethes Faust WoO3 aufführte. Im ausgehenden 19ten Jahrhundert wurde das Palais als Polizeipräsidium genutzt. Im zweiten Weltkrieg abermals zerstört, harrten die teilweise abgerissenen Ruinen über fünfzig Jahre ihres Wiederaufbaus. Heute ist das Coselpalais äußerlich weitgehend wiederhergestellt, im Inneren jedoch entstanden leider wenig inspirierende moderne Büroflächen. . . #dresden #barock #baroque #baroquesculpture #visitdresden #dresdenliebe #baroqueofficial #baroqueart #baroquestyle #dresdengram #baroquegarden #baroquearchitecture #classicalarchitecture #europeancastles #palais #cosel #coselpalais #palaisroyal #palazzo | by notenwert
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Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, 1652; Gian Lorenzo Bernini- Bernini was an Italian architect and sculptor, famous for creating and implementing the movement of baroque sculpture. In the piece pictured above, Saint Teresa is feeling the intense love and light of the Christian God. The expressiveness of her face tells the story, alone, but Bernini decided to extend the theatricality to the drapery and the surrounding architecture. For a piece made out of solid marble, it appears lighter than air. - - - - #baroque #baroquesculpture #bernini #gianlorenzobernini #ecstasyofsaintteresa #art #artmovement #17thcentury #17thcenturyart #genius #masterpiece #masterpieces https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYl2cUHZj_/?igshid=wr6jr2qxh1i7
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𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠 𝕕𝕖𝕝 ℙ𝕒𝕡𝕒 𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕛𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕠 𝕍𝕀𝕀 (1655- 1667), obra de 𝗚𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗼 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗶 y asistentes de 1678. El monumento escultórico está ubicado en el crucero sur de la Basílica de San Pedro en la Ciudad del Vaticano. La pieza fue encargada por el mismo Papa Alejandro VII. Sin embargo, la construcción del monumento no comenzó hasta 1671 y se completó en 1678, once años después de la muerte del Papa. A la edad de 81 años, esta sería la última gran obra escultórica de Bernini antes de su muerte en 1680. Hay seis figuras significativas en el monumento. En el ápice está el Papa Alejandro VII arrodillado en oración. Debajo de él hay cuatro estatuas femeninas que representan las virtudes practicadas por el Pontífice. En primer plano está Caridad con un niño en brazos. A la derecha de esta está la Verdad, cuyo pie descansa sobre un globo. Más precisamente, su pie se coloca directamente sobre Inglaterra, donde el Papa Alejandro se había esforzado por dominar el crecimiento del anglicanismo. En el segundo nivel están la Prudencia y la Justicia. Estas estatuas fueron talladas en mármol blanco. Más dramáticamente, debajo de Alejandro, la figura de la Muerte está representada en bronce dorado, envuelta en un ondulante ropaje de jaspe siciliano. Levanta un reloj de arena para simbolizar que el tiempo ha pasado. El reloj de arena es también un símbolo artístico del "memento mori" (recuerda que morirás). ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤ #alexandervii #baroquestatue #bernini #baroque #popealexandervii #barocco #marblesculpture #baroqueart #italianbaroque #gianlorenzobernini #baroquesculpture #personificationofdeath #baroquearchitecture #vatican #romanbaroque #cittadelvaticano #vaticancity #basilicadisanpietro #vaticano #roma #catholic #italia #catholicchurch #sculpture #catholicism #chusayinka #art #arthistory #storiadellarte #italianart (en Basilica Di San Pietro,Vaticano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmyGWt5M7Y5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Orvieto Cathedral Angel of the Annunciation Baroque Art Canvas Print #orvieto #cathedral #duomodorvieto #angel #angeloftheAnnunciation #angelgabriel #baroque #baroquesculpture #baroqueart #italianbaroque #italy #francescomochi #artphotography #canvasprints #wallart #wallartforsale #wallartphotography #canvaswallart https://society6.com/product/orvieto-cathedral-angel-of-the-annunciation-baroque-art_stretched-canvas https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/95142178 (at Orvieto, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWrC2JGKMVN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I remember the first time we talked about 🤎Bernini’s David🤎 in my History of the Western Art class in Columbia. Part of my fascination with it was my professor’s passionate way of talking about it. She described it with phrases such as, “You can feel it,” “Bernini wants you to bodily react to the image,” “David reaches out into the space of the viewer, your space!” I was absolutely sold! I hope to convey the same passion here so you get to love this sculpture as much as we do. After all, that’s the whole point of a+x! In January, artplusexplains (a+x) visited Galleria Borghese. Very kindly, they opened the Galleria for us before opening to the public in order for Fernanda to photograph the work of art. While Fer clicked away for an hour, I had all those Bernini sculptures just for me. As I looked at them at moments I felt like crying, then I felt like singing, I had to control myself to not touch them or kiss them! And I thought, it’s not my fault! Bernini wanted me to physically relate and react to the work. I am just following instructions!! Going back to the sculpture: Many times, my students ask me Why David? Why are there so many works of art about David? Well, King David is one of the Bible’s most compelling characters. He was a humble shepherd from Israel, in a time when Israel and the Philistines were facing off in battle. The Philistines fielded a fearsome new weapon: a giant named Goliath, carrying a huge bronze spear (I Samuel 17:5-7). The Israelites were frozen in fear—except young David. Armed with only a sling, he picked a stone from a riverbed and slung it at Goliath’s head. David’s aim was true; the stone struck the giant and killed him, prompting the Philistines to flee. The Israelites were jubilant. #bernini #berninisculpture #galleriaborghese #baroque #berniniroma #romeitaly #villaborghese #baroqueart #baroquesculpture #arthistory #arthistorymemes #arthistorymajor #arthistorykids #arthistorian #historiadelarte #art #arts (at Galleria Borghese) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEp08EFAHC6/?igshid=jmu7zn7yf7a
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The rape of proserpina by Bernini is a Baroque masterpiece #bernini #baroquesculpture (at Galleria Borghese)
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A Large Low relief in papermache & mixedmedia on wood by Elise. « WAR » #lawrelief #sculptures #papermachesculpture #acryliquepainting #pigments#expressionismart #againstracism #arte #artepovera #artsingulier #artsingulierpoétique #alteredart #uniquepiece #artistonistagram #art #artgalleries #baroquesculpture #artpauvre # https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_CLCToW3J/?igshid=185cjo0p58iox
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Venecia. Basílica de Santa María della Salute (1631-1687). Arquitecto y escultor: Baldassare Longhena (1598-1682). Presentamos un detalle del magnífico exterior de este templo votivo. Se trata de la escultura de San Jorge, santo muy apreciado en Venecia. Probablemente, por su excelente factura y calidad artística, sea obra de Longhena, que también era escultor. En este original San Jorge apreciamos una suntuosidad y efectos de claroscuro, cargados de un profundo dramatismo de los que hacía gala, en todas sus creaciones, el grandísimo artista que fue Baldassare Longhena. #vincens2019 #architectural_ornamentation #quiriters #turistitalia #loves_europe #dettagli #yallersitalia #europa #loves_world #architectural_ornaments #barocco_photogroup #cityphography #natgeotravel #living_europe #europe_gallery #ig_europe #travelworld #baroquesculpture #volgovenezia #travel_captures #volgoarte #volgoitalia #clickfor_venezia #amazingshots_arte #vivoartworld #kings_luxury #luxury_allworld #_arteecultura_ #welcometochurches #venezia🇮🇹 (en Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Fl-bKolWh/?igshid=skhbr3un304k
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#filmphotograph #analogica #35mmphoto #canoncanonetql17 #berggerpancro400 #baroquesculpture #woodsculpture (em Museu Histórico Nacional) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQMGCeA3_w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bq8gbigycy3x
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David Today I wanted to try to break out of my usual and nothing was coming. So I decided to practice pushing features. Chose statues. #david #bernini #baroquesculpture #instacharacterdesign #instaartist #instaart #nathanfergasonart #baroque
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Recorded today's demo for a student news promotion. - - - - - #charcoaldrawing #charcoalart #charcoalportrait #30minutes #30min #timelapse #timelapseart #timelapsedrawing #timelapseoftheday #bernini #baroque #baroquesculpture #perseus #clashofthetitans #medusahead #gorgan #demigod #mythology #greekmythology #romanmythology #value #form #texture #flesh #stonecarving #butterface #hashtagsareforsellouts (at Valley High School, Las Vegas, Nevada)
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Representation of #theholytrinity on top of the canopy of the pulpit in #Peterskirche in #Wien made by baroque master #MatthiasSteinl in 1726. Happy #TrinitySunday! . Euntes ergo docete omnes gentes baptizantes eos in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti (Evangelium secundum Mattheum XXVIII 19) . Darum gehet hin und machet zu Jüngern alle Völker: Taufet sie auf den Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes (Evangelium nach Matthäus XXVIII 19) . Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Gospel of Matthew XXVIII 19) . Gå derfor hen og gør alle folkeslagene til mine disciple, idet I døber dem i Faderens og Sønnens og Helligåndens navn (Matthæusevangeliet XXVIII 19) . #holytrinity #trinitysunday #baroque #baroquechurch #catholicchurch #gospelofmatthew #peterskirchewien #stpeterschurchvienna #wien #vienna #baroquesculpture (her: Peterskirche, Vienna)
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Gian Lorenzo Bernini: San Sebastiano (1616/17), Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid #espana #spain #madrid #museothyssenbornemisza #thyssenbornemisza #gianlorenzobernini #bernini #sansebastiano #saintsebastian #marble #scupture #baroqueart #baroquesculpture #marblesculpture #museum #travel #traveller http://bit.ly/2RqdntN
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Bernini's Four Rivers Fountain Detail, Baroque, Rome, Italy https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/34462433 - https://society6.com/product/berninis-four-rivers-fountain_stretched-canvas #bernini #fourriversfountain #baroque #baroqueart #baroquesculpture #statue #romeitaly #heritage #monument #landmark #italianart #soapbubbles #navona #piazzanavona #artphotography #photoart #streetphotography #artprints #printsforsale #wallart #walldecor #wallartforsale (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5n3OzH3oM/?igshid=14y93szhkdbre
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