#Barcelona orb
quincyhorst · 1 year
Ok, so, little curiosity.
We all know Raimon is a japanese name, that it means "ray gate", etc. But did you know where else Raimon can be used as a name? Spain.
Well, better specified, in Catalonia. 'Raimon' is an actual name there, being the catalan version of the name Raymond. Yeah, I'm aware the meaning isn't the same, buuuut you get me anyway. Either way, to prove the name's usage we can use the official website for Spain's National Institute of Stadistics, in which there's a widget to see whose provinces have registered that name. On this specific case...
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Raimon is a name that unfortunately isn't used much nowadays, and it's proven by the average age of its current holders being 40 years old. Nonetheless its good to know it exists somehow. As you can see, it is registered mostly on the Autonomous Communities that speak catalan (Balearic Islands, Valencian Country, and obviously Catalonia). But did you know whose catalonian province uses it the most? Barcelona.
So. What I'm trying to get to this? There's a particular spanish AND catalonian character on Inazuma that'd name his kid like that. Think about it.
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.....Raimon...... Orvan........
Was gonna add this on a separate reblog, but jokes aside: I genuinely love the idea that for VRoH, there could be yet another spanish representation by the presence of Clario's child. It is interesting to mention that according to the official side manga Honosuto (Eps. 62-63), Clario seems to have a huge interest on Japan and its culture, even to the point of visiting the country himself.
And also adding his huge connection with Raimon + Endou across AreOri, this gives a perfect spot for his successor to be in Japan as an exchange student. Maybe as a Nagumohara student, maybe in another team (The actual Raimon would be too awkward)... I just think it would be a perfect idea. ONLY downside to this idea however, would be that this idea could prove that VROH happens in the AreOri timeline, breaking the ambiguity that was tried to be done by not specifying in which universe this new entry is located.
Either way, what do you think about it? Do you like the concept? Feel free to comment. Don't forget to wish a happy birthday to Clario, too!🎂
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inazumafocus · 2 years
Inazuma Chara Daily n.58
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Name: Federico Dazzlo
Gender: Male
Series: Inazuma Eleven Ares
Team: Barcelona Orb (🇪🇦)
Role: Defender
Number: 3
Element: //
Personality: //
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liverpool-enjoyer · 11 months
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he do be pondering tho
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wileys-russo · 9 months
off limits (7) II a.putellas x león!reader
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part one part two part three part four part five part six
off limits (7) II a.putellas x león!reader
you blinked tiredly as suddenly you were whisked away from the blissful world of your dreams and slammed back into reality, the shrill blare of your alarm causing you to let out a tired groan.
hand smacking around trying to tap snooze you swore loudly and jolted even further awake as you caught your knuckles on the corner of the nightstand.
sitting up with an annoyed huff you grabbed your phone and pressed stop on the glaringly obnoxious alarm, dropping it in your lap and rubbing your face tiredly.
noticing the time and knowing when your plane was you knew if you wanted to shower and not be rushed you should get up now.
however with barcelona being unusually grey and overcast you found sleep was calling you for just a little longer, so you set an alarm for in a half hour and dropped your head back to your pillow with a thud.
you awoke with a startle what only felt like minutes later to a noise you assumed was your alarm, reaching out and smacking your phone screen tiredly, pulling yourself up to rest on your elbows when the insistent ringing continued.
with a roll of your eyes realising it was a phone call you settled back into bed and brought the device to your ear.
"hola?" you yawned, wincing as alba excitedly yelled back that they were downstairs. "now?" you realised after a beat of silence, ripping the covers off and checking the time, realizing your alarm hadn't gone off and you'd oh so stupidly set it for PM instead of AM.
"noo tomorrow chica!" the girls voice dripped with sarcasm, though hearing you unable to stifle a yawn another beat of silence passed.
"you are ready, si?" alba's tone suddenly became much more serious and you could only imagine the way her eyebrows would furror in annoyance just like alexia's would
"...ten minutes?" you questioned sheepishly, wincing as a string of angry spanish hit you like a wall. "mierda! we will cancel this uber and come up and order another one once you're ready then. apresúrate idiot!" the younger putellas huffed as you agreed and apologized.
"wait, alba who is we?" you clocked her choice of words, not given an answer as the line beeped signalling she'd hung up on you. with a shrug assuming you must have misheard you leapt out of bed and rushed around pulling on clothes, grateful you'd at least finished packing last night.
not even two minutes later and your intercom buzzed as you hopped over to it, punching in the code and letting alba up as you fought to tug on a pair of shorts without falling to the floor, startled by harsh knocks at your door.
"i'm coming i'm coming joder!" you groaned as the knocks continued impatiently, clumsily buttoning up the jean shorts and stumbling to the door, throwing it open and ducking your head to pull your hair up into a messy bun, failing to notice two pairs of shoes standing in wait for you.
"i told you what time we would be here!" alba huffed, shoving past you as you lost your footing and almost went tumbling down, an all too familiar set of hands steadying you.
you glanced up with wide eyes to meet those you knew all too well, her chocolate brown orbs clouded with something you couldn't quite put your finger on as she quietly murmured good morning and let go of you, hovering by the door.
"the uber is waiting downstairs! five minutes or alexia will carry you down there herself." alba warned as she hauled your suitcase with her, missing the way both you and your ex girlfriend cringed a little at her words.
"i thought you were ordering a new-" you started but the slam of your front door abruptly cut you off, leaving you and alexia alone as you avoided her eyes, scrambling off into your room and leaving her behind to her own devices.
alexia's eyebrows curled into a frown as she shoved her hands into her pockets, gaze roaming the apartment which had once seemed so familiar and warm, now feeling foreign and cold as she mentally took note of all the changes.
the guilt settled once more in her stomach as the reality of the last time she'd been here sank in, her heart aching a little to see almost every remainer of your time together was merely wiped away.
the polaroids of the two of you which littered your fridge, gone. though she knew you only put them out when she was coming over, your relationship a secret to anyone outside your little bubble of love.
the snow globes she'd brought you back from the world cup which normally sat proudly on the mantle, gone. you'd also rearranged your furniture which she had a sneaky suspicion would have been ingrids idea, the girl forever going on about the energy of rooms.
but what alexia wasn't to know was all the knick knacks, souvienners, photos, anything that reminded you of her was stored safely in a box under your bed. you'd gotten that box out far more often than you cared to admit, pawning through its contents with the upmost care.
you some days wanted nothing more than to destroy its contents, one final fuck you to the relationship alexia had seemingly thrown away without a care.
head ablaze with thoughts you often flicked a lighter on and off in your hand, conveniently one alexia had gotten from you during an away game in madrid where you'd tweaked your ankle and weren't able to play or travel with the team.
but you could never ever actually bring yourself to do any sort of harm to the box and its contents, so you'd shed a few tears and wordlessly slip it back under your bed, like clockwork.
out of sight but never out of mind.
you expected her to just wait silently by the front door where alba had left her, so your body locked up in surprise as strong tanned arms wound round your torso, her footsteps so quiet you'd not even heard her approach.
"i did wonder where that hoodie went." she murmured quietly as you glanced down to realise the hoodie you'd thrown on in your haste was indeed hers, an old favourite you'd been meaning to give back but again you just couldn't seem to muster up the courage despite how much some days your heart burned with hatred for her.
"alexia." you warned with a sigh, your hands on top of hers trying to gently pull them away as she only clung on tighter. "we can't." you empasized, squeezing your eyes shut.
"no. ale the other night was a mistake, por favor i was not thinking right and i should not have agreed to go home with you." you mumbled, her arms disappearing now as you span around to look up at her with soft apologetic eyes.
"i asked you if you wanted to many times, and you still said yes. then we slept together and i thought you stayed the night but i woke up to an empty bed and i had to wonder if it was all some sort of dream, maybe even a nightmare." the older girls eyes flashed with hurt as you winced slightly.
"i know. but i was upset, you were upset, i'd just told you i was going to retire and i was in a really weird state of mind and-" "did it not mean anything to you, nothing at all?"
your stomach dropped at the way her voice was so stripped back, cut raw and barely above a whisper as she picked at a loose thread on her pants, pretending like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"alexia please, can we not do this now? we're about to be stuck together for days and i don't want our drama to cause any problems with the group." you pleaded, swallowing the words on the tip of your tongue.
"our drama?" her voice echoed after you as you wandered into your closet, stripping yourself of her hoodie and tugging on a sweatshirt of your own. "you know what i mean." you sighed, pushing her hoodie into her hands and grabbing your carry on, making a beeline for the door.
"can we just pretend it never happened? please. i'm sorry but it was a mistake alexia." "fine, like it never happened."
the ride down in the elevator together was painfully quiet, alexia looking like she wanted to say something but using all her will not to.
thankfully in the car you had alba who didn't shut up the entire ride to the airport, alexia sat up front lost in her thoughts as the younger putellas talked your ear off.
"i didn't know jenni was coming." you mumbled to alba with a frown spotting the taller girl laughing with the group of your national team mates.
but if alba heard you she made no move to acknowledge it, slinging an arm over your shoulders and marching you toward the girls as alexia trailed behind.
you felt a strange feeling settle over you as jenni embraced alexia and kissed both her cheeks, but you knew jenni had always been like that and that she had a girlfriend of her own anyway, and you had no right over whatever alexia decided to do now.
you'd never actually seen jenni as a threat before now and you weren't sure what changed, the two of you had always gotten along well.
so trying to swallow the strange feelings and push them as far down as you could, you moved forward. it was made easier by the fact the tall spaniard was so easy to get along with, spinning you around in a tight hug not having seen you since she'd left barcelona and you stepped down from the national team.
unknown to you it was now alexia who was fighting the bitter jealousy bubbling up in her throat watching the little reuinion, clenching her jaw and turning away.
the plane you thought might be a reprise from the awkward tension of being around your ex girlfriend and her ex girlfriend who was seeming quite touchy with both of you, though of course neither of you were going to communicate the issues you were feeling even if they were the exact same.
but the plane was no reprise at all as of course alba all but shoved you into a seat which was right next to alexia, sandwiching you in between the two of them as you silently screamed, sending the taller girl a tight lipped smile which she returned.
you felt relief when laia, misa and jenni sat the row in front, engaging the three of you in conversation for most of the flight meaning you weren't subjected to any small talk with alexia who you assumed would still likely be feeling the sting of your rejection from this morning.
however nothing seemed to deter alba who very clearly had an agenda that didn't align with your own as exactly alike the flight you found yourself shoved into a seat next to alexia in the small van that picked all of you up from the airport to take you to the house you'd all booked.
"switch with me!" you mouthed and glared at the girl who slid into the seat next to ona in the row across from you who pretended she couldn't lip read, shrugging in fake confusion and turning to make conversation.
you snuck a glance to the older girl beside you whose attention was fixated out the window and away from you, both of you clearly trying not to touch one another as you leant your shoulders away as if you'd burn each other at a simple nudge or bump.
still a little tired from your sudden wake up call this morning you allowed the hum of chatter from your friends around you and the bouncing around of the van lull you into a much needed nap, slipping your sunglasses down over your eyes to hide the fact.
you blinked a few times as you felt your body shake side to side gently. "hey." you lifted your head and pushed your sunglasses up and off your nose, rubbing your eyes.
"bon dia, we're here." you glanced to meet alexia's amused smile, though as soon as your eyes met hers it slipped away and was replaced with a much more stoic look as she nodded for you to stand.
filing off the van you stumbled as a body crashed into yours almost taking you to the ground with them. "misa!" you huffed shoving her away with a roll of your eyes as she grinned and grabbed your bag for you.
"that was for that stupid goal!" she was now the one to roll her eyes as your lips curled into a grin and you allowed her arm to slip over your shoulders and pull you toward the house with her.
"that goal was earned, completely fair and legal." you laughed in response to the recent el classico where you'd chipped a goal over her head as she'd rushed out to collect it.
"maybe, but still very embarrassing." the keeper sighed before shoving you away from her as you continued to laugh, the two of you falling easily into conversation as you walked side by side, the taller girl still carrying your bag for you.
"that would be cute." alexia glanced up as jenni appeared next to her, suggestive grin plastered to her face as the catalan only shrugged, trying to swallow the jealousy which clawed at her throat at the sight of you laughing and messing about with misa a few metes in front.
the way you used to be with her, before she had to go and mess everything up.
"whats wrong chica? your face is so long it is hitting the ground." jenni nudged her again, raising an eyebrow as alexia brushed it off and mumbled she was fine, jenni dropping it for now with a hum of disbelief.
thankfully when it came to room arrangements it was pairs and you grabbed alba before she could utter a word, dragging her to the first room you could find and shoving her inside, kicking the door shut.
"what are you up to?" you asked her straight away with an accusatory finger pointed in her direction. "amiga, nothing!" the younger putellas shrugged with her hands raised, claiming one of the beds and sitting on the edge.
"alba." you warned, crossing your arms and scowling, knowing too well she clearly had some sort of agenda. "you and misa used to date, no?" the brunette asked, catching you off guard as you gave her a look.
"no? we hooked up once after the euros, we were just happy from the win and very drunk, it meant nothing and we never felt the need to speak about it again. we’re just friends, always have been.” you answered her after she repeated the question. "you know, sort of like you and my sister!" you reminded, speaking a little too loudly as the girl moved to crash tackle you.
"mierda shut up! nobody knows about that and its going to stay that way!" alba grunted as the two of you rolled around smacking and pinching one another like children.
the door opened and a few of the girls spilled in, a horde of spanish chatter filling the room and you groaned as they joined in piling on top of you, a flurry of limbs and hair and laughter.
"chicas! happy hour, vamos!" jenni sauntered in next with a bottle of tequila in hand and you could finally breathe as the pile of bodies on top of you began to depart.
"off!" you wheezed, pushing aitana and alba off last as the two collapsed into giggles either side of you. "that was nearly worse than the euros." you struggled to catch your breath, having scored the winning goal and having half your team jump on top of you had dampened the moment.
"probably less sweaty." "much less sweaty!"
the first couple of days passed by without too many issues, you steered clear of alexia as much as you could and she did the same, despite alba's best efforts to force the two of you into unconventional situations which she seemed to have roped aitana and ona into helping much.
though once half the group left to spend a little time with family before club training resumed, it became a little harder to avoid one another.
laid down on a boat in the middle of the ocean you knew you should be at your most relaxed. the drinks were flowing, the sun was shining, the water was crystal clear blue and the weight had been partially lifted from your shoulders as you knew for now what the immediate future held.
or so you thought.
starting to feel the heat prickle at your skin you shifted, beads of sweat dotting your brow as you pushed your sunglasses up and rested on your elbows, surveying the small group laid about on the deck.
"ey, swim?" you nudged aitana beside you who groaned and swatted you away, alba beside her giving you a thumbs down making you chuckle. accepting your solo fate you dropped your sunglasses onto your towel and stood properly and wandered toward the swim deck, diving off into the water, leaving your friends behind you.
surfacing you exhaled and trod water for a minute, watching the blurry figures of people jumping off the cliffs a few hundred metres away.
your skin prickling with goosebumps you dove back under one more time and swam your way over to the small swim deck just beneath the boat, pulling yourself up to sit with your feet still dangling in the water.
leaning back on your hands you closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. "hola." you jumped at the unexpected voice, not having heard anyone else join you as your eyes snapped open and alexia pulled herself up to sit a healthy distance away from you.
"hola." you murmured back, looking back toward the cliffs as a silence settled between you both, the only sound the distance chatter of your friends above you.
"will we always be like this?" you turned your head at that, frowning a little. "like what?" you dared to question, admittedly a little worried for what the answer might be. "pretending the other does not exist." there was a tiny smile behind her words, both of you clearly picking up on one anothers intention.
"or like you hate me." the smile dissapeared for that sentence and you sighed, kicking your legs back and forth. "i don't. i could never hate you alexia, i told you that already." you sighed, looking right at her as now she avoided your eyes, kicking her own legs in the water with a hum.
"can we try to be friends? we used to be, before...everything." the blonde questioned still refusing to meet your eye. "yeah, i'd like that." you answered, not really giving yourself another moment to overthink it and what that might mean.
turns out, it was a little easier than you thought.
you stopped avoiding alexia like she had some sort of disease and she did the same, you'd talk sometimes, normally in a group setting to ease the awkwardness of this new adjustment.
alba, ona and aitana somehow only took this as more of a green light to continue with their agenda of forcing you and alexia into increasingly awkward situations.
the most recent of which was alba 'accidentally' passing out in alexia's bed so she had to stay in alba's which was of course two metres across the room from you, that was quite the rude shock for you to wake up to that next morning.
and now you found yourself packed into a club, having had three or five too many shots forced down you and the room a little hazy as you sat back down with another drink thrust into your hand.
"hola amiga." misa chuckled as you sagged into her, sipping from your glass with a hum. "you two look cosy." jenni grinned over the top of her own drink, wiggling her eyebrows as the two of you gave her a strange look and ignored her comments.
you failed to miss a stone cold sober alexia staring at you from the other end of the table, an unreadable look on her face but clear disdain in her eyes at the way you seemed far too comfortable with the goalkeeper beside you.
luckily she didn't have to simmer for long as you were whisked away by your friends onto the dance floor, jenni grabbing a very reluctant alexia next ignoring her protests with an iron clad hold on your wrist, laia in tow pushing her from behind narrowing her chance of escape.
though you were clearly anything but sober it didn't take you long to catch onto yet another one of alba's schemes as she pulled you in for a dance, her hands a little more touchy than usual.
"are you trying to use yourself to make your sister jealous?" you asked her quietly as she ground into you, shoving her away slightly with a raised eyebrow. "no! i can't dance with you now?" alba laughed but you didn't miss the way her eyes flickered over your shoulder to clearly check if alexia was watching.
she was, of course.
the girl in question was trying desperately to contain the burning in her chest and the longing that she wanted to dance with you again. not with her other friends who spun her around and teased her that she wouldn't die if she smiled and pretended like she was having a good time.
grabbing alba you dragged her off to the side ignoring her tipsy whines as you found a semi quiet corner of the club. "stop alba!" you warned as the girl leant into the wall and gave you a confused look.
"stop what amiga?" she smiled innocently as you rolled your eyes. "you know what, we broke up alba and its staying that way. we are trying to be friends and you are making it impossible with all these awkward attempts to force us back together, so stop!" you warned again, tone much more serious as alba now rolled her eyes.
"you and alexia cannot just be friends." alba laughed, the tequila speaking more than she really was as you scoffed. "why not? lots of exes are friends." you argued, a slight slur to your own words as your drinks started to kick in.
"no they are not. you and alexia will not stay friends, i see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her. you still love her hermosa, so go and get her!" alba grabbed your face in her hands, squishing your cheeks in her fingers.
"of course i still love her but its not that simple-" "what do you love about her hm?" "albs thats not what i-" "go on! why do you still love her?" "well you don't just fall out of love with someone when you feel like you have no choice in the break up. but she left me alba, and that hurts!" you sighed, downing the rest of your drink.
"you still love me?" your head whipped around at that and your eyes widened, alba mumbling something and darting away before you could strangle her.
"can we talk outside? please?" alexia asked, eyes pleading as you hesitated but gave in with a nod, following her outside and away from the club, pausing to get stamps on your hand from the bouncer so you could get back in later.
"you wanted to talk?" you chuckled as an awkward silence fell between you two once you'd wandered a little further away, sitting down together on a table from a cafe which was long closed.
"why are we broken up?" alexia asked, neither one of you facing each other. "you know why alexia, we had the whole conversation last week. cried and hugged and then slept together, remember!" you replied rather bluntly, the buzz from the alcohol still present.
"si and then you left, without a word." alexia added on. "si because like you just said, we are broken up." "but why are we broken up?" "alexia we just-"
"no. i mean why are we broken up? i love you cariño, and you love me. i know i made a huge mistake but i don't know how else to apologize for it without a second chance to prove it." you could feel her eyes burning holes in the side of your head as you sighed again.
"alexia we just agreed we would try to be friends again, literally a few days ago!" you massaged your temple already feeling a headache coming on.
"i know but i do not want to be your friend. i want more and i know you do too and you are scared, and that is understandable but nothing worth doing is ever easy." the blonde pushed, grabbing your hands, a little surprised when you allowed her to and actually met her gaze.
"i am still retiring and i am still leaving to work for the UN in that program ale, nothing will change my mind." you stated firmly, heartbeat accelerating.
"i am not trying to change your mind amor. i want you to go, i know what it means to you and i know that you need to do this, for you." she promised, squeezing your hands gently.
"i know you will be gone for six months but planes exist, i will have breaks between games, i will make time for you. you wanted time to find peace with us, to work out how to fix things and how to go back to how we were, this could be that time and that space. but i promise you mi amor am not going anywhere while you take that time and do what you need to. i will be here when you leave and i will be here when you come back, and i will still love you every single moment in between that."
you struggled to come up with a reason to fight her on this, a reason not to crumble and fall right back into things with her like you never stopped.
her eyes bore into yours and you felt yourself slip closer and closer to the edge, your feet slipping and sliding as your legs took their own course and the ground seemed to shift only pushing you nearer and nearer to the inevitable, and then you fell.
the way her lips pressed against yours was different than the rushed messy kisses after you'd poured your hearts out to one another on the physio bench, where it seemed those were trying to scramble and rush to make up for time lost, as if deep down you both knew this was a mistake and that it could be the last time you ever really had with one another.
but this kiss was different.
your hand moved to gently clasp her cheek as her own fell to your shoulder and your hip, pulling your body flush into hers as you melted into one another.
she kissed you like time stood still at her command, lips soft and warm and welcoming, her touch tender and yet still cautious as if you could crack and smash if she pushed just a fraction too hard.
you could never deny the way she made you feel just so entirely wrapped up in love with just a simple kiss, how your head spun like a wheel and your heart swelled in your chest like someone was pumping air into it.
despite the alcohol in your bloodstream the way your head felt light and tingly was a different sort of drunk, and the way you chased after her lips again as she started to pull away just hit the nail further into the coffin that you were truly addicted to the way they tasted and felt against yours.
eventually you both allowed one another a moment to collect your thoughts, foreheads pressed together and chests heaving to catch your breath, pulled out of your lovesick haze by a rogue wolf whistle from a drunken party goer across the street.
"i love you too."
nine months later
"and you fly in tomorrow?" "si." "and you will text me as you are leaving and when you land?" "si." "and mami and i will come and get you from the airport?" "si." "and you are all packed?" "si." "you are feeling okay hermanita, about coming home again?" "si." you rolled your eyes at your sisters never ending prompting. "are you saying yes to everything she is asking to shut her up?" "ingrid!" "what? she is not a performing monkey maría she is probably exhausted and sad and a little stressed about coming home, and you have already asked her these things one hundred times!" "whose side are you on here? you are worried too!"
"maría do you remember how you once asked me why i spent more time with you once you started seeing ingrid? and if it was because i felt uh what was it? oh yes! jealous that someone else was 'stealing your time away from me'." you smiled, shuffling your phone to your other ear as your sister scoffed. "...i do not recall that." she mumbled. "well to answer your question i started spending more time with you once you started seeing ingrid because i wanted to spend more time with ingrid, not you!" at that you heard a roar of laughter from the norweigein and your sister and her girlfriend start bickering as the grin on your face grew, quickly muting your phone as a flight was called.
"okay love birds i will see you tomorrow. te amo mucho hermana, adios!" with that you clicked end call, cutting off your sister mid sentence and sighing in relief as your bag finally appeared on the luggage carousel.
your phone vibrating in your hand you chuckled seeing it was a message from ingrid informing she would wait until tomorrow morning to inform your sister you were in fact already home, having conferred with the older girl from the very moment you'd created this plan.
finally making your way through customs you exhaled deeply as you dragged your suitcase out into the arrivals lounge, already knowing where you needed to head as you pulled away from the hustle and bustle of reunions, tears, hugs and prying eyes.
double checking you were going the right way you pushed your sunglasses down over your eyes and grinned feeling the warm barcelona sunshine bathe your face.
you swore to yourself as your suitcase wheel broke, huffing and dragging it the rest of the way along the crossing and into the carpark.
"dios mio! so much luggage, someone might think you have been away for a long time."
the suitcase fell to the ground as you turned around, meeting her twinkling eyes and amused smile as she spun her keys around on her pointer finger, head mostly covered by her hood as she pushed her sunglasses onto her forehead.
"mm i have been on a grand adventure. i am actually waiting for my girlfriend to pick me up, she has been so miserable while i was away, praying each and every day for my safe return." you met her smile with one of your own as the blonde hummed, stopping right in front of you still spinning her keys around.
"you must be a special girl to have someone so hung up on you. funny because i am actually here to pick up my girlfriend who has been away for many months, who i have not visited, kissed, seen or touched in nearly..." she held up a finger and glanced to the watch on her wrist.
"...60 days. so 1460 hours which means 876000 minutes." the taller girl grinned, catching her keys in her palm and within milliseconds her hands landed on your hips and pulled you into a bone crushing hug as you deeply inhaled the forever familiar scent of her favourite perfume.
"make that zero days, zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds." you whispered in her ear, her forehead pressing against yours as the two of you held one anothers embrace. "still far too long princessa, still far too long." she mumbled, having come and seen you as often as she could while you'd been away.
though the distance was hard it did allow you the time you needed to work through your thoughts, and on her third time visiting you'd made things official once again.
but the bigger picture was that it had allowed your heart and your happiness time to find purpose in something else, and so now you'd returned to barcelona with a new outlook on life and a weight lifted from your shoulders so immense you could have sworn you'd grown an inch or two without its stress.
you realised as much as you loved learning, you had quite the passion for teaching and helping and spreading that joy of learning, and so halfway through your program you'd enrolled to start university back in spain to become a teacher.
some of the coaching staff from barca had reached out to see if you'd be interested in some part time work with the junior academy, cautious in their approach not to push you back into anything to do with football too soon, but also with alexia breathing down their neck for an answer.
you'd agreed, explaining that you still loved football if you weren't in love with football, and that if they would have you then you would be lucky for the opportunity.
alexia had done her best to try and act surprised, even though your sister and her own had kept you well informed of her dealings with the coaching staff who had hardly taken much persuading to offer you the role anyway, more so surprised that you were so interested still.
"welcome home mi amor, for good."
i am well aware this has taken awhile! but i have written and deleted this chapter more times than i care to admit, in some endings they broke up, in some (like this one) they got together. i realised no matter what the ending would be there would always be a handful who wished for something different, so i just wrote what i wanted and not what i thought others would, as i have with every chapter of this little series. thank you all very much for reading along <3
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luvgavii · 30 days
the color violet - (pg6)
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summary: your ex boyfriend picks you up from an event and takes you home.
warning: smut!!! minors do not interact!!
The only sound in your ear was the rain hitting the pavement of the Catalan city. Your hair and dress were drenched, your make up smeared and you held your heels in your hand while waiting for your ex boyfriend to pick you up. Why him? Well, it wasn't practical for someone as famous as you to take an Uber home in the middle of the night, was it?
Truthfully, you and Pablo could never quite stay away from the other. Ever since you two had broken up mutually, it felt like you two got along even better. You two were healthier, you didn't need to deal with his constant jealousy and he seemed to enjoy his freedom, it was a win-win situation.
When you called him, about 30 minutes ago, he picked up on the 3rd ring and he was in the car the second he hung up the phone. Sure, he was a famous footballer in his early 20s who loved women and loved having fun, but there wasn't anything Pablo wouldn't do for you, in a relationship or not, he'd give you the moon and the sun if he could.
"Get in, bonita," he said as he rolled down the passenger window to look at you from his expensive car, his left hand on the steering wheel while the right was on his thigh.
You sat in the car and you practically heard Pablo's hiss as the leather seats got drenched under you.
"Thanks for picking me up," you said dragging your voice as Pablo started the car, his eyes never leaving the wet road, your own eyes watching the rain drops on the windshield.
"You're welcome, you know I don't mind," he spoke with his little Spanish accent, the small acting already sending a jolt of pleasure from your stomach to the spot between your thighs.
The rest of the drive was silent, you watched the wet road, the puddles, the lights of Barcelona, anything but the football player because you knew that one look was enough for him to pull over and for you to ride him right there, in the driver seat. It didn't stop you before. Pablo kept stealing glances at you, a small smirk on his face, the strip of three condoms in his pocket were proof that the thought of picking you up was not so innocent.
One thing leading to the other and you two were stumbling across the hallway of your apartment complex, trying to get to your door as he walked you towards it. His hands on your waist, yours around his neck as you kissed sloppily, the sounds of your kisses echoing through the hallway.
Pablo pushed you against the door, the wood cold against your bare back as you searched your purse for your keys, your hand moving over Pablo's boner and making him groan into your mouth.
"Your keys are definitely not there," he spoke lowly but with a hint of amusement, making you chuckle breathlessly before taking your keys out and twisting the doorknob, Pablo almost pushing you inside and his lips attacking yours once again.
Your hands were everywhere, his brown hair, his shoulders, his chest, his belt while trying to pull him closer to you.
"You always were impatient, nena," he hummed with a smirk, his fingers running through your wet hair while his other hand cupped your breast, caressing it over the material of your dress as his brown orbs were glued to your face, watching your lips part as a small moan escaped them, a sound only Pablo was able to get out of you.
His lips parted, dropping to your shoulder as his finger hooked in the strap of your dress, pulling it off your shoulder and replacing it with his warm, soft lips. Your head fell back, your fingers hooking in his hair, making him smirk against your silky skin as he continued to press wet kisses to your shoulder.
"Bedroom," he murmured, his hand creeping shamelessly behind you and pulling the zipper of your dress down, letting the light material fall off your body, revealing your bare chest and violet, lacy underwear, the very pair that was his personal favorite.
You nodded, immediately walking towards the stairs of your penthouse, Pablo following closely behind you, smacking your ass as you neared the bedroom, the skin to skin sound filling the air.
In your bedroom, Pablo sat on the edge of the bed, his legs spread the tiniest bit so you could stand between them as he caressed your near naked body. His rough hands roamed over your ass and thighs, squeezing as he did so, his mouth catching your nipple, all while he looked up at you and watched you fall apart on front of him.
His tongue circled your nipple as he hummed appreciatively, his hand squeezing your ass until you hissed, you looked down at him as he sucked on your nipple, your pupils dilated and your cheeks flushed.
"Pablo, I need you, please," you spoke quietly, the words slipping out of your mouth like a prayer.
"Get on all fours, hermosa," he said, your breast falling out of his mouth and his brown eyes looking up at you with such innocence it made your head spin. How can he look so innocent with those big eyes, yet so sinful at the same time?
You gulped and nodded, immediately taking the position on the bed, your ass up in the air while your cheek rested against a pillow. Pablo fidgeted with his pants, throwing the strip of condoms carelessly between the bedding before he stripped, throwing his shirt and pants somewhere in the room, he didn't look, his eyes were glued to your damp panties, your clothed core displayed perfectly in front of him.
"You're so ready for me, mi vida," he whispered, bending down and his finger running over the damp material before his finger hooked in the violet lace, pulling the panties to the side, his tongue running along your folds and making you moan and arch your back, pushing your pussy in his face as he ran his tongue up and down your core before pulling away.
Pablo delivered a smack to your ass as he stroked his cock, positioning himself behind you, running the tip of his dick along your wet folds, only making you moan in anticipation. He grabbed the condoms, opening one with his teeth and spitting the plastic out, rolling it onto his throbbing member.
He grabbed your hip as he began to push into you, feeling you stretch around his dick and cursing under his breath, praising you at how good you feel as your juices soaked him. You felt him hit every spot, your pussy clenching around him as you whimpered and moaned, knowing that Pablo Gavi would bring eternal bliss to you. Always.
"Mierda," Pablo hissed, picking up the pace, his skin slapping against yours louder with each movement, "I can't get enough of you."
Pablo Gavi was far from the most perfect man you've been with, he was jealousy, angry and possessive, but you wouldn't have it any other way. You were addicted and and just couldn't get enough.
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magicfootballstuff · 11 months
ona looking after reader who has had slightly too much alcohol pls?? 🤭🤭🥹🥹🥹
“You have the prettiest eyes.”
You stare into the chocolate brown orbs, convinced that you could get lost in their warmth. Ona’s eyes are always so expressive, crinkled at the corners when she laughs, almost golden sometimes under the Spanish sun, and always full of adoration when she looks at you.
Almost always. Right now, she rolls them and starts to shuffle out the booth where you’ve been sitting with your teammates, celebrating a rare weekend off with dinner followed by a few drinks.
“Time to get you home,” Ona says.
“Aitana! Doesn’t Ona have the prettiest eyes?” you ask, looking across the table to the midfielder for support in your latest theory, but Aitana simply sniggers in response.
“Come on,” Ona says, wrapping an arm around your waist as she guides you to your feet. “You’ve had too much to drink. I’ve ordered an Uber for us. Time to say goodbye to everyone.”
“Good luck Ona!” Alexia calls out as you say your goodbyes, and you can hear a couple of the others laughing in agreement.
“I don’t know why they think you need luck,” you say to Ona, as she guides you towards the bar’s exit. “I’m not even that drunk. I’m barely feeling the alcohol at all.”
Your feet betray you, stumbling as you step through the door and out into the warm Barcelona night to wait for your taxi.
“Are you sure about that?” Ona asks in amusement, her fingers tightening around your waist as she tries to keep you upright.
“The floor’s uneven,” you try to justify your stumble. 
Even as you speak, it feels like the floor is swaying beneath your feet and Ona has to work extra hard just to stop you from falling.
“You’re so strong,” you comment, trying to turn in Ona’s arms and reaching out with one of your hands to give her bicep a squeeze for emphasis. “Look at these muscles. It should be illegal for you to wear sleeves with arms like these.”
Ona guides you until you’re sitting on a nearby wall, taking a seat next to you when she’s sure you aren’t going to slide off, as she checks her phone to see where the taxi is.
“You’re just full of compliments tonight, aren’t you?” she murmurs in amusement, one arm still around your waist for support as she turns to press her lips against your temple.
“I don’t compliment you enough,” you counter. “I don’t tell you enough how great you are. You’re pretty and you’re strong. And so kind. Have I ever told you how much I love your big, kind heart?”
“You’re telling me now and that’s what matters.”
Your eyes start to sting and you feel something trickle down your cheeks. As you realise that you’re crying, you try to hide it from Ona by wiping away the tears before she can see them, but with your body pressed into her side, she must hear you sniffling or feel your body trembling against hers.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Ona is quick to ask. “Talk to me.”
“You’re…” A big sob heaves through your chest, forcing you to pause, before you explain through your tears, “You’re perfect. I’m not good enough for you. You’re out of my league.”
“Oh baby,” Ona soothes you, wrapping both arms around you and pressing her lips to your head again, a series of kisses where your hair meets your forehead. “You’re exactly good enough for me. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, you make me laugh like nobody else does, you cheer me up when I’m sad, look after me when I’m sick, forgive me when we fight. You’re perfect. You’re exactly the person I want to be with.”
You lift your head and look at Ona through tear-stained eyes.
“Yeah, really,” she teases you, wiping the tears from your eyes with the pads of her thumbs. “Come on, my beautiful silly girl. I think the taxi’s here.”
Ona helps you to your feet again, supporting you with a strong arm around your waist as she uses the other hand to open the back door of the car that’s just pulled up at the side of the road. She helps you inside, stopping you from falling face first across the backseat, before sliding in beside you.
“I’m pretty drunk, aren’t I?” you voice the realisation aloud, when you fumble over the seat belt too many times and Ona has to take over snapping it into place and untwisting it where it sits across your chest.
“Just a little bit,” Ona says, settling into the middle seat so she can be close to you and pulling you against her side once again.
“Tired,” you mumble, letting your head fall against Ona’s shoulder as your eyelids droop shut, the rumble of the car as the driver pulls away lulling you towards sleep.
The last thing you hear before you drift into unconsciousness is the low murmur of Ona’s soothing voice telling you, “Sleep, baby, I’ve got you.” The last thing you feel is the press of her warm lips against your forehead.
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lonelycowgirls · 1 year
I'm ovulating and I'll give no other explanation.
Thank you for your time.
Warnings: smut | harry in barcelona Word Count: 1.9k
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Angel: You better get your man, Stell
Angel: Sent 1 image
Looking to the side at her phone as she washed the dishes and cooking utensils she’d used to make up her breakfast, Stella’s brow furrowed, her belly flipping wondering what he’d done now. He was three shows off completing Love on Tour and the gravity of tour being over was starting to hit home for both of them, especially Harry. The result; him growing more and more uninhibited on stage.
She swatted gently at Delilah who was perched on the only clean tea towel in the house - she really needed to catch up on some laundry - and dried her hands on it once the cat had slinked off, heading for the cat flap at the back door. She unlocked her phone and leaned back against the sink to open the text thread she shared with her work friend.
The image wasn’t actually an image, but a GIF. A moving image of her partner playing guitar, her eyes widening as she watched him lean down to enact the motion of playing the strings with his tongue. She watched it repeat on a loop a few times and chuckled dryly to herself. This man was becoming unhinged.
Stella: Now where have I seen that action before…?🤔 Angel: Oooooh get it girl!!!👏🏾👏🏾
Stella laughed to herself again and opened up her TikTok. Her For You page often had a lot of Harry on it, because that was the content she found herself liking and sharing. Whether it be a sweet fan interaction she would share with Anne or a video of Harry tripping or stumbling she would have a giggle over with Gemma and Dolly.
As she scrolled, her feed was jam-packed with content surrounding Harry at his Barcelona date. This wasn’t uncommon, as it was obviously the most recent concert. But the focus was a little abnormal. Emphasis on the ab... People were going feral over Harry’s body and she couldn’t help but smirk to herself. He did look damn good. She often complimented him on his newly buffed-up physique, but she didn’t want to stroke his ego too much. That got enough stroking every time he galloped on stage.
This was maybe a little different though. She thought to herself - she’d probably not seen him look or act this sexy since the first One Direction stadium tour. Back when Harry’s hair was the longest it ever got to and he made it everyone’s problem.
She tapped on the Clock app on her phone to check the World Clock for the time in Barcelona. It was just gone 9am in London, making it around 10am where he was. She wasn’t sure if he’d still be sleeping or training or out sightseeing, but she tapped on the FaceTime icon anyway.
Walking through to the living room as her phone dialled his, she glanced out of the window and rolled her eyes at the rain pelting the glass. It was so unfair how he got to be in the sunshine while she was practically engulfed in a typhoon. Bloody England. She glanced down at her phone again when the little chime alerted her that he had answered and connected.
His face filled the screen, a glowing orb of yellow sunlight behind him surrounded by blue sky. His bare shoulders and the trim of a parasol peaking into the frame indicated that he was by the pool or on the beach. Bastard.
“Oh my God, look at that weather.” Stella groaned, collapsing back on the sofa with a flop. He chuckled and moved his sunglasses to sit on top of his head.
“Good morning to you too.” He replied, resting back against the sun lounger and squinting at the screen. “To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing your beautiful face so early?”
“Oh, nothing much, just getting digitally assaulted with pictures and videos of you whoring yourself out for thousands of people. The usual.” Harry laughed as she rolled her eyes at him.
“What do you mean?” He questioned loudly around a smirk.
“You know, I haven’t seen that tongue move like that in a while.” She mumbled, now displaying her own smirk.
“Oh,” Harry chuckled, this time running a hand down his face as he remembered his actions and finally registered what she was talking about. “God, I dunno what comes over me.” He said smiling, dimples on full display and cheeks slightly tinted in a blush.
“Well, I hope it comes over you again when we go to Italy next week…” She said softly, almost certain he wasn’t alone - he never was. He smirked and lifted an arm to rest over his head on the lounger. She could see the muscle in his biceps move under his skin with the motion, the tattoos rippling and causing her to drop her head back against the sofa. She really wished he was there, now.
“Yeah? Would you like that, Stell?” She nodded and he sighed, folding his lips into his mouth and furrowing his brow. He eyed her neck as her head leaned back against the back of the sofa and watched her long lashes blink over her hooded eyes. He couldn’t wait to have her in his favourite place, her tanned skin smooth under his palms, couldn’t wait to feel her pulse under his fingers as he wrapped them around her throat. “Want me to do the same on your little clit?”
Her lids closed as she inhaled and smiled with a nod, teeth digging into her bottom lip. Suddenly, her expression changed to one of pain as she raised from her position on the sofa. “Shit, H I need to go get ready.”
“For what?”
“I’m meeting your sister for yoga in like half an hour.”
“Ah great, I needed someone to say something to help me get rid of this tent in my trunks. Mentioning my sister always does the trick.” He said sarcastically with a thumbs up to the camera.
“Aw, you got a stiffy for me? Let’s see.” Harry rolled his eyes and brought the camera down to his shorts. Barely there but noticeable if pointed out, a slight bump was peaking up from his black Nike swimming trunks. He swiftly brought the camera back up to his face, Stella beamed at him on the other side. “I’ve still got it.” She said with a wink.
“Always have, always will.” He said sincerely and she bristled, feeling a warmth spread through her at the look in his kind eyes. “Come on Stell, let me help you before you go.”
“Help me what?” She said, a brow arched knowingly, she knew what he was up to.
“You know what. Let me give you a good one, so I know you’re thinking of me when you’re in your downward dog.” She snorted, looking away and then looking back at him.
“Alright fine, but you need to put your AirPods on or something.” She conditioned, not wanting Brad or Mitch or anyone who may be around him to hear her through the phone.
“Don’t worry, I’m on a patch of free beds, behind some palm trees. There’s hardly anyone here and Brad’s in the pool.” She nodded and waited for his instructions. “Take your bottoms off, baby.”
She dutifully did as he said, sliding her pyjama shorts off so that she was bare, perching a leg up on the coffee table so that she was open to herself.
“Give your fingers a lick, three of them.” She bit her lip and nodded again, making sure to angle her phone at her face as she sunk further into the cushions of the sofa. She brought her fingers up to lick a long stripe up the surface of them, not waiting for him to tell her what to do next and bringing them to start rubbing circles into her clit. She sighed at the feeling of her fingers getting wetter and wetter with the way she was already so turned on.
“Eager aren’t we?” Harry smirked, wanting to rut his hips into the air but restraining himself. “A girl who always knows what she wants.” Stella’s brows knitted in the middle as a ripple of pleasure coursed through her. “Keep rubbing that pretty clit, baby, that’s it. Is it all swollen?” She nodded, an audible moan quietly escaping her. “For me?”
“Yes, Harry. Watching you lick that guitar… fuckin’ hell.” She sighed, shaking her head, almost in disbelief.
“Yeah? Did that do it for you, baby?” She nodded and moaned as her lips folded into her mouth. Picking up the pace of the circular motions on her clit. “Want my tongue working on you like that?” She nodded, swearing and looking down at where her hips had begun to swirl along with her fingers, complimenting her wrist's motions. Harry had to see. “Show me, Stell.” He said, low and gruff.
She brought the camera down, angling it so her full body was in view, her vest ridden up to just below her boobs, her naked bottom half bucking and twisting in the air. Harry nearly doubled over.
“Fuck me. You’re everything.” He groaned, bringing a hand to his forehead and closing his eyes tight. Trying to control his hips and body’s reaction to her stunning image. “Keep going, baby, good girl. Can’t wait to have you in my bed again. Gonna lock us in our villa and make you scream.”
Stella’s moans became louder and louder as she chased her high. “Yeah, that’s it, get yourself there, Stell, come on.” She panted and groaned as she brought the three fingers he’d suggested into her slick hole, pumping just right, getting closer and closer. “You’re fucking beautiful, my God, wish I was fucking there.” Arching up, Harry’s view was almost non-existent as she writhed, the phone in her hand no longer her priority. “I’ll be on my knees for you, soon as I walk through the door.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna come.” She gasped, her fingers now rubbing ruthlessly across her clit, toes curling and stretching.
“Give it up, Stell.” With that, the phone was dropped. Stella’s fingers dug into the softness of the sofa as she squealed and panted, writhing, her other hand not relenting on her pussy. Harry waited patiently, still giving her appreciative comments of how good she was, how gorgeous she was, how he loved her so much. Her hips finally found their place again on the edge of the sofa as she collapsed back down to Earth. Catching her breath, she picked up her phone again to see him smiling softly at her, only before laughing at her red cheeks and messed up hair. “Enjoy that, babe?”
She giggled back, blowing at a strand of hair that had fallen into her face. The familiar feeling of a post-orgasm making her glow from within. “Mhm, feeling good, baby.” She breathed, completely blissed out. She wanted to kiss him so bad, almost ready to climb through the phone to get to him. “Oh, shit.” Stella laughed slightly, Harry’s brow furrowed at the change of pace. “Gem’s just text me. She’s just left. I’ve gotta go, Gorgeous. Love you.”
“Alright, Stell,” Harry said, sitting up in his lounger, placing a foot on either side of the bed in a straddle. His full chest and upper body now visible, making her belly flip once more. “Good job I came in my shorts, knew you wouldn’t wanna return the favour.” He shook his head, playfully tutting in disappointment.
“Aw, you poor thing.” Stella pouted, before giggling and raising from the sofa, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame it. “Have a good time cleaning up!” She joked, before hanging up and trotting up the stairs. Her phone pinged almost instantaneously.
Harry: Glad I could be of service 🫡
Stella: Don’t worry, I’ll show you my downward dog later 😉
That was fun.
Nel xo
P.s. you can read the rest of the pieces from this universe here.
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himbocoups · 2 years
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˗ˋˏ Red Horn ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only
synopsis: devils are contract workers - simply offer them a payment that they can never refuse, and your problems would be taken care of. the only thing is, what could a mere human possibly offer to a devil?
pairing: devil!jeonghan x innocent!reader (gn afab)
genre: fantasy, supernatural | smut, pwp
tags: flirting, food mention, office | bondage, light choking, creampie, dirty talk, fingering, oral, pet names, pnv, praise, if there's a term for jeonghan fucking you with one of his devil horns please tell me, reader wears lingerie, reader's first time, multiple orgasms...
wc: 5.4k
message from nu: this took me super long to write, but this has to be one of my favorites. special thank you to xan @aceofvernons and june @junkissed for keeping me company while I worked on the fic. I hope you all enjoy reading - nu <3
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In the distance, the elevator dings sharp and clear, its ring piercing through the reception lounge as its large plum-colored crystal doors open with a rumble. Even when you sit facing away from the reception desk, you can imagine the receptionist greeting the incomer with their monotonous voice, drawling out the same script they gave to you – jet black orbs staring at you judgmentally while you try to scribble your personal information on the forms as fast as you can.
A large Prometheus-type creature in the seat across from you whimpers when its name is called, head hunched and practically trembling with every stride toward the smiling attendant. Open space in front of you, you can see through the large glass windows the hundreds of skyscrapers and verdant greenery where feet touch the ground under the red sky. This place is but a stretch, an affected area of Hell – at least for those who are not native. Even this lounge, untouched coffee bar with expensive Keurig models, circa 1920s sleek leather Barcelonas, and low mid-century style coffee tables with old filled-in Highlights magazines as table decorations, is deceiving in its own way. Because, if it wasn’t clear enough, all of you are in Hell.
Sharp teeth chattering, long tails thumping in anxiety, and sheepish whimpers, the atmosphere in what could be a beautiful place is filled with layers of dread and fear. You sit in your chair, right hand brought to your lips, while slowly peeling the layers of chipped skin off your lips, the light sweater you wore in the morning feeling as heavy as a weighted blanket. Flicking away the loose pieces to the floor a few inches away from your fuzzy teddy bear slippers, you slink further into your seat with thoughts of what could possibly come next weighing you down.
You wanted it. Correction. You still want it, even when the soft jazz playing from the speakers barely masks the distant screams and screeches that echo throughout the many halls and floors in the building. So desperate to have your need fulfilled you would even beg a devil, the devil, for even an ounce of that fulfillment.
So, when a siren with beautiful wings adorned with brown speckled feathers calls your name, you answer with a squeak and scramble to meet them in the corridor of one of the halls where they wait patiently for you with a kind smile on their face. The creature’s feathers ruffle as it elegantly struts down the bright corridor, passing various framed artworks and accolades, a file folder nestled under the crook of its left wing. Too deep in your mind, nitpicking at your outfit choice and squeaky voice whenever you answer the siren’s small talk, you fail to even notice that it isn’t the usual demon who is walking you to their office.
And the office, matte black large double doors that seem to aggrandize the more you stare at it, seems to you the most daunting thing you’ve ever experienced, dreading what’s on the other side of the doors. The doors automatically swing open when the siren approaches, and a rich puff of aroma fills your senses – strongly smoked tea leaves, spices, and aged tannin from the great oak trees you spent your vacations under during summer camps. Immersive, sultry, powerful…frightening.
The creature beckons you to follow them inside, the doors slamming shut when you enter the threshold. If you were dreading the office's interior - perhaps a grotesque chamber too scary to imagine, then the reality only confuses you. Plush gray Persian rug you’re too scared to step on, mahogany desk sitting at the end of the room, a large fish tank built into one of the walls big enough to hold a shark. It would look like a standard luxury CEO office if it weren’t for the shelves of trinkets from collectible matchbooks to eyeless Sylvanian Family figures to mysterious chained and muffled floating orbs that stand behind the desk.
Taking a seat in front of the desk, you watch the siren slowly stalk behind the desk, perching itself in the leather executive chair to rifle through the files with its back turned towards you. Your hands find each other in your lap, folded together, the right thumb twiddling with the left. It is awfully quiet, and the atmosphere is just as bad as it was in the lounge. No part of you wants to spark a conversation, afraid that the slightest conversation error could send you on a one-way ticket into the depths of hell. Does their boss know they are sitting in their boss’ seat?
However, when the leather chair turns around, you see a man frowning at what you assume to be your file – your attendant long gone. He flicks away his remaining brown feathers, letting his disguise dissipate into thin air while craning his head to the left and right to stretch his neck. A tri-toned nameplate appears at the front of his messy desk, deep burgundy red with a black center dark enough that you could mistake it for a void. Written in gold is the name “Yoon Jeonghan,” and in a smaller font underneath is his official title.
The devil, as the plate reads, cocks an eyebrow at you through his long curtain bangs, causing you to take a craven stance – wincing and lowering your head so you don’t meet his eyes. Taking a page out of the file, he presses it against the desk and slides the page towards you, twisting it with his long nimble fingers in one smooth motion so the words face you upright.
“You summoned me via a crocheted sweater, a three-year-old three-wick seasonal autumnal candle that smells like pumpkin pie, and a tiny crushed packet of Prince Noodles you found at the back of your snack cabinet?” His voice is light and airy, but the terrifying smoothness and the seemingly innocuous nature of his tone only deceive the listener – he is a creature filled with malice and iniquity.
Slamming his palm against the table, he drags the page towards himself, creasing it with the strength and anger he exerts. The slapping sound causes you to flinch, and your eyes continue to stay trained on your lap, the shrill sound of the slap still ringing in your ears.
“Look at me,” he commands you in a low tone, a voice dipped in a thick vat of bubbling tar. “Summoning me with trash? Do I look like a joke to you?”
Scared you might combust into flames the moment you look at him, yet too scared to defy his command, you slowly lift your head to look at the man sitting across from you for the first time.
If his verbal command isn’t enough to evoke fear in the most draconian demons, perhaps his physical properties - his presence and his chiseled facial structure - command creatures differently. Dark brown eyes and thin-lipped, bottom lip slick and catching the light after he runs his tongue over it while scoffing at you, you have to admit the devil is strikingly handsome in his features. Pure sybarite from the decoration of his office to the decorations he wears, he outfits himself in leather garb. Fashionable thick leather blazer with a belt cinched around the waist, a silver chain dangles around his neck, sparkling in hues of red. And the horns that sit at the top of his head, dark crimson red with the shine of the waxy Red Delicious apples that stack in a pyramid under bright supermarket lights. Elephant tusk-like: thick, curved, and blunt. You wonder what it would feel like if he…
He appears before you in an instant, sitting at the edge of his desk, leaning over, and sandwiching you between his towering frame and the back of your chair. With an apparent smirk on his face, he enjoys watching you practically whimper underneath him, trembling in your seat. Irises expanding in size at exponential speeds is a clear tell, a giveaway of your need for him.
“You’re scared of me.” He points out with much effrontery while cocking his head, his face a mere few inches away from yours. He leans back with his arms crossed, planting himself firmly against his desk. “But you’re the one who summoned me, wanting to make a deal with me, right? So, no matter how scared you are of me, you’re still the boss and I’m your contract worker.”
“Contract worker?”
You can’t believe his words. He is agreeing to your stupid little request that you thought could never be fulfilled. Summoning a demon? Summoning the devil? It sounds like a quirky group activity to do at middle school sleepovers.
“You mean why did I agree to your request?”
You quickly nod your head in response.
“I’m a man with needs. And you’re a little angel who was brave enough to offer me a deal. It’s an obscene request that nobody of your kind has offered me for centuries - although, the last one perished with my touch…but you wouldn’t lie to me, right? Sweetheart?” He almost bats his long eyelashes with the pet name, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
The scene shifts almost theatrically – morphing from Jeonghan’s office to the tiny bedroom you were in about an hour ago. It seems real. All of it. The same putrid orange floorboards with dark knots that look like stains, hanging on the wall is a single bronze circular mirror your navy curtains slap against when the wind blows. You’re sitting in the middle of your bed, the old lumpy mattress you’ve been using since elementary school covered with the white checkered duvet set you found for free on some second-hand site. On the floor by the foot of the bed is a tiny space you made by pushing your jackets and plastic bags away, saved for summoning Jeonghan. Now, all that is left is soot, the Prince Noodles wrapper, and a now-stretched hand-made sweater.
Fucker. He is keeping the candle.
“It’s your first time so I can make you feel more comfortable – play on your turf. But the question is, can you take it? Can you take all of me? We can break it down into several sessions.” His suggestive tone is almost warmhearted. It almost makes you forget this is the first time you’ve met him. 
This situation would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that you��re talking to the devil. You don’t know if he’s the type to laugh at bad jokes, but you weren’t going to test your hypothesis. 
“No,” you tell him. There’s only one thing on your mind. “One time.”
“You don’t realize what ‘all at once’ means, do you?”
Granted, if this were any other day with any other person, you would’ve faltered when this type of question kisses your ears. Doe-eyed, you watch him while sitting at the edge of your bed, a tiny nod in motion that makes him smile at you. The outer corners of his eyes crinkle, and he almost seems like a college boyfriend-esque type visiting your room for the first time - kind and patient, yet filled with corrupt thoughts.
He takes a seat next to you and proceeds to unbuckle the belt that cinches his waist. You’re too shy to stare at him while he undresses, but you can hear very clearly his garments hitting the floor one after another. The end of soft thuds and crinkles and a cool touch that turns your face to his, he holds your face in the palm of his right hand. So tender, yet his intentions are clearly laid out in the open.
“Why don’t you show me what pretty outfit you’re hiding underneath your sweater so I can show you what I mean?” his voice low, sending vibrations down to your core.
What you reveal underneath is a dainty two-piece. Thin lavender silk trim and clear organza with embroidered pastel flower details accentuate the cups that cover your breasts. The bottom matches the top, pulled high to your waistline. He hisses, forked tongue appearing for a split second before disappearing again.
“Contrary to what humans believe,” he mutters while holding one of your hands in his. “Angels don’t exist in this world. But at this moment…” He pushes a strand of hair away from your face, a subtle yet intimate gesture. He’s doing his best to prepare you for the worst without scaring you off, and you can’t help but to cling to him and seek refuge in his assuagement. “You’re the only Angel in front of me.”
Now you can see them more clearly. Dark brown eyes with bright specks of gold only a mere few inches away from yours. It makes you wonder how someone as beautiful as he can become the Devil. But he leaves no time for you to spare as he dips and plants his lips against yours. And you reciprocate with ardor, leaning back onto the bed as he changes his position so he is hovering, towering above you. His kisses are slow, focusing on making you feel good. Supple lips against your hot skin, he nips and licks at your flesh, leaving discolored hues of claret and magenta, him ravaging your untouched purity. And he takes the lead, grabbing your hands so they hug his neck so you can press him closer to you when you feel like it.
And you do. It excites you when learning how your body automatically reacts to him in need and lust: pulling him into your chest while feeling his soft skin rub against your lingerie, speeding up your kisses, and whining when you want more. He only smirks when he pulls away, looking at you from above and seeing your plump swollen lips and sexual frustration scintillating in your eyes. Your first hickeys on your neck and chest look like the beginnings of the first fallen leaves in the suburbs during Autumn. And you feel him grow against your core, a firm ball that waits to be unleashed with its owner’s command.
“Will my Angel be good for me?” He looks up at you while he traces the dainty straps that wrap around your skin, his pointer finger swirling around the yellow intricate embroidered flower that barely covers your nipple. The tip of the finger flicks against your rosy bud, and the feeling sends vibrations and shivers straight to your core. “Yes or no?”
“Yes,” you barely manage to whisper. “I’ll be good.”
“Then I’ll make you feel good.”
He bends down to kiss you again, this time with more fervor as if to mitigate any of your worries or concerns. But, strangely enough, you don’t. What is left behind in the trek to his office is replaced with new feelings of greed that you desperately want to have fulfilled during your nights alone. And the man who kisses down your body, pleasing you and praising you for reacting so well to his touch, seems multifarious enough to fulfill everything you dreamed about in secret.
When he reaches your core, it’s already uncomfortably wet. He seems to pay no mind as he pries away the lily embroidery that covers your cunt, cool finger briefly brushing against your skin to reveal your tender flesh that throbs underneath his gaze. Jeonghan starts slowly, prying your thighs apart with both of his hands. Firm grip on your skin, you whimper when he frowns at you for trying to shy away. Then you feel his lips planting pecks along your left inner thigh, making his way to your slick. 
If the way he kisses you is nothing but a lust-filled way of overcoming his workload, stress, and greed, then the way he eats you out is the complete opposite. Yoon Jeonghan doesn’t dive in head first after pushing you into the deep end; he holds your hand while guiding you into the pool, letting you adjust to the temperature of the water before swimming after him. Laps you up with the flat side of his tongue, long licks around your inner folds and swirls your core like a whirlwind, Jeonghan tsks when you start to close your thighs around his head without thinking. While telling you to behave, the low growl making you almost come on the spot, he pries your thighs apart. 
Firm grip and fingers digging into your skin, the Devil presses his tongue against the area you often frequented yourself at night, never thinking the day would come when someone else is able to visit. Forked tongue draws a heart down your slick, zigzags, paddles, and swims in your juices. It feels like two tongues are working you at once, and it makes you come twice as fast, your fingers gripping the bed sheets and your body jolting upwards. Supple lips close around where you feel the most sensitive, and he eats you out in a way that tells you that you would never be able to experience something like this in the future - not with him and definitely not with anybody else.
“Aah-ah fuck Jeonghan.” You squirm while he keeps his pace, wet sounds from beneath you filling your little room while he cleans up your aftermath. “Want more.”
“Aww my little Angel wants more?” He temporarily detaches his face from your cunt, red swollen lips glistening and glossed with your cum, to smirk at you. “Why don’t you look at me and beg for it?”
But he’s meticulous with continuously making you feel good. In the absence of his tongue, he replaces the emptiness with his fingers. Rubbing your nub in between his thumb and pointer finger, the Devil uses his other hand to rub himself - his hands prepping his long and pink organ. It takes a choked sob emitting from your mouth and your eyes rolling to the back of your head before you can even begin to think about looking him in the eye. And when you finally look him dead in the eye and trail to his raging member while letting out what he thinks are the prettiest and most deceivingly innocent whines, he finally understands your cupidity. 
So he thrusts his digits in your core, your panties now magically disappearing when he could’ve shrugged them off ages ago. Two long fingers fill your virgin hole, he scissors them while feeling your warm flesh contrast in reaction to his cold skin. Pointer fingers hook around your spongy G-spot, and he uses it as a sort of pulley, pulling him into you while your stomach tightens and squeezes with every quiver of his finger. You feel yourself soak his fingers, running down into his palms. He catches every drop with his tongue, licking his hands clean and then moving on to your cunt as he continues to finger you thoroughly.
He pulls his fingers apart, creating an opening to stick his tongue in you. Tonguing you, he savors your sweetness, sucking and thrusting his tongue deeper into you while he slides his fingers in and out of you. He fills you up until he runs out of room. You feel so corrupted, never expecting any person to make you feel so dirty, disgusting, yet so well-handled at the same time. You lust for more, to feel more as he smirks against your sex and reaches his open hand upwards to grab your breast. It feels plush and soft when he kneads it in between his fingers. Simply flicking his thumb over your sensitive nub sends shockwaves down to your core, and he surfaces with your cum dripping down his chin.
“How are you feeling?” he asks you, briefly leaning upwards to catch your lips in his mouth. “Can you take more? That was just to warm you up. Are you ready for me?” he mumbles against your lips.
The taste of yourself sits prominently in his mouth. You can taste yourself as you exchange another kiss with him, slowly winding down from your high.
“I- I want to try more.” You hear yourself openly admitting while he leaves tiny pecks along your collarbone. “It felt good.”
“Just good?” He looks up at you in feigned confusion. “Come on honey, I didn’t fuck you dumb just yet. I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to come up with better adjectives. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I don’t know how to describe it.” You gasp when he moves away from your cover to latch his lips around your nipple. “I cam- I think I came several times, but I’m still horny.” The last part comes out in a sort of whisper as if you’re afraid you would be caught by somebody if you ever admitted to being horny out loud.
“Mmm.” He groans with your tit in his mouth. “Mmf. Nothing wrong with being horny. And you did come. Several times…but are you ready to come more?”
“Yes.” You’re feeling more confident. “I’m ready for more.”
“Even if I have to tie you down?” He pushes himself up so he kneels in front of you. “I’m afraid your human body can’t take what I’m about to give you.”
“I want to try,” you reply. “‘All at once,’ remember?”
“Okay Angel.” He smiles, leaning over to put his hand behind your head to bring you upright. “All at once.”
Your face is so close to his body that you can smell the muskiness of his sex. Right in front of you is his member. It’s your first time seeing one this closely, red and stiff, and a tiny bead of precum that rolls off the tip. You wonder how it would feel in the palm of your hands, how you would be able to fit all of it in your mouth.
“Take a good look at it, Angel. Touch it or suck it if you want,” his voice is gentle yet mischievous. “Don’t be scared. I can guide you. Take your chances before I spend the rest of our time disappearing in your cunt.”
Hesitantly, you bring your lips closer to his tip, opening your mouth wide enough so your lips close around the head. It’s smooth like a cool cherry-flavored popsicle on a hot summer day, yet there’s a certain softness to the organ. You stare up at him with his head in your mouth, and he simply nods, thrusting forward a little to tell you that you can continue. 
A tiny lick causes him to flinch and then gasp, his eyes fluttering as you lick him again more confidently. He breathes out a groan when you place a hand on his waist while the other grabs his length. Closing your eyes, you hollow your cheeks and guide him in and out of your mouth, sucking and licking as you go. 
And the raging and tantalizing ache in him can’t help but to grow and extend along his erection, growing hot in his stomach as he looks down at you trying your best to suck his dick. It makes him feral knowing that he’s your first - the first to corrupt you, to coat your thick and swollen lips with your saliva and his precum, and to watch you as you clench your thighs while sucking him off. Just thinking about your request and actually seeing you try to fit him in your mouth without gagging intoxicates him and makes his mind fuzzy. But before he can begin to process his dick hitting the cold air, he feels your mouth latch around one of his testicles, gently sucking while your hand kneads the other, and your other hand continues to pump him in your mouth’s absence. 
This time, he sees you wide-eyed and staring right at him. And when your eyes roll to the back of your head, he immediately snaps and spasms - shooting white liquid all over the bed sheets. 
“Lay back down,” he demands. 
Repositioning himself over your naked body, he wipes away a few splatter marks on your face and reapplies it to your open lips. It’s hard to concentrate on the new salty taste when the Devil is staring intently into your eyes while his hands roam your body, touching and flicking. 
He asks you about punishments for making him come without warning - something about how he should prolong your virginity, a concept that you wanted him to take away. 
…it’s just a social construct used to belittle others, the contract states. But if anybody is going to take it away, then it has to be the Devil himself. 
“This might hurt a little,” he tells you. 
Invisible ropes drag your hands above your head and tie your thighs to your bed. Making sure you’re secure Jeonghan quips, “In case you try to run away.”
You can barely see what he’s doing from your angle. His dick is slowly becoming hard again, so you think he’s going to eat you out in the meantime. But nothing can prepare you for what comes next. 
It feels cold and warm, a long tubular shape slowly digging and nudging itself into your cunt. Yet, you don’t feel the same wetness you felt when he stuck his tongue in your cunt. The figure pulls in and out, sliding and squelching with every thrust. Your mouth drops open, letting tiny soundless exhales fall out of your mouth. A burning sensation builds up at the bottom of your stomach, causing you to lurch and struggle against your binds. Jeonghan only chuckles from underneath you, his face shrouded by his hair. It’s only when he pushes deep, causing you to yell his name when you realize the object he pushes into you. 
What fucks your cunt in a steady rhythm is the same crimson red, elephant-tusk-like horn that sits on top of Jeonghan’s head. He slightly turns his head so the thick and curved object hits you in the right spot, causing you to struggle, moan, and breathe heavily. 
“What a twisted angel,” Jeonghan grunts. “You didn’t think I would be able to read your thoughts? You didn’t think the Devil would be able to listen in on every single dirty thought that came across that pretty little head of yours?”
“Fuck. P-please Jeonghan,” you whine through gritted teeth. “Want your dick.” 
“No.” His tone is flat. “I’m not horny yet. Hearing you whine and mewl about how good I make you feel ”
“N-No,” you manage to say. “Can’t wh-whine if you’re choking me.”
Your invitation causes him to immediately pull out of you, therefore causing you to lurch forward with a gasp and fall back down when you’re stopped by your binds. It’s a lot clearer now, his wet red horn and the hair matted down by your juices. Still, there is nothing that could make the man in front of you become an eyesore. 
He’s objectifyingly beautiful - now not as downright terrifying as you thought him to be. Your little push of confidence, although a bit passive, goes a long way as he bends down once again to catch you between his lips, kissing you feverishly as his left hand slowly works its way to loop around your neck. 
It’s a new feeling, feeling the pressure of his palm against your neck. The pressure is light - not how Jeonghan would’ve liked to choke you, but enough so the concept doesn’t scare you away. Gently squeezing the sides of your esophagus, Jeonghan removes his lips from yours so he can see you clearly. Chin lifted up and your eyes glossed over, you seem to him to be needier than ever. He watches you as your struggle against his invisible binds, hips thrusting in the air. 
“Please Jeonghan.” You struggle against his hand. “Please. I’m ready. I’ve been ready. Please-”
“Fuck,” you breathe out. “I’m begging. Please.”
He adds a little more pressure around your esophagus, making you struggle and almost come on the spot. “More.”
“W-want t-to see your pre- ah fuck pretty face lose its beauty when you bend over me while fucking me hard. I want you to be mean to me and pull my hair so my back arches while you pound into me from behind. Make my thighs quiver and tremble as my knees go red. Use me until I’m left with nothing but tears.”
“I can make you cry.” He lets go of your throat, tsk-ing at the fading soft pink imprint left behind on your skin. “But not in the way you described…You’ll be leaking from somewhere else, Angel.”
You breathe his words in like an airy aphrodisiac, filling your lungs and clouding your brain with blissful jubilation. But the tears. The tears fall when he slowly pushes into you, cooing and soothing you while you cling onto him, fingernails digging red welts into his bare back while you struggle to adjust to his size. The stinging pain feels like no other, but fuck does it feel good to have him inside you. 
Wrapping your legs around his waist, he bends over you and whispers in your ear, “Keep tightly clenching around me before I can properly fuck you and you’ll never be able to leave Hell. Understand?”
“Yes,” you reply, hissing when he pulls back.
Then he starts pushing slowly back into you, savoring how your walls etch and hug his ridges, savoring how your eyes immediately roll to the back of your head in response to your pleasure. Another thrust, faster this time. He plagues you with need, making you practically fuck him yourself by angling your legs on the bed so you can push yourself into him over and over again. He pinches your nipple in anger, but it only sends a lewd string of pain straight to your core. You find it pleasurable, your nerves heightened to a new level. 
So he puts his hands around your waist and tells you his name again - because that’s the only thing you’ll remember after he’s done with you. 
He ruts into you over and over again, harshly and quickly. The only sounds filling your tiny bedroom are your hiccups that complement the sound of his skin slapping against yours. Your whole body jerks and rocks with every thrust, your bed no longer standing in the same place, now slightly askew. He doesn’t even give you time to recover when you cum on his cock, your belly tightening, releasing, and then tightening again in a matter of a few seconds. 
“Whore,” he sneers. “Look at you, all fucked out underneath me. You can’t help but come multiple times, can you?”
He rubs your clit while pounding into you, watching you writhe in pleasure underneath him, very well unable to respond to his rhetorical question. 
“And you want me to pound into you from behind?” He mockingly laughs out loud. “All that talk but you can’t even form a word. Form a word then. Try forming a word before I cum.” 
But another wave swells in your abdomen, causing you to jerk forward in reaction. Your body feels sweaty and sore, but the pleasure rolls in waves - building in you and ejecting out of you like a consistent ebb and flow. Every single bite, flick, and word that comes out of him only breaks you even more. And you topple like a house of cards, reduced to nothing but his personal fucktoy. 
He chases his own orgasm when he feels like it, pushing into you deeply and thrusting one last time by hitting your walls so he can slowly milk his seed as he rolls his hips. And when he pulls out, he watches his liquid slowly collect at your entrance, threatening to spill out. Your body still twitches in his absence, your aftershocks squeezing and making his seed drip and run out of you. 
Your eyes are blurry, body is sore with tiny cartoonish stars floating and rotating above your head. You can’t expect the Devil to stay. He had done enough for you, more than you could ever imagine. It takes everything in you to bring yourself to whisper his name one last time before you feel him leave your side. 
On the floor where you summoned him is an invitation to summon him again:
Whenever you’re ready. He writes. I’ll make you crawl. -YJH, The Devil
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baldeslut · 1 year
finally this boy is getting more fics !!!!! saw that you want fluff ones... reader has to work all night, but balde wanted to be close to her, so he spent the night sitting next to they (or even lying on their lap almost asleep 🥺), trying not to get in their way
My boy
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It was your last big exam for this semester and you needed a good study, even if that meant staying up all night and not being beside your boyfriend. You made yourself a cup of coffee as you started to study. Alejandro called across the hallway
“Amor lets sleep noww” he said while slightly whining.
“I wish, but i really need to study Ale.. just for one night promise”
Leaning against your chair, you saw his head peep out of the walls as he ran across the hallway to see you.
“If your not sleeping, im not sleeping” Alejandro snapped.
“Please get some rest, at least on my bed bebé”
Alejandro sighed as he looked at you while pouting. He left the room as i said goodnight to him on the way out. Suddenly, he came back with one of his chairs, placing it beside you to watch you work. His head turned as he smiled at me, you re-adjusted your glasses as you got your eyes glues back to the computer. A weight was put onto your shoulder as you look to see his head leant onto you.
“Im going to watch you work, i want to be beside you amor”
He wrapped his arms around you as typed. You were studying for your English exam worth almost your whole English mark. The room was silent, he placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Hey i know that too!” Alejandro blurted. His English wasn’t bad, it was decent. But you giggled at his remark as he looked up at you. It was 11:45 pm and it started to stress you out a little bit. You pulled away from your computer as you stretched your arms, yawning.
“Hey hey, im here ok. Please don’t stress, you know it scares me”
Alejandro knew just how to comfort you in situations like this, but he was quite childish whenever it happened, he was always “scared”. You dropped on your bed for a break as he lied down beside you. He caressed my cheek as he pulled in to kiss you, his legs wrapped around you as his lips touched your. What felt like hours, you rose up from the bed as he followed you back to your chair. His legs were curled up on the chair as he pushed his chair closer to yours, leaning into the crook of your neck. His hair grazed your skin as you giggled from the feeling. He listened to you whispering to yourself as you worked, it was like a bedtime story to him. Soon enough his eyes were fluttering as he dozed off to sleep, his little breathes against your skin felt comforting to you.
1:25 am. Your stood up from your chair as you finished your last set of notes. Alejandro felt your presence leave almost immediately as he got up too. His eyes looked tired as a smile grew on his face to see you wide awake. He scooped you up as he brought you to the balcony of the apartment, seeing the view of Barcelona from above. The lights illuminated against his huge brown eyes as they looked like shiny orbs staring into you. He was so beautiful not to look at.
“Im so lucky to have you bebé, i love you soooo much”
“I love you more” you say
He kissed you on the nose as both of you watched the cozy night lights of Barcelona. <33
A/N shorter blurb bc i didnt feel like writing too much </3 hope u enjoyed :))
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pavardscherie · 1 year
― what i deserve ;; pablo gavi & pedri gonzalez ;; second snippet
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⤷ pairing: pablo gavi x f!reader ;; pedri gonzalez x f!reader ⤷ summary: your relationship with gavi ended after he cheated on you. a year has passed, pedri always checked up on you with small messages until he invited you to one of the home games. somewhere between losing your heart to pedri; gavi still attempts to get you back. ⤷ warnings: curse words ;; injuries ;; mentions of blood ;; hand around throat ;; explicit sex scenes ;; asshole!gavi ;; cheating ;; violence in fights ;; spanking ;; dom & sub ;; dirty talk ;; teasing ;; very deep feelings & conversations ;; slight triangle thing but not most of the time ;; second chances kinda ;; friends to lovers ;; not proofread & probably horrible written kiss scenes lol ⤷ izzy's non-sense talk: I've got so many snippets prepared???? I'm still writing the first part since it's ass-long, but i can't wait for you to see!
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Pedri’s hands fit perfectly around your waist, the calloused palms pressing against your hipbone. His chest pressed tightly against your back, swaying from left to right. Loud music boomed through the club, drowning out the conversations and any sounds made by the guests. One of your arms reached over your shoulder, manicured fingernails in a medium coffin shape carefully brushed over Pedri’s neck.
Within seconds, you found one of his weak spots. Grazing the soft skin of his neck with your delicate fingers caused several waves of shivers to travel down his spine. “Don’t do that to me . . .” Pedri whispered, the words only a shallow, warm breath against the shell of your ear. Head dipped down further, his chin found a comfortable place in the sensual curve where the side of your neck connected with your shoulder.
Your answer to his plead was a simple chuckle. Corners of your glossy lips lifted into a wide smile, you glanced down at Pedri. Admiration swirled in the chestnut color of his eyes, the black pupils slightly dilated and a glossy layer above, from the alcoholic mixtures and beers, he drowned over the span of the last hours.
His calloused hands massaged the smooth skin around your waist, and a feeling of comfort spread through your warm body. Pedri always treated you like a princess, the queen you deserved to be in his own words. Your eyes wandered over the people around you, the teammates of Pedri dancing tightly with their significant other, and enjoying the days off after an important win.
A smile crept its way on your lips until your drifting gaze met a pair of deep auburn orbs, staring shamelessly at you and the way, your hips swayed in a perfect rhythm with Pedri’s. From across the room, the little glimpse in his eyes almost looked like guilt. But it was nothing more than the alcohol creating a glossy layer across his squinted eyes. A glass tightly in one hand, the other buried in the front pocket of his black cargo pants — you’ve never see him wearing anything else when jogging pants weren’t allowed.
Gavi’s gaze didn’t move an inch, his eyes glued to the spot where your ass connected with Pedri’s crotch; rubbing against one another while dancing way too close for his taste.
He remembered the nights when you agreed to accompany him to one of the famous parties around Barcelona. How you were pressed tightly against him, and his finger wandered across your body. But Pedri wouldn’t do that. He was much more of a gentleman than Gavi could have ever been.
A genuine man, who wouldn’t let a single touch of his hurt you, while Pablo knew how much you loved his hand around your throat — rough fingertips digging into the side of your neck. But throughout the night, after being forced by his own head to witness the little interactions between Pedri and you, he had to admit, you looked much happier in your current state than you did with him in the last months of your relationship.
Still, it bothered it. Pained him to see you pressed against his best friend, and knowing, Pedri would be the one to take you home for the night.
But in the moment your head turned, and your gaze landed directly on him, catching him staring shamelessly, he forced himself to glance away for at least a second. Sadness overshadowed your expression, your lips fell straight into a frown.
You could have a new chance at happiness with the beautiful man, who had his arms around you, respected your decisions and promised to place the world in your hands. And it felt incredibly right.
But why did the tears fill your eyes? A single drop rolling down your cheek as the heaviness spread through your body. Using your thumb to wipe away the tear quickly before Pedri noticed the sudden lack of energy in your movements; you tore the eyes away from Gavi’s statue. "You think, I can take you home without any intentions?" Pedri's whispered question captured your attention, relieved about the fact that you could focus completely on him again.
"Always the gentleman, huh?" A quiet chuckle escaped your mouth, as your hand on the back of his neck, held him in place. The warm breaths, he exhaled, fanned over your smooth skin, sending shivers down the length of your spine. "You deserve the best gentleman . . ." Pedri's raspy voice vibrated in his chest, the deep vocals coaxed out and blown against your body. "I'm not the best, but I'm trying to get close to it . . ." He confessed his opinion about himself without hesitation, reminding you that even if he seemed to be a better person than Gavi was to you, Pedri still carried a couple of mistakes and wrong decisions from the past on his shoulders.
"You're doing a good job in proving yourself, don't think you needed it in the first place, but whatever you want." You pursed your glossy lips, pressing them against his cheekbone. In Pedri's arms, redemption felt much easier than being on your own.
Days ached, the nights became longer until the sun settled in the sky again, calling for a new morning. "Is that you, accepting my invitation, to my house for the first time after rejecting it at least five times?" Pedri's eyebrows were raised, surprise twisted in the sharp features of his face.
"I can still take it back, Pedro." You raised your hand, pointing one of your slender fingers straight at his face. Lips stretched, an amused smile decorated your facial features. "You already answered, there is no turning back." He chuckled, placing a soft kiss along the side of your neck.
And while the interactions seemed sweet and shared with admiration, Gavi was forced to watch another piece of a romantic story unfold in front of him; losing another part of your heart to Pedri.
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macabremayhem · 10 months
"The night – tho' clear – shall frown –
And the stars shall look not down,
From their high trones in the heaven,
With light like Hope to mortals given –
But their red orbs, without beam,
To thy weariness shall seem
As a burning and a fever
Which would cling to thee for ever."
© E. A. Poe
Has Death paid you enough attention, young man?
/© Lunatic Sun/
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reference 🔻🔻🔻
The Kiss of Death is a marble sculpture created in 1930, located in Poblenou Cemetery in Barcelona.
Artist: Jaume Barba
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quincyhorst · 1 year
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IE's spanish keepers in a nutshell (?
(This was a meme I did for Twitter, but I've decided to remake it on PC since I didn't like the original's quality. Hope you like it <3)
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inazumafocus · 2 years
Inazuma Chara Daily n.47
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Name: Alonso Fibiano
Gender: Male
Series: Inazuma Eleven Orion
Team: Barcelona Orb (🇪🇦)
Role: Goalkeeper
Number: 1
Element: //
Personality: //
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laus-deo · 20 days
Visto por miles en todo el mundo, el Cristo de The Mystery Man llega a Barcelona: «Sin precedentes»
Tras más de 15 años de estudio, en octubre de 2022 el artista Álvaro Blanco dirigió el estreno mundial de The Mystery Man, una macroexposición que fusiona ciencia y fe y que culmina con una de las esculturas más fidedignas de Cristo basada en la Sábana Santa. Desde entonces, la exposición ha recorrido todo el orbe y este jueves llega a Barcelona, donde los interesados podrán desvelar los…
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wileys-russo · 10 months
off limits (6) II a.putellas x león!reader
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part one part two part three part four part five
off limits (6) II a.putellas x león!reader
"ale where are we going?" you laughed, leaning back into your seat more as your girlfriend sped down the highway. "stop asking me princesa, it is a surprise!" was all you got in return alongside a toothy grin as barcelona raced past her window in a blur.
you adored when alexia was in moods like this; so jovial and free spirited, lowering her stern serious facade and allowing a more bubbly and playful one to shine through.
as a friend, team mate, role model, footballer, sister, captain, lover she had many sides to her and you'd argue till you were blue in the face that some of those she reserved only for when it was the two of you, such as the childlike joy which currently oozed from her.
you'd only been back from training long enough to shower and change before she'd cornered you in her living room, grabbing your hand, twirling you and kissing her way softly up your arm, informing the two of you were to now go for a drive together.
you hadn't questioned it, well you hardly had time to before the taller girl had thrown you over her shoulder and smacked your ass, stating you needed warmer clothes as she tossed you down on her bed.
she'd shut up your questions then by throwing herself on top of you with a grin and peppering your face with kisses, biting your cheek playfully and murmuring in catalan that all would be revealed soon enough.
your heart soared to see her so carefree and happy that afternoon, the two of you bundling up a little more and leaving her apartment hand in hand. unable to show much affection all day you were both admittedly touch starved, making sure at all times that at least a centimeter of your skin pressed against the others.
alexia going as far as to challenge you to a race once you entered the carpark the two of you sprinted off laughing like children as you beat her there, rewarded by her pressing you against the vehicle and kissing you so hard it had stole the air from your lungs.
now as the two of you drove away to an unknown final destination you looked at her with a soft smile and hopelessly lovesick gaze.
her ever alluring and warm hazel orbs stayed hidden behind her most favorite pair of sunglasses. you once teased she liked them more than you when she'd tackled your sister to the ground to get them back as mapi stole them off her head after training one afternoon.
no one but the two of you knowing the truth behind your relationship at that stage you'd left separately, quickly meeting up at your apartment where you'd taken your turn to steal her glasses. the taller girl chasing you around and around till she'd finally caught and taken you down to the floor as well, your combined laughters filling the cosy atmosphere of her apartment.
grinning up at her you'd simply slipped the sunglasses on and pulled her down into a passionate kiss, pretending not to notice how eager she still was to take them off your eyes and hide them away in her pocket, not breaking the kiss for even a second as she did.
now back to your pining stare toward her in the drivers seat her pink hair fell down her shoulders in gentle waves, gradually fading back to blonde with each wash much to your insistent bothering that she should dye it pink again, but you knew you were fighting a losing battle.
the top of her head was tucked away beneath a black beanie, loose strands of hair whipping around in the wind from where her window was wound down. the late afternoon sun was glorious and bathed her in its golden glow, highlighting her tanned sun kissed skin and sharp jawline which as far as you were concerned could have been carved by the gods themselves.
her plump pink lips stayed curled into a cheeky grin, white pearly teeth flashing out at you as one hand stayed on your thigh and the other gripped the steering wheel.
at alexia's insistence you had on matching nike hoodies, hers a pale pink and yours a mint green, the midfielder ignoring your teasings about how cute it was that she wanted you two to match, shutting you up with a loving kiss.
"take a picture, it will last longer than staring at me bebita." the older girl smirked, her laughter bouncing around the car before being snatched away in the wind as you grabbed your phone and did exactly that.
"i am not staring, i am admiring my beautiful girlfriend." you retorted happily seeing a slight blush creep up her neck at your words, her eyes darting off the road for just a fleeting second to look at you, shining with a type of tender adoration she'd not felt warm her heart before you had turned her world upside down.
"okay amor put this on por favor, but backwards so you cannot see anything." alexia reached down beside her and handed you a bright pink balaclava. "why do you have this?" you'd laughed so much your stomach hurt, clutching at your aching abdomen muscles.
"it is albas! just put it on before we get there, i told you it was a surprise and you are going to ruin it!" alexia whined with a playful grumpy pout. you rolled your eyes but did as she asked, your girlfriend waving her free hand in front of your face a few times to check you really couldn't see.
"if you are taking me somewhere to murder me i must warn you that i have not written you into my will yet so you will get nothing." you'd smirked beneath the soft fabric of the balaclava hearing a raspy chuckle beside you.
"if i was going to murder you cariño it would not be for your money, i have more than enough of my own." alexia shook her head in amusement as you felt her take a few turns, the road a little bumpier now.
"okay la reina sorry i forgot you could just sell one of your millions of trophies. how much is a ballon d'or worth on the black market? if i make it out of this alive maybe i will just rob you. i have a balaclava now they will never know it was me." you mocked her, squirming as she pinched your leg for the teasing.
"are we nearly there?" you groaned, starting to feel a little ill as the car turned and bumped and you stayed in the dark. "si niña bonita, soon." her fingers interlocked with yours, bringing the back of your hand up to her mouth and kissing it sweetly, repeating the tender gesture over and over until finally you heard gravel crunching and cracking under the tyres and felt the car still, engine cutting off.
she let go of your hand as her door opened and closed, still unable to see you jumped as yours suddenly opened next, your girlfriend reaching over to unbuckle you. "can i take this off now?" you asked, alexia grabbing your hand before you could.
"almost." she helped you up and out of your seat, arms locked around your torso and helping you to walk, steadying you as you tripped a few times, her lips kissing your neck apologetically.
"joder." you hissed quietly with a wince as suddenly she yanked off the balaclava and sunlight pierced your eyes. "sorry." she mumbled with another kiss to your cheek this time, still wrapped tightly around you as her chin came to rest on your shoulder.
"oh alexia." you smiled in surprise as your vision adjusted, the two of you stood at the lookout of turó de la rovira, a 360 degree view of barcelona greeting your eyes.
golden hour almost over and the sun starting to set the sky had turned a soft coral, streaks of bright orange and yellow dashed across it like god was painting the sky just for the two of you.
"do you like it?" your girlfriend mumbled, hugging you even tighter as you nodded. "i love it, its beautiful. i have not been here since i was little." your smile was nostalgic and soft, alexia melting at the look of awe and wonder on your face.
"buena hermosa." alexia sighed happily, your hands finding hers and intertwining, her arms still tightly encasing you as the two of you watched the sunset together in a peaceful and comfortable silence.
in that moment you were certain that you'd never felt more loved by someone. never more appreciated and tenderly adored than by the tall catalan hugging you tightly and lazily kissing your jaw, whispering soft confessions of just how much she adored you over and over in your ear.
never in that moment did you once think things between the two of you would end up how they had right here right now.
"my contract is up this year with barca ale, and i will not be renewing it."
sat across from her in the physio room you watched your ex lovers heart physically break as you delivered the final blow, unveiling a secret which had haunted you for longer than you dared to dwell on.
"what do you mean you are not renewing it? I-" alexia struggled to get out her words as you looked on, eyes swirling with a storm of guilt, relief, pity and empathy. "barca is your home. you cannot go somewhere else!" she forced out, fists balled by her sides.
"that is why i am here so late, i just had my final meeting with jonatan about it. the decision is made alexia, there is no going back now." your voice was firm though not unkind, despite what was going on between the two of you this news was not something you would ever use as a means to make her feel guilty.
"no no no por favor amor por favor." within a second she had wedged her body back between your legs, clasping your face in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes.
"it is done, the lawyers were there and everything." your voice was barely above a whisper as you squeezed your eyes tightly shut, unable to bring yourself to look into her broken ones any longer. your heart felt like someone was closing it in a tight fist as you heard her try to stifle back her tears.
"oh ale." you sighed, wrapping your arms around her neck as she moved to push her face into your shoulder, her hands tightly gripping your hips as if she could hold you to stay there forever.
you held her for as long as she needed, there was more you wanted to explain but you knew she needed time to process what you'd already said.
you weren't even sure if you'd processed it yourself. there was still six more weeks of active games in between breaks, and you would still be on the team for each one of those.
but the fact that after that this would no longer be your home, no more would you don the infamous red and blue colours of your team, surrounded by girls who you looked at like family, was a terrifying prospect you refused to think about just yet.
"sorry." alexia mumbled, pulling herself away and wiping her nose, the two of you letting go as she moved to sit back on the bench opposite you.
"where will you go?" she questioned quietly after she'd taken a moment to compose herself, embarrassment now joining the boiling pot of emotions bubbling up inside her. "that is the other thing." you exhaled deeply, shifting uncomfortably at the rest of your news as alexia frowned curiously.
"i won't." you started simply, fiddling with your hands in your lap. "i do not understand." alexia's frown deepened as you sighed again, forcing yourself to look away from the floor and back into her eyes.
"i am not moving to any other team ale, after this season i am retiring from football all together."
"que? why?" was all the older girl could manage to spit out, her head a spinning mess of questions and thoughts and feelings, all far too dizzying for her to make sense of any of it.
"because of me?" she followed up quietly, daring to allow her eyes to look at you for a moment before they moved to look at the wall beside your head. "not completely, i promise there is much more to it than that." you answered honestly.
"but what happened with us is a part of it." alexia stated more than questioned as you nodded, now the one to push yourself off the bench, moving to stand in front of her and gently grabbing her hands as she flinched momentarily in surprise.
"i love barcelona more than life. i love living here, i love that my friends and family are all here, i love how it has been playing football and a name for myself here, and I will always be a culer till the day I die-" you started softly, squeezing her hands to get the girl to look at you.
"-which is why i could never play for another team. but i would be lying if i said just because i love living here doesn’t mean it feels like home here anymore alexia, because you were a big part of that feeling and now you are gone from it." you forced out, hating the way her face fell at your words.
"i am not gone, i am right here!" alexia whispered desperately. "then why does it feel like you are so far away?" you smiled sadly, knowing your words would hurt her but needing her to hear them none the less.
"a part of me will always love you alexia. but that same part aches that as much as I love you, you are not mine to love anymore." you paused to take a shaky breath, hands still tightly holding onto hers.
"like i said i am so tired. i am so tired of fighting with you, arguing with my sister, feeling angry all the time is exhausting. and so is being unsure how to fix and mend relationships which mean so much to me, while still trying to get over how much it hurt for them to break in the first place." you poured your heart out honestly.
"football has always meant a lot to me but i need more, i crave something out of life that football can no longer give me. and i promise i was thinking about that before anything happened with us." you spoke sincerely, again not wanting her to blame herself for a decision that held a lot more meaning to you than you were currently able to explain.
"i hope that with some time and some distance to grow maybe we can be friends again one day ale, I know you will always be in my sisters life as her best friend and she will need you when i leave." you smiled, wiping away a stray tear which threatened to fall.
"you have not told her?" alexia asked, struggling to process what you were saying, struggling to breath as with each word you spoke the room seemed to feel smaller and smaller.
"no, not yet. and i am trusting you one last time not to tell her about this, not to tell anyone. i will tell them when i am ready and in my own way." you requested, again squeezing her hands gently in yours as she nodded.
"i cannot change your mind, can i?" she returned it with an equally sad smile of her own. "no, nobody can." you confirmed, letting go of her and taking a step back.
"but if barcelona is not your home anymore, then where do you plan to go?"
"hola." mapi looked up in surprise as you stood in front of her, already changed after training with your bag slung over your shoulder ready to go.
"hola hermana." your sister greeted slowly, taken aback by the casual nature of your approach, not having properly spoken to her for well over a week now.
"would you and ingrid want to come over for dinner?" you asked with a raised eyebrow, the norweigen sat a few lockers away glancing over hearing her voice, tapping aitana's leg signalling she was no longer listening as the girl spoke with her.
"tonight?" mapi asked, eyes wide in shock as your own rolled. "no next week. si maria, tonight." you replied much more curtly, tapping your foot impatiently when you didn't receive an answer.
"we will be there." ingrid answered you with a soft smile when her girlfriend didn't. "buena, come over whenever." you sent her a smile and shrugged then with that you were gone.
"estás bien mi amor?" ingrid moved to sit beside her girlfriend who seemed lost in her thoughts, mapi nodding that she was okay and bending down to continue lacing up her shoes as aitana handed ingrid her bag with a smile, wishing them both goodbye.
"see i told you, you just had to wait and to let her come to you."
dinner had been going as good as it could have been so far.
things were a little awkward and frosty at first, but with ingrid acting as a buffer you managed to settle into a much more comfortable conversation style.
you'd dished up dinner, grateful to have cooking it as a distraction as you encouraged your guests to do majority of the talking. the two planned to go to norway soon during international break as she had national team commitments.
they were going to see ingrids family and take a few days to themselves in between games finishing and needing to return to barca, and spent time telling you all about what they had planned to do and see there in the short while.
ingrid had of course extended the invitation for you to join them, your sister also eager for you to come. you'd met ingrids family before so you knew it would not be an issue, however you had already committed to malta and wouldn't put it past the younger putellas to track you down in another country to drag you there with her, having been texting you repeatedly about it.
so you waved off the invitation, grateful for it but making a series of jokes about not wanting to third wheel as you ate. though eventually you could no longer stomach the polite conversation and you knew you needed to come clean, the longer you avoided it the more nervous you'd become.
“ingrid, maria. I need to tell you something.” you blurted out much more abruptly and awkwardly than you'd intended. the entire plan you'd spent the afternoon creating all gone out the window, as had your prepared speech.
her smile dropped at the use of her full name, attention now entirely yours to command as you glanced at ingrid beside her who nodded to you to continue, seemingly just as concerned.
“i’m not renewing my contract with barca.” your voice was barely above a whisper but your words fell on your sisters ears like an anchor. you flinched as her cutlery fell to her plate with a loud clatter and she shot to her feet.
“what the hell do you mean you’re not-“ she started with a scowl leaning across the table, ingrid firmly squeezing her leg and giving her a pointed look, nodding to where you sat across from them staring down at the floor, anxiously playing with your fingers as you awaited her oncoming wave of rage.
swallowing the bitter anger and frustration which was rapidly bubbling to the surface knowing that was not what you needed right now, mapi took a deep breath and slowly sat back down.
“hey, look at me.” the girl ordered as you nervously glanced up to meet her eyes which to your shock were glazed over with worry. “what do you need from me hermana?” she asked softly, her reaction catching you a little off guard.
“not to hate me.” was all you managed to breathe out as you crumbled and the tears you’d been fighting off began to well up in your eyes.
your sister quickly moved around the table to sit by your side as you collapsed into her awaiting arms, tears wetting her collarbone as she cradled your head tightly.
“no I could never ever hate you niñita, never. I promise.” the older girl assured softly, murmuring it over and over as she held you tightly as you tried to calm yourself.
not wanting to overstep ingrid quickly gathered your empty plates, moving to the kitchen to wash them up and giving the two of you a moment of privacy.
you pulled away from her and wiped your eyes with your shirt, a little embarrassed at your emotions as ingrid returned, handing you a few tissues. "come, we need to talk about this." your sister encouraged, nodding for you to all move to the sofa.
"so you are leaving barca." she sighed a little as you nodded after you'd all settled in. "to where?" she asked the same questions alexia had. "not another team." you started, the confused faces staring back at you also mirroring that of your ex lovers.
so with a shaky inhale, you repeated the same words you had to her.
"retiring?" with that your sister could hold her tongue no more, once again shooting up to her feet.
"are you injured?" "no." "do you still like football?" "yes." "have you been told you need to stop playing? forced into this by someone?" "no."
"mierda i have just named all the possible reasons for retiring!" the tattooed spaniard snapped, ignoring ingrid who tried to reason with her.
"not mine." you replied calmly, the two words catching your sister off guard as she faltered for a second and fell quiet, slowly taking her seat again and wordlessly waving for you to speak as ingrid moved closer in an attempt to comfort her.
"i am not happy anymore." you started simply, moving to cross your legs underneath you and turning your body a little more to look at the couple sat a few feet away whose faces softened at your words.
"si, i like football. no, i am not injured or being told i cannot play anymore. but i no longer love football, i do not have ambitions to win awards or trophies or tournaments. i cannot represent my country anymore, i cannot continue to pretend like i feel the same when everyone speaks about these things." you began to explain, feeling lighter with each word you got off your chest.
"i have always done what you have. you played football in the backyard, i played football in the backyard. you played for the junior national teams, i played for the junior national teams. you played for barca, i played for barca. you stood up for the way we were being treated, and i stood beside you." you recounted, the look on your sisters face not easy to decipher what she was thinking, though she remained quiet and allowed you to continue.
"but now, now i need to figure out what i want and what i need and what i love. barcelona does not feel like home anymore and it will always be so special to be but i need more." you sighed, rubbing your face with your hands and taking a pause to reset.
"i need to feel like i am giving more, doing more, like whatever i leave behind is worth something. i just want more from life." you sighed, struggling with your words as to not undermine anything or anyone.
"this has been the hardest decision i have ever made. all i know is football, all i am associated with is football, all i know i am good at is football and that is no longer good enough for me anymore." your voice broke slightly and you wavered, taking a deep breath.
"it hurts more than i can explain and i am terrified but i am also just so tired. i am tired of fighting with alexia, i am tired of feeling like i need to walk on eggshells around the two of you. i am tired of worrying about injuries or playing well or not playing well. so si, i will play the rest of of this season with barca and then i will retire, everything was made official today." you rambled on, stopping yourself before you could spiral any further and falling silent.
the couple shared a few looks as if speaking without words which made your stomach knot up again with nerves, anxious for what they would both have to say about it as they gave one another a small nod and turned back to you.
"okay." your sister started softly, a small frown creasing into your eyebrows. "you're not mad?" you asked, still apprehensive for her reaction. "no hermanita, how could i be mad at the cost of your happiness? i am disappointed that the fierce barca legacy of the león sisters is no more, but that is only on the pitch." she started with a smile.
"i am not mad but i am worried about you, why did you not come and speak to me about it? about any of this?" she asked, her hurt disguised in her voice but not in the glint of her eyes.
"actually after everything i can see why, and that is my fault." mapi quickly corrected, forcing a pained smile.
"i am so sorry for not being a better sister or making you feel like you could come to me about this and about your relationship with ale. i have blown up a big part of your life and i will never stand in the way of you trying to start a new one again." your sister promised sincerely as you nodded.
"if not barcelona anymore, where will you go?" ingrid finally spoke, sending you a kind smile as she grabbed her girlfriends hand. "i am going to volunteer with the united nations. they have a six month program that sends you around the world wherever aid or help is needed." you answered, both older girls across from you with wide eyes at your words.
"wow." mapi breathed out. "how did you-"
"alba helped me. she has a friend who heads the recruitment, got me in touch and put in a good word. i actually only heard back yesterday with an offer for a spot." you responded somewhat shyly, still trying to wrap your head around the opportunity.
you didn't have time to say another word, two bodies launching at you and wrapping you tightly in a hug as your sister kissed your cheek repeatedly mumbling about how proud she was of you.
"bueno bueno! thank you for the support but get off." you laughed, unable to even begin to describe the sense of relief at the weight which was melting off your shoulders finally having come clean, and it having gone a lot better than you worried.
"have you told mami? or the team? or your-" "si, mami knows. alba knows. alexia knows. the barca staff know. but i am not ready to tell the team just yet, por favor." you pleaded, both girls assuring they would not tell.
"so you spoke with alexia then?" ingrid asked cautiously, unsure if this was something you'd wish to speak about. "yes. we had an....honest conversation." you sighed, settling back into the sofa.
"the two of you..." mapi trailed off now, also with an air of caution not wanting to overstep. "no. i do not know what could be done to fix things now, the damage is done and it is there and it still hurts. but with some time apart, maybe we could become friends again." you forced a smile, trying to remain optimistic despite the dull thumping ache in your chest any time you thought about the blonde.
"okay hermana. are you still going to go to malta? pina mentioned alba convinced you to go, and we know alexia is also still going." your sister asked with a raised eyebrow, the two of them not going as norway had two games to play during the break which mapi planned to go and support ingrid at.
"yes, we still have the rest of the season to go and i do not want to have to keep arguing and avoiding her. i think after our talk we have a sort of, understanding." you winced slightly, knowing no matter if you wanted to go on the trip or not alba would be forcing you.
part seven
i would like to lovingly remind you all before you implode that this is not yet the endddd, we still have at least one, maybe two, chapters left to go
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maquinastv · 1 year
-El piloto chileno junto a sus compañeros Clemens Schmid y Glenn Van Berlo fueron segundos en la fecha final de la Copa Endurance en Barcelona defendiendo con clase el liderato de la serie.
CRÉDITO FOTOS: Prensa Benja Hites
SANTIAGO / BARCELONA / ESPAÑA / 01 octubre de 2023.- El segundo título de campeón en Europa obtuvo este domingo 1 de octubre el piloto chileno Benjamín Hites (Grasser Racing Team) junto a sus compañeros Clemens Schmid y Glenn Van Berlo, luego de ser segundos en la quinta fecha y final del Campeonato Endurance del GT World Challenge -categoría Silver- en el circuito Barcelona-Catalunya.
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Grasser Racing ganó la corona de la Copa Silver con estilo. El equipo austriaco consiguió un doblete con el Lamborghini #58 de Fabrizio Crestani-Gerhard Tweraser-Sam Neary logrando la victoria y el coequipo #85 del chileno Hites, el austríaco Clemens Schmid y el neerlandés Glenn Van Berlo, terminando en la cúspide del campeonato de pilotos en el certamen de resistencia GT3 más duro del mundo. Este fue el primer título del Grasser Racing Team desde que ganó la corona general de resistencia en 2017.
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“¡¡¡Somos campeones!!! Ganamos el torneo Silver luego de ser segundos en la competencia que la corrimos con inteligencia porque cuidamos y administramos el autos desde la vuelta número uno sin cometer errores. Pudimos sumar los puntos necesarios para salir campeones. Quiero agradecer al Team Grasser, a todos quienes me han apoyado y a mis auspiciadores Shell-Helix, Clínica Meds, Traverso Chile, Maison-Niche, Xerjoff, Luvv, Mindep-IND, Team Chile y a Fadech. En dos semanas más vamos a cerrar el Campeonato GT Masters de Alemania en Hockenheim donde iremos por el triunfo”, comentó muy feliz el piloto de 24 años.
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La carrera en la serie Silver se la adjudicó Crestani-Tweraser-Neary con un total de 3 horas 49 segundos 394 milésimas, seguido de Hites-Clemens-Van Berlo a solo 410 milésimas. Con este resultado, el ranking concluyó con el trío del piloto nacional en la cima y campeones con 116 puntos, seguidos de Sam Dejonghe-Loris Hezemans-Finlay Hutchison (Audi Comtoyou Racing #12) con 100 y de Alex Aka-Pietro Delli Guianti-Lorenzo Patrese (Audi Tresor Attempto Racing) con 87.
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Con 54 autos en la pista y partiendo desde la pole position en su categoría, Schmid le entregó el auto a Van Berlo en el 2° lugar, tras una hora de carrera. El Neerlandés hizo lo suyo para transferir el Lamborghini #85 en el mismo puesto (2°). El tercer turno fue para el deportista del Team Chile que cruzó la meta en segunda posición en su categoría y con ello asegurando la segunda corona en un año, ya que en 2022 se consagró campeón del torneo GT Open Internacional de Europa.
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Benja Hites se despide de la temporada Endurance 2023 (5 fechas) del GT World Challenge con 3 pole position, 2 triunfos (las 24 Horas de Spa-Francorchamps y Nürburgring), 2 segundos lugares (Paul Ricard y Barcelona-Catalunya) y una segunda corona obtenida en el campeonato de resistencia GT3 más difícil del orbe.
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El próximo compromiso del piloto nacional será los días 21 y 22 de octubre en Hockenheim por la sexta fecha y final del Campeonato GT Masters de Alemania.
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