#Barbeque catering for weddings
bullpenribs · 2 months
We at “Bullpen Ribs & BBQ” are on the go to barbeque catering for weddings. Enjoy the wedding by leaving all the catering responsibility on us. We can prepare fresh and finger-licking dishes as per your customized menu. Our chefs are professional to cook the best barbeques with rich and smoky flavours. On the other hand, our catering team is so trained to affectionately serve food to your guests. Please tap on the link here https://www.killerribs.com/catering 
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vinesuk · 8 months
Licensed Wedding Planner Offers Best Affordable Catering Services
Looking to hire the best wedding planner at a reasonable price? Vines Community is a licenced wedding coordinator who provides affordable food and event management services.
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your-darling-gaze · 4 days
The Wedding - Chapter 1
The evening was falling, I hastened around the room, trying to figure out if I was looking fine enough. 'Shouldn't have eaten rice the other night....bad, bad decision....' I think to myself, Nervously spinning as I eye my reflection in the mirror, a very visible bloat making me look fairly bulked, but I couldn't be thinking of all this right now.
I exhale, looking at the heap of make-up on my table, sighing. 'Should have started sooner...' I say, starting to pick out shades that fit in most likely.
The Pre-Wedding Dinner, of course, was something new to me.
Very new. The Theme was locked in. 'The 40s.' So of course, I had to look like a Good-Girl-Faith Lady. White, the very obvious for a bride, and floral, to make it look most decent, let us turn a blind eye to the neck line, please. After the Bachelorette Explorations of Europe, It had completely slipped my mind that I was not supposed to be looking for a matching blush 2 hours before the damn dinner.
I sigh into my hands, rubbing my face wearily as I tap away at my screen; the dialer ringing sounding more annoying than it usually does.
'Ro, Come help me out here.'
She was 'Rescue'. You know, Like...Iron Man's rescue? yeah. She owned up to that little nickname. Punctual and very, very loyal, she was inside the house exactly 4 minutes after that call ended. I could tell from the keys clinking, there she was.
'I told you, that you needed to get these things done in the damn afternoon itself!'
'I'm sorry! I was onto the caterers for tomorrow and I had to go pick out flowers and every thing...It completely-'
'Cher, Girl, Work.' She said, rinsing away at the heap of make up. Sometimes she is more practical with things than I am. When she isn't high, that is. I did of course, ask her to lay off on her stock for a while, at least since a week before the wedding. With a few needed things in hand, she and I were working on the sequence. The very staple.
First, Dress. Next, Hair. Then, Make-up.
'Where's the dress...? Tell me you did not leave it-'
'I did not leave it at the dry cleaners. Ro, Please, I'm not stupid, my dearest.'
'Not THAT stupid, Ro, please.'
I paused, my voice slightly silencing as I tried my damn hardest not to tear any gaps anywhere into the dress. Not that I looked like a trapped pigeon as I tried to fit, but anyway. 'Jesus, I'll donate a few million if I don't suffocate in this dress tonight...'
'Cher, why's it taking long to fit...?'
'I don't know~! I gave my right size, the same size that I gave for the gown too...'
'Hurry the fuck up or we're going to have an angry Bucky yelling up at us both...'
3 hours. Possibly the most frustrating time I've spent with my hair and make-up in my life. All to settle onto something vividly simple. I liked it that way.
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'You look amazing.' 'Ro, please.' 'No, I'm not kidding. He's better faint when he see you.' 'Ro!' 'What..?'
I huffed, fixing up, one last time. Swallowing, as I unintentionally sucked in again. This was going to be a long, long night.
I slowly made my way inside, fingers constantly occupied with spinning the ring, a slight anxiety. I know right, a social setting. Amazing. But this was...my dinner. Our dinner. I was afraid but I was happy too. The setting was perfect. Everything, just the right amount. The light dimmed to that perfect glow. Drinks that are always fizzy. Everyone dressed in their prettiest, vintage clothes. Odour of the barbeque grill, a sweet scent of my own lily soap on me. Ah, and...Jazz too.
Gazes turned, of course. The warmest smiles, nods of encouragement, cheers and whispers, all at once. It was thrilling, to say the least. My gaze searched around, the other hand at the same time, reaching to hold onto Rowan, just a little tighter.
Then, I saw him. He had this vector resistance, that seemed to make all time slow around him. For a moment, I had almost seemed like a fool, with that look on my face. Dazed.
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My smile fluttered genuinely. I approached, quiet, as to not take his attention away. Guests were still yet to arrive. My gaze turned once back to Rowan, a supportive look in hers. I sat by him, observant.
'The Hobbit.' The Original One. He had given me that when we first met. What coincidence.
I smiled, glancing away at the drinks starting to be served. I was glad that I could make it in time today. Would've been a shame to be late to something you hosted. And borderline embarrassing too, for the both of us. 'What bride shows up late, no?' I sigh, wandering, countless conversations made and the dinner hadn't really begun yet. I hum a tune, looking around for Rowan. Where did she wander off to...? I walk around, picking up a drink.
'I am hoping she didn't go-' My chain of thought is broken by a bitter sting down my throat as I swallow the drink with clear reluctance, my face forming a not so gentle frown. 'The champagne is...bitter?'
I was panicking inside. The champagne was bitter. Oh, it is a disaster. Someone needed to stop the drinks before they reached. No, no, no.
My haste around is halted when I bump head first into Rowan, the leftover champagne in my hand almost spilling over.
'Ro, Help. The champagne...it's- it's not-'
'Oooh, drink.' She gleams, taking the champagne from me, swallowing it down without a doubt, leaving me utterly perplexed. I watch in horror as she down the glass with a satisfied hum.
'The champagne, what about it...? Ice? You want ice?'
'No~! That's...that's not...it...isn't it bitter?' I whisper yelled, still in shock from the previous little burner.
'Honey, this is Dom Perignon 2010 Magnum. This is anything but bitter. This is something Tony would kill to have in his collection.'
'But it's...'
'It's okay, cher, different folks, different views. Besides, this is better than my past week of staying clean.'
I sigh. At least it wouldn't be a disaster.
Dinner was served. The atmosphere instantly smelled of fine sizzling barbeque meals and stews. Helpful, Easy glances were exchanged around the table as each one dug in. I exhale, slowly slipping my hand into James'. It brought a sort of ease, really. He was careful, nudging me for seconds when he knew I needed them, getting my locks out of my face when needed. He was very well aware, even while being occupied in very many conversations with the men. My pinky stayed locked with his, of course. It was something we did in public settings. He knew that my anxiety would continue to pin me at most times.
With a serving of the very staple, New York's Beloved Blueberry Cheesecake, and very many toasts made from all near and dears, the dinner, at last, concluded. Excitement in each person's goodbye for what's to come the next morning. The big day. 'How cliche.' I thought to myself, sighing. I held onto James' arm, entwined with care. I glanced up at him. My smile was vibrant, yes. A little sickness in my gut, I pushed the feeling away. My cheek slowly rested onto his shoulder.
'Quite a night.'
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heartbeatan · 1 year
The Art of Revenge (Chapter 11)
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Chapter 11
The birthday party was held at a restaurant that overlooked a wide, open lawn which backed onto the reservoir of the town’s waterfall dam. It had a huge patio covered by pergola-esque beams, which were strung enchantingly with Edison bulb lights and creeping vines of lush ivy. You thought the party would be relatively small, but as it turned out, the whole place had been booked out just to celebrate Hyejin, and the restaurant and patio were packed full of friends and family. Turns out, Jungkook wasn’t going to get his wish of paying for dinner, since everything was already paid for. The food was catered by the restaurant, mostly focused around the barbeques grilling burgers of all types, a long table full of buffet style sides and fixings, and several scattered counters covered in trays of appetizers. There was an area set up outside on the patio where three women and two men - who Jungkook told you were all family - played live music for the night.
It was a lot for just a birthday party - you were lucky some years to even get a cake. You assumed Hyejin was hitting some sort of milestone birth year, and so Abe decided to go all out.
You were a touch tipsy already from the bottle of wine you demolished in the bathtub, but kept a safe high throughout the first part of the evening as the copious amounts of food, socializing, and dancing, kept your body nourished and moving.
It was the perfect atmosphere to be in. You and Jungkook weren’t the center of anyone’s attention - which was something you worried about, expecting a small group of friends would lead to inquiries about “who the hell the new girl was and why was she with Jungkook out of the blue?” You weren’t completely safe, however, when someone Jungkook introduced as his friend Mira, became curious enough to bluntly ask.
“So, what’s the deal with you two?” Mira said as she glanced at Jungkook at the bar, who was grabbing another round of beer. “I’ve literally never heard of you before, no offense. How do you even know each other?”
Mira, you suspected, might’ve been christened in the Church of Town Gossips. She had already given you the dirty details on several people at the party - which essentially was harmless since you had no idea who the hell they were, nonetheless, who they were related to. But Mira was clever. She buttered you up with the friendly, girlfriend banter you had been missing, made you feel safe in her presence, then when the last beer kicked in, she dug for your secrets which you were all too ready to tell. The girl was good.
“Ughh!” you let out a sigh that could be heard over the loud noises of the bar. “We knew each other from a long time ago. But until about…” you looked up to the ceiling as you tried to count how long it had been since the kitchen, “five days ago?... I was engaged to this other guy. He was having an affair with my best friend. So, I ran away and came here,” you confessed, sober enough to know which details of that decision you needed to hide.
“No!” Mira’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she gawked at you. “You’re kidding?”
“I wish I was.”
“I’m so sorry, that’s awful. What did you do when you found out?”
“I just left. I did get my lawyer to send an eviction notice, and everything I could get refunds for from the wedding, I kept myself, so… the bastard’s broke and homeless.”
“Good girl,” Mira stuck up her hand and demanded a high-five. “Where were you when my ex was fucking around on me?”
“Oh, damn, I’m sorry,” it was your turn to be empathetic.
“Yeah, we were married for one month,” she punctuated by pointing up her index finger, “then I found out. He missed his sidepiece while we were away on our honeymoon, apparently.”
“What is up with these guys?” you began to fume. “Like, I never held a gun to this man’s head and forced him to propose to me.”
“Seriously,” she shook her head. “We had been together forever, and I wanted to move forward or move on. I told him, we either take the next step, or we break-up. He proposed. He should have chosen the break-up. But nooo… he didn’t wanna be the bad guy who didn't wanna get married, so he became the real bad guy who cheated constantly.”
“People suck,” you narrowed your eyes as you took another drag of your beer.
“They do,” Mira agreed. “Men suck.”
“Hear-hear,” you stuck up your bottle and the two of you clinked the necks together, then sucked back another gulp.
“What are we celebrating?” Jungkook stepped up to the bar table you two had been slouched over, but instead of being greeted with two set of eyes happy to see him, he saw two predators ready to tear him apart for simply existing as a man, nonetheless, interrupting their girl time.
“We’re bonding over how much men suck, Jungkook,” Mira pointed a finger at him, and the way she slurred her words made you realize she too was a little drunk. “And you’re interrupting.”
Jungkook suppressed a grin, put his hands up in surrender and took a step back. “My bad, Mira.”
“You can have her back in a while,” Mira continued. “I like her.”
“I like her too,” he handed you a fresh bottle, along with a peck on the cheek. “Don’t send her back too angry, Mira, we got plans later,” he winked, you blushed, and she rolled her eyes.
“I make no promises,” she gestured with her hand to shew him off. “Now go away.”
Jungkook backed off, then you both watched him as he strode across the floor and made his way towards some friends. You weren’t quite sure where Mira’s eyes were focused - nor did you much care - but you were definitely eating up all of Jungkook.
“Well,” Mira sighed, “I gotta say you have high standards for your rebounds, Y/N. I’m jealous, Jungkook is so much hotter than mine was.”
“You mean after your divorce or whatever?”
“Yeah. But my rebound was really fucking good at going downtown. Best head of my life, I swear. Better than my current husband,” she then leaned in close and whisper-yelled, “but don’t tell him I said that.”
You laughed loud and long. You were really liking the dynamic with Mira, the girl time, the camaraderie, and the funny and lewd banter. You could easily see yourselves becoming good friends if given the opportunity. But something she said was sticking with you. Rebound.
She wasn’t necessarily wrong. You didn’t really see Jungkook as a rebound relationship… and honestly, you didn’t really believe that relationships could be so easily boxed in and labeled with such terms. But still… the concept wasn’t exactly the stuff of myths. You had jumped quickly into something relationship-adjacent as a result of a failed relationship. You had done so before you were truly over what happened - in fact, you had done so because you weren’t over what happened.
“Mira,” you sighed, “Am I crazy if I kinda started to fall for my rebound?”
“No,” Mira shook her head supportively. “I don’t believe in hard and fast rules like that. But - I will say - surviving infidelity doesn’t just happen in a day.”
“Yeah,” you lamented. “I think I’m figuring that out.”
“Hey, ladies!” you heard the familiar voice of Hyejin as she stepped up to join you at your table. “You look like you’re bonding!”
“We are!” Mira said.
“Hey, Hyejin,” you called her attention. “I wanted to talk to you about something - but I don’t want to overstep.”
“What about?” she looked a touch confused.
“Well… see I’m an accountant, and I used to work with a lot of smaller clients. I work for one stupid conglomerate now, but… one of my clients used to be an art gallery. I thought, if you were interested…” you began to feel awkward now, and wished you were a touch more sober when you decided to approach her. “In short, if you’re looking to try again, I would love to help you. There’s tons of grants and tax breaks out there that people just don’t even know about.”
“Really?” Hyejin’s eyes widened. “You’d do that?”
“Yeah. I really liked working with that other gallery. It was… exciting for an accountant, ha-ha!”
“How much?”
“Oh, no, I’ll do it for free. I can’t legally help others out anyway. It’ll be our secret.”
“I would love that,” she crossed her hands over her heart. “That place was my dream.”
Your heart felt light and warm as you watched tears threaten to well behind her eyes. Moments like that were why you loved your job.
“If I don’t see you before I go home, I’ll leave my contact with Jungkook to give to you.”
“Oh, when are you going home?” Hyejin tilted her head curiously and looked a bit hurt.
You shrugged and shook your head, “I don’t know yet.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do to convince you to stay, let me know. You and Jungkook seem so cute together.”
“It’s annoying, right?” Mira elbowed Hyejin. “They’re so fucking happy.”
“I don’t know, guys,” you laughed. “It’s only been a few days, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Oh,” Hyejin tsked, “Who cares? I have an eye for these things - I just know it’ll work out.”
You caught Mira shaking her head at you, letting you know that - at least in her opinion - Hyejin didn’t have the “eye” she was bragging about.
“Hyejin,” Jungkook called when he returned to the table with Abe and another man - whom by the way he stepped up behind Mira - you assumed was her husband. “You stood in our grocery store and promised me you wouldn’t pester her,” he teased as he stepped up beside you.
“Did I say that?” she quirked her head and pretended to not recall the exchange.
“There were witnesses,” he retorted.
“Well,” she shrugged. “File a complaint with my lawyer, I guess. But before then, we need you and everyone outside. We’ve got a surprise.”
Everyone looked at each other, searching for a face among the table that knew what was going on - aside from Abe and Hyejin. But, if anyone knew something, no one slipped up.
“Sure,” Mira’s husband nodded, then took his wife's hand, and began to lead the group out onto the patio.
When everyone was gathered outside, Abe and Hyejin stood excitedly in front of the microphone which the band had been using when performing. They had huge smiles plastered to their faces and held hands so tight, like they were afraid to lose each other in a violent storm.
“Hey, everyone!” Abe was the one who spoke. “Thank you all for coming. As you know, we brought you here under the guise that we were celebrating Hyejin’s birthday. Some of you know, however, that today is not actually her birthday – it's on Tuesday. The reason why this is important, is because years ago, when we started dating, she told me – I think halfway through our appetizers on the first date – that she wanted to be married before she turned 35.”
The crowd laughed nervously, and you smiled. But you also developed a sinking feeling in your stomach, as you pulled together the pieces of what was happening. Jungkook, who had his hand rested over your shoulder while his thumb caressed the back of your neck, squeezed you lightly – seemingly catching on to what was happening as well.
“She told me this at this very restaurant – and, well, since she’s turning 35 on Tuesday… we actually gathered you all here to... umm,” he looked adoringly down at Hyejin before he mustered the courage to speak the punchline. “To witness our marriage vows.”
“We’re getting married!” Hyejin squealed into the mic, and the crowd erupted with awes and applause. “Right now! This is our wedding! Sorry about the seating, most of you will have to stand but, we promise it’s going to be quick!”
The crowd laughed, then the space became scattered and chaotic as people tried to move tables out of the way, and place chairs in some sort of fashionable order.
You and Jungkook ended up standing to the side, next to the large flower boxes that contained the patio from the lawn. He leaned precariously over the edge of the box and strung his arms around your waist as you leaned against him. It was the nicest spot, in your opinion. You could see the stage perfectly, but were far enough away that you could also catch the cool breeze coming up from the water.
“Are you okay with this?” Jungkook asked his question low, so not to alert anyone standing near you.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “It’s fine.” You weren’t sure if it was fine – but you didn’t want to somehow offend a special moment like two people celebrating their love by needing to duck out and go cry in the bathroom.
Despite how casual and rustic the wedding was… it was so incredibly beautiful. It was personal and intimate, and even though you didn’t know Hyejin and Abe all that well, you knew that somehow this atmosphere suited them perfectly. You felt foolish watching it all, because all you could think about was yourself. You had a huge, beautiful, lace ballgown wedding dress, while she had a cute white-silk two-piece pant and halter crop outfit. Chris was going to wear a tux, Abe had on a teal Hawiian shirt covered in Flamingos. You were supposed to get married in a grand hall, surrounded by roses and lilies. They were getting married surrounded by geraniums and beer bottles.
Your wedding was supposed to be the most lavish display of love and commitment - and yet, here, in the middle of nowhere, on the patio of a restaurant bar… you were witnessing true commitment. That much was evident by their self-written vows which no flower or expensive architecture could capture in terms of beauty. You were brought easily to tears - both happy for them, and sad for yourself. You and Chris were never ones for speeches.
That - what Hyejin and Abe had - was what you wanted. You couldn’t help but wonder if you had been trying to fabricate all that with Chris. Had you really loved him as much as you once thought you did? Or did you only love the thought of him?
You put on a brave and smiling face for everyone. Today wasn’t about you - even though your inner turmoil didn’t know that. Fake smiling eventually convinced you to really smile. You ended up having a lot of fun, and with time, you became better at squashing the returning desire to burst into tears.
But it didn't last...
After all the food was gone, the Edison’s hanging from the pergola were turned off, and replaced with tiny, blue fairy lights that had been discreetly strung through the beams and ivy. Hyejin and Abe had their first dance, then everyone who was paired up was invited to join. You were slow dancing with Jungkook under the new ambience, surrounded by love and good vibes - but, internally you were cursing yourself for not being as present in the moment as you wanted to be. Everything was so fucking romantic, from the lighting to the music, to the way you moved together, and looked at each other. But you felt the dam inside you beginning to crack.
“Do you want to go somewhere?” Jungkook asked, when he noticed your throat bob away a potential sob.
You sucked on your lower lip, and blinked rapidly as you nodded your head. "Just for a minute. I need a break."
“Okay,” he whispered, then he took you by the hand, grabbed the two nearly full beer you had opened before you took to the dance floor, and guided you across the lawn, towards the water, and away from the crowd.
You picked a space on the grass that angled downward towards the water and - as best as you could deduce in the moonlight - wasn’t containing any animal shit. You laid along the grass, resting yourself up over your elbows, and Jungkook laid propped up on his side next to you. You both looked out over the river, letting the peaceful scene relax you as you sipped on your drinks.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, if I had known I would have said something.”
“No, it’s fine. The world doesn't stop turning just because mine did. It was just… fresh, you know?”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “I wish I could help.”
“You have,” you looked hard towards him, trying to emphasize the depth and genuinity behind what you were saying. “In a lot of ways. You’ve been so… great. Even just seeing how you live up here, it’s given me a lot to think about.” You sighed, then looked out over the water as you thought about where you thought your life should go, and what you now believed you wanted. “It’s making me reconsider what I think I want out of my future.”
“What did you want?”
“I don’t know… success. A big house. A family.”
“And you don’t want that anymore?”
“No, I do want all that. I just think that maybe… there’s a lot of things I thought I needed to achieve in order to have all that. A lot of things that I guess I’m realizing don’t matter. I don’t need the perfect house or the perfect job. I just need… good people around me.”
“Do you like it here?” Jungkook asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “It’s quiet, and feels friendly. Safe. It would be a great place to raise a family I think. How lucky would a kid be to have all this wide open space and freedom.”
“I think that’s why I decided to stay up here.”
“Yeah? You wanna get married and have kids and all that?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “One day for sure.”
“What were you doing before?”
“Well… right after school I was living in the city. I had a good time and all. I had an okay job doing web design. I liked it but it was a means to an end. Mostly paid for nights out at the clubs," he laughed to himself, "I wasn’t really great at planning for the future.”
“Well, you and I aren’t similar in that regard. I’m always planning. I think that might be what Chris meant - he was more go-with-the-flow.”
“Ah, fuck him. He’s an idiot. Having an ambitious girlfriend isn’t a burden.”
“So what changed?”
“Luck,” he laughed. “I inherited my house. I wasn’t really sure what I was gonna do with it at first. I thought maybe about selling it and buying a condo, but I had good memories up here. So I decided to hold onto it for a bit – keep it a getaway cabin. Then, one day, I got away and didn’t go back. I quit my job, broke my lease,” he shrugged, “now I’m here.”
“You started over.”
“Yeah. I wasn’t leaving much behind though.”
“Maybe I should do that,” you took a few good chugs of your beer.
“It’s never too late.”
People said that all the time, like it was some sage wisdom - but you always balked at the idea. Starting over was hard and risky, and seemed like something reserved for Hallmark movies. Yet, you were sitting in the presence of someone who had actually done it - so, you supposed it wasn’t such a myth afterall. Granted, he had a real estate advantage - but still.
A soft breeze wafted over the river, and rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. You closed your eyes and embraced the way it cooled your skin which had been damp in the summer night’s humidity.
“I think you should start over,” Jungkook broke you from your trance.
“I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Move here. For real, open up your own firm. I know people would come to you.”
“I don’t know. It’ll be a lot of money to just start up. I need rental space and software and licenses and insurance and so much more. I need to figure out what I can afford after I sell my house. I don’t even know what homes cost up here. Maybe… I could stick it out at my job for a little bit and save up.”
“Orrr… you could just stay with me.”
You loved that idea, and were terrified of it as well.
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not? You can use one of the spare rooms as your office. You don’t need any formal storefront around here to make it. The only lawyers in town run their business out of their backyard sheds.”
“And where would I sleep,” you looked down at him with a suggestive curve to your mouth.
“Well,” he rolled forward, and pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. “I think I’d be willing to let you sleep in my bed. I promise you the rent is reasonable.”
“Mmm,” you hummed. “I don’t like to get into quid pro quo arrangements, but I can’t say I’m not tempted.”
Jungkook leaned in a little closer, and pressed his lips soft and long to your neck. “I can sweeten the offer if you need more convincing.”
His nose traced the skin of your neck, and you bit your lip as your body tried to slouch away from the way it tickled you and threatened to puddle you into a fit of laughter.
“You’re going on tour soon,” you managed to finally push him off. “You really wanna leave me alone in your house?”
“Actually, I was thinking you should just come on tour with me.”
“What? No. I can’t do that. I need to work.”
“Do you?” he raised an eyebrow. “Why can’t you take some time off? You’ll have money from your house. You won’t have any rent to pay. You can come on the road with me, and when we get back in October, you can set up shop then.”
“I don’t know,” you bobbed your head side to side as you agonized over the idea. It sounded fun and all, but you weren’t sure if you had the guts to do it. “What if we get sick of each other and you kick me off the bus halfway across the country. Then I’ll be the one who is homeless and broke.”
“I don’t think that’s something we need to worry about, Y/N. You and I get along pretty great.”
“Trust me, I want to say yes. I’m just… trying to be smart here. The only way I was successful in ending things with Chris so quickly was because I held all the cards. This is all so risky - I’d be putting my life in your hands.”
“It would be a risk,” he nodded. “You’d have to trust me. I know that’s a hard ask after everything. But I promise I won’t just kick you to the curb. And even if we started hating each other's guts… you’d be fine. I'm not sure of a lot of things, but I’m sure of that.”
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “I need to think about it.”
“And you should. You’ve got a month at least, right? And after that - hell, even if you aren’t ready to move up here for good, like, come on the road with me anyway. You can store your stuff in the barn. You’ll be living for free - everything is already paid for by the label. You can think about what you wanna do for another three months.”
You nodded slowly at the moon’s reflection in the water as you considered it. He was right. You were free now that you no longer had Chris. Jungkook was offering you a chance to capitalize on that freedom.
“I’d have to sell my house before then. I have some money saved, but I can’t afford the mortgage payments for too long without a steady paycheque.”
“We can figure it all out.”
“Okay,” you nodded more firmly now. In your heart, it was an easy choice. But your head wasn’t completely sold on the idea quite yet. But you were committed to at least really considering it. “I'll think about it. Seriously,” you looked at him. “If you’re up for it, I’ll think about it.”
“I am serious.” He then sat up, and you followed by pushing yourself off your elbows to sit with him. He shuffled close, propping his arm over his bent knee resting behind your back - somewhat caging you into him so you could look closely at each other as you spoke.
“I don’t know when the right time is to say anything,” he began slowly. “But… I figure how I feel is pretty obvious at this point. I like you… I wanna see where this goes.”
You felt the return of your butterflies, and you felt sheepish underneath the watchful eyes of the stars and his unguarded and pleading gaze. You supposed you should be thankful for his honesty. You hadn’t had a lot of honesty in your life, apparently. But - amidst the butterflies and the thrilling fantasy of a future together - you couldn’t help but notice something sour and repulsive wrenching inside your gut. You chalked it up to the long and taxing day: from the stress of your legal matters; the confrontation with your ex fiance and your ex best friend; and, the impromptu wedding that only sharpened the blow. You hoped the feeling wouldn’t last. Not when you had someone wonderful like this, touching you so tenderly, looking at you so vulnerably. Not when he made your broken heart feel like it could be whole once again.
“I like you too,” you confessed. It was the truth - even though it felt like it came with a caveat you didn’t quite yet understand. “I kinda think…” you wanted to say more, but you paused as apprehension stiffened your vocal cords. “It’s stupid fast and all, but…,” you winced, “I think I might be falling for you.”
A beautiful smile, that made your heart sing, widened across his face and lit up his eyes.
“Good,” he said with a nod as he tried to wrangle his facial expression. “Because I already have.”
Your lips pulled into a smile, and you wanted to burst into a million particles. But at the same time, your stomach began to twist with guilt - like it didn’t believe you deserved this perfect moment.
“Are you trying to one-up me?” you accused, once again, retaliating against the way he made you feel. You were doing a lot of that too today.
“Nope,” he playfully shook his head. “I would never.”
His hand came down to rest over your knee, his thumb once again making soft passes over your skin. You loved and hated the simple ways that he touched you.
You both looked back up the hill towards the patio, as a deep and thumping bass began to pulse from inside the restaurant - signaling the beginning of the real party.
“Do you wanna go back?” you asked him.
“Do you? We can just go home if you want.”
“Hmm,” you thought about it, then thought about his hand on you and how you maybe wanted it to start creeping a little higher. “I think we should get back up there, have a piece of cake, do a couple shots, and makeout like horny college kids on the dance floor.”
“We can do that,” he agreed with a mischievous grin. “And then we can go home and have sweet, sloppy drunk sex?”
“Yes,” you cheered.
He stood up, brushed himself off, then offered his hand to help you off the grass. “Let’s do this.”
Morning poured itself through the windows. First with an indigo blue, then in a pale gray, then in pink streaks of sunlight, until finally the room was bathed in the soft yellow of another beautiful, clear sky. You saw all the colors of a new day cast itself over the ceilings of Jungkook’s bedroom, since you had been awake to witness it all.
You had awoken only an hour or two into your sleep, and fought for and hour or two more to fall back without success. You were so restless, yet too tired to move or do anything about it. So, you laid on your back, with Jungkook’s heavy arm loosely strung over your waist, while he snored softly at your side for hours, and you - finally truly alone with yourself for the first time in forever - mauled over everything you had been hiding deep within you.
Last night - instead of stumbling home, knocking into furniture, and collapsing on the bed in a rushed and clumsy attempt to get naked, only to barely fuck for five minutes before the whiskey dick kicked in - you didn’t have the sloppy drunk sex you had been looking forward to. Instead… you made love. It was sweet, tender, and attentive. Instead of pounding into you hard, like your body was made of concrete stone, Jungkook rocked himself into you slowly and methodically, like you were made of glass. Instead of marking his skin with your nails and your teeth, you delicately inspected the ways his muscles moved beneath your soft hands, and tasted his flesh with gentle presses of your lips. Instead of a string of expletives falling from his lips, he told you how beautiful he thought you were, along with a hundred other whispered praises that made you want to melt into the earth.
It was a perfect night… but something felt wrong.
You thought about it all as you looked up to the daylit ceiling, and regretted every way it which your fucked up feelings were sullying the memory of it. You closed your eyes as a tear escaped and rolled down your temple. After the long night, you knew why the droplet had fallen, and you were pretty sure what you needed to do.
You stretched for your phone resting on the nightstand beside you, and noticed a text message which had arrived from Chris.
Chris: I’m out of the house. [3:14 AM]
You weren't sure whether or not you should have been impressed or depressed at how quickly he had untangled himself from your life. Clearly, after he left you, he made the 14 hour trek home and didn’t stop until he was out of the house. You wondered if he had even grieved the loss. A second message had come through, however, and it seemed to answer your question.
Chris: I’m staying at Steph’s apartment. [3:28 AM]
“That fucking prick,” you whispered as you pinched the bridge of your nose, like you were feeling the onset of a migraine. You were sure he had only said that to get back at you, and you hated how much it hurt. Even worse, you felt like you deserved the hurt, despite knowing that you didn’t.
“Surviving infidelity doesn’t happen overnight,” was what Mira had warned you. She was right. You had perhaps staved off the inevitable because of a few blissful days with Jungkook, but today, everything was catching up.
You felt Jungkook begin to stir beside you. You tossed the phone aside and quickly wiped at your cheek, hiding any evidence that even that single tear had fallen.
“Hey,” Jungkook said groggily, as he raised his head to reveal droopy, sleep-filled eyes and a mop of disheveled hair.
“Morning,” you tried your best to sound cheerful.
“You been up for long?” he asked.
You nodded slowly, then confessed, “Yeah, I have.”
Even in his foggy state, he sensed at once that something was off.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concern clear in his throat.
You thought quietly about how to answer his question, but chose not to answer it at all.
“Do you think you could cover my tattoo today?”
He looked at you long and hard, like he was trying to crack the code of a complicated cipher. But the truth was, what you hadn’t said wasn’t all that well hidden.
He swallowed, before he asked the question he dreaded asking. “Are you going home today?”
You nodded, then an intense silence fell between you as you both marinated in the declaration, until you felt you needed to break it. “Chris moved out last night. I need to go pack.”
He nodded tepidly, as he hoped for the best outcome of his next question. “Are you going to come back?”
You looked at him for a long moment while you thought about your answer. Then, mustering all the courage you wish you didn't have, you said, “I don’t know…”
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Go to Chapter 12.
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oppvenuz4456 · 21 days
Catering Services in Lucknow: Elevating Your Events with Culinary Excellence
Lucknow, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and exquisite cuisine, is a city where food plays a central role in celebrations From lavish weddings and corporate events to intimate gatherings and grand festivals, the right catering service can make a significant difference in creating a memorable dining experience The city's catering industry offers a range of services, from traditional Awadhi cuisine to contemporary fusion dishes, ensuring that every event is a gastronomic delight
Here’s a comprehensive guide to catering services in Lucknow, including what to look for, popular options, and top caterers in the city
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Catering Services in Lucknow
For more info Check https://wwwoppvenuzcom/vendors/catering/?city=lucknow 
1 Why Professional Catering Services Matter
Opting for professional catering services for your event can elevate the experience in numerous ways:
Expertise in Cuisine: Professional caterers bring expertise in preparing a variety of dishes, ensuring high quality, taste, and presentation They can handle everything from traditional dishes to modern fusion cuisines
Customization: Caterers work closely with clients to tailor the menu according to preferences, dietary requirements, and the theme of the event This personalized approach ensures that the food complements the overall experience
Efficiency: Professional caterers manage all aspects of food service, including preparation, presentation, and cleanup This allows hosts to focus on other aspects of the event without worrying about the dining experience
Quality Ingredients: Reputable caterers use high-quality ingredients and adhere to strict hygiene standards, ensuring that the food is both delicious and safe for consumption
Stress Reduction: With a professional team handling the catering, you can relax and enjoy the event, knowing that every culinary detail is taken care of
2 Popular Catering Styles in Lucknow
Lucknow’s catering services cater to a wide range of culinary preferences and styles Some popular options include:
Awadhi Cuisine: Known for its rich and aromatic flavors, Awadhi cuisine includes dishes like kebabs, biryanis, kormas, and other traditional Mughlai specialties Many caterers in Lucknow specialize in this classic cuisine, making it a popular choice for weddings and formal events
Multi-Cuisine Buffets: For events where variety is key, multi-cuisine buffets offer a selection of dishes from different culinary traditions, including Indian, Chinese, Continental, and more This style of catering ensures that there’s something for everyone
Themed Menus: Themed catering involves creating menus that match the event’s theme, whether it’s a vintage tea party, a tropical beach bash, or a festive celebration This adds a unique touch to the dining experience
Live Food Stations: Live food stations, where chefs prepare dishes on-site, add an interactive element to the dining experience Popular options include pasta stations, chaat counters, and barbeque grills
Vegetarian and Vegan Options: With a growing demand for vegetarian and vegan cuisine, many caterers offer specialized menus that cater to these dietary preferences, ensuring inclusivity for all guests
3 Top Catering Services in Lucknow
Here are some of the top catering services in Lucknow, known for their quality, variety, and exceptional service:
1 The Royal Awadhi Catering
The Royal Awadhi Catering specializes in traditional Awadhi cuisine, offering a range of royal dishes from kebabs and biryanis to rich gravies and desserts Their attention to detail and commitment to authenticity make them a popular choice for weddings and other grand events
Specialty: Awadhi cuisine, Mughlai dishes
Contact: +91 78945 67890
2 Lucknow Catering Service
Lucknow Catering Service is renowned for its versatility and extensive menu options They offer everything from multi-cuisine buffets to themed menus, ensuring that every event is catered to with precision and flair Their team is known for its professional approach and impeccable service
Specialty: Multi-cuisine buffets, themed events
Contact: +91 98765 43210
3 Delight Caterers
Delight Caterers is known for its creative approach to catering, offering customized menus that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences Whether it’s a wedding, corporate event, or private party, Delight Caterers ensures that every dish is prepared with care and attention to detail
Specialty: Customized menus, diverse cuisines
Contact: +91 99887 65432
4 Tandoori Nights
For those
4 Tandoori Nights
Tandoori Nights is famous for its exquisite tandoori and barbeque dishes Their specialty includes a variety of marinated kebabs, tandoori breads, and grilled vegetables Ideal for casual gatherings, outdoor events, and themed parties, Tandoori Nights offers a flavorful and engaging dining experience with live cooking stations
Specialty: Tandoori and barbeque dishes, live food stations
Contact: +91 98765 87654
5 Taste of Lucknow
Taste of Lucknow is a leading name in the catering industry, known for its authentic local dishes and excellent service They offer a range of options from traditional Awadhi cuisine to modern fusion dishes, making them a great choice for both classic and contemporary events
Specialty: Authentic local cuisine, fusion dishes
Contact: +91 99345 67890
6 Elegant Caterers
Elegant Caterers provides a sophisticated catering experience with a focus on presentation and high-quality ingredients Their menu includes a variety of international and Indian dishes, and they excel in providing elegant setups and service for upscale events and weddings
Specialty: Elegant presentation, international and Indian cuisine
Contact: +91 99876 54321
4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Catering Service
Selecting the right catering service involves careful consideration to ensure your event is a success Here are key factors to keep in mind:
Menu Selection: Ensure the caterer offers a menu that fits your event’s theme, guest preferences, and dietary restrictions Review their sample menus and ask for customization options if needed
Experience and Reputation: Look for caterers with a proven track record and positive reviews Experienced caterers are more likely to deliver high-quality food and service
Pricing and Packages: Discuss the cost and what is included in the catering package This might cover food, beverages, staffing, and equipment Be clear about your budget and any additional costs that may arise
Hygiene and Quality: Verify that the caterer follows strict hygiene practices and uses high-quality ingredients This is crucial for both the safety and taste of the food
Service and Staff: Assess the professionalism and demeanor of the catering staff They should be courteous, well-trained, and able to handle the demands of the event efficiently
Tastings: Request a tasting session to sample the food before making a final decision This helps ensure the quality and taste meet your expectations
5 Cost of Catering Services in Lucknow
The cost of catering services in Lucknow can vary based on several factors, including the type of cuisine, number of guests, and level of service On average, catering for a wedding or large event can range from INR 500 to INR 2,000 per plate, depending on the complexity of the menu and the caterer’s reputation For smaller events or more casual gatherings, costs might start at INR 300 per plate
6 Conclusion
In Lucknow, where food is an integral part of the city’s culture and celebrations, catering services in Lucknow choosing the right catering service can significantly enhance your event From traditional Awadhi dishes to modern fusion menus, the city's catering services offer a wide range of options to suit every taste and occasion By selecting a professional caterer who aligns with your vision and preferences, you ensure that your event is not only memorable but also a delightful culinary experience for all your guests
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inbarbiaustralia · 1 month
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Go no farther than InBarbi for the greatest barbecue catering in Sydney. For your wedding, business meeting, or birthday celebration, our skilled chefs will provide the real taste of Brazilian BBQ. From flavorful grilled veggies to tender smoked meats, we make everything fresh on-site to provide your guests an amazing and delectable experience. With dishes that may be customized to your dietary requirements and tastes, InBarbi ensures that everyone is happy. With our outstanding barbeque catering Sydney-wide, you can add a memorable touch to your next event while savoring the flavors of Brazil.
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bbqcatering · 4 months
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northwestmeatcom · 6 months
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banarjeenikita · 7 months
Villas in Khandala for Rent: Crafting Unforgettable Memories in Comfort
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Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Western Ghats, Khandala emerges as a serene retreat, perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. This picturesque hill station, with its misty valleys, cascading waterfalls, and tranquil environment, serves as the ideal backdrop for memorable getaways. Among its charms, the villas in Khandala stand out, offering a blend of luxury, comfort, and privacy that cater to all who seek a slice of paradise away from home. Renting a villa in Khandala is not just about finding a place to stay; it's about creating unforgettable memories in a setting that feels both luxurious and homely.
The Appeal of Villas in Khandala
Villas in Khandala are designed to offer an unparalleled experience, blending the natural beauty of their surroundings with amenities that ensure comfort and leisure. Whether it's a cozy weekend retreat for a couple or a sprawling estate for a family reunion, these villas provide the perfect setting for any occasion. With features such as private swimming pools, landscaped gardens, outdoor barbeque areas, and spacious terraces overlooking the hills, guests can find everything they need to unwind and enjoy their time in seclusion and comfort.
A Personalized Experience
One of the key advantages of renting a villa in Khandala is the personalized experience it offers. Unlike the uniformity of hotels, each villa has its unique charm and character, allowing guests to choose a property that best fits their tastes and needs. From modern architectural marvels to traditional homes with rustic elegance, the variety of villas in Khandala for rent are available ensures that every visitor can find their perfect match. Furthermore, many villas come with the option of a personal chef, housekeeping services, and concierge assistance, ensuring that every aspect of the stay is hassle-free.
Space for Everyone
For families and large groups, villas offer the invaluable benefit of space. With multiple bedrooms, common areas, and vast outdoor spaces, these properties ensure that everyone can find their own corner of peace or come together without feeling cramped. This space is not just physical but also provides the emotional room to breathe, relax, and create moments together, be it through shared meals prepared in the fully equipped kitchen, movie nights in the living room, or fun-filled afternoons in the pool.
An Immersive Local Experience
Staying in a villa in Khandala also offers guests a chance to immerse themselves in the local culture and lifestyle. Far from the commercial tourist spots, these residences often sit in the heart of local neighborhoods or secluded natural landscapes, offering an authentic experience of life in the Ghats. Guests can explore the local cuisine, visit nearby villages, trek through the untouched forests, or simply enjoy the local markets and culture, providing a more enriching and memorable holiday.
Celebrating Special Occasions
Villas in Khandala present an exquisite venue for celebrating special occasions. Be it weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or family reunions, the privacy, space, and beauty of these villas make them ideal for hosting gatherings. Many villa owners offer event planning services, transforming these spaces into magical settings for celebrations, ensuring that these important moments are not just marked but truly celebrated.
Finding the Perfect Villa
The journey to renting the perfect villa in Khandala begins with understanding one's preferences in terms of location, size, amenities, and budget. With numerous platforms offering detailed listings, virtual tours, and customer reviews, finding a villa that meets all criteria has never been easier. However, the key to a truly memorable stay lies in communicating with the villa owners or managers to ensure that all expectations are met, from special requests to understanding the nuances of the property.
In conclusion, renting a villa in Khandala offers more than just a luxurious escape; it provides a canvas for crafting unforgettable memories. With their unique blend of comfort, privacy, and beauty, these villas invite guests to relax, celebrate, and connect in a setting that feels like a home away from home. Whether it's the laughter shared under the starlit skies, the peace found in the early morning mist, or the adventures discovered within the Ghats, memories made in Khandala's villas are sure to be cherished for a lifetime.
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bullpenribs · 5 days
Barbeque Restaurants in Atlanta: Perfect Spots for a Date Night
Are you looking for a unique and flavorful date night experience? Look no further than the barbeque restaurants in Atlanta! The city's vibrant culinary scene offers a mouthwatering array of smoky, tender meats and savory sides that are sure to impress your special someone. Let's explore some of the best spots for a romantic evening filled with delicious barbecue.
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The Atlanta Barbecue Scene
Atlanta's barbecue scene is a melting pot of flavors and styles, reflecting the city's diverse culinary heritage. From traditional Southern-style smoked meats to innovative fusion dishes, barbeque restaurants cater to every palate. Whether you're in the mood for a casual barbecue lunch or an intimate barbecue dinner, these establishments offer the perfect ambiance for couples seeking a memorable dining experience.
Bullpen Ribs & BBQ: A Cut Above the Rest
When it comes to finding the best barbecue in Atlanta, Bullpen Ribs & BBQ stands out as a top contender. This casual eatery combines authentic Atlanta flavors with a warm, inviting atmosphere, making it an ideal spot for date night. Their menu features a wide selection of mouthwatering, slow-smoked meats that are sure to satisfy any barbecue craving.
Signature Dishes and Romantic Atmosphere
At Bullpen Ribs & BBQ, couples can indulge in signature dishes like hand-pulled pork, white BBQ turkey, and fall-off-the-bone ribs. The restaurant's commitment to quality is evident in every bite, as each piece of meat is personally prepared by their skilled pitmaster. The cozy ambiance and attentive service create the perfect setting for a romantic evening.
Beyond the Plate: BBQ Catering
For those planning a special event or celebration, many Atlanta barbecue restaurants offer catering services. BBQ catering in Atlanta has become increasingly popular for weddings, corporate events, and family gatherings. Bullpen Ribs & BBQ, in particular, excels in this area, providing a variety of options to suit any occasion.
Exploring Other Barbeque Restaurant Near Atlanta
While Bullpen Ribs & BBQ is a standout choice, Atlanta's barbecue scene offers numerous other options for couples to explore. From upscale establishments with innovative twists on classic dishes to hidden gems tucked away in neighborhood corners, there's no shortage of barbeque restaurants in Atlanta to discover together.
The Perfect Recipe for Romance
A date night at a barbecue restaurant combines the comfort of soul food with the excitement of trying new flavors. The shared experience of savoring slow-cooked meats, sampling various sides, and indulging in sweet desserts creates a relaxed and intimate atmosphere that's perfect for conversation and connection.
Barbeque restaurants in Atlanta offer an ideal setting for couples looking to spice up their date nights. With their rich flavors, cozy atmospheres, and Southern hospitality, these establishments provide a unique and memorable dining experience.
Whether you choose the exceptional offerings at Bullpen Ribs & BBQ or explore other local favorites, you're sure to find the perfect spot to kindle romance over a plate of delicious barbecue.
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vinesuk · 9 months
Catering for afternoon tea | Vines Community
Do you need Afternoon Tea Catering? You are in the proper location. A delicious afternoon tea with fresh bread, cakes, and jams can be enjoyed on the vines bus.
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propertyaclmarts · 8 months
Exploring Farmhouses in Bandh Road and Brijwasan
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Delhi, a bustling metropolis teeming with life, also offers pockets of serenity amidst the urban chaos. Farmhouses, found sprinkled across the outskirts, provide these havens of tranquility, promising escape and rejuvenation. Two noteworthy areas for farmhouse exploration are Bandh Road and Brijwasan, each catering to different preferences and experiences.
The Enchanting Embrace of Bandh Road Farmhouses:
Nestled near the tranquil Chattarpur reservoir, Bandh Road farmhouses offer a picturesque escape. Lush greenery, charming lakes, and sprawling lawns set the stage for a idyllic getaway. Many farmhouses here boast architectural styles inspired by rustic elegance, incorporating natural elements like wood and stone. Some even cater to specific themes, like heritage or contemporary, adding a touch of personality to your escape.
Activities Amidst Tranquility:
Bandh Road farmhouses go beyond mere accommodation, offering a plethora of activities for all ages. Unwind by the pool, indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments, engage in outdoor sports like badminton or volleyball, or simply lose yourself in a good book under the shade of a tree. Many farmhouses also organize campfire evenings, making for unforgettable memories under the starlit sky.
Foodie Delights:
No retreat is complete without a culinary adventure. Bandh Road farmhouses offer diverse experiences, from in-house chefs whipping up mouthwatering delicacies to barbeque evenings under the stars. Some even boast themed cafes and restaurants, allowing you to sample global flavors or relish authentic Indian cuisine.
The Alluring Allure of Brijwasan Farmhouses:
Situated near the Delhi International Airport, Brijwasan farmhouses present a distinct charm. While greenery abounds, a sense of vastness and openness defines the landscape. These farmhouses tend to be larger, often spread across acres of land, offering a true escape from city confines. Modern architectural styles dominate, with spacious and airy interiors complemented by expansive outdoor areas.
Unique Experiences Await:
Beyond luxurious accommodations, Brijwasan farmhouses provide unique experiences. Some boast swimming pools with stunning views, while others offer horseback riding or archery, allowing you to commune with nature in a different way. Additionally, some farmhouses have dedicated spaces for events like weddings or corporate retreats, catering to large groups with impeccable service.
A Culinary Journey:
The culinary scene in Brijwasan farmhouses is as diverse as its offerings. In-house chefs prepare delectable dishes, often incorporating fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Some farmhouses even organize cooking classes, allowing you to learn the secrets behind these culinary delights. Additionally, several farmhouses are within proximity to renowned restaurants, offering a wider range of options for discerning palates.
Choosing Your Refuge:
Whether you seek an intimate escape amidst rustic charm or a luxurious retreat with grand landscapes, both Bandh Road and Brijwasan have farmhouses to suit your desires. Consider your budget, desired activities, and group size when making your choice.
Ultimately, both Bandh Road and Brijwasan offer a welcome respite from the urban buzz. So, pack your bags, choose your haven, and get ready to immerse yourself in a world of tranquility, nature, and unforgettable experiences.
For more information about Farm House In Bandh Road, Farm House In Brijwasan, Farm House In South Delhi, Farm Land In Bandh Road, Plot in Jewar, please visit the – Property Hub Acl Marts.
Reference taken from here.
Location: Name: Property Hub ACL Marts Address: Rajendra Complex, F44/9, Kishangarh Village, Teacher Colony, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi 110070 Mobile No: +91 78388 86103 Website: https://property.aclmarts.com/
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culinaryaffaire1 · 9 months
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Be it Weddings, Opening ceremonies, Cultural exhibitions, Corporate lunches, Barbeque Culinary Affaire is one of the best caterer in South Delhi. Visit us: https://culinaryaffaire.com/best-caterer-in-delhi/
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Gourmet Hot Dog Carts
Gourmet Hot Dog Cart Hire   Either you love hot dogs, or you're wrong. Dive into the deliciousness of our perfectly grilled hot dogs, a timeless favourite that never fails to satisfy. Experience the perfect blend of flavours that make our hot dogs a go-to choice for a quick and delightful meal. What Do You Get When You Hire A Hot Dog Cart? •Regular Or Gourmet Menu •Range Of Condiments & Onions •Can Be Supplied With Fries •Quality Frankfurters •Personalised Service From traditional toppings like mustard and ketchup to gourmet options like caramelized onions and spicy jalapeños, our hot dogs are fully customizable, allowing you to create the perfect combination that suits your taste buds and cravings. Our dawgs don't bite, ask for details. Mobile Hot Dog Stand Hire. You can tailor a hot dog service to any size event, from a private party with 50 guests, to a university ball or corporate events with 2000 attendees. Your options include a standard range of genuine hot dogs. Vegetarian options are available for you on request and you can now even have Halal dogs as well. This is a classic dish, check out it's history here. You have the perfect fast snack for any sort of event. These go down a storm at weddings, but are equally delicious at your company sales days or exhibitions and promotions. Layered with fresh crispy onions then slathered in mustard, ketchup or one of the myriad of other condiments you fancy. Onions come as standard and you have a full range of condiments on offer including; •Heinz Ketchup. •HP Brown Sauce. •English Mustard. •French Mustard. •Chilli Sauce. •Mayo. •Barbeque Sauce.Optional Toppings. We also give you the option of extras such as cheese toppings, chilli and jalapeno,. If you have a particular requirement let us know, we can probably supply that. This is the perfect street food for all events. Including birthday parties, weddings and corporate fun days, they are quick, easy to prepare and serve, and go down a treat. In addition to our American cart above we have a range of fun and quirky carts for rental.   Branding Options. We can custom brand any of our services with; •Custom Printed Napkins. •Printed Plates. •Personalised Signage. •Branded Panels. •Full Cart Colour Change. •Ribbons and Other Decor. You can choose from our range of carts or we can even design and build a one off cart to your precise requirements. With your corporate events branding incorporated. Your selection of catering services can include food and drinks to complement your hire. In addition to our Franks, we also offer other great savoury options, why dont you check out;  Jacket Potatoes, Chipstix and Nachos. More Hot Dog FactsCAN I HAVE VEGGY HOT DOGS; Yes we can provide vegetarian sausages, or a mixture of both. CAN I HAVE TOPPINGS; As standard onions, mustard, ketchup, chilli sauce, brown sauce, sweet chilli. If you want something special let us know and we can source it. WHERE CAN I HIRE HOT DOGS NEAR ME; We provide a hot dog cart hire service throughout the full U.K. so can cover all of your needs. HOW MANY GUESTS CAN YOU SERVE; We have multiple carts and machines so can cover a small private party, right through to a major exhibition or company fun day. ARE HOT DOGS GLUTEN FREE; We can provide gluten free if required. ARE HOT DOGS BAD FOR YOU; Like many things in moderate consumption no, but over excessive consumption can lead to the same issues as red meat. CAN YOU EAT RAW HOT DOGS; Technically they are precooked so as long as they have been handled correctly it would be OK. But we always heat them thoroughly. Our range of mobile hot frankfurter cart hire services are available throughout the FULL U.K. and Europe. Including Lancashire, hot dogs Yorkshire, hot dogs Midlands, The North East, London and Scotland, these are perfect for any type of event including military balls, company fundays, exhibitions, weddings, parties, university and college balls, bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs, perfect street food for corporate events or private parties. We no longer provide chocolate fountains. Read the full article
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Karke is the leading Lebanese catering company in Nottingham. Our expert team of chefs creates unforgettable culinary experiences for your special occasions. From corporate gatherings to weddings and private parties, our menu boasts a wide range of traditional Lebanese dishes, including vegan options and mouthwatering barbeques. Elevate your 19/6/event with Karke's exceptional Lebanese catering services.
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fazalkhan2914 · 1 year
Live Barbeque in The Gardens:- Enjoy a great variety of luscious cuisines with the best catering service in Dubai. Happy tummy leads to the successful ending of any event, hence explore catering services with us for birthday parties, weddings, and various other formal and informal events. For more info, visit here: https://www.delhicatering.ae/live-barbeque-in-dubai-sharjah.html
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