#Bara no tameni
sailor-scribbles · 2 years
Post Poll
Hey, going over some asks, I noticed that some people were asking about Bara no Tameni raws? I can still provide them on imgur just making sure they're still wanted. Think it was 51 and onward?
Also go ahead and reply/comment on what you'd like to see more of. Cockpit's comics are off the web, so this is mainly an archive of them.
Terran Moon will be started again, but the usual slowness.
And apparently I have some manga colorings I didn't post here yet, so that'll be cool.
Anything else? Some fanfics or whatnot?
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baltears · 2 months
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if i am not thinking about them i am simply not thinking
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kurrusu · 6 years
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enjoy-the-manga · 7 years
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Bara no Tame ni - Yoshimura Akemi
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captureanimegif · 7 years
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“The roses you planted are in full bloom. I’m always caring for them so they won’t wither away. So they’ll bloom next year, too. And the year after next.
Just like you.”
Bara no Tameni Chapter 52
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betakoi · 8 years
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Double the booty, double the fun
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Ai, dokusai -SAMURAI- (Español)
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Intérprete: LAGRANGE POINT Makishima Shy (CV. Toyonaga Toshiyuki), Himuro Kira (CV. Ookawa Genki)
Álbum: Ai, dokusai -SAMURAI-
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 enero 2015 
愛、独裁-SAMURAI- Ai,  dokusai -SAMURAI- Amor,  dictadura -SAMURAI-
You ワガママだらけのお涙頂戴 You wagamama darake no onamida choudai Tú, tratando de engañarme con tus falsas lágrimas llenas de egoísmo
I なんて裏腹に顰みまして I nante urahara ni hisomi mimashite Yo, mirándote con el ceño fruncido tratando fuertemente de oponerme
たった、一つの望みが 月夜にバラ撒いた Tatta, hitotsu no nozomi ga tsukiyo ni bara maita Y solamente una única esperanza se difumina en la noche de luna
銭光に蒼く映える Zenibikari ni aoku haeru La luz de la moneda que brilla pálidamente
夜道を駆けて(向かう先の) Yomichi o kakete (mukau saki no) Corriendo por el camino nocturno (avanzando al frente)
アイツだけには (渡さないと) Aitsu dake ni wa (watasanai to) Completamente solo (sin nadie más)
脇の甘さも(何の其の) Waki no amasa mo (nani no sono) Dejando la dulzura de lado (qué es eso)
隙あらば、蕾いただく所存 Suki araba, tsubomi itadaku shozon Si hay una brecha, me hace querer brotar de ella
魂、震わし 錬成し抜いた 鬨-とき- をあげろ! Tamashii, furuwashi renseishi nuita toki o ageru! Sacude, entrena y lleva hasta el final a tu alma y ¡declara la guerra!
「ーーーひと時も」 “---hito toki mo” “--- Ni por un momento ”
「休ませねぇよ」 “Yasumase nee yo” “Vayas a descansar”
愛、独裁 (今宵) Ai, dokusai (koyoi) Amor y una dictadura (esta noche)
IZA 一刀両断! IZA ittou ryoudan! ¡Vamos! ¡De un golpe te cortaré en dos!
迸る鋒の憶いは CHIGU-HAGUでも、迷わず、逝けよーーー…… Hotobashiru kissaki no omoi wa CHIGU-HAGU demo, mayowazu, ikeyoーーー…… Los recuerdos de ese corte fluyen violentamente, e incluso aunque no coincidamos, no dudaré y vas a desfallecerーーー……
冷たい風が、肌を斬るならば Tsumetai kaze ga, hada o kiru naraba Si el frío viento corta tu piel,
阿吽の吐息で、 Aun no toiki de, Mientras respiras entre suspiros,
絶頂-トドメ- を迎えておくれ!!!!! Todome o mukaete okure!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Haz que nos encontremos en el clímax!!!!!
You 世知辛い愛のstory立脚し You sechigarai ai no story rikkyakushi Tú, pensando que es difícil vivir en un mundo basado en una historia de amor
Iこそは現世の春、見せます I koso wa utsushiyo no haru, misemasu Yo, precisamente mostrándote la primavera de la vida
そっと、ふたりの涙を 花火に掛けますと Sotto, futari no namida o hanabi ni kakemasu to Suavemente, poniendo nuestras lágrimas en los fuegos artificiales
お月様の 兎、嗤って Otsuki-sama no usagi, waratte Y el conejo de la luna sonríe
生命-いのち- を賭-と- して (解いたものは) Inochi o toshite (toita mono wa) Arriesga tu vida (es lo que decidí)
有触れている(朝顔-えがお- ならば) Arifureteiru (egao naraba) Qué ordinario (incluso tu sonrisa)
全身全霊-イロハニホヘト- (愛します) Iroha nihoheto (aishimasu) Que aunque no estés, tu aroma aún perdura* (y lo amo)
色好きも、捨ててはおけぬ所存 Irozuki mo, sutete wa okenu shozon También me gusta tu color, así que no tengo intención de dejarlo
喉元、潤わし 甜-あま-い何某を 召上がれい!!!! Nodomoto, uruwashi amai nanigashi o meshi agarei!!!! Inunda tu garganta de mi dulce yo, ¡¡¡¡buen provecho!!!!
「ーーーこの想い」 “---kono omoi” “---estas sensaciones”
「受け止めてくれ」 “Uketomete kure” “Tómalas”
欲、満開(今宵) Yoku, mankai (koyoi) Deseo, en plena floración (esta noche)
IZA 一網打尽! IZA ichimou dajin ¡Vamos! ¡De un solo golpe!
狂ふ夜、卍感の熱意で JIRI-JIRI 焚き、すかさず、逝けよーーー…… Kyoufu yoru, mankan no netsui de JIRI-JIRI taki, sukasazu, ikeyoーーー…… La noche loca, poco a poco comienza a calentarse con la pasión de esta increíble sensación, e inmediatamente vas a desfallecerーーー……
明るい朝にChunと鳴く飛燕 Akarui asa ni Chun to naku hien La brillante mañana después de “eso”, con el trinar de las golondrinas en vuelo,
夕餉の味噌汁 Yuuge no Miso Soup La sopa de miso que cenamos
暖め直しておくれ!!!! Atatame naoshite okure!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Caliéntala de nuevo para mí!!!!!
「Ah……もう我慢出来ないだろう」 “Ah… mou gaman dekinai darou” “Ah… Ya no puedo contenerme más”
「Umm……ラグジュリエットの姫さんたち、AllRight」 “Umm….. ragu jurietto no hime-san tachi, AllRight” “Umm….. Está bien, princesas lagjuliets*”
「朝から」 “Asa kara” “Desde la mañana”
「晩まで」 “Ban made” “Hasta el anochecer”
「LOVE 2 YOUーーー……RAP!!!」 “LOVE 2 YOU---.....RAP!!!” “Te amaré---..... ¡¡¡RAP!!!”
背中に誇示-さい- た Senaka ni saita Tu espalda floreciendo
女-おなご-の名前の意味を Onago no namae no imi o El significado del nombre de una mujer
情事-おぼえ- がNightは、 Oboe ga Night wa, Recuerda la noche en que
云わせぬ 罪-SIN- を暴き Iwasenu SIN o abaki El pecado innombrable se expone
灰汁の、匂いWar Aku no, nioi War El olor de la guerra, de áspero sabor
吟味するならToko-Ton Ginmi suru nara Toko-Ton Si lo investigas a fondo
Oh 演-ヤ- りになって Oh yari ni natte Oh, sé cuidadosa
凹と凸と Ou to totsu to Cóncavo y convexo
生き血を啜り Ikichi o susuri Absorbe esta sangre llena de vida
妥当な浮気-あくぎょう- すら Datou na akugyou sura Incluso si el mal camino se vuelve aceptado
臨んで請けるふた���は Nozonde ukeru futariwa Ambos lo afrontaremos
大虚構-おおうつけ- Ooustuke Un gran sueño
粋 More、sweet Sui More, sweet Más elegante y dulce
死してその屍を Shishite sono shikabane o El cuerpo después de la muerte
拾ふ者 Nothing Jyuufu mono Nothing No habrá nada que recoger
吾等が、愛を!!!!!! Warera ga, ai o!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Nosotros nos amaremos!!!!!
胸元、耳寄せ Munamoto, mimi yose Pon tu oreja en mi pecho
微かに聞こえる Kasuka ni kikoeru Más allá del ruido
音の彼方 Oto no yukue Suena débilmente
「ーーーオマエの為に」 “---Omae no tameni” “--- Por ti”
「鳴ってる」 “Natteru” “Continúa escuchándose”
「心の臓まで」 “Shin no zou made” “Desde el fondo de mi corazón”
「夢中なんだよ」 “Muchuu nanda yo” “¿Ves? Estoy completamente atado”
愛、独裁(今宵) IZA 一刀両断! Ai, dokusai (koyoi) IZA ittou ryoudan Amor y una dictadura (esta noche) ¡Vamos! ¡De un golpe te cortaré en dos!
迸る鋒の憶いは CHIGU-HAGUでも、迷わず、逝けよーーー…… Hotobashiru kissaki no omoi wa CHIGU-HAGU demo, mayowazu, ikeyo---..... Los recuerdos de ese corte fluyen violentamente, e incluso aunque no coincidamos, no dudaré, y vas a desfallecerーーー……
冷たい風が、肌を斬るならば Tsumetai kaze ga, hada o kiru naraba Si el frío viento corta tu piel, mientras respiras entre suspiros,
阿吽の吐息で、絶頂-トドメ- を迎えておくれ!!!!! Aun no toiki de, todome o mukaete okure!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Haz que nos encontremos en el clímax!!!!!
おくれーーー………!!!!! Okure---.....!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Hazlo por mí---.....!!!!!
おくれーーー………!!!!! Okure---.....!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Hazlo por mí---.....!!!!!
Para entender un poco el contexto de la canción creo que ayuda saber más acerca de lo que en realidad es un samurai.  Un samurai vivía su día a día como un guerrero, no solo cuando estaba luchando. Su lema era el ahora, consciente de que en su existencia estaba siempre presente la muerte. Su entrenamiento comenzaba desde temprana edad y duraba toda su vida; le llevaba a estar preparado para hacer frente a cualquier situación y resultar victorioso cualesquiera que fuesen las condiciones. El samurai es el símbolo y personificación de la valentía masculina, el honor y la justicia.Este guerrero representa los ideales masculinos más altos dentro de la cultura japonesa. El samurai se adhiere a un estricto código de conducta llamado (Bushido) basado en los principios de rectitud, coraje, benevolencia, respeto, confianza, honor y lealtad hasta la muerte. Otros ideales a los que aspiraba el samurai fueron la autodisciplina, frugalidad, sacrificio y nobleza.
*Irohanihoheto es un antiguo poema japonés que nos dice que todas las cosas están en un constante proceso de cambio y que nada es permanente. Para la canción estoy parafraseando los primeros versos del poema para darle algo de relación, ya que bien podría estarse refiriendo al poema en sí.
*Lagjuliet es el nombre de la fanbase de LAGRANGE POINT y así es como ellos llaman a sus fans (así o también las llaman princesas).
Apoya comprando el original
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shipcestuous · 6 years
i notice you don't usually get asks about anime/manga, but i just started reading this manga called bara no tameni where a girl ends up in a house with her long lost mother and 3 half siblings (spoiler warning) she is actually only related to one of them by blood but her real half brother falls in love with her and i ship them SO HARD. im sure they won't end up together but their relationship is just so sweet, they form a bond over shared one sided love and then he falls for her unexpectedly! :)
I always welcome anime/manga recommendations, especially if there actually is canon incest like in this one. 
I hope they do end up together. Probably not, but I’m crossing my fingers for it!
Thank you for the rec!
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Bara No Tameni.
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Alternative: 蔷薇之恋 ; 薔薇のために ; 장미를 위하여 ; Bara no Tame ni ; For the Sake of the Rose ; Hoa Hồng Tóc Ngắn
Description : After being dumped, followed closely by her grandmother's sudden death, the chubby Yuri is left broke and homeless. That is until she discovers that her grandmother had been lying to her for years. Her mother is not dead, but is in fact a famous movie star, and very much alive. Upon arriving at her mother's house, she meets her three new beautiful siblings, all from different fathers. Her new-found family is filled with hilarious oddities, ranging from laziness to drunkenness to gay incest. She is constantly antagonized by her brothers Sumire and Aoi. And her sister Fuyou does little to help. And thus Yuri becomes little more than a maid in the household, catering to her siblings needs while her mother travels the world. But as Yuri's warmth fills the house which before had been so cold...what will happen between her and her brothers? Can they come to see each other as siblings before it's too late? #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/bara-no-tameni_1584395075.html
Read more.
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mangafeeds · 4 years
Bara no Tameni.
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Alternative : 蔷薇之恋 ; 薔薇のために ; 장미를 위하여 ; Bara no Tame ni ; For the Sake of the Rose ; Hoa Hồng Tóc Ngắn
Bara no Tameni summary: After being dumped, followed closely by her grandmother's sudden death, the chubby Yuri is left broke and homeless. That is until she discovers that her grandmother had been lying to her for years. Her mother is not dead, but is in fact a famous movie star, and very much alive. Upon arriving at her mother's house, she meets her three new beautiful siblings, all from different fathers. Her new-found family is filled with hilarious oddities, ranging from laziness to drunkenness to gay incest. She is constantly antagonized by her brothers Sumire and Aoi. And her sister Fuyou does little to help. And thus Yuri becomes little more than a maid in the household, catering to her siblings needs while her mother travels the world. But as Yuri's warmth fills the house which before had been so cold...what will happen between her and her brothers? Can they come to see each other as siblings before it's too late? #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/bara-no-tameni_1587916025
Read more.
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sailor-scribbles · 2 years
Y'all, I'm basically becoming Seri from Bara no Tameni with the cancer. Candy and food are absolutely everywhere and in pockets. Heavy concentration on what means the most.
No boyfriend, but we know how that goes...
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wishedminatowasreal · 7 years
Updated Manga Reads
I havent made an updated Manga read since I first started my tumblr so I thought I might as well update it to how much Ive read since then which is quite a bit. 
Im gonna leave a (*) next to the ones I have really loved. Also, if you want a opinion or summary of one of the manga feel free to message me about it.
Manga I have read:
Ao Haru Ride *
Shinobi Life
Ookami-heika no Hanayome * 
Dengeki Daisy ** (super cute and funny)
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji *
Koyoi, Kimi To Kiss No Chigiri O *
Kamisama Hajimemashita ** (fave)
Koiiro Devil * (smut)
Tenchi Shinmei! * (smut)
Youko x Boku SS *
Stardust Wink
Barajou No Kiss *
L-dk *
Naruto * (fave)
Fairy Tail ** (fave)
Nanoka no Kare *
Hapi Mari *** (i have read this manga like 4 times already)
Black Bird ** (fave)
Hirunaka No Ryuusei *
Kaichou Wa Maid-sama ** (fave)
Fullmetal Alchemist *** (fave)
Chou yo Hana yo * (smut)
Orange ** (fave) also made me cry this first time I read it
Mitsu Aji Blood ** (love the artwork)
Kyou, Koi Wo Hajumemasu (smut)
Honey X Honey Drops * (smut)
Fruit Baskets *
Strobe Edge
Beast Master
Kimi Ga Inakya Dame Tte Itte
Ookamidomo no Shitsukekata *
Hime to Knight to, Tonari no Watashi *
Koi, Hirari
Last Notes *
Yoru Cafe **
Tsuiteru Kanojo (enjouji Maki) ** (love)
Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen 
Soryanaize Darling *
Kore Ga Koi To Iunaraba *
Hana o Meshimase *
Lovenista *
Sexy Guardian 
Wolfull Moon *
Tonari No Shugoshin *
Honey Buddy *
Anata ni Hana o Sasagemashou *
Hanayomesama wa 16-sai 
Hatsukoi Canvas *
Private Prince * (fave)
Kami-sama No Iutoori (moegi Yuu) *
Taro-kun Wa Kou Miete Igai Xxx Desu
Ochite Chika Chika
Hakuji *
Tonari no Yuki Onna-chan
Daisuki No Yukue 
Banken Hero
Kira Kira Namida - Koishiteta, Aishiteta *
Usotsuki Engage
Otoko No Ko Ni Toriko
Katekyo! * (yaoi)
Rensou No Aria 
Lovers in Conflict (smut)
1/3 No Kareshi *
Hadashi De Bara Wo Fume *
After School Wedding *
Iinchou no Himegoto
Kimi to Koi no Tochuu
Boku kara Kimi ga Kienai
Sekai wa Bokura no Tameni! *
Dear Brother! *
Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Dokomade mo **
Otome Youkai Zakuro ** 
Koi Uma * (smut)
Scattered Courtesan * (smut)
Kyouai Catastrophe 
Dorothy wa Gokigen Naname? * 
Kimi Ni Koishitei Desu Ka *
Sensei Kunshu *
Charai Hayama ni Kyun to Kita
Totsuzen Desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu *
S Suto na Fujiwara-kun *
Watashitachi ni wa Kabe ga Aru *
Chocolate Girl *
Special Order *
Tokimeichatte Gomen ne? *
Majo wa Nido Aegu *
Seirou Opera **
Kindan no Koi de Ikou *
Koi to Kemono to Seitokai **
QQ Sweeper **
Douseu Mou Nigerarenai *
Kawaii Hito (saitou Ken) *
S Love *
Coffee & Vanilla ** 
Geten no Hana *
Suki ni naranai yo, Senpai! 
Jigoku No Enra *
Niehime to Kemono no Ou **
Toshishita no Otokonoko (HIRO Chihiro) **
Sp X Baby **
Nisekon Danna Koyou Keikaku 
Love So Life 
Short Cake Cake
Rinjin Wa Chou
Mahou Tsukai no Yome *
Horimiya *** (love)
Aquarion EVOL 
Shinobi Shijuusou **
Ichirei Shite, Kiss **
Strange Dragon **
Asami-sensei no Himitsu **
Kanna to Decchi **
Koi Toka, Kiss Toka, Karada Toka **
Sekirara Ni Kiss *
Boku ni Hana no Melancholy **
Ookami Ni Kuchizuke **
Stella to Mille Feuille *
Ao No Exorcist **
Kamisama Gakuen @ Armeria **
Mizutama Honey Boy 
Watashi no Ookami-kun **
Takane to Hana ** (cute and funny)
Akatsuki no Yona **
Yukarism **
Ougon No Ringo *
The Bride of the Water God **
Pureblood Boyfriend **
Ousama To Fushigi No Shiro **
“aishiteru”, Uso Dakedo **
Momochi-san Chi No Ayakashi Ouji **
Kyou No Kira-kun **
Akaiito (MIYASAKA Kaho) **
Kuchibiru ni Kimi no iro *
Barairo no Yakusoku *
Bleach ** 
Kimi Ni Todoke **
Taiyou No Ie **
Ten Count *
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet **
Noragami **
Hana Wa Sakura Yori Mo Hana No Gotoku *
Namaikizakari **
Otome Holic *
Haru Matsu Bokura **
Ayakashi Koi Emaki **
Say I love you **
Hibi Chouchou
I have read over a 100+ manga and this isnt even all of them. Some were poor reads which is why I didnt include them but here is my updated manga reads. 
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I cant even finish fire emblem fates without the feeling of incest ovewelming me kdkdkdkmkd
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enjoy-the-manga · 7 years
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Bara no Tame ni - Yoshimura Akemi
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captureanimegif · 7 years
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Bara no tame ni - Chapter 53
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akashiayakashi · 6 years
Also idk if you know this but bara no tameni is up to chapter 61 on mangakalot
I’m wondering if this was part of another message?? If so, sorry anon, I didn’t receive it :(
I haven’t read Bara no Tame ni in so long so I think I’d be out of the loop if I did read now haha. I’m having trouble committing to longer series right now so I might not get to it any time soon. Still, thank you so much for telling me c:
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