#Bannon and McCabe
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"In any election, it’s hard to know whose word to trust. And in a polarized country, many Americans distrust any information that comes from the other side of the political divide. That’s why the criticism of Donald Trump by those who served with him in the White House and by members of his own party is so striking. Dozens of people who know him well, including the 91 listed here, have raised alarms about his character and fitness for office — his family and friends, world leaders and business associates, his fellow conservatives and his political appointees — even though they had nothing to gain from doing so. Some have even spoken out at the expense of their own careers or political interests.
The New York Times editorial board has made its case that Mr. Trump is unfit to lead. But the strongest case against him may come from his own people. For those Americans who are still tempted to return him to the presidency or to not vote in November, it is worth considering the assessment of Mr. Trump by those who have seen him up close.
Administration insiders:
He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead …”
Bill Barr
He was extremely vulnerable to manipulation.”
Fiona Hill
… he was getting input from people who were calling him up, I don’t know who ...”
Anthony Fauci
… undermined American democracy baselessly …”
Thomas P. Bossert
He doesn’t take responsibility for the bad news …”
David Lapan
… says a whole lot more about him than it will ever say about Asian Americans.”
Elaine Chao
… equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists …”
Gary Cohn
His behavior had grown increasingly erratic and unnerving.”
Betsy DeVos
The F.B.I. is under attack by the president of the United States.”
Andrew McCabe
A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators.”
John Kelly
Sometimes it’s just better to steer clear of him.”
Anthony Scaramucci
… I do regard him as a threat to democracy …”
Mark Esper
Trump’s temperament wasn’t rational …”
Cassidy Hutchinson
… doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie …”
Dan Coats
… he tries to divide us.”
James Mattis
… loyalty was mostly a one-way street.”
Cliff Sims
… I think he’s a terrible human being.”
Mick Mulvaney
… caused direct harm …”
Deborah Birx
… very little understanding of what it means to be in the military …”
Richard Spencer
… the most reckless and deadly piece of information I have ever heard.”
Rick Bright
Literally everything I’ve tried to do on cutting drug costs, you have killed it.”
Alex Azar
… played to Trump’s ego and insecurities with flattery.”
H.R. McMaster
… flashbacks to my earlier career as a prosecutor against the Mob.”
James Comey
The turnover suggested instability and disorganization to our adversaries …”
Mike Pompeo
… renders coherent foreign policy almost unattainable.”
John Bolton
He is wholly unfit to be in office.”
Alyssa Farah Griffin
… a huge violation of your most important oath …”
Marc Short
He has built up a DNA of defensiveness.”
Sean Spicer
You are using the military to create fear in the minds of the people …”
Mark Milley
… Anyone that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president …”
Mike Pence
… not consistent with our national security objectives.”
Rex Tillerson
Trump relentlessly … puts forth claims that simply are not true.”
Ty Cobb
The root of the problem is the president’s amorality …”
Miles Taylor
Do you think Trump wants a guy to win after him?”
Steve Bannon
… He’s saying some crazy shit.”
Don McGahn
… They are loyal to no one.”
Stephanie Grisham
The Trumps & Trump Inc.
You can’t trust him.”
Maryanne Trump Barry
… a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully …”
Michael Cohen
‘I wanna do what I wanna do’ … ”
Fred Trump III
Trump does not have the temperament …”
Kwame Jackson
He pushed me up against the wall …”
Jill Harth
…actually a racist.”
Omarosa Manigault Newman
Honest work was never demanded of him …”
Mary L. Trump
… the competition reality show set about an American fraud …”
Bill Pruitt
… the hint of menace beneath the surface …”
Gwenda Blair
Our job was to make him look legitimate …”
Jonathon Braun
If you disagreed with Donald, he put you out of his inner circle.”
Randal Pinkett
Republican politicians
He is a coward.”
Dick Cheney
This man is a pathological liar.”
Ted Cruz
He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.”
Lindsey Graham
There is nothing ‘conservative’ about Donald Trump.”
Adam Kinzinger
The cheapest S.O.B. I’ve ever met in my life.”
Chris Christie
He’s not loyal.”
Justin Amash
He sought a coup by misleading people with lies.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
… Power, revenge and retribution is his real motivation …”
Denver Riggleman
Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior …”
Jeff Flake
The healing of the Republican Party cannot begin with Trump as president …”
Geoff Duncan
… taking advantage of the trust placed in him by his supporters …”
John Boehner
He is a con artist.”
Marco Rubio
… a weakening of our shared American values …”
John Kasich
I think he’s toxic for the Republican Party and for the country.”
Larry Hogan
He’s willing to significantly undermine them …”
Bob Corker
There has never been a greater betrayal by a president …”
Liz Cheney
… an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories …”
Mitch McConnell
He should have immediately denounced the mob …”
Kevin McCarthy
… the most expensive and least effective way to do border security …”
Will Hurd
… not decency, not truth, not character, not integrity …”
Bill Weld
He tried to violently overthrow our government.”
Joe Walsh
… We shouldn’t have listened to him.”
Nikki Haley
… bitterness, combativeness and self-interest.”
Charlie Baker
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud.”
Mitt Romney
… will spend the entire campaign whining about his legal troubles …”
Chris Sununu
… requires the kind of character he just doesn’t have.”
Paul Ryan
Conservative voices
He built a wall of lies …”
Charlie Sykes
If someone says something nice about him, they are our friend …”
Henry Kissinger
He wasn’t motivated by what he didn’t know.”
Hugh Hewitt
… corroded and corrupted American democracy …”
J. Michael Luttig
This is not leadership our country needs.”
Bob Vander Plaats
… We need a new standard-bearer.”
Erick Erickson
Lying is Trump’s toxic superpower.”
Rich Logis
… a floundering, inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities …”
George Will
Trump might be the greatest charlatan of them all.”
L. Brent Bozell III
World leaders
… I can't understand how Donald Trump can be on the side of Putin.”
Volodymyr Zelensky
A frightened dog barks louder.”
Kim Jong-un
… stands for a great division in the country.”
Olaf Scholz
… If there is a second time, it won’t be easy …”
Justin Trudeau
I deeply regret that President Trump has not conceded defeat …”
Angela Merkel
Where has our role model for democracy gone?”
Kazuyoshi Akaba
… clearly a threat.”
Christine Lagarde
… President Trump radiates insecurity.”
Kim Darroch
He’s a show-off.”
Mauricio Macri
14 notes · View notes
3lub · 7 months ago
‘Not surprised’: Andrew McCabe responds to Steve Bannon’s threats agains...
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klbmsw · 7 months ago
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mongowheelie · 7 months ago
I found this on NewsBreak: ‘Run As Far As You Want!’ Enraged Steve Bannon Vows to Chase Former FBI Dir. McCabe Across Globe ‘To Come And Get You’
I found this on NewsBreak: ‘Run As Far As You Want!’ Enraged Steve Bannon Vows to Chase Former FBI Dir. McCabe Across Globe ‘To Come And Get You’
0 notes
divulgacion-alternativa · 10 months ago
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
Olvídense de las elecciones y acabemos con esto ahora
Este vídeo nos fue enviado cuando estábamos a punto de publicarlo. Parece estar en preparación para un anuncio oficial de la muerte del rey Carlos.
La Sociedad del Dragon Blanco tiene un mensaje para el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump: aguanta o cállate. Si Trump es el comandante en jefe del ejército estadounidense y le robaron las elecciones de 2020, ¿Qué está haciendo entonces prometiendo cambios en noviembre en lugar de ahora? ¿Por qué continúa el espectáculo de terror de Biden? Muchas personas como Steve Bannon y Field Marshall, a la espera de Douglas MacGregor, se hacen preguntas similares.
MacGregor advierte que el Congreso de EE.UU. quiere permitir que los inmigrantes ilegales sirvan
en el ejército estadounidense. "Cuando tus enemigos potenciales se infiltran en tu propio mecanismo de defensa, básicamente estás jodido", advierte una fuente del Pentágono.
Del mariscal de campo Macgregor:
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Además, el representante Byron Donalds pide que el presidente Biden se retire o se enfrente a su destitución, afirmando que “Kamala Harris necesita liderar el gabinete para invocar la 25ª Enmienda”.
Ahora la televisión italiana se burla abiertamente de Joe Biden….
Entonces, ¿por qué sigue ahí? La respuesta es que la mafia jázara está ganando tiempo y dice: "Trump atrapará a los malos en noviembre, así que esperen hasta entonces".
Aquí, por ejemplo, puedes ver Dem. El senador Chuck Schumer queda atrapado en un micrófono caliente y dice: "Sé que puedo culpar a los republicanos y al MAGA(Haz América grande otra vez), soy un profesional". Está hablando con el falso Biden enmascarado sobre retrasar la legislación.
Si ve a alguien que dice ser Donald Trump, pregúntele por qué no arresta a Biden de inmediato. Pregunte también: ¿Se crearán tribunales para crímenes de guerra para los criminales de las vacunas? Pregúntele también si va a organizar un jubileo y devolver los 363.000 dólares que les fueron robados a todos y cada uno de los estadounidenses mediante un fraude del banco central. Si responde que sí, entonces es el verdadero negocio. Si responde que no o evade la pregunta, entonces es un actor que hace de flautista ante los patriotas alejándolos de la acción real.
Recuerde, hay un Trump falso por ahí tratando de arruinar la reputación del verdadero y de un verdadero patriota.
Necesitamos actuar ahora porque múltiples fuentes advierten que la mafia jazara tiene planeada una especie de matanza horrible para abril, de la que intentarán achacar la culpa a un meteorito. Eso significa que tenemos que acabar con ellos antes de esa fecha. ¿Quiénes son ellos? Aquí hay una lista parcial de personas que deben ser arrestadas de inmediato:
Hillary Clinton Rockefeller
Bill Clinton Rockefeller
Nancy Pelosi
John Podestá Rockefeller
John Brennan
James Comey
Maxine Aguas
Adam Schiff
Cazador Biden
George W. Bush
Dr. Antonio Fauci
Huma Abedín
Bill Gates
Antonio Wiener
Álex Soros
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
Kevin McCarthy
Chuck Schumer
Kamala Harris
Robert Mueller
Mike Pence
Joe Biden
James Clapper
Lloyd Austin
Liz Cheney
John Kerry
Justin Castrudeau
Loretta Lynch
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Lisa Página
James Baker
Eric Titular
Tony Podestá Rockefeller
Susana Arroz
Harry Reid
Pablo Ryan
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sally Yates
Mitt Romney
Jerry Nadler
Klaus Schwab Rothschild
Michelle Obama
Barack Obam
Sally Yates
​​Andrew Cuomo
Herbert Raymond McMaster
Deborah Birx
Mark Zuckerberg
Nikki Haley
Vladímir Zelenski
David Rockefeller Jr.
Chrystia Freeland
Úrsula von der Leyen
Olaf Sholz
Emanuelle Macron Rothschild
Brigitte Macron Rothschild
Rishi Sunak
Rahm Emanuel
Esta es sólo una lista parcial. Cualquier político o figura pública que apoye los regímenes comprobadamente genocidas y satánicos de Ucrania (=Khazaria)
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y Netanyahu Israel se ha autoidentificado como un criminal de guerra. Estas personas deben ser arrestadas inmediatamente. Además, si alguna empresa como Google, Apple o Microsoft es sorprendida publicando gráficos por computadora para que parezca que estas personas todavía ocupan puestos de poder, entonces los ejecutivos de estas empresas deben ser arrestados.
No incluimos al miembro del consejo Illuminati y jefe del clan Rothschild, David Rene de Rothschild, en esta lista porque prometió entregar Vanguard, BlackRock y State Street. Esto devolvería el control del 90% de las corporaciones en todo el mundo al pueblo. Sin embargo, cuando lo contactamos la semana pasada para preguntarle cuándo sucedería esto, recibimos la respuesta "no estaba disponible porque estaba de vacaciones para esquiar". Es decir, se escondió en un búnker suizo.
Entonces esto puede estar relacionado con el anuncio de la muerte de Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Mientras tanto, otro miembro de la familia, Emanuel Macron de Rothschild, el llamado presidente de Francia, no puede aparecer en público sin ser apresado por una turba de linchadores y ahorcado en el acto. Esto es exactamente lo que los agricultores franceses que aparecen en el siguiente vídeo intentaron hacer cuando se enteraron de que iba a aparecer en una feria agrícola.
Estamos escuchando que muchos otros llamados líderes occidentales también se han escondido por miedo a los linchamientos. Cualquier líder que supuestamente se encuentre ahora en Ucrania probablemente esté escondido. Entre ellos se incluyen el ministro canadiense contra el crimen, Justin Castrudeau, la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, la primera ministra italiana, Giorgia Meloni, y el primer ministro belga, Alexander De Croo.
Es posible que se estén escondiendo porque nuestras fuentes de sombrero blanco en las agencias occidentales y las sociedades secretas asiáticas dicen que algún tipo de gran evento es inminente.
Por ejemplo, a un miembro de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco que se reunió con el emperador japonés Naruhito la semana pasada le dijeron que el 15 de marzo se realizaría un importante anuncio financiero/político. Fuentes de las sociedades secretas asiáticas Roja y Verde también prometieron un evento tipo jubileo en China aproximadamente al mismo tiempo.
Las fechas han ido y venido en el pasado, así que créelo solo cuando lo veas, pero seguro que fuentes de alto nivel están haciendo grandes promesas.
Los lectores pueden hacer su parte no pagando impuestos. El IRS es una empresa de propiedad privada con sede en Puerto Rico. ¡No sólo no existe ninguna ley que exija a la mayoría de los estadounidenses presentar una declaración de impuestos individual, sino que el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) ni siquiera fue creado por una ley del Congreso!
Alex Mena, un funcionario del IRS, le dice a O'Keefe Media Group Reporter que el IRS está "persiguiendo a la gente pequeña" y "destruyendo la vida de las personas" utilizando tecnología de inteligencia artificial para espiar a ciudadanos estadounidenses y cuentas bancarias de empresas sin orden judicial ni pruebas.
Recortar sus impuestos ayudará a forzar un jubileo. Si no se hace algún tipo de anuncio de jubileo, entonces el colapso de la civilización es seguro.
Comencemos con las pruebas de criminalidad política que ahora están a la vista del público. Aquí vimos a un Donald Trump obviamente falso reunirse con el presidente argentino Javier Milei (cuyo nombre significa Mileik=Moloch=Satanás) y elogiarlo por robar dinero a los argentinos pobres para pagar la mafia jazara. Simplemente obtuvo un superávit presupuestario para pagar a los banqueros recortando el dinero destinado a comedores para los pobres, enviando a la mitad de Argentina por debajo del nivel de pobreza.
Hablando de Moloch/Mileik, el verdadero nombre del ministro israelí del crimen, Benjamín Netanyahu, es Benzion Mileikovsky, que significa: Hijo de Moloch o Hijo de Satán.
Netanyahu celebró una “ Conferencia de Victoria de Israel” con el rabino Uzi Sharbaf, un supremacista judío que fue liberado misteriosamente a pesar de haber sido sentenciado a cadena perpetua por el asesinato en masa de palestinos. Estas personas están estrechamente asociadas con los nazis asesinos en masa que también apoyan al genocida Vladimir Zelensky.
Mientras tanto, mientras miles de niños mueren en Gaza, el exjefe de la CIA, Mike Pompeo, baila con soldados israelíes. ¿Qué están celebrando exactamente?
Este es el mismo Pompeo que dijo “Yo era el Director de la CIA y mentimos, engañamos y robamos…”
Otra persona que no se molesta en ocultar su criminalidad es el congresista Andy Ogles, quien dijo: "Deberíamos matarlos a todos", en reacción a las fotografías de las víctimas de niños en Gaza.
Aquí hay otro ejemplo de una mente envenenada.
Mientras tanto, el falso espectáculo de circo Biden controlado por la mafia jazara vetó un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que exigía un alto el fuego inmediato.
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Gracias a su genocidio en curso en Gaza, el producto interno bruto (PIB) de Israel se desplomó un 19,4% anualizado en el último trimestre de 2023. Ha disminuido aún más ahora que los hutíes han detenido los envíos al país. A modo de ejemplo, aquí se puede ver cómo se hunde un petrolero británico atacado por los hutíes en el golfo de Adén.
Se ha dicho a la Corte Internacional de Justicia que “Israel está aplicando una versión aún más extrema de apartheid en los territorios palestinos que la experimentada en Sudáfrica antes de 1994”.
Los judíos están alborotados y los grandes disturbios civiles que se están produciendo ahora en Israel significan que los días del hijo nazi de satanás y sus títeres de Biden están contados.
El otro gran nido satánico en Ucrania también está en grandes problemas. Una vez más se confirmó que el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) depositó ilegalmente fondos destinados a Ucrania en los bancos personales de Víctor Pinchuk y del oligarca ucraniano Ígor Kolomoisky. Mucho de esto terminó en la Fundación Clinton, donde se utilizó para sobornar a políticos.
También sabemos que el régimen de Zelensky ha estado masacrando a ucranianos y vendiendo sus órganos.
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Ahora la inteligencia polaca nos informa que el vampiro Zelensky vendió más de un millón de litros de sangre de donantes ucranianos a Occidente.
Además, Rusia ha encontrado más documentos que muestran que miles de personas han participado en experimentos llevados a cabo para importantes empresas farmacéuticas, incluidas Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline y otras. Se recolectaron muestras de sangre y otras muestras que luego se enviaron a laboratorios y clínicas en Europa y Estados Unidos para su análisis. Es casi seguro que esto fue para la producción de armas biológicas.
También se han descubierto más cámaras de tortura e instalaciones para experimentos con humanos en la caída fortaleza ucraniana de Avdeyevka, nos dicen fuentes rusas.
La caída de Avdeyevka significa que Rusia está ahora cerca de su objetivo de tomar Odessa, conectando Rusia con Transnistria; llegar a Transcarpatia y entregársela a Hungría, compartiendo así la frontera con Hungría, dicen fuentes de inteligencia polacas.
Rusia tendrá que seguir luchando contra Ucrania hasta que tome Kiev, afirmó el ex presidente Dmitry Medvedev. Medvedev identificó la fuente de la amenaza como una “brigada internacional de oponentes de Rusia, liderada por Estados Unidos”, quienes, según afirmó, controlan Kiev.
No es de extrañar que “una atmósfera desanimada… impregnó la reunión [sin] rastro del antiguo optimismo entre los [animadores de Ucrania] occidentales”, dijo en la 60ª Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich celebrada del 16 al 18 de febrero, la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, María Zakharova.
"Alemania realmente quiere salir de esta mierda de Cluster de la mafia jazara del estado profundo", comenta una fuente de la CIA en este titular:
El Bundestag alemán rechazó la entrega de misiles de crucero Taurus a Ucrania; 182 votaron a favor y 480 en contra.
Los agricultores de Alemania, Bélgica, los Países Bajos y Francia están contribuyendo a la caída del régimen satánico de Zelenskly al llevar a cabo un bloqueo total del tráfico desde Ucrania. Los manifestantes cuentan con el apoyo de la policía y han exigido que el Primer Ministro polaco y otros políticos que se benefician del dumping de cereales ucraniano se presenten personalmente en la frontera para escuchar sus demandas.
En España, multitudes demasiado grandes tomaron el miércoles calles clave de la capital española en apoyo a los agricultores nacionales.
Esto afectará a Vanguard, BlackRock y State Street, que poseen el 40% de la tierra cultivable de Ucrania. China también se verá afectada, ya que compró 3 millones de hectáreas de tierras ucranianas, tierras del tamaño de Bélgica.
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La caída de Ucrania también conducirá a una mayor exposición de la pandemia y la campaña de asesinato en masa de vacunas llevada a cabo por la mafia jazara a través de biolaboratorios allí.
Estos fueron algunos de los peores crímenes de guerra en la historia de la humanidad. La Red Mundial de Datos sobre Vacunas encontró 100 millones de personas heridas por vacunas en sólo 8 países.
También en lo que un científico describió como una “admisión de proporciones épicas”, Health Canada confirmó el jueves la presencia de contaminación del ADN en las vacunas Pfizer COVID-19 y también confirmó que Pfizer no reveló la contaminación a la autoridad de salud pública.
Nunca lo olvides: el presidente de Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Stefan Oelrich, admite que las vacunas de ARNm son una terapia celular y genética y que el público no habría aceptado recibirlas si no fuera por la coerción pandémica.
Ahora han empezado a poner vacunas en nuestro suministro de alimentos. Se acaba de presentar un proyecto de ley sobre la vacuna contra la lechuga. El representante de Tennessee Scott Cepicky dice: “La Universidad de California Riverside ya ha perfeccionado la capacidad de poner vacunas humanas en nuestra lechuga en este momento. Además, los tomates tienen la capacidad de hacer eso para UC Berkeley. — Las grandes tabacaleras, RJ Reynolds y demás han perfeccionado la capacidad de colocar una vacuna humana en los productos de tabaco”.
“Solo ponte la vacuna, es por tu bien”
Ahora escuche y observe al parásito más grande del mundo, Bill Gates, de gira en el museo de parásitos más grande del mundo. ¿Esto le dio ideas morbosas?
La mafia jazara también están tratando de mantenernos lo suficientemente asustados como para que tomemos estos productos. La última pornografía de miedo que están difundiendo trata sobre una enfermedad mortal de los ciervos “zombis”.
“Los científicos temen que la 'enfermedad del venado zombie' 100% mortal mute e infecte a los humanos: 'No hay planes de contingencia'” Entonces, ¿será esto The Walking Dead 2.0?
Ahora Francia propone un año de prisión y una multa de 15.000 euros por criticar el medicamento.
Esto ocurre en un momento en que la compañía francesa de seguros de salud (Assurance Maladie) está considerando hacer que una parte de la remuneración fija de los médicos dependa del número de vacunas realizadas a cada paciente.
La mafia jazara ahora también intentan negar cualquier implicación en delitos relacionados con las vacunas. En un caso de iluminación de gas de otro nivel, el terrorista Tedros dice que la OMS no ha impuesto nada a nadie, en ningún lugar. Creen que todo el mundo lo ha olvidado. Incluso las ovejas están despertando lentamente.
También resulta que la mitad de los miembros del Comité de Salud Transgénero de la OMS no tienen formación médica y la mayoría son activistas.
Mientras tanto, Eduard Pröls, director del grupo provida CitizenGO en Alemania, enfrenta cargos penales por publicar la siguiente imagen
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Y, sin embargo, no se presentan cargos contra personas que realmente trafican con niños para convertirlos en esclavos sexuales. En el siguiente vídeo, el Dr. Phil de la Patrulla Fronteriza, muestra que los contribuyentes estadounidenses están financiando el tráfico de niños migrantes para convertirlos en esclavos sexuales.
Homero Sansón sabe la verdad
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Por cierto, la esclavitud sexual existe desde hace mucho tiempo, como muestra este clip de Pinocho de 1940.
Desde el momento en que los refugiados llegan al aeropuerto, son recibidos por socios de reasentamiento que les brindan comida, vivienda y empleo con la ayuda de HIAS, una ONG judía-estadounidense distribuida por todo Estados Unidos.
Esta es definitivamente una operación dirigida por el gobierno. El exdirector de la Patrulla Fronteriza panameña describe la “invasión” en la frontera sur de Estados Unidos como “migración gestionada estratégicamente” pagada por el gobierno estadounidense a través de la ONU.
El alcalde de Nueva York, Adams, quiere dar a los ilegales 10.000 dólares por persona, sin controles de identidad, sin medidas antifraude y sin restricciones.
Arriba: Usted está en el aeropuerto y lo están registrando tres veces. Abajo: Millones de hombres adultos al azar cruzando la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, indocumentados e ilegales… ¿Cómo te puedes imaginar eso?
Ahora el gobernador de Missouri, Mike Parsons, ha anunciado el despliegue de tropas y patrullas para unirse a Texas en el cierre de la frontera.
Parece que la mafia jazara del estado profundo está intentando iniciar una guerra civil con los inmigrantes para evitar la soga del verdugo, el pelotón de fusilamiento o las horcas.
Otro ejemplo de programación predictiva en su máxima expresión… Se filtro otro avance de la película de Obama “Civil War”.
Este es el mismo Obama que financió una película sobre un gran ciberataque. Ahora los informes sobre cortes del servicio celular de AT&T, Verizon, etc. se atribuyen a una “gran erupción solar según los meteorólogos”.
Sí, exacto, como si el sol sólo pudiera afectar a determinadas empresas.
Al mismo tiempo, el Sr. Sun parece estar apuntando también a las farmacias.
Mientras tanto, el senador republicano Marco “Rubio advierte que un ciberataque chino será “100 veces peor” que un apagón de AT&T: “Tu energía, tu agua”.
La mafia jazara del estado profundo sentó las bases, la narrativa, para dos posibles eventos del “Cisne Negro”:
Una gran erupción solar (evento de Carrington)
Una ciberpandemia (provocada por China o Rusia, claro)
No sabemos qué papel juega Elon Musk en todo esto, pero este informe de noticias confirma las afirmaciones rusas de que Elon Musk es una fachada de la Oficina Nacional de Reconocimiento de EE.UU.:
SpaceX de Elon Musk está ampliando un programa de satélites secreto llamado Starshield utilizado por el Pentágono y está forjando silenciosamente vínculos con instalaciones militares y de espionaje de EE.UU…. La participación de SpaceX con clientes de defensa también incluye el lanzamiento de satélites secretos y militares.
(Por cierto, Sr. Musk, si está leyendo esto, los masones P3 me han pedido su número de teléfono móvil, que puede enviarme a [email protected]. Gracias).
Tal vez quieran preguntarle a Musk, con sus vínculos con la Antártida, qué sabe sobre los recientes ataques con láser en todo el mundo.
El más reciente fue un enorme incendio de montaña que estalló el 18 de febrero en Bijie, provincia de Guizhou, en el suroeste de China.
Otro fue filmado en México y filmado desde una ubicación diferente.
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Esto sigue a ataques similares en Maui y Chile. ¿Es este el comienzo de la falsa invasión alienígena planeada desde hace mucho tiempo por la mafia jazara?
Y finalmente, esta semana descubrimos otro problema técnico en Boeing. Últimamente hay demasiados accidentes de este tipo por negligencias técnicas… algo anda mal, no es una coincidencia.
Esto es sólo una suposición, pero podría ser parte de una campaña de marketing clandestina relacionada con:
Los asistentes al Salón Aeronáutico de Singapur de la semana pasada fueron testigos de un momento innovador: el debut internacional del avión de pasajeros C919 de China. Beijing tiene grandes esperanzas de que el nuevo avión sacuda el dominio de Airbus y Boeing.
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deblala · 1 year ago
Steve Bannon Launches Epic Rant Against General Milley's 'Treason' – RedState
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mrsdslifestyle · 6 years ago
Last Wednesday was 1 year since we got engaged and I became a fiancee.  It is seriously crazy how quickly this year has flown in and mad that it’s now only 10 months until we get married and I become a Mrs!
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I thought I’d write this post as an update on our wedding plans and what we have done up to now.  When I first got engaged I had no idea at all where to start, I mean I had an idea of what I needed to do, mostly from working with people in the wedding trade, working at a good few wedding fairs and working at least 10 weddings myself.  However when it comes to your own it is so different!
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You’ll probably see I jump a lot between we and me/I when it comes to talking about the wedding planning, I don’t think I’m the only bride-to-be who plans the majority of the wedding, men just don’t have a clue, or to be honest an interest.  Phil tends to just say “I don’t care what we have or do, I just want to marry you!” So that’s my disclosure I’m not a total bridezilla!  I haven’t even managed to drag him along to a wedding fair . . . now that would be an eye opener for him.
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Setting the date
First off we set our date – Phil couldn’t understand all the fuss of doing this, not realising that you need a date to work off and you can’t just decide everything 6 months before you want to be married.  Initially we had thought Autumn as it’s one of my favourite seasons or Spring as a back up as I love cherry blossom so photos under cherry blossom would be amazing.
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Reception venue
With an idea of a date/time of year in mind we looked into venues.  Neither Phil or I are religious so a church was out.  We also didn’t want a hotel venue; we have both been to quite a few hotel weddings and as beautiful as they all were, they just aren’t us or what we wanted.  We wanted something a lot more laid back and casual.  After looking about I found Field of Dreams, to me that was just what we were after.  So we sent an email asking would they be available to host a wedding in October.  I then went crazy on Pinterest with all these Autumn wedding ideas and how we could decorate the venue.  Bad idea, got an email back apologising saying they didn’t do weddings after September, that they were sorry and good luck on our venue search.  I was gutted, but as I mentioned before, Spring was also an option so I emailed back and yes we could do May! YAY we were so happy, now just to settle on a date.  In my head I was toying with the idea of the 4th May; my Papa’s anniversary, but with mixed emotions we went for something else, still in May, but a change to make our own special date.
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The venue was available on the date we wanted, next was to go down and see it in person.  Straight away I just knew this was the place!  Phil was a little more hesitant, more because he isn’t someone who rushes into things, he says I’m the impulsive one.  I had so many ideas of what we could do with this blank space; exactly what we wanted, a place to make our own and put our stamp on it.
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Not to jump into something we then decided to look around a couple of other places, although we struggled to find many more places we liked and would suit what we wanted.  I’m also one of those people who hates to do the same thing as everyone else; I like to be different and do things my way.  There was one other venue we thought of as a possibility; Orange Tree House.  We went down to one of their open days for a look around and it was beautiful, just not what we wanted.  Field of Dreams was definitely the one, so we went ahead and booked it and put down a deposit.
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With the venue booked it was on to where to actually get married?  Like I said Phil and I aren’t religious and the only ceremony you can have at Field of Dreams is a religious one, so we went to the Town Hall and the Registry Office.  We had a few venue options to choose from, we went for Bangor Castle Walled Garden.  This was after a bit of convincing from the registrar basically not to pick here; ‘what if it rains, are you sure you want to?  Your idea of rain and mine are very different.’ What will be will be this is where we want to get married and will.
  At that time we couldn’t properly book the venue as you need to wait until a year or within the year of your wedding date to complete and input all the paper work.  For example if you were getting married 25th October 2019, you can’t put in your paperwork until 25th October 2018, but you can put it in anytime within that year.  But last month we got our paperwork in and everything paid for.  Now to sort out 2 readings, our music and if we want to the personal vows we’d like to say.
Photographer was an easy one for us, friends of mine are wedding photographers and I have worked for them loads at weddings.  I know that Bannon & McCabe will take exactly the photos we want.
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The cake straight away was sorted, one of my best friends said she would make our cake as our wedding present.  Her cakes are delicious and I know how much time, effort and cost goes into cakes so we very much appreciate it.  I just need to decided what style to go for.
This is the style
we would like, a semi naked cake
This is the style of cake we’d like; a semi naked cake
Again it’s good to know people, we are having Party Boyz NI for our DJ.  We decided we didn’t want a band, a DJ can do all the music we want, ‘ditching the band will save a grand’ as they say and also the venue is small so we would be very crammed with a band,
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Food was is a big part of our wedding, actually one of the first things we booked was the dessert!  Phil and I were up in the Antrim in December for their ‘Winter Wonderland’ event and I tried a waffle from Born and Raised Waffles.  Nearly straight away I asked if they did weddings and the reply was yes, within a few days I had contacted Micheal and paid our deposit!
Even though I’m sure everyone would be happy to simply eat waffles we needed to sort out the meal.  We wanted something very casual and straight away a BBQ came to mind.  We searched the internet for companies; there aren’t many who do just BBQ so we literally contacted them all.  Very few people actually bothered to get back to us, even after the 2nd or 3rd attempt.  The first company we met with were Foodie Folk, we thought from their website that they would be perfect, just what we wanted.  We emailed them, they replied and set up a meeting.  Not sure what to expect from this we kinda just winged it.  We talked to the guy about what we were wanting food wise and how many we were thinking of feeding and tried to get a rough idea of a quote.  Well that was like getting blood out of a stone, maybe this was his sales tactic I don’t know.  We finally got a rough quote of around £4,000 for a bbq for 100 people (this was after me losing my patience with him not saying anything and was like ‘what would it be £2,000, £4,000?what?) .  When we asked about a tasting he said that would be £150!!!! we were so shocked, (I understand you need to cover costs but £150!), when I asked how many is that for he said you both, but I suppose you could have up to 10 people.  Seriously we were gobsmacked and were thinking omw this is going to be way more expensive than we thought!  So we left it that they would go away and sort out a quote and get back to us.  To this day we still haven’t heard anything, and actually we are quite glad, the guy seemed to bad mouth a lot of other companies who do weddings and he really was a ridiculous price, we got the vibe he didn’t really want to do the wedding in the first place!
On a lot happier and brighter note, a few weeks after our disaster with those ones above there, our first choice Wolf and Devour, was available and on wedding mode, they had been busy with setting up their new business so we had held off.  After our first disaster of a meeting we were a little apprehensive, however Jillian put us at ease right away!  She knew her stuff and she wasn’t at all pushy and the price was within our budget.  Actually there’s more all about it all in my previous blog post Devour (just click here for a read).
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So, so happy with our choice of Wolf and Devour, I was actually in at the weekend with my bridesmaids tasting the goods and it did not disappoint!
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I will be honest I had quite a bit of anxiety when it came to dress shopping, no idea why, but I did; so finding the right shop for me was really important.  Again I had no idea where to start, I had seen a few different bridal stalls at the many bridal fairs I had worked at and had talked to a few people, I suppose more last Spring I approached the stalls as I was now a bride to be and got a lot of mixed reviews of when I needed to buy the dress etc.  I was also a little put off as the majority of companies bring their size 8 dresses down with them to display, so me, a size 16 looks at them and goes ‘I’d never suit something like that’ or ‘they would never do my size in their shop’, which is lies; the majority of shops go up to a size 28 odd.
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Anyway, my first experience of a proper bridal shop was one my friend and I nipped into ‘Go on’ she said, ‘why not? Just a wee look’; they had an open day or sale or something.  However we were about 30 mins too late and we were told we couldn’t have a quick look at the dresses (that were upstairs) but that we could book an 1hr and a half appointment.  Well straight away even though the staff were lovely that put me off, thoughts went through my head like; ‘but what if I don’t like any of the dresses’ or ‘what if I can’t find anything and have a horrible time and just waist both mine and their time?’.  As we left I asked the girl could I have one of their little brochures which had photos and links for their social media accounts.  Right away I knew my gut had been right, the photos of dresses were not what I was after or my taste, yes they were beautiful, but no that slinky, half there or glitzy princess style dress was not what I wanted and I knew I’d have to wear about 10 pairs of Spanx to look anywhere half decent in them!  Imagine if I had went ahead and made the appointment, my face would have dropped when I seen them all and I would have struggled to pick at least one when they would ask what I’d like to try on!
Perhaps it was from here my anxiety formed as I didn’t want to feel forced into trying on dresses I didn’t like or have to wear Spanx on my wedding day.  My brief has always been I want a dress I can move in, feel good in and be comfortable in; not one that I am constantly pulling and fixing at the control underwear in.  With that in mind mum and I were in Lisburn one day and decided to pop into Divinity Bridal, a couple of friends had recommended them to me, I had spoken to them at a couple of wedding fairs before and they were really really lovely, and from day one I had said to mum that I wanted to try them for my dress!
Straight away we were put at ease and of course it was no problem to have a little look around the shop as they were in between appointments.  This meant we could browse through the dresses and I could see ones I wanted to try on and say to the girls a few ideas I liked and get some advice from them, and most importantly for me, control underwear and Spanx were not a necessity!  After this 10/15 minutes of just looking at the dresses and talking to the girls I knew I was ready to make an appointment with them and I had, no let me rephrase that, mum had actually spotted a dress that when I seen it I had a feeling it could be the one!
  *Note some of the photos are not at a very flattering angle, but it gives you an idea
And as you can see, just a couple of weeks later we were back in and I was trying on dresses.  I tried on about 5 and I’m not going to show you the dress I picked, but it was indeed the dress my mum had originally spotted!  I was able to pick out as many dresses as I liked to try on, then I headed to the dressing room area.  Then the girl I had my appointment with (I’m not going to name names as honestly all the girls are fantastic in there and who you get it pre-decided I’m assuming) picked the first one to try on and you go from there.
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First off the aim is to find the shape you want and then that helps to reduce down the number of dresses you have picked, no point in trying 3 dresses in the shape you don’t like.  I had also previously been watching The Posh Frock Shop on Channel 4, and I had remembered them saying about you wearing the dress, not the dress wearing you.  I didn’t really get what that meant until I started trying wedding dresses on, but that first dress above there wore me; it was just so heavy and I had to keep lifting it and dragging it along with me.  I liked the shape, but just knew straight away it didn’t tick the comfort box and that train was a pain in the ass, I kept getting caught in it.
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This one was lovely, but what you can’t see is the sequence all around the bodice, I liked the lace but not the sequence, it was a little too glitzy for what I wanted and also it was so uncomfortable!  I must have had this on for about 10 mins max and I actually had cuts/scratches under my arms from the sequence; apparently some brides will ignore this for the perfect look they are after, but not me.
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This dress (terrible angle) would have been the one probably if Philip and I were going for that ‘traditional’ wedding where we would get married in a church and then head on to a hotel or wedding venue, but for our wedding this was just too formal.
My dress has a slightly more boho vibe to it.
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From the moment I set my eyes on Innocent Chaos I just knew that I wanted Sharon’s amazing pieces of work for my wedding, I absolutely fell in love!  So Sharon uses artificial flowers that look so realistic.  They aren’t a cheaper alternative to fresh flowers, but it’s more the fact that I can keep them forever.
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At the weekend  I  went for an appointment with Sharon to her new premises and had the best time, my bridesmaids couldn’t get over the range of flowers and how real they look; seriously the photos do not do them justice!
So what I am after are floral hoops for myself, my bridesmaids and flower girl instead of your traditional bouquets.
And I can’t wait to get my own bespoke floral crown; this is one I tried on last year at Sharon’s stall at the Wedding Journal Show.
Drinks, now this is where we are having a bit of a problem and having to really think about what we want to do.  Typical Northern Ireland, things have to be difficult, our reception venue doesn’t have a drinks licence and in NI you can’t get one for a wedding, which means that on the day/night no money is allowed to be passed between people, i.e. paying for the drink.  So our options are BYO – Bring Your Own, which I don’t want because you know what it’s like when you are pouring your own drinks, everyone will be off their faces before the meal is served.  The other option that we are thinking of is asking our guests for money before the wedding day, buying the drink and hiring a bar company to serve it for us, as us putting on a free bar just isn’t an option, unless we win the lottery that is!
So we met up with the lovely guys from Nightcap Bartending in their bar/club Time Belfast and we are hoping they can help us get things sorted, this is probably the one big thing we have left to sort.
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We, I say we,  I mean Phil got my engagement ring from Ellison Jewellers and want to get our wedding bands from the same place.  I know it’s still pretty early with 10 months still to go, but we wanted to even just price rings.  Bonus, Phil even tried on a couple, well more on his baby finger, wow he has fat digits lol a size X, that one above was the only one of the samples he could get to fit!  I also tried on a couple, but with their bigger range back in next week we’re going to head back down again, as I didn’t find THE ONE.
So that’s us so far.  Now just to keep saving like mad to pay it all off!  If you are interested in any of my other Wedding themed blog posts, just click the links below:
Wedding Joural Show 2017, my honest review
Quirky Wedding Fair top picks – Spring 2018
Engaged life – Wedding Prep Last Wednesday was 1 year since we got engaged and I became a fiancee.  It is seriously crazy how quickly this year has flown in and mad that it's now only 10 months until we get married and I become a Mrs!
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phroyd · 6 years ago
Spokesman for special counsel denies existence of document
Revelation is in Fire and Fury sequel, Siege: Trump Under Fire
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Edward Helmore in New York
A new book from Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff says special counsel Robert Mueller drew up a three-count obstruction of justice indictment against Donald Trump before deciding to shelve it – an explosive claim which a spokesman for Mueller flatly denied.
The stunning revelation is contained in Siege: Trump Under Fire, which will be published a week from now, on 4 June. It is the sequel to Fire and Fury, Wolff’s bestseller on the first year of the Trump presidency which was published in 2018.
The Guardian obtained a copy of Siege and viewed the documents concerned.
In an author’s note, Wolff states that his findings on the Mueller investigation are “based on internal documents given to me by sources close to the Office of the Special Counsel”.
But Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, told the Guardian: “The documents that you’ve described do not exist.”
Questions over the provenance of the documents will only add to controversy and debate around the launch of Wolff’s eagerly awaited new book.
Fire and Fury shone a harsh spotlight on dysfunction within the Trump White House and engendered huge controversy after the Guardian broke news of its contents. Many of Wolff’s assertions were confirmed by later works, among them Fear: Trump in the White House by the Watergate reporter Bob Woodward. The book prompted the banishment of the Trump adviser and Wolff source Stephen Bannon, who also lost his place at Breitbart News. It sold close to 5 million copies.
Mueller was appointed in May 2017 to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, links between Trump aides and Moscow and potential obstruction of justice by the president.
Mueller’s final report was handed to the attorney general, William Barr, on 22 March this year and made public in redacted form on 18 April. Mueller did not find a conspiracy between Trump and Russia but did lay out 11 possible instances of obstruction of justice, indicating Congress should decide what came next.
Barr said he had judged the instances of possible obstruction not to be conclusive. Trump and his supporters have claimed total exoneration. Democrats in Congress are weighing whether impeachment is merited.
And yet Wolff reports that Mueller’s office drew up a three-count outline of the president’s alleged abuses, under the title “United States of America against Donald J Trump, Defendant”. The document sat on the special counsel’s desk, Wolff writes, for almost a year.
According to a document seen by the Guardian, the first count, under Title 18, United States code, Section 1505, charged the president with corruptly – or by threats of force or threatening communication – influencing, obstructing or impeding a pending proceeding before a department or agency of the United States.
The second count, under section 1512, charged the president with tampering with a witness, victim or informant.
The third count, under section 1513, charged the president with retaliating against a witness, victim or informant.
The document is the most significant aspect of Wolff’s new book.
Wolff writes that the draft indictment he examines says Trump’s attempts to obstruct justice “began on the seventh day of his administration, tracing the line of obstruction from National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s lies to the FBI about his contacts with Russian representative[s], to the president’s efforts to have [FBI director] James Comey protect Flynn, to Comey’s firing, to the president’s efforts to interfere with the special counsel’s investigation, to his attempt to cover up his son and son-in-law’s meeting with Russian governmental agents, to his moves to interfere with Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe’s testimony …”
The draft indictment, Wolff writes, also spelled out what Mueller considered to be the overriding theme of Trump’s presidency: the “extraordinary lengths” taken “to protect himself from legal scrutiny and accountability, and to undermine the official panels investigating his actions”.
According to Wolff, Mueller endured tortured deliberations over whether to charge the president, and even more tortured deliberations over the president’s power to dismiss him or his boss, the then deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein. Mueller ultimately demurred, Wolff writes, but his team’s work gave rise to as many as 13 other investigations that led to cooperating witness plea deals from Michael Cohen, David Pecker of American Media and Trump Organization accountant Allen Weisselberg.
“The Jews always flip,” was Trump’s comment on those deals, according to Wolff.
In one of many echoes of Fire and Fury, such shocking remarks by Trump are salted throughout Siege.
The justice department’s Office of Legal Counsel had said a sitting president could not be indicted. According to Wolff, Mueller’s team drew up both the three-count indictment of Trump and a draft memorandum of law opposing an anticipated motion to dismiss.
In his 448-page redacted final report the special counsel briefly noted that his office had concluded it would accept previous justice department guidance that it did not have the power to prosecute a sitting president.
The draft memorandum quoted by Wolff argues that nowhere does the law say the president cannot be indicted and nowhere is the president accorded a dif­ferent status under the law than other federal officials, all of whom can be indicted, convicted and impeached.
The document says: “The Impeachment Judgment Clause, which applies equally to all civil officers including the president … takes for granted … that an officer may be subject to indictment and prosecution before impeachment. If it did not, the clause would be creating, for civil officers, precisely the immunity the Framers rejected.”
The memorandum rejected the argument that the burden of a criminal process on the president would interfere with his ability to carry out his duties.
The very existence of the special counsel’s investigation had … become the paramount issue of the investigation itself
Of Mueller’s thinking, Wolff writes that as a former FBI director, he “had not risen to the highest levels of the federal government by misconstruing the limits of bureaucratic power”, and had therefore continually weighed the odds with his staff about whether the president would fire them. Thus, Wolff writes, “the very existence of the special counsel’s investigation had in a sense become the paramount issue of the investigation itself”.
According to Wolff, a memo circulated internally asked: “Can President Trump order [then attorney general Jeff] Sessions to withdraw the special counsel regulations (and fire him if he doesn’t)?
“The short answer is yes.”
Mueller’s team also believed Trump could have fired Mueller directly, Wolff says, “arguing that the special counsel regulations are unconstitutional insofar as they limit his ability to fire the special counsel”.
Trump has claimed to have had the right to fire Mueller, but he has also denied Don McGahn’s testimony to Mueller that he was ordered to do so. Trump is now seeking to stop the former White House counsel testifying to Congress.
In another memo quoted by Wolff, Mueller’s staff wondered what would happen to the special counsel’s office, staff, records, pending investigations and grand juries reviewing evidence if Mueller was fired.
To preserve their work, Wolff writes, they decided to share grand jury materials with fellow prosecutors. That process led, for example, to the investigation into Cohen being handed to the southern district of New York.
In the end, Wolff writes, Mueller concluded that “the truth of the matter was straightforward: that while the president had the support of the majority party, he had the winning hand.
“Robert Mueller, the stoic marine, had revealed himself over the course of the nearly two-year investigation to his colleagues and staff to be quite a Hamlet figure. Or, less dramatically, a cautious and indecisive bureaucrat.”
Caught, Wolff says, between wanting to use his full authority and worrying that he had no authority, Mueller went against the will of many of his staff when he chose not to attempt to force Trump to be interviewed in person. Ultimately, he also concluded he could not move to prosecute a sitting president.
Perhaps surprisingly given his fate after Fire and Fury, Bannon is quoted extensively in Siege. His view of Mueller’s two year investigation into claims of collusion and obstruction of justice: “Never send a marine to do a hit man’s job.”
Wolff’s conclusion is a sobering one.
“In a way,” he writes, “Robert Mueller had come to accept the dialectical premise of Donald Trump – that Trump is Trump.
“Bob Mueller threw up his hands. Surprisingly, he found himself in agreement with the greater White House: Donald Trump was the president, and, for better or for worse, what you saw was what you got – and what the country voted for.”
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alaturkanews · 2 years ago
Steve Bannon to surrender on charges over border wall fundraising
Steve Bannon to surrender on charges over border wall fundraising
Steve Bannon is expected to surrender Thursday to face New York state charges related to his fundraising effort to build a wall along the southern US border, people familiar with the matter say. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and CNN's Carrie Cordero report. #News #cnn
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trumptweettrack · 6 years ago
Donald Trump Enemy Mentions
This seems like a good time to revisit how often Donald Trump has written tweets mentioning his various enemies on Twitter both all-time, and since his inauguration as president.
Updated as of Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 2:00PM EDT
Tweets from Donald Trump mentioning the following since his inauguration: 1. the Democrats = 486 2. the fake or mainstream news media = 326 3. Barack Obama = 299 4. Hillary Clinton = 175 5. the FBI = 152 6. Kim Jong Un or North Korea = 135 7. Congress = 103 8. James Comey = 85 9. Robert Mueller or the Special Counsel = 70 10. The New York Times = 68 11. CNN = 63 12. Mexico = 56 13. Jeff Sessions = 53 14. Nancy Pelosi = 49 15. NBC = 46 16. Chuck Schumer = 45 17. the NFL = 43 18. Canada or Justin Trudeau = 43 19. Iran = 40 20. the Washington Post = 38 21. NATO = 29 22. Andrew McCabe = 26 23. Jeff Bezos or Amazon = 21 24. John Brennan = 17 25. James Clapper = 14 26. John McCain = 13 27. Bob Corker = 13 28. Jeff Flake = 10 29. Omarosa = 8 30. Maxine Waters = 8 31. Michael Cohen = 7 32. Ted Cruz = 6 33. Theresa May = 6 34. Steve Bannon = 6 35. Adam Schiff = 6 36. LaVar Ball = 5 37. Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinski = 4 38. John Kerry = 4 39. Debbie Wasserman Schultz = 4 40. Doug Jones = 3 41. Alec Baldwin = 3 42. Tom Steyer = 3 43. Robert De Niro = 3 44. Al Franken = 2 45. Eric Holder = 2 46. George Soros = 2 47. Joe Biden = 2 48. Kamala Harris = 1 49. Cory Booker = 1
Tweets from Donald Trump mentioning the following (all-time): 1. Barack Obama = 1839 2. Hillary Clinton = 768 3. the Democrats = 647 4. the fake or mainstream news media = 347 5. NBC = 280 6. CNN = 273 7. Iran = 208 8. Congress = 179 9. The New York Times = 177 10. the FBI = 171 11. Kim Jong Un or North Korea = 155 12. Mexico = 140 13. Ted Cruz = 124 14. James Comey = 88 15. the Washington Post = 81 16. Jeff Sessions = 80 17. Canada or Justin Trudeau = 73 18. the NFL = 70 19. Robert Mueller or the Special Counsel = 70 20. Omarosa = 57 21. Nancy Pelosi = 49 22. Chuck Schumer = 48 23. John McCain = 43 24. NATO = 36 25. Jeff Bezos or Amazon = 30 26. Andrew McCabe = 26 27. John Kerry = 25 28. Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinski = 24 29. John Brennan = 18 30. Joe Biden = 16 31. Bob Corker = 15 32. James Clapper = 15 33. Jeff Flake = 13 34. Steve Bannon = 9 35. Alec Baldwin = 8 36. Michael Cohen = 8 37. Maxine Waters = 8 38. Debbie Wasserman Schultz = 8 39. Theresa May = 7 40. Adam Schiff = 6 41. LaVar Ball = 5 42. Eric Holder = 4 43. Doug Jones = 3 44. Tom Steyer = 3 45. Robert De Niro = 3 46. Al Franken = 2 47. George Soros = 2 48. Cory Booker = 2 49. Kamala Harris = 1
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newagesispage · 2 years ago
                                                                             AUGUST 2022  
                                                                             The Rib Page
Please let Richard Thomas win an Emmy for his work on Ozark when 2023 rolls around!!!!!!
Cindy and Kate and Fred are hitting the road one more time! The B-52's are on tour!
There are so many crimes that the media revisits every year. They never seem to reinvestigate the Jimmy Hoffa case.
Marcia Gay Harden and Neil Patrick Harris are in uncoupled. Keep an eye on Model, Painter Jordyn Owens.
Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons got married!** Kris Keach married Miso.** Lopez became an Affleck.** Anya Taylor-Joy wed Malcolm McRae
Check out The Lost Weekend: A Love Story
The house passed a record-high $840 billion military budget, the same amount as all the stimulus checks combined. ** Huh, guess when they print money for people, it’s socialist, but when they do it for military contractors it’s bipartisan. - Dan Price
The 2022 medal of freedom recipients are Simone Biles, Siter Simone Campbell, Julieta Garcia, Gabrielle Giffords, Fred Gray, Steve Jobs, Khizr Khan, Father Alexander Karloutsos, Sandra Lindsay, John McCain, Diane Nash, Megan Rapinoe, Alan Simpson, Richard Trumka, Wilma Vaught, Denzel Washington and Rauly Zaguirre.
Watch for Downtown Owl with Lily Rabe, Ed Harris and Finn Wittrock.
Jim Thorpe had his Olympic Gold reinstated and it’s about time!
Christopher Bell won a race this year! Woo Hoo!!!
Did Ivanka Trump have an abortion? Is it our business?
Check out the Newman/ Woodward doc from Ethan Hawke!!
The Talisman is coming to Netflix.
Brittney Griner has pled guilty to drug possession in Russia.
J.B. Pritzker was on the South Lawn at the WH for the signing of a Bill that will toughen requirements for young people, deny firearms to more domestic abusers and help get guns out of the hands of dangerous people.
I think Michael Flynn could very well be on the VP short list. And if the President doesn’t run, I strongly believe Mike is running. - Steve Bannon** Milwaukee will be the host for the 2024 Republican National Convention.
There has been intense ‘random’ tax audits of James Comey and Andrew McCabe that started with the Trump administration.
Liza O’Brien has her own podcast. ** Conan and Bowen Yang have joined the cast of a movie brought to us by Ben Marshall, John Higgens and Martin Herlihy AKA Please don’t destroy.
Shawn Mendes has cancelled his tour for mental health reasons.
Can’t wait for Starbright, a film starring Ted Levine, Elizabeth Rohm and Gary Grubbs.
Days alert: Beyond Salen: Chapter 2 came out this month. Wow!! They pulled out the old Prism story. Ok, it is kind of silly but OMG: Larry Welch, Megan Hathaway Dimera, Andrew Donovan, Thomas Banks and a new Shin named Wendy!!!!!!! I am sure that huge Bo and Hope fans are just in heaven just as their heroes are. Please bring Andrew and Paul to Salem!!!!! This could give Theresa a reason to come back to break up Chloe and Brady! For years, I have been wondering if we would ever hear from Andrew. Finally!!** By the way, More JJ!!!!! And speaking of JJ, portrayer Casey Moss is engaged to True O’Brien who used to play his love Paige!!!AWWWWW!!** Wally Kurth, Eric Martsolf, Carson Boatman and Brandon Barash have put a band together called Day Players!!** Richard Wharton will take over the role of Dr. Rolf that was previously played by William Utay ,who was unavailable.
American Horror Stories is back on July 21 with Denis O’Hare, Gabourey Sidibe, Cody Fern, Alicia Silverstone and Judith Light.
Let’s give attention to the first US woman aviator: Bessica Reicht. How do some things get swallowed up by history??
Robert Downey Jr. Has apparently paid for Armie Hammer’s rehab stint. Hammer has been accused of rape.** Ricky Martin’s nephew, Dennis Sanchez has an order of protection against the singer. He claims that he and Martin had a sexual relationship and they were together for 7 months and now Martin is harassing him. Martin denies all allegations and blames the mental health issues of his nephew. ** Martin is also being sued by his former manager, Rebecca Drucker for unpaid commissions. ** By the end of July, Martin’s nephew withdrew the charges.
Sona Movsesian has a book out, The World’s worst assistant. Conan did the forward.
Say what you will about Showtime’s The First Lady but Michelle Pfeiffer was really great as Betty Ford!
The big ego of Joe Manchin has left him unable to keep supporting the climate change bill.
Beanie Feldstein has quit the Funny Girl production on Broadway. She will be leaving even sooner than first announced. She also now has tonsilitis. Lea Michelle will take over.
There is a siracha shortage!!
There has been a rise in vasectomies.
Don Henley’s handwritten stolen Hotel California lyrics have been found after decades.  
Jeremy Mayfield was on Dale Jr’s Download podcast talking about the mafia type tactics that Nascar uses. He claims that a raid on his house and other punishments were heaped upon him. He has corroborating evidence from others.
Check out Sandyhookpromise.org.
You know, the flack about Trump and his daughter, Ivanka is strange. To me, it isn’t strange because there may be something wacky going on, because that is probably not true. The thing that always hit me is that back in the day I think he was giving her his endorsement or something. A man with an ego like that probably thought that the best thing he could give his daughter was his seal of approval on her looks et al. JS** The last of the summer Jan. 6 hearings was repetitive but was proof positive that Trump is a traitor. The committee was able to prove that although seemingly inactive thru the entire Jan. 6 ordeal, the President was active in the failed coup attempt by trying to influence senators and the targeting of Pence. There were no photos allowed of him in the 187 minutes. ** Bannon was convicted for failing to show up for a congressional hearing.
Kid Rock kicked off his current tour with a video from Trump. In July’s North Dakota’s state fair, Rock had to cancel due to weather concerns and fans trashed the place.
I loved Bob Costa’s interview with Kamala Harris but she does not seem as self -assured as she did thru the campaign.
Mo. GOP Rep. Tricia Derges was found guilty of wire fraud, illegal distribution of controlled substances and lying to Feds. ** Why do these candidates keep talking about faith? This is America, it should not matter! ** Kendall Co. Republicans in Illinois are raffling off a Smith and Wesson semi-automatic very similar to the one used in the Highland Park shooting. They are not the first county to think of this either!
Will Julia Garner play Madonna in the biopic?? Word is that the Madonna directed film wants her.
Let’s get real!! Why do women deserve less rights than men? Have we started charging men for child support while baby is in the womb?? Let’s get on it if that is the way the country is going.
Bradley Cooper is dating Huma Abedin, Hillary’s chief of staff. They were reportedly introduced by Anna Wintour.
Ginni Thomas paid for buses to bring insurrectionists to Washington.
The Emmy noms have been announced.  The hardest category has to be Drama series: I mean, honestly, how do you pick between Better Call Saul, Ozark or Succession (the leader with 25 nods)? Ok, there are other good shows too but c’mon!! The comedy category is great too with Hacks, Barry, Curb your enthusiasm, Abbott Elementary, Only Murders in the Building and the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. The actors face stiff competition with leads like Donald Glover, Bill Hader, Steve Martin, Martin Short, Rachel Brosnahan, Qinta Brunson, Jean Smart, Issa Rae, Jason Bateman, Brian Cox, Jeremy Strong, Bob Odenkirk, Laura Linney, Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh. Supporting role nominees include Anthony Carrigan, Tony Shalhoub, Bowen Yang, Henry Winkler, Tyler James Williams, Alex Borstein, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Kieran Culkin, Nicholas Braun, Chris Walken, Matt Macfadyen, Patricia Arquette, Rhea Seehorn, J. Smith Cameron and Julia Garner. Ok, that supporting dramatic actress thing is a tough one too. Guest actors include James Cromwell and Tom Pelphrey. Tom’s other half, Kaley Cuoko is also nominated this year. Rhea Seehorn is also nominated for Cooper’s Bar and Julia Garner gets a second nod for Inventing Anna. Voice over work that has been honored comes from Julie Andrews, Chadwick Boseman, Maya Rudolph and Jessica Walter. The narrator category is full with Barack Obama, Lupita Nyongo, W. Kamau Bell, Kareem Abdul Jabar and David Attenborough. There is also some love for Michael Keaton, Sebastian Stan, Lily James, Sarah Paulson, Mare Winningham, Jennifer Coolidge, The Randy Rainbow Show, Late Night with Seth Meyers, McCartney 3,2,1, Andy Warhol Diaries, My next guest needs no introduction with Letterman and Norm Macdonald: Nothing Special.
Clint Eastwood won a 2nd lawsuit against online marketers. There are more lawsuits to come!
D. Bailey, the Gubernatorial candidate for Il. Governor had a quote after the Oakland Parade shooting: “Let’s move on and celebrate the independence of this nation.”
Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister in the UK. Best headline: CLOWNFALL!
The DEA has made the biggest bust of its kind in California. Found were 1 million pills with Fentanyl that are linked to the Cartel.
Joanne Lumley is a dame!!
A woman was ticketed for driving alone in the HOV Lane. She is pregnant and told the police that her unborn child counts as a passenger since Roe was overturned. The State can’t have it both ways.
Brendan Fraser will stun us in the Whale with Sadie Sink. ** Look for him in Killers of the Flower Moon as well. In an interview, he seemed nervous and excited to be working with Leo and Marty. Does he realize he is on equal footing with them? His talent has blown me away (Gods and Monsters, anyone) so I am sure that he will not disappoint! ** Scorsese will direct DiCaprio in The Wager.
Mehmet Oz and his wife’s family paid a $95 mil fine for hiring thousands of illegal immigrants in Pa. The other guy running, John Fetterman’s wife created a free store serving 20,000 families a year. They also have a food rescue serving over 25 million pounds of food for those in need in Pa.
The new Kennedy Center honorees have been announced: George Clooney, Gladys Knight, U2, Amy Grant and Tania Leon. The program will air on Dec. 4.
There will be a Stranger Things spinoff from Upside down pictures.
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee was canceled.
Yamiche Alcindor is the latest recipient of the Zenger award for journalists who fights for freedom of the press and the people’s right to know.
Did we all see the self- congratulatory fist bumps between Republicans after they blocked a bill to help toxin-exposed vets survive. ** Republicans haven’t met a veteran they won’t screw over.  - Jon Stewart
Pa. Gov. Hopeful Doug Mastriano has aligned himself with GAB and founder Andrew Torba. Torba, a spouter of the big lie said, “My policy is not to conduct interviews with reporters who aren’t Christian and Doug, he does not talk to these people. They are dishonest. They’re liars. They’re a den of vipers, they want to destroy you.”
I have railed here about this before and now have seen Colbert joke about his money and fame. Why do they think this is funny with all the poverty around them. We get it, you are rich and powerful, why do you want to keep reminding us of this?
The black and white episode of Better Call Saul was awesome! Carol Burnett will win the Emmy next year for guest star, I am sure of it!
What a sad day to hear about the death of Bob Rafelson. Check out the obit in the Hollywood Reporter because it tells all. The Monkees and Easy Rider shaped so much of my life. I will miss our tremendous talent.
R.I.P. James Caan, Shin Zo Abe, Clifford Alexander Jr., the latest shooting victims, Peter Brook, Larry Storch, Adam Wade, L.Q. Jones, Vernon Winfrey, Tony Sirico, Jak Knight, Ivana Trump, Monty Norman, William Hart, Rebecca Balding, Tanya Kersey, David Warner, Shonka Dukureh, Tony Dow, Mable Haddock, Paul Sorvino, Bill Russell, Nichelle Nichols, Ophie Brook and Bob Rafelson.
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baltorob · 3 years ago
Comey referred for prosecution. Declined.
McCabe referred for prosecution. Declined.
Hillary email crimes. Nada.
14 FBI officials/agents leaked classified/sensitive materials. Nothing. But Flynn, Stone, Trump, Bannon all abused.
DOJ double standards are a rule of law crisis.
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dragoni · 7 years ago
Background refresher - connecting the dots. 
Robert Mercer founded Cambridge Analytica and funded Trump’s campaign. His daughter Rebekah now owns and runs Breitbart.
The Mercer family is helping to pay Trump’s legal fees for Mueller’s Russia investigation
Steve Bannon was a Cambridge Analytica Board Member and became Trump’s key adviser
Now what?
Will  the Justice Department prosecute Cambridge Analytica for Cybercrime? Jeff Sessions was key to Trump’s campaign. "Mr. Magoo” just fired Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director!
Will the Republican controlled Congress call for an investigation? The Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee killed the investigation into Russia Interference into the 2016 election
Brad Parscale is Trump’s Digital Marketing Strategist and Facebook specialist. Trump name him as campaign manager for his 2020 reelection. Mueller, did Parscale coordinate his ads with Russian trolls?
Facebook and Zuckerberg have a LOT of explaining to do #FacebookComplicit
The Guardian reported Saturday.
Facebook suspended the firm from its platform on Friday, saying Cambridge Analytica lied about deleting the unauthorized information when it was first caught in 2015.
President Donald Trump's campaign hired Cambridge to target voters with personalized political ads - psychological warfare
Whistleblower —  Christopher Wylie, a former employee at Cambridge Analytica
"We exploited Facebook to harvest millions of people's profiles. And built models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons. That was the basis that the entire company was built on."
In 2014, Wylie reached out to Aleksandr Kogan, a Russian-American who was then a professor of psychology at the University of Cambridge in the UK. Kogan had developed a personality prediction app called "thisisyourdigitallife" that compiled personal information from people based on what they liked on Facebook.
Through his company, Global Science Research, Kogan and Cambridge Analytica paid roughly 270,000 people to download the app and take a personality test, per the Guardian report.
The demo helped Cambridge Analytica compile information not only from the users who took part in Kogan's research, but from their friends' profiles as well, exposing millions of users' data. Each person who downloaded the app only needed to have about 185 friends on Facebook for Cambridge to access the 50 million users.
Kogan's app compiled psychographic profiles of users that analyzed a variety of characteristics and personality traits, including openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, IQ, gender, age, political views, and religion. It also evaluated people's "sensational interests," which were divided into five categories:
"militarism" — guns and shooting, martial arts, crossbows, and knives
"violent occultism" — drugs, black magic, paganism
"intellectual activities" — singing and making music, foreign travel, the environment
"credulousness" — the paranormal, flying saucers
"wholesome interests" — camping, gardening, hill-walking
At the time, Kogan told Facebook he was collecting the information solely for academic purposes, but he did not reveal that his research would be handed over to Cambridge to use in political campaigns.
In a statement on Friday, Facebook said Kogan "lied to us and violated our Platform Policies by passing data from an app that was using Facebook Login to SCL/Cambridge Analytica, a firm that does political, government and military work around the globe."
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theonion · 7 years ago
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Staffer Investigating Puddle Of Slime On Floor Looks Up To Discover Coworker Cocooned In Bannon Ooze
WASHINGTON—Strange, viscous fluid dribbling down from the shadows above him, Trump administration staffer Jason McCabe on Thursday reportedly looked up from a puddle of slime he had been investigating to discover a fellow aide cocooned in Steve Bannon’s ooze. According to sources, McCabe had been walking alone in a dark West Wing corridor when he noticed by the light of his flashlight that he had stepped in a gluey, greenish-white substance and followed the trickle upwards to where coworker Jonathan Meslow was affixed to the ceiling in thick clumps of the White House chief strategist’s mucous. Sources indicate that McCabe then uttered the phrase “Dear God” as he pointed his flashlight at the aide’s contorted face, then guided the beam further down Meslow’s body to a large cavity in his abdomen where Bannon had presumably gouged out his entrails. Retching from the ghastly sight and the putrid stench, McCabe reportedly turned to leave when his flashlight suddenly flickered and died, at which point scuttling sounds began to emerge from the darkness.
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Mueller’s obstruction of justice case heats up
If the shit were about to hit the fan on the special prosecutor’s investigation into obstruction of justice by Trump administration officials, the news cycle would look a lot like it has this week. 
To be clear, that’s not a prediction of what will happen. I have no way of knowing what will happen. It’s a description of what is happening. In case it is what it looks like, here’s a quick refresher on the obstruction case and a collection of notable stories this week.
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Obstruction so far
There are a few different tracks of the various investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election. (Investigations have progressed since the last update of that post, but the structure outlined has held up.)
Obstruction of justice is when someone makes an intentional attempt to interfere with a law enforcement investigation. Someone can be convicted of obstruction of justice whether or not there’s an underlying crime, but of course a prosecutor that can prove an underlying crime occurred has a better case. Lying to the press or the public is not criminal obstruction of justice, although it still matters because it can a) help a prosecutor prove corrupt intent and b) be grounds for impeachment.
It’s important to be clear, this is still about possible obstruction of justice charges. Nobody has been officially charged yet, and there’s a lot we don’t know about this investigation because Mueller and his team are professionals. Most reporting on the Trump-Russia investigation takes for granted that there will be obstruction of justice charges against someone, not least because Trump….confessed to obstructing justice on network television. Charges against someone seem likely, even if they have not been filed yet. Most of the reporting which specifically references obstruction of justice seems to be about a couple of key events:
Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn left the administration shortly after lying to the FBI about contacts he had with the Russian government during the transition period. He has pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI. That means he has acknowledged his actions on the record and been convicted in court. It’s a potential obstruction of justice issue because Trump pressured FBI Director James Comey to let Flynn off the hook, and later admitted that he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he did it. 
Last May, Trump famously fired FBI Director Comey. He said on a live NBC interview with Lester Holt that he did it because of “this Russia thing with Trump and Russia.” He made similar claims in an Oval Office meeting with the Russian foreign minister. Obviously, a public official firing a law enforcement official to cut off an investigation into himself would be obstruction of justice. 
I’m sure there’s plenty more we don’t know, but that’s what we can be reasonably sure Mueller’s office is looking at in some capacity.
What’s happening now
A lot of these stories are serious news stories on their own. Some aren’t really news because they’re confirmation of things we reasonably assumed. But it’s also notable that they’re all coming out within a few days of each other.
There were a bunch of stories about who’s been talking to the special prosecutor:
Mueller has made it clear that he wants to interview Trump about the circumstances of Michael Flynn’s departure and about the firing of former FBI Director James Comey. Trump likes to think this kind of thing is up to him, but the fact of the matter is, he can agree to be interviewed with his attorney present, or he can be subpoenaed to talk to the grand jury without a lawyer.
Mueller has interviewed Comey, who was fired to cover up the Russia investigation, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who is heavily implicated in that firing, despite having recused himself from the investigation because he met with Russian officials during the campaign and lied about it during his confirmation hearings. While those interviews happened several weeks apart, one in late 2017 and one early this year, we found out about them both on Tuesday this week.
After some bizarre back-and-forth subpoena action involving Mueller’s office and the House Intelligence Committee which culminated in yet more inappropriate intervention by Trump himself, Steve Bannon is expected to have an interview with the special counsel about the Flynn coverup and Comey firing “by the end of the month” - that is, within the week.
The special prosecutor’s office has also interviewed CIA director Pompeo. Pompeo wasn’t as deeply involved in the Trump campaign, but since becoming Trump’s CIA director he has publicly lied about the intelligence community’s reports about the attacks on our elections. 
There have also been a few stories about Trump’s previous attempts to control the Department of Justice, and some developments with the FBI:
Last June Trump tried to shut down the special prosecutor. He ordered White House counsel Don McGahn to direct the DoJ to fire Mueller, but backed down when McGahn threatened to quit instead. This was seven months ago. We’re hearing about it now for a reason.
Last July, Trump tried to get his chief of staff Reince Priebus to fire Sessions, specifically because Sessions had recused himself from the Russia investigation rather than obstructing it to protect Trump. Priebus talked him down - and was fired the next week. [Added 1/27/18]
Trump did get Attorney General Jeff Sessions to pressure FBI Director Christopher Wray to fire his deputy, former Acting Director Andy McCabe. Wray, to his credit, made it clear that he would quit before doing that and Sessions backed down. That said, McCabe has decided to retire this spring at the ripe old age of 49. 
Trump also put inappropriate pressure on McCabe in the weeks after the Comey firing, when McCabe was the acting director of the FBI. Point of interest about Trump’s hostility to him: McCabe started his career at the FBI tracking Russian mobsters. 
In fact, he tried to launch an aggressive press campaign against several FBI agents who were likely to be witnesses in the Comey firing. [Added 1/26/18]
Congressional Republicans and right-wing media have launched a bunch of batty conspiracy theories about the FBI – which threw the election to Trump – somehow being a seditious fifth column of anti-Trump sentiment. This whole political ecosystem is desperate to discredit federal law enforcement, and it’s getting what looks like an assist from Russian bots. You don’t discredit someone who’s about to exonerate you.
Meanwhile, Dana Boente, a career Department of Justice attorney who the Trump regime tried to push out, has been hired as a general counsel for the FBI. 
I don’t know what all this means. But it’s unlikely to be nothing. 
What you can do: Trump tried to fire Mueller at least once. He might go through with it when this heats up. Be ready to protest.
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vagabondretired · 7 years ago
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Trump’s conviction that being president means never having to say you are sorry, and being able to do whatever the hell you please, is likely to cause him legal trouble sooner or later. His vindictive firing of deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, just before McCabe could retire and qualify for his pension, is typical of this president. McCabe appears to have been passing on memos on his interactions with Trump to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the firing may be related to these memos. Trump is attempting to humiliate and discredit McCabe because he is corroborating witness for James Comey, the FBI director whom Trump also fired, last May. The Comey firing is far more serious, since it may constitute obstruction of justice. Trump’s lawyer, John Dowd, more or less corroborated the political motive for firing McCabe in this mortifying way, by saying that it should form a precedent for firing Special Councel Robert Mueller, who Dowd implied was part of the same corrupt partisan gang irrationally hounding the president over the fake news Russia collusion story. If Trump fired Mueller, that really would be obstruction, and could create a huge constitutional crisis of a sort not seen since the days of Reagan’s Iran-Contra or Nixon’s Watergate. And unfortunately for Trump, the revelation that Cambridge Analytica, the data mining firm founded by his backer and part-time Neo-Fascist billionaire James Mercer, illicitly used 50 million voter profiles from Facebook Trump’s behalf, and that CA met with the Russians, kind of reduced the supposed fakeness of the story. Mercer was also behind building up white supremacist rag Breitbart, and appears, despite denials, to have been close to Steve Bannon, who was a vice president at Cambridge Analytica and the editor of Breitbart. Bannon for a while White House chief strategist, has recently been in Europe urging French fascists to own their racism and boast of it, and praising Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, whose troops killed or wounded 300,000 American and British soldiers. That is what Trumpism, which Bannon championed, stands for. Trump admitted in his interminable tweets that he got rid of the FBI director to stop the Russia collusion probe. Comey has also alleged that Trump attempted to obstruct the investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn over his undeclared and likely illegal contacts with Russia and Turkey. If Mueller works up an obstruction case against Trump over the Comey firing, then it is possible that the McCabe firing could be seen as an action in furtherance of the original obstruction. Trump also sees McCabe as a Democratic mole because his wife Jill ran unsuccessfully for office in Virginia in that party. Vox says Trump once asked McCabe to ask his wife how it felt to be a loser. Apparently Trump is the only one in Washington who has never heard of the power couple James Carville and Mary Matalin (the former a Democratic strategist, the latter a Republican one). You don’t judge someone on ascriptive grounds (their inherited or family or other involuntary identity) but on those of actual personal behavior. But then Trump’s entire life and his movement are based on judging people on ascriptive grounds rather than by the demonstrated content of their character. Perhaps he is blind to character because he has none of his own.
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