#Bandage phighting
portaldraws · 9 months
Man I can't believe I haven't drawn anything in a year-
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Bandage (the one with orange horns) belongs to my good friend @marblesodaflower! :]
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soupiero · 8 months
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medkit (phighting) stimboard for anon 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 divider 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 🩻
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council--board · 7 months
Could you do a medstaff (medkit x vinestaff, phighting) ship stimboard with flowers, bandages/bandaids, and maybe heart shaped things?
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medstaff [vinestaff x medkit] from Phighting stimboard
Requested by: Anon
x | x | x - | x | - x | x | x
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telamonz · 9 months
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vinestaff ( phighting! ) stimboard for myself
♡ - with cherry blossoms & other pink stims ♡ - no nsfw interaction please ! 🌸 | 🤍 | 🌸 🤍 | 🌸 | 🤍 🌸 | 🤍 | 🌸
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ven-lou · 9 months
SICK EM’ BOYS!!!!!!!
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st1mmywimmy · 5 months
hiii umm if possible do u think u could do a medkit (phighting!) stimboard ?
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🩹medkit stimboard🩹
x x x - x x x - x x x
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aqua-bunnie · 6 months
GO! Phighting episode 1
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bloodyinkandquill · 24 days
Coil x Reader who can match his strength
oh my gods i’m finally doing this one i’m so sorry to the requester for how long i took to do this one, now that he’s out and i have a better idea of his personality i’ll finally do this one, ill also do his other request after i finish some of the others requested before it, i still have no clue about egobworder requester im sorry 😭 oh also for this it assumes reader is a phighter like coil!
- Fighting against people weaker than you was soooo boring, and people stronger than you were rare, and usually way too overpowered, so when you met someone basically equal to your strength it was great, and after getting to know him, you became more than friends
- You and Coil’s favorite pastime, when you were both up to it, was to spar, especially if it pissed off other people, it was really funny, but you two always enjoyed it, exchanging blows, using your gears, it was great, sometimes Skateboard would join you, he was noticeably weaker than you two, but not by much, so you’d both hold back a bit, though whenever you spared it was never to harm the other, you both could take it but you were still careful
- During phights you’d use combo moves you had practiced together when you were on the same team, and when on opposite teams you’d go all out to fight with each other, sometimes to the annoyance of your teams because you were more focused on fighting each other than the actual phight, you’d barely notice as you exchanged cocky remarks and laughs, then after the phights were over you’d help each other bandage any bad injuries you had acquired during the phight, as you talked about it and how each other could have done better
- While some of his strength came from the stolen crystal most of it was just true raw strength, with it you two were equally matched, most sparing matches or phights between you two ended in draws or an equal number of wins to both of you, but with it off you could beat him, was still a challenge but the crystal did give him a good boost, even if it might not have been the healthiest thing in the world
- Since your both equally matched you find other ways to compete that usually have an actual winner, arm wrestling is a no, staring contests don’t work when he wins by cheating, blowing in your eyes and such, races, board games, and other stuff like that is your guys’s go-to when you’re both feeling competitive, Skateboard thinks it’s kinda cheesy and pointless but you two love it, and rub your wins in each other’s face
apologies again this one is shorter than i would have liked, i think i have a request for general coil x reader hcs but they never got back to me to clarify if that’s what they want or if they want those head canons for coil, anyways started reading coraline, its my favorite movie the book is way shorter than i thought, i might finish it today honestly
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h3avymachin3ry · 2 months
HHhhhhh sorry if this character is hard to write for but could you maybe do The Dollmaker (Phighting) x reader where they like don't even seem to bat an eye at her bandages and aren't put off or creeped out in the slightest by her dollmaking?! :OOOO
HHhhhhh if u odon't wanna thats okay i've got a backup character (Mozelle from Regretevator x reader) if u wanna do that one instead
I LoOOO VE your writing btw it feeds the bottomless pits of my hyperfixations RAAHHHJj TY FOR EXISTING :DDDDD
(All of this is /nf btw :OOO)
dollmaker x gn! reader
platonic, since i dont write for the dollmaker romantically lol
hi friend!!! or tessa if you want me to call you that- I'm glad u enjoy my writing!!!!!! :)
[additional context for those who don't know, the dollmaker is a phighting character in the lore, she's in the same group as broker medkit and scythe, she has 3 dolls that speak for her.]
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When The Dollmaker first met you, she expected you to ask about her bandages, or the three dolls— fury, folly, and tragedy.
It was quite the surprise when you didn't comment on the dolls, or the bandages wrapped around her body.
"Hey, you ain't gonna ask 'bout us?" Fury spoke, gesturing at Folly and Tragedy.
"Or call us creepy..?" Tragedy muttered, tugging on The Dollmaker's bandages.
"Hm? Ah, I wasn't going to, plus, it's pretty cool" You reply, shooting The Dollmaker a warm smile.
She gets attatched quite quickly, with her dolls tugging at the bottom of your pants all the time.
Usually the dolls just like nagging you.
As you sit next to The Dollmaker, watching her work on another doll, you feel a slight tug on the bottom of your shirt.
You see tragedy tugging at your shirt, you let out a soft laugh as you scoop them into your arms.
The Dollmaker loves giving you gifts!
"This is for you!" Folly exclaims, as The Dollmaker hesitantly hands you a doll, its features resembling your own.
"Oh, for me? Thank you!"
You take the doll, gently holding it as you look at The Dollmaker happily.
"Yes... thank you for being with us..." Tragedy mutters, as The Dollmaker looks at you with a warm gaze.
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What are your own headcannons on Coil?
oh fun question
Coil is trans, it’s up to you in which direction but I like projecting onto her as a trans woman
To follow up on that point, her phighting 2/april fools design is pre-transition (as seen below)
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The crystal in Coil’s horn is growing out rather than being jammed in, this is because of extended, inexperienced, unsafe exposure (this one is kinda textually implied but it’s just how i interpret her)
She stole the crystal from a lab, it was indeed one of Medkit’s
The crystal is estrogen
Coil specifically likes messing around with Pwnatious. She’s gotten really good at dealing with Carnage
Skateboard and Coil do robberies together (as seen in previous art)
Coil and Slingshot are friends they’re both trans girls and joke about Skateboard being stupid
Coil and Slingshot are “friends”
Coil thinks she could totally beat Scythe in a fight. debatable
She doesn’t actually have a wound on her face, she just has the bandage for style. She thinks it makes her look hard
If given animal attributes, she obviously would be a wolf
She posts those werewolf images completely unironically
The Cerberus talks back to her Hades, but ultimately (if begrudgingly) follows their authority
Coil has tried using Biograft swords. It didn’t go well
Steampunk knew Coil as a kid for no other reason than it being funny
2.0 is actually Coil roboticized rather than a robot clone made in his likeness
As such, there is only one 2.0
Subspace really didn’t need to do that but he wanted to be petty
The process was not pleasant
It may be possible to reprogam it back to an approximation of who Coil used to be, but it’ll never be the same again
I’ll never really get the chance to say this anywhere else so I’ll just put out there that when I was making the ending of that 2.0-Skateboard comic the idea was that he’d tear off its “face” thinking it’s a mask and look down to see there’s nothing there anymore, and have it all sink in at once that he just lost his friend again. You can choose to interpret it however you’d like, though! The ambiguity was by design.
ii think that’s it, a lot of it i was just kinda thinking as i went along lol
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phantomphangphucker · 5 months
Phic Phight - Does The Blood And Viscera Define Him (It’s from Fights And Injuries, Guys, Not Messy Bloodsucking, Gosh!)
Maddie and Jack consider themselves very supportive parents, even if they were rather strange, and that includes towards they’re definitely not human, or entirely human, son. Besides! At least he wasn’t a ghost! Vampires were much better, Vlad made that pretty clear.
Maddie side-eyes Danny as subtly as she can, watching him open the fridge, quirk an eyebrow, and poke the little blood juice box in there. Sticking that in there wasn’t the most subtle of things she could have done, but it was easy enough to explain as a ‘easy transport’ blood transfusion that Jack wanted to design to make ‘look fun’; and it did have a tube and needle instead of a straw so it technically could be used that way. That wasn’t really why they made it though, not a chance.
No, the point was Danny. Trying to make sure he was healthy.
She’s not entirely sure how he was getting his needs met, she had a good guess of course. Sam was always pale, even if she always had been since she’d first meet the young girl. And Tucker would literally sell his soul for Danny. Plus there was also the fact that Sam was not only extremely wealthy, but her parents never really looked at any purchases she made; she could absolutely be buying him blood. She’d also spotted them bloodied or bandaged once or twice; Tucker on the neck even. This was all without even touching Danny’s odd ‘frienemies’ relationship with Vlad, sometimes he seemed to hate the man’s existence and other times it felt more like Danny trusted him more than her or Jack.
And well…
Vlad was a vampire so…
She could understand is what she’s saying.
She makes a point to focus back on trying to fix the toaster, for the fourth time this month, when it seems like Danny might turn around. She can tell the moment his eyes are on her, she always could, it always had this sort of predatory pressure to it; she’s thankful it never felt possessive or creepy like it did with Vlad. No, Danny’s gaze felt more… cautious, like an uneasy predator, and protective, as if he worried about them getting hurt. Hurt by him or from the ghosts or from their own recklessness, she’s not sure, but she could never bring herself to be worried about him hurting her. Heck she didn’t even worry Vlad would genuinely hurt her; if that man wanted to bite her he likely would have a long time ago and he was far too self controlled to do it accidentally. If Danny did bite her, she’d probably spend more time calming him down and reassuring him, than actually trying to get him to stop. It’s was a parents job to look after and support their kids, if that meant blood with her son then so be it. If that meant trying to clean up the state his room wound up in so often, then so be it. Even if that was fairly disgusting, he was clearly not the cleanest drinker considering all the organic messes he managed to get on the floor and his walls. He even got a bit of rotting blood inside his window wall somehow. She made the mistake when he was younger of just leaving him to clean up his own room, the carpet had to be ripped out and it literally was dripping with gooey unidentifiable gore. Danny’d been very awkward and wouldn’t met her eyes after she told him about ripping up his floor; she didn’t give him too much hassle about it but still. She went in there with an enzymatic cleaner at least once a week now.
She waits a few minutes after Danny leaves to look in the fridge, the blood box is gone and she feels… content. Like she’s done her job as a mother.
(Danny doesn’t know why the heck his folks would make blood transfusions in juice boxes of all things, but they made a mini bazooka shaped like a toothbrush, he should expect this shit by now. Either way he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, his ghostly physiology meant he didn’t really have to worry about blood type and he absolutely did not want that emergency blood fusion thing to happen again. He felt like a huge dick asking Tuck to do that just because of some stupid blood sucking unicorn ghost).
She makes sure to send Jack a photo of the fridge with a thumbs up emoji, letting her husband know the idea was a solid one. Some of both of their ideas had been hit or miss. Sam appreciated their backyard being more shady, even if Maddie’s sure Jack’s ‘we needed a new shed’ explanation wasn’t believed, but Danny didn’t seem like he even noticed. His refusal to use sun screen also bothered her, to the point where she’d started adding speciality spf drops to his body washes to make sure he got at least some protection. Rolling her eyes to herself a little, boys and their ‘I’m too tough for such and such thing’. At least he wore long sleeves these days, and thick pants sun couldn’t easily get through.
(Danny was hiding scars. Danny was tired of cheap thin clothing getting wrecked. Danny was developing muscle that he did not want noticed).
Her cooking black pudding and blood sausage did not go over well, everyone agreeing -including Danny- that it was gross and to never try that again. She did attempt it another time, just to see if she messed it up, but, well, that became sentient and everyone was very disgusted by the ‘blood spitting sentient sausage’, Danny had even seemed personally offended, likely he thought the ‘waste of blood’ was insulting.
(Danny got covered in his own blood and ecto, as well as others, enough that a freaking sausage doing it legit was insulting. He had been very offended).
Jack’s fang brush Danny did seemingly take but she’s pretty sure he’s using that on a stray dog he seemingly likes but has never brought home.
(Cujo loved its weird shape. Danny loved that Cujo loved it).
Maddie shakes her head, smiling a little down at the toaster as she gets the last little piece in place, she’s not sure why it had a habit of spitting toast at Danny but she is slightly annoyed that he keeps retaliating like a toaster can care about that. Even if vampires were more aggressive and vindictive by nature, it was still annoying to keep having to fix it; at least it gave Danny something to take those natural desires out on… besides his pranking feud with Vlad. She really would like Vlad to do almost anything else other than nailing dead badgers to Danny’s door or beneath his window, she gets that the man has completely normalised animal corpses to himself -since she’s sure that’s what he feeds off of- but it’s extremely disturbing and Danny complains heavily about the clean up effort. At least she got Danny to stop mailing Vlad fully made cereal, since the mailman threatened to stop taking their packages if he got one more moldy stink bomb box; she hadn’t had the heart to tell the mailman it was moldy food being mailed the long way specifically to get more moldy and not a stink bomb.
Jack pops up from the lab, arms full with more blood boxes and grinning. Maddie putting her hands on her hips, whispering, “Jack, that’s way too many. It’s suspicious”. Her husband has the good sense to look embarrassed and dash right back down to the lab. Being subtle, at least subtle enough, was important. Neither one of them wanted to give away what they already knew, they wanted Danny to tell them himself! Sure, Vlad never did, but after that lab accident she couldn’t blame him for not trusting them, especially when he refused to talk to or visit them for twenty years… She’s still convinced that Danny’s why that man got back in touch with them, that he somehow knew or found out about Danny. Vampires probably smelled different to vampires than humans did. Same with how ghosts clearly had a strong ectoplasmic scent, hence why Danny always seemed to know when one was nearby and would smartly run off.
Jack comes back with only three boxes, which might still be pushing it but she won’t tell him off this time. They go in the fridge.
At least Vlad didn’t really hide being a vampire either though, which Danny was very clearly trying very had to do. She’d absolutely caught glimpses of Vlad’s eyes flashing red, and his hair style did nothing to hide his pointy ears with the way he wore it. The fangs weren’t subtle either and sometimes she thinks he’s trying to make his dark undereyes actively more noticeable. While Danny’s hair always somewhat covered his ears these days, the fangs… either he’s filling them down or he can retract them.
Oh, right, she should update that message board that her son seemed to like the blood juice box idea. Originally her and Jack had joined the website as just lurkers, when they got suspicious about Vlad years ago, but they kinda forgot about it once Vlad made it really clear he wasn’t ‘interested’ in their ‘support’ or friendship. Then Danny hit his pre-teen and early teen years, they’re assuming he ‘awakened’ during the beginning of puberty but the message board made it clear that vampires could awaken at pretty much any age. Sure they only had access to the ‘human’ areas, and not the parts meant for vampires, but it was a fantastic resource. The area for parents of vampires was particularly useful, and a couple others were curious how the blood juice box thing would go over; Maddie and Jack weren’t subtle about being inventors. Maybe they should try selling them?
Her and Jack both heading down to the lab now. Him getting back to work on a shield to protect the Highschool, since it was such a hot spot. Her hopping on the computer.
MadScientist: the juice box method seemed well received. He was a bit cautious about taking it, but still took it. We’re calling it a winner. Hopefully more cropping up, and him taking them, will make him more comfortable with it.
LemiRemi: he might not take them too often, since I’m sure what he gets from his blackswans is arguably better. And they might get worried if he starts feeding off of them less.
Maddie did worry about that, especially since she knew Sam and Tucker wouldn’t bring such worries up with her or Jack, nutritionally he should be fine since they formulated it to be identical to the nutritional value and contents of human blood; it wouldn’t be ‘as fresh’ probably but still.
MadScientist: hopefully it won’t worry them too much, since we really are just trying to make sure he’s healthy and trying to get him comfortable enough to talk with us about it.
Gem45: some kids just never really get comfortable with their parents, but their health should definitely come first.
Zeemzeff: I wish my kid had the resources you do, him autofeeding always worries me
Maddie was still lost on how autofeeding, a vampire feeding off of themselves, was remotely viable, even if it sounded like it wasn’t really safe rather just survivable. If Danny started doing that, she’d out and tell him she knew immediately to get him to accept their help with getting his ‘food’.
MadScientist: I was thinking about trying to sell the blood boxes, but I doubt they could handle any really long trips. We already sell volatile and sensitive inventions so the transport itself would be fine. But blood is only good for so long.
Zeemzeff: oh how I wish we lived in America sometimes. The weather is a lot better here but man, do Americans have access to everything.
Emilyfreetree: I’m still lot letting my girl anywhere near one of those blood bars.
MadScientist: agreed
She’d be concerned if Danny even wanted to go to a place like that, Vlad no doubt did but she’s going to hold out hope that the man will not encourage Danny to when he’s of age. She wouldn’t… object to him buying blood wine though, even if it was expensive and apparently a bit on the salty side; only when he’s older of course. Heck, she’d try some if it made him more comfortable.
LemiRemi: I’d be interested in purchasing that, at least to see if my kid would like it. I definitely would discourage getting too dependent on just that though
MadScientist: we’ll see what we can do. Even if my son was fine with just the boxes I’d rather him have variety, that has to be healthier.
Her looking away from the computer to her husband, “at least one person’s interested in trying to buy the blood boxes, so we should definitely work on that”.
Jack beaming instantly, “awesome!”, rubbing his neck, “we just gotta make sure none of that gets accidentally contaminated”. Maddie nodding immediately, that wasn’t an issue for Danny, since he has that contamination of his, but it would be an issue for anyone else. Jack then snapping his fingers, “oh! We should totally send Vladdie some! Betcha he’d love some human mixed in with all that animal he gets!”. Maddie sighing, fairly certain Vlad won’t actually appreciate that.
(Danny later had to explain to an annoyed though impressed Vlad that no, he did not mail him fucking human blood regardless of that reading as a ‘your ghost ass looks like a vampire’ joke. Vlad did not believe him and sent back a bloody thank you card as a form of mocking).
Jack liked to think he was a pretty good dad, a little oblivious and a little silly, but still a good dad. Sure his family was a little weird, from the ghost hunting to his daughter’s baffling intellect to his son’s species. Sure Jazz and Danny got a little annoyed with the ghost hunting, but it helped keep the town and his family safe. Even with both of them avoiding the gear so much, sometimes it seemed like Danno was nervous around the stuff, like maybe he thought they’d start hunting vampires too or something! Never! But he’s certain vampire hunters exist too, even if he’s never met any. Fae probably exist too, same with fae hunters. But fae and vampires, probably or definitely for vampires, have brains and hearts; far better than the ectoplasmic nothingness ghost had. Ghosts weren’t beings. Sure Danny’s vitals were a little weird but they were still there, same as Vladdie’s!
Jack shaking his head as he tries to focus back in on the gun he’s putting back together, they needed something that would actually work on that Phantom ghost, at least to talk to the thing about what was driving It to behave as some kind of wannabe ‘ghost hunter’. That, and Phantom clearly knew about Vladdie, based on his public comments, so he’s got to wonder if the ghost knew about Danny too. Danny-boy was weirdly ghost-friendly, a monster comradery thing perhaps, so maybe Danny talked with the ‘friendly’ ghost about the less human things about himself. Jack would rather his kiddo come to him with that, but he could understand a bit. And Phantom was, like, hundreds of years old so no way the spook didn’t know about vampires; that online forum made it seem like there were quite a few out there! Which most people probably wouldn’t like knowing about, but he’d rather Danny-boy have lots like him than very few.
Oh! Jack pauses, maybe if he just seemed like he was trying to talk to Phantom on ‘friendly’ terms the spook would float down and have a chat? Sure it would be hard to resist shooting It but if he could find a thing or two about how to better care for his kid then it would totally be worth it.
Jumping up and sticking his head down the lab door, “I’m heading out! Gonna see if I can track some spooks down!”.
“Make sure not to bother Danny if he’s day sleeping in a tree again!”.
Jack rubbing his neck, “how was I supposed to know he’d be there?!?”.
“You need to practice more situational awareness!”.
“I’ll try! Hon!”.
His dear sweet Maddie only laughing in response as he heads out. He knew he wasn’t the best at paying attention to his surroundings, but Danny-boy sleeping so quietly didn’t help! He definitely wished Danny’d get more sleep though, daytime sleep since all the night time sleeping didn’t seem to be doing him much good; perhaps he couldn’t actually really sleep at night at all and that’s why he kept falling asleep in classes before they just started letting him spend Sundays sleeping instead of doing chores.
It’s really bright out today, Amity was usually pretty good for cloud coverage, even if the sudden random snow storms that cropped up sometimes were odd. The light glare off of the scanner was annoying but that didn’t stop it from picking up on spectral traces, he knows a fight happened down by the park this morning so that’s where he’s heading. It was deer season too so maybe he could snag one there for lunch, something more fresh even if Danny always seemed a little confused and weirded out when he brought something home for Mad’s to serve nearly raw. Kiddo probably just wasn’t a big fan of getting his food from something that was actually dead dead. It was too bad ghosts didn’t have blood in them, Jack would love trying to encourage Danny-boy to bite them.
He actually has more luck with the animals than the ghost samples, none of samples were anything they haven’t already gathered and examined multiple times over. Meanwhile, he’s got himself a good healthy little bunny, just startle It with a ray blast at the ground and then quickly grab and break its neck. Simple, quick, and painless; just like how his pa taught him. Honestly it was more of a struggle to not fully crush really small animals, one of the downsides of being a really big guy.
“What’d the bunny do to you?”.
Jack actually jumps, whirling around with his prize and blinking in surprise at Phantom’s judgmental raised eyebrow, “oh! Phantom! Ha! Didn’t see you there”, holding up the rabbit a little, “they're good for stew, and the rabbit population here is a little crazy since there’s no coyotes or anything”. When the ghost issue first popped up, the spooks chased pretty much all the wild life away but over time most just got used to the ghosts. And sure, stew wasn’t as great a blood meal for his Danny but it was still fresh meat; and the blood wouldn’t have to be thrown out since he’d figured out how to powderise it and mix it into Danny’s ground coffee. Danny had even commented on getting a better batch! So Jack called it a win!
(Much later, after finding this out, Danny would make a rather panicked call to Vlad about if ghosts liked the taste of blood. Vlad had been completely baffled, didn’t have a good answer, and agreed to try some of Danny’s apparently blood contaminated coffee. Vlad had some opinions on Danny’s disgustingly strong coffee as well as agreeing that yes, ghosts probably did actually like the taste. The FrightKnight later confirming that yes, ghosts did, and humans used to give ghosts live and blood sacrifices for that very reason. Danny had a crises… he didn’t stop drinking the blood coffee though. It was already too late anyways! And! It did taste better).
Phantom blinks, “okay, you’re not wrong, but it is still super weird to see a random citizen just… strangling a rabbit in the park”.
Jack cringes a little, okay yeah, he can see how that might be alarming and something to go check out. Laughing anyways, “fair enough! Vladdie hasn’t said it’s not allowed though!”.
Phantom grumbling, “considering what the dear old mayor does to animals that’s not really a good thing”.
Jack beams a little, oh he was totally right! Phantom definitely knew! Sweet! “Eh gotta get those needs and murderous desires met somehow, am I right?!”. Phantom’s concerned expression doesn’t change, if anything It seems slightly more concerned. “And he’s a good mayor for the town, even if he wasn’t my buddy I’d say that!”.
“I guess? He’s certainly different enough to fit in?”, Phantom shakes his head and holds up a finger, “question, why? aren’t you trying to shoot me?”.
Jack rubs his neck, “well knowing my Danny-boy, he’s probably tree sleeping again and the wife did just give me clear instructions not to wake him up, again. Night sleeping doesn’t seem to be working out for him, figures, so you know”.
Phantom blinks, “he… does sleep in trees a lot”, smirking, “I’ve startled him, and birds, a few times”.
“I’m surprised he’s never given himself a sunburn really, leaves aren’t super great shade”, Jack shaking his head, even if Danny-boy wasn��t a vampire, Jack would still worry since he’s such a pale kid. Honestly Jack would probably worry about the kid having an iron deficiency if he didn’t know about the vampire situation!
“I really don’t think you have to worry about that. He can handle the sun”.
Jack taps his chin, perhaps his contamination made him more resilient? “I suppose his contamination makes him a tougher cookie”.
Phantom tilting his head, “yeah… physically strong and all that”.
“Sometimes I wonder why he’s not stronger”, Jack chuckling, “that or he’s got a bit better strength control than I’ve got! Ha!”.
“I have seen you pick up that military vehicle of yours”.
Jack laughing a bit more, “exactly!”, Danny really should be stronger than him, Jack knew Vladdie had some serious strength but he was also on a basically animal only diet. Danny was getting human, from those friends of his, so he should be seriously strong! Danny-boy was probably just really self-conscious about his strength, and so was really careful about it! Not that he needed to be! Just the same as how he’d get all awkward when anyone commented on him getting places really quickly, he’s not sure if being able to turn into a bat was a real thing, it didn’t seem to be but who knows! If he could then Danny-boy would totally love flying! Oh! Maybe he can just ask Phantom here about that! “I also wonder why he doesn’t talk about flying, he’s always loved space, so you’d think he’d find ways to get up in the air more”.
Phantom’s response is slightly panicky for some reason, “I mean, I’ve gone flying with him before, you know how ghosts fights can be. It’s a much easier way to get out of a dangerous area”.
Ha! Jack knew it! That was so cool! Danny could be a bat! Like from Hotel Transylvania! He bets Danny makes for an adorable bat! Same with Vlad! Vlad’s probably a tall skinny bat! Like a flying fox bat or a Sulawesi fruit bat with their sharp faces! Imagine if Danny-boy was a cute little Honduran white bat or a teeny tiny bumblebee bat! Danny would be so embarrassed but so cute! Kid already fit in his hand, in one finger would be so adorable! Him blurting out, “he must use a really weird brush to deal with that wind swept hair! His normal hair’s already a handful! Ha!”.
Phantom looks so confused and is probably sticking around at this point because of Its confusion. Maybe the ghost found it weird Jack took this long to ask things? Phantom blinks harshly, “I know that Sam girl has tried to brush him with a toothbrush but I think that’s the closest to weird it’s ever been”.
A! Toothbrush! That was adorable! He hopes the goth has photos he can see whenever Danny gets comfortable enough to tell him. “A toothbrush! Ha! That’s great!”.
(Danny is very confused when his next birthday card has the image of a bat getting toothbrush head scrubbies on it, and also confused as to why Jack thought it was hilarious).
Phantom blinks, “yeah… did you… come down here just to strangle a rabbit?”.
Jack holds up the scanner, “nope! Was seeing if there’d be any good samples to take! The rabbit was just a bonus, a yummy one and nutritious”, nodding strongly to himself, “Danny boy definitely needs to put on a pound or two”.
“I think? he’s fine?”.
Oh perhaps vampires didn’t really need to worry about that? That’s good, “well a growing boy still needs to get that blood pumping, either way”, humming, “maybe I should take him hunting proper one day. Fishing went okay?”; oh he definitely should! What if Sam or Tucker get sick or injured and can’t feed him? He should be able to get an animal on his own. Yes! New bonding opportunity!
Phantom chuckling awkwardly, “I’m not going to encourage you taking your son out to kill things”.
Jack waving the ghost off, “oh you’re a ghost! That’s expected!”, putting his hands on his hips and nodding strongly, “I’m taking him hunting”, smacking a fist into a hand, “in fact, I’m going to go home and plan it right now, bye you spook!”. Phantom sighing tiredly while waving Jack off. Phantom was really good at that playing friendly act! Wow!
(Surprisingly, the whole hunting bonding trip went weirdly well. Even if Danny was kinda disturbed and weirded out when his dad actually had him freaking carve up a deer and then just… told him to take out the heart and take a bite out of it. Since APPARENTLY that was ‘first kill’ tradition. Danny was disturbed. Danny absolutely had a really weird dream about cutting out his own heart and taking a bite out of it. Danny didn’t like that it didn’t taste bad. Danny had a lot of feelings about this. Jack… also took a photo and sent it to Vlad. Vlad was actually disturbed and called Danny personally to ask if he was safe and sane and that this wasn’t what he meant by halfas being apex predators. Danny threatened to bite his heart too. And his dad, only hearing half the conversation, seemed weirdly proud).
Jack basically barging into the lab, “so I ran into Phantom!”, holding up his catch, “and we can have rabbit stew tonight! Right?”.
Maddie grinning at him, “of course dear, just get It drained first”.
“Of course! And! Phantom totally said Danny can fly! Didn’t really confirm the bat thing but apparently Sam’s brushed him with a toothbrush before so I say I’m sold!”, tilting his head and humming, “the spook also implied Danny’s contamination makes him tougher with that sun sensitivity issue, so we don’t actually have to worry too much about that”.
Maddie sighs happy, “that’s great, and I’m sure he makes an adorable bat, if it’s a bat thing at all, but try not to tease him too much Jack? We want him to feel comfortable, not more awkward”.
Jack just laughs, rubbing his neck with his free hand before going upstairs to work on the rabbit. Him getting Danny to help when the boy gets home, the kid might be slightly weird about handling blood and raw meat but he needs to be used to it and to not act weird around it.
And if Danny licks his fingers clean then who’s he to judge? Sure he didn’t actually see his boy do that but well, one second his fingers and hands were a bit messy and then next second Jack looked and they were completely cleaned off. Danny-boy absolutely licked his fingers clean and nothing could convince Jack otherwise.
(the message board referenced in here does actually exist for psych and sanguinarian vampires, Maddie and Jack have just misinterpreted it to also mean actual real life fanged non-human movie vampires. Also yes, if you didn’t know blood bars are a real thing, they are. Also also, blood in wine is a thing but it’s been banned since the 1930’s; but if you want to make your own wine out of blood you absolutely can, go wild.)
Prompt: Jack and Maddie knew something supernatural was going on with their son, waiting for him to feel comfortable telling them they set out to help him in subtler ways. If only they had actually gotten the species right.
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liquidlycan · 6 months
hi its your amazing favorite wife
can i get a medkit stimboard with hints of medhammer. teal/white color pallete with bandages, paws, and whatever else you find that you like? ^_^ go willy nilly. love you
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with themes of of bandages, paws, and hints of medhammer
no cw
requested by my qpp , @9radicus :3c
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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piplup335 · 2 months
Skateboard stealing Sword’s sword to cut a lemon!
(Medkit is mentioned lol)
hey guys!
I’m not feeling too good rn :,) can’t rlly work on anything for you guys
but hey, I got this one out! might start slowly working on reqs, I’m using it as a stress relief tool when it comes to revision
also my bday is in less than a month so YAYYYY expect a fic then lmao
anyway enjoy :D
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It’s a beautiful day in Crossroads.
Birds were chirping, flowers were blooming.
On days like these, phighters like Skateboard…
…should be burning the pavement behind him.
On this day, Skateboard was, in fact, burning the pavement behind him. Passerbys and other phighters quickly stepped aside, not wanting to end up being a part of Skateboard’s collision course. It was evident to all that whatever Skateboard had to do or wherever he had to go, it was an important issue.
Surely it couldn’t be some minor and insignificant matter, right?
Skateboard blazed down the cracked concrete all the way to the dry, sweltering environment of Lost Temple.
“Sword? Sword! Where are youuuuu?”
He knew that Sword either stuck around Medkit or Venomshank.
And since he knew that Venomshank usually didn’t show up at such an early hour in the morning, he knew that his best bet was with Medkit.
Luckily for Skateboard, he knew exactly where to find the dull, emotionless doctor.
“Thanks, Medkit! You’re always ready to patch me up whenever I get injured, huh?”
“No worries, Sword. And yes, I’ll be here to patch you up despite all the times you go and blow yourself up even when I tell you not to.”
Sword walked out the door with a few new bandages, some around his torso, and some around his arms.
“And remember, don’t go blowing yourself up again. Though, I highly doubt you’ll even listen, considering how you got blown up.”
“Heh no promises, Doc!”
Medkit sighed in dejection.
“You got blown up by your gear. Your own gear isn’t even meant to blow up. It's meant to slash people dead, not act as a pipe bomb. I really can’t tell if I should be impressed or disappointed.”
“Just a little something I learnt from my friend! It’s useful for the phights!”
“It may be useful, but it shouldn’t compromise your safety. Especially because you still owe me for the past three visits.”
Sword laughed at this statement, knowing that Medkit would not, despite Sword’s unpaid medical bills, hold that against him. They were friends by faction, after all- and they were on good terms with each other.
The sound of plastic rolling across asphalt cut their conversation short, and they barely had time to react before a blur of red yanked Sword's gear out of its sheathe.
Skateboard stopped a short distance away from them and stepped on the end of his board. The vehicle tilted upwards, and he grabbed it and placed it on the nearby wall.
"Skateboard! No! What do you intend to do with that?!"
"...whatever happens to any of you two, I'll make sure you pay your medical bills."
Skateboard pulled a lemon out of his pocket and threw it in the air.
"Prepare yourselves!"
He slashed at the lemon, a wide grin on his face as he visualised the lemon getting cut into perfect, equal slices from a faultless cut straight into the lemon. He could almost see Medkit and Sword staring at him with a bewildered expression on both their faces upon looking at the perfectly cut lemon, without a single cut or scratch on its surface...
Skateboard missed, and the lemon hit him square in the forehead.
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yep that’s it lol, short one bc I’m outta ideas :,)
also might be taking Pressure reqs soon, I’m probably gonna divert from my requests and write a Sebastian fic lmao
hope you guys enjoyed what can only be described as my brain having a stroke and dying :D
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mikerooksi · 8 months
phighting oc - info + wip art
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will edit once i finished art + if anything new happens to him
i might js make another blog for js my phighting stuff, if ur interested or sumn... yeah. i probably will
made one,, @just-another-phighter
so ive got. some.. uh things. btw lemme know if any of this dont make sense im still sorta new his name is mace guys. guess what his gear is !!!
i feel like hes originally from blackrock - he was supposed to give off that kind've vibe. but i feel like he fled to thieves den. no reason for that.. aha.. (totally not bc shuriken idk wym.) anyways heres his attacks n stuff. idc how goofy i explained them !!! it makes sense to me so ..!
primary attack - close attack w mace (since its primary attack, deals more damage than 2nd because technically hes supposed to be better at this since its his 1st opt) secondary attack - ranged attack, chain extends for him to hit (deals less damage than primary, but still a good amount) phinisher - spins around and throws mace in the air, falls back down as a bigger mace. jumps up onto the handle tip and laughs before jumping down to the ball/spike part and being able to lead it to hit in certain directions. swings about 5 times before the mace turns back into a normal size. (teehee,, deals a lot of damage!!)
ability 1 - smoke bombs that the smoke is the color of what team he is/regular outfit skin color. doesnt deal damage, duh. i cant rlly think of a 'sprint' opt so he has this and whenever he throws them down he js sorta runs off.. so thats his like 'sprinting' thing. ability 2 - hits mace against the ground like one of those cartoons where the person is hitting down a hammer. the ground cracks a little and anyone in said area (area is lit with said color of team/regular skin outfit color as a warning before dealing damage) gets hurt. the crack isnt too big and depending on how close/far you are from where he's hitting it could be a lot of damage or a little. most of the time its an easy attack to dodge, though.
he/they pronouns, trans (i totally like dont make most of my ocs trans bc i am haha.. aha.. hah.)
he carves his horns - sometimes he forgets to so they might look a little phunky some days.
tight bandages to help with wrists. when hes not out phighting he wears some of those like wrist wrap things so his wrists dont move around a lot - sometimes they be hurting because of how he swings around his mace n stuff.
i kinda be shipping him w shuri but technically hes single so like. yeah.
sharp teeth. because i said so.
his personality is sorta all over the place. sometimes hes nice, sometimes hes an asshole. hes learn to let loose a little bc of shuri. he likes hanging out at the cafe sometimes - if hes not though hes either training (somewhere..) or being emo.
k thats it for now
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shipsandanchors · 3 months
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gave into the lifesteal phighting fandom overlap. this guy's fun i guess. :)
[img id: illustration of rocket from phighting. he is holding his rocket canon, which is artistically enlarged on his right, and the rim glows aqua and has white doodles on it, three hearts on the left and text on the right reading "let's win this!". in the center of the cannon, there is a red, glitched out crosshair. rocket has white fluffy hair, signature blue horns, and is wearing a blue vest, black cargo pants, and combat boots with stickers on it. his left forearm is bandaged. he has a silly, cheeky expression, sticking his tongue out with one eye closed, the other looking through the scope of the cannon. there are blue doodles around him with an ombre from aqua to navy. /end id]
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overcastedsays · 7 months
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[Image ID: A digital reference sheet with three drawings a phighting OC Shifter, a light lavender gear demon with split red and blue horns pointing in opposite directions. They wear a grey outfit with split red and blue limb extenders, two-tone red and blue diamond-shaped glasses, and a bandage over their torso. In the middle drawing they have a jovial smile and a hand on their hips. In the top left drawing they are grappling on to a wall with their hands with the text "Limb extender grapple". The bottom left drawing is a close-up of the scar on the back of their head with the text "Explosion Scar". The text on the reference sheet bullet list reads as follows. "Shifter. Former Blackrock spy-turned-scientist. Any Pronouns. Fled Blackrock after a huge mechanical accident as a result of modifying their gear. Playground's resident cryptid researching the capabilities of their gear in their "office"." the name of the artist "overcastSays" is in the top left corner /End ID]
Playground residents report rogue Blackrock (?) scientist politely asking for DNA samples for "very important research", promising "maybe a clone or something, It's still in the works"
first phighting oc of many. Thought I'd take a crack at the body swap potion gear. I always remember it being in every other tycoon games back in ye old 2017 and they were always so janky and almost never worked.
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