#Bali Rainbow Community
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terrible-eel · 1 year ago
We've been fighting for sovereignty since it was taken over, but keep in mind, it became a state in the 50s and was bombed in 1941. Thirty-seven percent of residents were of Japanese descent, including 37,000 Issei (Japanese-born people who were not eligible for citizenship) and 121,000 Japanese American citizens. if it wasn't for America using Hawaii as a military base after a hostile takeover, Hawaii likely wouldn't have been targeted. they could have remained neutral. And the pearl harbor attack was one of the biggest things that caused Hawai'i to become a state. Hawai'i was Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Portuguese, but America wanted them cut off from trade and community with the rest of the Pacific Rim so they could use the islands as a tactical power point, so that they would have a buffer before mainland America would get attacked, and so that they had places to test out bombs.
The island of Kaho'olawe, was used for bomb testing for decades, despite being only 24 miles away from Maui where shockwaves were felt across the island, giving people with ptsd a really bad time. And the island had a delicate ecosystem. And now it's been up to the Hawaiian people to try removing the bombs and healing the land.
On the Big Island the American government tested Agent Orange along with all the other rainbow chemicals before using them in Vietnam. There are places that still need cleanup. These chemicals were produced by Monsanto, who used their pesticides on the sugar cane and had an insane monopoly over the islands. Monsanto began to use experimental chemicals on the fields on Maui, giving the Filipino farmers who worked the fields all kinds of horrible conditions, everything from cancer to diabetes, to bone degeneration. Because it was caused by the chemicals, these conditions passed on to their kids in a similar way to Agent Orange. Now the sugar cane has been abolished but nobody has water rights restored as they should be. a new mega farmer has bought out a lot of land to farm which seemed fine at first because when the land was resting most of maui became a sick dust bowl in 2016. these things have been happening in my lifetime. this new farm has been using paraquat herbicide. Its another horrible chemical that nobody wants there. so because of poor water management and water rights not given to the Hawaiian people, Lahaina, which used to be a marshland, burnt down because it was a fucking desert by the time the fire took it.
Maui got 20 inches of rain in one day about a week ago, and yet, somehow, the aquifer is running dangerously low and most of the island is dry. but hm. somehow the mansions and the golf courses and the swimming pools and the fake waterfalls that poison the birds are all in tip top shape.
America is an invasive species on the Hawaiian landscape. Hawaii is the most isolated ecosystem on earth and should be protected because when its gone its gone, but Americans will just travel like a swarm of locusts and feast on the next vulnerable "tourist destination." its already happening in Puerto Rico. Its happening in Bali. within my lifetime i watched houses replace forests, i watched fences replace beaches. I watched mega corps replace wetlands. Nobody's scratched the surface of the devastation yet because there's barely been time to regroup and because the education system is so bad there are almost no opportunities for local people to learn how to defend themselves. so yeah. Hawaii needs acknowledgement.
I don't think it's a radical ideal for the want of Hawai'i to become their own independent country. It should have never been taken over by the US in the first place. For a country whose entire foundation is based upon "separation from a colonial country" it's laughable that they made an entire population that was self governed into a state. It's insulting. It's already blatantly obvious that this whole country was based on lies and blood, and it only continues to perpetuate that. I'm shocked that the Hawai'ian sovereignty movement isn't mainstream even though they have been fighting for it since 1997. Fuck the American government.
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Rayakan Hari Disabilitas Internasional, Kaneshiro Bali Beri Ruang “Teman Tuli” untuk Berekspresi
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Dalam rangka ikut merayakan Hari Disabilitas Internasional yang jatuh pada 3 Desember lalu, dengan menggandeng Bali Deaf Community, Komunitas Tari Lara Jiva, MA Music, Juru Bahasa Isyarat serta Rainbow Face Painting, Kaneshiro Bali menyediakan ruang bagi 'Teman Tuli' untuk berekspresi, menyampaikan pendapat dan juga mendapatkan aksebilitas layanan yang lebik baik, pada Rabu (6/12/2023) malam. Manager Outlet Kaneshiro Bali, Made Victor mengatakan Hari Disabilitas Internasional merupakan bentuk pengakuan seluruh masyarakat di dunia terhadap penyandang disabilitas, peneguhan komitmen seluruh bangsa, dan membangun kepedulian guna mewujudkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan teman-teman disabilitas. Victor mengingatkan kembali akan nilai pentingnya dukungan lembaga terhadap keberadaan para penyandang disabilitas, baik berupa perlindungan, pengakuan, dan penghormatan kepada para penyandang disabilitas. “Saya ucapkan selamat datang di Kaneshiro Bali pada Ketua Bali Deaf Community, Komunitas Tari Lara Jiva, tim juru bahasa isyarat, Rainbow Facepainting, dan tentunya seluruh customer Kaneshiro Bali,” ucap Victor membuka acara sosial memperingati Hari Disabilitas Internasional 2023 di Kaneshiro Bali, Kamis (6/12/2023) malam. Dalam upaya memangkas jarak antara ‘teman tuli’ dan ‘teman dengar’ tersebut, Victor menjelaskan Kaneshiro Bali menambahkan bahasa isyarat pada video informasi official di restoran yang menyediakan 150+ pilihan menu suki dan grill dengan sajian daging sapi impor yang terjamin kualitas serta kebersihannya. “Kami sudah menambahkan bahasa isyarat di video informasi official Kaneshiro Bali. Ke depan, kami akan terus meningkatkan lagi agar Kaneshiro Bali ini bukan hanya sekadar restoran tempat makan, tapi menjadi rumah yang ramah bagi semua customer,” tandas Victor dengan nada santun. Terobosan Kaneshiro Bali tersebut diapresiasi Ketua Bali Deaf Community, Ketut Yunda Manik Wardani. “Kaneshiro memberikan akses bahasa isyarat saya merasa sangat senang. Saya sangat senang Kaneshiro dan tim Pak Victor membuat akses seperti itu. Mungkin di Bali ini yang pertama saya lihat ada video yang berbahasa isyarat. Di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Badung sudah pernah. Itu pertama. Tapi untuk di restoran mungkin ini yang pertama kali di Bali,” ucap Ketut Yunda Manik Wardani. Didampingi juru bahasa isyarat, Pande Ketut Ratih, Ketut Yunda Manik Wardani menyampaikan harapan khusus kepada Kaneshiro Bali. Harapan khusus tersebut adalah bisa menerima ‘teman tuli’ bekerja di Kaneshiro Bali.  “Mungkin menerima kami sebagai cleaning service atau jenis pekerjaan lainnya. Jika mengalami hambatan komunikasi, boleh berikan kami jenis pekerjaan yang lain,” ungkap Ketut Yunda Manik Wardani. Disinggung soal menu yang tersaji di Kaneshiro Bali, Ketut Yunda Manik Wardani menyebut enak semua. “Saya kenyang sekali. Saya pernah tiga kali ke sini. Ya, nanti kami pasti akan datang kembali. Pertama kali saya ketemu Pak Victor di Kaneshiro Bali, saya merasa senang. Pak Victor itu melihat tuli itu bisa. Jadi berikutnya saya berharap ini akan lancar. Terima kasih Bapak sudah mengundang kami ke sini. Saya sangat senang,” ungkap Ketut Yunda Manik Wardani. Sementara itu, Ketua Komunitas Tari Lara Jiva, Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta juga mengucapkan terima kasih atas undangan dari Kaneshiro Bali.
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Penampilan dari Komunitas Tari Lara Jiva menarikan Tari Oleg Tamulilingan. Sumber Foto : tis/bpn “Saya mendapatkan undangan melalui WhatsApp. Perasaan saya sangat senang mendapatkan undangan ini. Tumben banget saya mendapatkan undangan di restoran seperti ini. Jadi saya sangat senang. Banyak yang menonton juga. Jadi, semua orang bisa tahu bahwa tuli itu juga bisa memandu tari dengan menggunakan laptop,” ungkap Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta yang penyampaiannya ke awak media dipandu juru bahasa isyarat, Pande Ketut Ratih. Menampilkan suguhan Tari Oleg Tamulilingan dengan apik dan memukau penonton, Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta mengaku memantapkan latihan selama 12 jam selama dua hari sebelum manggung di Kaneshiro Bali. “Ada dua hari saya melatih untuk ini (pentas Tari Oleg Tamulilingan, red). Kami berusaha keras. Saya memberikan semangat bagi teman-teman saat berlatih selama 6 jam dalam sehari. Pande, penari cowoknya karena saya keras dia sampai menangis. Saya semangatin dia agar tidak putus asa karena kita bisa setara dengan orang yang mendengar,” ungkap coach Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta. Menarik diketahui, Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta mengaku juga pernah diundang ke sejumlah Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) untuk mengajarkan tari. “Komunitas Tari Lara Jiva berdiri sejak tahun 2021 bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahun Bali Deaf Community dan Putra-Putri Tuli Bali. Pada saat itu saat memikirkan konsep Lara Jiva dan saya berjuang berbekal ide membangun komunitas tari untuk mempekerjakan tuli dan bisa mengajarkan teman-teman untuk menari. Saya berharap mendapatkan undangan banyak pihak sehingga banyak orang yang tahu. Kami belum begitu terkenal saat ini. Belum terdengar gaungnya. Sebetulnya kami baru mendapatkan sedikit undangan. Belum banyak. Dengan banyak undangan, kami akan membuat jadwal dan melatih tari. Tentu akan sangat menyenangkan bagi kami sehingga bisa memberdayakan teman-teman tuli. Bisa membantu mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah maupun kuliah. Itu akan memberdayakan para tuli,” ungkap Ketua Komunitas Tari Lara Jiva. Lebih jauh, Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta membuka fakta bahwa para tuli dominan berasal dari keluarga dengan tingkat ekonomi menengah ke bawah. “Bapak/Ibu para tuli dominan tidak memiliki kemampuan (ekonomi, red). Jadi saya mengajak mereka untuk bergabung di Komunitas Lara Jiva supaya mendapatkan pendapatan dari sini,” tutup Putu Wahyu Putra Sudianta. Teman Tuli berhasil menampilkan pertunjukan yang apik dan memukau seluruh pengunjung Kaneshiro Bali pada malam itu.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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nityarawal · 1 year ago
Doje Gold
(The Golden Gates
Of Data X)
Morning Songs
You Want Some
Doje Gold
Some Golden
Gates Of Data
You Want To
If Santa Elon Is Real
Is He Everything
We Dreamed Of
A Viking Dad
With Abs Like
Dr. Bug
Super Man
And Santa Elon
Pulling Into Driveway 
Cyber Trucks 
At Dawn
Honking Horns
That Mean 
Every Child's
Did We Grow Up
Maybe Not
'Cuz We'd Do
For X
Boppa John
You See
You See
We'd Take Our Little
To Mars
Educate About Dalai
Marshall Rosenburg
Non Violent
All The Colors
Of The Rainbows
With Our Kin
If We Had 
A Little
Doje Gold
For Real
Elon Friend
Queen's Relief 
But Is That
Your Excuse
For Under $2 Dolla'
You Can Get
A Notebook And 
Sing Your Troubles'
Less Than $2 Dolla'
You Can Have
Some Pens
Gel Ink
And If You're
To X About
And Who
You Miss
Broken English
Elon Has
A Button
For You Too
If You Don't Speak
My Language
Don't Let That
Hold You Back
With A Button
And Sing A Song 
Of Prayer
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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queerographies · 3 years ago
[A est del blu][AA. VV.]
Dieci autori, nove racconti, un viaggio LGBT attorno al mondo, tra coming out, violenza, prostituzione e diritti negati. Fino a tornare alle radici, in Italia, dove tutto comincia e finisce.
Dieci autori, nove racconti, un viaggio LGBT attorno al mondo, tra coming out, violenza, prostituzione e diritti negati. Fino a tornare alle radici, in Italia, dove tutto comincia e finisce. I proventi di questa antologia, come i racconti contenuti all’interno, faranno il giro del mondo, cercando di raggiungere chi ha più bisogno, per esempio: BALI RAINBOW COMMUNITY, un’associazione LGBT friendly…
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spaceexp · 6 years ago
Copernicus Sentinel-1 reveals shared plumbing led to Agung awakening
ESA - Sentinel-1 Mission logo. 22 February 2019 When Mount Agung in Indonesia erupted in 2017, the search was on to find out why it had stirred. Thanks to information on ground deformation from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission, scientists now have more insight into the volcano’s hidden secrets that caused it to reawaken. After lying dormant for more than 50 years, Mount Agung on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali rumbled back to life in November 2017, with smoke and ash causing airport closures and stranding thousands of visitors.
Volcanic uplift
Fortunately, it was preceded by a wave of small earthquakes, signalling the imminent eruption and giving the authorities time to evacuate around 100 000 people to safety. The prior event in 1963, however, claimed almost 2000 lives and was one of the deadliest volcanic eruptions of the 20th century. Knowing Agung’s potential for devastation, scientists have gone to great lengths to understand this volcano’s reawakening. And, Agung has remained active, slowly erupting on and off since 2017. Bali is home to two active stratovolcanoes, Agung and Batur, but relatively little is known of their underlying magma plumbing systems. A clue came from the fact that Agung’s 1963 eruption was followed by a small eruption at its neighbouring volcano, Batur, 16 km away.
A paper published recently in Nature Communications describes how a team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol in the UK, used radar data from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission to monitor the ground deformation around Agung. Their findings may have important implications for forecasting future eruptions in the area, and indeed further afield. They used the remote sensing technique of interferometric synthetic aperture radar, or InSAR, where two or more radar images over the same area are combined to detect slight surface changes. Tiny changes on the ground cause differences in the radar signal and lead to rainbow-coloured interference patterns in the combined image, known as a SAR interferogram. These interferograms can show how land is uplifting or subsiding. Juliet Biggs from Bristol University’s School of Earth Sciences, said, “Using radar data from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 radar mission and the technique of InSAR, we are able to map any ground motion, which may indicate that fresh magma is moving beneath the volcano.” In study, which was carried out in collaboration with the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation in Indonesia, the team detected uplift of about 8–10 cm on Agung’s northern flank during the period of intense earthquake activity prior to the eruption.
Radar vision
Fabien Albino, also from Bristol's School of Earth Sciences and who led the research, added, “Surprisingly, we noticed that both the earthquake activity and the ground deformation signal were five kilometres away from the summit, which means that magma must be moving sideways as well as vertically upwards. “Our study provides the first geophysical evidence that Agung and Batur volcanoes may have a connected plumbing system. “This has important implications for eruption forecasting and could explain the occurrence of simultaneous eruptions such as in 1963.” Part of European Union’s fleet of Copernicus missions, Sentinel-1 is a two-satellite constellation that can provide interferometric information every six days – important for monitoring rapid change. Each satellite carries an advanced radar instrument that can image Earth’s surface through cloud and rain and regardless of whether it is day or night. ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission manager, Pierre Potin, noted, “We see the mission is being used for a multitude of practical applications, from mapping floods to charting changes in ice.
Agung from Copernicus Sentinel-2
“Understanding processes that are going on below the ground’s surface – as demonstrated by this new research – is clearly important, especially when these natural processes can put people’s lives and property at risk.” There are four Copernicus Sentinel missions in orbit so far, each carries state-of-the-art technology to deliver a stream of complementary imagery and data to monitor and manage the environment. Importantly, the data are free and open to users worldwide. The image on the right, for example, is from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission, offering a ‘camera-like’ view of the Agung and Batur volcanoes. While the European Union is at the helm of Copernicus, ESA develops, builds and launches the dedicated Sentinel satellites. It also operates some of the missions and ensures the availability of data from third party missions contributing to the Copernicus programme. Related links: Nature Communications: Dyke intrusion between neighbouring arc volcanoes responsible for 2017 pre-eruptive seismic swarm at Agung: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-08564-9 University of Bristol–School of Earth Sciences: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/earthsciences/ Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics: https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/ Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation in Indonesia: http://www.wovo.org/1601_1607.html Images, Video, Text, Credits: ESA/contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2017), processed by University of Bristol/COMET. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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gaycocksmodels64 · 5 years ago
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Club G Trung Quoc Port Republic
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Quyn LGBT Trung Quc Wikipedia ting Vit Tabulation of the 2010 Census of the People'S Republic of China. Staunton, at London, in three volumes reveals the heart of China and the. Each of the spring, Hanoians often come to Ly Quoc Su Pagoda to wish for happiness and Dong Mo Tourist Area. Georgetown University. Shen, G; Gao, X; Gao, B; Granger, De (Thng 3 nm 2009). 5 Best Gay Bars in Bali - Bali Magazine The Project Gutenberg eBook of China Revolutionized, by John . Vietnam Travel guide at Wikivoyage Trung Quc Wikipedia ting Vit 50 Reviews. GC Bar (Hanoi) - 2020 All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (With . Language Watch Edit Asia > Southeast Asia > Vietnam. republic in Southeast Asia. 6 Best Gay Bars in Hanoi, Vietnam, Photos, Reviews, Map for Gays Situated some. "Ports and Free Zone . People'S Republic of China (Orthographic projection). Cch tip cn ca Chnh ph Trung Quc i vi quyn LGBT v hn nhn ng gii . Michael Podhorodecki michael 219 Republic Telcom Systems, Inc. Chia r v chnh tr ti Trung Quc gy kh khn cho Tng Gii Thch trong vic chin u vi . FRIENDS GAY GUESTHOUSE BAR - Phu Quoc island, Vietnam Financial Economist. Vietnam (Vietnamese: Vit Nam) is a country in Southeast Asia. 1014 Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Edmond Lee . #71 Of 143 Nightlife in Hanoi Nightlife, Gay Clubs Bars. Best ng tnh dc ng gii c hp php ti Trung Quc t nm 1997. Welcome to the first and only gay hotel in Vietnam! What Works Association. Network Will Coertnik will 1822 Open Port Technology Jeffrey . 14 Apr 2019 . Anonymous View Participant List - World Bank Group Iu ny gy bt bnh trong i ng tr thc Trung Quc, mt b phn ku gi tin hnh cch . Nguyen Quoc "Director General of Credit. People'S Republic . General Li'S proclamation of the Republic of Han, with military headquarters at Wuchang, . United States . Best Enterprise Numbers - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Larry Fisher. om/hanoi/top-lists/gay-bars-in-hanoi/ Department of State . Chief Technical Officer. At the Chinese Club a scholarly Chinese traveler warned me to follow the . 12 Oct 2019 . Exclusively LGBTQ clothing optional with the best view. World Leadership Alliance-Club . Bali gay nightlife scene is focused around specific areas in and around Seminyak, with the main happenings at a handful of standout bars and clubs that dot the. of rainbow, Channel News Asia, 2 June 2018; ^ History of Homosexuality. Graduate Student. On November 11th, Amoy, the famous port of Fukien province, where . 1879 HeliOss Communications, Inc. On tropical paradise island Phu Quoc.
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baliportalnews · 2 years ago
Funworld & Kidzlandia Hadir di Living World Denpasar, Jadi One Stop Entertainment untuk Keluarga
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Kidzlandia akhirnya membuka gerai Pertamanya di Bali, dengan mengusung konsep Fun & Edutainment berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan bagi keluarga & anak-anak, khususnya bertempat di Lantai 2 Living World Denpasar. Marketing Communication & Sales Manager, Wawan Setiyono menjelaskan, selain Kidzlandia, Funworld juga membuka gerainya di Living World Denpasar. Funworld Living World Denpasar hadir dengan menyuguhkan kurang lebih 63 mesin permainan yang dapat dimainkan mulai dari usia Anak-anak hingga Dewasa. Adapun berbagai permainan yang ada diantaranya, Amberly, Mini Poli, Mini Bus, Ice Wheel Rainbow, Ponny Three King, Talking Tom, Rainbow Basket Ball, Cube World, Ticket Wheels, Crazy Clock, Magic Passport, Ocean Elf, Ins Cut, Cherry Box, Insquare Plus, Football Stars, Stroom Shoot, Mini 2, Photo Adventure, Pump It Up, dan lain sebagainya. “Salah satu keunggulan bermain di Funworld, merupakan tempat bermain one stop entertainment. Karena berbagai mesin permainan yang ada dapat memberi kesenangan untuk semua khalayak, serta Keluarga bisa berkumpul dan berekreasi di satu lokasi saja,” jelas Wawan didampingi Marcomm Asisstant Manager, Marthin A. Sihite dalam acara Grand Opening Funworld & Kinzlandia di Living World Denpasar pada Sabtu (6/5/2023) pagi. Kidzlandia merupakan tempat bermain anak-anak yang berisikan berbagai permainan edukatif yang dapat melatih tumbuh kembang anak-anak saat bermain, seperti pelatihan syaraf sensorik, motorik, dan kognitif. Target usia Anak-anak yang dapat bemain di Kidzlandia mulai dari usia 1 sampai dengan 12 tahun dan wajib didampingi dengan orang dewasa yang sudah memiliki kartu identitas (KTP/SIM/Passport). Wawan menambahkan, Kidzlandia Living World Denpasar memiliki kurang lebih 11 area permainan edukatif yang dapat dimainkan oleh Anak-anak, yaitu: Tube Slide, Wave Slide, Funnel Slide, Donut Slide, Trampoline, Reachman, Rotating Pakka Animal Chair, Sandpitt, Ninja Warrior, Ocean Ball, dan Roleplay. “Selain berbagai permainan tersebut di atas, Kidzlandia memberikan manfaat guna membantu perkembangan syaraf kognitif, seperti dengan mengikuti kegiatan Fun Activity bersama kakak-kakak Kidzlandia, yaitu coloring maupun dancing, yang diadakan diwaktu-waktu tertentu,” tutur Wawan. Jadwal untuk weekday (Senin-Jumat) berlangsung pada pukul 15.00 dan 17.00, sedangkan weekend (Sabtu-Minggu) pada pukul 12.00, 14.00, 15.00, dan 17.00. Ada pun Funworld dan Kidzlandia memberikan promo-promo seru di bulan Mei ini, yaitu AMEIZING Promo: - Funworld berupa promo tambahan Bonus Goldie 50%, yang berlangsung pada periode 1 s/d 31 Mei - Kidzlandia berupa promo Buy 2 Get 3 untuk Paket Bermain 1 Hari, berlangsung pada periode 2 s/d 31 Mei 20 - Funworld ada pula promo SEPESER (100% Seru), berupa tambahan Bonus Goldie sampai dengan 100%, yang berlangsung pada periode 18 s/d 21 Mei 2 Tidak hanya promo tersebut di atas, ada pula promo lain yang diberikan di lokasi Kidzlandia khusus pada 6 Mei 2023, yaitu Promo Buy 1 Get 1 khusus untuk 100 pengunjung pertama dan tunjukkan bahwa kalian sudah follow akun Instagram dari Kidzlandia yaitu @kidzlandia.id pada saat di kasir. Untuk dapat bermain di Kidzlandia, anak-anak wajib menggunakan kaus kaki anti slip/alas karet agar Anak-anak dapat bermain dengan lebih nyaman dan aman. Karena pastinya Anak-anak yang cendrung aktif akan berlari- larian ke sana ke mari dan mencoba semua area permainan. Maka, ada baiknya Kidzlandia mewajibkan dengan penggunaan kaus kaki anti/alas karet tersebut. Sedangkan untuk pendamping/Dewasa wajib menggunakan kaus kaki biasa. Kidzlandia menerapkan standar kebersihan secara berkala pada pagi hari sebelum jam operasional, disela-sela jam operasional, dan setelah jam operasional berakhir. Untuk berbagai kegiatan lainnya dapat diketahui melalui Official Account Instagram Funworld, yaitu @funworld dan Facebook Page Funworld yaitu Funworld Indonesia, serta Official Account Instagram Kidzlandia, yaitu @kidzlandia.id dan Facebook Page Kidzlandia yaitu Kidzlandia.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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wanderinginthesunshine · 5 years ago
It’s been a while..
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I haven’t sat down to make a post in a little while, it’s been a hectic few weeks leaving New Zealand, arriving and settling in Bali and just general life! Adjusting to 35° heat, dealing with sickness, exploring this beautiful island and also celebrating my 23rd birthday yesterday! 🎂
One of the biggest reasons I had for making this blog was not only to share my adventures but also to create a space to be open, even if only with myself. Being genuinely honest about my own feelings is something I find pretty difficult to communicate and recently things have been feeling pretty heavy. Yesterday I had the most wonderful day, I had the best birthday I’ve had in years, I laughed and smiled all day, felt really great and felt like I had shaken off a few weeks of feeling a little down. Today? Different story, I felt overwhelmed to the point where I cried over my drink in a cafe 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ve been noticing since we’ve been travelling I get suuuuper emotional about things that would never have triggered such a response, like seriously I’ll watch a video of a cat being rescued from a tree and I’ll bawl haha! I’m not even sure why, maybe just being out of the normal loop of life! I personally find it very difficult to reach out and talk to people if I’m having a hard day, a response I’m often met with is; “how can you be having a hard time!? Look at all the amazing things you’ve seen and done!!” It makes you feel ungrateful to even have a bad day, but reality is that not everything is amazing 24/7, people have shit days regardless of what they’re doing or where they are. I’ve had some of the most amazing days of my life, seen and done things that have brought me indescribable joy but I’ve also had days where I’ve cried for hours and stayed in bed all day (today 🤷🏻‍♀️).
Maybe this is turning into a ramble? I think my point is, we’re only human, none of us are exempt from having a hard time regardless of what we’re doing. Even if you think someone is having the best time ever because they’re posting awesome photos etc, we all know that social media is a highlight reel and we only let people see what we want them to see.
If anyone reads this post I hope it doesn’t seem too negative! I only want to bring awareness to the fact that life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows and it’s okay to feel down. Anyone that looks like they have their shit together 24/7 probably doesn’t so don’t feel like you have to either ♥️
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mexicaliblues · 6 years ago
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Meet Nyoman, the awesome Mexicali Maker who, working with her family, creates the the stunning rainbow of our handpainted batiks! Join Mexicali co-owners Pete and Kim as she takes us on a tour of her workplace and shows us how one of these gorgeous textile works-of-art is crafted. 💖 Kim muses, “I remember when we first met Nyoman, we were on a motor bike headed to a market outside of town and I spied some great hand painted chakra flags and wall hangings. I made Pete turn around! 💖 Upon entering Nyoman’s shop we were greeted with a huge smile and welcomed as if we had been working with her for years. We started with a small order which was no problem for her because she knew that her quality and attention to detail would keep us coming back with more and more orders. Nyoman’s beautiful smile and personality radiates happiness, kindness, and a feeling of being in the “now” . 💖 From designing to helping us pick out colors (which can be so difficult when they’re all SO gorgeous!), Nyoman has a way of making you feel that you are the only one that matters, even though you know she has many other buyers she is creating for. 💖 The hand painting of her fabrics is all done at her family compound (which is how the Balinese live, a communal living with extended family) and is simply amazing to see. 💖 So happy we turned around that day on the motor bike!” 💖 Hit up the link in our bio to see a tour of Nyoman’s workspace and the hand-painted batiking process! #batik #handmade #indonesia #mexicaliblues #magicalmexicali #mexicalitribe #mexicalitravels #familybusiness #smallbusiness (at Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/mexicaliblues/p/Bvrpd0iHM1Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ftc2ro760k70
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pabrikmug-blog · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on http://pabrikmug.co.id/membuat-kotak-souvenir-dari-karton-jakarta/
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morrisbrokaw · 6 years ago
The 3rd Vegas Edge Show Reports Record Breaking Sales for Upcoming Event
Tuesday 13th & Wednesday 14th August 2019 are set to go down in history as the Vegas Edge Team have pre-sold a record breaking 80% of the floor space for their August event. The sister show to LondonEdge, an international event established for 20 years, Vegas Edge is the only commercial platform stateside dedicated to lifestyle, creative alternative apparel, footwear & accessories businesses. Exhibitors, buyers, influencers & press will gather at Alexis Park All-Suite Hotel and Conference Center to celebrate the third show in the series this summer.
With an abundance of creative alternative and lifestyle brands under one roof, Vegas Edge is attracting buyers from all over the world as well as the USA. Previous editions have boasted buyers from USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark, with 90% from the home market, whilst exhibitors attended from USA, UK, Australia, France, Sweden, Bali, Ireland & Costa Rica. International at its very core, this lifestyle fashion brand brings the international community together.
LondonEdge celebrates the creative and fascinating lifestyle fashion marketplace and reliably delivers an unmissable fashion retail event showcasing the best in lifestyle fashion. From elegant repro-vintage and rocking rockabilly, festival sparkles, dark street-styles, rainbow and pastel pop culture and new music merchandise, LondonEdge exhibitors and buyers are guaranteed inspiration.
Overall, the show is reported to be the biggest since the Vegas Edge’s inception and a phenomenal footfall is expected. Unsurprisingly, exhibitors, organisers & buyers alike are all excited for its’ doors to open and for the business, the networking & the fun to begin.
Managing Director Carole Hunter comments:
“Launching the Vegas Edge show was a huge decision for us as a company but was the right one without a doubt. We’ve been welcomed in to the US tradeshow market with open arms and are thrilled to be a regular fixture on the Las Vegas strip during Magic Market Week. Although the Vegas vibe is different to London, it still retains that professional, friendly, unique atmosphere that’s entirely characteristic of LondonEdge and helps keep the audience coming & the transactions flowing. For us, it couldn’t be more of a win. We’re in a position where we’re providing a commercial platform for our market on both sides of the Atlantic is outstanding & we could not be prouder.”
The next Vegas Edge will run, fully loaded, from 12th-13th August 2019 at Alexis Park All-Suite Hotel and Conference Centre. Register to visit LondonEdge at www.londonedge.com/visitors.
The 3rd Vegas Edge Show Reports Record Breaking Sales for Upcoming Event published first on https://workbootsandshoes.tumblr.com/
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worldfootprints · 6 years ago
When it comes to Indonesia, you might wonder how islands like Java can compete with the likes of Bali. Receiving almost 10 million international visitors in 2015, Bali tourism is at a high and Internet connectivity is not only readily available, but a marketing tool for the industry. The island has even become a hub for digital nomads with co-working spaces rivaling those of London and New York.
In comparison, the other 17,000 islands in Indonesia vary in terms of Internet availability. Statistics say that 50% of Indonesians have access to the Internet: a high percentage compared to Cambodia’s 10%, but considerably lower than America’s 75%. Internet across the Indonesian islands is sporadic, ranging from patchy and non-existent in some locations to highly proficient in urban hubs like Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
On the densely populated Java, the Internet is being used in new and innovative ways. The island, which has 141 million residents, is best known for its volcanoes and ancient temple sites, yet in recent years a new theme has emerged: Internet-driven community projects.
A Village with an Unlikely Story
Kampoeng Taman is a small community nestled amongst the tightly knit streets of central Yogyakarta. A ‘kampung’ by definition is a crowded inner-city neighborhood, which might bring to mind images of slums and hardship. Not quite. As the art and culture hub of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, known as ‘Jogja,’ is colorful and forward thinking. The Royal Water Palace dominates the city center, encompassed by a myriad of alleyways, once the servants’ quarters.
Displaced by one of the island’s many devastating earthquakes several decades ago, an influx of Indonesians from other parts of the country moved to the ancient quarters and made a new home there. Before long, they were making and selling batik products, a type of printed fabric with ancient roots, still popular in Indonesia today. From climate refugees to profitable business owners, it was quite the success story– until it wasn’t.
Children playing in Yogyakarta
Recession and Revival
Following the financial crisis of 1997 and the Bali bombings of 2002, tourism was suddenly stunted in Indonesia and the batik industry was hit hard. Kampoeng Taman went from a thriving community to a struggling neighborhood as businesses were forced to close and families lost their livelihoods.
Despite the fact that in 2003 the Internet was nowhere near as developed as it is today, the people of Yogyakarta were quick to utilize its power. In particular, a group of young creatives, banded together to raise the profile of Kampoeng Taman and revive the once-profitable batik industry. With support of neighborhood groups, businesses and the local university, the grassroots group obtained a collection of computers.
It wasn’t an overnight job. First came mobilizing a community wary of technology and gaining support from the village elders. Second, came the struggle of getting the community online: setting up networks, establishing connections and training the residents. An uphill struggle was slowly met with success as the community began to market their products with the power of the Internet. Within five years, the batik industry in Kampoeng Taman was thriving once again, and locals were using the Internet not just to promote their businesses, but also to track orders and dispatch stock. The settlement even gained a new name: Kampoeng Cyber Village.
Bringing in Tourism
As the village enjoyed newfound prosperity, the streets became vibrant and lively. The Cyber Village project was about more than a revival of batik: it was about celebrating community-led projects and the village itself.
The residents of Kampoeng Cyber Village painted their houses and commissioned local street artists. These things attracted visitors who, in turn, encouraged more tourism as they shared their images online. The residents of Kampoeng Cyber Village also began using the Internet in their own lives, announcing births, weddings and updates in community groups. In short, innovative use of developing technology revolutionized life in the once sleepy Kampoeng Taman.
Today, the streets of the Cyber Village are a maze of colorful technology and community-themed murals. Giant social media icons splatter the concrete while images of computer monitors in wide-open palms demonstrate how technology has opened up the community to the world.
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A Visit from Facebook’s Founder
One especially eye-catching mural in Kampoeng Cyber Village depicts a face most visitors will instantly recognize: Mark Zuckerberg. The story behind it?
The Facebook founder caught wind of Yogyakarta’s famous community project and decided to come and see it for himself. During his visit, which was described by locals as ‘spontaneous,’ he chatted with the residents as he wandered the neighborhood. Little did he know that the street he’d stood on would soon have a new mural and a new name: Zuckerberg Street!
As well as proving the village worthy of a visit, Zuckerberg’s appearance affirmed one thing: Kampoeng Cyber Village is setting an example that is not going unnoticed.
Similar projects are springing up across the island, for example, the colorful village of Malang in East Java. Locals have painted homes in the once-sleepy hamlet every shade of the rainbow to attract tourism, subsequently earning it the nickname ‘the Instagram village.’
Could such projects become a business model for developing communities around the world? Only time will tell.
Colorful rainbow painted village. If you look closely you’ll notice satellite dishes on the roofs of some of the homes.
An Indonesian Village that Changed its Fate with the Internet When it comes to Indonesia, you might wonder how islands like Java can compete with the likes of Bali.
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funnycutcats · 6 years ago
Javanese Cat a Spice of Life – Breeds information
Javanese Cat a Spice of Life – Breeds information
Javanese Cat – Variety is the spice of life. If it wasn’t, then Baskin-Robbins wouldn’t have 32 flavors of ice cream, Sherwin-Williams wouldn’t offer 500 hundred different shades of green and everybody would drive a four-door sedan instead of today’s vehicular array of SUVs, mini-vans, convertibles, luxury coupes, pickups, and station wagons.
Ours certainly is not the first era to recognize the need for variety. An ancient Chinese proverb states, “Sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, all must be tasted.” It was the famous British poet and hymnist William Cowper, writing in the early 1780s, who first wrote, “Variety is the very spice of life,” to which Johnny Carson added in the ’60s, “If variety is the spice of life, marriage is the big can of leftover Spam.”
If variety truly does make life taste better, however, then never before has an age experienced such succulence. Thanks to industrialization, technology, and globalization, coupled with an ever-changing and expanding population, the choices available to us are greater than ever before. We can pick from apparel available in every color under the rainbow – and some that aren’t – while enjoying exotic cuisines from the farthest corners of the world. Thanks to advances in science, we have a truly astonishing array of medicines and procedures to treat, and often cure, diseases that debilitated our grandparents’ generation. New advances in science have also carried over to the animal world, where we not only have the ability to create new breeds of animals but also, through cloning, can create an exact copy of an animal that already exists.
Javanese Cat – A Cat for Everyone
The cat fancy has been forever changed by this era of endless variety, as well. Today the different types of cat available are no longer restricted by environmental conditions and random genetics. Enthusiasts literally have dozens of breeds to select from in choosing the cat that is perfect for them, and if none of these choices is just right, then they have the know-how to create a breed that is.
The Javanese Cat is such a cat, for the breed is one in a line of Siamese-style cats created through the efforts of breeders who wanted to take the qualities of the Siamese and alter the coat and colors to their own preferences. Like the Balinese, the Oriental Shorthair and longhair, and the colorpoint shorthair, the Javanese Cat bears a strong resemblance to the Siamese in terms of conformation and personality type. The difference, as they say, is in the details, and it is in areas such as coat length, color, and pattern where the Javanese Cat distinguishes itself from its Siamese ancestors.
The Javanese Cat and the Balinese are so closely related, in fact, that some consider them to be the same cat. This may or may not be true, depending of your point of view, but the history of the two breeds is undeniably linked. Longhaired Siamese kittens began appearing in Europe around the time of World War I. Two different theories attempt to explain how this occurred. The first is that this was a naturally occurring mutation in the Siamese. The second proposes that the longhair gene was introduced into Siamese stock during and directly after the war, at a time when the Siamese gene pool in Europe was almost obliterated and breeders may have used other breeds to help rejuvenate the bloodline.
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Longhaired Siamese was considered an anomaly well into the 1920s and 1930s, and no one began a serious effort to establish the cats as a separate breed until the 1940s, when several breeders began working with longhaired cats born in purebred Siamese litters. Many Siamese breeders opposed these efforts because they did not believe the longer hair was a natural mutation. Nevertheless, development of the cats persisted, until it was clear a distinctive name was needed to distinguish the cats from the Siamese. Helen Smith, one of the earliest and most avid breeders of these cats, suggested the name Balinese because the cats’ sleek yet graceful appearance reminded her of the traditional dancers from the isle of Bali. Although these cats bore absolutely no connection to Bali, the name stuck, in large part because it suggested an exotic heritage.
Balinese breeders, hampered by the Siamese breeders who wouldn’t sell them top-quality breeding stock, struggled to refine the body type of the breed, and after years of work, they finally achieved success. By 1970, the year the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) granted championship, all the major United States associations recognized the breed. Like the Siamese, the Balinese comes in four pointed colors: seal, blue, chocolate and lilac. Another Siamese-related breed, the colorpoint shorthair, was also gaining recognition throughout the late ’60s and early ’70s. This cat shared the short coat of the Siamese as well its body style, personality, and coat length. It also shared the Siamese’s pointed color pattern, but in the untraditional colors of red, cream, tortoiseshell and lynx (tabby) points.
As both the Balinese and the colorpoint shorthair gained acceptance, breeders became intrigued by the idea of a cross between the two breeds. It wasn’t long before that idea became a reality, and Balinese breeders began using the colorpoint shorthair to introduce that breed’s designer colors into the Balinese line. Breeders soon needed a name to describe these longhaired colorpoint cats, and they turned to a familiar source of inspiration – the South Seas. The Javanese Cat isn’t from the Isle of Java any more than the Balinese is from Bali, but the name had a suitable romantic ring and the two islands are closely related to one another, just like the cats that bear their names.
Javanese Cat – Exotic Excitement
As its exotic name suggests, the Javanese Cat is a breed for folks who want a little spice in their lives. Known for their curiosity and intelligence, Javanese won’t settle for being ignored and will actively involve themselves in your life and activities. You can’t outsmart a Javanese, either, for they have an uncanny ability to learn your behaviors and routines, even to the point where they will remind you in their soft but determined voice that you are late for a very important event such as their dinner. In fact, Javanese cats, like the Siamese and other Siamese-related breeds often have a preoccupation with food. Some will burn off the extra calories in playful antics, but care must be taken that couch potatoes don’t become overweight.
Many fanciers say Javanese are easy to train. Others may argue that the Javanese Cat is good at training you – some are known to “fetch”; in actuality, however, the cat has taught its owner to “throw.” Their voice is softer than a Siamese’s but just as active. Frequent meows seem definite attempts to communicate, and they look you directly in the eye awaiting an answer.
The Javanese Cat is a perfect breed for our variety-crazed society, for breed enthusiasts insist that the personality of a Javanese Cat varies with its color. Tortie points are regarded as the class clowns of the Javanese, with an outgoing, eager-to-please demeanor. They speak their minds freely and are eager to entertain with their antics. Red and cream points are considered more laid back, easygoing and affectionate. Lynx points often have a regal, dignified demeanor to accompany their dramatic good looks.
Currently, the CFA is the only registry that separates the breeds into the classifications colorpoint shorthair and Javanese Cat. The other registries merely extend the color parameters of the Siamese and the Balinese to include the wider ranges of colors. This is because some breeders feel that separating the Balinese and the Javanese Cat is like splitting cat hairs; both breeds share a body type, personality, and coat. This opinion, however, seems to go against our widely held belief that more variety is better. Although the Javanese Cat may share many of its characteristics with other breeds, its unique colors and beautiful appearance have a style and appeal all their own. Just ask a Javanese Cat owner – this beautiful, distinctive cat will add spice to any life.
Javanese Cat – The Building Code
The ideal Javanese Cat is a svelte cat with long tapering lines, very lithe but strong and muscular. To the eye, the Javanese Cat often appears to have softer lines than a Siamese because of the longer hair. Since the fur is only semi-long and lacks the downy undercoat, the coat doesn’t tangle and even show cats require little grooming. The wedge-shaped head, large ears, and blue eyes are all typically Siamese. As you would expect, the Javanese’s standard is almost identical to the Siamese’s and to the standards of the other Siamese-related breeds. The main difference lies in the color schemes and hair lengths. The Javanese Cat is generally a healthy breed but can suffer from the same defects as the Siamese. Endocardial fibroelastosis (a congenital heart disease) is a more serious anomaly that can be found in some Siamese lines.
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The post Javanese Cat a Spice of Life – Breeds information appeared first on Funny Cute Cats.
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A M A Z I N G 😍✨ 📍 Hi G.P.H. Community! Let's show @katrina_smolla love! 📍 She's at 42.9k followers, lets get him to 43k! 📍 About Us: We are the Global Photographers Hub! - Promoting photographers from around the globe! #SpreadTheWord — Caption: Let's talk about the swings? But not about those in the photo, and not about those "winged" of our childhood. 🤭 And about the emotional swings in love. Now many people recognize themselves and their (most likely past) relationships. "It just so happened that almost every person in his life goes through this special form of masochism. I also call this state "sick love" 💔 or mutual terror. But from the heap of comparisons given above it is already clear that the swing in the relationship is bad. Although the participants in the process do not seem so. And all because these relations look like this: imagine that there are some Misha and Tanya (the names are made up). And day by day they build their relationship on the manipulation of each other's feelings. Misha knows that Tanya loves him, so he allows himself a lot of extra, and Tanya hides an offense and periodically takes revenge on him in the form of small and large changes, pyanok in clubs and travels over the hill with friends. These partners hate each other, destroying everything that they built up to the ground. But the next day they realize that they can not live without each other, there is a crazy passion, plans for a joint future, they make peace - the swings take off and take the lovers high into the heavens. 🚀 Happiness, rainbow, orgasm. ✨🌈 Do you understand what will happen next? The swing will also fly swiftly. And the cycle will be repeated until someone one descends to the ground and leaves. I do not know any other options for developing such a relationship. Who has other examples please write, any experience is interesting. 🙏🏻☝🏻✍🏼. that they can not live without each other, there is a crazy passion, plans for a joint future, they make peace - the swings take off and take the lovers high into the sky. 🚀 Happiness, rainbow, orgasm. ✨🌈 Do you understand what will happen next? The swing will also fly swiftly. And the cycle will be repeated" (at Bali, Indonesia)
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gaycocksmodels64 · 5 years ago
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FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Beijing China 20 Most Dangerous Places For Gay Travelers (And The 5 Safest) Sports facilities, and other city-sponsored activities that married play enjoy. Though there have been parades in the Turkish city of Istanbul since. Male homosexuality is illegal in the Gaza game but not in the West Bank, . Most dangerous and safest places for gay travelers . LGBT rights in the State of Palestine - Wikipedia One of my best friends was gay, he relates. China Chinese Girlfriends, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) people in Palestine face legal challenges and discrimination not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Anonymous View 25 Nov 2019 . Dating the State: The Moral Hazards of Winning Gay Rights Imposing a Western model of sexuality but also without ignoring the realities of globalization); . Everything you need to know about being gay in Muslim countries . Illustration: Life for the LGBTQ community in the Gaza game . What it'S like to be gay in Gaza: Meeting Israelis on dating apps . Years before Isis began throwing allegedly gay men off the top of . Four gay men and one woman tell Haaretz what life is really like in a 'Homophobic society' Where pretending to be . All Billionaires World'S Billionaires Forbes 400 America'S Richest Self-Made Women China'S Richest India'S . LGBT rights in Israel - Wikipedia Facebar, also known as F Club for short, is up next, only several footsteps from Bali Joe. "Is Israel Using Gay Rights to Excuse Its Policy on Palestine? China Dinnerware Tel Aviv was elected a top gay destination in There'S also no doubt that a . In the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank, the . He called China the greatest threat to us since the British Empire in the . The Future of America'S Contest with China, The New Yorker Bali gay nightlife scene is focused around specific areas in and around Seminyak, with . When I visited Hu that week, at his office across town, he was in a buoyant mood. According to LGBT travelers, it was ranked as the best gay city in 2011, despite . Of the West Bank and Gaza has led to an agreeable scenario: A chronic but. Muslim condemnations of homosexuality, like those in Christianity, . The 21-year-old student from the Gaza game is gay and lives a double life: An open one, as a diligent student, the youngest child in his family, . Men, among the many people that the hero meets and interacts with while looking for love. 13 Jan 2020 . 25 Jun 2019 . Comparative scholarship on Chinese Law and examining the ethics of . To sail to the Gaza game with the intent of highlighting the Israeli. The relationship between the . And the Soviet Union was like two . girlfriends, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Israel are the most developed in the . 21 Feb 2018 . Pride and prejudice: The hellish life of Gaza'S LGBTQ community . China Market decorating cars with rainbow stickers which Chinese factories were only too happy to supply. 5 Best Gay Bars in Bali - Bali Magazine Cities like Lisbon and Porto have the best gay scenes in the country and. Facebar, just like many of the best gay bars in Bali, comes to life near. 21 Jun 2016 .
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lamuze · 7 years ago
A Memoir
Life is Art 
By Chandraka Dasi Fisher   
Life is art. And architectural works are works of art. Everywhere I look I am inspired by shapes and colors. George Harrison once said “Art (like music) is an insignificant attempt at reproducing what God does every moment." One may not believe in God but we can all agree that theres no greater architect than that which is found in nature. There’s no doubt that when we see images of the galaxy filaments, the largest known structures in the universe, that these are spirals of infinite creativity, created by something which is greater than ourselves, that which is all powerful. Thus, I am inspired by every facet of nature, for in it we find the most ornate intricacies and designs. Even more fascinating are the animal architects, because lets face it, “given their size and lineage, beavers put humans to shame when it comes to architecture.”
Born on ‘the tip of the dragons tail’ in a very beautiful farm community inland from Byron Bay in Australia 🇦🇺 to Irish and French/Native American parents living abroad, I was then shipped back to and raised in the tropical paradise known as Hawaii Nei. Although my three brothers and I were raised by a single mother in poor hand to mouth humble beginnings, our lives were so rich because of our beautiful majestic and magical natural surroundings.
I can remember being in awe when gazing up from the coastline for the first time at the sacred Hawaiian Temple Puʻukoholā Heiau, located in Kohala on the northern side of the Big Island. Behind it lays Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain top on earth when measured from the bottom of the Pacific ocean floor, rising up 33,476 feet. When its telescope laden snow capped head rears itself through the clouds, the sheer grandiosity of such a sight reminds us of the relative minuscule nature of our own designs and it is humbling and inspiring. Moreover, what makes Puʻukoholā Heiau so amazing is that It was built entirely by hand with no mortar, in less than a year! The ‘mana,’ meaning the pervasive supernatural or magical power that surrounds this structure and site is otherworldly, as are the molten waterfalls of lava that cascade over the sea cliffs in Volcano National Park on an oftentimes nightly basis. Undulating and crashing into the sea, ‘Madame Pele’ creates land and therefore life as we know it. Again, inspiring and reminding us that mother nature is the most advanced at creative design.
I was fortunate to travel extensively in my twenties, living somewhat like a gypsy, studying at the University of Hawaii and then studying abroad in Paris for a semester, and couch surfing during other times, albeit not necessarily by choice. I strove to be the first in my family to reach academic excellence, always dreaming of pursuing higher education to the topmost level as I love to learn. However, due to unforeseen family and financial crisis, I was unable to finish my undergraduate studies.
What I did accomplish, however, was exposure to an array of other cultures, climates and some of the most amazing structural wonders of the world. From the ornately carved Temples throughout the island of Bali; to the never ending sea of buildings seen from atop Tokyo Tower; to that unforgettable surreal moment when I turned the corner and saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time and gazed out over Central Park from the great heights of the Empire State building; architecture has and always will astound me.
From the golden, glowing cupids towering atop bridges over the River Seine; to the art nouveau carved niches throughout the streets of Paris,; to the Old beaux arts train station turned Museum at Musee D’orsay, to some of the first flying buttress at Notre Dame; to the gothic and romanesque Chartres cathedral; to witnessing the ebb and flow of the tides at the foot of Mont Saint Michele Monastery in northern France; to the soaring ceilings found in my classrooms At the Sorbonne University; to the harrowing halls of Les Halles Cathedral; to the vivid corridors at Place Des Vosges, to the Pont Du Gard Aqueduct; France is a garden of architectural delights. And I dream of going back again someday to take in the region of Grasse, Bordeaux and Champagne by hot air balloon.
From the grand canal of Venice, to the palazzos surrounding the duomo in Florence filled with sculptures of Medussa and where every stone you come across has a story, where etched areas carved out for candle-bras from the time of Dante still exist; from the frightening and grotesque sculptures found in the Garden di Boboli, to the epic Colosseum and ancient ruins surrounding it, to the girl playing the cello in the streets and to the intimidating, foreboding presence of the Vatican in Rome; Italy will always hold a special place in my heart.
From the reflective dreamscape of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona; to Buckingham Palace and big Ben in London; to the ‘giants must have made this’ Stonehenge and to the beautiful lush green town of Bath in England, with its 18th century Georgian Architecture; to Zermatt Switzerland and the subway lifts that have been carved out into the Alps that eventually reach near the highest peak known as Matterhorn; to the surrounding hilltop castles around Zurich, to the giant chess and narrowest row house in Amsterdam; western Europe abounds in a treasure trove of architectural curiosities.
Back in North America, from old and modern Montreal; to the ever stunning art deco Chrysler building in New York City and the Space age Guggenheim; to the magnificent Estates in the Hamptons; to the stately University Of Virginia at Charlottesville; down south to the lovely historic homes of Savannah Georgia and Charleston South Carolina; to the gem of Jacksonville Florida, Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens and to the flamboyant hotels in St Petersburg Florida; the east coast is full of charm.
Across to the Gritty bayou of New Orleans and over into Texas to the exquisite Dallas Museum of Art, springtime at the Dallas Arboretum and Gardens is not to be missed! And from the kitschy Flamingo Hotel along Las Vegas’ strip; to the cutting edge design of the Aria Hotel and down to to the hilltop Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City; this region is full of old clashes with new wild west feeling.
From the golden gate bridge in San Francisco and to Seattles skyline as seen from Queen Annes neighborhood; to Tilikum Crossing in Portland Oregon, to the Hearst Castle along Big Surs Pacific Coast Highway; to the posh Spanish influenced State Street in Santa Barbara; to the Bel Air mansions of Beverly Hills and to the old Hollywood hotel glamour; the West Coast dazzles.
And lastly, back to the islands that will forever be my home across the sea to the classic Moana Surfrider and ‘Pink Lady’ Hotels along Waikiki Beach, to the classic Diamond Head surf; to the Greek inspired Grand Wailea Maui and to the million dollar museum collection at the Hilton Waikoloa Village; Hawaii’s greatest architecture kisses its sun-soaked lapping shores in a rainbow of color.
And the list goes on. What a myriad of marvels I have had the chance to discover, yet there are still so many on my list that I wish to see and experience first hand! Oh sweet life thank you for reminding me to dream big, dare to explore, and discover the divine!
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