#Bakugan spectra
newvestroia · 8 months
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No way
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queensmaycry · 2 months
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It was really original idea
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minty-the-marill · 5 months
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I have specific tastes in men. I want more feminine bad boys in fiction.
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gummy-sharks666 · 8 months
Uh I like Bakugan Hcs!
How about Spectra, Mira, Alice and Hydron?
So I did actually answer for Mira awhile back in this post:
But now for the other 3….
Gender: flamboyant man for sure 💅💅💅
Sexuality: oh he gay. Gay as hell
A ship I have: this is SO basic but I LOVE GUS/SPECTRA 🫣🫣🫣 they’re like Steven/Wallace from Pokémon to me. Thank you spinmaster for feeding the gays one time. Glad they made it out of S2 alive and together. Good for them.
BROTP: honestly,, either Gus or Dan. Dan especially after Spectra comes around to his side
NOTP: uhhh idk… I feel like him with Hydron or Lync would just be like oil and water. Their cattiness would not let them mix well. The girls are fightingggg
Random hc: Transmasc spectra supremacy
General opinion: him being so obnoxiously dramatic and fruity and him trying to be brooding but just turning out to be pathetic are all what makes me like him as a character tbh. A lot of ppl hate him bc of it but I just love it lmfao
Gender: (Chucky voice) GENDAFLOOID
Sexuality: tbh I’m kind of a lesbian Alice truther although I do like the spectralice ship a lot 🫣 either lesbian or pan
A ship I have: Runo/Alice is top tier. Once again I’m also a fan of SpectrAlice
BROTP: Lync, Julie and Runo
NOTP: Lync lmfao I’m sorry,,, they would be friends tho
Random hc: she, Runo and Julie all keep up with each other in a group chat or discord or something and they def have regular reunions ;-;
Gender: I am a transmasc femboy hydron truther
Sexuality: GAY obvs
A ship I have: not rlly a ship but I KNOW he be crushing on Volt I just know it!!
BROTP: I can’t see him having many friends, which is actually a good thing for his character I feel. He’s a self absorbed monarch with deep rooted daddy issues so ofc he’s probably not going to have many close friends. I like that ab him. Makes him a good villain and later morally gray character
NOTP: p much any female character ??? And lync. Once again, Lync and Hydron would be SO petty to each other omfg …
Random hc: he scams men online. Get that bag bby (trust me, all twinks with daddy issues been there)
General opinion: kind of already stated this but I think he makes for a good villain/evil monarch character. He’s a prissy little shit w daddy issues (/pos) and it makes for a very interesting character.
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melyonza · 10 months
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Lync was Spectra and Mira's long lost brother?
When I watched Bakugan, my headcannon was always that Lync was Spectra and Mira's brother since he looked so much like them.
This is because Lync's hairstyle resembles Mira's, while him hair color was similar to Keith's (former name of Spectra).
Not to mention that they had the same eye color, just like Lync knew that Mira and Spectra were siblings.
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fluffomatic · 24 days
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I do not know why my being demanded I stay up to finish this one, but WHO CARES! I'm drawing again! I'm so happy to be crawling outta this art block, besties!
So, Dan's one to toss a sassy comeback or a witty one-liner at his enemies. What if Spectra just got fed up one day and was like, "I'm gonna give you something to laugh about." And absolutely just wrecks the poor kid? I headcanon his stomach as his worst spot, so Spectra is sure to exploit that. 😝 Poor kid is gonna be stuck like this for a while
(My art, don't repost, but please reblog)
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shurisu · 11 months
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miza-chan · 6 months
“bRinG iT oN fRostED TiPs!1!1!1!”
this should NOT be that funny 😭😭😭 but bestie it looks like more than just the tips are frosted 💀
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catatonic-bug · 2 months
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⭑𓂃Reunion ๋࣭ ⭑⚝
Who else is mad over that crappy reunion Spectra and Gus had in episode 50? A hug, just a hug would have been enough ;; - ;; So I had to do it myself ~
The reason that Spectra is able to lift Gus so high is because he lost weight during his imprisonment. At first, Gus is confused to find his feet not touching the ground - let's be real, he's def the one doing the carrying in their relationship - and then he's suddenly looking below at Spectra, while Spectra feels too happy and relieved to realise what he's just done.
I also hc Keith tears up when he's overly emotional; he relied for so long on his mask to hide the tears that it's become quite difficult to hold them back. The mask can hide Spectra’s feelings but it can't stop them from existing - even if he sounds like a heartless a-hole sometimes. That's why he'd definitely tear up at the sight of his presumed dead husband loyal friend. :D
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s-hhhit · 17 days
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detective!au keithgus sketches for fun
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pixelbytesquad · 2 months
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behold... a tiny Spectra appeared-
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newvestroia · 1 month
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ranking bakugan characters on their ability to slam dunk
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asexualsandbox · 5 months
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Out of all the characters in Bakugan I thought I'd draw a lot of, I never would have guessed I'd fall in love with Marucho of all people 🤣 On my, now 3rd, rewatch of Bakugan with my sister we talked about what we would like out of Marucho's character which made me excited to draw the weird kid 🤣 I would love it so much more if he acted as a little brother to the whole team, the secluded rich kid who turns into an annoying little gremlin who tags along. Now I have more of an appreciation for the blonde~
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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the-fridge-orange · 7 months
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hexados-on-a-string · 2 months
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made a few memes that i. personally. think are funny. and also to cope with not being able to draw rn.
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melyonza · 10 months
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What if Lync had turned out to be Mira and Spectra's brother?
In an alternate universe, Professor Clay had three children. Which were Keith (future Spectra), Mira and Lync. The professor was a well-known scientist in his city, so some traitor killed his wife and kidnapped Lync as a baby.
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The professor decides to hide the truth from his other two children, telling them that Lync died with his mother. Since they were just children, her father did not allow them to see the graves at the funeral so that they would not be "traumatized."
The traitor told him that he was only going to hand over Lync to him if he agreed to make him a war machine, which the professor refused, sacrificing his son, but he did not count on the fact that the traitor would let the child live to use him later.
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Keith and Mira grow up not knowing about their brother. Everything changes when the war starts and they separate.
At some point Lync is incorporated into the Spectra team. For some reason, Lync knows that Spectra and Mira are siblings and that they are Professor Clay's children, but he doesn't know that he is also part of that family.
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After some battles, and family reconciliation. Prince Hydron reveals that Lync is Professor Clay's son. Everyone is surprised to hear that, especially Lync since he thought he had no family.
Hydron tries to kill Lync but is rescued by his siblings, giving Hydron the chance to flee. Mira hugs her little brother who is in shock.
Lync begins to have a flashback of the day he was kidnapped and after comparing it with his current life, he accepts the harsh truth and helps his siblings take down Hydron.
After Hydron's defeat, he lives a happy life with his family.
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