#Bai Haotian
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xiaobaosnoona · 5 months ago
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wu xie being unreasonably cute (+precious xiao bai)
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sleepingobsidian · 4 months ago
Wu Xie's and Xiaoge's adopted children
Pangzi - 1st adopted and youngest (he is also an uncle in a weird way)
Li Cu - 2nd adopted, eldest and favourite (somehow the mature one)
Liu Sang - 3rd adopted, brat and 2nd youngest (always fighting with Pangzi for parents attention)
Bai Haotian - 4th adopted, the daughter and responsible one (takes after Wu Xie the most. Gets made fun if by some of the brothers bc she had a crush on Mom)
Li Jiale - 5th adopted, technically the youngest and 2nd favourite (after what happened in w11 Wu Xie thought 'If I don't take care of him who will?')
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thelaithlyworm · 3 months ago
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Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 重启之极海听雷 | Reunion: The Sound of the Providence (TV 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bai Haotian/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Bai Haotian/Zhang Qiling Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Zhang Qiling, Bai Haotian Additional Tags: First Time, Relationship Negotiation, Asexual Character, Demisexual Character, Body Worship, there is no plot here, Podfic, Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes Summary:
Xiaoge’s large, warm hand settles on Xiao-Bai’s shoulder, infinitely gentle. She cranes her neck to look up at him. His eyes are warm, but she can’t quite follow…
“He wants to know,” Wu Xie says quietly, “if you’d like me to join you two.”
Heat washes through Xiao-Bai.
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therealbernicia · 1 year ago
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Canonicals Tournament Round 1, Match 7
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Match 7 is between Bai Haotian from Reunion: The Sound of the Providence (shizun/mentor: Wu Xie) and Rong Hao from Love Between Fairy and Devil (shizun: Chi Di Nu Zi)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
Bai Haotian:
Bai Haotian -- Little Bai -- is introduced as a supervisor in the mysterious Warehouse 11 which the protagonist, Wu Xie, is trying to infiltrate. She's tiny, she's chipper, She's A Fan, she has a slightly girlier version of Wu Xie's haircut and Absolutely No Chill. What follows is an interestingly asymmetrical relationship where he is canny, resourceful, indomitable, and she knows so much more than she's telling -- youth, expertise, and adoration in a tiny gamine package. When they are fired from Warehouse 11 she becomes his student in scurrilous antique-dealing and 'how to point the knife away from you when there's danger'. (She's young. She's picking things up as she goes.)
She flirts with Wu Xie throughout (he is politely discouraging and occasionally flustered) and the platonic affection and mutual protectiveness is so strong I could cut it with a butter knife.
Rong Hao:
This guy tried so hard to destroy three realms and murdered so many people so that his shizun could be alive and well.
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thetombraidersguild · 1 year ago
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justawanderingbabbit · 9 months ago
Going to do a post later about this universe's background.
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lasenbyphoenix · 2 years ago
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lunarriviera · 1 year ago
If you're taking asks for the wip meme, I'd love to hear more about/get a snippet from the bai haotian/zhu hong fic. I never would have thought of those two characters together on my own but I love them??!!
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THESE TWO, sad about their crushes being gay! current opening:
Bai Haotian sniffled, and took another swallow of Tsing Tao. It wasn’t as crisp and refreshing as when she’d first sat down at her lonely end of the bar, but then that had been four beers ago. She soldiered grimly on, finished the glass, and licked the foam off her upper lip with her tongue. Then she put her head down on her arms and fought back another threatening wave of tears. It was terrible. Everything was terrible. Wu Xie was terrible, except he wasn’t, he was wonderful, and he didn’t love her, and he never would. He’d made that clear very early on, in his cautious, polite way. The very kindness with which he’d let her know he wasn’t available made a fresh surge of longing sweep through her. Even rejecting her, he was thoughtful! It was so unfair, and also terrible. She sniffled again, and raised her head to signal for another beer.
Instead of the bartender, though, she saw a very pretty woman sitting at the opposite end of the bar, one hand upraised, fingers barely waving in a small acknowledgement. Xiao Bai blinked. The young woman looked as stricken as Xiao Bai felt, her leather jacket half off one shoulder, white silk blouse rumpled, scarlet lipstick smeared onto the rims of the half-dozen glasses in front of her. Well, at least she could handle her booze, Xiao Bai thought, and tentatively raised her hand to wave back.
The woman smiled, caught the bartender’s attention, and before she knew it Xiao Bai was looking down at a cocktail, slice of orange twisted around a bright red cherry. “Amaretto sour,” said the bartender briefly, then jerked his chin in the direction of the disheveled pretty woman. “From the other lady.”
Xiao Bai felt very flattered, with a pinprick of curiosity puncturing her bubble of misery. “Tell her thank you,” she said, bravely, “and I would like to order one for her, as well.”
“You can tell her yourself,” said a voice at her elbow, and Xiao Bai had to pull back a little to focus on the source: the pretty woman had left her seat and was now sliding onto the stool at right angles to Xiao Bai’s, half-finished beer gripped in one hand. Up close, she was even prettier, with porcelain skin that not even her smudged makeup and flushed cheeks could conceal. “Thought you looked like you could use some company.”
send me 🌹 and i’ll give you a sentence from one of my wips ♥
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pangzi · 2 years ago
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sharkbeneaththelotus · 11 months ago
For the Ship ask game... Liu Sang & Bai Haotian?
Highly Specific Ship Ranking
Send me a ship, and I’ll rate it:
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
They would be SO disfunctional but in like. a NOrmal way, like your everyday couple who don't succesfully communicate but they muddle through and they're disgustingly cute about it and awkward at gatherings.
Liu Sang who knows too much gossip about everyone worries that she's using him but is there for her anyway and tells her anything he thinks is important, and SHE is tired of Liu Sang talking about work when they're on dates,. (he just wants to be needed! She doesnt need him but she wants him and he's SO confused about it!)
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thelaithlyworm · 1 year ago
She's tiny, deceptive, cute, walks around with her heart in her eyes at all times, fearsomely skilled in some areas, fumbling and innocent in others, versed in the intricate and clannish ways of a secret warehouse designed by a madman, has zero shame about Wanting To Climb That Old Man Like A Tree...
Vote Bai Haotian!
Probably hasn't committed a murder by the time of Reboot, I mean I don't think she has, but she absolutely could get away with it if she wanted to there are a lot of dark tunnels and odd byways in Warehouse 11 I'm just sayin', and that's not even counting her ability to access and potentially alter paperwork if she wanted someone gone it would not be difficult to make it like they never existed.
Vote Bai Haotian!
She's small as an almond with a bit more cyanide, so lovely so refreshing.
Do you wanna be cool? Do you wanna Vote Bai Haotian?
Best character surnamed: Bai
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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thelaithlyworm · 11 months ago
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[ID: "Two iron pots hanging over a campfire. Title reads, ‘Peanuts, by Thimblerig’." End ID]
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, The Lost Tomb - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Bai Haotian & Wu Xie Characters: Bai Haotian, Wu Xie (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Rape Aftermath, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Missing Scene, Fic and Podfic, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes Summary:
After the escape from Mr Jiao's camp, Xiao-Bai cannot sleep.
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mekare-art · 2 months ago
Happy (DMBJ) Holidays!
Here‘s a little project to cheer you over the holidays - a DMBJ children‘s alphabet book! A group project from the Yucun Discord server.
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The Little Tomb Robber's Alphabet (43 words) by psghayleaux, cayra, Thimblerig, MountainRose, mekare, SirAuraelius, fox_of_nine_tales, hisapyon Chapters: 3/30 Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Wang Pangzi, A-Ning (DMBJ Series), Queen Mother of the West (DMBJ Series), Xie Yuchen, Huo Xiuxiu, Wu Erbai, Wu Sanxing, Hei Xia Zi (DMBJ Series), Kanjian (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian, Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Ya-jie | Mute Sister (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Children's book, Fanart, Metafiction, Humor, Miluotuo (DMBJ Series), Snakes, Shibie (DMBJ Series) Summary:
Wu Xie is bored in Yucun and has got it into his head to write a children's book about tomb robbing. Naturally, Xiaoge and Pangzi help out. How much baiju has been involved in the production is anyone's guess.
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hils79 · 7 months ago
Potential AU Ask: PangCan + Steampunk/Sky Pirates?
Of course Wu Xie is the captain of his airship, funded by Xiao Hua because a ship is expensive to maintain. They fly around in search of important relics to take back to the capital so they don't fall into the wrong hands
Pangzi is in charge of canons/explosives, Xiaoge is their best fighter, Liu Sang is in charge of navigation, Wang Meng is their provisions guy and Bai Haotian is their relics expert. Sometimes Hei Xiazi tags along if they need some extra fighting power or if Xiao Hua needs a break from his infuriating husband
Wang Can is part of a rival crew and is sent to assassinate Wu Xie. Obviously it doesn't take and he ends up captured and locked in the brig.
Everyone keeps talking about how weird it is that Wang Can looks exactly like Liu Sang, apart from Liu Sang who doesn't see it at all
Pangzi insists on taking food to Wang Can every day, mostly to keep an eye on him but also the kid is too skinny. Don't the Wangs feed their crew? And because it's Pangzi he talks to Wang Can every day about inane things that it's safe for Wang Can to know. Eventually Wang Can manages to escape, but to his shock he realises that he doesn't actually want to leave. He's got used to being fed and talked to like he's an actual human being and not a tool. He gets adopted by Wu Xie's crew and ends up in Pangzi's bed of course.
Send me an AU prompt and I'll tell you 5 fun things that would happen
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thetombraidersguild · 1 year ago
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Time Raiders Game
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