#Baggs having to deal with being grounded from working
boneheadboner · 6 months
I have way too many thoughts for twitter RN. WAY TOO MANY. I must ramble about HYPERFIXATION. That being my current hyperfixation, of Undertale, specifically Undertale AUs. Specifically how much I WANT TO FUCKINGBFG I WANT TO SEE RED AND BAGGS SMOOCHING???? FUCKING??? YES??? But I think I'm like one of the only ones who ships this so I have to be over here like SMOOSH THEM TOGETHER. KISSES. ADORABLENESS. I wanna see these two grown ass skeletons fucking learning to adapt with unfamiliar situations, separately and together; Baggs learning to trust, and to open up about problems, as well as learning to lean on someone and that he doesn't have to rely on his hypnosis in order to control situations, sometimes they'll just work out. And Red learning that he does deserve to be loved and appreciated for who he is, learning how to handle delicate situations and people, and learning that HE'S NOT AS STRAIGHT AS HE CLAIMS TO BE.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Don't imagine The Boys + Boss dealing with a partner dealing with severe CPTSD 'attacks'/flare ups
Fortunately, you're in good company.
Killer gets kind of aggressive on the rare occasion that his gets triggered. He understands how it is. The joking, the playing, the toying and teasing all stops immediately, and he's deadly serious, supporting you through it. He makes it very clear that you aren't alone, and you're out of that situation Dust, too, especially with not being alone. He's there to ground you however you need it-- words, physical contact, nuzzles, you name it. He doesn't play with attacks like that-- his are extremely violent. Axe focuses on grounding you in the present and making sure that you know you're safe and out of whatever caused it. No one's going to hurt you, you don't have to fight anymore. You're okay, you survived, and you're here with him and he won't ever hurt you. Cross fumbles for a minute and doesn't know what to do. He eventually settles on staying near you, holding you if you want it, or even just a hand, reassuring you that he's not going anywhere and that you'll be okay. Baggs is a pro at any and all things mental, and so is very patient and calm. He might put you under if you're especially dangerous to yourself or others, or run the risk of hurting either of you... but encourages mostly that you work through things. He's here to help, but directly intervening with his magic is a last resort to prevent harm. But, congrats! You just earned yourself a therapy session. He cleared his schedule for you. Nightmare keeps you safe and anyone else out-- you essentially get cloaked in an area by his tentacles, so that everything else gets blocked out, and it's just the two of you. He helps you calm down, takes the edge off the worst of it, and encourages you to tell him what happened. He's... no stranger to these things, either. He's just gotten good at compartmentalizing dealing with his own.
and Boss is strong and silent, insisting on separating you from the cause, or just... keeping you somewhere safe and quiet until the worst passes. He places a lot of worth on being able to protect those he cares about, so having something he can't physically get back at is difficult for him to deal with. Still, he's there for you and will not leave your side until you're okay. He'll gladly hold you and talk you through it, too.
All of them make sure you know you're both not alone and are loved.
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acciopietro · 3 years
hi!! just asking if you do gn reader as well !! if you do, can you pls do one for pietro?im in love with him and i love your work so much 😭😭
a boring, average life - p.m.
pairing: pietro maximoff x gender neutral! reader
word count: 1,192
summary: your life is painfully average, and you’re convinced it’ll stay that forever. however, both a speeding car and boy moving way too fast changes your perspective.
a/n: hello! i apologize for taking so long to get to this. i'm trying to get back into writing as well as clearing out my inbox LOL! this is kind of a blurb but fluff and longer than i intended. idk what to label it as. is it me projecting? yes just a tad. thanks for sending in the request and thank u for ur support <3
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YOU DID NOT go to Midtown School of Science and Technology. You went to Eastside, which was the next school over. However, you were forced to stride past Midtown every day on your walk to and from the subway while going to and from school every day. It was like the universe was taunting you, really; forcing you to stare at the both nicer and cleaner building, watching students park their shiny cars and sling on their brand new backpacks.
On the brighter side, however, the people at Eastside seemed nicer to you. Maybe it was because you had been going there for your entire life, but in any case, you somewhat enjoyed it. High School was High School no matter where it was; maybe you just had to accept that you'd come into your own during college. Or graduate school. Or maybe later?
"Ah!" you stumbled forward, your foot scuffing on the uneven pavement, breaking you out of your daydream. You caught yourself, grimacing at the embarrassment of the action before you glanced about your surroundings as though to make sure no one had seen the slip up. Your eyes shifted up at Midtown High; it looked taller than you remembered.
Even from on the ground, you could see the top of Stark Tower from Midtown High. Your neighbor, in the apartment next to yours, had gotten an internship with Tony Stark; his name was Peter, and his Aunt May had told you that he was always going to and from the tower for different “intern activities.” Approaching the cross walk, you wondered what life might be like if you had gotten such an opportunity.
Peter was a smart kid, and he was way younger than you, which certainly didn’t make you feel any better about the situation. You were barely pushing your way through Calculus and that kid had memorized String Theory by the time he was ten. There was no competition, was there? Maybe you were just destined to have a life that was boring, average, and —
In a blur of bright lights of blue and silver, you found yourself being scooped up into the air, and in the blink of an eye, you were on the other side of the cross walk. Clutching at your chest to catch your breath, you feverishly blinked and cleared your dizzied head. 
“Erm... are you okay?” a smooth voice said from beside you. Gulping, you glanced to your side, gaze settling on a young man who stood about a foot taller than you. At the roots, his hair was a rich brunette, however the rest was a white-blonde color, as though he had dipped his head into a winter storm and stayed alive to tell the tale. You blinked at him, wordless. He waved his hand in front of your face. “Hello? Anybody in there?”
He had a thick accent; you wanted to say Russian, or maybe Czechoslovakian, or... oh, you couldn’t tell, your head was still dizzy. 
“What was that?” you finally said, managing to find the words that had hid away in the back of your throat. The young man gave a sheepish sort of grin.
“The, uh.... the car was going to hit you,” he told you casually. “You were not paying attention. You are welcome.”
“Oh,” you breathed, running a hand across your hair as he eyed you down, pale eyes almost analyzing you to try and figure out what your deal was. “Thank — thank you. Took the wind out of me, sorry.”
“It is okay,” he shrugged. His blue jeans were rather baggy, but they weren’t long enough that they covered the blue and white Jordans he had on his feet; his white tee was rolled at the sleeves, and you had the thought that the shirt itself was a size too small. Or maybe, he just had very broad shoulders. “I am training to be full-time superhero, and you were good practice. Pietro.”
You hadn’t realized until a second later that he had put his hand out for you to shake. Your face feeling hot from being caught staring, you reluctantly shook his hand; his palm was icy and his skin was calloused, but his hand engulfed yours in a such a way that made your lips twitch upwards. 
“Y/N,” you replied. “Superhero, you say?”
Pietro looked off to the side as though to pretend to be bashful before he said, “Well, Avenger, really, but same thing.”
At this, you found your eyes widening, and you said, “Avenger? Like... actually?”
Pietro gave a charming grin and shrugged his shoulders before crossing his arms over his chest. The muscles of his forearms flexed, and you found yourself dryly swallowing as you watched him speak. “How do you think I got you out of the way fast enough?”
“You have superpowers?”
He brought a finger to his lips, playfully looking around. “Don’t go screaming it, yeah?”
You gave him a pointed look, raising an eyebrow. “S’not like you put much effort into keeping it a secret. You revealed yourself not even a minute and a half after meeting me.”
Pietro stared at you, lips parted as though he were going to speak, however after a pregnant pause, he closed them and gave you a look. He then grinned again and said, “I have a hard time staying quiet around attractive people. I ramble, I ramble, I reveal all my secrets. Cannot help it, y’know?”
It was your turn to be quiet. Your neck turning hot, you averted your eyes down to your scuffed sneakers, trying to find something to say in the cracks on the pavement.
“Where are you headed?” he asked curiously, tilting his head to the side. A piece of white-blonde hair flopped onto his forehead, and he swiped it out of his eyes before focusing his eyes onto you again.
“School,” you replied. You saw him glanced up at Midtown, and you shook your head before he could ask. “I don’t go to Midtown, I go to Eastside.”
“Ah,” he nodded his head, thinking for a moment, before he smiled to himself. “I will walk you.”
“Oh, no, you don’t have to—” you started to protest.
“No, no, I need to make sure you don’t get hit by a car again,” he said, starting to walk off in the direction of Eastside, looping his fingers into the front of his blue jeans and sauntering forwards. You pursed your lips and fell into step with him.
“I didn’t get hit.”
“Yeah, thanks to me,” he said matter-of-factly. “I pick you up, too. No charge!”
“I can just take the subway.”
“I am much faster,” he pointed a finger at you. “Just you wait.”
“Okay,” you drawled, giving in although it didn’t take much convincing on his end. He grinned again, flashing his teeth and bumping your shoulder.
“You have an Avenger walking you to school,” he told you. You found yourself smiling to yourself, your elbow brushing his every few steps as Midtown High fell out of sight. Maybe your life didn’t have to be so average. Things could be good. “Be grateful!”
a/n: i’ll be honest it felt really nice to write pietro again. it was like almost nostalgic. i forgot how much i love that stupid little man. anyways thanks for reading and putting up with my long ass hiatus <3
tags: @criesinlies @mcximffs @kaqua @pagesbetweensheets @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @julster @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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