cerenzsa · 8 months
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mooka97 · 2 years
Everyone knows that I'm addicted to coffee but I swear I'm much more to YOU, BH 🤎
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dg4eva · 1 year
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fuckyeahjoonmyun · 4 months
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240526 baekhyunee_exo: Suho hyung you’ve done well!
(trans. cr.: EXO Global)
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jonginnation · 1 year
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FYI stuff happening in exoplanet. Baekhyun had an IG live earlier and he was very serious and seemed nervous. He gave us this news that you can read about in this tweet.
He’s working so hard and diligently and although I can’t help but worry because there will be many difficult things ahead, I’m still so excited for him and proud that he’s fighting to realize his dream.
I recommend reading the whole thing. Not panicking because there’s no reason to ☺️. And truly listening to his words. Especially since he took the time and courage to speak to us so we aren’t wrongly influenced by malicious articles and any smear campaigns, which as we know, is SM’s specialty.
And shoutout to @/qtpiebyunbaek on Twitter. She’s such an awesome translator and so professional 💛
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criedforlove · 6 months
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bkyoongee · 1 year
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EXO is the most beautiful thing that happened in my life. Baekhyun's tweet tonight reminds me of the line “I will make you happy just like the saying; WE ARE ONE” —and I really promose to do so!💗💗💗
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Dream big and be proud dream big and be proud dream big and be proud dream big and be proud dream big and be proud...
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byunbaekhyunie · 1 year
hiiii, how are you?
first and foremost, i love your blog 💖💖 your gifs are sooo beautiful 🤧 i feel you're like one of the most active exo creators here, so thank you for all your work!!
second, i'm just really curious about something: i know your user is byunbaekhyunie but why does it always on your gifsets say gneochi? i'm not criticizing or anything, I'm just curious about it because I've seen it for some time now! and i think when you had that url it also said source: byunbaekhyunie, so i'm confused akbsksbs
i hope this is not too stupid of a question, have a lovely day 💖
hiii sweetheart ♡ thank you so much for the kind words, it means the world to me (ㅠ‸ㅠ) ♡ and it's not a stupid question at all !!
byunbaekhyunie was supposed to be a temp url and i was gonna change back to gneocchi after baekhyun's bday but ... i like my bbh url too much and i wanna keep it for now (,,> <,,) but the source on all my gifs should say gneocchi tho.. if i ever put byunbaekhyunie that was my bad bc.. i'll revert back to gneocchi... eventually.... probably... maybe heheeh
i hope you have a wonderful day as well ( ᵔㅅᵔ ) ♡
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exoluxionlove · 26 days
240906 Oh what’s your name? ♡⋆。⁺₊ ゚Baekhyunee ゚₊⁺。⋆♡
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 2 months
Baekhyunee is coming back soon.. omg are you excited??
In September right!? For my bdayyyyyy
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kjmcotton · 1 year
Have a soft spot for me | Osh
Oh Sehun x fem!reader
Plot:from your attitude no one would tell that you love Sehun,but things are meant to change soon
This story is a request
Author’s notes:here’s a new request! I tried my best so I really hope everyone will like it and that the anon who asked for this story will enjoy their reading! Have a good day/night!♡
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“Because you’re different to me,but in a good way”
With your check-out done you could finally take a breath of relief as you were back in Seoul.
Six beautiful weeks of studying abroad,in Sweden,had finally come to an end and you couldn’t wait to meet your friends.
You crossed the hallway of the airport,reaching the entrance,where Junmyeon was waiting to pick you up and drive you to the welcome party.
As soon as you saw him a jolt of happiness shook your whole body
“Junmyeon!!” you exclaimed out loud,running towards your friend to hug him. Your luggage fell on the ground as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist.
Your friend,who was taken by surprised,held you by luck
“You want the both of us to fall” he giggled
“I missed you so much” you showered his face with kisses;he then put you down. Everyone’s eyes were on you two:probably people were thinking he was your boyfriend,but the truth was that you simply used to be warm with your closest friends
“So you are my taxi for today” you teased him,looking as he collected your luggage
“For today? Six weeks were enough to make you forget who used to drive you around Seoul,I see”
“Of course not…I could never forget Irene”
Junmyeon turned around and glared at you:his eyes became two thin lines in the disappointed face he was showing you. You laughed and hit his shoulder with a friendly fist
“Calm down I’m joking,no need to think about leaving me here the whole night”
“I hope so” he replied,sliding your luggage in the trunk of his black car
“So…where’s the welcome party?”
“It’s a surprise” he said,and with that he spent the drive avoiding any kind of question.
It took you around an hour to get to the party. Your friends held it in your favourite karaoke bar in Hongdae. Everyone was there:all your boy friends and girl friends.
“Joy! Yeri! My girls!” with a happy smile you ran toward your friends,hugging them and placing a kiss on their cheeks
“Seulgi and Irene couldn’t come tonight,but the present is from them as well” the younger brunette said,giving you a giant bouquet of flowers
“Thank you all so much,I’ll call them later. You’re amazing” you smiled,putting the flowers next to a bunch of other presents before greeting the friends who had come
“Baekhyunee! My favourite trouble maker” you squished him in your arms
“Jongin,my bear! Magic handshake?” with a laugh the boy stretched his arm out,doing the well know greeting you two had invented;then you hugged him just like you did with Junmyeon earlier
“Minseok! Jongdae!” you locked them in a double hug as they both ruffled your hair
“We thought you would’ve moved to Sweden after spending six weeks of telling us how amazing that country is” the older looked at you with sweet eyes
“I could never live there without you all” you smiled,moving to greet Chanyeol
“Hello giant” you pouted as he playfully lifted you up to greet you
“I’m not a giant,you’re just too short for me” he teased you. You jokingly hit his leg with a kick
“I was trying to be sweet!”
“Try again” he winked as he watched you walking to Yixing and Kyungsoo. You hugged and kissed them as well.
There was one last person you had to greet but as soon as you saw him you froze. Oh Sehun:the prettiest man alive,but also then one who made you the most nervous…it didn’t matter if you had been knowing him for years.
“Hi” you said unintentionally cold,greeting him by a safe distance. There was only one word to describe the scene:embarrassing. Everyone was silent,staring at the two of you or exchanging a few “I wish I were somewhere else” glances;only Baekhyun faked a cough and pushed you towards the tall guy
“Hi” Sehun replied,his voice was flat,uninterested…but what could you expect from him if you had always been so shy when he was around that all you could do was avoiding any kind of friendly interaction? Hate,that was the answer.
You gave him a fast hug and stepped back,grabbing the bag full of gifts from Sweden
“As you know,while studying abroad I’ve joined a pottery club. Now guess what’s in there”
“Biscuits” Baekhyun giggled
“Candies” Jongi talked,randomly rising his hand
“Alcohol” Chanyeol crossed his arms with a satisfied face,probably he was thinking he had just made the joke of the year
“What a perceptive trio,especially Chanyeol. In fact I’ve made personalised mugs for everyone!” your voice was excited
“Gotta expect a bunny on mine I guess” Junmyeon rested his shoulder against the wall
“Not a simple bunny…-you picked up his mug-a bunny swimming in a sea of carrots” you handed him the gift. The boy looked at the object and burst into a laughter
“This looks like a dog swimming in a sea of golden fishes with green tails,but I’ll appreciate the effort” he joked
“Fuck off Kim” you rolled your eyes as you started handing out mugs to everyone
“Is this an astronaut cat or…” Kyungsoo was confused
“Bingo! You see,my drawing skills ain’t that bad”
“They’re not bad,they’re awful” Joy teased you,exchanging a fist with Junmyeon
“Go make Junmyeon your new best friend then,he’s good at lingerie shopping on Saturday”
“What?” Junmyeon’s cheeks became as red as apples
“Nothing!” Joy yelled
“Do you have a specific day to do that?” Minseok asked amused
“She’s talking nonsense” Joy mumbled nervously shaking her hands in the air
You laughed,grabbing the last mug in your bag:it was Sehun’s. You froze again,looking at the present. It was pretty but extremely plain compared to the others:you knew you weren’t actually good at painting,that was why you had planned a different personalisation for his mug. You were too scared he wouldn’t have liked any of your dumb drawings,so you went for a simple pattern;however,just like your behaviour towards him,the energy of that present was pretty cold.
Sehun looked at the object and mumbled a fast “thanks” before abandoning it on a nearby table:it hurt you. Why weren’t you able to give the best of you when it came to that guy? Why you liked him so much that all you could do was ruining every chance to get closer to him?
You smiled,hiding the pain rising from your heart,and then suggested to officially start the night.
You ordered a few drinks and chose the songs to perform at karaoke.
The first one singing was Baekhyun,with his beautiful angel voice,who chose a Michael Jackson song, adding even a few nailed dance moves.
Everyone clapped and laughed,cheering the next in line:Jongdae. He was a classic guy,so he went for a more emotional performance with Hello by Adele. Joy randomly burst into tears during the chorus,but probably it was because of the alcohol which had begun to hit.
You clapped at Jongdae,ordered a bunch of Soju shots and went on with the night.
Around midnight,besides the few friends who had to drive,everyone was drunk.
“It’s too hot,I need some fresh air. I’ll be back” you said,leaving your drink on the table
“Shall I come with you?” Minseok asked,but you shook your head
“I’m fine don’t worry” you smiled,and walked outside.
As soon as you closed the entrance door of the karaoke bar you noticed Sehun standing a few steps away from you. He was resting against the wall while scrolling through his phone.
You gave him a glance,shivers crossing your spine,but even tho you wanted it you had no chance to leave as he saw you
“I didn’t notice you’ve left the party” you murmured,trying to broke the tension,but you made it worse
“I’m not surprised” Sehun shrugged his shoulders.
You didn’t know what to say:you felt sorry for him,you had never meant to be perceived as the petty bitch,but any time you tried to change things you only made it worse by accident. It had been like that since day one and you had lost hope by then.
You sighed and scratched the back of your neck
“I didn’t mean it in that way” you murmured,looking at him
“Okay” he replied,shifting his attention on the phone again.
The silence fell,only the sweet sound of the night breeze could be heard. You knew it was the right moment to talk to him,tell him that,at least,you didn’t hate him like he thought
“Sehun-“ you called him
“Mh?” he murmured,eyes still stuck on the phone
“I-you were about to speak when you felt a retch coming up from your stomach-I need the bathroom” you spat out and ran away.
Sehun looked at you confused for a second,but as soon as he understood you were sick he followed you.
You held onto the sink of the bathroom and threw up. You weren’t feeling dizzy,but probably your stomach wasn’t used anymore to the amount of Soju you had drank that night. After all,you had spent six weeks in a place in which no one knew what Soju was,you should’ve predicted it.
“Are you okay?” Sehun pushed your hair back while massaging your back,you couldn’t see his eyes but a ring of concern had replaced the usual shine of his pupils.
Once you felt a little better you washed your face and sat,resting your back against the sink.
Sehun sat next you,waiting for you to feel better. Once again the embarrassing silence fell,and you hated yourself.
“Shall I call someone else? Maybe Junmyeon or Jongdae?”
“No I’m fine” you shook your head
“Thank you” you said in hope to make it less uncomfortable
“Nevermind” he replied.
You sighed,sure it was time to talk
“I don’t hate you,you know?” you said,rising your head to look into Sehun’s eyes. The boy furrowed his eyebrows,then he shifted his eyes away without saying anything
“I’m being honest” you kept on talking,scanning the boy’s features. By the small changes his expression went through, you knew he was feeling so many emotions all at once.
“I don’t care if you hate me or not. I never asked you anyway” he spat out,coldly. At those words your heart shattered into a million pieces. So that was it:he didn’t care about you while you were so worried of hurting him;or…was he saying that just because he was already hurt? Maybe even more than what you expected. You felt so confused.
“You may not care,but I do”
“You should’ve showed it earlier” he scoffed
“I’m not good at it” you sighed
“Not good?-Sehun rose his voice-am I blind to you? So you think I don’t see how you treat other people? I wasn’t there but I am sure you hugged and kissed Junmyeon as soon as you saw him at the airport,you always do it with everyone…or,at least,everyone but me. However,I don’t care. I don’t need your approval to live happily” he was about to get up and leave,but you grabbed his wrist and dragged him back on the floor.
“You matter to me!” you exclaimed
A “tsk” escaped Sehun’s lips,followed by a sour laughter
“Stop fooling me” he shrugged your hand off and tried to leave again,but you didn’t give up.
You jumped on your feet and pushed the brunette against the sink;one of his hands held your arm while the other the sink itself. Your eyes chained together while your faces were a few inches away.
“I would never fool you Sehun. You can tell me you don’t care,but I know that’s not true,you always care about everything and everyone. That’s the thing I like the most about you because,as I said earlier,I do like you”
“Then why you barely talk to me? Why your behaviour is always ice cold?”
“Because…-you paused-because you’re different to me,but in a good way”
“You’re talking nonsense”
“I’m not! It’s so hard,there’s so much to say”
“Then say it”
“I can’t Sehun”
The boy rolled his eyes: “Why?”
“Because…” you stayed silent,words didn’t come out
“Because what Y/n? Can you be clear for once? I’m tired of always trying to understand what’s going on your mind. It makes me mad…as mad as seeing you being sweet with everyone but me!”
The last phrase unintentionally escaped Sehun’s lips,you could tell by his expression:he had been trying to not show how much jealous and hurt he was,but he wasn’t good at lying.
You looked at him for a second,then you finally opened up:
“Because I think I’m in love with you!” you spat out,regretting it as soon as you realised what you had just said.
Sehun blinked confused while his grip tightened around your arm. You couldn’t stop looking at him,you were waiting for a reaction,but,at the same time,you wanted to disappear.
“Forget about it! My mistake!” you exclaimed,trying to run away,but this time it was the brunette who held you back:it didn’t matter how much you tried to free yourself from his grip,his fingers wouldn’t let go.
“Y/n!” he called you,you turned around.
You thought you had officially lost any chance to build an actual friendship with him when,suddenly,he brought you closer and kissed you. Your heart skipped a beat and your body was suddenly crossed by shivers:what was happening? You didn’t realise it immediately,it took you a while to process.
“If you were in love with me why you avoided me that much?” Sehun spoke in a warm,gentle whisper. His face was no more contracted in a disappointed expression,otherwise he was now relieved.
“Having you around made my nervous,and I’m not good at handling emotions” you mumbled,as red as a strawberry. Sehun smiled and ruffled your hair:
“You don’t need to worry about it anymore”
And with that,things changed faster than what you expected:the boy’s presence started to feel like home while his hoodies became your new favourite thing,that thing you couldn’t get tired of. His smile became your ray of sun and his hugs your most effective medicine. Sehun was constantly by your side,both in the good and the bad,while you were there for him anytime he needed.
To summon everything up:you were finally happy,so happy that,soon,none of you tried to hide your relationship,nor to explain it;so,at a certain point,all your friends noticed but never said anything. They would simply cheer for you in silence,watching you two holding hands in front of them,exchanging kisses;they would watch how you two sat together,linking arms,or how Sehun paid for your drinks and carried your bags…and they would be grateful for that because,finally,there was no more heavy silence,just lots of love and affection.
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mooka97 · 2 years
Byun Baekhyun is my home and finally I am home right now. 🥹💕
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dg4eva · 1 year
Thinking about Baekhyun all the time!
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fuckyeahjoonmyun · 10 months
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231209 baekhyunee_exo IG Stories update
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baconnotbaekhyun · 5 months
ೀ⋆。˚🎂 ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ HAPPY BDAY BAEKHYUNEE 🎂⋆˙⟡♡❀ ೀ
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