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This song is a special one for me. My pregnancy was for sure a surprise, but a welcomed surprise. It was beautiful but also a tough pregnancy.
When I found out I was pregnant it took me some time to process because I was on a birth control and was for sure not planning to have any more children, my mind was set that one was more than enough that I could handle, but God had other plans.
My daughter fought to be brought to this world from the very start. I went through a lot of health scares while pregnant, there was HG, High Blood Pressure , Gestational Diabetes, Chronic Placenta Abruption (which is what lead me to be on complete bed rest and to having her come to this world a little bit earlier than expected) and this is without mentioning the emotional stuff happening all around me. I saw darkness throughout most of my pregnancy honestly - her kicks were my reminders that she was there, and although at moments were painful, they also would bring a smile to my face - knowing that there was a fierce little mini me growing in there.
I remember when I first heard this song, I had just received some disappointing information about someone really close to me; and to add to that was going through just so much in other areas that I just laid on the floor and looked up and screamed, what else? What else is next? What else do I need to go through? Why not just give me a break? Why can’t I just have a period of continuous happiness?
Then I rolled over, grabbed my phone and scrolled through Facebook, and came across this song. As if God answered those questions I asked him 3 minutes prior to finding that song.
“Giving in to your feelings is like drowning in the shallows - Oh you got to keep believing even in the middle of the unknown cause Grace will be there when you come at the end of your rope and you let go, it may feel like you’re going down now but the story isn’t over. There will be joy in the morning, there will be joy in the morning, if it’s not good then He’s not done, no He’s done with it yet, there will be joy in the morning.”
Aubrey definitely made an entrance. My princess was due to arrive on 8/23. However, she arrived on 07/29. She was so tiny but long. She was so hairy too! I was so happy! I couldn’t wait for them to finish up with me so I could be reunited with her at my room. Unfortunately, she was transferred to the NICU 1 hour later after I had her. She couldn’t breathe on her own. It was heartbreaking for me. It wasn’t part of MY plan. I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect me being away from my daughter. I didn’t expect that when I would see her again after the 5 seconds they put her on me when she was born I would see her covered in wires and a breathing tube, in a cube. It was so hard, I felt numb. Confused. I thought it would maybe be for a night - but then things were getting more complicated. At moments when I thought she was getting better, she would have a set back. It was an emotional roller coaster ride - but she was a fighter. After I was officially discharged I was a wreck to have to come home without my daughter. I felt so incomplete. I felt so confused. So conflicted, because yes she was in the condition she was in - but there were babies in worst conditions in there, I’m talking 20 week old babies in there fighting for their lives as well. NICU is definitely a life changing experience and changes your views and thoughts on so many things. My heart goes out to every parent who have gone through that, and are currently going through that.
The night that I went home without her, I just stayed in bed. Didn’t want to see anyone, talk to anyone. My son was confused, because I even pushed him away. I feel guilty for that till this day. The emptiness that I felt is one I wouldn’t wish on anyone. That night I prayed for a miracle, then I played my playlist and that song came on again…
“Cause it ain’t even faith til your plan falls apart but you still choose to follow, if it doesn’t make sense right now it will when it’s over. There will be joy in the morning, there will be joy in the morning, if it’s not good, then He’s not done, no He’s not done with it yet, there will be joy in the morning.”
I prayed, cried, and screamed in my pillow. Then I fell asleep. The next morning my husband and I went to the hospital, and got the news she was coming home. The doctors were in shocked as well and called it a miracle, my baby girl was breathing on her own. God made those lungs strong and allowed air to flow through them. I can’t explain the joy that my heart felt, my princess had a different color to her, she was just a different baby. I felt so grateful, primarily with God, also with those amazing hard working loving nurses and doctors.
My princess was heaven sent. Her strength is definitely to be admired. She is so smart and is building such a personality. I feel like she’s a boss baby. Here I am with her almost 6 months later. Every time I see her, I remember that she is God’s miracle and she was given to me. What an Honor to have been chosen to be her mother. God has been so good, she was the piece to me that I did not know was missing. Aubrey is a representation of His Love, His Grace and His Mercy. Thank you, God for showing me so much love through her.
If you’re going through a rough period in your life, run to Him. Lean on to Him, to His word, to His Promise.
There will be joy in the morning, there will be joy in the morning, if it’s not good then He’s not done, no He’s not done with it yet, there will be joy in the morning. 🤍
#Spotify#JoyInTheMorning#BabyStory#MiraclesOfGod#God#NICU#NICUbabies#GodOfLove#GodofMiracles#tumblr stories
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Mia meets the Queen Bee
"Mia Meets the Queen Bee" In this delightful children's story by Suzanne Grobler for Granny Mouse's Children's Stories, a young girl named Mia comes across a struggling bee in her room. Mia's quick thinking and kind heart lead her on an unexpected adventure with the Queen Bee herself.
Written by Suzanne Grobler Published and Recorded for Granny Mouse's Children's stories Youtube channel by Suzanne Grobler.
Images and Pictures by Canva / Canva AI Magic Create
May not be reproduced or copied in any format without consent from author/publisher:
To contact the author/publisher email [email protected]
,#StoryTime, #ShortStories, #ChildrenStories, #KidsStories, #StoriesforBabies, #StoriesforChildren, #StoriesforToddlers, #BabyStories, #ToddlerStories, #StoriesforKids, #Toddlers, #Adventure, #Toddler, #Stories, #Kids, #Children, #Grannymouse, #ChildrensStories, #GrannyMousesChildrensStories,
StoryTime, ShortStories, ChildrenStories, KidsStories, StoriesforBabies, StoriesforChildren, StoriesforToddlers, StoriesforKids, BabyStories, ToddlerStories, Toddlers, Bravery, Toddler, Stories, Kids, Children, Grannymouse, ChildrensStories, GrannyMousesChildrensStories,
About the author: Suzanne Grobler is a mother of two children. She delights in telling stories to captivate children's imaginations.
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Es tut mir leid, aber ich mag es! ❤️❤️
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The Reveal
Hearing distant voices, Emi squinted as she tried making out who was in the room. Fluttering her eyelashes, gradually she became aware of her surroundings. The “distant voices” stood in front of her as her body woke up from its slumber.
Clapping her hands on Emi’s cheeks, Nemuri exclaimed.“Good morning, sunshine!”
Having been overworked the day before, Emi blunted, “Nemuri, get your hands off of me...please.”
“Guys, be respectful of her. She just a baby not even a day ago.” Shouta implied with his forehead furrowed. Advancing toward the window, he opened the blinds letting the sunlight come in. Catching a glimpse of Emi’s hair shimmered with different tints of green, he adjusted the shutters so it wouldn’t blind her.
“Thank you, dear.” Emi warmly noted. “How is the baby doing?”
“He’s doing well from what the doctor has said,” Shouta concluded.
Observing Shouta, Emi noticed something peculiar about his behavior. There was something offbeat concerning him. His eyes were unsettled. Even though he was a challenging individual to read, Emi had decoded the puzzle on how to read him years ago. “Shouta, what’s on your mind?” Extending her hand out for him to hold, she was concerned for her dear husband.
Analyzing the room, Aizawa made his way over to his wife. Grabbing hold of her hand, he refuted the idea of presenting his thoughts aloud to the room. “We can talk about it later, Emi.”
Unconvinced, Emi pushed her mouth to one side. Getting out of bed, the new mom slipped on slippers as she made her way out of the room. Scanning the hospital hallway, she attempted to find her little one in the nursery.
“Mrs. Aizawa, let me direct you to the nursery.” Calling out was the nurse who helped with her delivery.
“That would be great! Thank you so much!” Bowing down to show her gratitude, Emi quickly tagged along.
Not walking too far from where her room was, she found the nursery where there were dozens of other babies resting. Pinpointing her little boy immediately, Emi moseyed her way into bond with him. “Hi, there little one! Mommy has come to check up on you.”
Peeping into the room, the nurse noted.“He doesn’t have to stay here; you can take him with you whenever you would like for the most part anyway.”
Turning her head to acknowledge her, Emi nodded her head. “Did you hear that Toshiyuki? You get to spend time with daddy and me already!” Stepping outside the room, Emi proceeded to make her way back to the others.
“There you are, Emi! Wait...that’s your little one? He’s so tiny!” Nemuri cried out as she fleeted toward Emi.
Staring at her open-mouthed, Emi sarcastically reacted. “No, I found this baby and decided that I wanted this one instead...Of course, it’s our baby!” Watching her husband smile coyly, she found herself satisfied. Detecting that Toshiyuki was hungry, especially since he was sucking on her shirt, Emi immediately went over to her hospital bed adjusting herself accordingly. “Shouta, would you be a dear and hand me that small blanket I asked you to bring along?”
Digging into his leather messenger bag, Shouta took out a perfect sized blanket for their baby. Delivering it to his wife, he watched as she prepared herself to feed Toshiyuki.
Uncomfortable, Hizashi spoke out, “We can leave if you want to be alone with the baby.”
Having her hands full, Emi assured Hizashi. “I’m going to use this blanket here to cover up. I would love it if you guys stayed unless if you have something you would rather be doing at the moment right now.” Covering herself with the blanket, she latched her newborn onto her breast. “There you go little one.”
“So you know that your students want to come up here and see Toshiyuki, Shouta?” Nemuri remarked.
Maintaining his usual poker-face, Shouta addressed while keeping his eyes on Emi. “We want Eri to see Toshiyuki before any of the students see him. I guess if they visit on their own fine, but I’m not making some school trip to come up here.”
Interrupting their conversation, Emi questioned,“Wait, how are all of you here at 11? The hospital isn���t that close to UA…”
“We decided to use our prep/lunch period to visit you and the baby.” Hizashi pointed out.
“Oh, well that’s very nice of all of you to think of Toshiyuki and me!” Emi burst out with a broad smile.
Cherishing the time they got with the baby, Hizashi and Nemuri left to go back to school. Shouta left a little after they did. Kissing Emi before he went back to work, he promised her that he would bring Eri to see her new little brother after school.
Currently alone with no one other than Toshiyuki. Emi bundled her little one up after burping and checking his diaper. Embracing him in her arms, she sang him a lullaby her parents used for her as a little girl. “I will be here until Bon Festival; After Bon Festival, I will not be here. If Bon Festival comes earlier, I would return home earlier. I am from the poor families, They are from the rich families.The rich people wear good belts, Wear good clothes.” She didn’t particularly for the words, but it’s melody was beautiful. Always drifting her off to a new world of adventure as she dreamt until the new day arrived.
Gradually closing his eyes, Emi softly kissed his forehead cuddling him in so he could listen to her heartbeat. Worn out herself, dozed off with him still in her arms.
Awakening to Toshiyuki’s coos, Emi reached over for her phone. Two missed calls and five messages. Unlocking her cellphone, she scrolled through to find a few messages and calls from her mom-in-law.
Sent at 1:14
Mother-in-law: Emi! Shouta told us everything last night about how your delivery went! We’re thrilled to hear that we now have a grandson! Hope you get plenty of rest, dear. You have three trouble makers to take care of now especially the one who acts like he has no emotion.
Sent at 1:56
We’ll be visiting later during the week. Let us know if you need anything, honey! We’re there for both you and Shouta!
Missed call at 1:32
Missed call at 2:22
Replying to the messages, Emi typed out. ‘Thank you so much! I think Shouta and I will be fine, but I will let you know if that changes. Shouta probably has told you what we named our new bundle of joy, but we decided to name him Toshiyuki.’ Sent.
Cracking the door open, a voice hesitated before speaking. “Emi? I’m sorry if I came at a bad time, but Shouta said that you could use some visitors while everyone is away at school. Plus I thought I owed you and the baby the visit.” Entering the room, Toshinori seated himself next to her.
While situating herself to breastfeed Toshiyuki, Emi asked, “How have been Toshinori? I haven’t seen you in a while, but Shouta fills me in about how everything has been at Yueei so far this year.”
Scratching the back of his head, Toshinori cautiously replied. “I’ve been as well as I could be in the state that I am nowadays.” Switching the topic, he insisted on changing the subject. “Enough about me, Emi. Why good gracious we should be talking about you! You’ve just had a baby after all.”
Her smile faded as she processed the reality of her life and how it changed just like that. She was now a mother to a newborn child who needed her love and affection. How was she supposed to work while making sure Toshiyuki got everything he needed to function and grow? Shouta and her had discussed this, but she couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea of staying at home and working.
Concerned for the new mom, Toshinori interrupted her daydreaming. “Emi. Emi, are you okay? Was it something I said?”
Jolting up, Emi stared at Toshinori with wide eyes realizing she’d never answered his question. “I’ve been fine. There’s a lot on my mind right now.”
Aware that she probably had a lot of thoughts about raising a newborn and how her life was going to change because of it. She did have Eri to take care of, but she was gone at school. “I’m sure you do. Raising a baby isn’t an easy task, and you probably have your concerns and doubts, but you and Shouta will do an amazing job. Plus you have a lot of people around at UA or in the area that would love to help you take care of your little one. If I’m correct, the baby’s name is Toshiyuki, right? I’m pretty sure that’s what Shouta said at our morning meeting today.”
Peering down at Toshiyuki, Emi made sure to check if he was getting any food. Glancing back up, she addressed Toshinori. “Yes, we named him Toshiyuki since he’s alert and happy. Surprisingly, he hasn’t cried so far. How has Shouta been dealing with being at school instead of here with the baby?”
“Actually, he’s scared a lot of the students since he was so ecstatic and overjoyed. They were all convinced that something must have been wrong, but after Present Mic announced the news over the intercom, everyone seemed less concerned about his behavior.”
Chuckling, Emi curved a corner of her mouth. “I’m glad to hear that Shouta is in good spirits.” Pondering to herself about her current situation, she briefly looked down pursing her lips as she deliberated what to say next. “It’s so great to have colleagues who care for us especially you and the other teachers at UA. It means an awful lot to both Shouta and myself to have all of you in our lives.”
“It’s no problem! You and Shouta are family to all of us.” Toshinori stated as he waved his hands expressing that it was no problem at all for him to help them out.
Carrying on with their conversation about life, school, and society nowadays, Emi and Toshinori were interrupted by a soft knock on the door, only to watch it fly open before they could reply to the visitor.
Racing to the hospital bed, Eri lightly tugged at Emi’s hospital gown. “Where’s the baby? He’s not still in your tummy right?”
Amused by the small child’s assumption, Emi clarified for Eri where the baby was. “Patience, Eri. I’m feeding him right now. I’ll get myself adjusted shortly.”
Confused, Eri tilted her head. “How are you feeding him? I don’t see a baby. All I see is a blanket.”
“He’s under the blanket.”
“Why are you hiding him?”
Setting his hand down on Eri’s shoulder, Shouta flatly stated. “Enough with the questions, Eri. We’ll discuss this topic later, okay?”
Looking behind her, Eri acknowledged Shouta’s request. “Okay.”
Focusing his attention on both, Eri and his wife, Shouta expressed his gratitude to Toshinori. “Glad to see that you made it Toshinori. It means a lot to Emi and me to have you visit.”
Waving his hands dismissively, Toshinori insisted, “It’s no problem. It’s a special time for your family, Shouta.”
Adjusting Toshiyuki so she could burp him, Emi grinned at her young daughter glaring at her in awe. “Eri, after I burp Toshiyuki, would you like to hold your little brother?”
Taken by surprise, Eri joyfully exclaimed. “You mean I get to hold him?!”
Taking notice of the small girl’s reaction on getting to bond with her little brother, Emi beamed at Eri. Looking at her husband, she sighted the gleam in his eyes filled with affection and fulfillment. Her heart was full. There were so many blessings in her life. All she wanted to do was spend the rest of her day spending it with the people she cared and loved. “Eri, if you sit down on that chair over in the corner,you can hold Toshiyuki. Shouta, will you show her how to hold him? Actually, you can take him, dear.”
Grabbing hold of Toshiyuki, Shouta brought him over to Eri. Leaning towards her, he cradled him down into her arms as she quickly learned how to hold him from watching her dad carry him over. “Here you go, Eri. Be gentle with him. He’s not as strong as you are yet so you’ll have to be sure to support his head.”
Grinning ear to ear, Eri peered down at her new little brother. “Hi, Toshiyuki. I’m your big sister. Dad says your not as strong as I am yet. That’s okay because I use to be weak too. I’ll make sure to teach you how to be big and strong like myself one day that’s my goal to be as strong as dad and mom.”
Staring back attentively at Eri, Toshiyuki cooed at her.
“What is he saying?” Questioned Eri.
Observing both of them, Shouta replied. “I don’t know, but he seems to be pretty interested in you.”
Standing up, Emi made her way over to Shouta, Eri, and Toshiyuki. Wrapping her arm around her husband’s waist, she nuzzled into his chest while maintaining to keep her eyes on her children. “How did I end up with such an amazing family?”
Glancing down at Emi, Shouta held up her chin as he locked eyes with her. Her eyes were full of warmth and affection. Leaning in, Shouta disclosed to her, “I could say the same.” before he gave her a brief, but loving kiss. “I love you so much, Emi.”
“I love you too,” Emi said with a small, but gentle smile. Turning her head to monitor how Eri and Toshiyuki, she found her newborn asleep in her daughter’s arms.
Wondering what was wrong with her little brother, Eri asked. “He fell asleep. Is he sick?”
Laughing to herself, Emi stroked Eri’s head caressing her cheek as she guided her hand down her face. “No, honey. He doesn’t have a lot of energy as you do. It might sound boring, but newborns only sleep, eat, and go to the bathroom. They can only interact with the world around them a small amount.”
Creasing her eyebrows, Eri thought genuinely about how to help her brother. “Can I give him some of my energy?”
Inwardly laughing about some of Eri’s creative ideas, Shouta explained to her. “Eri, it doesn’t work that way. He’ll have to develop himself by getting the proper nutrients. You can help him learn as you do at school by teaching him about the world around him as you grow up.”
Adding to her husband’s comment, Emi noted. “And love. Make sure you show him plenty of love just like your dad, and I give you, Eri.”
Pressing her lips together, Eri pondered about everything she had been told by her parents. “Okay. I think I can do that. I want to be the best sister ever!”
Interrupting their family conversation, Toshinori got up and made his way to the door. “As much as I enjoyed watching your family just bond now, I should make it back home to mine. Have a good rest of the day. I’ll see you tomorrow at school, Shouta.”
“Thank you for visiting! I enjoyed having you come and meet the new addition to our family, Toshinori!” Yelled Emi as Toshinori opened the door on his way out.
Waving goodbye, Toshinori called back. “It’s no problem.”
Calling out from their farewell, Eri interjected.“Mom, I think you should put Toshiyuki to bed.”
“You don’t want to hold him anymore?” Emi shockingly replied.
“What if I wake him up?”
“He’ll be fine, but I can take him if you want me too.”
“Yeah, you should take him.”
Taking Toshiyuki into her arms, Emi laid him down into his cradle.
Examining every move her mother took with her new brother, Eri rushed toward Toshiyuki’s bed. “Goodnight, Toshiyuki. I love you.” Indicating that she wanted to be picked up, Shouta grabbed her. Holding her over the side of the crib, Eri gently kissed her brother’s forehead. Letting her down, Shouta walked over to his wife.
“My heart just melted from watching our children interact with one another,” Emi confessed.
Bringing her into his embrace, Shouta stated. “I'm guessing that we’ll see and deal with a lot more than just that watching the two of them grow up.”
Returning the embrace, Emi agreed with him. “Yeah, I’m sure we will.”
#eraserjoke#eraserheadxmsjoke#pregnancy#erimeetsherbrother#emi fukukado#aizawa shouta#eri#shouta aizawa#shouta#boku no hero academia#buko no hero academia#fanfic#fanfics#bnha aizawa#aizawa sensei#bnha shouta aizawa#mha aizawa#babystory#family#meetthebaby
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2021 Favorites: How We Became Moms
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#family #baby #mom #momlife #babylove #familyfirst #babymama #mommydaughter #mommyandson #familyfood #mommysbabygirl #babyandmommy #mommysbabyboy #mommalovesyou #babycloth #babybodysuit #babyhighlights #babystory #babyland #babyhealth #babytrend #babysafety #babytrends #kuteby #onlineshopping #sale #viralproducts #healthyskin #handmassager #hydrodermabrasion (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSzspD0qiLs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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One cold day in January, San Jose CA.. Mother was 8 months pregnant and was not feeling well. She was rushed to the hospital . Baby Lost-One was unwelcomed into this harsh world. A few hours after delivery, Baby Lost-One was handed to mother. She yelled and cried in anger. “This is not my baby.. my baby is a boy and not deformed.” “ where is my beautiful boy ?????” mother cried. Mother and father exchanged looks “ We can get rid of her” she asked. Father actually thought about it ( from what mother says). I wish they would have just put me up for adoption. Maybe I would have had a better life. No kid deserves to be mistreated by those who are supposed to be protecting them. decades later and she still throws in my face that she was robed and her boy is out there.
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Ternyata dia sudah mulai mengerti! 🤣 Alhamdulillah memasuki trimester ketiga, aku kembali diberi kejutan dari pertumbuhannya. :') Menjelang Ramadhan, akupun harus melunaskan puasa pada Ramadhan sebelumnya. Maka hari ini aku memutuskan untuk berpuasa. Bismillah, "Kiyowo, kita hari ini puasa yah. Kamu yg kuat ya nak!" Ucapku pada perut sendiri yg mungkin kini menjadi kebiasaanku bersamanya. Hehe Walaupun semalam kurang tidur karena kurang nyaman dan posisi perut yg terus membesar, sampai kram berulang kali, alhamdulillah masih sempat untuk sahur dan ditemani suami sebelum ia pergi untuk sementara. Menjalani puasa saat hamil cukup terasa, terutama haus yg dirasakan. Tapi bismillah, "sabar ya nak! Sebentar lagi buka! Ayo kuat sedikit lagi. :)" Ucapku berulang sambil mengelus si dia yg tetap semangat bergerak. Menjelang buka, tiba2 kurasakan tendangannya yg kuat dan berulang. Hm, tidak seperti biasanya. 🤔 "Sabar ya nak, sebentar lagi adzan ko. Sedikit lagi ya nak bukanya." Ucapku karena mengetahui bahwa adzan disini jam 6 tepat, namun ternyata tendangannya semakin sering sampai akhirnya akupun keluar untuk mendengar adzan. MasyaAllah ternyata udah adzan daritadi 😅 Yaampun ternyata si anak sholeh udah tahu bahwa udah adzan daritadi dan ga sabar untuk berbuka. Hehe 🤣 Alhamdulillah ternyata kini ia bisa mengerti walaupun masih dalam kandungan, setelah kemarin di cek usg pun kondisinya sehat. InsyaAllah nanti mudah ya nak kamu lahirnya anak sholeh. 😊 Mohon doanya yah semua 😊🙏
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Holaa mundo. Acá estoy. Nueve meses en una panza y acá estoy. Naciste un 4 de Abril del año 2018 a las 20hr, medias 49 cm y pesabas unos 3,250gm 🙊👶🏻. Eras muy pequeño realmente pero eras tan hermoso, tan frágil. Recuerdo que llegamos muy temprano al sanatorio ya que no podía más con mi enorme panza, asi que nos fuimos a internar a las 8 am en el sanatorio en donde me hicieron mas análisis para ver como estabas y luego me subieron arriba, me bañe, me cambié, vino una doctora y me coloco un líquido para que comiencen las contracciones y así estuvimos hasta las 17 horas, caminando por toda la habitación, hablando con tu papá, tus abuelos, en todo ese tiempo no había sentido las contracciones 😂 A las 17 horas nos bajan, me pincharon la bolsa y comencé a sentir las contracciones, llego Chávez nuestro médico y empezamos el proceso de parto, papá estaba ahí con nosotros, empecé a pujar y pujar y sentía que me moría, papá me acompaño con la respiración, pero después de un buen rato seguías sin nacer y yo ya no podía más ya no quería estar ahí, entonces el médico dijo "vamos a cesárea" me relajé un poco. Me cambiaron de cuarto llego el anestesista, sentí como mi cuerpo se relajo cuando me coloco la anestesia, me abrieron y te escuche, yo estaba tan cansada y dormida que apenas recuerdo ese momento, pero llorabas y llorabas con gran fuerza como diciendo "ya estoy aca, ya llegue, mamá mírame". La enfermera te tomó, te acerco a mí te di un beso y fuiste con ella y papá, recuerdo pedir entre gritos que pongan bien tu nombre. 😂 Después de eso ya no recuerdo más nada, pero si se que estaba muy ansiosa por verte, me subieron al cuarto, me cambiaron la ropa una enfermera y papá, te acercaron a mí y comenzaste a tomar teta♥️👶🏻 #babystory #baby #blog #babyblog #blogpersonal #blogbebe #likeforlikes #like #like4likes #likesmama #blog #mamafeliz #mamabloger #mama #blog #mamablog #mamaprimeriza #mamasola #mamasoltera #mamacompañera #mamacon18 #mamajoven #blogg #bebe #historia (en Sanatorio Profesor Itoiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxAorKRHgaY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zn1669ia6i2z
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Katie and Jack find a Glow Worm - For Granny Mouse's Children's Stories "Katie and Jack find a Glow Worm" is a charming children's story that revolves around the siblings' playful adventures and their surprising discovery of a glow worm in their garden. During their fun-filled day, they learn about the glow worm's nature and witness an enchanting spectacle at night.
Written by Suzanne Grobler Published and Recorded for Granny Mouse's Children's stories Youtube channel by Suzanne Grobler.Images
Pictures by Canva / Canva AI Magic Create
May not be reproduced or copied in any format without consent from author/publisher:To contact the author/publisher email [email protected]#StoryTime, #ShortStories, #ChildrenStories, #KidsStories, #StoriesforBabies, #StoriesforChildren, #StoriesforToddlers, #BabyStories, #ToddlerStories, #StoriesforKids, #Toddlers, #Adventure, #Toddler, #Stories, #Kids, #Children, #Grannymouse, #ChildrensStories, #GrannyMousesChildrensStories,StoryTime, ShortStories, ChildrenStories, KidsStories, StoriesforBabies, StoriesforChildren, StoriesforToddlers, StoriesforKids, BabyStories, ToddlerStories, Toddlers, Bravery, Toddler, Stories, Kids, Children, Grannymouse, ChildrensStories, GrannyMousesChildrensStories,
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Our story featured on @todaysparent and @todayparent Facebook page! #babystory # #babybottle # #baby love #sleeplessnights # #bestbabybottle #brestfeeding #breadtfeedinpublic #baby #babycrying #postpartum
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சமோசா டீலர் வெற்றி தமிழ் கதை | Samosa wala Success Tamil Story - Cartoo...
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Stinker vs Frettchen... 😂 Und wer gewinnt? - Aber ich stimme dir zu. Auch wenn der Gedanke an einen kleinen Ringo oder Easy ganz niedlich ist, ich hätte auch Angst, dass das ihre Story ganz schön dominieren würde. Wenn dann bitte ein Baby, das auch noch eine Mutter hat und nicht immer bei den beiden ist. Oder ein größeres, selbstständigeres Kind. Aber wie du geschrieben hast: Es ist ne Soap. Bestimmt taucht irgendwann eine Ex-Affäre mit Kind auf. Und irgendwie tippe ich da auf ein Suji-Drama.
Hm, na ja ne Ex die das Kind schon hat erspart uns zumindest die Cheating Story. Aber ich wäre ja eher dafür, wenn wir schon ein Kind kriegen müssen, dass es um Pflegschaft geht.
Aber ich bin halt echt kein Fan von Babies und Kleinkindern in Soaps und Serien. Grundsätzlich wäre das Thema durchaus interessant - Adoption bei gleichgeschlechtichem Paar usw. - aber in der Regel killt das Kind die Beziehung, zumindest für mich als Zuschauer. Alles wird nur noch Schmusi-Wusi.
#ringsy#sorry ich will kein Ringsy Baby#gebt mir lieber was cooleres#oder wartet halt noch 5 jahre bis zur babystory
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