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inmyworldblr · 9 months ago
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Babul (1950) | dir. S. U. Sunny
[ Dilip Kumar and Nargis ]
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hannahmanderr · 1 year ago
Your the one that had all the unhinged DP X DC ships, right?
One if my Prompts recently spat out Frostbite/Alfred (Old Ice as I've been calling it) and wanted to know your opinion
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definitely wasn't me you're thinking of, I don't do anything with DP x DC shdfkjlafs
also disclaimer I have seen one (1) piece of official DC media so literally all my assumptions are based off of stuff I've learned by seeing other stuff afshdkjlsaf
these two 100% have a vibe, and I'm struggling to put words to it?? but I see the vision?? like these two not-quite-dads but darn it they're gonna try and keep their kids who share one braincell safe and happy
also they've got a cute thing where it's like Alfred looks like a soft grandpa who just tells stories about the war but he's absolutely a BA underneath, and then Frostbite looks terrifying on the surface but is just a huge softie
anyway at the same time I HC Frostbite as aroace so that kind of conflicts there, plus it's hard for me to envision any sort of DP x DC ship bc I don't do anything with it halkfsd
but like fr? I would absolutely ship this platonically, easy
~~~Send me a ship and I'll give you an uneducated take for the ages!
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paul-archibald · 1 year ago
Medieval Music
The word medieval can often conjure up in our minds a time rife with extreme poverty, war and plague. A period with perhaps very few redeeming features. Put aside the Medieval period as occasionally represented by Hollywood, this period of musical history lasting for around 900 years, was rich with invention, discovery and creative insight. In our programme today, Phil and I take a brief look at…
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securitycapecreature · 8 months ago
Guess that your caoe is killing you then!
OH 2HI7 YOURE RIGH7! i7 i2 2o comfy if i died here id die happy
OH SHIT YOURE RIGHT! it is so comfy if i died here id die happy
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pocketramblr · 2 years ago
Have you done AFO as a DFO victim
(Possibly time or dimension shenanigans. Or even "just" a clone quirk that takes years off a person to clone them)
"done" as a fic, no, but we've discussed a few variations that are technically hitting him the DfO stick:
- time travel grandfather paradox style
- time travel bad adopted dad style
- instead of longevity quirk, has a kid and when the kids old enough he just body jumps and takes over their life, repeats for decades and decades
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mmeat-loaff · 2 years ago
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Penjual Drainase Cell Babul Rahmah
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Penjual Drainase Cell Babul Rahmah
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Penjual Drainase Cell Babul Rahmah, Penjual Drainase Cell Babul Rahmah, Toko Drainase Cell Darussalam, Agen Drainage Cell Dasuk, Distributor Alas Rumput Sintetis Datuk Bandar, Grosir Drain Cell Datuk Bandar Timur, Gudang Drainase Rumput Sintetis Dau, Jual Drainage Rumput Dawan, Penjual Drainase Sel Dawar Blandong
Kami adalah Toko Supplier Rumput Sintetis, Drainase Cell, Rumput Futsal & Interlock Lapangan.
Sekarang ini kami sedang melakukan pemasaran Rumput Sintetis, Drainase Cell, Rumput Futsal & Interlock Lapangan.
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Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Drainase Cell ini silahkan di Order di Sini:
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
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karpetrumput · 2 months ago
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Jual Rumput Plastik Babul Makmur
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Jual Rumput Plastik Babul Makmur
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Jual Rumput Plastik Babul Makmur, Jual Rumput Plastik Babul Makmur, Distributor Rumput Palsu Darul Falah, Grosir Rumput Imitasi Darul Hasanah, Gudang Rumput Plastik Darul Hikmah, Jual Rumput Sintetis Darul Ihsan, Penjual Rumput Palsu Darul Imarah, Pusat Rumput Imitasi Darul Kamal, Supplier Rumput Plastik Darul Makmur
Kami adalah Toko Supplier Rumput Sintetis, Drainase Cell, Rumput Futsal & Interlock Lapangan.
Sekarang ini kami sedang melakukan pemasaran Rumput Sintetis, Drainase Cell, Rumput Futsal & Interlock Lapangan.
Kami Sedang Mempromosikan Rumput Sintetis ini Keseluruh plosok Indonesia.
Kami siap melakukan pengiriman paket sampai ke depan rumah anda.
Terkait Ongkos kirim kita siap mencarikan Ekpedisi yang Relatif Murah!!
Testimoni kami bisa cek di Website resmi kami https://www.supplierrumputsintetis.com/
atau bisa cek instagram toko kami di @barokahgrass atau klik https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/
Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Rumput Sintetis ini silahkan di Order di Sini:
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
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townpostin · 3 months ago
Modi Kicks Off Jharkhand Campaign with Jamshedpur Rally
PM’s Road Trip Energizes BJP, Backs Champai Soren for Kolhan Sweep Key Points: Modi launches BJP’s Jharkhand campaign in Jamshedpur PM endorses Champai Soren, former JMM leader BJP aims to win all 14 Kolhan assembly seats JAMSHEDPUR – Prime Minister Narendra Modi ignited the BJP’s Jharkhand election campaign with a rousing rally in Jamshedpur, spotlighting Champai Soren as a key ally. Modi’s…
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jualrumputsintetisbalkon · 8 months ago
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Voly Babul Rahmah
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Voly Babul Rahmah
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Voly Babul Rahmah, Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Voly Babul Rahmah, Pabrik Interlock Flooring Enggal, Produsen Interlock Futsal Enggano, Supplier Interlock Basket Enok, Pabrik Interlock Badminton Enrekang, Produsen Interlock Voly Entikong, Supplier Lantai Interlock Futsal Eremerasa, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Basket Eris
Kami adalah Supplier langsung tangan pertama Produsen Interlock Floring Lapangan.
Kami memproduksi Interlock Lapangan Futsal, Interlock Lapangan Badminton, Interlock Lapangan Basket, dan Interlock Lapangan Voly.
Kami juga menyediakan interlock lapangan untuk di gunakan di Indoor & Outdoor.
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Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
#PabrikInterlockLapanganVolyBabulRahmah, #PabrikInterlockLapanganVolyBabulRahmah, #PabrikInterlockFlooringEnggal, #ProdusenInterlockFutsalEnggano, #SupplierInterlockBasketEnok, #PabrikInterlockBadmintonEnrekang, #ProdusenInterlockVolyEntikong, #SupplierLantaiInterlockFutsalEremerasa, #PabrikLantaiInterlockBasketEris
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inmyworldblr · 9 months ago
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Dilip Kumar in Babul (1950)
[ dir. S. U. Sunny | d.o.p. Fali Mistry ]
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news80bharat · 8 months ago
झारखंड भाजपा (BJP) को झटका ! भाजपा के कदावर जमीनी नेता का भाजपा छोड़ने का ऐलान !
भाजपा (BJP) के कदावर जमीनी नेता बड़कागाँव विधानसभा के पूर्व प्रत्यासी दुर्गा चरण प्रसाद ने भाजपा छोड़ने का ऐलान कर दिया है ! भाजपा प्रदेश अध्यक्ष बाबुलाल मरांडी पर आम जनता के लोगो का समस्या का निराकरण नही कर पाने और समय नही देने के कारण भाजपा से इस्तीफा देने का निर्णय लिया और अपना त्याग पत्र प्रदेश अध्यक्ष के नाम दिया है । बताते चले कि दुर्गा चरण प्रसाद बड़कागाँव विधानसभा के जमीनी नेता है और उनका…
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poojashettyuniverse · 10 months ago
Elevate your lifestyle with the launch of La Monte Clubhouse at Omkar Alta Monte, offering unparalleled luxury amenities and experiences.
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realestate-insights · 11 months ago
Savor the best of city life and nature's tranquility with Alta Monte flats for sale in Malad. Nestled near the bustling Western Express Highway in Malad East and the idyllic expanse of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, it's the perfect blend of urban vibrancy and tranquil retreat. Visit our website to know more.
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vitalitybasecamp · 1 year ago
Babul - A Brief Overview:
Babul - A Brief Overview:
Babul, scientifically known as Acacia arabica, is a spiny perennial tree found widely in India and neighboring Asian countries. Known as Gum Arabic due to historical trade, it belongs to the family Leguminosae. Geographical Presence: Commonly found in dry regions of India, such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan, babul also thrives in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, and North…
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microlyric · 1 year ago
बस एक बार Bas Ek Baar Song Lyrics- Zameen
Hello friends if you are Looking Bas Ek Baar song lyrics then you landed right place so don’t worry relaxed and enjoyed the Zameen movie all songs lyrics peacefully at one place. You can find and read this lyrics easily in any smartphone and Tablet such as Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, LG, Huawei, Asus, Lava, Micromax, iTel, Nokia, Oneplus, iphone, HTC and other devices. The Micro…
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