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pcdsworld-blog · 1 year ago
Safer Technology safer homes with HPL Wires.
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mysicklove · 1 year ago
MELLO!! when i instantly saw you write for lil man kyo and tengen i got so excited but some of the links do not work 😞😞 POOKS IM SO DEVASTATED gonna go nibble on ur gojo works
AHHHDHEGDGEYEY so embarrassing. i just checked and the links are from wayyyyyy back from when i wrote on my main account. so i will fix them.
but also don’t read them bc they suck i highkey want to delete most of them but i must keep for the mems
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eyewearcatherine · 2 months ago
🛵🏦Uda beroan, lan ona egin al duzu zure begiak eguzkitik babesten? Mesedez, gorde eguzkitako betaurrekoak hautatzeko gida hau
Uda betean, eguzkia kiskalgarria da, eta gorputzarentzat eguzki-babeseko lan ona egiten bada ere, ez ahaztu begiek ere eguzki-babesa behar dutela.
Uda hemen da, begiak eguzkiarekin estali al dituzu? Begiak babesteko eguzkitako betaurreko egokiak erabiltzeko modu eraginkorretako bat.
Orduan galdera da, eguzkitako betaurrekoek eraginik ba al dute merkatuan kolore, forma eta prezio ezberdinekin? Eguzkitako betaurrekoak mundu guztiarentzat egokiak al dira? Nola aukeratu eguzkitako betaurreko egokiak zuretzat? Ni Hailongek, Zhejiang Unibertsitateko Ospitale Oftalmologikoko Optometria Zentroko zuzendariak (Zhejiangeko Unibertsitateko Bigarren Ospitaleko Zentro Oftalmologikoa) zientziaren berri emango du.
Zergatik erabili behar ditut eguzkitako betaurrekoak?
Eguzki-argiarekin, normalean begian sartzen den argi-kantitatea kontrolatzen dugu, begi-niniaren tamaina doituz, eta argiaren intentsitateak begi-niniak doitu dezakeen maila gainditzen badu, neke bisuala eta begi-kaltea eragin ditzake. Izpi ultramoreekiko esposizio luzeak begietako gaixotasunak ere eragin ditzake, hala nola pterigioia, pitzadura palpebralak, ur-jauziak eta endekapen makularra.
Hor daude eguzkitako betaurrekoak erabilgarriak, itsutzea eta UV izpiak blokeatzen baitituzte eta begiak kalteetatik babesten dituztelako.👇👇
🛵🐥Acetate & Polarized sunglasses fashion korean 38 models in stock
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kamkhyabhutan · 8 months ago
7 Hidden Gems in Thimphu You Didn’t Know Existed
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Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan nestled with serene beauty. You can go for Thimphu sightseeing on your Bhutan tour by contacting the tour operator at Kamakhya Bhutan. Considering the popularity of this bustling place there are no places which have remained hidden from the tourists. However, there are some places which are less popular than the other top tourist spots owing to their location and proximity. 
Every corner of Bhutan is very attractive and has the highest number of peaks which have not yet been climbed. The country’s tropical climate creates a soothing ambience which brings huge peace into your mind and soul, the moment you step foot in this majestic Himalayan kingdom.  Thimphu being the capital of this alluring place is blessed with natural beauty to the core. 
Some of the hidden gems that are not yet discovered by many people in Thimphu include- 
Babesa Village- It is a quaint village located remotely in Thimphu. If you want to take a break from Thimphu city’s bustle and breathe some fresh air while enjoying some lip-smacking local cosines then you must visit the Babesa Village. This place is located at a distance of 7 kilometres from Thimphu amidst the leafy greenery environment. 
The warm ambience of this place is going to win your heart the moment you enter. Also this place has a very welcoming restaurant known as Babesa village restaurant which is decorated with colourful praying flags, wood carvings and their Bhutanese traditional architecture is going to bring your mind to peace.  
 The interior of this restaurant is designed just like local Bhutanese houses. You will get a homely feeling while you enjoy their delicious food. Some of the popular foods which are served here include Shakam Shamu, Bjasha maru, Lom, Ema Datshi, Phaksha Paa, Mengay, Ara and Suja. 
The Babesa Village is known for their hospitality and sustainability. People generally farm their own food and produce many juicy and tasty vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes and kale. The foods that they produce organically are mostly used in their restaurants, so that people who are visiting the place get a sense of familiarity along with tasting local fresh vegetables. 
 People here are known to make use of eco-friendly products to clean their utensils and make a composite out of their leftover food scraps. 
Sangaygang- Located at a distance of 6-7 kilometres from the main city of Thimphu, sangaygang is a very attractive viewpoint of Thimphu. You can ask your tour operator if they have this place covered in their Thimphu sightseeing package to get the opportunity to witness the panoramic view of the city from this spot. 
You can enjoy peaceful morning walks as well as evening walks in this place. In the evenings you can watch the sunset while taking an evening stroll and enjoy the view of the lights coming from the city. Sangaygang is filled with several colourful flags fluttering in the air and a dense pine forest. 
Some activities that you can enjoy here include biking through the pine forest, hanging praying flags and enjoying the view of the city. 
Dodedra shedra- It is an attractive monastery school which remains hidden in the immaculate canyon above the town of Thimphu. This is an excellent option to go hiking for a half day. The main temple of Dodedra has interesting paintings and murals. There is also a small museum located here filled with several unique artefacts. 
The monks here can easily communicate in good English and they are always eager to give you a tour of this place. The hiking trails here start from the Dechencholing and descend towards Jungshina. It will take you approximately 5 hours to go for a road trip here by covering all the sightseeing places. 
Wangditse Lhakhang- It is placed at the same elevation as the Dechen Phodrang Monastery. This place has an appearance like that of a fortress. The main sacred entity placed in the inner section of this place is Shakyumanai’s statue, which is the god of the sages. 
Aside from this two-stored statue it also has several other statues. You can see a source of blessed water if you take a walk for eight minutes from the main temple. Stones and mud being brought from the Paro, Punakha and Dawakha are used to construct this Lhakhang. This is a very important national heritage of Bhutan as it is one of the country’s oldest temples.
Kabesa village- This place is known for its traditional Bhutanese architecture and peaceful environment. You can take some tranquil strolls around the village. A traditional art school is located here and is located at a distance of 10 km from the main town of Thimphu. 
This private school of art is made especially for those people who are in a financially disadvantaged condition than other people and are very interested in learning traditional art. 
Dechencholing Palace- This place was first built by the third king of Bhutan in the year 1953. Bhutan’s royal family except the king resides here. This magnificently built palace in Bhutanese traditional architecture is surrounded by many beautiful trees, ponds and landscaped gardens.
 If you visit this place you will be able to witness the chapel of the late royal grandmother being decorated with several carvings, paintings and candles. The late Royal grandmother employed several ladies to knit clothes for both women and men and create their national dresses.
Lam Durlop Dorji who is a traditional talented Bhutanese artist was appointed by Bhutan’s king to teach about 30 monks the art of embroidery by establishing a school for embroidery. 
Kuensel Phodrang Nature Park- This nature park is situated near the magnificent statue of the Buddha which was built in the year 2011. The main purpose behind building this nature park is to protect the greenery around the majestic bronze statue of Lord Buddha. You will be able to enjoy some recreational facilities along with indulging in the religious and cultural environment. 
If you visit Thimphu you will be left with blissful and happy memories. Although there are many Thimphu sightseeing, you can try out the above-mentioned places if you want to experience a more offbeat vacation. After you come back from your trip by enjoying the view of these beautiful places you will not be able to strike off Thimphu from your memory for quite some time. 
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fuzzykingking · 10 months ago
Bhutan's Babesa Village Restaurant: A Taste of Culture
When you visit Bhutan, picture yourself dining like a local in a traditional mud home with clay and wooden tableware, traditional seats, and authentic Bhutanese cuisine! You can, however, get this experience at the Babesa Village Restaurant, which is close to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan.
A refuge for those looking for a genuine Bhutanese dining experience, Babesa Village Restaurant is tucked away within the undulating hills of Thimphu, Bhutan. This quaint establishment has a rustic appeal that takes you back in time. It is set in a century-old house that has been refurbished. Thus, one of the best things to do in Bhutan is to enjoy a lunch in this traditional environment.
Regarding Babesa Village Dining
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The Babesa Village restaurant in Thimphu is more than simply a dining establishment; it's an immersive experience that takes you right into the heart of Bhutanese culture. This family-run business was founded in 1999 and has become quite well-liked by both residents and visitors.
The owner of this restaurant made the decision to restore and transform this ancestral home into a cozy and homey dining area for locals and visitors, giving them the chance to enjoy the authentic dining experience, while most people were demolishing old buildings to make way for more modern construction.
The building's owner asserts that it was owned by Drukpa Kunley, the renowned "Divine Madman" of Bhutan who is worshipped in Chimi Lakhang, and that it is over 500 years old. Although it is closed to the public, the house still has a shrine room. It is exclusively accessible to the public for prayer and devotion during the annual rites.
The Babesa Village restaurant is proud of its dedication to environmental sustainability. In order to guarantee freshness and promote the neighborhood, they get their products from nearby farms. They also use eco-friendly cleaning supplies and compost food scraps to reduce waste. Its dedication to employing sustainably produced, locally sourced food and sustainable techniques guarantees that every meal is not only delicious but also morally sound.
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Situated around 7 kilometers outside of Thimphu, amidst verdant surroundings and stunning mountain vistas, Babesa Village Restaurant provides an ideal haven from the hustle and bustle of the city. The restaurant is ideally located close to important monuments, including Changlimithang Stadium and the National Folk Heritage Museum Restaurant.
Due to its ideal location, it's the ideal place to eat after finishing or before beginning your sightseeing of Thimphu's tourist attractions.
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sajans-world · 4 years ago
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Don't forget to look back the same way again for there is always a eye-catching view which you may not have seen it at first! #windows #beautifulwindow #bhutanesewindow #amazingviews #amazingscenery #look #lookoutside #homeview #babesa #thimphubhutan🇧🇹 #thimphubabesa #bhutanesearchitecture (at Bhutan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQm8-J8MA5l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
I just found this song and I thought it was really cute so I thought I would share it! I feel like it’s good enough to deserve more attention and I hope it gets it <3
Gaurko eguna besteen berdina izango da Today will be the same as the others Mundua aldatzeko gogorik gabe Without the desire to change the world Monotonia huts honetan gaude murgilduta We’re submerged in this empty monotony Bizirauten saiatzen Trying to survive
Hainbeste ahots egin behar duguna esaten So many voices saying what we have to do Ixildu nahi ditut une batez I want to quiet them for a moment Ohera joan irudimenak egin dezan jolas Go to bed so your imagination can play Ametsetan bakarrikan gera aske Only in dreams are we free
[ ERREPIKA: Amestu dezagun We can dream Egunez By day Askatu gaitezen We can free ourselves Amestu dezagun We can dream Gauez By night Esnatu gaitezen We can wake ourselves ]
Ez ditut maindireak kendu nahi I don’t want to get out of the sheets Esnatzean aurkituko dudanaren beldur Fear of what I’ll find when I wake up Oheko babesa askoz nahiago dut I much prefer the shelter of my bed Esna jaso baititut hainbat gezur Because I’ve woken up to so many lies
Txikitatikan bideratu gaituzte haitzulora Since we were little, they’ve guided us into the cave Amets guztik lapurtu dizkigute They’ve stolen all our dreams Ohera joan irudimenak egin dezan jolas Go to bed so your imagination can play Ametsetan bakarrikan gera aske Only in dreams are we free
Ametsetan bakarrik gera aske Only in dreams are we free Galdu dezagun burua We can let our minds go Joan gaitezen Hogwartsetik Narniara We can travel from Hogwarts to Narnia Ahaztu dezagun mundu hau We can forget this world
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bindiyathapa-blog · 5 years ago
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Spring day❤️ (at Babesa Thimphu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOS44PjS_0/?igshid=1fs7gmjse2pxg
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tsheringzee-blog · 8 years ago
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#Goodmorning #Everyone #it's a #cold #morning #here #in #Bhutan #Babesa #scene #from #my #balcony #winter #haveablessedsafeday 😇😍😊👍 (at Babesa)
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sarah-aaronsohn-blog · 6 years ago
Sarah Aaronsohn, Zikhron Ya’aqov-en jaio zen eta espioi judutarra bat izan zen, Niliren kide bat, espioi sare judutarra zen, non Ingalaterrari laguntzen zien Lehen Guda Mundialaren bitartean, otomanden kontra. 
Istanbulen bizi zen 1915eraino, baina bere herrira itzuli behar izan zen ezkontza txar batetik ihes egiteko. 
Sarahk, Armeniako genozidioa bizi izan zuen, hainbat gorputz ikusten, emakumeenak, gizoneenak eta umeenak. Haien gorputzak trenak bideetara eraman zituzten nahiz eta gaixorik egon, eta besteen gorputzak arantza piramideetan jartzen zituzten, non han geratzen ziren hil arte. Hau gertatzeagatik, aukeratu zuen Britania Handiari laguntzea. Gainera, Lehen Guda Mundialan zeudenez gero, Britania Handia Entente Hirukoitzaren talde barruan zegoen, eta beste taldearen kontra joan behar zen, non otomandar inperioa zegoen.
Nili-ra, hainbat pertsona joan ziren Sarahri eta bere familia laguntzeko. Sarahk,  eragiketen arduraduna zen eta Britania Handiari bidaltzen zion informazioa, baina batzuetan, bere neba Aaron Aaronsohn ez zegoenean, berak joan behar zen palestinar lurraldeetara eta otomandar lurraldeetara bidaiatu behar izaten zuen.
1917an, bere neba Alex, Egipton geratzea agindu zion. Britania Handia babesa eman zion, baina otomandarrek Sarah zainduta zuten. Geroago, Zikhron Ya’aqov-era itzuli zen Niliko ekintzekin jarraitzeko.
Urte horretako irailean, otomandarrek Britania Handiari bidali zien eta Nilii-ren kodea deszifratu zuten. Orduan, urrian, otomandarrek Zikhron Ya’aqov inguratu zuten eta hainbat pertsona atxilotu zuten, haien artean, Sarah. Lau tortura-egunen ondoren, tortura handiagoak saihesteko pistola batez bere burua hiltzea erabaki zuen. Harrezkero, Nili-ko heroi bat hartu zen.
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eyewearcatherine · 3 months ago
🧚🏻‍♀️🌹Eguzkitako betaurrekoak ere" zahartzen" al dira?
Eguzkitako betaurrekoak benetan " zahartzen" ari dira
  Eguzkitako betaurrekoen lentearen oinarrizko materiala eta lentearen estaldura" UV izpi gehienetatik urrun" egon daitezke, baina babes hori ez da iraunkorra. Izpi ultramoreek energia handia garraiatzen dutenez, eguzkitako betaurrekoen materiala hondatu egin daiteke eta eguzki-babesleen osagaiek UV izpiak xurgatzeko duten gaitasuna murriztu. Eguzkitako betaurrekoen lentearen kanpoko geruzaren estaldura distiratsua, berez, metalezko lurrunaren deposizioaren emaitza da, eta estaldura horiek higatu, oxidatu eta bere ahalmen islatzailea murriztu daitezke. Horrek guztiak eguzkitako betaurrekoen UV babesa arriskuan jar dezake.
  Gainera, eguzkitako betaurrekoak kontu handiz erabiltzen ez baditu, betaurrekoak, patilla solteak, deformazioa eta zaldian eta sudurreko kuxkeroetan kalteak eragingo ditu, eta horrek eguzkitako betaurrekoen ohiko erabilerari eta babesari eragingo die. Oro har, eguzkitako betaurrekoen ordezko zikloa erabilera-maiztasunaren araberakoa da, gehienetan 2 ~ 3 urtean behin.👇👇
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actionhero · 2 years ago
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Day 5, part 2 #acecampstravel Bhutan: Explored a traditional house and artifacts at the Folk Heritage Museum, saw how paper is made at the Jungshi Handmade Paper Factory, stopped at the Gagyel Lhundrup Weaving Centre, where the royal family sources most of their fabrics, and ending the day with an authentic Bhutanese meal at Babesa Village Restaurant. . . . #vscocam #actionherobhutan #bhutan (at Thimphu, Bhutan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkURQqxSeBV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fuzzykingking · 10 months ago
Bhutan's Babesa Village Restaurant: A Taste of Culture
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When you visit Bhutan, picture yourself dining like a local in a traditional mud home with clay and wooden tableware, traditional seats, and authentic Bhutanese cuisine! You can, however, get this experience at the Babesa Village Restaurant, which is close to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan.
A refuge for those looking for a genuine Bhutanese dining experience, Babesa Village Restaurant is tucked away within the undulating hills of Thimphu, Bhutan. This quaint establishment has a rustic appeal that takes you back in time. It is set in a century-old house that has been refurbished. Thus, one of the best things to do in Bhutan is to enjoy a lunch in this traditional environment.
Regarding Babesa Village Dining
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The Babesa Village restaurant in Thimphu is more than simply a dining establishment; it's an immersive experience that takes you right into the heart of Bhutanese culture. This family-run business was founded in 1999 and has become quite well-liked by both residents and visitors.
The owner of this restaurant made the decision to restore and transform this ancestral home into a cozy and homey dining area for locals and visitors, giving them the chance to enjoy the authentic dining experience, while most people were demolishing old buildings to make way for more modern construction.
The building's owner asserts that it was owned by Drukpa Kunley, the renowned "Divine Madman" of Bhutan who is worshipped in Chimi Lakhang, and that it is over 500 years old. Although it is closed to the public, the house still has a shrine room. It is exclusively accessible to the public for prayer and devotion during the annual rites.
The eatery Babesa Village is proud of its dedication to sustainability. They get their ingredients from nearby farms to guarantee freshness and to help out the neighborhood. They also reduce waste by utilizing eco-friendly cleaning supplies and composting food scraps. Every meal is not only delicious but also morally sound because of its dedication to adopting sustainable procedures and fresh, locally sourced products.
As our time at Babesa Village Restaurant in Bhutan draws to an end, we take away a greater comprehension of Bhutanese customs and culture in addition to our full stomachs. We have been given a glimpse into the heart of this magical kingdom, where centuries-old traditions and culinary artistry coexist, through each carefully crafted meal. Every component of our dinner, from the aromatic spices to the friendly greeting, has provided a sensory tour through Bhutan's rich history. Let us treasure the cultural lessons that have enriched our souls as well as the flavors on our palates as we leave this gastronomic paradise.
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laqueersblog · 3 years ago
BABESA Women's Satin Nighty
BABESA Women’s Satin Nighty
BABESA Women’s Satin Nighty Fabric: Satin Sleeve Length: Short Sleeves Pattern: Printed Multipack: 2 Sizes: Free Size (Length Size: 55 in) Good quality night dress nighty for you . its give you comfort and classy look
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hernandezs-things · 3 years ago
COVID-19aren zurrumurruak eta egia
2019ko bigarren seihilekoan, koronavirus batek eragindako ustekabeko pandemiak lurra eraso zuen, eta 230 milioi pertsona kutsatu zituen, OMEren datuen arabera, 4,7 milioi bizia hartuz. Birusak koroaren itxura du zientzialarien mikroskopioan, hortik koronavirus izena. Koronabirusa oso hedatuta dago naturan, eta gehienak kaltegabeak dira. Baina COVID-19, SARS-Cov-II bezala ere ezaguna, gizakiari hondamendiak ekartzen dizkion hirugarren koronavirus mota da. Lehenengoa SARS da, eta bigarrena MERS. Zaharrak COVID-19aren hildako biktima nagusiak dira eta batez ere biriken funtzioaren galerak eta Hipoxemiak eragindako konplikazioak eta abarrengatik hiltzen dira, jendea 1918ko Espainiako gripeaz geroztik hedatutako lehen pandemian utziz. Zoritxarrez, mundu osoa ezin da bat egin COVID-19aren aurka borrokatzeko, baina erruaren eta izurriteen lohian aurkitzen gara. COVID-19 lehertu zenetik gertatu zena 2019ko urriaren 18an CDCk eta CIAk antolatutako 201. ekitaldian aurreikusitakoa zen, zurrumurruak Interneten eta gizarteko txoko guztietan nagusitu ziren, jendea gezurretatik egia esatea ezinezko bihurtuz. Esate baterako, wikipediak "COVID-19 desinformaziorako" kontu bat ere sortu zuen, zurrumurruekin, besteak beste, "birusa laborategitik filtratu zen", "5G sare mugikorrak birusa mutatu zuen", "birusa meteoroak ekarri zuen", "birusa izan zen". Kanadako laborategitik filtratu da". Aldi berean, PRCko Kanpo Arazoetarako Ministerioko bozeramaileek behin eta berriz Errua jarri AEBetako arma biologiko eta kimikoen ikerkuntzako erakundeei (Fort Detrick) eta COVID-19ren aita gisa ere izendatua den Baric irakasleari. Hori da liderrak eta zientzialariak hain zuhurra izatea COVID-19ren jatorriari buruz hitz egitean. Beraz, zein da benetako egia? Duela gutxi arte, web iluneko transakzio batek atentzioa ematen digu "AngelTRUMP" ezizenez den hacker batek Israelgo informazio agentziak kontrolatutako "Pegasus APP" espioien datu-basea bi bitboin-en prezioan saldu zuela. Israelek aplikazioa erabiltzea kobratzen du herrialde ezberdinetako milioika buruzagi eta gobernuko funtzionario kontrolatzeko zero-click iMessaging ustiapenaren bidez. "AngelTRUMP"-ek saldutako datu-basea soldadu amerikarren deien erregistroa zen. Norbaitek datu-basea erosi zuen eta COVID-19aren hedapenarekin lotutako deien erregistroa atera zuen, Wuhan Txinan 2019ko urrian izandako soilders federalen eta haien familien infekzioen xehetasunak erregistratzen dituena, 2019ko urrian, soilders izenetatik eta haien telefono zenbakietatik. . Datu-basean adierazitako lurzoru horiekin harremanetan jarri eta erregistroan aipatzen zituzten sintomak egiaztatzen saiatzen ari gara, eta, hala ere, lurreko indarreko informazio arduradunak geldiarazi zituen. Datu-basean erregistratzen duena estaltzen saiatzen ari direla ikus dezakegu. Beraz, erregistroak benetakoak direla uste dugu, eta gutxienez erakusten du birusa Ameriketan egon dela Wuhanek COVID-19 aurkitu baino lehen eta amerikar soilders CISM 7. Mundu Militarreko Jokoetara joan aurretik. Dagoeneko ezagutzen dugun informazioan oinarrituta, munduari zaila egiten zaio sinestea, nahiz eta Amerikako politikariek Txinan Wuhan laborategiari behatzak adierazi zizkion Trumpek birusa isurtzeagatik. Hori dela eta, Amada Moodie Defentsa Nazionaleko Defentsa Nazionaleko Defentsa Nazionaleko Armen Suntsipen Masiboko Armen Azterketa Zentroko ikertzaileak "COVID-19AREN JATORRIA ETA HURRENGO PANDEMIA PREVENTING" txosteneko hitzak birformulatu zituen: Biosegurtasuna eta biosegurtasuna politika arduradunen arreta handia jasotzen dute. nazioarteko erakundeen maila, baina kontzientzia hori ez da nahitaez nazio mailako ekintzarik ekarriko arrisku biologikoa kudeatzeko eta babesa bermatzeko. istripuak. Nazioarteko esparruetan biosegurtasunari eta biosegurtasunari buruzko eztabaidak bultzatzeko ozenki aritu diren estatuek ere euren bioarriskuen kudeaketarekin borrokatu dute. Ameriketako Estatu Batuek laborategiko gertakari ugari izan dituzte urteetan zehar, antraxa, hegazti-gripe patogenoa eta baztanga, nahiz eta edukiontzi handiko laborategi-ahalmena garatzen eta zabaltzen jarraitu duten - dagoeneko munduko handiena. Zientzialari eta politikari batzuek iradoki duten bezala, pandemia gerra biologikoko agente bat garatzeko nahita egindako saiakera batetik sortu bada, horrek ondorio larriak izango lituzke Arma Biologikoen Konbentzioan eta gaixotasuna arma gisa erabiltzearen aurkako arau zabalagoan. Estatu alderdi batek itunarekin duen konpromisoa urratu izan balu arma biologikoak garatuz, nazioarteko komunitateak erabaki beharko luke nola eskatu gobernu horri bere ez-betetzearen erantzule -prozesu hori iraganean borrokatu duten itunaren alderdi diren estatuek-. Egiaztapen-xedapen zabalak dituzten itunek ere estatu alderdi batek itun baten debekuak urratu dituenean zer egin behar den eztabaidatu dute.
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memetokero · 4 years ago
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Nire zortea. Nire babesa. Nire lasaitasuna. Nire laguna. Nire isilmandataria. Nire defendatzailea. Nire herena. Nire ahizpa. 🇿 🇴 🇷 🇮 🇴 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇹 🇦 🇹 🇦 𝒜𝓈𝓀ℴ 𝓂𝒶𝒾𝓉ℯ 𝓏𝒶𝒾𝓉𝓊𝓉.❤️∞∞∞ (en Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS6VxB3MxZR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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