#Ba Be National Park in Vietnam
kaustubh-wankhede · 8 months
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Embark on a journey like never before with our comprehensive 2024 guide to Ba Be National Park. Immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of lush landscapes, pristine lakes, and diverse wildlife. Discover hidden gems, trek through ancient forests, and experience the rich culture of local communities. Packed with invaluable tips and insights, this handbook is the key to an unforgettable adventure. Unearth the secrets of Ba Be National Park and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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travelella · 5 months
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Ba Vi National Park, Hanoi Province, Red River Delta Region, Vietnam
Minh Bách Trương
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bichngocluu · 1 year
LIST SÁCH ĐỌC 2022-2023 (phần 1)
Hôm nay tổng hợp lại 23 cuốn sách mình đọc trong giai đoạn tháng 9.2022 - hiện tại (tháng 8.2023).
Danh sách này có thể chia làm ba nhóm chủ đề mà mình quan tâm trong thời gian qua là:
danh tính Việt Nam, Đông Nam Á, châu Á
thiên nhiên, tự nhiên, môi trường
giải thực dân
Nhiều cuốn trong số này có hướng tiếp cận đa ngành và liên tầng định kiến (intersectional) nên cũng có thể xếp vào nhiều hơn 1 nhóm.
Nhóm 1: Danh tính Việt Nam, Đông Nam Á, châu Á
Komplexe Körper. Con lai Mỹ. Identitätsverhandlungen, Fremdbilder und gesellschaftliche Positionierungen von Besatzungskindern in Vietnam (Sascha Wölck, 2012)
Mượn cuốn sách của anh Sascha đến một năm mới chịu trả 😅 Cuốn sách nghiên cứu về con lai Mỹ, những đứa con của lính Mỹ và phụ nữ Việt Nam, qua đó phản ánh lại lịch sử Việt Nam và các chuẩn mực xã hội thời kỳ hậu chiến.
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Asiatische Deutsche Extended. Vietnamesische Diaspora and Beyond (ed. Kien Nghi Ha, 2021)
Một cuốn khó và bằng tiếng Đức nhưng vẫn đang cố gắng đọc 🤓 Cuốn sách được phát triển từ chương trình thảo luận "Vietnamese Diaspora and Beyond" (Berlin 2020), nhìn nhận về đời sống và danh tính "người Đức gốc Á" (Asiatische Deutsche/ Asian Germans) như một định danh và phạm trù chính trị.
Các đề tài: bản sắc hải ngoại châu Á, phân biệt chủng tộc, phản kháng & trao quyền, trải nghiệm di cư etc.
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Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire: A Buddhist Proposal for Peace (Thich Nhat Hanh, 1967)
Biết về cuốn sách vào thời điểm cũng đang nhiều vật lộn với bản thân, chắc phải nghe/ đọc lại các cuốn sách, bài giảng của thầy.
Hoa sen trong biển lửa trình bày lại câu chuyện tôn giáo ở Việt Nam thời kỳ chiến tranh, đan xen với những tranh đấu của dân chúng và Phật tử, các chính sách của hai nhà nước với Tây phương. Rất hay!
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The Refugees (Viet Thanh Nguyen, 2017)
Vẫn đang đọc tuyển tập truyện ngắn này với tốc độ rất chậm .. Song song với đó mình cũng quan tâm các bài luận học thuật và dự án DVAN của anh Việt.
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The Border Within. Vietnamese Migrants Transforming Ethnic Nationalism in Berlin (Phi Hong Su, 2022)
Đọc trong lúc tìm hiểu về cộng đồng người Việt gốc Bắc - Nam ở Berlin. Những chia rẽ từ sau khi Việt Nam và Đức thống nhất liệu có còn tồn tại?
"Hoa Kỳ không phải là quốc gia duy nhất diễn ra những cuộc tranh luận về ý nghĩa của việc là người Việt Nam." Tác giả quan tâm đến cộng đồng người Việt ở Đức, nơi mà người vượt biên chủ yếu không chỉ là người tị nạn, mà còn (từng) là: công nhân hợp tác lao động, du học sinh, đoàn tụ với gia đình vv..
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Return Engagements: Contemporary Art's Traumas of Modernity and History in Sài Gòn and Phnom Penh (Việt Lê, 2021)
Có cơ hội làm workshop cùng anh Việt trong festival film nên đã tìm đọc cuốn sách này của anh. Anh viết về nghệ thuật đương đại ở Đông Nam Á và vị trí của người nghệ sĩ - giăng mắc với các chấn thương (hậu chiến, hậu di cư) và những yêu cầu của thị trường nghệ thuật quốc tế. Mình đã hiểu hơn về nghệ thuật/ nghệ sĩ hải ngoại sau khi đọc cuốn sách.
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Troubling Borders: An Anthology of Art and Literature by Southeast Asian Women in the Diaspora (2021)
Hàng triệu người Đông Nam Á đã di tản sang Mỹ vào thế kỷ 20 do sự can thiệp quân sự của Mỹ. Dự án tuyển tập của DVAN (Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network) ra đời nhằm cổ vũ sự đa dạng của các nghệ sĩ, cây viết có cơ thể nữ - gốc Đông Nam Á - ở hải ngoại. Họ là những người thường bị lề hóa hoặc vô hình, phải vật lộn giữa các giá trị/ kỳ vọng truyền thống và sự phân biệt giới tính trong chính cộng đồng mình, đi kèm với các tác lực bên ngoài.
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Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning (Cathy Park Hong, 2020)
Danh tính một người Mỹ gốc Á:
Như một thiểu số kiểu mẫu (để thúc đẩy chủ nghĩa tư bản): "bạn sẽ không phải chịu sự phân biệt đối xử nếu như bạn thành công và chăm chỉ."
"Việc kiên nhẫn nói về chủng tộc với một người da trắng vắt kiệt mọi năng lượng. Nó giống như phải giải thích cho người khác về lý do bạn tồn tại, tại sao bạn cảm thấy đau đớn, hoặc tại sao thực tế của bạn khác với thực tế của họ."
"Các cây viết da màu phải luôn cư xử hòa nhã và biết ơn để người da trắng cảm thấy thoải mái trong việc cảm thông với những trải nghiệm phân biệt chủng tộc của họ."
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Über Wasser und Tote (Dan Thy Nguyen, 2022)
Dan Thy là một tiếng nói quan trọng của người Đức gốc Việt/ thế hệ 2, đặc biệt trong lĩnh vực văn hóa - nghệ thuật, cụ thể là sân khấu. "Thông qua nghệ thuật, tôi hiểu rằng nỗi giận dữ của mình được chấp nhận." Tuyển tập thơ là tự sự về gia đình và những ám ảnh trong nó, về những trải nghiệm di cư liên thế hệ, và khát khao viết để giải phóng.
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Warring Visions. Photography and Vietnam (Thy Phu, 2022)
Cuốn sách nhìn lại lịch sử chiến tranh Việt Nam thông qua nhiếp ảnh: có những câu chuyện nào đi ngược lại góc nhìn quen thuộc, hoặc đã được ý thức hệ hóa qua thẩm mỹ nhất định?
Hình ảnh phục vụ cho các chiến lược hòa giải hòa bình hay phản kháng như thế nào, và trải nghiệm chiến tranh được định hình bởi nhiếp ảnh ra sao?
Các tên tuổi nhiếp ảnh gia được nhắc đến: Võ An Ninh, Võ An Khánh, Nguyễn Mạnh Đan, Nguyễn Ngọc Hạnh, vv..
Cuốn sách xem xét cả khía cạnh giới, ảnh cá nhân (lưu trữ ảnh ở hải ngoại), nhiếp ảnh 'hòa giải', hay các bức ảnh để phục dựng/ tưởng nhớ/ tưởng niệm.
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Archipelago of Resettlement. Vietnamese Refugee Settlers and Decolonization across Guam and Israel-Palestine (Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi, 2022)
Một cuốn sách thời sự về chủ đề nghiên cứu tị nạn, vấn đề giải thực dân tại khu vực xung đột Israel–Palestine, và quyền của người bản địa. Rất rất hay!
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(còn tiếp)
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vinnybonzer · 24 days
Ha Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay - Where to opt in!
Welcome to the breathtaking world of Northern Vietnam’s three stunning bays: Ha Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay, and Bai Tu Long Bay. Each bay offers its own unique charm, from the bustling beauty of Ha Long Bay to the serene escape of Lan Ha Bay and the untouched tranquility of Bai Tu Long Bay. Whether you’re seeking adventure, peace, or an off-the-beaten-path experience, these bays have something special for everyone.
Let’s dive into what makes each of these destinations so enchanting and help you find the perfect match for your next Vietnam holiday package!
Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay is the superstar of Northern Vietnam, with its emerald waters and over 1,600 limestone islands. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site for a reason—think towering cliffs, hidden caves, and awe-inspiring views that leave you speechless. From cruising on traditional junk boats to exploring caves like Sung Sot Cave, there’s no shortage of activities. You can kayak, swim, or even hike to the top of Titop Island for panoramic views. Being the most famous of the three, Ha Long Bay is well-developed for tourism. You’ll find a wide range of accommodations, tours, and activities to choose from.
However, with popularity comes crowds. Ha Long Bay can get quite busy, especially during peak season, which might take away from the feeling of serenity. Additionally, some travelers find that Ha Long Bay feels a bit too commercialized, with a lot of boats and tourist-centric activities that might not appeal to those looking for a more authentic experience.
Lan Ha Bay
As one of the most splendid Vietnam things to see, Lan Ha Bay offers the same stunning scenery as Ha Long Bay but without the hustle and bustle. It’s less crowded, making it a peaceful retreat for those who want to relax. The waters here are incredibly clear, and the bay is dotted with over 300 lush islands. It’s a great spot for kayaking, swimming, and sunbathing on secluded beaches. In addition, Lan Ha Bay’s proximity to Cat Ba Island means you can easily explore the island’s national park, go rock climbing, or enjoy the local culture.
While the tranquility is a plus, Lan Ha Bay is less developed than Ha Long Bay. This means fewer options for accommodations and dining, though this can also be a perk for those seeking a more rustic experience. Furthermore, getting to Lan Ha Bay usually involves passing through Ha Long City or Cat Ba Island, which might require a bit more planning compared to Ha Long Bay’s direct access.
Bai Tu Long Bay
If you’re looking to escape the crowds altogether, Bai Tu Long Bay is your sanctuary. It’s much less visited than Ha Long Bay, giving you a more intimate connection with nature. Bai Tu Long Bay’s scenery rivals that of Ha Long Bay but feels more untouched and pristine. You’ll find quiet beaches, crystal-clear waters, and the chance to explore traditional fishing villages like Vung Vieng. The bay also offers a deeper glimpse into local life, with opportunities to visit floating villages and learn about traditional fishing practices.
Nevertheless, the remoteness of Bai Tu Long Bay means fewer tourist facilities. Accommodation options are more limited, and tours are less frequent, so planning ahead is essential. While the natural beauty is unparalleled, there are fewer organized activities and attractions compared to Ha Long Bay, which might not suit travelers looking for a packed itinerary.
Whether you choose the vibrant energy of Ha Long Bay, the serene beauty of Lan Ha Bay, or the untouched splendor of Bai Tu Long Bay, you’re in for an unforgettable adventure. Each bay offers a unique slice of paradise, so it’s all about finding the one that resonates with your travel style. Happy exploring!
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vietnameservice · 1 month
Vietnam General Information
Vietnam General Information
Vietnam offers a diverse array of activities and attractions for tourists. Whether you're interested in exploring historical sites, experiencing local culture, or enjoying natural beauty, Vietnam has something for everyone. Category Link Description Top Tourist Places Ho Chi Minh City Discover the vibrant culture and historical landmarks of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's commercial hub. Hanoi Explore the rich history and unique blend of cultures in Vietnam's capital city, Hanoi. Halong Bay Experience the stunning natural beauty of Halong Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Hoi An Visit the ancient town of Hoi An, known for its well-preserved architecture and cultural heritage. Sapa Enjoy trekking and breathtaking views in Sapa, a mountainous region in Northern Vietnam. Top 100 Tourist Places Explore more Top tourist places in Vietnam. Top Mountains Fansipan Climb Fansipan, the highest peak in Vietnam, offering stunning vistas and adventure. Ba Na Hills Visit Ba Na Hills, a resort complex known for its French village and the iconic Golden Bridge. Marble Mountains Explore the Marble Mountains, a cluster of five hills known for their caves and temples. Langbiang Hike Langbiang Mountain, known for its scenic beauty and cultural significance. Phong Nha-Ke Bang Discover the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, famous for its limestone karsts and caves. Top Food Places Bun Cha Enjoy Bun Cha, a traditional Vietnamese dish of grilled pork and noodles. Pho Try Pho, the iconic Vietnamese noodle soup, known for its rich and aromatic broth. Banh Mi Taste Banh Mi, a Vietnamese sandwich that combines French baguettes with local ingredients. Bun Bo Hue Savor Bun Bo Hue, a spicy noodle soup that is a specialty of Central Vietnam. Cha Ca Try Cha Ca, a dish of turmeric-marinated fish served with noodles and herbs. Resources Vietnam History Learn about the rich and complex history of Vietnam, from ancient times to the modern era. Visa Tips Get useful tips and advice on how to apply for and obtain a Vietnam visa. Safety Tips Read important safety tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Vietnam. Airport Info Find information about Vietnam's major airports and tips for navigating them. External Links Access useful external links for more information about traveling to Vietnam. Tourism Discover the key attractions and activities that make Vietnam a top tourist destination. Public Holidays Check the list of public holidays in Vietnam to plan your trip accordingly. Information Center Australian Citizens Find visa and travel information for Australian citizens visiting Vietnam. British Citizens Get visa and travel information for British citizens planning to visit Vietnam. German Citizens Access visa and travel information for German citizens visiting Vietnam. United States Citizens Find visa and travel information for US citizens visiting Vietnam. French Citizens Get visa and travel information for French citizens planning to visit Vietnam. New Zealand Citizens Access visa and travel information for New Zealand citizens visiting Vietnam. Canadian Citizens Find visa and travel information for Canadian citizens visiting Vietnam.
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imitytravels2019 · 2 months
Vietnam Adventure Escape
Exploring Vietnam: A Journey Through Adventure and Culture
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Vietnam, a land of stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, offers an adventure like no other. From the bustling streets of Hanoi to the serene waters of Halong Bay, and the ancient ruins of My Son to the energetic pulse of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is a treasure trove for the intrepid traveler. Here’s a guide to some of the best adventurous experiences this captivating country has to offer.
1. Trekking in Sapa
Nestled in the northern highlands, Sapa is a haven for trekkers and outdoor enthusiasts. The region's rugged terrain is adorned with lush terraced rice fields, verdant valleys, and imposing mountain peaks. Trails vary from easy walks to challenging treks, often leading through remote villages where traditional Hmong, Dao, and Tay cultures thrive. The trek to Fansipan, known as the "Roof of Indochina," is a highlight, offering breathtaking views from the highest peak in Southeast Asia.
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2. Exploring Halong Bay by Kayak
Halong Bay, with its emerald waters and limestone karsts, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that must be experienced up close. While cruising on a traditional junk boat is a popular choice, exploring the bay by kayak offers a more intimate connection with its natural beauty. Paddle through serene waters, navigate around towering limestone formations, and discover hidden caves and grottoes. The tranquil experience allows for a unique perspective on the bay’s stunning landscape.
3. Venturing into Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park
Home to some of the world’s most spectacular caves, Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park is a must-visit for adventure seekers. The park boasts a network of over 300 caves, including the famous Son Doong Cave, the largest cave in the world. For those seeking a thrilling experience, exploring the underground rivers of the Paradise Cave or embarking on a guided expedition through the Dark Cave (Hang Toi) with zip-lining and mud baths provides an exhilarating adventure.
4. Riding the Ho Chi Minh Trail
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The historic Ho Chi Minh Trail, a network of supply routes used during the Vietnam War, has transformed into a thrilling route for motorbike enthusiasts. The journey offers a blend of rugged adventure and historical intrigue, taking travelers through remote mountainous regions, picturesque landscapes, and charming villages. Renting a motorbike and traversing this trail allows for a deep dive into Vietnam’s history while enjoying the freedom of the open road.
5. Discovering the Mekong Delta by Boat
The Mekong Delta, a maze of waterways, floating markets, and lush landscapes, is best explored by boat. Embark on a river cruise to navigate through the delta’s intricate network of canals, where you’ll witness daily life on the water, visit traditional workshops, and sample local delicacies. For a more immersive experience, consider a homestay with a local family to learn about their way of life and gain a deeper appreciation for the region’s culture.
6. Hiking in Cat Ba Island
Cat Ba Island, part of the Halong Bay archipelago, offers a different kind of adventure. The island is home to Cat Ba National Park, a haven for hikers and nature lovers. Trails through the park lead to stunning viewpoints, such as the top of Ngu Lam Mountain, and reveal diverse flora and fauna. The island’s rugged coastline and beautiful beaches also provide opportunities for rock climbing, swimming, and relaxing after a day of hiking.
7. Diving in Nha Trang
For underwater enthusiasts, Nha Trang is Vietnam’s premier diving destination. The city is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and a rich marine ecosystem. Diving sites such as Hon Mun Island offer vibrant coral reefs, colorful fish, and underwater caves. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, Nha Trang’s warm waters and diverse marine life provide an unforgettable underwater adventure.
Vietnam’s diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage offer a myriad of adventurous opportunities. Whether you’re trekking through the highlands, kayaking in Halong Bay, exploring ancient caves, or diving in crystal-clear waters, Vietnam promises an adventure that will captivate and inspire. Embrace the journey, and let the beauty and excitement of this incredible country create memories that will last a lifetime.
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reddycharlie · 2 months
16 Best Things to Do in Hue, Vietnam in 2024
Hue, a city in central Vietnam, is a place where history, culture, and natural beauty converge to offer an unforgettable travel experience. Known for its imperial history, Hue is a treasure trove of ancient temples, palaces, tombs, and majestic caves in Vietnam all set against a backdrop of stunning landscapes. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or an adventure seeker, there are plenty of things to do in Hue, Vietnam. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the best activities and attractions you shouldn't miss in 2024.
1. Explore the Imperial City
The Imperial City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the crown jewel of Hue. This vast complex was the political, cultural, and religious center of the Nguyen Dynasty. Wander through the grand palaces, ceremonial gates, and beautifully landscaped gardens. Don't miss the Thai Hoa Palace, the Hall of Mandarins, and the Forbidden Purple City.
2. Visit the Tombs of the Emperors
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Hue is famous for its royal tombs, each a unique architectural masterpiece. The Tomb of Tu Duc, set amidst tranquil gardens and lakes, is a must-visit. The Tomb of Khai Dinh, with its elaborate designs and fusion of Western and Eastern styles, is another highlight. Each tomb tells the story of the emperor it was built for, offering a glimpse into Vietnam's royal past.
3. Take a Cruise on the Perfume River
A cruise on the Perfume River is one of the most relaxing things to do in Hue, Vietnam. Enjoy panoramic views of the city and its surroundings as you glide along the river. Many cruises offer stops at significant sites, such as the Thien Mu Pagoda and various royal tombs.
4. Visit Thien Mu Pagoda
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Perched on a hill overlooking the Perfume River, the Thien Mu Pagoda is Hue's most iconic temple. Its seven-story tower is a symbol of the city. The pagoda is not only a place of worship but also a spot with beautiful views and serene gardens.
5. Discover Dong Ba Market
For a taste of local life, head to Dong Ba Market. This bustling market is a great place to sample Vietnamese street food, buy local produce, and shop for souvenirs. Don’t miss trying Bun Bo Hue, a spicy beef noodle soup that originates from this region.
6. Enjoy Hue’s Culinary Delights
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Hue is renowned for its cuisine, which includes royal dishes once served to the Nguyen emperors. Try Banh Khoai (crispy pancakes), Nem Lui (grilled pork skewers), and Com Hen (rice with baby clams). Many local restaurants offer cooking classes where you can learn to make these dishes yourself.
7. Hike in Bach Ma National Park
Just a short drive from Hue, Bach Ma National Park is a haven for nature lovers. The park boasts lush forests, stunning waterfalls, and a variety of wildlife. Hike to the summit for breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, or explore the park’s many trails and waterfalls.
8. Relax at Lang Co Beach
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Lang Co Beach, with its white sands and clear waters, is perfect for a day of relaxation. Located about an hour’s drive from Hue, this picturesque beach offers opportunities for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying fresh seafood at local eateries.
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mysticwizardglitter · 2 months
Exploring Vietnam's Natural Wonders: Top National Parks and Scenic Landscapes
Vietnam, with its diverse topography and rich biodiversity, is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. From lush jungles to majestic mountains and captivating caves in Vietnam, the country offers a variety of natural wonders. Here’s a look at some of Vietnam’s most stunning national parks like Cat Tien national park in Vietnam and scenic landscapes that capture the essence of its natural beauty.
1. Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park
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Located in central Vietnam, Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park is renowned for its spectacular caves and karst landscapes. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to some of the most impressive caves in Vietnam, including the famous Son Doong Cave, the largest cave in the world by volume. The park features a labyrinth of underground rivers and vast chambers, with stunning rock formations and unique ecosystems. Visitors can explore various caves such as Paradise Cave and the Dark Cave, each offering its own set of breathtaking views and adventures.
2. Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay, another UNESCO World Heritage site, is celebrated for its emerald waters and towering limestone pillars. Located in northern Vietnam, this bay is dotted with over 1,600 islands and islets, creating a dramatic seascape. A cruise through Ha Long Bay provides unparalleled views of these natural formations, and visitors can explore hidden caves, grottoes, and secluded beaches. Activities such as kayaking, swimming, and hiking are popular among tourists seeking to immerse themselves in the bay’s natural beauty.
3. Cat Tien National Park
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Cat Tien National Park, located in southern Vietnam, is one of the country’s largest protected areas. This park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists, offering a rich variety of flora and fauna. Spanning over 720,000 hectares, Cat Tien is home to rare species such as the Javan rhinoceros and the giant muntjac deer. The park's diverse habitats include tropical rainforests, wetlands, and grasslands, making it an excellent spot for birdwatching and wildlife tracking. Visitors can also explore the park’s stunning landscapes through guided treks and boat trips on the Dong Nai River.
4. Ba Be National Park
Ba Be National Park, situated in northern Vietnam, is known for its stunning natural beauty and tranquil environment. The park features the largest freshwater lake in Vietnam, Ba Be Lake, surrounded by lush forests and towering limestone hills. The park’s diverse ecosystems include wetlands, waterfalls, and caves. A boat ride on Ba Be Lake offers picturesque views and the chance to visit local ethnic minority villages. The park’s hiking trails lead through dense forests and past scenic waterfalls, providing an immersive experience in nature.
5. Sapa and the Hoang Lien Son Mountain Range
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The Sapa region, located in northern Vietnam near the Chinese border, is famous for its breathtaking mountain landscapes and ethnic minority cultures. The Hoang Lien Son Mountain Range, which includes Vietnam’s highest peak, Fansipan, offers dramatic scenery with its rugged terrain and terraced rice fields. Trekking through Sapa’s hills and valleys provides stunning panoramic views and the opportunity to experience traditional village life. The cooler climate and picturesque landscapes make Sapa a popular destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.
6. Con Dao National Park
Con Dao National Park, situated on the Con Dao Archipelago off the southern coast of Vietnam, is renowned for its pristine beaches and marine biodiversity. The park encompasses both terrestrial and marine environments, with clear turquoise waters, coral reefs, and diverse marine life. It is an ideal destination for snorkeling, diving, and relaxing on secluded beaches. The park also has a significant historical aspect, with remnants of the former prison system from the colonial era.
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Vietnam’s natural wonders, from its stunning national parks to its awe-inspiring caves, offer a diverse array of experiences for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Whether exploring the incredible caves in Vietnam or trekking through the lush forests of Cat Tien National Park, there is no shortage of breathtaking landscapes and unique wildlife to discover. Each national park and scenic location provides a glimpse into the rich natural heritage of Vietnam, inviting travelers to immerse themselves in its beauty and conservation efforts.
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sosos-adventures · 2 months
- Cat Ba island -
I finally find some time to continue writing down our stories and adventures in Vietnam. And even though its coming to an end soon, so many things havent been told yet. Lets continue with Cat Ba.. after another nightbus experience that was actually quite pleasant, we arrived in CatBa. Our nightbus was the only one going there directly without having to transfer to a water taxi.
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Arriving at CatBa we had to carry our luggage all the way up a hill for about 25 minutes to get to our hotel. Thankfully we were able to check in early and could take a shower immediately.
The reason we went to Cat Ba was because of the legendary bay that was nearby.. we decided to rather book it via CatBa to also see some other less crowded areas. The idland itself is quite big and has a huge national park area.. however ypu can only reach it via motorcycle.. which we didnt have.. renting a bike would have been 15€ per bike for HALF a day.. renting a motorbike would have been 6€ and can be used for 2 people.. so we decided to just get a motorbike "taxi" from a random guy who drove us all the way to the entrance of the park. And that did not look safe.. 3 people on one motorcycle, only having 2 helmets.. that guy also greeted lots of people on the way there. Seemed like he is a private driver for many tourists and does this on a daily base. But 3 people on one bike was def. not safe 🤣
But it was worth it. The park area was huge. Here are some impressions of our hike:
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How did we get up there? Well lets just say we thought it was an easy hike.. but it got mire humid and hot any minute.. people crossing us from the other direction wished us good luck. They were full of sweat. So it felt like going through a jungle. And when we FINALY made it to the fkrst platform, people told us that like another 10 minutes from there there is an evern more beautiful spot but it was harder to reach.. all in all if you wanna get some excercise done with a really good view, this is a great half day trip. Actually more like 2.5 hour trip. Sadly we were in a little hurry because the driver was waiting for us outside the park area to drive us back..
Walking back we wanted to check out some other areas within the park.. but the driver didnt wanna stop unless we would pay him more.. after discussing for like 10 minutes he agreed an brought us to a cave (2min drive actually). This was our last stop on the park agenda. One can walk through a big cave with lots of stalagtites (is that the english word for it?? No idea).
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We gave the guy a little tip and he seemes extremely happy about it.. seems like such a tough life for drivers in Vietnam..
And because of our urge to explore as much as possible we decided to also check out the beach area to maybe get a glimpse of a sunset.. sadly all we got was lots of aisan girls taking selfies all along the bay. All wearing white.. But we did find a spot with less tourists to just enjoy the view of the water for a bit.. but going to the beach for vacation is something totally different at CatBa..
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sarvodayaholiday · 3 months
Discover the Magic of Vietnam: Top Places You Must Visit
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Planning a Trip? Get All Your Travel Queries Answered at www.sarvodayaholiday.com
Vietnam, a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, offers travelers a diverse range of experiences. From bustling cities to serene landscapes, here are some of the top places you should not miss when visiting this enchanting Southeast Asian destination.
1. Hanoi - The Heart of Vietnam
Hanoi, the capital city, is a perfect blend of the old and new. Wander through the narrow streets of the Old Quarter, visit the historic Hoan Kiem Lake, and explore the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Don’t forget to savor the local cuisine, especially the famous pho and bun cha.
2. Halong Bay - A Natural Wonder
Halong Bay is known for its emerald waters and thousands of limestone islands topped with rainforests. A boat cruise is the best way to explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can also go kayaking or visit the fascinating caves like Sung Sot (Surprise Cave).
3. Sapa - The Land of Terraced Rice Fields
Located in the northern part of Vietnam, Sapa is famous for its stunning terraced rice fields and the rich culture of ethnic minorities. Trekking through the lush valleys and visiting local villages offers an unforgettable experience. The views from Fansipan, the highest peak in Indochina, are breathtaking.
4. Hoi An - The Ancient Town
Hoi An is a charming ancient town that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s known for its well-preserved architecture, lantern-lit streets, and vibrant markets. Take a leisurely bike ride around town, visit the Japanese Covered Bridge, and enjoy a cooking class to learn about Vietnamese cuisine.
5. Hue - The Imperial City
Hue is the former imperial capital of Vietnam, renowned for its historic monuments and pagodas. Explore the Imperial City, a vast complex of palaces, temples, walls, and gates. A boat ride on the Perfume River offers picturesque views of the Thien Mu Pagoda and other historic sites.
6. Da Nang - The Coastal Gem
Da Nang is a modern city with beautiful beaches, including My Khe Beach and Non Nuoc Beach. Don’t miss a visit to the Marble Mountains and the Golden Bridge at Ba Na Hills, a stunning piece of architecture that looks like it’s being held up by giant stone hands.
7. Ho Chi Minh City - The Bustling Metropolis
Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon, is the largest city in Vietnam. It’s a vibrant metropolis with a mix of French colonial buildings and modern skyscrapers. Visit the War Remnants Museum, the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica, and the bustling Ben Thanh Market. The city’s nightlife is also lively and diverse.
8. Mekong Delta - The Rice Bowl of Vietnam
The Mekong Delta is a region of immense agricultural importance, known for its lush scenery and extensive waterways. Take a boat tour to explore the floating markets, fruit orchards, and traditional villages. The region’s tranquility offers a peaceful retreat from the city hustle.
9. Phu Quoc - The Tropical Paradise
Phu Quoc is an idyllic island known for its white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life. It’s a perfect destination for beach lovers, offering activities like snorkeling, diving, and sunbathing. Don’t miss the Phu Quoc National Park and the Vinpearl Safari.
Vietnam is a country that promises unforgettable experiences. Whether you're exploring ancient towns, bustling cities, or serene landscapes, each destination offers its own unique charm. Pack your bags and get ready to discover the magic of Vietnam!
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explorewithkunal · 3 months
Explore Vietnam's Best: Unveiling Southeast Asia's Vibrant Gem
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Southeast Asia’s vibrant Vietnam is a must-visit for its natural beauty, diverse culture, and rich history. Scattered across bustling cities and peaceful countryside, the essential places to visit in Vietnam make tour packages highly popular. From food and culture to architecture and adventure, Vietnam offers it all with Vietnam Travel Tips. Explore top tourist attractions like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hoi An, and the stunning Halong Bay. Dive into the best of Vietnam for an unforgettable journey.
1. Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is renowned for its emerald waters and thousands of towering limestone islands topped with rainforests. This picturesque bay in northeastern Vietnam is a paradise for cruising, kayaking, and snorkeling. Among its many natural wonders, the Hang Sung Sot Cave stands out with its impressive rock formations and underground lake. Other notable spots include Bai Tu Long Bay and Thien Cung Cave. The best time to visit Ha Long Bay is from November to April, when the weather is pleasant and the waters are calm.
2. Hoi An
Hoi An, an ancient town in central Vietnam and another UNESCO World Heritage Site, is famed for its well-preserved architecture, exquisite beaches, and rich cultural heritage. Wander through the charming streets lined with lantern-lit buildings, enjoy a cycling tour through the countryside, or relax at An Bang Beach. Hoi An is also a food lover’s paradise with local dishes like cao lau and banh mi. The ideal time to visit Hoi An is from February to April, when the weather is cool and dry.
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3. Hanoi
Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, seamlessly blends ancient history with modern charm. The Old Quarter is a maze of narrow streets filled with boutiques, cafes, and historic structures. Key landmarks include the Temple of Literature, Vietnam’s first national university dating back to the 11th century, and the One Pillar Pagoda, known for its unique architecture. The best time to visit Hanoi is from November to April, offering cool and dry weather perfect for exploring the city.
4. Hue
Once the imperial capital of Vietnam, Hue is rich in history and culture. The city’s highlights include the Imperial City, a sprawling complex of palaces, temples, and gardens, and the Tomb of Khai Dinh, showcasing intricate architecture. The Thien Mu Pagoda and the bustling Dong Ba Market are also must-see attractions. February to April is the best time to visit Hue, offering pleasant weather for sightseeing.
5. Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant energy and historical landmarks. The War Remnants Museum provides a sobering look at the Vietnam War, while the Reunification Palace and Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon offer a glimpse into the city’s colonial past. For panoramic views, head to the Saigon Skydeck. The best time to visit is from December to March, when the weather is cool and dry.
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6. Sapa
Nestled in the northern mountains, Sapa is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and ethnic minority villages. Trek through the terraced rice fields, visit Cat Cat Village, and take a cable car to Mount Fansipan, the highest peak in Indochina. The best time to visit Sapa is from March to September, when the weather is ideal for trekking and the rice fields are lush and green.
7. Nha Trang
Nha Trang is a coastal city famous for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife. Relax on Bai Dai Beachor Nha Trang Beach, and explore the underwater world through snorkeling or diving. Don’t miss the Vinpearl Amusement Park and the serene Ba Ho Waterfalls. January to September is the ideal time to visit Nha Trang, with warm weather perfect for beach activities.
8. Mekong Delta
The Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam is a lush, green region known for its intricate network of waterways and rice paddies. Experience the local culture by visiting floating markets like Cai Be and staying overnight in a homestay. Explore the Vinh Trang Temple and the charming Ong Temple. The best time to visit the Mekong Delta is from October to February, offering cooler temperatures and less rain.
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9. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park is a must-visit for nature lovers. Explore the stunning Phong Nha and Son Doong Caves, the latter being the largest cave in the world. The park is also home to diverse flora and fauna, as well as historical Cham temples. Visit from March to August for the best experience, when the weather is warm and the park’s natural beauty is in full bloom.
10. Da Nang
Da Nang, a coastal city in central Vietnam, is known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture. Visit the iconic Golden Bridge, held by two giant hands, and explore the Marble Mountains. Don’t miss the breathtaking views from Son Tra Mountain and the charming Dragon Bridge. The best time to visit Da Nang is from February to May, when the weather is pleasant and perfect for outdoor activities.
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Vietnam is a land of contrasts, where ancient traditions meet modern lifestyles, and natural beauty abounds. From the majestic Ha Long Bay to the historical charm of Hoi An and the bustling energy of Ho Chi Minh City, there is something for every traveler in this captivating country. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Vietnam promises an unforgettable experience. So pack your bags and embark on a journey to explore the best places to visit in Vietnam!
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Visit tourist spots in Ha Giang and sightseeing ticket price
Ha Giang, a mountainous province in northern Vietnam, is an attractive tourist destination with beautiful natural landscapes and unique culture. With rolling mountains, challenging winding passes and rivers, Ha Giang offers visitors a wonderful discovery experience. In this article, let's explore Ha Giang tourist destinations, from ticket prices to interesting activities you can participate in. Ha Giang loop tours
H'mong King's Palace
Lung Cu Flagpole
Pao's House
Dong Van Old Street
Xin Man ancient stone field
Tien Waterfall - Gio Pass
Lung Khuy Cave
Bac Me prison
Nam An Ecotourism Area
Sung La Valley
Quan Ba Heaven Gate
Dong Van Plateau
Ma Pi Leng pass
Nho Que River
Pho Bang town
Community cultural tourism village of Pa Vi Ha
Tham Ma slope
Khau Vai Love Market
Lung Tam Brocade Weaving Village
Thien Thuy Cave
Lung Phin market
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- H'mong King's Palace Entrance fees: 25,000 VND/person H'mong King's Palace, also known as the Vuong family's mansion, is located on a turtle-shaped hill in Xa Phin commune, Dong Van district. Surrounded by mountains and forests, this Ha Giang tourist destination is considered the land of heroes. The mansion is nearly 100 years old and is an extremely special relic. This mansion was built by Vuong Chinh Duc, also known as King of H'mong people. He was the leader of the Huu Nai organization of the H'mong people in Dong Van, during the period against China's Black Flag rebels.
Lung Cu Flagpole Entrance fees: 25,000 VND/person Children under 1.3m: Free. Electric car: 15,000 VND/person Parking fee 10,000 VND/car Lung Cu Flagpole, the first point on the administrative map of Vietnam, is a famous tourist destination in Ha Giang. With its sacred beauty and majestic surrounding natural space, this place cannot be missed when traveling to Ha Giang. The Flag Pole is 30m high, similar to the Hanoi Flag Pole. The national flag hung here represents the solidarity of 54 ethnic groups in the northern region. From the Flag Pole, you can see the panoramic view of Ha Giang from above and create a special highlight in this journey.
Pao's House Entrance fees: 10,000 VND/person Costume rental for photography: 10,000 VND/set "Pao's House" is a walled house built in 1947, located at the end of the road. This house has the typical architecture of the H'Mong people on the rocky plateau, with a courtyard in the middle and a front yard paved with stones and planted with plum, apricot, and peach trees. The main gate of the house is made of wood and tiled roof, creating an attraction for visitors. H'Mong people do not use steel for doors, but only wood, to show the kindness and hospitality of the host. The owner of the house is Mr. Mua Sua Pao, who served as a Platoon Commander in King H'Mong's Army before the Revolution of 1945, thanks to his outstanding health and martial arts.
Dong Van Old Street Entrance fees: 50,000 VND/person Children: 20,000 VND/person Children under 1.2m: Free Dong Van Old Town is located in Quyet Tien and Dong Tam hamlets, Dong Van town, Dong Van district, 150km from Ha Giang town. With ethnic diversity including H'Mong, Tay, Hoa as well as Kinh, Dao, Nung, the old town becomes very busy and developed. Still retaining its ancient traditions, this destination attracts visitors with its unique ancient architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Walking around the old town, you can enjoy delicious coffee, corn wine and hot rolls. Feeling the unique flavor of the rocky plateau in the cold air along with the beautiful landscape makes your Ha Giang trip more attractive than ever.
Xin Man ancient stone field Entrance fees: 20,000 VND/person Children: 10,000 VND/person Xin Man ancient stone field, also known as "Na Lai" or "Field of many words", is located close to the Nam Khoong river. Here, there are many large stone slabs with sharp engraved animal images, whose true meaning is still a mystery to archaeologists. This area has 7 large stone slabs and 2 extremely large stone slabs, each stone slab has about 80 shapes and 80 holes. The drawings are believed to have been created by chiseling and hammering into rock, and have existed for over 1,000 years. Xin Man ancient stone field is not only a tourist destination in Ha Giang that attracts visitors to explore, but also an important place to worship and honor gods in the minds of local people.
Tien Waterfall - Gio Pass Entrance fees: Free Tien Waterfall - Gio Pass tourist area in Xin Man district, Ha Giang is a famous scenic spot. The waterfall is located in the middle of Deo Gio primeval forest, in Nam Dan commune. The name "Tien Waterfall Deo Gio" comes from the beautiful waterfall location in the middle of the forest. Coming here, visitors have to go through the romantic Gio Pass. Tien Waterfall - Gio Pass has been recognized as a national natural heritage, providing a pristine, pure landscape. At this destination, you can admire the clear picture, enjoy the white waterfall and relax in the fresh, cool air.
Lung Khuy Cave Entrance fees: 50,000 VND/person Children under 1.2m: Free. Lung Khuy Cave in Quan Ba district, is famous for its unique pristine beauty. considered the "first plateau cave" in the Northwest. For local people, Lung Khuy cave is a place to rest and find drinking water during rainy and windy times. This cave is about 1000m long, has an area up to 200m wide and a high dome. As soon as you enter, you will feel the cool breeze and be amazed by the beautiful landscape of hundreds of thousand-year-old stone blocks hanging from the ceiling combined with colorful lights. Before becoming a tourist destination in Ha Giang, Lung Khuy had a deep spiritual meaning for local people, and so it was very strictly preserved.
Bac Me prison Entrance fees: 10,000 VND/person Children under 1.2m: Free Bac Me prison or Cang Bac Me is located on Dragon Mountain, is an important place in the Northeast. With a wall 190m long and 2m high, Cang Bac Me is surrounded by hundreds of battlements. Inside, there are posts, information houses, guard posts and prisoner of war cells. This is the place where many revolutionary soldiers such as Nguyen Hong, Khuat Duy Tien, Xuan Thuy, Tran Cung were detained… It can be said that during the French colonial period, Cang Bac Me became one of the cradles of the revolution. Despite being destroyed and restored many times, in 1992, Cang Bac Me still retained its historical value, indomitable spirit and patriotism, willing to sacrifice for national independence and freedom.
Nam An Ecotourism Area ntrance fees: 50,000 VND/person Children under 1.2m: Free Nam An eco-tourism area possesses a favorable geographical location, bringing cool air all year round. With vast lakes, primeval forests and beautiful waterfalls, this area creates a wonderful landscape picture. In addition, at this destination, you can also experience the unique culture of the Dao ethnic group, participating in traditional festivals such as Cap Sac and Fire Dancing. Nam An ecotourism area blends nature and culture, creating a unique, attractive and worth exploring community tourism experience.
Sung La Valley Entrance fees: Free Sung La is located on Highway 4C, 20km from Dong Van district and 127km from Ha Giang city. This is one of the most beautiful valleys to view buckwheat flowers in Ha Giang. Sung La means "oasis" in the ethnic language. This place is full of poetry, with rolling mountains and fresh buckwheat flowers. To get to Sung La, you can go through Dong Van town to Pho Bang intersection. This valley is becoming a popular Ha Giang tourist destination, especially for young and international tourists. Sung La is also known for the movie "Pao's Story" in 2005, which recreated the poetic beauty and sincerity and simplicity of local ethnic people in this landscape.
Quan Ba Heaven Gate Entrance fees: Free Quan Ba Heaven Gate, one of the prominent attractions of Ha Giang, attracts a large number of tourists. Quan Ba Heaven Gate is located on Highway 4C, which is the main route leading to other tourist destinations in Ha Giang. Here, visitors can admire the wild beauty of the mountains and forests opening up before their eyes. Quan Ba Heaven Gate possesses a prime location with the image of Co Tien twin mountains dimly hidden in the mist along with rays of sunlight welcoming new days. Here, you will be fascinated by the dreamlike landscape and the beautiful and challenging winding roads.
Dong Van Rock Plateau Entrance fees: Free Dong Van Rock Plateau is a unique geological region, recognized as a global geopark by UNESCO. Located in Ha Giang province, this region has limestone mountains higher than 1000m above sea level, stretching through Meo Vac, Dong Van, Yen Minh and Quan Ba districts. When coming to Dong Van Rock Plateau, visitors will be fascinated by the natural maze created by unique rock formations, bringing delight to the eyes. However, the value of this tourist destination lies not only in its geology and minerals, but also in the traditional cultural life of ethnic minorities on this rocky plateau.
Ma Pi Leng pass Entrance fees: Free Ma Pi Leng Pass, one of the most famous and beautiful passes in Vietnam. Ma Pi Leng Pass has a length of up to 20 km and an altitude of about 1200m, is the road connecting Dong Van and Meo Vac districts. Ma Pi Leng is famous for being the most winding and dangerous pass in Ha Giang, but it contains incredibly poetic and wonderful scenery, vast green mountains and the Nho Que River flowing gently below. . Ma Pi Leng Pass is not only a challenge for adventurous drivers, but also an ideal destination for those who love to explore wild nature and enjoy the feeling of freedom in the attractive mountains.
Nho Que River
Boat cruise at Ta Lang wharf: 100,000 VND/person (excluding transfer car)
Boat cruise at Xin Cai wharf: 120,000 VND/person (including transfer car) Nho Que River is nearly 200km long from China. Its strong flow reminds people of a wild horse that refuses to be tamed. However, when it reaches the land of Ha Giang, the river becomes gentle like the lullaby of mother nature. Ma Pi Leng Pass - one of the four great passes of Vietnam, is a place to enjoy panoramic views of the Nho Que River from above, like a silk strip embracing the majestic mountains. You can visit by boat, watching the cool emerald green river. Along with that, going down Nho Que river you will pass Tu San alley with two rocky cliffs up to 800m high, this is the most majestic and largest canyon in Vietnam as well as in Southeast Asia, a splendor of the border region.
Pho Bang township Entrance fees: Free Pho Bang township is located deep in the valley of the rocky plateau, bringing a strange peaceful beauty. Life in this place is very simple. Coming here, you will immediately notice the houses with mossy tiled roofs and golden earthen walls that have become discolored over time. The houses have ancient, mysterious, unique and charming colors. From afar, Pho Bang town appears like a fairy tale world. Although modern life is increasingly developing and building high-rise buildings, Pho Bang still retains its characteristic peaceful beauty. Everything here bears the mark of time, from the mossy walls, yellow cracks, to old doors.
Community cultural tourism village of Pa Vi Ha village Entrance fees: Free The community cultural tourism village of Pa Vi Ha village, located at the foot of Ma Pi Leng pass, shines like a brilliant flower with poetic scenery at the beginning of the country. At this destination, there are more than 26 Mong ethnic households living in a space rich in cultural identity. When you come to Pa Vi Ha village, on a beautiful sunny day, you have the opportunity to admire the majestic and poetic scenery, enjoy traditional dishes rich in flavor and experience exciting moments of relaxation.
Tham Ma slope Entrance fees: Free Doc Tham Ma or Tham Ma slope, a pass located on National Highway 4C, connects Ha Giang city and Meo Vac district. It is considered one of the most dangerous passes in the North. This attracts the interest of young people, especially those who love challenges. This slope consists of 9 winding turns that look very beautiful. But to conquer it is a big challenge for adventurers. Especially for those experiencing the routes for the first time. And an extremely worthy gift for those who pass the Tham Ma slope is the Dong Van stone plateau with breathtakingly beautiful scenes.
Khau Vai Love Market Entrance fees: Free This special market is a place where couples can come after many years of separation. These couples have difficult and loving love stories but cannot be together for their own reasons. The market is a place for them to meet again, recreate beautiful memories, share current life, worries and joys. Some couples also came to the market, but each looked for his own companion without jealousy. They respect and value each other's friends. For them, it is a sacred responsibility and meaning to their marriage.
Lung Tam Brocade Weaving Village Entrance fees: Free Lung Tam village is located in Lung Tam commune, Quan Ba district, 50km from Ha Giang town. Lung Tam brocade weaving village is a place that maintains the traditional craft from its ancestors. Not only does it maintain national identity, brocade weaving also brings stable income to families here, while introducing national culture to domestic and foreign visitors. Coming to this destination, you will learn about the working activities and lives of the people here.
Thien Thuy cave Entrance fees: Free Thien Thuy Cave in Ha Giang is located in Nan Ma village, Nan Ma commune, in the Hoa Da mountain range. The cave has a large space, made up of limestone and stalactites. The length of Thien Thuy is up to 340m. This is a beautiful place to visit, with poetic and magical features. Thanks to thousands of years of construction, small drops of water from the cave ceiling have created unique and splendid stalactites, stimulating the imagination of visitors when exploring the cave.
Lung Phin market Entrance fees: Free Lung Phin market is located 15km from Meo Vac town, in Lung Phin commune, Meo Vac district, is one of the unique backward markets in the northernmost part of Vietnam. The reason is because it is held every 6 days, this week it is held on Tiger day and next week it is held on Monkey day. The market opens from about 4 - 5 am until 3 - 4 pm when it closes.
Above is a list of the most attractive tourist destinations in Ha Giang today and entrance fees. Hopefully you will have more information and choose interesting and worth-exploring destinations when coming to Ha Giang.
Source: https://hagiangtraveltour.com/blog/entrance-fees-to-attractive-destinations-in-ha-giang.asp
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maxhunt0616 · 4 months
Discover the Wonders of Cat Ba Island
Cat Ba Island, the largest island in Halong Bay, is an essential destination for anyone visiting Vietnam. Known for its stunning natural beauty, rich biodiversity, and wide range of activities, Cat Ba Island is a paradise for adventurers, nature lovers, and those seeking relaxation. Whether you're planning a honeymoon, an adventure-packed vacation, or a serene escape, Cat Ba Island has something to offer everyone.
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Cat Ba Island
Cat Ba Island is situated in the north of Vietnam and forms part of the renowned Halong Bay. The island's diverse landscapes, from dense jungles and rugged cliffs to tranquil beaches and vibrant marine life, make it a microcosm of Vietnam's natural splendor. With a mix of adventure activities and serene spots, Cat Ba Island is an excellent destination for travelers of all kinds.
Adventure Activities in Vietnam: Cat Ba Highlights
Trekking in Vietnam reaches new heights on Cat Ba Island. The Cat Ba National Park offers numerous trails that take you through lush forests and up to viewpoints with panoramic vistas of the island and surrounding sea. The park is also home to the endangered Cat Ba langur, one of the world’s rarest primates.
For those who love climbing, rock climbing in Vietnam is at its best on Cat Ba Island. The island's limestone cliffs provide perfect spots for both beginners and experienced climbers. Popular climbing areas include Butterfly Valley and Ben Beo Wall, where climbers can enjoy challenging routes with stunning backdrops.
River rafting in Vietnam and kayaking are popular activities around Cat Ba Island, especially in the emerald waters of Lan Ha Bay. Exploring the bay by kayak allows you to navigate through hidden lagoons, caves, and floating fishing villages, offering a unique perspective of the island’s natural beauty.
Relax and Unwind: Beaches in Vietnam
Cat Ba Island is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. Cat Co 1, Cat Co 2, and Cat Co 3 are the main beaches on the island, each offering golden sands and clear blue waters. These beaches are perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying the tranquil environment. For a more secluded experience, you can explore Monkey Island, where you can relax on pristine sands and even spot some local monkeys.
Gastronomic Delights: Restaurants in Vietnam
Food lovers will find plenty to savor on Cat Ba Island. The island's restaurants in Vietnam offer a wide range of culinary delights, particularly fresh seafood. From street food stalls to fine dining establishments, you can enjoy dishes like grilled squid, seafood hotpot, and the famous seafood spring rolls. Be sure to visit the local markets, where you can taste and buy fresh catches of the day.
Nightlife on Cat Ba Island: Vietnam Nightlife
When the sun sets, Cat Ba Island comes alive with vibrant Vietnam nightlife. While the island is not as bustling as the big cities, it offers a charming and laid-back nightlife scene. Enjoy a drink at a beach bar, listen to live music, or take a night stroll along the waterfront. For a more lively experience, visit the night market, where you can shop for local crafts and enjoy street food under the stars.
Best Time to Visit Vietnam and Cat Ba Island
The best time to visit Vietnam and Cat Ba Island is from April to November. During these months, the weather is warm and ideal for beach activities and outdoor adventures. The summer months (June to August) are particularly popular, but be prepared for occasional rain showers. If you prefer fewer crowds, consider visiting in the shoulder seasons of April-May or September-November.
Unique Activities on Cat Ba Island
For those looking for unique experiences, sandboarding in Vietnam is an exciting activity. While not as common as other adventure sports, you can find spots on the island where the sandy terrain is perfect for sandboarding. This thrilling activity is sure to add an extra layer of excitement to your trip.
Cat Ba Island is also one of the top honeymoon destinations in Vietnam. With its romantic beaches, serene landscapes, and luxury resorts, it offers the perfect setting for couples seeking a memorable getaway. Enjoy a sunset cruise, indulge in a couple's spa treatment, or simply relax in a private beachside bungalow.
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Cat Ba Island is a destination that truly has it all. From thrilling adventure activities in Vietnam like rock climbing, trekking, and river rafting to relaxing on some of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, the island caters to a wide range of interests. Add to that the delicious food at the island's many restaurants in Vietnam, the vibrant Vietnam nightlife, and the unique experiences like sandboarding, and you have a recipe for an unforgettable trip.
Whether you are planning a honeymoon, a family vacation, or a solo adventure, Cat Ba Island is a destination that promises to captivate and inspire. The island's natural beauty, combined with its diverse activities and welcoming atmosphere, makes it a must-visit spot in Vietnam. So, pack your bags, book one of our comprehensive Vietnam tour packages, and get ready to discover the magic of Cat Ba Island.
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rashmi-rattan · 4 months
Discovering Haiphong: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
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Haiphong, Vietnam's third-largest city, is a bustling port town known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and scenic landscapes. Whether you're a history buff, an adventurer, or a food enthusiast, Haiphong offers a unique experience for every traveler. This Haiphong travel guide will take you through the best things to do in Haiphong, ensuring your visit is both memorable and enriching.
Historical and Cultural Landmarks
1. Du Hang Pagoda
One of the city's oldest and most revered religious sites, Du Hang Pagoda dates back to the 17th century. This serene sanctuary is a perfect spot to appreciate traditional Vietnamese architecture and Buddhist art. The intricately carved wooden structures and the tranquil gardens offer a peaceful retreat from the city's hustle and bustle.
2. Cat Ba Island
Just a short ferry ride from Haiphong, Cat Ba Island is a haven for nature lovers. The island is part of the Cat Ba Archipelago in Ha Long Bay and is renowned for its stunning landscapes, from lush forests to rugged cliffs. Cat Ba National Park, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, offers hiking trails that lead to breathtaking vistas and diverse wildlife.
Exploring Nature and Scenic Spots
3. Do Son Beach
Located just 20 kilometers from Haiphong's center, Do Son Beach is a popular destination for both locals and tourists. The beach is known for its smooth sands and gentle waves, making it ideal for swimming and sunbathing. The area is also famous for its seafood, with numerous beachfront restaurants serving fresh catches of the day.
4. Lan Ha Bay
Often overshadowed by its famous neighbor, Ha Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay offers a quieter, yet equally beautiful, experience. The bay is dotted with over 300 karst islands and islets, featuring secluded beaches and crystal-clear waters perfect for kayaking and snorkeling. A boat tour here is a must for anyone visiting Haiphong.
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Activities and Adventures
5. Visiting Cat Ba National Park
For those looking for adventure, Cat Ba National Park provides ample opportunities for trekking, rock climbing, and exploring caves. The park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including the endangered Cat Ba langur. A trek through the park's dense jungle and up to Ngu Lam Peak will reward you with panoramic views of the island and beyond.
6. Haiphong Opera House
Built in the early 20th century, the Haiphong Opera House is an architectural gem reflecting French colonial influence. It's a cultural hub where you can catch performances ranging from traditional Vietnamese music and dance to modern plays and concerts. Even if you don't attend a performance, the building's façade and surrounding square are worth a visit.
Culinary Delights
7. Sampling Local Cuisine
No Haiphong travel guide would be complete without a nod to the city's culinary scene. Haiphong is famous for its street food, especially its unique take on Vietnamese staples. Don't miss out on trying bánh đa cua (crab noodle soup), a local delicacy that combines rich crab broth with rice noodles and an array of fresh herbs and vegetables. Another must-try is bánh mì que, a slender version of the traditional Vietnamese sandwich, filled with paté, fresh greens, and a hint of chili.
8. Haiphong Night Market
For a truly local experience, visit the Haiphong Night Market. Here, you can sample a wide variety of street foods, from savory skewers to sweet desserts, while shopping for souvenirs and enjoying live entertainment. The market is a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture and interact with friendly vendors.
Practical Tips for Travelers
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9. Getting Around
Haiphong is a well-connected city, and getting around is relatively easy. The city's public transport includes buses and taxis, but renting a motorbike can give you more freedom to explore at your own pace. Many attractions are also close enough for walking or cycling.
10. Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Haiphong is during the spring (March to May) or autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. The summer months can be hot and humid, while the winter months may bring cooler temperatures and occasional rain.
Haiphong is a city that seamlessly blends the old with the new, offering visitors a glimpse into Vietnam's rich heritage while providing modern amenities and attractions. From exploring ancient pagodas and bustling markets to basking on sandy beaches and trekking through pristine national parks, there is no shortage of things to do in Haiphong. Use this Haiphong travel guide to navigate the city's many charms and make the most of your visit to this captivating destination. Whether you're here for a short stopover or an extended stay, Haiphong promises a wealth of experiences that will leave you eager to return.
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thedigirealm · 4 months
Ha Long Bay Travel Guide: Your Ultimate Vietnam Travel Guide
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Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must-see destination for any traveler visiting Vietnam. Known for its emerald waters and thousands of towering limestone islands topped with rainforests, Ha Long Bay offers an enchanting blend of natural beauty, adventure, and relaxation. Our Ha Long Bay travel guide is part of a comprehensive collection of Vietnam travel guides designed to provide you with all the essential information and insider tips needed for an unforgettable journey.
Introduction to Ha Long Bay
Located in northeastern Vietnam, Ha Long Bay is a stunning natural wonder that attracts millions of visitors each year. The bay spans approximately 1,553 square kilometers and is dotted with nearly 2,000 islands and islets. The dramatic landscape of limestone karsts, serene waters, and hidden caves make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.
Best Time to Visit Ha Long Bay
The best time to visit Ha Long Bay is during the dry season, from October to April. During these months, the weather is cooler and more stable, providing ideal conditions for cruising, kayaking, and exploring the bay. The summer months from May to September can be hot and humid, with occasional typhoons that may disrupt travel plans. However, this period can also offer fewer crowds and lower prices.
Getting to Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay is easily accessible from Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. The most common ways to reach Ha Long Bay include:
By Bus or Shuttle: Several companies operate daily bus and shuttle services from Hanoi to Ha Long Bay. The journey takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on traffic.
By Private Car: Hiring a private car or taxi provides a more comfortable and flexible option, allowing you to stop along the way and enjoy the scenic drive.
By Seaplane: For a unique and scenic experience, consider taking a seaplane from Hanoi to Ha Long Bay. The flight takes about 45 minutes and offers breathtaking aerial views of the bay.
Choosing the Right Cruise
One of the best ways to experience Ha Long Bay is by taking a cruise. There are various types of cruises available, ranging from budget to luxury options. When choosing a cruise, consider the following factors:
Duration: Cruises range from day trips to multi-day excursions. A two-day, one-night cruise is popular for those wanting a more immersive experience.
Itinerary: Different cruises offer varying itineraries, including visits to popular attractions like Sung Sot Cave, Ti Top Island, and the floating fishing villages. Some cruises also include activities like kayaking, swimming, and cooking classes.
Amenities: Depending on your budget and preferences, you can choose between budget-friendly cruises with basic amenities or luxury cruises offering high-end services, gourmet dining, and spa treatments.
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Top Attractions in Ha Long Bay
Sung Sot Cave (Surprise Cave): One of the largest and most impressive caves in Ha Long Bay, Sung Sot Cave features two main chambers filled with stunning stalactites and stalagmites. The cave is illuminated with colorful lights, enhancing its natural beauty.
Ti Top Island: Famous for its sandy beach and panoramic views, Ti Top Island is a popular stop for cruise tours. Visitors can hike to the top of the island for a breathtaking view of the bay or relax on the beach and swim in the clear waters.
Bai Tu Long Bay: Located northeast of Ha Long Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay offers a quieter and less crowded alternative. With its pristine waters and stunning landscapes, it’s an excellent option for those seeking a more tranquil experience.
Cat Ba Island: The largest island in Ha Long Bay, Cat Ba Island is known for its rugged scenery and diverse wildlife. The island is home to Cat Ba National Park, where visitors can hike, bike, and explore the island’s rich biodiversity.
Vung Vieng Fishing Village: This floating village provides a glimpse into the traditional way of life of the local fishermen. Visitors can take a bamboo boat tour to learn about the village's history and culture, and even try their hand at fishing.
Activities in Ha Long Bay
Kayaking: Exploring Ha Long Bay by kayak offers a unique perspective of the limestone karsts and hidden caves. Many cruises include kayaking in their itineraries, allowing visitors to paddle through secluded lagoons and grottoes.
Swimming and Snorkeling: The clear waters of Ha Long Bay are perfect for swimming and snorkeling. Several spots around the bay, such as Ti Top Island and Monkey Island, offer safe swimming areas with stunning underwater scenery.
Hiking: For those who enjoy hiking, Ha Long Bay offers several trails with breathtaking views. Popular hiking spots include Ti Top Island, Cat Ba National Park, and Bai Tho Mountain.
Cooking Classes: Many cruises offer onboard cooking classes where you can learn to make traditional Vietnamese dishes, such as spring rolls and pho. These classes provide a fun and interactive way to learn about Vietnamese cuisine.
Night Squid Fishing: After the sun sets, join a night squid fishing excursion to experience the traditional fishing methods used by local fishermen. It’s a unique and enjoyable activity that adds a special touch to your Ha Long Bay adventure.
Where to Stay in Ha Long Bay
Accommodation options in Ha Long Bay range from budget hostels to luxury resorts. Depending on your preferences and budget, you can choose to stay in Ha Long City, on Cat Ba Island, or even on a cruise ship.
Ha Long City: The gateway to Ha Long Bay, Ha Long City offers a variety of hotels, ranging from budget-friendly options to high-end resorts. Staying in the city allows easy access to the bay and nearby attractions.
Cat Ba Island: Known for its stunning scenery and outdoor activities, Cat Ba Island offers a range of accommodations, from rustic guesthouses to upscale resorts. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to explore both the island and the bay.
Cruise Ships: For a unique and immersive experience, consider staying on a cruise ship. Many cruises offer overnight stays with comfortable cabins, delicious meals, and a range of activities. It’s a convenient way to explore Ha Long Bay and enjoy the beauty of the bay day and night.
Travel Tips for Ha Long Bay
Book in Advance: Ha Long Bay is a popular destination, especially during peak travel seasons. To ensure you get the best accommodation and cruise options, book your trip well in advance.
Pack Appropriately: Bring comfortable clothing, swimwear, sunscreen, and a hat for protection from the sun. If you plan to hike or kayak, sturdy footwear is essential.
Stay Hydrated: The weather in Ha Long Bay can be hot and humid, especially during the summer months. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout your trip.
Respect Local Customs: When visiting fishing villages and interacting with locals, be respectful of their customs and traditions. Ask for permission before taking photos of people or their homes.
Protect the Environment: Ha Long Bay is a protected area, and it’s essential to minimize your environmental impact. Avoid littering, use reusable water bottles, and follow the guidelines provided by your tour operator.
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Ha Long Bay is a jewel in Vietnam's crown, offering an unparalleled combination of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and exciting activities. Whether you're exploring the bay on a luxury cruise, kayaking through hidden grottoes, or relaxing on a secluded beach, our Ha Long Bay travel guide ensures you have all the information and insider tips needed for an unforgettable adventure. As part of our Vietnam travel guides series, this guide provides everything you need to plan the perfect trip to Ha Long Bay and experience the magic of Vietnam to its fullest.
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vaidhainshijindal · 4 months
Unveiling Vietnam: Ba Be National Park, Sandboarding Adventures, and Vibrant Nightlife
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Vietnam is a treasure trove of natural beauty, adventurous activities, and vibrant urban experiences. This guide will take you through the serene landscapes of Ba Be National Park, the thrilling sand dunes for sandboarding, and the bustling nightlife in Vietnam.
Ba Be National Park: A Tranquil Retreat
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Exploring the Park’s Natural Beauty
Ba Be National Park, located in Bac Kan Province, is a haven for nature lovers. This park is renowned for its stunning landscapes, including Ba Be Lake, which is the largest natural freshwater lake in Vietnam. Surrounded by limestone mountains and lush forests, the park offers a serene escape from urban life.
Outdoor Activities and Adventures
Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities in Ba Be National Park. Boating on Ba Be Lake is a popular choice, offering a peaceful way to take in the surrounding beauty. Kayaking is another option for those seeking a closer connection with nature. Hiking trails wind through the park, leading to picturesque waterfalls, caves, and minority villages where you can learn about local cultures.
Wildlife and Conservation
Ba Be National Park is home to diverse flora and fauna. Birdwatchers will be delighted with the variety of species, including the endangered Vietnamese pheasant. The park also houses several rare and endangered mammals. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these unique ecosystems, making Ba Be a crucial site for environmental preservation.
Sandboarding in Vietnam: A Unique Adventure
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Top Sandboarding Spots
Vietnam might not be famous for sandboarding, but the country’s coastal regions offer excellent dunes for this activity. Mui Ne is the top destination, featuring the Red and White Sand Dunes. The white dunes are especially popular for their expansive and steep slopes, perfect for sandboarding.
Experiencing Sandboarding
Sandboarding in Vietnam provides a thrilling experience. Visitors can rent boards and slide down the dunes, enjoying the rush of adrenaline. The best times for sandboarding are early morning or late afternoon, when temperatures are cooler, and the light is ideal for photography.
Practical Tips for Sandboarding
To ensure a fun and safe sandboarding adventure, wear comfortable clothing and bring plenty of water. Sunscreen is essential to protect against the strong sun, and sunglasses can help shield your eyes from the sand. Be prepared for a workout, as climbing the dunes can be physically demanding.
Vietnam Nightlife: From Bustling Cities to Quiet Retreats
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Urban Nightlife Hotspots
Vietnam's cities come alive at night with a vibrant array of activities. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are the main nightlife hubs. In Ho Chi Minh City, District 1 is packed with rooftop bars, clubs, and live music venues. Hanoi's Old Quarter offers a mix of bustling bars, street food vendors, and cultural performances.
Unique Nightlife Experiences
Beyond the typical bars and clubs, Vietnam offers unique nighttime activities. Night markets, such as those in Da Nang and Hoi An, are perfect for shopping and sampling street food. In Da Lat, the night market is a blend of culinary delights and local crafts. For a more tranquil experience, head to the beaches of Phu Quoc, where you can enjoy a peaceful evening under the stars.
Safety and Etiquette
While exploring Vietnam's nightlife, it's important to stay aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your belongings. Respect local customs and dress appropriately, especially when visiting more conservative areas. Taxis and rideshare apps are widely available, providing safe transportation options late at night.
Conclusion: Embrace Vietnam’s Diverse Experiences
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Vietnam offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from the tranquility of Ba Be National Park and the excitement of sandboarding in Mui Ne to the vibrant nightlife of its bustling cities. Whether you're seeking adventure, natural beauty, or cultural immersion, Vietnam has something for everyone. Embrace the diversity of this remarkable country and create unforgettable memories on your journey.
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