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deathfavor · 2 years ago
@anomieheld​ said: Elyon makes her way to the rooftop, noticing the tiger, carefully walking closer to the demon while maintaining a certain distance out of respect for his personal space.
The scout pulls  silently a tub of hot sauce, which seemed to be leaking some of its content. A smug grin etching on the girl's face.
" Guren told me to leave his chair alone, so i had to go back to a classic." Elyon explained innocently , but failed to hold her light giggle at the idea of Guren tasting his extra spicy coffee. She knew Byakkomaru approved of her endeavour. ( Ely to Byakko )
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   Byakkomaru sits calmly at the edge of the rooftop, blue eyes ever attentive to his surroundings both as a sniper and a guardian. So he’s well aware of her approach and turns his head to face her with his usual calm that was rather atypical of demons. A unique demon for a unique wielder.
   His eyes flick down to the hot sauce for a moment, an eyebrow raised curiously. But the picture paints itself rather quickly for him.
   The tiger gives a deep laugh, blue eyes gleaming with mischief.  “  That’s evil. I bet he never even suspected it.  “  He’d look for something more sneaky or suspicious, something clever, not something so simple and famous. The idea of Guren’s expression however draws another laugh from him.  “  Shinya plans on pranking him this evening. My my, Guren’s going to have a busy day.  “  He grins, eyes bright and clear with the trouble planned.
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shinyagure · 5 years ago
gureshin au where Byakkomaru isn’t Shinya’s cat but guardian, either adoptive or relative maybe even dad. Who is still protective over Shinya and can get along with anyone just like Shinya, but not Guren. Nope, he can smile and talk to everyone can even become friends with Gurens dad, but Guren has to earn Byakkomarus blessing to be with Shinya.
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queensconquest · 4 years ago
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rhyra said:  can i ask you yes or no questions? / Mito to Byakkomaru
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   The  demon  laid  sprawled  out  in  a  patch  of  sun  as  the  weak  ways  warmed  his  fur.  Yet  despite  the  relaxed  demeanor  ,  Byakkomaru  was  as  alert  as  ever.  Ears  flicked  at  any  sound  and  he  was  keeping  a  careful  watch  over  the  atmosphere  like  a  guardian.  (  He  had  to.  Especially  with  a  particular  threat  near  that  no  one  knew  but  him.  )
   Mito’s  voice  broke  the  silence  ,  sapphires  eyes  opening  as  he  lifted  his  head  to  look  towards  her.  Did  she  have  a  question  for  him  ?  That  had  gained  his  attention.  What  might  the  question  be  ?  He  didn’t  particularly  mind  ,  and  it  wasn’t  like  he  was  busy  at  the  moment.
   “  Sure.  “  He  answered  ,  tail  lazily  flicking  this  way  and  that.  “  It  doesn’t  have  to  be  just  yes  or  no.  You  can  ask  whatever  question  you  want.  I  don’t  mind.  “  Byakkomaru’s  reply  was  calm  and  confident.  Whether  he’d  ANSWER  might  be  another  matter  entirely  ,  but  there  were  only  few  questions  he  wouldn’t  answer.  Or  rather  ,  he  couldn’t.
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malibvnghts · 4 years ago
            shinya used to be a light sleeper . . . before acquiring byakkomaru  ,  shinya would ROUSE anytime there was sound  .  this is due to the fact that sleeping too soundly would mean danger when he was in the arena  .  he had to be alert constantly and frequently  ,  the slightest sound is a warning that something might happen  .  of course  ,  as he got older and when he was out of the arena-situation  ,  quieter sounds didn’t rouse him  ,  but loud sounds  (  cars going by  ,  things being dropped  ,  etc  )  still roused him easily and it’d take him awhile to calm himself to sleep or close his eyes again  .             when he officially enlisted in the army  ,  acquiring byakkomaru who became his constant guardian and companion  ,  it helped him adjust to sleeping better and longer  ,  knowing that he had someone to watch his back  .  he sleeps just as lightly  ,  but doesn’t rouse simply because there’s noise outside his window or door  .
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deathfavor · 1 year ago
@withsorrowandregret said: 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐔𝐄  ,    revealing its demands in the lingering ache of the heart  .   in a mingle of limbs    &.    sheets shinya finds himself intertwined  ,    lazily probing himself up on one elbow     ━━           digits pressing to the sternum  ,    the heart aflutter beneath  .     ❝    i thought i had grown out of this pain  ,    ❞   he notes  ,    dully  .    this pain a phantom of a heart hollowed  ,    yet it is there  ,    beating  .  .  .    isn't it  ?    ❝    anyway , what's up with you ? i thought cats liked to play outside , in the snow ? and here you are    ❞
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Byakkomaru knows, he knows things that must never be shared. He knows secrets that Shinya has already flirted too close to discovering the truth of and today those secrets manifest themselves in physical aches. He wants to ease it, to take it away, but he can do nothing. Even if he adds in some extra strength, Shinya will likely notice it no matter how discrete the demon tries to be about it.
He leans back against the wall, blue eyes focused on Shinya behind a carefully perfected mask. Like demon like wielder. He watches as Shinya presses a hand over his heart, feels a dull ache in his own chest over the fact he can do little to help. Maybe if they used an ancient pact, but he's not sure if even he can override that, nor how that could be done without Shinya realizing the truth and fading away. It makes his usually steeled emotions crumble, he can feel the chains of their pact tighten faintly around him as if concerned the demon might act up. He won't.
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" Guess you're getting old. The winter pains. " Byakkomaru teases lightly instead, straightening up from where he had stood guard around the door like the dutiful guardian that he was. He walks over to the bed, hands on his hips. " I'm also a demon you know. " He mocks a pout despite how heavily he leans into the cat trope. " Besides. We'll go out later. Cats also like to cuddle. " He points out, looming over the edge of the bed so white strands of hair falling around them both.
" I was being considerate. Human form or tiger form? Which do you want to be smothered by? " Byakkomaru raises his eyebrows, lips forming a teasing grin. " You've got ten seconds before I choose for you. "
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queensconquest · 4 years ago
new  follower  starter  call  -  @rhyra​
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   It  wasn’t  a  particularly  rare  thing  to  see  Byakkomaru.  The  tiger  demon  was  often  manifesting  himself  beside  Shinya  ,  and  chose  to  let  other  members  of  the  team  see  him  (  and  no  one  outside  the  team.  )  Usually  he  kept  to  Shinya’s  side  or  watching  over  the  group  like  a  protective  guardian.  Now  was  no  different  with  Shinya  fast  asleep  and  Byakkomaru  laying  next  to  him.  
   At  least  until  he  noticed  that  Mito  seemed  to  be  up.  His  head  lifted  ,  and  ear  flicking  before  he  got  up  and  carefully  padded  over  closer  towards  her.
   “  What’s  wrong  ?  Can’t  sleep  ?  “  Bykkomaru’s  voice  was  low  and  smooth  as  he  sat  down  near  her  ,  wrapping  his  tail  over  his  paws.  “  You  don’t  have  to  worry  about  an  attack  ,  I’ll  keep  watch.  “  
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queensconquest · 6 years ago
[Byakkomaru Starter Call] @eternallives
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   Ever  present  is  the  sniper’s  guardian,  Persian  blue  eyes  observing  everything  and  noting  it.  A  massive  white  beast  on  patrol,  tail  flicking  as  he  prowls  around  the  area  but  goes  unseen.  In  many  regards,  Byakkomaru  breaks  the  mold  of  a  demon.  Blue  eyes  instead  of  red,  tiger  instead  of  humanoid  (  though  he  does  possess  one  ),  even  his  method  of  gaining  strength  or  his  test  for  a  master  is  different.  Perhaps  that  is  why  only  one  other  human  in  all  his  existence  as  a  demon  has  been  worthy  to  gain  the  title  of  master.  And  now  he  patrols  outside  of  the  gun  without  having  been  summoned-  but  it  is  nothing  new.  He  often  does  so.
   A  rustle  catches  his  movement  and  he  halts,  turning.  But  it’s  only  Shinya  rising  from  his  sleep,  and  the  tiger  is  swift  to  move  to  his master’s  side.  “  Shinya.  ‘  A  calm,  warm  sounding  voice  left  the  tiger  as  he  affectionately  nuzzled  Shinya’s  side,  avoiding  stepping  on  any  of  the  other  squad  members  regardless  of  the  fact  they  would  not  feel  him.  
   “  You  should  sleep  more  given  what  you’ve  been  through  the  last  few  days.  Are  you  alright?  “
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queensconquest · 3 years ago
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@rengelyer​ said:  Almond-shaped eyes fared in the ceiling. The architecture of the place was so out of the most traditional Japanese style that made her a little nervous. Kagutsuchi murmured a few enigmatic questions in her ear, which she just pushed in the back of her mind for the time being. Instead, she focused on the white tiger walking down the corridor by her side. “Is this truly a safe place to stay?” Mito asked, cocking her head slightly. “This is… under Bathory’s jurisdiction after all. Do you sense anything out of blues around here, Byakkomaru?” Well, if the demon was here with her, it meant lord Shinya was okay and out of danger. They should be fine.
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   Byakkomaru  padded  alongside  Mito  as  they  traversed  the  halls  of  the  mansion  ,  letting  his  gaze  sweep  over  the  environment.  It’d  been  a  while  since  he’d  gotten  to  see  anything  new  and  loathed  as  he  was  to  admit  it  ,  it  was  nice  in  some  ways.  If  it  wasn’t  WHO  this  place  belonged  to.  
   He  turns  his  head  at  the  question  and  gives  a  snort.  “  It’s  Ferid  Bathory’s.  It  could  only  ever  be  so  safe  when  it’s  connected  to  him.  “  Was  it  the  most  comforting  answer  ?  No.  But  it  WAS  honest  ,  and  in  this  world  honesty  was  a  rare  commodity.  “  But  it’s  safer  than  anywhere  just  outside  ,  so  it  is  at  least  relatively  safe.  “  He  adds  ,  a  bit  of  soothing  palm  to  the  words  he’d  previously  offered.
   The  demon  tilted  his  head  and  then  shook  his  head  ,  tail  flicking  behind  him.  Tiger  form  or  humanoid  ,  it’d  make  no  difference  to  his  ability.  “  Not  anything  that  is  in  a  threatening  manner  at  least.  “  There  WAS  something  off  ,  but  it  wasn’t  raising  alarms  at  the  moment.  He  pads  ahead  only  by  a  few  feet  ,  serving  as  a  guard.  Should  something  strike  out  ,  he’d  be  the  recipient.  And  while  it  was  unpleasant  to  have  his  manifestation  cut  unexpectedly  ,  he  could  just  reappear.  
   “  I  will  keep  my  senses  alert  for  anything  ,  and  let  you  know  should  I  sense  anything  if  you’d  like.  “  He  offers.  It  was  something  he  chose  to  do  often.  A  whiter  tiger  sitting  guardian  over  the  squad  even  when  his  master  was  not  on  duty.  A  far  cry  from  typical  behavior  of  demons  -  but  the  reasoning  was  something  only  Byakkomaru  himself  knew.
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