#BUT YEAH it's a good place to look for all things byan
byanyan · 1 month
(whispering) btw, if you ever need to get a good idea of what byan's about and/or the sorts of things your muse might see them wearing, i have a handy pinterest set up for them that should help 💜
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lee-sol · 7 months
ㅤdragging sol along behind them to a quiet corner of the school, byan sets him down on a bench and plops down at his side, dropping their backpack to the floor. leaning over it, content to let their hair fall forward and hide their face, they begin rummaging around inside without a word. one by one, items in all shades of red and pink — things they've been collecting off of store shelves and hoarding at the back of their closet at the group home for weeks now — are pulled from inside and handed over in their boyfriend's direction, all without them looking over his way. there are chocolates of all kinds, even a hot chocolate collection that they really only stole for the mug that came with it, a headband with fuzzy heart antennae that they're not really sure why they grabbed, a couple of nicely scented pink candles, a heart shaped pillow, and a bag of chocolate covered coffee beans, all of which are passed off with no explanation. then, from the very bottom of their bag, they take out two final items: a new horror book they stumbled across that sounded right up sol's alley, all wrapped in a sparkly pink bow with a (slightly mashed) red rose tucked in the middle, and a small pink valentine's themed kuromi plush they thought might remind him of them. ...even though that's really fucking cheesy and they happen to be rethinking the decision now that it's time to hand it over.
holding the last two items in either hand, byan sits back up and turns to face their boyfriend, though their eyes remain turned sheepishly downward as they thrust the gifts out toward him.
ㅤ" ...i wasn't really sure what to get, so i kinda just grabbed anything that looked good, "ㅤthey finally explain with a shrug of one shoulder, clearly trying to act aloof even though they can't meet sol's gaze.ㅤ" valentine's day is dumb, but i think you're pretty cool, so... i wanted to do somethin' nice for you, i guess. "
for as long as he could remember, he thought valentine’s day was stupid. maybe that’s because he didn’t really find a need for it, never really understood why romance was such a big thing, never faced the consumerist pressure of having to spoil a loved one. but when he met byan, allowed himself to lean into those feelings his opinion on romance changed entirely, as did his opinion on valentine’s day.
he, of course, had picked up some things he thought they’d like, shoving the objects into his locker to come back to when they had free time. they seem to beat him to the gift giving, even though he has no idea what they might have planned when they’re dragging him away. as he’s sat down, watching them produce a variety of things from their bag, a small, surprised smile tugs at the corners of his lips. yes, its valentine’s day, and yes, they’ve given him gifts on several different occasions, but this is still surprising.
the gifts are shoved at him one after another, and it’s almost hard to process them. but with each gift he notices, his smile grows just a bit wider. this is so cheesy, but so cute and sweet at the same time. and once again, they’ve gone out of their way to get him things they knew he’d like, it never fails to surprise him how well they know him.
“ i can’t believe you’ve done all this. ” picking up the headband, he leans over and gently puts it on them, his smile growing even more. and then, as a way to show his appreciation, he kisses their cheek, then their forehead, and finally their lips. and when he pulls away, he rests his forehead against theirs. “ thank you, i think you’re pretty cool too. ” he stares lovingly at them, before closing the distance between them yet again, pulling them into a kiss. this one’s a bit longer this time, lasting until his lungs beg him to breathe. and when he pulls away, he doesn’t go far, forehead still resting against theirs. “ you know… we should skip the rest of the day, get food at your favorite place, and eat it on the rooftop you take me to. we can share the chocolate you got too, yeah? ”
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byanyan · 11 months
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@0dd1t1es sent:ㅤ“ i don’t let just anyone do this, you know…” perona’s sorting through her enormous stash of makeup, setting aside what she wants them to use; a dark shade of red lipstick, black lipliner, a single thing of purplish black eyeshadow, an eyebrow pencil, foundation, eyeliner, and blush that is a bright contrast to the dark aesthetic she’s picked out. “ you should be honored, i trust you enough to make me look good… even though this isn’t your usual aesthetic. ”
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ㅤㅤ" hey, just 'cause it's not my usual aesthetic doesn't mean i don't know what i'm doin'! i've experimented with a lotta different kindsa looks, y'know. been playin' with makeup since i was like thirteen, thank you very much. "ㅤthough their words sound rather indignant, there's a quirk of a smile at the corner of their mouth as their eyes follow each item plucked from her (impressive) collection to be set before them. fingers make a beeline for the eyeshadow without a thought, picking it up and tilting it to catch the light for a better look at the colour. musing silently about how they might have to see if they can find the same shade in a store sometime to get it for their own collection, their gaze drifts back to the rest of the products. now that there looks to be a full face worth's spread out across the table, they set the shadow back down and scoot their chair in closer to perona.
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ㅤㅤ" —and actually, s'not even that far off from my kinda shit, "ㅤthey continue, grabbing for the foundation she's set out and shifting to the edge of their seat as they pop the lid off.ㅤ" colour palette's pretty similar, you just lean more to the darker shades where i lean more bright most'a the time. "
a shrug, and byan is leaning forward, hand raising to apply foundation to her face in little dots and streaks before they're setting the bottle aside and reaching for the appropriate brush to blend with.
ㅤㅤ" you're a little more goth goth, i'm a little more pastel goth. "ㅤsoft bristles to skin, the brush begins to spread the product more evenly with quick, practiced movements of their wrist. the look on their face has grown more focused, dark eyes tracking each stroke of the brush, watching for any patchiness or falter in the coverage.ㅤ" or, uh... you're more goth, an' i'm more... e-girl. "
evidently amused by themself, if the snicker that follows is any indication, byan moves from the now evenly shaded side of perona's face to the other. shaking a bit of hair out of their face, curled lips parted slightly in their concentration, the blending process begins again.
ㅤㅤ" similar roots, but like, different vibes, i guess. —but even if our aesthetics were complete opposites, not at all similar, i'll have you know that i'm good at matchin' people's styles! like, yeah, i prefer to keep to what i like best, but that doesn't mean i'm not flexible. "ㅤ...it's possible they're rambling a bit at this point, talking just to talk, to hear themself speak. easier if they're the one monopolizing the conversation though, since her interjecting while they're finishing up her foundation will only disturb their work. blending out the last of the product, byan pulls the brush away and leans back, squinting as they scrutinize their work.
ㅤㅤ" ...i'm losin' my train of thought. "ㅤseemingly satisfied with what they've done, however, they set the foundation brush to the side and reach for the eyeshadow next — arguably their favourite part of the process, right along with eyeliner. flashing a rather cheeky look perona's way, they give their eyebrows a little wiggle.ㅤ" but my point is that you're the one who should be honoured. you may not let just anyone do this, but i don't do just anyone's makeup in the first place. "
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byanyan · 3 years
@redemptioninterlude​.   (cont.)
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She washes herself in bloody vengeance - finds herself the will TO STAND AGAIN. It’s not like it’s easy, another moment spent and found, with a bloody streaked grin and the police ready to end her life. And for a while, she contemplates allowing them too - the last time, they’d only dragged her back in for more horrors, more terror. Telling her to live for the child that she’d had gestating within her belly, complicated then by the knowledge that she’d loved that man before the real truth betrayed him for the snake that he was. Murder upon murder. Sadness upon sadness. Sookhee, out the other end, without her child and without that man. Her vengeance wrought with an ax to the head ; amen.
A new life was to be founded upon all of this. A true, new chance at life, and maybe here taking care of these kids, she might find herself wiped clean of the horrible things that she has done in her life. She has loved and she has lost - and she is terribly saddened by the truth that none of it will ever really FREE HER from it. The kids in this hope are like her, without parents and, could have slipped through the cracks and into the wrong hands - just as she had. People who will twist you and mould you and change you into something ugly. Perhaps this is her chance for redemption, her opportunity to do better by those who hadn’t had a chance - but god damn if it didn’t feel easy - some of. these kids could be real pieces of shit when they wanted to be…. not that she really blames them for it all that much.
Sookhee’s standing outside of the house, counting as the younger kids come in from their time outside; they go in pairs, they all have at least one person, or so she tries to enforce, in case shit goes sideways and something FUCKED UP just happens to come on down. The world’s not that kind of a place; and even in here, she’s sure there’s more than enough complaints that they’ll count up, all anger tied back to the radical loss of families that… well, she could never replace. The cigarette between her fingers is burning low by the time Yeong Hwan finally slumps through the door, his expression hostile, met with Sookhee’s own relaxed form. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you don’t really want to be anywhere, so I suppose, thanks for gracing me with your presence.” the clipboard in her hand is used to tap against his hip, urging him though the entrance. “Come on. You’re on cleaning duty in the kitchen. I wanna get dinner going earlier tonight. If you do a good job, you can get an overnight pass out. What do you say?”
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  an irritated sound grumbles in his throat before she even finishes talking. of COURSE the moment he’s back, there’s something he has to do. should’ve stayed out even later. a note made for next time as he steps all the way inside and closes the door behind him, byan takes a moment to both make a face at the idea of cleaning the kitchen AND weigh whether the reward is worth the work. not having a pass hasn’t STOPPED HIM from staying out overnight in the past, but having one does result in less fussing and punishment when he gets back the next day. might be nice to at least have that OPTION for a morning where he just doesn’t want to deal with the bullshit of the false worry over his absence and scolding over rules broken. 
  ...ugh, this is NOT what he wanted to do tonight.
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     “ fine, ”  he agrees finally, head tipping back slightly as he looks down his nose at her, a daring glint in his eyes.  “ but you let me bum a smoke off you, too. ”  expanding on the deal, there’s a curl at the corner of his mouth ― the small beginnings of a SMIRK. with any of the other caretakers, he knows there’d be no way they’d agree to such a thing, that such a request would result in being told off, being ‘warned’ of the dangers of smoking, all the USUAL GARBAGE, but with sookhee... she’s always come off as less strict and uptight as the other adults ― at least in most ways ― so byan thinks there’s a chance. and if there’s a chance, he’s gonna damn well GO FOR IT.  maybe he’ll get lucky.
     “ that’s not much more than just an overnight pass, ”  he makes his argument, eyebrows raising as if to ask ‘right?’ standing up straighter, hands slide into pockets and the MANY acrylic keychains hanging from his well-worn holographic bag jingle and clink against one another.  “ i won’t tell anyone either, it’ll be our secret. what do YOU say? ”
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