that-one-oddity · 4 months
Subspace Emissary was the funniest thing ever actually
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basedstoutland · 3 years
I watched through that one subspace cutscene, ‘The Crushing Ruinous Defeat’ and noticed a few...interesting things. (Due to the cutscene being so short, I had to slow down the video to see certain things better.)  1. When Ganondorf got launched into Master Hand, it looks like his impact caused one of the Chains of Light to snap off.
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This next shot is maybe a second later: The chain that snapped off is no longer there. It might be because the chains were a part of Tabuu and therefore once it was no longer connected to him, it disappeared.
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This all happens pretty quickly so less than a second later, I’ve noticed something about what happens between these two shots here (and yeah, that’s most likely alien blood coming out): His index finger is free and he’s using his one free limb to escape in such a metal way. It’s hard to really show off with just images but his free finger is farther out than the rest of him- almost like he’s trying to pull himself free. (This could also mean he was aware of what was happening while under Tabuu’s control and waiting for an opportunity to somehow escape.)
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2. It happens pretty quickly and it’s kinda hard to show what I mean but it looks like he pushed pretty far into Tabuu’s barrier with his punch before falling back down, most likely due to his wounds and exhaustion catching up to him. 
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3. Right before he ultimately collapses, it looks like he’s trying to get back up here. 
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So basically, TL;DR: Master Hand was the one who freed himself (albeit with Ganondorf’s accidental help), is more of a badass than people give him credit for, and if he wasn’t horribly injured, Tabuu would’ve been a deadman.
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energeticknight1993 · 6 years
So if SSBU does (somehow) have a story mode...
How the hell will it play out?!
Subspace was “destroyed” in Brawl and mentions of the enemies were in Smash for 3DS/WiiU. What we know so far in the confusing plot.
Or was it?
What if Tabuu live from the battle and instead spit himself apart into three separate fragments of his power? And out of all the characters, which set of three is Smash Bros exclusive?
That’s right: the Mii Fighters.
Each of them holds a fragment of Tabuu’s power and when Mario founded them out cold, all three of them only remembers a ‘name’ (Mii’s name given). Taking them to Midair Stadium, they fought until Subspace returned. All in fear, the fighters were spit into three separate groups. The Brawler when to the east. The Gunner went to west. And lastly, the Swordsman went south.
The Brawler will met up with characters like Link and Yoshi first to understand his/her origins since they only remember a name given to them. When they got ambushed by Bowser, the Brawler unleashed a strange new power in him/her to transform the fighter into a trophy in one shot, similar to the Dark Cannon from Brawl.
The Swordsman meets up with wandering warriors like Cloud and Ike to find out as well. When they have to fight back, the Swordsman spits open a rift to another dimension to defeat their targets, which got Ike acting even more stranger around him/her.
The Gunner teams up with Samus to destroy a new factory in the west that something or someone is using. When he/she rescued Pikachu and Pichu, the Pokémon were scared of their savor. That made them confuse until Ridley kidnapped them until the kidnapper fought back to save him(her)self.
The group reunited again in hours of gameplay and almost every fighter beside them was OK by a powerful wave of dark energy. Being sink in the rift under them, the three were separated again inside Subspace.
The Brawler wanders endlessly in the realm confuse of his origins and Tabuu’s true nature. Voices saying he’s/she’s weak enrage the fighter. A shadowy form of the fighter appeared in front of the Brawler and was locked in a mindless fight against one another. When the Brawler won, he/she felt tired from their heated rage. The rage grew even more as the black mist from the body erupts from them to create the very creatures he/she been fighting. The voice returned to call them a coward, frighten child. The rage returned as they rage out in the battle.
The Swordsman woke up to see the blade missing from the sheath behind their back. Looking around for it, he/she saw two swordsmen waiting for their challenge. The voice taunted him/her saying that they have no honor in a duel. But they saw through the illusion and freed themselves from the nightmare.
The Gunner founded themselves in a village filled with people like them. Greeting and waving hi. It felt like home to them. People saying stay and relax. But as soon one grabbed their shoulder, the illusion faded away and they left their spot in Subspace.
Only the Swordsman and the Gunner left Subspace to revive the other fighters. But when they saw the Brawler, the fighter went to attack the Gunner. The Swordsman defended the attack to see the eyes become purple like Subspace. Mario attacked the Brawler to see the hero slap back to a trophy.
The Swordsman explain that Tabuu split himself into three fragments or three separate fighters. Which to be them and Tabuu got a hold on the Brawler’s mind. Using the Powers of Tabuu, the Swordsman opens up a rift portal to Subspace to defeat Tabuu for good.
After a long and tiring road, the group found the Brawler almost become Tabuu in his prime to fight against the fighters in the world of trophies. Using his off wave attack, everyone except for the two Mii Fighters were turned into trophies. But using the sealing powers as well, the two are locked in an endless struggle against Tabuu.
Before one of them fell in the being’s hands, the Brawler release him(her)self from Tabuu’s control and fought back.
When Tabuu finally have no strength, all three sacrifice themselves to save the world. Mario and the others were graceful for their noble action. Master Hand, very graceful for freeing him, decided to give them a second chance.
The three woke up again in the open plain to see Pit flying above them waking hi to them. Helping them up, the angel smiled at them and took them in the stadium in which Mario and gang greeted them in open arms. For the first time, the Mii Fighters felt like fighters of their own rather than pawns of fate.
Just a thought. Don’t take anything seriously from me
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